DEFIANCE TV 155 Night 1

23 Jun 2021

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


Text on the video broadcast reads “Earlier today. DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex parking lot, Wrestlers’ Entrance.”

Henry Keyes strides through the paved pathway towards the backstage door, lugging along an ancient-looking rolling leather case. He’s wearing what passes as streetwear for him, which includes a heavy navy-and-red knee-length leather coat and heavy goggles raised to his forehead. He pulls out a brass pocket watch to check the time. Satisfied, he puts it back in his pocket and resumes looking forward - abruptly stopping in his tracks, startled.

Henry Keyes:
I guess I should have seen this coming, huh.

Standing in front of him, Jack Mace and Alvaro de Vargas in matching black Better Future tracksuits. Keyes releases his grip on his baggage and removes the goggles from his head.

Henry Keyes:
I’ve seen you snakes circling Conor. You don’t know me well yet, so let me share something you need to understand...don’t go after my friends.

Alvaro snorts derisively. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Conor doesn’t want your help any more, pendejo. Eres una mosca que sigue revoloteando alrededor de su cabeza. Little fly buzzing around his head. 

Jack Mace:
Oi... time for you to get fuckin’ swatted, mate.

Keyes sees that he’s outnumbered by the two larger men, but that doesn’t stop him from throwing a headbutt into the face of Mace unexpectedly! ADV fires back and then jumps Keyes with a big knee to the gut! He starts pummeling him right after right to the gut and then Alvaro grins as he holds Henry up by his hair. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Time for you to go away now, pende…

He gets gut-checked with an unsuspecting uppercut from The Airship Pirate, then gets a big right across the face before he grabs Alvaro and tries to slam him through the nearby door… but then he gets grabbed from behind by Mace! Mace starts to choke out Henry Keyes quickly as a staggered (and now PISSED) Alvaro de Vargas puts a boot into his gut! Mace continues holding him in the Jack of All Holds as they drag him to a nearby production crate. Mace throws him into the grip of Alvaro… 


After the chokeslam connects, Keyes bounces off the crate and then crumbles to the ground nearby. Alvaro then nods as Mace holds Keyes in place… then he ROLLS the crate and SMACKS him with it! 

The Airship Pirate is left in a heap, writhing in pain with Mace and Alvaro standing over him. ADV and Mace both take their leave and silently bump fists in approval before taking their leave. 


Bright colorful lights roll across the arena as the Faithful go wild! The DEFtv opening video is playing on the DEFiatron. Many of the wrestlers we see on a daily basis as well as a few legends are shown before the music video comes to an end. The fireworks go off and the fans get even louder in the WrestlePlex as the red lights come to life on the cameras. 

Signs and excitement everywhere!




We’ve got a heck of a match to kick off tonight’s show! Two weeks ago, we saw Minute defend the Favoured Saints Championship against a very game Nathaniel Eye! And tonight, we kick off the show when Minute defends the title against the undefeated Ned Ref… sorry… DOCTOR Ned Reform. 

Reform has promised to lead DEFIANCE by example and scored a nice streak of wins on UNCUT, then made his proper DEFtv debut two weeks ago in an impactful manner… by injuring “Bantam” Ryan Batts before defeating him to earn this shot. 

We’ve seen… ugh… Dr. Reform take an interest in Nathaniel Eye as his protege, but when Eye turned him down cold, Reform has been obsessed with proving himself to be superior to the young blue chipper in every way. Reform does have the skills in between the ropes to get it done. Can he do what Eye could not two weeks ago and wrestle the Favoured Saints Title from Minute, or will the Titan of the Sky march towards Maximum DEFIANCE and Rezin? We’ll find out… now!

The camera moves to Darren Quimbey in the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall and it is for the DEFIANCE Favoured Saints Championship! 

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫

The crowd begins to boo as Ned Reform emerges from the back dressed for competition in his purple and white singlet. Reform is flanked by his gaggle of TAs. He pauses to turn his head to look around to the legions of jeering fans before smiling broadly and gesturing to TA Holyoke, his personal ring announcer.

TA Holyoke:
Introducing first…your SOON TO BE Favoured Saints Champion... from Litchfield, Connecticut and weighing in at 227 pounds… DOOOOCTOR NED REFROOOOOORM!

Reform throws up his arms and begins to make his way down to the ring with his posse in tow. He stops, gesturing for TA Holyoke’s mic. He makes a motion for his theme to cut out.

Ned Reform:
Children… on this night, as I prepare to make history with my first ever DEFIANCE championship, I offer you one piece of humble advice…

Reform pauses, letting his words sink in. The camera catches a young lady in the front row near him giving him the finger.

Ned Reform:
You see, tonight will go down as a turning point. The Reform movement begins today. Someday, when you’re telling your children about the dark, backwards place DEFIANCE used to be, this day will be universally agreed upon by wrestling historians as the dawning of a new age. I’m sure your first impulse is to take out your phone for photos or video of this momentous event. I understand that desire. But a word of warning: studies show that we actually remember events LESS when we view them through a screen.

Reform pauses, shaking his head up and down and really letting his words sink in. Among the Faithful, a small “RE - FORM - SUCKS” chant gets going, but Ned pays it no mind.

Ned Reform:
And so do yourself a favor. Watch this match the ol’ fashioned way. Take in every move with your senses. Feel the raw emotion as it happens. Live in the moment, children. And together, we will begin the hard work of redesigning DEFIANCE. Together, we can make a difference. Now… maestro! The music, please.

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫

When his music begins anew, Reform says goodbye to his faithful TAs and climbs up the ring ropes. He wipes his boots a few times before entering the ring. He stands dead center in the middle of the ring, pointing a single finger out toward the people. He turns in a circle, pointing to the entire area who are just ruthlessly booing him. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent…

♫ “Chase Me” by Danger Mouse feat. Run The Jewels and Big Boi ♫

And where the two spotlights meet, Minute raises a hand out, then takes in a nice applause from The Faithful as he holds up the Favoured Saints Championship! He’s now wearing a gold and diamond-themed t-shirt with the word “¡Mírame!” on the front!

Darren Quimbey:
...From Tijuana, weighing in at 164 pounds… he is representing Los Tres Titanes and is the reigning and defending Favoured Saints Champion… ”TITAN DE LOS CIELOS” MINUTE!

Minute fastens the championship around his waist, then DASHES toward the ring like a missile and slides into the ring with the quickness! He leaps to his feet and looks out to the crowd. Minute then approaches The Warrior Poet and holds up the title. Reform smirks as he notices no Uriel or Titaness tonight. 

Minute in the ring now! Uriel is going to be a late arrival for later tonight and Titaness will be in action against Lindsay Troy in just a little bit so she’s preparing for her own match. Minute goes it alone against Dr. Ned Reform and he knows he has a literal golden opportunity in front of him. 

Minute hands the title over to Hector Navarro and holds up two fingers to Reform, telling him he’s gunning for his second successful defense. Reform mouths “You’re one and done, young man!” The bell then rings. 


The two men lock up quickly and it’s Minute that gets taken off his feet first! The Good Doctor lifts him up and then drops him down with a rear waistlock takedown, then turns around into a front facelock to ground the luchador. He smirks and has the advantage for a moment. 

Early advantage by Reform… no, wait, look!

The Titan of the Sky starts to fight his way upwards, but The Warrior Poet doesn’t give him the chance to mount an offense when he gets clocked with a double knee lift. Minute goes down. 

Dr. Ned Reform:
I have successfully grounded this stunted human being, ladies and gentleman! Observe!

As he goes to try and pick up Minute by the hand, he pulls him upwards, but feels a sting in the form of a STIFF kick by Minute to his left leg! He fires back with two more harsh kicks and then grabs The Good Doctor’s hand.  He tries a whip, but the stronger challenger turns the tables and sends him into the ropes. Reform follows behind him, but as he runs, Minute does a tiger feint kick between the ropes to hit him in the stomach as he approaches!

And that’ll teach him to pontificate in the middle of a match. See? I know big words, too.

Reform is doubled over as Minute returns to the ring, then fires more kick to double him up. Reform instinctively heads to the ropes, but Minute runs and hits another tiger feint kick OVER the ropes this time, clocking him a second time! 

What innovative offense by the champion! Reform now heads to the corner for safety… but Minute charges towards the corner… Reform moves out of the way! 

He does, but Minute jumps and lands on the adjacent corner rope, then does a spin to the other side and then comes off with a big dropkick, taking The Warrior Poet off his feet! The Faithful cheer when Minute does a breakdance-type spin to get back to his feet, then charges and nails a big double knee strike to his chest in the corner! Minute then leaps over the ropes and then right back in using a springboard roundhouse kick to nail Reform! After he goes down, Minute leaps on top for the cover. 


First nearfall of the match, but Reform kicks out. 

Could you imagine if he won tonight? It’s not out of the realm of possibility, but we’d already never heard the end of it, nor would Nathaniel Eye. 

Minute goes to work, striking the challenger in the chest with a series of round kicks. He recoils from each shot and then peppers him with forearm shots. He tries to get going to the ropes again, but Reform grabs his waist and clubs him in the back before pulling him down to the mat by his mask! The crowd jeers as Reform lays near the buckles, trying to shake off the damage done. He then starts to climb out to the ring apron and heads… up top?

I don’t believe we’ve seen Reform try to go up top too often. What’s he got planned?

He goes up… but Minute springs back up and tries to catch him with the surprise springboard hurricanrana…

NO! Reform hangs on! That move led to Eye’s defeat two weeks ago! 

Reform SHOVES Minute back… but the little man stumbles his way back and backflips to his feet. But that’s all The Pedogogue of Pain needs to fly off the top with a HUGE missile dropkick, nailing Minute square in the chest! The crowd jeers as The Good Doctor gets up to his knees and taps the side of his head!

Minute got suckered in! Reform said he’d studied that match close and I believe it now… Reform with the cover!


Minute fights to get his shoulder up, but The Good Doctor stays on top of him and stands over the Favoured Saints Champion to boot him across the body. Minute tries to protect himself, but the challenger stays on him. He then picks him up by the side, only to drop Minute viciously over his knees with a backbreaker! 

Reform picking Minute apart now! Smart strategy by a man who likes to tout how much smarter he is than everyone in the room. 

While Minute is down, Reform gets some water from one of his trusted TA’s from ringside. He then goes back on the attack by drilling Minute with clubbing forearms, then hitting a big neckbreaker! Right into another cover. 


Minute kicks out a second time! But right now, Reform is looking good!

The Good Doctor gets annoyed with Hector’s count and then mutters something about his lack of a formal education. He goes to punish Minute further by pressing his knee into his back to choke him against the ropes. Hector gives him until a count of five and he milks almost every second before backing off a four and a half. Minute is left gagging and coughing for air while he stands over him, looking pretty proud of himself… then he tells Navarro how to count by slowly tapping to five on his palms. 

And here we go again. Doctor Ned Reform telling Navarro how to count. 

And wasting those precious seconds. 

He goes to grab Minute for perhaps a German suplex, but Minute tries to elbow his way out. Reform clocks him with another blow to the back then finally nails it!


Minute barely kicks out again, but Reform is now ready to end things. 

Minute kicked out again, but I think Reform’s got him!

This is his chance! He’s going for the Syllabuster! Remember, two weeks ago he beat Ryan Batts with this same move!

He boots Minute in the gut and then goes for the double underhook, then hoists Minute up… but he gets surprised by a hurricanrana in mid-move, sending him stumbling over! The Titan of the Skies gets cheered by The Faithful as Reform gets back up, then CLOCKS him with a desperation 540 kick to the head! The blow sends The Good Doctor stumbling to the outside!

What a counter! Minute did HIS homework, too! Can he take advantage here?

Minute’s taken a beating, but he’s not quitting!

The TJ Tornado takes a few moments to recover while a couple of the faithful TAs hover around Reform to check on his well-being as he’s staggered from the kick. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Minute goes all out, WIPING OUT both Reform and the TAs with the sasuke special!

GOODNESS GRACIOUS! What a move that was! 

He calls that move the same thing he told Rezin at the end of the show two weeks ago… Mírame!

The replays catch the cartwheel over the top rope into the corkscrew senton, wiping out the entourage at ringside to a huge pop from The Faithful! The Mírame connects! After the replays are done, Minute is back in the saddle while Reform tries to crawl away. The TJ Tornado throws him back inside the ring and then follows him in again. He measures him up with kicks, then tries another whip, but once again Reform reverses...but Minute comes back with a HUGE handspring enzuigiri, leveling the challenger!

Big handspring kick by Minute! What a shot!

And that’s not all as Minute gets up, then runs off to the top cable and springboards off with a huge springboard moonsault right into Reform!



The Philosopher King kicks out to the surprise of the crowd and of The Littlest Flippy-Doo!

That was a great series of moves, but Minute still unable to put the challenger away! Ned Reform is showing us something tonight!

Minute gets up and waits as the challenger stands. He leaps off the ropes again and tries an Interceptor, but he sees the Tornado DDT coming and has it scouted, throwing Minute off of him. The Favoured Saints Champion adjusts his footing, but Reform doubles him over with a boot, then ducks down and CRACKS Minute upside the jaw with The Thinking Man’s Uppercut! He taps his head… then hoists the champion up and NAILS the Syllabuster!


The Good Doctor holds on for dear life with the cover after scoring with the sitout double underhook powerbomb!


The Faithful collectively gasp as Minute BARELY kicks out with am arm off the mat, sending The Good Doctor into a fit of rage! 

I thought that was it! That’s how he beat Ryan Batts two weeks ago! 

Minute slumps over onto his stomach, but now the challenger still has a chance. He tries grabbing the arm of Minute… 

He’s trying for his submission finisher, Ad Hominum! He’s racked up wins with this move on UNCUT! If it’s fully locked in, it’s over!

He tries to scramble, but before he can fully lock it in, Minute runs up the nearby buckle and kicks backward! But he doesn’t fall for it and lets go of the hold to prevent Minute from sneaking a pinfall over him. He tries to scramble back up and then grabs Minute’s arm again, but The TJ Tornado grabs the other arm and leans back. Reform uses his strength to pull Minute up, but he flies up and over the challenger, flipping him over out of nowher and SPIKES him with a Canadian destroyer type move to the cheers of the crowd!


The Good Doctor is out of it as Minute hurriedly scrambles to the ropes. He heads up top and the crowd knows what’s coming next… he slowly makes his ascent and when he gets to the top… 


Minute is dizzy as hell, but has enough cognizance to lean back and hook the legs of Reform. 




He gets the pinfall and slumps over, spent as heck after the grueling match!

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… and STILL Favoured Saints Champion… MINUTE!

I can’t believe it! Minute busts out a rarely-seen flipping piledriver combination, Ataque Arero, out of nowhere! And with that, it’s two defense down, and two to go! And just one closer to defending against Rezin at Maximum DEFIANCE!

We can’t discount Ned Reform’s efforts at all tonight! He had the move scouted that Nathaniel Eye didn’t two weeks ago and had Minute off his game on a couple of occasions. He’ll definitely be one to watch!

The Good Doctor is coming around, albeit slowly, holding the back of his head, and wondering A) what hit him and B), where the hell is one of the TA’s with his water! Meanwhile on the ramp, Minute holds the title up for all to see. And somewhere, a very unhappy Rezin is no doubt stewing after Minute continues to show his skills in the air. 


Cut to backstage, where we find the Kabal VOIDguard REZIN and VICTOR VACIO standing nearby a monitor of the live feed. Rezin, with the bandages off his nose but now one plastered to his dome, has in his hands the metal briefcase entrusted to him by the Kabal higher-ups.

Goddambit, Vic, he DID IT AGAIN!! 

In the wake of watching yet another successful defense of the Favoured Saints Title by its champion, Minute, the Escape Artist angrily and spastically rambles around in the circles around the stoic and statue-like Vacio.

That makes TWO successful defenses!! How does he DO it?! How does a human being get himself to FLIP OVER like that!? How does he get that kind of HANGTIME?! I can’t figure it out, Vic… it’s causing my MIND to COLLAPSE… and that’s supposed to be MY SHTICK!!

Enraged, Rezin yeets the briefcase somewhere off camera, before suddenly remembering its high-dollar contents and scrambling after it. Wiping a browned banana peel off the corner of the briefcase, he returns to the frame with his lunacy deescalating into an embittered grumble.

I tell ya, this SUCKS, Vic! It should be ME in that ring, blazing up the skies and catching the eyes! And I was all cleared up to return to action until that big bald freak URIEL CORTEZ got involved! Now I gotta wait on this stupid concussion protocol… and for what?!

He snarls as he shakes the briefcase in hands.

This stupid briefcase, that the stupid lawyer lady keeps busting my balls over! This “Proving Grounds” bullshit has been nothing but a distraction, Vic! Why does Mr. Fear need to invest in “the future” of the Kabal when he’s got a couple regular nihilist badasses in US? Are we just disposable PAWNS in their grand scheme!?

Victor Vacio:
No lo sé. No me importa.

Yeah, I know, that’s what I’M saying! So let’s DO something about it, bro! Let’s remind them why they FEAR the dark! Just like that time I nearly caused the post office to shut down when I ordered a couple Anthrax records! They want control of the future? They want CHAOS?!

Rezin points determinedly to the monitor while gleaming his deranged grin to his void-masked comrade in the Kabal.

Then let’s slay us some TITANS, hermanooo!

Victor’s head tilts suggestively and Rezin cackles as we fade to black.


BRAZEN - Where the next generation CLASH!


What a match that we are going to have next. The former FIST, “Queen of the Ring” Lindsay Troy goes one on one with one of the many young stars on the rise and one that challenged her on UNCUT - Los Tres Titanes member… Titaness! Troy is looking to rebound from tough losses recently to Cayle Murray and Arthur Pleasant. 

From what we understand, Titaness has struck up a budding friendship with Lindsay Troy via her connection to a recent guest trainer we had in BRAZEN, Hall of Fame wrestler and Troy’s former tag partner, Sonny Silver. Titaness called her shot so we’ll see if she can make the most of it. 

Meanwhile, after some harsh words exchanged with Bronson Box and a chance encounter with Scrow, we’ll see if Lindsay Troy can get back on the winning track. So let’s go to Darren Quimbey for the intros. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first, representing Los Tres Titanes… from The Bronx, New York weighing in at 188 pounds… she is The Show of Force… TITANESS!

The lights go black. Then a set of words appears on the DEFTron in silver… 



The Faithful show love for one of the new kids on the block as a single violet spotlight shines on the new female powerhouse, flexing her arms, back to the stage. Wearing a purple top with silver trim, she turns to face the ring and pops The Faithful with a standing backflip on the ramp, sending a quick shower of violet and silver pyro on either side of the stage! The Faithful react well to the tall powerhouse before she heads to the ring. Once she gets there, she heads inside and then surveys the crowd as he gets ready for the biggest match of her young career.

♫ “Legendary” - 7kingZ ♫

Heavy guitars, drums, and claps blast through the Wrestle-Plex's speakers as the DEFIANCE Faithful jump to their feet with a roar. Cell phone screens and camera flashes light up the arena and pyro explodes from the stage like cannon fire.

♫ “Showtime!" ♫

Lindsay Troy throws the curtain aside and strides out to the stage, hyping the Faithful up amidst the pyro blasts. After a few moments, she marches down the ramp, a confident smirk on her face.


Darren Quimbey:
Making her way down the aisle, her opponent... from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 195 pounds …. she is ”THE QUEEN OF THE RING” and your "High Queen DEFIANT" .... LINDSAY TROY!

Spotlights follow the Queen’s path and, once she gets to the bottom of the ramp, she climbs the stairs and slips between the middle and top rope. Troy then ascends a turnbuckle to give the fans a photo op before leaping off and waiting for the match to start. Titaness waits in the corner and watches closely before both women meet in the center of the ring. 

Here we go. Lindsay Troy is an all-rounder and has a variety of influences including some striking, MMA influences, and high flying to name a few. Titaness from what we know is mostly straight ahead power, but she showed a great amateur game against Kyle Shields on UNCUT, too. 

We’ll see if that comes into play for sure. It’ll be power versus experience, that’s for sure. 


The High Queen DEFIANT and The Show of Force bump fists in a sign of respect, then LOCK UP. Troy takes the early advantage using her slight height advantage by keeping Titaness at bay with a headlock. She snaps Titaness over using a headlock takedown, but The Bronx native quickly uses her legs to wrap around Troy’s head. The High Queen DEFIANT kicks herself up to escape the grip, then rolls back to her feet. Titaness goes running and Troy ducks low, but Titaness pops the crowd a bit with a lucha roll before popping back to her own feet. She charges at Troy, who leaps over her with a leapfrog, but when she comes back… BAM! Titaness steamrolls Troy with a big shoulder block! 

You called it, Lance. It will be power versus experience and Titaness wins round one. 

She stands over Troy but doesn’t milk the reaction of the crowd. She stays low to the ground and then grabs The High Queen DEFIANT in a headlock while she’s grounded… then DEADLIFTS her up off the mat and crashes down with a vertical suplex, popping The Faithful! Titaness rolls over and tries to cover quickly with a lateral press. 


Troy kicks out quickly but Titaness now goes to work on Troy by grabbing her behind the waist and then slamming her down with a big takedown, then goes into a front facelock. 

And there’s the amateur background. Troy’s no slouch on the mat by any means, but I think she genuinely didn’t expect to be taken off her feet so easily by Titaness. 

Troy now has the chance to come back, though. She’s fighting her way out of the hold!

The Queen of the Ring fights back and elbows the side of Titaness to get her to relinquish her grip, then fights up before she switches around with a quick spin behind Titaness, then trips her up with a drop toe hold. Troy then grabs one leg over the other and then keeps her grounded in a cross leg lock. Troy tries to turn over into an STF but before she can fully lock in, Titaness quickly gets to the ropes, forcing a break!

Titaness had an early advantage, but Troy just wrestled it back from her! And… Wait…

The Faithful JEER when they see Scrow - of all people -- appear on stage. He tilts his head and simply stands, observing quietly. 

What exactly is Scrow doing out here…? And does this have anything to do with that envelope he left when she was speaking with Bronson Box?

Troy sees Scrow, but pays him no mind as she lets Titaness go. Troy then goes on the attack, nailing Titaness with a stiff knife-edge chop! She fires a few more and has her reeling against the ropes. The Show of Force is left reeling when Troy fires her across the ring. When the Los Tres Titaness member comes back, Troy doubles her over with a hard kick followed up with a big roaring elbow that rocks Titaness, sending her into the corner! Troy follows up with a big spinning heel kick while she’s there! 

Troy strikes her down with that roaring elbow followed by the big kick in the corner! Cover!


The shoulder of Titaness rises off the mat!

Great escape by Titaness, but Troy has her on the ropes now. 

Ignoring the appearance of Scrow, Troy decides to focus on her own match and smirks at the tenacity of her opponent. She sits Titaness up and then lays into her with a pair of hard kicks to the back! Titaness arches her back, but guts out the pain, almost daring Troy to kick her again. Troy shrugs and brings the fire by going for a penalty kick… but Titaness grabs the leg to block! Troy is caught off guard and tries to free herself, but Titaness nails a forearm smash to her knee! The High Queen DEFIANT is hurting but not as much as when Titaness shoves her into the ropes and then SNAPS her over with a big overhead belly to belly suplex on the return! 

And just like that, Titaness turns the tide in her favor! What a suplex!

Titaness picks up Troy from the mat and then Irish whips her into the corner, to follow up with a corner shoulder tackle to the gut! The blow rocks Troy and the second verse is worse than the first. She gets thrown to the other side and is hit with another corner shoulder tackle. She then picks Troy up over her shoulder and then runs out of the corner, dropping her with a waterwheel suplex! 

She scores with that impressive combination! Could this be it?


A solid two-count by Titaness, but she’s staying on Troy. What’s she got planned now?

The Faithful watch The Show of Force pummel Troy across the back with some hard forearms before trying to set her up for a back suplex this time. She tries to hoist the Lady of the Hour up, only for Troy to flip her way out and land behind her. Titaness turns around, only to catch a harsh sole kick from Troy across the ropes before she bounces off and comes back with a big rolling koppou kick upside the dome, sending Titaness down for the count!

Titaness tries to hold on to her lead, but Troy stays one step ahead! Titaness on the outside!

The Bronx native rolls to the floor but Troy decides that she’s not going to wait. She runs off the ropes and takes flight over the ropes, wiping out Titaness with a huge running corkscrew plancha to the outside! The Faithful roar in approval! 

The rolling kick followed by the corkscrew plancha works in Troy’s favor! Everyone here is loving this… all except for Scrow. 

He’s definitely still lurking at ringside!

Scrow still says nothing and does nothing other than watch the match unfold like everyone else. Troy fixes her gaze on Scrow, but when he doesn’t make a move, she goes back to throwing Titaness back inside the ring, then follows up with a big slingshot somersault leg drop! Then a cover!


Troy staying on Titaness now! She’s going after the leg!

Great strategy! That’ll take away her power base for sure on only one good leg. 

Troy picks up the leg and goes on the attack with some sharp kicks! Titaness gets hurt and things get worse when Troy goes after the leg with a big dragon screw, snapping the leg back down to the canvas! Titaness has the leg worked over now when The Queen of the Ring attacks and locks in a half crab. She keeps Titaness trapped for the moment and tries to slow down Los Tres Titanes’ young powerhouse. The crowd starts to rally behind Titaness when she tries clawing to the ropes. 

Can she get there again like she did earlier? Troy has attacked the leg a few times now and made it work for her. 

The Lady of the Hour hangs on, but Titaness guts it out then heads forward, using her power advantage over Troy to try and get there… and she ALMOST does…. But Troy drags her back and then slaps on a rolling knee bar instead!

Rolling knee bar! Troy switches it up! Titaness might have to tap if she can’t get out of this!

The Show of Force gets cheers from the crowd as she tries to fight her way free from the hold, but Troy has the hold clasped on almost completely! In a panic, Titaness grabs an ankle of Troy’s and then begins to twist it herself! Troy howls out when she manages to try an ankle lock of her own from the hold! Troy lets go of her hold to kick herself free from Titaness! 

Titaness maybe learning a thing or two using that amateur background of hers! She turned Troy’s hold into one of her own and got Troy to let go and save the leg!

Troy tries to fight back and tries a kick at Titaness, but she ducks and rolls her through with a schoolgirl pin… but then she rolls Troy back. When Troy rolls through, Titaness leaps forward and KNOCKS her down with a huge sliding clothesline! Both women are down now with The Lady of the Hour being knocked loopy and Titaness favoring her left knee. 

Great counter! Can Titaness follow up on this and score the biggest win of her young DEFIANCE career so far? 

The Faithful continue to cheer as both hard-hitting ladies start to make it back to their feet. It’s Titaness that surprisingly gets the first shot and cracks Troy with a hard forearm. The High Queen DEFIANT gets rattled, but comes back with one of her own. Titaness fires back, then Troy. And this goes on as the crowd continues to cheer!

They’re throwing some mean ones now!

They continue to exchange forearms until Troy switches up and then fires a hard kick to the knee of Titaness, then a big kick to her abdomen to double her over. She gets rocked until Titaness takes a page out of her stablemate/lifemate’s playbook and lands a HARD double cross chop that doubles her over! Troy reels from that shot, but comes back and nails a stiff enzuigiri to the side of Titaness’ head, rocking her even more. But when Troy lands on the mat, she doesn’t expect Titaness to come back and THROW her over with a snap German suplex! 


Titaness can’t follow up from the blows (as well as her knee) while Troy tries to stagger back to her feet using the ropes. Eventually Titaness gets back to the ropes and then launches Troy off, then comes back and takes her out of her boots with a huge spear! 

She nails Clash of the Titaness! Now where’s she going?

Knowing just that won’t finish her off, Titaness hobbles out to the ropes and then goes up to the top rope. Troy is down when she takes flight and nails a picture-perfect senton bomb, getting an already rabid crowd even louder!

Clash of the Titaness followed by the senton! That’s it!


No way! Titaness can’t believe it! She thought she had it! 

But Titaness isn’t done and tries to get the Queen back up. Scrow continues watching when Titaness gets Troy back on her feet and then tries for the Titanium Driver. She tries to get Troy up… but Troy picks at the hurt leg! She hits Titaness with a kick, then CRACKS her in the mouth with a nasty thrust kick! The blow rocks her and sends Titaness down to a knee, allowing Troy to NAIL the Queen’s Gambit!

Queen’s Gambit! Troy nails the Queen’s Gambit! That flying double knee strike connects!

Lindsay then goes right back to the leg and then locks in the rolling knee bar! She keeps Titaness grounded! She tries to fight out… and the crowd wants her to succeed… but after the punishment taken… she can’t… 


♫ “Legendary” - 7kingZ ♫

Here is your winner of the match by submission… ”THE QUEEN OF THE RING” LINDSAY TROY!”

Lindsay Troy lets go of the hold and goes to check on Titaness to make sure she’s okay. Scrow has apparently seen all that he wants to and then takes his leave, departing backstage. 

That was a hard-fought bout! There’s no doubt in my mind Titaness showed The Faithful something tonight in her first singles match on DEFtv. There’s no shame in tapping out to a wrestler many consider to be one of the best in the world. 

Indeed! It was power versus experience! Troy chipped away at the leg of Titaness throughout the match and in the end, she used that to her advantage and got the win! 

After Carla Ferrari raises the hand of Troy, she goes over to help Titaness up to her feet, then raises her own hand in a sign of respect. She whispers something to Titaness and she nods, then leans over the ropes to help get herself stable after the submission. 

Lindsay Troy showing respect to Titaness after this hard fought match. Well done. 

Troy then leaves and heads up the ramp to celebrate the win while Titaness takes a moment to collect herself. After Troy disappears behind the curtain, the Los Tres Titanes member brushes off help from a trainer at ringside and then starts to climb out when… 


Oh, no… first Scrow, now Rezin… what the hell is going on here?

I don’t know… Minute’s not out here because of his match and last we heard, Uriel was late getting to this show. Troy doesn’t have any idea what’s going on.  

Rezin appears from the crowd, mic in hand while The Faithful JEER the appearance of the Kabal member. 

Tough break, She-Hemoth… and if you’re seeing me out here, then you oughta realize by now, this night’s gonna get a whole lot tougher for you! Not that I got anything against you personally, but your buddy Minute has been stealing my thunder, and your hubby Uriel gave me this bump on the noggin’, so you've unwillingly been volunteered to be the recipient of this message from the Kabal...

Now alarmed, Titaness fights through the pain and works herself back up to her feet. Rezin’s sinister grin only widens.

We warned that colossal corporate caveman about what would happen if he chose to dip his greasy HANDS into our business... and what was it we said? When retribution comes, NONE of you... will see it coming… 

When she starts to get herself ready for a fight, the crowd jeers again when Victor Vacio slides into the ring and chop blocks the leg out from under her! 


Could that be why Scrow was out here? A Kabal set up? They picked their spot tonight! 

Did ya see THAT coming?! HA HAHA!! KABOOM, BISH!! Once again, the Kabal STRIKES from the shadows!!

Rezin drops the microphone and cackles before heading into the ring to join Vacio in a game of “Stomp the Unsuspecting Los Tres Titanes Member”! Titaness tries to protect herself, but the numbers game is too much. 

They picked their spots! These battles between The Kabal and Los Tres Titanes have escalated quickly since Rezin declared he was coming for Minute and the Favoured Saints Championship! 

Rezin grabs Titaness’ arm while Vacio reaches at ringside and gets his mallet. 

Oh, no… what the hell are they doing? Come on! 

Rezin cackles some more while Vacio has bad intentions with the mallet. He points it towards Titaness while Rezin holds her. She tries to fight out, but her leg is hurt. Soon as Vacio gets ready… 


Probably the fastest that he’s ever run since being seen in DEFIANCE, The Titan of Industry comes barreling down the ramp!

Lord, look at how fast he’s moving!

And LIndsay Troy right behind him!

Rezin sees both of them coming and decides quickly that discretion is likely the better part of valor right now. He yells at Vacio to “vamanos!” and leaves as Uriel heads to the ring first. Vacio has the mallet and heads towards Uriel…

Vacio not leaving! He swings… NO!

Uriel catches him and SHOVES him back! The Queen of the Ring goes to check on Titaness as The Titan of Industry steps into the ring only to catch a superkick to his own knee! Uriel falls to a knee and then Vacio brandishes the mallet. 

He’s got Uriel down… 

But as he swings… 


Uriel CHOPS Vacio with such a powerful shot to the chest, he almost does a flip over before hitting the mat!

My LORD! Vacio tried to mess with his girlfriend and tag team partner and Uriel saw enough!

If Victor Vacio had a soul, I’d say it got chopped out of his body! 

Vacio scurries out of the ring with Rezin’s help and the two of them take their leave while Uriel gets back up and kicks the mallet out of the ring! Minute finally rushes the ring as well and with the numbers not in their favor, Rezin and Vacio escape and head back into the crowd. Minute and Lindsay both check on Titaness while Uriel watches the two depart. 

Things ALMOST ended badly there for Titaness and Los Tres Titanes! Rezin and Vacio picked their spots, but Cortez, Minute and Lindsay Troy made the save!

Uriel helps Titaness to her feet and she nods that she’s okay before Uriel pulls her in close. Uriel and Minute thank Troy and watch the Kabal members scatter as the show heads elsewhere. 


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The DEFtv graphic appears, showing the next match-up, Conor Fuse & Henry Keyes vs. The Hallmark Journey

This should be good, for one of the teams anyway.

The Hallmark Journey are so annoying. You know my wife loves those movies, though.

They’re terrible.

Did we go heel with these comments?

Perhaps. [Changing course] It’ll be Conor Fuse’s first DEFtv action since the events of DEFCON. Henry Keyes, on the other hand, has been on a nice roll as of late. HOWEVER, at the top of the show we saw he was attacked by ADV and Jack Mace!

That’s right, Keebs. I’ve received word Keyes was taken to hospital for evaluation. I haven’t heard anything back since. That might mean he’s good to go?

To the ring and Darren Quimbey.

Darren Quimbey:
This match is a tag team match. Introducing first, Jonathan-Christopher and Vickie Hall… THE HALLMARK JOURNEY.

♫ “As Long as You Love Me” by The Backstreet Boys ♫

The couple are in an embrace as they walk down the rampway, gazing into each other’s eyes. Once inside the ring, they hold each other in the middle of the squared circle. Not allowing the couple to sidetrack him by their love antics THIS TIME, Quimbey powers through the next announcement.

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents, first… he is THE LOCKER ROOM LEADER… Conor Fuse!

♫ “King DeDeDe Remix Theme” from Kirby’s Dream Land ♫

Conor walks out, a complete change in energy than he’d normally show. Fuse literally walks to the ring but politely nods his head to the fans on both sides of the rampway.

I don’t like this Conor Fuse.

The guy lost the Tag Team Championships to arc nemesis Malak Garland AND lost being able to team with his brother FOREVER… AND saw his brother go to the “dark side”. That’s a lot to take it.

Oh, I am not saying the behaviour isn’t warranted. Put me in that situation, I’d likely be the same. Just not a fan, Keebler. Just not a fan.

Conor jumps onto the apron but enters the ring through the top and middle ropes. He looks over at The Hallmark’s who continue to hold one another tightly.

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:
My pebble, I need you in my life every single day.

Vickie blushes.

Vickie Hall:
Sweetheart, I need you, too.

JC sheds a tear. Actually.

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:
Honey, you are my spiritual animal.

Vickie nods but seems a little put off.

Vickie Hall:
What animal am I, baby?

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:
A majestical one.

Vickie Hall:
Aaaaawwwww baby.

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:

Vickie Hall:

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:

The camera cuts to Conor Fuse who looks like he’s going to throw up.

Conor Fuse: [mouthing the words]
And I thought I was annoying…

Conor looks at Quimbey with eyes BEGGING for him to get on with things.

Darren Quimbey:
[To Conor] Sorry. [To the crowd] And his teammate… HENRY KEYES!

♫ “Airship Pirate” by Abney Park ♫

It takes a moment…

But no one comes out.

The scene switches back to Conor Fuse who’s resting in his corner and then The Hall’s who are resting in each other’s arms. Still. They never intend to break it.

Darren Quimbey starts the announcement again.

Darren Quiembey:
And his partner… HENRY KEYES!

♫ “Airship Pirate” by Abney Park ♫

The theme song plays from the beginning.

But no one shows up.

I don’t think he’s in the building. How was this not communicated to anyone?

Well, I’m being told Conor Fuse JUST RIGHT NOW showed up at the WrestlePlex! This guy is normally here hours early with his “locker room leader” beliefs and all. Not tonight. So it’s clear he hasn’t been told what’s going on and I guess everyone’s wires are crossed backstage!

The theme song starts one more time until…

That’s not Keyes.

The Faithful boo loudly.

That’s Jack Mace!

Mace walks down the ramp to Henry’s theme song with an easy-going smile on his face. The camera switches to Conor who’s trying to make sense of everything. Mace slides into the ring, says something to Quimbey and pats him on the back. Darren nods and exits the ring as the theme song comes to a close and Mace strolls up to Conor. The Burly Brit also says something off-mic to the younger Fuse as the former tag champion gives a shrug and seemingly agrees.

I THINK Mace is going to take Henry Keyes’ place!

Conor has no idea what JACK MACE did to Henry Keyes...

Most definitely not.

Mace holds the tag rope and stands on the apron as Conor circles the ring but…

The Hallmark’s haven’t let go of each other. Benny Doyle rings the bell anyway.


Conor walks up to both of his opponents.

Jonathan-Christopher Hall: [gazing into his wife’s eyes]
We are going to be together forever. You’re my soulmate.

Vickie Hall:
Awwww I’m blushing.

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:
I know, baby. I’m blushing too. I am never letting go of you.

Conor is about ready to vomit. He wraps his arms around both of them as JC Hall looks over to Fuse.

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:
Oh, hello-

Conor with a German suplex to both Jonathan-Christopher and Vickie and this place ERUPTS!

JC lets go of Vickie as they both lay on the mat. Vickie glances at her husband with groggy eyes.

Vickie Hall:
Baby, you let go.

And Conor Fuse moves in with another German suplex on JC!

Meanwhile, Vickie rolls to her corner and the match is officially off.

Fuse starts stomping down on Jonathan-Christopher. He drags the lover to his feet as Conor bounces off the ropes and applies a twisting head scissors takedown into an elbow drop, a leg drop and then a standing moonsault for a pin.




Fuse keeps the pace going. He hip tosses Jonathan-Christopher at the center of the canvas and then bounces off the ropes again-


Mace just tagged the back of Fuse.

Mace turns to Conor, pats him on the shoulder and says he can take it from here. The younger Fuse shrugs and goes back to his apron. Jack comes charging in with a bulldozing shoulder block to Jonathan-Christopher. Hall FLIES into his corner and smacks his back against Vickie’s arm.

Benny Doyle:

But Vickie looks extremely reluctant to get in there.

Jack Mace:
Let me help you, dear.

Mace takes Vickie by the head and slings her over the top rope. Vickie crashes to the mat!

Mace follows this up with HEAVY forearm strikes to the side of Vickie’s temple, sending her for a loop all the way around the ring.

Mace packs a PUNCH let me tell you.

The crowd, who can’t stand The Hallmark’s to begin with, are starting to empathize with Vickie, if ever-so-slightly as she continues to be wallopped around the ring like a ragdoll!

GERMAN suplex! Double underhook powerbomb. Hard Irish whip to the corner!

I think Vickie hurt herself BADLY on that impact!

Vickie stumbles out of the corner as Mace turns to Conor with a smile, a wink and a nod.


And into The Jack of All Holds.

The triangle submission has her and Vickie’s passed out. That’s it; it’s over.


Darren Quimbey:
The winners of this match… CONOR FUSE AND JACK MACE!

Mace drops the hold but not before wrenching it back a few more times. He discards Vickie to the side of the ring like a bone from a piece of meat, as Jonathan-Christopher is still a mess on the side of the apron. Benny Doyle raises Mace’s hand as Jack invites Conor to get in there and join him. TEFP’s #9 nonchalantly walks in and allows his hand to be raised beside his fill-in partner.

Well, Mace certainly showed his ability and where he’s willing to go.

Look, Vickie IS a trained wrestler but she was well out of her elements there.

We’ll be back after this!



The Comments Section © vs. SNS

Dex Joy © vs. Matt LaCroix

Subscribe to DEFonDEMAND today to make sure you don't miss MAXIMUM DEFIANCE 2021!!


The scene switches to backstage as Conor Fuse walks out of Gorilla and towards the locker room area with Jack Mace beside him. The Ultimate Gamer looks at what was once one of his main rivals and gives a slight nod.

Conor Fuse:
Thank you.

Fuse speaks for the first time on television since the UNIFIED Tag Team Championship loss and subsequent split of The Fuse Bros.

Jack Mace:
Cheers, mate. Someone had to have your back and all after Henry No-Mates didn’t come out to help you. 

The younger Fuse takes a moment to let Mace’s words sink in. The look on Conor’s face conveys a sense of hurt that Keyes didn’t appear for their match and yet also a sense of disbelief Keyes would actually be the type of person to bail on a match.

Jack Mace:
I thought we worked pretty well out there, yeah? Wouldn’t that be fun to do on a more permanent basis? We could destroy whoever we wanted, mate. 

Fuse continues walking with Mace. Conor’s about to open his mouth but once they turn a corner, ADV is standing right in front of them.

Hola, Conor. Hey, amigo… Mace has a point. You should give some thought to this. Queremos una respuesta ... pronto.

Conor first looks to his right, where Jack Mace stands. Then he looks up at the big Cuban in front of him. Fuse takes a deep gulp but then surprisingly nods, as if de Vargas’ words have been understood. 

Conor Fuse: [speaking softly]
Tonight, you’ll have your answer.

Mace and ADV look at each other and then back at Conor.

Jack Mace:
Most certainly hope so, mate.

The scene fades as Conor looks a little uncomfortable.


Coming up next is some action of the tag team variety, featuring the number one contenders for the Unified Tag Team Titles, The Saturday Night Specials! 

SNS has been on a roll as of late, partner. Without a doubt they’re one of the hottest tag teams in DEFIANCE right now, and they’ve earned their chance at The Comments Section. That being said, Malak and the rest of The Comments Section are at the top of the tag team mountain for a reason. Not only are they great in the ring, Malak is also a master manipulator who has a knack for sucking the confidence right out of opponents before big matches by creating tension between them.

Malak’s mind games have been notoriously effective in helping The Comments Section achieve the success they have, it’s hard to deny that fact. And it didn’t take long for him to try and create some tension between SNS on the last DEFtv when he tried to get under Pat Cassidy’s skin by replaying the footage of the one and only match that took place between Cassidy and Newbludd. More specifically the ending of it that saw Brock pin Cassidy’s shoulders to the mat for a three count. 

If you ask me, it was a pretty weak attempt by Malak to try and divide SNS. But, like I said before, The Keyboard King is one of the best at getting inside an opponent’s head. My guess is he was simply testing the waters with SNS or maybe, just maybe, that is all he has on them. Brock and Pat are not only tag partners, they’re business partners too, and so far both of those endeavors have been paying big dividends for them. 

Indeed they have been, Lance. With the big showdown at MAXIMUM DEFIANCE on the horizon, SNS wanted to cement their status as number one contender’s even further by issuing an open challenge to the rest of the tag division. Two weeks ago we saw them defeat the first team to step up to the plate, Customer Support. Now, it’s time to see which team will be next to accept their challenge. Any predictions, Lance?

None. The tag division is as hot as it’s ever been and there are plenty of teams who’d like nothing more than to move up the ranks by beating SNS. Your guess is as good as mine, DDK.

Referee Brian Slater suddenly appears on the stage and makes his way down to the ring. 

Fair enough! Brian Slater is in the ring, which means it’s time for some tag team action. So, without further adieu, let’s send it down to Darren Quimbey!

Standing in the middle of the ring with his trusty microphone at the ready, the veteran ring announcer addresses the crowd.

Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team contest is set for one fall and is a special open challenge match!

♫ “Drink” by Alestorm ♫

The Faithful explode into cheers as the camera begins to pan over them in search of the two members of SNS. The crowd’s cheering suddenly swells and the camera locks onto “The Innovator” Brock Newbludd. Surrounded by The Faithful, Brock slaps as many hands and bumps as many fists as he can as he makes his way down towards the ring. 

Listen to this ovation! The Faithful are FULLY behind The Saturday Night Specials!

I told you, DDK. They have all the momentum in the world right now!

The people let out a second roar and the screen suddenly splits to show “Black Out” Pat Cassidy working his way through the crowd on the opposite side of the ring. Smiling wide, Cassidy shows that side of the Wrestle-Plex some love by slapping as many hands as he can as well. Both members of SNS reach the ringside barricade at almost the same exact time. The camera reverts back to a single shot as both members of SNS hop over the barricade and slide into the ring. Popping up to their feet, SNS meets in the middle of the ring to exchange a fist bump. Fixing his gaze on Quimbley, Cassidy motions for him to hand over the mic.

Pat Cassidy:

They hear him!

Pat Cassidy:
Our march to MAX DEF carries on… this right here is the SUMMER OF BALLYHOO! 

Another pop!

Pat Cassidy:
And what’s on tap for tonight? Well, to be honest… I have no friggin clue. Another team that we’ve never faced is about to march down that ramp. And then they’re gonna lose. And then we’re headed to Maximum DEFIANCE to become YOUR new Unified Tag Team Champions!

The people dig it!

Pat Cassidy:
And as always… I am “Black Out” Pat Cassidy! He is “The Innovator” Brock Newbludd! And we are…

The crowd chants along with Cassidy.

Pat Cassidy:








Jazzed up, Cassidy hands the mic over to Brock and plays for the crowd a little more as Newbludd prepares to speak.

Brock Newbludd:
You heard the man and you know the plan! The SNS Express has just pulled into the station and we’re ready to get this party started! But before we do, we got some business to take care of inside of this ring. It’s open challenge time, baby!

With the arena buzzing in excitement, Newbludd walks to the nearest corner and climbs up to the second rope to look out into the sea of people.

Brock Newbludd:
Whether it’s an open challenge or an open bar, SNS will be the last two dudes standing when it’s all said and done. Now tell me, New Orleans!  Are you guys ready to pound down some beers while your boys pound in some faces!?

The Faithfull cheer in response and their buzzing grows even louder as Brock slowly puts the mic back up to his lips.

Brock Newbludd:
C’mon, New Orleans! It’s time to kick this shit off! Let me hear you Ballyhoo!

The Faithful:

Jumping down off the turnbuckles, Brock joins Cassidy back in the middle of the ring and both men look to the stage. 

Brock Newbludd:
Let’s do this thing! Open challenge starts NOW! 

With that, Newbludd tosses the mic back to Quimbley as everyone turns their attention to the stage.

The Saturday Night Specials have extended an invitation to the rest of the tag team roster for the second straight week. Now, let’s see who’s going to take them up on their challenge!

A few seconds pass as the crowd anxiously murmurs. Suddenly a familiar theme song cuts through the silence, causing the crowd to stand up.

♫ “Heaven Is A Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle ♫

Belinda Carlisle can only mean one thing, and that’s The Midcard Experiment!

Of all the teams in the tag division, this is one that I didn’t have on my radar to take up SNS on their open challenge! 

The trio of Hijo del Fishman Deluxe, Walter Levy, and CAGE receive a warm reception from The Faithful as they make their way out onto the stage. Sporting their ring gear, Fishman and Levy head down the ramp with the street clothes clad CAGE right behind them. All three members of the experiment slap hands with eager fans as they continue down the ramp.

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents! Being accompanied by CAGE and weighing in at a combined weight of four-hundred and twenty pounds...HIJO del FISHMAN DELUXE and WALTER LEVY...THE MIDCARD EXPERIMENT!

Inside the ring, Brock and Pat each raise an eyebrow at the odd trio as they enter the ring. Cassidy shrugs his shoulders and offers a fist up to Newbludd who quickly does the same. One quick round of roshambo ensues with Cassidy scoring the win by crushing his partner’s scissors with a rock. Shaking his head and chuckling, Brock slaps his friend on the back and heads towards the corner. 

Talk about an opportunity to move up the ranks! If Fishman and Levy can score a win here they might have to change their name and maybe make people forget about what Dex Joy and Matt LaCroix did to them two weeks ago.

You never know, Lance. Upsets can and do happen. SNS might have their sights set on Maximum Defiance but they need to make sure to keep focused on the task at hand in this one.

Across the ring, The Midcard Experiment share a triple high five together and CAGE makes his way to the outside of the ring. Wanting to kick things off, Referee Slater orders Levy and Fishman to get ready which leads to Levy stepping through the ropes. 

Looks like it’ll be Cassidy and Fishman Deluxe starting things off here. Let’s see how Cassidy’s rough and tumble style matches up with the lucha heavyweight.

With the table set and The Faithful ready to see some action, Slater calls for the bell.


Exploding out of his corner, Fishman races towards Cassidy and hurls himself at his opponent to score with a crossbody! Hitting the mat with Cassidy trapped underneath him, the luchadore hooks a leg!

Look at this, Fishman Deluxe is going for the surprise pin!

Before Slater can even drop down for a cover, Cassidy kicks out with authority. Managing to snag a headlock, Fishman brings Cassidy up to a standing position. The masked man wrenches down on the headlock but Cassidy uses leverage to his advantage and pushes Fishman off of him, sending him into the ropes. Bouncing off the ropes, Fishman manages to avoid a clothesline by ducking low as he continues forward to the opposite side ropes. Leaping onto the second rope, Mr. Deluxe springboards back towards Cassidy…

Fishman looking to score with a springboard back elbow!

Having found his bearings early enough to see his opponent springboard back towards him, Cassidy does a simple sidestep, causing Fishman to fly right past him and crash land on the mat! Newbludd laughs loudly on the outside and shakes his head at the grinning Cassidy.

I think Fishman Deluxe may have gotten a bit ahead of himself there. It was a nicely done springboard elbow but he telegraphed it badly and here comes Cassidy.

Cassidy moves in and doubles Fishman over with a hard knee to the stomach just as the luchadore makes it back up to his feet. Grabbing an arm, Black Out lifts his opponent up and sends him back down to the mat with a Pumphandle Slam!

Cassidy with the pumphandle slam, driving Fishman into the mat! And he follows up with an elbow drop! 

Having dropped an elbow right into Fishman’s chest, Cassidy brings him back up to his feet and locks in a standing armbar. Maintaining control, Black Out maneuvers across the ring and sticks an arm out towards Brock, who accepts the tag.

Cassidy with the tag, and now Newbludd is the legal man. But he’s not stepping into the ring, he’s climbing up top!

With Cassidy still wrenching down on the armbar, Brock quickly scales to the top rope and leaps off to nail Fishman him in the shoulder with a double axe handle. The luchadore immediately clutches his aching shoulder and frantically back pedals away from his opponent’s corner. Charging ahead, Brock locks both arms around Fishman and pops his hips violently to send the luchadore flying across the ring courtesy of an Overhead Belly to Belly!

Newbludd hits one of his signature suplexes but he may have just given Fishman Deluxe a way out with the toss.

Having bounced hard off the mat, Fishman uses the sudden momentum to his advantage and painfully rolls to his corner. Now lying on his back, he reaches up towards Walter Levy’s outstretched hand and makes the tag!

And he took that out! Walter Levy’s in now, and he’s charging right in!

Using his exceptional speed to his advantage, Levy closes the gap between himself and Newbludd in the blink of an eye. Leaping into the air, the indyriffic spot monkey goes for a hurracarrana. Just like Cassidy did with Fishman, Brock uses his opponent’s eagerness against him and simply steps to one side, allowing Levy to soar right by him.

Missed opportunity by Levy! The Midcard Experiment's go for broke attitude has not been doing them any favors. 

Unable to adjust himself in mid air, Levy lands tailbone first on the mat and he instantly cries out in pain. Hopping up to his feet, Walter puts both hands up to his aching spine and awkwardly stumbles forward...right towards Pat Cassidy.

Levy’s walking like he just tied one on at Ballyhoo Brew!

Wincing in pain, Levy doesn’t realize his proximity to Cassidy. Not wanting to let a golden opportunity go to waste, the Scrapper from Southie rears back and clocks him with a STIFF forearm. The force of the blow rocks Levy and he spins around and drunkenly stumbles backwards and right into Newbludd, who picks him into the Electric Chair position! Keeping the woozy Walter up on his shoulders, Brock takes two steps towards his corner and gives Pat the tag. The crowd roars in surprise when Cassidy climbs to the top!

Whatever The Specials have planned, I don’t think Walter Levy is going to like the end result!

With Levy on his shoulders, Newbludd turns to face the ring and the moment he does, Cassidy leaps off!

Black Out soars and look at this...Diving Bulldog off the top rope! I think that’s gonna be it!

Having effectively smashed Levy’s face directly into the mat, Cassidy rolls him over and hooks a leg! Newbludd rolls out of the ring and watches eagerly as Slater hits the mat for the pin…



THRE---NO! Fishman Deluxe breaks up the pin with a desperation elbow drop!

Slater immediately orders the luchadore back to his corner as Cassidy staggers to his feet with one hand on the back of his head. Narrowing his eyes at the backpedaling Fishman, Cassidy bull rushes past Slater and PLANTS Fishman with THE IRISH GOODBYE! The Faithful erupt in cheers as the snap Reverse STO plants Fishman!

IRISH GOODBYE! Pat Cassidy just made Fishman Deluxe pay dearly for breaking up that pin attempt!

The Faithful’s cheering grows even louder when they spot Newbludd climbing up his corner’s turnbuckles. Cassidy spots his partner perched up on the top rope and quickly picks Fishman up off the mat. With Slater’s attention fixated on Cassidy and Fishman, Newbludd seizes the moment and leaps off the top rope.

Newbludd off the top! Big flying elbow to Levy! 

Having landed his signature elbow drop, Brock rolls to the apron and pulls himself up just as Cassidy sends Fishman crashing to the outside with a hard clothesline. Spinning on a heel, Pat points at Brock and the two members of SNS signal for The Keg Stand!

SNS and The Faithful: CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!

The Saturday Night Specials are calling for their patented spike piledriver! 

Both members of SNS quickly move into position. Newbludd races along the ring apron and once again climbs up top, while at the same time Cassidy yanks Levy off the mat. Picking Walter up into the piledriver position, Black Out gives The Innovator the green light and Brock jumps off the top rope!


They hit it! They hit the Keg Stand!

Cassidy hooks the leg!






And that’s all she wrote for The Midcard Experiment! The Saturday Night Specials win in dominant fashion! They looked primed and ready to take on the champs at Maximum Defiance, partner!

That they do, Lance. Though, I don’t think things will be as easy for them when they face off against The Comments Section.

Newbludd races over and helps his partner up to his feet. Referee Slater steps in between the two men and grabs each by an arm to raise them up to the cheering crowd.

Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen! The winners of this bout by way of pinfall...THE SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS!


Pat Cassidy and Brock Newbludd continue to celebrate their victory when…

♫ “Attention Attention” by Shinedown ♫

Oh boy! Here we go.

I hear Malak is gaining quite the Twitter follow…

Malak struts out on stage with a smug look on his face. Cyrus joins his side. Both men are wearing colored propeller hats for some reason or another.

Malak Garland:
Hey, cut the music! Check out the cool hat. Nifty, ain’t it?

Malak points to the hat as the propeller barely moves.

Malak Garland:
Picked these up at a pawn shop for a good price. Thought Cyrus and I would dress like the clowns Pat ‘n’ Brock are.


Malak Garland:
Listen, listen. Congratulations on yet another win, but it begs the question, why do you guys wrestle so much? Like, really? Cyrus and I haven’t fought as a team since we won my belts back from those basement dwelling losers.




Malak Garland:
I digress. SNS, you think racking up these wins means something? You realize Cyrus and I are undefeated as a team on pay-per-view. If that isn’t enough to convince you to quit, then have a look at this.

On the DEFtron, footage from the eight man tag (SNS, Minute, & Uriel Cortez vs. The Lucky Stevens) at DEFCON 2021 plays:

Brock Newbludd is shot off the ropes by Bo Stevens. Pat Cassidy, on the apron, blind tags his partner’s back. We then cut to the end of the match to see Cassidy scoring the winning pinfall.

The footage cuts back to Malak on the stage with an open mouth, looking utterly surprised.

Malak Garland:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Did you see that? Did the Faithful see that? Pat, you blind tagged into the ring. That shows you don’t trust your partner. Cyrus and I have never done that. Never ever in a million years!

Is Malak nine years old with the way he talks?

Malak Garland:
Brock, I have a super important question for you.

Malak lazily swats at his hat propeller with his free hand as he talks because he needs something to fidget with.

Malak Garland:
How does it feel to have a partner that hogs all the glory? I mean, you were doing just fine in that match. There was no reason for Pat to make himself the legal wrestler. Except.

His swatting at the propeller gains fervor.

Malak Garland:
Except to steal the win.

Cyrus points to the side of his head indicating how smart he thinks Malak is. In the ring, The Saturday Night Specials appear to consider Malak’s comments. Brock scratches his chin and glances at Cassidy a little suspiciously. Cassidy holds up both hands in a “hey wait a minute” motion, seeming to profess his innocence. Brock looks to the fans, asking what they think… before motioning for a mic.

Brock Newbludd:
Hey bud… you know, it sure as shit pains me to say this… but ol’ Malak might have a point here. Sure looks like I had that match in hand… and you kinda butted in a bit there, didn’t ya? 

Pat motions for the mic.

Pat Cassidy:
Dude. You know how it goes in the heat of the moment. All instinct in there. What do you want me to say? All that matters is WE won, right?

Brock takes the mic back. Paces for a moment. On the stage, Malak seems to be nearly bursting with giddiness at his plan seeming to work.

Brock Newbludd:
Yeah. We won. Cause you’re all about the team, right?

Cassidy suddenly appears to grow angry. He gets right up in his partner’s face.

Pat Cassidy:
You got something to say to me, kid? Then say it.

Malak Garland: [off mic]

Brock Newbludd:
I do. But I think those guys can say it better…Brock points out into the audience, where a large line of frat-looking guys are standing and all wearing SNS t-shirts. One by one, they lift their shirts, and on their bellies are a single letter. Standing in a row, the line of letters spells out…

F.U.C.K         O.F.F       M.A.L.A.K

The crowd POPS as the camera focuses on the phrase. A quick cut of the camera shows Malak’s facial expression quickly deteriorate into tears. He has no choice but to plunge his red face into the safety of Cyrus’ pectorals. Cassidy and Brock break out into a sudden fit of laughter and high-five each other. They’ve pulled the rug out from under Malak again!

Brock Newbludd:
Malak… we thought we told you once. Take your stupid mindgames and shove em. You’re not coming between this band of brothers… and in a few short weeks, we’re coming for your belts. BALLYHOOOOOOOOO…

The Crowd:

♫ “Drink” by Alestorm ♫

With their theme kicking in, The Saturday Night Specials jump up to different turnbuckles to play to the crowd.

For two weeks in a row, Malak has done his damnedest to drive some sort of wedge between Newbludd and Cassidy. Both times The Specials have told Malak what they think about that in two simple words. What do you make of that, Lance?

It’s simple, partner. Look at the two men in the ring and then look at the crowd. SNS has The Faithful fully behind them and they are looking absolutely electric right now. I think Malak better start worrying about the big match at MAXIMUM DEFIANCE and maybe ditch his current plan to the wayside. I don’t believe there is anything Malak could possibly do to create tension or distrust between Brock and Pat. They just have too much momentum behind them, and in this sport, momentum is everything.

Cyrus embraces Malak with his arms and shoves the cameraperson closest to them away before the broadcast transitions to elsewhere.


Catch DEFIANCE Live in your town!


The wars that have been going on between The Better Future Talent Agency and the Pop Culture Phenoms took a dark turn two weeks ago! It was Jestal and Elise Ares one on one and Elise won via disqualification … but the real story happened after the match. 

It did! It was Flex Kruger trying to save another PCP member but ended up getting a fireball to the face courtesy of Alvaro de Vargas. That’s why right now we are about to get to our six person tag team match. The Lucky Sevens teaming with Jestal to take on Elise Ares, the D and Klein of the Pop Culture Phenoms. That match is coming up … NOW!!!

Booing fills the arena when Alvaro de Vargas steps out onto the stage, wearing a very… well, flamboyant suit for the evening. A black business suit decked out… in yellow and orange flames. And it gets JEERS from the crowd. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Ladies, gentlemen y pendejos… We’ve been telling you since DEFCON that Better Future Talent Agency is not done! Not by a long shot! Te lo dijimos pero no escuchaste! You didn’t listen… but after what I did to Flex Kruger… 

He pretends to light up a fireball and the Faithful’s reaction gets even more… bad pun incoming… heated. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
He got too close to El Sol Dorado and… WHOOOPH! And tonight, the same thing will happen to the rest of these little pendejos from the Pop Culture Phenoms! Introducing! Los gemelos más grandes de la lucha libre profesional hoy! And their lovely lady… OUR lovely lady! Ophelia Sykes! Welcome Big Money Max y Big Money Mason… THE LUCKY SEVENS!

♫ “Money” by Of Mice and Men ♫

7 7 7

The lights come back on and the twins put up “The Winning Hand” while wearing solid green capes! Now both twins have goatees to show that they have indeed turned to the dark. Max and Mason bump fists with Alvaro. Right behind them Ophelia Sykes walks out dressed in a Vegas showgirl outfit to match them. She puts up the Winning Hand gesture as well and now they have arrived in full effect. 

♫ Return of the Mad Prince - {Kefka Symphonic Metal Version - Falkkone} ♫ 

The jester steps out from behind the curtain. He has black boots. His kikwear pants on one side has a puzzle design of him, the other is just black. He has a lime green wife beater, and finally his face paint is different. In a jigsaw puzzle look, half of his face is painted in the shape of a puzzle piece. With the side of his face in face paint he has a red half smile, with red face paint around his eyes. The bottom of his nose is painted red. His blue and light green mohawk pulls back behind his head. He smacks on his gum. He walks in between Mason and Max like walking into a mythology movie and Mason and Max playing the roles of Titan and Hyperion. He follows the lovely Ophelia to the ring with the rest of BFA. 

♫”Live for the Night” by Krewella♫

The spotlights circle before falling to the entranceway. Elise Ares stands, her silhouette now with half a shave and covered by plastic, medically braced from the wrench shot by Cayle Murray in the PCP’s war against 24k. Just over her shoulder, the Box Man, his ribs still a bit bruised and wrapped from his battle with Jestal. The D parts the two, gently touching Klein’s wound before reaching up to stroke Elise’s mask covered chin. He looks to Elise’s other side, where Flex, and O, used to stand. The D ¾ turns toward the camera, a grimace and flared nostril.

The D:
Let’s go to work.

Without another word, PCP storm to the ring, Elise Ares leading the charge. Once they reach ringside, The D holds Elise’s hand as she climbs the ring steps. Klein hops onto the ring apron, grabbing the top rope. The D climbs the turnbuckle, and throws his FIST into the air.

The Pop Culture Phenoms are down one Flex Kruger We were told by DEFIANCE’s medical team that Flex suffered second degree burns amidst other injuries.

They threatened his eye sight Darren. They tried to blind a man… 

The D shakes his head and hops off the apron, as he turns to Elise and converses on the apron. In the ring, Klein rolls his shoulders and stands sturdy, looking to Max and Mason who relent to the Mad Clown.


Jestal laughs at PCP and makes a big explosion with his hands and asks how Flex is doing! The crowd is booing them with The Lucky Sevens laughing in their corner. The D locks eyes with ADV on the outside, who raises three fingers at him and then looks around the ring at the Better Future surrounding them.

… and they’re laughing about it. That clown is laughing about it.

Jestal taunting Klein. This is despicable. 

Klein circles up with the Mad Prince of DEFIANCE Wrestling … but the crowd cheers as Elise Ares takes a tactic right out of the Better Future playbook. Elise grabs Jestal when he gets a bit too close to PCP's corner by his hair and yanks him back first into the mat. She quickly enters the ring as official Hector Navarro tries to regain control. Klein turns and charges, catching Max Luck with a running spear to the stomach to knock him off of the apron! Ares is stomping and punting kicks into Jestal, while he just keeps laughing!

Jestal tried to laugh at what happened to Flex! They just cheap shotted Jestal, but it couldn’t have happened to a nicer clown!

And there goes The D! He jumps off of Klein’s back with a drop kick and knocks Mason off of the apron as well! 

Both of the Lucky Sevens stand on the floor hurt while Elise Ares and The D both nod. They run across to opposite corners and hit stereo springboard moonsaults to the outside that wipe out both of the twin giants! 


The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful have lost their minds and Alvaro de Vargas is going out of his right now! He yells at the official that they’re cheating as the D turns to him. The D makes a hand motion of rolling dice and then flips ADV off a middle finger. ADV begs the D to come at him, as Elise grabs him by the elbow and takes the D to their corner.

Meanwhile, Hector’s regained his sense of order in the ring, as the legal men, Jestal and Klein only remain. As Jestal gets to his feet, Klein takes him right back down with a big clothesline.

Jestal tries to roll to his corner but Klein quickly rushes and grabs him, dragging him over to a neutral corner. Jestal tries to fight back, but Klein swats his blow away and lights him up with a knife edge chop. And another. 

Klein is not going to let Jestal get away! BFTA are finally going to answer for everything they have done to the PCP’s for the last couple of weeks! 

Not everyone gets to strike their almost brother-in-law in a legal manner Lance, and Klein is going to take advantage!

Opehlia Sykes and Alvaro de Vargas are both shocked at the PCP’s taking the lead so early in the match. Klein gives Jestal just a moment of separation, so the Clown tries to charge to his own corner, only for Klein to lift him in a perfect powerslam. Klein holds on, standing to his feet, and then presses him onto his shoulders. With a wince, Klein gets Jestal up over his head in a gorilla press.

Darren, that is a man with bruised ribs holding a two hundred and sixty pound man above his head like a surfboard.

He’s going to make Jestal suffer! You’ve got to wonder if Dandy is at home watching this!

Ophelia checks on the Lucky Sevens, as their pride seems more hurt than they are. In the PCP’s corner, Elise and the D are discussing strategy as they’ve pretty much come to the conclusion of “Let Stupid Strong Box Man Kill Them.” Klein throws Jestal into a one handed snake eyes on the turnbuckle in their corner, disrupting their conversation! Klein makes a tag to The D. The Netflix A Lister gets inside and then he stomps at the chest of Jestal as he is stuck in the corner. He holds his hand out and then tags in Elise Ares. She adjusts her face mask and then lays into stomps of her own. She keeps booting Jestal as long as the official makes his count. Elise then tags to Klein and offers him a turn. 

This is THE BLACKLIST! And they are stomping the life out of Jestal!

Klein hesitates for a second. He’s never gotten to blacklist before. The excitement builds in the tension of his muscle. Jestal looks up at him for a moment, shakes his head no.

And then gets the ever loving makeup stomped off of him.

Retribution! Swift and severe! 

Jestal is certainly being picked apart here in the early stages by PCP… but he still has that dumb grin on his face.

Klein continues the stomps before Navarro starts his count. He gets to four, before the D tags himself in, worried about being disqualified. Klein keeps stomping for a moment as the D gets his attention. 

I would say that all of BFTA are all on their BLACKLIST! The D gets a warning from the official!

Looks like they have something in mind!

Klein smiles, picks up the D onto his shoulders in a belly to back suplex like pose. Klein takes a few steps toward the center of the ring, and charges, tossing the D so his cannonball dropkicks Jestal in the base of the corner to wild cheers from the Faithful. He even manages to reach out and tag Elise as he strikes.

What a trio maneuver from the PCP. Klein and the D used to a move like that back in the day!

Elise Ares rushes into the ring and gains momentum off the far side. The D baseball slides out of the ring behind Jestal, holding him in place so Elise slams into him with a pair of knees to the head!

The PCP’s are one of if not the best tag teams in DEFIANCE Wrestling history! Cutting off the ring and picking apart Jestal is the best way to do it! 

One way to beat Better Future… stack the odds on your side. If you can make this into a 3 on 1 handicap match, that’s how you survive. It’s when it becomes 5 on 3 you have a problem.

Elise pulls Jestal out from the PCP’s corner and dives on top for the cover, hooking the leg.

One …
Two …

When Jestal tries to get back up from the kick out Elise slams a big kick to the head. The tag goes to The D helps out. Elise puts her foot in The D’s hand and he helps her with a backflip that she turns into a big standing corkscrew senton across Jestal’s chest! The Mad Prince is hurt but things get even worse with The D hitting the Contractual Obligation!

One …
Two …

There’s another kick out by Jestal! But The D doesn’t let Jestal get away. 

The D gets more physical than usual when he just knife edge chops and elbows Jestal in the corner and hits D in your Face! The stinger splash has Jestal stumbling forward and then crashes with a face plant that sends DEFIANCE Wrestling’s Faithful into a cheering frenzy!

They are taking him apart! Jestal deserves all of this. All of BFTA do for what they did to Flex!

The D grabs Jestal’s mohawk and then musses it up, then chops his chest again. The D runs off the ropes away from any of the BFTA members, trying to gain momentum, but Ophelia Sykes hops onto the apron and stops him in his tracks. The D tilts his head to her.

Ophelia Sykes:
You see those two men over there? Those are real men!

The D shakes his head and makes the motion with his hands to question the size of their manhood, which could also be him doing the bit from Kids in the Hall where he squishes people due to perspective.

The D:
C’mon. They’re not even tige-

Max Luck yells back at him, but the distraction is all that Jestal needs to try a roll-up!

One …
Two …

The D kicks out but Jestal rolls as quickly away as he can and then tags Max Luck! The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful start to boo loudly when he steps over the ropes. 

The D didn’t take the bait, but Jestal got out and now Max is in. 

Max looks down at The D and laughs. 

Max Luck:
Take your best shot Micro D!

The D takes his best shot by kicking at Max’s legs and then a drop kick! Big Money Max stumbles on his leg and then The D hits from the ropes to deliver an inside springboard drop kick to Max’s chest. 

The D has to move quick! He’s hitting him any way he can but Max isn’t going off his feet again!

The Netflix A-Lister rushes again with a drop kick but this time not only does Max swat him away but he counters with a leaping Box Cars elbow drop to his ribs! The DEFIANCE Wrestling faithful gasp as Max sits around and laughs. The D coughs and sputters like a plane whose engine is failing.

What a brutal move! Max just turned the tide in one big move. That’s all the Lucky Sevens need and that’s what makes them so dangerous. 

So very true. Max makes the tag to Mason Luck. 

Jestal is recovering from his beatdowns in their corner and he’s happy to watch the twins do the grunt work. Max tags Mason and they both take The D off the ground with a double suplex hold. They hold him there for a few seconds then he throws him across the ring with the Coin Toss!

Coin Toss by Big Money Max and Big Money Mason! That was a great move! 

And such a deadly signature move too. Look at Mason. 

He goes for a pin but only using one foot on The D’s chest. 

One …

That is all he gets when The D’s shoulder comes off the canvas. Mason doesn’t take it too seriously because he picks up The D and then heads back to the corner. They punish the Netflix A-Lister using a scoop slam from Mason. Max tags in and then he has The D on a shoulder. The D tries to escape but Max drops him with another slam. Mason gets a tag and he steps back inside. 

Quick tags. That’s what makes the Lucky Sevens so dangerous. Not just their size but their tag team abilities as well. They know how to strike. 

Mason points at Ophelia and winks with The D being carried in his arms. The stronger half of the twins does a few bicep curls with the Netflix A-Lister in his arms. He walks to the corner of the PCP’s. 

Mason Luck:
Come get your friend … come on! Tag!

Elise and Klein are forced to watch him get dropped across the ring with the Deck Cutter!

So arrogant! The yokosuka cutter is called the Deck Cutter and he just planted him with it!

Ophelia laughs like a giddy school girl watching her ex get thrown around the ring like yesterday’s trash. Elise wants in the ring but she can’t get to her partner. Klein and her watch Mason tag Jestal who comes in and taunts him with light slaps to the back of his head then works on the arm of The D. He puts the arm on the ropes and then hits a seated senton off the ropes to the arm. 

We can’t forget that despite Jestal’s size, he knows his submissions like the back of his hand. 

And he has that arm in mind. 

The double knee breaker to the arm leaves him in a vulnerable spot. Then Jestal puts his boot and then stomps the arm over and over again. The D is hurt in a bad way and it becomes even more painful when Jestal applies a seated fujiwara arm bar!

And this is vicious! Jestal has a weight advantage over The D so shaking him off this submission will not be easy!

And we could see a tap out!

“P-C-P!!! P-C-P!!!  P-C-P!! P-C-P!!! P-C-P!!!”

Listen to this crowd! They are getting behind the Netflix A-Lister here!

I thought you were going to say they were getting behind The D and … ahh I see why you didn’t say it that way now. 

The D is close to the ropes, but before he can get there Jestal rolls the other way and then tries to flip him over to a cross armbar. The Mad Prince tries the cover but he gets rolled up … 

One …
Two …

Jestal has to let go but he gets hit With Everything … the spinning wheel kick to the face! 

With Everything! If The D is going to get out of the ring, then I think this might be it!

The D gets close to his corner, but Jestal grabs his boot. The D is hopping on one foot, and then. Slips completely out of his boot, diving toward the corner and tagging in Elise to wild cheers!

Jestal takes a moment to look at the boot in his hand before Elise comes in with kicks galore to the thighs, then the midsection, and then a Superkick that sends the D’s boot flying. Then a pele kick lays him flat on his back. He is left dazed after the kicks but Elise brings the pain. She takes the head and neck and then runs and jumps over the ropes hitting the Cuban Necktie!

Jestal getting rocked from all other directions by Elise Ares! She is a house of fire right now!

She really is! She is hitting Jestal however she can. 

She goes up to the top rope and then hits an awe-inspiring shooting star press off the top rope and lands right on Jestal! 

One …
Two …

Jestal does not kick out but Mason Luck comes in and he grabs the leg of Elise before throwing her off of them. Luck tries to use the surprise to his advantage, but Klein gets into the ring and then he runs into him using a big spear! Klein hits the move with a lot of force and he punches away at Mason to get him back out of the ring! 

Things are once again breaking down! Every time these two groups have been fighting one another it has just been pure bedlam, mayhem and everything else in my thesaurus!

Elise doesn’t let Jestal get away but she sees Klein back to the corner because he wants payback on Jestal! ADV and Ophelia both protest but Klein gets the tag! He goes inside and then Elise pushes Jestal into his grip …. 

Klein wants the win and wants revenge for Flex! He hits the Flex-Plex on Jestal! He just bounced! That full nelson suplex is it!

Klein goes for the cover on Jestal with Elise trying to stop Max Luck by drop kicking his knee out from under him. 

One …
Two ...

But when that three never comes, it is because Jestal’s foot is on the ropes thanks to Alvaro de Vargas! 

Come on with this! Once again the numbers have favored BFTA! 

Klein sees that smirk of Alvaro and then runs over to boot him in the head through the ropes! The Faithful pop huge … but it all goes awry and becomes jeers with the appearance of Ophelia behind the official’s back. Before Klein can react, Ophelia takes the D’s errant boot and low blows Klein!

The D tries to stop her but he gets pulled from the apron by Mason Luck, face planting on the corner of the ring! 

Jestal rolls up Klein as Hector finishes checking on Alvaro. He slides in for the pin.

One …
Two …


Jestal stumbles out of the ring, and falls into the arms of the Sevens, then with a laugh quickly followed by holding his ribs.

Darren Quimbey:
The winners of this match… BETTER FUTURE!

However, before any theme can play on the speakers, ADV slides into the ring and decapitates Klein with a clothesline from hell! The music cuts as the jeers follow. Jack Mace follows suit, booming down the ramp and bulldozing The D with an exploding shoulder block! And while this transpires, O-Face pulls Ares out of the ring and throws her back-first into the guardrail! 

Uncalled for!


Jack Mace lifts The D up and tosses him into the ring. Max and Mason lift The D up and annihilate him with a powerbomb.

The numbers game is-

♫ “King DeDeDe Remix Theme” from Kirby’s Dream Land ♫


The upbeat and well known Kirby’s Dreamland theme song plays as Conor Fuse comes BLISTERING out from behind the curtain. ADV looks over to Mace, both with a mild sense of worry as they await The Ultimate Gamer. Fuse slides into the ring and immediately rolls through a Jack Mace arm tackle, stunning Jestal with one of Fuse’s finishers.


Conor keeps the pace going as he easily side-hops an ADV fist, bounces off the ropes and connects with a missile dropkick to Mason Luck! Conor continues his knows-no-bounds energy, hitting the ropes and lunging himself in the air, to impressive heights as he drills his heels into the head of the Better Future leader.


That’s a solid SEVEN feet in the air-

Speaking of Sevens…


And there’s Max Luck with a big boot to Fuse, sending him to the canvas!

Jack Mace finds Conor and drills him with an elbow drop. The Faithful aren’t cheering anymore. Not even close. Jack puts the boots to Fuse and the rest of Better Future go back to work on The D, Klein and Elise Ares. All except de Vargas, who’s on all fours, knocking out the cobwebs from the Head Stomp.

ADV: [looking over to Jack Mace, huffing]
Traédmelo! Bring him here!

Mace nods and throws Fuse into the waiting and furious arms of ADV.

Running knee. Followed by Ardiendo.


Jeers fill the area. It’s clear PCP and Conor Fuse have been laid to waste.

ADV bends over and lifts Conor’s unconscious head from the mat.


de Vargas discards the younger Fuse’s head and tosses it back on the mat. Jestal nods to The Lucky Sevens. They feed him Klein one final time and The Mad Prince hits a double arm knee breaker. Finally, Mace pulls a lifeless Elise Ares to her feet. O-Face spits in Ares’ hair and then Mace locks Ares into The Jack of All Holds.

Way to go, Mace. You’ve got an unconscious athlete at your mercy.

The Burly Brit has no intention of dropping the hold. Meanwhile, the rest of Better Future stand over the other three members as the DEFIANCE signature appears in the bottom right hand corner of the broadcast feed.

Conor tried to stand up for what’s right but these guys were just too much.

They’ve had PCP’s number since the beginning, Keebs. Even with Conor Fuse it wasn’t enough…

LOUD jeering fills the DEF-Plex. ADV, Jestal, The Lucky Sevens and Jack Mace all stand tall with Ophelia Sykes on the shoulders of Max and Mason. She blows a kiss down towards the fallen body of The D as the scene heads to black.




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.