BRAZEN: Clash of the BRAZEN 6/6/20

6 Jun 2020

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


The special of CLASH of the BRAZEN: This is The Good [EXPLETIVE DELETED] is kicked off at the DEFIANCE Wrestle-plex in front of one thousand and fifteen hundred rowdy fans ready to see some action from the BRAZEN brand!

BRAZEN Matchmaker and former Team HOSS member Capital Punishment welcomed the fans to the show. He stated that BRAZEN has been represented well on the main roster, citing recent success stories like Minute, now a two-time DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Champion and Family Keeling member. Tonight, he has two surprises for the crowd on the stage. 

The first… with the World Trios Titles now absorbed into the DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Titles, BRAZEN needs a little something. To that end…

A podium shines on the stage, revealing a brand new silver set of BRAZEN Tag Team Championships! Tonight, there will be a six-team gauntlet featuring four established BRAZEN teams along with two new teams. The last team remaining in the gauntlet will be the first-ever BRAZEN Tag Team Champions!

Cappy points to the other covered podium to uncover the BRAZEN Championship! Since “The Lost Cause” Victor Vacio last vacated the title for a shot at Gage Blackwood’s Southern Heritage Championship. Tonight, there will be five qualifying matches. The winners will go on to a five-way elimination match in the main event of tonight’s show and the last person remaining in that match will be the new BRAZEN Champion! With one last rundown of the card, the first two matches will pit established BRAZEN talent against some new blood who will be making their debuts tonight. This will be followed by the BRAZEN Tag Team Title Gauntlet, followed by the five Qualifying matches, then the five way elimination match to crown the next BRAZEN Champion.


The first BRAZEN Champion Reinhardt Hoffman was NOT happy to not only be excluded from the crowning of the next BRAZEN Champion, but he would be fighting a literal rookie. 19-year-old Vlogger, gamer and Social Media Influencer, Declan Alexander! The 6’4” and 242-pound Declan already had some fans in the house that were familiar with his vast online presence and already had support against the dastardly Hoffman. Reinhardt Hoffman told Declan that the mat and everything within BRAZEN was his and no child was going to beat him, no matter if they looked like an adult. 

Declan’s response?

A Chop to the chest!

Trained at the DP Dojo with help from two of wrestling’s most talented ladies in Vivica J. Valentine and former FIST of DEFIANCE “Queen of the Ring” Lindsay Troy, Declan had a great upbringing he brought to the match early! He took Hoffman down with a big Dropkick and Russian Leg Sweep for near falls.  

Hoffman took things to the mat later with a Running Knee Trembler and worked over the back of Alexander with a Body Slam on the outside and then a Boston Crab on the inside! Declan fought back and managed to take Hoffman’s head off with a Jumping Yakuza Kick called GGEZ! Hoffman was on the ropes when Declan caught him OUTTA NOWHER… sorry, completed unexpected with the Play of the Game! The Ace Cutter connected and in his first match, young DEC4L had just put himself on the map with a big win over the first BRAZEN Champion!

Winner: Declan Alexander @ 7:32 via Play of the Game

Post match, The man called DEC4L started up another vlog for the front row fans in attendance. Declan will definitely be a star to watch on the BRAZEN brand!


The second match was a special hardcore match requested by the brawler, longtime BRAZEN veteran Thomas Slaine. Before the match, like Reinhardt Hoffman before him, hated the new blood that was pouring into BRAZEN tonight and demanded opposition from anybody in a hardcore match. 

Enter Doug “Moonshine” Matton! 6’1”, 238 pounds, from Kill Devil Hills, North Cackalacki! The crowd responded well to the bandanna-clad brawler as he entered the ring and went right to BITE THOMAS SLAINE ON THE NOSE!

Matton took the fight to him early including a Droe Toe Hold on an open chair and then a Russian Leg Sweep into the barricade on the outside! He continued to brawl with Thomas Slaine on the floor until Slaine took control with a Snap DDT on the ring apron! Ol’ Shiner got taken to task by Slaine the next couple of minutes and even used a chair across his back three times for a near fall!

Ol’ Shiner fought back and then took the fight back to him with a Thesz Press followed by Headbutts to the face! And BRAZEN Referee Nick Nackpaddywhack could only do nothing but watch! The headbutts continued until Ol’ Shiner brought his tattered kneepad. He played to a raucous crowd and then BLASTED Thomas in the face with a Running Knee called a Little Bit ‘O Buzz. He followed that up with the Sitout Tiger Driver called Whole LOTTA Buzz onto a chair and got the win!

WINNER: Doug “Moonshine” Matton @ 8:41 with Whole LOTTA Buzz on a steel chair

Post-match, Doug grabbed the microphone and thanked the crowd for showing him love. He told them that the best way to get to the top is to work your ass off. Start off with a little bit of buzz (he stopped to drink a beer), then a little more (then another sip) until you make a whole lot buzz and get the world talking. He proceeded to down the rest of his beer and then head to the back. Two big debuts so far and two big wins back to back!



The first team coming out would be To The Maxx! The 80’s throwbacks “Exclusive” Eric Wilson and “Lovely” Lance Mingle were out. Their opponents? One of two new teams to the roster, BADASS! The team of childhood friends, the hard hitting Davis Bloome and his tag partner/brother-in-law, Tripp Wise came out and brawled with To The Maxx! After clearing the ring with flurries of kicks from Bloome and… Hip Attacks from Wise, Wise leaped off the apron with a Diving Hip Attack onto both men! After slapping his own posterior, "The Wise Ass" Tripp Wise lived up to his name with a Purple Nurple for Wilson and a Noogie for Mingle. They battled with To The Maxx until Wilson dove off the top with the classic Double Axe Handle to Wise! They worked over Wise for the next few minutes including a Double Team Slingshot Suplex! 

Tripp turned the tide on Wilson with a Shining Hip Attack (yup a Shining Wizard strike with his backside)! Davis Bloome got the tag and took both men to task with stiff Shoot Kicks, then hit a Running Flying Chest Kick called Plant the Seed for a close call! Both men worked over big Lance Mingle and then hit their deadly Ultimate BADASSery (Flapjack/DDT combo)  to put him away! BADASS won out at 6:42!


Next up were The Dunson Clan of father Paul and his sons, Richie and Todd. Richie and Todd would take up the mantle and went on the attack with stereo dives to BADASS! But the astronomy lovers with vicious elbows to match fought back. When Todd Dunson missed a Senton Bomb, Davis Bloome nailed him with In Bloom! (Discus Fivearm) and then won the second leg of the gauntlet at 12:54!


BADASS were looking great right about now, but along came the twins of the Viking War Cult, Ivar and Floki Holmstrom! Former Trios champs at that! They attacked Davis Bloome before the bell and slammed him into the steel steps, busting him open! Based on a great performance, the crowd jeered the actions of the twins and worked him over by going after his head wound. They continued to beat and batter Davis, but the young Tacoma native continued to fight until he found an opening and tagged Wise! Mark Orion continued to run wild on both twins with Hip Attacks galore and then landed his signature, Three Wise Men (Triple Snap Suplexes), but Floki broke it up. Moments later, they picked off Wise with a low blow behind the referee’s back and then a Double Dnagerous-style DDT to get the win at 19:26. BADASS were gone, but made quite an impact tonight and impressed many. 


Up next were long-time fan favorites of BRAZEN, the Barrio Boys! Hugo “Lips” Gonzalez and Corey Nunez! Stereo Somersault Planchas took down the twins and they almost scored the win with a Doomsday Dropkick on Floki, but Ivar broke it up. They were ganged up on when Ivar and Floki tossed Nunez to the outside to work on Hugo back in the ring. They got a near fall with a Superplex-Diving Headbutt combination when Nunzz came back moments later to make the save. When they tried a Double Piledriver, Corey broke it up again and Hugo got the Jackknife pin! They had just eliminated The Viking War Cult at 24:16. 


As the Barrio Boys were only one win away from making history, High Flyer IV made his way out. He had a microphone and gave the fans a chance to witness history. Today was the day he stopped being a pawn in the games between his father and whoever comes after him. The day where he reveals his tag partners and starts a mission to mess up BRAZEN!

The new debut of the son of two Hall of Famers - father Steven Silver and uncle Sonny Silver - and grandson of Hall of Famer Richard Silver… the 22-year-old fighting prodigy “Kicking and Screaming” Archer Silver! And on top of that… the MASSIVE bodyguard, Killjoy. 

Gonzalez and Nunez didn’t know what to expect so they took HF IV and Silver to task with two sets of Double Dropkicks and then tried to keep HF IV away from his partner, but Flyer caught Nunez with STIFF Superkick just a minute and a half to the last leg kf this Gauntlet! Archer Silver came in and the kid with the shooter background… spun around three times and CRACKED Nunez with a slap in the corner! He was a flashy bastard, it seemed. Nunez tried to fight back when Silver Dropkicked his knee out from under him, then snapped him with a lightning-fast Dragon Screw. A sick-looking Leg Lock followed and the two worked over his leg while Hugo was in his corner watching his partner get dissected. This quick technique was no doubt a product of the training of Sonny Silver.

Silver and HF IV worked the leg over for the next few minutes while the menacing Killjoy remained at ringside. HI FV even landing a big Frog Splash on the beaten leg! The massive Killjoy watched as Silver and HF IV continued kicking away at Nunez. The big mistake came when Silver tried more spins, only to catch a Single Knee Facebreaker with his good leg! HF IV tagged in and tried to stop him, then got a reversal into a DDT for his troubles. Then the tag was made to Hugo Gonzalez! 

He went wild with Spinning Heel Kicks, Running Dropkicks, then a Diving Crossbody on HF IV for a nearfall! He had him set up for The Positive Outlook… but Silver helped HF IV by Superkicking the leg of Gonzalez! Nunez was grabbed by Killjoy behind the ref’s back and slammed into the barricade! Hugo Gonzalez was left all alone! Yakuza Kick from HF IV and the Gold Fever (Running Gamengiri) from Silver, completing a combo called Shooty McGee! 1-2-3!!!


Post match… a quick ringside interview with Jamie Sawyers. HF IV and Archer Silver were handed the gold as the crowd jeered the trio. HF IV told the crowd this was just the start of something new. He isn’t Dan Ryan’s, Victor Vacio’s or anybody else’s punching bag any more. From now on, WE’RE doing the punching. Silver added, “And ALL the kicking!” HF IV told the crowd they were the children of Hall of Famers and should be wrestling royalty, not punching bags of their famous parents. He promised that everybody that had ever looked down on him for just being "Jack Harmen’s kid" would pay. Killjoy was there because he has been an outcast, but is no more with this new group. They were Les Enfants Terribles and soon, they would rule BRAZEN. 

A brief intermission allowed the fans some time to purchase from the stands before we kicked off with the nitty gritty. After the first BRAZEN Tag Team Champions were crowned, next came a quick interview with somebody who recently knew a thing or two about winning tag team gold: The Sky High Titans!


During a break from the big BRAZEN show, the camera goes backstage to Christie Zane. 

Christie Zane:
Hello, everybody! And welcome to Clash of the BRAZEN! We just watched the crowning of the first-ever BRAZEN Champions and it was Less Infants Terribles...

She pauses since she butchers the words in English. 

Christie Zane:
But anyway, tonight we have two men who were VERY successful at Maximum DEFIANCE earlier this week! I've got our now two-time Unified Tag Team Champions... THE SKY HIGH TITANS!

The crowd watching on the DEFtron ROAR with approval for the appearance of Uriel Cortez, wearing two belts and Minute wearing three! Behind them is Thomas and Junior Keeling. 

Thomas Keeling:
Ms. Zane, it's a pleasure! Thank you for having us tonight!

Junior Keeling:
And thanks for that introduction, but I think I'd like to do something if I may... 

He motions for the microphone from Christie Zane and smiles. 

Junior Keeling:
Ladies, gentlemen, please welcome none other than your BRAND SPANKING NEW TWO-TIME TWO-TIME Unified Tag Team Champions! One man is a titan among men and the other can soar to heights as great as any titan! He is :The Titan of Industry" Uriel Cortez!

Cortez smiles with his titles. 

Junior Keeling:
He is "The Sky High Kid" Minute!

He the points to both men and the viewers chant along. 

Junior Keeling:

Applause now as Christie gets her microphone back. 

Christie Zane:
Thank you, thank you! So tonight, you've been watching the show and I have to ask, what do you think about some of the new and current talent so far?

Uriel Cortez:
I think it's great to see BRAZEN getting this kind of exposure again, honestly. Look, those Les Enfants Terrible guys think they're hot shit and I gotta say... I kind of like it. They're confident. 

Thomas Keeling:
I was pretty partial to Declan Alexander. That's a young man with a great look and already comes in with a great pedigree and a built-in following. I think with time, he'll be great. Junior, get that man a business card, would you? 

Junior Keeling:
Got it, Pops. 

Christie Zane:
And what's next for the Sky High Titans?

Thomas smiles. 

Thomas Keeling:
Winning, my dear, what else? We told the world that we were more than ready for the Pop Culture Phenoms and we aren't going to lie... they were difficult. They were scheming, conniving... things we've done in our past, honestly, Ms. Zane. But tonight, we're here to tell you that The Sky High Titans are champions once again and we've cemented our place on top of the food chain as the team to beat!

Uriel smirks at Minute, who fires one back and the two bump elbows. 

Thomas Keeling:
Now that these Unified Tag Team Titles are back with us again, we're going to pick up where we left off before that speed bump with the PCPs. Anytime, anywhere, any place. The Sky High Titans... 

Junior Keeling:

Thomas Keeling:
...will continue making these belts THE belts of DEFIANCE today! If Les Enfants Terrible want to try, welcome. If any teams want to try their luck, bring it. We're going to... 

Thomas, Junior, and most notably Uriel Cortez look off to their side. Minute looks over as well when the crowd boos...


Angel Trinidad and Aleczander The Great both stare down The Family Keeling. Angel in particular shoots a look that could KILL them if looks did such a thing. Angel then walks towards Uriel and gets in the face of The Titan of Industry. Aleczander himself has seven stitches on the side of his head from when Max Luck busted his head open with a chain.  

Angel Trinidad:

Junior Keeling looks up and smirks at Angel. 

Junior Keeling:

Angel Trinidad:
Shut up, you little motherfucker. 

Junior waves a silent hand and lets him speak before he turns up at Uriel. 

Angel Trinidad:
I hope you fucking idiots realize that these two are going to use you, chew you up and spit you out the second that you stop producing or they find the next shiny toy. That's what they did to me and that's what they did to Aleczander here. 

Aleczander The Great:
Yeah! Wankers!

Angel turns to Uriel.

Angel Trinidad:
And YOU, pretty boy... 

Uriel Cortez:
Thanks, man, I try... 

Angel growls. 

Angel Trinidad:
I don't care how fucking lucky the Lucky Sevens got at Maximum DEFIANCE... I heard you'd be here offering free title shots just like you did with your equally forgettable first title run. We're STILL the most dominant team rolling today and we'll prove it. Besides.... I owe YOUR big ass for putting me out with an ankle injury last year. I don't forgive and I don't forget. You and your little masked towel boy here?

Minute steps up to Angel and doesn't back down... despite giving up almost a foot and a half. 

Angel Trinidad:
UNCUT this week. We want a Unified Tag Title match. We're going to make people forget all about The Lucky Fuckwads and then we're going to take those titles from The Sky High Fuckboys. 

Thomas and Junior Keeling both look up at Uriel, then over to Minute. 

Thomas Keeling:

Minute smiles and makes a "just bring it" motion with both hands that gets them a nice pop. Uriel looks right back at Trinidad. 

Uriel Cortez:
I think that covers it, Angel. We'll see you on UNCUT. 

Angel and Aleczander look pretty happy with the circumstances and then storm off the set. Thomas and Junior look to the Titans and the two men walk off set in the other direction to enjoy the rest of the show backstage. Christie Zane looks at the camera, jaw open wide with the breaking news!

Christie Zane:
You heard it here first! UNCUT! Unified Tag Team Titles! The Sky High Titans versus Team HOSS!


Somewhere, BRAZEN’s former booker Angus Skaaland would love this match he would call a HOSSFYTE!!!! The 6’6’ and 330-pound Gerardo Villalobos, leader of The Barrio Boys against the 6’4” and 275-pound battling redneck, David Hightower! The crowd cheered two big men throwing bombs at one another right off the bat! Fists were exchanged and Chops were traded until Gerardo won the exchange with a kick to the gut and a big Clothesline over the top rope! 

Villalobos followed him outside, but David Hightower picked him up and DRILLED him with a big Powerslam on the floor! He followed that up with a HUGE Elbow Drop off the apron! He rolled Villalobos back into the ring and got a two-count!

Hightower used a Bearhug on the bigger man, but Gerardo fought his way out with a flurry of Headbutts and then WALLOPED him with a huge Lariat! The great performance from the Barrios Boys earlier in the tag gauntlet may have led to a nice groundswell of support for the big man. A big Samoan Drop and a Running Splash got the nearfall! Hightower hit a Piledriver on the comeback, but shockingly got a two count! 

David Hightower headed up to for a rare aerial move, but Gerardo ripped him off the top rope! When he came to, Gerardo picked him up and spiked him with the Inverted Front Powerbomb called The Role Model! 




That was it! Gerardo was the first of five men to make it to the main event!

WINNER: Gerardo Villalobos @ 7:17 with The Role Model

Though they had ultimately come up short in the BRAZEN Tag Title Gauntlet, both Hugo Gonzalez and Corey Nunez came out to celebrate with Gerardo Villalobos! The three men hugged and Gerardo told the crowd that tonight, he would win the BRAZEN Championship and dedicate this victory to every hard working person that never gave up in life before they hit their catch phrase: Don't be an abuela! Stay in escuela!


The 6’3” and 285-pound Cul, leader of the Viking War Cult and former World Trios Champion was set to take on the popular pretty-boy newcomer, Nathaniel Eye! The King of the Crushed Velvet went to town right away with a Running Dropkick and then a Missile Dropkick off the top for a nearfall! Eye had the crowd on his side, but a HUGE explosive Shoulder Tackle by the brawler Cul knocked him loopy!


Eye had some previous appearances on TV, scoring wins over the likes of The Dunson Clan and palling around with the popular “Biggest Boy” Dex Joy, but right now there was nobody to save him when Cul threw him outside and hit a Press Slam Snake Eyes on the steel steps! Nathaniel Eye was hurt and was cut open on his forehead, but when the referee tried to get him back up to his feet, Eye pushed him away and wanted to continue despite being busted open from the forehead. 


Cul had his way with him for the next few minutes including nearfall off a sick Swinging Side Slam and a middle rope Headbutt. Eye found his opening when Cul missed a Spear in the corner and fired back with The Starry Eyed Surprise (Flying Knee Strike) for a 2.5 count! Eye tried to get him up for a Spear of his own, but Cul hit a HUGE knee to the chest! Eye was hurt and when Cul hoisted him up for the Blood Eagle…  NO! SUNSET FLIP!








WINNER: Nathaniel Eye @ 7:59 with a Sunset Flip pin


Fresh off his return from injury, the Crushed Velvet Kid rolled out of the ring and triumph! The talented and popular Nathaniel Eye was heading to the finals! Eye was interviewed at the top of the ramp and bumped fists with Jamie Sawyers. When Jamie asked him his thoughts on making it to the main event, Eye told the ladies in the crowd to watch out. Some men were either lovers or fighters, but tonight, when he wins the BRAZEN Championship, he’ll show that he’s BOTH! Bloody scalp or not, he was coming for the title!


The 6’4” and 255-pound former member of Osaka Hate Crime, Kazuo Akamatsu, was now about to go on next. Looking for his chance to strike, he would end up getting a mystery opponent… IN THE FORM OF RETURNING DEFIANCE STAR TROY MATTHEWS! 

The crowd reacted huge to the return of the former World Trios Champion and Slayer of Giants, Troy Matthews! A former champion of Lion’s Road and other promotions worldwide, now Troy makes his return to the squared circle a bit older, a bit wiser, and donning regular hair and black trunks… but what happened next was Troy taking the bigger man to task with a barrage of vicious kicks! He assaults him with a pair of Running Corner Dropkicks, then a Springboard Missile Dropkick for a nearfall from the getgo! He sent Kazuo packing to the corner but when the official broke up a skirmish in the corner, Kazuo DROPPED The Slayer of Giants with a Straight Right Hand for a nearfall of his own!

Kazuo dominated the next minute or so with a few stiff Knife-Edge Chops in the corner. He tried to take the fight to Troy, but Troy ran up the corner and backflipped over Kazuo before hitting the ropes and taking the big man down with a Flying Kick to the chest! Troy was back up then the measured his target on his knees before hitting the Shining Axe Kick called the Rough Divide! One three-count later… and Troy Matthews was already one step closer to becoming the next BRAZEN Champion!

WINNER: “Kickpads” (kidding) Troy Matthews @ 5:02 with Rough Divide

Troy Matthews was given a hero's welcome from the fans and tonight, The Slayer of Giants was one step closer to making a massive impact his first night in BRAZEN by winning the championship!


After a devastating loss of the Unified Tag Team Titles at MAXDEF2020, It was up to PCP member Flex Kruger - a former BRAZEN and World Trios Champion in his own right - to bring some gold to the group. Unfortunately, he would be fighting one of the top men in BRAZEN, perennial title contender, the 6’4” and 265-pound Levi Cole! The nicest guy on Earth and a former amateur wrestling standout! 

Flex ruled the first couple of minutes with a pair of Double Leg Takedowns and a Gator Roll leading to a couple of quick falls early on. Flex escaped to the floor and looked pissed with himself while Levi Cole pulled the rope down and invited him back in. Flex came in and almost lost to an Inside Cradle from Levi. He tried a German Suplex, but Flex smartly ducked down between the ropes, catching Levi’s head in the ropes. From there, Flex worked over his back with some hard shots, a Pendulum Backbreaker and even a big Powerbomb for a close two-count. 

Flex worked him over in the Torture Rack and tried to get the submission that way, but Levi smartly applied a Rear Chinlock and deprived Flex of enough oxygen to get him to let go. Levi then went for the leg with a pair of Chop Blocks and a Leg-DDT in order to set up his Kneeling Figure Four called The Liberty Lock! It got applied, but Flex made the ropes!

Levi looked to land the Gutwrench Powerbomb, but Flex shoved him back and when Flex came back, he raked the eyes behind the referee’s back and then CRUSHED Levi Cole with The Dragon Suplex he called The Flex-Plex! With that, the former BRAZEN Champion was now one step closer to becoming the first-ever two-time BRAZEN Champion!

WINNER: Flex Kruger @ 10:14 with The Flex-Plex

Kruger also gave a quick word after his victory. He, too, was dedicating this victory to both the PCPs and to his dancing pecs because fuck you all, that's why. That was really it before we got on to the next match!


This was the final qualifying match that pitted the former WrestleFriend and former BRAZEN Champion “Manpower” Jack Mace going one-on-one with BRAZEN’s largest force, “The Big O” Rosey Owens. The 288-pound Mace looked across at the 6’6” and 468-pound Roosevelt, managed by his uncle Lucius Owens. Owens had been frustrated with members of his stable and rumor had it this match would be a make it or break it for Rosey. 

Mace had more experience and was a rudimentary, but decent tactician with hops. He came at Rosey with some Shoulder Blocks, but Roosevelt didn’t move and dared Mace to try again. Mace did so and Rosey didn’t move. Mace dared Rosey to take his shot, but when he did, he hit the ropes only for Mace to use the world’s biggest Drop Toe Hold! He had a Facelock on Rosey and Lucius Owens was getting mad at his big nephew. Rosey got taken to task by Mace with some big holds and then worked over his neck. Rosey finally took over when Mace tried a Sleeper, only to get hoisted and squashed with a Samoan Drop!

Rosey took him over with several chops followed by a Running Bulldog of all things out of the corner, but only got two! Rosey continued clobbering him in the corner with rights until Mace came back with a pair of Bionic Elbows! Manpower then came off the middle rope with a Flying Clothesline called the Piccadilly Press and took down Big Rosey! Mace took control of the match and wailed on Rosey with rights again, working over the arm. Big Rosey fought back wtih the Georgia Twister (Black Hole Slam) for a VERY close three! Later on, The Pancake Splash MISSED! But the Flying Bear (Diving Headbutt) from Mace did not and neither did the Armtrap Shoulder submission called The Bear Trap! Rosey tried to fight, but it was too much! He tapped out! 

WINNER: “Manpower” Jack Mace @ 10:22 with The Bear Trap

After the match, while Mace went backstage to prepare for a quick break before the main event Elimination match! Inside the ring, Big Rosey was chastised by his uncle, Lucius Owens in ring. He told the crowd that he can’t manage a bunch of losers so NJNP was done! He was disbanding the group and he would no longer be managing him… But before he could do that, an unfamiliar face approached the ring… another returning BRAZEN star, “The Irish Bomber” Bobby Horrigan! Fresh off recovering from a double knee surgery putting him out for a year and losing over 70 pounds in the process, bringing him down to 330!

Bobby told the crowd that he had been watching Big Rosey for a while and liked what he saw… but was being managed by an idiot. He offered Roosevelt the chance for an equal partnership where he wouldn’t have to play second fiddle to anybody else. Bobby was fresh off recovering from a knee injury that put him out for a year and asked Rosey if he was done being a follower. He asked him to be his tag team partner and together, they’d show BRAZEN that it’s no place for little people. Lucius told Bobby to mind his own business because this was a family affair, but Bobby told Rosey that Lucius was looking awful small right now, wasn’t he?


He answered the call by Bobby Horrigan and then slammed his own uncle to the mat. Bobby laughed when Rosey shocked the crowd and hit the Pancake Splash! As EMTs came down to the ring to check on Lucius Owens, Bobby patted Big Rosey on the back and told him to come along. 

It seemed another very dangerous pairing was being set up in BRAZEN and it was a true power duo! Definitely one to watch!


Following a quick break from the action after EMTs carted off Lucius Owens on a stretcher, the announcements were made for the main event to come. BRAZEN Matchmaker Capital Punishment came out first and headed to ringside with the BRAZEN Championship on the pedestal at ringside. Though the belt had a fairly short history, history itself would be made tonight. Either a new champion would be crowned or in the case of either Flex Kruger or Jack Mace, the first-ever two-time BRAZEN Champion would be crowned. 

One by one, the combatants made their way out. Gerardo Villalobos with a nice pop, Nathaniel Eye with a slightly larger one, returning star Troy Matthews with a HUGE pop, former WrestleFriend and one of Oscar Burns’ proteges, Jack Mace with a big pop as well, followed by a massive set of jeers from Flex Kruger, looking to be a two-time BRAZEN Champ and bring some gold to the PCPs after they just lost the Unified Tag Team titles back to The Sky High Titans at MAXDEF 2020. There were handshakes all around, except for Flex Kruger who made his pecs dance as he retreated to a neutral corner. 

The crowd was on fire! Four fan favorites and one powerful douchebag. Said douchebag rolled out of the ring and decided to sit one out. Troy Matthews, not looking to let him do that, fired the first shot of the match with a HUGE Suicide Dive through the ropes at Flex Kruger! Meanwhile, Nathaniel Eye landed PERFECT Dropkicks on Jack Mace and one for Gerardo! He took to the top rope and took down Villalobos with a Diving Shoulder Tackle, but a two-count. Mace threw Eye into the ropes and then sent him over with a Big Clothesline! As Flex and Troy continued fighting on the outside with Flex trying to back off from his kicks, Villalobos picked up Mace and DROPPED him with a Front Powerslam for a near fall!

Flex finally had enough of Troy Matthews and sent The Jersey Devil into the ring apron with a Powerbomb! Flex rolled him back in, but only a two-count on the Slayer of Giants! Meanwhile, Eye came back and tried to steal with another Schoolboy roll-up, but Flex powered out. Eye tried a Full nelson, but Flex elbowed his way out and then SPIKED him down with a Belly to Back Facebuster!

Mace and Villalobos continued to fight with Mace slamming into Villalobos with a pair of big Clotheslines in the corner. Villalobos goes out and then Mace heads up top… FLYING BEAR! The Diving Headbutt connects, but Flex throws Mace out of the ring to try and steal the win…


But out of nowhere, Flex gets BLASTED by Nathaniel Eye with his Flying Knee called Starry-Eyed Surprise! Flex was groggy when Troy surprised him while on his knees and CRACKED him on the dome with The Rough Divide! Troy nodded at Eye and then went for the cover!


ELIMINATED: Flex Kruger @ 8:41 with Starry Eyed Surprise from Nathaniel Eye and The Rough Divide from Troy Matthews! 

With that, Eye tried to once again surprise somebody and tried a Jackknife roll-up on the veteran, but only got a two-count and then a STIFF Buzzsaw-style Kick to the head that got Troy a two-count! As Troy was taking the youngster to task in one corner, Mace and Villalobos continued their fight on the other side of the ring, exchanging chops now. As their fight was going on, Troy kicked Eye in the chest, but when Troy came at him,m Eue picked him up, upt him on the top rope and then landed a BEAUTIFUL Dropkick sending him to the floor! 

Eye had his chance to take the fight to Troy when he took himself over the ropes with a Plancha! But not to be outdone, Jack Mace climbed out to the ring apron, measured up both Eye and Troy, then rolled off the apron with a massive Cannonball!

And what’s worse… Gerardo Villalobos looked out to the crowd and then leaped off the apron with a Cactus Jack-style Elbow Drop, landing right on Mace! He quickly picked up Mace and threw the former BRAZEN Champion back into the ring, but only garnered a two-count! Gerardo decided enough was enough when the wife beater came off! The fans cheered on the leader of The Barrio Boys when he hoisted Mace on his waist… NO! BEAR TRAP! HE TOOK HIM DOWN TO THE MAT WITH THE BEAR TRAP! 

The hold was on mid-ring and the crowd cheered on the sentimental fan favorite to get to the ropes… and he did! Mace let go of the hold, but Troy once again struck while the iron was hot and DROPPED Gerardo with The Rough Divide! He quickly rolled the big man up…


ELIMINATED: Gerardo Villalobos @ 12:36 with The Rough Divide by Troy Matthews

Once again, Troy Matthews had lived up to his name of Slayer of Giants! Kazuo Akamatsu, Flex Kruger and Gerardo Villalobos, all gone.

Three left - two veterans of DEFIANCE including the former Trios Champ in Troy, the former BRAZEN Champion Jack Mace and relative newcomer, but still popular, The King of the Crushed Velvet, Nathaniel Eye!

Troy and Eye had a mutual understanding from before with the match… and they were going after Jack Mace, the biggest man in the match! Kicks from Troy! Forearms from Eye! Both men attacked the bigger Mace and sent him off to the ropes when a Double Dropkick sent him back to the ropes. Both men launched themselves back up… then he came back and STRUCK both men down with a Running Double Clothesline!

The “Wild Bear” Jack Mace roared and had the BRAZEN Faithful on their feet as he sat up! Both Troy and Nathaniel stood up when Mace CRACKED one with a chop, then the other, and two harder Cross Chops to knock both men down again. Mace rushed to the ropes and hit Eye with a Falling Headbutt to the chest! He covered, but Eye kicked out at two! He tried the same to Matthews, but he missed the mark… but a NASTY Puny by Matthews did not! And when Matthews tried to cover the big man, he only got a two-count! 

Matthews had the crowd on his side for just a moment before Eye caught him with a big-time Spinebuster! The young blue (okay, Crushed Velvet) chipper hooked both legs, but only got a two-count himself! He tried hooking the Full Nelson Slam on Matthews, but The Jersey Devil flipped his way forward and sent Nathaniel for the ride. A huge kick to the face stopped Troy and re-opened the wound from earlier suffered by Cul! Nathaniel Eye was bleeding once again from… well, the corner of his eye, but he yelled and laid into Troy with a few Forearm Smashes. Troy fired a rebound shot with another vicious kick to the chest! Eye growled and then the crowd cheered when his crushed velvet bandana came off! He nailed a Discus Punch, but Troy fired a knee to the gut! He tried to run off the ropes, but Eye hoisted him and planted him with the Full Nelson Slam before both collapsed to the mat as the fans cheered!

Jack Mace finally got back up to see the two men fighting and decided to try and pin Troy, but only got two! Then over to Eye, but also two! Mace then picked one of the two and got Eye up for the Big Friendly Bomb, but he slipped out behind him. The bloody Eye tried to hoist Mace for his Running DVD with him, but he got out! Troy flew in with a Thrust Kick, but Mace let Eye take the shot! Troy shoved him out of the way, but the shot was all Mace needed to WALLOP him with a Running Headbutt! Troy went down and one Big Friendly Bomb later…

ELIMINATED: Troy Matthews @ 26:55 with The Big Friendly Bomb from Jack Mace

And then there were two. Former BRAZEN Champion Jack Mace. The bloodied, but proud blue chipper Nathaniel Eye. Eye had hung in there and defeated Cul, withstood the vicious and respected Troy Matthews and was now bleeding, but wasn’t about to give up after coming back from a concussion at the hands of Carny Sinclair and Scrow. 

Mixed chants erupted for Jack Mace and Nathaniel Eye. Mace didn’t want to hurt the kid any more, but he had to do it to make it back to the top. Mace picked him up and then rammed Eye into the corner with a series of hard Clubbing Clotheslines in the corner. From there, he picked up Eye and set him on the top rope before landing it to the second rope. He picked up Eye, but suddenly, Eye found more energy! The Crushed Velvet Kid fired off a Headbutt of all things, but the blow only seemed to rattle him and not Mace. Mace hooked the arm for the Superplex, but Eye went with frantic punches to the breadbasket to stop him. He shoved him off the top rope! Mace was stumbling around the ground now when Eye came off the top… 


The crowd gasped from the impact while Eye slumped up and looked out to a hungry and energetic crowd. He waited and waited… STARRY EYED SURP… NO! He was caught and thrown overhead with a big Bearhug Suplex! And the cover followed…




Mace then went for the Bear Trap… but Eye frantically fought back until he could grab a leg and roll Mace back into a cover…




Manpower kicked out, but Eye was on him… STARRY EYED SURPRISE! But as Mace got struck with the blow, he stumbled around a second time, so Eye hit one set of ropes and then the other before RUSHING right into the big man with a Spear! 





The frantic crowd was feeling it when Eye wiped the blood off his face and got ready! Mace was on spaghetti legs… EYES ON THE PRIZE! Nathaniel Eye drilled him into the canvas with the Running Death Valley Driver and he hooked both legs!




WINNER and NEW BRAZEN Champion: Nathaniel Eye @ 32:57, last eliminating “Manpower” Jack Mace with Eyes On The Prize

Both men were absolutely spent and collapsed on the canvas, but the crowd went crazy when Capital Punishment brought in the BRAZEN Championship to the hungry young relative newcomer, Nathaniel Eye! Eye had made appearances with his friend, “The Biggest Boy” Dex Joy and scored wins with him before his career had almost been cut short by Carny Sinclair and Scrow… but tonight, after he recently returned from injury, he proved in one night that he had plenty of guts and plenty of fight in him. 

Tears welled up in the eyes of Eye (say it five times fast!) and as he was given the title, Dex Joy came out from the back and entered the ring to give his friend a hug and a fist bump! Nathaniel Eye raised the championship and showed it off to the crowd! Dex held him up and carried his buddy around the ring, allowing him to show off the championship as the referee threw him a towel. And while Mace looked on in disappointment, he couldn’t help but be proud of the kid who came out of nowhere tonight to win the BRAZEN Championship! He leaned back in the corner, still seeing stars, but giving him a thumbs up and a respectable smile before leaving the ring. 

Tonight, new and returning stars made their mark in BRAZEN in a big way and carved a new path forward. New BRAZEN Tag Team Champions were crowned in Les Enfants Terribles and the new BRAZEN Champion was the young good-looking blue chipper, Nathaniel Eye! 

A new course was charted for the future of BRAZEN and right now, it was looking incredibly bright. 

Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.