4 Feb 2020

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)



The screen fades up from black ...

Energetic music begins to to fade up ...

A white streak of electricity shoots across the screen backed by a red glow.


Cut to DEFmed, as DEFtv 130 continues on inside the DEF-plex. Crowd noise and music cues can still be heard, although muffled. The ever professional, Iris Davine, attends to Kerry Kuroyama, who is currently holding an ice pack to his head. 

Iris Davine:
Any pressure in the head?

Kerry Kuroyama:
Do you mean a headache? 

Loss of consciousness, that's a check. Any confusion or feeling as if you're in a fog?

No, just this splitting headache.

Do you remember the event?

I remember being blindsided...

Dizziness or "seeing stars"?


Ringing in the ears? Nausea? Vomiting?

It depends on how much longer this line of questioning is going to continue?

Iris holds her pen up in front of Kerry's face.

Follow the pen with your eyes. Not your head.

She moves the pen slowly from one side to another.

... not your head.

She starts over. Kerry complies.

We need to run the baseline test for a concussion but you seem to be fine. I think Scotty may be a bad influence on you, Kerry.

Iris turns back to her desk and picks up a clipboard.

What is that supposed to mean?

Before the two of you reconnected here in DEFIANCE, there seemed to be a lot fewer chairs swung at your head. Come to think of it ... I don't think I needed to attend to you once in you tenure in DEFIANCE or BRAZEN before ...

Look, this has nothing to do Douglas. This is Derrick. 

Davine is shocked.

Derick Allen??

No? ... The D. 

Oh ... that makes more sense. 

He'll get his though.

Don't you see what is going on here? You're playing his game... you're stuping to his level. You just got off suspension, don't turn around and let him keep you from another month of pay.

I didn't start this, Iris. 

Kerry hops off the examination table.

And you might be right, maybe Scott's a bad influence ... because I will be the one to finish it! 

Kuroyama tosses the ice pack on the exam table and storms out, hot. Davine calls after to him, to no avail.

We still have to conduct that test!! 

Cut to commercial.

Commercial - Make The FIST Great Again Hat

♫ “O’ Fortuna” by Carl Orff♫

Begins to play as clips of Scott Stevens are shown during his championship run as the FIST of DEFIANCE.

Remember when the FIST of DEFIANCE was respectable? Dominant? Great?

Clips show Scott Stevens delivering his FIST finisher and standing tall in victory with the championship held high.

However, all good things must come to an end.

Clip shows Stevens looking irate and devastated as his head slowly sinks into his arms as he watched Oscar Burns take the fall and because of this he lost his most prized possession.

Lift those chins because this is a no sulking zone because the FIST can be great again.

An image of dozens of children smiling appears.

That’s right, if you want to make the FIST great again then you have to support the man who’s trying to make it great again.

An image of dozens of children with shocked expressions appear.

How you ask? That’s the easy part. First, go to

An image of appears.

Once on the website to help make the FIST great again you have to become the FIST. How you ask?

An image of a child holding up a sign that reads, “HOW” appears.

First, you have to buy the MFGA t-shirt, but to truly become the FIST you have to purchase the brand new MFGA hat!

An image of the MFGA Hat appears.

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, to help the FIST become great again he needs your support and if you truly believe that Scott Stevens is the LAST GREAT FIST of DEFIANCE Wrestling than you need to support him by becoming like him.

An image of dozens of children dressed in MFGA attire appears.

Get yours now before they are all gone.

Scott Stevens:
I am Scott Stevens and I support this message.

Cut back to UNCUT.


Folks it is time to see some action between two rising stars within the Brazen brand! Several Brazen stars had a chance to go for the World tag titles on the last episode of DEF TV in Nathaniel Eye as well as the entire Dunson Clan. 

Won by that flippy kid Minute and my giant man crush Uriel Cortez!

That’s right, Angus. The Dunson sons Richie and Todd were both taken out by Cortez early on while Eye scored three eliminations which included the Dunson’s father Paul. Because of what happened, Eye has been challenged by Richie Dunson. It will be the high flyer Dunson against the blue chip power house Nathaniel Eye!

♫”Drive It Like You Stole It” by Glitch Mob ♫

The first of the two stars emerges to a polite cheer from the crowd and gets a little bit louder from the ladies when he takes off his Brazen shirt, revealing an eight-pack. The new kid named Nathaniel Eye heads to the ring and throws his t-shirt into the crowd.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first from Bellingham Washington weighing in at two-hundred thirty-five pounds … NATHANIEL EYE!!!!!

Eye is in the ring and stands on the middle turnbuckle. He kisses the chain necklace he is wearing and points to the sky, then jumps back into the ring. 

That necklace is something he got from his father before he, unfortunately, passed prior to becoming a wrestler. Nathaniel Eye has dedicated his career to his late father. 

I feel for him there, but he’s a pretty boy nice guy and he needs to get tough if he wants to win! And what kind of weird last name is Eye anyway?

♫”Turn The Page” by Metallica ♫

The crowd jeers the family now coming out from the back. With the gruff and surly Paul Dunson front and center, right behind him is the short but tough pretty boy Todd Dunson and the tatted-up Richie Dunson who will be Eye’s opponent. Eye waits in the ring with Paul Dunson on a microphone. 

Paul Dunson:
You disrespectful little bastard! You took me out of that battle royale and now I’m pissed!

Eye plays him the world’s smallest violin inside the ring and he in fact looks pretty happy with his run. 

Paul Dunson:
You may have scored three eliminations in that match, but tonight my boy Richie is going to avenge our family and take you out! You’re gonna pay for taking away the chance to be a tag team champion from the Dunson Clan!

Paul seems like he is done on the microphone with Richie about to enter the ring, but Nathaniel Eye isn’t going to let him get the last word. He gets a microphone from ringside as well. 

Nathaniel Eye:
Were you that mad at your boys when they got tossed out like ten seconds into that match?

The DEFIANCE Wrestling faithful laugh with Eye and the Dunsons are the only ones not laughing. 

Nathaniel Eye:
I may not have my buddy Dex out here because of what that creepy asshat Scrow did … but I can handle your boy, Richie. Watch me put baby in a corner, then it’s gonna be nap time for you, Grandpa Dunson! 

Richie shoots into the ring and knocks the microphone out of his hand! The two men are now trading blows with the official calling for the bell. 


Nathaniel Eye taking these lessons from Dex Joy to heart! You have to respect him standing up to the Dunson Clan!

But do I really? Richie’s sticking up for his pops! They’re about family!

Richie Dunson wins the brawling exchange with Nathaniel and backs him into a corner with stomps. Eye tries to defend himself from the boots but Richie gets more intense and lays into him with more boots until he puts Eye in a seated position. 

Richie Dunson:
Who’s going in a corner now, you little bitch?!

The faithful are on Richie Dunson as he backs out of the corner and then comes back at Nathaniel Eye with a hesitation drop kick to the chest. The blow rocks Eye hard and then Richie feels he can finish things quickly with a pin fall attempt … 

One …
Two …

Nathaniel Eye almost got beat right there by that drop kick in the corner!

I’m sitting right here I know damn well what he did! Sticking up for Paul!

Paul and Todd are now cheering on Richie when he picks up Eye and hits him with a punishing head butt. The brawler and high flyer charges in the corner and hits a running kick then he charges from the corner to hit another move. What he gets instead from Nathaniel Eye is the bigger talent coming out of the corner with a running drop kick of his own! 

Eye gets cheered by the fans with a chop to the chest, two punches to the face and then a whip to the corner. Eye focuses on Richie and then comes at him in the corner with a flying forearm and then gets thrown out of the corner. Richie can barely stand as he gets rocked by Eye coming out to the apron and then flying back in with a slingshot shoulder tackle!

Eye is a great athlete! He’s strong, but he moves around that ring so quickly. 

He needs experience and to stop caring what the people think!

Eye does play to the crowd and gets ready in the corner for what may be a spear or some such move from the corner, but when he goes to run, Paul distracts the referee so that Todd can catch his foot. Eye turns around and he kicks Todd down to the ground. The crowd cheers him but boos just as fast when Richie kicks his leg out with a thrust kick, then catches Eye under the jaw with a big super kick! The move knocks Eye flat on his back and then Dunson hits a spring board moonsault!

What a combo by Richie! That has to be the end!

One …
Two …

Wrong again! 

Eye’s shoulder rises, but Richie continues to put the boots to him. He kicks him in the stomach and then it looks like his front flip piledriver called You’re Done, Son was coming up. He jumped, but Eye pushes his way out with a back drop! Amazingly, Richie lands on his feet and celebrates but he turns around right into a flying shoulder tackle by the blue chipper! 

With Eye back on his feet, he runs through Richie with a pair of clotheslines, then picks him up. He catches him off the ropes and then plants him with brute force on the mat with a big AA styled spine buster! He hangs on and then goes with a single leg crab, going for a submission on Richie Dunson! 

He’s got the half crab in now! Is Richie gonna tap?

Richie manages to claw himself to the ropes, but when Eye lets go, he tries to pull him back which gives Dunson another chance to kick his leg out from under him. Eye flinches and Richie hobbles back up looking to get a DDT but Eye still has enough strength to push him away and then strike him out of his boots with a big spear! Nathaniel Eye rolls out of the spear and then heads to the apron. 

And here comes Paul Dunson to the aid of his chillins!

Are you for real? He’s trying to save him … but Eye kicks him away!

Richie is hurt and when he tries getting back up, Eye comes off the top rope with a flying top rope bulldog!

Eyes on the Prize! That’s it! 

Eye goes to pin Richie and then hooks the leg. 

One …
Two …

Todd Dunson runs in, but Eye escapes before he can do anything and then heads up the ramp quickly to celebrate!

Richie Dunson falls to Nathaniel Eye! The Dunson Clan tried to help out, but Eye was too much for them tonight!

Oh, the Dunson's won't forget about this! Mark my words, Keebs!

Eye heads back up the ramp quickly with the Dunson Clan on the inside, checking in on the beaten Richie in one eye and watching the blue chipper celebrate.

Cut to commercial. 

Commercial - Make The FIST Great Again Cologne

The scene opens up to a beautiful day outside. The sun is shining brightly and the sky is clear and blue and we see everyone’s favorite Texan walking down a sidewalk in a park talking to someone on his cell phone.

Scott Stevens:
You listen to me!

Stevens says sternly.

Scott Stevens:
If you want a journeyman as the face of your promotion and talentless hacks as your champions then by all means continue to do what you are doing, but if you want to be great again…...if you want to make the FIST great again you give me a call.

Stevens says as he hangs up his phone and places it inside his suit jacket. As he is doing this two gorgeous, young ladies walk by and something attracts them as they turn back around.

Red Head:
Excuse me?

Scott Stevens:

The Texan asks as he turns around to the two women.

We don’t need to bother you, but we have to know what is that lovely smell that is irradiating from you?

She asks wanting to know very badly causing Stevens to chuckle.

Scott Stevens:
If you must know, it’s the brand new Make The FIST Great Again cologne.

Stevens informs the girls and their eyes light up.

Red Head:
Where can we get it?

Scott Stevens:
That’s easy, go to and for only $166 you too can smell like greatness again because nowadays supposed greatness smells like croc piss and koala droppings.

Stevens replies with a shudder.

Why such a low cost? Truly something that smells this great has to be more.

The brunette says but Stevens shakes his head.

Scott Stevens:
Greatness lasted for one hundred and sixty-six days and for $166 and one hundred and sixty-six squirts of greatness in a bottle, you too can feel what it is like to be GREAT again.

Stevens says as the girls look on in awe.

Red Head:
I’m going to get two bottles for my boyfriend Oscar.

I’m going to get three for my husband Murray.

As the excitement gleams off of these young ladies faces, Scott has to be the bearer of bad news.

Scott Stevens:
Sorry ladies, but the greatness in a bottle has been scientifically proven ineffective to make anyone named Oscar, Cayle, Andy, or Murray great in anyway shape or form.

The news crushes the young ladies as their joyous expressions turn to sad pandas.

Scott Stevens:
However, if you truly want to experience what greatness feels like on the outside and inside.

Stevens says with a wink causing the girls to blush.

Scott Stevens:
Then why don’t you follow me back to my hotel and I will show you what the meaning of greatness looks and feels like.

Stevens says as the girls giggle to one another and grab the Texan by the arm as they slowly disappear into the distance.

Scott Stevens:
I am Scott Stevens and I approve this message.

Cut back to UNCUT.


Folks, welcome back to the show and if you’re just tuning in…

Then get the hell outta here, you asshole. 

Well… we originally had another match scheduled up next, but a fight broke out backstage during the commercial break between two BRAZEN stars! “Wingman” Titus Campbell had just eliminated David Hightower from the World Tag Team Title Battle Royale, but Hightower wasn’t a fan of that! A fight broke out backstage between these two behemoths and DEFIANCE management decided to have these two handle business in the ring!

And inside the ring, a PISSED-OFF David Hightower paces around, growling angrily.

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall! Already in the ring at this time, from West Memphis, Arkansas, weighing in at 275 pounds… DAVID HIGHTOWER!

The bald badass from West Memphis says and does nothing other than continuing to pace as his opponent’s music hits…

♫ “Earthquake” by Labrinth feat. Tinie Tempah ♫

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… Miami, Florida, weighing in at 310 pounds… ”WINGMAN” TITUS CAMPBELL!

Flashing lights dance from the entrance, silhouetting a huge man with his arms extended wide, showing an almost impossible wingspan. Stepping out into the spotlight is a massive, mountain of a man. Wearing a black varsity-style jacket with silver sleeves and a matching pair of silver sunglasses, “Wingman” Titus Campbell tosses off his “WINGMAN” flat-brimmed hat and drops his jacket to the ground. The African-American giant smirks and bops a bit to the beat before walking down to the ring. He nods to the cheering fans - his Flight Crew - and Hightower has seen enough!

Look at Hightower go! These two are among the largest and toughest men in BRAZEN! Both had a good showing for themselves in that Battle Royale moments ago, but only one man is gonna win this match!

The Wingman gets his fashioned glasses knocked off his face and Hightower takes it to him with a barrage of knee strikes to the gut. He leads Titus over to the barricade and tries to slam his head into it, only for Titus to block and smash an elbow into his face before rolling Hightower back into the ring where Titus follows…


Referee Brian Slater is about the only referee large enough to get in between these two BRAZEN standouts!

These guys aren’t gonna win any style points, but they are gonna win points with me, Keebs… HOSSFITE!!!!!

Titus climbs over to where David landed and then lands a few big rights into his head. The suave big man then rushes the ropes and when Hightower least expects it, he gets KNOCKED right down on his ass thanks to a big Shoulder Block from The Wingman! His Flight Crew respond with a smattering of cheers as he picks up Hightower and throws him into the corner before unloading on him with a flurry of body blows. 

Some fire from Titus Campbell! If The Wingman has any holes in his game, it’s really that lack of a killer instinct sometimes, but we saw Campbell eliminated a few stars in the Battle Royale and maybe this win could be what he needs to turn heads. 

All true… and Hightower needs to stop blocking shots with his face!

Referee Brian Slater orders Titus to back off and he does so for the moment. When he turns back to deliver some more punishment to the massive West Memphis brawler, he responds in kind with a rake of the eyes! The crowd jeers as he then takes Titus and then SLAMS him shoulder-first into the ring post and then watches him crumble. Slater admonishes David, but he doesn’t care and continues pounding away across the back of Titus with a series of Clubbing Forearms!

And Titus game is mainly power with some show thrown in, but… Hightower is all go!

And thanks to that, David Hightower is now in control!

When The Wingman is left in the corner nursing a shoulder, David walks back to create space, then charges in with a big Shoulder Tackle to the gut in the corner! Campbell goes limping and then David smashes into him with a huge Lariat off the ropes! The crowd gasps as the hard-hitting Hightower goes for the win. 





What a big Lariat by Hightower, but an equally impressive kickout by The Wingman!


Hightower continues to stay on the BRAZEN fan favorite and then drops one elbow into his heart. Two elbows. Then three. Muah ah ah ah. He continues to rub his forearm across Titus’ face in a vicious manner and then pushes him to the ropes where he places a knee on his back, trying to choke him in the ropes. Brian Slater admonishes him again and gives Hightower until the count of five. David backs off at a four count, but he stands over a wounded Titus, ready to end things. 

David is sore at Titus eliminating him from the battle royale earlier tonight, but Titus won’t give him the satisfaction of defeat. 

Titus tries to fight up several times, but each time he stands, David is there to shellack him with a kick to either the rib cage or the head to keep him grounded. Hightower then grabs Titus by the side of the head and then unleashes a painful series of Crossface Punches! The blows rain down viciously until Campbell gets thrown to the mat, then David goes for another cover. 




The Wingman kicks out again and this time, an angry Hightower gets in Slater’s face that he had a three count. The arguing gives Titus precious seconds to get back up and now stand in the corner. Hightower sees him standing and then charges in with intent to crush him, but Titus gets his good arm up and hit an elbow. The blow rocks Hightower, who then charges in a second time only to catch a boot to the side of the head. 

Titus now rallying a comeback! Can he make this last?

Long as he stops hot-dogging for a second, I truly believe he can beat anybody by sheer power alone.

With Hightower stunned, Titus runs the ropes again and unleashes a HUGE Shoulder Tackle of his own that knocks Hightower on his ass a second time! The West Memphis brawler scrambles quickly while Titus waves his arms out like a plane, then points at the corner before he connects with a big Body Avalanche in the corner! He gets rattled and then Titus backs up before rushing in a second time with a big Corner Clothesline! Titus then hooks the arms of Hightower in a Full Nelson… and gets the crowd chanting with him…

Titus Campbell:

The crowd chants with him and he DRILLS Hightower into the mat with a big Full Nelson Slam!

He calls that Naughty by Nature!

I know my rap, Keebs! But my point exactly! Stop showboating and start winning!




Hightower kicks out, but Titus can feel the energy of the crow start to swing back in his favor as he waits for a dazed Hightower to stand. The West Memphis brawler gets lifted onto his shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry, but Hightower cuts off the Airplane Spin with a flurry of elbows to the side of Titus’ head until the big man has to let go. 

Nope! The Wingman just got grounded. 

Boo! Way to ruin the HOSSFITE with your dorkery!

Titus gets rattled and sent to the ropes, allowing David to charge at him for another Lariat… 


Titus smiles and then takes David Hightower for the ride! The Wingman spins David around and around and around until he gets dizzy, then spikes him to the mat with a Forward Fireman’s Carry Slam! It takes Titus a few seconds to stop being disoriented, but the crowd cheers when he goes to pick up Hightower…

He just ran into some Turbulence! Now Wingman has him up… THE HOOK-UP!

Hightower gets lifted up and then drilled into the canvas with the Elevated Double Underhook Facebuster! The crowd cheers as Campbell turns Hightower over and hooks the leg. 




The Wingman rolls off of David Hightower and though he didn’t win the battle royale tonight, he does win this hard fought contest!

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… ”WINGMAN” TITUS CAMPBELL!

That’s a good win for Titus Campbell! He can do it! He’s beaten names like former Team HOSS member Aleczander The Great and once took the ACE of DEFIANCE Scott Stevens to the limit!

Maybe he can! He can, but that’s up to him!

Titus celebrates the win and picks up his gray sunglasses before he gives them to a fan in the front row then heads up the ramp ready to celebrate a win.





Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.