15 May 2018

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)



The screen fades up from black ...

Energetic music begins to to fade up ...

A white streak of electricity shoots acorss the screen backed by a red glow.

It's accompanied by an electrical sounding sizzle sound effect.

The 3D block letters of UNCUT appear but the angle obstructs a legible reading of the word at first sight.

The red lined white streak shoots past the word as it continues to rotate and the background music swells.

As the letters tip upright and begin to reveal the five red letters back with a slight white glow, the white streaks flys behind the letters and wraps around the word angleing down as the drum beat hits and the theme is at full tilt only to aburptly end at the final presentation of the logo and a downnote.

The logo fades and on a black screen, words in white appear one at a time.





All right, welcome to UNCUT and we’ve got our exclusive match coming up next in a battle of the big men! We have Gunther Adler making his return to action when he goes one on one with Angel Trinidad looking to keep his newfound win streak alive.


Angel is looking to follow up on his victory over Reinhardt Hoffman, but fighting Adler will not be an easy task. We’ve seen Adler hold some victories over a few main roster members including Gage Blackwood on a number of occasions, but can he play spoiler tonight?

Dunno, Keebs, but if there’s anybody that can put up a fight against him, it’s him for sure. Let’s watch the HOSSFITE!

And to the ring we go!

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a singles match set for one fall! Introducing first, from The Bronx, New York, weighing in at 309 pounds… ANGEL TRINIDAD!

♫ “Overlord” by Black Label Society ♫

The crowd roars in approval as smoke billows from either side of the entrance ramp. Stepping into the arena through a cloud of smoke is the former leader of Team HOSS and the now solo Angel Trinidad. The HOSS Overlord pounds on his chest and lets out a howl for The Faithful before heading to the ring. Once he reaches the ring, he leaps onto the apron, surveys the scene and then LEAPS over the ropes a second time before waiting for his opponent.

♫ DvoÃ…â„¢ák Symphony No. 9 in E Minor ♫

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Bremen, Germany, weighing in at 310 pounds... GUNTHER ADLER!      

As the music playes, Gunther Adler walks out to a mostly mixed reaction. He stares down Angel Trinidad and after having some pointed words with him a little bit ago, he enters the ring, all business. He glances at Hector Navarro and then stares coldly at Angel. The Beast from The Bronx paces and tells him to bring it.


The two men come face to face in the ring. While both men are about the same weight, it is Angel with the height advantage.

Do something.

Gunther obliges with a nasty forearm to the face. The blow rocks Angel for a moment, but he comes right back and levels Adler with a big right of his own. That blow rocks the German for a second before he leans back and puts all his stank into a Knife-Edge Chop that stuns The Beast From The Bronx… the fans are impressed that the blow actually does something to him, but Angel then turns his head.

He lets out a roar at Adler and dares him to hit him again.

Adler throws another chop, but this time Angel blocks it and he fires back with a huge right hook to the side of the head! A quick Headbutt follows and then he grabs Adler by the head before charging into the corner, ramming him into the top turnbuckle with a Headlocking Bulldog! Trinidad then goes to town on him with a series of hard flurry of Headbutts to the head and stuns him long enough for him to pose for the crowd.

Angel is on a tear right now!

Yeah, he’s tearing Adler a new one!

Trinidad remains in control while Gunther finds himself in a bad spot in the corner. Angel then points toward the corner and charges full speed ahead at Adler, looking for a Body Avalanche, but Adler surprises him with a hard back elbow that stuns Angel. Once he lands the blow, he runs off the ropes and levels Angel with a big Lariat that doesn’t QUITE knock him down, but does level him against the ropes. Adler runs off the ropes and this time, the second lariat LEVELS Angel!




Big Lariats right there by Adler! He’s got Angel grounded now!

Straight-up, I believe Adler may be one of, if not THE BEST of the BRAZEN guys and if he beats Angel tonight he could make a real name for himself.

Adler hovers over Trinidad as he tries to make it back up on his knees, but the Bronson Box-trained German hover over and strikes him right in the chest with a barrage of hard knee strikes to knock the wind out of Angel. Trinidad ends up in a bad position as Adler now picks him up and uses his strength to SHOVE Trinidad back into a corner before striking at the 6’10” Bronx native with a flurry of hard Knife-Edge Chops in the corner.

The crowd continues to cheer on Angel as Adler goes to whip him into the corner. Angel reverses and sends him for the ride, but Angel doesn’t get anything going much before Adler strikes him with a European Uppercut and a Forearm Smash, followed by a Big Boot! The big man goes down again and Alder follows with a cover.




I can’t believe Adler’s been able to sustain this type of offense on him for so long!

I can! Like I said, Keebs, he’s tough.

Adler calls for the end of the match and he’s clearly thinking his signature Dangan Bomb, but when he tries to lift Angel off the mat, Angel grounds himself and The Beast From The Bronx drops a series of hard elbows into his head to keep the move from connecting. Adler fires back with another Chop, but when he runs off the ropes for another Lariat, Angel CRACKS him with a Standing Spin Kick out of nowhere!

The blow stuns Adler and Angel leans toward the ropes, but now he’s feeling the energy from the crowd as he points at Adler, trying to get back up to his feet. He checks his jaw and starts to stumble when he sees THE HOSS OVERLORD coming at him, crushing him with a hard Body Avalanche in the corner! Adler gets stunned before Angel whips him to the other side and does it again. The German gets stunned as Angel leaps onto the second rope and comes off with a Reverse Elbow Smash, knocking him down!

Angel’s got this! He’s gonna wreck some fools now!

Angel gets back on his feet with the crowd cheering him on as he grabs onto Adler from the waist and brings him down into a Sit-out slam called the Sack of Shit Slam!




To the surprise of the crowd, Adler kicks out, but Angel stays his ground and gets back to his feet, waiting to end the match. He kicks Adler in the gut and goes for The Big Damn Bomb, but before he can lift him all the way up, Adler kicks his legs and goes low to ground himself before chopping away at Angel’s left knee! Adler then grabs him by the neck…


He has Angel locked in his other finisher, a deadly Choke! But Angel fights for dear life and frantically fights back, launching Adler back into the corner. He has to backpedal into the corner about two or three times but on the third time he finally gets Adler to let go! Angel takes a quick breather, but when Gunther tries to go for the attack again, Angel comes out of nowhere…


The Running Bicycle Kick catches Adler FLUSH in the face and lays him out, but Angel now picks him up and slashes a thumb across his throat before powering him up…


Adler gets DUMPED onto the mat, courtesy of the Awesome Bomb and now Angel goes for a cover with the crowd counting along.




Angel stands up and there’s no doubt he’s been through a fight with Gunther Adler, but tonight the big man stands victorious for the second time in a week.

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… ANGEL TRINIDAD!

The crowd cheers on the big man as he raises his hands. Adler starts to sit up and grabs at his chest in pain before rolling out of the ring, leaving Angel the moment to celebrate. He motions for a microphone.

Big victory for Angel Trinidad tonight, but now what does he have to say?

The HOSS Overlord decides to wait a minute to catch his breath before he says what he has to say. The Faithful continue cheering for Angel as he looks to the crowd.

Angel Trinidad:
As you might have heard… with Aleczander The Great’s wacky ass wanting to go back home, that leaves me as the sole member of Team HOSS standing and that’s fine. At least we parted ways mutually and there wasn’t a window involved.

Trinidad shrugs and continues.

Angel Trinidad:
But that’s fine, because the fact that we were almost out of a job gave me time to reflect… it gave me time to reflect about what I want. See, I don’t talk about my personal life a whole lot… but because DEFIANCE was given a second chance, that means I can do good again. Maybe you know this and maybe you don’t… but I have an 18-month old son named Caden.

Angel gestures to the “Caden” tattoo on his left wrist.

Angel Trinidad:
I have wrestled with teams and I’ve been damn good at it, but now, THIS [pointing to his wrist] is who I wrestle for. I want my son to be proud of the man he calls Dad and I want to give him all the best and make a better life for him than I ever got… and for me to do that, I need to become the FIST of DEFIANCE.

The crowd cheers at the mention of the new title and the new champion.

Angel Trinidad:
Burns, congrats on your victory. You’ve been busting your ass to get that title and now you have it… but I’m here to tell you that one day soon, I’m going to do the best for my son. I’m coming for that title and when I win it, THE HOSS OVERLORD is going to be the OVERLORD of DEFIANCE!

After the final statement, Trinidad drops the microphone and heads out of the ring, nodding his head before heading back up the ramp, posing with the crowd.

A powerful statement indeed by Angel Trinidad. His sights are set on the FIST of DEFIANCE and no doubt, Oscar Burns is going to have a lot of competition knocking down that door!

And if Angel decides to take his shot, he’ll kick that damn door down.


An image of Lance Warner decked out in a new custom-fitted navy blue suit appears on the screen.

Lance Warner:

Ladies and gentlemen it is a great privilege to be sitting here today as DEFIANCE Wrestling continues to run full speed ahead.

Warner says with a big smile.

Lance Warner:

On DEFTV 101, you saw many things take place such as the split of Team HOSS and the debut of two new tag teams. You also saw the return of THE Jay Harvey and the competition's former world championship was unified with the FIST as Oscar Burns conquered the unseemingly unconquerable, Cayle Murray.

Warner says with a nod of respect to the new DEFIANCE champion.

Lance Warner:

Speaking of losses, brings me to my special guest.

An image on a monitor flickers on and we see everyone’s favorite Texan front and center and he doesn’t look too happy to be appearing on the show.

Lance Warner:

Thanks for joining me Scott.

Scott Stevens:

Just be glad the check cleared Warner because I said I was done with your shit hole of a wrestling company and I meant it.

Stevens snarls at Warner who is taken aback by the response.

Lance Warner:

The last time we saw you, you had picked up a disqualification victory against Scott Douglas and that you had a run in with the now FIST of DEFIANCE champion on your way out. Can you tell us what was going through your mind as you were leaving?

Warner asks and Stevens narrows his eyes as he looks at his interviewer.

Scott Stevens:

That’s your question? That’s what your company is spending a nice chunk of change on for you to sit there and ask me what was going through my mind as I was walking out the door?

Stevens asks in a disgusted tone.

Lance Warner:


Warner answers and the Texan shakes his head.

Scott Stevens:

My thoughts were simple, I’m fucking glad to be rid of a shit hole like DEFIANCE Wrestling.

Lance Warner:

I see, but your time in DEFIANCE couldn’t have been that disappointing as you did have some success.

Warner says and that seems to set the former tag champion off.

Scott Stevens:

Disappointing? Are you that fucking stupid?

Stevens asks and as Lance goes to answer the Texan quickly cuts him off.

Scott Stevens:

Disappointment is an understatement Lance as I getting screwed every which way by management because I dominated your supposed, “world’s best talent” every time I got into the ring!

Stevens shouts in anger as he leans forward in his seat.

Lance Warner:


Warner is cut off by Stevens.

Scott Stevens:

Shut up! I’m not finished!

Stevens barks and Warner quickly goes silent.

Scott Stevens:

I should’ve been the FIST of DEFIANCE champion because Cayle Murray’s shoulders were pinned to the mat but I was screwed out of my championship. I was screwed out of my tag championship because your company put me and my cousin into a no win scenario against every tag team DEFIANCE had. And my last match was another perfect example as I was screwed once again from winning the Southern Heritage championship when I was attacked viciously and for no reason other than to prevent me from walking out with one of your worthless championships. I have only been pinned once while I have been in DEFIANCE and a person of my talents and marquee value deserves better than this shitty organization has to offer.

Stevens informs Lance who nods.

Lance Warner:

Speaking of offers, we understand that contract negotiations between you and management have come to an impasse. Why is that?

Warner asks and Stevens just chuckles.

Scott Stevens:

Plain and simple Lance, the person who signs your checks is too cheap to offer me my proper payment. You see, when you sign a Stevens to a contract, specifically a Scott Stevens, to a you are getting much more than a great in-ring talent. You are getting a legacy. You are getting a brand name that people tune in to see every week on their televisions and a name people will shell out their hard earned money for to see win or lose in every arena around the globe. My name alone is a license to print money and apparently DEFIANCE doesn’t agree hence my exodus last show.

Lance Warner:

Since you’ve become a free agent what do you plan on doing next?

Scott Stevens:

I was going to rest and relax a bit but my phone has been ringing off the wall with lucrative offers. I have gotten a sweet offer from a company in Japan. Perry Wallace called the other day and has been begging me to come back to his company but I told him I need my Randy Fields type money and other incentives to peek my interest. Hell, even Lee Best has been chomping at the bit to get the band back together so you may see me back in the Windy City very soon. So you see Lance I think I’m doing just fine since leaving DEFIANCE.

Lance nods.

Lance Warner:

It certainly looks like you’re not hurting for a job going forward.

Warner says and Stevens shakes his head.

Scott Stevens:


The Texan says with a chuckle.

Lance Warner:

One final thing before we let you go, and I wanted to get your thoughts on Oscar Burns.

Scott Stevens:


Lance Warner:

I’m sure you may have heard by now he is the new FIST of DEFIANCE champion as he defeated Cayle Murray.

Scott Stevens:

I heard.

Lance Warner:

What are your thoughts on Oscar Burns as the new champion and the promotion going forward?

Warner asks and Stevens smirks.

Scott Stevens:

A blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Cayle Murray was a great fighting champion, and Oscar just got lucky and caught him on a bad night. Oscar leading the company as the FIST of DEFIANCE is a fucking joke. You could’ve had a legit champion leading this company in me but I was screwed out of my title win. You could’ve had a ratings bonanza with a Stevens vs Murray trilogy match for the title to settle it once and for all, but you wanted to lowball me, and that’s unacceptable.

Stevens says sternly as his expression reflects his tone as he goes silent for a few seconds before continuing to let the message seap in.

Scott Stevens:

You could’ve had a superstar leading this company going forward but instead you went with the twentieth best guy. Its quality…

Stevens says as he points to himself.

Scott Stevens:

Over cheap affordable champions like Oscar Burns. I hope for your sake Lance your company knows what they are doing because right now I’m not liking their chances going forward.

Lance Warner:

Well thank you for your time and I disagree I think we found a great champion in Burns and DEFIANCE will continue to dominate…...

Scott Stevens:

I give it six months.

Stevens interrupts as Lance is trying to close as the image fades.


.Moments after Dandelion and Jestal step back through the curtain

Jestal...Dandelion a word please.

Jestal brushes by Lance, without so much as a peep. However Dandelion the agile little minks is eager to respond to Lance.

Dandelion how did it feel to perform in front of the Defiant Faithful here tonight?

Dandy, begins making a bunch of sign language motions with her hands. Suddenly a voice off camera in a high pitch voice.

V/O Dandelion:
It was awesome, did you see Jestal out there? I was amazed by his performance. I was just there to cheer him on he did all the wo…

Lance notices Dandelion’s lips are not moving and she seems a bit agitated.

Um sorry Dandelion I don’t mean to interrupt you but your lips are not moving and it sounds like..

Lance points off screen while looking that way, Dandy has her hands on her hips with a glare off camera. Suddenly Jestal walks into the picture.


Dandelion continues to give a glare at her brother.

What do you mean I did not do everything out there? Were you not in that match with me?

Dandy rolls her eyes at Jestal which seems to get him now to stare at her with a stern glance.

Oh come on, didn’t you not witness all the flippy dippy shit I did out there…

He grabs his ring gear over his chest all proud. She waves her hand at him. Lance however looks like he has no idea what is going on here.

Oh don’t be like that...

Dandelion begins to walk off, and Jestal quickly grabs her by the arm and stops her.

Ok...ok calm down!

She looks back at him, and takes a puff of air blowing her bangs out of her face.

Now would you look at that, poor Lancey here looks so confused here.

Um, Jestal who exactly are you talking to?

Dandelion now stares at Lance, a bit upset with him. Lance notices it quickly and wonders what exactly he has done wrong.

Oh, you shouldn’t of said that Lancey?

Lance looks back at Jestal but can’t help but see Dandelion out of his peripherals glaring at him with her hands on her hips.

Said what?

He looks at Dandelion.

Have I offended you Dandelion?

Jestal snaps his fingers at Lance trying to get his attention. Lance directs his attention back to the jester.

You know what your problem is?

Lance rubs the back of his head, totally baffled at this whole attempted at getting a interview with this new tag team. Jestal holds his hand out at Dandelion. She looks down at his hand and then shrugs her shoulders.

What do you mean you don’t have them?....Your ruining my punchline!.......Hold on a second.

Lance looks at Dandelion as the clown storms off camera in a huff.

Punchline? Um...where is he going?

Dandelion looks at Lance with a smile showing those purely whites of hers. Lance nervous and a bit jittery laughs.

3 minutes later

Lance now seems a bit uncomfortable as Dandelion has not moved, or blinked a eye it would seem toward him. She still has that gorgeous smile across her face.

Warner: he coming back?

Dandelion continues to stare at Lance….FINALLY Jestal returns and Lance seems a bit relieved. Dandelion’s expression goes away, and suddenly she grabs Lance by the arms. He drops the microphone.

HEY! What, is the meaning of this?

He tries to struggle but can’t free his arms.

Now let's try this again…..AHEM! ME...MEE.MEEE!......You know what your problem is?

Jestal gets in front of the camera and blocks it as Lance can be heard shouting “What are you doing” Soon after his voice is muffled.

Make sure you keep this where it belongs until we leave, or I’ll go get some super glue.

Lance muffles something. Jestal unblocks the camera. And Dandelion has released Lance, who now has a plastic open mouth smile in his mouth.

Ah, that's better, see now we fixed your problem.

Jestal looks at the camera with a smile.

The ToyBox putting smiles on Defiants since May Eighth, Two-Thousand and Eighteen!

Jestal walks off camera, and Dandelion pats Lance on the back as she passes him and follows her brother. The camera catches Lance with that stupid pair of plastic teeth in his mouth as we fade out.

Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.