31 Jul 2018

DEFarena, New Orleans, LA (seats 4000)


Lights, cameras, and once again: action! The music hits as the highlight reel begins, stock footage and all the other usual introductory start of the broadcast hype. A variety of shots, of all your favourite DEFIANCE stars in various situations of peril and victory, are accompanied by graphic effects and overlays. The footage from previous events dissolves to the live broadcast as the camera sweeps through the arena as pyro explodes around the entrance ramp.

And of course; those all-important fan signs:


And other such literary genius committed to dollar store poster board. We finally settle in on Darren Keebler and "The Motormouth of Malcontent" Angus Skaaland, seated behind the commentary booth. 

Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome back … once AGAIN to the DEFIANCE Wrestleplex AND … DEFtv!!

One hundred and FIVE, you fucks!

Angus! … jeez, we’re just getting started!

No, Keebs … this is the NEW begining of the SAME GORRAM END! We’ve got TWO … count them … TWO of these MORMON MOTHER …

… fighters?

Damnit, Keebs … BRAZEN is coming into its own, DEFIANCE has found new footing … AND I’ve got appearances in places you’d NEVER DREAM! …


JUST as I thought everything was coming up Skaaland … We get this Stevens family eight chromosomes short of four people and Jay Harvey … CAN WE TRUST HIM!?! … absconding with our TWO biggest titles!

Granted, things could be better - but I feel like we have seen worse, partner.

Angus jerks his head Darren’s direction; staring him down with a stern and and steely eyes look.

OH … I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die…


EXACTLY! A bunch of GORRAM NONSENSE!! And futhermore - …

♫“Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne♫

Oh for fucks sake.

Looks like we’re going to be blessed with the arrival of the loser from Sunday’s Last Man Standing match against Elise Ares. Jack Harmen has had a rough couple months here in DEFIANCE, hasn’t he Angus?

And they’re just going to get harder when I file my civil lawsuit for the destruction of MAY BAYBAY!

Elise and Jack fought all over the DEFplex, in fact, destroying your vehicle in the process. I’d say that might have been equal parts Ares, equal parts Harmen.

No. Lies. It was all that douche.

The DEF Faithful respond with jeers as Jack Harmen parts the smoke machine at the top of the ramp. He’s stiff, tense. He looks from side to side, scouting the arena, before he looks behind him and makes a cutthroat motion over his throat. His music dies out, as Harmen nods solemnly to the ring and makes his march.

Odd to say the least Angus. What’s this say about Jack’s demeanor, demanding his music be cut?

I hope it’s so we can hear his sobs as he walks to the ring as he cries about how much of a loser he is.

Harmen makes his way to ringside, and climbs up the outside ring steps. He pauses on the ring apron, looking out at the sea of jeering DEF Faithful, before entering the ring. He produces a microphone from his back pocket, taps it once, and sighs.

Jack Harmen:
This past Sunday.


Taking in a deep inhale, Harmen proceeds, trying to ignore the chants.

Jack Harmen:
This past Sunday, Elise Ares put me down for a ten count. She beat me. Fair and square. I… I lost… again. I lost again to her. I…

Harmen bridges his forehead with his index finger and thumb, rubbing his temple. He shakes his head.

Jack Harmen:
I am a man of my word.

The DEF Faithful boo as Harmen pauses. A small chant swells and builds in the crowd as Harmen looks wide eyed at them.

”No you aren’t! No you aren’t!”

Jack Harmen:
Oh, you don’t think so? Well, I promised Elise Ares a hand shake, a sign of respect, and that’s why I’m out here tonight. Elise Ares was the better woman, so… please, Elise… come on down to this ring. Just… for the love of me, no flashy thirty minute entrances involving flaming swords or elephants or trapeze artists. Let’s just get this over with.

An actual honorable act from the Lunatic.

It’s all a fake out, I just know it Keebs. That’s why I’ve already key’d his car tonight.

Angus. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Yeah, but it feels so right.

Harmen leans his chest over the top rope, arms hanging loose. A moment passes.

Jack Harmen:
Eeeeeelllissssse!? Where ARE you?!

All I wanna do is...
♫ “Problem” by Natalia Kills ♫

The Faithful rise to their feet in a tidal wave of appreciation as the siren blasts over the Wrestle-Plex. Purple, pink, and light blue lights flash around the arena as the silhouette of Elise Ares marches through the production with just a little hiccup in her step. Her trademark LED sunglasses rotate “BOW” and “DOWN” as she wears her new black women’s off shoulder top, “The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style” in gold and tiffany blue, available now on the DEFshop. Enter the promotion code DEFROAD to get 10% off your order of $30 or more and free shipping to anywhere in the continental United States.

This can’t happen the way it looks like it’s going to happen, right?

No way. There is absolutely NO. WAY. Jack Harmen has the balls to be the bigger man.

Technically, he has to have more balls than Elise, right?

Only one way to find out! Wait, I mean we need to check Elise… obviously. I mean I’m not…

Back to the ring!

Doing her signature swagger down to the ring, Elise becomes a little more hesitant as she reaches the end of the aisle. She snaps her sunglasses off her eyes and looks cautiously at her former mentor as she tosses them across the ground. As she ascends the staircase, her usual showboating and posing is tuned all the way down. Stopping her eyes never leave Jack Harmen who waves her into the ring and holds out his hand. Slowly she steps through the ropes.

Jack Harmen:
That’s right. Come on in, Elise. The water is fine.

“Problem” cuts off as Elise smirks, but is still a bit reluctant to step forward. A microphone is eventually ran to her in the middle of a “SHE BEAT YOU!” chant from the crowd. She taps the microphone a few times to make sure it’s on and the crowd quiets down just a bit.

Elise Ares:
That’s right, I did, and it was AAAAAAHMAZING.

The crowd roars as Elise takes another step forward. Jack Harmen claps a bit and shrugs.

Elise Ares:
We literally tore this building down, I think. I’m pretty sure I saw them looking for contractors outside after what we did at Ascension. You see I’d planned on coming out here tonight, talking about how amazing I am, and then telling you to come out and shake my hand. You’d whine and pout, but someone would make you do this against your will and I’d FINALLY be happy. But this?

Ares looks at the still extended hand of Jack Harmen.

Elise Ares:
Something feels off about this. I won. I’m the winner. This should be on MY terms.

Jack Harmen:
This is what you wanted, right?

He says before extending his hand once again. Elise looks around, making sure no one is sneaking around the corner or anything. Eventually she looks back at Jack Harmen and tilts her head to the side, before she shrugs and grabs his hand. Jack responds with a firm handshake. A cheer rings out from the Faithful and a smile crosses the lips of Elise Ares, a long road finally reaches its destination with the respect she finally earne…

"Natural One" by The Folk Implosion  ♫

God, please no...

Looks like Jay Harvey is going to ruin this moment for Elise Ares.

Jay Harvey marches down to the ring, dressed to impress in a fine suit and the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Championship draped over his left shoulder. He adjusts it and pays the crowd who is furious at his presence no mind.

Jay Harvey… the new Southern Heritage Champion.

That’s a sentence I wish to gawd I’d never have to hear.

Harvey makes his way up the ring steps, glares at both Ares and Harmen as he makes his way to Darren Quimbey, beckoning for a microphone.

One day people will stop giving this asshole a mic.

Jay Harvey looks around the sold out Wrestle-Plex and isn’t pleased. The fans boo him viciously and he seems not to understand why as he climbs into the ring.

THE Jay Harvey:
Is that how you pay tribute to the best wrestler in this promotion?!


THE Jay Harvey:
Is this how you honor YOUR Southern Heritage Champion?!

The crowd picks it up and Harvey isn’t pleased.

THE Jay Harvey:
It’s not! You savages need to get down on your knees and show the Champion the respect he deserves, the respect he has earned!

Please, someone put me out of my misery!

Jay Harvey defeated Scott Douglas at Ascension to become the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Champion, a moment that will not be forgotten.

We’re all tryin!

Harvey turns his attention to Harmen and Ares who are both perplexed with Harvey’s arrival. Harmen in particular gives him the stink eye.

THE Jay Harvey:
News flash! No one cares about your stupid handshake!

Ares is turning red, mumbling under her breath. Harmen looks up to the roof of the arena and shakes his head.

THE Jay Harvey:
You know what people care about?

Harvey raises the Southern Heritage title high into the air and snaps his head at Ares then Harmen.

THE Jay Harvey:
Take a good look! This is what these animals here in this dump care about! This is what those glue drinkers at home care about! I’m the champ! They don’t care about a has been that is trying his best to look like Jay Harvey… They want THE Jay Harvey!

Harmen yawns at Harvey’s quip, as Harvey stares down Elise Ares who looks ready for a fight.

THE Jay Harvey:
And they most certainly don’t care about a habitual loser who is only good for a laugh!

The crowd is roaring right now.

THE Jay Harvey:
You see this little girl? Huh? (He puts the Southern Heritage title close to Ares) This is mine! This is proof that I’m the best. This is proof that I’m not the future but I’m the NOW in DEFIANCE.

Harvey turns back and gets up close with Harmen. Harmen doesn’t budge or flinch.

THE Jay Harvey:
Jack Harmen… someone I grew up watching, someone I aspired to be like. Now look at you… what happend? Look at this. (Puts the title right betwixt him and Harmen) This is mine! There won’t be some seven foot mongoloid to help you take it from me.  

Harmen isn’t amused and mouths off mic to Harvey.

Jack Harmen:
Nobody gets the reference.

THE Jay Harvey:
If I learned anything at Ascension besides me being the best in this company… I learned that you (looks right at Harmen) are washed up and you… (Harvey gets closer and closer to Ares) you aren’t in my league.

Harmen is taken aback at being called washed up, the concern that’s been in his mind since Elise first beat him. He takes a few steps back behind Elise, who takes this moment to take a step into the face of the Southern Heritage champion. Elise and Harvey exchange heated words in the ring, off mic as they shout at one another. Harmen watches this all happen.

Elise Ares:
Oh Jay… sweet, sweet Jay. You must not be in a match with me tonight because Catalina isn’t with you.

The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style shrugs and continues on.

Elise Ares:
Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is THE Jay Harvey and put your championship on the line tonight? I’ll totes leave PCP in the back. So why don’t you come out here alone, I know… shocker, and show the world just how big and strong of a man you are? You won’t though, and that’s fine, Jay. I’d hate for you to be emasculated by a “little girl” in front of all these people.

Harvey hand motion blows her off, presumably telling her she’s a waste of his time.

Elise Ares:
Yeah, that’s fine. We all know that you’re all bark and no bite. Your mouth has been over-compensating for a LOT of things in your life, Jay, so we really shouldn’t be THAT surprised that you’re hiding behind it again, should w...  

As Elise finishes spitting her hot fire, she suddenly tumbles to the mat from a double ax-handle to the back of the neck.



Harmen and Harvey look at each other, Harvey looking shocked. But the facade fades away to a bright smile from both men, before they begin putting the boots to the downed Elise Ares.

After a flurry of vicious stomps to the downed Ares, Harmen grabs Elise up by her hair, yanking her to her feet as he does. Harmen looks to Harvey, and shoves Elise from her back toward him.

Wake Up Call! THE Jay Harvey with that vicious high knee strike, tee’d up by the Lunatic.

This is just a travesty, Keebs!

Harmen quickly pounces on Elise with a few rights and lefts, before he once again picks Elise up to her feet, and shoves her back toward Harvey.

And Jay picks up Elise onto his shoulders, c’mon! Stop this violence! Stop it! Jay Harvey with the Game Over! (GTS)

Harvey and Harmen only have a moment to revel in their destruction. The FAITHFUL swell in cheers as out from the back comes racing out the rest of the Pop Culture Phenoms. The D is holding a large metal dildo, as Klein and Flex Kruger give chase. The trio slide into the ring as Harmen and Harvey bail, the damage already done.

Look at the smug look on their faces Angus. They’re so proud of their actions!

If these two are working together Keebs… I think things in DEFIANCE may have just gotten that much more dangerous.

Harvey and Harmen backpedal up the entrance ramp, as Harmen in particular never takes a look away from his proteges. Harmen seems almost solemn, saddened, as Harvey just grins a mile wide. When Harvey turns to Harmen, Jack cracks a sly smile.

In the ring, The D helps Elise to a seated position in his lap. She groggily comes too, and sees the D holding a glass dildo in utter confusion.

Elise Ares:

The D:
First thing I saw.

The scene fades away to a commercial break as The D and Klein help Elise back to her feet.


Your bi-weekly source for all things DEFIANCE! Tune in, for the UNCUT, NO HOLDS BARRED DEFIANCE! 


Welcome back to DEFtv! Our first segment here tonight sure left a lot to unpack but for now - no time!

♫ "Holy Diver" by Ronnie James Dio ♫

The Faithful take to their feet at the sound of the classic metal song, especially those heavily invested in BRAZEN’s rich history. Mascara De Muerte IV emerges from the backstage area, black cloak over his shoulders and with both hands pointed to the sky. He turns around as a stream of pyrotechnics shoot off from the stage before making his way to the ring.

We haven’t seen as much from MDM4 since Cayle Murray’s exit from DEFIANCE but …

But nothing … just another GORRAM flippydoo! Hell, he got knocked out of the BRAZEN tournament by Markus Andrews of all people! This bonehead has seen better days!

Well …

See what I did there, Keebs … Bonehead! You know … cause the mask.

Darren Quimbey:
The following match is scheduled for one fall!

Speaking of which … What’s with the Mascara deal?

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first … from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at one hundred and seventy eight pounds… MASCARA DE MUERTE IV!

MDM4 hits the ring and plays it up for the Faithful a bit while Angus continues.

If I know my EL ES-PAN-YOLO … it translates to Eye Lash of Death. Is that some macho spanish thing or … ?

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent …

♫ “Revolve” by The Melvins ♫

Darren Quimbey:
... from Seattle, Washington ... weighing in at two hundred and twenty nine pounds! ... "The Pacific Blitzkrieg" KERRRRRY KUROYAAAAAAMMAAAAAA!

Kerry appears from behind the curtain with an eager smile on his face as blue, green, and white lights fill up the stage. Standing at the top of the ramp, he takes a moment to survey the crowd. A few seconds in he pumps his fist as moderate pyro lights off and descends the ramp at a quick, determined pace. His, now second, return to in ring action draws a sizeable pop from the Faithful.

This will be Kerry Kuroyama’s first in ring appearance since suffering that vicious post match attack by the, now … new Southern Heritage Champion!

On his way down the aisle, Kerry slaps hands with as many ringside fans as he can. At the end of the aisle way, a little girl throws her hand up and he of course obliges. As she makes contact, Kerry pulls away shaking his hand and holding his previously injured shoulder. He flashes hr a smile to play up the joking nature before taking to the steps and entering the ring. He promptly takes a turnbuckle and steps up to the second ropes and pumps his fist to get the crowd fired up.

… yeah, yeah - Where the hell was he when his buddy Scott Douglas got shanghaied for the title though!?

… injured, Angus.


With both men in the ring and Darren out … Carla Ferrari calls for the bell.


The pair exit their respective corners and begin circling. Adjusting their tights and other idiosyncrasies as the pace around one another. Suddenly, Kerry Kuroyama stops mid side step and plants his feet - extending his hand. MDM4 is hesitant but eventually decides to accept the gesture - albeit cautiously. The tension rises as their hands meet and after a brief shake each participant lets go and makes a clean break. This garners a round of applause from the Faithful, devoid of usual whooping and hollering. Although a singular voice calls out from somewhere in the first few rows, “FUCKING FIGHT!”

Angus: [laughing]
What that guy said!

There is nothing wrong with some solid sportsmanship.

I can give you ten reasons!

Kerry and MDM4 lock up and the returning DEFIANT seems to have the weight and possibly the power advantage. Kerry muscles MDM4 around a bit before the masked man finds his opening, he swings around behind Kerry and grabs a waist lock, but Kerry returns in kind. MDM4 responds by spinning out into a twisting wrist lock that brings Kerry to his knees for a split second.

Kerry pops back to his feet, rolls, turns and front flips from a headstand, reversing the hold and promptly forcing MDM4 to the mat. Carla Ferrari steps in warning Kerry about grabbing the mask. Before he can react, MDM4 kips up - in one fluid motion breaking Kerry’s hold and grabbing the opposite wrist, twists and lays in a knee to the mid section that flips Kuroyama to the mat.  

Muerte IV with the COVER! NO Count!

Kerry presses MDM4 up off him before Carla can make it to her knees. IV lands on his feet and steps forward to charge. Kerry makes it to one knee and sweeps the leg with his left arm - MDM4’s legs come from under him but he follows through with a handstand backflip. Kerry hops to his feet as MDM4 plants his own back on the canvas. IV sweeps the leg - with a leg … but Kerry hops it like a skip-it. (Remember those?) Kerry quickly retaliates with a spinning back round kick that MDM4 narrowly ducks with a roll.

Number one: Flippy shit like that!

IV pops up from the front somersault and snaps up for a dropkick that mostly catches Kerry in the chest. Both men hit the ring canvas at the same time and roll away from one another as they get back to their feet. MDM4 backs himself into a turnbuckle as Kerry decides to charge forward. He gets a boot to the face for his troubles and as he stumbles backward from his opponent - IV charges, leaps and attempts a hurricanrana.

Hurri -


Rather than complete the maneuver, Kerry leans into the attempt and IV gets the brunt of a sitout powerbomb. Carla drops for the count.



IV rolls back and out of the pin, reverse somersaulting himself into, attempted, standing position. In the meantime The Pacific Blitzkrieg clammers to his feet. Both have been rocked and are feeling the results.

This could go EITHER way!!

Kerry approaches the fourth of his name, as he becomes vertical. Mascara swings wildly with a desperate lariat. Kerry ducks and pops up to capitalize once IV’s momentum has spun him one eighty. The Pacific Blitzkrieg throws a forearm to the back of the masked head and reaches around for the wrist. In a matter of milliseconds Mascara finds himself in the pump handle position.

This could be …

THREE! Flippydoo Bullsh …  

The Kuroyama Driver !!!!


Holy shit!


That was a hell of a  …



… Move!

Darren Quimbey:
And your winner … by PINFALL … “The Pacific Blitzkreig” … KERRRRRRRRYYY KUUUUROOOOYAAAAAAMMMAAAAAA!!

Quite the re-debut from Kerry Kuroyama and a hell of a showing from Mascara De Muerte IV.

Sure, Lady Makeup Mask … did fine. But … this Keurig kid might be more than I thought. That pumphandle driver is well … impressive!

Indeed, parnter ... and as Kerry Kuroyama celebrates in the ring... 

Kerry has his hand raised and basks in the Faithfuls admiration for a moment - but it is fleeting and his eys returns to MDMIV.

I'm being told we have camera's upstairs with ... 

Kerry gently pulls away from Carla's hand raising and approaches his fallen opponent. 

DDK: [muffled]
... that can't be right. 

Kerry stands over top of the masked man and the tension build once again. A hush falls over the Faithful for a breif second before Kerry extends his hand and helps pull MDMIV up to his feet. IV holding his head and staggering a bit points toward Kerry to signify the better man this night - onyl to then return to holding his head quickly. Kerry, a bit worse for the wear himself helps MDMIV out the ring as we cut to upstairs.

Yeah ... ok, I guess we are going now to the NEW FIST of DEFIANCE with Kelly Evans?!


The action switches to the backstage of the arena where the FIST of DEFIANCE, Scott Stevens, has just stormed into the office of Kelly Evans with his father and cousin right behind him. The intrusions seems to irritate Evans as she’s on the phone and none to pleased with her champion barging into her office without notification.

Kelly Evans:
Let me call you back.

Kelly tells the person on the other line as she ends the call and places the phone on her desk.

Kelly Evans:
What do you want, Scott?

Kelly asks and the Texan seems annoyed that she doesn’t already know the answer to her own question.

Scott Stevens:
Really? You don’t know?

Stevens asks annoyed.

Kelly Evans:
No, I do not and if you don’t spill it; I’m going to ask you to leave as I am a very busy woman. I don’t have time to play childish games with someone like you.

Stevens smirks before places the FIST of DEFIANCE on her desk.

Scott Stevens:
You know what that is?

Stevens asks and Kelly lets out a sigh.

Kelly Evans:
It’s my championship that I’m letting you keep warm until I deem it for you not to hold it anymore.

Kelly bluntly states, even more annoyed with the Texan.

Scott Stevens:

Kelly Evans:
Is there a point to all of this? Or was your intent simply to quiz me on my championship titles?

She asks and The Fist nods.

Scott Stevens:
Every DEFIANCE Champion before me has had a celebration to usher in their reign and yet where is mine?

Stevens asks and Kelly opens up her leather notebook and starts flipping pages.

Kelly Evans:
Did I not schedule that?

She asks as she looks over her notes.

Kelly Evans:
How’s next Thursday work?

Kelly asks and Scott has a confused look on his face.

Scott Stevens:
We don’t have a Thursday show.

Stevens replies and Kelly expression changes as if a thought had struck her.

Kelly Evans:
Oh yeah! Well, I guess you’re S.O.L then.

She informs Stevens who slams his fist on her desk.

Scott Stevens:
Look here toots, I’m the FIST of DEFIANCE, The TOP of the HEAP in this company and I will be treated with the respect I have earned! I, DEMAND my championship celebration!

Stevens shouts.

Kelly Evans:

She simply states, before Scott storms out of the office pissed.


Catch DEFIANCE Live in your town!


Welcome back to DEFtv. And while Scott Stevens did not receive the celebration he wanted as the newest FIST of DEFIANCE.

As he shouldn’t. He purposely injured the former champ, Oscar Burns Keebs!

Another man who might consider himself warranted a celebration is the newest, and FIRST, BRAZEN champion, Reinhardt Hoffman.

Say what you will about the big German lug, he keeps his mouth shut, does his job, effectively well, and decimates his opponents. We’ve seen him on DEFtv before Keebs, but now that he’s champion, he’s got a chip on his shoulder, and I can’t wait to see how he handles himself in that ring.

Let’s head to ringside.

Darren Quimbey stands in the ring, dressed to impress.

Darren Quimbey:
This next matchup, is a NON-TITLE contest.

♫“Howlin’ For You” by the Black Keys♫

The Faithful turn to the entrance ramp to see a lanky muscular man with a southern stars and stripes bandana keeping his long blonde locks out of his head. Joe Wolfe stands at the top of the entrance rampway, puts his hands over his mouth and lets out a howl before he stomps his way to the ring.

Howlin’ Joe Wolfe, one of the first BRAZEN prospects, he got his claim to fame in BRAZEN by winning twenty five thousand dollars at Rise and Defy, back in February of 2016.

This boy is just a brute, a sweetheart that’s built like a brick wall. It’s not his first time on DEFtv either, he made his DEFIANCE debut against Harmony of all people, back in November of 2015.

Howlin’ Joe Wolfe climbs up the ring steps and smiles out to the cheering faithful.

If Wolfe can pin the champion Angus, doesn’t that make him the true default number one contender?

I can’t guarantee it, but his name would definitely be in contention. We’re always looking for the next challenger for our next Clash of the BRAZEN Keebs.

Hector Navarro checks Wolfe’s boots and wrapped wrists for weapons, as Darren Quimbey takes a deep inhale.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first, hailing from Lake Charles, Lousiana, he weighs in at two hundred and thirty four pounds, he is HOOOOOWWWLIN’, JOE… WOOOOOOLFFE!

♫Dvo…™ák Symphony No. 9 in E Minor, Op. 95 'From the New World' IV♫

Reinhardt Hoffman steps out from the back, the BRAZEN championship slung over his shoulder, as he stands sturdy, tall and proud at the top of the ramp. He looks over the sea of Faithful, slaps the BRAZEN championship’s center plate twice before making his way toward the ring.

And there he is, the first BRAZEN champion. I’d argue that Reinhardt Hoffman has represented BRAZEN proudly for just as long as Joe Wolfe has, and has seen his fair share of action on DEFtv.

Look, Reinhardt is way more seasoned when it concerns the big stage. We can see that with his pose during that sixteen man tournament that crowned him as our champ of BRAZEN Keebs. Guy’s fought a lot of big DEFIANCE names in the past, from AndySharp to Lindsay Troy to Cayle Murray to Impulse to Scott Douglas. Hell, he even challenged Impulse for the SoHer back when!

Reinhardt jumps up onto the ring apron, and then climbs the nearest turnbuckle to the middle rope. He places his hand over the center plate of the championship, as if he were listening to the national anthem. He holds his head high, and then puts his gaze to Wolfe as he hops into the ring. Hector walks over, checks his boots and wrists, and then takes the BRAZEN championship from him.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent, hailing from Duesseldorf, Germany, he weighs in at two hundred and thirty five pounds… and he is the first, current, and REEEEIIIIIGNING, BRAZEN Champion… REINHARDT… HOOOOOFFFFFMAAN!

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Reinhardt and Wolfe square off in the center of the ring. Neither man backs down. Reinhardt strikes with european uppercuts, as Wolfe responds in kind with knife edge chops. Reinhardt switches it up, and the two of them just chop the living crap out of their chests. Wolfe goes, Reinhardt sells, Reinhardt goes, Wolfe sells. This goes on as each man tries to show they’re the tougher man.


Neither man are giving much ground here Angus. I kind of feel like this could go on all night!

Hoffman, sick of standing there and taking it, grabs a Wolfe chop, and then starts to pry his fingers apart at the joint. Wolfe winces and hits a knee but gets back to his feet quickly. He pulls Reinhardt to the ropes and shoves him off. He goes for a diving lariot, but Reinhardt had it scouted and Wolfe whiffs. Hoffman dives, and locks in a cravate as Wolfe recovers. Reinhardt milks the hold, before Wolfe reverses with a belly to back suplex catching the champ by surprise.


Reinhardt powers out of the pin.

Bit early to take down Reinhardt, but a great counter from Wolfe.

Oh, anyone in that BRAZEN locker room has the capability to be the champion Keebs. We wouldn’t hire them if we didn’t think they could become FIST one day.

Wolfe takes charge, tossing Reinhardt into the corner. He hits him with a corner clothesline, and then rushes out with a bull dog. Wolfe grabs Reinhardt and throws him off the ropes, and Wolfe lifts him high in the air on the come back with a huge flapjack.



The champ can’t be used to being tossed around like this.

Wolfe showing impressive power Keebs, I gotta say. I didn’t expect it like this.

Reinhardt rubs his face as Hoffman hooks him in a side headlock, but Reinhardt fights back with a few rights to the ribs. It breaks the hold, as Hoffman switches to the back and hits a quick German suplex, with a bridge.



Barely a two as Wolfe kicks out. Reinhardt keeps the pressure on the mat, hooking Wolfe’s head, knees digging into his back as he puts pressure on the neck. Hector reprimands Reinhardt for having his fingers in Wolfe’s eye sockets, counting him to break by four. Hoffman then locks in a ground ab stretch, and just starts laying into Wolfe with vicious elbow shots. Wolfe seems dazed.

And like that, the tides have turned. Jeez, look at those elbows Angus. I wouldn’t want to be Wolfe right now.

Hoffman lets go after a Hector Navarro count. He backs off, sizing up Wolfe. As Wolfe pushes up from the mat, Hoffman charges.

What a knee trembler! He just knocked Wolfe into an alternate dimension!


He’s on an entirely different plane of existence now Angus.

I don’t get your science mumbo jumbo. But Wolfe is knocked loopy.

Hoffman goes to lock in the cross legged STF, but Wolfe rolls onto his back before Hoffman can synch the upper half of the move in. So Hoffman just keeps his feet behind Wolfe’s crossed legs, leaps and jams them into the mat. Wolfe lets out a cry, rolling to reach the ropes, which allows Hoffman to slip back into the cross leg, and then LOCK in the STF.


Joe Wolfe is howling in pain.


What? Oh, I didn’t even notice!

Wolfe indeed screams out in pain, reaching for the bottom ropes. They are way too far away, and as he tries to use his one free hand to break the hold, he resigns himself to defeat.

The energy in his body disappears, he goes a bit limp in the hold, and can only lightly and reluctantly tap out.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Reinhardt Hoffman gets up off of Joe Wolfe, and quickly gets his hand raised by Hector Navarro. He rushes to the corner of the ring closest to the time keeper, and demands his BRAZEN title.

Darren Quimbey:
Your winner, via submission, the BRAZEN Champion… REINHARDT… HOFFFFFMAAANN!

Reinhardt raises the title quickly to the capacity crowd, and makes sure it lands perfectly on his shoulder. He slaps the center piece twice, before heading to the nearest cameraman. He narrows the brow of his eyes, staring daggers into the home audience, saying nothing. He walks over to the limp fallen Joe Wolfe, who Hector is attempting to check on. Reinhardt just steps on his back, and then walks over him before exiting the ring.

Oh come on Reinhardt. That isn’t necessary.

He’s makin’ a statement Keebs. BRAZEN, is Reinhardt Hoffman Country.

We see Reinhardt raise the championship above his head as the camera slowly zooms in on the BRAZEN center plate.


The show shifts backstage. The cameras view is shot downward toward a picture that has Jestal and Dandelion with the DEFIANCE World Tag Team Championships. Just seeing this image sends the Faithful into a hate filled response.

Dandelion rubs her hand over the glass of the framed picture. The camera pans upward to see a saddened Dandelion staring down at the photo.

A few moments pass, and a door opens off camera.

Are you still staring at that photo? WE will get them back Dandy...I swear it!

The young woman looks up at her brother for a moment. His words really don't make her feel any better. She returns her look back at the photo.

The shot shows Jestal with his hand over his chin in deep thought. He snaps his fingers getting her attention once more.

Maybe this will make you feel better.

Jestal looks in the hallway. He says something inaudible to the Faithful.

I got us some help.

In walks a familiar face. The woman that put Jestal through that torture called crossfit.


Dandelion quickly sets the picture on the bench next to her. She jumps up excited and rushes to the young woman and they embrace.

That's more like it. That is not all sis. WynLyn here has a plan to GET back what belongs to us!

Dandelion let's go of her hug on her bestie. She tilts her head very curious as to what she has to say.

It's quite simple find the biggest pair of guys and make a example of them. You want people to take notice of where you two belong in make a BIG statement.

So who do you have in mind?

Wyn looks down at the jester then tilts her head to look back at Dandelion. With a devilish smirk she replies..


Jestal and Dandelion look at each other a bit baffled at “this plan.” The jester is the first to look at Wyn.

Uh...Lyn Mushigihara is not a tag team…[gives off a “well maybe” shrug] I suppose he could be he is fat enough to be two people.

Dandelion does some hand gestures toward Jestal.

I know, I know that's besides the point.

He looks back at WynLyn.

Its one man Lyn.

She looks toward the clown.

Trust me Jessie.

She gently touches Jestal’s cheek and he quickly replies.


She looks toward Dandy with smirk toward her.

Well, let's do this come on Dandy!

Jestal eagerly rushes out of the room, Dandelion blows a puff of air upward blowing her blonde locks from her face and follows. WynLyn watches the two leave and says softly.

Perfect now your going to pay for what you did to my father!

Jestal quickly pokes his head into the room.

Did you say something?

WynLyn is startled for a second by the jester.

WynLyn: it was nothing.

Let's do this thing sweet tooth!

Jestal disappears behind the doorway. The camera catches a smirk once more from the newest member of The ToyBox  as the show goes to commercial.


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Cut back from commercial. Backstage, Kerry Kuroyama moves thru the rear halls of the Wrestle-plex. He’s in high spirits after a his return to the thring proved fruitful. He isn’t heading for an interview or looking for trouble, but the feel good story of his return makes for a good bumper.

Big win for that young man here tonight!

It wasn’t bad. Don’t over hype it, Keebs.

It’s all smiles from passing production and support staff, most offering a quick congratulations or “good match” before continuing about their jobs.

Any win is a good win, partner and I’d venture to say on a return after an injury … that’s a BIG win! “The Pacific Blitzkrieg” of course was sideline by …


Just as Angus utters the above, Jay Harvey appears in a doorway just ahead of Kerry. The two make eye contact and Harvey smirks devilishly.  Kerry, rather than give in to instincts, continues the direction he is headed.

As Kerry passes the doorframe currently sheltering one of DEFIANCE biggest egos, Catalina appears for the room taking her place next to the new Southern Heritage Champion. Kerry continues on tries to keep a leary eye on Harvey. Which cause Kerry to run directly into the chain carrying David Hightower.

This won’t end well!


Hightower doesn’t take kindly to this accident and swings on Kerry, but the Seattle native ducks and strikes back before he can realize what he’s down. Hightower is take a back for his second and like every great goon in every bad movie - checks his lip for blood. After taken a quick look to verify he charges as Kerry and the two begin to brawl as DEFsec black shirts rush in to break it up.

That’s no way to end such a great night for Kerry!

Security manages to get between the pair but don’t fully have control. The camera swings back for a second and catches a shot of THE Jay Harvey and Catalina, still in the doorway having a laugh at Kerry’s expense.

Folks, we are going to have to move on - while DEFIANCE security gets a handle on this situation!

The camera turns back to find the men mostly separated but still grabbing at one another over the shoulders of DEFsec.

Cut to the ring.


With Brutal Attack Force already in the ring, Darren Quimbey raises the mic to his face and lets The Faithful know what's next.

Darren Quimbey:
This match is for the Tag Team Championships! In the ring, from BRAZEN, Solomon Grendel and Petey Garrett... BRUTAL ATTACK FORCE!

The fans boos.

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents... Tyler and Conor Fuse, the Tag Team Champions... THE FUSE BROS.!!

♫ “Chemical Plant Zone” from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ♫

Out they come to a roaring approval, the titles around their waists after having them taken by The Toy Box only weeks after they won them. Tyler marches out first, but not far behind is his brother, Conor. They're all business and ready to continue their "Achievement" defense. Tyler slides into the ring and Conor takes the apron.


The bell goes and Tyler hits a quick snapmare on Solomon. He kicks him in the back, bounces off the ropes and jumps overtop of the 6-foot Brooklyn native, grabbing his head and slamming it forward to the mat as he does. The Faithful cheer and Tyler begins kicking Grendel as he popped back to his knees.

The kicks are furious. Tyler bounces off the ropes again but this time he's nailed in the back by Petey. He turns and pushes Petey off the apron, only to see a charing Grendel coming his way.

Big splash!

Tyler meets the turnbuckle hard! Solomon hurls one half of the Tag Team Champions to the center of the ring...

Looking for an elbow drop, Tyler gets a drop toe hold, instead. He follows up with an elbow drop. Then another. Now walking over to his corner, he tags his brother.

Conor pearches himself on the second rope, waiting for a good time to strike. He leaps across and connects with a missile dropkick.

Petey runs into the ring but right out again as Conor tosses him over the other side. However, while the referee isn't looking, this gives Solomon a chance for a low blow!

DDT by Grendel!

Idiot younger brother, should have been paying attention to the legal man!

Grendel throws Conor into the ropes... and connects with a powerslam!

The challenger rushes over and attempts to knock Tyler off the apron now, but the older brother ducks it and points for Grendel to turn around...

Spinning heel kick by Conor! The crowd is feeling it now...

Tag to Tyler. He's already on the top rope.


Conor goes to the top rope, looking for his splash and the second part of their finishing move, 2-UP. Instead, Petey Garrett appears on the apron and shoves him off the top turn buckle and to the floor below.

Tyler gets up and shouts, but again he's hit with a low blow from Grendel! This time, however, he's also hit with a swinging neckbreaker and a leg drop. Grendel tags Garrett, who's made his way back to their corner.

Garrett comes in, stalking his prey. With Conor down on the outside and Tyler at the mercy of his feet... mere seconds remain on the Champions' reign.

Tyler with a roll up!!



Broken up by Grendel!

Oh look out! In comes Conor Fuse... he crushes Grendel with a high knee followed by a face buster!

Conor goes to throw Grendel out of the ring, but changes his mind and whips him into the corner instead so he can watch the ending take place.

Tyler takes Garrett's head under his arm and runs right up the corner Solomon is recovering in...


Then the pin, which is academic.





Darren Quimbey:
Here are your winners... and STILLLL the Tag Team Champ-

But not a moment too soon, they're interrupted.


♫ "My Name Is Bocephus" by Hank Williams Jr. ♫

The fans begin to shower the Stevens cousin with boos as Bo makes his way out onto the stage.

What is this idiot doing here?

Maybe he wants to congratulate The Fuse Bros. on their win?

Don’t make me slap you Keebs.

Bo waits for the boos to settle before he brings the microphone up to his ever smiling face.

Bo Stevens:
Congrats you two on your hard fought victory here tonight.

Bo says as he tries to get The Faithful involved.

Bo Stevens:
Give your tag champions a round of applause.

Bo gives a sarcastic clap and The Fuse Bros. don’t seem too enthused with the Texan’s adulation.

Bo Stevens:
What you have here is an excellent opportunity that is presenting itself and Bo knows opportunity when Bo sees it and that’s for you two to defend those precious championship you have in your hands right against me. What do you say?

Can you believe this guy? Having the audacity to challenge for the tag titles like that! I’m definitely less of a Fuse Bros. fan than before… but who has this moron beat?

He was one-half of the team that lost to The Fuse Bros. on the 100th edition of DEFIANCE TV, and never received a proper rematch for the titles.

Rematch. Smematch. He lost plain and simple.

The Fuse Bros. look at one another before Tyler calls for a mic.

Tyler Fuse:
All worthy challengers are accepted and we accept your challenge.

Tyler says which draws a smile from Bo but Conor snatches the microphone from his brother.

Conor Fuse:
Dear brother, I’m a bit confused.

Tyler looks at Conor and raises an eyebrow.

Bo Stevens:
What is so confusing? The Fuse Bros. put the tag titles on the line against me. It doesn’t get more simpler than that.

Bo says with more assertiveness in his tone.

Conor Fuse:
Um, Bo, you can’t challenge us because this is a two player game! It wouldn’t be fair to you... even if you use cheat codes! This is a two player system. It’s not compatible!

Conor says and Bo lets his temper get the best of him.

Bo Stevens:
Oh yeah!? Well I know I don’t even need the Contra Code to beat you two in singles competition and I challenge you next week!

Bo points to Conor. He replies quickly.

Conor Fuse:
You’re on!

Bo nods before talking more trash as he exits.

A big challenge issued and accepted! Next week is starting out with a bang.


DEFIANCE continues to bring you incredible tag team actionwith the first-ever BRAZEN RISE Tag League!


You ready for our next match, Angus? Two of your own BRAZEN guys about to do battle in a showcase match!

I am! We’ve got career goody-good and probably one of our best – “American Made” Levi Cole – about to go one on one with one of our more dangerous guys, the brawler from Alabama, Thomas Slaine. Cole’s like the ultimate nice guy and some say that lack of killer instinct is why he hasn’t been fully successful. Slaine is super-aggressive, but sometimes that can come back to bite him.

To be fair to Cole, if you caught our first Clash of the BRAZEN special, Cole poured his heart out into making it ALL THE WAY from the beginning to end of the BRAZEN Championship tournament, defeating Howlin’ Joe Wolfe, Theo Baylor and upsetting Mushigihara before succumbing to reigning champ Reinhardt Hoffman.

Yup. Cole wanted to work his way back up to another title shot and did so damn well, I got him this match. Slaine has been working hard to get noticed and demanded a shot, so he better nut up and make the most of it.

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a BRAZEN Showcase singles match set for one fall!

♫ “You Rascal You” by Hanni El Khatib ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first… from Mobile, Alabama, weighing in at 227lbs… THOMAS SLAINE!

From the back, Thomas Slaine emerges and stalks his way down to the ring. He ignores the jeers from the fans as he slides slowly in under the bottom rope. He props himself against the bottom turnbuckle and makes no bones about wanting this opportunity, glaring out to the crowd as the fans wait for his opponent.

♫ “Born In The U.S.A.” by Bruce Springsteen ♫

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Omaha, Nebraska, weighing in at 265 pounds… he is ”AMERICAN MADE” LEVI COLE!

My hat’s off to this kid, Keebs. He has come so close to greatness and he’s taken steps a little further and a little further. Now he needs to put some wins together before he can think of challenging Hoffman for the title. 

The massive, corn-fed young grappler bursts from backstage with all the power and forward momentum of a freight engine. He and his star spangled singlet and wrestling headgear are down the ramp and rolling under the ring before we can blink.

Speed and power, a dangerous combination... 

Cole heads into the ring and extends a hand to Thomas Slaine in a show of good sportsmanship. Thomas looks at the hand and looks like he’ll take it… only to suddenly have his middle finger right in the face of the bigger BRAZEN standout.

That’s the famous attitude Slaine is known for. He ain’t here to make friends, he’s here to make dollars.

Cole isn’t fazed by the lack of sportsmanship on his opponent’s account as Hector Navarro calls for the bell.


And Thomas Slaine isn’t waiting for an opportunity! He’s gonna take it right away!

The Alabama brawler goes right after the bigger Cole and punches him in the face repeatedly to back him into the corner. He wails on him with a series of painful body shots and as this goes on, Hector Navarro tries to gain some control, but Slaine yells at him.

Thomas Slaine:

That’s the fire I wanna see more of out of both these guys! Cole especially!

Now that Slaine has the advantage, he tries going for The American Made star, but Cole recovers long enough to quickly pick him up with a Waistlock Takedown and THROWS him down to the mat! Slaine gets up and ends up disoriented when Levi then grabs him with a Double Leg and then takes him all the way to the corner! Slaine’s attempt to get the drop on Levi appears to have backfired because now Cole runs across the ring and comes back with a big Running Knee in the corner!

There’s good fire being shown by both of these guys! With more opportunities for the BRAZEN stars to get on TV, they have to make the most of it.

Cole looks to go for a Vertical Suplex now on Thomas, but the brawler then takes Cole off-kilter with a pair of elbows to the back of the head. He then connects with a Running Dropkick, sending him through the ropes and landing on the outside floor. While he tries to recover, Thomas quickly measures up his target before he decides that he’s gonna go airborne…

Suicide Dive by Thomas Slaine! Maybe he heard us on commentary, but it looks like Slaine is trying to make the most of this opportunity tonight!

The brawler collides with Levi Cole, sending him banging back against the guardrail! The massive American Made amateur star doesn’t have anything going for him right now as Slaine continues the beatdown on the floor, putting the boots to Levi Cole and now trying to choke him against the barricade with his boot while he’s down!

The beatdown continues until Slaine overhears Hector Navarro starting to count both men out, so Slaine rolls underneath the bottom rope and back outside in order to start the count. With grand designs in mind to hurt Cole further, Thomas decides to charge at him with another blow on the floor…



Cole caught him and made the over-aggressive Slaine pay for it right there on the floor with that huge momentum-changer! Now this is Cole’s chance to regroup.

Cole does take a moment to himself as the crowd looks on at amazement over the replay of Thomas Slaine getting lobbed across the ringside area. Cole then gets some cheers from the crowd as he throws Thomas back inside and follows. Rather than go for a cover, he grabs Slaine as he’s down. He sets him up for a Vertical Suplex as he lays on the mat, only to DEADLIFT the near-230 pounder and drop him down hard with the Suplex!

And there’s that freaky Bumpkin strength from Cole! One of the reasons we signed this dude!

Levi goes for a cover now.




Slaine still in this one and now it looks like Cole is trying to end this now…

He pries Slaine off the mat in his arms and the crowd that follow BRAZEN known his Gutwrench Powerbomb is coming up! However, Slaine surges to life at the apex of the move and kicks his legs frantically to take Cole off-balance, allowing Slaine to land on the ring apron. Cole turns to bring him back in, only for Slaine to hang him out to dry over the top rope! Cole wiggles backwards and as he gasps, The Alabama brawler kicks the leg out from under him and PLANTS Cole with a DDT!

Damn, he’s gonna soften up that neck of Cole!



Cole with the shoulder up! Both men are swinging for the fences with these moves of theirs.

They better! They gotta do what they can to impress!

Slaine continues to pick Cole up by the neck and throws him a few knees to the gut in order to stun him. He charges with all his might and throws Cole into the corner with good shots, elbowing him many times in the stomach until he thinks he can get away with his finisher. Slaine pulls him out of the corner and is looking for his finish…

Gut Shot coming up… no!

The Fireman’s Carry attempt into the Double Knee Gutbuster fails when the bigger Cole slinks his way out, only to grab Slaine and LOB him overhead once again with a Release German Suplex, dropping him on his upper back! The crowd gets a small “USA!” chant going for American Made as he wills himself to his feet and charges at Slaine in the corner once again, stunning him with a Running Shoulder Tackle to the gut!

Slaine doubles over in pain when Levi hooks him by the head and body, only to throw him HARD overhead with a T-Bone Suplex! The crowd then waits as Cole launches himself off the ropes while Slaine tries to get up, only to eat a Chop Block right to the knee!

He lands that array of Suplexes, now goes for the knee! What’s Cole thinking here?

He just got through watching I, Tanya last night?

Cole then grabs the leg of Slaine and falls backwards, slamming the knee into the mat! Slaine reels about in pain when Cole then grabs the leg, twists it around, and then painfully and quickly applies a SHARP Kneeling Figure Four Leglock, Masa Saito-style!

Oooh, that big Bumpkin told me he was working on a new submission, the Liberty Lock! That’s a lot of weight being put down on your knee!

The crowd cheers on Cole as Slaine is locked in the middle of the ring with nowhere to go! Try as he might, he crawls, but Cole is too big to take with him…


Cole quickly lets go of the hold and Slaine rolls out of the ring holding his knee as the bell is called for! Hector Navarro stands up and raises the arm of Cole!

Darren Quimbey:
Here’s your winner of the match… ”AMERICAN MADE” LEVI COLE!

A big win for Levi Cole that hopefully puts him back on track to getting another shot at Reinhardt Hoffman and the BRAZEN Championship.

It’s a start. It was nice to see Cole focused and with a gameplan instead of just shaking hands and throwing suplexes.

The crowd cheers Cole as he looks ready to leave the ring, but when he stands up…


Wait, what’s Theo Baylor doing out here?!

The crowd jeers as the member of No Justice, No Peace comes out solo, now raining down fists on the Nebraska native. Cole tries to cover up, but the vicious assault by Baylor seems to be personal.

Whoa, talk about grabbing an opportunity by the nards.


Well, he is!

Theo quickly stands to his feet and just happens to notice Thomas Slaine limping on the outside. He runs to the outside and before the brawler can get away, Theo wipes him out VICIOUSLY with a Running Shoulder Tackle that launches him right into the barricade at top speed! The crowd does pop a bit for the attack on Slaine, but he clearly isn’t done with Cole as he now stalks the ring a second time.

Jeez! What crawled up his ass?

We notice he’s out here without the rest of his group… maybe going rogue?

Theo Baylor now heads back into the ring to finish what he started on Levi Cole as the Nebraska native tries to stand. He’s disoriented and tries to take a swing at Theo, but misses only for Baylor to DRIVE him down with an Elevated Sitout Spinebuster he calls Welcome to LA! Baylor finally stands on his two feet and looks at the damage caused to the two men before he steals the microphone from Darren Quimbey.

Theo Baylor:
…You’re a THIEF, you fuckin’ redneck. You STOLE my chance to be the BRAZEN Champion from me and here you are, STEALIN’ another chance for me to get my face out there. 

He looks to the fallen Slaine and then looks down at Cole.

Theo Baylor:
Listen up, dumbass… every time I see your ass comin’ my way, THIS is what’s gonna happen to you.

He throws a cheap kick to the rib cage of Cole just for good measure before he throws down the microphone and leaves, leaving DDK and Angus stunned.

I think that’s all we need to know… Cole eliminated Theo Baylor by submission at the last Clash of the BRAZEN special and he’s still raw about it.

Theo Baylor is the very definition of a loose cannon. I don’t even think he tolerates his own stablemates much and looks like he’s riding so…

The arrogant LA powerbrawler heads back up the ramp and shoots Angus Skaaland – also BRAZEN’s Head Booker - a dirty look before heading to the back


From the ring we take you once more backstage with Lance Warner.

With me is the new Brazen Champion Reinhardt Hoffman!

Reinhardt Hoffman steps into frame, holding the BRAZEN championship over his shoulder. The Faithful respond with a mix of hatred and respect for the new champion. Reinhardt soaks it in for a moment, before adjusting his belt on his shoulder.

Impressive win earlier tonight over Howlin’ Joe Wolfe. What’s next for Reinhardt Hoffman?

Reinhardt sneers at Lance for even asking the question.

I proved yet again that I am the most dominant member of BRAZEN. I am the champion for a reason, and everyone who steps in my path will find out why. I will crush them all, Wolfe’s howls of pain and anguish are only the first of many Lance.

It was a quite a show Reinhardt, bu..

A noise in the background interrupts Hoffman and Lance’s conversation.

I got his leg!


OW maybe not..

The camera catches what's going on in the background. It's The ToyBox attacking Mushigihara and failing miserably. Dandelion is on the back of Mushi trying her best to try and choke out the big man. Jestal continues to try and trip, or at least that's what we think he is trying to do; he’s wrapped around the God-Beast’s leg like an amorous dog, after all. Mushigihara, for his part, looks nonplussed, his eyes rolling in exasperation.

WynLyn has not gotten involved it looks, but she is trying to shout words of encouragement toward her team. Eddie continues to warn Mushi of a incoming attack.

With a snap forward, Mushi chucks Dandelion over his head, sending her crashing through a table on her way down. She appears to be out for the moment. The God-Beast now is trying to get away from Jestal in some form of shaking his leg while he tries to walk away. Almost like a child holding onto their parents leg refusing to let them walk away.

Mushigihara clearly has had enough and starts to slam the jester’s face into his bent knee. Finally freeing himself from his death grip. Without hesitation he hip tosses Jestal into the wall behind him. While staring at him a assortment of fruits now begin to strike him in the back of the head. Quickly getting the monsters attention. He turns around and Dandy with a apple in her hand which slowly rolls out of her hand as she looks up at the angry big man.

Without hesitation before Mushigihara can make a move WynLyn grabs Dandy’s arm and pulls her away and off camera. Mushi begins to pursue…


Dante shouts toward his client.


Mushigihara slowly turns around and the look on Jestal’s face of [What the fuck was I thinking]...he quickly throws the chair to the ground and has the audacity to point at Dante.

He told me to do it.


He’s not saying this in a tone that suggests he BELIEVES Jestal, but rather, is incredulous that Jestal even said that.

Now that you mentioned it I would love some chow mei chicken.

Eddie Dante:
He’s JAPANESE, you idiot.

Jestal glances at Eddie then back at Mushigihara who without any downtime picks up the jester with ease and dumps him head first into a trash can. The can falls over Jestal struggles to get to a vertical base. With the can still over his head in a muffled voice.

Ok..ok you can have the fortune cookie.

The God-Beast clearly not amused drives his sixteen size boot into the trash can violently throw Jestal trash can and all to the floor. The jester begins to roll down the hallway with Eddie and Mushigihara looking on. Eddie seems a bit amused however The God-Beast is not. As Jestal tumbles out of sight. The show shifts to the guerilla position backstage .


We cut away from ringside. The image quickly shifts backstage near the Guerilla position and we see the Stevens Dynasty are still in the building.

Folks, stay tuned! Up next we have the MAIN EVENT! The Pop Culture Phenoms in Tag Team Action against Jack Harmon and … THE

Damn it, Keebs!

… Jay Harvey!

And apparently these douche nozzles are still here…

All three men seem to we discussing something and Scott seems to be the most animated as he throws his hands in the air and using them to demonstrate what he apparently wants done.

We’ll be right back!


It's a long hard road ... Sept, 25th 2018! 


The lights get brighter and the crowd knows what is coming up next. It’s main event time! Darren Quimbey stands dead center of the ring and the camera zooms in tight on him as the bell sounds.

Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for our main event!

"Natural One" by The Folk Implosion

The song is in full swing as Jack Harmen walks out from behind the curtain. “The Natural One” Jay Harvey just behind steps out onto the ramp. Harvey raises his arms into the air as he looks over at Harmen who is all smiles. The crowd boos as the two walk down the aisle.

Coming to the ring… at a combined weight of Four Hundred and Fifty-Eight pounds...

When the two finally get to the ring, Jay Harvey walks up the ring steps and onto the apron. Jack Harmen still walks around the outside of the ring, glaring at fans in the front row.

This unholy alliance between Jay Harvey and Jack Harmen only spells trouble for anyone in their path.

All I know is ya better have some shades on when these two assholes are around. That glare off those domes is no joke, Keebs!

“The Lunatic” Jaaaack Harrrmen and “the most marvelous man to grace God’s green earth”... “The Natural One” THE Jaaaaaaaaaay Haaaaaaarrveeeeyyyyy!

Jay Harvey comes to a halt in his corner. Jack Harmen leaps up to the ring apron in grand fashion before entering the ring. “The Natural One” wipes his feet clean as the fans continue to boo.

This place is ready to rock, Angus!

I’m hoping this two McShit-heads get what is coming to them!

All I wanna do is...
♫ “Live For The Night” by Krewella ♫

Angus, does this bring back memories or what?

I’m not sure if they’re good ones.

Elise and The D in tag team action! It’s been a quite awhile, Angus, since we’ve seen this particular combination of PCP members. It’s the O-G PCP! Let’s see if they still have it!

What in the blue hell is an o-g?


Seriously Keebs, explain it to me.


Cause I know it. Do you?

Pink and blue lights flash to the beat as a white light silhouettes two figures on the stage. They wind up and do a slow-motion exploding fist bump before stepping forward and revealing themselves as Elise Ares and The D. Wearing their trademark dark blue and pink ring attire, they pose back to back, Ares pulling her LED sunglasses down her nose and looking over them as they flash “PCP” and “BITCHES.” Elise produces a small bottle of hand sanitizer out of her wrestling bottoms and they wash up before heading down the aisle.

Coming down the aisle from Hollywood, California. At a combined weight of…

Elise stares daggers at Quimbey, who coughs, clears his throat and continues.

The longest reigning tag team championship in DEFIANCE’s history… THE D… AND ELISE, AREEEEEESSSS! The POP, CUUULTURE, PHEEEEEEENOOOOOMMMMS!

Wait, where’s Klein?

Who knows. Maybe he’s humping a UPS truck. I’ve seen it, Keebs. I can not unsee it.

The pair slide into the ring and pose for the benefit of those with high pixel ratio cellular devices. Elise Ares goes to climb to the top rope to pose of the crowd, but Jay Harvey gives her a thumbs down. Turning around in mid-stride, Elise goes towards him as the music cuts. Harvey raises his arms in the air claiming innocence while The D tugs on Elise, pulling her back towards the center of the ring.

Elise looks to be a little on edge after that assault from earlier, and is looking to take it out on Jay Harvey here tonight!

She just needs The D to calm her down.

He appears to be doing his best to do just that.

Yeah, I guess he’s doing an alright job, too.

The D pats Elise Ares in the back, trying to both motivate and calm his tag team partner. Ares yells across the ring for Jay Harvey to get in the ring, reaching up to touch a small x shaped bandage on her forehead. Harmen and Harvey are still conversing about who will start the match.

Hector Navarro gets in the way of Elise Ares before she can rip someone a new one. Harvey shoos her away. Harmen draws the short straw and gets into the ring, leaving Harvey on the outside ring apron.

Ares continues jawing with Harvey and finally Harvey barks back. Hector Navarro is trying his best to get both teams to realize there is a match that is to take place. Navarro calls for the bell and the start of the match.


Harmen rolls his neck but gets slapped on the back by Jay Harvey, causing the crowd to boo in unison. Harmen rolls his eyes and forcefully closes his eyes as he feels the slap. Harvey puts a smile on and begins to enter the ring.

Jay Harvey now entering the match.

Look at Ares’ face, Keebs. She wants a piece of McPissant! 

Harvey is now in the ring and stares daggers through Ares. Harvey slaps his shoulders and immediately tags Jack Harmen back into the match, getting the sold out crowd on their feet and the boos out of their mouths.

Ares yells at Hector Navarro to get her opponents to stop playing games in the early stages of the match. Harmen re-enters the match and it looks like action is about to begin.

The D wants in this match now.

Mother of god!

The D snaps into the ring and the two stop fucking around and get things started. Harmen and The D circle each other and meet up in the center of the ring. Collar and Elbow Tie Up, The D comes out on top. Harmen uses his forearm to push The D’s head back as he takes him back toward the ropes.

Harmen forces The D across the ring, he hits the ropes and leaps over the ducking Jack Harmen. Harmen shoots up to his feet and The D rolls over his back after a failed Back Body Drop attempt.

The D comes back off the ropes and gets slammed down hard to the mat via a Jack Harmen Body Slam. Harmen goes for the cover.


The D kicks out with force, when he snaps his upper body up off the mat Harmen grabs him by the throat and begins choking him. Harmen locks eyes with Ares in her corner and blows her a kiss as Referee Navarro counts the illegal choke.

Harmen lets his hand go and Navarro warns him about future chokes. Harmen lands a stiff knee to the side of The D’s head before bring him up to a vertical stance. The D is Irish Whipped across the ring and snapped down hard by a beautifully executed Over the Head Belly to Belly Suplex by Jack Harmen.

Jay Harvey begins yelling at The D as Jack Harmen blows a kiss at Ares. Harmen just holds his hand up to Hector and makes a “blah-blah” gesture. Ares looks frustrated and begins slapping the top turnbuckle to get the crowd and her partner back into this match.

Jack Harmen going back on the attack.

Like a shark.

Very topical, Angus.

What you babbling on about?

It’s Shark Week, Angus.

Never heard of it… Oh, are you referring to Angus week? That I know...

Let’s… let’s get back to the match.

Harmen drags The D over to the ropes and drops him throat first over the middle rope and goes in for a choke. Hector Navarro begins counting the choke, upon Harmen’s release the two get into something.

Harvey ever the opportunist drops to the ring floor and grabs the back of The D’s head and chokes him across the middle rope. Elise Ares rushes over to help her teammate but Harvey moves out of the picture. Navarro catches Ares on the wrong side of things and screams at her to get back into her corner.

Harmen grabs the D and tosses him head first into the top turnbuckle by Harvey. As Harvey slides into the ring, Harmen makes a LARGE clapping noise above his head, as the two begin to put the boots to the D.

Hector, having finally subdued an angry Elise, turns to see the two stomping away at the D in the corner. Harmen raises both hands in submission to Hector and exits the ring. Once Harmen gets onto the apron, Harvey quickly tags him back in, and the two continue stomping away at the D, as he falls to his butt in the corner.

Oh, c’mon. These two are mocking the Pop Culture Phenoms right now! This is the Blacklist! A move patented by the longest reigning DEFIANCE tag team champions.

These two are the scum of the earth Keebs, we already know that.

As Harvey exits after Hector’s four count, Harmen reaches out and tags him back in. Harvey hits the ring and the two continue their double stomps in the corner, until Harmen gets counted to four and he exits. Harvey grabs the D up to his feet in the corner and hits a wicked snap mare, before locking in a rear headlock to the jeering Faithful.

THE Jay Harvey:

Harvey not only slowing down this match, but making the entire Faithful crowd check their phones for messages.

God damn bitcoin. C’mon Hector! Check if he’s choking the D!

I never thought I’d hear so many genitalia jokes when I finished my broadcasting and journalism degree.

What are you talking about Keebs?

Harvey locks in the hold and keeps the pressure on, as the D’s legs just limply lifts and slams back onto the mat. Elise picks this as a cue on the outside and begins slapping her hand on the top turnbuckle pad as the DEF Faithful clap in unison with them.

The D begins to fight and power to his feet, feeding off the energy of the crowd. Harvey transitions to a side headlock to maintain leverage, as the D begins to elbow him in the gut.

The D rises Angus! The D is alive!

Woah there Keebs, don’t go six to twelve on me.

After three elbows, Harvey loosens the headlock. The D goes to rush to his corner, but Harvey grabs him by his hair and SLAMS him back down to the canvas. Harmen in the corner points to his bald head and claps as Harvey drops a knee across the D’s neck, and then holds it there, choking him.

I’ve got the perfect tag team name for these two.

What’s that?

Two Bald Cunts.

I don’t think we can print that on a t-shirt.


Harvey releases the knee at four, backing away from the D. As D crawls toward his corner, Harvey grabs him by his leg, drags him back up in the air and face first onto the canvas. Harvey then drops an elbow into the small of the D’s back. He does another, and a third, before grabbing under the D’s chin and wrenching back into a submission. The D’s chest stretches as Harvey digs his knee into the D’s back. The D shakes his head no to Hector, and begins to crawl toward the corner of Elise. Harvey shakes his head no, as Elise leans over the top rope to make the tag. Hector makes sure Elise holds onto the tag rope as she does, and checks the D, who again refuses to submit.

The D showing amazing heart here Angus.

Yeah. All that blood is rushing, his veins are bulging.


That’s what’s happening!

The D reaches out, stretching, growing as large as he can to tag Elise. The finger tips almost touch, as the D swats, but Harvey lets go of the submission, grabs the D by his legs and DRAGS him away to Elise to loud boos. The Natural One then flips around, locking D in a front face lock and keeping the D separated from Elise by his own positioning.

Harvey milks the hold, smiling to the Faithful and just nodding his head with a smug look. Elise takes this moment to unhook the tag rope, and retie it to the top rope so its loose. She’s actually closer in the middle of the ring than where she was as Harvey dragged the D more horizontal in the ring than diagonal. So Elise reaches out and is inches from the tag before Hector noticed the untied rope. He reprimands her, forcing her back to her corner and then starts untying and re-tying the ropes to the correct buckle pad. It’s here where Harmen claps LOUDLY over his head, and enters the ring.

The Natural One tosses the D toward Harmen, who lifts him in a body slam and then down into an sitout scoop slam piledriver.

There was no tag! Hector! Get in there! Stop worrying about Elise!

Harmen holds the D in a pinning position and Hector rushes down to make the count, but hesitates. Hector looks at Harmen in the ring and points toward Harvey, as Jay just claps LOUDLY above his head. Hector frowns, and waves off the pin. Harmen gets up, and gets into Hector’s face, but Hector is having none of it. He shouts and points toward Harvey in their corner, slapping his hands and crossing his arms over his chest in repeated x motions. Harvey slips into the ring and begins yelling at Hector alongside Harmen. Hector yells at Harmen to head back to his corner.

Elise meanwhile, has once AGAIN undone the tag rope and is holding it in the center of the ring. Hector turns and sees this, and points, shouting at Elise to get back to her corner.

The Faithful scream cheers.


The D indeed has done a showmanship like split, and caught both Harvey and Harmen with low blows from behind. Both topple like tons of bricks. The D has just enough time to DIVE into the corner as the Faithful erupt.

THERE SHE IS! ELISE ARES HITS THE RING! Dropkick to Harmen. Dropkick to Harvey! Elise off the ropes, tilt-a-whirl into a headscissors on Harmen!

Spitfire Elise ready to spit that fire!

Elise goes for a kick to Harvey’s gut, but Jay catches it. Elise hits him with an enzeguri, landing on her feet on a kneeling position. As Harmen comes to attack, Elise springs with a pele kick under his jaw.

Harvey back up, Amethystation! Harmen, he eats the same!

They’ll piled on top of each other like a homoerotic orgy!

Elise is picking her spots, she’s climbing to the top rope… DOUBLE EXTREME MAKEOVER!

Elise does a curtsie bow, and shouts.

Elise Ares:
Que Tal Eso!

The Faithful pop, as Elise grabs Harmen and tosses him over the top rope to the outside. Elise hooks a recovering Harvey from behind.

SUNSET STRETCH! The move Oscar Burns taught Elise! And she’s got it hooked in, center of the ring! Could we see the SoHer champ tap out Angus?


That’s when we hear a bit of commotion. There’s a THUD on the outside apron. The D’s legs get swept out from under him, having him land on the apron and then down to the ground below.

What the hell is going on out here! Someone just surprised and took out the D!

Elise sees the D is off the apron, but she’s still holding the Octopus stretch in tight Keebs.

Elise doesn’t have time to react to the jeering faithful, as she’s CLOCKED in the back of the head…

...with the FIST.


The referee immediately calls for the bell as Scott Stevens stands over a crumpled Elise. He holds the FIST high and then lays in some boots while the other member of the Stevens Dynasty join in.

These idiots again?!?!?

Scott Stevens is still fuming from not getting his celebration ceremony earlier in the night and I think this is his big F-U to Kelly Evans and DEFIANCE.

He doesn’t want to get on Kelly Evans’ bad side, Keebs.

Scott yells for Bo to pick up Elise and his cousin does as he’s told. He picks her up and throws her toward Scott who delivers a Toxic Sting onto the FIST of DEFIANCE championship.

Toxic Sting on the belt!

I hate these assholes.

Stevens continues to bark out orders as he positions Elise between his legs. Bo begins his ascent up the turnbuckles.

Not this. You’ve sent your message you don’t have to do this!

They’re going to break her neck.

Scott makes the throat slash gesture as he yells it’s over. Scott reaches down and goes to pick Elise up and the faithful come alive as The D makes his way back into the ring and shoves Bo off of the ropes. He charges with a full head of steam towards the Fist, but is blindsided out of nowhere.


Harvey and Stevens stare at each other briefly before putting the boots to The D and Elise. Harmen makes his way into the ring and stares across at Stevens and Harvey respectfully. He then looks down at Elise, sneering at the woman who’s beaten him twice, and joins in with a trifecta of vicious stomps, targeting Elise more than the D, but enough to keep both members of PCP down. Harmen grabs Elise by the hair and yells unflattering things at his bitter rival before letting her feel the cold from a little bit of Hypothermia(double underhook brainbuster) aimed directly to the FIST’s center plate. Bo makes his way back into the ring and delivers a running punt to The D as Edwards tries to rise to all fours.

I jinxed us…..

Keebs says in a whisper

What you say?

Angus asks as he couldn’t fully hear the comment.

I jinxed us, Angus.

What are you GORRAM babling about, Keebs?

I said that Harvey winning the SoHer, Stevens winning the FIST, it was like the Invasion all over again… and… look at this. If you can’t say this is the remnants of UTA fighting back and taking control… I did it, Angus. I made this happen.

You can’t just say things and then they happen, Keebs. If you could, I’d have had multiple marriages to Pamela Anderson in the 90s.

As Harmen reaches down and grabs Stevens and Harvey’s hands, raising them to the sky, their championships raised in their free hands, the three circle around the center of the ring. Their grins are all a mile wide, as Bo Stevens just shouts on encouragement from the background.

It’s the end of days, Angus. The FIST, Scott Stevens, leading the charge with the SoHer Champion, THE Jay Harvey, and the wildcard lunatic Jack Harmen by their side?

Oh, it's a goddamn shit show Keebs, no doubt about that.

Folks, for Angus Skaaland, I’m Downtown Darren Keebler, this has been DEFtv 105, and while things may look dark, they always do before the dawn. May God have mercy on our souls, yet...  no matter what these three men do… we will remain DEFIANT. Because…




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.