8 Jul 2020

DEFarena, New Orleans, LA (seats 4000)


The screen fades up from black ...

Energetic music begins to fade up ...

A glitch effect, accompanied by a digital glitch sound effect ushers in the UNCUT logo with a slow dissolve.

The logo fades and on a black screen, words in white appear one at a time.





EXCLUSIVE, reads the text at the bottom of the screen. Deacon’s theme is playing and Conor Fuse is laying in the middle of the ring. Clearly, this has taken place directly after Conor’s loss to Deacon on DEFtv.

Deacon and Magdalena disappear behind the curtain. Their music closes. Slowly but surely, Conor Fuse gets to one knee…

And then one foot.

He looks around. He starts hearing The Gamers laughing at him. After sporting all that confidence and thinking this single player journey was going to be easy.

Conor’s on both feet now. He’s beginning to do circles inside the ring, looking around at the crowd from all angles. Over and over. He’s getting dizzy.

Tough loss for Conor tonight. Deacon is incredibly talented.

And the much bigger wrestler!

Conor continues to do circles. It’s starting to become… concerning to say the least. DDK and Lance have gone back to radio silence since this is during a commercial break, anyway.

Finally, Conor stops. He wobbles a bit, as he made himself dizzy. Some of The Gamers still laugh at him. Some of them boo. But once he’s able to regain his composure he starts…


Conor, usually so happy and over the top, starts to show signs of a breakdown. At first, he seems extremely sad while tears roll down his face. Then, he starts to pull his hair. And lastly, as The Gamers grow in excitement, getting louder and louder with laughter and poking fun at The Codebreaker, knowing it’s annoying him… Conor’s eyes go wide and he falls back to the canvas floor, kicking and screaming throwing an incredible temper tantrum.

Conor Fuse: [crying]

Conor bicycle kicks and screams for a good half a minute before he rolls out of the ring and puts his hands on his hips. He starts to take a walk, doing a circle around the ring. Upon hearing The Gamers continue to heckle him, what was once calming him down is now getting him upset all over again.

He pulls back the ring apron and then grabs at his hair before looking underneath. He drags out a kendo stick and begins to smack it like crazy against the ring post. After ten whacks, it’s completely destroyed.

Conor turns to a gamer in the front row. It’s a boy about 10-years-old. The boy sticks his tongue out at Conor and then laughs at him. Conor simply starts shaking in anger. He tries to pull back the tears and then sprints all the way up the ramp and to the back, not being seen again. 

Nigh Frozen

It hadn’t been that long, but it felt like it. Time seemed to slow in these places, nigh frozen as if reality itself had thrown itself on the floor like a tantruming toddler refusing to go one more step. Magdalena knew the people here though had a real reason to tantrum.

Magdalena sat on the tiled wall with her back against a similarly tiled wall. She’d spent much of the last week in that spot. But Deacon? He’d spent more in his. He’d moved up from the hospital’s entrance to the family waiting area. The stares weren’t as frequent there, regardless of his gargantuan size; no one cared up here - everyone had their own problems. Magdalena had arrived early this morning, hoping to catch a bit of news from the doctor instead of trying to pry anything out of Deacon later.

Deacon stepped out of the family waiting area and stretched, the grey sleeveless sweatshirt revealing a stomach not as toned as it once was but more powerful than it ever was.

“Morning,” Magdalena said.

Deacon turned to her and mumbled something reminiscent of a greeting. His face told the story. He’d gotten some sleep, at least a few hours, but not enough to erase the darkness around his eyes. He gave a curt nod & looked away. It wasn’t exactly surprising - the Mute Freak was never talkative, but it did seem a bit different than usual. When she stepped out behind him, I knew why. He’d not been sleeping, at least not in the moment. Leah’s presence outside of the room was--

“What’s happening?” I asked.

Leah’s gaze shouted my answer - nothing good.

“Your little pup’s here to get her marching orders,” Leah said.

Leah’s presence had soured in recent years; no one could blame her.

“Maybe you and her can go play some video games,” Leah continued. Deacon’s tired eyes took the blow. He closed them then she added. “Don’t worry - I can take care of everything here.”

Leah’s presence had soured, and though Magdalena couldn’t blame her, she also couldn’t like who Leah had become. Magdalena took a deep breath.

“How about if I stay here and you two go get a coffee,” Magdalena said, adding as much hopeful positivity into her voice.

Leah’s look didn’t get softer.

“Or just go for a walk?” Magdalena offered.

“Thank you, dear,” Leah said in that way that made one think she didn’t mean it, “but some of us have to put the important matters of life above things like playing video games.”

“I--” Magdalena said.

Leah put her hand up to stop the response, making her way to the room. “So you two run along and play.” Leah turned to Deacon, those eyes colder than Magdalena had ever seen them. “Hopefully everyone will still be here when you get back.”

The door closed with an echoing click.

Magdalena turned to Deacon. Nigh frozen, he only stared at the door.

“Deac,” Magdalena said. “Why don’t you stay here. I can cover anything that’s needed.”

Deacon’s eyes never left the wood when he said. “Not’ing I can do here anyway.”


We shift backstage where Lance Warner is standing microphone in hand.

At DEFTV 137, this happened.

The scene involves Scrow, Nicky Synz, and Carla Ferrari. A clip shows Scrow first smashing the beer bottle across Nicky’s head, then moving to hit a defenseless Carla Ferrari with The Raven’s Call. After the moments of that event are shown we return back to Lance.

Here at DEFIANCE we have a strict policy against striking a DEFIANCE official that will not be tolerated. For Scrow’s actions he has been notified of a fine of $10,000 dollars, and a possible suspension if he does not apologize to Carla Ferrari. I have this young man with me right now.

He holds his right arm out as Scrow comes into view. In his street clothes, with no face paint.

Scrow I have to say these consequences for your first offense are not as strict as I expected them to be.

Scrow looks at Lance very somber. Totally different mindset then he was at the end of MAXDEF, Uncut, and finally 137 recently.

Never in Scrow’s life has he hit someone who has not deserved it. As he relives 137, Scrow can only think of one thing…..that ring is not a safe place, things happen. Scrow should not be responsible for what happened to Carla.

Scrow after that high point at MAXDEF, why all this anger all the sudden. Carla is a referee here, she was no threat to you. Why are you going about the aftermath of MAXDEF this way?

Scrow no longer carries a bottle around with him replies in kind.

It has been how time has forced Scrow to be like. It is his destiny to never feel joy. His unforgivable act of the past has cursed him. Cursed to walk this world in misery. What Scrow learned from the events of MAXDEF is no one is here to be his “friend”. Everyone here only looks out for themselves. They have built a house of glass walls. Walls that block what they truly think of the people they are around. In the end, the only person they care about is themselves. Just like The Faithful in attendance.

Scrow takes a moment.

All the travesties of Carny Sinclair they felt were not being punished. When Dex defeated him at Maximum Defiance, they reaped his downfall. It wasn’t about Dex Joy, no it was about Carny finally being punished for his atrocities. Scrow coming out after the match and dropping Carny with The Raven’s Call was just the cherry on the top for them. It all was about them, never about Scrow. They don’t care about Scrow, much like you, Christie, Carla, and everyone else that Scrow has come across. You all have your own agenda and you play the act of caring to a tee, but deep down you really only care about yourselves.

Lance looks at Scrow disappointed.

Your look on life truly needs to change. For one, you keep dwelling on the past. Has it ever occurred to you to look at what the future could possibly bring to you? Not everything in this world is bad. You have to find the good in it. Trust me it's there, but you have to make yourself find it.

Scrow stares at Lance with that same apathetic stare.

Your actions at DEFTV 137 were not the way to go about finding what is truly good about life. Striking a Defiance Official is not going to win you any brownie points with The Faithful, or anyone else in the back. If you truly want to know what it's like to have a true friend. Don’t assume we are all like Carny Sinclair only out for ourselves. Trust me Scrow when you finally find that happiness you will be surprised how you're acting right now.

Scrow continues to stare at Lance like that response seemed to get through. He looks away from Lance and looks toward the camera as Lance closes off the interview the camera zooms in on Scrow as though just maybe Lance might have broken through to him.


The DEFtv dark match begins with To The Maxx already in the ring and Gulf Coast Connection making their way down the ramp. The Crescent City Kid only comes halfway and then wishes his teammates good luck as he goes back up the ramp and into Gorilla.

King enters the ring alongside Eric Wilson. Referee Mark Shields calls for the bell.


Wilson charges at King but King grabs the ropes and Wilson files to the floor on the outside!

King slingshots himself up and over the top, crashing down on top of Wilson and then firing him back in the ring. King goes to the top rope and attempts an axe handle smash but Wilson rolls through. However, King lands on his feet, turns around and hip tosses Wilson to the center of the canvas. He kicks him hard in the back and then drags Wilson to his side of the ring, tagging Theodore Cain.

Cain gives a shout to The Faithful and then hurls Wilson into a free corner. He bursts in with a head full of steam and connects with a splash. He hip tosses Wilson to the mat and then gets on the second rope...

Shoulder block.

Wilson fights back up, however. This allows Cain to gain a lot of momentum and hit another shoulder block, one that sends Wilson right out of the ring for the second time in this match.

Gotta like these power moves by Cain.

As they mentioned on DEFtv, it's a new beginning for Gulf Coast. They've come so close to winning for a while now.

People forget, they have a victory over Fuse Bros. 360.

That they do.

Cain exits the ring. He looks to grab hold of Wilson but Mingle leaves his post and destroys Cain's face with a running elbow smash! Pleased with himself, Mingle throws Cain back into the ring. Aaron King tries to come over but the referee stops him!

This allows Mingle to slide into the ring, hit a DDT and then get Wilson back in there, too.

"The Exclusive" shakes his head and kicks at Cain. He makes his way over to Mingle for a tag.

Mingle hits Cain with three knife edge chops and then a reverse chinlock. As the fans try to get behind Cain, he waves about freely... hoping to break the hold.

Jaw breaker on Mingle! Cain breaks free.

Theodore dives towards King's hand but at the very last second, Mingle grabs him by the boot!


Enziguri by Cain!

Very impressive for the bigger man to hit that.

Cain tags King!

The Pensacola Playboy flies into the squared circle, hits a missile dropkick and then a double knee backbreaker. A snap powerslam follows...

He's trying to lock Mingle into his finisher, the Pensacola Crab, that modified Boston Crab...

NO! Wilson comes in with a bulldog!

This cues Theodore Cain.

Clothesline from hell on Wilson!

Cain ejects Wilson from the ring and falls to a knee, still feeling the affects of his previous beating.

King gets to his feet. He looks over at Mingle and tries for the submission move again...




It's turned into a roll up by King!





The fans give a cheer as Mingle stumbles back and into the corner, shocked he lost the match!

Gulf Coast has a victory!

Darren Quimbey:
The winners of this match... the team of Aaron King and Theodore Cain... GULF COAST CONNECTION!

Cain walks over to King, who's also making sense that he just won the match.

Theodore Cain:

King looks up, all smiles.

Aaron King:

The embrace as the Crescent City Kid makes his way back down the ramp to celebrate.

Gulf Coast have their W. It might not have been as decisive as they would've hoped but I'm sure they will take it.

The scene ends with GCC in the ring congratulating each other.



Jamie Sawyers stands by the interview set and greets the fans with a smile. 

Jamie Sawyers:
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome one of BRAZEN's outstanding prospects... Alvaro de Vargas. 

The tall, tatted-up Cuban-American walks onto the set and turns to face the interview backdrop that sports the UNCUT logo. 

Jamie Sawyers:
Alvaro, thank you for your time and... is something the matter?

Alvaro frowns when he sees the name of the show and then turns to Jamie.  

Alvaro de Vargas:
Wait, UNCUT, pendejo? Nah, I'm not one of these, how you say? Bush leaguer BRAZEN guys. I'm gonna be on DEFtv! The flagship show of DEFIANCE, with my new buddy, Trash Bags Tandy and we're gonna be... Patear la mierda de ellos Garrett and Solomon Grundy or whatever their names are. 

Jamie shakes his head. 

Jamie Sawyers:
Well, could we get a few words on UNCUT before you make your DEFtv in-ring de...

Alvaro de Vargas:
Nope. I'm out this minor league show, pendejo. 

ADV leaves the set, leaving Jamie Sawyers completely dumbfounded. 

Jamie Sawyers:
Uh... wow. 

The scene ends. 


It’s midday as the Wrestle-Plex sits empty. Only a few cleaning staff employees sweep random aisles. The quietness is nice and lends itself perfectly to an ASMR session. Teresa Ames walks along the arena floor with her phone turned towards herself, presumably recording.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Hello, hello, hello and welcome.

She executes a set of trademark finger flutters.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Welcome, welcome, welcome to another excitingly relaxing episode of ASMR with Ames.

She pauses to smile.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Here we are in the DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex in homely New Orleans, Louisiana.

She shows more teeth with this smile.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Did I say homely? I meant lovely.

She ceases her finger flutters.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Anyways, I thought it would be neat to take my followers on an intimate tour of the plex and knock on various materials for relaxing sounds throughout our journey!

She quickly pans around the ambient arena.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Usually it’s so loud in here when it’s packed with Faithful. Now, it just has Rodrigo and Miguel cleaning the aisles in it.

She slowly paces towards the ring that sits unused but proud.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
This is the ring. This is where all conflict gets resolved. Let’s knock on the canvas and hear what sound it makes!

She does just that and the canvas emits a low dull sound to it. She gently rubs the canvas as if thanking it for its contribution to her video.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Next, lets knock on the ring post. These are the four pillars that hold up the ring!

She softly knocks her knuckles on the closest steel ring post which creates a sharp tin sound.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Isn’t that exciting? Let’s pull on a rope now.

She grabs a rope and promptly releases it. Not much of a sound occurs other than a faint boing. She walks her way up the stage ramp.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
This is where all your favorite DEFIANTS, including Cyrus Bates, Malak Garland and of course, myself, come out of. Isn’t it majestic?

She kneels and knocks on the ramp. The loudest, hardest noise so far comes from there. She turns and pans her phone around the plex from the view on top of the stage.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Thousands of people fill these seats and chant ‘TERESA, TERESA, TERESA!’

Her faux cheering with a whispering voice is calming even if the re-enactment isn’t factual.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Well, that’s the inside of the arena everyone is already used to. Let’s go outside now.

The video is clearly edited as it cuts to Teresa standing outside, still with her phone focused on herself. There’s a bit of cloud cover but she shields her eyes from the sun with her free hand. She walks up the Wrestle-Plex exterior as the sound of wind whistles by.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Such a wonderful building.

She proceeds to knock on the uneven concrete.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Solid. Built to last.

She chuckles innocently as she walks away from the building to get a better shot of it.

Teresa Ames: [Whispering]
Thank you for joining me on this exclusive ASMR look at the DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex. I thoroughly hope you enjoyed it. I’ll be back next time with some more ASMR. Until then, subscribe and stay frosty. Ames out.

She ends the recording to her video and puts her phone down. One last smile with satisfaction breaks over her face before she carries on with the rest of her day.


At the famous Brennan’s in New Orleans, four men are having themselves quite a party at brunch occupying one corner of the restaurant at a table that can somehow fit the four large men. “The Biggest Boy” Dex Joy, BRAZEN’s champion Nathaniel Eye and The Lucky Sevens of Mason and Max Luck. They are joined mid-story with Dex, Nathaniel and Max Luck laughing while Mason Luck doesn’t look happy with whatever is being brought up. 

Mason Luck:
Will you three stop?

Dex Joy:
No … that was priceless, dude! You should have seen the look on your face when O-Face grabbed your leg!

Nathaniel continues laughing and in front of him he has the BRAZEN championship belt resting on the table. 

Mason Luck:
And do you have to bring that title with you everywhere, Nate? 

Nathaniel stops laughing and then turns the belt his way. 

Nathaniel Eye:
I am the champion of all things Brazen, Mason, so yes. It’s called being a good representative. 

Dex Joy:
Does that include using it to pick up chicks at the bar like you did after the show last night?

Nathaniel Eye:
Hey buddy I need to keep myself and this title relevant! I defended it twice in two nights, my body is aching and the only way to get over that is get under somebody else am I right?

He wants a high five but nobody else takes him up on his offer. Max is trying to get the lid popped open on a new bottle of Hot Sauce for his eggs, but it’s stuck. 

Max Luck:
Hey bro … this Hot Sauce is stuck. Any chance you can set it free?

More howling laughter erupts at the table form Dex, Nate and Max while Mason just slumps his head and shakes. 

Mason Luck:
Max, you’re such a dick.

Dex Joy:
But a hilarious dick! Hahahaha!

After the laughter goes away … eventually … Dex has a laugh. 

Dex Joy:
It’s uh … it has definitely been a week for all of us, pally. Nate over here is killing it with the BRAZEN championship, you guys are doing .. well whatever that was with the Pop Culture Phenoms. Do you think they’re gonna give you that match you guys want with them?

Mason points at Max. 

Mason Luck:
No but this idiot think they’ll actually pony up if we do this movie bit. 

Max Luck:
It’s a few lines on a movie for Netflix how bad can it be?

Mason Luck:
You … you realize that no good things ever happen to those who ask that question right? You have just set us all up for failure you idiot. 

Max bites into his eggs and laughs. 

Max Luck:
Dude we’re both seven feet tall! What can they really do?

Mason Luck:
That Uriel Cortez guy is bigger than us … and remember they took the Unified tag titles so don’t ever sell them short. 

Dex Joy is wolfing down a stack of pancakes when he looks up at the twins. 

Dex Joy:
For real! I thought Elise was kind of cute but then she left me to get beat up once by Shooter Landell and Gunther Adler so I wouldn't trust any of them. And speaking of tag teams … Team HOSS! 

Mason finally gets to look smug. 

Mason Luck:
Ha! Our sloppy seconds are going after you now right?

Dex Joy:
Yeah, those big jagaloons attacked me but I’m not taking that lying down from anybody after I ran Carny out of DEFIANCE Wrestling. I took that chair they tried to use against the Sky High Titans, then I beat Aleczander. I gotta deal with Angel Trinidad now. Any advice?

Mason now tears into his massive breakfast sandwich. 

Mason Luck:
Yeah. Watch those feet! He’s bigger than Aleczander but I think that dude is actually faster than him. He can move around that ring as fast as any big guy I’ve ever seen. 

Nathaniel Eye:
Yeah, they look killer. If you ever need back up, Dex, let me know. 

Dex Joy:
Thanks, pally, but I’ve got this. I beat Aleczander when Angel in his corner last week. Next week, I’m gonna go two and oh against them and show those jagaloons why Big Dex Energy conquers all in that ring! A toast, pallies!

Dex holds his glass up and the other three men follow suit. 

Dex Joy:
What a damn week!

Max, Nate, Mason:
What a damn week!

The conversation continues but grows quieter for a moment before an unheard joke leads to another fit of laughter at Mason Luck’s expense. 


♫ "Press Start" by MDK ♫

Tyler Fuse comes out with The Princess behind him. He wears his new black underwear tights with an orange swirl flowing throughout it. He has black knee pads, black boots and orange wrist tape. He’s as serious as normal as he walks down the rampway, eyeing his opponent in the ring. Meanwhile, Princess Desire sports her typical ring attire as well. Gray and dark blue designed tights, a wrestling top and her blonde hair tucked back in a ponytail. The letters “HRH” are on the back of her tights.

We’ve recently been told Tyler and Conor are going into singles competition for the foreseeable future. So, this should be step one for Tyler during this dark match.

Very interesting. They achieved such great heights in the tag division recently. Like them or not, they had to be right up there for a title shot, considering they haven’t even received one since losing the belts last year!

Well, it’s not like the Bros. aren’t on the same page. They’re still very much “together”. I’m sure when the opportunity comes…

Tyler stops in front of the ring. He stares coldly past his opponent and then walks up the steel stairs. The Peach Puroresu halts at the apron and awaits for the match to begin. Once Player One enters, referee Hector Navarro looks over both men and then calls for the bell.


Tyler’s opponent, Dean Nenonen, is about 6’0”, 250 pounds. He’s a big guy but doesn’t look too overweight or out of shape. He has light brown hair and wears a black and gold spandex singlet with the words “NO FUN DEAN” running down his right leg.

They lock up! Dean, I’m being told, is an indy wrestler from just outside of Green Bay. Nenonen works Tyler into the corner and then smacks him across the chest to a “woo” from our Faithful!

He smacks him again, to one more “woo”.

Dean whips Tyler into the buckle across the way. Tyler hits it hard and Nenonen comes charging in but Tyler ducks it!

Impressive how Tyler knew that was coming. He had his back turned!

Tyler slides to the middle of the ring and calls for Nenonen to turn around. Once he does, Tyler shows some incredible strength and scoop slams him to the center of the canvas. Player One follows it up with an elbow drop and then a headbutt. With The Princess watching on, Tyler hurls Dean into the ropes and connects with a drop toe told into a headlock, all in one fluent motion.

Nicely done by Tyler.

You know, I’m looking over at The Princess. She’s about as stoic as Tyler. She hasn’t moved a muscle on the outside. Not yet, anyway.

Well, she’s a deceptive one to say the least.

Nenonen works his way up to a knee and fires some elbows into Tyler, breaking the hold. He goes into the ropes and hits Tyler with a hard shoulder block, knocking him down. Nenonen tries to scoop slam Tyler himself but the more agile wrestler breaks free and then pushes Nenonen’s back, moving him closer to the ropes. Once Dean turns around he’s met with a roundhouse kick! The self-proclaimed No Fun Dean falls into the ropes and then Tyler puts him out of the ring with a dropkick!

The Faithful jeer as Dean tries to recover. Tyler looks over at The Princess and gives her a nod while he begins to get in Navarro’s face for something completely unrelated. This allows for Desire to make her way towards Nenonen and then pull him to his feet.

Princess Desire:
Get back in there, idiot!

Well, that was uncalled for. I’m sure he was going to!

The Princess isn’t backing down from Dean, despite him being much more prominent in size.



The Faithful boo as Princess Desire slapped Dean as hard as she could across his face. Before anything else can happen, Tyler rushes over to the ropes, makes his way onto the turnbuckle and then comes crashing down with an axe handle smash to Nenonen!

I don’t think Dean was gonna hit her but he did not look happy!

The Faithful boo as Tyler rolls Nenonen back into the ring. He slingshots himself over the top rope and lands a leg drop across Dean’s neck! Now looking over at The Princess and then back at Dean, Tyler goes into a rageful look.

Tyler Fuse:
What the hell were you gonna do to her, huh? You gonna try to hit her? Huh? Huh!?

Tyler starts slapping Dean while he’s down.

Tyler Fuse:
You don’t put your hands on royalty… 

Tyler kicks Dean square in the face, just as he was getting to a knee! The shot was stiff and echos concern throughout the arena. Fuse walks to the middle of the ring to acknowledge the crowd but just as he’s about to… Dean gets to his feet.

Look out, Tyler! Payback’s a bitch!

As No Fun Dean comes roaring in, Tyler’s peripherals pick him up and Tyler collapses onto the canvas immediately. Dean can’t break his momentum and goes head-first into the turnbuckle and ultimately, the ring post!

Fuse wastes no more time. He grabs Dean’s head and crushes him with CQC.

What the…?

Tyler was going to pin Nenonen here, folks. But he’s suddenly stopped!

Tyler mounts Dean and throws a fury of left fists into his face over and over and over.

The cameras cut to The Princess. She remains expressionless on the outside.

Over and over and over. More left hands come, connecting hard with Nenonen’s temple. Finally, Nenonen’s busted wide open.

Tyler gets up. He takes a stroll around the ring while the referee checks on the indy star.

Tyler Fuse:
Call yourself No Fun, huh?

Tyler pushes Navarro aside and goes right back to hammering him with left fists.

Shot after shot, more blood starts seeping from Dean’s head. By now, Navarro has serious concerns about the match. He tries to get in there to check on No Fun Dean but Tyler’s having none of it.

Tyler Fuse: [while hammering fists into Dean]
As… if… you… could… ever… hang… with… me…

Hector’s seen enough. He calls for the bell.


He immediately tells Darren Quimbey the match is over and Tyler’s won via KO. The announcement is made but Tyler hasn’t stopped pumping his opponent.

Okay, this is too far… 

By now, Hector Navarro is trying to push Tyler off. This does nothing, though. Player One is in a trance and he’s too powerful for the referee to make much of a difference.

Meanwhile, The Princess just stands there… still emotionless. As if nothing important is even happening.

Tyler Fuse: [to Dean]
Stood up to royalty, huh? Showed no respect?

Blood is pouring from Dean’s face. It’s all over Tyler’s left hand, too. The Faithful, who were booing have decided to stay silent out of concern.

We need more help down here, guys.

Another referee runs down. It’s Benny Doyle. He slides into the ring and tries to isolate Tyler by putting him into a waistlock and dragging him back.

Tyler, however, still has a firm hold on Dean Nenonen’s head and continues to pummel him for all its worth.


Finally, Navarro and Doyle remove Tyler Fuse from the indy wrestler. The Game-Changer stumbles back into the corner, beginning to rub his extremely long beard. The only issue is, his left hand is doused in Dean’s blood and it’s starting to get all over his facial hair and, ultimately, the rest of him. Nevertheless, Tyler doesn’t seem to mind… 

I just don’t know with this guy anymore. We always knew Tyler was intense, even in their fan-favourite days… but over these past few months… 

Intensity Personified, that’s for sure. This was completely uncalled for though.

Yes. Tyler has to be fined for this. Maybe even suspended.

Tyler just continues to rest up against the ring post as the referees check on Dean Nenonen. Over time, The Princess makes her way to the corner Tyler is resting in. She breaks her stoic pose for a slight second, grabbing Tyler’s attention by pulling the bottom rope that’s on his right side. Tyler looks over, nods and then rolls out of the ring. His theme music begins as the two of them walk up the ramp as if nothing has even happened and Tyler has no blood on him whatsoever. Even though, clearly, he’s covered in red.


We come back from a commercial to see Christie Zane and Jamie Sawyers standing in front of a DEFIANCE background. Both are smiles as the bright lights shine. 

It has never been more exciting a time in DEFIANCE as it is right now, wouldn’t ya say Jamie?

Oh definitely, Christie. There have been some returns, big returns, but not one as marvelous as what we saw at MAXIMUM DEFIANCE just a few weeks ago.

For sure. We all wondered who would accept the challenge from Scrow. He had hinted at things but no one was sure who he would be facing at the Pay-Per-View . We found out that the man who would face off against Scrow was the returning DEFIANT, the former Southern Heritage Champion, THE Jay Harvey.

A video package of the Harvey and Scrow match hits your screen.

We were all shocked, Christie. I didn’t think I’d ever see Jay Harvey back inside a DEFIANCE ring. Rumors were he was in Japan, my sources told me he was reached out to by several members of DEFIANCE both in the locker room and in the office about making a return. I was even told by my sources that other companies… I won’t name names but many companies sought the services of Harvey.

Now I’m going to guess Jay Harvey didn’t see his return going the way it did, I mean he got the victory but he took a beating in the process.

That he did, Christie. You have to give credit to Scrow. His MMA background was on full display. Scrow took it to Harvey but… “The Natural One” was able to finish Scrow off with his Wake Up Call finisher.

The fans were glad to see Harvey return and just last week Harvey made his DEFtv return, accepting the so-called “challenge” from Gage Blackwood.

Gage Blackwood backed out of putting the Southern Heritage on the line last week but Blackwood and Harvey are set to face off next week in NON-title action.

Blackwood playing mind games but Harvey is no stranger to that, Jamie.

I don’t see this being over any time soon, Christie. I know Jay Harvey, from our WrestleUTA days and here in DEFIANCE… he’s not going to let that slide. I’m surprised he didn’t just beat Blackwood down in the middle of the ring last week.

The fans would have loved that, I’m sure. There you have it, guys. Jay Harvey, THE Jay Harvey is back in DEFIANCE. We will all be watching to see what the former Southern Heritage Champion does next. Will he want to take back his former title or does he have his eyes set on the biggest prize in DEFIANCE? We will see. 

The two begin conversing as some slightly heavy music plays over them. We cut to the next segment. 


It’s tough to make out where this scene is. You can try if you’d like. Here’s all you get… 

It’s dark. It’s a small space, a very small space. And there’s a broom off to the center.

Oh, and a man sits on the floor in the “middle” of the room.

He is tall and thin, extremely thin. There is barely any muscle mass or fat on him whatsoever. He seems to be wearing black spandex and a black t-shirt but it’s really tough to see what’s going on here. He holds a camera in front of him. It takes him some time but he begins speaking into it, like something out of a Blair Witch movie scene.

I’m scared. It’s so scary out there.

The man’s hands shake, although it could be the lack of… well, anything in his diet that’s making this happen. It doesn’t look like he’s eaten in weeks.

I don’t know if I’m ready for this. Gilbert, he says I am. He certainly was. He says we all are.

The man takes a moment to collect his thoughts.

Please, if anyone finds this and I didn’t make it, just tell my parents I-

The door opens up, finally shedding some light on the space. The skinny man’s eyes shut completely upon seeing the brightness. The image of his face is much more apparent now. He’s got short brown hair and acne all over his face. He has a rather large nose and a big jaw for someone as thin as he looks to be. He looks to be no older than 19 or 20. Off-camera, a voice is heard.

“Yeah yeah, mmmmmmm yeah. Gimme that, gimme that, extra extra.”

The skinny man wipes his eyes. He’s finally able to open one of them to see what’s up.

Is it time?

“Yeah Alan, it’s time. Gimme that, gimme that, mmmmmmmm yeah baby.”

Okay, just give me one more minute?

Whatever the man says off-camera isn’t heard, if he indeed said anything at all. Instead, the door closes back up and Alan, as he is now known, looks into the handheld camera once more, surrounded by darkness.

I forgot what I was saying. It’s so scary out there. I hope I can record another one of these when I get back.

Alan puts the camera down. He digs into his pocket and pulls out what looks to be three junior gooey mints and pops them in his mouth. Then, in one fluent motion he leaves the tiny room, completely forgetting to turn the camera off in the process. There’s a few more moments of silence before, finally, the closet door opens up again and you hear some rumblings from behind the camera.

“Mmmmmmmm, yeahhhhhhhhhhh.”



Fans, welcome back to more UNCUT action and up next, we’ll be seeing the televised debut of one of BRAZEN’s recent newest signings and standouts, North Carolina native Doug “Moonshine” Matton!

I’ve been following him since he debuted at Clash of the BRAZEN and he’s been on something of a win streak. Some might say he’s not all there in the head, but he’s a budding technical genius in some ways as well! 

That’s right! He boasts a Fujiwara Armbar finisher called Whole Lotta Buzz! He can work the mat just as easily as he can punch somebody in the face. His opponent, though, is no slouch. Richie Dunson of the Dunson Clan will be facing Matton. Richie is a young blue chipper and will also have his brother Todd as well as the Dunson family patriarch, Paul, at his side. Let’s go to ringside for this BRAZEN showcase match!

The crowd buzzes as Darren Quimbey starts with the intros. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a BRAZEN showcase match set for one fall! Already in the ring, accompanied by Todd and Paul Dunson… from Mt. Hope, West Virginia, weighing in at 215 pounds… RICHIE DUNSON!

The crowd jeers Richie in the ring. Wrestling in his tattered blue jeans and boots, he has both Paul and Todd Dunson both whispering words of advice to him as he nods and looks on at the entryway awaiting his opponent. 

♫ “Workin’” by Big Smo feat. Alexander King ♫

The music starts to thunder and the fans not familiar with the next start give a polite round of applause to the man stumbling out of the ring in a DEFIANCE-themed bandanna tied over his head. Decked out in black thigh-length trunks, knee pads, boots, and a bottle in hand, he tips his bottle to cheers to the fans and then heads to the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, weighing in at 233 pounds… DOUG “MOONSHINE” MATTON!

Here he comes! He’s been popular with the BRAZEN fans so far, so let’s see what kind of mark he’ll make tonight. 

I’m pretty sure it’s… oh, wait, no. It’s past five. Carry on with the bottle. 

Matton makes his way to the ring and has a microphone in his hand as he walks inside and takes a small sip of the sauce. The music fades quietly as Doug takes a peek out to the crowd, then turns to Richie Dunson. 

Doug Matton:
Richie, Richie, Richie, nice to meet you guys! Name’s Doug Matton! Some people call me Moonshine! Some people call me Ol’ Shiner! Others call me “pay your damn tab and get the hell out!” But from the bottom of my heart, I just wanna thank DEFIANCE for this opportunity tonight!

A slightly bigger cheer erupts as Matton continues. 

Doug Matton:
Now, I ain’t gonna spend the next twenty minutes talkin’ ‘bout myself since y’all came here to see a fight! Doug Matton don’t work like that! See! Ol’ Shiner likes to keep it simple! I don’t go to other places to make noise! I make the noise so other people come to me and let the work speak for itself! This business is built on the buzz you make and makin’ others come to you! I’mma start in this ring and fight Richie Dunson here… I’mma make a little bit of buzz…

He sips his beer. 

Doug Matton:
I’mma make a little more buzz…

He takes another, slightly longer drink. 

Doug Matton:
Then a little more buzz… till Ol’ Shiner here is as BUZZED as buzzed can be, baby! Then when I’ve done worked my ass off in BRAZEN, I’mma get to the top! Richie, I’mma make you tap! Then after his match, Ol’ Shiner’s gonna got to the back and get back to the tap! Now if you ain’t scared, Richie, let’s do this! 

He finishes his beer and then hands the empty bottle to referee Hector Navarro, who shrugs and tosses it aside. When he calls for the bell…


...Richie comes out of the gate like a rocket, hitting a Dropkick to Matton and sending him scrambling into the corner! 

Looks like Richie is gunning right for Matton! He wants a big win tonight and wants to spoil his televised debut!

Matton scrambles in the corner and then Richie goes to town on Moonshine, laying into him with a solid trio of right hands until he’s got him winded. Richie takes a second and yells at the jeering crowd to shut up and watch him beat the brakes off the newcomer. He turns around…. And suddenly, Matton runs past him and sends him flying out of the corner with an Irish Whip. Matton waits for him off the return and hits a big Arm Drag! Richie goes flying, then comes back up only to get snapped over with a second Arm Drag! And a third! He’s back up on his feet when Matton then picks him up with a huge Hip Toss! Richie starts to stumble back to his feet after that, only for Doug to pick him up and then drop him with a huge Scoop Slam mid-ring!

Wow! Not what I expected coming out the gate with Matton!

...Then Matton runs off the ropes and follows up with a Falling Headbutt to the rib cage of Richie!

That’s probably more in the ballpark, huh?

Indeed! And now Matton has him in that Arm Lock on Richie!

Both Paul and Todd look shocked at the fact that Richie Dunson is being outwrestled, and then out-fought by the drunkard. But Moonshine has the Armbar locked in tight as he yells out to the crowd that cheer in response. Richie looks angry and tries to get back to his feet, but Moonshine still has control of the arm. Richie hits him with a punch to the face to get him to let go and it staggers him so he can hit the ropes. He tries, but off the rebound, Matton hits a Drop Toe Hold… then goes right back to the arm in another Armbar! 

He’s working that mat really well and he’s seemingly got Richie Dunson figured out… no, wait!

Paul Dunson rolls into the ring and acts not so sly about what he’s going to do when Hector Navarro yells at the patriarch to leave the ring. 

Paul Dunson:
Shut it, I’m old! I don’t know what’s going on!

But behind Navarro, Todd comes into the ring and Dropkicks the side of Matton’s head to get him to break the hold! He rolls out of the ring quickly while the fans jeer!

Well, there’s the number’s game coming into effect by The Dunson Clan! Come on!

The Dunson Clan paying off now and look! Richie’s back up!

While Matton is stil hurt, Richie grabs his arm, then hits the ropes and CRACKS Matton in the jaw with a Front Dropkick! After he goes down, he gets back up and hits the ropes for a second-rope Springboard Moonsault! He then goes for the cover!



Matton kicks out! He’s a tough individual, that’s for sure!

Richie thinks quickly on what else to do, so he stands up immediately and then nails a Thrust Kick to the chin of Doug while he tries to rise! Richie then goes for a second cover quickly!



Richie growls at the referee, but Hector Navarro tells him to keep focused on the match. Paul and Todd Dunson cheer on Richie as he pulls Doug Matton back up. He tries to get him up for an Irish Whip, but Matton reverse., Matton goes low and hits a Battering Ram Headbutt to Richie against the ropes!

Wow! That’s one way to stop an oncoming opponent!

If I say that’s using your head, would that be a bad joke right now?

The crowd cheers and rallies behind the unorthodox Moonshine as he starts to roll around the mat holding his head while Richie holds his gut in pain. He tries to gut it out (pun intended) and tries to get at Ol’ Shiner, but Matton blocks a punch and fires a right hand, then a chop, and then switches between the two before tossing Richie to the corner. He follows him in with a Corner Clothesline! Richie twitches in the corner when Matton goes to the second rope, grabs the arm and leaps off with a Calf Branding Knee to the left arm!

Calf Branding by Doug Matton! He’s been focusing on that arm throughout and now he might have Richie Dunson where he wants him. 

Ol’ Shiner tips an imaginary glass to the cheering fans as Richie Dunson tries standing up when Moonshine waits for him. He tries to grab the arm that he hit the move on, but Richie shoves him away and hits a Discus Punch using his good arm! Moonshine goes down to a knee while a pained Richie climbs out to the apron. 

Now where’s Richie going?

He’s a pretty talented high flyer! Maybe something new?

He gets to the top rope, but doesn’t expect Ol’ Shiner to come after him and trip him on the ropes! Richie is left with his social life being ruined for the night as Matton climbs up to the top rope. He looks out to the crowd… and pops off a sloppy, but effective Top Rope Hurricanrana! The crowd roars with approval!

What a move! I’m told he calls that… The Beer-Can-Rana… 

And now look! 

After Matton hits the move, he grabs the left arm of Richie, leaps over to the other side and then snaps on a TIGHT Fujiwara Armbar!

WHOLE LOTTA BUZZ! That’s his finishing maneuver!

The crowd cheers on Ol’ Shiner as he locks in the hold! Paul and Todd plead with Richie not to tap, but he’s in too much pain!!!


Moonshine lets go of the hold and makes it back to his feet! Grinning as he gets back to his feet, he climbs to the middle rope and almost stumbles over them completely in celebration!

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner by submission… DOUG “MOONSHINE” MATTON!

Paul and Todd Dunson both enter the ring and grumble quietly while Matton goes back up the ramp!

He said exactly what he was gonna do! He was gonna make Richie tap, then he’s gonna go back to the tap! 

Definitely one to watch! The crowd seems really taken to Moonshine! 

Richie holds his arm and is now being berated by both his father and brother, both yelling at him as the show ends.

Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.