DEFIANCE TV 157 Night 1

18 Aug 2021

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


The start of DEFtv programming shows the WrestlePlex parking lot and a caption reading “earlier today”. Conor Fuse walks into view sporting a new Legend of Zelda inspired green and black leather jacket and his hair slicked back like something out of Grease. Fuse turns to have a conversation with a person behind him, off camera.

Conor Fuse:
You got the goods, my little buddy?

And this is when The Game Boy walks into the scene holding a duffle bag. Game Boy looks down at the bag and then up at Conor. The Character Formerly Known as Player Two nods.

Conor Fuse:
Okay, well we are ready to- OH MY GOD THERE HE IS!!!

Conor shouts like a teen girl, or Debra Warenstein looking over the DEFIANCE roster for the first time. He sees the new FIST of DEFIANCE walking towards the arena. Black shirt, black jeans, it’s nothing fancy although Gage has the belt draped across his shoulder. Conor stands upright and puts a smile on his face as he catches Gage’s attention before The Noble Raider enters the building.

Gage Blackwood:
Uhhh… hi Conor.

Fuse turns to The Game Boy.

Conor Fuse:
He knows who I am!

Blackwood raises an eyebrow.

Gage Blackwood:
Aye. We’ve met before. A few times.

Blackwood stands with a hand on the WrestlePlex entrance door while Conor continues to gush.

Gage Blackwood:
Have you… been eating those mushrooms again? Honestly, I don’t know if they’re legal.

Conor shakes his head no as he walks over to Blackwood and puts an arm around him. Fuse walks Blackwood towards The Game Boy.

Conor Fuse:
Hey Gage, listen. I am just SO pumped you’re the new FIST of DEFIANCE and mIkEy UnLiKeLy is gone forever like the 2-bit bitch boss he is. #499FTW am I right? Am I right!?

Blackwood smiles uncomfortably.

Conor Fuse:
Anyway, I’m jacked ATM. It’s a fresh start for DEFIANCE. Everyone’s a new champion so let’s goooooooo!!

Conor snaps his fingers to The Game Boy. The Mini Boss opens the backpack up.

Gage Blackwood:
Your Game Boy is back?

Conor shakes with delight.

Conor Fuse:
Damn skippy he is. Fireball healed and all. I know he’s really looking forward to getting back out there, too. He told me.

Blackwood is dumbfounded.

Gage Blackwood:
He talks?

Conor Fuse:
Telepathically, yes.

Conor reaches inside the bag and reveals a FIST trophy holding an XBox controller. It looks like something out of the DEFy Awards but with a gaming twist. Fuse holds it out for Blackwood.

Conor Fuse:
Here, friend.

And Blackwood cautiously takes it.

Gage Blackwood:
Thank you?

Conor snaps his fingers in a circle.

Conor Fuse:
Na, bro, you don’t gotta thank me. I am thanking you with this Achievement! Thank you Gage Blackwood for giving DEFIANCE a much needed reboot! New coat of paint!

Blackwood can’t help but look at Conor’s hair. The “Locker Room Leader” catches on rather quickly.

Conor Fuse:
I know, I know, I look like a dumbass.

Fuse rearranges his hair to stand upright and messy like normal.

Conor Fuse:
I just wanted in on the reboot, too.

Blackwood smacks Conor across the back, perhaps a little too hard.

Gage Blackwood:
You’re fine. Are you… [peering into the backpack] giving a trophy to every new champion?

Conor nods with passion.

Conor Fuse:
Yes, sir! Got one for Brock, Pat and Matt!

There’s silence until Blackwood speaks up.

Gage Blackwood:

The Gamer immediately trembles.

Conor Fuse:
Oh no no no no no. Kabal are too scary. Hard pass.

About to head inside, Blackwood nods once to The Game Boy and then to Fuse, holding up the trophy.

Gage Blackwood: [trying to figure it out as he goes]
Well, thank you. I’ll make use of this somehow.

But before Gage exits, he’s stopped one more time by Conor smacking the side of his head.

Conor Fuse:
Damn, almost forgot!

And Fuse reaches into the back to reveal a VHS tape marked “THE MOMENT IT ALL GOT BETTER”. He hands it to Gage.

Conor Fuse:
This. This right here. Most people in DEFIANCE don’t know but I’m a big tape trader, huge vintage guy. This is a copy of your FIST of DEFIANCE victory. Every camera angle possible! A tribute to Gage Blackwood, the saviour of DEFIANCE! The real DEFIANT! The true DEFIANT!

This gift actually seems to resonate with Blackwood. He takes it with a genuine smile.

Gage Blackwood:
Thanks, pal.

Conor Fuse:
You’re welcome.

Blackwood looks behind Conor before entering the WrestlePlex.

Gage Blackwood:
Looks like you have company.

Conor turns to see Brock Newbludd and Pat Cassidy standing in front of him. The Faithful pop as they watch on the DEFIatron.

Conor pats Brock on the shoulder. This is followed by a minor, uncomfortable smile as Conor is about to pat Pat but pulls back. Cassidy looks at The Game Boy and in a quick and unexpected motion, he feigns like he’s going to hit the monster of a man. The Game Boy doesn’t flinch or react at all. Cassidy pulls his hand back.

Pat Cassidy:
Yeah you’d better.

Cassidy looks toward Conor. He nods curtly. 

Pat Cassidy:

Conor Fuse:

There’s a long drawn out silence until Conor remembers what he’s doing. Game Boy lifts the bag and Fuse takes out two trophies in the same design as the one he gave Blackwood. One has “BROCK NEWBLUDD” inscripted, the other has “PAT KASSIDY”. Conor hands them the trophies.

Conor Fuse: [to Pat Cassidy]
Sorry for the typo.

Cassidy reaches over and takes his trophy, making sure to flex right in The Game Boy’s face. 

Pat Cassidy:
Oh, sorry man. Hope my immense strength isn’t throwing you off.

The Game Boy says and does nothing.

Conor Fuse:
So glad you guys put mAlAk in his place. Hate that guy, seriously. Was I ever THAT annoying?

Fuse looks at Cassidy with a glisten of hope in his eyes. Cassidy looks prepared to say something snarky… but then he folds.

Pat Cassidy:
Well… ah, fuck it. No. No you weren’t. Nobody is as big a dickwad as Malak friggin Garland.

Cassidy holds up the trophy. Then averts his eyes as he says the next thing begrudgingly.

Pat Cassidy:
This is a nice gesture. Or whatever. Thanks. 

Newbludd grins at his grumbling partner and takes a brief second to examine his new trophy a bit closer. Looking up to Conor, Brock slaps him on the shoulder and chuckles.

Brock Newbludd:
Thanks, bud. We’ll put these babies on display behind the bar at Ballyhoo. Whaddya think Cass? Wouldn’t that framed picture we have of you punching Conor in the face look cool in between our new trophies?

Cassidy snorts, and Brock shrugs his shoulders as he focuses back on Conor.

Conor Fuse:
You got yourself a damn good teammate, Brock. Don’t turn on him and if you sing karaoke, sing with your heart. Also, don’t do an 8-bit rendition. It doesn’t work out well.

Brock Newbludd:
Well, it’s a ballsy move to go full 8-bit, Conor. Especially sober. And as for Cass...well...I know I got the best damn tag partner a guy could ask for. Because not only does he sing with heart, he fights with it too. Plus, I’m pretty sure his sister would straight up murder me if I screwed this tag team up, so there’s that too.

Conor agrees.

Conor Fuse:
You guys sport those AWESOME POSSUM BLOSSOM Tag Team Championships! I know you’ll gonna rock it!

Suddenly, a white van SCREEEEEEACHES into the parking lot. It comes to a halt, the side door slides open and Rezin is thrown out of it. The van peels away but not without the side door opening back up and the Favored Saints Championship being tossed beside The Escape Artist.

OOF!! Where am I?!

Brock and Pat look at each other, then back at Conor. The younger Fuse pretends he didn’t witness a thing.

Conor Fuse:
HEY is that Matt LaCroix off in the distance! OMG I think it is! Hi Matt LaCroix!!!

Fuse grabs the backpack and races off to see if it’s Matt LaCroix, leaving Pat Cassidy and Brock Newbludd with The Game Boy. Cassidy bows up right in Game Boy’s face, flexing and cracking his neck.

Pat Cassidy:
You feeling froggy, kid? Then LEAP!

Brock puts an arm on his partner’s shoulder.

Brock Newbludd:
Let’s… let’s go.

Pat allows himself to be pulled away, but not before pointing and getting one last jab in.

Pat Cassidy:
Yeah, you’re lucky!

Slowly, Rezin shuffles to his feet, shouldering the Favoured Saints Championship over his shoulder and scanning his surroundings with distant, fluttering eyes. Then he notices the Game Boy still stoically standing nearby.

Let me tell you what… I miss having my own personal Uber driver.

Rubbing the feeling back into his neck, the Goat Bastard moves to enter the arena.


Bright colorful lights roll across the arena as the Faithful go wild! The DEFtv opening video is playing on the DEFiatron. Many of the wrestlers we see on a daily basis as well as a few legends are shown before the music video comes to an end. The fireworks go off and the fans get even louder in the WrestlePlex as the red lights come to life on the cameras. 

Signs and excitement everywhere!

500 - GAGE BLACKWOOD = 499

The cameras go to the broadcast team, Darren Keebler and Lance Warner.


It’s a new era for DEFIANCE tonight! All new champions crowned! And in our opener, we’ve got “Twists and Turns” Oscar Burns about to go one-cba-one with one of the true rising stars of the company, “The Handsome Face” Nathan Eye!

Oscar Burns has made it no secret he’s gunning for the FIST of DEFIANCE, currently held by our new champion, Gage Blackwood! But tonight, he’s got Nathan Eye standing across from him! The young man overcame everything that Doctor Ned Reform threw at him to win!

Easily the biggest match of young Nathan Eye’s career! Can he pull off an upset in our opener against one of the best in DEFIANCE today? Let’s get right to the action!

The camera goes inside the ring with Darren Quimbey. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first… from Wellington, New Zealand, weighing in at 237 pounds… he is the former two-time FIST of DEFIANCE, He is The Team Graps Cap and The Technical Spectacle… ”TWISTS AND TURNS” OSCAR BURNS!

♫ “Raise Your Flag” by MAN WITH A MISSION ♫

And without a word, the fans go completely APE! Standing out on the stage, the former two-time FIST of DEFIANCE “Twists and Turns” Oscar Burns heads out and raises an index finger in the air for the Faithful! He yells at the camera in front of him. 

Oscar Burns:

Fired the hell up tonight, Burns heads on down to the ring with a brand new “Team Graps Cap” shirt on his way to the ring. He heads inside and then surveys the extra-fired up crowd tonight before he takes the shirt off and holds it out. He sees which side of the arena is loudest and then throws the shirt out into the crowd. After enjoying the reception, the screen cuts. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… now residing in New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 235 pounds… he is He Who Can’t Be Stopped… He is ”THE HANDSOME FACE” NATHAN EYE!


♫ “You Can’t Stop Me” by Andy Mineo ♫

The crowd pops! Coming out for the next match is Nathan Eye who looks more determined than ever to test his mettle against one of DEFIANCE’s top stars. Eye points to his own “Hey! Eye’s Up Here!” shirt, then throws it and his headband into the crowd. He leaps over the ropes into ring and stares down Burns. 

Nathan Eye:
Let’s do this Burnsie! 

Big opportunity for Nathan Eye! Easily the biggest win of his career if he can pull this off. 

Without a doubt, Darren. Burns has to keep it on the mat and can’t let Eye get in the air or overpower him cause he can do both!

Both men meet up in the middle of the ring with Eye offering a hand. Burns hesitates for a second but then takes it to show him respect. Referee Benny Doyle calls for the bell. 


And Eye tries a big dropkick off the bat, but Burns moves! The crowd gasps when Burns then tries to grab a leg, but Eye recovers and uses his other leg to kick him out of the way. He rolls to his feet and then boots a stunned Burns in the stomach before sending him to the ropes and then drops down. Burns keeps running and when he gets back up, Eye finally nails one of his signature dropkicks!

Wow! We’ve seen Eye come out guns blazing before! I thought that was going to cost him, but he turned it around!

He sure did! Eye’s already going up top? He’s wanting to throw Burns off his game with a fast start, isn’t he?

And making it look easy, Eye flies off the top rope with a picture-perfect flying shoulder block! He goes right for a cover!


Two count right from the jump! Eye’s taking this match seriously, isn’t he?

Burns gets picked up and then thrown into the corner where Eye nails a jumping forearm smash in the corner and then taken over with a huge swinging double arm suplex! After getting Burns down, Eye kips up to his feet to cheers from the crowd and heads to the ring apron. When Burns is back up, Eye slingshots over and then takes him down with another shoulder block, this time a slingshot shoulder block! Then another cover!


Burns gets that shoulder up, but Eye isn’t giving him a chance to get stopped right here! What’s he going for out of the corner?

He has that Starry Eyed Surprise knee strike and the spear! We’ll see what he comes up with first!

The Handsome Face has Burns in his sights as the former FIST tries to stand. He runs and looks like he opts for the Spear, but The Technical Spectacle sees it coming and sidesteps Eye! He stops himself at the last second against the corner… but one second is all Burns needs to run and CLOCK him as he turns around with a huge European uppercut! Nathan gets rocked with the move and goes falling into the corner!

Flying european uppercut by Burns! Eye made one mistake and that’s all Oscar needed to capitalize! 

The crowd cringes from the shot, but Burns isn’t done. He whips Eye to the other side and follows up with a another running European uppercut in the corner! The former holder of many of BRAZEN’s titles gets rocked again. Burns then grabs his left arm and then runs out of the corner with a running single arm DDT! 

Big series of moves by Burns to come right back! And now he’s got that arm worked over. It’ll be a lot harder for Eye to use some of his power moves as well as get around the ring like he does!

You and I have both called enough of Burns’ matches to know that’s true!

As Eye writhes around in pain, Burns grabs the arm and then STOMPS on the arm several times! The Faithful watch on as The Technical Spectacle grabs the arm after the stomps and then slams it against the canvas! Eye howls out in pain when Burns then grabs the limb again then twists around to slam it into the canvas a third time. 

And when Burns forces you to wrestle his type of match, it’s hard to get out from underneath! 

Eye tries to push Burns away, but he comes back with a solid knee to the chest, dropping Eye back to the canvas. This leaves him wide open for Burns to set up a hammerlock… then DROPS Eye with a northern lights suplex on the arm! Holding with a bridge!


The Handsome Face kicks out, but now that his arm has been zeroed in on, Burns has him where he wants him. 

Big move there by Burns with the hammerlock added to that suplex! 

Where’s Burns taking him now?

Burns leads Eye up by the arm, but Eye isn’t having it. He uses his boxing training to stun Burns with a few jabs to free himself! He has Burns in the corner and tries to set him up for something on the middle rope. But before he can do whatever it is, The former FIST surges to life and grabs his arm, hanging in the ropes with a cross armbar in the corner!

What a counter! Burns right back to the arm! Doyle counting him down, but he’s milking that count for all he can!

This wasn’t something Burns used to do a lot of, but after that long losing streak, then getting back into wins over Better Future Talent Agency and 24K, you can’t blame him!

He lets go at the count of four and Eye’s arm is killing him. Burns makes it back inside as Eye grabs the arm, then gets cracked in the side of the head with a jumping enzuigiri by Burns!

That’s a new one in his playbook, but he just dimmed his lights! 

Then he pulls him up and then DRIVES Eye across the back with the Back-Crack-A-Ma-Jig! After nearly breaking down the NOLA native, he goes for the cover. 


Burns almost gets the win, but Eye kicks out! 

But Burns isn’t sweating it! He’s got that top wristlock locked in now!

Switching effortlessly to another hold, The Kiwi Crippler moves right to a grounded top wristlock on the bad arm! Eye tries to fight out as The Faithful cheer him on. Chants of “EYE!” start to ring out for one of the hometown favorites. He tries to fight, but Burns keeps a foot on the back of his leg to keep him grounded. 

Can Eye fight his way out of this? He’s gotta come up with something. 

He struggles and then elbows Burns behind him. He throws a couple of back elbows to free himself. Burns grabs the elbow again, but this time Eye DECKS him with a big, strong right hand! The crowd lets out a groan as he stumbles into the ropes and then gets dropped with a HUGE spinning spinebuster from Eye!

Great counter by Eye! I’ve heard he’s been taking to boxing in the last few months to improve his striking and it just paid off there! 

But he can’t follow up that spinebuster! His arm has been mangled!

Eye grips the arm while a glassy-eyed Burns is still in La La Land after the big right and the spinebuster. The blue chipper looks up and then tries to get some feeling back into his arm while the former two-time FIST tries to get back up himself. When he limps up, Eye nails him with a jab, then another and then another. Then he switches to knife-edge chops and stuns Oscar against the ropes. After rocking him, he tries another whip, but Burns reverses and then drops an elbow into the bad arm! Eye reels back. 

Nathan just tried to fight back, but Burns one step ahead of him… NO! WAIT! STARRY-EYED SURPRISE!

The crowd roar when Burns tries to grab him but Eye knocks him back to the ropes and sends him into his signature knee to the face! Eye then tries to cover Burns!


The left shoulder of Burns rises up off the mat and Eye doesn’t believe it, but he gets up and tries to follow the lead. He pulls the Kiwi up by the neck to try and set up for Eye-Popping, but Burns rolls through with a schoolboy!


Counter by Burns! Now into a backslide!


Then both get back up again, but this time, Burns trips him up and then rolls forward into a Kido Clutch!


Eye kicks out a third time and then when Burns tries something… EYE POPPING! Burns gets face-planted!

Burns with the trio of nearfalls, but Eye counters one and his Eye Popping! Where does he go after the swinging reverse STO?

Looks like Eye’s Up Here is next? He hits this, that’s it!

After scoring with his move, he heads to the ring apron, now hampered by his arm. But he tries to gut it out and head up top with the crowd cheering him on! He finally makes it up top and then takes his time… then leaps off the ropes…

No! No! Burns rolled out the way! 

Eye’s bad landing on his tailbone gives Burns another opening! He grabs the arm of Eye and then twists him over… GRAPS OF WRATH II!

GRAPS OF WRATH II! The Cross Armbar with the leg grapevine! He won his second FIST over Kendrix with this move!

Can Eye escape?

Eye tries to do so, but Burns has it cinched in TIGHT. He tries… but can’t! And he taps frantically! Burns relinquishes the hold and then rolls over to the side after a big match.


Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… TWISTS AND TURNS OSCAR BURNS!

Burns goes over to check on Eye now after the match along with Benny Doyle as The Faithful applaud the opener!

What a showing by Eye tonight! He gave the former two-time FIST everything he had, but in the end, that early arm work laid the groundwork for this win!

Oscar goes to help Eye to his feet and then pats him on the shoulder for the hard fought battle tonight. Eye nods at him, but tells him “next time” and then leaves the ring to head to the back, refusing any help from Benny Doyle and he grabs his arm. 

Nathan Eye:
Nah I’m good!  Ow … 

Eye looks out and thanks the fans and Oscar Burns for the chance then heads back to the locker room. 

That was a great match! Eye is only going to keep growing from this experience after that match. And…

Just as Eye disappears to the back… a familiar theme plays. Not just any theme...


♫ “The King of the Highlands” by Antti Martikainen ♫

The Faithful roar in approval of the newly crowned FIST of DEFIANCE making his first appearance since he defeated Mikey Unlikely for the championship. Gage walks out, title around his waist while sporting his throwback “THERE IS NO TOMORROW” t-shirt and black jeans. Meanwhile, Burns watches on from the middle of the ring as he pulls himself together.

Gage Blackwood, the FIST of DEFIANCE is here!

Good to see a new champ, Keebs. He’s not even using a display case for the belt.

No. Sporting it like a real champion!

Blackwood makes his way down the ramp as Burns is now on all fours, dead center of the ring. Gage rolls under the bottom rope, asks for a microphone and his theme song comes to a close.

The Noble Raider looks Twists and Turns over, head to toe.

Gage Blackwood:
Aye, so let’s get to it, Oscar. You were not defeated in our elimination match. You and I won the battle but I won the ultimate prize.

Blackwood points to his title as the fans cheer.

Gage Blackwood:
You may have every right to this title. It was because of your inability to close out Mikey Unlikely, allowing me to blind tag and get the job done.

Blackwood smiles sarcastically and “winks” at Oscar Burns.

Backhanded comment by Gage, there.

I don’t know. I think he’s joking?

Burns walks around the ring before Blackwood takes the championship off his waist and holds it up.

Gage Blackwood:
I’m sure you’ll have your graps about my victory. So let me extend you this offer… Gage Blackwood defends the FIST of DEFIANCE at ACTS of DEFIANCE against the man I defeated before. The one I put down with THREE double knees to the side of his head. Gage Blackwood versus Oscar Burns.

The Faithful pop as Burns walks nose-to-nose with the champion. Blackwood, however, takes a step back.

Gage Blackwood:
That is if I make it there. I am going to do what Mikey Unlikely didn’t, be a fighting champion. I. WILL. WRESTLE. Dex Joy, Tesera Ames, Elise Ares… these are just a few of them names I want another piece of for various reasons. Dex humiliated me when I lost the SOHER. Teresa Ames humiliated me with a “marriage”. Elise Ares was the one I beat to become the Southern Heritage Champion. Many people think she is next in line for a championship opportunity. I do not think so but many do…

Blackwood walks right into Oscar Burns’ face again.

Gage Blackwood:
Aye. Oscar Burns and Gage Blackwood tore the roof off the WrestlePlex on June 3rd, 2020. I haven’t forgotten… have you?

Blackwood flips Burns his own microphone. It surprises Oscar, who almost drops it. Still huffing from his hard-fought match against Nathan Eye, Burns looks down at Gage and the FIST.

Is he going to accept Gage’s challenge?

Oscar Burns:
Gage… right to the point… for Acts of DEFIANCE for the FIST… I ACCEPT.

The Faithful EXPLODE in applause for the main event being agreed to!


Gage nods and starts to turn on his heel… but Burns GRABS his arm and spins him back around to “ooooohhhs” from the crowd.

Oooh boy…

Burns’ gaze doesn’t leave that of the holder of the FIST of DEFIANCE. Gage snaps it away, but the former two-time FIST stands his ground.

Oscar Burns:
I haven’t forgotten that defeat, Gage… and I ALSO haven’t forgotten the months of insults and slander thrown my way because you hated where you were and wanted the respect from people that I EARNED… and you didn’t… and STILL haven’t…


Oscar Burns:
I want YOU to remember this… right now, you’re champion partly because of ME. At ACTS of DEFIANCE, I’LL be champion because I… beat… you.

Burns shoves the microphone back into his chest and then storms out from the ring, heading to the back. Gage watches him leave the entire way up the ramp, looking like he’s more than up for the challenge.

What a match that one is going to be. The first and only match Gage Blackwood and Oscar Burns ever had was violent and bitter.

On the surface, this match for the FIST seems to be out of respect, but it’s clear there is very bad blood between these men that has not been resolved.

Burns raises three fingers in the air, ready to call for a third reign as the FIST before he turns on his heel and heads to the back.


BRAZEN - Where the next generation CLASH!


Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is schedule for one fall! Already in the ring, from Austin, Texas, weighing in at two hundred sixteen pounds… BUTCHER VICTORIOOOOOOOOUS!!!

The Liberal City Landlord chuckles to a jeering crowd, while carrying around a few sheets of paper with various diagrams on it.

Butcher Victorious, of course, claiming to have mastered a brutal new hold, but has yet to properly show it off in a DEFIANCE ring… but he’ll have his work cut out for him against the DEFIANCE veteran Troy Matthews tonight.

“I’m talkin’ about the DEATH of rock n’ roll…”

That interruption from the speakers doesn’t come from a live voice, but an introduction to a ripping guitar and intensifying distortion, as the arena entrance is awash in a sea of light.





♫ “Kiss of Death” by Alec Empire♫

As the roaring mix of electronica and punk rock blares into the arena, Troy Matthews darts onto the stage like a bullet, a look of intensity and excitement etched on his face.

Darren Quimbey:
AND HIS OPPONENT, fighting out of Blackwood, New Jersey, weighing in tonight at one hundred ninety-seven pounds! This is…TROY! MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWS!!!

Matthews is coming off a rough defeat against George Stevens at MAXIMUM DEFIANCE, fighting valiantly against the big man of the Dynasty from Texas, but the numbers game was just too much for him. But with the odds more even tonight.

The Slayer of Giants is full of pep, tagging hands and beelining his way to the ring. He hops onto the ring apron, waving a pointer finger at the Faithful, before stepping between the ropes and bee-lining towards his cocky opponent of the evening.

The veteran Matthews is looking confident, and the crowd looks ready for some action in this contest!

The arena quickly turns sour as Bo Stevens slides into the ring and drills Troy Matthews from behind with a nasty lariat.

What the hell is this?!?!?!?!?

Looks like a beatdown Keebs.

The official calls for the bell and tries to stop Bo from punching the living daylights out of Troy Matthews, but the behemoth, George Stevens, grabs the official and throws him over the top rope.

That’ll be a huge fine.

They don’t care Lance! Can we get security out here?!?!?!?

Bo gets off of Troy and pulls Matthews up to his feet before sending him towards his cousin who delivers a ring shaking Texas Size Slam.

Texas Size Slam by George….dammit!

Troy writhes in pain on the canvas as Cary cheers on his boys drawing more jeers from the crowd and directing a not so pleasant chant to the patriarch of the Stevens Dynasty.


Cary begins to direct traffic.

Cary Stevens:
Get his ass up!

Cary yells as he takes off his gold colored suit jacket.

What’s this?

Cary builds up a head of steam and hits the ropes and when he does he turns the barely conscious Troy Matthews with a clothesline from hell.

Texas Size Lariat!

Matthews must be getting to the Stevens Dynasty if Cary is getting his hands dirty.

Cary mounts Troy and grabs him by the hair.

Cary Stevens:
You see what you’re making me do?!?!?!?

Cary delivers a right hand.

He delivers another.

And another.

Until he goes beserk raining down hammer fists onto the face of Troy Matthews until he delivers a final blow. Cary looks at his shirt and sees the sweat and blood on it and delivers a final kick to Troy’s face.

Cary Stevens:
This is a five hundred dollar shirt asshole!

Cary calls his boys in and whispers something to them. A devilish smirk forms across their face as Bo slides out of the ring and looks for something under the ring.

What is he looking for?

Bo pulls out a table and slides into the ring.

Oh no, the Stevens clan is NOT going to let Troy out of here in one piece, are they?

As Bo and George set up the table and look to end Troy Matthews the jeers start to turn into cheers as a familiar face storms out in the arena!


Indeed, the God-Beast rushes out to the ring like a man possessed, catching the attention of the Stevens Dynasty! Without any delay, Mushi climbs up onto the apron, between the ropes, and LUNGES towards the first Stevens he sees, pie-facing Bo onto the mat! Cary Stevens wisely rolls out of the ring, leaving George alone to face down the monster!

Holy moley, Keebs, this could be a real clash of the titans here tonight!

However, on the orders of his old man, George Stevens simply shrugs and steps out of the ring, joining his father and cousin, who has by now rolled out. The Dynasty slowly moves away from the ring, keeping their collective gaze on the King of the Monsters, who turns to his fallen former partner.

Mushigihara were once tag team partners turned bitter rivals; the last time they stood in the same ring in DEFIANCE, they nearly killed one another, but what could the God-Beast be doing now?

Troy begins to come to his senses, and looks right into the face of his fellow former Philosopher King as he rises to his feet. Mushigihara does not move a muscle, until Troy stands fully erect and walks up to his face, offering an extended hand.

You and I have been here long enough to recall their triumphs as a team and their grizzly battles against each other, Keebs, so seeing Mushigihara offer peace is NOT what I expected!

Troy states down at Mushi’s hand, then looks him in the eye expressing confusion and worry, before slowly dipping out of the ring, not breaking his gaze as he slowly backs up the aisle.

Troy Matthews is not very receptive of this, apparently, but somehow I don’t think we’ve seen the end of this. We’ll be right back, fans.

The camera cuts away on Troy’s face, still focusing on Mushi in the ring.


A car pulls up, as the door opens The Faithful pop when they see PCP member Klein exit the vehicle. He looks a bit solemn, his head hung low. He walks to his trunks and pops the hood. He pulls out a small onesie from the trunk that has a little dandelion flower on it, and sighs. Suddenly two bright car lights blind him as a car speeds toward him. Klein covers his eyes. With burnt rubber and a loud screech, the car stops just a few feet from where he stands. 

Klein ignores it entirely, doesn’t even look up, but there’s a slight sniffle as the car engine dies. Klein sighs, throwing the onsie to the floor, before retrieving his Odessa Gym bag. 

As Klein closes his trunk, revealed where the open trunk door was propped open is none other than Jestal, who blindsides Klein! Klein is unable to protect himself as Jestal lays in the blows over and over. All Klein can see is starbursts from the bright lights.

Jestal drags Klein over to a street light and rips and tears Klein’s box clean off his head, throwing to the side. He then grabs Klein’s head and slams his skull into the steel post, over, and OVER. Only after four strikes is Jestal temporarily satisfied, dropping Klein to the cold New Orleans concrete with a sick thud. A trickle of blood trails down the steel post and drops onto the floor by Klein’s feet.  The jester unloads with kicks to the skull and ribs.

Where is my answer, you predator!

Jestal picks up Klein and bends him like a bow in an arrow with the street light buried into his lower back!

After a few moments of painful shouts from Klein, his body goes limp and he no longer seems to be fighting back. Jestal releases the bow and arrow. He grabs a limp Klein by the hair and drags him across the parking lot.

This is what happens when you don't answer me.

Jestal drags him over to his car and opens the trunk. He slams Klein's head into a toybox before grabbing the trunk lid and slamming it over and over into the lower back of Klein who screams in pain with each strike. Klein finally gets tossed out on the street in immense pain holding his ribs and lower back.

This is only the beginning sweetness.

Just as Jestal is about to continue his assault another vehicle pulls up. Jestal covers his eyes as Elise and The D exit the vehicle. 

The D:
HEY! Not fair!

Jestal makes a prompt retreat. As Elise rushes out and checks on Klein. The D climbs out of the driver’s seat, and snarls his nostril.

The D:
Get outta here you MIME!


I hear we’re heading backstage for something very important right now.

The backstage area is bustling with the usual sorts of DEFIANCE employees. Ring crew members are fixing jigs. Makeup artists are preparing their stations. Wardrobe consultants are folding their laundry. Heck, even some talent are congregating nearby. Butcher Victorious is watching his match against Dan Leo James and cackling to himself, No Fun Dean is trying to leave while Slightly Fun Jen is chatting with some of the makeup girls, and the entirety of Les Enfants Terribles - Killjoy, Archer Silver, Kazuhiro Troy, and High Flyer IV - are huddled up and game planning for the Happy Hour Tag Team Battle Royal later on in the evening.

Everyone is focusing on what they’re doing until a portable stage and podium is wheeled in by the hulking Cyrus Bates. LET cease their conversation as Bates pulls the stage-on-wheels right by them, forcing them to move.

Cyrus Bates:

As Bates shouts, the busyness of the area dissipates. Interested or not, everyone turns their attention to the podium on the stage as none other than Malak Garland assumes the power position behind it.

Cyrus Bates:

No one except Cyrus claps as Malak pretends like he’s receiving a hero's welcome. The Keyboard King extends an arm in hopes to quell the raucous crowd only he can hear and wipes away a fake tear from his face. Malak is wearing a decadent six piece eggshell white suit, of course.  

Malak Garland:
Thank you for the warm embrace, everyone and welcome to my state of the locker room address. Oh wow, tickle me nervous.

While Malak takes a brief step back, Thurston Hunter runs up to the podium and deposits a speech written out on cue cards.

Malak Garland:
I know what you’re all thinking and yes I can confirm that I am still devastated coming off the loss of my beloved shiny tag titles but I feel it is IMPERATIVE I push forward with this locker room address so all my colleagues and subordinate underlings know exactly where I stand.

Pregnant pause. 

Malak Garland:
You see, I’m going to take this opportunity that everyone wants me to have to declare how I intend to move forward from this.

Everyone tries to go back to minding their own business but Malak is relentless.

Malak Garland:
You see, my situation is rather complex. There’s levels to this. You could even say there’s lots to unpack here.

Suddenly, Lindsay Troy emerges from around the corner, warmed up for her match against Ned Ref….oh, sorry….DOCTOR Ned Reform. She walks over to the watercooler and obliviously starts refilling her water bottle. She notices her son, Kaz, and gives him a nod hello. Malak stops his speech immediately as he eyes The Queen of the Ring intently.

Malak Garland:
Ex-excuse me.

Malak rushes down from the podium and over to Troy, who is about to put the bottle cap back on. Cyrus and Thurston follow him.

Malak Garland:
Yes, hi there. I’m sorry but you literally just ruined my State of the Locker Room Address by walking in here and making a ruckus.

Lindsay Troy:
Oh, a ruckus you say.

She looks around the room, at all the once-bored faces who now seem to be very interested in this conversation.

Lindsay Troy:
Well, I suppose my getting some refreshing water was far more entertaining than … whatever it was you were just doing.

Malak Garland:
Who even are you? How did you get backstage? This is my State of the LOCKER ROOM Address. Employees only. No outsiders.

I’m not so sure Malak knows exactly who he’s talking to right now.

Oh, you think?

Malak Garland:
Was your little refill so important that you had to interfere with my train of thought just now?

Malak speaks, completely ignoring the fact that almost everyone else was paying him no attention before the Queen walked in. Garland gets real close and sticks a finger into Troy’s collarbone.

Malak Garland:
Are you here to pick someone up? Are you someone’s MOM because all the soccer moms are usually told to wait with the rest of the useless parents in the crowd, which I hate because crowds give me immense anxiety!

The reaction of the Faithful can be faintly heard in the background. A stormy look crosses Kaz Troy’s face, and he starts to step up at the literal disrespect Malak shows for not only his mother but one of the most legendary wrestlers ever, but Killjoy’s hand holds him back.

For her part, Lindsay simply plucks Malak’s finger off her body and lets it fall away from her, then offers the Source of Envy a sarcastic little smile.

Lindsay Troy:
I’m not here to pick anyone up, but I will be sending someone somewhere. We’ll see if it’s the hospital or the morgue after my in-ring appointment with “Doctor” Ned Reform.

Malak Garland:
Oh, you’ll be wrestling later tonight? Tickle me intrigued then. Lots to unpack. I guess I’ll be watching. Yeah. Watch your back, soccer mom.

Malak taps Cyrus and Thurston on the chest before departing. The two flunkies follow the Grammar Grappler, mean-mugging Troy as they go; in Thurston’s case, it looks more like he’s constipated.

Lindsay doesn’t watch them go, taking a sip from her water instead, the sarcastic smile never leaving her face.


Malak Garland is a first-class idiot.

He wonders why everyone’s after him… it’s because of things like that. How do you not know who Lindsay Troy is?

Apparently, he does not.

We are going to have Conor Fuse vs. ADV here momentarily-

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫


An audible groan from the audience in attendance. The lights in the arena take on a purple hue.

Well… this is a rarity. You don’t hear much from Ned Reform on DEFtv.

Maybe in his mind he’s moving up in the world…

Ned Reform walks out from the back, dressed business casual and smiling broadly and waving politely to his “adoring” fans. Flanking him is his newest protegee, TA Cole. Cole scowls stoically as Reform goes full on politician, smiling, pointing, and winking at the ringside fans as he makes his way down the aisle. He gets more than a few middle fingers in response.

On last week’s edition of Uncut, Ned Reform announced his bid to become the General Manager of DEFIANCE. I’ve been told he’s been trying to rally support backstage for that goal all week.

I’ve heard more than a little colorful language from the guys and gals in the back about that idea, too.

TA Cole holds the ropes open, allowing Reform to enter. Still smiling, he gestures for a mic as his music dies down. 

Ned Reform:


Ned Reform:
It’s been a VERY productive week, children. Ever since I announced I was applying for the role as YOUR General Manager, I have been inundated with support. I first want to thank everyone who wrote me emails or reached out via social media to voice your appreciation for what I’m trying to do here. I do this for each and every one of you. 

More boos!

Ned Reform:
Later tonight, I square off with Lindsay Troy.

That one gets some cheers at the thought of Troy kicking Reform’s head off.

Ned Reform:
I am eager to show the Favored Saints that I am able to compete at an elite level and that I can “handle” one of DEFIANCE’s stop stars. It will only strengthen my case for why I belong in a leadership role in this organization. And rest assured, children… “handle” Lindsay Troy I will.

Reform takes a moment to yuk it up with Levi Cole. Cole doesn’t crack a smile.

Ned Reform:
But before that bout, I wanted to take a moment to discuss a very important topic with you.

Reform points to the DEFtron, where… a PowerPoint presentation appears? In the center of the PowerPoint is a single word: STAGNATION. 

Ned Reform:
Today’s word, children, is stagnation. Do me a favor, if you will.

Reform raises his hand and points a single finger to his own bald head.

Ned Reform:
Take a moment, and put your imagination caps on. I want to go to a place in your mind. Go on a journey with me. I want you to think of a time in your life when something BIG was set to change… and it made you uneasy. Go on. How about this: everybody close your eyes and take two minutes and think about that time. 

Reform’s voice becomes soothing and calm.

Ned Reform:
Think about how you felt in that moment. What was going through your mind? What emotions were boiling up inside you? How did you react?

Reform walks around the ring, speaking calmly, urging people to close their eyes and take part in his “activity.” As he looks to the fans, many of them take the chance to tell him what they think about him. 

Ned Reform:
It appears that I only have about 25% of you with me. Perhaps you can’t remember a time? Let’s… let’s use TA Cole as an example!

Reform walks over and places a hand on Cole’s shoulder. Cole doesn’t react or move to this.

Ned Reform:
Levi Cole made a big change recently. He chose to ally himself with yours truly for the good of his career. I can tell you he fretted over this decision. He knew it came at a cost, and he went back and forth before making his choice. But in the end, he overcame his fears and did the right thing… didn’t he, children?


As the crowd jeers Reform’s smugness, The Good Doctor reaches into his coat pocket and produces a small clicker. He clicks once and the PowerPoint presentation shifts from the word STAGNATION to a stock photo of a young woman looking terrified. Probably came from a horror movie of some kind.

Ned Reform:
Many people do not have the courage of Levi Cole. Many of us become frozen with fear at the prospect of change, whether at an individual or organizational level. We become… stagnant. The idea of sweeping changes, even those that would result in improvement, become frightening to the animal parts of our brain. The part where our emotions dwell and logic has no home.

He clicks again. This time it’s a photo of the human brain.

Ned Reform:
We begin to wonder: if there’s sweeping change, what will I lose? What will happen to my interests? Will I be forced to confront some truths that I am not yet ready for? And then we allow that fear to paralyze us. To control us. We become stagnant. And why are we talking about this today?

My question exactly.

Ned Reform:
Because although I’ve received countless letters of support, I’ve also discovered that there are… if you can believe this… people who do NOT want me to be appointed as the General Manager of DEFIANCE.

A pop!

Ned Reform:
And why? Because… and you’ll never believe THIS… apparently there are those who LIKE DEFIANCE the way it is.

Reform turns to Levi Cole and shakes his head as if that’s the craziest thing he’s ever had to say. The Faithful cheer their approval for their favorite wrestling company. 

Ned Reform:
And so I need to be the bigger man and realize that this resistance to change comes from a place of fear. And it’s logically my duty to alleviate that fear. Perhaps I can offer you a concrete example, yes?

Reform clicks again - and the next slide on the PowerPoint is a stock photo of Conor Fuse all five of the Unified Tag Team belts from a few months ago. The crowd cheers for the appearance of the fan favorite!

Ned Reform:
Here we have a very, very popular performer on the DEFIANCE roster. You people cheer for Conor because you see yourself in him, yes? He’s earnest, he’s whimsical, he’s… well, he’s a fan! What’s not to love, right? Right?

The fans applaud. Reform’s face morphs into a sneer.

Ned Reform:

Reform begins to march around the ring, seeming to get worked up.

Ned Reform:
Conor Fuse is a prime example of all that is wrong with DEFIANCE. You want to talk about stagnation? How about a grown man who still believes the world is a video game? What else does he believe? Santa Claus? I can’t even call him a man, can I? A man-child. A man-child who refuses to let go of how the world was when he was… what? Ten? Eight? Younger than that? THERE’S YOUR STAGNATION.

Reform seems to actually be getting angry here.

Ned Reform:
Many of you don’t want me in charge because you likely believe there will be no place in Ned Reform’s DEFIANCE for people like Conor Fuse. And you know what?

He stops pacing. He smiles. Darkly.

Ned Reform:
YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. In fact, I can vow this: one of my first acts as General Manager will be to provide Mr. Fuse with an ultimatum: grow up, be a man, put away the childish NONSENSE… or there’s. The. Door.


Ned Reform:
I know. I know. Change can be hard. But what you don’t realize is that each and every one of you will be better off without Conor…

♫ “King DeDeDe Remix Theme” from Kirby’s Dream Land ♫

The Faithful, of course, erupt!

I think we’ve got an unforeseen addition to this NED TALK!

Fuse appears behind the apron to a massive ovation from the fans and subsequent !RANK chant. Pumping the crowd, Conor works his way down the ramp, slapping hands with fans, jumping around… all to the dismay of Dr. Ned who shakes his head no, completely disappointed at this display.

The Character Formerly Known as Player Two slides into the ring and receives his own microphone. Fuse waves to Reform and TA Cole.

Conor Fuse:
Hey guys, pleasure to meet you, Ned. So I’m Conor Fuse but lol, I guess you know that already.

Conor says while pointing to the DEFIatron where his face is plastered over it with an X. Meanwhile, Reform rubs his temples with two fingers in utter annoyance.

Conor Fuse:
We haven’t met yet, Dr. Reform although Cole and I know each other rather well.

The younger Fuse extends his hand for either man to shake. Reform simply stares at it until Conor pulls it away.

Conor Fuse:
Well anyway, I don’t know what the big deal is. Gaming is fun! Gaming is a great way to escape your everyday problems… and let’s be honest, since DEFCON I had a lot of problems. Malak Garland, brother leaving, a Back to the Future Talent Agency, etcetera, etcetera.

DDK reminds viewers Conor Fuse will face ADV momentarily.

Conor Fuse:
But gaming has always been there! Say, you strike me as a guy who would enjoy the more… mature consoles. PlayStation or XBox, take your pick. Oh goodness, it would be awesome possum blossom stuff to hit a Walmart together! I’ll tell ya what, I’ll cover the cost of your first console and a game, straight-up, no questions asked.

As Conor speaks, Reform stares daggers into him - his expression unreadable.

Conor Fuse:
I’m willing to look past all this [motioning to the DEFIatron where Fuse is X’ed out] and start fresh. Brand new. Reboot! Hahaha, I’m pretty alright, huh?

Ned allows himself a small smile. He raises his mic back to his lips.

Ned Reform:
So that’s it, then? You come out here, do the ol “awww shucks look at me” routine and expect everything to be okay? You’ve learned this, yes? That you - the self proclaimed “locker room leader” - are safe and sound in your little fantasy land? You can retreat into your shell of innocence, spout some sophomoric video game nonsense, and the fans will applaud you like the Pavlovian dogs they are? That’s how most of your stories end, isn’t it? Well, dear boy… I’ve got some news for you…

Reform leans in close, coming face to face with Conor.

Ned Reform:
Not. This. Time.

Suddenly, TA Cole attacks! He blindsides Conor from behind, raining blows down on the unsuspecting gamer. Conor is rocked by the first few, but the fans cheer as he blocks a fourth punch and begins to fire back into Levi with his own!

...until his knee is clipped by Ned Reform. Conor crumbles and now all he can do is cover up as both Reform and Levi Cole unload with kicks. 

This is cowardly. This is the man who wants to be appointed General Manager?

On Reform’s command, Cole lifts a struggling Conor to his feet. With both Fuse’s arms restrained, his head is wide open for a…


Ned Reform:
I’m going to beat reality into you!


Ned Reform:
Life isn’t a game you child!


Ned Reform:
Someday you’ll… argh!

Reform is caught off guard as Conor is able to catch him unaware with a kick to the head! In response, Levi Cole, who had been holding Conor in a full-nelson to restrain him… lifts Fuse up and slams him hard into the mat with a full nelson slam! The fans desperately try to rally Conor with a “!rank” chant, enraging Reform even more. Ned commands that his TA lift Conor up, and Reform hooks him. He turns to the audience…

Ned Reform:
Consider him ranked!!

And Ned Reform DROPS Conor on his head with the Syllabuster!! 

Conor is down and out. Ned Reform points to his form and then looks to the fans who are looking close to riot status. TA Cole moves in to deliver more punishment but no… Reform tells him that they’ve done enough. The Good Doctor and TA Cole exit the ring, leaving the downed form of Conor Fuse in their wake.

And what did this prove? Ned Reform picked a fight with someone who had nothing to do with him, and then when Conor Fuse actually offered an olive branch, he attacked him from behind. 

Lance Warner:
If Ned Reform is looking to win people over, he’s got a strange way of going about it…

Not only that but…

♫ “Let ‘Em Burn” by Freddie Gibbs ​♫

More boos.

Conor has Alvaro de Vargas NEXT!!!

ADV appears on the stage, rubbing his hands together. He’s also accompanied by…

Tom Morrow.

The scene switches to Conor Fuse, struggling to get on a knee.

Great, just great.



Wednesday, August 25th!



The show opens back off commercial where ADV is laying a beating on Conor Fuse. Vargas hurls Conor into a buckle and then comes racing in with a clothesline, flipping Conor inside-out and to the canvas.

This match is already on, folks. With Mark Shields as the referee, he wasted no time before ADV slid into the ring and took Conor’s head off with a big boot.

Mark was supposed to wait until we were off break. We don’t do picture-in-picture here.


Vargas reigns punches into the Locker Room Leader before lifting him off the mat, tossing him into the ropes and launching Conor Fuse over his shoulder and halfway across the ring. Fuse lands on his back, Vargas goes off the ropes himself and comes across with a high angle leg drop across Conor’s neck. ADV demands Mark Shields start counting.




The Cuban fumes as he slams his hands against the mat. Yannick Fillimore’s Favorite drags Conor to his feet and connects with a stalling belly-to-belly suplex.

It’s clear Fuse doesn’t have much left.

What’s worse is, this was such a sneak attack by Ned Reform. It’s not like Henry Keyes… PCP… some of Conor’s new friends would have known he was in danger when Ned randomly mouthed off to him.

ADV whips Conor into a buckle. Fuse flies all the way up the buckle and then comes right back down the same way he hit it. Conor stumbles backwards to the center of the ring and de Vargas takes Fuse’s head off with a ripcord clothesline.

ADV demands another cover.





The crowd is coming alive!

The Cuban’s face is bright red as he screams at Mark Shields and then into the crowd. Meanwhile, Mark doesn’t “get it” and offers ADV to do a round of blow with him after the match. Tom Morrow paces on the outside, looking in, shouting for ADV to “end Conor Fuse”.

de Vargas Irish whips Conor into the ropes, lowers his shoulder and hits a ring shaking powerslam!




de Vargas is an incredibly talented wrestler. He’s a true HOSS with some legit wrestling ability. But he’s a hot head. Conor is resilient. If ADV keeps getting pissed off…

As de Vargas lifts Conor to his feet, he’s hooked into a cradle pin!




Well, case and point.

The Faithful are alive as Morrow is the one nearing a meltdown now. He slams the mat and shouts in Conor’s direction.

Tom Morrow:

Fuse is up… but de Vargas was waiting.

T-Bone suplex by ADV!

Conor lands on his feet and another POP transpires! Fuse pulls himself together and bulldogs ADV to the mat. Conor races to the buckle, clearly hurting and springboards off into a knee drop on the BFTA leader. The younger Fuse knows not to hook a leg. Instead, Conor takes the ropes, raising his feet slightly before Tom Morrow can trip him and flies into de Vargas with a spinning elbow smash! Fuse kip-ups and rallies the troops.


Holding the back of his head, Conor bounces off the ropes and headscissor takedowns his opponent. Alvaro, however, is on a knee already.

Conor looking for a superkick- NO! Misses!

ADV tackles Conor to the mat and unloads a fury of shots. Fuse pulls away, with use of the ropes and then jumps over de Vargas, clearing him, frontward rolling onto his feet and hitting the ropes across the way. ADV looks for a hip toss but Conor lands on his feet easily!


Superkick connects!


Another! ADV is not down yet!

It’s clear Conor is Struggling with a capital S as he takes two steps back and looks for another superkick-

Spear by de Vargas!

Conor’s wiped out.

I don’t think our Gamer has anything left.

Indeed, he does not. de Vargas positions Conor into the piledriver.






Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… ALVARO DE VARGAS.

The boos chime down as ADV rolls of the the ring, looking like he doesn’t give a fuck. Tom Morrow, the manager and mastermind behind a Better Future pats his all-star on the back. Alvaro looks at the camera nearby and cheers with a very proud Morrow.

Alvaro de Vargas:
That pendejo, Conor? Check! The Lucky Sevens are gonna check off those PCP pendejos tonight in the Battle Royale… then I’m coming for one more… Ver el, dirigible pirata!

You’d have to think this was a different match if Conor Fuse wasn’t laid to waste by Ned Reform and TA Cole.

Absolutely. Hell of a fight by Conor but in the end, ADV was too much.

The scene fades as de Vargas and Morrow work their way up the ramp and Conor slowly comes to on the canvas.


What an action packed night of DEFIANCE television we’ve already had for you here on Night One and we have a lot more in-store for you coming up. Conor Fuse is scheduled to be in action, so is Lindsay Troy, and we’re ending tonight with a Battle Royal to determine the new #1 contender to the DEFIANCE Tag Team Championships!

The Pop Culture Phenoms. The Lucky Sevens. Los Tres Ti…

Lights Out.

The Faithful cheer mightily as smoke begins to rise from the entrance of the DEFarena in the darkness. A red light flickers to life in the haze as a guitar pierces through the echoes of the WrestlePlex. Inside the smoke a male silhouette is in the kneeling position looking down at a championship belt in his hands. Rising up he grabs the title in his fist and raises it above his head triumphantly to the joyous screams of the Faithful.

It begins with them… but it ends with me.
♫ “The Dark Sentencer” by Coheed And Cambria ♫

Speaking of champions, listen to this ovation, Lance!


The Faithful chant along with the music as Matt LaCroix steps out from the smoke. His head, looking down, is covered by a hood. The DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Championship in the air. You can see a smirk cross his face as he pulls the hood back and looks around at the Faithful continuing to chant all around. Underneath his black denim vest is a new t-shirt available now in the DEFshop! The front reads “Southern Born. Southern Bred.” over a circled fleur-de-lis, and if you could see the back it would read “Cross the Reaper and You’ll Be Southern Dead.” 

What a match that was against Dex Joy at Maximum DEFIANCE! Matt LaCroix and The Biggest Boy put it all on the line in what will surely go down as one of the biggest, pardon the pun, wins of LaCroix’s career.

I can’t think of a more deserving man to be the Southern Heritage Champion than Matt LaCroix. Born and raised right here in Louisiana. One of the most gifted technicians ever to step foot into, not just a DEFIANCE ring, any ring that’s ever sat in any arena. He’s made mistakes and he’s struggled, but who hasn’t?

I think the Faithful see a lot of themselves in Matt LaCroix, that’s for sure. Southern check? Having a heritage here? Double check. Champion? Absolutely. I’m looking forward to seeing what Matt can do with the title!

He doesn’t march to the ring, however, instead LaCroix goes to a place that he’s seldom been seen. The Interview Stage. There is no one there waiting for him as he approaches the microphone stand, wearing the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Championship proudly over his shoulder. “The Dark Sentencer” cuts off leaving the Reaper of the Pontchartrain, now with microphone in hand, alone with the Faithful.

“YOU DE-SERVE IT!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap
“YOU DE-SERVE IT!” Clap Clap ClapClapClap

Matt LaCroix:
It’s been a looong time Faithful, Ça va?

A cheer brings a smirk to his face once again.

Ça c’est bon. Ça c’est bon. Thanks, I ain’t really got much ta say outside that I really ‘preciate y’alls support. I did a lotta stuff ta make y’all justified in givin’ up on me and y’all are still here. That means a lot ta a New Orleans boy who did a lot to embarrass his kin so… thank YOU.

The Faithful respond with a heartfelt applause as a clearly emotional and slightly uncomfortable Matt LaCroix looks down at the floor before continuing on.

I’d also like ta thank Dex Joy for givin’ a man lookin’ for a fight all tha damn fight he could handle. I’d had an envie for a scrap and it’d been a long time since I’ve looked across tha ring at an honorable son of a bitch who just beat tha Jesus outta me for damn near an hour. Walkin’ away from tha right after a match like that is what this business is ALLLL about, so let’s give it up for Dex Joy!

Matt holds the microphone up for the Faithful to give a rousing ovation for the former Southern Heritage Champion. The Louisiana Bloodletter gives an applause himself before continuing on with what he’s got on his mind.

This championship is sumthin’ really special ta me. When I came back home from Japan, I had three goals I’d set for myself in order ta consider this return successful. First was ta stay sober… and so far so good. Second was ta make it onto the main roster. Lastly, I wanted ta win the Southern Heritage Championship. Tha end goal is ta be FIST of DEFIANCE, I dun wantcha ta get me wrong, but I feel like this is what I’m all about. Any southern boy who wrestles… this should be HIS belt. There is so much pride holdin’ this on my shoulder right now and I can’t wait ta take tha next step in my career and defend this with everything I got.

A look of resolve crosses the face of the champion as he looks across the cheering Faithful.

So I dunno what’s next. I dunno which man, or lady, is gonna step up to tha Reaper… but I’ll promise ya’ll sumthin’ right now. Whoever it is… we goin’ ta war. I’m gonna fight ya until my body dies out. If y’all wanna take this title from me ya gonna bleed. We ain’t cuttin’ no corners here for the Southern Heritage Championship! So if ya’ll wanna dance, come and find me, we’ll laissez les bons temps rou…

Lights Out.

The sound cuts out with the lights. The Faithful try to illuminate the DEFarena with their cell phone flashlights but the darkness is just too consuming, with the only light catching DDK trying desperately to fix his headset. Seconds feel like minutes as the DEFIANCE team scrambles to regain technical control of their show before then, just as chaotically sudden as it came, it went away. Lights, sound, everything return to normal… except Matt LaCroix, who lays unconscious face down on the interview stage with the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Championship laid flat across his back.

Are we back on air?

I think we are Darren, but we need to get medical out here right now. Matt LaCroix is out cold.

On cue, the DEFIANCE medical team runs out onto the stage and attends to the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Champion. Right as they arrive he appears to try and push himself up to his hands and knees, catching just a glimpse of blood trickling down his face before he collapses back onto himself. Doctors begin asking him questions but he waves them off wildly, turning around and looking for his championship when suddenly the tron in front of him begins to write.

“I’m not afraid to bleed.”

LaCroix wipes the blood off from his face.

“Are you?”

Sneering with frustration, Matt LaCroix grabs his championship and tries to walk away before stumbling forward and falling to his hands and knees where the doctors on staff attend to him once again.

I’m not afraid to bleed?

Matt LaCroix had just told the world he would take on anyone who wanted the opportunity and immediately someone, under the guise of darkness, assaulted the champion in a cowardly attack and ran away before anyone even knew what happened! What’s the point of that?

You’re right, Lance, Matt LaCroix made it very clear that if you want a shot at the Southern Heritage Championship all you have to do is ask… but someone clearly has very different methodology, but why?

You know we’re used to people coming out here on the television show after the Pay-Per-View to announce their intentions to challenge another wrestler for a variety of reasons… but why attack a man anonymously who would accept all challenges?

Regardless, Matt LaCroix is in a world of hurt after this obviously premeditated assault. From that video they had every intention of making the champion bleed and they did just that. We just hope the champion recovers quick enough to defend this title that obviously means very much to him. To have it taken away in an attack like this would just be devastating.

Well if I know one thing about Matt LaCroix, it’s that the guy has waaay too much fight in him. If he’s breathing, he’ll be fighting. Let’s all put our thoughts and prayers together for Matt LaCroix and hope this isn’t a setback to his Southern Heritage aspirations.

The Faithful let out a cheer as Southern Strong Style finally gets back up to his feet with the help of the medical team. Grasping his championship and frustrated, he stumbles out of their grasp and makes his way backstage with the doctors quickly in pursuit.


OCTOBER 13 & 14!


The show comes back from a commercial where Tyler Fuse sits in front of what looks to be a Reaper lair. Princess Desire stands to his left.

Tyler Fuse:
At MAXIMUM DEFIANCE, The Guardian made The Kabal look stupid.

Tyler sneers.

Tyler Fuse:
This is a simple message. A very simple message to The Guardian and others who are deemed unworthy.

Tyler holds up a vile in his hands before he tosses it behind him.

Tyler Fuse:
The landscape of DEFIANCE is changing. You saw this first hand when all four championships switched. You will see something far more earth shattering soon.

Tyler looks over to his stone-faced wife and then back to the camera. He laughs, slightly.

Tyler Fuse:
You may think a segment like this has no real meaning but I can assure you, it does. You see, a few months from now THIS moment will be a reference point. This is not filler to take up time. This is a proclamation in its truest form.

Tyler cracks a knuckle.

Tyler Fuse:
Guardian falls. The DEFIANT champions fall. This company is DOA. There is only The Kabal remaining…

The elder Fuse gives a pause.

Tyler Fuse:
…Or maybe only me. Even better.

Tyler pulls the Reaper Red hood over his face and the scene cuts to inside the arena.


As we return from commercial break, Christie Zane stands buttoned up in her nicest formal wear.

Cristine Zane:
Tonight’s main event will determine the number one contendership for the DEFIANCE Tag Team Champions, where the winners will go on to face the champions, the Saturday Night Specials!

Cheap pop from the crowd.

Christine Zane:
One of the competitors in that matchup is joining me now. Please give a warm welcome to… the D!

No music plays as the D is having no games tonight. He comes out from the entrance to a nice pop but doesn’t have time to showboat to the crowd. He rushes over to Zane, the veins in his neck seem to pop a little.

The D:
Oh I am SO riled up Zaney. The D is not even going to use this opportunity to make Dick jokes. I know you all saw what happened to Klein earlier. 

Christine Zane:
Brutally attacked by Jestal in the parking lot, for refusing to answer Jestal’s challenge.

The D:
Yeah, well, you know why? The big lug’s HEARTBROKEN Christie. He loved that kid before he even met ‘em! Now Jestal wants to kick sand in Klein’s open wound? I won’t allow it. Klein might not want to fight you Jestal, but I do!

The D shoves the microphone into Christine’s chest and hops off the interview stage. He begins to walk alongside the fans and then up onto the ramp, and into the ring as the commentary team talks.

Similar to DEFCon, The D has called out Jestal here and is walking to the ring! 

This is impromptu!

He may be jeopardizing his chance at the tag team championships by putting his body at risk here.

But it’s admirable Darren. You have to stand up for your family.

Definitely so. 

The D rolls into the ring without pageantry

After that heinous attack earlier in the night. We were told Klein was taken to the hospital.

The D wants to get some retribution for Jestal's actions. Although we have yet to see Jestal.

After The D stews a bit more, pacing and kicking the bottom rope, Jestal finally shows but on the DEFtron with none other than Tom Morrow. Just the mere sight of Tom Morrow elicits boos.

What? What do you want?

Tom Morrow:
The D-Bag is saying that he wants a match with you. 


Tom Morrow:

Alright. Tommorrow.

Tom Morrow:
No tonight.

Ok Tommorrow.

Tom Morrow:
No, tonight.

Ok let's do this Tommorrow.

The D has had enough of the games.

This is serious. Are you gonna give us the match or what Jestal?

The D:

The D loudly interjects, now climbing onto the bottom and second rope, facing the video screen.

The D:

You want a piece of me!

The D:

You want?....You GOT it!

The Faithful get excited for an impromptu match! 

♫ Return of the Mad Prince - {Kefka Symphonic Metal Version - Falkkone} ♫ 

The D nods, waiting for the clown. The D throws the microphone down and hops in place waiting.

This is big Lance! The Mad Prince vs. the A-Lister!

The D takes a moment to look at his imaginary watch. After a few additional moments…

 ♫ Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley  ♫ 

Complete with accompanying video on the DEFtron.

Somewhere, Jack Harmen cracks a smile.

D-did… did he just Rick Roll The D?

Maybe for the best if PCP want to head into tonight’s main event fresh. 

Fresh with anger. Careful D! You might strain a quad!

The D kicks the bottom rope three times and points at the DEFTron, loudly yelling at Quimbey to “TURN OFF THE RACKET!” Frustrated, the D hops out of the ring and climbs into the Sea of Faithful to cheers.

While we don’t see the D and Jestal dance tonight...


Earlier tonight, we heard from Ned Reform and his quest to become the new General Manager of DEFIANCE. We also saw him mastermind a cowardly attack on Conor Fuse. Coming up next, he’s in action against… get this… Lindsay Troy.

It makes a certain amount of sense. Reform is rallying to change DEFIANCE from what it used to be, and with maybe the exception of Bronson Box, who else on the roster now embodies that defiant tradition? 

The Queen is looking to get back on track after what’s being considered a major upset by Scrow at Maximum DEFIANCE. She alluded to something going down in this match tonight during her … “conversation” … with Malak Garland a little while ago, and whatever she’s got planned it sounded pretty grim.

If it shuts Reform up, it might not be a bad thing.

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫

Ned Reform is here! Unlike earlier, this time he’s in his wrestling gear of purple and white singlet. TA Cole is still close by and still dressed in his formal wear. Reform is on cloud nine after what he did to Conor Fuse earlier in the program, and is flashing the crowd with thumbs up and smiles. They do not reciprocate. 

Reform is still a relative newbie here on the roster. A win over Lindsay Troy could catapult him to the top of the card in a hurry. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit… introducing first, from Litchfield, Connecticut… NED REFORM!

As he approaches the ring, we see Reform call out “that’s DOCTOR Ned Reform” in Quimbey’s direction. Once again, TA Cole holds the rings open for his mentor and once again, Reform calls for a mic immediately upon entering the ring. 

Ned Reform:
Hello again children! Imagine us seeing each other twice in one night. What a blessed day for you.

A smirk.

Ned Reform:
Now, I took no pleasure in what I had to do earlier to Conor Fuse…

The crowd begins to boo.

It sure looked like he was taking enjoyment in the beatdown of Conor…

Ned Reform:
...but sometimes when the carrot fails one must turn to the stick. If I cannot get Conor to see the error of his ways with razor sharp rhetoric and airtight logic, he leaves me no choice but to get physical. And get physical I will. Especially in a moment against…

Reform smirks again. He says his opponent's name with smarmy contempt. 

Ned Reform:
...Lindsay Troy.

The crowd pops for the idea of Troy kicking The Good Doctor’s head off!

Ned Reform:
You see, much like Conor, Ms. Troy fancies herself a “locker room leader.” If I am to be the captain of the DEFIANCE ship, I will need to earn the trust and respect of the locker room. And I will do so by systematically taking apart the wrestlers to which they look up and prove my undeniable superiority. I accomplished this earlier with Mr. Fuse, and I will accomplish this right now with Ms. Troy. Besides..

Reform walks over to TA Cole, slapping him on the shoulder like he’s telling the funniest joke in the world.

Ned Reform:
It’s not like she’s won a match in roughly a year, am I right? This should be a…

♫ “Put ‘em in the Grave” by Jedi Mind Tricks ♫

It’s not “Legendary” by 7kingZ that cues up, but instead it’s the ominous, opening chords to “Put ‘em in the Grave” by Jedi Mind Tricks that blasts through the DEFplex’s speakers. Ned Reform and TA Cole look to the entrance, both a little surprised by the change in music. Once the first verse kicks in, Lindsay Troy strolls out to a raucous ovation and a shower of pyro and cannon blasts. She doesn't pause to preen or rile up the crowd like she used to; instead, she stomps down the ramp to the ring, blowing right by the camera in the aisle, looking focused. Spotlights follow her path as she sprints the rest of the way to the ring, slides underneath the bottom rope, and makes a beeline for Ned Reform.

Lindsay Troy wasting no time in...WHOA!


Darren Quimbey doesn't even get his introduction out before the Queen shoots for the legs of The Warrior Poet and drives him unceremoniously to the mat, where she takes the mount position and starts hammering away with rapid-fire 12-6 elbows. Ned doesn’t know the number of the train that hit him and he tries his best to cover up, but Troy is relentless. Elbow after elbow find their mark before TA Cole springs into action.

Carla Ferrari hasn’t even called an official start to this match yet and Ned Reform is already bleeding.

I don’t think he’s gonna be the only one, Darren…

TA Cole wraps his arms around the Queen’s waist and hauls her off the Good Doctor, but Troy blasts him with multiple back elbows to the mouth. He lets her go, holding his mouth to check for blood, which is a critical mistake. Once he looks back at Troy, all he sees is the point of her elbow as she smashes him in the face with a roaring elbow that sends him flying out of the ring!


There’s the bell.

I think I see little stars and birdies flying around Ned’s head.

Reform has managed to pull himself vertical with the aid of the ropes, but it's clear that he's on dream street. There’s a cut above his eyebrow that’s seeping blood and Carla quickly pulls on her gloves for the remainder of the match.

Ned turns around to find Troy and he’s greeted by a stiff Muay-Thai kick to the ribs. He cries out in pain but Troy cracks off another one. And another. Ned tries to get away but Troy grabs him by the head and tosses him into the corner where she goes to town, kicking the holy hell out of him. 

Middle kick.

Two solebutts.

High savate kick.

Two middle kicks.

And another solebutt sees Reform slump down into the corner, much to the absolute delight of the DEFIANCE Faithful. Troy darts to the middle of the ring, turns around, and then runs back at Ned to drive her knee right into his face.

I really don’t think this is what Ned Reform or TA Cole expected when they saw the runsheet earlier today.

We saw on UNCUT that Lindsay was getting back in the gym with her former tag partner, Sonny Silver, but I don’t think any of us expected this. This is a mugging.

On the outside of the ring, TA Cole is finally getting his bearings. He sees Lindsay Troy go back to work on his mentor, bringing Ned out of the corner with a vertical suplex that she lets go of and allows him to fall flat on his back to the canvas before going back to work. Cole starts digging around underneath the ring and finally finds a chair.

TA Cole has seen about enough of Ned Reform getting manhandled, Lance. A chair has nothing but bad intentions attached to it.

Cole is just about to interject himself into the proceedings when the Faithful let out a mighty cheer. A blur comes speeding down the ramp and grabs ahold of the TA’s foot, dragging him out of the ring before anything untoward can happen.

That’s Conor Fuse! Conor Fuse to even the odds!

And get a little revenge for earlier in the night too!

Conor wrests the chair away from TA Cole and starts hammering away at the big man from Nebraska. The two brawl away from ringside with Conor getting the upper hand as they make their way into the back, while in the ring the Queen has Ned Reform completely at her mercy. She shoots him into the ropes and runs against the opposite side, gaining a head of steam and launching herself at the rebounding Reform. She leads with her knees and cracks him in the face with the Queen’s Gambit, before rolling through and scrambling back to the Good Doctor.

Queen’s Gambit! That’s gotta be it!

Not so fast!

It looks like Reform is out cold from the flying double knee strike, but that doesn’t stop Troy from locking in the Sacer Esto for good measure … or to add insult to injury … or to, perhaps, send a message to Malak Garland. Carla Ferrari checks on Reform, whose nose is now bleeding too, sees he’s out, and calls for the bell.


Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match….LINDSAY TROY!

♫ “Put ‘em in the Grave” by Jedi Mind Tricks ♫

Troy still has the Pentagram Choke locked on, even as her music starts playing and Quimbey announces her name. Carla has to tap her on the shoulder and arm to get her to let go, but eventually she does. The Queen stands up, looks down at the bloody Philosopher King, and smiles wickedly while the Faithful cheer.

The broadcast cuts backstage, revealing none other than Malak Garland who was watching the match on a monitor the entire time. Sweat glistens from his brow like he just worked a laborious shift in a coal mine.

Malak looks like he’s going to be sick!

I’d be shaking in my boots if I were him after seeing that match too!

The shot slowly zooms in on The Keyboard King’s panicky face.

Malak Garland: [muttering to himself]
Oh snapple, she is actually LeGiT. Maybe I shouldn’t have mouthed off to her?

Malak turns and notices the camera on him. He immediately covers the lens with an open palm as the broadcast transitions back to the ring with Lindsay Troy getting her arm raised in victory.

Be afraid, Malak! Be very afraid! Lindsay Troy picks up the victory over Ned Reform here tonight!

And what a victory it was. We’ve got to take a commercial break but when we come back, it’s our main event of the evening! Don’t go anywhere!


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Folks, we’re about to confirm a HUGE match for the main event of Acts of DEFIANCE: Night One. Coming up, DEFIANCE Wrestling in conjunction with Ballyhoo Brew will sponsor this next match: An eight-team battle royale to determine who will earn a shot at the Unified Tag Team Championships!

The Pop Culture Phenoms, The Lucky Sevens, Los Tres Titanes, Gulf Coast Connection, The Hallmark Journey, Screen 7 and two BRAZEN teams selected to participate… Heavy Artillery and… LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES! One-half of BRAZEN’s Tag Team Champs Archer Silver teams with Kazuhiro Troy, the son of Lindsay Troy. 

Quite a lineup! The Gulf Coast Connection have gotten better since Titus Campbell joined as we've seen on UNCUT. We know what the PCPs, The Lucky Sevens and Los Tres Titanes can all do. And with several young teams looking for that first big break… we’re ready for this.  Before we got to the ring the ring has filled up with the participants. And soon, we’ll have the Saturday Night Specials out here to join us on commentary….

♫ “Drink” by Alestorm ♫

Sounds like we won’t have to wait long!

The fans, and all the competitors in the ring, turn to look for the Saturday Night Specials, who usually appear among the Faithful to make their way toward the ring. However, in a night of surprises, our tag champs have one more for us: they’re on the rampway! “The Innovator” Brock Newbludd holds a Unified Tag belt high over his head as he screams out to the fans while “Black Out” Pat Cassidy lets a second belt dangle loosely out his left hand while he holds the right up to his eyes to scan the people. Satisfied with the rockstar reaction, both men make their way over to the announce booth. Brock takes an empty seat to the right of DDK while Cassidy’s seat and headset is to Lance Warner’s left. There’s a moment of static as the tag champs put on and adjust the extra headsets.

Welcome, guys!

Pat Cassidy:

Not yet, I’m afraid.

Pat Cassidy:
I went to the library and took out a copy of Wrestling Commentating for Dummies so I’m ready to GO. IT’S BREAKING DOWN IN NEW ORLEANS, LANCE!

I think everybody can appreciate the enthusiasm, guys. And speaking about breaking down, would you guys care to break down what it takes to win a battle royale? 

Brock Newbludd:
Well, Lance. Being in one is a lot like taking part in a mid-day orgy inside of a two person tent at a music festival. It’s hot, nasty, and there’s a good chance you’ll be poked in the eye by an errant appendage. The key to navigating your way through the sea of flailing limbs and baby oil is to keep your head on a swivel and look for an opportunity to finish off your opponents. Because at the end of the day, being the last one to finish is what it’s all about.

DDK’s jaw drops as he gives the straight faced Newbludd an incredulous stare. Next to them, Cassidy roughly pats the red faced Warner on the shoulder.

Thank you for painting such a detailed picture for the folks at home. With that, I think we should get to the ring for tonight’s main event to find out who will challenge in the main event of Acts of DEFIANCE: Night One for the Unified Tag Team Titles!

The camera pans over the sixteen men and women in the ring. The longest-reigning Tag Team Champion in history, Elise Ares and The D (PCPs). The twin seven-footers Max and Mason Luck (Lucky Sevens). The massive Uriel Cortez and the lucha dynamo Minute (Los Tres Titanes). The eskimo-kissing JC and Vickie Hall (Hallmark Journey). The massive Heavy Artillery (Bobby Horrigan and Roosevelt Owens). The rising BRAZEN stars made up of BRAZEN Tag Team Champion Archer Silver and Kaz Troy (Les Enfants Terribles). The… odd-looking Berry Chernobyl and the short/portly Gilbert Rogers (Screen 7). And the popular hometown favorites, “Wingman” Titus Campbell and Crescent City Kid (Gulf Coast Connection). 


Upon hearing the sound of a beer can being cracked open, the scene cuts back to the announce table to show Brock taking a sip of beer while Cassidy cracks one open for himself. The two friends toast each other and the camera cuts back to the ring where Darren Quimbey stands at the ready.

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is presented by DEFIANCE Wrestling in conjunction with Ballyhoo Brew: The Happy Hour Battle Royale! The rules are as follows: to be eliminated, you must be thrown over the top rope with both feet touching the floor! Both members of a team must be thrown over the top rope in order to be eliminated from the match! The winning team will compete for the Unified Tag Team Championships in the main event of Acts of DEFIANCE: Night One! “Black Out” Pat Cassidy and Brock Newbludd also want you to please drink responsibly! 


And with that, all men and women get to the scrapping! Bodies get to fighting and scrapping in a bid for a prestigious title shot… all except for the Hallmark Journey who have already skirted outside the ring between the ropes so as not to be eliminated. They meet in the front. 

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:
I love you, baby! I’m so excited for this huge opportunity!

Vickie Hall:
I know! Dreams can come true!

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:
Let’s wait until it’s a little less crowded and then we can throw them out. 

Vickie Hall:
I LOVE that! 

Pat Cassidy:

Brock Newbludd:
And much like an orgy, some people are just there to watch. Nobody likes a creeper, guys.

The scrapping continues among most teams until Les Enfants Terribles take notice of Vickie and JC embracing. And on the other side, both Bobby Horrigan and Roosevelt Owens see Vickie. 

Oh, no… what’s gonna happen here?

Lord… I’ve seen enough of these battle royales. Hide under the ring if you’re gonna do this…

Brock Newbludd:
Bad advice, Lance. Those two had a few too many at Ballyhoo a couple of weekends ago and went into one of the stall’s in the men’s restroom. After they were done, Davey was cleaning ‘stuff’ off of the ceiling, if you know what I mean. He said he took a blacklight in there and it looked like someone had exploded a pack of glow sticks with some dynamite.

Um, alrighty then! Back to the action we go and it looks like Hallmark Journey’s strategy has caught the attention of some of the teams in the ring!

LET nod and then get out of the ring on one side while Heavy Artillery go to the other. They then surround JC and Vickie, who look less than pleased. The crowd cheers when inside as teams brawl, Heavy Artillery and Les Enfants Terribles throw them into the ring and then climb inside. Archer and Kaz both grab Vickie while JC is snatched up by Horrigan and Owens. They try to grab hands as they both get pulled away!

Vickie Hall:
I’ll never let you go, husband! 

Jonathan-Christopher Hall:
No matter if we’re apart, I’ll always love you! 

And on those words, LET throw Vickie out over the ropes and the same happens to JC Hall, courtesy of Heavy Artillery!


Brock Newbludd:
Hahaha! BuhBYE!

The first team is gone! Both BRAZEN tag teams making a quick impact right away!

Indeed! Seven left!

Pat Cassidy:

LET both go after Cortez and Minute while Heavy Artillery pull The Lucky Sevens away from trying to eliminate Titus Campbell to fight the giants on the other side of the ring! On another side of the ring, The D and Elise Ares combine their efforts to try and get Crescent City Kid out while battles erupt with Minute fighting with Kaz Troy and Cortez piefacing Archer Silver to the mat to save his partner. Berry Cherynobl nails a series of blows to the back of Cortez’s head! 

He tries to take the 7’2” monster over the ropes, but Cortez growls and then palms the back of his head before THROWING him over with ease! But Berry hangs on!

Impressive! Berry is a big man and quite frankly, the most physical threat of Screen 7!

He grabs Uriel’s arm and tries to pull him over, but Cortez catches him with a headbutt… then the CHOP OF AGES to the chest! The doublehanded chop knocks him off the apron to the floor to eliminate him!

And there goes Berry Chernobyl! 

Pat Cassidy:

Brock Newbludd:
...uh, he’s out, man.

Pat Cassidy:

Brock Newbludd:
Now it’s up to big Gil Rogers to try and win this thing for Screen 7. And he’s taking full advantage of his moment by shitting himself in the corner. Go get 'em’ youngblood!

The portly Gilbert Rogers tries to hide in a corner and weakly tries to fend of Titus Campbell, but a running dropkick from the Crescent City Kid nails him in flush in the corner. Titus and CCK both nod and on the count of three, they take the 370-pound mass over and DUMP him over the top rope! The crowd POPS for the local favorites for logging an elimination!


Gulf Coast looking great so far! We have seen since Titus Campbell was promoted to the main roster and joined, he’s turned their luck around on UNCUT. 

And here come LET on the attack! 

Pat Cassidy:

As we hear Keebler snicker to keep his laughter in on commentary, Archer goes after CCK while Kaz lands stiff shoot-style kicks on the chest of Titus as the action cuts elsewhere. Max Luck is slugging it out with the 6’6” and 400-pound Roosevelt Owens while Mason Luck tries to get the 6’2” and 301-pound Bobby Horrigan over the ropes. Cortez and Minute join in and try to help eliminate both Mason and Bobby respectively while Elise Ares and The D… well, they both chill out in the only empty corner as fights break out among the rest of the group. 

Definitely a bit of a different demeanor here by the D, now that he knows Jestal has fled the arena. He can ... focus on the task at hand?

Yeah, that sounds about right. This is focus for the PCP.

... where the hell did The D get popcorn?

I… I don’t ask questions when they do anything. I learned that early on in this gig.

Brock Newbludd:
It’s a classic strategy, guys. The D’s covering his fingers in salt to add a little extra burn when he jabs a finger in someone’s eye. It might be dirty, but I like it. You mess around with a dirty D, there’s a good chance you will experience a burning sensation, along with swelling.

Suddenly an opportunity presents itself with Crescent City Kid about to try and be hung in the ring, The D gives Elise the popcorn and then rushes over and nails DA DICK-PUNCH-A on Archer Silver, then throws him and Crescent City Kid over the top rope! 

Brock Newbludd:
The D got all of that cock shot! Crushed those grapes like he was makin’ wine!

Both Archer and CCK… no, no, wait! Archer is out, but CCK just BARELY hangs on!

Pat Cassidy:

Brock Newbludd:
Dude. Come on.

Pat Cassidy:
……… with the LIGHTS ON BRIGHT!! 

Elise claps, but earns the ire of Kaz Troy as CCK just narrowly avoids elimination and rolls back under the ring to cheers from the crowd. Elise slips between the ropes as Kaz Troy charges, running into the empty corner. She leaps up and then tries to kick him, which she does! She tries to leap through the ropes, but Kaz catches her and then KNOCKS Elise Ares off the apron… 



Elise just BARELY hangs on to the ring apron after being knocked into it. She hangs on like a cat and then looks out to the cheering crowd. But then the crowd ROARS when Flex Kruger comes racing down the ramp!


Brock Newbludd:
He’s sure as shit running like a guy who’s been lit on fire! He’s movin’ so fast those blow up pecs of his keep hitting him in the chin!

Pat Cassidy:
He’s running with those EDUCATED FEET!!

He leaps over and then kneels down so Elise can jump on him as a platform, then does a front flip, landing on her feet on the apron to LOUD cheers from the crowd! But before she can get back in, Kaz tries to attack her! Elise ducks a wild kick, but The D grabs him by the pants and then SHOVES him over the top rope with Elise pulling the rope down, sending Kaz out to the floor!


The PCPs celebrate along with Flex Kruger on the outside, but realize holy shit they still have a battle royale to win. 

Good to have Flex back, but they cannot be taking this lightly! 

Elise and The D stand back again and guard themselves in a corner while on the other side, fights continue. Uriel Cortez and Max Luck now brawl with Horrigan going after Titus Campbell and CCK both. Minute gets picked up by Mason Luck and The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World gets dropped on the top rope, but grabs him by the neck. He tries to sling himself in the ring, but Minute gets shoved over and falls on the floor!

NO! MINUTE GONE… wait, wait!

Minute falls and his back is on the floor, but has one leg up in the air still! It hasn’t touched the floor and when Titaness arrives at ringside, she points it out to Hector Navarro, who notices it and doesn’t signal an elimination! 

That’s right! Minute has a leg up! Literally! He’s still in it!

Pat Cassidy (so impressed that he drops the commentary gimmick):
Holy crap! 

Brock Newbludd:
Now THAT’s some cool shit!

Flex Kruger yells that Titaness can’t be there, but she rolls her eyes. Minute, with legs still upright, rolls back and puts his feet under the ropes to then PULL HIMSELF UP back to the apron with massive applause from The Faithful! He then leaps over the ropes, lands on the second rope, and then nails Bobby Horrigan with an inside springboard dropkick!

Newbludd and Cassidy:

That has to be one of the most creative ways to stave off an elimination I’ve ever seen!

The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World indeed!

Elise takes note from her and The D’s corner when Minute flashes a cocky smirk, telling her to top that. Minute runs back in and he and The D trade shots now! Back to the other side of the ring, Bobby Horrigan is left stumbling when Titus sees his chance. He has him up in a fireman’s carry and the Wingman hits… the Airplane spin! He gets a few rotations in on him before DUMPING him over the ropes and out to the floor! The 6’7” Campbell pumps his fists and yells out to a cheering crowd!

Another elimination by Campbell! Well done!

Pat Cassidy:
Hit the showers, Horrigan! How’s ya motha?

Brock Newbludd:
Tired from fuc…

Pump the brakes, fellas.

Roosevelt Owens tries to land a chop on Uriel as he tries to eliminate him now! With The Lucks going after Elise, The D, Minute and the rest of the Gulf Coast Connection. Uriel shakes one off and then NAILS Owens with another huge headbutt! He looks out to the crowd and then POWERS the 400-pound man in a body slam! The crowd freaks out as Uriel DUMPS him over the ropes and to the outside just like Bobby Horrigan was!


Down to four teams now and both members are all in. Los Tres Titanes, The Lucky Sevens, The PCPs and The Gulf Coast Connection!

Brock Newbludd:
My money is on one of those four teams winning this thing, DDK. 

The action gets heated when The D and Minute continue to fight! CCK gets full of himself and goes after both Max and Mason while Titus and Uriel Cortez duke it out. CCK goes after both of the seven-foot giants with kicks to the legs but when he tries a springboard from the inside… he gets the Winning Hand by Mason! Mason then moves him backwards and then CCK gets dumped over the top rope to jeers from the pro-GCC crowd!

Titus sees this and keeps on battling with Uriel Cortez, hitting The Titan of Industry with a number of clubbing forearms to the chest, but off the rebound, Cortez nails The Biggest Dropkick in DEFIANCE! He gets knocked back to the ropes and that gives Elise and The D… AND Minute a chance to get the big man over. 


Titus looks disappointed with himself, but CCK comes over to help him up, along with their third partner Theodore Cain coming down the ramp. The partying trio head to the back. 

They had a great showing in this Battle Royale, they really did… but now we’re down to three!

Pat Cassidy:

Cortez and Max Luck go after one another again with stiff shots while a swarm of Elise Ares, The D and Minute work together to try and eliminate Mason Luck! The giant seven-footer puts a knee up and tosses Elise aside, then when Minute runs in with a dropkick, he gets knocked back! The D then nails D In Your Face on Mason! All three come back up, but the BFTA member comes back with a roar and nails Minute with a stiff right! 

The D tries for another Dick-Punch-A, but Mason grabs The D’s leg! When Max Luck tries to get Uriel, Minute leaves to help his own partner. Elise comes back, but Mason nails her with a big boot… Then he grabs The D and yanks him (tee hee) over the ropes! He tries to hang on when an angry Mason STOMPS him against the apron before he falls out!

NO! It’s up to Elise now for the PCPs! The D is out! 

Brock Newbludd:
The D started out hard and fast but now lies limp on the floor!

This is getting intense!

An angry, focused Mason goes after Uriel and then helps his brother, but Minute and Elise nod and and then try to help out. Cortez fights back and goes after Mason as Max grabs the throats of Elise and Minute! The dynamic high flyers get shoved over the ropes… BUT TITANESS CATCHES ELISE! AND FLEX CATCHES MINUTE!

What the…? This isn’t against the rules, but… what just happened?

As Cortez is in the ring all alone against The Lucks and they try to get him up and over in a corner, Flex threatens to drop Minute on the outside. Titaness threatens to drop Elise!

Pat Cassidy:
Dude. I feel like I’ve watched a porno like this before…

Brock Newbludd:
Uh-huh. Usually you have to pay double for this kind of action, but not in DEFIANCE, baby! We’re pulling out all the stops, tonight!

Wait… what?

Pat Cassidy:
Well there definitely was a muscular woman holding a smaller woman and I think there was a dude in a box… MY GOD! BUSINESS IS PICKING UP!!

Back inside, Cortez fights off Max Luck! He elbows him with a shot and then… THWACK! Chop for Max! THWACK! Chop for Mason! The blow reels him… then he nails the CHOP OF AGES MAX across the throat of Mason! He then knocks him over!

Brock Newbludd:

Mason Luck is gone! 


Brock Newbludd:

He kicks Cortez below the belt and then DUMPS The Titan of Industry over the ropes to loud jeers from the crowd! As the group continues to argue, Both Minute and Elise protest, but when they see Cortez knocked over, they both nod in agreement when the high flyers of the respective groups point back to the ring. Flex and Titaness nod, then throw them both back in!

Another save! And they’re back in after Max Luck! 

This is how much the Unified Tag Titles mean!

After throwing Uriel Cortez out, Max Luck doesn’t see them coming but Elise and Minute come back with stereo dropkicks to the knees to cut him down to size. Elise nails a superkick and then Minute bounces off the ropes and hits a big springboard enzuigiri to lay him out!

Elise Ares and Minute want to win this thing… but they gotta get through Max Luck first! They gotta get him up and over to eliminate him!

The two high flying dynamos of their respective group continue to fight and pick apart Max Luck with kicks. He tries to swat them away when they are now near the ropes. Elise nails a low tiger feint kick through the middle and bottom rope to stagger him, then Minute comes OVER the top rope with a tiger feint kick of his own! The crowd cheers when Max Luck comes to and Minute and Elise look to dump him… but Ophelia Sykes runs out through the crowd and grabs Elise by the hair!

Wait… where did she come from?

Ophelia Sykes moves so that way Mason Luck can come back from the outside, grab her with a Winning Hand then DRAG her over the ropes to the floor!


Minute sees this coming and tries to stop Max Luck, but he stops The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World as he tries a springboard… then DROPS him with a Winning Hand Slam over the ropes onto the ring apron, sending him bouncing tto the floor in impactful fashion to end it!



Darren Quimbey:
Here are your winners… earning a Unified Tag Title Shot at Acts of DEFIANCE… THE LUCKY SEVENS!

There are your opponents, boys! We have seen some slugfests between The Lucky Sevens and the Saturday Night Specials before, but now they’ll meet with the gold on the line at Acts of DEFIANCE!

Cortez comes back and helps Minute up while The D and Flex do the same for Elise. But the story right now is back in the ring. Max, Mason and Ophelia Sykes celebrate the huge win! The group make sure to look up at the commentary booth where the champions sit. 

Max Luck:
We came in and won your little battle royal! 

Mason Luck:
And next we’re gonna take your titles! 

We cut back to the announce station, where Pat Cassidy and Brock Newbludd have both stood up.

Pat Cassidy: know what this means, right?

Brock Newbludd:
You betcha. That no matter how hard you and I try, we’ll never be rid of dealing with the fucking Better Future Talent Agency.

Pat Cassidy:
Bingo. Shall we?

Cassidy motions to the ring.

Brock Newbludd:
We shall.

The tag champs toss their headsets aside and break out into a sprint toward the ring as the crowd comes alive. Ophelia Sykes quickly ducks for cover as The Saturday Night Specials hit the ring and rush The Lucky Sevens! It’s a brawl and right hands are flying as the fans are on their feet!

Cassidy may have been clowning around earlier… but it really is a donnybrook! 

And unfortunately, we are outta time! For Darren Keebler, I’m Lance Warner… we’ll see you at Night 2!

The Lucky Sevens and The Saturday Night Specials are unloading bombs on each other as we fade out.




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.