1 Feb 2021

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


The opening cuts to Lance Warner in front of the camera.

Lance Warner:
Welcome everyone to a new, special show called DEFIANCE SPOTLIGHT. This show will air the week of our pay-per-views where we highlight one particular DEFIANT and their history in this company. Tonight, in our first episode, we will feature “The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style” Elise Ares. This show will consist of a sitdown interview with Ares as well as replaying four hand-picked matches across her DEFIANCE career, chosen by Ares herself. First, however, I’d like to show you the interview I conducted last night. At DEFIANCE Road, Elise Ares will team with The D when the Pop Culture Phenoms battle Cayle Murray and Jesse Kendrix, aka JFKayle. Previously, at Ascension, Ares rose to the top and fought Mikey Unlikely for the FIST of DEFIANCE. Although she was unsuccessful, it just might be the beginning of Elise’s rise to megastardom! Please enjoy the interview after a commercial break.


Don’t miss the DEFIANCE ROAD, only on DEFonDemand!


DEFIANCE SPOTLIGHT comes back from a commercial break to a formal interview area. There are two chairs situated across from one another in front of a black SPOTLIGHT backdrop. Lance Warner enters the scene, mic’ed up and takes the chair on the left.

Lance Warner:
It’s great to be with all of you Faithful. In a few short days, Elise, you and The D will take on JFKayle in what has to be one of the biggest matches in DEFIANCE history, let alone your career!

Warner turns to the main camera.

Lance Warner:
With me right now, I’d like to welcome… Elise Ares!

From the other side of the scene Elise Ares struts into frame. The Leading Lady of DEFIANCE wears a cropped black leather jacket over a tight, homecut version of the PCP 2.0 shirt. She completes the outfit with a pair of stylish ripped and faded black denim jeans along with a pair of black boots with a small heel. A pair of giant mirrored women’s sunglasses cover most of her face as she smirks and takes a seat.

Lance Warner:
Elise, thank you for joining me on the first ever special edition SPOTLIGHT show.

Elise Ares:
You’re very welcome, BBY. I think you made a fantastic casting decision on your first choice.

Lance Warner:
I don’t doubt that. So let’s get to it, Elise. I’m sure all of The Faithful are looking forward to this interview. First, let me say, your rise to superstardom has been a long time coming. You’re the longest reigning Southern Heritage Champion of all time, you’re a two-time Tag Team Champion alongside The D, in arguably the greatest tag team to be in this company… you came OH-SO close to getting your hands on the FIST of DEFIANCE… but then, you were ultimately double crossed. What are your thoughts on the fallout from Ascension?

The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style instinctively adjusts her sunglasses.

Elise Ares:
I just want to storyboard things out for you real quick. We were approached by Kendrix, not the other way around, about where we were at as far as our feelings on Mikey Unlikely. The honest answer was that we didn’t know, but we were willing to listen. The Sports Entertainment Guild was a MASSIVE hit, and we’d be idiots not to at least consider it. We approached Mikey to see where he was at and we were blown off. He was up to something, our interests seemed to align with Kendrix without Mikey on board, so we tried to have some fun. That didn’t work out, obvs.

A deep sigh escaped the lips of the Pop Culture Paragon.

Elise Ares:
As far as my thoughts on the fallout? Disappointed. Frustrated. TOTES frustrated. That’s the right word. I thought I had it. I’ll be straight with you, BBY. At first I was doing all this just to piss off Mikey… but to be that close to something that everyone in this company told me that I’d NEVER touch just made me want it more. So now, I have to have it. I’ll be back for it.

Lance Warner:
I wanted to touch on that championship history you have. SOHER, Tag Team Champion… you’ve been through some big battles. What does it take to prepare for a match as monumental as the FIST of DEFIANCE and as big as this upcoming tag team contest against Cayle Murray and Kendrix?

Elise Ares:
Prepare? Should I be preparing? 

The Leading Lady of DEFIANCE chuckles to herself considering her preparation method. A smile crosses her lips and she shakes her head.

Elise Ares:
A lady has to have a few secrets. I can’t go around telling you ALL of my methods, can I, BBY?

Lance Warner:
So… then let’s really get into 24K. You had to have known something was up, right? Cayle returned, stabbed The Faithful in the back when he aligned himself with Mikey and, later on, Kendrix joined them, too. Now these three, alongside Perfection, have “taken over” DEFIANCE. Your thoughts?

Elise Ares:
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I see they’ve been taking notes from me… especially Cayle, but taking over DEFIANCE sounds a little exaggerated. Sure they’ve won a few matches with a lot of help, but there is nothing they can do that I can’t do and haven’t already done better, given the time and resources. I can be pretty convincing, you know. Maybe I’m the one taking over DEFIANCE. You should ask them.

Warner nods like that makes sense. He takes a moment before moving on.

Lance Warner:
I’m going to be honest with you. You can’t think going into this match is going to end fairly, do you? At the risk of being shot down with this question, because I understand you probably don’t want your opponent knowing anything further, what’s your strategy? What’s your thought process going into perhaps the biggest tag team match of your career?

Elise Ares:
Like I said before they can’t throw anything at me that I haven’t already done… and a lot better if I do say so myself. The difference between PCP and 24K is that we made a career out of being lazy and since then we’ve put a LOT of work into now being the best in this business. They made a career of being the “best” in this business, and now have started to put work into being lazy. We’ve seen them at their best and fyi… wasn’t impressed. Real talk BBY, they’ve NEVER seen us at our best. Why show my hand if I don’t have to?

Lance Warner:
One final question. What has it been like for you over these last two months? You and The D have really risen to the occasion to stand up for DEFIANCE. This has not always been the case. I don’t mean to offend you when I say that PCP hasn’t always been known to have… uh, other people in mind. Why the change of heart? Why stand up to Mikey and 24K?

Elise Ares:
Since I was a little girl all I’ve wanted is for people to see me walk into a room and go “Who is THAT?” I remember so specifically seeing the women wrestlers when my father would travel outside of Mexico and thinking the same thing. They were these beautiful, amazing, powerful women who could just hold a room at their fingertips. I spent my entire childhood being told that would never be me... so, I’d do other things to get people’s attention. I’m not sorry about it. I’m not “ashamed” to say it. When I walk into a room, people are going to be fixated on me. I won’t let it not happen. It’s the way it’s gonna be.

The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style shrugged, then paused… trying to process her thoughts.

Elise Ares:
I guess… I just got tired of not being seen as the beautiful, amazing, powerful woman I am and always will be. Sure I am who I am no matter what, but when other people noticed and appreciated it, it just felt right. The only people who’ve ever been invested in me as much as Klein and The D were the Faithful. I wanted validation for my efforts before and I didn’t get it. I took the wrong path. I took this journey with them. I felt like we should reach the top together. So when we take 24K down, the Faithful are doing it with us.

Warner looks pleased with the interview.

Lance Warner:
Listen, Elise, thank you for doing this. I’d like to speak for all of us but I will simply speak for myself right now when I say good luck. I hope you can end this 24K reign soon, because I’m already sick of it.

Ares grins as the interview comes to a close. The scene goes back to Lance in front of the camera by himself.

Lance Warner:
And now I hope you enjoy the matches selected by Ares. They are the following… DEFtv 62, the debut match for the Pop Culture Phenoms against The Louisiana Bulldogs. Ascension 2018 where Jack Harmen and Elise Ares battle all around the arena in three separate parts! DEFIANCE Road 2018 and the SOUTHERN HERITAGE CHAMPIONSHIP battle between the champion, THE Jay Harvey and Ares. Finally, capping it off, Ascension 2020, for the FIST of DEFIANCE when Mikey Unlikely defends against Elise. I hope you enjoy and we’ll catch you in April for the next edition of DEFIANCE SPOTLIGHT!


Homegrown talents the Louisiana Bulldogs are getting the call up from BRAZEN, ready to make their big league debut. What do you think of the Bulldogs Angus?

I dunno. What do you think of the new Superman movie?

Batman v Superman? I dunno. I haven’t seen it.


"Louisiana Rain" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Out from the back emerges the young technical tandem of Denver and Oliver Brandt. They pose at the top of the rampway, all smiles. Denver adjusts his left elbow pad and Oliver grabs one half of his singlet and removes it turning his attire into a half-singlet. The two slap the fans hands as they rush to the ring. They slid in, and raise their arms to a healthy cheer from the Defiance faithful.

"Live for the Night" by Krewella (w/ MIA SFX)

A highly produced (and probably outsourced) entrance montage plays over the DEFIAtron, with traditional Hollywood stock shots and the Walk of Fame, intercut with shots of Elise and the D BTS footage of a Defiance photoshoot. The Pop Culture Phenoms emerge from the back, Elise taking the lead, the D the center, and their manager / lackey Klein following the rear. The trio walk to ringside, but when a fan reaches out to touch Elise she quickly recoils. The D leans in to threaten, before the two of them walk with their noses skyward to the ring.

And what about one of the newer signings to Defiance, Elise Ares and The D, the Pop Culture Phenoms?

Can some sound guy just loop our previous conversation so I don’t have to say it again?

Denver starts it off for the Bulldogs and The D takes the lead for PCP. Hector Navarro quickly re-explains the rules and the bell rings. Collar and elbow tie up. Denver with a side headlock, the D slithers out into a rear waist lock and smacks Denver in the back of the head. Denver into the ropes, hooks em and The D tumbles back. More chain wrestling where D plays the aggressor but Denver’s technical skill outshines The D. Denver arm wringer on D to rear hammerlock. D up with a front lock trying to stunner, but Denver rolls over top and avoids. The D charges and catches Denver with a kick to the face sending him tumbling into the Pop Culture corner.

The D tags in Elise, who jumps over the top rope and lands with both feet square in the prone Denver’s gut. The D and Elise then put the boots to Denver until Hector sends D out of the ring. Another tag, as the D leaps over the top and hits an elbow drop into rights and lefts to Denver’s face. Elise remains kicking his lower back until ushered out. Denver crawls to the ropes and uses them to get up, but The D grabs his legs and lifts. Tag to Elise, and Elise springboard double leg stomps Denver’s back. Only gets a two count.

Elise locks in a poorly fitted single leg crab, near her corner. Denver tries to reach out but Elise pulls him closer to the center and locks the hold in. The Defiance faithful begin to cheer Denver, as Elise shook her head no. The D hops off the apron as the crowd noise swells. Denver begins dragging himself and Elise to his corner, reaching out for the desperate Oliver. The noise in the arena continues to grow, until it’s pierced.

The D:
Don’t cheer him! [Boos] He’s BORING! [More boos] C’mon Elise. Stay on it!

The D holds onto the microphone while on the apron. Elise is now a full ¾ across the ring, and Denver with a HOT tag to Oliver. Oliver in with an elbow to the back of the head. Elise back up and back down with a clothesline. A third rush causes Elise to eat a back body drop. The D now in, rules be damned, and he charges with the microphone raised. Oliver dodges to the side and Denver with a drop toe hold from his seated position. The D’s face smacks the turnbuckle. Oliver grabs Elise, Denver grabs the D, and they simultaneous hit a belly to belly and rear german.

The PCP slide outside and take their time to recover. After a quick conversation, they turn back up to the entrance ramp, throwing their hands in the air. As they exit, boos fill the air. In the ring, the Louisiana Bulldogs are in disbelief. They rush out of the ring, grab the PCP, and bring them back to the ring for wild cheers. Both are tossed in under the bottom rope, as the Bulldogs follow in. The two of them back off, raised hands, effectively surrendering. The Bulldogs would have none of it.

Stereo lowblows. Hector shouts at them but the D and Elise catch Oliver square in the jaw with Drive-By At the Roxy (Simultaneous Superman Punch/Crescent kick). Denver from behind on Elise, German suplex, but Elise lands on her feet. Elise trips up Denver, crosses his legs into a Muta lock. The D rushes off the ropes, The Foley Pop & Lock-a-Thon. Elise lets go, rolls over and on top of Denver.

The three count was academic.

Darren Quimbey:
Your winners, via pinfall… The Pop Culture Phen--

Before he could get his words out, a winded The D grabs the microphone from Darren. He and Elise walk backstage, as the D speaks out.

The D:
They wouldn’t give me a microphone before the match. A travesty, a great injustice. How dare they deny my first amendment rights! Never will I be denied a microphone again. This is now MINE. I will give you a money order for it’s value. Cause the D and Elise are here, and this place is better for it! Check out our youtube channel…

The D continued speaking as we faded out to the next portion of the show.

Ascension 2018: ELISE ARES vs. JACK HARMEN - (3 PART FIGHT)


We find ourselves in the ring with Darren Quimbey, microphone pushing up against his lips. The crowd hushes as they await to see how their night begins…

Darren Quimbey:
The following match, is a LAST MAN STANDING match, and is scheduled for ONE FALL.

The crowd erupts as the lights dim.

We’re getting straight into the action with one of the hottest rivalries in DEFIANCE. Jack Harmen. Elise Ares. Starting off strong!

Starting off by KEYING A CA… wait, have you seen my keys?

Why would I have your keys Angus?

I swear I just had them right he…

All I wanna do is...
♫ “Problem” by Natalia Kills ♫

As the sirens wail, spotlights hit the ceiling as the silhouette of a woman strikes against the ceiling of the DEFplex. Slowly lowering, a shimmering trapeze descends from the heavens, and perched upon it is a woman wearing a long Tiffany blue sequinned jacket. Her LED lights flash “GAME. OVER. BALDIE.” as she poses for her adoring fans. As it settles on the stage, two men appear from the shadows to grab the trapeze and help off the herald of bald-man destruction. She sheds her jacket to the floor to reveal a black and Tiffany blue attire, putting her arms behind her head and posing for the crowd before linking arm and arm with her PCP brethren. Together they march to the ring.

It’s a big night here for Elise Ares. She finds herself face to face with destiny, and a chance to finally earn the respect of her former mentor and teacher Jack Harmen is in the balance.

I would’ve never believed these fans would take a liking to the Pop Culture Phenoms like they have. Look at this place, it’s going nuts!

Look at them all reaching out! Everyone wants some PCP!

Elise sanitizes up and begins to slap five with the fans reaching out over the rail surrounding her in the DEFplex. Suddenly Elise is devoured into the masses. The D and Klein start looking around, trying to find where it was their friend dissipated to. The music cuts and the lights hit with a clack. Cameras pan the crowd trying to pinpoint the focal point of a disturbance.

What just happened?!

We’re trying to get a good look here guys, but we’re not real sure what’s going on.

Suddenly the crowd backs away as a madman starts swinging a chair around on the floor. As the camera focuses in, you can clearly see Jack Harmen trying to create some space by wildly flailing a chair. Jeers begin to fall from the sky as Elise Ares can be seen trying to crawl away from the maniac. Yet he pursues, dragging the steel chair behind him as the spotlight glistens off his bald dome. Back on the aisle, The D and Klein try to get their way into the crowd, but can’t seem to find a way through as the rearranged members of the audience are forced backwards against the barricade.


A hard shot knocks Elise prone to the floor as Harmen stands over her. Grabbing a hand full of dark brown locks, Jack drags Elise through a sea of chairs before coming to a concrete wall where he throws the Leading Lady of DEFIANCE into it as hard as he can. From around the corner comes Carla Ferrari. Harmen points at Elise Ares face down on concrete floor, rips off his Scott Steven’s appropriated “Fuck DEFIANCE” t-shirt and screams “COUNT! COOOOUNT!” Carla signals for the bell.


I didn’t know Last man Standing matches could start outside the ring Angus!

I don’t know a lot of things Keebs!



Harmen reaches into his pants pockets and pulls out a taser. He begins to just let it shock a few times for the camera.


What is this Lunatic Wildcard planning to do!


Elise begins to push herself up to her feet, trying to shake the cobwebs free. Harmen notices, leans in, and just jams the taser into Elise’s side, right under her ribs. She spins, recoiling from the shock and clutches her side as she lands with a thud on her back. Harmen then just starts putting the boots to her, over and over. The only thing Carla can do is watch. As Harmen puts one final stomp, he turns to the Faithful.

Jack Harmen:
You… cheer, HER?!

There’s a wild cheer in response, as Harmen shakes his head and begins to clutch at his ear drums. He walks back to Elise, still down and prone, and reaches down to pick her up by her long luxurious locks. Elise hooks Harmen’s tights, and pulls him face first into the same concrete wall Harmen had used against her earlier. Harmen sees birds for a second before he slumps onto the ground.

It’s here where Elise notices the taser.


Elise grabs the taser from the ground, and raises it to the ovacious Faithful. She lets it flicker twice, before she reaches down and jams it into Harmen’s gut. She does it again, and then gets his arm, and then his legs, as Harmen starts to twitch lying on the ground. She holds it up over the twitching body of Jack Harmen and then drops it like a microphone to the delight of the crowd. She shrugs before leaning against the wall trying to catch her wind.





Before Carla could even yell five, Harmen shambles up to his feet. Elise, seeing her opportunity rushes towards him and goes for a running Amethystation! However, Jack knows her well and grabs her in mid-air. A groan escapes the lips of the Faithful as Harman holds Elise in front of him by the throat before slamming her neck first back into the concrete wall. She falls into a heap on the floor as Jack Harmen soccer kicks her relentless to a gospel of boos. Carla jumps in and tries to get Elise some space to start a count before Jack shoves her aside and grabs the arm of Ares and begins dragging her across the arena floor.

That might’ve knocked all the fight out of Elise, that was a rough shot and Carla is trying to get in there to make sure she’s able to fight back.

I don’t know how he’s back up again after that taser was put into play. Harmen must’ve been tased so many times in his life he’s build up some kind of taser immunity! I’ll have to put that into my notes…

The camera follows through the masses as Harmen drags Elise through now what appears to be a concourse area. Signs hang from the ceiling identify sections while Jack tosses Elise through the air like a garbage sack, watching as she skips across the floor helplessly into a collection of plastic trash cans. She crawls between them trying to escape, but Jack grabs the lids off of them and crashes them together like symbols around her skull. She falls to the floor and Jack spikes the lids off of her body before grabbing her back by the hair, but when he does, she pulls his arm and bounces his face off the lip of one of the trash cans sending him stumbling back.

That’s gotta hurt, but those trash cans don’t appear to be empty… but they also don’t appear to be full of trash.

Yeah, we can’t really get a good look at those. What is that? Production!

Harmen wipes his lip and looks for blood, and in the time passed, Elise Ares uses the trash cans to pull her way up to her feet. Jack goes to follow up and a superkick meets him right in the jaw! The Faithful watching on the DEFtron cheer on the Leading Lady as she takes an empty plastic trashcan and hits Harmen across the side of the head with it. He falls down to his knees and goes behind him, grabs his arms, and does a double foot curb stomp down onto what appears to be a copy of Lake Placid VI 2: THE LAKENING that fell out of one of the trash cans. After his Extreme Makeover, Carla goes to count, but Elise has other ideas dragging over two of the other trash cans.

Is that a copy of Lake Placid VI 2: THE LAKENING soon to come straight to your home on DVD and BluRay?

I’ve heard this is the most Croctastic one yet! With more gator per minute than any other Lake Placid movie, this is sure to go down as the Sharknado of Lake Placids!

Is that a good thing, wait, what is this?!

Suddenly Elise dumps the trash can on top of Jack Harmen and dozens of cases of Lake Placid VI 2: THE LAKENING fall onto him like an avalanche of presumably amazing acting. She grabs the other and does the same as Harmen is buried alive under hundreds of copies of Lake Placid VI 2: THE LAKENING, which you yourself can buy soon. After the deed is done, Elise grabs more hand sanitizer out of her small boyshort pocket and begins to clean up while Carla counts.






At the count of five Jack Harmen explodes out from under the future box office smashpile, and charges at Ares who quickly tries to tuck the sanitizer back into her tiny pocket. Harmen picks up Elise and throws her through a Men’s Restroom door like a lawn dart, and she goes skittering across the awfully unsanitary floors.

Jack Harmen:
Your shitty movies can kill a lot of things, Elise, but it won’t end me like it will your credibility!

Actually, I kinda like the last Lake Placid movie. Like a car crash.

You would, Keebs. Speaking of car crashes, do we have an update on my keys? Someone get some eyes on those!

Jack Harmen goes to pursue Elise into the bathroom, but a running dropkick from the Leading Lady smashes Jack’s arm in the door with a loud crack. A roar from the crowd accompanies the grimace on his face, before he looks directly into the camera in frustration. He reaches out and grabs the camera, smacking the operator in the skull with the back of it before things start to get a little dizzy. The last thing we see is Elise Ares coming out of the door before a loud crack and everything goes to static.

We appear to have lost eyes on the fight.

For God’s sake, can we please get someone else back there so we know what’s going on? And where are my keys?!

We’re sorry folks, we’re doing our best to keep you updated on the situation, but it’s going to take a bit of time to scramble a new crew in that direction ... 


I’m being told that our camera crew has finally tracked down Jack Harmen and Elise Ares! They’re heading to our parking lot!

Oh God. That’s innocent DEF Faithful property!

We see a cameraman hustling toward the scene, as Jack Harmen emerges from a side loading door to the DEFplex. He has Elise by the hair and cackles as if he were Jack Nicholson in the Shinning. He just takes Elise and throws her face first off the DEFplex wall as he notices the cameraman running up. He reaches up and pulls off a Scott Douglas t-shirt that was wrapped around his neck and throws it to the ground before spitting on it.

Elise, from the toss, stumbles over onto a vending machine, clutching it to remain upright. As the cameraman situates himself on the scene, Harmen charges toward Elise and Locomotives, but Elise drops off the vending machine at the last second. Harmen’s boot crashes into the machine, and it tumbles and falls onto its side as Elise shoulder blocks Harmen in the gut and sends him back first into the concrete wall.

I’ve heard from sources that Harmen and Elise cut a swath through the merch booth after exiting ringside, and now Elise is choking Harmen with a Clash of the BRAZEN t-shirt!

See it now on DEFonDEMAND Faithful!

Elise grabs Harmen by the shirt around his neck and hip tosses him back first onto the overturned vending machine. A few of the tailgating fans who couldn’t get tickets to the event begin surrounding the duo from a distance, blocked off by DEFSec, as Elise climbs up a neighboring vending machine.

Elise Ares:
Que Tal Eso?!

Elise leaps, hitting the double stomp on top of Harmen on the vending machine. She rolls forward from the momentum and then turns to watch Jack gasp and sputter for breath. She turns to a disheveled Carla Ferrari, who only now emerges from the backstage area.

Finally, some order can be restored to this…

… chaos?

Elise Ares:
Count ‘im! UNO!

Elise starts counting in spanish as Carla looks around at the sea of Faithful surrounding the scene. Carla begins her count.






Harmen begins to stir, rolling off the vending machine onto his knees.


Harmen uses the machine and gets to an upright stance. Carla waves off the count as Elise charges toward Jack and leaps onto him with a lou thesz press, sending him sprawling backward on top of the machine once more. Elise then fires off Jack’s own trademark barrage of crazy handed rights and lefts. Elise gets off of Harmen to wild cheers from the outside audience, as Elise poses for their benefits. As Harmen rolls off the machine, Elise charges for a soccer punt, but Harmen avoids it, stands and hooks Elise from behind, under her armpit and around her neck, before just tossing her over his head with an exploder suplex. Elise’s legs smack the wall as she lands on top of the now shattered broken vending machine.

That was a vicious toss by Harmen. Elise landed awkwardly, she’s not moving at the moment.

Jack Harmen gets up and looks at Carla Ferrari, and doesn’t say a word. He sneers.


Harmen nods, and then turns to the surrounding Faithful in the crowd that has gathered.

Jack Harmen:

Wait, WHAT?!


Harmen begins to pace around the crowd of people, as a few take steps backward when he approaches. Harmen reaches into his tights and produces a wallet, and procures a fan of bills.

Jack Harmen:
Five thousand dollars to the person who tells me which car is Angus’.


Harmen waves the fan of bills.



They… they can’t hear you Angus.

Just as Keebler says that, Harmen turns to the cameraman and winks.


Jack Harmen:
Any takers?!?


After a moment, no one really seems to know for sure. Harmen notices a car parked close to the building, extravagant, elegant, new. Surely Kelly Evans’ vehicle. And just beside that, an older model, but something that’s been pristinely taken care of. A 1970 El Camino SS, fully loaded, and looking only recently washed and waxed. Harmen licks his lips and pockets his cash.


Harmen stops, blinking, expecting the word “SIX” to be shouted by Carla. He turns as Elise dives at him and starts just throwing rights. Harmen is stunned, but fires back and we’ve got a plain ol’ hockey brawl going in the parking lot of the DEFplex.

Get him Elise! Drag him back into the building! Or into the road! Just keep him away from my car PLEASE!

I'm pretty sure you keep a gun…

Yes! Under the driver side seat, use it PLEASE. SAVE MY BABY!

As they’re just punching away, Elise takes this moment to kick Jack Harmen square in the testicles. He goes down to his knees in pain. Elise smiles at her handiwork, and grabs Jack by his cueball head and ear, dragging him toward an outdoor convenience awning. There are a few DEF fans in line, some with tickets, some without, as Elise charges over and just HURLS Harmen over the countertop and into the server’s area. Harmen’s foot smashes into the glass of a popcorn machine as he tumbles. Elise hops over the countertop, landing on Harmen before just laying in with rights and lefts once more to wild cheers. Elise gets up and starts grabbing whatever she can from the counter, specifically condiments and sauce trays, yanking them off the countertop onto Harmen’s prone body. Elise stops, looking down at her handiwork as Harmen is covered in ketchup and mustard and broken glass.

Elise Ares:
Oh God. I have to touch him. He’s SO DIRTY NOW.

Elise shrugs, grabbing a cash register from the countertop, and yanking it free from the wall before dumping it straight on top of Harmen’s gut.

Elise Ares:
Maybe that’ll work.

Elise quickly scurries out from behind the counter, as Carla has to climb on top of it to see Harmen and start her count.

One / Uno!

Elise shouts alongside Carla as she raises her own hands high in the air, mimicking Carla’s tone and cadence.

Two / Dos!

Three / Tres!

Elise stops counting with Carla and rushes off screen. Carla remains kneeling on the counter top.



Harmen begins to stir, using the shelving to try to lift himself. One of the shelves isn’t sturdy and it dislodges causing Harmen to fall back down.



Harmen gets back to his feet, rubbing his chest and realizing just how much condiments cover his body. He sighs in annoyance, trying to climb back over the countertop when…

A sudden burst of water SPLASHES him in the face.

Elise Ares has an industrial pressure washer and she’s just spraying it into Harmen’s face!

Way more effective than hand sanitizer!

Harmen gets thrusted back from the water spray, crashing into one of those revolving hot dog holders. Elise continues to spray him until he’s thoroughly cleaned, and then reaches over and grabs him by his ears, dragging him back over the countertop. Harmen coughs and sputters up water as Elise drags him over to a chain link fence, which separates some of the internal DEFplex arena from the outside parking lot, and just starts raking his face across it. Elise takes a step back, and charges, going for a high knee, but Harmen moves, and Elise crashes through the chain link fence.


Elise took a tumble there, and we’re going to have to place extra security by that fence so some of the unpaid Faithful won’t get access to a free show now Angus.

Harmen reaches down and grabs Elise by her hair, and begins dragging her over toward the first couple parking spaces nearest the backstage area, where Angus’ car resides.

No. No no no no no no!

I know she’s your baby, but do you have to Cleveland Brown it?

I just got her Keebs! They can’t do this to me!

Harmen smiles toward the camera and slams Elise’s head into the hood of the El Camino.


Harmen smiles and laughs as he looks at the fallen Elise. Harmen then blinks, a bit confused, and leans to see inside the vehicle. He proceeds to open the unlocked driver’s side door, and slams it into Elise’s back. Elise tumbles, as Harmen repeats this blow three more times.

Stop. Doing. That. STOP!

Harmen notices something in the car, and does a second glance. His smile turns cheshire like as he procurs…


How very trusting of you.

I got to the building late Keebs. Sometimes, you gotta trust the Faithful. But I don’t trust this wily crazy sonuva lunatic! Put those keys down! This is Grand Theft Auto!

Harmen walks up to the cameraman, and jiggles the keys. He gets really close and for a moment, all you can see are his eyes.

Jack Harmen:
A man’s imagination is worse than sight. Just… imagine what will happen to your car Angus.

Won’t somebody think of my car?!

Harmen reaches out, grabbing the camera from the cameraman, who protests until Harmen threatens him with the machine. We then see Harmen LAUNCHING the camera so it crashes through the driver’s side window, and shatters it’s lens on the front passenger seat of the car. It sputters, we see picture, then static, then picture, and finally rests on static, as the camera cuts out.

My… My… My car.

Angus, the show must go on, and we’ve gotta find another cameraman to send out to cover this action Angus. At this point, we may need to rent more cameras themselves!



As always, we’ll keep you all updated on information as we kno…


Angus screams in anguish as the El Camino screeches into frame and slams into the side of the emergency medical vehicle. With a thud, Jack Harmen goes rolling across the concrete. Smoke begins to rise from the front of the car as Elise Ares jumps out of the driver’s seat. She climbs onto the roof and jumps up and down pointing at Harmen, screaming in Spanish jibberish. Terrified, Carla Ferrari exits from the passenger seat, eyes wide and slowly begins to count.






Elise Ares hit Jack Harmen with a CAR. Are you KIDDING me?!




Jack Harmen was riding on the hood as it came into frame, Angus. Certainly not the impact it would take to kill a man.




The crowd collective gasps in shock as Jack Harmen awakens from near death to rise to his feet. Elise Ares jumps up and down in frustration before sliding down off the hood of the car. Carla says something to Jack that’s lost in the chaos of paramedics exiting the ambulance to scream at the trio about getting this car out of the way. Elise Ares pays no mind as she rains a series of kicks onto Harmen, who tries to cover up and get away. As she gets up close Harmen turns around and sprays hand sanitizer into her eyes.

Look at that! Jack pick-pocketed the sanitizer from Elise’s shorts!

Keebs, that’s the only way he’d ever get into her pants!

I don’t think you’ll have any better luck.

I thought we were friends Keebler.

EMTs rush out from either side of the ambulance yelling at the duo to get out of the way. Jack Harmen grabs Elise by her hair and flings her into the side of Angus’ car.

Jack Harmen:
Go around! Go around and fuck off!

Harmen starts fiddling in on the drivers side door. After a moment, the hood pops open, and Harmen tries to get it to start. He floods the engine, and then removes the cigarette lighter and walks to Elise, shoving it into her mouth as she tries to scream through Harmen’s muffling palm. With a flurry, Harmen uses his free hand to hip toss Elise into the back of the El Camino with a thud.

What is this, karma?!? No, can't be. I'm awesome.

Harmen hops into the back of the car as we hear the ambulance back up. Harmen lifts Elise between his legs for a powerbomb or something, but Elise back body drops Harmen over her head, into the cars upright hood as Harmen crashes it closed. Harmen rolls off of the car as the ambulance, a bit worse for wear, drives off into the night.

Elise stands victorious in the back of Angus car, as see watches Harmen begin to crawl on the floor toward a garbage can. Elise hops off and gives chase, as Harmen gets to the bin. He pulls himself up with it, but it flatters to his side, so Harmen just rolls it at Elise. She hops over it  Harmen grabs another and does the same thing, and as Elise hops over it and closes the gap, Harmen smashes a garbage can lid into her chest and just under her jaw.

Jack grabs Elise by her hair and drags her on the ground to a nearby entrance to the DEFplex proper, and then just launched her through a plate glass window divider. Harmen snickers.

Jack Harmen:
Don't go running from me now Elise.

Harmen hops over the opening, scattering glass shards as he carefully crosses the threshold back into the DEFplex. A fire alarm goes off in the distance due to illegally entering through a fire exit.

Wait, Angus, what is happening at ringside?

The cameras cut, and we see the D & Klein setting up a table.


PCP then set up another three to create a square, and then put another table on top of that. Suddenly, screeching out from the side entrance just behind commentary, Jack Harmen charges, pushing one of those grey plastic garbage bin containers. As he reaches the edge of the stage, Harmen pushes it like a wild shopping cart. It collides into the side of the stage with a thud, tumbles to its side, and Elise rolls out of the bin, covered in a half eaten banana and various other disgusting objects. Surely, the most pain she’s ever been in.

I will KILL him!


The crowd POPS as Angus gets up from his seat, shouting almost nonsense at Jack.

You, breaking, murder, kill, motherless, mother fuc, ahhhhhhh my CAR!

Harmen winks over to Angus and tosses him his car keys.

Jack Harmen:
Left it running for you… well. Kind of.

Angus starts trying to get up from the desk to wild cheers, as Keebs does his best to restrain him. The D and Klein notice this going on, and the PCP rush to intercept and stop Angus from getting too involved.

As Harmen turns back to Elise, but she’s not there. He turns back to the announcer’s desk, and Elise LEAPS at him.

Amethystation! There’s your karma Angus! You can settle down now!

NEVER! But yes, that is good. Front row seat. KILL HIM ELISE! MAKE HIM DEAD!

Elise and Harmen have been battling for over an hour now Angus, each competitor’s tank must be hitting E soon. I don’t care what sort of conditioning you’re in, you can’t put yourself through this chaos and skate out the other side unscaved.


Her fist connects across the temple of Jack Harmen, sending him stumbling backwards towards the edge of the announcer’s platform. The crowd cheers as he flails his arms trying to regain his balance before Elise uses her last bit of strength to get back up to her feet and give him a good shove, sending him sailing through the air before plummeting through the pyramid of tables! As the crowd jumps to their feet in excitement, The D and Klein share a slow motion 80’s style high five.


Carla begins the count as Elise looks over the edge and sees all of the tables shattered in pieces under the body of Jack Harmen while laying on her stomach. Her eyes are wide in disbelief.






Elise Ares slowly gets to her feet as Carla counts on. She looks down at her former mentor. You’d think if this were the end she’d feel a burden lifted from her shoulders…


She turns her back, almost as if she can’t even watch.


Then suddenly she flips off of the platform gracefully into the air. An exhausted phoenix splash rotates into a double-knee drop across the chest of Jack Harmen. After impact Elise goes rolling through the debris, leaving a trail of shattered boards in her wake.



Even Carla, Klein, and The D look on in concern as both competitors lay across a wasteland of wood. Jack Harmen and Elise Ares. No movement except for their deep, exhausted breaths. Screams of excitement and horror rain down from around them as Carla reluctantly starts to count again.




Each second seems to take thirty.



Klein and The D huddle around Elise Ares, non-verbal screams resonate from their eyes (or eyeholes?) as each second passes.




Harmen’s mouth opens and The D begins to run his hand through his hair.


Elise Ares, beaten and broken, pushes herself up to her feet completely out of her mind. Wandering around for just a nano-second before Jack takes a deep breath and opens his eyes.


The crowd roars as Jack Harmen closes his eyes again. Klein and The D lift Elise up off the ground and she screams out in pain, but it’s drown by the roar of the crowd, as is the ring bell to signify the end. “Problem” by Natalia Kills begins to play. Elise almost falls back over again before Klein produces a flask from… er… somewhere. Probably the hammerverse underneath his box mask. Putting it to the lips of Ares, her eyes shoot open like Popeye after a spinach injection.

She did it! She actually did it!



PCP go into the crowd to celebrate. Elise Ares is up on the shoulders of her PCP brethren, chugging a flask of unknown probably alcoholic substances. She throws the flask into the air with excitement, and Klein nearly drops her on her head plowing through the crowd to try and find it. Meanwhile the crowd is carrying their party girl hero above them, crowd surfing her way back to the aisle with The D next to her.

Be lookout Keebs.

Angus’ headset dumps to the announce desk, as we see him rush over to the unconscious Jack Harmen. Angus starts fishing around in Harmen’s tights and pulls out the five grand from earlier in the evening. Angus shouts at Jack.


We see a wide shot of the crowd, as Elise is crowd surfed through the crowd, and Angus returns to the announce desk from the downed Jack Harmen. The juviant celebration continues as EMTs come out from the back to check on the defeated mentor. They are also there to ruin the party, pulling Elise Ares down from the crowd and onto the aisle to get a good examination. This doesn’t stop The D, however, who keeps the party going by standing on the barricade and jumping back into the crowd again.

What a comeback Pay-Per-View for DEFIANCE! Can you believe we still have THREE title matches left to go?

What a night!


We cut to Darren Quimbey who stands in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand.

Darren Quimbey:
The following match is for the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Championship, and is scheduled for ONE FALL. As a reminder, due to the stipulation, the Pop Culture Phenoms are BANNED from ringside!

With Elise Ares’ signature win being with just a little bit of rule bending, you have to think banning her allies from ringside here is going to be huge.

But you know who isn’t? Stevens, or the other Stevens, or the other Stevens, or Jack Harmen. She lived by bending the rules and died by bending the rules. There is one thing to be said about Elise Ares though. She’s not the best wrestler, or the strongest, or the fastest, or even the smartest… but the girl knows how to turn dirt into gold.

But will it be enough? Tonight will be like turning dirt into gold while blind and deaf.

The Helen Keller jokes just tell themselves!

All I wanna do is...
♫ “Problem” by Natalia Kills ♫

The crowd jumps to their feet as the gunshots turn to sirens, and then with a cheer, they greet Elise Ares as she bursts out into the WrestlePlex. She isn’t alone though, with her is a familiar favorite. It’s the return of the SEGWAY~! On her pre-championship chariot, Elise does a victory lap on the stage area before parking at the top of the aisle. Looking over her shoulder through LED sunglasses scrolling “NEXT SOHER CHAMP” she watches as flames shoot out of the back of her Segway, nearly catching her high fashion trench coat on fire. The crowd erupts as Elise jumps off and drops coat to the floor, revealing the Tiffany Blue in her ring attire has been replaced by sparkly gold under her “Queen of Sports Entertainment Style” baby tee. She poses for the iPhones with a smirk before swagging down to the ring.

Elise looks to be bringing the fire tonight, Angus! Pun intended!

That line makes me want to hang myself, Keebs.

Speaking of hanging oneself, Elise’s stipulation to try to keep outside interference from her match really came back to bite her here. She looks almost naked without The D and Klein out here at ringside.

We could only hope, Keebs, but I’m pretty sure that’s just gold ring attire.

Elise slides onto the apron and lays across, hand on her head looking at the hard camera before she tosses her sunglasses into the crowd and rolls into the ring. She gets back up to her feet a bit suggestively before pulling her shirt off and tossing it directly into the face of some schmuck in the first row holding a Jay Harvey sign. From the top rope, she hypes up the crowd, making belt motions around her waist before jumping down into a somersault and posing once again.

♫ “Natrual One” by Folk Implosion ♫

The song is in full swing as the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Champion walks through the curtain, with a big smile on his face. Harvey raises his arms into the air as he shows off his title to the dislike of the sold-out crowd.

Here comes the champion…

Jay Harvey walks up the ring steps and onto the apron. He makes his way to the nearest ring post and climbs up to look out into the crowd.

I hope that all ends tonight, Keebs.

Jay Harvey enters the ring and comes to a halt in his corner. “The Natural One” wipes his feet clean as the fans continue to boo.

Elise Ares tonight has her shot at immortality… but Jay Harvey will do everything in his power to keep the “marvelous era” going.

This might be Ares’ only shot to capture the title… she better make good it on cuz there might be no next time.

The music fades as Elise Ares comes back in from the apron, while Harvey smacks gum with a smug ass look on his face. Elise, never lacking confidence in herself, just smiles back picturing that piece of gum going into the sixth row as soon as that bell rings.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first, the CHALLENGER! Hailing from Beverly Hills, California by way of Miami, Florida and Havana, Cuba… weighing in at One Hundred and Twenty-Two pounds. She would like to be referred to as the "QUEEN OF SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT STYYYYYLE", ELIIIIIIISE AAAAAAAAAAAARESSSS!

She holds one fist into the air with unwavering confidence, fixing her hair while the crowd cheers her on and acknowledging them with a nod. Jay Harvey waves her off as being unimportant as the introductions continue.

Darren Quimbey:
And her opponent, THE CURRENT, DEFENDING, DEFIANCE SOUTHERN HERITAGE CHAMPION! Hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina. Weighing in at Two Hundred and Thirty-Three pounds, he is "THE MOST MARVELOUS MAN TO GRACE GOD'S GREEN EARTH, HE IS THE NATURAL ONE", he is THE JAAAAAY HAAAAAAARVEY!

Elise holds up a big thumbs up and the crowd boos as she blows a raspberry. Jay Harvey hears nothing but a serenade of greatness, basking in the glory of what must sound like a hundred angels singing. His glory, however, is interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing, and the sight of his gum going into the sixth row.


Elise Ares rushes Jay Harvey like a bat out of hell. She’s on Harvey like white on rice and the crowd is loving it. She throws lefts and rights, pushing Harvey into a corner. Harvey does his best to cover up but Ares is able to get some shots in. Harvey puts himself between the middle and top rope getting Carla Ferrari between him and the assault from Ares.

The crowd starts booing as Harvey yells at Ferrari to get Ares away from him. Ares soon makes her way across the ring as Harvey keeps his eyes on her. Harvey has some words for the fiery ref basically telling her to keep things in check.

Harvey is now walking around in his corner making sure Ferrari keeps Ares at bay across the ring. Ferrari signals for the two to get back to action and Harvey immediately vacates the ring before Ares can get to him. The crowd is roaring with boos as Harvey moves around the outside of the ring.

Elise Ares coming out the gates like a wild animal!

Harvey doing the smart thing, also the bitch thing… leaving the ring. Take that ass whooping!

Harvey and Ares exchange words as Carla Ferrari tries her best to get Ares back toward the center of the ring. Harvey keeps walking along ringside as the fans behind the barricade scream and curse at him. Ferrari turns her attention to Harvey and tells him to get into the ring.

Ferrari starts her Ten Count as Harvey grabs the middle rope. He gets onto the apron and puts his right leg into the ring, looks up at Ares and then makes his way back down to the ring floor. The crowd is fuming and so is Ares. Harvey rolls his shoulders as he marches around the ring.

Elise Ares:
Get in the ring, shithead!

Elise Ares is in the ear of Carla Ferrari who can’t do much about Harvey’s antics. Ferrari goes over to the ropes and tells Harvey to cut the shit and get into the ring. Ferrari starts another Ten Count and Harvey doesn’t seem to give a shit. Elise Ares has had enough and she is seen rolling out of the ring.

Harvey is really milking these Ten Counts… ELISE ARES!

Elise Ares is tired of Harvey’s shit and so am I, Keebs!

Elise Ares attacks Harvey from behind and the crowd is loving it. Ares is raining forearms on Harvey’s back and shoulders. As Ares goes for a killing blow, Harvey moves and shoves her elbow first into the steel exposed turnbuckle. Ares screams in pain but uses her one good arm to jab Harvey square in the jaw. Harvey backs off, rolling into the ring and Ares is right on his ass. Ares is inches behind Harvey who kicks out Ares’ legs from under her.

Harvey quickly transitions that into an Armbar submission maneuver. Ares is kicking her feet trying to get to the nearby bottom rope. Harvey has the hold locked on deep as the rolling camera gets a shot of the agony on Elise Ares’ face.

Ares still fights, making it inches from the bottom rope. The sold-out DEFIANCE crowd is on their feet trying to give Ares the strength to get to the ropes to break the hold. Harvey is doing his best to pull the two toward the middle of the ring but Ares is able to get to the ropes.

Elise Ares gets to the ropes!

Harvey isn’t breaking the hold, Keebs.

Harvey is refusing to let the submission go and Carla Ferrari goes right into a Five Count. Harvey lets go at four as the boo birds rain down on him. Ares is favoring that left shoulder as she tries to get mentally back into the action. Harvey smells the blood in the water and goes on the offensive.

Harvey gets back to his feet and goes right for that left arm of Ares. He lands a stiff looking right fist to Ares’ left shoulder. Ares is trying to defend the blows but Harvey snatches her wrist and almost pulls her arm out of the socket. Ares drops to the mat and she clutches her left shoulder as Harvey once again yanks on her arm.

Harvey extends Ares’ arm out and lands an elbow right on her shoulder. He wrenches back on her arm and Ares screams in pain. Harvey to add insult to injury lands a few elbow shots to Ares brutalized shoulder. Ares is close enough to the ropes to put her foot on it but Harvey quickly gets vertical and pulls her toward the middle of the ring.

Harvey continuing to work the arm of Elise Ares here early on.

Good strategy. Having one bum wing makes it hard to do a lot of things in a wrestling ring.

Did you just compliment Jay Harvey?

No… I complimented the strategy, don’t get it twisted.

Harvey turns on the jets and lands repeated knees to the possibly injured left shoulder of Elise Ares. Harvey is also quick to put on another Armbar. Elise Ares is in the middle of the ring and things aren’t looking good.

Harvey yells at Ares to give up but Ares is still in this fight. The crowd is trying their best to will Ares to find a way out of this predicament. Carla Ferrari is right in the middle of things, asking Ares is she wants to give up and the answer is a loud “NO!”.

Ares is struggling to break herself free from the much stronger and larger Jay Harvey. The crowd is clapping in unison, doing everything they can to support her. Ares is able to maneuver herself to push Harvey onto his shoulders, Ferrari is on the ball and checks Harvey's shoulders.

Harvey is very close to getting himself into a pinning predicament.

Ferrari has her eyes on both Harvey’s shoulders and Ares in the submission. One of Harvey’s shoulders remains down as he keeps the Armbar locked on. Ares is holding on for dear life as the crowd buzzes. Ares uses whatever strength she has left to push Harvey so both his shoulders are on the mat.




Harvey is forced to let go of the hold and Ares quickly and smartly rolls to the outside of the ring. Harvey is on his backside as he shakes his head. He knows who close he was to winning and even losing the match right there.

We switch to a view of Ares on the outside of the ring, suffering as she holds her left arm. Ares is gritting her teeth and pushing that pain out of her mind. Back to the ring we see Harvey still on his ass, contemplating his next move.

Harvey rolls out of the ring and to the outside. Harvey locks eyes on a fan that is holding a “Harvey Sucks” sign and he begins interacting with the man who is too old to be bringing signs to a wrestling show in the first place. Harvey grabs at sign out of the fan’s grubby hands and rips it into pieces.

What a bastard!

Jay Harvey can’t take the truth.

After Harvey throws the pieces of the sign at the fan he makes his way to the vicinity of his opponent. Harvey stalks his prey while Ares is crawling with her one good arm while keeping her injured arm tucked into her body. Carla Ferrari is giving the two some leeway but is starting her Ten Count.

Ares is caught, Harvey has her by the waistband of her tights and looks to set up some sort of Backdrop Driver. Harvey throws his weight and Ares back and she is able to fly in the air and land on her feet. The crowd is going crazy along ringside as Harvey turns around in shock.

He comes at Ares and gets a kick to the gut. Ares hits Harvey with a Double Leg Dropkick that rocks the champion back. Ares is slow to get back to her feet but once she does she rushes Harvey, who lifts her up into the air and lets her crash down to the protective mat covering the concrete floor.

Oh my god!

That took the wind out of me, Keebs!

Harvey is turning red and looks enraged.  He exhales, spitting saliva and sweat out in front of him. He grabs Ares by the hair and tosses her into the ring. Harvey is right behind her and loving the hate he is getting from the Faithful.

Carla Ferrari is giving Harvey an earful about the hair pulling but Harvey shoos her away. Harvey stands in the center of the ring and puts his arms out to his side, basking in the boos of Four Thousand strong. Harvey now looks down on Elise Ares.

Jay Harvey:
You?! You aren’t championship material! Haha!


Harvey “checks his watch” and chuckles at the injured Ares. Harvey moves toward the nearest corner and drops down to the mat and sits in wait. Harvey is looking to put this away. Ares is stirring and the crowd is dying down, sensing the end. Ares grabs at the ropes in an attempt to get herself vertical.

Get up, bitch!

Harvey is ready to go. He’s licking his chops in the corner just waiting for Ares to get into the perfect spot. Harvey is done waiting and he rushes at Ares.

Wake Up Call-- NO! Ares moved out of the way at the last second!

Capitalize, kid!

The crowd erupts as Harvey crashes knee first into the top turnbuckle. Harvey staggers back and Ares springboards off the ropes and hits a Moonsault Plancha on Harvey. Ares is still in pain and unable to get over to make a pinfall attempt.

Harvey is able to roll out of the way to avoid any pin from Ares. Ares stumbles up to her feet, holding her left arm close to her mid-section. Ares runs toward Harvey and executes a beauty of a one-handed Bulldog that slams Harvey face first into the mat.

Harvey either out of a desperation, ring awareness, or dumb luck rolls out of the ring to avoid a pin by Ares. Ares pulls at her hair in disbelief. The crowd is rocking and Ares makes her way to the outside. Harvey looks to be out cold and Ares is in no shape to bring the bigger Harvey back into the ring.

Ares is using all her strength to try and get Harvey back to his feet using her one good arm. Carla Ferrari is counting slowly with her Ten Count as Ares continues to struggle to get Harvey’s dead weight back into the ring.

Elise Ares digging deep trying to get Harvey into the ring, to win the Southern Heritage Championship.

Like I said earlier in the match, having a bum wing makes a lot of things difficult… like getting a Two Hundred plus pound piece of shit back into a wrestling ring.

Ares has finally done it and rolls Harvey into the ring. Ares painfully gets back into the ring and quickly goes for a pin.




Ares is beside herself unable to believe Harvey was able to kickout. The crowd is on their feet and loving the action they are all witness to. Ares is back up to her feet, thinking on the fly.

Harvey is starting to move and Ares sees her opportunity. Harvey is crawling toward the middle of the ring as Ares bounces off the ropes. Ares leaps into the air and connects with her patented Double Foot Curbstomp, the Extreme Makeover.

Ares moves fast and goes for a cover but isn’t able to hook Harvey’s leg.




Everyone in the arena, watching at home, and more importantly, Elise Ares is stunned. Carla Ferreri is still pointing at Harvey’s boot on the bottom rope for all to see. Ares has thrown everything at Harvey and she still can’t put the champ away.

Let’s go to the replay and see that again.

The replay hits your screen.

You would think after a vicious move like that that would have been it but not tonight.

We go back to live action. Ares is beaten and broken but she continues to fight. She slowly makes her way over to the corner. She begins slamming her good hand on the top turnbuckle, getting herself and the crowd pumped up.

Elise Ares:
Come on! COME ON! 

Elise Ares is looking to end this right here, Angus!

Elise Ares is moments away from becoming the new Southern Heritage Champion!

Ares begins ascending the ropes. The fans are seen capturing pictures of the action. Harvey is stirring, gaining the attention of Carla Ferrari, complaining of a dulled eyesight from a potentailly detached retina. The fans begin to boo and Ares is now perched on the top rope. The hard cam picks up some movement in the crowd.

A woman is seen jumping the barricade and making her way toward the ring.

Wait! That’s… it’s Catalina! She’s back!

Ah, fuck…

Catalina distracts Ares and pushes her off the top rope. Ares lands on her feet but stumbles forward. Catalina drops out of sight and Harvey takes that as his cue. Harvey jolts toward Ares and knocks her out cold with a Running Single Knee Facebreaker, or as you clowns know it the Shot of Reality.

Ares is down and out. Harvey wastes no time and goes for the pin, hooking both of Ares’ legs.




The bell sounds and the match has drawn to an end. Harvey’s music hits and his celebration begins.

Darren Quimbey:

Harvey is down on the mat but victorious nonetheless. Catalina makes her way into the ring to celebrate with her man. The crowd is not liking what has transpired and begins to litter the ring with cups and assorted food items.

The Champ is on his knees as Catalina rips the Southern Heritage title away from Carla Ferrari and hands it over to Harvey. Harvey holds onto the title as a mostly full beverage explodes in the ring, going on Harvey, Catalina, and Ferrari.

Elise Ares was so close, Angus. She was one move away.

Lots of people have been one move away, Keebs. But none that fill me with as much regret as Elise Ares this evening. I'm sure she feels the same Keebs, no need to rub the prick in the open wound.

We should take a look at this match Angus, do our jobs, break it down.

A highlight package rolls as the two commentators speak.

We saw early on, Elise Ares came out on fire. But in classic Jay Harvey fashion he slowed the pace down and when he saw an opening he took it.

From almost “go”, Ares was working with one arm. Harvey did what he does and broke his opponent down. That toss into the steel post was dastardly. Elise Ares came back though, Keebs.

She had Harvey on the ropes multiple times as the match wore on. She came close on two separate occasions to putting Harvey away but at the end of the day… Catalina was Harvey’s saving grace.

Damn straight. Catalina is known for making her presence felt and she impacted this match. 

She made her return in epic fashion and cost Elise Ares a sure victory and the Southern Heritage Championship.

Elise Ares showed a lot of heart and balls in this one. She almost beat Harvey with one arm.

Jay Harvey… still the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Champion. Harvey once again victorious... again edging out Ares in a DEFIANCE ring.

The kid just can't seem to slay the dragon. Harvey continues to have her number... Harvey is still champion (Angus sighs) I'll go cry myself to sleep tonight.

We cut back to live footage of Harvey and Catalina making their way up the entrance ramp. Cameras catch Elise Ares in the ring, eyes welled up.


The view is returned to the ring where we see our ring announcer. Darren Quimbey standing in the center of the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen, the next match is our MAIN EVENT of the evening and is for the FIST OF DEFIANCE CHAMPIONSHIP! 

The racaus fans get excited. It’s been two long days but the Faithful in attendance couldn’t care less. 

It’s been a long time coming for these two, and we’ve finally reached the culmination of it all. From the Sports Entertainment Guild, to the Main Event of Ascension. We’ve seen them face off in tag team action but now with the championship on the line, we finally get them one on one. 

Mikey Unlikely has been champion since DEFCON, and he’s looking to hold onto it once more tonight. If he pulls it off, he will surpass “The Egobuster” Dan Ryan and become the fourth longest reigning FIST of all time. If Elise Ares can win the championship here tonight she will make history as she joins a very short list of female FIST Champions. 

Big stakes at an event where we’ve seen a lot of change! We’ve seen the Southern Heritage Championship change hands. We’ve seen a brand new Favoured Saints champion crowned. We could very well see a brand new FIST of DEFIANCE here tonight! 

The very dramatic darkening of the WrestlePlex causes the Faithful to cheer in anticipation of the main event. As the arena fades darker, a single spotlight shines onto the entrance. The Faithful roars as a female steps into the light, silhouetted by the blinding light of the big stage. White bright light changes to red as the lyrics kick in.

Cause, baby, now we’ve got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you’ve done
Cause, baby, now we’ve got bad blood, hey!

A chorus of flashbulbs explode her as the bass kicks in. Arena lights with shades of cyan and magenta lighten the arena alongside red flashes of bass. Welcome to the main stage, Elise.

♫ “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift feat. Kendrick Lamar ♫

Dozens of paparazzi surround Elise Ares as she holds her fist with thumb extended against her cheek. A smirk crosses her face as the words “MISS” and “FIST” blink in succession on her hot pink framed LED sunglasses. Taking a step forward, the Leading Lady of DEFIANCE drops her hot pink lined black high fashion jacket to the ground and struts forward with mad hip swag.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first… the challenger, weighing in at 126 pounds! Currently hailing from Beverly Hills, California. Representing the Sports Entertainment Guild. She is the LEADING LADY OF DEFIANCE, ELIIIIIIIIIIIISE ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRES!

Her new black, pink, and light blue ring gear matches the new PCP 2.0 tee (Available only at, go buy it now!) as she oozes with #SWAG. At the bottom of the aisle, she takes a deep breath and looks around the arena before dashing and sliding across the apron. She lays on her side on the apron facing the hard camera, doing her best arched back model pose and shooting a wink to the camera over her sunglasses. With a smirk she rolls into the ring.

Representing the Sports Entertainment Guild along with fellow PCP members The D, Klein, Flex Kruger, er… what’s her face, and notably Jesse Kendrix.

All of which are absent from ringside. Elise has made it clear that she wants to do this on her own, but you have to wonder if Mikey Unlikely is going to play by the same rules, don’t you, Darren?

I don’t think Mikey has ever played by rules for his entire life unless he’s set them. I don’t believe for a second that he doesn’t plan on taking advantage, and I’m sure Elise Ares has the SEG on standby for just such an occasion.

Speaking of not believing, can you believe this reaction for Elise Ares? Last Pay-Per-View, she had a tiger cage constructed as a narcissistic display of her own glory. After another loss, and a quick change of heart, the self-proclaimed Queen of Sports Entertainment Style has the Faithful eating out of her hands. Do you think this was all a ploy to gain some traction to get a shot at the FIST, or could this possibly be for real?

It worked, if so, but she also earned it, Lance. She not only pinned the champion, she also pinned Scott Douglas and damn near pinned Cayle Murray on her way here tonight. She’s been on a tear we haven’t seen since her Southern Heritage Championship reign. Fake or not… and past disagreements aside, that young lady worked her ass off. The Faithful if anything, appreciate hard work.

The South Beach Starlet tosses her LED sunglasses into the crowd from the top rope as she poses for the Faithful. Then her music cuts. She looks over her shoulder with an exaggerated eye roll and a red carpet rolls down to the ring from the entranceway. 

♫ “Impious Pyre” by Savage Souls ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Coming to the ring next… Weighing in at 235 pounds. Currently hailing from Sherman Oaks, California… he is the reigning FIST OF DEFIANCE Champion! Mikkeeeeeyyyyyy Unnnnlikkkeelllyyyyyy! 

Mikey hits the stage slowly. He’s holding the glass display case with the FIST OF DEFIANCE in it, by the handle. He looks down at the ring and sees Elise Ares, instantly he frowns. Glancing around at the audience in the arena, his expression doesn’t change. Sporting his new gold and black ring gear and a Mikey Unlikely jacket, available exclusively at He heads for the ring. 

The champion is looking none too pleased to be in this environment. These fans are solidly behind Elise. They want to see a new champion crowned here tonight. 

The question that’s going to loom over this match Darren, is where is 24K? Where is The SEG?  We saw earlier that Cayle Murray didn’t even bother to show up for his match with Kendrix. Is he even here tonight? We know Perfection is looming around somewhere. We know the D is in the building. Will we have a fair fight or will all hell break loose?

Unlikely gets to the ring and locks the FIST display case to the ringpost for safe keeping. He climbs onto the ring and wipes his feet on the apron before stepping through the ropes. Inside the ring he steers clear of the challenger's corner and moves to a neutral one and poses on the ropes. The fans in attendance give their thoughts on the champion. 

As the lights return to normal, Unlikely drops the jacket and Elise stretches in her corner. The official checks on both as the fans begin to chant already. 


The official calls for the bell as the two begin talking back and forth from across the ring. 


Both opponents eyeing one another out. 

Let's do this! 

Unlikely runs at Ares and goes for a big clothesline, but she has the wherewithal to duck underneath. Roars fill the DEFArena as Elise unleashes a fury of concussive strikes on Mikey right when he turns around. Several shots land across the gut before a forearm across the face drops the champion to the mat. With thunderous approval from the Faithful, Mikey holds his face and rolls under the bottom rope to the floor. The champion huffs and puffs for a second before slapping the mat, and points to his face and yells at Ares. 

Mikey Unlikely:

Inside the ring Elise puts her hands up innocently and smiles. Shrugging her shoulders. 

Waving his arms in frustration, Mikey turns quickly and begins to head up the ramp.

Unlikely looks like he’s out of here. 

He’s leaving the FIST! 

Elise dives outside of the ring and sprints after him, grabbing him by the hair and tights. She turns Unlikely around and runs him into the barricade, jostling the fans in the front row. The Faithful nearby act excitedly to be so close to the action.

Ares does it again and Unlikely tries to crawl away after to find shelter as the challenger breaks the count. He finally finds the ring apron and tries to slide in but Elise grabs his leg and pulls him back to the outside. After a kick to the gut she tries to Irish whip him into the ringpost but he reverses it! 


OH NO! Did you hear that pop when Elise Ares bounced off that ring post?! What an impact. It’s like getting hit by a car!

Not much Benny Doyle can do after Ares tossed the champion at the barrier. Turnabout is fair play!

Unlikely picks up the Leading Lady and rolls her back into the ring. Following her in he stands up quickly clutching his back a little. He pulls her to her feet now and on the way, she begins to fight, delivering a couple elbows to the ribs. The Faithful try to will Ares back into control.

That’s the spirit! Elise fighting back now!

The Faithful are trying to pull her back in this one, Darren!

She breaks free of Mikey's grasp and tries to deliver an enzuigiri but Unlikely moves out of the way as she falls onto her stomach. The champion wastes no time and locks in a headlock, holding her down on the ground with his weight advantage.

Mikey Unlikely knows how Elise likes to wrestle. She wants a quick fast paced match that allows her to take advantage of her elite speed and flying ability. Where she doesn’t like to be, is down on the mat in someone's grasp, or wrenched into a paralyzed position.

Technicians have always given Ares trouble, Lance. Although, I think it’s a far cry to say Mikey Unlikely is a ring general.

He’s bigger than Elise, and he doesn’t want to get hit in the face. 

That’s fair.

The champion continues to wrench away on the head of his challenger. She refuses to give up however. The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style slowly moves backward and is able to reeeeach just far enough to kick a rope before hooking it. Doyle instructs Mikey to break the hold but he brushes him off. After a warning of disqualification he does, however, he gives the official some choice words of his own. 

Elise is plucked up and pulled her to the center of the ring where he… applies another side headlock. The Faithful are PISSED, but Ares is able to quickly wiggle her way out of it and sends Mikey off the ropes. On the return she dives to the mat leaving the champion to run over her. Another rebound, this time Elise is ready and flings the FIST of DEFIANCE over with an armdrag, bouncing his head off the mat. 

Now Mikey is down and Elise dives on him and applies a headlock of her own! Turnabout is fair play, right Lance? 

Hey, didn’t I just say that?

Ares rubs salt into the wound by gyrating for the crowd while maintaining the hold, but Unlikely powers his way up to his feet. Elise doesn’t let go of the hold, instead she climbs onto the champions back. Unlikely tries to grab at her wildly with one hand, while trying to loosen up her grip on his neck with the other. He runs in a circle like a dog chasing its tail, before diving between the ropes back first and hitting the ring apron Elise first. On impact she audibly breaks the hold and the pair both fall outside with a thud. 

Oh my! What a way out by Mikey Unlikely! Right on the ring apron!

He might’ve broken her back with that one! Continuing to work the spine of Ares! 

As the count begins they both slowly scrape to their feet. Once more the crowd begins to cheer for the challenger, firmly behind the Leading Lady of DEFIANCE as she struggles to find footing. 

Mikey is up first, rolling into the ring in an attempt to take the opportunity to catch his breath. He lies on the mat, breathing heavily and looking at the lights. The champ turns to his hands and knees, before pushing his way to his feet. With a sigh he wipes the sweat from his brow, before  he turns to find Elise soaring through the sky! Suddenly, she collides with a springboard corkscrew missile dropkick! The Faithful erupt!

What a move by Elise Ares! Knocked the champion off his feet and across the ring! That impact was devastating! 

Elise Ares wants this! Say what you want about Sports Entertainment, that was a FINE wrestling move! Underneath it all her biggest aspiration is to be a star! The FIST of DEFIANCE is all she needs to propel her to that stardom. 

The Faithful stomp their feet, using their force of will to embolden the challenger. Both competitors slowly get to their feet, Mikey with the assist of ring ropes. In the center of the ring they stumble to meet face to face. Ares goes to whip Unlikely, but he reels back and smacks Elise across the face. 


Ares collapses to the mat like she was shot at point blank, holding her face in her hands and kicking her feet. Fans in the arena “oooooh” loudly as it sinks in what just happened with the challenger. An angry look flashes from the mat before she yells at Mikey, Benny Doyle, and the Faithful.

Elise Ares:
That was low, EVEN FOR YOU!

Elise crawls away from Unlikely, but he takes a few steps in pursuit before she screams over the chaos.

Elise Ares:

Mikey tilts his head to the side as the challenger rolls over and sits up holding her hands in front of her face in surrender.

Elise Ares:
If we’re going to do this right we need some damn rules. No more shots to the face. EVER.

Challenger and Champion look to the official and nod. Benny Doyle nods to confirm the mid match rule change and calls for the bell again.


It seems that Elise and Mikey have agreed to no more strikes to the face. They’ve confirmed with Official Benny Doyle, and apparently he’s enforcing it! 

Hey if everyone agrees, who are we to argue? The question is will Benny Doyle enforce it? 

Elise goes to whip the champion again, but again he blocks it, converting it into a hammerlock. Unlikely sneakily reaches up and grabs a handful of hair. Ares screeches in pain before Benny Doyle moves around him to get a look, but Unlikely lets go, showing the hand in innocence. 

As soon as Benny moves, Unlikely once again yanks the hair. This time he wraps the brunette locks around his fist and directs Ares, chest first, into the corner while maintaining the hammerlock. Elise screams out to Doyle that Mikey is pulling her hair as she passes. Doyle gets in real close to look once more. He’s staring at her hair when she sends her leg backwards between the Champions. 



Unlikely collapses to the mat. Benny Doyle doesn’t know what happened but Mikey is holding onto his Hollywood Bruvs. Ares is quick to run towards the ropes. She lands on the second and springboards back.

Watch Out! Asai Moonsault! What a move! Followed by a standing shooting star press! Now Elise goes for the first cover of the matchup! 




What athleticism from Ares, but not enough to put the champion away.

There’s no use arguing the count with the official on this one, so Elise goes back on the offensive and pulls Unlikely up to his feet. With a hard tug, finally Ares succeeds at whipping him into the ropes. The champion comes back and gets hit in the chest with a spinning wheel kick, knocking him back against the ropes again. He catches himself instead of rebounding once more. Seeing an opportunity, the Leading Lady runs back at him and goes for a cross body block, but Unlikely drops to the mat! Elise soars past him through the ropes, and crashes onto the floor with a splat. Mikey takes the opportunity to show the Faithful his big brain, pointing to his head angrily to a chorus of jeers before following.

That was like a plane crash, Darren! Let’s see that again if we can? 

The scene splits in two. Live feed on the left and reply on the right. We see again Elise flying through the air and hitting the outside sickeningly hard. Now we go back to full screen where Unlikely is throwing forearms down on the back of Ares who still has yet to fully recover on the outside. 

This is where Mikey Unlikely is most dangerous. Anytime you get him away from the official he’s liable to cheap shot you. Elise Ares is quite the expert herself, but she might’ve met her match in that department tonight.

The champ lifts Elise up onto his shoulder and drops her face first on the edge of the ring. The Faithful clamor for a call from the official. Benny Doyle admonishes the defending champion, but Mikey claims he didn’t hit her in the face, the ring did. 

Well… that’s hard to argue, it wasn’t a strike! 

Mikey hooks Elise and whips her over his head with a suplex on the outside. Ares arches her back in pain over her arm. The champion slides in and back out to break the count. Moving to get something from under the ring, Unlikely ends up pulling out a steel chair. Doyle quickly steps to the outside to get in between Mikey and Ares. Unlikely narrows his eyes as the official tells him to put it back.

The official warning Mikey he could be disqualified for using the chair! 

HEY THEY AGREED TO NO MORE HEAD SHOTS! I’d disqualify him too! 

Unlikely pulls the chair back to swing, Benny Doyle dives out of the way leaving Elise Ares vulnerable! At the last second she’ss able to duck and avoid the blow. Mikey turns around with the chair and Elise lands a huge flying fist into the chair, which then connects with Mikey’s face!  


Amethystation! Amethystation! 

Ares could end it right there! She needs to capitalize!

Before she can, however, Benny Doyle gets in her face, leaving Elise to defend herself for the shot to Mikey’s face. 

Elise Ares:
I didn’t do anything! I punched the chair! The CHAIR punched his face!


We know Lance, it’s hard to argue! 

Unlikely is on his hands and knees, inching towards the barricade. He swings his arm dismissively towards Elise as if to say he’s over it. Kicking one leg over the barricade he attempts an escape. 

Elise Ares:
No no no!! I don’t think so! I’M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!

She takes off at the champion and delivers a hard running front dropkick that sends Mikey off the rail and into the crowd area. The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style wastes no time, running and leaping onto the barricade before diving on to the grounded champion. The Faithful are on their feet erupting into a dueling chant!


Those aren’t dueling chants at all. Meanwhile, Benny Doyle is trying to get both competitors back into the ring. Ares is the first up and she dumps Mikey over the barricade once more. Now she rolls him into the ring and climbs onto the apron herself. She signals the air for Amethystation as Unlikely is way out of it in the middle of the ring, the Faithful roar in appreciation.

She’s calling for it again, Lance!

This could be the beginning of the end for the champion!

She soars through the air, but almost as if he has eyes in the back of his head, Mikey stumbles back just out of reach of Ares, leaving her to land awkwardly on her feet. He shakes his head no and scrambles back into the corner holding onto the bottom rope yelling at Benny Doyle for a rope break. Elise looks at the official and shrugs her shoulders before stomping away on the champion to a cascade of cheers!

The Blacklist, but tonight she’s doing it solo!

Elise keeps stomping away for a four count before fake tagging herself back in and stomping away again. Desperately Mikey begins to crawl under the ropes, hooking himself onto the bottom rope before Benny Doyle breaks up the stomps to the jeers of the Faithful. Ares puts her arm into the air and backs away as Unlikely shoos her away from him. She takes a few steps back, letting Mikey get back up to his feet before charging past Doyle and hitting him in the chest with a front dropkick into the corner. Bouncing off the turnbuckle, the champion stumbles forward and lands on his knees. 

We’ve seen Mikey in this position before, Darren! Remember that spike hurricanrana that took him out on DEFtv when Elise pinned him the first time?

I’m sure he remembers, too!

Ares sprints past him and off the opposite ropes, as she comes roaring back she screeches to a halt. Mikey looks up at her and she puts her hands on her hips and begins to dance right in Mikey’s face.

Elise Ares:

The Faithful roar as the frustrated champion pushes Elise away from him. He tries to get back up to his feet but Ares locks him in a bulldog and charges the ropes, dropping him neck first across the middle rope. She lands on the apron, head propped up on her hand. Pointing into the Faithful she winks before getting up to her feet.

Cuban Necktie from the challenger!

Here she goes again!

As Mikey crawls around the canvas grabbing at his throat, Ares positions herself to fly. The champion gets up to one knee and the Leading Lady of DEFIANCE jumps up onto the top rope and fires herself towards Unlikely like a bullet!



Elise connects with a hard shot… right to the jaw of Benny Doyle as Mikey pulls him into the way. The Faithful jeer as Ares looks at the official down on the canvas stunned. Unlikely, still reeling from the flurry of offense, is stumbling up on his feet. The Queen of Sport Entertainment Style turns to him and slaps him with a hard right hand!


Then she kicks him between the legs!


Right as Mikey falls down onto his knees, Elise jumps into the air and stomps Mikey’s face into the canvas!




The Faithful erupt as Ares shakes Benny Doyle before jumping onto the champion. She hooks the leg and waits desperately for a count as Doyle pulls himself forward a tiny bit and collapses again onto the mat. Elise drops the leg in a panic looking around for something to save her. She needed someone to save her.


Sprinting out from backstage is Klein wearing a referee shirt and the Faithful go bananas. The Boxman himself is pointing at Elise to cover Mikey as he dives into the ring. Ares jumps into the air on top of the champion as the Faithful scream the count with the PCP OG!




The third hand never hits the mat as Klein is pulled out of the ring. 



Cayle lambasts Klein with a huge blow and begins to rip the officials shirt off of Klein to wear himself. 

When did it become a rule that whoever is wearing a referee shirt is officially an official? Isn’t there some kind of certificate you have to earn or something? 

Klein has been doing this for years! I don’t know about Cayle, but now he has the referee shirt and he’s attempting…

The top blows off of the arena once more. Another person comes exploding down the ramp. 

It’s JFK! Kendrix is here! Cayle no showed their match and it looks like Kendrix finally figured out where to find him! 

Kendrix runs down in street clothes and a cast on his arm, making charge straight at Cayle. Murray sees him at the last second but it’s too late to get away. He’s got him now!

Kendrix a house of fire! He’s lighting Murray up with those punches! 

The two tussle over the striped shirt, almost ripping it in half back and forth. Klein tries to recover but is clearly shaken up, it’s going to be some time. Inside the ring Elise throws her arms up in frustration trying to figure out what happened. Peering over the ropes, she now sees the two competitors firing on one another in a tug-of-war over the referee shirt. Benny Doyle meanwhile is beginning to stir and collect himself.

Elise sees the situation, running over to help Benny Doyle back to his feet, but she doesn’t have the strength. Frustrated, she heads over where JFK and Murray are fighting for the shirt. She reaches her head through the ropes and tries to rip the shirt away for JFK. 

The three DEF wrestlers tussle when suddenly Cayle Murray just lets it go. 

Kendrix yanks the referee attire as hard as he can but CLOBBERS Elise Ares with the cast on his arm. The Leading Lady drops on impact.

OHHH NO! Kendrix just inadvertently hit Elise with his cast! Kendrix is in shock! 

Are you KIDDING me?!

Desperately, JFK tries to climb into the ring to help her but Cayle Murray pulls him back down off the mat. Kendrix and Cayle exchange blows once again, but JFK can’t get any separation as Murray keeps grabbing him.

The replay shows it again in slow motion and we can see the cast strike Elise above the eye before she falls hard to the mat. A close-up shot now shows Elise Ares sprawled out on the canvas. Not moving. Blood runs down her eye and her face, dripping now onto the mat.

Unlikely meanwhile has begun to wake up. He pulls himself to his feet using the ropes and sees Elise prone on the mat. 

Mikey can’t believe his eyes! She’s ripe for the picking! 

He quickly rushes over to Elise, sits her up and wraps his arms around her head and neck, locking in a sleeper submission. Mikey violently shakes her back and forth before wrapping his legs around the challenger's body. He begins to scream, trying to get Benny Doyle’s attention as he tightens harder and harder.

A little over the top don’t you think Mikey? Applying a submission move to a knocked out, bleeding opponent! 

Benny Doyle groggily rolls over and sees the submission. Slowly, he moves over to the tandem and into position at a snail’s pace. Lifting the arm of Ares, it falls to the mat and calls out… 


Not like this! She’s gotta fight back, Darren! She’s gotta wake up!

He makes the same motion with the arm, and it falls weightlessly once again 


Doyle for a third time raises the arm all the way into the air giving Elise Ares the opportunity to show life. It hangs in the air for a moment and the air is taken from the Faithful. Mikey’s eyes grow wide when he hears their reaction.

C’mon Elise! You can do it! 

…It falls.




Doyle motions for the bell and the Faithful are PISSED. Mikey releases the hold and lays on the mat breathing heavily. Utterly exhausted. Benny checks on Elise and sees her bleeding eye. He tries to bring her back to full consciousness. 

♫ “Impious Pyre” by Savage Souls ♫

The music comes on loud, and finally JFK and Cayle are broken up long enough that they can see what’s going on. Perfection comes screaming down the ramp with his hands in the air. Embracing Murray near the ring and moving towards the Champion. 

Darren Quimbey:

The FIST had made it to a knee before he’s run over by the other members of 24K! In delight. 

Ladies and gentlemen we’ve witnessed another Mikey Unlikely miracle here tonight. Elise Ares fought and fought, she brought everything she had, and in the making a STAR was born, unfortunately due to the slip up of her Sports Entertainment Guild cohort it wouldn’t be enough! 

Damn Cayle Murray! If he hadn’t stuck his nose in this, who knows what would have happened here tonight Darren! 

As Mikey raises the FIST in celebration Kendrix slides into the ring to check on Elise who has barely moved a muscle.

An unbelievable and valiant effort. She was so so close. I truly believe Elise was just moments away from becoming the new FIST of DEFIANCE until she got into the line of fire between JFK and Cayle.

You can hear Kendrix apologizing to Elise. He’s got his head in his hands, it was inadvertent Keebs, but it proved costly nonetheless.

Mikey Unlikely:
Wrong Move, Bruv! Wrong Move! 

At that moment JFK looks over his shoulder to see Mikey gloating over himself and Elise with Cayle and Perfection by his side. Jesse takes a look over at Elise, inhales deeply in preparation to face the inevitable beating coming his way. He gets to his feet and right into the face of the Champ.

Kendrix is pissed but this may not be the best time to get in Mikey’s face with the rest of 24K in tow.

Tell your boys to piss off, bruv. I’m ready for a one on one...

Jesse points at the title in Mikey’s grasp. Unlikely, not backing down, points between the former tag partners.

Mikey Unlikely:
Oh you want to do this now? Right here? 

JFK’s ready to go, one arm and all! 

Elise begins to stir as the medics check on her. Meanwhile Perfection and Cayle try to step in but Mikey backs them off.

Me and you, Mikey! Right here, right now!

Mikey shakes his head and backs away

Mikey Unlikely:
Nah, bruv. Not with that thing on your arm. I just had a match, you’re not going to come out here and BLINDSIDE me with a built in weapon! 

Jesse looks at the cast then over at Elise who is coming to as the medics check her reactions over. 

Mikey Unlikely:
Don’t look at her, she can’t help you now! None of your friends are here to protect you. You want this championship? Bruv vs Bruv PART TWO, let’s go!

Kendrix reaches across and removes the upper stretch loop around the cast.

This is not a wise move. Mikey and I dare say the rest of 24K will just target that injured arm.

Then the lower loop.

Kendrix came here for a fight tonight and he’s finally going to get one.

Freeing the cast Jesse holds it out wide by his side as the crowd gear up for a fight. Mikey steps forward, the two men jawing right in eachothers faces once again, both holding their arms out by their sides.

Looks like we’re about to see Kendrix and Mikey going at it earlier than we expected, who’s gonna make the first move…Mikey rears back! He’s going to blast JF….what the?

The camera focuses on Mikey’s beautifully crafted fake pearly whites then over at Kendrix who reciprocates with that shit eating grin we haven’t seen since his return.

The two both put their fists forward meeting in the center of the ring. 

The Hollywood Bruvs:


Everyone in the arena boos even louder as 24K! embraces Kendrix in a giant man hug. 

They Gluefisted, Keebs...they’re...hugging each other!

What a sham this is! The whole thing was a set up!

Inside the ring Elise is getting to her feet, all four (now) members of 24K! Turn and laugh and point at her. 

Bullies! Haven’t you done enough? 

The challenger doesn’t take too well to that and stands up as tall as she can. Trying to look past the blood in her eye. 

Woah woah woah...

NO! Don’t do it Elise! This is a fight you cannot win! Not alone! 

Suddenly from behind Elise Ares is pulled from the ring. Flex Krueger and The D pull her from a four on one fight.

Oh thank goodness! Good thinking by The D and Flex, and they’ve got Klein back up too. This is a mess. Elise Ares should be our FIST of DEFIANCE, and yet we have to hear from the gloat machine that is 24K! 

24K embrace one more time before taking a bow. From the ramp the Pop Culture Phenoms look on angrily. 

This isn’t over between these two groups! Elise deserves another shot Darren! Not to mention I’m sure they’ll want revenge.

Mikey holds the FIST high into the air as the other members of 24K hoist him up on their shoulders and carry him around the ring. 

Tune in next week for another edition of DEFtv including all the fallout from ASCENSION! We’re outta time! 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.