Acts of DEFIANCE 2021 Night 2

14 Oct 2021

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


♫ “The Time is Now” by Atreyu ♫ 

Inside the DEFPlex we go as fireworks explode from the rampway! A massive DEFITron sits above the entrance, twice the size of the screen typically used for DEFtv. The word ACTS is on a smaller LCD screen beside the entrance curtain and an LCD rampway projects “THIS IS DEFIANCE” down to ringside. The ring ropes are dark blue; the canvas is clean and light blue as always.

There are SIGNS and excitement everywhere!


The broadcast feed rolls through the graphic images of the NIGHT 1 ACTS of DEFIANCE card.


The scene switches to the announce team, at their booth off to the left-side of the entrance stage. Darren Keebler and Lance Warner greet the viewers.


Folks, welcome to Night Two of ACTS of DEFIANCE! I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler and with me as always is Lance Warner!

Thanks, Darren! And what a show we saw last night! Two absolutely HECTIC title matches! The Favoured Saints and the Unified Tag Team Titles were defended! We saw some grudges settled, new ones taking place… and tonight, we’re gonna go even bigger!

We sure are! We have the Southern Heritage title match between Matt LaCroix defending against Scrow, not to mention one of the more personal FIST title matches in recent memory between new champion Gage Blackwood defending against the other man that helped factor into saving DEFIANCE from the golden grip of 24K, “Twists and Turns” Oscar Burns! The former two-time champion looks to go for run number three, but it will be much easier said than done!

Lots more tonight, but… and I can’t believe I’m going to say this...we’ve seen hair vs. hair matches, we’ve seen mask vs. mask matches, but tonight: two men will fight tooth and nail to keep or gain possession of a TIGER. Henry Keyes fights to get back his beloved Helen from Better Future Talent Agency member Alvaro de Vargas!

Henry Keyes has been dealing with de Vargas and the BFTA for an extended stretch now. ADV blames Keyes for keeping Conor Fuse from a Better Future many months ago, thus, ADV cost Keyes the Favoured Saints Championship by revealing he bought Helen, Keyes's tiger, from Rezin. In retaliation, Keyes cost ADV the chance for him and Jack Mace to become Unified Tag Team Champions on UNCUT 100. Since then, ADV has relentlessly taunted him over the tiger and even pinned Keyes in a tag match featuring Lindsay Troy and Malak Garland.

And now we are here tonight in our opener. ADV has promised he will shake Keyes’s hand and return Helen to him if Keyes can beat him. That’s how confident ADV is that he can beat Henry tonight. So with all that lovely exposition out of the way, enough talk! It’s time for action! ACTS of DEFIANCE Night Two starts now! 

And to Darren Quimbey in the ring for the intros. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall! If Henry Keyes defeats Alvaro de Vargas, the ownership of… Helen the tiger… will go back to Keyes! And as a reminder, Alvaro de Vargas will shake his hand! 


♫ “Airship Pirate” by Abney Park ♫

Red beacons of light flood the arena, but noticeable by their absence in a big match like this - no Plague Doctors, no ships, no gimmicky costumes, CERTAINLY no litters...just a pissed off pirate Cat Dad power-marching to the ring. Fans near the front of the entryway scream for Henry Keyes, including one holding a sign reading “HELEN’S GONNA EAT YOU”, but he appears to almost be in a fugue state. No pumping up of the crowd, no singing along to a fun ALESTORM track...a boiling pot of water with the lid on that you forgot you put on the stove an hour ago. The crowd still cheers cause they love them some Airship Pirate. 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first...hailing from SAN FRANSISCOOOO, CALIFORNIA! Weighing in at 249 pounds...he is THE AIRSHIP PIRATE! HENryyyyyyyYYYYYYYY KEEEEEEEEEEEEEYES!

Once again...we’ve NEVER encountered a Luchas De Apuestas quite like this before in DEFIANCE!

You’re certainly right, Keebs, and look in the eyes of the captain in the ring right now - in the last few major pay-per-view events we’ve held, Henry Keyes has really showcased himself as a man who indulges in elaborate ring entrances for big moments. Tonight? No joy, all anger!

Alvaro de Vargas has REALLY gotten under this man’s skin over the weeks and months.

And speaking of…

Darren Quimbey:
And his op… 

Tom Morrow:

Strutting out to the stage in a blue striped designer suit, Morrow adjusts his glasses and makes sure his Official BFTA Earpiece is functioning. It’s piped through the speaker in the DEF-Plex so everyone can unfortunately hear him. Henry Keyes is in no mood but paces around the ring regardless and waits for Morrow to stop blowing himself… and may be waiting a while. 

Tom Morrow:
Last night, the Lucky Sevens were ROBBED with a capital R-O-B-B-E-D but tonight, Better Future Talent Agency is going to make up for this. We got a tiger now and we’re damn sure keeping it! Helen has become our beloved mascot and loves us way more than she loved YOU, Henry!

Jeers rain down, but Keyes continues to keep what little composure he might have. 

Tom Morrow:
Allow me to introduce Helen’s REAL owner! He is El Tigre Cubano! He is El Sol Dorado! El Futura Leyenda de DEFIANCE! Tim Tillinghast, Yannick Fillmore AND Deb’s Favorite Wrestler’s proving he can unite ALL manners of age groups of wrestling reviewers! He is Helen’s absolute favorite! And you’ll get to see her right now! Standing 6’8!” Weighing 272 pounds! He is ALVARO DE VARGAS!

♫ “We Be Clubbin’ (Eye of the Tiger remix) by Ice Cube feat. DMX ♫

The Faithful JEER the new theme as Alvaro de Vargas comes out… 

Oh, hell, no. What is he WEARING?

He… oh, no… no. Morrow just said we were going to see Helen… 

ADV comes out wearing an all-tiger-striped attire as he did on DEFtv 160… but also wearing an actual tiger skin over his head and draping down his back like a cape. ADV has his arms out and spins a circle around the stage. The jeers are LOUD as Keyes looks on, horrified. 

Tom Morrow:
Did I say you’d see Helen right now? I meant later. You’ll get to see her out here later after ADV beats Keyes's steampunk-looking ass right back to his clock tower with his umbrellas and blimps! She’s being kept near the GREATHOUND bus right now, ready to roll out to the after party when ADV beats you!

When the crowd realize they’ve been had, the JEERS are louder. Keyes has had more than enough, but he is STILL trying to keep his cool as ADV hits the ring, though his eyes are pretty damn dark for the normally-affable pirate. Morrow helps him get the tiger fur off of him, then ADV looks at it and kisses it on the forehead before giving it over to Morrow. ADV smiles and then waits in his corner, smirking at The Airship Pirate. Referee Brian Slater calls for the bell. 


Right when that bell rings, ADV goes right at Keyes with an open-handed chop! He throws another… but Keyes fires back with an equally hard Propeller-edge chop! He fires back!

And here we go for ownership of a tiger… nope, still weird to say!

No lockups, they’re just throwing strike after strike! ADV takes those chops, but comes back a boot to the gut! 

El Tigre Cubano goes for a lariat, but Keyes ducks and then nails him with an uppercut on his way back, sending him teetering back. He runs into the corner and then nails an elbow, then drags ADV out of the corner. When he comes back, ADV tries a big boot, but Keyes ducks and come back off the other side, striking ADV down with a big clothesline… but he’s still on his feet, so Keyes runs and then comes back with a flying clothesline this time, knocking the Cocky Cuban off his feet for the first time! 

The Airship Pirate takes to the skies and levels ADV with that Clothesline! Big moves right off the bat! Cover!



No! Kickout at 1 and ½! Keyes taking it to the mat! He wants revenge for all that de Vargas has put him through, but what better way to do that than to try and win back your tiger in quick fashion!

And now Keyes with a lateral press on the mat!



Tom Morrow keeps on trying to get ADV to kick out, but Keyes keeps him on the mat with a front facelock, putting some stank on it and punishing de Vargas. 

That’s smart strategy right there! You can tell Keyes wants to explode, but that isn’t going to help him here. He needs to stay on de Vargas. 

Keyes isn’t looking for some sort of Five Star Tim Tillinghast Tirade Classic here, he just wants to win and get his damn tiger back!

The Faithful cheer Keyes on, but ADV tries to muscle his way up and eventually does so by getting back to his feet and then shoving Keyes into the corner. ADV unleashes a HARD back elbow in the corner and keeps laying them in until Keyes stumbles over. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Helen es mía, pendejo!

A LOUD chop to the chest follows, rocking Keyes and making him clutch his ribs. ADV takes the time to talk trash… but that gives The Airship Pirate a chance to turn him around and put him in the corner… 


He rocks ADV with four extra-stiff chops, making de Vargas recoil in the corner! ADV gets the breath knocked out of him, but doesn’t have much time to recoil before Henry strikes him across the chin with an extra-rough European uppercut! 

Keyes continues to wear down de Vargas with these strikes!

Keyes gears up for another one and tries a whip, but the larger de Vargas surprises him by reversing momentum and sending him to the corner before he nails him with a running corner clothesline! Now Keyes is in the corner struggling while ADV continues to punish him with a series of boots!

ADV really bringing the punishment and we can’t get it twisted: de Vargas likes to talk trash and gloat, but it’s all to get under the skin of his opponents. 

Morrow tells Alvaro to keep the punishment on and he nods. He tries a short-arm clothesline out of the corner… but Keyes ducks the blow and then goes for a schoolboy pin!



De Vargas kicks out at two, but when he tries to get up, Keyes locks in a full nelson! He keeps ADV grounded with the lock!

Keyes trying to wrap this up as early as possible with any opening that he can take! That full nelson is locked in tight. 

It is! He’s got the neck locked up!

De Vargas tries to fight his way out, but Keyes is hanging on tightly. Morrow tells him to stand up, but easier said than done as he shakes him around. ADV tries to get away from Keyes and then stands up before using his height advantage to shake Keyes off him finally. His neck is hurt, but when he turns to swing around with another elbow, Keyes kicks him in the gut… then nails the big man with a big German suplex with a bridge!

HUGE bridging German suplex! Cover!



No! A rare mistake by Keyes right there! Too close to the ropes! 

The Airship Pirate realizes his folly and gets visibly upset by the error, which ADV notices… he’s hurt on the mat, but he laughs as he tries to get up. 

Alvaro de Vargas:

He’s hurt, but still finds time to trash-talk… but this makes Keyes finally have enough! He jumps on top of ADV and then lays into him with a huge volley of right hands, making The Faithful go wild in tonight’s opener!

That trash-talking works both ways sometimes! He can really fester under an opponent’s skin, but it can also backfire!

He’s retreating from the ring now! Alvaro realized his mistake! 

Keyes goes after ADV on the ring apron, but Morrow stands in between them. 

Tom Morrow:
Helen will NEVER be yours again, Keyes! We’ve already got new BFTA shirts rolling out soon with her as our mascot!

The Airship Pirate is about to go aggro all over Morrow and turns his way. He gets ready to fire a kick to the face… 


He CHOPS the leg out from under Keyes, sending him crashing hard on the ring apron before he falls to the floor! 


The Faithful are all over Alvaro but he laughs off the reaction and walks over to shake Morrow’s hand for his assist. Morrow tells El Sol Dorado de DEFIANCE to stay on ADV and he nods as he slowly walks back up the steps and to the ring apron, absorbing the jeers from the crowd. 

Morrow is a scumbag, plain and simple. 

I can’t agree with you more, Darren. Helping ADV cheat when he can. 

ADV paces the ring apron as Keyes tries to get back up and holds his back in pain. What he doesn’t see is de Vargas readying another attack and when he gets up and turns, he gets wiped out by a MASSIVE somersault dive off the apron by El Sol Dorado!

What was that?! He just wiped out Keyes on the floor with that dive! What a feat that was!

That was impressive, I’ll have to give him that! 

The Faithful gasp as ADV is the first person up to his feet. He gets up and then holds his arms out and takes a bow for the crowd before rolling in and out under the bottom rope to reset the count of the official. He grabs the left arm of Keyes and seems to have another idea in mind on the outside as he takes hold… 


Oooh! Alvaro takes the arm and rams it into the ring post! What’s he doing?

If I have to hazard a guess, he’s trying to take away Keyes's greatest weapon! That Bell Clap has felled every opponent he’s used it against and ADV knows that. 

I hate to admit it, but that is great ring smarts by young de Vargas. Great work in that arrogant mind of his. 

ADV then takes the arm and drags Keys over before he takes it and then drives the arm into the guardrail! Keyes is hurt badly and then falls to a knee while trying to keep the damaged arm close to him! ADV stands over him and mocks Keyes. 

Alvaro de Vargas:

The Faithful jeer him some more before he takes Keyes and puts him back into the squared circle. He takes his time on the ring apron basking in the jeers and then heads back inside with Keyes at his feet, holding the arm. 

The damage has been done to that arm now and ADV has the arm. What’s he gonna do here?

He folds up the arm of Keyes into a hammerlock, but Keyes fights back with a back elbow to free himself! He has ADV dazed and confused for a moment, but before he can do anything else, de Vargas comes right back with a hefty knee strike to the abdomen to double him over. After hammerlocking the arm again, this time he sends Keyes flying with the arm exposed right into the corner!

Keyes is left reeling in pain while ADV takes the time to hover over him and talk more trash about how he is keeping the tiger. He then pulls The Airship Pirate out of the corner. He grabs the arm and then plants him into the mat using a big single arm DDT! Keyes is hurting as ADV rolls him over into the cover, pinning the bad arm down!




Keyes uses his good arm to kick out! 

Close one there by Henry Keyes! He kicks out, but that arm being limited is going to hurt his chances of getting back into this match or even using that arm for the BELL CLAP. 

And Alvaro de Vargas continues putting on the pressure!

ADV stands up and walks over to Keyes's arm. He tries to pull it away, but ADV is too strong. He pulls it back and slams it down on the mat! He picks up the limb and does it one more time before putting a knee over it, pressing down on the joint. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Helen’s mine! El tigre me pertenece!

ADV then works a grounded armbar and keeps Keyes right where he wants him. 

I can’t believe I’m seeing some technical prowess from Alvaro de Vargas. Not sure where he picked this up from, but it’s working. 

As much as it pains me to admit, it is. He is working a strong match right now and his mouth belies what he’s capable of. 

Tom Morrow keeps on yelling for Alvaro to break his arm and he keeps on the pressure, but Keyes tries to fight back. ADV tries to adjust the pressure, but out of nowhere, Keyes rolls him up into a small package pin!




ADV breaks free quickly and The Faithful go nuts!

Close one! But Alvaro is up… 

El Sol Dorado beats Keyes to the punch and LEVELS him with a big running knee strike to the chest before he can fully get back up! 

Abajo Vas! The knee strike connects? Is that all?!




The Faithful rejoice! Alvaro de Vargas and Tom Morrow do not! 

That was a close one! Keyes almost stole it there, but Alvaro is back up and he almost stole it right back with Abajo Vas!

That knee strike is one of the biggest moves in de Vargas’s arsenal, too! 

ADV is about to throw down with Brian Slater and yells at him about the count, but Morrow tells him to keep his mind on the game and go back to the arm. Alvaro looks over and nods as Keyes tries to get up. Alvaro grabs Keyes and then drops him with a body slam, then leaps and drops a double foot stomp to the arm! 

No way! Back to the arm and that could have been really bad! 

Keyes’s arm is in peril as he is trying his best to gut out the pain, but can’t stop it as he holds his arm close to him. ADV paces around the ring and basks once again in the reception he’s getting before he goes over and then fires another hard knee to the temple of Keyes, leaving him prone towards the buckles. ADV climbs up and then looks to the crowd… then jumps off with another double foot stomp, this time to the midsection of Keyes!

Keyes can’t take this type of punishment much longer! ADV now trying to pin him and keep control of Keyes’s tiger, Helen!




The good shoulder goes up again, now sending Alvaro into a fit of rage. He points at Brian Slater and curses at him in Spanish. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Aprende a contar, gigante pendejo!

Keyes kicks out again but he’s going to need to get back in the game. He can’t take much more from Alvaro, especially with that compromised arm!

No, he can’t… but, wait… where is Alvaro going?

Alvaro brushes off the official and starts to climb on the top turnbuckle, relatively foreign territory for the big man. ADV casts a looming shadow over Keyes as he tries to measure himself up on top. He grits his teeth and gets ready to unleash whatever he is about to unleash…



He grabs his arms both around the waist of de Vargas… and SPIKES HIM INTO THE CANVAS WITH A HUGE OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX OFF THE TOP!


Alvaro flops around the canvas like a fish on dry land while Keyes goes back and favors the arm… but if he has a chance to fight back, then that time is now as The Faithful cheer on Keyes. 


It got LOUD in the Wrestle-plex after that counter move! Normally the Clockwork is more of a side belly to belly off the top but he had to adjust for that arm! 

He’s gotta fight through the pain if he’s going to come back in this one!

And indeed, Keyes gives his injured arm a few shakes and a desperate grimace before making his way to the prone ADV. Keyes provides a few thunderous stomps before ADV makes it to the ropes and Slater separates the two. As ADV slowly rises, Keyes is already flying to the opposite ropes...he bounces off and delivers a maximum-speed shoulder tackle straight to ADV’s sternum that sends him ass-over-teakettle to the outside! Keyes gives a few slaps to his hurt left arm-

Henry Keyes:

-before scurrying to the outside, trapping one of ADV’s arms behind his back, and delivering another DDT to the floor! As the crowd roars their approval, Keyes sprints back to the ring apron, climbs to the top rope, and delivers a DIVING KNEE DROP FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!


Henry Keyes:
Was this all worth it, BASTARD??

Slater is motioning for Henry to get ADV’s ass back in the ring. Keyes tries, but the size of ADV plus the damage done to his arm causes this to be a futile effort. Keyes instead rolls into the ring to catch his breath and finally, FINALLY, acknowledges the crowd and tries to get their asses out of their seats fired up. They oblige as Tom Morrow, nervous look in his eye, makes his way over to ADV.

Tom Morrow:
Don’t listen to them, we’ve still got Helen! Don’t let Henry forget how far beneath us he is! Get back in there, you got this!

Brian Slater has started his ten count as Keyes redirects his attention to the no-longer-dead ADV’s stirring body, Morrow beside him egging him on. Keyes runs to the opposite ropes as if preparing for a dive, but ADV beats him to the ring before he can launch! ADV throws a lariat - Keyes ducks and reaches back-



Keyes swings for the goddamn fences but ADV is able to drop to the mat before the BELL CLAP~ connects, resulting in an extremely resonant hand-on-hand clap that seems to immediately aggravate Keyes’s injured arm. He clutches at it and drops to a knee as ADV rolls to the corner, rises, and seizes his opportunity…

ADV charges and lifts Henry up - CUBAN MISSILE into the corner! He’s not done yet - BIG BOOT to the Pirate! Here’s the cover!



ADV pounds the mat in frustration as Keyes gets the shoulder up. Morrow yells at ADV from the sidelines.

Tom Morrow:
You know what it’s time for you handsome sonofabitch!

ADV nods and grits his teeth. He SLOWLY pulls Keyes up by the hair and then sets him up in a standing headscissors, milking the moment. 

Oh, no. We know what’s coming next! Ardiendo piledriver on the way and this move has fallen everyone that’s been hit by it. Conor Fuse. Oscar Burns. Uriel Cortez. Minute. Many more.

And if he hits this, you can count to a thousand! 

The Faithful jeer when ADV has him fully hoisted. He starts to power him up off the mat… but Keyes keeps fighting! He kicks his legs to get de Vargas to drop him! ADV grunts and tries to hoist him over a second time… but then he SHOOTS him up and over with a big back body drop on El Sol Dorado!

Not today, Alvaro! He dodges the piledriver! 

Keyes still favors his arm, but he rides on adrenaline as ADV is left in a tizzy. De Vargas rolls over and tries to get back to a vertical base, but Keyes pops up… 



But Keyes doesn’t go for the cover and falls to a knee, holding his arm in pain! ADV slumps over to his knees as well, but he seethes quietly and doesn’t look out of it!

I don’t think that he had full force in the BELL CLAP! That arm is really bothering Keyes now! 

Indeed not as ADV is clearly rattled by the shot, but still able to fight back. He grabs Keyes by the head and RAMS his skull into his head, knocking him silly with the headbutt! Keyes gets sent tumbling back into the ropes just as ADV tries to turn around… then gets WALLOPED on the return by a massive lariat from The Airship Pirate! 

Keyes nearly DROPS ADV with that lariat after he headbutted him! That headbutt really looked like it took a toll, but that lariat did the same!

Morrow shakes his head frantically as Alvaro is left punch-drunk and dazed. Keyes decides to gut it out… 




Keyes falls back and lays across the body of the fallen de Vargas, holding his arm. 





♫ “Airship Pirate” by Abney Park ♫

The Airship Pirate rolls over to the side and neither man has the energy to move for the moment, but are incredibly happy with the result as Henry rolls over and then raises the good arm of Keyes just as he is able to get to a knee. 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… HENRYYYYY KEEEEEEEEEEEEYES!

Keyes does it! Henry Keyes takes the win tonight and as a result… not only does control of Helen go back to Henry Keyes after three months of her being in someone else’s possession… but Alvaro has to shake his hand!

We have seen Keyes make unusual allies in DEFIANCE. Story of his career here. One of the toughest and most well-liked personalities in our locker room! He overcomes the viciousness and cheating of de Vargas to take this win!

Morrow buries his face in his hands against the ring apron and yells out a few expletives as Alvaro starts getting up nursing what is no doubt going to be a headache worthy of extra strength aspirin and lots more booze than he’ll usually intake at show afterparties. De Vargas holds his head as Keyes now hobbles to his own feet and stands over his rival of the past few months. 

What’s going to happen here? 

De Vargas looks like he’s on the verge of the biggest shitfit. He scoots away from The Airship Pirate and uses the ropes to help himself back to his feet, not wanting any help up. He snarls at Morrow and then back to Keyes. 

Keyes offers his good hand for a handshake. The crowd is voicing their concerns, telling him in not so many words not to do it and walk away with the W. 


Tom Morrow:
You heard them! Don’t shake his fucking hand, Alvaro! Go! 

ADV growls again… then walks towards Keyes with both hands out… AND SHAKES HIS HAND! The two engage in a complicated routine involving some fists bumps, and then a simultaneous fist bump and imitation explosion! 

No… No way! He did it! He honored his word!

ADV looks over at Morrow. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Give dirigible pirata his stupid tiger back! He can clean up all that mierda de tigre. Rezin was right… 

And then Alvaro takes his leave, leaving Morrow behind. Morrow’s jaw falls to the floor and even Henry Keyes is slightly taken aback by what he’s just witnessed. The crowd cheer The Airship Pirate in the ring as ADV storms off and then heads up the ramp without looking back at Morrow or Keyes. 

What… what did we just see here? Keyes beat him fair and square and Alvaro just left without Morrow? 

Are there some cracks within Better Future Talent Agency? The Lucky Sevens last night lost their match but completely massacred the Saturday Night Specials after the match! But ADV walks away… 

Keyes celebrates the occasion and then leaves the ring while Morrow is still beside himself, wondering what’s happening around him. He can’t believe it as Keyes heads up the ramp to celebrate, finding a nearby cameraman.

Henry Keyes:
Steaks and whiskey tonight, Helen! You’re coming home!

Happy with his result, he heads to the back as the camera ends up back on the Commentation Station with Darren and Lance. 

Folks, we’re going to switch gears now and head on to our next match of the evening. Dex Joy takes on Arthur Pleasant and they’ll be fighting Carla Ferrari’s job as a referee. 

I can’t believe that match is even happening… I… HEY!

The intro gets cut off as Keyes gets blindsided on the ramp, courtesy of a running big boot from Alvaro de Vargas coming back through the curtain! Alvaro tackles Keyes on the ramp in an explosive fit of rage, raining down right hands into the head and skull of The Airship Pirate! The blows keep on coming as Morrow starts to look on, realizing that ADV pulled a fast one on Keyes!

That’s all he did! He… this was a trick to get Keyes to let his guard down, plain and simple!


ADV bites down and pulls Keyes up off the mat as the crowd goes crazy at this turn of events. The Faithful let de Vargas have it thoroughly with jeers but he doesn’t care. He’s seeing red when he pulls Keyes up and then holds him upside down… 



ADV is feeling a pain up his own spine from the piledriver, but Henry Keyes doesn’t move after he slumps over from the impact on the ramp. El Sol Dorado leans back and then Morrow joins him as they stand over Keyes… then ADV takes his hand and shakes Keyes's prone hand while left unconscious on the ramp! 

Garbage human! That’s exactly what he is! 

Alvaro de Vargas and Tom Morrow both stand over Keyes and then head to the back after they drop Henry. 

Alvaro de Vargas:

The twosome take their leave and head to the back as a group of trainers come out to check on an unconscious Henry Keyes on the top of the stage. 

You’re right… garbage. Keyes won clean and this is how ADV takes out his frustrations. Folks… we’ve got a lot more to go. We’re gonna try and keep our composure here, but that didn’t look good for Keyes at all. 

No, it didn’t. 


A ‘Recorded Earlier’ chyron appears in the lower left hand corner of the broadcast as Malak Garland is caught on film arriving just outside the arena. He looks comfy in his casual wear, rucksack slinged over one shoulder and an oversized pair of black sunglasses covering half his face as he saunters by a lineup of Faithful waiting for entry, who boo him sight-on-scene.

Malak Garland:
Do you hear something, cameraperson? I can’t hear anything right now. Nice and quiet. Gotta mentally prep for my big match coming up.

Malak continues his pace towards the arena when one super huge fan wearing a 17XL Major League Comments t-shirt and a pair of ripped denim jean shorts, socks and sandals decides to depart the line and run up to Malak who doesn’t realize the fans presence until it’s too late.

Malak Garland:
Whoa! Hey! Slow down there, tubby! Security? DEFsec? Where the hell are you? This fan is getting a little too fresh with me! IT’S CLEAR HE WANTS TO ATTACK ME! The match is later on tonight, tubs! You’re going to have to wait to get your grubby little hands on me then!

The fan puts his hands out, claiming his innocence.

No, no, no, Malak! It’s not like that! I am a SUPER fan of yours! I drove from my parent’s basement in the middle of Iowa just to come support you because I know the match you’re going into is you against the fans, so I wanted to even the odds tonight and be on your side!

His triple chin flutters elegantly as he professes his love for Malak. The Source of Envy briefly lowers his apprehensive guard.

Malak Garland:
Support me?

The fan nods nonstop.

Yes. SUPPORT YOU! You see, I am an aspiring online troll too and it’s about time we take the power back from the people! I am just so starstruck that I am able to meet you! Honestly, I feel just like you, alienated and mocked by society due to my size and beliefs.

Malak looks away, a bit confused over the “size” remark.

Anyways, I’m rambling! Silly me!

The fan begins to sweat.

Could I get your signature on my sign and then you can look for it out in the crowd tonight? I’m sitting in section 113.

The fan produces a bristol board sign from behind his person that reads ‘KAREN IS THE WORST, MALAK IS THE BEST.’ Reading the sign brings endless joy to Malak knowing he will have at least one committed fan in the crowd cheering for him.

Malak Garland:
Sure. Got a sharpie?

The fan hands Malak the marker. The Keyboard King begins to realize this fan is in love with him, so he gives him the time of day and a signature on his poorly designed sign.

Malak Garland:
There ya go. Nice to meet you? Ummm, what’s your name?

The fan snatches the sharpie back and fumbles to put its lid back on before also taking his sign back.

Percy Collins:
My name is Percy Collins! Oh thank you, thank you Malak Garland! You just made my day! You won’t regret this! Good luck tonight!

Percy scurries off, as to not take any more of Malak’s precious time. Perplexed, Malak stands there for a moment to decompress before continuing into the arena.


I can’t believe the match we have next and I also can’t believe that this stipulation is even going forward. 

I know how you feel, Lance, but we have to try and be as impartial as possible even when someone as attention-starved and maniacal as Arthur Pleasant comes along. 

I guess. 

The match we have next is going to be just downright despicable but here we are. It will be the former Southern Heritage and Favoured saints champion “Biggest Boy” Dex Joy fighting for Carla Ferrari’s career as an official in DEFIANCE Wrestling against Arthur Pleasant. Dex has gone on record that he’s tried to talk Carla out of the stipulation and reaching out to matchmakers of DEFIANCE Wrestling to get her out, but Carla would not budge. That’s how much she wants her gone. 

Dex crashed AP’s party a few weeks ago when he threw himself a party for beating Scott Stevens. As retaliation for that, Pleasant shocked Dex Joy with a taser and cost him the Favoured saints championship back to Rezin just two weeks after he won it and now Dex has him in his crosshairs. 

Carla has been the unfortunate target of Arthur Pleasant’s brand of abuse but tonight that may come back to haunt him. Dex Joy has a big winning record in that ring and has proven difficult for many people to stop in a match one on one but Arthur will do anything to get that victory especially if it means ending Carla Ferrari’s career as a referee once and for all. 

The lights in the arena start to flicker on and off before simulating a blackout. The lights go out. Fans reach out for their cell phones and try to light up the WrestlePlex. The lights slowly come back in the arena, section by section until, on the big screen a cell phone battery display charges… charges… charges… and soon it’s at 1000%. “BIG DEX ENERGY!!!!” is on the screen! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!!! Five bright yellow lightning bolts strike the stage and fire off massive streams of pyro as the theme kicks in!

Darren Quimbey:
The following match is for the career of DEFIANCE Wrestling referee Carla Ferrari! If Dex Joy loses tonight, Carla Ferrari will be removed as an official in DEFIANCE Wrestling! Introducing the former Favoured Saints and Southern Heritage champion … he is from Los Angeles, California and weighs in at three-hundred fifty-five pounds… “THE BIGGEST BOY” DEEEEEXXXXXX JJJJJJOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!!

♫ “Go Big or Go Home” by Chuxx Morris ♫

Sparks shoot up from either side of the entrance where the lightning landed. Walking through it is the former SO-HER and Favoured Saints champ himself who looks like he is ready to open up an industrial-sized can of Whoop-Tooshie (cause Whoop-Ass is trademarked by some other promotion up north)! He gets to the ring with haste tonight and gets ready for what will be an unpredictable battle. The camera is backstage with Carla Ferrari watching the show and being as far away from the ring as possible before it cuts back to Dex and then for the arrival of the Scourge’s leader. 

♫ “All Within My Hands” by Metallica ♫


God I love the welcome wagon for Arthur tonight. Haha!

I can’t think of another person-- in recent memory anyway-- that has generated this much heat just from the opening few chords of their theme.

Before long, with the DEFINANCE WRASSLIN’ Championship slung across his shoulder in all of its ugliness, Arthur Pleasant comes out from the Guerilla position… alone.

Very surprised that Arthur is willingly coming out for this match by himself.

I’m not. It’s all part of the illusion of Arthur playing “fair”. Mark my words.

Pleasant slowly saunters to the ring where Dex Joy stares him down, waving mockingly at him. The referee of the match for this is the head official of DEFIANCE Wrestling Benny Doyle. He checks to make sure both opponents are ready to fight. 

Dex Joy:

He turns to Arthur Pleasant. 

Arthur Pleasant:
You can’t save that bitch’s job. 


Dex storms at Arthur like a bull in a china shop but he has to put on the brakes when just a few seconds into the match, Arthur grabs Benny’s belt and almost pulls him into the path of Dex!


Doyle screams at Arthur, but he isn’t hearing it because his real target is throwing Dex off his guard so he can rake his eyes! Big Dex Energy gets tripped up by Pleasant. He throws some muay thai kicks to his leg. Kicks to the leg and punches to the face of Dex are enough to get him backed up in a corner. He talks some smack at Ya Biggest Boi with the kicks. 

Arthur Pleasant:
It’s too bad I’m not made of candy or you’d have a chance, fat-ass!

That was all part of Pleasant’s plan! Use the referee as a shield and then take advantage as soon as he can! Are you sure we have to be so unbiased?

Sometimes I hate it. I really do. 

The DEFIANCE Wrestling faithful have already gone and lost their minds and the booing rains down on Pleasant. He seems to thrive on it. He is about to deliver another kick to Dex … but that loud symphony of jeers changes to cheers when Dex Joy brings a symphony of destruction for Arthur! He goozles him by the throat with both hands and then chucks him right into a corner. Dex takes his time and throws his signature heavy elbows to the mid-section of Arthur and knocks every bit of air out of his body. 

That beginning didn’t last long! Dex is already on the attack but the referee is telling him to back or get DQ’ed. 

Dex will need to keep his emotions in check because one disqualification and Carla is gone!

Dex stops punching, but he grabs Arthur in the corner by his hair. 

Dex Joy:
I got jokes too, pally! pretend you’re a clock, cause time’s about to fly, Artie!

He grabs the head and the arm of Arthur and chucks him out of the corner with an extra-powerful head and hip toss! He bounces off the mat and feels shivers up his spine. When Arthur tries to stand up he gets picked up by Dex on his shoulders before he is carried and rammed into a corner. Dex drills his midsection again with some big elbow shots to the ribs. He follows that up with some aggressive shoulder shots but Benny Doyle has to once again keep Dex from mauling him like a hungry lion.

He better watch it! Nobody likes this situation but he cannot afford to make a mistake. 

No, otherwise Carla’s career as a referee is over. 

Dex takes a few steps back from the corner and he tells Benny that things are cool … but when he goes back to the corner for more punishment on Dex, things are not cool because the Provocateur escapes the corner just before Dex gets there and then jumps up with a stunning kick to the head. 

Arthur finds the opening with that kick!

Artie turns his back and starts gloating to the crowd after kicking Dex Joy in the face. He turns to Benny Doyle. 

Arthur Pleasant:
Hey don’t you look at me cross or I’ll have your job too!

Pleasant has no idea that the particular kick didn’t stun Dex and that he stands angrily behind him. He spins around when he hears the DEFIANCE Wrestling faithful react and gets kicked in the chest with a big bicycle kick of all the moves he could do! 

Wow! I had no idea Dex could even do that kind of kick!

It was enough to knock Arthur on his ass! 

Arthur gets the wind kicked out of his chest and he’s near the ropes now but Dex nails another straight boot and then kicks Arthur right through the ropes! 

And speaking of that, he did it to him again! Arthur just got kicked right out of the ring. 

Dex looks around to the crowd and thinks about going for his signature Whoa-pe dive but he doesn’t want to take a chance on the move backfiring on him even with Pleasant down for the count. He changes up strategies and climbs out of the ring instead. He gets ready around the corner and then charges like a bull but unlike earlier when he couldn’t get away with it … 

He gets the Dexy’s Midnight Runner and knocks Arthur Pleasant clear into the barricade! He bounces off like a rubber ball and gets knocked out on the floor. 

Dexy’s Midnight Runner! He usually saves that move for the ring but tonight he used it to knock Arthur Pleasant into next week! 

He looks like a tangled mess up against the barricade, doesn’t he?

Thunderous chants for Dex Joy come from everywhere in the vast sea of people who want to see Arthur get what he deserves. He drags Arthur by his hair and his tights and then rolls him partially under the ropes with his face still sticking out over the ring apron. Dex flashes him his own mischievous grin and then lifts up his face before he slams it onto the apron. Another huge elbow follows and waffles Arthur upside the head making sure he gets his punishment. Dex pushes him back into the ring and pins him down to save Carla Ferrari’s job. 

One …

Two …


Arthur can take a whole lot of abuse and live but Dex still beating him down right now. 

He gets up and tries another elbow but Arthur blocks one and strikes Dex with a punch and then gets out from the ring to get away. The Biggest Boy takes the shot and goes to the outside but that’s what Arthur counts on cause he jumps up and hits Dex with a kick through the ropes. 

Arthur suckers him with that kick. 

Dex feels that particular kick and slips between the ropes. He is able to get to his feet on the canvas but a series of quick kicks from Pleasant sting his chest. He is about to swing for another kick but Dex grabs the leg and sends the Provocateur into a panic. The Biggest Boy picks him up and then strikes him with a big head butt right between the eyes!

Dex is willing to take a few those kicks from Arthur in order to fire that one head butt right back and he looks worse. 

The Biggest Boy picks Arthur on his shoulder and then tries to ram him into the post. At the last moment Arthur slips out behind him, but Dexy Baby is able to stop himself from going into post head first … but the little delay gives Arthur the chance to shove Dex into the post head first!

No! Dex tried stopping himself but he let down his guard and he went into that corner post!

That can’t be good! Even he can’t win against the steel post. 

Dex ends up leaning over the apron trying to get out of the way but Arthur sees a golden opportunity and runs the apron for a big soccer kick into the chest of the Biggest Boy! The shot nails him good and he ends up stumbling over the apron. Arthur then goes over and steps on his head! He presses down on the head of Dex! 

That can’t be good! Dex got pushed into that post and Arthur has a whole plethora of kick-based strike maneuvers he can use against him. 

It’s true. Anyone can be chopped down with enough kicks to the head, even a man as tough and resilient as we have seen Dex in the past. 

Arthur has a five count against him as well for pressing down on Dex’s head while he is in the ropes and he rides it out and backs off. Dex tries to get in the ring to avoid being counted out but now Arthur Pleasant has an opening. He puts both feet against his throat in the corner and tries to strangle him. He jumps off his body and then fires some more muay thai punches to his head in the corner like he was trying to concuss the Biggest Boy. 

The one thing that we don’t see often his how dangerous Arthur is with those strikes. He prefers the hardcore style since that’s his element, but he can stand and fight when he needs to. 

Unlucky for us and maybe for Carla. 

He stops punching at the referee’s insistence but Arthur yells back. 

Arthur Pleasant:
Soon as I deal with Shamu over here you’re next if you touch me again. 

Dex tries to get out of the corner when another kick finds its mark upside the head. Dex falls back to all fours and Arthur leans in to bite him on the forehead! 

What is he doing?! 

He keeps on biting until Benny Doyle again gives him some grief over his choice of tactics. Pleasant then hits a kneeling DDT on Dex while he is on the mat and then gets him over for his first chance to win and end Carla Ferrari’s tenure as a DEFIANCE Wrestling referee. 

One …

Two …


Dex pushes out with enough force to throw Arthur right off him! 

That was a close one!

Every cover is too close. Carla shouldn’t be in this position in the first place. 

Carla is still watching the match backstage and looking like her heart almost sank with the last pinfall. He kicks Dex in the side again until he stays down long enough to jump and then stomp his face. Joy is feeling anything but joyous right now after all the head shots so far. 

Arthur Pleasant:
See what happens when you try to be a hero?

He grabs the hair of Dex and throws some kicks upward in the style of Toshiaki Kawada, tapping Dex in the head with four separate strikes. He has the hand now of Dex and throws another kick into his chest but Dex leans into it. Arthur doesn’t look like he believes what he saw, so he throws another shot to the chest but Dex once again throws himself into the kick to absorb the impact. 

All these insults are finally getting to Dex. That’s not good for Arthur. 

And maybe good for Carla Ferrari’s career! 

He runs the heel of his boot over the face to shove Dex back to the canvas and it is that lack of disrespect that makes Dex finally stand again and push Arthur at the ropes. He hits Arthur with two cross face forearms to either side of his head and then grabs his midsection. He musters all the strength in his body to throw Arthur high in the air with a huge belly to belly overhead suplex and the DEFIANCE Wrestling faithful are all about it!

Big suplex by Dex! Does he save Carla’s career?

He goes over to where Arthur landed and follows with a jumping elbow drop! 

One …

Two …


The Faithful don’t believe that he kicked out, but Dex focuses on fighting with Arthur instead of the official doing his job. 

He takes Pleasant to the corner and opens up with elbows! What a series of elbows! 

And he hits more!

He throws Arthur to the opposite corner, but much to the surprise of all that are watching he runs up the buckles and then backflips right over Dex. Dex turns around but Arthur has already reached his feet and hits a jumping enziguri to the head of the Biggest Boy in the corner! 

No! Arthur turns it around again with another big head shot. 

And there is another! He hits a roaring elbow to the back of Dex’s head! 

The two big strikes are enough to bring Dex down to a knee. Carla watches on the monitor backstage when Arthur unleashes his buzzsaw kick named Narcolepsy right upside the head of Joy! The Biggest Boy lays with his back flat on the mat! 

No! In a series of shots, Arthur turns it around! Carla’s career might be over!

No, kick out, Dex kick out! 

One …

Two …


Despite the multiple shots Dex still kicks out and Arthur can’t believe it himself! Carla breathes a quick sigh of relief at least for the moment. But Joy does not get to have any such rest from punishment because once again the dangerous Arthur jumps up and kicks him in the head. Dex rolls back against the ropes and yet again Arthur jumps at the first chance to hand out more harm to DEFIANCE Wrestling’s favorite Biggest Boy. He stands on the side of Dex’s head against the ropes. 

He has honed in on trying to give Dex Joy a concussion! It’s not enough that the wants to end Carla’s career but he wants to injure Dex just for being a good person and sticking up for the people that work for our company. 

You know that’s all true. Benny Doyle can’t stand this but Arthur is breaking off the count before he can get disqualified. He’s riding a real thin line with the rules without falling to either side. 

Arthur jumps off of Dex before the next five count from Benny Doyle would result in the DQ and Carla keeping her job. She watches the match again from the backstage area out of her own safety while Arthur is strutting around the ring like the match is done. When he starts to see Dex get up again he goes back to a choke. 

Joy tries to get away but Arthur is trying to strangle him with that sleeper type of choke hold! I’m pretty sure that’s more of a choke!

Can Dex fight free of this hold? If he doesn’t, this match may be done sooner than later. 

The DEFIANCE Wrestling faithful get a chant going for Dex! “Biggest Boy! Biggest Boy! Biggest Boy!” That seems to light a fire under the man chock full of Big Dex Energy! Arthur jumps full on his back and tries to stay on like a wild dog on a slab of beef. He chokes even tighter on Dex but that grip doesn’t stay on too long because Dex Joy grabs his hands. He yells to the masses and gets loud when he rips his hands apart and then runs forward and falls back to crush Arthur under him to break free of the choke! 

Dex is out! Dex is out! I don’t believe it! This is the exact opening that Dex needed in order to free himself! 

Big Dex Energy is on the ropes now using the break to try and get the bats out of his belfry. Arthur might be checking to see if his internal organs are intact after Dex fell with most of his weight on top of him. Dex ends up in one corner with Arthur using the other side to get himself back on his two feet. Dex is up first and to get himself fired up with the crowd he starts shaking the ropes! Recharging himself with the people helping him he turns and locks eyes with Arthur in the corner. Dex comes at him like a freight train and slams his entire body into Pleasant with a body splash. 

Arthur finds himself in an even tighter spot. Joy throws him to the opposite corner of the ring. Arthur hits the corner with a spine-rattling impact but the rest of his body gets the same treatment. Dex hits him with another big splash in the corner. Dex wails away on him like Fury on Wilder complete with punching him across his back and head. 

Dex is just taking him apart! 

Very few people more than Arthur Pleasant deserve this treatment! 

Dex takes a step back from the corner with Arthur ready to get flattened. As Arthur tries to get back up, he sees Dex coming and then ducks down and pulls the ropes at the last second. Dex goes spilling through the ropes and Arthur rolls away to save himself but he doesn’t see that the Biggest Boy clinging to the ropes to keep from falling. He gets up and Arthur sees him. He takes a swing with a kick, but Dex catches his foot and then grabs him by the side before hitting a big release side slam from the apron!

Great counter by Dex! The side slam drops Arthur like he should!

Dex hangs onto the ropes and then has the crowd going bonkers after he hits a slingshot senton over the ropes and crushes Arthur under his weight again! Pleasant might have a broken rib after that and the DEFIANCE Wrestling faithful love to see it Christie! 

Oh!!!!!! I think Arthur might have problems breathing after that! I’m still amazed at the things a man his size can do! 

Me, too. It is amazing and he’ll need every trick to keep Carla’s job for DEFIANCE Wrestling! What move is he thinking now?

The Denizen of Decay gets a lift from Dex like he was an Uber. The whip sends Arthur back into a big pop up power bomb from Dex!

Dex Bomb! And Dex goes into the pin from a sit-out position!

One …

Two …


Arthur brings his legs together against Dex’s jaw, breaking up the cover from the sit-out power bomb right before three! 

Counter by Arthur to break it up! That was Dex’s biggest stretch of offense since the beginning, but Arthur is a cockroach in both senses of the word. He’s disgusting and nobody likes him, but he survives more than he should. 

Right on both counts I’m afraid. 

Arthur joked about how he thought Dex would blow up and get tired but how much does Arthur have left in the tank after those moves from the Biggest Boy?


Joy has Arthur on his back and then puts him from the mat and on to his shoulders for his next move. He takes Joy to the mat and might be trying for the Dex-5, but Arthur claws at Dex’s face and eyes so he can get loose from his grip. He target’s Dex’s leg behind him and puts him down with another muay-thai style kick to the left knee. Dex then gets the rude awakening of a lifetime when Arthur (still holding his ribs) hits Dex in the face as he is kneeling with the Provocation single leg drop kick! 

So much force in that kick from Arthur Pleasant! He saved himself by raking the face of Dex and then hits him with the Provocation! 

No no no! Dex was so close to taking this one! No way does Arthur steal it! 

Arthur flips off the fans and goes for a cover by stacking a leg of the Biggest Boy!

One …

Two …


But Dex’s leg has more than enough strength to kick Arthur off of him!

Dex still in this! Dex is still in this!

But Arthur sees it happening! He’s already got another kick ready. 

He tries another Narcolepsy, but Dex gets both hands up to catch his foot. He forces him around and then tries to use a German suplex but Arthur fights out with elbows from both sides. Arthur jumps up and then lands another kick and Dex goes back into the ropes … but before he goes for the kick, Dex comes off the ropes and then lands a shot gun drop kick on Arthur and he gets knocked back into the corner!!!

What?! Shotgun dropkick by Dex! He’s got Arthur Pleasant literally right where he wants him! 

You’re right! You’re right! He’s one Jump for Joy away from ending this farce of a stipulation and keeping Carla Ferrari employed. 

Carla watches again from the back but it takes Dex a few extra seconds to get up after the constant kicks and whatever else is going on in his noggin. Big Dex Energy heaves himself up and gets ready in the corner by making a rolling motion with his fingers. With Arthur in his sights he gets ready. 

Jump for Joy … NO!!! 


At the last possible moment he could do so, the Provocateur moves out of the way and leaves Dex to crash into the corner after failing to hit the biggest move in his arsenal, the Jump for Joy. Arthur starts laughing like the psychopath that he is after Dex crashes into nothing into the corner with no sign of recovery. 

This man really is deranged! He’s laughing at Dex’s misfortunes and the fact that he just crashed into the corner. 

And that he can … I really hate saying this out loud … he could win. 

The DEFIANCE Wrestling faithful get all over Arthur’s case with more jeers but he eats up the attention. He grabs the arms of Dex while he’s in the corner and then puts the boots to his head. He keeps on stomping until Benny Doyle again tries to get his attention. He gets it when Arthur stops and starts to take hold of his shirt … but Doyle isn’t taking that! He points at his shirt and tells him one more time and he’ll disqualify him!

Just do it now! Disqualify him for putting his hands on an official!

But Arthur doesn’t take a swing! He knows this will all be for nothing if he does! 

Arthur wants nothing more than to shut the veteran official up but he gets up and goes back to Dex who looks like he’s there but the lights aren’t on. He tries Calamity Pain on Dex and he starts to slightly get the Big Dex Energy off his feet but Dex is too heavy and fights out so Arthur has to put him back down! His ribs feel like they have been smashed up to paste but the remorseless Pleasant gleefully throws more kicks to Dex and follows it up with a few more punches to his mostly unprotected head. He starts to go up for a shining wizard kick in the corner, but Dex ducks and then carries Arthur on his shoulders … 


Dex nails the desperate Dex-5 and Arthur hits the mat with enough force that he ends up rolling across the ring! It takes Joy some time to get over to where Arthur lands after the blow but Carla is watching again to see if this finishes the job. 

The Dex-5 has to end this! 

Arthur isn’t moving and Dex inches his way over while a hand protects his own head after all the punishment suffered throughout the match. He lays across Arthur’s body with a leg hooked for good measure on the cover.

One …

Two … 

And the crowd is livid!!!!

The Provocateur’s foot is just under the bottom rope! 

And Aaron King and Jack Harmen are now both lurking near ringside. 

No! No! That was three! That was a three, but Benny didn’t see King or Harmen put that foot of Arthur’s on the rope!

That was it! Carla’s job should be safe! Come on, Benny!

King and Harmen both yell at Benny Doyle and point at the lifeless foot of Arthur dangling under the ropes. The DEFIANCE Wrestling faithful fill the arena with jeers at this turn of events and are about ready to throw trash if that kind of thing was still allowed today. 

And the worst part is that these vultures are out here but Nathan Eye isn’t here tonight due to being checked for his own concussion after Jack Harmen pulled his head right into the metal foundation under the ring apron! 

Yeah … Dex is going this alone.

With King and Harmen now with an up close and personal view of the proceedings inside of the ring, Dex Joy motions for them to leave.

Dex Joy:
This is between HIM and ME. You two lackeys don’t need to be here.

Harmen and King hop up onto the ring apron, drawing Benny Doyle towards them. Joy goes to pull Pleasant up from the mat… but is met with the meat-hook of all meat-hooks!


Not like this… if there is a God, please. Not. Like. THIS.

Joy doubles over, giving Pleasant enough time to get up. Realizing Doyle is still distracted, Pleasant measures up the former Southern Heritage champion and kicks him straight between the legs. Joy goes down and Pleasant makes the cover after two consecutive low blows…



The WrestlePlex goes silent, awaiting the inevitable. 

One …

Two …

The- NO!!!


Yes!! Dex is still in this!!

The sheer guts and determination of Dex Joy is unparalleled at this juncture. He’s fighting for someone who can’t fight back like he can and he knows it.

Pleasant holds up three fingers to Doyle, who ensures that it was only two. Nearly pulling his hair out that two blatant low-blows didn’t rid the match of Big Dex Energy, Pleasant starts guiding Dex Joy to his feet… but Dex pops up the rest of the way, hurling Arthur up into the air with great force! As Arthur falls back down, Dex catches him with a Samoan drop, but Pleasant’s leg accidentally kicks Doyle and knocks him down!

Oh NO.

Doyle just took a horrible, and completely accidental shot from Arthur via Dex Joy.

Joy with the cover!

“One! Two! Three!”
“One! Two! Three!”
“One! Two! Three!”
“One! Two! Three!”

Dex had this one won with that move! Can’t believe this garbage..

Oh things are about to get a lot worse. Look!

Sure enough Aaron King and Jack Harmen slide into the ring with steel chairs in their hands. Before Dex can even react, the Scourge is pounding Dex across the back and knee with chairs. This crowd begins to boo to riotous proportions as Pleasant slithers out of the ring. Reaching under the ring, Pleasant grabs a steel chair of his own and slides back into the ring.

Arthur Pleasant:
Enough, boys! It’s Uncle Arthur’s turn!

I can’t even watch this. I’m so disgusted.


Carla Ferrari begins making her way out from Guerilla, but stops at the top of the ramp. Pleasant notices her and points the chair out towards her. Blowing a kiss towards her, Pleasant begins mashing the top edge of the steel chair down into Dex’s anatomy.

Carla Ferrari:
Stop!!! Stop it!!!

But Arthur just doesn’t stop. Each shot is more malicious than the last as Pleasant continues punishing DEFIANCE’s Biggest Boy with the biggest chair jabs imaginable. King and Harmen simply look on in awe as Pleasant growls and drools with each shot. Finally, after about fifteen or so shots, Pleasant throws the chair away and simply sits on Dex, looking down into his face with a vile smile on his face.

King and Harmen shake Doyle to help him gain his bearings as Pleasant awaits the count. Doyle crawls over to them, holding his head from the accidental kick.


The Faithful count along in horror, each moment between as silent as a graveyard.


No….. just, no…..

Damn it.



Dex Joy lifts a shoulder at the last possible second, shocking everyone in the Scourge. Looking out at his cronies as if to say, “What the fuck do I have to do to beat this guy?!”.

Looking out at the Faithful, the fans begin rallying behind Big Dexy again.

Arthur Pleasant:
Get up!!!! This is OVER!!!

Dex slowly begins to get to his feet, reeling from all of the chair shots that the Scourge gave him. But like a battle-hardened warrior, Dex maintains his balance.

Measuring Dex up for the Provocation, Pleasant races into the ropes… but Dex pops Pleasant up for a Pop-Up Powerbomb!

Pleasant counters by BITING Dex’s nose!

What the… who does he think he is, the Penguin?!

Dex lost his grip! 

Pleasant slips down in front of Dex, and out of pure instinct, lifts underneath his massive frame into a fireman’s carry position.

Holy Mother of God!! Arthur just lifted Dex up for the Calamity Pain!

No! Look! He’s out of it!

Dex fights back with massive elbow shots, weakening Pleasant enough to where he falls to a knee. With Dex standing on his own feet, he cradles his ribs and head, still feeling the effects from the Calamity Pain attempt. But before Dex can do anything, Pleasant is lifting up under Dex AGAIN!


Dex goes to throw some more elbows, but Pleasant pivots just enough to where he can cradle Dex’s face into the double-knee facecrusher portion of the Calamity Pain.

Calamity Pain… Dex took the full brunt of it.

Pleasant lifts one of Dex’s massive legs up with both of his arms as he makes the cover!




Benny Doyle calls for the bell as the entire audience falls into a hushed sadness.


Carla Ferrari, who is watching from atop the ramp, falls to her knees in shock.

♫ “All Within My Hands” by Metallica ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match… ARTHUR PLEASANT! Carla Ferrari… must resign!

Shots of various members of the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful are captured up on the DEFIATron. A little girl with a Carla Ferrari sign is devastated as tears stream down her face.

Pleasant, meanwhile, rolls off of Dex Joy and is congratulated with sickening joy by Aaron King and Jack Harmen. Carla Ferrari, not wanting to give Arthur Pleasant the satisfaction of knowing he won, simply stands up and walks to the back.

Nobody from commentary speaks as everyone watches on in disgust and dismay while Arthur Pleasant raises his hands in victory.

The cherry on this poisoned cake, however, is Jack Harmen retrieving the “DEFINANCE Wrasslin’” Title from the time-keeper’s area.

Handing it to Arthur Pleasant, Pleasant brings them in for a group hug, celebrating the dismissal of one of DEFIANCE Wrestling’s greatest referees of all time.


I REALLY can't believe what we saw just moments ago. Carla Ferrari... forced to resign her position as an official here in DEFIANCE. 

No way Favoured Saints lets this stand... this was LITERALLY a three-on-one assault to get an official fired. We need someone on this.  

It really is, but as we often do in this business, we have to move forward to business, Lance. Our next match on the card is up. Last night, we saw an incredibly violent and dangerous Unified Tag Title match between the Saturday Night Specials defending against The Lucky Sevens. The SNS retained the title by the skin of their teeth and while we know that the Sevens are always top contenders especially after their own performance last night, we'll know after this next match who will earn the next shot at the Saturday Night Specials. Up next, in Two out of Three Falls, it will be Pop Culture Phenoms versus Los Tres Titanes!

Both teams have shown great success in DEFIANCE in both singles and tag team action, but lately have had their eyes on the Unified Tag Team Titles! PCP have been thought of by many to be the premier team, the first holders of the World Tag Titles and World Trios title holders before the belts were unified. Los Tres Titanes -- formerly the Sky High Titans -- have had their number in the past and have also defeated many top teams since coming together. 

Both teams always just one win away from title contention, both former multiple-time Tag Champions. But tonight, the game is Two Out of Three Falls! The winner gets the next chance at the titles. You won’t find a much better team at tandem wrestling than these two teams, so let’s get to it! 

The camera goes to Darren Quimbey for the introductions. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a Two Out of Three Falls tag team match set for one fall! The winner will be crowned the next Number One Contenders for the Unified Tag Team Championships! Introducing first… 

The DEF-Tron comes to life and shows a limo opening up from the outside, courtesy of the old Family Keeling Talent Agency. The door swings open and one by one, out come three of the opponents for tonight’s match. 

Minute - decked out in a white trench coat and ring gear with gold and diamond patterns on his mask.

Titaness - wearing a white top, white pants-length tights with gold stripes down the left leg, diamond designs down the right and a vest in the same style. 

And lastly, the massive Uriel Cortez - white thigh-length trunks, sleeveless trench coat and a Los Tres Titanes-brand towel over his shoulders. 

The three get out, nod to one another silently and then stomp towards the entrance… right into… 


♫ “Giants” by Little V. ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Accompanied by “The Show of Force” Titaness… weighing at a combined weight of 503 pounds… “The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World” Minute… and “The Titan of Industry” Uriel Cortez… LOS! TRES! TITANES!

The group name forms in a cursive gold with diamond-themed pattern. And with that… A LOUD explosion of gold pyro now goes off and behind Titaness, wearing an open sleeveless coat with a silver and gold towel draped over his massive neck and white thigh-length trunks, stands Uriel Cortez! And along with that, Minute is back in his white and gold LTT-themed gear! Minute leaps into the ring with a front flip and then does several front kip-ups across the ring before landing on his feet to a huge pop from the crowd! Titaness stands on the ring apron and flexes for the crowd while Uriel raises a hand, ready to chop someone. They enter the ring and Uriel and Minute wait for their opponents. 

New theme for Los Tres Titanes tonight, along with a big entrance for the occasion. They look ready for this!

They sure do. We can't forget what an incredible showing Titaness had last night during the Favoured Fiveway for the Favoured Saints Title! Making it to the very end until Kerry Kuroyama shocked the world and ended up wiht the title belt! But tonight,... let’s get to their opponents… 

♫ “Live For The Night” by Krewella ♫

The lights turn to various shades of magenta and blue before dancing around the arena like a rave. Suddenly dozens of photographers flock to the entrance, desparately jostling for position as a red carpet unfurls and rolls down the entrance forcing them to part and make way. DEFIANCE security come out to hold the line and push back the paparazzi as Elise Ares steps out into the arena with a roar of appreciation from the Faithful. Wearing a black dress worthy of an DEFY’s appearance, she struts out with her trademark LED sunglasses over her clear protective mask. It flashes NEXT. TAG. CHAMPS.

The Pop Culture Phenoms making their intentions clear here tonight, Lance!

Can’t be stated any more clearly than that, Darren. Next. Tag. Champs.

Well unfortunately they have a 7’ 2” hurdle in their way, along with the most interesting high flyer in the world. It’s a TALL task. Literally!

I think Elise Ares, The D, and maybe even Jack Harmen take a little bit of an exception to THAT nick name… but it’s time to put up or shut up!

The D follows wearing a black tuxedo with bow tie, throwing his arms into the air getting the Faithful behind them as they make their way down to the ring. Behind him, Flex Kruger is holding the line and making sure the paparazzi don’t get too crazy with their demands.

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents, accompanied by Flex Kruger… weighing at a combined weight of 298 pounds… “The Leading Lady of DEFIANCE” Elise Ares… and “The Netflix A-Lister” The D… THE POP. CULTURE. PHEEEEEEEEEEEEEENOMS!

Flex Kruger wearing only a black bow tie with black trunks & boots pushes his way to the front to hold the ropes for Elise and The D as they walk up the stairs and enter the ring as suggestively as possible. The pair pose for a photo op alongside their muscle-bound buddy before Ares immediately tosses her LED sunglasses into the crowd and both PCP tag members tear away their formal wear to reveal their wrestling attire underneath. Flex gathers up the clothes while Elise begins jawing at Minute before being blocked off by the official.

Here we go. These two teams are at one win a piece in singles competition. Elise Ares defeated Minute with a beautiful roll-up variation to defeat Minute. On UNCUT, Titaness overcame the power of Flex Kruger to take home the win. Tonight, it’s Two Out of Three Falls. 


Elise Ares and Minute are the two starting for each team with The D and Uriel Cortez in their respective corner. Flex Kruger and Titaness each watch from the outside as the action begins. The two lock up and this time, it’s Minute looking for the first move. He kicks Elise in the gut off the opening bell and then launches her into the ropes. When she comes back, she tries a handspring, but Minute leaps out first and then flips to his feet… but what he doesn’t see is The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style slide to the side and then try a headscissors of her own… 


Minute lands on his feet! The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World runs off the ropes and tries a handspring enzuigiri, but Elise moves out the way of that, sending Minute crashing to the mat, but when she tries a low kick, Minute catches himself and ducks back. He rolls her up with a schoolboy, but when she tries to get out of it, Minute tries a sliding kick that SHE backs away from! He leaps over and then ties up the arm with an La Majistral… 


But she kicks out and moves the other way! 


Then Minute rolls out of that into one of his own!


Elise kicks out! When the two come to blows, she rolls up with a backslide.. Into the bridge pin!


Both Elise and Minute at the same time execute a kip-up to get back to their respective feet before facing one another down!

Wow! The same move that beat Minute back on DEFtv 160 doesn’t do it tonight! And remember, this is Two Out of Three Falls! This isn’t a normal match by any means, so any opening you can take for a fall, you better do so! 


The D decides he wants a go and holds his hand out so Elise takes it. The D gets the tag and jumps into the ring. Uriel holds his hand out, but Minute shakes his head and motions that he wants to stay in. The Titan of Industry nods and lets Minute have his way. The D and Minute lock up and the taller Netflix A-Lister has a headlock on Minute to try and keep him grounded. Minute backs into the ropes and launches The D, but he comes back and runs into him with a shoulder block! 

Minute may have wanted to make the tag instead, but I think he really wants to take the lead against Elise and The D, both premier high flyers in their own right. 

I guess so! The D back to the ropes, but Minute drops down… and The D cartwheels over him! He may be trying to trick Minute into making a mistake here!

The TJ Tornado starts to get a little angrier when he comes at The D and hits a STIFF shoot kick to the leg! The D flinches from the impact and then Minute doubles him over with a low kick before using another whip. The D goes flying, but he clings to the ropes, making Minute jump into a vulnerable spot for The D to sneak in a forward roll-up!


Minute kicks out again, but The D nails him with a big chop! He fires two more shots into the chest of the fit luchador, but Minute nails a forearm and then another sharp kick. When he runs forward, The D gets a boot up and flips over to the ring apron. When Minute tries to attack again, The D escapes with a backflip off the apron and lands on his feet on the outside to a big cheer from the crowd!

What an escape by The D! He ends up on the floor and there’s Flex to give him a big high-five after that evasive maneuver!

Wait… watch Minute! Mirame, as he likes to say!

The second that The D turns back to the ring, Minute ZIPS through the ropes with rocket-like speed, WIPING him out on the floor with a massive tope through the bottom and middle rope! The Faithful ROAR for The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World taking the fight to the PCPs!

Both teams have changed for the better since they last met in a proper tag match like this! The PCPs used to be hated by The Faithful while Minute and Uriel have gelled into more of a family, along with Titaness!

Minute goes over and jumps up to hit the tall Titaness’ hand for a high-five of their own! He throws The D back into the ring. He then waits before he leaps to the ropes and then hits a slingshot senton across the chest into a cover!




Kickout by The D, but Minute isn’t done! 

He grabs the left hand of The D and then slaps him in the chest with a chop of his own. He runs up the nearby buckles, bounces off the top rope and then comes flying off with an intricate headscissors, sending The D sliding across the canvas. Minute does a front flip to his feet and slaps his own chest, feeling the high energy from the crowd. Now Uriel wants in and Minute rolls over to give his massive tag partner the tag!

Oooh, boy, here comes Uriel Cortez! 7’2” and 339 pounds! He weighs more than BOTH The D and Elise Ares combined! 

He might be the key to changing the complexion of this match! He’s more than a match physically for either member of the PCPs and they know it. 

The D visibly gulps air in cartoon-like fashion, knowing what he has to deal with, but he goes for it anyway! He goes right at Cortez with a flurry of kicks to the leg to try and soften up the massive man from The City of Industry, but Uriel blocks a kick. He tries to throw The D upward from his leg, but he does a backflip and lands on his feet! The D lands and looks pleased at himself… 


But just ONE chop from DEFIANCE’s Deadliest Hands turns him inside out!

Oh, my lord! Uriel with the chop! He has also changed facets of his game to make use of those chops from different positions, and he’ll use all of them to get a Unified Tag Title shot here! 

The D might have had his sinuses cleared from the shot and the camera picks up the red welt on his chest. Uriel muscles him up and then throws him into a corner. The D tries to boot, scoot and boogie his way out one side, but Uriel grabs a hand and throws him back. He tries the other way, but tosses The Netflix A-Lister back. He tries to hold up both hands for the Chop of Ages… but The D slides between his legs and runs over to tag Elise! 

I hate to say this and with all respect due… but does Elise have anything to match with the size of Uriel?

I think they’re gonna try in tandem! Look!

Both Elise and The D nod and then leap to the top turnbuckle. At the same time, they take flight and use double missile dropkicks to rock Cortez! The crowd cheers when they both kip to their feet at the same time which has The Faithful going mental!

That’s gonna be the key right there! Hit and run! They can do it and chop down almost anybody! 

While Uriel holds his chest in pain, The D and Elise both head off the ropes and try a double move of some sort… but all he does is run forward and RUNS them both down with running shoulder blocks at the same time! 

Ouch! That’s gonna be Uriel’s key. Chop and smash everyone in sight. 

Flex Kruger looks on in shock while Uriel lets out a roar. He grabs Elise and then holds her up in the air, holding the delayed scoop slam position for a big amount of time. Minute jumps onto the turnbuckle and checks an imaginary watch for how long he holds it… then dumps her on the mat with a huge drop!

Big scoop slam right there! Not pretty, but effective being dropped that high! Uriel now with a cover!



But The D comes back and hits a sliding dropkick to the face of Uriel to break it up!

Smart tag team wrestling by The D! Cortez is so powerful, it’s hard for anybody to kick out of his nearfalls!

Elise is now trying to get away, but that dropkick from The D looks like it only made Uriel angrier. 

The Titan of Industry grabs the leg of Elise and then holds her over the corner. She protests but she can’t stop Uriel from tagging to Minute, then rocking her with a backbreaker! She falls to the mat when Minute leaps inside the ring, then moonsaults off the middle rope! Into a cover on Elise!




Elise kicks out again! 

Elise kicks out, but LTT keeps the pressure on the Phenoms. Los Tres Titanes are working really well so far! They have VASTLY improved both as singles and as tag wrestlers in the last couple of years. 

The same can be said for PCP and then some. Elise Ares holds the record for the longest-reigning Southern Heritage Champion! Tag and Trios Titles, both Flex Kruger and Klein are former BRAZEN Champions. Singles or tag they can get it done! 

Minute goes for a few more kicks and shellshocks Elise with a few more to the ribs, then tries a superkick, but Elise manages to roll out of the way. When he tries again, Elise leaps out of the way and then nails the Amethystation on Minute! 

Superwoman punch on Minute! He gets dazed with that shot! 

He stumbles around, then Elise rocks him with a pele kick to make sure he goes down! Elise holds her back in pain while Minute is down and then makes the tag to The D! He leaps over the ropes and then nails a running forearm to the face of Minute, then sends him into the corner and leaps for D In Yo’ Face! The stinger splash connects and then he follows it up with a huge running bulldog out of the corner!

Neither team has a fall just yet, but The Phenoms could be closing in on the first one!

That they are! The D has the chance to go for something big!

The Netflix A-Lister gets back on his feet as Minute tries to get away from the ropes, but when he stands up, The D tags Elise Ares and she comes back into the the ring. She runs at Minute who stands on the ring apron, leaps over and then ROCKS him with a huge flying hurricanrana, sending him FLYING off the ring apron all the way out to the floor!


Oh, my God! Minute might be done!

Uriel gets the shock of his life seeing it and gets so caught up in what’s going on, he doesn’t notice The D going low for a dropkick to his knee! Uriel hobbles over, then The D hits an inside springboard dropkick to the face of Uriel and knocks him off the apron as well, sending him stumbling to the floor, albeit still on his feet! Elise joins him back in the ring after the dive… 

Elise Ares (and the crowd):

After getting the fans fired the hell up, she and The D both look like they are going to try something big to finally chop Cortez down to size… 

And where are they going? 

What are they thinking? Both going to the top rope?

The crowd buzzes like a swarm of excited-ass bees… BOTH Elise and The D leap off the ropes with a springboard senton and both nail Cortez, FINALLY wiping out the giant for the first time in the match!


Listen to this one! These fans either really like recreational drugs or they love the Pop Culture Phenoms! 

That’s the experience on their side! They can strike in tandem! Now they both go and grab Minute to get him back in the ring! 

Elise is in first and then tags The D! He leaps in and both competitors both NAIL Minute with the Drive-By At The Roxy!

The D makes the cover!




The Faithful cheer for the PCP now as The D sits up and balls up his fists, raising them in triumph!

Darren Quimbey:
Your winners of the first fall… POP CULTURE PHENOMS!

The PCPs up one fall to nothing in this hectic match! They blitzed Los Tres Titanes with high-flying attacks and now they’re only one win away from earning the next shot against The Saturday Night Specials! 

Uriel Cortez starts to get back up to his feet and then slaps the ground, pissed off that they got caught like that. He shoots a glance at Titaness who keeps watch as he goes back to the corner. The D is itching to have the chance to strike while he waits for the rest period for competitors to be over. He then runs forward and then grabs the leg of Minute before dragging him back to the corner.  

And now the PCPs are not wasting any more time tonight! 

The D hurriedly points to Minute as he’s still down and when Hector Navarro signals for it to begin… and The D runs right into a quick jackknife pin on Minute to try and steal the second  fall quickly!




Minute kicks out quickly and shoves him off to the side!

Smart thinking by The D to try and steal that fall! Now he goes over to Elise! They have to keep Minute trapped. If they can cut the ring in half and keep him there, this match is as good as done. 

Tag to Elise Ares! Now what!

Minute tries to get to his corner where Uriel is back on the ring apron, but The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World gets caught by The D and Elise! The D hits a leg drop over the back of Minute’s head, leading to Elise to tie him up with a Muta Lock! She keeps cranked on for The D to run at the ropes… 

What a combination! They call that The Foley Pop-And-Lock-A-Thon… whatever that is! What matters is Elise trying to wrap this up! 

After the combo, she lets go of the Muta Lock and then goes for the cover!




Minute BARELY kicked out of that one, but he needs to make that tag. Even he can only take so much punishment. 

But Elise and The D are wrestling a great game right now! She’s back to the Muta Lock! She calls this Miami Vice!

The Deathlock with the bridge is applied and is cranking back on Minute! He tries to get back to his corner, but Uriel chooses not to wait any more! He climbs over the ropes and comes to the aid of his partner, grabbing Elise and rag dolling her away from Minute! 

Cortez makes the save! But he’s gotta be careful… The D is already in the ring! 

The D rolls in behind the referee’s back and helps Elise get The TJ Tornado back to his corner. Uriel yells at Hector to turn around, but he’s none the wiser. They both try another double team once The D gets the tag. Both the Netflix A-Lister and Leading Lady of DEFIANCE whip Minute across the ring to a neutral corner. Elise runs first… but Minute gets a foot up and knocks her away!

Minute makes a last-ditch save for himself! And now here comes The D… NO! Elbow to the face!

Minute sees Uriel on the other side of the ring. While The D is slumped over, he does a side roll off his back. Elise tries to push him into the ropes… but The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World leaps to the ropes and fires back with a big springboard dropkick and knocks Elise down! 

Look at him go! 

The D maneuvers himself between Uriel and Minute, then runs at Minute with a spinning heel kick, but Minute ducks underneath, does a front flip forward… then leaps up to a TAG URIEL CORTEZ!


Oh, no! This is exactly where The Pop Culture Phenoms do NOT want to be right now! Staring down Cortez!

Both Elise and The D look at the giant in a panic, but he runs them right over!

Clothesline for Elise! 

Clothesline for The D!

Both get knocked down, but as they try to rise a second time, Uriel nails Elise with another shot and then The D gets one of his own! Titaness cheers on her massive beau from the outside while Flex Kruger watches in horror as they get taken apart. Uriel grabs The D (yes, I said it) and then throws him into a corner! Elise then gets picked up by Cortez and the two members of PCP get stacked up in the same corner. 

No way! Cortez has them lined up! 

And what’s he going for! 

He slaps the turnbuckle and gets the crowd fired up and then runs full speed with a corner back elbow in mind… but both The D and Elise scatter and he hits nothing! 

Speed advantage goes to The PCPs! And The D hits a running dropkick to Uriel in the corner!

The D nails him in the chest and then tries to grab his head for Netflix Money… but The Titan of Industry is too strong and then THROWS him across the ring instead with a big Atomic Throw! Elise hits a dropkick at Uriel’s leg to stun him briefly, then tries a run across the ropes… but instead the longest-reigning SoHer in DEFIANCE history gets CHOPPED out of the skies with a stiff chop to her back! Uriel raises a fist and yells at the crowd! Elise falls to the mat and holds hi 

The Titan of Industry is feeling it now! He’s got both The PCPs on the back foot and now they need to finish this off to even the score! 

Elise is still hurt so Uriel hones in on the legal man, The D. The Netflix A-Lister doesn’t know where he is when he gets dragged to his feet and freaks out when Uriel goes for a chokeslam. He pulls The D up, but before he can get the move, The D elbows him as hard as he can in the face and then tries a headscissors takedown… but Uriel is too big. Cortez shakes him off and The D ends up on the ring apron where he snaps the neck over the ropes! 

A great counter in the nick of time! 

Uriel is stunned, but is looking right at The D (hi-yo!) then NAILS another chop! The D stays on the ropes, but he howls in pain! Uriel sees Minute come back up and tags in his partner!, allowing Minute to LEAP to the top rope and hit a springboard frankensteiner off the top rope!

Blind tag by Minute going right into that AMAZING pop-up frankensteiner off the top rope! 

Both men crash hard to the mat, but The D makes the cover and tries to get the first fall for Los Tres Titanes!




Where did Elise come from? Minute almost evened it up for Los Tres Titanes, but Elise with the save!

Neither team can hold anything back right now! It’s all or nothing if they want the next shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles!

Uriel enters the ring and tries to get at Elise. He grabs her by the back and then clears the Queen of Sports Entertainment Style through the ropes before going back to his corner. Minute reaches out and makes the tag back to The Titan of Industry as he steps over the ropes. He waits for The to stand and then gets a hand ready to fire off the Chop of Ages Max. When The Netflix A-Lister stumbles back up, Elise hits a springboard and jumps on his back to protect her partner! She tries to keep a sleeper hold on Uriel Cortez!

Elise is doing all she can right now to save her partner from the chop! 

Hector Navarro is losing control of this match! Los Tres Titanes are trying to get their first fall and The Pop Culture Phenoms are doing all they can to stop this giant! 

Elise tries to go for an eye, but Cortez isn’t having that and then throws her over so she crashes on the mat! But the momentary distraction is all that The D needs to nail a superkick to the front of Cortez’s knee! He hobbles and then throws a second superkick to the back of the knee! He then grabs the arm of Cortez after he’s brought to a knee and then hits the A-Lister! Cortez gets rocks and falls to both knees!


The D tries again and then grabs the neck for Netflix Money while Cortez is partially grounded. He leaps again… 


No! Netflix Money doesn’t connect! Uriel gets saved! 

Minute then sees Elise trying to get back into the ring, but when he does, he runs with a space flying tiger drop and hits MIRAME to wipe out Elise on the floor to a ROUSING ovation from the crowd! 


The D sees his partner in trouble but when he turns to Cortez, he gets grabbed by the throat and then taken down with a huge chokeslam that shakes the ring!

Chokeslam on The D! He’s down! He’s down! The path has been cleared!

The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World gets the tag with Titaness looking on, cheering her guys on! Minute is on the top rope! He leaps from the top rope, onto Uriel’s shoulders and then dives off with a HUGE splash! 


Minute hooks the legs of The D and Uriel keeps watch in case Flex or Elise Ares try to break it up!




Uriel crawls over and fist bumps Minute after he sits up, throwing up his arms in celebration of evening the score of the match!

Darren Quimbey:
The winners of the second fall of this match… LOS TRES TITANES!

You heard Quimbey! The scores are all even up now and we have one fall to go! Who’s going to be the next one to get to the fall and take the win here tonight?

I don’t know, but the ball has to be in the court of Los Tres Titanes right now! There’s a very brief rest period between falls so Cortez and Minute have to take advantage of it as soon as they can! 

Minute is itching to get back into the action as Hector Navarro asks if The D is able to continue. The D -- holding his rib -- looks over to see Flex trying to cheer Elise as she tries to stand, all the while Uriel and Minute are both ready and able in their corner. He nods and gets ready… 

Here we go, fall number three! Who will earn the right to take on The Saturday Night Specials for the next shot at the titles! 

It’ll come down to whichever team makes the next mistake!

Then Minute runs forward like a rocket and then tries a dropkick… but The D sidesteps and then goes for a desperation Oklahoma roll pin before he can get off the mat! 




Minute kicks out quickly and The Faithful lose their composure! 

The D almost stole it there! But Minute is back on his feet… HANDSPRING ENZUIGIRI!

The D tries a kick, only for Minute to duck under and come back off the rebound with a huge handspring enzuigiri to the face! The D goes down and now Minute makes the cover!

Los Tres Titanes have this one! That’s it! 




The D FIRES up off the mat with one last burst of energy before slumping over to the side! The Thirty Story Splash taking a lot out of him and the big handspring enzuigiri from Minute taking its toll! 

How? How did he even kick out of that?!

That’s how bad both teams want to be the next contenders for the Unified Tag Team Championships! Some of the most coveted titles in DEFIANCE! They have main evented many of our shows and that’s how much they mean tonight!

Uriel yells at Minute to bring The D over and he nods before grabbing the neck of The Netflix A-Lister and dragging him over to the corner. He props him up and then slams a hard chop into his chest before Uriel crawls in. Cortez pins The D to the corner with one arm and readies the other… 


OOOH! Any of those chops are so vile!

They are! And Uriel has made a talent of using them in different variations. He beat Victor Vacio at our last show with those chops…


A second shot cracks The D in the chest and he slumps over… but Uriel still isn’t done. He holds the hands out again… both this time…


OOOH! There’s a joke in there about chopping and The D I won’t make cause I’m not Angus Skaaland!

And thank you for that… Chop of Ages! The D was able to get out of the corner to save himself earlier from that move, but not now! Not this time! 

And Los Tres Titanes have The D right where they want him. Elise is just now coming around to her corner after Minute wiped her out with Mirame, but she might as well be a world away from her partner! 

The D is hunched over, holding his chest in pain and is now rocking a pair of red welts from the numerous chops. Uriel gets ready with his hand out as he readies the Chop of Ages MAX for the second time. The D has been beaten down, but he still finds a way to be… DEFIANT. He is on his knees and tells Uriel to take his shot. The Titan of Industry nods and swings....

Chop of Ages Ma… NO! NO! The D moves!

He ducks the shot and runs off the ropes. He does a headscissor to the massive Uriel and then switches it up, using the momentum to grab him by the neck and FINALLY drop the largest member of Los Tres Titanes with a running shiranui!



But The D has been chopped half to death by Uriel! He can’t follow it up! But if he can get to Elise, he’ll have a chance!

Titaness’ jaw drops from the outside while Uriel cradles the back of his head after being dropped with perhaps the biggest execution of Netflix Money ever! The D reaches out where a game Elise is ready to take things home as Minute reaches out to Uriel. Minute reaches in and zooms like a rocket… but too late! Elise comes in and hits a springboard headscissors to wipe him out and Minute gets sent packing to the floor. 

Elise clears Minute from the ring… TOPE! Payback for the Mirame dive earlier! 

The Leading Lady of DEFIANCE soars through the ropes and wipes out Minute with a big dive, to the amazement of the Faithful! She eventually gets to her feet and then goes back into the ring a second time. She gets ready and then runs off the ropes again, then clears the top rope with a huge tope con hilo, taking out Minute a second time!

The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style with the second dive! She’s taking the fight to Los Tres Titanes while she has the chance! 

She gets up and basks in the love from the fired-up crowd before throwing Minute back inside the ring. Elise gets in after Minute gets rolled in and then nails the springboard splash from the top rope! 





No way! I thought that was three! Elise scored with the springboard splash and only got a two count! 

She’s not giving up, though! 

Elise gets ready and then busts out a running headscissors just after getting Minute back up… INTO THE SUNSET STRETCH!

Sunset Stretch! Sunset Stretch! She learned this move, courtesy of Oscar Burns and has won matches with this!

We could see another one here!

Minute is being stretched out by the hold while trying his best to stand with Elise wrapped around her. He fights the hold and tries to get to the ropes with Elise on his back. 

He’s almost to the ropes! Can he?

He crumbles to his knees… but manages to get to the ropes using literally a finger! Navarro yells at Elise to break the hold and she does, but isn’t happy about it! 

Minute BARELY escapes and gets to the ropes, but he can’t keep going! Elise has to keep the pressure on!

She pulls him back and then tries the Sunset Stretch a second time… but Minute slips out and then rolls backwards, taking Elise forward with a casadora into a pin! 




Minute almost took it! This is such a see-saw!

Elise lowers the boom on Minute with a low spinning kick to the gut and then whips him to the ropes. She follows, but The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World surprises her with a big tiger feint kick through the ropes, catching her in the gut! She doubles over as Minute quickly tries to get to the corner. He gets ready… and hits the ROPE RUNNING DROPKICK!

Estrella Fugaz! That move is always a thing of beauty and now he has Elise where he wants her! 

The crowd goes crazy when Elise goes down! Minute goes to the top rope… but before he can do so, The D comes back to save her partner by trying to stop him from jumping. The D grabs the leg of Minute but he kicks him away. He goes off the top rope just as Uriel comes around… 


Both Flex in his amazing tux and Titaness watch on in horror after both go through the barricade!


Both men have collapsed while in the ring, Minute tries to get back to the task at hand. He measures Elise up… 


Minute BARELY manages to land on his feet and keeps rolling through, but when he turns, Elise sneaks up on him with a running sunset flip! 



The TJ Tornado gets the knees up against her head and then adjusts his weight so she’s down!



Kickout! This is what their singles match came down to!

Elise gets up and goes for a fast cradle… but Minute tries to shift his body weight!

No! No! Who’s got it!





The bell rings! Elise Ares has her hand up! 

...but so does Minute! 

That flurry of pinfalls ended… wait, who won? Elise looked like she had it!

But I saw Minute shift his weight before Navarro made the count! I… 

Navarro looks up and The Faithful look just as confused as the participants in the ring. Uriel his holding his head in pain in the wreckage of the spear through the barricade while The D is hurt and barely moving. Flex stands up and tells the referee that Elise had it, but Titaness holds up Minute’s hand from the apron, pointing at him. 

Los Tres Titanes and PCP threw everything and the kitchen sink at one another to become Number One Contenders… who won?

Hector Navarro gestures over to Darren Quimbey and says something off-mic to the ring announcer. Navarro shoots him a nod and then Quimbey gets ready to announce the winner. 

Hector Navarro has made an official ruling here… the shoulders of both Elise Ares and Minute were down for the count of three and as a result… this match has been declared A DRAW!


Minute and Elise both go over to argue with Navarro, but he declares the draw final! 


I don’t know! Does management make them redo this match? As incredible as it was, I’d like to see it one more time! We’ve got to sort this out!

Sometimes, you have seen in this business that both participants fight to a draw and get extra time, but this isn’t an iron man match. And from the look of that spill through our barricade, I don’t know that this will end any other way than a draw. 

Trainers go over to attend to Uriel Cortez, whose head appears to have been busted open after going through the barricade with his head while spearing The D, who may have suffered a rib injury of sorts. 

Folks, we hope that we’re going to get this match sorted, but for right now we’ll have to take it backstage and then we will be back in mere moments with our next match, but rest assured we WILL find out as soon as possible what this draw means for the next challengers to the Saturday Night Specials!

The scene ends on the disappointed crowd as both Elise and Minute help tend to their respective tag team partners as they work to hurry and get things cleaned up at ringside. 


RELIVE the historic event from last Halloween!



♫ Diabolical - Nyxx♫

The lights turn off. A raven appears on the Defiatron first with a close-up of its eye. It blinks a few times and quickly is followed by a collage of moments Scrow has been in the ring. The Faithful get louder as Scrow walks from the westside of the stage, Scrow has white trunks, with pink birds flying across the front of the trunks. White and pink shin pads, knee pads, and boots. With a black leather coat, with a venom style design wrapping around birds. His collar is flared up and on the back of the lapel is the name KABAL.

Darren Quimbey:
The following match is for The Southern Heritage Championship!

The Faithful cheer!

Darren Quimbey:
Making his way to the ring the challenger….from the Fields of Torment …“The Raven’s Eye” SCROW!

Scrow’s logo is on the front of the jacket. Scrow heads to the ring, with a burlap scarf over the lower part of his face. The scarf has a smile with thousands of teeth inside the mouth. The design is right in front of Scrow’s covered mouth from the scarf. He has a pair of black sunglasses. He enters the ring and his name is on the back of his trunks in a jagged lettering.

For months Scrow has been plugging this Rise of Scrow book. All as a prop to foretell what he thinks is his future.

Yea, a future where he is the rightful champion. Delusional on top of deranged. This man has orchestrated the constant attacks on Matt LaCroix. Since he is not one to attack people in the dark, it took everyone by surprise when he revealed it was indeed him flipping the switch over the past few months.

 Scrow removes his jacket and scarf and stares out into the jeering Faithful before the lights go out once more while he looks at the entranceway.

Matt has had a long hard-fought journey to the Southern Heritage Championship. This will be the first time these two meet one on one.

Those words go over the broadcast as smoke begins to build up on the entrance and the Faithful rise to their feet. A red light pulsates in the smoke, showing the silhouette of a man in a kneeling position. A guitar riff resonates around the arena as that silhouette raises to its feet, holding something in his hands. Raising the object above his head, it appears to be a championship belt as the red light goes very bright before fading to black. The Faithful erupt and hold up their phone as flashlights in the darkness.

Smoke begins to rise at the entrance as a red light pulsates, illuminating the silhouette of a man in a kneeling position in the fog. Slowly, while the guitar continues over the arena, the man rises to his feet and lifts a championship belt over his head.

It begins with them… but it ends with me.
♫ “The Dark Sentencer” by Coheed And Cambria♫

Red lights dance around the arena and the hooded man marches out from the smoke with the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Championship high above his head. Underneath the hood is not the face of Matt LaCroix, however, but appears to be a black version of his old “Reaper of Light” mask with smeared red handprint over the right eye. Throwing the SoHer over his shoulder, LaCroix doesn’t even take the time to acknowledge the Faithful as he marches down towards the ring as they chant along to his music.


Darren Quimbey:
Making his way to the ring, from New Orleans, Louisiana!

Faithful pop upon hearing the name of their city.

Darren Quimbey:
Weighing in at 242 pounds. He is the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Champion. The Reaper of Pontchartrain” MAAAAAAATT LAAAAAAAAACROIIIIIIIIIIIIX!!

Another loud pop from the Faithful as Matt slides in the ring, watching Scrow bail right away. Matt removes his hood, then his mask, hurling it towards the challenger who ducks out of the way at ringside. Unmasked, Matt LaCroix sports smeared red handprint as facepaint over his right eye matching his mask while jawing with Scrow from inside the ring. Scrow jaws with a few fans before walking around the ring. He tells the Brian Slater to get Matt back. Brian Slater tells the champion to back away. It takes a few seconds but the SoHer champ finally does, removing his sleeveless denim jacket and staring at Scrow slowly getting in the ring. 

Matt has been a crazed man, over these past months. Scrow has really taken his focus away from everything as of late.

These two lasted nearly an hour in the inaugural Favoured Saints championship match. All leading to Scrow being sent to the darkness as he put it by way of the FTW.

Scrow went to the well one too many times at DEFTV 160. Once more falling victim to the FTW.

Scrow has the advantage in the striking department, but Matt has the advantage on the mat.

Brain raises the championship above his head.



The two circle the ring, collar elbow lock up. Each man tries to jock for position. Moving all throughout the ring from against the ropes to in the corner until Slater pushes his way in between the two. Scrow, who is against the turnbuckle, sucker punches Matt over the top of Brain’s head. Matt shoves Slater out of the way and unloads on Scrow in the corner. Brain again tries to break it up.

This looks like it can get out of hand real quick. Brian is going to have to maintain his authority if he wants to keep these two in control.

Brain look out!

Scrow quickly tries for a Raven’s Call and Brain ducks just in time! Matt steps back as the kick just misses him. Matt shoves Brain out of the way and spears Scrow. Then unloads with fists across the skull of Scrow. Slater gets up, a bit shaken up. He tries once more to regain some sense of order. Now with a standing five count. Matt stops unloading at four.

Scrow nearly took Brian’s head off there, and Matt doesn’t seem to care about his well-being either.

These two have developed a hatred for each other. Matt has said that all you had to do was ask for a championship match. Yet Scrow chose to keep it secret.

Scrow staggers to his feet, holding his jaw. Slater tries to warn Matt for the closed fists, but LaCroix just pushes Brain off to the side, and Scrow catches him with a hard gut punch. Followed with an elbow across the head. Scrow throws Matt into the corner he was in a few minutes ago and starts to unload with a barrage of punches and kicks. LaCroix quickly tries to cover up the flurry.

This is something Matt needs to avoid. Scrow is one of the deadliest strikers in DEFIANCE.

Matt knows this as he continues to try and block this onslaught by Scrow.

Scrow pushes Matt against the turnbuckle and Irish whips him across the ring...REVERSED! Scrow hits the corner and is quickly met with a clothesline in the corner. The impact sends him horizontal in the air and dropping to the mat on his back.  Matt quickly pulls Scrow out of the corner…

Matt looking for the FTW!!

Scrow quickly turns and escapes out of the ring before Matt can lock it in! Scrow holds the back of his head, his eyes widen as he looks at Matt on a knee with a smirk.

Scrow knew it was coming and quickly escaped it before Matt could lock it in.

Scrow absorbs the ten count as Matt backs away this time listening to Slater’s warnings. Scrow hops on the apron and jaws at Brain about keeping Matt away from him. Finally, he enters the ring. Wiping his hair behind his head, before they circle again. Collar-elbow lock up once more. This time Matt arm drags Scrow over applying an arm lock. Scrow fights to a vertical base, and Matt uses his foot to chop block Scrow’s knee forcing him to drop down to a knee…


Scrow quickly pokes Matt in the eyes and quickly slides out of the ring on his belly, staring at Matt checking his eye for a few moments, before looking down at Scrow.

Matt almost had Scrow in the dead center of the ring there.

Scrow, shakes his head as now the chants of…


This gets the ire of Scrow.

Well, The Faithful have a point his book never even reached the top 100 of best sellers.

What do you expect from fan fiction?

Scrow jaws with a few fans about their utter disrespect. Matt has exited the ring while Slater counts. Scrow turns around and is met with a knee to the jaw. Matt wastes no time picking up Scrow and slams him face-first into the apron. Matt pulls Scrow away...suplex on the floor! Scrow arches his back in pain. Matt slides slightly in the ring then back out.

LaCroix has not given Scrow a chance to recover. He is staying focused on the challenger.

Matt is no fool, I am sure he has studied tape on Scrow. He knows what he tends to do in matches.

Matt digs under the ring...and to a huge pop he pulls out a table! As Matt sets the table up and positions it close to the ring. Scrow has stumbled away from Matt and slid back in the ring. Matt follows in pursuit. The moment Matt gets in the ring Scrow stomps away, not allowing him to get to a vertical base. Scrow flips Matt on his back and slingshots him under the bottom rope!

Ooooo, that will quickly take your air out of your lungs there.

Matt coughs as he tumbles to the outside. Scrow ignores Slater about following him to the outside.

The champ though had the ring presence to roll out of the ring before Scrow could inflict any more damage.


Scrow puts his hands over his ears at the constant chant from the fans. Which only seems to get The Unhinged more furious minute by minute. He picks up Matt and whips him toward the steel steps….REVERSED! Scrow hits the steps hard! Matt charges in with a knee slamming Scrow back into the steps, but Matt takes a bit of the blow as he flips over the steps.

Both men are out on the floor. Matt seems to have hit his opposite leg shin first and seems to be favoring it.

Matt gingerly gets to his feet and slides in the ring. Scrow is slumped over the second step. Slater has gotten to eight. Matt however gets outside the ring and breaks the count. LaCroix grabs a hold of Scrow and tosses him back in the ring. He picks up Scrow and drives a knee into his gut quickly followed by a gut wrench suplex! Then into…

FTW!! FTW!! He has it locked this time!

Scrow quickly flay's away and somehow manages to get his foot on the bottom ropes forcing the break.

Bad positioning there by Matt.

Scrow rolls out of the ring quickly! Matt starts to get a bit frustrated. Scrow tries to bait Matt as he tries to grabs Scrow over the ropes he grabs his foot and pulls him out of the ring. Knife-edge chop by Scrow and Matt no-sells it, and starts to unload on a shocked Scrow over and over against the barricade. Scrow quickly tries to escape his chest turning a beat red. Matt grabs Scrow’s head and slams him head first into the steps and then tosses him back in the ring again.

Scrow is having a hard time getting any sort of offense on the champion here tonight.

That adrenaline is making Matt impervious to pain.

Scrow backs away sliding on the Matt begging LaCroix off. Until he hits the corner and has nowhere to go. Matt flips Scrow off and just like that The Raven’s Eye grabs the tights of Southern Strong Style and drives him into the turnbuckle. A stunned LaCroix has Scrow climbing the turnbuckles.

Scrow is not one to climb the turnbuckles here, uncharted territory here for him.

Scrow leaps off with a double axe handle, BUT Matt leaps upward toward him in a lariat that slams Scrow back of the head first into the mat!

LaCroix with a version of a Ryu uppercut only made it into a lariat!

Matt takes a few deep breaths before moving in on Scrow on his stomach holding the back of his neck. Matt picks up Scrow...Powerbomb!!

Matt heading to the top looks like he is looking for a moonsault here….


Matt hits it and hooks the leg!

Brian Slater:

Scrow manages to get the shoulder up as Brain tells Matt two. Matt tries again for…


Scrow quickly flops around like a fish out of water and manages to escape it once more and exits the ring yet again. Matt slams his hand on the mat.

Scrow has somehow managed to escape the FTW now four times!

Scrow tries to get his wind, still favoring the back of his neck. He walks around the table Matt set up earlier. And moves to the furthest side of the ring from Matt. Before hopping back on the apron.

That move is a blatant rule breaker! Disqualify him and give Scrow that title!

Brian Slater:
Get in this ring you are damn lucky you were not disqualified in the first minute of this match for nearly taking my head off!

Scrow grits his teeth at Slater, all the while that annoying chant once more echoes throughout the Wrestleplex…


Scrow gets in the ring, and points at LaCroix for a minute then they lock up once more. Scrow pushes Matt back into the ropes and Irish whips him off the ropes, Matt hits a shoulder block knocking Scrow down, he bounces right back up and taunts Matt to try that again! LaCroix takes him up on the offer and hits the ropes, Scrow drops down, Matt steps over. Scrow rolls toward the ropes and hops up just as Matt is within striking distance….Back Body Drop!


Matt LaCroix just flew over the ropes through the table on the floor!!

Matt couldn’t react fast enough, Scrow baited him to the ropes just so he could use that table Matt set up for him. Unbelievable the ring awareness by Scrow there.

Scrow drops to his hands and knees and Matt is crumbled up in broken pieces of the table. The Raven’s Eye is laughing while on his hands and knees, Brian is in shock and quickly exits the ring to check on Matt. Scrow looks toward the main camera, with a sick deranged smile on his face.

Brian Slater:
Matt, do you need me to get some help?

Matt LaCroix:
Get ….get ...away!

Scrow rolls out of the ring and shoves Slater out of the way and pulls Matt out of the wreckage of the table. Scrow tosses the champ back in the ring. Slater follows and still is concerned for Matt’s well-being. Scrow on the other hand is just smiling as Matt holds his lower back. Scrow starts to drive his foot into the lower back of Matt over and over….camel clutch!!

Matt is stuck in the center of the ring, and Scrow has turned his focus on that lower back of Matt.

Southern Strong Style refuses to give up here, and man he is in a lot of pain!

After what seems like an eternity in the camel clutch Scrow releases it when Matt refuses to give up. Scrow jaws with a few fans still chanting about his book. He picks up Matt and nails a gut-wrench backbreaker! Southern Strong Style arches his back in pain. Scrow sits him up and drives his knee repeatedly into the spine of LaCroix. Then a stiff kick, before hitting the ropes and driving his feet into the chest of Matt with a stalling dropkick while he was sitting. Scrow covers not hooking a leg!

Brian Slater:

Matt kicks out!

Scrow took it upon himself to pin Matt over his face and not his body. He wanted Matt to have to use his back and legs to kick out.

Say what you will, Scrow has become quite the strategic wrestler over the years.

Matt continues to try and fight the pain, as the chants of…


The Faithful trying to inspire Matt here.

Scrow leaps up and drives his knee into the lower back of Matt. Forcing the champ to shout in pain. Scrow picks up Matt and throws him into the corner! Matt slams off the turnbuckles and falls face-first to the mat quickly. Scrow just stares at LaCroix trying to get to his feet.

Scrow has done this before, with Lindsay Troy back at Maximum DEFIANCE. He is making Matt use more of his reserves just to get to his feet.

Come on Matthew get up! Do not let all these people down!

Matt pushes himself to a vertical base only for Scrow to quickly nail him with a kitchen sink! Driving Southern Strongstyle back into the mat, now holding his stomach. Scrow backtracks and sits in the corner just watching Matt struggle to get to his feet. He slams his hands on the mat trying to get whatever inspiration he can get with the fans for his predicament. He gets to his hands and knees…

Scrow with a Shining Wizard! Was that intention? That is a trademark move for Matt called the Destruction in Spades!

Scrow again does a high cover!

Brian Slater:

I think it was Darren. Scrow has to steal moves now? Matt barely was able to kick out! Scrow again using his weight to make sure he could not roll the shoulder.

Scrow picks up Matt and unloads with a flurry of kicks, backhands, and finishing with a head butt! Then yet again backs off and sits in the corner as Matt now has to use the ropes for help. He gets to his feet after a few minutes. Scrow grabs the top ropes and limbo’s out of the corner. He shoves Matt into the corner and drives a few elbow shots. Irish whip out of the corner, Scrow charges and Matt manages to leapfrog into a sunset flip pin!

The Faithful pop!

Brian Slater:

Scrow kicks out and gets up and heel kicks Mat into the lower back. Then drives his knee over….and...over into the lower back of Matt. He picks up Matt and looks for a gutwrench…

Matt reverses! Northern Light Suplex!

Brian Slater:

Scrow barely kicked out. The Unhinged gets up and tries to attack Matt but he drives a few gut shots. Until he can get to a vertical base. The Faithful are on their feet, as they shout Ooooos and Awwws as each man exchanges blows back and forth. LaCroix gets the advantage and drives Scrow back into the ropes and whips him off! Matt with an elbow into the gut of an oncoming Scrow then into a snapmare….

FTW! FTW! He has it locked in fully this time. Scrow has nowhere to go!

Scrow tries frantically to escape but Matt has it locked in tightly!

Scrow can’t get out this time!

Matt LaCroix:

Scrow tries frantically to try anything he can to escape…

What the…?

Matt collapses on the mat.

LaCroix is out...what the hell did Scrow do?

The replay shows the last few minutes of the hold, and Scrow manages to slam his forearm into the neck region of Matt. Somehow managing to hit a Brachial Stun!

Even Brian has no idea what happened. Everyone seems just as confused.

Scrow doesn’t, I think he knows exactly what he did.

Scrow gets a few moments to catch his breath and favor his neck. Matt is moving but very slowly. It looked like when Scrow hit him with that Brachial Stun he did not get all of it.

The way Matt just released the FTW, could he have hit him with some sort of nerve strike?

That seems like a pretty good guess there.

Scrow quickly rolls over on top of Matt…

Hush!!! Hush!!!

Matt is in serious trouble here! Scrow has that sleeper camel clutch hold in tight.

Slater is asking Matt, not getting much of a response from Matt. Scrow pulls back as The Faithful desperately try to help Matt counter this hold with chants for him.

Man, this is shades of The Favoured Saints Inaugural Championship Match. Matt was in this hold and almost was put to sleep from it.

Scrow did say Matt sent him to the darkness, could this be what he has wanted to do to Matt for nearly a year now?

Matt has signs of life, but the Brachial Stun clearly has him still groggy. Slater checks on him and Matt still is refusing, while Scrow just tightens the grip.

Matt has to find a way out of this or he will be waking up withou…


Before Darren can even finish his sentence, Slater is calling for the bell. LaCroix is unconscious in Scrow’s Hush submission.

♫ Diabolical - Nyxx♫

Darren Quimbey:

Scrow just defeated Matt LaCroix!

Scrow is on his hands and knees gasping for air, and chuckling as Slater shows him the championship belt. As the deranged mad scientist of The Kabal takes the title Brian quickly checks on Matt who is unconscious face-first on the mat. The jeering in the WrestlePlex is deafening. Scrow gets to his feet, and then falls into the corner and just stares at the belt in his clutches. Before returning his look to Slater helping Matt roll out of the ring.

Scrow has finally become a champion. I think the only people that actually are happy about this are The Kabal and Scrow himself.

Scrow walks to the center of the ring and raises the SOHER above his head, with a demented smile on his face.


Scrow is still trying to catch his breath. He smirks between breaths at The Faithful who are disgusted that he is now the NEW Southern Heritage Champion. The Unhinged looks around until his eyes catch Ravanna and Reaper the Grey standing a few feet from each other on the stage. Each has a sign, first RG shows…


Then Ravanna shows hers…


Who is here?

I think Scrow is about to find out.

Scrow’s eyes widen, as the two members of The Kabal toss their signs off to their right. The lights turn off to Scrow’s left, He slowly turns his head to the left, then they turn out on the right, leading Scrow to look to his right. He closes his eyes when he can tell they are about to turn off behind him and they do. Finally, the stage lights turn off all that is left is the lights above the ring. Scrow is just mesmerized in the darkness. Lightning echoes through the PA. The Faithful have no idea what is going on here.

Great more of a Kabal light show.

As the Faithful light up with flashes of light. Scrow looks around and notices a figure appearing in the flashes behind him. The figure is shrouded in darkness. Standing on the first floor on top of the floor leading to the concession and merchandise area. The echoes of the chain this figure appears to be shaking. Growls soon follow, and Scrow looks to his left at a wolf-like animal with nothing but yellow eyes walking toward the camera on the side Defiatron. Scrow turns the opposite way and another wolf does the same.

Who is that?

These wolf-like images are on our screens here in the Wrestleplex. Could that figure be this Collector?

Scrow slowly looks toward the entranceway, and another wolf appears. The ones on the side step back and disappear into the pit of darkness. The one on the DEFiatron bites and claws the screen before disappearing and a curtain-like drap falls on the video. The lights turn on. Ravanna and Reaper the Grey still stand where they are. The figure behind Scrow has disappeared.

♫ Closer To The Void by The Enigma TNG

The Faithful explode as they know whose theme music that is!

Are you kidding me!

Listen to these fans!

A few minutes later, Crimson Lord in a black three-piece suit with a pink tie walks out from the back and stands between RG and Ravanna. He has a pair of Oakleys, his widow peak shoulder length jet black hair slicked back behind his head.

Crimson Lord! ….He is back!

Is he here for Scrow?

Lord looks out toward The Faithful with chants of…


Lord snaps his fingers and Ravanna pulls out a case, opening it up as Lord takes a Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar. She closes the case and puts it in her pocket of her black business suit. RG uses a lighter he has to light the cigar for Lord.

It does not look like it, Lance.

Lord takes a few puffs of the cigar, as Scrow stares blankly at Lord. After a few puffs he starts to clap his hands, followed by Ravanna and Reaper the Grey. The show fades to a promo for Gage Blackwood Vs Oscar Burns with Crimson and Scrow locking eyes.


The crane cam zooms around to settle on Darren Keebler and Lance Warner.

Let’s keep this sensational night rolling, Lance, because up next is our semi-main event, and it's gonna be a doozy!

That’s right, Darren! It's the Fans Bring the Weapons match. Lindsay Troy. Malak Garland. The Faithful. It’s time for retribution. It’s time for Malak to finally pay everyone back for his ridiculous antics over the past year and a half and Lindsay Troy is just the wrestler to make him do it.

We could be here until Last Call at Ballyhoo rattling off the transgressions Garland has perpetrated against DEFIANCE since his and the Comments Section’s arrival here. Hiding behind his muscle Cyrus Bates and terrorizing the tag team division. The Siobhan Cassidy relationship reveal. His horrible treatment of Conor Fuse and the stealing of Martin Evans-Everett VI, Alex Pietrangelo, and the Game Boy. And on and on until the Keyboard King finally poked one bear that should absolutely not be poked.

Say what you will about the last six months of the Queen of the Ring’s DEFIANCE tenure, but since Maximum DEFIANCE she has been on an outright frightening tear. Mauling Ned Reform. Breaking Kerry Kuroyama’s fingers. Decimating Arthur Pleasant. I haven’t seen this kind of aggression from her since she returned from the neck injury Dan Ryan gave her in 2016. And truth be told? I think she’s scarier now than she was then.

It’s that kind of brutality that’s been a hallmark of this company, Lance, and I can’t wait to see it play out...right now.

The camera cuts to the stage where a pair of bikini clad chicks, bouncing basketballs and blowing referee whistles dance out from behind the curtain.

Oh what the hell is this?

The women bracket the top of the ramp as they continue to dribble and blow their whistles. They’re mad skilled.

It looks like we’re getting a show from two basketball ladies but I don’t quite understand what this has to do with wrestling.

Suddenly, they stop dribbling their basketballs. They place them at their feet as silver confetti begins to fall from the rafters and get shot into the air from confetti cannons on the ground.

♫ "Tap In" by Saweetie (2020)​ ♫

As the bass of the song drops, so too do the respective booties of the bikini girls.

You’ve gotta be kidding me...

The fans can’t help but see through the cheap production value as none other than Malak Garland slowly paces out on stage with a devilish grin on his mug.

We should’ve known.

The beats keep pumping as the bikini girls twerk HARD, trying to one up each other. Malak stands between the two of them, arms folded and nodding like a boss.

Darren Quimbey:
Faithful, this is the Fans Bring the Weapons match! Introducing first, from Cheyenne, Wyoming, he is the SNOWFLAKE SUPERSTAR, MALAK GARLAND!

With glistening silver confetti still in the air, Malak Jonas Garland instructs the ball girls to go to the back before heading to the ring for the biggest match of his career.

Ridiculous nonsense aside, this has a big fight feel written all over it and the look on Malak’s face tells you all you really need to know.

He’s out here solo and he’s staring at the ring for starters.

Malak passes by the front row fans. Some of them hold out weapons for him to possibly take but he doesn't accept any of the offered baking sheets, kendo sticks or concrete bricks.

This has the makings of getting very violent very very fast if those weapons are any indication.

I wonder how these fans were permitted entry into the venue with those.

They aren’t guns or knives, which Malak should be thankful for.

As he finally approaches the ring, more of his brand new ring attire becomes the focus. Malak is wearing traditional navy wrestling trunks, kneepads and boots all adorned with sky blue and white snowflake logos. Sponsorship branding about sensory deprivation pods run across his trunks. His wrists are secured with white tape and a chakra energy bracelet.

I’ve been told that Malak’s appearance is brought to us by sensory deprivation pods and the physical and mental benefits they can provide. Apparently, I must make this announcement for contractual purposes.

Malak takes his time walking up the ring steps, swiping at the last few remaining pieces of flashy silver confetti still fluttering in the air before entering the ring. The song still plays as he poses, clearly pointing to the branding stitched into his trunks. The recording of Saweetie telling people to tap tap tap in fades, giving way to a raucous crowd verbally piling on top of Malak.

Listen to this crowd! I don’t think Malak has ever felt this kind of pressure.

Garland finds solace in a corner, keeping his emotions well hidden for once, just like a poker player. He bows his head to await the arrival of his opponent, and that’s when the DEFplex is plunged into darkness.

Screams and shouts of anticipation immediately rise from the crowd while cell phone cameras and flashlights wink on. Fog pours across the stage and the rigging along the DEFIAtron slowly, eerily, lights up as a message fades onto the screen.

”An enemy is a nuisance.
A nemesis … is motivational.” - Roxane Gay

The message lingers for a few seconds before fading to nothing. Then...

♫ “Put 'em in the Grave” - Jedi Mind Tricks ♫

The ominous, opening chords to “Put ‘em in the Grave” by Jedi Mind Tricks blasts through the DEFplex’s speakers as a raucous ovation from the DEFIANCE Faithful calls for the Queen of the Ring to appear. The fog grows thicker, white-hot spotlights snap to the entrance way, and from underneath the stage a red and white light shines bright, carrying their hero upward.

Troy rises to the dais, head bowed, hands clenched, and once the platform locks into place an explosion of light and sound erupts around her. And in the ensuing pyro blasts from above and to her side, the fans catch their first glimpse of the new-look High Queen DEFIANT, her signature curls are dyed black and piled atop her head in an impressive and intimidating fauxhawk, and a tight black leather duster with ghoulish artwork of Ned Reform, Kerry Kuroyama, and Arthur Pleasant on the back: haunted, dead expressions with mouths agape, coins covering their eyes...a veritable victims list to carry with her. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent, from Tampa, Florida! She is the Queen of the Ring and your High Queen DEFIANT….LINDSAY TROY!

The DEFplex’s lights come back up and Troy whirls on her heel. Her attire underneath her coat - halter, MMA shorts, kickpads and boots - is nearly all-black with just slivers of red and silver along the trim. She marches down to the ring with a blank look on her face, and it’s not until the Faithful start holding out weapons for her that an evil smirk crawls along her mouth.

Lindsay Troy looks like the harbinger of war, Darren, my Lord.

If Malak Garland’s anxiety wasn’t through the roof before, it’s gotta be about there now.

Troy climbs the step, wipes her feet on the apron, and slips between the ropes. She scales the nearest corner to give the Faithful a much deserved photo op, then jumps off to face the Source of Envy, who is doing his very level best not to look completely petrified.

Troy shrugging out of her jacket and the fans are about to come unglued.


Here we go!

Benny Doyle calls for the bell as Lindsay storms to center ring and Malak reluctantly meets her there. The crowd simmers in the background as the two stars exchange unpleasantries.

Lindsay Troy BERATING Malak Garland in the middle of the ring and it looks like our tender little snowflake isn’t backing down.

We should’ve had Benny mic’ed up for this.

Malak gets verbally pushed to the point where he physically pushes Troy, who comes right back with a thunderous chop across the chest! The crowd shrieks at how loud it is until she unloads consecutive chops!

Get ‘em, Lindz, chop the hell out of him!

Malak is quick to cover up and roll out of the ring where LT promptly follows. In a panic, Malak grabs the first thing he can from the crowd and begins swinging it at Lindsay Troy.

Look at what he has!

Malak ends up wielding an actual computer keyboard that’s straight out of the Windows 95 era, complete with coffee and other questionable stains on it. Malak realizes he’s holding a keyboard and becomes even more confident! LT starts forward but halts her progress with each wayward swing.

A keyboard warrior literally swinging a keyboard! How poetic!

Troy tests the waters but realizes they’re too dangerous as each time she tries to get close, Malak swings wildly, nearly grazing her with the keyboard cord. So instead, Troy follows suit and grabs something from the crowd but not in a panic. She knows what she’s taking, and it’s something that she’s not all that unfamiliar with.

Is that? Is that a pair of nunchucks!?

Indeed it is Lance, and if you remember this is not the first time Lindsay Troy has used a ninjutsu weapon in a DEFIANCE match.

Malak grows impatient and lunges at LT, swinging wildly once more. Of course, he misses and his keyboard shatters against the ring steps, sending QWERTY letters everywhere. Seizing the opportunity, LT twirls the nunchucks and then swings them at Malak HARD!


Welts almost immediately begin to appear across Malak’s tender, spineless back as he turns and gets fed a few nunchuck shots to the face, drawing blood instantaneously! The Faithful love it. Somewhere in New Orleans, Angus Skaaland is marking out.

Malak just got popped!

The Source of Envy falls to his knees, holding his mouth. In control, LT discards the bloodied nunchucks and begins asking for more tools of destruction. By the time she retrieves a frying pan from the crowd, Malak has rolled back into the ring to force Benny Doyle to check his mouth for any missing teeth.

Look out!

From the top rope, the Queen of the Ring comes crashing down, breaking the pan over her adversary’s cranium!

The Faithful are in a full out frenzy!

Malak lays prone on the canvas as Troy tries to make quick work of things with a cover.




Malak BARELY gets a shoulder up! He’s in trouble here. He looks out of it!

He took direct nunchuck shots to the face and a frying pan shot to the dome, Darren! I know we’re supposed to be impartial but this is great!

The fans are a bit surprised at Malak's ability to kick out even though it’s early but the Queen stays on top of things by cinching in a headlock.

Listen to the crowd! The fans are rabid for this! They want more blood!

Troy grins out to the Faithful and starts punching Malak in the mouth, drawing more blood and giving the people what they want! Malak flails and manages to catch her with a lucky shot to the side of the head. He steadily fights to his feet and throws the Queen into the ropes. He is quick to duck a clothesline and catch her on the way back with a desperation cutter! The Snowflake Superstar continually checks his mouth for imperfections before scurrying over and stomping Lindsay as much as he can.

LT getting stomped, much to the chagrin of our fans!

Troy manages to catch a flailing leg and trip Malak down to her level on the mat. She takes the mount and starts clubbing away again but Malak manages to shove her off him and gives her some right back! They exchange a few violent punches before both roll to the outside once more. Fans try to reach out to help or hand the Queen some weapons.

Both competitors are getting to their feet now! What will happen next?

Malak and Troy decide to lock horns in a grapple on the outside as they inevitably spill over the guardrail and into the crowd. There’s the typical fans who love getting on TV so they throw up some hand gestures and there’s some who shift back to give the wrestlers space. Malak shoves the Queen away from him and sprints over to a specific section of fans like he has something devious planned in order to turn the tables in his favor.

Where is he going!?

Hopefully he realizes he can’t win so Malak is quitting like the quitter he is!

None other than Cyrus Bates stands eerily still amongst the rabid fans. He’s wearing a propeller hat and a circus outfit and looks completely ridiculous and out of place. He holds a ceramic kitchen sink and doesn’t say or do anything.

Good God! Is that Cyrus Bates? Dressed as a clown? Holding a kitchen sink of all things!? They really brought everything to this fight, including the kitchen sink. Now it all makes sense why Malak came down to the ring alone.

Oh, LT from behind, though!

Troy jumps on Malak’s back and begins bashing his brains in as Cyrus just stands there, holding the kitchen sink. Malak grabs ahold of LT’s hair and throws her onto the hard concrete!

This man has a death wish, I’m telling you.

Uh oh, look out!

Malak tries to Irish whip Troy into the front of the sink but she reverses course and tries to throw Malak into it but he slides under and in between Cyrus’ legs! The fans are left in suspense, watching and wondering what’s about to happen!

This is simply too dangerous!

Nunchucks weren’t!?

Malak jumps up on Cyrus’ shoulders and nails the Lady of the Hour with a cross body splash! The Source of Envy suddenly grabs the sink when everyone is least expecting it and chucks it at LT’s head! The Faithful can’t believe their eyes as Troy dodges it at the last minute. The sink shatters against the ground, sending bits of porcelain everywhere!

DEAR MOTHER OF MERCY! Malak just tried to kill Lindsay Troy!

The buzz subsides for a moment as everyone can’t believe what they just saw. Shit just got real as Troy eyes Malak like ‘you fucking serious?’ and Malak looks back like ‘I hate you, Karen, you nunchucking bitch.’ The heat finally returns and is poured onto Malak’s shoulders with even more ferocity. Troy savagely leaps at Malak, takes him down and pummels him in the face.


Cyrus can’t even get involved as The Faithful hold the big man back.


Benny Doyle watches helplessly alongside the fans as Lindsay unleashes hell on Malak for nearly killing her.

Somehow, someway, through all the chaos, Malak manages to squirm away from Troy. He pathetically crawls away on his hands and knees, turning back to plead with Troy who stalks him into section 113 of the crowd. Blood trickles down from his hairline and his mouth as he looks overly worried.

Isn’t that rich!? Malak Garland grovelling at the feet of Lindsay Troy for no more carnage yet he was the one who nearly slugged her face off with a kitchen sink!

Garland rubs the base of her wrestling boots as a sign of goodwill as the fans do not buy into it. Yet suddenly, Troy keels over! The crowd is left in shock as a rabidly wild fan seems to act alone in attacking Troy from behind as Malak looks up and begins to smile delectably!


It’s the same fan who approached Malak before the show! Percy Collins begins slamming his huge forearms into Lindsay’s head as Malak laughs, claps and dances like an annoying idiot.

Malak Garland:
Get her, Percy! Fucking decimate her! PERCY IS HERE TO SUPPORT ME! UNLIKE ALL YOU SWINE!

If it isn’t Cyrus aiding Malak, it’s this new superfan of Malak’s by the name of Percy Collins!

DEFsec hustles over and quickly pulls the fan off even though he got a few good shots in and Malak goes to bat for him right away.

Malak Garland:
Whoa, whoa! Percy is with me! Take your hands off him! PERCY! PERCY!

DEFsec disregards the Snowflake Superstar’s direction and drags the poor man off to the holding cells on the premises.

Malak Garland:

Troy tries to shake the cobwebs off but Malak seizes the opening. The Keyboard King grabs a fan's iPhone and smashes it over her skull!

Malak Garland:
Hope you bought the protection plan!

With the Queen down, Malak cinches in a crossface submission and starts screaming his head off!

Malak Garland:

He wrenches back as the fans boo relentlessly. Benny Doyle slides into position and asks Troy if she submits, which she adamantly declines despite beginning to bleed herself.

Malak’s got the ‘Tap In’ locked in. Great.

Troy doesn’t give up easily as she feeds off the crowd’s energy. She literally muscles herself out of the move, busting Malak’s grip. Both competitors resume fighting once at a vertical base.

These two just have motors that won’t quit! They’re still fighting through the crowd!

They go blow for blow, punch for punch as they begin ascending the arena stairs. Spotlights within the arena follow the action as Troy grabs a kendo stick and Malak grabs a trash can lid. They swing their weapons at each other, temporarily knocking each other back!

That broke the kendo stick!

That warped the trash can lid!

They discard the weapons and continue climbing the steps until they reach the second level of seats near section 214. Malak grabs for her hair again but this time LT places some well targeted body shots and keeps his hands away. The duo shuffle down a row of seats, teetering a little too close to the safety rail.

I don’t know if I can watch this. Someone might fall here.

Garland senses Troy getting the physical upperhand so he promptly spits in her face which enrages the fans in closest proximity. One fan even throws their beer at Malak, showering everyone in the vicinity in Tres Equis! The beer stings Malak’s eyes, which distracts him long enough for Lindsay to clothesline him over the rail, sending him falling.





The Comments Section leader plummets from the second level and into conveniently placed black clothed tables. The crunch is heard throughout the arena as LT stares out at the fans with a sick smile on her face.


The Queen isn’t done...not by a long shot. A little kid licking ice cream gives her a Ziploc baggie full of sharp edged LEGOs. She pours the contents of the bag on the fallen snowflake before steadying herself on the top of the railing.

No! Don’t do it, Lindsay!

Anticipation within the building rises as Troy looks down at Malak who appears to be out of it.


Turns out she is as Lindsay leaps off and delivers a thunderous elbow drop from the second level, about 20 feet up, and onto her nemesis, sending tiny LEGO pieces into the air upon impact! Benny Doyle rushes down the flight of stairs to check on everyone.


The Faithful show their appreciation.


Obviously, it takes everyone a few moments to calm down and for Doyle to check things over. The Queen begins to stir first, albeit slowly. The Armchair Expert still hasn’t moved an inch. Troy slowly rolls over and finally drapes an arm over Malak’s scarred chest. Doyle mercifully counts.





Garland gets a second wind and somehow shoots his arm up. Troy glares at him in disbelief and outright anger.

It’s not over! What’s it going to take?

The two competitors are slow to their feet as they cautiously navigate through the wreckage. Each time Troy takes a step, Malak pushes her aside and tries to gain his own balance. Finally, both wrestlers begin to wander back toward the ring, throwing shots at each other as they go.

How are either of these two still standing!?

Troy throws a fist but Malak blocks, whirls her around, and pushes her in her back. Troy stumbles forward which gives Malak time to pick through the selection of weapons in the crowd.

Is that a hand mirror?

Indeed, Malak has his hands on a travel-sized hand mirror, which its owner doesn’t want to give him. Dazed, he pushes her away and grabs it from her, parading it around.

Malak Garland: [groggy AF]
Mirror, mirror in my hand, who is the grandest bitch in the stands? Is it that ditch pig?

Malak turns the mirror in the general direction of the fans.

Malak Garland: [still groggy AF]
Is it this ditch pig?

He turns it to the other side of the arena.

Malak Garland: [yup, still groggy]
Oh wait. It’s this cow, Karen! Mooooo! Time to bring the beef to the slaughter. Let’s make hamburgers.

Malak obviously turns the mirror in LT’s direction before swinging it at her head. Troy ducks it and shatters it with a judo kick before grabbing Malak by the neck and tossing him over the guardrail towards the ring.

Folks, DEFIANCE would like to apologize for the crude comments Malak keeps making. His opinion is not representative of what this company is all about.

Malak catches Lindsay as she hops the rail and he is quick to plant her with a jackhammer suplex!

He calls that the Banhammer! Troy’s brains must be scrambled!

Malak goes for the cover.




The crowd tries to energize the Queen some more as Malak retrieves a table from under the ring. He slides it in and sets it up, only to refocus back on Troy.

Troy lands some body shots but Malak is quick to shove a knee in her gut! It was no more than five minutes ago when Malak appeared to be out cold but now he’s totally in control!

Malak chops Troy hard across the shoulder, sending her back until her spine rests against the rail. Malak smiles, thinking he has everything in control. Naturally, he goes for another chop but a determined woman shields LT with her very large, very expensive, Louis Vuitton purse!

Malak chopped the purse! He’s waving his hand around like it smarts!

Lindsay nods in appreciation to the fan before taking the purse and slinging it at Malak’s head, successfully landing a blow! Troy takes a second and peers inside. Now she’s the one smiling.

No way!

Lindsay pulls an orange and green paintball gun out of the bag.

How did THAT get in?

At this point, Lance, I've stopped wondering. Plaster him, LT!

It doesn’t take long before the Queen pops off orange, blue and red colored pellets Malak’s way. Garland crawls along the ground like a rodent as the ammo makes contact with his skin!

Malak’s back is getting painted all the colors of the rainbow!

Malak shelters himself by rolling under the apron. LT keeps popping the gun off until she runs out of rounds. The scared snowflake peeks out from under the apron once the ping pings and the pew pews stop. He sees Troy holding the paintball gun but unaware that it is empty so he retreats once more. It’s during this time that the Queen discards the paintball gun in exchange for a morning star flail.

Oh Jesus....

I think once Malak sees what Lindsay has for him, he’ll wish the paintball gun was reloaded.

A few seconds pass until Malak peers out once more and sees Troy readying the weapon. He shrieks like a child and tries to scurry away but Lindsay confidently walks over to the other side of the ring and meets him with a grin. She tosses the chain at him, making contact across his colored back!

There’s red paint but now there’s red blood on Malak’s back too!

Like the whipping boy he is, Malak stays prone as Lindsay unleashes hell across his back with the whip! She reaches down, swipes some blood from Malak's back, and paints her face and chest with it. When she raises the flail again, Malak somehow finds the will to move by tripping up Benny Doyle who ends up being the recipient of an errant Lindsay Troy whip lashing!


Lindsay immediately curses, drops the chain whip and checks on Benny as she didn’t mean to get him. Meanwhile, a battered and bruised Malak Garland crawls onto the apron.


Malak jumps off the apron and throws Troy around into a Canadian Destroyer he calls the ROFLCOPTER! LT takes a nasty spill on the outside.

Unreal! Lindsay was bent over, looking after Benny which gave Malak the opening for the destroyer.

The Grammar Grappler escorts Lindsay's body back into the ring and eventually onto the table as he looks to end things promptly. He begins his ascent to the top turnbuckle.

Malak is signalling for the end! Could this be it? Could he be looking for SNOWFALL???

Once at the top, a wobbly Malak looks around. He points and laughs at Troy who lays helplessly on the table. Malak spreads his arms out wide to his side before teetering forward until he falls from the turnbuckle to deliver a headbutt!


The fans gasp as Troy manages to move off the table at the last second, which causes Malak to land into the wooden table top head first! 


Lindsay viciously grabs Malak like she’s fed up with his shit and locks in the Divine Right!


Garland taps immediately but Benny Doyle is still comatose on the outside. Lindsay doesn’t care, though, as she tries to rip Malak apart.

Malak Garland:
Help! Help! HELP! ANYONE! HELP ME! Why is no one trying to help me!? YOU ALL HATE ME!?


However, Malak’s cries don’t go unanswered as none other than Thurston Hunter comes sprinting down the ramp, but like the typical little bruiser he is, he stops dead in his tracks at the foot of the ring when Lindsay makes eye contact with him.

Where is Thurston going?

Thurston does a prompt about-face and books it back up the ramp as the Renaissance Woman continues to wrench away with the Divine Right.

Thurston wants nothing to do with an enraged Lindsay Troy and you know what? I don’t blame him!

With Hunter disappearing to the back, LT finally releases the hold. She stands tall over a broken Malak Garland. She’s covered in sweat and blood in her own right. Exhausted and pissed, she signals for the end. Benny Doyle is slowly pulling himself up with the help of the ring steps on the outside as Troy yanks Malak up by his shitty snowflake trunks.


Lindsay cradles Malak into a package piledriver position as the crowd rises to a fever pitch!






Malak’s cranium bounces off the canvas as Lindsay spikes her finishing move square in the middle of the ring. She hooks a leg as Doyle groggily rolls into the ring and begins slapping the mat.









Relief, jubilation and satisfaction permeates from the crowd as a fatigued Lindsay Troy rolls off Malak in victory.


Doyle rubs his neck and back as he gingerly raises Troy’s hand for the world to see. The arena gives their loudest cheer yet as the Queen checks on Doyle for a moment, making sure he’s okay before getting to her feet with a roar!

Unbelievable. What a match. And I can’t wait to see Malak Garland’s face on the back of Lindsay Troy’s jacket come DEFtv!

Fans pour it on as they begin tossing bubble wrap, facial tissue boxes, baby wipes and weighted blankets towards the ring in a sarcastic supportive gesture to the snowflake who just got dispatched.

It’s raining pity party items, Lance!

Lindsay turns back to the center of the ring and notices Malak has disappeared from sight altogether, which is probably for the best. She shrugs her shoulders and crosses her arms DEFIANTLY.

Darren Quimbey:

Darren Quimbey & The Faithful:
LINDSAY TROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Troy nods as the chants simply do not stop. The fans are in a frenzy as Troy soaks it in.

Never, in all my years with DEFIANCE, have I witnessed a reaction after a match like this! The fans truly appreciate not only who Lindsay Troy is and what she stands for but also, what she’s been able to accomplish tonight. Malak was game but LT was LiT!

A final panning shot of the fans thanking their High Queen DEFIANT airs before finally fading to black.


Here we go! We’ve finally reached the end of ACTS of DEFIANCE Night Two and we’re at the big one! The maiden voyage of Gage Blackwood’s FIST title reign is about to hit possibly the biggest wave that he can crash into. The former two-time FIST of DEFIANCE “Twists and Turns” Oscar Burns!

There is no love lost between these two. Around June of last year, Gage Blackwood and Oscar Burns had a very bitter rivalry over the Southern Heritage Championship back when Blackwood was one of the more despised members of our roster. He bashed Burns relentlessly, accusing him of quite frankly false things like holding other members of the roster down while he himself had to suffer a lot of indignities.

A year plus later, the crowd changed their tune on Gage as time went on. He and Oscar Burns were both instrumental in finally ousting Mikey Unlikely out of power and ending his near, 500-day run! Something that Burns hasn’t forgotten.

And since this match was made, both men have had no shortage of unkind things to say about one another. Gage Blackwood has been willing to be a fighting champion and giving new wrestlers new opportunities. Burns has also turned back any opponent in the last few months, however, he hasn’t let go of Gage’s past transgression. I can sympathize with everything these two went through, but Burns isn’t convinced that Gage has changed.

And likewise, Gage isn’t impressed by Burns’ stellar resume in DEFIANCE and wants to prove himself as a fighting champion by taking on the absolute best we have and Oscar Burns is chief among them. Tonight, two men want to be the champion. But as we all know in this sport, only one can hold that distinction. Gage has had one match with Burns before that saw The Noble Raider win, yet Burns remains determined he can change his fortune this time and he can counter Gage’s key moves. So without further adieu, let’s get to the introductions for the main event.

The Faithful reach a fever pitch before Darren Quimbey gets ready for the match.

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is your main event of the evening! This is a singles match set for one fall and will be contested for the FIST of DEFIANCE!

♫ “Raise Your Flag” by MAN WITH A MISSION ♫

The opening riffs build anticipation and soon… the former champion arrives!

The DEFIANCE flag with “DEFIANCE: WE LIKE GRAPS!” drapes over his shoulders. Dressed in navy blue wrestling gear for the evening, the crowd erupts in loud cheers as the DEFIANCE flag comes out! However… there’s a small undercurrent of jeers in regards to Burns’ recent attitude. He looks out to the crowd, but he shakes off the reaction and basks in the cheers still afforded to him!

Wow! I picked up on a little bit of the attitude that Oscar Burns was giving to Gage Blackwood during that head to head. I think some of the Faithful may have picked up on it as well. He hasn’t told any lies in his assessment of he and Gage’s past… but I dunno… I can’t put my own finger on it.

Trusting people has gotten Oscar Burns hurt before and that’s what led to Mikey Unlikely winning the FIST. But not everyone is Mikey. He hasn’t given Gage a chance to prove himself as a champion and has been fixated on who he was instead of the now.

I don’t know… either way, we know Oscar Burns takes this match seriously. He didn’t ask for a rematch in his contract and worked his way back into title contention over the last several months. If anyone in DEFIANCE can make the most of that type of opportunity it would be Oscar.

Burns takes the large flag and balls it up before handing it to an attendant near ringside. He points out to the members of Team Graps waving their DEFIANCE flags before Burns walks up the steps and into the ring. He scans the crowd and then raises one finger while leaning against the ropes before taking his spot and waits for Gage Blackwood to arrive.

Lights out.

Guitar rift.


♫ “Dare to Tame Me” by TRIDDANA ♫

The new theme song blares on the PA as numerous bagpipe players appear sporting Edinburgh-native kilts while the rampway lights flicker on and off. Gage Blackwood immediately follows behind them, wearing a kilt himself. Hair wet, slicked back, he holds a bottle of water in his hands. Gage looks to take a sip but places it down on the rampway instead and winks towards Oscar.

A new entrance theme for Gage Blackwood!

The Faithful cheer along to the celtic folk metal as Blackwood walks to the center of the rampway, ten bagpipe players to his left, ten to his right. FIST around his waist, Gage lifts both hands in the air and sparkler pyro goes off behind him. The sparklers are finished by an explosion of golden pyro.

Gage ISN’T one to have pyrotechnics, nor a big entrance.

I would say this is a medium-size entrance.

Either way, it could be mind games. The old Gage was obsessed with the spotlight Oscar had on himself. It makes all of the sense in the world to “outshine” THE DEFIANT and the cornerstone of this company.

Is Burns really the cornerstone? I’m not trying to be rude with that comment, I’m simply asking.

Blackwood starts walking down the rampway.

And a fair question. Burns is often #1 in merchandise sales, he’s a two-time FIST, three-time “world” champion. I mean… we don’t have to get into it. I’m simply coming from Gage’s perspective.

Blackwood marches up the steel steps, through the top and middle rope and removes his kilt to show the same designed wrestling tights, which is his typical wrestling gear except “FIST of DEFIANCE” is written down the side of both legs. 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing the challenger, from Wellington, New Zealand, currently residing in New Orleans, Louisiana… weighing two-hundred-thirty-seven pounds… he is “TWISTS AND TURNS” OSCAR BURRRRRRRNNNNNSSSS!

Most of the fans cheer. A WE LIKE GRAPS chant breaks out.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent, from Edinburgh, Scotland… weighing two-hundred-twenty-five pounds… he is THE FIST OF DEFIANCE… “THE NOBLE RAIDER”… GAGE BLACKWOOOOOOOOOD!!!

Again, most of the fans cheer but no chant follows because Gage doesn’t have a catchphrase. Blackwood takes the strap off his waist and hands it to referee Hector Navarro. The FIST of DEFIANCE raises a hand to Oscar Burns, telling him the theatrics are over and it’s time to go.

Navarro holds the title in the air momentarily before handing it over and calling for the bell.


Both the champion and challenger lock up in physical fashion, both men locking up cleanly. Both struggle around the ring, trying to get the first advantage. Burns has the height advantage and uses that leverage to control the pace. Gage smartly gets back to the ropes and then Hector Navarro tells The Guru of the Graps to break it up. Oscar does so and holds both hands up for the clean break.

Oscar circles the ring as Gage pensively steps from the ropes and towards the ring to meet a second time for a lock-up! Both men fight again in the collar-and-elbow tie-up and they struggle to gain control when Blackwood shoots low, sending the Kiwi into the corner. Burns leans against the ropes and Hector orders the FIST to break it off. Gage seems to want to show what he’s worth and backs off as well from the former two-time FIST.

Intense lock-ups to start and both men about even for the moment.

And Gage made the clean break. For what Burns has been saying about him, he’s playing fair… but then again, this match has only just begun.

I would have to say, that’s the one knock I don’t understand ON Gage. He’s always played fair in the past. He has been extremely bitter, though. It goes without saying.

Burns attempts the first go-behind of the match but Gage won’t stay put and flips control around for himself to shoot for a rear waistlock of his own. The Kiwi turns the tables on the Scot and sneaks up behind Gage before Burns lifts the champion up and scores with an extra-aggressive takedown! Oscar doesn’t stop to celebrate and tries to ground Blackwood with a front facelock but Gage grabs the arm and twists (and turns) it around on Twists and Turns, holding him in an armlock on the mat.

Oscar quickly goes to a knee and then tries to take Gage down by locking his neck. However, Gage turns that around and slaps on a headlock but Burns rolls Blackwood forward on the mat to break his grip before hooking both head and neck to work backwards into a crucifix pin!



First attempt going to Burns. He’s more than just submissions and boasts a number of pin attempts that have not only won but retained titles with.

And they’re getting back to the mat!

Gage kicks out although Burns stays on the attack and uses a headlock takeover. He can’t hold on for long, however, when Gage uses a headscissors to get Burns to break his grip. Burns snaps away and both men start to meet on their feet but Gage shoots a single-leg and takes The Technical Spectacle back on the canvas before trying to maneuver around to go for a neck lock. Burns spins around quickly to snap the champion back to the mat. Burns can’t hold on for long due to Gage grabbing a foot and then turning Burns around into a schoolboy!



Close one!

Burns rolls out of the pinning predicament and inches back to his feet, yet Gage tries again. This time, Burns grabs the left arm and holds it tightly with a stiff-looking armbar! He keeps a tight grip to try controlling where the current FIST goes, but Blackwood fights back and grabs Burns’ arm! Blackwood works to his feet and jerks the other arm so he can be in control. He holds the arm for a few moments and then tries to control the challenger… but Oscar rolls back!

Oscar keeping his cool and trying to have that arm locked up tight. Now he’s got Gage in the grounded armbar!

Burns keeps Blackwood down for the armbar variation, but Gage is quick to recover and spins himself around on the mat to take the fight back to the Kiwi by grabbing the leg. Burns still doesn’t let go so Gage spins Twists and Turns around to monkey flip Burns over and he does… but the challenger STILL keeps hold of the arm!

Gage can’t get free of this armbar. Burns is keeping it on tight!

The Faithful watch on in amazement at the mat work between the two men with the challenger in control, but eventually Gage is able to maneuver himself sideways and then use a kip-up to get to his feet before he puts the pressure on Burns and flips Oscar over with a high and tight arm drag! Once the FIST sees his opening, Gage looks like he has a Gaelic Storm all ready… BURNS MOVES! Gage doesn’t fully leave his feet but sends the challenger backing off for the moment.

Wow! Gage almost tried for the Gaelic Storm right there!

Gage looks at Burns and flashes the faintest of smirks his way, saying he was that close. Oscar doesn’t look pleased at The Noble Raider’s actions and says nothing, standing up to his feet.

Gage trying to get under Burns’ skin. Their feud was so personal last year although Gage is not that guy we’ve witnessed. Burns seems to believe otherwise, that Blackwood hasn’t really changed and has attacked his character the last few weeks.

Gage has, but right now it’s not about the past. It’s about what happens between the ropes and it’s about the top prize in DEFIANCE. Period.

Burns and Gage lock up again with Oscar coming out as more of the aggressor, sneaking up behind Gage and throwing him to the mat with another waistlock takedown. This time, Twists and Turns goes right for the leg but The Noble Raider knows what’s coming! The champion frantically scratches for the ropes and makes it just in time before Oscar can fully lock in the Graps of Wrath II!

Almost by Burns! Oscar playing a few games of his own with Gage. That heel hook is dangerous, especially as the only person that has ever tapped out Lindsay Troy with it!

Indeed. Gage is absolutely no slouch on the mat, either. Both men are clearly bringing their A-game tonight and this match may come down to a rare mistake or the smallest opening available by either competitor.

Oscar and Gage both size up one another carefully and go to the mat again… this time, Gage makes the quicker move and snaps The Technical Spectacle right over with quickness into a headlock takeover of his own!

Back to the mat with these two! You can just feel the tension here!

Gage takes Burns on the mat now and he’s not letting go!

The FIST tightens his grip on the head and neck of Burns and CRANKS violently on the hold! Burns tries to get at the face of the Scot and starts to grind his taped forearm across the face of Blackwood, but that forces the champion to pull back even harder on the hold to get Oscar to release his grip. Burns keeps his ground but the reach advantage of Burns allows him to try and pull Gage back. Twists and Turns shifts his shoulder and gets to the ropes. With the quick advantage, Burns uses the ropes as an ally to fire Gage off of him into the ropes. Gage comes back with a shoulder and it knocks Burns to the ropes… but Twists and Turns comes back and hits Gage. The Scot bounces into the ropes and uses that extra force to KNOCK Burns down!

Gage is getting more aggressive!

Oscar looks shocked at being knocked down while The FIST stands over him, all business. The Kiwi rises but Gage is just a hair quicker and snaps the challenger down into another headlock takeover!

After Burns had control for a bit, now Gage comes right back! I have to say, it’s a refreshing change of pace from the near 500 days of Mikey Unlikely ruling the roost. Two people, wanting to see who the better one is on the mat. That simple.

I’ll agree with you there as well. Both men have pretty much kept this match clean for the most part! Aggressive, sure, but clean.

Gage keeps Burns down but Oscar grabs the neck and rolls the FIST into a cover.




The FIST rolls out of the pin and both men meet up again. This time Gage rolls Burns into a pin of his own!




Both Gage and Oscar break off and Gage tries a headlock for a third time. However, Burns gets his legs up and has Gage trapped in a headscissors on the mat! The FIST tries to fight out but the former two-time champion grabs his own leg and has Gage trapped in a tight figure four neck lock on the mat!

And another submission attempt by Burns! He learns quickly on the mat. Blackwood’s headlocks kept him grounded for a minute or two but the challenger might have lured Blackwood into that submission now!

The crowd continue to watch and cheer as Gage tries to shift his weight over. Instead, Burns grabs Blackwood’s right arm and pulls him back while the neck lock is still applied. Gage elbows at the left leg of Burns and finally turns over to free himself for a pin attempt!



But then Burns shifts his weight upward into a bridge that pops the crowd! He has hold of Gage’s arms and turns around into a backslide!




Gage rolls out and both come back to a face-off as the crowd applauds!

Just amazing matwork by both guys! Burns has the variety in the holds he knows but Gage makes the basics absolutely work for him on account of how physical he is.

Definitely and these people are enjoying it!

The applause fills the arena but Burns and Blackwood pay no mind to what is around them. They are focused on one thing: The FIST. Plain and simple. They get ready to lock up once more and Burns forces him into the ropes by going back and Burns works into a corner. Navarro once again gets between the two and asks for a clean break. Burns backs up and lets go.

It’s almost a virtual stalemate right now. Both men have had the advantage at various points, back and forth but neither have found anything to really sink their teeth into yet for too long.

It’s true. Somebody will have to do something to change that in order to get a real foothold.

Gage and Burns yet again make with the graps, as Burns might say. They both fight for control and this time like before, Gage takes them to the corner and Burns grabs the ropes. Navarro has to keep the two apart again and Oscar tells Hector to break it. Gage backs off cleanly and looks over to Hector to let him know it was clean…


What!? Did… did Oscar Burns of all people in DEFIANCE just take a cheap shot on Gage Blackwood?

A cacophony of both booing and cheering fills the DEF Arena and Burns looks out to take notice of the reception while Gage is left looking up at the lights and checking his face for blood.

I don’t believe it! I’m not going to try and justify it… but if I had to, this match is important to both men. Gage took his eye off Burns for a second in a title match!

Oscar Burns was a survivor in that big elimination to crown the new FIST of DEFIANCE. He was a winner in technicalities but he didn’t win the FIST. That’s what all this is about.

The Technical Spectacle takes a moment before grabbing Gage in a facelock to bring him up, then lays in a stiff European uppercut! The shot rattles the jaw of Blackwood and sends the FIST of DEFIANCE into the corner. Burns tees off on Gage with a second shot that sends him reeling. The challenger moves the wrist of a stunned Gage around before he sends the champ flying across the ring with a big hammer throw into the corner, jarring Gage’s back! Blackwood falls to his knees in the process while Burns carefully watches on.

And now Burns is taking Blackwood apart. That encounter with Gage last year really did a number on the psyche and confidence of Burns for a time. Between that and the two out of three falls loss to Lindsay Troy, too.

Burns climbed out of that funk eventually, but the issue with Gage… he clearly hasn’t let it go.

A little more booing from the fans. Burns goes over to where The Noble Raider landed. He takes the champ by the side and throws Blackwood down with a big gutwrench suplex. Instead of letting go, Burns opts to roll over with Gage still in his grip. He impressively holds the 225-pound Gage and drops Blackwood right on his back with a second one. The fans are a little more mixed than they were at the start when Burns hoists The Noble Raider up. Gage tries to fight the third one and fires away at the arm of Burns!

Gage tries to escape… no! Burns with another uppercut… then hits the third suplex! Cover, FIST on the line!




The shoulder comes up off the mat for Gage but The Team Graps Cap stays calm, cool, and collected for the moment.

A big kickout by Gage although Burns has him where he wants him. What’s Oscar doing?

Burns slaps on a grounded cobra twist submission and cranks on the midsection and the neck of the Scot at the same time! Gage isn’t content to sit around and tries to struggle free. Unfortunately for him, Burns’ grip is tight.

Grounded cobra twist! Burns loves this submission for grinding the opponent down and can even turn it into a pin combination if need be!

Yeah, one he picked up in Japan and one he’s made great use of over the years.

Burns keeps the pressure on Gage and the fans are vocal!


The chants seem to get under the skin of Burns and yet he keeps focus on the champion and winning back the title he held for almost 300 days during his second run.

The crowd behind Gage right now! They’ve been mostly split but I think after that cheap shot earlier on in the match, Oscar might have turned a few more away!

Look! Gage is fighting back!

The champion drives elbows with his free arm and then spins around to throw a STIFF chop to the chest of the challenger once Oscar’s back on his feet! The shot makes Burns wince in pain but Gage isn’t happy with just one… 


Blackwood lights the chest of Burns with vicious chops and lets Burns have it with a NASTY headbutt of his own to the chest!

Oh, that’s absolutely a receipt from earlier!

No doubt!

Gage has Oscar right where he wants him and connects with a northern lights suplex… but not to be outdone, Gage rolls through and takes the larger Burns with him into a rolling northern lights suplex for the pin!




Excellent combination by Gage! Burns with the shoulder up!

Blackwood had Burns under his control for a few moments there!

Gage goes for a big move and tries an Olympic slam on the challenger but at the apex of the move, Burns counters out with an arm drag, sending the FIST flying across the mat. Gage scrambles up and sees Burns coming his way, rocking Blackwood with a European uppercut while he’s against the ropes! Burns holds a fist up and runs at the ropes again, expecting Gage to be there… instead, Gage sidesteps and pushes Oscar into the ropes before rolling back into a pin!

Rolling prawn hold! Cover!




Burns escapes in the nick of time but not before Gage has him lined up. The crowd cheers when they see what The Noble Raider is going for…


Remember! The big bone of contention between Burns and Gage was Burns being in a sleeper hold that Mikey Unlikely employed, called the Stand-In! Gage mocked Oscar not being able to counter!

And Mikey developed his sleeper hold the same time Gage Blackwood did. It offended Mikey when he saw Gage had a sleeper of his own.

Correct! This goes back months, even before Mikey and Gage had on-air problems! It all intertwines!

Gage tries to fully lock the submission in, however, before he can get to the dropdown portion, Burns grabs him by the side and hoists him up…

Then DRIVES Blackwood viciously across the knee with the Back-Crack-A-Ma-Jig! Oscar falls to his own knee gasping for air. Gage looks much worse for wear though, after being spiked across the back, making it the target of his attacks.

Back-Crack-A-Ma-Jig! Burns told him during their face-off a few weeks ago he was working on counters for the Soul Breaker and the Gaelic Storm! So far, it’s all true!

It’s all true!

Burns looks over at Gage Blackwood on the mat. Oscar’s chest is red from the chops from Gage earlier.

Oscar Burns:
I told you I had counters, Gage! There’s nothing noble about you!

Blackwood is struggling to pull himself up.

Gage Blackwood:
Jog on.

The two lean on each other to find a vertical base. Burns pushes Blackwood’s shoulders back and SMACKS him with one of the hardest knife-edge chops he’s ever had to perform. The crowd WOOs.

Blackwood, not to be outdone, pushes Burns more upright and gives him a knife-edge chop, too.

The two wrestlers go back and forth, at least ten times, until they are bleeding out their chest. It’s Blackwood who’s able to hit back-to-back chops so he shoots to the ropes, looks for some kind of spear but Burns throws a knee up and Blackwood topples into it, flying head-over-heels to the mat below. Burns wastes no time. He bounces off the ropes, somewhat recovered from the shots and absolutely drills a flying uppercut underneath Blackwood’s chin.

Backdrop. Elbow. Numerous knee strikes. Burns’ face looks like a man possessed as he clubs Blackwood across the jaw with his knee over and over and over and over again.

Is this getting out of hand?

Navarro slides into position, seeing if Blackwood is knocked out. However, The Noble Raider gives a quick huff, insinuating he’s still mentally awake so Hector doesn’t call for the bell even though the trademark scar above Blackwood’s left eye has opened a little. Burns drives a final knee into Blackwood’s skull and props the FIST on his feet. He’s looking for a knockout knee blow but somehow, someway, Gage catches it before it TKOs him!


Jumping enzuigiri by Oscar!

Holy shit, that might’ve knocked Gage to next year!

Burns with the cover.




Burns’ facial expression becomes irate. Looking to see Blackwood’s hand on the bottom rope, Twists and Turns storms to his feet, kicks the hand away and places his own hands on his hips.

Do you think Burns is in the right frame of mind right now? It’s VERY unlike Oscar to make a pin that close to the ropes!

It was a rare mistake, Keebs. Oscar knows it!

T&T wastes a moment to berate himself but makes up for it by walking over to Blackwood cautiously. Gage does reach out, attempting some kind of roll up pin but Burns has it well scouted, pulls back and DRILLS his knee into Blackwood’s temple again. A little blood spews from Gage’s forehead scar.

Lights, are, out!

Burns has deadweight to lift. He pulls Blackwood to his feet and connects with a German suplex and a bridge!




Unbelievable! The crowd comes alive!

Burns’ chest is a mess from droplets of blood. Then again, so is Gage’s (plus his forehead). As The Technical Spectacle wipes some blood away, he stands with use of the ropes, thinking he will find Gage Blackwood laying on the canvas floor.

Burns doesn’t.

Blackwood finds an uncanny second wind, bounces off the far ropes and looks for the double running knees, The Gaelic Storm!



Indeed it is the last possible second as Blackwood’s knee lightly grazes Burns’ nose. The Noble Raider flies straight into the ring ropes and almost falls out of the squared circle but Burns latches onto Blackwood and hits an inverted suplex instead! This is followed by a gut wrench suplex and a pinfall attempt!




The Faithful cheer as Oscar Burns shakes his head. He fires a couple of lighter (by his standards) uppercuts into Gage’s chin before hurling the FIST of DEFIANCE into the a turnbuckle with all of his might. Blackwood hits the buckle, bounces off but rebounds with a clothesline to Oscar!

Both men are down-

Keebler stops before the end of his sentence. Gage slips into an anaconda vice position!

Blackwood with a submission on Burns! Seemingly out of nowhere!

Dead center of the ring, Blackwood has the hold clinched. The crowd gets to their feet, thinking it could be over right here. Many cheer for Blackwood…

But many, also, cheer for Oscar.



Gage isn’t one to show a lot of emotion during a wrestling match. Here, however, his eyes bug out of his head, similar to when he tagged Oscar Burns, kneed Mikey Unlikely and won the FIST of DEFIANCE all in the span of ten seconds. Burns, too, has a sense of worry on his face (from what can be seen of it) and Oscar’s right arm waves around frantically, hoping for something to hold onto.

Blackwood has this move applied TEXTBOOK!

The fans rumble their feet, shouting as loud as possible. It looks like Oscar is fading…

But with everything he has, Burns rolls his momentum onto Gage Blackwood. It’s not a lot yet it’s enough to push off and gain an inch towards the ropes. Blackwood keeps the move locked in. To him, the challenger is no closer to the ropes than he was before. It’s because Burns isn’t interested in reaching out to the ropes with his HANDS. Instead, he’s trying to get his FEET there.

A clever ploy by Burns!

I don’t think Oscar has a choice!

Burns tries to shift his weight and once again he’s able to move an inch closer with his legs. Also, AGAIN, Blackwood doesn’t seem to know! The fourth attempt is quick. Like lightning, Burns moves his weight back and sticks his leg out.

The literal TOE of Oscar Burns taps the bottom rope. Referee Navarro calls the submission off!

Hector Navarro isn’t Mark Shields. He’s one of the most competent refs we have here, so he’s made a great call!

Blackwood mouths the words “fuck off” although he believes Navarro. Gage rises and Burns follows. Both are hurting, Gage from all the knees he took and Burns from the recent anaconda vice.

CHOP!, Blackwood goes right after Burns’ chest with a knife-edge.

CHOP!, Burns returns the favour.

Here we go again!

CHOP!, Blackwood.
CHOP!, Burns.
CHOP!, Blackwood.
CHOP!, Burns.
CHOP!, Blackwood.


A few more people in the crowd boo as Burns breaks the shot-for-shot “code”. Twists and Turns goes into the ropes and finds Blackwood’s face with a knee!

OH NO… Burns is looking for The Graps of Wrath I!

The octopus stretch but The Noble Raider IMMEDIATELY tumbles backwards and pushes himself into the ropes. Burns breaks the hold before it’s even applied and Blackwood comes in with another knife-edge chop. Burns looks pissed and ready to play again.

CHOP!, Burns.
CHOP!, Blackwood.
CHOP!, Burns.

Blackwood is about to send a CHOP! forward. However, he pulls back, gives Oscar the finger and lunges ahead…


Blackwood floats over and hooks the leg! The crowd comes alive as this time it’s the FIST of DEFIANCE who breaks the shot-for-shot “code”!




Air is let out of the arena as Blackwood rolls to his side, breathing heavily. Meanwhile, Oscar Burns is rubbing his chest, attempting to get the feeling back in it.

Gage typically comes close with the Olympic slam but never close enough for victory.

The FIST gathers himself. Burns, too, recovers in a corner. A solid minute of time passes before Blackwood hobbles over to Burns and drags the challenger to his feet. Blackwood hooks onto Burns’ back and attempts a belly-to-back suplex but Oscar holds his ground. Blackwood tries to thrust Burns over again but Twists and Turns doesn’t budge. For a moment, on try number three, it looks like Burns is about to hook his leg back and hit Blackwood with a low blow… although this is only speculation because Oscar’s leg comes to a stop midway through. Instead, the challenger standing switches Gage and connects with a belly-to-back on his own.

Blackwood lands on his feet, hits the ropes and on the return readies in position for the Gaelic Storm.

Burns leapfrogs over Blackwood!

But Blackwood also stops in his tracks and pumps Burns with a knee to the back of the head when Oscar lands on his feet. Blackwood pushes Burns into the ropes and on the bounce return, Gage swings around Oscar’s body and sinks in his sleeper!


Burns scurries his hands around, hoping to power free but it’s no use! The fans are alive when suddenly Burns jumps, finds his feet on the bottom turnbuckle and runs up it. With the FIST of DEFIANCE still hanging on to the sleeper, Burns pushes off the top buckle with his feet and forces Blackwood to the mat. Burns is positioned overtop of the champion with a pinfall attempt. Blackwood wants to break the sleeper but the pressure is on his arms and he can’t do it!







Navvaro is saying Blackwood got out of it!

No, he’s not!

Yes, yes he is!

Referee Hector Navarro bellows to both parties the match is still on and Blackwood slipped out. Replays show Gage was able to let go of the sleeper and BARELY side his right shoulder off the canvas! Navarro’s hand practically meets the mat for a three but does not connect with the canvas floor heavily.

My apologies! You’re right, partner!

The Faithful are rampant while Blackwood breathes a huge sigh of relief. He’s resting on his knees, beside himself while Oscar Burns is crawling to the ropes.

Gage has pulled out a LOT of moves. Oscar, true to his word, has countered them!

Not to be outdone, Burns has been on the offensive plenty as well!

Blackwood slams the mat and storms over to Burns. The Noble Raider grabs Twists and Turns by his hair and whips him into a modified brainbuster, looking more like a falcon arrow suplex. Gage doesn’t pin, however. He’s right back up and hurls Burns into a corner.

Gage has to watch it, here. He’s a loose cannon sometimes and wrestles recklessly.

Blackwood races into the turnbuckle. He likely sees Burns stirring but it doesn’t matter when the Scot is seeing red.

Burns moves! Blackwood hits the padding!

Burns with an exploder suplex! Burns with a dragon suplex! Burns with a German release suplex! The fans cheer but the challenger seems a little rattled anyway, perhaps hearing the odd boo chime in.

Blackwood pops up, clubs Burns with a ripcord clothesline and both men are down!

Oscar took his eyes off things for a SECOND. That was it. A SECOND and look what transpires!

Blackwood has always been a guy to absorb a beating. He’s running on empty thanks to those suplexes but he had just enough power to get up, hit Burns with something… anything and then fall back down.

The crowd rumbles their feet as Navarro begins the ten count. The count gets to eight before Burns is on his feet… and the count is at nine before Blackwood finds a knee.

Burns blasts Blackwood in the chest with a boot. Again. Again. Maybe five more times… it’s tough to count because the kicks are so quick. Burns has worked Blackwood on the canvas and quickly walks to the second rope. He’s looking for the knee drop he’s known for. It’s Burns’ only high flying move.

A measured attempt here, staying on the second turnbuckle pad.

Burns is about to jump off but this time he sees the FIST of DEFIANCE moving so he doesn’t jump.

Smart move by Oscar.

…Until Blackwood’s on a knee.

Then Burns connects with the Sweet As Knee Drop to the back of Blackwood’s head! Gage goes limp.

Perfectly placed! What a move!

Burns smacks his chest. The end is seemingly near and the crowd can feel it.


Burns huffs and puffs. He’s trying to drag Blackwood into his specialized exploder suplex, the Head-Drop-O-Matic.

BLACKWOOD PUSHES OFF! He’s into the ropes…

The champion is trying for the Gaelic Storm. Once he makes contact with the ropes, Blackwood leaves his feet and comes FLYING across the canvas.




Burns CATCHES Blackwood in MIDAIR and turns the Gaelic Storm into a sharpshooter! Even the fans that (may have) been booing Oscar likely cheer on how fluent this counter looks!

Burns catches Gage and steps through his legs. He easily flips the FIST of DEFIANCE around and applies the sharpshooter!

A real testy move! I’ve been told some people don’t like this submiss-

Don’t. Just don’t.

Blackwood struggles to push up and off the canvas as Burns sits back as hard as possible. Blackwood is near the ropes, yet not close enough for a break. The fans are on their feet, watching the events unfold… likely knowing both men don’t have much left so this could be it.

Blackwood’s in the hold for a minute.

It’s not Burns’ speciality, the sharpshooter that is. Perhaps if this was an Oscar Burns trademark move, he’d have put Blackwood away by now. However… Burns’ attempt at the move IS solid. His leg positioning is very good. Great base. Impressive weight on the back. Blackwood’s only made the smallest of increments towards the ropes…

The FIST of DEFIANCE is almost in the sharpshooter for two minutes now. You can see he’s beginning to fade.

And then…

Blackwood pushes off the canvas… HE MAKES A HUGE GAIN TOWARDS THE ROPES!

Burns’ face conveys shock and anger all at once. He’s about to drag Blackwood back to the center of the ring but drops Gage’s legs slightly as he does. This allows the champion to spin around, kick Burns off and pop to his feet. Burns runs into the ropes and Blackwood leaps up as Oscar gets towards him. The FIST lands on top of Oscar’s shoulders. Gage wraps his legs around the challenger’s neck and throws him into a hurricanrana.


Gage has Oscar dead to rights with Burns’ legs as far back as they can go. Navarro counts while Burns’ legs wobble, struggling to get out of the hold!











The Faithful come ALIVE at the unlikely way Gage scores the victory!


Blackwood lets go of the hurricanrana and falls face-first to the canvas as Burns kicks out but it’s much too late.

Wow! Blackwood changed it up! Oscar countered the Soul Breaker. He avoided the Gaelic Storm on many occasions! Blackwood has some ‘flippy’ stuff in his arsenal. He doesn’t break it out often but this… was something Burns was unable to counter!

The FIST crawls to a corner of the ring while Oscar Burns sits up, staring at the canvas. The crowd is electric as Blackwood’s new theme plays and Hector retrieves The Noble Raider’s title. Narravo is about to hand the belt to Gage Blackwood who’s sitting in the corner but Oscar Burns comes over and snatches the title from the referee. A louder chorus of boos begins.

Oscar!? C’mon now!

Blackwood pulls himself up with use of the ropes. Both men are running on fumes by now but given the fact Burns took Blackwood’s possession, Gage is using the last of it to get in his opponent’s face.

Burns continues to look at the FIST, not at Blackwood. The announcers maintain radio silence.

And then Twists and Turns pushes the championship into Blackwood’s chest. The rightful winner takes it and tilts his head before Burns drops to his knees, rolls out of the ring and limps up the rampway. Navarro wanders over, wanting to raise Gage’s hand but the FIST shakes his head no and rests in the turnbuckle.

This has been a HELL of a night! I’m Darren Keebler and for my partner, Lance Warner… goodnight everyone. The road to DEFIANCE Road begins next week!

Burns makes it to the top of the rampway, turns around for a moment to let out a huff and then makes his exit. Meanwhile, Blackwood puts the title around his waist and breathes heavily before checking his forehead and the trademark scar above his left eye. It stopped bleeding a while ago. The DEFIANCE signature appears in the bottom right hand corner before Blackwood exits the ring himself and walks up the LCD ramp, mouthing off to the camera.

Gage Blackwood:
Gage two, Oscar zero.

The serious looking Edinburgh native is limping worse than Oscar was. However, he ascends the rampway… victorious.




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.