24 Apr 2021

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


The Defiant by Through Dreams and Distance, plays on the Defiatron before the words…

INSIDER: DEFCON 2021 Edition

Flashes on the screen as the music fades.

The Defplex is empty, and only a spotlight shines down in the dark arena illuminating the hosts for this edition of Insider. Inside the ring are four chairs. Placed in a u shape and facing the Defiatron. On the outer chairs sits Chuck, Sonny Silver, on the chairs nearest to one another is Ryan Scott and Tim Tillinghast.

Ryan Scott:
Welcome everyone to The Insider LIVE!  I am “Mr. Defiant” himself Ryan Scott, and I am sure you all know this man next to me.

Tim Tillinghast:
Welcome everyone! It is my pleasure, as everyone’s favorite critic, to re-introduce myself: I’m Tim Tillinghast, DEFIANCE’s number one fan. Or so I like to think.

Ryan Scott:
As a special treat this edition, The Defiant has added two more hosts for tonight's show. Go ahead and introduce yourselves guys.

Sonny Silver:
Hey. I'm Sonny Silver and for those who don't know me, you have my former tag partner Lindsay Troy to blame for DEFIANCE hooking me up with this gig. I wrestled for 20 years and have been training some of the next generation for the last ten, including my nephew Archer Silver, Strong AF and Luke Ali'i in BRAZEN. DEFIANCE asked me to lend this sexy-ass baritone voice to provide my in-ring expertise so you'll be seeing more of me doing just that. 

Hi there, gentlemen.  I'm Chuck.  Y'all might know me as a simple semi-retired high school janitor over at G.W. Carver High who's called in to DEF-Radio, but in reality I'm more than that.  Y'see, not ONLY am I a semi-retired janitor, I am ALSO your connection to the youth of today.  I'll be reading Twits?  Tweeters?  Those messages on that Twitter thing from the students of G.W. Carver High, as well as providing an old guy's thoughts on all this cattywampus building up to DEFIANCE's biggest event of the year!

Ryan Scott:
That should be interesting, welcome to the panel Chuck and Sonny.

THE INSIDER: DEFCON 2021 - LIVE @ Lakefront Arena April 28th and 29th!

Ryan Scott:
It's a gimmick style kind of show this year Tim. We all know how you must feel about that. So before we start this thing, have at thee Tim.

Tim Tillinghast:
What’s a portals and plumbers match? What? That’s not what it's called? I swear, if someone teleports, I’m out. But we’ve also got a Ladder Match. Why? Cause it’s cool I guess? A Last Man Standing Match. That one makes a little more sense. An empty arena match. A match with eighty-four stipulations. A match where the loser leaves DEFIANCE and where the losing team can’t team anymore. I know it’s a big show and the stakes are high so I’m going to give it the benefit of the doubt, but I hope I don’t get burnt out on craziness halfway through is all I’m saying.

Ryan Scott:
Good old Timmy! Chuckles We're gonna take a short break, we will be right back with the show!

THE INSIDER: DEFCON 2021 starts @6:00 pm CST 7:00pm CST

if Burns/Stevens lose their contracts become property of Better Future

Ryan Scott:
This is one of the matches I don’t mind that has a special stipulation. I know as we continue with this show, this will be a common theme of what kind of match is this gonna be. Although I was not a fan of giving us Oscar Burns Vs Jack Mace so quickly and on a DEFTV nonetheless. This match up is gonna be one of those matches that every fan that loves technical wrestling I think will get their money’s worth. Pick wise I think Burns and Stevens will take it here.

Tim Tillinghast:
I think Burns is secretly working with Morrow and this is all a plot to lure in Scott Stevens. No? Well, maybe not, but I’ve been watching a lot of conspiracy videos on YouTube. All eyes are on Jack Mace here: can he hang on the big stage? Can Scott Stevens continue his career resurgence after a tough year? Could ADV leap up the DEF ladder? Does Burns still have what it takes? All questions aside, I think Morrow’s gonna weasel a win here because let’s face it… he always does.

Sonny Silver:
I've studied a lot of footage to prep for this and I agree, Mace and Burns being on DEFtv was odd, but I won't knock getting a great match regardless, and that was. Oscar and Scott have been behind the eight-ball since that Alvaro guy charred Stevens's face. Burns is one of DEFIANCE's nauseating top goody-goods, but he and Scott bring the goods in-ring from what I've seen.. No way in hell they lose this one, but Alvaro and that big-ass Brit have looked like they belong with former champions so they'll have good careers. 

Ryan Scott:
Keep in mind Sonny, this whole match was agreed on by just Oscar. One would have to wonder just how Scott Stevens feels about Oscar making career decisions for him.

Sonny Silver:
That will definitely be the x-factor here. I heard about their rivalry coming up the card together and how bad things got, but they've gotten along just well enough to make it this far. Burns better hope this decision doesn't bite them in the ass.

Having everybody fighting all at once means the battle lines shift real quickly.  When that happens, you gotta find a way to brace or reinforce...learned that one back in Vietnam. We'll see an awful lot of that in this match for sure.  We also learned back in Vietnam to expect the unexpected.  Tim, your conspiracy theories may be real, just like Agent Orange…Chuck taps his nose with a nod at Tillinghast  We'll have to wait and see, but if this IS a double-cross, this was some straight up Victor Charlie sh--I promised I wouldn't cuss.  I'd think Jack Mace would be the focus for Burns and Stevens at first before they turn their attention to that De Vargas fella.  Stevens needs a little retribution, and that'll be easier to do without any Mace in the eyes.  Chuck laughs  Been waitin' ta use that joke all day.  If they can divide and conquer properly, I give this one to Oscar Burns and Scott Stevens.


Ryan Scott:
Teresa pay per view build by pay per view build starts to develop sort of a common theme with her. Find a boy toy and manipulate them to a point where it works to her advantage. Unlike her previous boy toys this got dark REAL quick!

Tim Tillinghast:
I agree Ryan - I sense a pattern developing. Maybe the loser should have to go to therapy? Even if Blackwood loses, I think it would do him some good. I’d actually like to see Teresa win here because she’s becoming a really interesting part of the show, but Blackwood feels a little directionless as of late so I think he’s gonna need to pull this one out to get back on track. Blackwood should be next in line for a shot at the FIST… or at least I’d give it to him. But what do I know?

Sonny Silver:
Gage needs to beat the Stage Five Clinger on steroids and move on. I like this guy a lot and we need to see him kicking way more ass at the top, not dealing with this entitled snowflake nonsense. And get rid of the cluster of idiots at ringside. What the hell is this ass-mur thing this Teresa person anyway?

Oh my god, don't get me started on snowflakes, sonny...err, Sonny?  You get what I'm sayin'.  Look, this here is just like when the captain of the football team won't date the captain of the cheerleading squad 'cause she's a goddamn psychopath who also enjoys Thomas the Tank Engine?  Whatever that means.  I just repeat what I hear.  @xo_tizzly24 says: "Ames v. Blackwood at DEFCON?  Time for an annulment.  Call me, Gage Blackwood!  I can do that thing you like."  Word of advice, Gage?  Don't.  That's Jenny Whitfield...the captain of the cheerleading squad.  I gotta honestly say Gage Blackwood seems to be in a pickle here, but maybe it's time for Teresa Ames to realize "The Little Engine That Could" will always beat Thomas the Tank Engine.  Do ya get what I'm sayin'?  Or are you all too young for that comparison?

Ryan Scott:
All interesting points there. I however will go another way. I think this story has a lot of potential if the whole marriage story continues. It would give Teresa something to stick with instead of finding a boy toy every arc, and Gage’s story from DEFCON forward could turn either into a nightmare that never ends or something along the lines of a power couple in Defiance. Blackwoods run as a babyface has been rather stale, I think he is a natural as a heel.


Ryan Scott:
Yet another gimmick based match. Although it's not out there like a Platforms and Portal match. Oh and trust me I am sure I am not the only one that has something to say about that whole story. Rezin and Henry Keyes by far has been one of the most enjoyable feuds I have watched for the build to DEFCON. I have just been drawn to Rezin in this arc. There is a lot of untapped potential there and he is my pick here. What are your thoughts fellas?

Tim Tillinghast:
I agree 100%! I said this in my last Tirade, but this whole build to DEFCON has been the coming-out party for both men. I almost feel like it doesn’t matter who wins - I think both guys are made coming out of this. That said, I think Rezin got the cheap shot on DEFtv, and Keyes isn’t stupid enough to let him get one over on him twice. Henry takes it home… in his aeroship.

Sonny Silver:
Gimme more of BOTH these guys. Keyes borders on ridiculous but I can overlook that if you can whomp someone's ass and this guy can whomp someone's ass! Rezin is just out there and I mean that in the best way possible and he's a veteran so he knows what he's doing. This could be the sleeper match of both nights! Your general rule of thumbs is that the good guy wins at these big shows but that's not all the time. I'm gonna say Rezin sends Keyes back to the clock tower he lives in or whatever the fuck steampunk pirates do. You know, umbrellas and blimps or whatever.

I'd be crazy to not agree that this has been an interesting buildup, and no matter who wins these guys will both come out looking good.  I like Keyes in this, but that's because I'm old-timey, and so's Keyes and that airship pirate deal!  Time for Keyes to show Rezin how Punk Rock it is to beat him down, then help him back up and go get a beer together.  That's how it used to be back in my day...I mean, I don't necessarily see that happening because that's not how kids fight these days.


Ryan Scott:
Harvey and Kendrix, two of the best workers in the company. Jay I predict will be The Fist by the end of the year. As for Jay and Jesse this arc, it's been heartbreaking watching JFK constantly get the upper hand against The Natural One. I think Harvey gets his mojo back here.

Tim Tillinghast:
I’m thinking that Scott Douglas is gone from DEFIANCE after this show (spoilers) and of all the potential contenders to take his spot (Burns, Troy, Blackwood) I think Jay Harvey has the most potential to be the hero DEF needs. I think he puts Kendrix away on his road to vengeance AND the very top of the card.

Sonny Silver:
Harvey is gonna knee this Kendrix guy's brain matter into mush. Kendrix is a former FIST… why is it called the FIST?... anyway, Kendrix has already been at the top where Harvey wants to be and if this guy is gonna get there, Harvey knocks off Kendrix after weeks of this guy's admittedly hilarious bullshittery.

This one's an easy call.  @squinty_seers420; Jordan Chalmers, George Washington Carver High's debate team leader says: "Jay Harvey Oswald has JFK in his sights, and we all know how that story ends.  Think the 24K "secret service" will be around?  Who will be on the grassy knoll for Harvey?"  Look, say what you want about Jesse Kendrix, but whatever Jay Harvey gives him, he deserves it.  Prolly more too.  Jay Harvey will be the FIST of DEFIANCE - it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.  Once he takes JFK out behind the barn like Old Yeller, he'll be able to finally get his retribution - and good on him!


Ryan Scott:
Elise has had quite the rollercoaster ride these last few months. She has been beaten down, mentally and physically.  Perfection well he is just a natural ring general in that ring. It's a tough one to call, most of the strengths go to Perfection. Elise has been in a bit of a funk as of late. Honestly, I think it will continue here as well, with Perfection taking this one.

Tim Tillinghast:
I think this will be a solid matchup and since I think Elise has more on the line here she’ll walk away with the big win.

Sonny Silver:
This is one of those that I could see go either way. Perfection has won his last couple matches on the old Pee-Pee-Vee. However, Elise has been beaten by these 24K guys in the last two. I'm gonna say Elise pulls off the win here to get one over on these guys that have been a pain in her ass for the longest time.

As much as I hate them 24K rat bastards, I think this one goes to Perfection as well...and that has nothing to do with the fact that I come from a time when men were "better than" women.  It's like Ryan said, Elise HAS been in a funk, she HAS been beaten down mentally and physically.  Unless she can somehow reach deep down and hulk up, I think she might end up overwhelmed by Perfection.  Oh for three against 24K isn't a tasty bowl of soup to eat - it's like split pea soup.  Elise needs some clam chowder, or Italian Wedding (not a Blackwood/Ames wedding), or maybe just some chicken noodle...

Ryan Scott:
Something to consider here fellas, could Jestal get involved in this match? He has made it public he has an issue with the PCP,  for breaking up The Toybox. Could he show up here?


Ryan Scott:
A year long build to two men who came into Defiance and close to the same time. One took the road to glory, while the other struggled to find his way. Eventually finding it, with a little help from Hive. The history between Scrow and Dex Joy leads to a killer matchup to end the rivalry at DEFCON in a Last Man Standing Match!

Tim Tillinghast:
There’s a lot of pressure on these two to deliver a big time match to suit their long simmering history. I’m a fan of both guys for different reasons: Dex being a big man who can jump around and put on a hell of a show and Scrow being the bump machine and striker. In my opinion, that’s a recipe for a hell of a match. I tend not to care for Last Man Standing Matches, but I’m going to put my faith in this one. I don’t know who to pick: I don’t know where Scrow goes from here if he doesn’t win but it’s also too early for Joy to lose the SOHer. I guess I pick The Biggest Boy.

Sonny Silver:
I had to do some digging. I see why people love the jolly fat guy that can do the cool flippy-doo stuff that Dex Joy guy can do. Dex just shits charisma with plenty to spare and the people have gravitated to him. Scrow is a vicious little prick, especially with them kicks. That's my JAM. And you can put him with anyone for a great match. It's pretty great seeing a feud be built this long without it being tired in this world of "Gimme Gimme gimme" and a three month feud is considered "too long" for basement dwellers. This is one I can't pick a clear winner on. I'm gonna say Scrow takes the title but I feel like if Dex wins that wouldn't shock me either to put this issue down for good. But official pick… Scrow.

I think this one will come down to defense.  The best offense is a good defense, and in a last man standing match that's what you need to get the win.  Dex Joy is the favourite around G.W. Carver High, but I gotta be honest, I don't necessarily agree.  Scrow can take the beating, and he can give it right back.  As athletic and charismatic as Dex Joy is, I don't think he's got the stamina to outlast Scrow.  This match seems to me to be WAY more beneficial to Scrow's type of fight - keep putting the big man down and he's bound to not get back up.  Nothin' against Dex, but I think he might be lookin' at a short reign as Southern Heritage Champion - BUT, that opens the door for him to move on up the card.

Ryan Scott:
As well as these two know each other, this should be a hell of a match. Both men are riding high career wise. Although some may say Dex just has more natural talent than Scrow, and he has been on a tear through Defiance since his arrival. Lets not forget though Scrow has put on some instant classics! In terms of a great worker Scrow is a natural at it. I would love to see Arthur get his ass handed to him by Matt and we see a rematch of the inaugural Favoured Saints Match with Scrow and Matt LaCroix this time one on one. I am sure plenty of The Faithful would like to see that as well, but the real question is, is it his time yet? Dex is just red hot at the moment. I love to see what Scrow would be like with gold in his possession, but I just think it's too early for him so I am gonna side with Dex Joy retaining.

Fuse Bros. One © vs. The Comments Section
losing team cannot tag anymore in DEFIANCE

Ryan Scott:
Oh, boy have I got some things to say about this. To take a page out of your book Tim, what in the hell is a Platforms and Portals match?

Tim Tillinghast:
I’m trying not to think about it, Ryan. I like both teams but I’m ready to hate this one. I hope I don’t. As for who wins: I’m pulling for the Fuse Brothers. It just feels right to have them back together, and I think Malak is ready for a singles run and I’d also like to see Ames out on her own.

Sonny Silver:
I don't mind the two nights having quite a few stips on 'em myself. DEFIANCE doesn't have a history of blowing through them endlessly on a weekly basis and see them watered down. That being said get this Platforms and Portals shit outta here. Let the Fuse Bros cut loose in a great tag team match. Malak is money on that mic and I'm feeling we're gonna see a split of the Comments Section where he goes solo.

I like both teams, but let's be honest here, this match seems swayed JUST a bit in favor of Fuse Bros. One.  The Comments Section is good as a team, but they're not gonna beat Fuse Bros. One at their own kinda game.  Did DEFIANCE develop that Star Trek beaming technology?  I could use that at the school on sloppy joe, and taco day.  Would make plumbing a helluvalot easier too.

Ryan Scott:
This whole build started out GREAT! Then we got past the honeymoon phase. This then turned into Malak doing his regular schtick, crying over not having what he wants. I was expecting they were gonna go a route where Malak has to spend more and more of his time trying to make sure Tyler or Conor do not lose those titles to keep his shot intact. All at a cost of his very own well being. I would have found that entertaining and a different type of build for TCS. Little bit of humor, and a little bit of seriousness on Malak’s situation. I do see TCS regaining the championships, I just can’t see them splitting up TCS so soon. The Bros have been successful in singles action so in the end splitting them up would not hurt them. I just hope this Platform and Portals match is not something silly like The Winter Wonderland Match was.

ONLINE POLL - 7:00pm

Ryan Scott:
The results are in! Here is what the Faithful predicted who would win in night one! It's a Babyface sweep by the looks of it for Night One!

HENRY KEYES (54.5%) REZIN (45.5%)
KENDRIX (27.8%) JAY HARVEY (72.2%)
DEX JOY (72.7%) SCROW (27.3%)


Ryan Scott:
Seeing Rezin in his first singles match on a PPV, he is gonna be my pick here. I have seen Rezin step out of the shadow of Stalker. If you ask me that dynamic should have been switched. I could see Rezin being a better leader of The Kabal than Stalker.

Tim Tillinghast:
Jay Harvey, boy! He’s gonna drop fools with that Tillinghast driver and deliver the match of the night.

Sonny Silver:
I'm gonna say Jay Harvey gets the big win here over a former champion to avenge his loss to Mikey at DEFIANCE ROAD. I think it could be a big breakout match for him if he can beat Kendrix.

I also gotta go with Jay Harvey Oswald.  I mean, I know that's not his actual name, but that stuck with me.  Honestly, I know the kids are all talking about Jay Harvey, and I gotta admit that something about him makes me want to cheer him on no matter what.


Ryan Scott:
We have a lot of great matches tonight, but for me I am going to go with the one with the most history behind it and that's Scrow VS Dex Joy. Both men have their own unique way of giving The Faithful an exciting spectacle in that ring.

Tim Tillinghast:
I think Rezin and Keyes are going to put on a sleeper. It’s easy to focus on Kendrix/Harvey or the tag match or Scrow/Joy… but I suspect The Goat Bastard and the Airship Pirate are going to pull a fast one.

Sonny Silver:
I think with as much history as Dex Joy and Scrow have, that match with Last Man Standing can steal the show. But I also mean what I said earlier… DO NOT sleep on Keyes and Rezin bashing each other's brains in for our amusement!

I'm gonna be honest, I like a fight where you don't know who's gonna win.  I'm with Tim here: Rezin and Keyes is the match to watch.  Every match on night one will be good, but this one will stand out the most in my opinion.

Ryan Scott:
Well, that concludes Night One of DEFCON! But do not go anywhere! In just under thirty minutes DEF RADIO hits your airwaves! Scotty Flash welcomes this man to the show.

Ryan looks toward Tim.

Tim Tillinghast:
Oh man. It was an HONOR to join Scotty on DEF Radio and I’m hoping to do it again soon. He’s a hell of a host who wasn’t afraid to ask the hard hitting questions, that’s for sure.

Ryan Scott:
It should be a killer show, before we get out of here I just like to thank Sonny and Chuck for being a part of The Insider this evening! Any last words gentlemen?

Sonny Silver:
It's been your pleasure, gents. But don't worry, they paid me plenty for two nights' worth of great and insightful analytics.

As long as the Optimist Club doesn't clog the drains tomorrow it'll be a good day, and I look forward to coming back to do this all again, but without the twits.  Just Chuck's armchair quarterback analysis.

Ryan Scott:
Awesome, remember tomorrow night we will be back at 6pm CST for NIGHT TWO of DEFCON 2021! For The Defiant I am Ryan Scott, with Tim, Sonny, and Chuck stay tuned for DEFRADIO...NEXT!

THE INSIDER: DEFCON 2021 - LIVE @ Lakefront Arena April 28th and 29th!

Night 2


Ryan Scott:
Arthur Pleasant, oh boy I know for sure on this panel I am not the only one who is not a fan of this man. Seeing his carnage since joining makes me wonder just how he is gonna top that in a ladder match. Oh don’t get me wrong Matt is my pick. Arthur though there's nothing off the table with this sicko.

Tim Tillinghast:
A garbage wrestler and a garbage human being. Matt LaCroix is maybe my favorite guy in DEFIANCE at the moment, and I was disappointed in hearing the Ladder Stipulation… only because I don’t think the match needs it. All we need is LaCroix kicking the crap out of Pleasant. The ladder makes things complicated and ensures there’s going to be more shenanigans than we need. But either way… LaCroix puts Pleasant to bed and FINALLY earns his SOHer shot.

Sonny Silver:
I am a HUGE fan of LaCroix. Toughest, hard-hitting guy I've ever seen since I laced up the boots. I'm also not a HUGE fan of Arthur Pleasant's numbnuts  light-tube-up-my-ass-flaming table bullshit… but I am a fan of how he's been messing with LaCroix this whole time and when he's kicking people, he does it well. I can see this match still being a potential showstealer if both guys do what they do best and that's bring the hurt. Keep the hardcore crap to what you can do with that ladder and I think we got something here. As far as who wins… toughie but I can't go against LaCroix. I don't see him losing his chance at your Southern Heritage Title a second time.

I like Lacroix.  I don't like Arthur Pleasant.  BUT, could we witness Matt LaCroix failing for a second time?  This IS only his second try, and they say "third time's the charm."  I don't wanna see that creepy bastard Pleasant with gold around his waist, and I want to see Matt LaCroix going after the Southern Heritage Championship - the biggest problem is Arthur Pleasant's twisted mind.  Them kooks don't think right, and that's his advantage; I'll give the unpopular opinion and say Arthur Pleasant leaves Matt LaCroix to make that third attempt at "climbing the ladder."  See what I did there?


Ryan Scott:
So now we have a Casket match, all I can do is take a deep breath here. This show just looking the card top to bottom just makes me wonder if most of these matches really needed to be these types of matches. Aside from that Stalker has become a loser in my book. The leader of a faction and is constantly put in situations you would think his followers would be in not him. Stalker needs this win, his relevance at least for me has taken a nosedive as of late.

Tim Tillinghast:
I agree totally Ryan - at this point, Stalker is too close to becoming the guy who talks a big game but almost never backs it up, and if he gets to that point both him and his stable are DOA. I want to see Stalker not only pick up the win but remind us why both himself and The Kabal are forces to be feared. As long as nobody disappears, you know?

Sonny Silver:

Hoooooo boy, Stalker's still alive… oy, that's news. Dude's been at it longer than I have I'm! I'm gonna say he sends Guardian's wanna-be hero ass back to some podunk Comic-Con outta Nofucks, GA.

Stalker has kinda fallen from grace, absolutely.  The guy's got strong backup, he should be calling the shots not getting his hands dirty.  Ain't that how it works?  I mean, hey, they caught Al Capone for tax evasion, not any of the alleged murders and whatnot.  This is Stalker's moment to assert his dominance, and show The Faithful that The Kabal is like COBRA...and Stalker is Serpentor.  G.I. Joe?  Remember that cartoon?


Ryan Scott:
This match was announced on I figured Jestal and Klein were on a collision course either at DEFCON or MAXDEF. The only build we saw from this was the conspiracy Jestal concocted about Klein. Aside from that it really had no build for being on the card.

Tim Tillinghast:
Part of me thinks it’s too early for this - the Klein/Jestal issue is fairly personal and I think deserves more than a last minute tag match. And what’s up with Mace having to wrestle twice? Odd. And Mushi is in this weird space where he just shows up and does some stuff and then goes away again. I think Jestal and Mace, being the new team on the block, pick up the win.

Sonny Silver:
Them Better Future guys will have to win at least one so I see it here. Depending how his match goes on Night One I gotta say Mace and Jestal win here. Klein seems like a blue chipper if he took this sport a little more seriously cause that's the only box he's probably been near is the one on his head. Mushigihara, I really want to see more of. He needs to get serious and go on a tear.  But yeah this match, I've got Jestal and Jack Mace being the cool big guy/little guy duo.

This one's got me a little puzzled too.  I mean, I like Mushihihara and Klein as a big guy/little guy team, but the money's gotta go on Jestal and Jack Mace.  Why?  One word: Clucky.  Clucky is the...eggs factor here. Chuck snort-laughs at his own joke.


Ryan Scott:
Not a whole lot to say here, after DEFTV 150 this build became non-existent. I have yet to hear anything about the reason from this. I have been checking the dirt sheets everyday. If you ask me, the interaction Rick had with Bronson would have made for a great match instead of Mr. Richards here.

Tim Tillinghast:
I agree. Actually, that’s a hell of an idea - why ISN’T Bronson Box in this match? Anyway, Rick picks his teeth with Richard’s bones and then moves up the ladder.

Sonny Silver:
Rick needs to murder this guy and move the fuck on up. From what I have seen, this dude is big, this dude is bad and this guy can talk. You don't get that combo a lot with bigger wrestlers these days. I agree with you here, Ryan. Murder this virtuous babyface that has… been badmouthing Rick, talking shit and ducking him at every turn.

I think Chris Richards might have bitten off more than he could chew at DEFIANCE Road.  If he had just let Mushigihara and Rick Dickulous destroy Tokyo, maybe he wouldn't be in hiding.  Truth be told, that's usually what mouthpieces do: flap their gums, then either hide, or round up a posse to do their dirty work.  Chris Richards doesn't seem to have any friends backing him up, so my guess is he's just been hiding and hoping the lumbergiant would get distracted by something shiny.  Unfortunately for him, Rick Dickulous ain't no big dummy.  Once Rick gets his hands on Richards, I think it's lights out - unless Chris Richards has something up his sleeve.  If not, I hope he's got a good health insurance plan.


Ryan Scott:
By god as though this show was not already filled with an assortment of special toppings to each match. The laundry list of stipulations to this match, just made me say was all this really necessary? I don’t see SNS losing the bar and Cortez and Minute will finally get their five minutes with Morrow.

Tim Tillinghast:
I don’t mind the bar and the tag team name being on the line - because otherwise, this would be an eight-man tag with no stakes and really no investment in the winner. But yeah, I do think there’s too much. I’m assuming Morrow is getting his here, but I’ve thought that a lot in the past and he always proves me wrong. I have more to say about this match on DEF Radio and what it says about the DEF tag division, so I won’t spoil it here, but suffice to say I am a fan of tag team wrestling and I am pleased.

Sonny Silver:
Oooooooh boy, there's a lot to unpack here and that I had to follow, but I'm feeling the stips since this Ballyhoo Brew joint has been a big fixture and Cortez and Minute have been beefing with Morrow for a while and should be getting that payback. The stips are huge for both teams and at least make sense.. I know Tom and I've done business with him in the past. The Lucky Sevens have been showing out and they have so much promise as a top act. The Stevens Dynasty needs to show up more but I am gonna say Morrow is getting fustigated when this is said and done.

I love Ballyhoo Brew.  I'm a fan of the Saturday Night Specials, Uriel Cortez, AND Minute.  I think this match and the whole story around it is pretty deep, and it's most definitely a game changer...that place is usually packed!  I've seen the live feeds on the interwebs; people are ass to belly around that bar, and the bartenders have a hard time keeping up!  Look, when the Lucky 7s feel the need to pump themselves up and make themselves seem important?  That's called delusions of grandeur.  The Stevens Dynasty is coming off a win, but I think they're about to follow it with a hard loss after latching on to a couple of deflated tires.


Ryan Scott:
Troy and Murray is a match I am looking forward to. Toward the end of the build it started to get pretty brutal. This is gonna be another classic at DEFCON, and I think the Queen will reign at the end!

Tim Tillinghast:
Can these two outdo Kendrix/Harvey? I actually think they can. I relish any chance to see Murray really cut loose in the ring and Troy is one of the best workers in the entire world. This match is going to be what happens when two veterans and masters of their craft really unleash what they’ve got and I think we’re all going to win here. But in the match? Lindsay Troy.

Sonny Silver:
Awwwwww Little Murrr done fucked up. Either to my pleasure or consternation when it's been aimed my way, you don't want to get on Troy's bad side most of the time… but I've been pretty damn impressed when I've seen Cayle. I was asked to look at this guy's matches in the past and this guy is money. I think Troy could walk away with the win here especially after Murray messed up Troy in the go-home show! This one is my pick for match of the night, I'll say it right now.

This is my second favorite match on Night 2, not gonna lie.  Cayle Murray ain't no slouch, but neither is a fired-up Lindsay Troy!  The kids around George Washington Carver High all want to see Lindsay Troy mop the floor with Murray, and I gotta agree.  LT is lit, gentlemen, and she ain't no fourth of July sparkler.


Ryan Scott:
This build was great in the beginning but then seemed to disappear. I think letting us wait until the go home for Scott to give us his answer just was not a good booking decision on Defiance’s part. Granted the history between these two at least gives us some meaning story-wise. I just felt they should have done more in the build then they did.

Tim Tillinghast:
I somewhat agree with you about the build, Ryan - I wanted to hear MORE about what was on the line here. What would leaving DEF mean for either man? Where’s the heartbreak? The drama? Still - I think the match is big enough that it would have sold the PPV even with NO build up. The fact is: it’s going to be a different DEFIANCE after this match no matter who wins. And I’m going to go against the grain: we all expect the hero to finally dethrone the evil champ one year later… but I think Mikey isn’t done yet and we’ll all be forced to say goodbye to Scott Douglas.

Sonny Silver:
The heroic never-say-die goody-good versus the top bad guy in a tale as old as time… and there's a reason it sells especially for your title match and the biggest event of the year. I've done some studying in DEFIANCE's history and these two have a lot of it. They fought over and rose up the card together like Oscar Burns and Scott Stevens did and now they are here in the main event of DEFCON. That's some good stuff. I'm having a hard time picking just because I can see what Tim's talking about… but I'm gonna go with my gut and sat after 400-plus days as champ that Scott Douglas is gonna win "The Big One."

Scott Douglas finally puts the shine on the FIST of DEFIANCE it deserves after being soiled by Mikey Unlikely.  The man's a straight up disgrace, and the FIST deserves better - DEFIANCE deserves better.  So, along comes "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas to give the Faithful what they deserve: a champion they can respect.

Ryan Scott:
It's a tough call, here for me. Mikey’s reign of over 400 plus days, vs the heart and soul of Defiance Scott Douglas. With 24k firmly in Mikey’s corner here it's tough to not pick him to retain. However, I am gonna think outside the box here. I am picking Scott Douglas! I think 24k is gonna turn on Mikey. Let's face it here how much longer is Perfection, Cayle, or even his Hollywood Bruv JFK gonna sit on the backburner? The ego and arrogance of the group makes me see Mikey’s last moments in Defiance being beaten down by the very men that he thought were his friends.

ONLINE POLL - 7:00 pm

Ryan Scott:
The results are in!  Here is what the Faithful predicted who would win in night two!



Ryan Scott:
I am gonna again reach here, much like my thoughts on the main event. My pick here is Mushigihara. Something you mentioned Tim made me rethink this decision. Mushi does seem like the odd ball of the night. Which I think will be the reason he will stand out above the rest.

Tim Tillinghast:
Dark horse pick: Rick Dickolous. I want to see the big man treat DEFCON as the moment he’s ARRIVED in DEFIANCE and make a name for himself.

Sonny Silver:
I got a couple. Rick Dickulous: I've been in or around this business all my life and I've seen lots of these big-for-nothing goofs trip over themselves either in the ring or on the mic… The Lumbergiant looks great doing both and I'm with Tim that I hope he gets his night. Saturday Night Specials: This team exudes charisma and while I'm more known of being a fan of the black hats, they got that IT factor. Arthur Pleasant: The pieces are there for a freak with a lot of potential. Get away from that death match bullshit and I think he could rise up quickly too.

I'm gonna stick with the kids on this one.  Lindsay Troy always puts on a good match, and this won't be any different.  Since y'all are picking multiples, well...Scott Douglas is my second choice.  Pretty sure I was crystal clear on the whys just a few minutes ago!


Ryan Scott:
My pick for match of the night is the 8 Man Tag. SNS has proven to be a tough team to beat. Both on the microphone and in the ring. Well Cortez and Minute I think will finally get their payback on Morrow this time. Not to mention the five minutes with Tom but as the Sky High Titans once more. Now as for the Lucky Buffoons any match they get their asses handed to them is a great match in my book. Something tells me though this alliance they have with those Stevens is gonna dissolve.

Tim Tillinghast:
Troy and Murray are going to tear the house, the city, the state, and the world down. I hope they wrestle for an hour. Match of the night, and probably the year. Can you tell I’m hyped?

Sonny Silver:
Picking  a few again cause sue me. Troy/Murray also cause fucking duh considering who's involved,, but I got eyes on that eight man tag and the main event. DEFIANCE clearly thinks highly of its tag division considering how many times they main evented DEFtv. I love this tag division for its variety. And the main event cause it's main event with a story even the most casual fan can relate to. Good vs. Evil, one goes away forever.

This is an easy choice for me.  Mikey Unlikely - FORMER FIST after DEFCON - and Scott Douglas. I'm gonna relish watching that disgrace Mikey Unlikely finally get his when Scott Douglas finally puts his shoulders to the mat for the three count.  I'm what you'd call a mark for anything anti-Unlikely.

WRAP UP - 7:30 pm

Ryan Scott:
Well, that concludes Night Two of DEFCON!

Tim Tillinghast:
This is a stacked card any way you look at it, Ryan. Nitpicks aside this is going to be the event of the year for me.

Ryan Scott:
It should be a killer show, before we get out of here I just like to thank Sonny and Chuck for being a part of The Insider this evening! Any last words gentlemen?

Sonny Silver:

Thanks again for having me, gents. I'll be in the house so I'm looking forward to the show.

First and foremost, I wanna thank all you boys for lettin' and oldtimer chime in here.  I've been a fan of this company for quite some time, and I gotta say it's a little weird going from calling in to tell Scotty Flash how much of a pud puller Mikey Unlikely is to sitting here talkin' with ya's.  Shows me DEFIANCE really does care about The Faithful and what we think!

Ryan Scott:
Awesome! DEFCON hype train rolls on with two spotlights exclusively on One from the Unified Tag Team Champions The Fuse Bros ONE, and the other on the #1 Contender Scott Douglas tonight and tomorrow! Remember April 28th  DEFCON 2021 hits the airwaves! Make sure you check out my LIVE results on Live @ 7 to see my live reactions to DEFCON ON April 30 and May 1! For The Defiant I am Ryan Scott, with Tim, Sonny, and Chuck GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!

The ring fades to black….

THE INSIDER: DEFCON 2021 - LIVE @ Lakefront Arena April 28th and 29th!

Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.