27 Jan 2021

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


Energetic music begins to fade up ...

A glitch effect, accompanied by a digital glitch sound effect ushers in the UNCUT logo with a slow dissolve.

The logo fades and on a black screen, words in white appear one at a time.





Uncut opens showing Petey Garrett and Solomon Grendel, collectively known as Brutal Attack Force sliding underneath the bottom rope to enter the ring. Popping up to their feet in unison, the Brazen stars climb up separate corners to mean mug the crowd, and the Faithful respond in kind with a chorus of boos.

Welcome back to Uncut everyone! Coming up next we’re going to be seeing the much anticipated in-ring debut of The Saturday Night Specials. Pat Cassidy and Brock Newbludd gained quite the popular following with The Faithful since they opened up Ballyhoo Brew together. Now, we’re going to see if they can take their partnership to the next level inside of the squared circle.

Right you are, partner. On paper, they make a formidable duo, there’s no doubt about that. Pat Cassidy was named the Upcoming Defiant of the Year, and he’s been living up that honor with some impressive work in the ring. He’s young, talented, and hungry. On the flip side, you have Brock Newbludd, a veteran who’s resume speaks for itself. He’s been to the top of the mountain and knows what it takes to get there. But, pure talent isn’t enough when it comes to tag-team success. Above all else, they will need that special brand of chemistry inside the ring and the only way they’ll find out if they can work as a unit is by getting into the ring and going to work.

Well put, Lance. Their first official opponents, Brutal Attack Force, are already in the ring and I’m sure they’re going to be pulling out all the stops to hand The Saturday Night Specials’ a defeat in their debut. 

With a big match coming headed their way against The Stevens Dynasty at DEFIANCE Road, The Milwaukee Made Man and The Scrapper from Southie will be looking to build some momentum. Now, let’s send it down to Darren Quimbley!

Standing in the middle of the ring, Darren Quimbley raises his trusty microphone up to his lips. 

Darren Quimbley:
Ladies and gentlemen! The following contest is a tag team match set for one fall! Introducing first, standing in the corner to my left and weighing in at a combined weight of 405 pounds is the team of Petey Garrett and Solomon Grendel...Brutal Attack Force!!

B.A.F. raise their fists up and are showered with a chorus of boos from The Faithful. 

Darren Quimbley:
And their opponents!

♫ “Drink” by Alestorm ♫

As the opening chords to Alestorm’s rock song kick in, the lights in the DEFarena begin to flash red. The crowd is a bit unsure who this particular theme song belongs to, so there’s more of quiet buzz of curiosity than anything. Suddenly, a clamor arises from one section of the fans, and the cameras quickly pan toward the upper levels of the crowd… where we see “The Innovator” Brock Newbludd and “Black Out” Pat Cassidy making their way down the stairs and toward the ring!

Darren Quimby:
At a combined weight of 484 pounds… Pat Cassidy and Brock Newbludd… The Saturday Night Specials!

The Saturday Night Specials continue to march down the steps, being pawed at by eager Faithful as they pass through the legions of fans. For their part, Cassidy and Brock make sure to smack the hands of their fans as they pass by. Brock is dressed in usual attire, while Cassidy has swapped out his usual blue tights for red ones that read “SNS.” He’s also still sporting the heavily taped ribs. In his right hand, Brock holds a small red cooler. Brock stops right before the steps meet the floor, noticing a fan holding up a “BALLYHOO DAT!?” sign. Brock signals to Cassidy, and the two men move in close, allowing the fan to snap a selfie with the two men as they shoot a thumbs up. Brock gives the fan a quick pat on the shoulder as SNS move on and continue to head toward the ring.

SNS opting to come out through the fans… one has to wonder if they were out back tailgating before this match...

Both men athletically hop over the ringside barricade and roll into the ring. Brock places the cooler on the mat, and jumps up to the top rope raising his arms high. Cassidy mirrors his actions on the opposite turnbuckle. The two members of Brutal Attack Force remain in the corner, appearing to be unimpressed with the showboating of SNS.

We might not yet know how much chemistry this team has between the ropes, but one thing is for sure: they are not lacking in fan support!

As the music dies down, Cassidy motions to borrow Quimby’s microphone. With a shrug, Darren hands it over. Brock picks the cooler back up as Cassidy raises the mic to his mouth… and then he stops, looking as if he’s deep in thought. He smacks his head in a “duh” motion, and then offers the mic to Brock Newbludd. With a smile, Brock takes it. He raises it to his mouth and looks toward the fans.

Brock Newbludd:

The Faithful:
…. DAT!!!

With a smile, Brock tosses the mic back to Cassidy.

Pat Cassidy:
Ladies and gentlemen… it is my esteemed honor and dutiful privilege to formally introduce to you… THE hottest new tag team on the scene… THE party hosts of the twenties… THE men who are one week away from kicking the defective chromosome off The Stevens clan…

Crowd laughs at that one. Cassidy smiles.

Pat Cassidy:

Brock strikes a pose, cooler in hand.

Pat Cassidy:

Cassidy pats his own chest as he announces himself.

Pat Cassidy:

The crowd cheers! Cassidy turns to Brock.

Pat Cassidy:
Newbludd… let’s share our tidings with the fine people.

Brock opens up the cooler, and pulls out a can of beer. He holds the can up right in front of the camera, and we can see the name of the beer: “Ballyhoo Brew: Can O’ Whoop Cass.” Brock holds the can up to the fans, making a “who wants it” motion. The section he’s looking at begin to cheer and hold out their hands, so Brock lobs it into the mob. 

Pat Cassidy:
Please note that you must be of age and enjoy our beverages responsibly! You know… for legal reasons.

Brock pulls out another can, this time it’s “Ballyhoo Brew: Brocky Mountain High.” He goes to the other side of the ring and repeats the same motion before throwing it to some eager fans.

These guys never miss a chance to shill the merchandise, do they?

Pat Cassidy:

Cassidy makes a “time-out” motion. Brock stops what he’s doing, looking confused.

Pat Cassidy:
Brock, my man… we almost forgot our esteemed opponents… 

Cassidy motions to Brutal Attack Force, who are still waiting in their team’s corner and are sneering at Cassidy and Newbludd’s antics. Brock picks up what Cassidy is putting down, and grabs two more cans from the cooler. He walks up to BAF, offering them each a can of frosty delight. Solomon Grendel looks at the cans, before looking and meeting the gaze of Petey Garrett. They both make a face of disgust… and Grendel KNOCKS the cans right out of Brock’s hands!

Arms spread out wide, Brock glares at the two men.

Brock Newbludd:
Seriously!? You telling me two guys calling themselves BRUTAL ATTACK FORCE don't drink beer!? Motherfu…

Cassidy winces and shakes his head at Garrett and Grendel.

Pat Cassidy:
You… you shouldn’t of done that, boys…

In a flash, Brock begins to unload on Grendel with right hands while Cassidy jabs Garrett in the face with the mic, causing a loud feedback noise to echo throughout the arena!

Ouch! You don’t see that everyday.

No, you do not. Either way, I think that was enough for referee Carla Ferrari to get this match officially started. She’s calling for the bell!


Newbludd continues to pound on Grendel with a barrage of alternating fists that cause Solomon to stumble backwards towards the ropes. Behind them, Cassidy grabs the doubled over Garrett by the back of the neck.

Look out! I think Petey’s going for a ride!

Maintaining his grip on the back of Garrett’s head, Cassidy sprints towards the ropes and tosses his opponent out of the ring! Brock catches a glimpse of Garrett plummeting to the floor and promptly finishes his opening salvo on Grendel with a big clothesline that causes Solomon to flip over the top rope and crash land on the floor next to Garrett!

The Specials’ didn’t take Brutal Attack Force’s rejection too kindly, partner. Grendel and Garrett are fuming on the outside!

Clearly Ballyhoo’s owners took a page out of their bouncers playbook with those two tosses.

As the shellshocked members of Brutal Attack Force regain their bearings on the outside of the ring, referee Ferrari turns her attention to the Specials’ and orders them to their corner. Waving Carla off with a smile, Newbludd locates the two cans of beer that he had offered up to BAF and picks them up off the mat. With the angry ref hot on his heels, Newbludd quickly joins Cassidy in the corner and hands him one of the cans.

Carla’s trying her best to get this match started properly but it looks like Newbludd and Cassidy are more interested in drinking at the moment.

Face red in anger, Carla orders SNS to put down the beers and pick who’s starting the match for them. Newbludd and Cassidy both tell the referee to relax before simultaneously cracking open the cans.

Can they do that?

Can’t tell you, Lance. I don’t know if there’s a section on beer drinking in the rulebook. 

Toasting the cans of beer together, both members of SNS tip their heads back and begin chugging them down, much to the delight of the Faithful! Cassidy is the first to finish and triumphantly crushes his can with one hand. Brock finishes his a half second later and slaps the top turnbuckle in mock disappointment at being beaten. Shrugging his shoulders, Newbludd gives Cassidy a congratulatory slap on the back and steps out onto the ring apron.

I guess that’s one way to decide who’s starting the match!

You can say that again! Through pure drinking prowess, Cassidy has earned the right to start this match off. Good timing too as we see Brutal Attack Force reentering the ring.

Still looking thoroughly disgusted with their opponent’s antics, the two members of BAF exchange a few last second words in their corner. Seeing Cassidy standing across the ring, Petey Garrett volunteers himself to start.

Cassidy and Garrett circle each other, sizing each other up. They lock up, and the larger Cassidy simply powers Garrett back, tossing the smaller man back onto his ass! As Garrett scrambles to get back to his feet, Cassidy begins to showboat, doing a mock rope-a-dope dance to the laughter of the crowd. Garrett goes after Cassidy with a clothesline, but Black Out ducks at the right time, and catches Garrett on the rebound with an armdrag. Garrett back up, but he runs into another armdrag. Garrett gets back to his knees, not eager to run into a third armdrag. Cassidy smiles at the kneeling Garrett, lifting one leg and both arms in the classic “crane kick” stance from The Karate Kid. 

Pat Cassidy, per usual, seems to be having the time of his life out there. 

Cassidy turns to Brock, jerking a thumb toward Garrett as if to say, “you want some?” Brock eagerly reaches out his hand. Grinning, Cassidy tags in Brock Newbludd!

Newbludd’s in and here comes Garrett!

Hoping to catch Brock by surprise as he enters the ring, Garrett charges in and connects with a Shotgun Dropkick that sends Newbludd stumbling backwards into the corner. 

Well executed dropkick by the junior heavyweight!

Bouncing backfirst off the turnbuckle, Newbludd shrugs off the blow and explodes out of the corner. Garrett is quick to his feet after delivering the drop kick but is caught off guard by Brock racing towards him and reacts with a wild clothesline that misses it’s mark. Ducking underneath Garrett’s swinging arm, Brock does a quick go behind and nails Petey squarely in the back with a dropkick of his own! Stumbling forward from the blow, Garrett bounces chest first against the turnbuckles and staggers backwards right into Brock’s waiting arms.

Newbludd locks in a sleeper! 

Garrett tries to fight his way out of the sleeper but Brock tightens down on the hold. Dragging his smaller opponent out of the corner, The Innovator suddenly pops his hips and sends Petey sailing across the ring with a big time Sleeperplex!

What a suplex from Newbludd! Garrett’s up on his hands and knees now, trying his best to shake off that sudden impact.

Garrett wisely begins to crawl towards his corner where and Grendel’s outstretched hand. With only a couple feet separating him and the tag, Petey’s progress is suddenly halted when Newbludd grabs onto ankle and yanks him back towards the middle of the ring. Wriggling his way free, Petey scrambles to his feet and attempts to lunge towards his corner. Before Garrett can make the tag, Brock cuts him off a second time by wrapping him up in a rear waistlock. Locking his hands together, Newbludd hits another suplex on his opponent, this one of the German variety!

Another suplex effectively cuts off Garrett, who has found himself in trouble early.

Indeed he has, Lance. Brock picking Garrett off the mat now and he quickly applies a front facelock.

Firmly in control, Brock maintains the front facelock on Petey as he makes his way towards his corner. Smiling wide, Cassidy stick a hand out and Newbludd makes the tag. As Cassidy enters the ring, Brock releases the front facelock on Garret and nails him in the face with a stiff headbutt. Petey stumbles into the corner while Newbludd backpedals to meet Cassidy in the middle of the ring.

Referee Ferrari is giving Newbludd an earful and here comes the count. Brock better vacate the ring before he gets disqualified!

Ignoring Ferrari, Brock grabs Cassidy by an arm and rears back. Newbludd lets out an audible grunt and irish whips ‘Black Out’ as hard as he can towards the corner. Shaking the last of the cobwebs out of his head, Petey looks up and his eyes widen at the sight of Cassidy soaring through the air towards him...

Stinger Splash by Cassidy! He reached tremendous height on that one!

Newbludd gave his partner a nice boost with that irish whip. Excellent teamwork from The Saturday Night Specials!

With only a couple seconds left on the ref’s count, Brock quickly exits the ring, bumping fists with Cassidy as he does so. With Petey still slumped in the corner, Cassidy spins him around, lifting him up and perching him on the top rope facing outward toward the fans. Cassidy climbs up behind, wrapping his arms around him from behind. Cassidy falls backwards, dropping Petey Garrett with a top-rope belly-to-back suplex!! The smaller wrestler nearly folds in half, and Cassidy quickly hooks the leg.


NO! Solomon Grendel rushes into the ring to save his tag team partner, breaking up the pinfall with a swift kick before returning to his corner. Cassidy rolls off Garrett, looking toward Grendel on the outside with a “what the hell, man?” look. Garrett responds by yelling back angrily, and Cassidy shakes his head in annoyance. Pat lifts Petey Garrett off the mat and tosses him over to his tag partner, encouraging Grendel to make the tag and come in and get him some. Grendel tags in for the first time in the match, coming face to face with Pat Cassidy.

Did you see that? Cassidy actually encouraged the tag!

I think The Saturday Night Specials have something to prove in their first team outing, and Cassidy is looking to show that they can beat both members of Brutal Attack Force.

Cassidy and Grendel lock up, which Solomon is able to transition into a headlock synched tight around the Boston native’s head. Cassidy powers Solomon off him and off the ropes. Grendel ducks Cassidy’s clothesline attempt on the rebound… but DOES run right into a stiff back elbow to the mush! With Grendel down, Cassidy drops one… two… three… four forearms onto his head, knocking Solomon back to his stomach every time he tries to rise. Cassidy drapes the stunned Solomon Grendel over the middle rope facing outward toward the fans. Black Out gets a head off steam off the opposite ropes, crashing down on Grendel with his leg meeting the prone man’s neck. With the Brutal Attack Force member down, Cassidy signals to Brock Newbludd, who quickly enters the ring.

The Saturday Night Specials might be looking for a tandem move here…

I think we’re starting to get our answer about how solid their teamwork really is!

Cassidy and Newbludd send Grendel into the ropes, looking to hit him with… something on the way back. We’ll never know, though, because Grendel halts his momentum by wrapping his arms around the top rope when he hits them. Thinking quickly, Petey Garrett gets the blind tag by smacking his partner’s back! With The Saturday Night Specials facing him, Garrett leaps up and springboards OFF the top rope toward both men…

...but they catch him in mid-air….


Petey Garret was absolutely DRIVEN into the mat there! 

I’m told they call that double spinebuster The Boilermaker… and this is probably the end.

With Garrett seeing stars, Cassidy makes the cover…


But again Solomon Grendel breaks up the pin! Brock is still in the ring, so he knocks Grendel on his ass with a sharp superkick to the jaw before being herded back to the ring apron by referee Ferrari. Cassidy rolls off Petey, again looking absolutely indignant that someone would break up his pin a second time. He looks at Brock, shrugs, and makes the tag to make Newbludd the new legal man as he returns to the corner.

Cassidy’s looking a bit frustrated with Solomon Grendel breaking up what looked to be a three count for a second time.

And Grendel ate a big kick to the face from Newbludd for that interference. He’s just now exiting the ring, sporting a bruised ego to go along with an aching jaw.

Brock sprints across the ring and promptly delivers a Shining Wizard to Petey Garrett, hitting him squarely in the face with his knee. As Garrett slumps to the mat, Newbludd uses momentum on his side and performs a forward roll to pop up to his feet. Instantly, The Innovator spins on a heel and charges towards Grendel. Still woozy from eating the superkick, Solomon has no time to react and is sent flying off the apron courtesy of a running forearm from Newbludd!

Hard shot from Brock sends Grendel down to the floor!

And that’s how you stop someone from interfering, partner.

Brock stares down at Grendel writhing in pain on the ringside floor and raises a fist to the crowd. The Faithful respond with a loud cheer and Newbludd lowers his fist slightly to point a finger at Cassidy. Pat mimics the gesture and Brock quickly moves back in towards the battered Garrett.

Can’t be sure, but I believe Brock and Cassidy are signaling for something here!

Newbludd circles behind Garrett and watches as the junior heavyweight slowly begins to pull himself up with the ropes. The instant that Petey gets fully back to his feet, Brock grabs him by the back of the head and drags him to the middle of the ring. Positioning the back of Garrett’s head on a shoulder, Brock gives Cassidy a thumbs up and then hits Petey with a Hangman’s Neckbreaker.

Newbludd with the neckbreaker! Look at this, Cassidy is climbing up to the top rope!

The crowd begins to roar in anticipation as Cassidy positions himself up top while Brock picks Garrett’s limp form off the ground. Seeing his buddy in the launch position, The Innovator stuffs his opponent’s head between his legs and wraps his arms around him for what appears to be a piledriver.

Brock Newbludd:
Let’s do this, buddy! KEG STAND!

Newbludd lifts Garrett upside down while Cassidy starts pumping a fist to the crowd from his perch on the top rope.

Pat Cassidy:

Maintaining his grip on the upside down Garrett, Newbludd joins in on the chanting and wouldn’t you know it, The Faithful quickly join in.

The Faithful:

Smiling wide, Cassidy turns his attention away from the crowd and zeroes in on his target.

Listen to this crowd, Lance! It sounds like a college house party in here! 

Bending his knees slightly, the Scrapper from Southie leaps off! Sticking both arms out, Cassidy grabs the tops of Garrett’s feet and the crowd lets out a large roar when The Saturday Night Specials PLANT poor Petey Garrett into the canvas with a tremendous Spike Piledriver!

They call that The Keg Stand, folks, and I believe that will do it for Petey Garrett!

With the crowd still cheering wildly, Newbludd rolls Garrett over and hooks a leg while Cassidy climbs the nearest set of turnbuckles to raise a triumphant fist to the people. 








And that does it! Newbludd and Cassidy with an impressive first victory as The Saturday Night Specials! Listen to this crowd, Lance! 

No doubt about it, DDK. The Faithful are getting quickly attached to these two.

Darren Quimbley:
Ladies and gentlemen! The winners of this contest by way of pinfall…‘Black Out’ Pat Cassidy… ‘The Innovator’ Brock Newbludd...The Saturday Night Specials!

Newbludd and Cassidy exit the ring, making sure to slap hands and interact with the eager fans around the ring before heading up the ramp. As they walk toward the curtain, they’re met halfway up the aisle by none other than Christie Zane with a mic in hand.

Christie Zane:
Brock! Pat! Big first win for you guys as a tag team. We’re just a week away from your “Saturday Night Street Fight” against The Stevens at DEF Road… and yet we still have no idea what the match is. What can we expect out of you guys?

Cassidy smiles, motioning for her to send the mic his way first. He’s slightly out breath from the match, but he’s game to talk.

Pat Cassidy:
Chris! Tee! Zane! Looking radiant as always my old friend. It’s funny you should mention The Stevens… cause yes, we are just a short time away from slapping the ugly off their faces. And yes, the match will be unforgiving and brutal and ever so epic. But in a strange way… we owe The Stevens a debt of gratitude. 

Christie looks confused by this. Cassidy puts an arm around Newbludd.

Pat Cassidy:
You see, Newbludd and I formed this unstoppable duo before you out of the need to fight a common enemy. The Stevens showed us that they needed and deserved an ass kicking, and we answered that call. We just proved in that ring… and we’ll prove again at DEF Road… that The Saturday Night Specials are on tap to dominate the DEFIANCE tag team division.

Christie Zane:
So… you’re not going to tell me what the match is?

Cassidy removes his arm from around Newbludd’s shoulder. He looks shocked at the accusation. 

Pat Cassidy:
Now Mrs. Zane, I’m hurt you’d accuse me of dodging the question. I’m also surprised that you didn’t ask me about these taped ribs. You interview types like to do that.

Christie Zane:
Okay… how are your ribs?

Pat Cassidy:
Feelin’ good, thanks for asking!

A beat. Christe shakes her head as one might do at an annoying younger brother, and then turns to Brock.

Christie Zane:
Brock Newbludd… is there anything you can tell us about The Saturday Night Street Fight?

Brock Newbludd:
Sure! But, I don’t have to tell you. I can show you. 

Newbludd reaches out and grabs ahold of the camera, turning it so it focuses back on the ring. Inside of it, Solomon Grendel is assisting Referee Ferrari in pulling a dazed Petey Garrett up off the mat.

Brock Newbludd:
Take a good look at poor Petey there. Look at the drool running down his chin and that dead look in his eyes. Look familiar? It does to me. We just beat Petey so bad that we made him look like a Stevens boy. Now, as impressive as that is, just try to imagine what Bo and George are going to look like when we’re done with them come Defiance Road! 

Garrett pushes away from Solomon and Carla’s helping hands and takes a step forward. Wobbling back and forth for a second, Petey’s legs give out from under him and he faceplants back on the mat, causing Newbludd to chuckle. Pulling the camera back around to focus on him and Cassidy, Brock grins at Zane.

Brock Newbludd:
It’s gonna be bad news for The Stevens Dynasty, Christie. Real bad news. 

Brock raises a fist to Cassidy and Pat gives him a bump. 

Christie Zane:
Is that it? You’re really not giving the fans anything heading into the match?

Newbludd frowns and raises an eyebrow. Next to him, Cassidy does the same.

Brock Newbludd:
Not give the fans anything? Hold on now. I said bad news for The Stevens Dynasty, not bad news for the people. In fact, we have some GREAT news for them. May I?

Brock motions for the mic and Zane hands it to him.

Brock Newbludd:
Listen up, guys! What you saw out here tonight was the first of MANY victories for your Saturday Night Specials! Without you guys, none of this would be possible. So, with that, starting tonight there will be a new drink special at Ballyhoo Brew. Every night that The Saturday Night Specials come out here and score a victory in the ring every person who stops in at the bar after the show will be getting a free shot on us!

The Faithful cheer loudly at the announcement, causing both members of SNS to smile wide.

Brock Newbludd:
Sounds like we better get down to the bar and get ready to start pourin’ some drinks for ya'll tonight! So, until then....BALLYHOOOO!!

The Faithful:

Brock Newbludd:
Haha! You bet! See ya tonight!

Newbludd tosses the microphone back to Christie. Both members of SNS raise fists to the crowd as they make their way back up the ramp while the camera slowly fades out.


Don’t miss the DEFIANCE ROAD, only on DEFonDemand!


Backstage, sometime after the events of DEFtv 148 Night Two, Conor Fuse paces back and forth beside his Friendship Members League registration table. It’s very quiet inside the arena, insinuating everyone else has gone home by now. All except one man… the man who had recently stood up to Perfection after being beaten to a bloody pulp.

Hands on his hips, Conor still seems to be working off the anger and hostility that was on display earlier.

Conor Fuse:
Stupid annoying NPC BOT. Hate that guy. Totally hate that guy. He’s not even a good villain. I was a good villain.

The younger Fuse stops in his tracks. He takes a long, hard look at the FML display. It’s as looming as ever, all made out of construction paper and stands at least ten feet tall. The green lighting over top of it makes the display look rather professional, or at least that’s what Conor thinks.

Conor Fuse:
I can’t let Perfection distract me from this, though.

Fuse says this as he continues to look over the display.

Conor Fuse:
Making new friends was important to me then and it’s still important to me. Now I really *might* be that Locker Room Leader this place needs me to be. Maybe… just maybe…

His voice trails off. His head lowers. Conor is feeling some of the effects of his actions. Reality sets in.

Pat Cassidy.
Trashcan Tim.

There’s also Scott Douglas, Kerry Kuroyama, Gulf Coast Connection and Ryan Batts who come to mind, too. They may not agree Conor’s a good guy.

Fuse lets out a deeeeep sigh.

Suddenly, the sound of a Yo-Yo unspooling echoes through the halls until the Keyboard King himself, Malak Garland waltzes into view, totally preoccupied with his yarned toy.

Conor Fuse:

Malak slings his Yo-Yo down and ‘walks the dog,’ never making eye contact.

Malak Garland:
Oh, hey.

The playful joy in Fuse’s eyes appears. It seems like he’s rejuvenated at the sight of one of his better buddies, The Ultimate Thirst Trapper.

And then it hits Conor.

Conor Fuse: [talking quickly]
Hey, hey Malak. I know this is kind of a longshot but maybe you might like to join the Friendship Members League? I mean, you, Cyrus and Teresa? I don’t know the other two that well but they seem like nifty neat pals. I’ve been looking for new members. And I think I know our next mission: take down 24K. Mean, mean men they are. Pale Murray, Mikey is Unlikely -at least his name is honest, lolz-, John F. Kendrix and the worst NPC of all… Perfection. Nothing perfect about him, he’s brutal.

Fuse snaps his fingers and walks over to the display table. He picks up a clip board with what looks to be an application form on it.

Conor Fuse:
Interested? There’s a pen attached to the form and everything, teehee. I know pens are the worst to come by so I thought, let’s tie an actual pen TO the clipboard! Kinda like your Yo-Yo!

Conor says this like he believes he invented the idea. Fuse stands proudly, holding out the clipboard.

However, Malak stopped hearing Conor a long time ago. He even stops Yo-Yoing. The UNIFIED Tag Team Champion is looking past Conor… behind the FML display.

Malak Garland: [pointing]
What’s that?

Fuse raises an eyebrow.

Conor Fuse:
What’s what? The pen? It’s on the clipboard, silly.

Malak doesn’t hear him again. He simply says the same thing.

Malak Garland:
What’s that?

Conor looks behind.

Conor Fuse:
Oh! That’s my hammock! You know, the one you helped me pick out!

Fuse scampers over to the FML display and pulls it back, revealing the hammock. There are some Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comic books in the hammock as it slowly rocks back and forth.

Conor Fuse: [giggling]
Sometimes I sleep here. I care deeply about my FML display and getting new members. Never know when someone’s read to sign up, ya know? [Giggle]

Malak stows his Yo-Yo back in his pocket. He stands there, as stiff as ever. He can’t believe it.

Malak Garland:
Ummmmmm. THAT isn’t the hammock I told you to buy.

The butthurt in Malak’s voice is real.

Malak Garland:
Why didn’t you get the hammock I picked out for you? Now you want me to join your club? You didn’t even get the hammock I told you to buy.

Malak approaches the hammock to take a closer look.

Malak Garland:
Oh, okay, wow. This is cotton twine, not luxurious satin felt. You got ripped off. I told you!

Conor is still sporting a smile but it’s starting to fade, a little, as he thinks through Malak’s comments.

Conor Fuse:
Ya, that one you wanted me to buy was really expensive. Sorry, Malak. I needed to budget things out for this amazing FML display The Game Boy and I worked on. I hope that’s okay. I didn’t mean to offend you cause OMG you were super helpful in getting me to the hammock department to begin with!

Malak just stares at the hammock. He slowly pulls his Yo-Yo back out from his pocket and begins playing with it.

Malak Garland:
Oh, okay, wow. I see.

The Source of Envy walks away, consumed by his Yo-Yo.

...Leaving Conor Fuse standing there, clipboard in hand. Fuse still has a partial smile.

Until he looks down at the clipboard…

And back up at no one.


Cut to backstage, outside the entrance to the locker room. Before us is KERRY KUROYAMA, dressed in street clothes, standing alongside seasoned DEF reporter Jamie Sawyers.

Jamie Sawyers:
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m here backstage, joined by none other than the Pacific Blitzkrieg, Kerry Kuroyama. Kerry, thank you for joining me…

Arms crossed defensively over his chest, Kerry doesn’t return the greeting. He’s lost in a hundred yard stare.

Jamie Sawyers:
Well, let’s just dive right into it… many of us recall several weeks ago, while standing in this very spot, you passionately declared that you were moving forward after your defeat at Ascension. However, that hasn’t been the case… 

Like a stirring volcano, Kerry slowly, but loudly, exhales through this nose.

Jamie Sawyers:
As you no doubt know all too well, ever since that interview, the tally has been oh-and-five. I suppose the question everyone wants to know is, what is going wrong?

Jamie moves the mic in close. Kerry waits a few moments as he collects his thoughts.

Kerry Kuroyama:
Jamie… I simply do not have an answer to that question. But I wish I did… 

A long and awkward beat follows as Kuroyama doesn’t elaborate on that sentiment. Jamie presses on… 

Jamie Sawyers:
Well, perhaps you can tell us, how are you processing this losing streak? What’s going on in the head of Kerry Kuroyama right now?

Kerry Kuroyama:
…there is a lot going on in my head, Jamie. Needless to say, I’ve been reflecting on many things. Particularly, Ascension… 

Jamie Sawyers:
Ascension… the night you faced Tyler Fuse, in your first match back in DEFIANCE returning off of a nearly career-threatening injury.

Kerry nods, but his eyes are seemingly dead. Something has been haunting him… 

Kerry Kuroyama:
Specifically, I’ve been thinking back to some of the things Tyler said to me after that match. About not living up to my potential… how I could be so much more… the best version of myself. Those words… they’ve just kept swirling around my head these past few weeks.

He holds out his hands and stares vacantly into his open palms, looking for answers but finding nothing.

Kerry Kuroyama:
I mean, I always believed that my entire career was in pursuit of being the best version of myself. But now, after six straight losses… I’m second-guessing everything. Could Tyler be right, Jamie? Could I not be living up to my potential? Or could it be that I’ve already peaked?

Jamie Sawyers:
It’s… hard to say, Kerry. But I would say that regardless of your record over the past several weeks, you’ve still proven yourself to be one of DEFIANCE’s most versatile and skilled athletes. To be fair though, you’ve had some stiff competition, against hungry and motivated opponents.

Kerry Kuroyama:
Right, and I don’t want to take anything away from the guys who worked hard and earned those victories. I’m not in the business of making excuses, Jamie. The problem lies with me. And the more I look back, the more I realize the problem has always been with me.

Something sparks up in the dead space of his eyes. His body shakes with rage and turmoil.

Kerry Kuroyama:
I’m now in the tenth year of my professional career, and I’ve been here in DEFIANCE for over half of that time. I remember how excited I was arriving here back in 2015, as part of the Rain City Ronin…  looking at all the potential that was laid out in front of me… 

He angrily shakes his head, and looks appealingly to the reporter.

Kerry Kuroyama:
But after all that time, what do I really have to show for it, Jamie? What have I gone and truly accomplished here in DEFIANCE? Other than a whole lot of wasted time sitting on the sidelines, nursing injuries… 

Jamie Sawyers:
Well, I mean… you’ve won the love and support of the Faithful. You’ve earned the respect of the locker room. That has to count for something, right?

Kerry Kuroyama:
Maybe… but even so, it’s not enough. Not for everything that was expected of me… a man of my legacy. To be perfectly honest, over the bulk of those years, I don’t feel like I’ve actually been me. Just an imposter.

Jamie remains silent as Kerry’s gaze again fixates on his open palms. Only this time, he appears to be seeing an answer… 

Kerry Kuroyama:
But hitting rock bottom changes people… and you could say that in the wake of my own downward spiral, I’ve taken a bit of a moral inventory on what truly matters to me, and everything I intend to accomplish with my career.

His hands clench themselves into shaking fists as his emotions boil over.

Kerry Kuroyama:
My legacy is what matters most, Jamie. And at the end of the day, my legacy won’t be satisfied by going down in history known as a simply great professional wrestler… 

His eyes find the camera with all the unbridled fury and momentum of a typhoon.

Kerry Kuroyama:
…I want to be known as the BEST.

He hammers a fist into his open palm, brimming with fire and determination.

Kerry Kuroyama:
So at DEFIANCE Road, I’m giving myself an ultimatum: One match, against any opponent. And for me, it will be a WIN… or go home.

Jamie Sawyers:
…wait, “win or go home”? What do you mean by that? Are you suggesting you’re putting your DEFIANCE career on the line at DEFIANCE Road?

Kerry stares at the reporter in silence for a long beat, seemingly neither confirming nor denying.

Kerry Kuroyama:
…I’m saying that I’m giving myself one more chance to prove I can get the job done. To prove I am on the path to become the BEST DEFIANCE has ever known or seen. I’m not accepting anything less than that.

He shakes his head to further emphasize the point.

Kerry Kuroyama:
Because if all this strife and hardship over my career has only amounted to me becoming a stepping stone to the stars of the future, then frankly, I’m going to have to put a lot of thought into why I’m even here in DEFIANCE.

Jamie Sawyers:
This is… WOW, this is a lot to take in! You’re saying that if you were to LOSE at DEFIANCE Road, it could be the very LAST we ever see of the Pacific Blitzkrieg in DEFIANCE! Mind you, you don’t even know who your opponent will be!

Kerry Kuroyama:
It doesn’t matter, Jamie. I assure you, there isn’t anybody in that locker room hungrier for a win than I am right now. To be the BEST, I have to be prepared for anything.

“What a marvelous coincidence…”

The voice comes in from off camera, catching the attention of both Sawyers and Kuroyama. The shot widens up as AVRIL SELENE KINKADE enters the frame.

Jamie Sawyers:
Mrs. Kinkade?! What are you--?

The legal representative of Gunnar Van Patton coldly ignores the reporter and speaks directly to Kuroyama.

As it just so happens, my client, Sergeant Van Patton, is in search of a suitable opponent of his own at DEFIANCE Road. And a man of your… “legacy”, as you put it, would make a perfect candidate.

Kerry’s eyes narrow into slits. He’s clearly skeptical of her intentions. Sawyers finally breaks the tense silence.

Jamie Sawyers:
Well, uh… should you agree to this, Kerry, then could we be looking at Kerry Kuroyama against Gunnar Van Patton at DEFIANCE Road?

Should I make the necessary arrangements, then? I should add, there is no judgment being cast should you choose to rescind your commitment. Whether or not you live up to your own statements is of absolutely no concern to us.

Kerry coldly stares daggers at her, clearly not interested in backing down.

Kerry Kuroyama:
…book it. 

The attorney-at-law’s smile widens, as if she already knows what’s to come.

Splendid. I shall send you the liability waivers promptly. As always, my client will not be held responsible for “ending” your career, whether it be by your decision or his own actions. Have a good remainder of your week, Mr. Kuroyama, and we shall see you at DEFIANCE Road… 

Kinkade exits the frame to report the good news to her client. 

Jamie Sawyers:
Well, this is quite the unexpected turn of events! At DEFIANCE Road, Kerry, you’re potentially putting your career on the line against the likes of GUNNAR VAN PATTON!

Kerry Kuroyama:
…seems that’s what it is, Jamie.

Jamie Sawyers:
Van Patton has been on a path of destruction ever since he arrived at DEFIANCE, and now you’ve willingly set yourself in that path. Aren’t you in the least bit worried?

Kerry spends another long beat contemplating his answer… 

Kerry Kuroyama:
…like I said, Jamie. The opponent doesn’t matter. I will be prepared. When you’re at rock bottom, there’s nowhere left to go but up. It’s WIN… or go home.

Brooding over everything that just transpired, Kerry leaves Jamie before the camera and goes back into the locker room. Sawyers turns his attention back to the camera.

Jamie Sawyers:
There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, straight from the Pacific Blitzkrieg himself. And just as a reminder, Gunnar Van Patton will be in action tonight! No doubt Kerry Kuroyama will be watching that match with a new level of interest as he prepares for the fight of his career at DEFIANCE Road. Could this potentially be the Pacific Blitzkrieg’s LAST match in DEFIANCE? Or will this finally be his moment to turn it all around, with a victory over the Lycan? At DEFIANCE Road, the career of Kerry Kuroyama will arrive at a pivotal set of crossroads…  or a final destination!

Fade to black.


Judge Jenny Jones:
Ms. Puddings, do you have any questions before we begin?

The day had come.  Shuffled into the courtroom once again, this would be the hour that would ultimately decide the fate of Muriel Monstertruck Puddings.  Standing at attention and shackled up “for her own safety” behind the defendant table, her nose crinkles as she appears to be thoroughly confused.

Muriel Puddings:
Yeah, a few, Mistress Judge.

Judge Jenny Jones:
Your Honor.  This is not an S&M club, Miss Puddings.

Muriel Puddings:
And it never will be with that negative attitude.  Anyway, first of all, I was told I couldn’t put on my executive pantsuit for the trial.  As the attorney for myself, I should be able to look professional but also hot for the jury.

Judge Jenny Jones:
Well, you ca…

Muriel Puddings:
Also, my next question.  Where’s the freakin’ jury?  Where’s the crowd? Where’s all of the television cameras?

Muriel was right.  After a quick glance around the place, it was once again bare aside from the D.A., the judge, the court reporter, and the bailiff.  Where in the heck was everyone?  After her meeting with Lindsay Troy last week, she had asked her and Zeb Martin to print over 500 “FREE MURIEL” T-shirts to sell outside of the hall of justice.  Her entire savings was now spent on the lost opportunity.

Muriel Puddings:
This thing is the biggest legal event of the century.  And you aren’t even letting me exercise my fourth amendment right to sell merch!

Judge Jones sighs and shakes her head.  Although the gavel would have been appropriate, she just wanted to get this over with.

Judge Jenny Jones:
Well, Ms. Puddings, the fourth amendment actually protects you against illegal search and seizure…

Muriel Puddings:
I’ll let him illegally search and give me a seizure.  And by seizure, I mean orga…


Ah, there’s the gavel.  Puddings winks at the bailiff, who in turn recoils with horror.

Judge Jenny Jones:
MS. PUDDINGS, PLEASE.  As I was saying, the reason you do not see a jury is very simple.  This is the pretrial hearing.  Not the actual trial.  Which once again calls into question your ability to represent yourself in this courtroom.

Muriel appears puzzled for a moment.  She takes a deep breath, contemplating a way to ensure she does not come off stupid.

Muriel Puddings:
Pretrial, huh.  Well, just so I know you are a qualified judge, let me ask you this: what exactly do we do in a pretrial hearing?  I mean, I know what the answer is.  I just want to make sure you do.

Judge Jones sighs.  Muriel’s attempt to come off smart has once again failed.

Judge Jenny Jones:
A pretrial hearing is your opportunity to present evidence to determine if there is fair cause for the trial.  It also offers plaintiff counsel the ability to present a plea deal.  Which, by the way, is my understanding that there is not one.

District Attorney:
No, your honor.  The State also offers no additional evidence for consideration.

The fat man in the forest green suit and monocle over his left eye clears his throat and smiles.  This would most certainly be his easiest high-profile case to win to date.

Judge Jenny Jones:
Understood.  Ms. Puddings...oh my god…

Muriel glances up like a deer in headlights.  The judge had caught her currently digging up her nostril in search of gold nuggets.  She quickly wipes her finger on her jumpsuit and stands at attention like a soldier.

Judge Jenny Jones: you have anything that you would like to present as to your defense?  You look like you have something to say.

Muriel Puddings:
Yes, I certainly do.

No, Muriel is not about to pull a Poochie and ascend to her home planet, dying along the way.  Instead, she reaches down below the table and retrieves a fancy legal folder.  By fancy legal folder, I mean a Lisa Frank classic 80s design with a teen caricature proclaiming that “I love to shop!”

Muriel Puddings:
Your Honor…

Judge Jones is taken aback by Puddings’ sudden ability to properly address her.  However, this would be the least shocking phrase she’d hear over the course of the next several minutes.

Muriel Puddings:
As it pertains to the charges against me, the Defendant, I have prepared the following affidavit and supplemental exhibits that I wish to summarize before you in this honorable court.  May I please proceed?

Judge Jenny Jones:
I...I...go ahead.

Muriel Puddings:
Thank you, Your Honor.  First, to the charge of obstruction of justice, the police report clearly reflects that they arrived on scene approximately two minutes after I had boarded the aircraft to Canada.  By the time the proclamation of a crime was made, I was in international airspace.  Pursuant to Illinois Code 249-32-8a.iii., the defendant must be present within the state of jurisdiction in order to be penalized for fleeing the scene.  To wit, when I was apprehended and extradited back to the United States, all evidence and testimony will point to the fact that I acted in complete cooperation with authorities upon arrival in Chicago.

District Attorney:
Wait, what the hec…

Muriel Puddings:
In regards to the charge of operation of a motor vehicle under the influence, the record must reflect the administering of a BAC or some other form of assessment of my ALLEGED level of intoxication to be considered.  However, there was none given.

Judge Jenny Jones:
I agree, Ms. Puddings, but you were clearly filmed consuming wine whilst atop the construction equipment.

Muriel Puddings:
Your Honor, this is clearly circumstantial at best.  And even if an inference can be made, the fact still remains that being filmed having possession of a cardboard box that MAY OR MAY NOT have had alcohol does not warrant a charge without due cause: i.e. a test to determine that I was in fact drunk as a skunk.

Muriel, realizing that she’d just broke her train of professionalism, immediately retracts her use of verbiage.

Muriel Puddings:
I mean, under the influence.

Judge Jenny Jones:
I will take these arguments into consideration, Ms. Puddings.  And I will add that I am quite surprised that you seem to have taken initiative to take these matters seriously.  However, the fact still remains that your most severe charge still carries the harshest penalties.  And I do not feel as though absolving you of the minor transgressions will be of much help.

Muriel Puddings:
I completely agree, Your Honor.  Which is why I am not finished.  As to the allegations of vehicular homicide…

District Attorney:
(Under breath.) This oughta be good.

Muriel Puddings:
Within this folder, you will find a judicial brief of both the Estate of Shmeldon Dapplehorse v. Rumble Construction Manufacturing d/b/a Steamin’ Dumpers, Inc. et. Al. and the subsequent criminal trial against the same defendant.  Once the jury found for the plaintiff in the civil tort for gross negligence, the court ordered in the next proceeding that Steamin’ Dumpers were to no longer manufacture their Flattener 69420 model, and that any and all retail sales would need to be recalled as a result of a major malfunction that caused the accidental death of Mr. Dapplehorse.

The state’s counsel jaw drops into his second chin, and Judge Jones’ eyes were lit up like lanterns.  She finally responds.

Judge Jenny Jones:
And that particular model…

Muriel smiles.

Muriel Puddings:
Was the exact same model that we were rented the day of the incident.  Of course, knowledge of the recall was unbeknownst to me at that time.  Therefore, within that folder you will also find one last thing.

Judge Jones holds the clipped stack of papers in her hands, nodding before Muriel can explain the cover page.

Judge Jenny Jones:
Your motion to dismiss.  You’ve given me a lot to consider today, Ms. Puddings.  I will return to chamber to review and make my decision tomorrow.  Before we adjourn, do you have anything else to add?

Muriel Puddings:
No, Your Honor.  I breast my case.



Thugs 4 Hire are currently in the ring. 

♫ Shut me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence♫

One of the newest Brazen tag teams makes their debut here on the Uncut.

Trevor and Simon step from behind the curtain. Both looked extremely overworked. Bags clearly seen under their eyes. Their ring attire leaves much to the imagination. They are dressed in suits minus the jacket. They have red vests on. Trevor has a name tag saying “HI my name is TREVOR” While Simon has the same tag only with his name.

I don’t think they need a match, they need a good night's rest it looks.

Darren Quimbley:
Their opponents weighing in a total of five-hundred and thirty-eight pounds. Trevor Manning, Simon Kinsberg….CUSTOMER SUPPORT!

The duo makes their way to the ring as Simon, seems annoyed by The Faithful and their disregard for his presence. Off mic, you can hear him mumble “Rude Customers!” They slide in the ring looking across from them at Thugs 4 Hire.


I have heard on the indy circuit these two are quite the accomplished wrestlers. This however is not the indies.

Looks like it's going to be Simon starting out against Emilio.

The self-proclaimed Supervisor of Customer Support locks up with Emilio.

Simon hip tosses Bryd over and maintains an armbar. He pushes Bryd onto his back now trying to hyper-extend the elbow. Emilio turns toward Kinsberg and drives a few shots into the skull. Simon breaks the hold. Emilio shakes his arm, before the lock-up again. Simon quickly locks in a headlock. Emilio tries to push Simon off the ropes to break the hold but Simon holds onto the lock and then head drags him back to the mat. He holds onto the headlock.

From what I was told these two are not known for a high-powered offense. It's not their style.

Simon continues to hold the headlock. Refusing to let go.

This is not the way to get known.

Simon STILL has the headlock. Emilio gets to a vertical base and drives a few elbow shots. Simon loosens his grip but quickly locks it back in. The amount of time this hold has been on has a “BORING CHANT” echoing throughout the building.

Bunch of rude customers here too.

Simon reaches out and tags Trevor in. The Faithful hope to get some sort of offense and Trevor takes over from the headlock from Simon. Which gets an immediate response from the Faithful of jeers. Trevor is expressionless, as he headlock tosses Emilio back down. Still holding onto the headlock. Holt is getting annoyed on the apron. Bryd flights to his feet and drives more elbow shots to the gut. Trevor breaks and Emilio quickly hits the ropes and Trevor hits the opposite and drives a knee into the gut of Emilio flipping him over his knee.

AGAIN this time with a reverse chin lock. Boy The Faithful really do not like how this match is going.


Trevor has no expression, almost like he is just going through the moves and his mind is somewhere else. He tags Simon back in. Simon drives a knee into the side of Bryd’s skull. He picks him up.

So you customers want something new? Fine.

Headlock! Getting an immediate jeering from the Faithful. Simon has a smirk on his face as he tightens the headlock.

These guys sure like the headlock and its variations.

Simon’s eyes pop out of his head as Bryd lifts him off the mat into a belly to back suplex….BUT HE SOMEHOW HOLDS ONTO THE HEADLOCK!?

Holt has had enough and enters the ring and stomps on Simon getting the referee to force him back into his corner. While the ref handles the Holt situation. Simon and Trevor have switched and Trevor continues the headlock of doom. As the ref turns around he notices the switch. Trevor just stares at him with a blank stare. He walks over to Simon, who slaps his hand motioning they tagged. Bryd fights back to his feet, and sidewalk slams Trevor to the mat. Bryd tries to shake the cobwebs out and starts to go for the tag. Just as he does Simon enters the ring getting the ref's attention.

Textbook tag team wrestling there, he knew Holt was gonna cause problems and he made sure to deal with it.

Man, even I am getting tired of seeing a headlock right now.


Trevor drags Bryd to his corner and tags Simon in. Bryd hops to his feet. Left. Right. Left. Right! Simon reeling as Emilio finally gets the advantage...HEADLOCK TAKEDOWN!


Jesus this is mind-numbingly painful.

Simon continues to hold onto the headlock. Emilio again {sensing a pattern here?} He is able to free himself with Irish whip. Leapfrog. Arm Drag Takedown. Simon to his feet reverses. Pulled into...HEADLOCK!

Ok, now I think they are messing with everyone here!


Simon just continues to apply more pressure to the headlock.  He tags Trevor in. He takes the headlock and drops Bryd with a DDT. He stands up and Yakuza kicks Holt off the apron. Simon slides in the ring while the referee is distracted he picks up Bryd. Trevor turns around and bounces off the ropes


A flapjack into a shining something DIFFERENT! Simon baseball slides Holt in the face as he looks from the apron. Trevor goes for the cover.


♫ Shut me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence♫

Darren Quimbley:
The winners of the match Trevor Manning, Simon Kinsberg….CUSTOMER SUPPORT!

Thank merciful GOD this is over!

Tonight, all I have to say is they better learn more moves if they plan to get anywhere here in DEFIANCE.

Trevor and Simon exit and head up the ramp with the constant jeers and taunts of “YOU GUYS SUCK” over and over.


BRAZEN - Where the next generation CLASH!


Penthouse overlooking the city of Chicago. The Financial Backer of Scrow looks out into the cold city and back to the camera. Ravana walks up to him with a pad and pencil writing in it.

Has the purchase been finalized?

Yes, sir you now own the thirty-story office building in New Orleans, Just a few blocks from the Wrestleplex.

Excellent, make sure to set up a meeting with Mr. Reeves. When we are ready to open the building.

Yes, sir, the builders have already started on the Kabal Fighting Pits in the basement of the building.

The backer puffs on his Cuban cigar for a moment.

Excellent, we shall see what kind of new blood New Orleans has to offer for The Kabal. What is the progress on PROJECT: Black Death?

Reports have said they have a working formula but the side effects are life-threatening.

He takes another puff of his cigar.


Floor 66

The window has been repaired from the last encounter in Scrow’s meditation chambers. Hive hands the vial to the scientist once more. Scrow is meditating in the chamber and seems at peace with himself.

Release the toxin after we have entered the chamber. Then leave, we have no clue if this trial will be like the others.

Yes, mistress.

Hive enters the meditation chamber. The Scientist turns the knob to full as the gas enters the chamber. He quickly leaves the room. Hive stands in front of Scrow and stares down at him as the gas envelops the room. Scrow starts coughing once more. He tries desperately to try and keep calm and maintain his serenity.

Do not let your body react to the gas Scrow, embrace it. Your mind is what is in control, not your body.

{cough} Easier...said…{gasping for air} done...Dex.

You are letting your body control your reactions, maintain your serenity. Dex Joy is not among you. There is only you and us here. Repeat what we said.

Scrow: {fighting to hold his serenity and composure}
There is only Scrow and...De...Hivx


Scrow tries to stop himself from coughing.

There is only Scrow and...Hiex


Scrow clenches his teeth, trying to keep his eyes closed.

There is only Scrow and Hiv…{cough}


Scrow quickly opens his eyes, coughs, and gasps for air as he looks up at Hive flustered with her.

Shut up Dex, Scrow has heard enough of your voice!

Hive takes a knee in front of Scrow.


Scrow coughs and stares up at her.

It is no use Scrow can’t do it. Even now all he sees is Dex Joy. He gives up Scrow will never be the savant you are Dex! You win AGAIN are you happy?

Hive stands up.

You are letting that one thought cloud your mind. You will never reach your nirvana again if you keep pushing that thought in front of everything else. Now try again!

Scrow coughs.

How is he supposed to find serenity again when this toxin has penetrated the pores of his skin already?

We have a way, close your eyes and remain in your meditative state.

Scrow sighs coughing a bit and does as she says.

Hive stretches her arms out to the sides and starts humming with an eerie chant. Scrow twitching slowly stops. It is as though somehow her song is calming his mind. After a few minutes of Hive singing her song Scrow has once more reached nirvana the toxin no longer seems to be affecting him. Hive finishes her chant and Scrow seems unchanged in the silence.

That’s it Scrow embrace the air. Your mind is in full control. The demons are no longer in control. Dex Joy is no longer in control. You are The Unhinged...The Raven’s Eye…..there is only SCROW!

Scrow takes a few deep breaths the toxin in the air no longer seems to be influencing his body.

Relax Scrow you are in full control now.

Suddenly a pounding on the glass breaks Scrow’s nirvana. He stands up cough and tries to regain his serenity once more but is unable. They both look toward the window as the gas shows a black silhouette on the other side of the window.

The trial is over it would seem Scrow, he is here.

Scrow lightly coughs looking toward her then back to the silhouette as the detail slowly comes into focus before the scene cuts out before we can see the identity.


It ended the way we’d wanted. After weeks of the Kabal calling out “heroes” & actively attacking those heroes and their families, a hero had finally been able to pin the Kabal’s leader - Stalker. With a “bell clap” of sorts, we’ll call it a bell WHACK, Keyes had dropped Stalker & made the strong 3 count cover. But as with many things with the Kabal, victory in the match wasn’t the point - destroying the hero was, and so Stalker brought in the numbers, 2 more members of the Kabal helped with the numbers to guarantee beatdown.

But two isn’t the Kabal’s magic number - five is.

When a flare of white light cut through the darkness, the remaining two members were located, unconscious, being dragged around by a 7 foot Mute Freak - the Deacon had taken out the backup to the backup. And when the backup of Vacio & Rezin went after the Deacon, leaving Stalker alone with Keyes in the ring, the plan came to fruition with a Queen’s Gambit and a headache for Stalker. To Henry Keyes's surprise, he recovered in time to see he had one friend beside him, and one person he’d never met with the same goal in mind - stop the Kabal.

Magdalena leans against the wall. That night had been a light workload for her. She was the intelligence gatherer; Deacon was the tank. At 5 foot nothing, she could always slip into and out of places. At 7 foot nothing, Deacon could usually blow up the target, or targets as it were.

And at 6 foot something, when the Queen of the Ring arrives, she stares down at the Deacon’s manager, Magdalena. They’d not hit it off, at least not initially, but that’d been in High Octane Wrestling. DEF wasn’t HOW, right?

Lindsay Troy’s face doesn’t say if Magdalena is right or wrong. The Queen’s gaze holds the mouthpiece of the Mute Freak’s eyes for a bit longer.

Don’t look away. Don’t look away. Don’t look away. Don’t wither. Gotta stand firm.

And then Lindsay Troy smiles. It’s a nice smile. Maybe.

Lindsay Troy:
Nice work last week, kid.

Magdalena glances away, not sure how to answer. She nods then turns back to LT.

You were right.

Lindsay’s eyebrow arches.

Stalkers plan. You knew what he’d do and how he’d react to Deacon taking out his lackeys.

Lindsay Troy:
But you found out where those lackeys were. Don’t sell yourself short.

It’s Magdalena’s turn to hold the gaze.

That a short joke?

Henry Keyes:
Not short enough for my taste - gotta let those jokes breeeeeeathe.

Lindsay Troy:
Henry, this is Magdalena. She works with the Deacon.

Henry Keyes:
The Mute one, yes?

That’s one of his nicknames. I won’t share what Conor Fuse called him.

Henry Keyes:
Should I ask Conor Fuse later or something?

His mouth covered, Deacon steps behind Henry Keyes.

Henry Keyes:
Eh, who cares what he calls him. All I know is what the Deacon’s DONE. Strong man, good focus, and I sense a kindred spirit.

Keyes pauses as if sensing something amiss. The Deacon remains as emotionless as a gargoyle on a cathedral. Slowly, Keyes turns around then looks up. 

Henry Keyes:
...Well, now.

The Deacon reaches out his hand. Henry Keyes does too. And somehow, both just know what to do next - THE handshake, an impossibly complicated series of hand locks, finger wiggles, wrist twists, and otherwise how-could-this-be-done-without-prep series of gestures that seem to speak whole sentences-worth of a handshake, ending in a deep wrist clasp.

Hands still clasped, the Deacon’s face turns to Magdalena.

That was weird.

The Deacon removes his mask.

No doubt.

Keyes smiles widely at the revelation of Deacon’s face, as if he’s finally seen a long lost friend he’s been out of touch with for years. The most fervent and diligent Faithful know that Keyes and Deacon don’t have even a hint of a written past...but neither necessarily does a painter and a sunrise.


Up next we’ve got Conor Fuse against Flex Kruger.

Should be an interesting one for sure.

The scene goes to ringside. Flex is finishing his entrance and smacking hands with fans along the way before rolling inside the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first… FLEX KRUGER!

Big things ahead next week at DEFIANCE Road when PCP take on JFKayle. You have to wonder if Flex, Klein and even O-Face for that matter get involved. Then again, on the 24K side… Jack Hunter.

Don’t get me started. Guy makes Sgt. Safety seem like a legitimate threat.

♫ “King DeDeDe Remix Theme” from Kirby’s Dream Land ♫

Darren Quimbey:
His opponent… he is The Character Formerly Known as Player Two, Conor Fuse!

The Green One comes out, ready to go. Fuse walks down the rampway, not playing to his usual shenanigans or joined by any of his henchmen. The Game Boy, Alex Pietrangelo Martin Evans-Everett are nowhere to be seen.

Conor’s been, well… you know what, he has every right to be pissed off. It’s nice to see him taking things seriously right now.

And don’t think for one second Conor’s not above having fun. I’m sure he will once again… but how can you be all smiles after you bled out in the middle of the ring from the hands of Perfection? Insult to injury too because Conor was also SO close to shocking the world and winning the FIST of DEFIANCE!

Fuse slides into the ring. He looks into the crowd, who show him support. Conor’s take back but looks at Mark Shields and agrees for the bell to sound.


Fuse CHARGES at Flex and hits him with a flying superkick!

This stuns the big man. He falls into the ropes but then comes forward with a clothesline from hell! It turns Fuse inside out… but so inside out…

Conor lands on his feet!


Another superkick!


A third superkick works Flex into the corner!

Conor steps back, screams and races in with a cannonball splash! Kruger wobbles to the center of the squared circle and Conor hits the ropes, leaps off and connects with a bulldog! Flex is down and Conor kips to his feet, screaming into the rafters. The Gamers start a “!rank !rank” chant.

Kruger is up and he dodges Conor’s left hand. Fuse is off the ropes and looks for a crossbody block but Kruger catches him and tries for a fallaway slam…

Conor’s body bounces off the ropes instead and he miraculously spins to land on his feet! The MAN of HEEL races into the ropes across the way, leaps onto Kruger and connects with a tilt-a-whirl DDT! Fuse kips up for a second time!

The crowd loves Flex but Conor’s following has skyrocketed this past month!

Conor waits for Flex to get up and then races towards the big man. Conor leaps onto his shoulders, looking for a hurricanrana… NO! Into a sitdown powerbomb and pin by Flex!




Fuse cartwheels onto his feet and kicks Flex in the head as he stands. Despite the powerbomb, it’s going to take more than that to keep Conor down.

You can see the speed Conor is trying to fight with. You can feel the urgency in this match right from the bell.

Fuse continues to kick Kruger into the corner. He tries to Irish whip the PCP member into the buckle across the way but Kruger digs his feet in and Conor isn’t able to. Conor tries again… but once more, Kruger digs his feet in. The Green One doesn’t let this frustrate him, however. Instead, Fuse flies back INTO Flex with an elbow to the jaw! It stuns the chiseled bodybuilder enough so Conor can finally throw Kruger across the ring and chest-first into the buckle padding.

Kruger hits the corner with force! He doesn’t even have a moment to catch the breath that’s knocked out of him before Fuse flies across the ring and hits a dropkick to the back. Kruger’s chest ricochets off the pads and he stumbles out.

Conor looks to his left. He looks to his right. He’s trying to make a decision and then realizes he’s wasting too much time so he chooses to go to his left. Conor jumps into the ropes and flies off with a lionsault RIGHT onto Kruger’s left shoulder. Kruger catches Fuse, starts pacing around the ring… and hits a ring shaking powerslam.




That was barely a two count!

Kruger looks over to referee Mark Shields wondering if it was a three, even though, as Keebler had mentioned it was barely a two. Flex nods like “yeah, okay, that makes sense” with a genuine smile. He looks down to the canvas floor but can’t find his opponent…

Conor is on the top rope!

Fuse leaps and lands on Kruger’s shoulders.

Flex catches Conor. He’s looking for another sitdown powerbomb!

Conor won’t take that for an answer this time. Fuse rifles furious left hands across Flex’s head, trying to get him to let go of his legs. Finally, Fuse cracks Flex so hard he finds an opening, slides down Kruger’s chest and wraps his legs around Flex’s head…

Conor with a head scissors, tossing Kruger into the second rope!

Fuse doesn’t stop. He races into those same ropes and lands on Kruger’s back, knocking his neck into the second rope again!

Fuse does it again.


The fourth run is the most impactful, as Conor gains enough momentum by running around the ring in a circle twice and then leaping up with everything he has.


Kruger struggles mightily to pull himself away from the ropes. Conor, for yet another time in this contest, uses the ropes as his best friend to keep the pace fast and furious.


Fuse’s head bounces off the mat a number of times. Flex doesn’t know where he is… but he has enough instinct to fall down for a pin.




I didn’t think Flex was that smart!

I don’t think he was. Kruger literally fell into that one!

Flex drags Conor up but MAN of HEEL has a second wind! He hammers lefts into Kruger’s chest, trying to pull away. Once Fuse does, Kruger grabs Conor’s hair and the gamer smacks the mat. Flex shows off his muscles to the crowd, smiles and goes off the ropes himself.

Hard splash onto Conor Fuse! Another pin attempt…




Kruger nods and drags Conor into the corner. A hip toss later… it looks like Kruger is measuring Fuse… waiting for him to get up…


Big boot to Conor! That might do it!




Flex is getting closer, Keebs. This has been an impressive battle put together by Kruger, stepping up his game.

Kruger with a German suplex on Conor. He holds on… a second German suplex on Conor! He holds on… a third, release German suplex on- CONOR LANDS ON HIS FEET!

Fuse screams at Kruger to turn around. It takes Flex a moment, or two, to grasp what’s happening. Conor loses his patience and runs at him away.

Bulldog by Fuse!

Conor grabs the ring ropes, shakes them and starts screaming. The Faithful buy into it.

!rank !rank !rank

Fuse begins stomping Kruger back to the canvas.


Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

Smile. Smile. Smile.

Which is followed by what might be considered impossible to do (but it happened, so it’s not impossible).

Fuse whips Kruger into the turnbuckle. Conor races in, Kruger ducks… and!!

I don’t believe this! Conor has a tarantula submission on Flex Kruger!

It doesn’t look like the move is locked in THAT well but, nevertheless, the younger Fuse has a tarantula submission on Flex! The fans stand, watching in amazement as Conor continues to try to pull back and Kruger screams out.

Realizing there’s no five count being administered (the referee is Mark Shields after all), Conor continues to pull back as hard as he can, still knowing there’s an internal timer because there’s no way Flex Kruger won’t eventually be able to break out of it.

Kruger looks like he’s in a lot of pain!

Finally, Conor lets go. As Kruger walks to the center of the ring, holding his back, Conor gets on the top rope…

Missile dropkick!

The dropkick sends Kruger chest-first into the turnbuckle padding across the way. Conor shouts into the crowd once again and charges in with a cannonball splash! This knocks the spit out of Kruger and Conor waits for the PCP member to remove himself from the corner. Then he sprints in…


Yakuza kick by Conor! Flex, however, is still on his feet.


Another Yakuza kick!

Conor looks to the rafters and screams.

Conor Fuse:

He smacks Kruger on the shoulder and then sprints into the ropes. With everything Fuse has, in one fluent motion, he stops directly behind Kruger, wraps his arms around the big man and then connects with Flex’s own finisher!





But a shoulder up, nonetheless.

I have no idea how Fuse was able to do that!

Conor’s not that small. He’s much thinner than Kruger, sure, but that running start he had was something else! Just goes to show, all of these guys have strength if they channel it correctly.

Either way, the Weapon Get, as Conor calls it, DIDN’T get the job done. However, it’s got this crowd stirring hard!







Conor gets to his feet. Flex… kinda gets to his. With a determined look on his face, Fuse rushes the ropes once more and leaps across the ring with a flying forearm to the head! Kruger collapses in a heap. Conor stands in place and then hits a moonsault for the cover!




Fuse is RIGHT back up! He blasts Kruger in the face… pulls Kruger up… spinning back elbow strike is caught by Flex! It’s reversed into a sitdown full nelson slam! Kruger pulls Conor into a powerbomb position… AND HITS THE SITDOWN POWERBOMB!




Flex was TOO close to the ropes or he may have had the W!

The fans continue to support both men but the !rank chant grows louder… and louder… and louder.

Kruger shows minor frustration. He drags Conor to his feet but doesn’t see Fuse is playing possum with a smile on his face.

Inside cradle!




Both men rise… Conor ducks a clothesline. Kruger steps back from a superkick. Conor moves away from a right uppercut. Kruger blocks chop to the chest! Conor rolls through a right fist and leaps across Kruger’s shoulders… but Flex takes him up for a press slam… Conor grabs Flex’s head and spins around… DDT to Kruger! Fuse leaps ONTO the top rope… MOONSAULT! MOONSAULT! SQUARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!

This is Conor’s opening!

The Best Pout Machine races to the turnbuckle again, goes canvas to top rope immediately and then…


The fans count along.





Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… CONOR FUUUUUUUUUSE!

Conor gets the W in an impressive contest between both men!

Fuse stuck to his game plan. For the most part, he was successful. Hit Flex with high impact stuff, keep the speed of the match moving as quick as possible.

Conor rests on a knee. Meanwhile, Flex begins to recover.


Conor’s going to have another slower-paced wrestler against him come DEFIANCE Road. Obviously, given Flex’s size, he will wrestle at a slower speed. While Perfection is Conor’s physical size, he also focuses on a methodical style.

And he’s an idiot.



The scene fades as Conor stands in the middle of the ring and Flex rolls out. Still seemingly new to him, Conor looks around, soaking in the support… with a smile on his face.



Conor Fuse walks through the curtain and directly over to his Friendship Members League table. There, The Game Boy, Alex Pietrangelo and Martin Evans-Everett VI stand. All three of them are clapping for Conor. He blushes.

Conor Fuse:
Thanks guys. That was a tough one. Flex can really GO.

Fuse turns around to see Flex Kruger holding the back of his head down the hallway. Conor shouts towards him.

Conor Fuse:
Hey, Flex, thanks for the match. Any time you want to do that again pal… damn, that felt good.

Kruger gives Conor a thumbs up and then turns around, walking right into the wall before dusting himself off, looking around like nothing ever happened and exiting the view.

Conor Fuse:
It’s been great to actually wrestle again. Ya know, no shenanigans and whatnot. I came so close to beating Mikey Unlikely. Me. Conor Fuse. I was ALMOST the FIST of DEFIANCE. Now I know close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and PAC Man but it was a good start.

Conor smacks The Game Boy on the shoulder. The Mini Boss doesn’t flinch. He walks in front of Alex.

Conor Fuse:
They call Flex The Lord Paramount of Pectoral Perfection. Hmmmm. The Lord Paramount of Pectoral Perfection. Speaking of Perfection, my match is on for DEFIANCE Road, right my statistical guru?

Alex Pietrangelo:
Yes sir, you’re all ready.

Conor Fuse:
New Mega Man 3 inspired uniform too, right?

Pietrangelo nods. Conor smiles warmly. He takes a hard step back and has all three men in front of him.

Conor Fuse:
Okay then. Thank you all so much. I know this may not be met with approval but I am going to be giving all three of you DEFIANCE Road off.

Martin Evans-Everett VI is shocked. Alex Pietrangelo conveys a look like he knew this was coming and The Game Boy…

Well, you know.

Conor Fuse:
You’re still a major part of FML and I will need you all back right away. At DEFIANCE Road, however, my priorities are different. For one night only it will NOT be about making new friends. It will NOT be about building our ranks to take on the likes of The Kabal and… well, whatever other nonsensical co-ops are going to develop between now and then. DEFIANCE Road is about re-establishing myself as a wrestler, something I used to do very well and also it’s about getting payback. Not just for me. For DEFIANCE. People say I’m a goofy idiot. Uhhh have they looked at 24K?

Alex Pietrangelo shakes his head no like, no, no “they” have not.

Conor Fuse:
I am going to miss all of you. But I need you out of the arena because otherwise, I know you may come to my safety. I can handle Perfection. Can I handle the rest of 24K? Well, we’ll see about that. I doubt they come down to help Perfection, though. I don’t even think they like the guy…

Fuse’s voice trails off. He salutes his crew and starts thinking about the upcoming match at hand.





We are greeted with Stalker’s face behind a voice box, staring daggers into his friend and right hand ‘beast’ as he calls him, Rezin. The voice box is the same used to create the unique signature voice of Codename: Reaper. Stalker tosses the voice box down while turning to face the board of ‘targets’ that often was the backdrop for a Kaballen meeting. 

Meanwhile, Rezin lackadaisically slouches in a nearby folding chair, hands itching at his Zippo lighter as he patiently waits to speak his mind.

Because of my reliance on costumes and theatrics to get my point across - or do you call me weak because I just so happen to not be able to see straight when the fucking Airship Pirate clocked me with two kendo sticks. I didn’t see you in the ring - preventing that from happening - like I did countless times for you in The Favoured Saints Tournament!

The wretched Goat Bastard lets out a raspy groan.

I mean… aren’t you the dude always going on about being the master of “Stalker’s World”? Ain’t you the maniac who’s supposed to specialize in that kind of thing?

He suddenly stands up in an explosive fit of rage and kicks the chair to the feet of Stalker, pointing at him accusingly.

Let’s not BULLSHIT ourselves here, KAY?! I never asked for your help in that Tournament! Winning that stupid belt was always YOUR idea! Even so, you weren’t there to help when it actually MATTERED in the end, because--AGAIN--some hipster jabroni was HANDING YOU YOUR ASS earlier that night!

In a fit of rage, Stalker shoves the large and well built target board down, toppling the pictures, notes and work that has obviously been toiled over for the past few months. His eyes were dripping with rage as Stalker used the board as his target to unleash his anger upon. Picking up the chair at his feet, he lifts it in the air before smashing it into the board. Turning back to Rezin there is an obvious amount of angst in the man’s eyes.

You can’t remember a simple thing - gather in the boiler room - dress IN the costumes, wait for the signal and ALL appear at the same time. Why did you show up without… you know what, man? I don’t even know why I bother with it anymore.

Shoving everything out of the way, Jason Reeves attempts to storm off from his friend and fellow ‘Fallen’. But Rezin sidesteps and cuts off his path. They aren’t finished with this conversation.

That’s exactly what I’m asking, Boss… why DO you bother?! What the HELL is going on with you lately? Like, why does it matter HOW I’m dressed, when the overall goal is to just bust them up? I never called you weak; I called you distracted! And, BRUH, it couldn’t be more obvious!

Rezin bends over and scoops up handfuls of broken posterboard and shredded photographs, the remains of Stalker’s carefully laid plans. He holds them up as if to ask what purpose any of it served.

This gang lacks DIRECTION, Boss! Like, all of this “False Heroes” stuff… and all that “Guardian” shit--seriously, what do THEY even have to do with this? Are we in this business to raise some HELL and spread some CHAOS, or are we just trynna sell t-shirts!? 

He tosses the scraps into the air, making it rain like extra chunky confetti.

Think about it! Tomorrow, Henry Keyes wakes up in bed, in what I assume is his sweet-ass personal cabin on board his airship, and he will think to himself, “Gee whiz, that was some straight spooky stuff that went down with the Reaper dudes, but oh well, at least I know those freaks couldn’t hang with me in a REAL scrap!”

The Escape Artist scoffs at this notion so hard, as if the thought were SO preposterous, he douses the air in front of him with a thick mist of spittle. Best not to inhale that… 

Fuck all that noise! I want that damb greasy pirate waking up in the middle of the night in a COLD SWEAT, thinking, “Good Lord, those crazy sum’bishes in the Kabal are going to ROYALLY SHUCK my FIT UP! I need to hoist some muthafuggin anchor on dis bish and fly my ass back to MIDGAR,” or wherever the hell he’s originally from… 

At this point, junior reporter Chris Trutt’s head pokes into the room from a previously opened door.

Chris Trutt:
San Francisco, actually.

Rezin furiously turns in the direction of the door.


Trutt scampers away, cameo successfully fulfilled, and Rezin recomposes himself before returning his attention to Stalker.

We need to start thinking about what REALLY matters, Boss! You want me to focus? Then let’s focus on how we’re ACTUALLY going to burn this place to the ground! Let’s focus on putting those NORMIES in their place! Show them ALL that the KABAL are THE FORCE to be FEARED! And to do THAT, when push comes to shove, we have to BEAT our ENEMIES! We have to be PUNK ROCK! And losing to Scott Douglas, losing to Keyes… THAT’S NOT PUNK ROCK! You don’t look strong, Jason, but WE look weak. The Kaballen look weak when you bite off more than you can chew!


For a moment calm takes over Jason’s face as he stares at Rezin. The anger in his voice however grows louder with each word as he attempts to spell it out for his comrade.

THIS IS Fear’s Game and I am acting as his Knight and your captain. I swear if you knew the stakes… the ones that were in play, right now.

A brief pause before Jason ‘Stalker’ Reeves tone elevates to a screaming pitch again.


Stalker’s eyes flare like that of his old Empire days - ranting in another man’s face - but that flare has rarely been seen in this current version of Stalker. Being fed up with Rezin’s lack of conforming to his ‘vision’ or his directives was boiling over in front of our eyes. 

My goal was flawless, and we GOT the results we desired. We didn’t EVEN have to set the challenge ourselves! They did it for us - THIS GAME IS FUCKING CHESS REZIN! IT’S NOT CHECKERS. DO YOU WANT TO ANSWER TO THE LORD? BECAUSE I DONT! 


Ugh… honestly, dude, I don't know what Fear and the rest of them are holding over you. I frankly don't care either.

Rezin reaches down and scoops up a few more scraps off the floor… specifically, photographs of DEACON, LINDSAY TROY, and HENRY KEYES.

What I DO I know is, we got one more week for you to remember what it was like to be the unhinged maniacal bastard you WERE, or these three are going to make an absolutely mockery of the Kabal come DEFIANCE Road. But one way or the other… 

Rezin flicks on his Zippo, and sets the photos alight.

With or without your help, old friend… I WILL make the fools in this company feel the dread of CHAOS!

He drops the burning photos and stamps out the charred remains before walking away, stepping through a door, and slamming it behind him. There’s an immediate sound of heavy crashing objects. Stalker facepalms… 

That’s the supply closet, you fucking idiot… 

The door opens again and Rezin steps out, a few mops falling out after him. He shakes a finger to Stalker.


Rezin walks away again, this time leaving through the correct exit.


Welcome back, Faithful! We’re about to have an… well, I guess you can say interesting match-up.

That’s a super diplomatic way to put it, Keebler.  What do you get when you cross a psychopath wearing a Nicholas Cage drawn mask against a guy who calls himself a Spider and brings bugs in glass cases to the ring?

Nightmares.  That’s what you get.

Well said.  And now?  Let’s g- wait.  Is that CAGE! Already in the ring?  With a microphone?!

Yes.  That is CAGE! with a microphone.

Sure, this is going to end well.

CAGE! taps the microphone against the side of his Nicolas Cage line-drawing on spandex mask to get the attention of the Faithful. Behind him is referee Mark Shields, keeping his distance.

So I get a call yesterday that I was needed to fill in for someone last minute because they didn’t want to face a guy named Arthur Pleasant.  Apparently, this guy is so unsettling and unpredictable that nobody wants to face him.  You know what I said to that?

He pauses and looks right into the camera.

I said SIGN. ME. UP.

The Faithful cheer at CAGE!’s brazenness. No pun intended.

You want to act crazy and make people uncomfortable in DEFIANCE? Then you better be prepared to deal with people like ME! I’m unfazed by idiots, by pretenders like y-

♫ “It Is Raped” by Nine Inch Nails ♫

Uh oh.

I applaud the fortitude, or I guess you could say stupidity, from CAGE! in stepping up when no one else really wanted to face Arthur Pleasant… but did he really have to get on the mic and-

Kick the hornet’s nest? I totally agree.

Like in previous weeks, The Faceless Three crawl out onto the entrance ramp from Guerilla wearing their respective comedian masks. As the unnerving, ominous theme plays on the WrestlePlex sound system, Arthur slowly makes his way out as well.  Stepping between “Rickles” and Pryor” and straddling the back of “Rivers”. He looks ahead… and sprints to the ring!

WHOA!  Arthur is running to the ring?!

Look how quick this guy is!!

Before long, Arthur slides into the ring and pops up to his feet with great athleticism. Fully unprepared for Arthur to do this, CAGE! backs up into the corner.  Arthur runs into the ropes, full steam ahead. Baseball sliding to stop himself, he turns back towards CAGE! and Mark Shields while resting his arms on one knee.

Smirking, he motions to Shields that he’s ready for the match to begin. CAGE! nods as well, and Shields shrugs while calling for the bell.


Pleasant pops to his feet and CHARGES the turnbuckle where CAGE! is at. His unseen speed confused CAGE! and before he can move out of the way, Pleasant delivers a sternum crushing shotgun dropkick!  The impact hits CAGE! so hard that he bounces forward from the turnbuckle, crashing to the mat while clutching his chest.

Oh my God! I think my heart just skipped a beat vicariously through CAGE!

Arthur might’ve given CAGE! a nasty case of whiplash, too!

Pleasant waits for CAGE! to stir before making his next move; like a predator toying with his prey.  Once CAGE! gets to a knee, Pleasant charges forward from the turnbuckle and needlessly hops over him. In one fluid motion, as he lands right in front of CAGE!, Pleasant lifts a leg up and hooks it down around the back of his opponent’s neck! The smack echoes throughout the WrestlePlex as CAGE! appears to be out!

What a measured back kick!

It was almost like a guillotine coming down to chop his head off!

Pleasant looks down at CAGE! and shrugs out to the Faithful, who boo him mercilessly. Appealing to Mark Shields for some kind of direction, Pleasant then looks down at CAGE!, who is still face down on the mat. Dropping to his knees, Pleasant makes a lateral cover.

And just like that, this one’s over!

Yeah, it’s academic at this point. The way that foot came crashing down across CAGE!’s neck?  Yeesh.



… Pleasant pulls CAGE!’s lifeless body up from the mat!

Oh come on! CAGE! has obviously had enough!

I’m not surprised by this at all. Ugh.

The Faithful boo this display of disregard for a competitor’s wellbeing, to which Pleasant clearly revels in their displeasure. Bringing CAGE! all the way to his feet, Pleasant holds his arm out like he’s about to do the tango.

What the hell is WRONG with this guy?!

Is he auditioning for Dancing With The Stars or something?! Come on, already!

Pleasant dances with CAGE!’s lifelessness like a sick play director having his way with a set mannequin. Pleasant twirls CAGE! out towards the center of the ring- it’s obvious that, at this point, CAGE! is only on his feet by instinct. While CAGE! is on spaghetti legs after the quick spin, Pleasant takes off into the ropes.


Pleasant soars with a single foot extended and collides with CAGE!’s face, flipping him completely over.

Provocation! We saw that last week when he nailed his DEFIANCE Road opponent, Theodore Cain, with it!

That is one devastating single-leg dropkick.  Whatever one may feels about The Provocateur, it seems he may have a deadly arsenal, from the little bit we’ve seen of it.

With CAGE! down on the mat and completely out – again – Pleasant rolls him over and stiffly places a forearm on his face while making another lateral cover.




I don’t believe it, Pleasant pulls him off him AGAIN!

Mark Shields might have to step in here.  It’s clear that Arthur is still playing games and, more importantly, sending a message to Theodore Cain.

Laughing at his own disrespectful actions toward CAGE!, Pleasant lifts him into a fireman’s carry.  Holding his lifeless body across his shoulders, Arthur places a hand under CAGE!’s lower abdominal area and another underneath his neck

Isn’t this the move he teased hitting Theodore Cain with on DEFYtv last week?

I believe it is. Only now I think he’s about to hit it for real.  Just look at the lack of concern behind those black eyes of his..

Pushing upwards as if he’s going for a go to sleep, Pleasant instead jumps up, twists, and falls back to the canvas with an extended knee, burying it into CAGE!’s jaw with a devastating modified GTS/Double-Knee Face Breaker combo!

And there it is!  Calamity Pain!

Holy Mother of GOD that was brutal!  I’ve never seen anything like that before!!

Rolling back with both points of his elbows placed haphazardly across CAGE!’s prone frame, Mark Shields counts.




Finally.  Mercifully, even.

This one’s been over since the get go, I’m afraid. But Arthur Pleasant just needed to hit the exclamation point tonight. 


Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… The Provocateur… ARTHURRRRRRR PLEEEEEEEEASAAAAAANT!



That is not at ALL what I expected from Arthur Pleasant tonight. We’ve seen him play so many mind games with Aaron King and Theodore Cain that nobody thought to ask if the guy could actually wrestle.

Yup. And I think tonight we finally got an answer. If there’s more where that came from? His match with Cain at DEFIANCE Road is going to be pretty interesting to say the least.

Oh my God, he’s not done?!?!

Sure enough, Pleasant rolls to the outside and immediately begins searching under the ring skirt for something. Before long, he emerges with a sick grin glued onto his face and a trash bag, held by its plastic yellow drawstring, in his right hand.

Tacks.  It’s gotta be freakin’ tacks.

You know he’s doing this specifically for Theodore Cain.  And I’m sure Cain is watching intently.

The Faceless Three enter the ring, chasing Mark Shields out. “Pryor” hands Arthur Pleasant a microphone as he tries to catch his breath from the onslaught he just delivered.

Arthur Pleasant: [Catching his breath]
So you wanted to play with me, Teddy? I’m so glad you asked! Because I want you to know that I’ve been thinking long and hard about all the different ways we can play, my friendly little bee!

He pauses, looking out at all of the Faithful in attendance. Pointing his finger at them, he looks to the camera.

Arthur Pleasant:
The flies have spoken, my friend! Through all of their sickening nibbles on the blood and dead tissue of the DEFIANTS they foolishly herald, our annoying little friends have laid their eggs on all the trash left in their disgusting wake. But now I ask you this, Teddy. What happens when those eggs… hatch?  Hm? What nastiness is borne of that filth and comes crawling out for the whole world to see? I’ll show you what comes next!  All of you!!

Dropping the microphone, he falls to his knees with the bag. Spreading open the garbage bag by loosening the drawstring, he looks inside.  He gags for a moment, dry heaving so hard that the microphone picks it up. Arthur spits on the mat, holding back his retch, smiling and laughing.

If that’s what I think it is, I’m gonna throw up. Just warning you now, Keebs.

If you do, I’ll puke too. This’ll turn into a Family Guy episode real quick.

Arthur tilts the bag until the wet, sloshy contents spill onto CAGE!’s body.  Little white maggots cover his body, slithering and inching their way across his abdomen and chest as if they found a corpse to feed off of.  The Faithful boo this mercilessly as Pleasant again gags and dry heaves. The Faceless Three simple watch on, unmoving.

Lance: (Gagging):
I… can’t…

DDK: (Retching)
AAAAGGHHUUUUUHHH… don’t you… dare….

The sound of Lance removing his headset is heard while distinct gagging and retching follows.

Arthur, still on his knees, scoops up a handful of the crawling maggots. Laughing hysterically… HE SHOVES THEM UP INSIDE CAGE!’s MASK!


♫ “It Is Raped” by Nine Inch Nails ♫

As the harrowing Nine Inch Nails instrumental drowns out the profane chant from the Faithful, Arthur Pleasant stands up while looking down at the maggots he emptied onto CAGE!’s body.  Some of the slippery little larvae come crawling back out from under the neck of the mask, while others presumably traverse the contours of CAGE!’s face. The Faceless Three and Arthur Pleasant leave the ringside area content with the ghastly, nauseating display, while “Downtown” Darren Keebler and Lance Warner try to compose themselves behind the announce booth with little grey waste baskets in hand.


Don’t miss the DEFIANCE ROAD, only on DEFonDemand!


A camera crew catches up behind Malak Garland, as he stands in the streets of New Orleans next to Sgt. Safety and a construction crew of three workers. With their yellow hardhats on, they all stare upwards at a massive abandoned warehouse that looks rather unfriendly.

Sgt. Safety: [With clipboard in hand]
I’ve checked out the perimeter and there is an extensive amount of work that needs to be done.

Safety gives a sour look to the head foreman like the bad condition of the warehouse is his fault or something.

Malak Garland:
Okay, okay. That’s fine. I won’t spare any expense. This is going to be my future base of operations, after all.

Sgt. Safety can’t help but remind Malak about the current state of things.

Sgt. Safety:
With all due respect, sir, you do realize you don’t even own the deed to the funhouse yet, right? I mean, you could lose at DEFROAD and all this money you’ve already poured into this venture could be gone. I don’t think that is very a safe thing to do.

Malak hangs his head in anger. When will Sgt. Safety learn?

Malak Garland:
Do I pay you to reason with me or do I pay you to be my safety checker? I am a PLANNER. Doesn’t matter if I am getting ahead of myself. The funhouse will be mine.

Malak takes a moment to look around and take in the scenery. His eyes can’t help but dart across the street and notice a familiar landmark.

Malak Garland:
Not going to lie, this warehouse is a little too close to Ballyhoo Brew over there.

It only takes Malak a minute to hash it all out.

Malak Garland:
Ah, heck. What am I thinking? We will put them out of business in no time.

Somehow opening a funhouse / sensory room / cuddle service out of a warehouse makes The Source of Envy think they can put a BAR out of business. Right. Anyways, Malak sticks his nose into the floor plan blueprints presented to him by the foreman.

Do you see this here? That’s a watermain, so we will have to build around it.

Malak Garland:
I don’t care, just get it done. Get it done to the EXACT specifications I requested. Oh, and this room here...

Malak’s finger draws a magic circle around a part of the blueprint that is labelled ‘GAMES AND FUN.’

Malak Garland:
This NEEDS to be a space in the funhouse where pillow crash can be played, do you hear me!? PILLOW CRASH! It must happen.

The recording fades as Malak, Sgt. Safety and the construction crew continue to banter back and forth about indeterminate specifics.


Ladies and gentlemen, a few weeks ago CHRIS ROSS came back to DEFIANCE, attacking Gage Blackwood after more than a three year absence! My partner, Lance Warner, was able to coordinate an interview with Chris Ross back in Pennsylvania. Don’t worry, Lance went with extra DEFIANCE security just in case…

No way I was going near that man otherwise. However, what transpired was definitely interesting.

Let’s roll the footage.

The scene opens on the stoop of Chris Ross’ apartment in the rundown city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Ross is sitting there dressed in a long sleeved hoodie with the words “I Am 717” printed on it, some baggy camouflage pants, and his black combat boots.

Chris, thank you for joining me on this interview. I wanted to let you know the Favored Saints have given me permission to be here, even though, at this time, you’re not under a DEFIANCE Wrestling contract…

Chris Ross:
Man don’t give me any of that permission bullshit… The fact remains ya neva got permission from me! But honestly I got plenty to get off of my chest anyway so go ahead and cut to the chase.

Okay, great. So why attack Gage Blackwood? Why now?

Ross looks at Lance with a soulless stare. It was like he was deep in thought before he could come up with an answer. 

Chris Ross:
Lance, lemme ask ya Happy Meal eatin ass somethin… Have ya eva been to a point in your life where ya look at yourself in the mirror and ask why am I still here? Why the fuck do I even bother rollin outta bed?! What is keepin’ me from checkin’ out of this plane of existence and sayin’ goodbye to this world?!

Lance looked at Ross quizzically. 

Ummmmm I’m not entirely sure I follow where you’re going with this. 

Chris Ross:
It’s simple ya dumb fuck... I had everything! I was the hottest wrestler on the market! I came into DEFIANCE with the UTA and ya know what? Chris Ross was the one everyone was talkin’ about! I was the one who gave 0 fucks! I was the one no one was safe around! DEFIANCE threw that so called God Beast Mushigahara at me and ya know what happened? I fuckin’ choked that motha fucka out in the middle of the ring!

Yes… that was considered to be one of the biggest upsets in DEFIANCE history if I do say so.

Chris Ross smirked amusingly.

Chris Ross:
Ya damn right it was! It was my meal ticket to finally makin’ it big! And that one person who fucked everythin up…. Gage Blackwood… He fuckin took everythin from me!

How do you figure that?

Ross’ eyes narrow at Lance.

Chris Ross:
Look around ya bruh! Does this look like fuckin paradise to ya?! This is downtown HBG! Ya fuckin can hear the gun shots goin off at night! This apartment I’m livin’ in? Any time the person livin’ above me flushes the toilet water drips into my closet! Yeah fuckin’ wonderful! That junk heap of a vehicle I’m drivin’? Ya think I drive that for shits and giggles?! I’m drivin that junkyard on wheels until they fuckin fall off at this point!

Lance looks around at the slums that surround him nodding his head taking in the reality of the situation. 

Chris Ross:
Gage Blackwood… That sorry son of a bitch…. He ruined my life… After that match we had where I was buried under a mountain of god damn pipes… My shoulder blade was cracked, I had a concussion, several broken ribs… I had to have my shoulder repaired 3 times! It took a fuckin eternity for that to heal up and how does DEFIANCE repay me? THEY RELEASE ME! Yeah thank you Mister Ross but we can’t justify payin’ ya this kind of money! Best of luck! Slam the fuckin door right in my face! THAT IS WHAT GAGE BLACKWOOD DID TO ME!

I just don’t understand why you’d wait this long…

Chris Ross:
Let me tell ya why… Ya think any otha company wanted anythin’ to do with me?! Fuck no! Of course not! Why cuz I’m not anotha run of the mill technical wrassler from a foreign country! Ohhhh no I’m not a clean cut fruit cup who plays grab ass with his opponent! I was ready to just end it all… I had the rope rigged up on a low hangin pipe…. I had the noose around my fuckin’ neck... And right as I was about to kick the chair out from unda my feet that was when I heard that god damn bagpipe music on my TV! And who do I see waltzin’ out like his life is sunshine and daisies? GAGE FUCKIN BLACKWOOD! And ya know what… That was the epiphany I needed… It was that moment I said to myself. “What the fuck are ya doin huh?! You’re The Keystone Motha Fuckin State Killa! Ya ain’t no fuckin bitch! Take fuckin rope off and put it around Gage Blackwood’s neck!” And well… I guess ya can say the rest is history…

Lance looked at Ross almost like he’s afraid of the man with how unhinged he sounds.

So what are you hoping to get out of all of this?

Chris Ross:
What do I want to get out of this? Lance, let me make things crystal fuckin clear… I’m the one guy that nobody fuckin’ wanted! DEFIANCE didn’t even want me to begin with! The only reason I had my foot in the door was because I was with the UTA! The thing is… I’m the guy with nothin’ to lose! What more can ya fuckin do to me huh?! Well let me put it to ya this way... Last time I was in DEFIANCE I was workin’ for Mikey Unlikely as his personal hired gun to do his dirty work… This time I’m doin shit alone! The only person Chris Ross works for is Chris Ross!!! This time I’m goin ALL THE FUCKIN WAY! I’m not stoppin’ until I’m on top of that god damn mountain and I can throw the king’s chair off that motha fucka! Contract or not… DEFIANCE isn’t gettin rid of me that easy!

Chris, I know it’s not just Gage you have issues with. If you are to come back to DEFIANCE and sign a new contract, what else do you hope to achieve and who else do you have in your sights?

Chris Ross:
Lance… NO ONE is safe around me… I don’t care who the fuck they put in front of me! Where I come from out here on the streets of Harrisburg A THREE COUNT DOESN’T MEAN SHIT! As far as I’m concerned… I’ll take anyone out any place I see fit… Hell I’ll fuckin cave someone’s skull in at Whole Foods if I have to! What matters in the end is who is walking out unda they own feet and who is goin’ home in an ambulance! And by the way ya aren’t wrong when ya say Gage isn’t the only one I have issues with…

Ross turns and looks directly into the camera pulling out his screwdriver.

Chris Ross:
Hey Mikey! Rememba me motha fucka?! Oh yeah the one guy ya fucked ova! Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about the money ya fuckin owe me scum bag! Ya best start coughin’ up the cash or else ya gonna be coughin’ up ya own teeth! And I don’t mean none of that Mikey Money bullshit eitha! Reality check fruit cup! Ya monopoly money ain’t good to pay off the fuckin rent! So pray to god that we neva cross paths cuz the next time I see ya Mikey… Well... It may very well be the last oreo frappe ya fuckin have…. And Mikey…. FYI… I’m not afraid to go to jail if it means I beat the eva lovin fuck outta ya!

You can just see a shiver go down Lance’s spine as Ross said that. 

Thank you so much for your time, Chris. This was very interesting to say the least.

The scene goes back to the announce table. Both men are speechless until Keebler finally speaks.

By no means do I support what Chris Ross did to Gage Blackwood, or what he has done in the past within this company… but it’s clear Chris needs help. Unfortunately, I do feel for the guy-

Warner puts his hand up.

It was all very tough to hear.

Well, with “nothing to lose” we may see him again. Sooner than later.



♫ “Boots and Blood” by Five Finger Death Punch ♫

Through the curtain storms DEFIANCE’s self-appointed clown killer, Gunnar Van Patton.  His legal counsel, Avril Selene Kinkade, makes a rare appearance outside the backstage area and accompanies him to the ring, clipboard and documents in hand.  As what has been customary with his entrance, there is no showboating or playing to the Faithful.  

The Lycan is all business.  Yet, instead of sliding into the ring, he stomps over to Darren Quimby and forcibly removes the microphone from his hand.  Van Patton rolls into the ring and recklessly tosses the mic to Avril, who easily snatches it out of the air.  She positions herself in the middle of the ring and stares directly into the camera, while bringing the microphone to her lips.

Even with two nights worth of time, Sergeant Van Patton remains relegated to what is obviously the “B” show.  Sadly, this was to be expected with DEFIANCE’s bias towards the cretins, clowns, and cowards.  It hit new levels when they forced their producers to cut my client’s already minuscule sliver of camera time from the last Uncut, making it seem as if he had been absent.  Apparently, they greatly dislike when someone has the backbone to call one of their heroes out for being nothing more than a victim in waiting, right to their face.  Good people of the Faithful, do not for one moment think that DEFIANCE is not capable of editing these programs to fit their narrative, leading you to believe these cravens are instead personifications of valor.

What? First of all - I have to look up the word ‘personification’.

Keebs.. really?

Van Patton ferociously tears off his shirt and fires the remains into the crowd.  Avril, the devil on his shoulder, loves seeing him grow more volatile with each word that slips past her sultry lips.

DEFIANCE, you may continue to try and censor my client, but you cannot hide the truth.  To quote one of Sergeant Van Patton’s favorite songs, “But as sure as God made black and white, what's down in the dark will be brought to the light.”  The gospel truth will destroy all shadows and enlighten all.  Believe these words as if they were carved into stone tablets: Be his opponent good, bad, or indifferent, they will all face the Lord’s wrath and when the smoke clears, my client will be standing atop the pile of bodies that were once the DEFIANCE roster, ushering in the era in which glory and combat reign supreme.

Avril has a way of grabbing the attention of the faithful with more than just her ravishing good looks.  Her words have captured everyone’s focus and all eyes were upon her.

With that sermon at its end, we move onto the business at hand.  As my client previously informed you all, we have given enough chances for DEFIANCE’s finest to step forward and show their bravery by making use of one of the many open contracts we have offered.  Let us just say that after tonight, we shall be taking a more proactive approach.  Yet, we are not just ravenous beasts of prey.  In a gesture of good will and in the slim chance of finding just one of the DEFIANCE locker room who is not completely spineless, we will offer one final contract.  Cowards, clowns, and the corrupt or maybe even one of the supposed guardians, this is your opportunity.  Please join us in this squared circle and sign your name upon this contract.  Show us what the DEFIANCE locker room is truly made of.

Moments pass and it looks as if no one would answer the call.  Avril angrily stares at the entrance ramp, enraged that not a single member of DEFIANCE roster has come to accept their challenge.  She is about to slam her clipboard down in frustration when the silence is broken, by an unlikely source.

♫ “The King of the Highlands” by Antti Martikainen ♫

This is unexpected.

The Faithful watches on in shock, as Gage Blackwood appears atop the stage.  He is in a little better shape than he was on night 2 of DEFtv, with most of his bandages now removed.  He finishes wrapping up his wrists with white medical tape, as he heads to the ring.  Gage casually tosses the remaining roll out of sight, before starting up the steel steps and slipping between the ropes.

Van Patton’s pacing comes to an abrupt end and he begins to examine his foe almost immediately.  Avril doesn’t back down at all with the Scot’s arrival.  Quite the opposite.  She steps to him and extends the clipboard to him.  A devilish grin extending across her flawless face.

Gage doesn’t say a word, he simply swipes the pen from the clip at the top of the board.  Avril holds the contract in position and he is about to sign the contract, when Van Patton’s gloved hand slides along the front of the document.  Blackwood looks over to him, offended that he was interrupted, as the Texan pushes his attorney out of the way.  Van Patton gives his would-be foe another quick scan.

What in the bloody hell?

Avril cannot believe what she is seeing and it causes her native accent to come to the forefront.  Her client finally has a worthy opponent, but he is stopping his opponent from signing the contract.

Gunnar Van Patton:
Ya ain’t physically ready for this.

Gage Blackwood:
You want a fight and so do I.  Give me the paper.

Gunnar Van Patton:
Yer still sportin’ a damn bandage.  There’s no glory in this.  Walk away or yer gonna end up worse than ya already are.

Gage Blackwood:
Don’t talk down to me, ya bloke.  I don’t need to be at one hundred percent to show you who owns this ring, inside and out…

Avril sees that as her moment and she thrusts the clipboard in front of Blackwood.  He scribbles his name upon it, while staring a hole through the Texan, much to the female’s delight.  

It was a pleasure doing business with you.

Van Patton sighs and shakes his head, unhappy that he isn’t getting Gage at his best.

Gunnar Van Patton:
Ah’ll try to end this fast.

The announced act of mercy offends the Scot and he gives his adversary a shove.  A tiny growl begins to sneak through the Lycan’s gritted teeth.

Gage Blackwood:
You can try.

I don’t want to say ‘shocking’ but in many ways…

Blackwood’s never backed down from fights. Like him, hate him, he’s always for one. I think that’s why there were bitter feelings between he and The Faithful but also The Faithful and Blackwood all this time.

Benny Doyle slides into the ring off to the side, as Avril heads to the backstage area and the two fighters position themselves in opposite corners.  Van Patton flings his Dallas Stars cap into the crowd, while Blackwood rips the bandage from his forehead and begins to stretch out any aching left in his torso.  Once Doyle can complete a check of each combatant to make sure they aren’t hiding any foreign objects, he calls for the bell.


WIth the tolling of the bell, the two warriors slowly step out from their corners.  Almost as if they are synchronized, they both complete a quarter circle around the ring before heading towards the very center.  Near mirror images, they each lower their center of gravity by slightly crouching.  Blackwood extends his right hand outward, offering the opportunity to engage in a knuckle lock.  Van Patton accepts with his left hand.  However, the opposite hands just can’t seem to meet an agreement and it causes them to break.

I’m not sure what exchange is happening here but both men look to be mirroring each other right now. 

Each competitor circles just a little more before meeting again.  This encounter finds better results, as the knuckle lock is cinched in with both hands.  Finding himself overpowered by the slightly larger Van Patton, Blackwood spirals in place to break free of the Texan’s grasp and immediately dives towards his foe’s legs.  Van Patton sprawls to counter being taken to the ground and rotates along Blackwood’s back, allowing him to lock on a rear chinlock.

Not the first nor likely the last time Blackwood has seen this hold, he wastes no time in rising up to his feet and countering with a seamless transition into a hammerlock.  He uses the hold to force his opponent face down to the mat, where he applies more pressure to Van Patton’s left arm.

The Texan quickly positions his legs beneath him and forces the duo back up to a vertical base.  Gage keeps a firm grip on his enemy’s wrist and uses the change in position to move to a top wrist lock.  However, Van Patton goes with what brought him to the dance.  The Lycan blasts Blackwood on the outer left thigh with a roundhouse kick from the right side, loosening his grip enough for Van Patton to spiral and apply his own wrist lock to Gage’s left arm.

Blackwood pushes his foe back with his free arm before executing a forward roll.  With his wrist still clutched by Van Patton, he executes a back bridge and rolls away from his foe, releasing the pressure on his arm and positioning himself perfectly to pull the Texan into a fireman’s carry takeover.

Not one to miss an opening, Blackwood explodes at his kneeling foe.  He has one thing in mind and that’s driving his knees into his adversary’s face.  Unfortunately for him, he finds nothing but air.

The Gaelic Storm just misses!

Van Patton’s dodging of the attack, positions him perfectly for one of his own and he looks to fight fire with fire.  He launches himself toward the Scot and he too misses a knee strike.

...And so does the Busaiku!

Both men tumble forward and wind up on their feet trading stares, a stalemate being reached.

With things back at square one, the two competitors take a moment to catch their breath and adjust their attire.  Neither is willing to rush into battle and possibly make a mistake, as doing so could very well be fatal.  Refocused, they make their way back to the middle of the ring.  Another attempt at a knuckle lock finds success with the two slamming into each other like a pair of rams.  

The Faithful let out a loud jeer.

And as you would expect, neither man backs down.

Chest to chest, each jockey for position, but it is Van Patton who gains the upper hand.  He forces Gage back into the ropes, where the referee calls for the break.  It takes a couple of moments for the Lycan to back off and as soon as there is space between the two, Van Patton goes right to what brought him to the dance with a right-footed roundhouse aimed right for Blackwood’s left cheek.  Gage narrowly slips under the kick and scurries out of danger.

Van Patton takes his time, brushing some of his blond locks from his face, before starting towards his waiting opponent.  Blackwood readies himself and motions with his right hand for the Texan to bring the fight to him.  Changing things up, the duo lock horns in a collar and elbow tie-up.  It is short lived with Gage instantly taking control with a side headlock.

An elbow is driven into Blackwood’s gut and Van Patton hurries him back into the ropes, where he is rapidly launched towards the opposite set.  The Texan dives into a drop down, forcing Gage to hop over him, and pops up only to lower his head for a back body drop.  Gage dives over him for an attempt at a sunset flip.  Van Patton plants his feet and grabs his foe by the jaw, looking to dot his eye with a right hand.  Gage is up to the task though.  He catches the incoming strike and quickly curls up his legs to take the Texan to the mat for a cross arm breaker.  Before the hold can be locked in, Van Patton rolls Gage backwards to his knees.  The motion frees Van Patton’s arm and puts Blackwood in range for a roundhouse, which again misses its target.

Gage can be a slippery one, that’s for sure.

Gage isn’t safe just yet.  Hoping to keep the pressure on, Van Patton darts at him.  Blackwood is up to the task.  He catches his foe’s attempt at a running forearm and tries for a Fujiwara armbar.  Just before he hits the mat, Van Patton drives his right knee into the mat to stop it and he rolls forward to his feet.  Gage never releases his arm, so he pulls him in for one of his trademark Muay Thai elbows.  Blackwood slips under it and blasts Van Patton with a huge European uppercut.

Not content with just one, Gage fires off two more, sending Van Patton stumbling backwards into the ropes.

Blackwood stays on the attack.  He pulls from the ropes by the back of his pants and locks his arms around his waist.  The Texan flips backwards to escape the belly-to-back suplex and races to the ropes.  Gage slides into the dropdown this time.  With Van Patton hitting the opposite ropes, Blackwood is back on his feet in a flash and takes to the air for a leapfrog.  The Lycan is expecting it.  A leaping, one-footed dropkick catches Gage high in the chest.

A real stiff shot there by Van Patton.

He’s got Blackwood well scouted so far. Sometimes, Gage can really telegraph what he’s doing. He can get away with it because of his quickness. Not this time, however.

Things are in the Lycan’s control.  He snatches his adversary by the hair and forces him to stand.  A right-footed roundhouse slams into Blackwood’s chest, a back elbow from the same side catches him in the ear, and a left-footed roundhouse connects with the back of his left thigh, dropping him to his knees and wide open for Van Patton to blast him in the right temple with a knee strike.

Gage struggles to push himself off the mat and starts to crawl towards the nearest set of ropes.  He never makes it to them, as Van Patton tugs him up from the mat to make him kneel.


Van Patton tries to cave in Blackwood’s chest with a vicious roundhouse.

Clutching at his chest in agony, Blackwood crumbles to the mat.  Yet, he doesn’t get a single moment to tend to his wounds with the Texan forcing him up from the mat again.


I could hear that from here!

Another lethal kick connects with the Scot’s chest to which he can’t stop a pain-filled growl from escaping his lips.

Van Patton grips his enemy by the hair and looks to force him to stand.  However, Gage is not one to back down from a hard-hitting fight.  He surprises the Texan by breaking free and socking him in the jaw with a forearm strike to the jaw.  The strike seems to do little more than piss off Van Patton who kicks him square in the chest, sending him back into the corner.  It was the last place Blackwood wanted to be.


Blackwood is being pummelled!

Kick after kick slam into Gage’s chest, putting him on his ass in the corner.  If it wasn’t for the official’s count reaching four and him stepping in the way, Van Patton may have just gone all night.

Benny Doyle:
Back it up, Van Patton.

Knowing he needed to create some space, Blackwood used the referee’s interference to slip out to the floor.  Despite the official’s objections, Van Patton shoves him out of the way and takes off after the Scot.  The Lycan finds Gage propped up against the security barrier.  Blackwood strikes first with a big left hand, but he is put on his ass by a Muay Thai elbow right to his left cheek.  

Van Patton doesn’t let him stay there long.  He pulls him up by the arm and attempts to whip him into the barricade.  However, Gage reverses in and the Texan slams into the corner of the barrier with an audible thud.

Great reversal by Gage there. The ever-so-resilient Scotsman, trying to turn the tables.

Looking to capitalize, Blackwood races towards him, but his momentum is cut off by a drop toe hold that sends him into the barricade lower chest first.  He clutches at his midsection and slowly turns around.  He finds the Texan waiting for him with a roundhouse that almost sends him flipping backwards over the security barrier.

Still trying to create some space between himself and his enemy, Gage staggers around the ringside area.  Yet, Van Patton is in hot pursuit and catches him just around the first turn.  A reverse knife edge chop electrifies the arena, as it connects with the Scot’s back.

Blackwood has no time to even react to that strike before Van Patton uses an Irish whip to send him into the barrier.  The onslaught shows no signs of stopping, as the Lycan blasts him in the chest with a jumping knee strike that makes sure Blackwood goes over the barrier, this time.

The Faithful scatter in all directions with Van Patton hurdling the barricade.  Gage is trying to stand when the Texan pie-faces him into a chair.


That roundhouse echoes through the arena and Blackwood falls backwards in the chair to the floor.

The official forgoes the count in favor of admonishing the two fighters.

Benny Doyle:
Let’s go Van Patton!  Get it back into the ring!  I’ll throw this match out right now!

The Texan shoots the referee a fiery stare, while leading his foe by the hair back over the barrier.  Van Patton angrily throws Blackwood down to the floor before rolling into the ring for just a split-second to break the count and slipping back out the side of the ring, much to the referee’s dismay.

Building up a head of steam, Van Patton sprints around the ring.  He takes to the air, takes a couple of steps along the top of the security barrier, and cracks his adversary in the jaw with a knee strike.

Things are fully in the Texan’s control when he forces a dazed Gage to his feet and back into the ring.  Blackwood refuses to stay down and puts all of his effort into getting up.  Yet, he can only reach all fours and is in perfect position for Van Patton to drive both knees into the side of his abdomen.

With the wind knocked clear out of Blackwood, Van Patton goes for the first cover of the match-up.




It’s going to take more than that to keep Blackwood down.

Blackwood kicks out and rolls to his stomach, making sure a second pin attempt isn’t going to happen.

Never one to complain about a count, Van Patton leads his opponent up to his feet and backs him into the ropes.  An Irish whip was blocked by Gage hooking his arm around the top rope.  The Texan tries a couple of times before giving up and just laying into Blackwood with a roundhouse to the upper abdomen.

Yet, Van Patton doesn’t get the reaction he was expecting.  Snarling with rage, Blackwoood fires back with a flurry of alternating smacks to the Texan’s face.  He caps off the offensive by grabbing Van Patton by the ear and dropping him to one knee with a vicious headbutt.

Gage circles his enemy, positioning himself so he can slam a knee into Van Patton’s chin.  A chop to the chest follows and the Lycan is taken over with a snapmare.  Blackwood shows he isn’t afraid to fight fire with fire, he blasts his enemy across the back with a roundhouse.

Gunnar Van Patton:

As if he was offended by being hit with such a kick, a growling Van Patton slams his fist into the mat and stomps over to Blackwood, so he can execute a snapmare of his own.  It isn’t a surprise to anyone watching that the Texan is going to return the favor.


That might have done it!

The Scot isn’t able to shake off the strike and he squirms along the mat in agony.  Van Patton takes a few moments to get his head right, as that headbutt really cleaned his clock and in doing so, allows his adversary to slink away to safety.  Van Patton starts towards Blackwood, who backs up to keep some distance between them and allow himself to recover. 

Where is Kinkade? I could use a good look at her right now.

The Texan forgoes the circling and cuts across the ring.  Gage stays on the move and has to quickly block an incoming kick.  A pair of reverse knife edge cops hit their mark and an European uppercut rocks Van Patton’s head back.  Blackwood hurries to follow up, applying a side headlock, which he uses to drag his foe out to the middle of the ring.

Gage lowers himself to one knee, hoping to keep the Texan from reaching the ropes and forcing him to carry Blackwood’s weight.  A forearm slams into the Scot’s back, allowing Van Patton to rise up from the mat.  However, his stay there is fleeting with Gage taking him over with the headlock still applied.

Really wrenching on the hold, Blackwood puts all he has into keeping Van Patton on the mat.  He cranks a little too hard, allowing Van Patton’s legs to wrap themselves around his head, applying a head scissors.

Not at all concerned, Blackwood executes a bridge before spiraling to the side, so he is on all fours, despite still being in the hold.  Gage slowly lifts his legs into the air to perform a headstand before rapidly spinning once more, rolling Van Patton to his stomach and locking the Texan’s legs for a possible STF.

If Gage applies this…

The Scot stretches out his sore torso, making use of the controlled situation.  Once feeling a little better, he slaps Van Patton along the back with both hands, forcing him to bend backwards.  Blackwood immediately completes the hold by wrapping his arm under the Texan’s chin.

The Lycan growls in pain with Gage yanking him in a way the back isn’t supposed to bend.  He extends his hand towards the ropes, yet they are seemingly miles away.

The volume of Van Patton’s growls increase, as he starts clawing his way to the ropes.  The Texan slowly but surely inches closer and closer to the bottom ropes.  Seeing this, Blackwood plants his feet and holds onto the chicklock while arching his back, pulling his enemy up to his knees.  Gage makes sure the ropes remain out of reach, as he falls backwards, bringing Van Patton with him.

Smart move by Gage. He has this locked in!

Van Patton’s legs are bent under him and his opponent has his body scissored.  While not the always the biggest competitor in the match, the Texan has the size advantage in this case.  He is able to get his hands to the mat and use them to rock the duo back and forth, freeing his legs.  Now with more options, Van Patton rolls the duo face-down.  Blackwood refuses to release the hold, while the Lycan once again starts his crawl to the bottom rope.  It takes him a few moments to get there, but his hand finally does reach the bottom rope.

Impressive escape by Van Patton. The size difference plays a factor but also the pain threshold this man has. Blackwood might not be the Oscar Burns of submissions… but he’s one of the better submission based wrestlers in DEFIANCE.

After making use of the full four-count, Blackwood releases the hold and holds his hands up, showing he is doing a clean break while stepping away from his fallen foe.  Just as Van Patton releases the bottom rope, Gage slams his boot into the back of his head.

The Scot hurries the Texan up and sends him running to the far ropes.  A leap frog and dropdown lead to Gage connecting with a picture perfect dropkick that catches Van Patton in the mouth.

A dazed Van Patton struggles to keep his balance and stumbles upon getting vertical, but he is soon kept upright by the ropes with Blackwood shoving him into them.  Gage drives his boot into the Texan’s gut a couple of times before once again rattling his brain with another European uppercut.

A handful of hair leads Van Patton out to the middle of the ring where Gage delivers another harsh headbutt.  That same grip on the hair kept the Texan upright, so Blackwood could wallop him with a second one.

Blackwood finds little resistance, as he takes his opponent by the left wrist and quickly spirals to the mat, violently twisting the arm and sending Van Patton to the canvas.

Clutching at his arm in agony, the Texan is given almost zero time to recover before his adversary kicks him in the same arm.  Blackwood captures Van Patton’s left arm and forces him to stand, while firmly twisting the arm.  Gage holds the arm out straight over his own shoulder.  After taking a quick look of the arena, the Scot pulls on the arm with all of his might and drops to one knee, trying to hyperextend it.  Never releasing the appendage, he rises back up and falls backwards to deliver a Pele kick directly to the point where the arm meets the shoulder.

Perfectly placed. When clearly focused, Blackwood can hit his spot on a dime!

Much like his foe is known to do, Blackwood had picked a body part and is now looking to destroy it.  Van Patton’s arm hangs limp and he lets out an audible groan in pain, as Gage once again takes control of it and torques it angrily.  With the left arm cranked, Blackwood drives his elbow down across the Texan’s tricep twice before using it to pull him in for a flawless Northern Lights suplex.

Blackwood uses the momentum of the slam to execute a back handspring along with it and land on his feet.  He immediately hooks on a cross-arm breaker.

Knowing the hold well, Van Patton starts squirming immediately.  By the time the hold is fully applied, the Lycan is just inches away from the bottom rope.  Gage applies a ton of pressure to the arm, but he is forced to break it with the Texan reaching the bottom rope with his foot.  Though, Blackwood makes sure to keep it applied for just about a count of four point nine nine.

In the blink of an eye, Gage is back to work on the arm.  After another arm wrench into an over-the-shoulder arm breaker, he clocks Van Patton with a forearm to the jaw and whips him into the far corner.  Blackwood darts in after him, but gets a boot to the mouth for his trouble.

It isn’t much of an opening, but that didn’t stop the Lycan from taking it.  He darts to the ropes and stampedes towards his enemy.  However, Blackwood was ready for him, putting him down fast with a spinning, heel kick.

Blackwood is merciless.  He forces his foe to stand, just to drive him back down with a swank, snap suplex.

Holding on, Gage twists his hips and gets both men back to their feet.  All of the Faithful knows that suplex is step one in a three-step process.  With a grunt, Blackwood takes Van Patton into the air and keeps him there.

Yet, the Texan isn’t going to go down without a fight.  He starts slamming his knee into the top of Backwood’s head.  This breaks Gage’s grip just enough for Van Patton to slip down behind the Scot.  As soon as he locks his arms around Blackwood, he is struck in the cheek with a back elbow, breaking it.  Gage sprints to the ropes and looks to use the momentum to deliver a bulldog.  Van Patton digs deep into his playbook.  He too makes use of the momentum and rapidly rotates, holding Blackwood into the air with his good arm, before driving him into the mat.


Van Patton starts to believe that pacing may be the way to beat his tough as nails opponent.  The Lycan’s left arm might just be dangling from the shoulder, but it doesn’t stop him from hurrying Gage back up and sending him into the ropes.  The duo meet in the middle of the ring with Van Patton trying to break Gage’s jaw with a leaping Yakuza kick.

One of the most violent kicks yet… Blackwood is stumbling around the ring.

Gage has no clue where he is!

Despite his bell being rung, Blackwood’s instincts tell him to get vertical and he wobbles over to the nearest corner.  Van Patton meets him there and lands a combination of a knife edge chop and a Muay Thai elbow, both from the right side.  An Irish whip sends Gage to the far corner.  Van Patton follows him in, but is caught in the mouth with a boot that sends him stumbling backwards.  Blackwood hops up to the second rope and takes to the skies, looking to spike the Texan with a hurricanrana.

Surprising everyone, Van Patton is able to execute a handspring with just his good arm and land on his feet.  He pounces on a tired Blackwood, who is still down on all fours, by humping into the air and driving his boot down across the back of the Scot’s neck.


The Lycan wastes no time in going for a cover, hooking the leg best he can with his good arm.




That was not a three!?

No! Doyle is saying two! I thought Benny’s hand hit the mat… but I’m being told from production it did not.

Blackwood refuses to stay down and is able to kick out with just a few moments to spare.

Van Patton’s arm is still far below one hundred percent, but it doesn’t stop him from going back to his martial arts training.  All with his right arm, a pair of Muay Thai elbows are followed by an elbow to the top of the head and a back elbow to the opposite side of Gage’s face.  The Lycan then moves to his powerful legs to keep the onslaught going.  Two left-footed roundhouse kicks strike Blackwood in the chest, a right-footed one slams into the outer portion of his left thigh, and the same foot is driven into his gut with a spinning solebutt.  Blackwood drops to one knee, while Van Patton sprints to the ropes.  Gage rises back up just in time to have his enemy send him flipping backwards with a leaping knee square to his left collar bone.


Holding his left arm tight against his body the entire time, Van Patton slithers into another pin attempt.




Once again, Blackwood finds a way to escape, this time by getting his boot on the bottom rope with only a split-second to spare.

It’s knowing your surroundings inside and out. This fight continues.

A subtle annoyed snarl slips from the Lycan’s lips, as he guides his enemy over to the corner.  Van Patton rocks Gage’s head with an elbow to the jaw and does it again with a back elbow to the opposite side.  He takes a moment to violently shake out his damaged left arm, trying to get some feeling back in it, before attempting to whip Blackwood across the ring.  Yet, the whip is countered and Gage takes Van Patton down roughly with what could be considered a short-arm, single arm DDT to the damaged appendage of the Texan.

Blackwood keeps his foe’s left arm outstretched, as he returns to a vertical base and uses his boot to keep it there, so he can jump and drive both knees down into it.

Gage isn’t one to miss an opening.  In no time flat, he is out onto the ring apron and ascending the turnbuckles.  With Van Patton’s focus solely on his injured arm, Blackwood finds no resistance as he leaps from the top rope and drives his knees into his opponent once again.  This time, driving them into the Texan’s midsection.

All of the air has been driven out of Van Patton and he can’t stop Blackwood from going for a cover.

Does Blackwood have it!?




While his left arm is in terrible shape, Van Patton’s powerful legs are still able to save him from defeat.

After shooting the referee a rather annoyed look, Blackwood turns his attention to Van Patton’s arm, stomping away at it.

Once having his fill, Gage fires his enemy into the ropes.  A charging lariat by the Scot misses and he has to think fast to avoid an incoming chop from his enemy.  He tries to retaliate with a superkick, but that too finds nothing but air.  However, Van Patton’s roundhouse to the chest in reply doesn’t miss and takes Gage off of his feet.

The Texan is unable to capitalize though.  He drops to one knee, clutching his battered arm tightly.

And when you’re in this stage of the match, folks, it’s going to be hard to follow up on everything in a timely manner.

I understand that but also, Van Patton needs this break. While he’s not able to follow up directly with Gage, it allows him to recover, slightly, and perhaps hit Blackwood with something much stronger…

Trying to light a fire within himself, Van Patton slams his right fist into the mat and growls loudly while rising up to his feet.  He stomps over to his kneeling foe and cracks him in the jaw with a knee.  The Lycan keeps Blackwood from crumbling to the mat by the hair and ushers him back to his feet.  Van Patton positions himself behind his foe with Gage’s arm captured in almost a half straight jacket.  He spins Blackwood out as if going for a Rainmaker, but instead spikes him to the mat with a swank STO.

A quick cover by the Lycan and the referee slides into position.




Being unable to hook the leg with his good arm, Van Patton’s cover isn’t enough to keep his determined foe down.

Van Patton can’t stop himself from immediately tending to his arm, which had to be used for his previous attack.  He can’t move it almost at all without pain shooting through it, causing him to snarl for all to hear.  Having only one working arm affects much of his offense, so he looks to other methods of doling out punishment.  The Lycan rolls under the bottom rope and slowly climbs the turnbuckle.

Perched upon the top rope, Van Patton crouches down, looking very much like a gargoyle, before launching himself high into the air for what could be considered at least four and a half out of five-star attack.  Unfortunately, the high risk move reaps zero rewards, as the Texan comes crashing down on something a little more painful than Blackwood’s abdomen.


Both men are being forced to tap into their reserve fuel tanks and it takes several moments before there are any signs of life.  Blackwood crawls to the nearest set of ropes and uses each and every one to rise up to his feet.  He holds the top rope tightly, as his knees are anything but a stable foundation.  Once regaining his balance, he slowly treks over to his foe who has rolled to the opposite set of ropes, but is still laying on the mat.  Gage grabs him by the hair and looks to pull him from the mat.  Yet, Van Patton grips the front of Blackwood’s trunks and gives them a mighty yank with his sole good arm, sending the Scot tumbling through the ropes and to the floor.

This time the Texan makes use of the ropes to stand.  He takes a deep breath, regaining just a little bit of his focus, before bolting to the far ropes.  Blackwood sidesteps the incoming baseball slide dropkick, allowing the momentum to send Van Patton all the way to the barricade where Gage sends him flying over them with a huge, running, European uppercut.

These shots are still as strong as they were during the start of this contest.

Blackwood rolls back into the ring, breaking the count.  The referee steps between him and the ropes, making sure he backs off before the count is retarted.  However, just as soon as the official takes his eyes off of Gage, he starts climbing the turnbuckle.

The crowd hurries to escape the danger zone, as an off-balance Van Patton struggles to stand.  Just as he gets there, Blackwood puts all the energy he has into clearing the security barrier and crashing down upon the Texan with a body press that amazes the capacity crowd.

As Van Patton lays motionless, Gage yanks down his left knee pad and holds that knee tightly.  It appears he came down wrong with the high risk attack.  The referee scurries out of the ring to check on both of them.  He finds the two men breathing heavy, exhausted, and hurting, yet refusing to give up.  The official can do little more than shrug before re-entering the ring and beginning the count.



Blackwood is the first to stir and he hobbles over to the downed Texan.



Gage uses his foe’s hair to tow him to the security barrier and tosses him back to the ringside area.



Blackwood has to take a moment to shake out his hurting leg before joining his enemy over the barricade.



Not wanting to win via countout, the Scot sends Van Patton rolling into the ring and follows in after him.  Blackwood props his adversary up in the corner and whips his head back with a stiff forearm to the jaw.  Gage hisses in pain, while hoisting his enemy up and seating him on the top rope.  Blackwood ascends the ropes and looks to be going for a hurricanrana.  Suddenly, a trio of forearms slam into the side of his left knee.

Van Patton slips off the turnbuckle and yanks Blackwood’s legs out from under him, causing him to slam face-first on the top turnbuckle.

The Texan waits for his dazed foe to turn around and scoops him up into a fireman’s carry.  Van Patton gives his left arm a quick shake before erupting with a gigantic roar and tossing Gage into the air.  A knee slams into Blackwood’s nose on the way down.


On instinct, Van Patton keeps a half Nelson applied and positions Gage for his trademark brainbuster.  Yet, as soon as he tries to lift Blackwood from the mat, his left arm gives out.  Blackwood locks on a double chickenwing and dumps the Texan right on his head.


Doyle is in position in no time flat.




Blackwood’s injured knee couldn’t sustain the bridge! That may have cost him a possible victory.

Frustrated, Gage vents it via a pair of stomps directly to his adversary’s upper, left arm.  Blackwood keeps his focus on the seated Texan’s injured arm, hooking it in a chickenwing once more.  He looks to wrap his right arm around Van Patton’s jaw to apply the matching crossface.  However, Van Patton’s right arm coils up along his cheek, blocking the hold from being cinched in.

Blackwood can’t completely lock in the hold!

With pressure being applied to his damaged arm, Van Patton has to think fast and he surely does.  The Texan thrusts his left boot back into Gage’s left knee and then down into the Scot’s foot.  Keeping his boot solidly planted on his foe’s foot, Van Patton pivots on said foot to deliver a right-handed forearm and rotates in reverse to bash Blackwood with a back elbow to match.  Gage cannot help but tumble to the side from the second strike.  Yet, with his foot kept in place, his fall awkwardly cranks his knee.

Pain clouds Gage’s mind and devotes all of his attention to his injured knee.  Van Patton is a shark who can smell blood in the water and he loves the scent.  He quickly secures both of Gage’s legs and steps through before lacing them around his own and turning it over.

Scorpion Death Lock!

Now it has become a battle of wills.  Van Patton growls loudly, as he tugs with all of his might, his right arm applying all the pressure it can while his left remains utterly useless.  Blackwood snarls back at him, unadulterated pain coursing through his leg.  Gage reaches towards the ropes and finds them a good distance away.  Blackwood pushes his chest up from the mat, trying to offset some of the weight across his back, and steadily moves closer and closer to the ropes.  Just mere inches away from the bottom rope, pain engulfs the Scot and his arms give out.

Defiant as ever, Blackwood refuses to give in.  He struggles with everything he has left and moves just enough for him to wrap his fingers around the bottom rope.

Blackwood left it all out there. Look at how red his face is…

Unlike his foe, Van Patton releases the hold as soon as he hears the official make the call for the break.  Once he has stood Blackwood up, the Lycan smacks him with a pair of left-footed roundhouse kicks to the inside of the Scot’s left knee that causes it to buckle.  Trying to hype himself up, Van Patton roars and slaps the mat with both hands.  He fires off a roundhouse from the right side targeting Blackwood’s left ear.  Yet, Gage slips under it.  The momentum of the kick forces Van Patton to turn his back to his opponent and it costs him dearly with Gage applying a full Nelson.  Unable to break the hold, Van Patton finds himself deposited on the mat.

BRIDGING DRAGON SUPLEX! It has to be over!

The referee baseball slides into position to make the count, while Blackwood keeps the bridge with just one leg.




Despite Blackwood’s best effort, only one foot being planted on the mat isn’t enough to keep the fiery Texan down.

Noticeable limp and all, Gage slowly but surely reaches the corner and steps out onto the apron.  Blackwood’s damaged left leg really slows his pace, as it forces him to hop up each rope with his good leg.  He reaches the top, just to find it very difficult to balance and stand upright.

Blackwood is taking way too long to get up. This could cost him.

Almost on cue, Van Patton rushes towards his foe.  He runs up the corner to meet Blackwood on the top rope, just to get walloped with a forearm.  The Lycan answers with one of his own.  The pair trade two more forearms before Gage breaks out the world famous, Grecco-Roman thumb to the eye.


The cheap shot gives Blackwood enough of an opening to knock Van Patton silly with a sickening headbutt.

The Scot forces his adversary to bend over, as he situates his right foot on the top rope.  Using his good leg for all it is worth, Gage dives over Van Patton and forcibly drives him down into the mat with a powerbomb.


Dragging his left leg behind him, Blackwood crawls over to his lifeless opponent and drapes his exhausted body across the Texan’s chest.




How? … How!?

Van Patton’s left arm comes to life and explodes off of the mat.  Just moving the arm sends a wave of pain throughout the Lycan’s body, but it’s the only way he could escape defeat.  Yet, he immediately regretted doing so, as Blackwood captured the extended arm by the wrist and instantly rolled him to his stomach.  Gage slams an elbow down across the Texan’s shoulder and plants his feet, so he can jerk the arm back.


The positioning wasn’t perfect, but it still has the ropes far enough away that reaching the wouldn’t be easy for Van Patton.  The Lycan snarls in agony with his arm being bent in an awkward manner.  He struggles wildly, making it difficult for Blackwood to keep him in place.  Gage does his best, but the added stress takes its toll on his injured left leg and he has to raise it from the mat to relieve the pain.  In doing so, his ability to keep the Texan down decreases dramatically, allowing Van Patton to slowly drag the pair towards the ropes.  Van Patton is just mere inches from the bottom rope, when the aching in his arm reaches its maximum height.  Unable to take anymore damage to his arm, he slams his forehead into the mat and bares his fangs.  His right hand raises up and the thought of tapping out runs through the Texan’s mind.

I don’t think he’s going to get out of this! Van Patton is out!!!

Van Patton’s hand stops just short of hitting the mat.  It slowly morphs into a fist and he ferociously thrusts it down into the mat.  Digging as deep as he ever has before, he lets out a thunderous roar and slides within range of safety.  His right boot finds the bottom rope.

Both men are spent.  They barely have the energy to breathe, let alone rise back up to their feet.  One clutches his arm, while the other tends to their leg.  They have both seen far better days, but neither are willing to give in.  Matching the other’s movements, they battle back up to their feet.  Both are hunched over when they stumble to the middle of the ring.  They are forehead to forehead with neither warrior backing down at all.

Blackwood strikes first with a European uppercut.

Van Patton retaliates with a Muay Thai elbow.

Another European uppercut by the Scot.

A second elbow is sent in return.







Blackwood rapidly backs into the ropes and delivers a running headbutt.

Not to be outdown, Van Patton mimics his opponent and hits a knee strike to the chest.

Blackwood reverses into the ropes again and connects with another headbutt with this one opening up his old wound.

Van Patton does the same and charges forward, only to be taken down with a superkick.

Right on the button!

These are merciless exchanges, Keebs!

Seeing stars, Van Patton is at his enemy’s mercy, of which there is absolutely none to be found.  Gage slips behind him, as the Texan gets to one knee.  He once again tries for a crossface chickenwing.  He is able to lock in the chickenwing, but just as he appears to finish the move by wrapping his right arm around Van Patton’s jaw, the Texan lowers his head slightly.  This allows the Lycan to fight dirty like his foe had done earlier, by sinking his teeth into Blackwood’s forearm.

Van Patton hooks his left foot around his adversary’s ravaged leg and sweeps it, causing Gage to fall to his back.  The Lycan laces Blackwood’s legs around his own.  With the Scot’s legs captured, Van Patton spirals to the mat, violently torquing them and bending them in ways they are not meant to go.  He caps it all off with an ankle lock on Blackwood’s left foot.


Much like his foe earlier, the damage done to the Lycan made it difficult to fully apply the hold.  In this case, Van Patton’s left arm couldn’t apply much pressure to the ankle lock portion of the hold.  He grits his teeth and wills his arm to do its damnedest.

No one doubts the Scot’s toughness.  He refuses to accept defeat, even with crimson slowly creeping down his face.  His leg is in absolute hell, yet he will not give in.  The ropes are a good two to three feet out of his reach and the torture grows worse by the second.  He tries his best to block out the pain, but it seems futile.  He grips his own hair with both hands, tugging it in frustration.  

However, Gage is determined not to be shown up by anyone, let alone a newcomer like Van Patton.  A fire begins to grow within Blackwood.  He digs his fingers into the canvas and starts to drag his opponent closer and closer to the ropes.  With one mighty pull, the Scot finally makes it to the bottom rope.  Van Patton releases the hold immediately.

I’m beside myself. I don’t understand how either man has anything left…

To say the two fighters are exhausted would be an understatement, as they lay on the mat, each one clutching to a damaged limb and gasping for breath.  It takes a while for either to stir.  Van Patton uses his good arm to push himself up off the mat, but a lack of energy causes him to drop back down to the mat.  At the same time, Blackwood makes use of the ropes to rise up from the mat, only to have his leg give out about halfway up and he tumbles back to the mat.

Neither would just accept defeat.  Their bodies may have been pushed past their limits, but their wills were as strong as ever.  In the middle of the ring, the Texan is anything but steady on his feet, but he makes it there.  By the ropes, Gage tugs on the top rope with both hands, using it to get vertical.  Though, he is only able to hop on one leg.  The Lycan motions with his right arm for the Scot to bring the fight and it doesn’t take much prodding to make it happen.

Blackwood hauls off and belts his enemy in the jaw with an overhand right.  Unable to lift his arm to block, Van Patton has no choice but to absorb the strike and fire back with an elbow of his own.  The impact isn’t as devastating as earlier in the match, but the bloody Gage’s mangled leg being unable to support any weight means the shot is nearly enough to knock the Scot over.

The two trade shots once more with both nearly collapsing after contact.

A burst of energy surges through Blackwood and he erupts with a trio of forearm strikes to his foe’s left cheek, dropping the Texan to one knee.  After taking a couple of steps back, Gage blocks any and all pain in his leg, as he closes the gap between the two fighters in a hurry.  He throws both knees at his adversary’s face, not giving a damn how bad it may hurt.


Van Patton narrowly dodges the incoming assault by rolling out of the way.  Blackwood is slow to face his opponent, giving the Lycan a chance to build up his own head of steam and come flying at Gage with a knee strike of his own.  His damaged leg limited his mobility, not giving him any chance to avoid the collision.


Feeling the momentum shift, Van Patton taps into reserves even he wasn’t sure he had.  Huffing and puffing as if he was planning to block a straw house down, the Lycan leads his nearly unconscious foe up.  Gage sways back and forth, while Van Patton clenches his fists and goes to work.  A right to the body, a right to the jaw, a left-footed roundhouse to the chest, a right-footed roundhouse to the outside of the left leg, and a spinning solebutt with the same foot all find success and drop Blackwood to one knee.  Putting the cherry on top, the Texan steps up onto Blackwood’s bent leg with his left foot, pivots on said foot, and drives his heel into Gage’s jaw with a Black Mass style kick that makes each and every one of the Faithful cringe in horror.

…dear god.

The Lycan struggles on all fours, well all threes, to make it over to the corner and once again stand.  He shapes his right hand into a mock firearm and slices his throat with it before taking aim at his bruised and battered Scottish enemy.

Blackwood’s autopilot kicks in, having him divert all remaining resources to the goal of standing.  Yet, as soon as he makes it to his knees, Van Patton comes running at him at top speed.


Gage’s jaw winds up in the tenth row courtesy of a penalty kick straight from the deepest bowel of hell, splattering blood in all directions.

The Texan’s body has nothing left, as he collapses across his unconscious adversary.

That has got to do it…





Darren Quimby:
The winner of this contest by pinfall… GUNNAR VAN PATTON!!!

With victory finally achieved, Van Patton rolls off of his foe and can’t do anything more than lay next to him.

Incredible battle.

While the official checks in on Blackwood, the Texan battles back to his feet.  However, his aching body can’t keep him there for long and he plummets to the mat.  Another attempt to stand gets a little better result with Van Patton stumbling into the corner, which keeps him upright.  He looks over to his defeated foe, who the referee just assisted in sitting up.  On spaghetti legs, the Lycan slowly staggers away from the corner, almost falling over upon doing so.  He is standing over Gage, soon enough, and glaring down at him with his damaged arm pinned against his abdomen.  A rare sight to behold, a subtle smile appears on Van Patton’s face and he draws a black bandana from the cargo pocket of his fatigues.  He hands it to the referee to help in tending to Gage’s wound.

Gunnar Van Patton:
Mister Blackwood, ah want to thank ya for the honor.  Ah reckon ah haven’t had that much fun in a long ass time.  Ya better come an’ find me when yer back at one hundred percent, so we can do this again.

Another rarity soon follows, as Blackwood can’t help but smile back at the Texan and give him a nod in agreement, while the referee presses the piece of cloth to his cut.  With a show of respect given by both sides, Van Patton turns to the entrance ramp, leaving the referee to tend to the aching Gage.  A member of DEFmed comes to check on the Lycan, only to be shoved away.  Never once releasing his damaged arm, Van Patton slips out to the floor and starts up the ramp, grimacing the entire time.

This was… a war.

Van Patton’s attitude towards some talent here, as this self-proclaimed “clown killer”, has certainly rubbed people, including myself, the wrong way. However, there’s no denying what we just saw… and the respect he showed to someone who can bring it to him.

The UNCUT signature appears in the bottom right hand corner, showing an image of Van Patton turning to the curtain and Blackwood slowly rising in the middle of the ring.




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.