11 Dec 2018

DEFarena, New Orleans, LA (seats 4000)



The screen fades up from black ...

Energetic music begins to to fade up ...

A white streak of electricity shoots acorss the screen backed by a red glow.

It's accompanied by an electrical sounding sizzle sound effect.

The 3D block letters of UNCUT appear but the angle obstructs a legible reading of the word at first sight.

The red lined white streak shoots past the word as it continues to rotate and the background music swells.

As the letters tip upright and begin to reveal the five red letters back with a slight white glow, the white streaks flys behind the letters and wraps around the word angleing down as the drum beat hits and the theme is at full tilt only to aburptly end at the final presentation of the logo and a downnote.

The logo fades and on a black screen, words in white appear one at a time.





We’ve got some action here on UNCUT, the last UNCUT right before we get to DEFCON! Coming up next in tag team action, we have Thugs 4 Hire - Emilio “The Pigeon” Byrd and Hurtlocker Holt - going up against The Brutal Attack Force of Solomon Grendel and Petey Garrett.

That’s right! Thugs 4 Hire are gonna rough up Curtis Penn-is’s stupid little former buddies.

My partner holding a grudge aside, tonight T4H and Brutal Attack Force looking for a big win tonight.

And to the ring we go.

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a tag team match set for one fall! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 405 pounds… the team of Solomon Grendel and Petey Garrett… BRUTAL ATTACK FORCE!

♫ “Bulls on Parade” by Rage Against the Machine ♫

Brutal Attack Force appears through the curtains and begin to walk side by side to the ring with a smattering of jeers. The former run-in buddies of former FIST of DEFIANCE champion Curtis Penn ignore the crowd and head to ringside. Petey and Solomon simultaneously pull themselves over the top rope and begin stretching in the ring.  

♫ “Regulate (Photek Remix)” by Warren G. feat. Nate Dogg ♫

The fans haven’t been so happy to hear the remix of Regulate as both members of Thugs 4 Hire come out from the back to a good response. Emilio Byrd tipping his hat and Hurtlocker Holt looking badass as usual, with the donation box, taking payments from the crowd to lay a beatdown upon BAF.

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents… weighing in at a combined weight of 523 pounds… the team of Hurtlocker Holt and Emilio “The Pigeon” Byrd… THUGS 4 HIRE!

The Thugs 4 Hire have been popular among BRAZEN fans espeically during our live events and tonight, that’s no different.

Beat these nerds up!

Holt and Byrd dap fists once they enter the ring and hand the donation box to a ringside attendant before the match begins…


Byrd decides to start off against the submission-based Solomon Grendel. The brawler and technician lock up, but it’s Grendel with the advantage, twisting his arm and trying for a tight Headlock. Byrd goes shooting him into the ropes and when he comes back, Byrd knocks him down with a big Shoulder Tackle.

The Pigeon absorbs a few cheers from the crowd and picks up Grendel before throwing him into the corner before teeing off on him with a series of hard body shots.

There’s that boxing background that Emilio LOVES telling people about.

I mean, he’s all right, but he’s no Tyson in his prime like he says he is.

The blows continue until referee Hector Navarro tells him no more. Byrd backs off and makes the tag to big Hurtlocker Holt. The 6’6” and 268-pound Holt climbs into the ring and both men whip Grendel into the ropes before running him down with a Double Shoulder Tackle! Petey Garrett complains to the official from his corner, but T4H aren’t breaking any rules. Holt takes in some cheers from the crowd as well while Petey Garrett yells.

Petey Garrett:

The crowd is all over him, but Holt continues to put the pressure on Grendel. He whips the bigger half of RAF into the corner and follows him in with a HUGE Running Corner Clothesline!

You could feel that all the way up here, Angus!

POW! And that Short-Arm Clothesline, too!

After leveling Grendel with a pair of Clotheslines, he goes for the cover on Solomon.



And Petey with the save for his partner!

Petey kicks Holt on the side, giving Grendel enough time to escape. Holt is slow to get up while Grendel tags in Garrett, who looks to go in for the kill… no! Holt brushes off the Penalty Kick only to catch him and DRIVE him down with a big-time slam! The tag is made to Byrd who gets in and the two take him over with a huge Double Vertical Suplex! Byrd then adds a Fist Drop and a cover.




Brutal Attack Force are getting ripped apart… love it!

Now Byrd looks to take him out for good. He’s going for the WIND-UP…

He tries the big-time WIND-UP punch, but plays around too long and Garrett CLOCKS him with a big Overhead Kick! Byrd stumbles to a knee now and Garrett now makes the tag to Solomon Grendel.

Brutal Attack Force have been impressive in their last few outings, but need a win here tonight if they want more eyes on them.

The two men each run off the ropes… Double Foot Stomp to the chest from Grendel! Double Foot Stomp to the chest from Petey! And now the cover by Grendel!




Their ringwork has always been good… it’s just the fact they’re whiners blaming problems on everybody else that has held them back in BRAZEN.

And now Grendel now softening up Byrd with that grounded Cobra Twist submission working on the ribcage.

The burly Byrd is wrapped up tight on the ground while Grendel has the hold locked in tight. Hector Navarro asks The Pigeon if he wants to quit, but the Bronx brawler shakes his head no. Byrd shakes a free hand and has more strength in his body than Solomon so he tries pulling himself to the ropes, only for Grendel to roll him backwards into a grounded pin!




Close one! Byrd gets u… no, back down! Jumping Calf Kick by Grendel catches Byrd!

Hurtlocker Holt now watches his partner as Grendel makes the tag. Both men enter the ring and BLAST Byrd with stereo Thrust Kicks as Petey goes for the cover.




Big Hurtlocker Holt saving his partner with that kick to the ribs of Petey! A receipt for earlier!

Holt returns to his corner and snarls at BAF, but Byrd is in a bad way. Petey goes up top and looks to end things with The Stomping Ground (Diving Double Foot Stomp)... Byrd moves! Petey rolls through and gets back to his feet, only to get CRACKED with the WIND-UP Punch from Byrd! Now both men are down!

Garrett just got ROCKED by that right hand! And now both men out for tags…

Holt’s gonna rock them more!

Holt and Grendel make the tag as the fans cheer, watching Hurtlocker Holt run right through Grendel with a hard Shoulder Tackle. He mows him down off the ropes with a second one and when he gets back up off the ropes and beats on his chest, taking in a nice crowd reaction. Solomon stumbles to his feet and that gives Holt the time to lift him up and hold him for a good almost ten seconds before sending him CRASHING to the mat with a huge Stalling Belly to Back Suplex!

Hurtlocker Holt’s now on the warpath and looks like he has Grendel! Is he going for Semper Fight?

The former Marine tries his luck with the Chokeslam, but Petey rushes back into the ring and catches him with a Shotgun Dropkick to the chest! Then that allows Grendel to fire off a desperation Superkick and going right into the cover!




Close one, but now Byrd’s back in!

Byrd comes off the top rope, catching Petey with a huge Diving Shoulder Tackle! The two men clear house as Hurtlocker Holt then runs back to the corner, tagging Byrd. Byrd heads up top again while Holt hoists up Grendel…


The modified Doomsday Device drives Solomon Grendel flat and Byrd now with the cover.




And here’s your winner of the match… THUGS 4 HIRE!

Holt helps Byrd to his feet and the two men embrace in a quick bro-hug after the win. Byrd nods to the crowd, but as he watches BAF limp out of the ring and head out he motions for a microphone.

Wonder what they gotta say? Maybe they’re gonna donate that money to the Church of Skaaland?

Doubt that, partner.

Emilio Byrd looks out to the cheering crowd.

Emilio Byrd:
You like that, fam? That’s for you!

The crowd cheers as he continues.

Emilio Byrd:
Now… pardon the shit out my got-damn French… screw them Keelings, right? Comin’ up here, all hoity-toity like they shit don’t stink!

Ohhh, you don’t think, Angus…?

Well, they would…

Hurtlocker Holt holds the donation box.

Emilio Byrd:
Some meat puppet they got want a fight? I’ll give them a fight! Keelings, on behalf of Thugs 4 Hire and for DEFIANCE...  I accept!

Byrd then drops the microphone and dabs fists with Hurtlocker Holt as they make their way to the back, waving the donation box for the cheering crowd.

WOW! Emilio Byrd throwing his name in the hat to fight whoever The Keelings are bringing in at DEFCON! Thugs 4 Hire love a good fight, but I hope they know what they’re in for. They brought Team HOSS to great heights and they can do that same thing with whoever they have in mind, if that’s what their focus is.  

It could be anybody, Keebs! Those two could sell sand to a camel and then an ocean-front property in Arizona to any dumbass willing to listen.

Fans, thanks for joining us for this UNCUT Exclusive match! For Angus Skaaland, I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler and we’ll see you for DEFCON!


Butcher is shown backstage just after his match with Wolfe. He is very distraught at his performance out there. Little does he realize as his head is down he notices a pair of white boots. The glance stops him in his tracks. He slowly looks up to The Majestic Crimson Lord, with his arms outstretched to the sides in his left hand is an oddly shaped box.

Crimson Lord:
Ser Victorious REJOICE! Your Beacon of The Light stands before you.

What? You are no “Beacon” of mine.

Crimson stretches his arms outward. He stares with his vibrant pink eyes onto Butcher, so much so it starts to make Butcher a bit uncomfortable.

Crimson Lord:
That is because my child, you have been trying to destroy this world rather than make it live vibrantly through its beauty and life.

Butcher states at Lord eyes wide open.

Boy, you truly have lost it.

Crimson closes his eyes and slowly shakes his head toward the misguided child of the Spiders.

Crimson Lord:
You resist The Light, night after night. The Light has been sending you the symbol of your path to enlightenment. All you must do is stop fighting your destiny and accept The Light into your heart. Only then will you save DEFIANCE and stop trying to destroy it.

Butcher puts his hands on his hips with a slight cock of the head looking up at Lord.

Crimson Lord:
The Light has chosen you to express its divine justice and beauty through an extension of it's very being. I offer you this…

Crimson hands the case to Butcher who reluctantly takes it.

Crimson Lord:
Rest your nerves, my child this is no trick. Inside this case contains the path of enlightenment for you. It will allow you to begin your enlightenment and purge your evil desires and set you on the right path.

Butcher looks at the case then back to the fanatic.

Crimson Lord:
Your pain of loss shall be nonexistent if you accept what resides in this case. Now open it my child and let The Light into your heart.

Butcher stares at the case then back to Lord. He hands it back to Lord.

No thanks, I don't need your kind of help.

Lord smiles with a warmth to his expression toward Butcher.

Crimson Lord:
Keep it, my child open it when you are ready to accept The Light into your heart.

Lord walks away, leaving Butcher to stare at the case


Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.