16 Oct 2021

DEFarena, New Orleans, LA (seats 4000)


The feud was passed off when Rezin had stolen Keyes pet Helen the Tiger. It was found out when he was defending the Favoured Saints Title that Rezin sold the tiger to Alvaro De Vargas. A bombshell that took Henry’s focus off defending said championship and allowing Rezin to regain it. This was for the possession of Helen. Just when you thought you had seen everything in professional wrestling. Now we have a stipulation for a tiger!?

The first thing that came to my mind when Vargas came out was his attire. The skiing of a tiger...bad things came to my mind. Did Vargas and Morrow do the unthinkable? Was ADV wearing what was left of Helen? Lucky for Vargas and I mean Vargas that was another tiger. We might have seen the end of the career of Alvaro De Vargas if that was the case. He confirmed it was not Helen and that she was in a safe location.

Still, if ya wanted to give Vargas some monster heat that would have been shocking and appalling! Henry, much like he has been over the past few months, was a very different man. Vargas though was hanging in there with his emotional rage. Things were about even through the better part of the beginning of this match. Not until Vargas began to focus on the arm of Keyes. Which for the better part of the match the story being told was ADV taking away Keyes's ability to do the Bell Clap. After a while of his arm being targeted, he had a chance to hit the Clap but missed barely! Although the work Vargas had done to Henry’s arm was indeed effective.

Toward the end of the match, Henry mounted a comeback. These two continued to have some of the stiffest blows to one another throughout this match. Henry would eventually manage to hit the Bell Clap @ {10:03} winning back Helen. In a shocking turn of events even to Morrow, ADV gave Henry his handshake and the tiger’s location back to him. Against the wishes of Morrow. He exited the ring and this looked like a crack in Better Future’s armor….until Vargas reappeared as Keyes was ready to step through the curtain driving his skull into the steel entranceway with Ardiendo!

This was a completely different opener compared to night one. The shots in this match really gave off a strong-style type Japanese-style match. Vargas playing mind games at the beginning with his tiger-themed outfit made everyone think the unthinkable. After all, this is a guy who walks around with Morrow all day and throws fireballs in people’s eyes. This would not be very far out of the kind of man this guy was. Henry and Vargas both worked great together, they seemed to have similar styles which really worked well. Henry got his tiger back, and Vargas took back his heat by luring Henry into a false sense that he was deep down a good guy. All around great opening match for night two.


Now comes my favorite moment of a pay-per-view…..Arthur Pleasant. If you are expecting a huge rant on Arthur Pleasant I am sorry to disappoint you here tonight. This match was good. The reason I say that is there was nothing too outlandish involved in this match. It started out with Dex just completely overpowering Arthur. Nailing him with a Midnight Runner which I wish sent Arthur into the upper deck, then he could have fallen from the second floor and broken his neck. Unfortunately, that dream did not happen. It was fun to see him fly like Michael Jordan right into the barricade though.

Arthur and referees I guess is going to be the norm now. Benny Doyle having to deal with this garbage can wrestler named Arthur. Even when Benny was threatening to DQ Dex for getting a little too disobedient. Eventually, Arthur managed to get the advantage on Dex. After how long almost a year now we finally got an idea of what kind of style Arthur has then some sort of hooligan. Pleasant has some pretty nasty kicking strikes. Perhaps Scrow taught him a few.

Arthur’s main goal here was to mess up Dex’s equilibrium. As he continued his assault on the noggin of Dex. Arthur would try a couple of times to hit his Narcolepsy, a stiff-like kick to the skull of Dex. Through the beatings though, Arthur still faced one obstacle keeping Dex down for the three count. After countless near falls, and dodging a Jump for Joy. Arthur was growing desperate. In his desperation, he was nailed with Dex’s Dex-5! Only for The Scourge to arrive and put his foot on the ropes to not get the three count.

The goon squad would distract Benny for a few moments and Arthur would deal not one but two low blows. Before only getting a near fall. Pleasant was running out of things to do. So what does this garbage can wrestler do? Ref bump, and bring in the weapons. Harmen, King went to work with chair shot after a chair shot to the Biggest Boy. The brutality rears its ugly head again from Arthur and his goon squad. Carla, whose job was on the line, comes out, and Arthur calls off the Scourge to get his own happy moment with the top of a chair over and over into Dex. 

After he had his fill and Joy was barely able to move they ditched the evidence and Arthur again tried for a pinfall. With the Scourge waking Benny up just enough for him to count a near fall! Arthur was shocked, I however am not. Do some more homework Arthur Dex is one tough son of a bitch to keep down for a three count. It took a Calamity Pain after all that to finally put Dex Joy down. @ {13:11} How disappointing this prick now has a win over Dex Joy. I am literally sick to my stomach.

As Arthur Pleasant matches go this was the tamest I have had to watch to this date. Who would have thought he actually has wrestling talent. A leopard can’t change their spots though and he had to go back to weapons to put Carla out of a job. In the end, it took three men with weapons to beat Dex Joy. Given how much it took to keep The Biggest Boy down, I don't think this hurt Joy losing here tonight.


So we now are at the point where we decide WHO will be facing the Saturday Night Specials. This was a great two out of three falls match. Two natural tag teams made for an exciting match throughout the match. It started out with Minute and Elise, with Minute getting the upper hand first. It became apparent early in the match that Uriel was the one guy D and Elise really did not want to deal with. Minute went a few rounds with both Elise and D. A couple near falls until eventually, the seven-footer got in the ring. The PCP tried every aerial attack they could try but barely could move Cortez.

When Minute got back in after Uriel had his way with PCP, D kept Uriel preoccupied, leaving Elise and Minute alone in the ring. The D was able to get involved in this pinfall it took a few near falls before PCP teamed up to put Minute down for the first fall with Drive by At The Roxy @ {7:21} It took a few moments to restart the match after they break the match started to get out of hand for the ref. Uriel would come in and just chop the holy hell out of PCP. Eventually leading to PCP falling to LTT. When Minute nailed Elise with Mirame, then hit the Thirty Story Splash on D to even this match up at one a piece. @ { 12:43}

D struggled to recover from the splash, but eventually, they got back the advantage and managed to finally take Uriel off his feet! It didn’t take long before D and Uriel were outside the ring and once more Minute and Ares going back and forth with near falls. While outside Uriel spears D through a barricade taking both men out of this match. In the ending sequence, both Elise's and Minute's shoulders were pinned to the mat. After Elise tried a fast cradle, Minute instinctively moved his weight. This match went to a no-contest! @ { 16:11} When stuff like this happens on a pay per view it always leaves a sour taste in people’s mouths.

This was a great tag team match. Two teams who are well-deserving of a chance at SNS. I am not going to lie here. I was not happy about the ending myself. We all saw how negative the result of Kendrix Vs Harvey was a few months back. This though having thought about it could be leading to a Triple Threat for the Unified Tag team Championships. If that is where this is going then I am alright with this outcome. Uriel really came off as a beast in this match. With PCP trying everything they could to get the big man down. Eventually, they did but that's how you build a big man up. Minute/Elise/D all had some great sequences in this match and lots of near falls to keep fans on their seat.


So we get to the SoHer match. Which was a great roll down memory lane. A lot of call back much like from Rezin’s Favoured Fourway Match on night one. The whole story here was Matt LaCroix’s FTW. The one move that won him the Favoured Saints Championship against the very man he was wrestling tonight.

So throughout this match Scrow was quickly trying to escape this finisher from Matt. He had locked it in once but was too close to the ropes so Scrow was quick to get out of it. All the while Scrow would turn the tide when his back body dropped Matt over the top rope through a table he set up earlier in the match on the outside. From there Scrow spent the majority of the match focusing on the back of Matt.

When Matt made his comeback, he got Scrow in the FTW and Scrow had nowhere to go and it was locked in tight. This time though Scrow who had been trained in the art of pressure point strikes managed to nail a Brachial Stun on Matt dropping the champion quickly. Scrow would then lock in Hush! Matt was still groggy from the nerve strike and eventually passed out. @ { 14:21} The Kabal loses one title and gets one back. Scrow is the NEW Southern Heritage Champion!

This was another great call back to the history of the Inaugural Favoured Saints Match. The ending sequence was pretty much almost the same, only the opposite. Scrow has been on the hunt for gold well it looks like he finally got some. Although seeing Matt drop the title so quickly I don’t know how I feel about that. One thing is for sure Scrow was clearly afraid of LaCroix FTW. Having a story built around Matt’s finishing move was a great way to put over how much of a kill shot the move is if locked in. Yet another surprise was the return of Crimson Lord! It looks like he is with The Kabal though just judging by how he interacted with Ravanna and Reaper the Grey. What exactly is his association with these people?


So now we come to Troy Vs Garland. Malak came out trying to act all serious. We all knew though he was probably wetting himself inside. Then Troy came out it was almost like here comes the woman that is going to rid DEFIANCE of this snowflake. Oh, and I forgot to mention Malak came out alone….I know shocker.

So Malak kept that serious look on his face when they came face to face. Much like everyone expected Lindsay had her way with Malak in the opening minutes of this match. Malak was the first to grab a covenant keyboard. He swung it wildly but that all changed when Lindsay went all Bruce Lee on his ass with nunchucks! Malak was the first to bleed here. Eventually, they spilled out into the crowd. Malak was able to get a few shots, but nothing too serious to Troy.

They would get around an area of the crowd where shocker Cyrus Bates dressed in some sort of advertisement clown attire. Only he had a literal kitchen sink! Malak grabbed the sink and THREW it at Lindsay barely missing her. Well, that chip Lindsay has had on her shoulders let's just say there was more than one chip now on her shoulder. After the attempt to kill her Lindsay beat the bejesus out of Malak going all the way up to the second floor. She returned the favor, dropping him from the second floor through a black-covered table!

So the Snowflake was not moving and appeared to have melted away. Troy took a bag of lego blocks and poured them off the top of the second floor onto Malak. I guess to pour one out for the homies. She then JUMPED OFF THE SECOND FLOOR! Driving all her weight into Malak. Needless to say, I was not expecting Lindsay to go all extreme here. To everyone's shock though she only got a near fall out of that. Say what you will about Garland, after this match the man can take a beating.

The ending sequence saw them somehow able to get back to the ring, Malak had managed to cut Lindsay. It all came down to Malak trying Snowfall and missing only to be put into a Koji Lock! Thurston came out to answer the cries of Malak, only to get a look from Lindsay that reminded me of that baby meme where the kid walks into the room and quickly turns around and leaves. That about sums up Thurston’s role in this match. Troy though did not want it to end this way and released the hold and waited for Malak to get into position and nailed Thy Kingdom Come! @ {12:55} and DEFIANCE little snowflake melted and disappeared away.

This was a match I think everyone in the back was enjoying immensely. What really bothered me here is where was Malak’s entourage? Was he trying to prove a point he could do this all by himself? It just seemed unlike the guy to not use all the resources at his disposal. The introduction to his star-struck fan that allowed him to go on the offense after he assaulted Lindsay, Percy Collins a star-struck fan who was quickly removed by security. So where was Game Boy, Teresa Ames, and the rest of Garland’s entourage? Lindsay though I have enjoyed watching this veteran back on track with her career. I am excited to see who is next on her payback list. By the way, her jacket was freaking awesome!


Burns Vs Blackwood...boy I tell ya the opening sequences of this match I almost forgot how much we have missed for over a year this championship was defended by Mikey. These two put on a wrestling lesson in the opening minutes of the match. Kerry Kuroyama mentioned it on post-MaxDef we are now in the era of WRESTLING! He indeed hit the nail on the head here. This was a huge change from watching Mikey defend The FIST!

Neither man gave any room for an opening in the opening moments of this match. Both showing off some classic wrestling holds, and even some basic ones. Things kept to the mat for a better part of the opening contest. The story started to develop when Oscar assured Gage that he has a counter to both the Soul Breaker and the Gaelic Storm. There were a few times Gage would try the Gaelic Storm and Oscar was prepared for it. There were a few times where we saw a bit of that bad guy come out even from Oscar when he nailed a headbutt after a clean break in the corner. I don’t think ever writing for an Oscar Burns match has he ever received booing from the Faithful.

Gage would return the favor as well, but it seemed for the most part Gage had most of the love from the fans. Toward the middle of the match, we started to see them pick it up. Man, the chops each one gave each other sheesh. They started to move from mat wrestling and started to go into more power-based wrestling moves. All throughout this match countless near falls, and some rope breaks. It was everything you would want to see in a wrestling match! Toward the ending sequence, we got what everyone thought was it. Gage locked in the Soul Breaker and Oscar managed to use the turnbuckles to flip over and get Gage to put the move to Oscar's advantage in a pinning situation.

Gage barely was able to roll his shoulder at three. Everyone thought it was over but Hector assured everyone it was not.  Gage would try Gaelic Storm once more and Oscar, a man of his word, caught Gage and flipped him over into a sharpshooter! What an amazing counter yet again from Oscar turning one of Gage’s best moves against him. Blackwood was able to escape the hold. He then dug deep into his moveset and pulled out a hurricanrana pin and got the THREE! @ {19:38} Blackwood retains! Oscar however at the end was shocked and not prepared for such a move from Blackwood, grabbed The FIST stared at it for a moment then shoved it in Gage’s chest and left.

Man what a great main event to end Acts of DEFIANCE. Who would have thought that Oscar and Gage seemed practically even on their talents in that ring? I mentioned that Gage needed to solidify that he was deserving of the FIST. I mentioned Oscar was just the man to cement him as just that and that is exactly what happened. Gage came out of this match without a shadow of a doubt well deserving to lead DEFIANCE into the future as The FIST of DEFIANCE!

Final Thoughts

Mírame - 4.5%
TheChopping Block Foam Hand - 4.5%
Replica Los Tres Titanes-Brand Lucha Mask - 4.5%
HI! I LIKE GRAPS! - 13.6%
*SNS - 9.1%

Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.