27 Nov 2018

DEFarena, New Orleans, LA (seats 4000)



The screen fades up from black ...

Energetic music begins to to fade up ...

A white streak of electricity shoots acorss the screen backed by a red glow.

It's accompanied by an electrical sounding sizzle sound effect.

The 3D block letters of UNCUT appear but the angle obstructs a legible reading of the word at first sight.

The red lined white streak shoots past the word as it continues to rotate and the background music swells.

As the letters tip upright and begin to reveal the five red letters back with a slight white glow, the white streaks flys behind the letters and wraps around the word angleing down as the drum beat hits and the theme is at full tilt only to aburptly end at the final presentation of the logo and a downnote.

The logo fades and on a black screen, words in white appear one at a time.





A josleing camera catches glimpse of the tail of a suit jacket and then a microphone amidst the motion blur. Several seconds of this rapid movement gives way to a shaky image of a ring weary official. The crimson and black striped shirt gives it away well before it becomes clear; this is Benny Doyle.

The suit jacket and microphone were worn and held by Lance Warner - who was just rushing toward Benny Doyle moments after he has returned backstage from Scott Douglas versus Crimson Lord.

Lance starts talking before he or the camera can truly get settled.

Lance Warner:
Benny … if we could just get a quick comment.

Benny looks up toward Lance, half blinded by the camera mounted light shaking in his eyeline.

Benny Doyle:
Comment!? I AM A DEFIANCE OFFICIAL! We take a lot of shit, LANCE! Dealing with you, questions and interviews - THAT’S NOT APART OF IT! NO!

Doyle starts to sulk off but Lance, the camera and it’s very imposing light follows.

Benny, I sincerely apologize for the intrusion but … we haven’t seen much like that since - well Mark …

Doyle turns on a dime. Wagging his finger in Lance’s face.


Lance backs off as Doyle leans in with some authority. Warner clearly isn’t interested in ruffling feathers but … he still wants a comment.

Doyle turns to walk way. The camera, the light … and The Warner … follow.

You’ve proceeded over nearly every match Scott Douglas has had here in DEFIANCE … why --

Doyle doesn’t stop this time but responds.

That’s the LAST fucking one!

Warner glances to the camera man and with a jerk of his head motion for them to continue the incredibly tame pursuit. A few steps later, Warner questions …

Why did you specify a Double DQ when …

Doyle again stops dead in his tracks, spins on his heels and jumps in Warner face. His neck lit up like a DEFIANCE neon logo.

WHY?  … WHY!? You’ve seen that maniac! YOU’VE SEEN WHAT HE IS CAPABLE OF!

Warner is puzzled.

Crimson Lord?

Doyle’s eyes widen in surprise and sink back down in anger within an instant.

DOUGLAS! SCOTT FUCKING DOUGLAS! Ohhhhh, he’s snapped before and these psychos out here can cheer loud and long for him all they want .. but he snapped in there tonight and came after me with THAT CHAIR!

Warner glances to the camera with a bemused look.

I don’t think you were ever his intended target, Benny. From back here it --

Doyle buts in.

I don’t give a shit! I’ve seen that son of a bitch snap a hundred times and BLUDGEON these poor sons of bitches that drive him to it. I’m not granting Crimson Lord or any of these other crazy bastards any lee-way … hence Double DQ!

Doyle rounds the corner into the officials locker room.

Again, I don’t …

...and the door slams in his face. If the Faithful isn’t buying Crimson’s parlor games - at least Doyle is.


The sound of static is heard before the image clears to the face of The FIST, Scott Stevens, who doesn’t look pleased and with what happened on DEFTV can you blame him?

Scott Stevens:
Honor. Respect. Faithfulness. Loyalty.

Stevens says before taking a heavy breath and letting it out.

Scott Stevens:
These are the things Oscar Burns claims he believes in and lives by.

Stevens says as he lets out a sigh.

Scott Stevens:
However, he cannot even live up to his own morals when his pride gets in the way when winning becomes more important than doing the right thing.

Stevens says as he wipes his face with his free hand before continuing.

Scott Stevens:
You just couldn’t let me help you, could you? You just had to do it your way didn’t you?

Stevens says with a shake of his head in disgust.

Scott Stevens:
You talk and you fucking talk about how you are going to beat me one on one for MY FIST of DEFIANCE Championship, but now that match is gone because of YOU.

Stevens holds up his index finger and points towards the camera he his holding.

Scott Stevens:
Your pride of being this goody two shoes and people pleaser has now changed the dynamic of DEFCON from a singles match to a triple threat. It was you who agreed to the match with Kendrix. It was you who agreed to the stipulation to add Kendrix to the match if he won. It was you who LOST!

Stevens growls as the intensity in his face begins to show as his tone is more stern and the color changes to a redder shade.

Scott Stevens:
Why do you think Kendrix chose you Burns? Because in this match you are the weak link. You’ve always been the weak link. Kendrix knows he can’t beat me one on one so he manipulated you into giving him what he wants and you did exactly that. Your arrogance to be the super savior of DEFIANCE Wrestling cost you and now you’ve gone from having a slim chance of victory to none as you’ve handed it to Kendrix.

Stevens says with a nod.

Scott Stevens:
You see me as the bad guy but I was trying to help you keep OUR match intact and not let an unworthy outsider come between a blood feud that will come to an end an at DEFCON. However, you’re too good to need help. You’re too good to tell Kelly Evans to fuck off when she made the match between you and Kendrix. You do know you could’ve had a match with Kendrix without adding him to our match, right?

Stevens waits as if waiting for an answer before continuing.

Scott Stevens:
But your pride and your ego just couldn’t let you do that. You had to be the hero and try and put your back against the wall with everything on the line didn’t you?

Stevens says as he shakes his head.

Scott Stevens:
The difference between you and I is that when it’s the bottom of the ninth with the score tied, bases loaded with a full count you strike out and I hit homeruns.

Stevens says as he raises his right fist up.

Scott Stevens:
You struck out against Kendrix and you’ll strike out once again at DEFCON while I’ll hit a homerun just like I’ve down against you everytime I’ve faced you.

Stevens says bluntly before the image goes dark.



The scene opens up to Lance Warner standing in front of the DEFIANCE interview backdrop. No doubt doing interviewy things.

Lance Warner:
Hello, everyone, I’m Lance Warner here with an exclusive post-show interview. Standing by at this time is the #1 Contender to the BRAZEN Championship… Levi Cole!

The gutsy BRAZEN standout appears to Lance’s left and greets him with a hearty handshake.

Levi Cole:
Hey, hey, Lance. Thanks for having me, man. Good seein’ ya.

Lance Warner:
Thanks very much. Now, first things first. You were kept off of last week’s show as a safety precaution after the heinous post-match attack by FIST of DEFIANCE Scott Stevens following 110. How are you holding up now?

Levi Cole:
Well, Lance, I’m doin’ alright. Scott Stevens is a BAD, BAD man that’s gonna get what’s comin’ to him at DEFCON when Oscar Burns or that no-good Kendrix take his title. But as grateful as I am for Oscar’s vote of confidence, my eyes are on the BRAZEN Championship and Reinhardt Hoffman.

Lance Warner:
And earlier tonight, we saw Reinhardt Hoffman take on Gage Blackwood and end up victorious. Do you think you’re ready for Hoffman, who appears to be at the top of his game right now? We did just watch him defeat a DEFIANCE roster member, which he has done before.

Levi Cole:
It’s true… he’s done beat a few DEFIANCE guys… heck, he’s beaten me twice before… But I wasn’t kiddin’ when I told that jerk, Theo Baylor, about what…

He stops what he’s saying when the BRAZEN Champion Reinhardt Hoffman comes into view.

Reinhardt Hoffman:
(coldly) Go on, Mr. Cole. Continue.

Cole looks his DEFCON opponent in the eye…

Levi Cole:
Like I was sayin’, Lance… I ain’t lettin’ people like Theo Baylor or even YOU, Hoffman, walk all over me. Just ‘cause I’m nice… that don’t mean I’m weak. And at DEFCON, I’m TAKIN’ that BRAZEN Championship.

Hoffman’s expression doesn’t change.

Reinhardt Hoffman:
Keep thinking that, Herr Cole. Keep thinking zat Ze Faithful are going to give you zat fire you sorely lack. Keep thinking that you’ll defeat me. Need I remind you zat LOST to a main roster member. I did not. And as you stated… I’ve beaten you twice in the past, including once to win this title in ze first place. Someone like you isn’t ready for someone like me.

Levi Cole:
We’ll have to see about that, won’t we, bud?

The champion and challenger go nose to nose before Hoffman lets out a derisive snort.

Reinhardt Hoffman:
Keep living in zat Americana fantasy world of yours.

Hoffman goes to leave one way and Cole turns his head to Lance.

Levi Cole:
Lance, thanks for havin’ me.

Warner nods and he starts to walk off, concluding the interview.



As Cole rounded the corner, Hoffman strikes him in the back of the head with the BRAZEN Championship! Cole fumbles over on the floor, holding the back of his head in pain!

Hoffman drapes the championship in front of his face.

Reinhardt Hoffman:
Consider zat a preview of ze reality you have coming your way, Herr Cole.

Hoffman simply steps over Cole until Butcher Victorious rushes up to stop him. He now stands between Hoffman and Cole in case the champ tries something.

Butcher Victorious:
You need to go, friend... NOW.

Hoffman doesn’t even offer a chuckle at Levi Cole’s friend from BRAZEN.

Reinhardt Hoffman:
I made my point.

The BRAZEN Champion now walks off as Butcher and now Lance Warner go to check on Cole. The American Made Man seethes in pain and watches Hoffman walk off as the scene fades out.


Lance Warner:
We will now bring you to additional match footage from DEFtv 111!

The scene switches to the ring as Darren Quimbey stands, mic in hand.

Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen, this match is for one fall and the winner will receive a DEFIANCE contract! Introducing first, from London, England... Laura Peat!

♫ "Untouched" by The Veronicas ♫

Once the music hits, Laura walks out in a very arrogant way. She's instantly booed by The Faithful, who catch on early this is someone not to get behind. Laura stands at 5'10", is reasonably fit but also looks like she's seen better days. She's wearing a full blue wrestling suit and is in her early to mid 40's.

Everyone, thank you for joining us on Uncut! While this match is at the start of our DEFtv event, it will be exclusively shown on Uncut 47!

AND a DEFIANCE contract on the line! I like it, Keebs. I like it.

Yes, as Darren mentioned, the winner will get a roster position here.

Women wrestlers, too. We need more of them! Great stuff!

Laura marches down the ramp, chin up and not acknowledging the crowd. She rolls into the ring and awaits her challenger.

Darren Quimbey:
Her opponent, from Halifax, Canada... Desire!

♫ "Final Battle" by Waterflame ♫

As the theme plays, a 5'8", slim yet muscular blonde woman emerges from the back. She's wearing purple and teal tights going down to her shiny dark grey boots. Desire looks to be in her late 20's and even though she isn't as predominantly face-like in her behaviours, The Faithful have already taken a liking to her. Some of them believe they even know who she is...

I like both of them. I don't know who to cheer for.

[sarcastic] How about you cheer for the winner?

[not catching the sarcasm] Wow, that's a great idea!


Desire walks down the rampway and smacks hands with some fans. The second she rolls into the ring, Peat attacks her. Referee Carla Ferrari calls for the bell.


Peat with a lot of strikes to the head of Desire! Now pulling her up by her hair... hurling her into the ropes and crushing her with a running back elbow!

Good stuff! Peat's my girl!

Not so fast, however. As Peat looks to pick up Desire and slam her back to the mat, Desire slips out of it, hits the ropes and comes flying by with a cross body block to Peat!

Desire keeps the momentum going. She whips her opponent into the corner and follows through with a big splash. Once Peat wobbles out, Desire wraps her right arm around her and performs a very nice looking Russian leg sweep!

I've seen that move before...

Desire gets to her feet, landing three quick elbows and getting up each time. A snapmare follows and Desire goes into the ropes, looking for a dropkick to Laura's head.

Dropkick... missed! Peat rolls out of the way! The woman from England hurls Desire face-first into the nearest turnbuckle and follows this up with a neckbreaker!

Peat points to the top rope and then sticks her nose high in the air. The Faithful boo as she gets there but then decides to move to the second rope instead. This makes the fans boo even more, wanting to see a better high flying performance.

It doesn't matter, though. Desire stands and dropkicks Peat. She runs up the buckle and hip tosses Peat off the second rope and onto the mat.

Desire going to the top turn buckle... ELBOW DROP!

The jump impressed the crowd, seeing as Desire made it more than halfway across the ring.

Desire, that's my girl! Get it done!

Once on her feet, Desire looks to keep the momentum going. She Irish whips Peat to the ropes and connects with another hip toss. Peat gets up, but is put down by one more. As Desire signals for what may be the end of the match...

A rake to the eyes by Laura! And I don't think Carla Ferrari saw that!

Yes! Great job, Peat! Let's gooooo!!!

The fans boo while Desire swats around, looking to connect an open fist to her target but finding nothing.

Laura simply smiles.

Kick to the gut... DIVING DDT! Peat with the pin!

We could have our contract right here!!!




I thought it was over!

Laura did, too. She stands and gets right into the face of Carla Ferrari.

Laura better watch it. She should pay attention to the match. This is not a time for messing around...

Desire fights to get up and shakes off the rake to the eyes. Finally able to see, she spins her opponent around.

Peat with another rake to the eyes!

This time, Carla Ferrari sees it but gives the English woman a warning.

Peat with a second DIVING DDT!

It's over! Welcome to the roster, Laura!!

Desire's head goes straight into the mat. The pin is academic.




The Faithful get louder.

Laura stands, this time completely irate. She pushes the referee. She looks down at Desire...

Desire with an uppercut! Desire to her feet!


Desire going to the top rope...

A 450 splash gets the crowd completely out of their seat. The move came as a shock to everyone, so much so that DDK wasn't able to announce it.






The bell rings and the fans give a very positive response to the winner.

Yes! Welcome to the roster, Desire! Just like I predicted!!

Desire wins a DEFIANCE contract!

Darren Quimbey:
Your winner of this match... DESIRE!!!

Her theme song plays as Peat rolls out of the ring, clutching her jaw and unable to process what's happened. Desire thanks the referee, The Faithful and even nods towards DDK and Angus. Her hand is raised and she goes to the top rope, raising both arms.

Thank you for joining us for this Uncut match! Desire, your career starts now...

Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.