13 Apr 2020

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


The screen fades up from black ...

Energetic music begins to to fade up ...

A glitch effect, accompanied by a digital glitch sound effect usher in the UNCUT logo with a slow dissolve.

The logo fades and on a black screen, words in white appear one at a time.





The words "LAST WEEK" appear at the bottom of the screen. The SOHER Champion Gage Blackwood walks into a rather large locker room. There, standing waiting for him are Gunther Adler and Shooter Landell. At first, Gage does not look too happy.

Gage Blackwood:
Tonight will begin a new era for myself.

He says to his henchmen.

Gage Blackwood:
I am done with trying to prove to The Faithful I am not the one they should boo. I am a stand-up fighter, scared of nobody and in the ring I pull all the right moves. But they... [motioning to inside the arena] don't see it my way and from now on, that's fine.

Blackwood picks up a few of his things on the locker room bench. He goes to leave while Adler and Landell attempt to follow. Blackwood turns around and stops them.

Gage Blackwood:
Whoa. You two are not coming with me tonight. Because while it's going to be a new era for me, it is also going to be a new era for you.

Adler and Landell stare at each other and then back to Blackwood. They aren't sure what he means.

Gage Blackwood:
Gunther, you used to be a wrestling machine. You're the only one in DEFIANCE I haven't beaten yet. I believe you are 3-0 against me.

Blackwood turns to Landell.

Gage Blackwood:
Shooter, you're the one that put me in this place to begin with. The ass-kicking I received at the hands of yourself on DEFCON... it made me reconsider everything and change my ways. Look at me now. I am NOTHING like the person I was before. And that's for the better.

Blackwood's expression grows intense.

Gage Blackwood:
So I am doing something else only a stand-up guy like me would do. You two are no longer my henchmen. Go out there and make something of yourself. Take back what is yours and become a success alongside myself, not because of myself.

Adler and Landell seem pleased by these comments.

Gage Blackwood:
Gunther, that's why you have a dark match booked tonight. Landell, you will have one the following week. And soon, DEFIANCE will come to fear the three of us and not just me.

The Scot pats them both on the chest and exits the locker room. Gunther is all smiles with an intense look on his face. Shooter nods in agreement.

Shooter Landell:
He's right. It all begins tonight.



The camera cuts backstage to the gorilla position with The Sky High Titans and The Family Keeling making their way through the curtains, celebrating what is no doubt the biggest victory in the career of the young man, Minute, fresh after pinning the two-time former FIST of DEFIANCE “Twists and Turns” Oscar Burns. 

The massive “Titan of Industry” Uriel Cortez is wiping sweat from his forehead and while he does so, his tag partner, the luchador Minute walks through the curtains with his set of World and Trios, looking mighty proud of himself. Junior puts an arm around the shoulder of the incredibly athletic luchador and looks at the nearby camera filming the proceedings.

Junior Keeling:
You see that? You see what our guys just did?!

Thomas Keeling:
What a year, Minute! He beats Jack Harmen! He wins the Unified Tag Titles from The Stevens Dynasty! Then he just goes out there and pins Oscar Burns! Minute is on the hot streak of the year! Young man, you’ve done the right thing signing up with The Family Keeling. 

The TJ Tornado hoists his titles and looks pretty smug underneath his mask. Uriel reaches out and dabs a fist to his partner while Junior Keeling smiles. 

Junior Keeling:
PCPs… I know you’re watching. This offer for a Unified Tag Team Title match is good from now until you say yes… then WE’RE making The Sky High Titans the best tag team in DEFIANCE. 

The Titan of Industry dabs a fist with Minute and he smirks. 

Uriel Cortez:
Bring on ALL you little assholes. 

The Titan of Industry winks, and the group heads out … 


The losers of the main event are now making their way through the curtain… “Bantam” Ryan Batts helping “Twists and Turns” Oscar Burns through the curtain as he limps his way to the back, holding an ice pack to his ribs. Burns is wincing in pain as Batts shakes his head. 

Ryan Batts:
Sorry, Oscar… I couldn’t get back in time… God, Uriel is HUGE… 

Oscar Burns:
Ow… it’s okay, GC. We tried…

Burns winces as Ryan helps him. Next to him, Christie Zane appears with a microphone in hand.

Christie Zane:
Oscar… Ryan… tough loss for you tonight. This may not be the best time, but I wanted to get your thoughts on the last couple of weeks… 

The Technical Spectacle shakes his head and leans back as Ryan helps him. 

Ryan Batts:
Look, Christie, it’s been a bad night, maybe we can… 

Burns holds up a hand and sighs. 

Oscar Burns:
Yeah nah, Christie. I can sit here… (wincing) but I won't pack a sad.  You win some, you lose some. The Sky High Titans have a chemistry you can’t teach… but Rye and I will have our day… 

You know who says that? BITCHES. 

The camera turns to the likes of two members of No Justice, No Peace. Theo Baylor and Felton Bigsby. 

Felton Bigsby:
Ya lost the FIST. Ya couldn’t win the Tag Titles… 

Theo Baylor:
What a bitch. 

The two laugh like assholes when Ryan steps up. 

Ryan Batts:
What… Catering too busy for you two?

Felton smirks. 

Felton Bigsby:
Nah, we ain’t talking to Burns’ fuckin’ boot licker. 

Burns turns to say something to the duo, but The Yellow and Black Attack steps up to Felton and looks up at him. 

Ryan Batts:
I’m nobody’s boot licker, Felton… and it’s better than being the fourth guy in the totem pole of a group of guys doing NOTHING. 

Oscar Burns:
GC’s, he’s right you know. 

Theo wants to say something, but Felton looks down at Batts. 

Felton Bigsby:
You want to keep running that fucking mouth, little man, then I’ll be happy to shut it for you. 

Ryan Batts:
Name a time and a place, big-for-nothing. I’ll run, wrestle, and fly circles around you. 

Felton Bigsby:
UNCUT. Next week. You ain’t gonna wait two weeks for this ass-whooping. 

Burns and Batts look at one another before Batts grins. 

Ryan Batts:
I accept. 

Oscar Burns:
Yeah nah, brah, you’re getting beat. 

The 280-pound Bigsby looks at Theo and shakes his head. 

Felton Bigsby:
You’re gonna look pretty damn funny talkin’ shit without teeth. 

Theo and Felton walk off and Batts helps Burns as the scene heads elsewhere. 


Welcome, fans, to UNCUT and coming up next, we’ve got a match that was made last week between “Bantam” Ryan Batts against BRAZEN star Felton Bigsby. Felton Bigsby and Theo Baylor had some choice words that we saw a bit ago following their loss to the Sky High Titans in the main event of our last DEFtv. Now, Batts looks to score his first singles win since rejoining the singles roster against the 280-pound powerhouse in Bigsby. 

I’ve been a big fan of Batts and many have felt he was underrated. When he was a member of the WrestleFriends, he did score some big singles wins over stars like Andy Sharp and a big upset win to Scott Stevens. 

That’s true, but now that he’s back on the main roster after the WrestleFriends breakup, he’s looking for a big win to rebound from that Unified Tag Title loss. But if he looks past Bigsby for a second, he can use his raw power and break him. Now, let’s get to ringside with Darren Quimbey.

And to the ring we go. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a singles match set for one fall! 

♫ “100 Black Coffins” by Rick Ross ♫

Those who recognize Felton Bigsby’s entrance music start jeering, and the big Texan brute stomps out onto the ramp and doesn’t look happy to be there. Without his No Justice, No Peace members he walks out onto the ramp and eyes the crowd with a look that tells them their opinion means dick. 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first, making his way to the ring from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 280 pounds… FELTON BIGSBY!

Felton enters the ring and now waits for the arrival of his smaller opponent. The lights start to fade and the opening chords to a new theme start to pick up… 

♫ “Same Ol’” by The Heavy ♫

The lights in the arena flash rapidly in shades of gold and white and from the back, outcomes “Bantam” Ryan Batts, waving a rally towel and dressed in black pants-length tights with purple trim, fringe on the boots, and a purple bandana. With a grin on his face, he waves the new rally towel for the crowd and then heads towards the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first, making his way to the ring from Rancho Santa Margarita, California, weighing in at 205 pounds… ”BANTAM” RYAN BATTS!

The (now) Purple and Black Attack throws the towel into the crowd and gets caught by a young fan a few rows deep. Batts runs up the steps, poses on the second turnbuckle and looks out to the fans before he leaps into the ring to come face to face with Bigsby. 

A brand new look here for Ryan Batts! Let’s see if he can parlay this into a win in his first singles match since his return to the main roster. 

Batts has the skill and experience on his side. He’s a twelve-year veteran and only thirty-two years old… but about to go in there with a sheer powerhouse in Felton Bigsby. 


The bell rings and the action starts quickly when Felton swings for the fences with a Running Clothesline. Batts sees it coming and ducks quickly, then waits for Bigsby to turn before cracking him with a Dropkick to his barrel chest! The blow sends him staggering backward and when he gets back up, Ryan hits a second Dropkick that sends Bigsby stumbling through the ropes and out to the floor!

Felton Bigsby tried to sneak attack Batts, he saw it coming and made him pay for it!

Batts has a great technical background, but he’s such a good counter wrestler and high flyer, too!

Batts has the Faithful on his side as he waits for Bigsby to start trying to turn around. The man called Bantam charges off one side of the ropes and then comes flying through the middle rope with a Somersault Tope, taking down Bigsby on the outside!

What a dive by Batts! He calls that move the Flipside and he landed all of it on Felton!

That he did! Now, look at Batts! He’s got the Faithful on his side!

Batts raises a hand and has the Faithful cheering. The quirky technician helps Bigsby to his feet and tosses him under the ropes. Batts then gets the crowd going as he starst to climb the top turnbuckle, stopping on the top as Bigsby gets up. When he does just that, Batts takes flight with a HUGE Missile Dropkick right on the button! Bigsby goes down and Batts goes for the cover. 



Bigsby kicks out, but look at Batts go! Right for the arm! He’s got that Fastest Arm in the West in mind!

Kicks to the arm of Felton! 

Batts continues throwing a few kicks to the left arm of Bigsby. The bigger Texan shoves him back with his free hand, but Ryan rolls through to his feet and comes back with a Running Dropkick aimed at the arm! Bigsby goes down to the mat and Batts follows up with a Jumping Senton to the arm of the Texan! 

He’s got his whole focus on that arm now! Felton has the power, but Batts has just controlled this from the jump. 

Batts continues working the arm with an Arm Dragon Screw and then drops it over his shoulder. He tries for a Keylock, but Bigsby finally frees his way out with a HARD Forearm Smash to the chest of Batts! The Californian gets doubled over with a good shot, then Felton finally makes him pay for it with a big Shoulder Block that knocks him on his ass. The crowd boos as Houston Strong shakes some feeling back into his arm. 

It took some doing, but Felton Bigsby is now in control. He’s got Batts up…

Batts gets thrown into the nearby corner, then Felton gets down in a three-point stance before running forward and RAMMING his 280-pound frame into the gut of Batts! Kid Catch gets taken down to a knee and holds his ribs in pain while Bigsby mean-mugs the fans. 

What a NASTY shot right there by Bigsby! Just one big move gives him control again. 

And looks like he’s going to try again!

Felton grabs him and then throws him cross-corner. Batts hits the corner with tremendous force that he stumbles forward, right into a STIFF Running Body Attack! The freight train called Bigsby then drops a nasty Elbow Drop to the heart of Batts. Ryan crumbles, but Bigsby gets up again and drops a second Elbow Drop into his chest! He stays on for the cover. 




Batts kicks out, but Bigsby looks like he has something bad planned. 

Bigsby picks up Batts and then tries for a big Front Suplex, then THROWS Batts across the ring until he smashes him into the mat! Kid Catch gets dropped on his face and then Bigsby rolls over into another cover. 

That throwing Front Suplex could do it!




Batts gets the shoulder up and The Faithful enjoy it! 

Batts needs to find some counter quickly. Felton looks like he’s going to end this!

Felton grabs him by the waist and looks like he has a German Suplex in mind. He then throws Batts backward… but the powerful young man lands on his feet behind him as Bigsby lands on the canvas, leaving him wide open for Batts to come back with another Jumping Senton on his exposed arm! Batts rolls off hurt, but Felton is cringing in pain as his left arm is in a bad way. 

Nice move right there! Ryan uses those Sentons to great effect and remember, he has that Diving Senton as a possible finisher called Let Gravity Do The Rest!

He does, but looks like he’s looking for the Fastes Armbar in the West!

Batts gets back up slowly, holding his back as the larger Bigsby tries to get up. Though nursing a sore arm, he charges like a bull and Batts ducks. As Bigsby comes back off the ropes, Batts lets him have it with a Rolling Elbow Smash to the jaw. The blow stuns Bigsby, but he comes back and tries another move, but this time, Batts CRACKS him with a stiff Headbutt to the chest!

Batts catches him with Burns’ own Hard Out Headbutt! He took that move from his mentor!

Batts has Bigsby rocked, then grabs him by the waist…

No way… 

YES WAY! Bridging German Suplex! That’s some amazing skill and leverage by Batts!




The crowd can’t believe he landed the suplex on Bigsby, but he did it! Though Bigsby is rocked now when Batts is ready to get back to his feet, he grabs the arm and flips the big man over…


Just like that! The modified Cross Arm Breaker is locked! 

Bigsby is trying to keep the arms pried together, but Batts kicks way until he finally lets go and he can hyperextend the left arm he’s been working on all match! He has the hold locked in… 


Batts lets go of the hold and then pumps a fist in the air as he slowly rises to his feet. He’s nursing a sore back of his own, but Batts looks happy with himself tonight. 

Darren Quimbey:

Kid Catch has his arm raised in triumph before he leaves the ring and celebrates in the front row with The Faithful!

Batts gave up some power, but he’s such a great all-round athlete in that ring and put together a great win for himself. 

It’s true! He turned a lot of heads with Oscar Burns in our main event last week, but now Batts is looking to also make a name for himself here in DEFIANCE. This match goes to show you you can’t underestimate him!

Batts heads to the back, happy with his first successful notch under his belt!


The screen is fuzzy before suddenly coming into focus of crystal clear, ocean water brushing over white sand. As the camera pans over to the left we see a familiar face working on his tan.

Scott Stevens:
Hi there everyone.

Stevens waves to the audience.

Scott Stevens:
I hope everyone is doing well because as you can see by the view you know I am.

Stevens smirks before continuing.

Scott Stevens:
I told everyone that I was taking the ACE of DEFIANCE championship on the road to defend and I am doing just that.

Stevens says with a nod.

Scott Stevens:
I will be competing against MWF's top champion, La IIama Roja, in a title for title match.

Stevens informs the audience.

Scott Stevens:
If he wins not only is he the ACE of DEFIANCE, but he also becomes a DEFIANT.

Stevens says as he takes a sip of his margarita.

Scott Stevens:
While Mikey is partying until the sun comes and Lindsay tries to regain whatever measure of relevancy she has left I'll be defending my title all over the world, and title defense one starts in Mexico City. See you there.

Stevens says with a wave as the image slowly fades.


The title reads "DEFtv DARK MATCH" and the two wrestlers are already in the ring...

Welcome everyone to this DEFtv UNCUT bonus match!

Benny Doyle calls for the bell.


The second the bell rings, Adler charges at Holt and connects with a clothesline from hell!

That was fast and almost BEFORE the bell sounded!

Adler scoops up Holt and slams him back down to the middle of the ring. He bounces off the ropes and hits a big splash that shakes the ring! Adler screams into the air and pulls Holt up by his neck. Although Adler is an imposing figure, his opponent still has a small size advantage. Regardless, Adler is able to hoist Holt in the air and throw him over his shoulder...

Running powerslam!

Adler does it again.

Another running powerslam!

Adler looks for a third attempt but this time Hurtlocker breaks free and pushes Adler into the turnbuckle. Adler meets the buckle hard and bounces off it, right into a shoulder block!

Holt drags Adler and slams him down into the middle of the ring. He follows with three straight elbow drops into the heart!

Hurtlocker Irish whips Gunther into the ropes and this time connects with a big boot. Adler falls down and Holt, again, drops the elbow...

Adler moves! The German is up and goes into the ropes...


Swift dropkick into Holt's face right before he got off the mat!

Adler waits for Holt to get on his feet before he bounces off the ropes. He looks for a crossbody block but it's caught!

Fallaway slam!

However, Adler is RIGHT back up and catches Holt off-guard with a short-arm clothesline! He pulls Holt to his feet and hits a second short-arm clothesline... and then a third!

This is followed by three successful running powerslams!

Everything in three's so far...

Hard-hitting three's!

Adler shouts into the crowd. He waits for Hurtlocker to regain some level of awareness...

Adler is calling for his finisher. It's another powerslam into a piledriver...

Adler goes for it but Holt breaks free. Holt tries a big boot but Adler ducks and rushes off the ropes. He spins Holt around and lands a kick to the gut and a DDT that follows.

Adler tugs at Holt's neck, wrapping him into a suplex that centers Hurtlocker in the middle of the ring. This is followed by a leg drop and then a signal for the end.

Is he...

Adler is going to the second rope!

Adler wastes little time. He flies half-way across the ring and hits a splash on his opponent! The ring shakes and the crowd gives a small pop from the impact.

Adler drags Hurtlocker to his feet.

The Renaissance Facade!





An impressive victory for Gunther Adler!

♫ "Preliator" by Globus ♫

Adler stands and allows for his hand to be raised before quickly pulling it from Benny Doyle and walking off.

Well we saw Gage Blackwood's "rally the troops" speech at the start of UNCUT and for one night, it's seemed to work.

Gunther Adler and Shooter Landell have a lot of promise. Yes, it's aligned with the wrong guy and their methods will become questionable at best but if they can keep this going... DEFIANCE may be in trouble.

UNCUT ends with Gunther Adler standing at the top of the ramp and raising his hands, screaming "NEW ERA" in his thick German accent.




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.