19 Jul 2021

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


Friday Night

“The Defiant by Through Dreams and Distance” plays 

Ballyhoo Brew! The popular New Orleans DEFIANCE-themed bar is packed with patrons. The bar area is hopping, with Davey LaRue handing out shots and drinks while the waitress fills orders. At the various tables, people drink and eat away while chatting with friends. There’s a hearty game of pool in the works.

Ryan Scott behind him is a banner for MAXDEF 2021.

Ryan Scott:
Welcome everyone to the BALLYHOO BREW! We here at The Defiant are honored to have The Insider LIVE!

Clapping and glasses cling together.

Ryan Scott:
I am “Mr. Defiant” himself Ryan Scott! Flying solo this time around. We have an awesome lineup for MAXIMUM DEFIANCE this year. Dex Joy will defend the Southern Heritage Championship against Matt LaCroix!

Dual chants of Dex to LaCroix echo for a few rounds.

Ryan Scott:
That my friends I can not wait to talk about, we also have the Unified Tag Team Championships being put on the line as The Comments Section…

Loud jeering…

Ryan Scott:
Against the two men who run the best damn bar in New Orleans Brock Newbludd {mixed reactions} and Pat Cassidy. {reasonable pop} As Malak Garland would put there is a lot to unpack there and we will get to it tonight!

Ryan Scott:
Finally tomorrow we will talk about our MAIN EVENT Mikey Unlikely {loud jeers} with his boys Cayle, Jesse, and Perfection. {jeering continues} Taking on Oscar Burns {cheers, with glasses clinking}, Jay Harvey {cheers continue} Gage Blackwood {continue} and finally Deacon! {I Believe chant starts}

Ryan Scott:
Also, I have two big announcements, one tonight and the other tomorrow! We will be starting in a few minutes, so take care of what ya got to do before the show. The first round is on us at The Defiant!

Loud cheers, soon followed by a chant of The Defiant over and over!


Ryan Scott:
Welcome everyone, man we got a packed house here tonight!

Beer glasses clinking once more.

Ryan Scott:
So let's dive right into this thing, what do you say?

Excitement echoes throughout the bar.


Ryan Scott:
First up on the list: Uriel Cortez Vs Victor Vacio. As I watched this feud, or for that matter, it piggybacked off of Rezin and Minute. There was not a lot there to really talk about. Vacio is there to be the neutralizer to prevent Uriel from interfering in Rezin’s match. The only real heat this match drew was when Victor used his mallet to smash Uriel’s left hand. If you're watching Victor Uriel is cleared to wrestle and boy I sure would not want to be on his bad side right now.

I wish this story developed more over the past few months, lately, Victor has just been a background player in The Kabal. It would seem the real Kabal is the Triple Psycho Dish of Rezin, Scrow, and Stalker. Tyler has a few spotlights, but not as much as I would expect given the events that transpired after DEFCON. The clear choice for me here is Uriel. Even with one hand, I think he is going to send Victor back to The Kadonalds flipping burgers.


Ryan Scott:
Now we get to probably a match that could just steal the show! Minute became the third man to hold The Favoured Saints Championship. Matt LaCroix gave a lot of prestige to that championship. Then for me, it lost a lot of that spit shine when Trashcan Tim managed to win it from Matt, but for the most part, Matt has made that gold seem special. I think Minute has the makings of a great champion holding that belt and perhaps in the future getting his chance at the SOHER. Unfortunately, he has a huge obstacle in front of him at MAXDEF...Rezin!

Rezin is a maestro on the mic, and also a hell of a worker in that ring. That combination makes for one hell of a professional wrestler there. Is it too soon for Minute to drop the championship? It's a real tough call. Both men are extremely talented and either one could be a great champion. I however got to go with Minute right now. Just the sheer high flying acrobatic style gives the belt a different look than that of the ground and pound Matt LaCroix gave it. It by no means will be an easy task for Minute though. Rezin may live in  Stalker’s shadow but he by far is no... as Scrow said on DEFRadio a puddy. 


Ryan Scott:
Next up is Ned Reform taking on Nathan Eye. Through the past few months, Ned has been trying to tutor Nathan on what he needs to become successful in this business. He has made it his mission to offer him a place under his wing to learn under him. Nathan however has other plans, those plans do not include becoming a TA to Ned Reform. In fact, his goals never included a guy that calls himself a Doctor on his way to the top of that ladder. After a cowardly assault on Eye at Uncut Ninety-Six leaving the man with The Handsome Face, on his face. Ned initiated the physical confrontation.

Boy, this one is another toughie to call. Ned is a relative newcomer to Defiance, while Nathan has been through some wars and won some championships in the process. If I were to judge it on experience, I couldn’t. I have witnessed the kind of worker Nathan Eye has been over the past few months and the kid has come a long way than just being that guy standing in the ominous shadow of Dex Joy. He has separated himself from that shadow and proved he has enormous potential in that ring.  Ned just arrived on the scene not a whole lot to pick apart there. He is decent in the ring, but I think Nathan is going to be carrying most of this match. My pick: I think Nathan is going over here. Ned is a great character, but I think Nathan is a contender for The Favoured Saints Championship, Ned still has some work to do.


Ryan Scott:
Oh dear God, this man still has a job somehow. On top of that, his litter is growing with Jack Harmen added to the mix. Arthur in his short time here has been in the ring with some of the top Defiants in this company...and managed to win!? Although it pains me to admit it Arthur is another man who has more than proved he should be in contention for The Favoured Saints Championship. This, however...Ugh Three Stages of Hell, seriously I get the feeling Arthur has to top his previous pay-per-view matches every time. What's next for DEFRoad, Fighting on the trailer of a semi driving down the highway? Oh God, I shouldn’t have said that this nut job may actually try that.

Moving far...far….FAR away from Arthur; Scott Stevens. Man, what can I say about Stevens? Ever since he cashed in on Mikey this run as a babyface has been brutal. Seems every show he is just like that kid that gets picked last for a team. It falls on those Stevens as well, but I will get to them next. How this feud developed was over a secret entrance to the Wrestleplex. It's different, have to say that but just never grabbed me.  Then how Stevens acted over the past months. Arthur had an interview he did where he talked about bullies, that was exactly how I was feeling Scott was coming off a bully. I can not believe I am agreeing with Arthur fucking Pleasant! In my eyes, Scott Stevens needs to get his edge back. Reinvent himself try to salvage this horrible run as a babyface. I am not sure what that can be but he needs to sit down with creative and hammer out a clear path to bring him back up to the stature he once was in this company. As for my pick, ...ugh I can not believe I am going to say this…..Arthur….ah go fuck yourself! Give me a stronger drink here!


Ryan Scott:
Now to continue this rant, thanks for that shot of tequila I am gonna need another after this rant. The Stevens Dynasty….holy hell. I sat at home and watched this story develop and every night after the show I always had that one question…”Where the hell are they going with this?” I get the whole overlooked thing. Nothing in this story between Troy Matthews and The Stevens Dynasty grabbed my attention...NOT ONE! The Stevens Dynasty, the only team to hold both the Tag Team Championships and the Trio Championships before they were Unified...have come down to this!? George and Bo were a dominant team now much like Scott Stevens appears to be the last kids to be picked for a team, so this time around we will settle for Troy Matthews and George Stevens.

After Troy was taken out by those dastardly Stevens in the beginning it evolved into a “what about me?” saga. This Defiance THIS is what you have The Stevens Dynasty come out and do? So after the sob story of how Cinderella still can't find her glass slipper, Troy returns to challenge them at Maximum Defiance. So I sat at home watching this segment and can only give my best impersonation of a what the fuck look to my television. So you mean to tell me while Troy was MIA you could not have I don’t know have the Stevens throw their weight around to someone else sitting in catering to set up Troy having a tag team partner for MAXDEF so we can see The Stevens and Matthews and pick a name here, in a good old fashion tag team match? Blah, keep the tequila shots coming by the time this show is over I am gonna be plastered! Troy Matthews wins there. Defiance do me a favor get Scott and The Stevens Dynasty in a meeting to see where the fuck you want to take these talented guys after MAXDEF...please!


Ryan Scott:
Next up is The Comments Section taking on Brock Newbludd...and Davey LaRue. Davey, don't take this too hard here. You make a hell of a drink, this is just my raw thoughts. So the esteemed owner of this great establishment and once again thank you to BallyHoo Brew for allowing us to have our show here once again. This story was great, to begin with then the bombshell, Malak finally found the red button on SNS and quickly pressed it. I know...I know there are some of you that think Siobhan is nothing more than a snake in the grass. She is far from that, women have needs much as men do. Could she have approached this situation better? Oh for sure she could have, but that is not how it went down. I do have to ask the question though Ballyhoo has been a vital part of Defiance for well over a year now. You would think you would know who Malak Garland is by now. Not to mention what kind of scab he is on society. So on the latest Uncut Brock enlists the services of our bartender here tonight Davey LaRue!

Cheers for Davey as a few raise their glasses toward him.

Not to sound like a buzzkill here, but that….that is who Brock wants to use to replace Pat Cassidy? LaRue who hasn’t seen a squared circle in years? Again I ask you Defiance if you are going to keep running the same story when it comes to Malak Garland why would you not have Brock go in that ring BY HIMSELF, and FIGHT! Seriously if anything Brock would come out of that match looking like a million bucks win or lose. Instead, you throw a bartender in as his tag team partner? What is next you gonna have Brock pull a grade school kid from the crowd to win the championships? This went from take my money to naa I’ll hold onto my money type of a match. Man where in the hell was creative these past few months on a tropical island? This has just left a bitter taste in my mouth so The Comments Section retain…

Ryan gets a sour reaction from his prediction.


Ryan Scott:
Yea, deal with it. No offense Davey I know you just want to help out a good friend. It's just not a good business move or for that matter logical. Anyway, our final match of this evening is Dex Joy defending his championship against Matt LaCroix. Fresh off cashing in the Favoured Saints Championship. This story would bring a tear to a pure wrestling fan. The work rate of both these men in itself was some of the best wrestling I have seen over these past few months. With the added competition feel to it, as to who can outperform who. This is a story I really enjoyed. Dex Joy has been a buzzsaw through Defiance since arriving on Deftv One Hundred and Twenty-Six two years ago. The man has held gold and currently holds the SOHER. He has just been this juggernaut that no one has been able to stop. That juggernaut is now charging at the immovable object in Matt LaCroix who himself has trailblazer an impressive path himself. Becoming the first inaugural Favoured Saints Champion and making that championship a must-have for talent wanting to climb the ladder here in Defiance. It all comes to a head at MAXDEF.

Matt has relinquished the championship to take on The Biggest Boy Dex Joy. This match right here is going to be a show stopper! Scrow brought out a chink in the armor of Dex Joy that he thought he could exploit. Survive the first few minutes and outwork the bigger man. What Scrow found out was that this tank of a man was able to show the reserves in the tank and outlast one of the best workers in the company in Scrow.  Now it leads here Matt is not like Scrow, no he is not about the mind games he is about the pure hardcore pro wrestling. The moves that would make your grandmother scream in pain from the grave. The powerhouse vs the man that dissects you limb by limb. This match is a real tough one to call here. I mean whoever wins is well-deserving of that championship. I am going to give the edge to Dex here, but man is he in for a tough fight!


Ryan Scott:
The results are in from the poll we sent out here at Ballyhoo Brew! Here is what the patrons predicted who would win in night one!

MINUTE (11.8%)  REZIN(88.2%)
NATE EYE (17.6%) NED REFORM (82.4%)
DEX JOY**(76.5%) MATT LACROIX (23.5%)


Ryan Scott:
So in the first piece of news from The Defiant. Defworld has come to an end at Uncut 97! The series was based on focusing on the story being told by Defiance, with a slight mention of the in-ring action. The series really did not garner the feedback we had hoped for.

Although with the bad news we are bringing back some good news! I will be returning to the printing presses once more! Not so much as an article writer like I originally was doing but this time with a podcast! A name for the podcast has not been decided on yet. The details are still being worked out, but will start after MAXDEF 2021!


Ryan Scott:
Out of the talent I have mentioned here tonight, I am gonna pick, Rezin. Although I don’t see him winning the championship I see him and Minute having one hell of a match worthy of a Favoured Saints Championship match!


Ryan Scott:
Dex Joy Vs Matt LaCroix is not really a question when Matt relinquished that championship I knew THAT was the match I was looking forward to the most. Matt will have to try and keep Dex immobile or Dex is just going to run him over like he did Gage Blackwood.

Well, that wraps up tonight's show, come back tomorrow where we dissect the remainder of MAXDEF 2021! Good Night Everyone!

----Saturday Night----
“The Defiant by Through Dreams and Distance” plays♫ 

Ballyhoo Brew! The popular New Orleans DEFIANCE-themed bar is packed with patrons. The bar area is hopping, with Davey LaRue handing out shots and drinks while the waitress fills orders. At the various tables, people drink and eat away while chatting with friends. There’s a hearty game of pool in the works.

Ryan Scott behind him is a banner for MAXDEF 2021.

Ryan Scott:
Welcome back everyone to the BALLYHOO BREW! We here at The Defiant are honored to have The Insider LIVE!

Clapping and glasses cling together.

Ryan Scott:
I am “Mr. Defiant” himself Ryan Scott! Is everyone ready to wrap up MAXDEF?

cheers and glasses clink.

Ryan Scott:
Great, well tonight we will be diving into some great matches still left to discuss on the show. So sit back, enjoy that first round on The Defiant and get ready for another classic with yours truly!

Loud cheers, soon followed by a chant of The Defiant over and over!


Ryan Scott:
Welcome everyone, man we got another packed house here tonight!

Beer glasses clinking once more.

Ryan Scott:
So let's dive right into this thing, what do you say?

Excitement echoes throughout the bar.


Ryan Scott:
Guardian has been a thorn in The Kabal’s side for months now. Whoever this masked person is has taken a lot of The Kabal’s attention from their real objective I think. Going into this match though, with CG’s back against the wall, Red Reaper Tyler Fuse and someone I just don’t know will be a good fit for The Kabal Teresa Ames. Does she have a dark side ehh I don’t think so at least not at the crazy levels of The Kabal. So Defiance adding her to the group is kind of a head-scratcher. Her adding herself into this match and not being on Tyler’s side again doesn’t make sense to me. What does she have left to prove? She won the Proving Grounds. Why would she have to continue to prove herself, the ink has dried, she is a part of the group legally.

Now I do see her being the wild card here, with Guardian and Fuse carrying the match. If there is one thing though that I have noticed these past few months, hell even before her story with The Kabal. She has a way to turn things in her favor, she does have a twisted bitch vibe as well. Just ask Gage Blackwood there. A lot of people see her in a singles match against someone clearly bigger, stronger, and just outright better than her and she somehow manages to walk out with her hand raised.  Can Tyler really trust her to be on the same page as he is? After all his sole purpose is to rid Defiance of Guardian for good. Are their marching orders the same or does Teresa have other plans? Just a lot of questions here, a bit of a tough one to call here. So I am going to go with The Keyboard Queen here, what she lacks in wrestling talent she makes up for in cunning. I think she will somehow outsmart both men and squeak out a win here.


Ryan Scott:
Box and Dickulous I must say this build was the most interesting of all the builds to MAXDEF. They battled to see who was the strongest man in Defiance. Not your typical way to build a feud. I think Defiance wanted to try something different and see how it would be received. For me, if I wanted to watch a strongman competition I would have watched World Strongest Man. Although I can applaud Defiance for trying a build not following the common mold.  Rick didn’t wrestle much during the last few months, where Box was doing what Bronson Box was built to do Wrestle night after night. So while Rick was taking it easy the old vet was working pretty much night after night not only wrestling in some pretty entertaining matches but outdoing Rick in a few of the strongman contests.

Which led to their final contest where Box wrestled earlier in the night and was unable to defeat Rick on the bench press. Sooner or later age catches up to you, but one would have to wonder had Bronson gone into that contest fresh like Rick did would he have beaten Rick there? Bronson honestly did not care about the let's see whose dick is bigger than whose contest he just wanted a wrestling match. Rick gave him what he wanted in a fall count anywhere match! Man, that was a lot right there. Bronson is just a wrestling machine and has been on a tear in Defiance, at the same time we have seen what kind of levels Rick is willing to go to win. Giving Rick the chance to throw you off the 2nd floor again ya I shudder to think what he might do at Maximum Defiance. So who comes out on top here? My money is on Bronson Box, I can see Dex Joy turning into someone like Box when he gets up there in age. Just an unstoppable force in that ring.


Ryan Scott:
Man, this next match I have a feeling is going to be a giant clusterfuck! Whoever has to maintain order here is going to have a hard time. Better Future stuck a knife into PCP’s back when they had O-Face now Ophelia Sykes turn on them. It was a move that rattled PCP. After the addition of Jestal, and now Ophelia the numbers were just too much for PCP to handle. Eventually, Flex Kruger fell to BFA, with a fireball from ADV. Night after night Better Future would just leave PCP laying. They just could not beat the odds. Then they turned their focus to Conor Fuse in an attempt to recruit the heartbroken younger Fuse to their group. When he made his decision he tried to help the PCP and paid dearly for it. Henry Keyes was also a victim of Better Future as well and he was left lying. You see THIS... this is how you build up a tag match. You not only had the focus on PCP but then you gave both Conor and Henry a reason to want to join PCP in this fight. Why was this kind of story not played out for The Stevens Dynasty?

So when the odds finally became even, PCP Conor and now Henry were driving Better Future back leading to this contest.  Wow, so much talent in this match, say what you will about Better Future but the group consists of some of the best mat technicians in Defiance right now. PCP with Conor and Henry contain a more aerial knock your socks off style themselves. Logically it would make sense that FML has to come out on top here. After months of the good guys being the whipping boys and girls of Better Future, it would be only right to pick them to go over. I am not going to do that though. FML does have some exciting talent in the group. How often has Henry and Conor tagged? Or how often have they tagged with PCP? Do they have any sort of chemistry at all? Now you could say that about Better Future too but they have had months to develop that chemistry. Honestly, I have to say Jestal has developed some great chemistry with the likes of Jack Mace, ADV, and the Sevens over the last few months. So I am going with Better Future here, just based on how long they have been working together as a unit.


Ryan Scott:
Out of all the matches we have talked about this one by far I think we are going to see something amazing. Troy has the advantage in the experience department, but where she has the experience Scrow has the youth. Both size up as relatively even styles. So I expect to see a lot of impactful strikes and submissions to bat. Both LT and Scrow need a win here, for me though Scrow will struggle with LT. She is a ring general. Where Scrow is still honing his craft.  What I can expect is both LT and Scrow to give us a show like no other two of the best workers in Defiance right here.

Scrow spent the majority of the past few months playing a game of figuring out the question he wanted to be answered. Lindsay though was not in the mood for any of it. But when Scrow finally got involved and stole a chance for her to possibly become the new SOHER that was the final straw that broke the camel's back. She is coming into MAXDEF to make Scrow pay for budding into her business. Although Troy has the experience, what comes with experience comes from the multiple injuries she has suffered throughout her career. Scrow on the other hand lacks the experience of Lindsay but has proven on more than one occasion he is able to hang with the top guys in this company. It just won’t be enough for me and I am picking Lindsay Troy here.


Ryan Scott:
With the history going back to when Kerry dawned the mask of The Green Reaper. A woman he thought was nothing more than a distant spec in his rearview mirror returned on Uncut Ninety-Seven! To once again remind The Pacific Blitzkrieg of the dark chapter in his career here in Defiance. Kerry, who wanted nothing to do with the daughter of a man who has been catatonic for months now in Jessica Reeves. He had no desire to listen or even entertain a conversation. That is until Jessica challenged him to a match! That was all Kerry wanted to hear. Jessica then sweetens the pot by adding a few stipulations, if he beats her Kerry will get an offer out of the game. Many including myself wonder just what exactly she meant there. Though the other stipulation is if Kerry loses then he has to help her save her father.

Funny I never knew her father was in any sort of hostage situation? This sort of sprung up all of a sudden, almost like Defiance wanted to add one more match to the show. Something tells me Kerry is going to be forced back into this game with The Kabal. Just listening to his promos over the past few months. He seems to have lost that confidence to put it all on the line and is more concerned with making sure he does not get injured again rather than push himself to overcome adversity. As much as I like to see Kerry move far away from The Kabal I think he and Jessica are going to start this tango all over again. I have Jessica going over here because Kerry doesn’t want to do what needs to be done to win the match for fear of an injury. 


Ryan Scott:
Finally our Main Event!


Ryan Scott:
The amount of legends and future hall of farmers in this match man this is going to be a classic wrap-up for an exciting pay-per-view this month. Boy did it take me on a rollercoaster. At first I thought it was going to be Gage Blackwood Vs Mikey Unlikely, then Defiance switched it up, and then I thought it was going to be Jay Harvey Vs Mikey Unlikely then yet AGAIN they switched up the question and made it Oscar Burns Vs Mikey Unlikely. Then that loop you are not looking forward to on a roller coaster the surprising return of Deacon! BUT not in the same story as the other three. He was just there to help see to the end of 24k! During this ride all I could think about is ok I am not seeing Cayle, JFK, or Perfection in any sort of feud for themselves. Until the introduction of Deacon into the mix, I had no idea where Defiance was going with this story. The crafty veteran Mikey was adding The Fist in this 8 man elimination match knowing full well that at least three men wanted the same thing. Create a little disorder and manage to walk out and add days to your reign.

It was clear as day Oscar, Gage, and Jay had no love loss for one another. Mikey knew this and played into that like the savoy devious man that he is. Magdalena and Deacon’s manager have been the only ones to keep these men’s hatred for one another at bay. Things change though in that ring and the chance to become The Fist is an opportunity not a lot of Defiants get. It is with the egos of Oscar, Jay, and Gage that it's hard to pick any of them winning this match. I see Mikey once again walking out with the championship


Ryan Scott:
The results are in from the poll we sent out here at Ballyhoo Brew! Here is what the patrons predicted who would win!

SCROW (22.2%) LINDSAY TROY (77.8%)
24K (50%) GAGE BLACKWOOD (22.2%) OSCAR BURNS (5.6%) JAY HARVEY (16.7%) DEACON (5.6%)


Ryan Scott:
In the final piece of news. Live @ Seven will be just that...LIVE! That’s right at MAXDEF 2021 you will get my live reactions and thoughts on the show! Now you may be saying Ryan The Defiant already does that. Sure we do but not from my home in Crown Point, Indiana in a podcast!


Live @ Seven will still be hosted on Discord but instead of me writing my thoughts you will hear the audio clips instead. Then all being combined like a Gestal from a Transformers cartoon into a full podcast available on DEFIANCEWRESTLING.COM!


Ryan Scott:
I am gonna have to go with Scrow here. Although my pick is Troy, I think Troy and Scrow are just going to steal the show tonight. After which, Scrow will again show how talented he is in that ring and it's only a matter of time before he gets over that hump.


Ryan Scott:
Before we leave you guys tonight. We also like to once again thank our sponsor for allowing us to do this show, Ballyhoo Brew! The next time you are coming to a DEFTV make sure you stop by for not only the pre-party but the post-party! It's a great experience and great atmosphere, you may even meet a few Defiants after the show.  Now onto my Match of the Night! The Main Event has so many future Hall of Famers and just plain the best talent in Defiance to date. It’s my pick for the match of the night. The stakes are just too high to not pick this one. Thanks for joining us, make sure you come right back for LIVE @ 7 next Friday for MAXDEF! I am “Mr. Defiant” Ryan Scott Good Night Everyone!

Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.