28 Apr 2021

Lakefront Arena, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 10,000)


The camera flashes through the vast arena that is the UNO Lakefront Arena where fans are filing in by the minute, handling signs and wearing the merchandise of their favorite DEFIANTs 

Welcome, fans, and we are not far away now from the start of Night One of DEFCON! But before we get there, we’ve got some action coming up for you to whet your appetites!

That’s right! We see two young high-flyers and recent graduates from BRAZEN looking to break out from the pack with a win here tonight! Japanese superstar Sho Nakazawa goes one-on-one against the young Texan native, Butcher Victorious!

And we have a second match and main event of tonight’s pre-show, but you’ll have to stay tuned and see who that is!

That is something in the business that we like to call (air quotes) “A tease!”

You’ve been sitting on that one for a while, haven’t you, Lance?

Lance smiles. 

Oh, you bet I have! Between the DEF Radio Hype Train earlier this week and the biggest edition yet of The Insider yet, I think I can speak for the legions of our DEFIANTS that we are PUMPED for what DEFCON will bring!

We’ve got it all! Championship matches with the highest of stakes! Dream matches! Grudge matches! Brawls, technical mastery, high-flying, HOSSFITES and everything in between! Action so big that we spread it over not one, but TWO nights! Two of the biggest nights of DEFIANCE in recent memory; possibly even its history!

But before we get to that, we know you don’t want talking… you want action! So with that in mind we go to the ring right now… let’s go to the ring with two members of the DEFIANCE roster getting ready to battle!

The camera is now on Darren Quimbey, looking dapper AF for the occasion. The building by this point is more than halfway full and the crowd is more than ready to see some wrestling. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first… from Austin, Texas, weighing in at 210 pounds… BUTCHER VICTORIOUS!

♫ “Hearts On Fire” by Ira Green ♫

Butcher Victorious heads out from the back and down to the ring, garnering a mostly polite reaction from the Faithful, despite his choice in themes. After hesitantly taking a breath, he heads for the ring quickly before rolling inside. As he does so, an inset promo appears for Butcher appears.


Butcher Victorious:
So… I spent the last four plus years in BRAZEN. I worked my ass off. I got where I needed to be… but I still feel like I ain’t lived up to the ol’ Victorious name. But now that I’ve been made a full-time member of this roster, I’m gonna make some changes. I’m gonna do what I need to do to make sure that people not only hear the name Victorious, but they can associate it with a winner. Sho, I respect you, but I need this, man. I NEED this…

And back to the ring as Butcher scans the crowd and waits for tonight’s opposition. 

♫ “Pyrotechnics” by Cliff Lin ♫

Sho Nakazawa quickly appears in the entrance way to a decently sized positive reaction from The Faithful. He places both his hands together to give a quick bow before making his way to the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent…  from Tateyama, Japan and weighing in at 199 lbs… SHO NAKAZAWA!

Sho speeds to the ring quickly and the crowd is fired up. He leaps inside and faces off with Butcher as his inset promo appears.


Sho Nakazawa:
Butcher… I keep this simple… I respect you as well. But tonight is MY night. Not yours. 

And with that, Butcher shrugs and mouths “may the best man win” before he and Sho shake hands. 

Simple, but strong words from both men. We’ll see who gets the duke tonight! 

Referee Rex Knox calls for the bell. 


Here we go!

Butcher and Sho lock up and it’s Butcher making the first move. Butch Vic steps behind Sho while grabbing hold of the arm, but Li’l Nak quickly turns that around into one of his own. Butcher thinks quickly and leaps up with an arm around Sho’s neck to throw him forward with momentum from a flying snapmare… but Sho rolls through that and pops up. Butcher catches him near the ropes and throws him at the ropes. He leapfrogs over once, then pops the crowd with a leapfrog a second time, then tries a dropkick, but Nakazawa hangs onto the ropes so he drops to the canvas!

Quick thinking by Sho! That was a good move on his part!

And now Sho with a shoulder block! He knocks Butcher down and keeps going. 

Lil Nak runs the ropes, and Butcher lays flat as he keeps moving. When he comes back up, Butcher tries a quick clothesline, but Sho ducks and comes off the ropes with a big spinning wheel kick that knocks Butcher down! Sho kips up to his feet and claps his hands quickly as the crowd gives him a nice round of applause. 

Butcher not getting out of the blocks like he wants. And now Sho working those feet!

He measures up Butcher as the Texan rises, then fires off an alternating series of left and right kicks, stunning both legs before he leaps up and connects with a jumping spin kick this time! Sho then goes right for the cover. 



Right after two, Butcher kicks out. Sho staying on him though. Butcher gets whipped to the corner… 

Ouch! And he nails the shotei palm strike in the corner! Sho is looking good right now after than loss to Ned Reform a couple weeks ago. 

You mean DOCTOR Ned Reform. (rolling his eyes)

Sho throws Butcher out of the corner and the crowd reacts positively as the Japanese wrestler heads to the ring apron. He starts to climb to the top and then gets ready to take flight… but before he can, Butcher pulls off a surprising comeback with an inside springboard dropkick, knocking Sho off the ropes and onto the apron!

Oh, my goodness! Big counter by Butcher! And I think Sho might be hurt!

Sho Nakazawa rolls off the apron and hits the floor while Butcher tries to slap some sense back into himself following the kicks and strikes of Sho. When he gets back up, he grabs hold of the ropes and waits patiently for Sho to get back up. When he does, Butcher takes flight with a big slingshot corkscrew plancha to the floor that pops The Faithful!

That was an unfortunate landing by Sho, but a big opportunity for Butcher! 

It takes Butcher a second but he gets back up and then throws Sho underneath the top rope and back into the ring. Vic gets a quick round of cheers when he pumps a fist, and then heads into the ring. He waits and then leaps over the ropes with another slingshot corkscrew, right into a big splash on Nakazawa and makes the cover!



Nakazawa kicks out of that one, but Butcher has him on the ropes now. What’s he gonna try next?

Looks like it’s not taking Butcher long to figure it out!

Butcher grabs Li’l Nak and drops him with a slam in front of the turnbuckle and then gets ready. With the crowd cheering him on, Butcher makes another big move and then leaps off the middle ropes with a springboard moonsault! He covers Nakazawa again with a hook of the leg!



The Texan looks shocked at the outcome, but Sho keeps his focus and starts to sit up to create some distance. Butcher grabs the neck of Sho then takes him over with a snapmare before hitting a leaping dropkick right to the back of the head! Li’l Nak is hurt now when Butcher goes for a cravate hold and keeps the neck trapped. 

Great game here by Butcher! He’s taking his time and keeping the pressure on Sho. 

When Butcher had a previous run on the main roster, he was very impetuous and almost his own worst enemy. Maybe his recent tenure in BRAZEN did him some good. He formed a popular team with Levi Cole there for a few months, but now looking to make it on his own up here. 

The cravate is locked on, but the crowd cheers on Sho as he tries to fight his way out of the hold. He starts inching upwards, but Butcher lets go of the cravate to hit a forearm strike, then goes for a suplex. Before he can get it fully, he pulls up Sho and Sho brings down a knee in mid-air right to Butcher’s head!

Nice reversal of the suplex! Sho is good at the striking game, that’s for sure. 

Sho lands on his feet and Butcher tries a high kick, but Sho ducks and shoves him into the ropes. When he comes back, Sho catches him with a snap reverse STO to the mat. Butcher gets driven face-first and then Sho follows that up with a run off the ropes followed by a sliding dropkick to the side of the head! Li’l Nak is feeling it from The Faithful now. 

Sho has him, but he’s not going for a cover. He’s trying to catch Butcher. 

He grabs the groggy Texan and tries a whip, but Butcher reverses and sends Sho to the corner… big mistake, though as Sho runs up the ropes and then comes back with a corkscrew moonsault to the standing Butcher! He then goes for the cover!



Close one by Butcher! The Faithful really liking the action right now!

Indeed they are and I think Nakazawa is signalling for the end!

He picks up Butcher by his hawk and then measures him up for his finishing move. 

Are we going to see a Wheel of Dragon Fire? That running sunset flip powerbomb is a thing of beauty if it hits!

He tries, but Butcher throws him up… and ALMOST collides with Rex Knox! Sho barely gets his footing and Knox backs away. Sho bows out of respect and tries to apologize… then Butcher grabs Sho’s mask and TWISTS it around his head so he can’t see!

Wait… what the…? Did Butcher Victorious just CHEAT?!

What… why? He’s been a popular fixture known to these fans for the past five years! Why did he just do that!

The low blow goes undetected and Butcher falls to a knee so Rex isn’t clear on who did what! Nakazawa tries to fix his mask when Butcher leaps off the nearby middle rope and then DROPS him with a twisting springboard cutter! The crowd jeers, but Butcher doesn’t think anything of it when he hooks the legs. 





♫ “Hearts On Fire” by Ira Green ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… BUTCHER VICTORIOUS!

Butcher leaps off the body of Nakazawa and instead of letting the referee grab his arm, he runs to the outside and does a LAP around the ring, repeatedly screaming “A WINNER IS ME!” over and over again like a loon!

Is THAT what Butcher meant in the inset when he said he’d make changes?

He was known as one of BRAZEN’s brightest, but… this? This isn’t him! 

Butcher doesn’t care one iota about the protests of The Faithful. In fact, Butcher grabs the microphone from Darren Quimbey!

Butcher Victorious:

He throws the microphone and then goes racing up to the ramp while the crowd boos. 

I can’t believe this! Butcher Victorious wins his first match as a member of the roster… and as nice as I can say it, I think this boy straight cracked. 

I think so, t… HEY! HEY!

Butcher grabs the headset of Lance Warner and screams into it. 

Butcher Victorious:

He tosses Lance’s headset and then runs all the way to the back. 

Yeah… Butcher has cracked. 

Lance: [fumbling with headset]
...Good grief! Let’s go to a quick ad!


Fade in on an aerial shot of the Lakefront Arena, as fans are still in the process of filing in and taking their seats. The ring is prepped and ready for action, as tenured official Hector Navarro and ring announcer Darren Quimbey are standing by.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are mere minutes away from beginning our official broadcast of our monument Pay Per View event… DEFCON! But before we jump right in, we’ve got a last minute match taking place, exclusively for our loyal DEFIANCE-dot-com subscribers!

This match is so impromptu, I don’t even have any notes on who is participating.

It looks like we’re about to find out!

♫ “The Last Garrison” by Enter Shikari ♫

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Rancho Santa Margarita, California, weighing in at two-hundred-four pounds… “BANTAM” RYAN BATTS!

The lights in the arena flash rapidly in shades of red as out from the back, Ryan Batts out in his thigh-length trunks and a red version of the “Bantam” logo on the left side. Black knee pads and boots with dark red kick pads to round out his new attire as he waves a black and red rally towel overhead on his way to the ring. He throws it to the crowd and then heads to the ring at a rapid pace. He slides inside and then does a front flip to his feet to pop the crowd!

What a way to kick things off here with a man that has been exciting whether it be win, lose or draw. After he lost out at a shot to become the Favoured Saints Champion thanks to Arthur Pleasant, Batts has said he’s focused first on his Best of Five Series on UNCUT against one half of the Unified Tag Team Champions, Conor Fuse!

And we know match five will be coming up on a post-DEFCON edition of UNCUT, but for tonight, Batts is focused on a win to perhaps put himself in contention for either the Favoured Saints or Southern Heritage Championships!

Batts raises his hands and scans the massive crowd in the UNO Lakefront Arena as he waits for his opponent. 

♫ “Cause” by Human Impact ♫

The lights come down as the synth intro builds up the energy in the room. Flood lights and lasers in green and blue glide over the Lakefront Arena as a mist builds over the stage. 

Now who could this be?

As the music continues to build, the spotlight appears on a lone figure in a silver robe steps through the curtain and pauses briefly at the top of the ramp. The head raises up, and we get a glimpse of the face from under the hood…

Who is…?

Darren Quimbey:
And the opponent, hailing from Seattle, Washington, and weighing in at two-hundred and forty-four pounds… 

The song hits its main riff, and the robe is torn off and thrown aside as the figure starts down the ramp in a brisk powerwalk. The capacity crowd POPS LOUDLY as the reveal is made.

Oh my God… IT’S HIM!! HE’S BACK!!

Darren Quimbey:

What an unbelievable moment! DEFCON is barely yet underway, and we are seeing the monumental return of one of the most beloved DEFIANTs in all of the company’s years! “The Pacific Blitzkrieg” Kerry Kuroyama is BACK in DEFIANCE!

I guess he just couldn’t stay away for too long! There’s definitely something different about this Kerry Kuroyama… something in his eyes. Whatever he’s been doing these past few months since he’s been away, it definitely seems to have changed him.

Kuroyama wastes no time ascending the steps and situating himself in his corner, stretching his limbs out and adjusting the waist of his new silver-with-emerald-trim trunks. His gaze, with all the foreboding calm of a storm on the horizon, doesn’t leave Batts. Batts, for one, is happy that Kerry is back and even claps a bit with the crowd happy to see him. But tonight, both men are here for a victory above all else! 

There’s fierce determination in the eyes of Kerry Kuroyama tonight, and reasonably so. I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten that fateful losing streak that precipitated his departure.

And considering Ryan Batts gave him one of those losses, there’s no doubt he’s looking for some redemption. But by the same token, our resident Scrappy Young Wrestle-lad has consistently proven himself to be a formidable talent over the past few months.

Absolutely. Even with Kerry’s comeback, I don’t see “Bantam” Ryan Batts allowing himself to lose that hard-fought momentum without putting up a fight!

Referee Hector Navarro ensures both competitors are well and ready as they stare each other down from across the ring, and he promptly gives the cue to the timekeeper.


Both men go straight into a lock-up, and like lightning, Kerry puts Batts to the mat with an armdrag and twists it into a seated hammerlock. Ryan rolls to his knees and slips under the arm to reverse into a hammerlock of his own, before shooting for the leg.

Batts makes the takedown after the reversal and transitions around front… facelock on Kuroyama, but Kerry works back to his feet! Kerry has the waist now… going for the Northern Lights Suplex, but Batts sees it coming, flips through and lands on his feet!

I think we’re going to see a nice clinic between these two!

Batts tries to catch Kuroyama off guard by shooting low again, but Kerry pivots out of range. Both men take a moment to adjust themselves and switch sides of the ring, never taking their eyes off each other. The Faithful are buzzing with excitement.

Both men right back into the lockup… and Batts gets forced back into the corner as Kuroyama presses forward! Clean break made, but now Ryan only has a quarter of the ring to himself!

Batts already knows that Kerry has a strength and weight advantage, and it almost looks like Kuroyama has been gaining even more muscle mass during his time off.

Kerry has Batts trapped in the corner… he goes in low, but the Wrestle-lad uses the turnbuckle to his advantage and ROLLS OVER with the SUNSET FLIP!



Kickout by Kerry!

Kuroyama slips out under the ropes before Batts can capitalize and takes a few moments on the outside to recalibrate as he readjusts his gloves and shakes his head. He comes around the corner post and uses the steps to reenter the ring, Ryan giving him no trouble.

That pin attempt was clearly too close for comfort for Kerry. But he can’t let himself get spooked this early in the match.

Both men right back into the lock-up… Kerry slips around to behind, but Batts reverses by snaking his arm into the Kimura lock!

Batts is wisely going right after Kerry’s ability to lift him off the mat! Not to mention, targeting the arm worked well for him in their last encounter.

Kerry stays on his feet and immediately grits his teeth as tries to power his arm free from the hold. Batts tries to get him to the mat with a legsweep, but Kuroyama shifts his weight to avoid it and uses the free arm to reach around and grab Ryan by the elbow.

Kerry hooks Batts around the arms and breaks free! Now he’s got hooks from behind, lifting Batts up with a TIGER SUPLEX!

Batts bounces off the canvas and instinctively rolls onto his chest. Kerry chooses not to risk a pin attempt, allowing Batts to get back to his feet while he readies himself for the next lockup. The Faithful applaud the show in sportsmanship.

So far, these two have put on an evenly matched contest, and now that they’ve had a few minutes to test the waters and feel each other out, it will be interesting to see how they adjust their strategies as this fight continues!

Both men shooting into another lock-up… NO! Kerry breaks form with a boot to the gut to set Ryan Batts into position… looking for the DDT--but Batts hooks the LEG and takes Kerry down!

Kuroyama tries to hang on and wrangle Ryan Batts into a guillotine, but the slightly faster Wrestle-lad scissors the leg before Kerry can lock it in, slips out of the arm and works his way behind, finds his footing, and DEADLIFTS the unsuspecting Pacific Blitzkreig off the mat…

BIG ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEX from off the mat! And Batts keeps ahold as he lifts Kerry off the mat AGAIN! The fans are going WILD! BIG SECOND GERMAN SUPLEX!!

Batts is showing that even being the smaller contender, he still has the strength to play the suplex game with Kuroyama!

Kerry’s head and shoulders bounce off the canvas a second time, leaving him in a daze. Batts hurries over and hooks both legs.

That could be all Ryan Batts needs for the win, as he goes for the cover!



NO! Kerry Kuroyama kicks out and keeps his hopes alive! But Batts has something up his sleeve here as he traps the arm in his legs… could be looking for the ARMBAR here!

Kerry instinctively, sensing the submission, forces himself up and wrangles Batts into a fireman’s carry to flip him to the canvas. Kuroyama sits him up and hooks the arm while going for a chokehold, but struggles to get in the body scissor.

Kerry with a chance at a KATAHAJIME… but Ryan Batts kicks off the mat and ROLLS out of it! Both men to their feet as Batts has control of that same arm… and there’s the DOUBLE-KNEE ARMBREAKER!

Once again punishing that arm! Kerry may have come into this match with some newfound pep, but I think we can all feel the momentum shifting.

The crowd picks up in volume in Batts kips up to his feet and gets some distance. Kerry works his way up to his feet, holding his shoulder, but also looking out for his opponent…

Ryan Batts is in position to end it all now!

Kerry rises up… and here comes Batts, charging in with the BATTER UP!--no, KERRY DODGES!!

Kerry jukes to the side to avoid the headbutt, and Batts tumbles to the canvas. He quickly rallies to his feet but Kerry is upon him, taking an arm and pushing off the ropes. But Ryan puts on the breaks and entangles himself around Kuroyama’s arm, dragging him back to the mat. The crowd POPS!

FASTEST ARMBAR IN THE WEST!! Batts has the wrist held tight, and the leg scissors clamped perfectly around that shoulder! Kerry is TRAPPED right in the middle of the ring!

It could be all over for Kerry Kuroyama right here, but he’s fighting through the pain as best as he can! He’s not letting himself be beaten yet again!

Hang on, Kerry is working back up to his feet… lifts BATTS OFF THE MAT… and GOOD GOD, breaks the hold by driving him back into the canvas head-first!!

Kerry keeps his arm in place as he grabs Batts by the wrist and pulls the arm through the legs. Before he can react, Ryan is pump-handled upside down and dropped into an Emerald Flowsion…

And Kerry comes back with the KUROYAMA DRIVER!! He got ALL of it!

Been a while since we’ve seen that! Ryan Batts was just drilled into the canvas!

This could be it as Kuroyama hooks the leg for the cover!



THREE!! Kerry Kuroyama FINALLY gets a win!


The music hits and the fans pop as Kerry rolls over onto his knees and allows his arm to be raised in victory. His face shows relief, but no joy. After the adrenaline buzzes down, he turns his attention to the recovering Batts as he helps him up to a sitting position and gracefully clasps his hand, thanking him for the rematch.

Sweet victory at last for Kerry Kuroyama, putting some of his gains in strength to use here tonight to eke out a hard-fought victory over “Bantam” Ryan Batts!

Batts didn’t make it easy for him by any stretch. Even with this defeat, the Scrappy Young Wrestle-lad proved he’s still one of the greatest technical talents in DEFIANCE. I hardly see either of these men relegated to another dark match by the next Pay Per View event.

Couldn’t agree more, Lance! And if this is a taste of what’s to come in DEFCON, then we’re sure to be in for a magnificent evening of quality professional wrestling!


Ladies and gentlemen you do not want to miss DEFCON! Night One is coming to you in mere minutes! Tonight's card includes Dex Joy vs. Scrow for the Southern Heritage Championship, Oscar Burns and Scott Stevens teaming against ADV and Jack Mace, Rezin vs. Henry Keyes, Kendrix vs. Jay Harvey, Teresa Ames vs. Gage Blackwood, Elise Ares vs. Perfection and in the main event, Fuse Bros. One defend the UNIFIED Tag Team Championships against The Comments Section.

It's going to be a great show. Definitely worth the-

Wait, I'm being told of a match correction. Apparently, it's Teresa Ames WITH "Horror" Hector Harris, "Extra Butter" Gilbert Rogers, "Sticky Floors" Alan Goldstein, "Free Refills" Berry Chernobyl, Septimus Tyne, Ryan Knox, Al Sparks, Megan Kron, Starscream, Jonathan-Christopher Hall, Vickie Hall, Thomas Slaine and Kyle Shields vs. Gage Blackwood. [Kinda pissed off] Did I get all that correctly?

Who's relaying this nonsense to you?

I don't know. Someone named Jocelyne. I've never heard of this woman before.

I think that's Teresa's associate from elsewhere.

Well, either way, no clue how she got patched through our system but we'll have a hell of a show for you, regardless. Don't forget Night Two features Lindsay Troy vs. Cayle Murray -that is gonna BLOW the house down-, Rick Dickulous vs. Chris Richards, Stalker vs. Guardian, LaCroix vs. Pleasant, SNS, The Lucky sTevens and so much more.

Plus, the FIST of DEFIANCE on the line in a loser leaves match, Mikey Unlikely vs. Scott Douglas!

ENJOY DEFCON everyone!




Fuse Bros. One © vs. The Comments Section
*losing team cannot tag in DEFIANCE


Dex Joy © vs. Scrow

Tornado Tag
Oscar Burns & Scott Stevens vs. Better Future (Alvaro de Vargas & Jack Mace)
*if Burns/Stevens lose their contracts become property of Better Future

Elise Ares vs. Perfection

Kendrix vs. Jay Harvey

No Holds Barred
Henry Keyes vs. Rezin

Gage Blackwood vs. Teresa Ames w/ SOCIAL SUPPORT: Screen 7 ("Horror" Hector Harris, "Extra Butter" Gilbert Rogers, "Sticky Floors" Alan Goldstein & "Free Refills" Berry Chernobyl), DEFcepticons (Septimus Tyne, Ryan Knox, Al Sparks, Megan Kron & Starscream), The Hallmark Journey (Jonathan-Christopher & Vickie Hall), Thomas Slaine & Kyle Shields




Mikey Unlikely © vs. “Sub Pop” Scott Douglas


Matt LaCroix © vs. Arthur Pleasant

Cayle Murray vs. Lindsay Troy

Casket Match
Stalker vs. Codename: Guardian

8 Man Tag
SNS, Cortez & Minute vs. Lucky Sevens & Stevens Dynasty
*If SNS, Cortez and Minute win, they get five minutes alone with Tom Morrow and Sky High Titans name back. If Lucky Sevens and Stevens Dynasty win, Tom Morrow and Cary Stevens get the deed to Ballyhoo Brew

Empty Arena
Rick Dickulous vs. Chris Richards

Klein & Mushigihara vs. Jestal & Jack Mace

Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.