DEFIANCE TV 164 Night 2

6 Jan 2022

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


♫ “DEFY” by Of Mice & Men ♫

Bright colorful lights roll across the arena as the Faithful go wild! The DEFtv opening video is playing on the DEFiatron. Many of the wrestlers we see on a daily basis as well as a few legends are shown before the music video comes to an end. The fireworks go off and the fans get even louder in the WrestlePlex as the red lights come to life on the cameras. 

Signs and excitement everywhere!


The camera switches to ringside and the announce team, Darren Keebler and Lance Warner.


We have a big show tonight but we have one that is guaranteed to be explosive. Dex Joy and Arthur Pleasant have been at each other’s throats for months. They have cost each other big opportunities, the job of Carla Ferrari and Dex’s best friend Nathan Eye was an unfortunate casualty of this war. They agreed to a lopsided match at DEFIANCE Road!

Dex Joy versus Arthur Pleasant, but the rules – or lack of them – are in Pleasant’s favor. He cannot be disqualified or counted out while Dex Joy competes under the rules. Sickening if it gives Arthur Pleasant any kind of a pass to do what he wants. 

But right now it’s Dex up against Aaron King! Dex defeated another Scourge member in Jack Harme back on 162 but tonight it’s the final stop before DEFIANCE Road! 

The lights in the arena start to flicker on and off before simulating a blackout. The lights go out. Fans reach out for their cell phones and try to light up the WrestlePlex. The lights slowly come back in the arena, section by section until, on the big screen a cell phone battery display charges… charges… charges… and soon it’s at 1000%. “BIG DEX ENERGY!!!!” is on the screen! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!!! Five bright yellow lightning bolts strike the stage and fire off massive streams of pyro as the theme kicks in!

Darren Quimbey:
The next match is set for one fall. Introducing, from from Los Angeles, California and weighing  three-hundred forty-five pounds… “THE BIGGEST BOY” DEEEEEXXXXXX JJJJJJOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!!

♫ “Go Big or Go Home” by Chuxx Morris ♫ 

Sparks shoot up from either side of the entrance where the lightning landed … and out comes Dex Joy wearing the same black jeans and sleeveless t-shirt he has been wearing in his most recent matches. He storms to the ring and keeps his head on a swivel before entering the ring, knowing the past history of sneak attacks by the Scourge. 

Dex Joy has been the victim of sneak attacks by the Scourge in the past! He’s right to be careful. 

I don’t doubt that at all. 

Dex Joy gets up to the ring and then enters. There is no flashiness from the normally jovial Biggest Boy and looks ready for a fight. 

♫ "Danse Macabre" by Saint-Saens ♫

The horrific screeching of violins cut through the DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex like a rusty, dull knife through flesh as “Danse Macabre”, the classic orchestral piece written and composed by Camille Saint-Saëns and condensed into a much more frightening version for entrance theme’s sake, plays throughout the arena. Aaron King comes out from the back and looks ready with his marching orders to hurt Dex in any way before this match. 

Darren Quimbey:
Representing the Scourge and at weighing in at two-hundred thirty-four pounds … AARON KIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!

King starts to hit the ring and when the bell rings, Dex is all over him like a wild animal!


Dex slugs away on King as he tries to get up and hits him club-like shots all over his body! His back and his chest get eaten up quickly by nasty shots before Dex pushes him into the corner. King comes shooting back out into a back drop that almost sends King into the lights! 

No playing around from Dex! We have seen glimpses of this version of Dex Joy! So good in that ring especially for a man of his size but he when he has anger to go with it? 

Ask Gage Blackwood how he won the Southern Heritage Title in mere seconds. 

Dex waits up and then delivers more nasty body shots with his elbows. He drives some heavy elbow shots right into the solar plexus of King and the wind is knocked out of him before he knows what to do. The crowd cheers for Dex and things get worse for the Scourge member when he gets pitched out of that corner as well via a belly to belly over head suplex! 

Aaron King is getting the tar knocked out of him tonight! 

Dex is setting him up. Is he already looking for Jump for Joy?

Aaron King comes to a crash landing in the corner but he tries to stand. He can barely do so when Dex Joy charges like a freight train! King’s fight or flight instincts kick in and he moves out of Dex’s way and pushes him into the turnbuckle. A kick to the knee is follow with a running knee lift from King which is then followed by a drop kick to the back to knock Dex off of his feet. 

Now Aaron King making the most of a missed opportunity by Dex Joy! This might be the biggest win for Aaron if he can defeat Dex! A former holder of both Favoured Saints and the Southern Heritage titles! 

King waits on Dex to try his luck and stand but kicks him square in the face to keep an angry Dex from sitting up. He goes for right hands on Dex and then stays attacking him. The official tries warning King about his aggression but he’s not hearing any of it and keeps punching Dex until he hears the count. The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful jeer King when he stands and he doesn’t give two flying figs. 

Aaron King:
Shut your ass up! The Scourge does what we want when we … 

King gets hushed up from a big elbow smash from Dex! King is hardly able to stand when Dex sits up and looks ready to hurt someone. 

Oh no … King might have made a mistake letting Dex get a breather. 

King hits two more straight punches at Dex and then a knife edged chop but Dex hardly registers the pain before he charges and knocks over Aaron King with a big ol’ clothesline! 

Joy’s had enough of Aaron King’s cheap attacks! 

The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful are high on Dex as he palms King’s head like a basketball and dunks him face first into one corner of the ring. He does the same thing and runs him off to the other side with a slam into the buckles and then hits another clobbering clothesline that takes King off his feet with ease!

Dex is fired up on anger. He’s not playing up for the crowd and he’s not taking this match for granted. He sees Arthur Pleasant at the end of this tunnel and he wants to end this deal with the Scourge. 

I think Dex wants to end this match! 

Dex yanks on King’s hair and then pulls him into his arms. He tries the Dex Drive … but King has the move on his own mind and slips free from Dex’s arms. Dex turns around and impressively King takes Dex off his feet with a release german suplex!

Whoa! Aaron King taking the fight to Dex tonight! What an amazing suplex he just hit on the Biggest Boy! 

Aaron King is beaten up but he still sits up and he looks like he’s ready to put an end to Dex … however, he is already on his feet behind King! King doesn’t know it yet and when he turns around he gets the surprise of a lifetime when Dex throws him in the air and right into the Dex Bomb! 

King gets dropped with the pop up power bomb … but Dex holds on! And pulls King right off the mat over his shoulders!

Dex spins King around after the Dex Bomb and then flattens the Scourge member with the Dex-Five! 

Amazing! Dex chained together the Dex Five and the Dex Bomb! 

King is out of it but Dex kneels up and pries King from the mat. He throws him back to the ropes and again Dex catches him … DEX DRIVE!!!





Dex makes the pin … but decides that this isn’t enough! The referee tries raising Dex’s hand but he doesn’t let him and he goes right after King again! 

What is Dex Joy doing? 

Rage, Darren! He’s being controlled by it right now! I don’t like any member of the Scourge for what they have done in DEFIANCE Wrestling but Dex, don’t do this! 

He grabs Aaron by the hair again and then sets him up before hitting him with another Dex Bomb … and another … and another! The official gets between Dex and tries to warn him to stop or he’ll reverse the decision, but Joy doesn’t care. There are lots of cheers and a “one more time!” chant echoing throughout. Dex looks into the stands and he looks like he has blood on his mind. 

I have NEVER seen Dex like this ever in his DEFIANCE Wrestling career! And he’s just agreed to a match where he’ll have to keep his temper in check and follow the rules while Arthur Pleasant has carte blanche to do whatever he wants.

All part of his plan. I just know it!

Dex doesn't care. King can’t even stand but he gets picked up and thrown between the ropes to the floor. The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful are on their feet as Arthur Pleasant gets a front row seat on the stage looking to see the commotion. 

And look … of course AP comes out here to gloat. The official is warning Dex to stop. 

Is he even going to try and help King out?

The referee yells at Dex to stop or he’s going to reverse the decision of the match…. But Joy locks eyes from across the arena to his DEFIANCE Road opponent  … and then picks up King and POWER BOMBS HIM AGAINST THE APRON!!!

The referee has no choice and yells at the referee to reverse the decision of the match… 

Darren Quimbey:
The official has decided to reverse the decision due to excessive punishment! Dex Joy has been disqualified and your winner … AAARRRROOONNNN KIINNNNNNGGGGG!!!


The referee has just disqualified Dex Joy for what he’s done … it was the right call but hell if he doesn’t deserve this. 

I can’t help but agree, but this just isn’t like Dex. 

Dex doesn’t seem to care about the match result and points at AP with one hand and King with the other. 

Dex Joy:

Arthur Pleasant:

King is a complete wrecked mess at Dex Joy’s feet and is now being helped by the official and some ringside assistants. The Biggest Boy looks up on the stage and out at Arthur Pleasant who looks like he’s having a ball watching his own man get wrecked but knowing he’s in Dex Joy’s head. Dex starts to head up the ramp but DEF-Sec are already in between the two and keep them from getting physically involved before they are supposed to. 

Dex Joy is a powder keg ready to explode and Arthur Pleasant knows that. He can fight whatever way he wants but Dex will have to avoid disqualification and countouts if AP takes it outside the ring… and you know he will. 

I don’t even know how that will go. Let’s move on with the show. 


Chris Trutt appears on screen on the interview stage with none other than ‘The Queen of The Kabal’ Teresa Ames along with her recently attacked bodyguard, Crimson Stalker. The anger on her face makes it clear she’s not happy with the events of UNCUT 108, following the yearly DEFy show. Chris Trutt does his best to focus on the moment even though Crimson Stalker’s blank stare in the confines of his Hannibal Lector costume is certainly unnerving.

Chris Trutt:
Uh… So, HI Teresa!

Trutt says with excitement as he pushes himself closer to Teresa Ames, who’s angry stare rivets the camera’s audience.

Chris Trutt:
So… uh i’m sure you are quite upset after the surprise UBER ride you experienced on behalf of none other than The FIST of DEFIANCE, GAGE BLACKWOOD! The same very same MAN your…. uh… your….

Trutt’s eyes stare off to Crimson Stalker who is strapped into his ‘Kabal Themed’ manacles behind Teresa Ames. On either side of Jason Reeves are two colorless, dark Reapers, seemingly for the protection of those around Teresa and Stalker. However, it’s possible the contentious Crimson Stalker’s attitude is why there is extra care in his transportation. Trutt’s confusion draws the ire of the Queen as Teresa snatches the microphone from his hand.

Teresa Ames:
MY PET! How hard is it for you to understand? You certainly understand how to subscribe to my OnlyFans.

With a loud thud, Teresa thumps Chris Trutt’s forehead with a hard flick of her finger. Seemingly, the reporter snaps out of the Stalker trance and refocuses his attention to Teresa and ineptly reaches for the microphone, which is not reciprocated as Teresa continues.

Teresa Ames:
As for my EX, that scum of the earth who would have surely pushed for shared custody of our kids… well, his antics set him up for failure as the FAVOURED SAINTS just granted The Kabal’s request to up the ante at DEFIANCE Road. As The Faithful’s LAST HERO STANDING will be the latest to FALL to the rabid nature of my animal, my protector and most importantly my STALKY TALKY BEAR!!

Flipping the microphone in her hand, it falls with a thud, to the feet of Chris Trutt who quickly bends over to pick it up. Straightening himself up he peers back to the bound up Crimson Stalker. 

Chris Trutt:
I’m sorry, Teresa but what exactly does that meant?

With angst, the Queen turns back to face the peon that is Chris Trutt, standing with DEFIANCE towards the camera she formulates a wicked grin.

Teresa Ames:
At DEFIANCE Road, my honey buns Gage will come face to face with the ENDER of his career in a world he just doesn’t understand. A world where there are NO RULES!

Trutt’s jaw drops.

Chris Trutt:
Are you saying that Crimson Stalker vs. Gage Blackwood will be a Stalker’s Rules match up?!? How’d you manage to get Favoured Saints to agree to that?!?

Teresa Ames:
Do you see my body? It was easy. We give them what they want and they give us what we want. In exchange, The Faithful will be once again treated to see MY PET in action tonight, as we now have an open contract. ANYONE can face my PET, Crimson Stalker! 

Chris Trutt:
Isn’t that sort of risky with Crimson Stalker slated to face Gage Blackwood…. In what we just learned is a Stalker’s RULES match at DEFIANCE Road?!?

Teresa Ames:
Without risk we get no rewards, isn’t that right… my Stalker?!?

With a flirtatious tone switched on in her demeanour, Teresa draws her fingers around the protective mask preventing Crimson Stalker from spewing out his Sanguine Saliva, or reacting in some other violent manner. There is a growl emanating from behind The Kabal’s Sword’s mask, Trutt once again seems lost in a trace for a bit as the silence carries on in the scene. Teresa realizes this and clears her throat.

Chris Trutt:
Right so… OPEN Challenge! Any idea who Crimson Stalker is set to face!?

Tersa Ames:
No idea Trutt, we just announced it… why don’t you pick someone!?

Suddenly the camera jostles as a disturbance comes from off screen, a pissed-off David Noble appears opposite Teresa Ames and The Kabal assortment behind her. Like a Queen standing before her army she smirks at the approaching recently returning DEFIANCE competitor, eager to hear what he has to say. Chris Trutt does his best to become a proper interviewer as he positions the mic just in front of the newly arriving Noble.

David Noble:
Way I see it, someone attacked me last week backstage while I was looking for Lindsay Troy. Which just happened to be the week after I defeated Rezin. I get it, Kabal kicked out Rezin. Still though, maybe one of you…

He looks across the entirety of the Kabal.

David Noble:
Maybe one of you weren’t quite happy about that. Maybe you wanted to show you still have Rezin’s back in some weird and twisted way. So the way I see it, I’ve got no leads, got no suspects, so right now, ya’ll are the top of the list because well, you know, you’re weird creepy people that like to do shit like that.

David then stares at Crimson Stalker. The Sword of The Kabal stares back at Noble from behind his ominous protective manacles. 

David Noble:
You want a fight? Good thing you’re staring at someone who likes to fight. The way I see it, either you and your crew decided to blindside me last week and I’ll be able to square this away real fast, or you didn’t, but since I’m in the mood to fight someone tonight, I can eliminate this bird one away or another.

David shrugs his shoulders.

David Noble:
Guess I’ll see you out in that ring tonight, big guy. 

David then smiles at the Kabal before turning on his heel and walking away from the Kabal, looking like he’s ready for a fight. Teresa Ames gives David a sharp whistle on exit while poking Chris Trutt in the chest.

Teresa Ames:
That’s the type of confidence you need, Trutt. 

Chris Trutt looks back at her, looks about to say something but instead shrugs his shoulders. Teresa snaps her fingers to the colorless Reapers and they spring into action to escort Crimson Stalker elsewhere. Scene fades elsewhere as Trutt seems to reflect his worth and confidence.


David Noble sits backstage, his back leaning against a cold wall inside of the Wrestle*Plex. His head is buried low, his mind focused upon the match coming up against Stalker. He continues to try and push away the thoughts about who attacked him last week, his thoughts of Stalker potentially being that person dashed quickly after his earlier confrontation.

Noble reaches over and grabs a roll of tape off of the bench next to him and begins to apply it to his wrists, taking his time time to ensure it is tight, though not too tight. As he finishes one wrist, he moves onto the next, while he gets lost in thought on the match ahead. He knows what he has to do, utilizing his agility in order to keep Stalker on his back foot, but knows he has to stay out of the reach of the particularly violent and vicious wrestler.

As he sits there, wrapping his ankles, he is oblivious to the masked individual who rounds the corner and spots Noble sitting on the floor. The same masked individual who attacked him the week previously. 

Before Noble is made aware of the presence of his attacker, the individual rushes down the hall and slams his knee across the face of Noble. Noble rolls over in a world of hurt as the assailant continues his attack, repeatedly clubbing him across the back of his neck with forearm shot after forearm shot. Noble manages to get to a kneeling position and manages to push his attacker away, but before he can get any shots in on the masked individual, the individual slams his body into Noble and begins his attack again, wearing down Noble until he’s back on his knees, coughing from the pain.

The assailant then backs up and looks at Noble for a long moment before he runs full speed and punts Noble in the head, sending the former Southern Heritage champion to the ground in a world of pain. 

Footsteps are heard pounding into the concrete floor and the assailant looks around, aware that security and DEFIANCE officials are on their way and immediately runs away. Noble lies there on the ground, coughing and groaning from the pain as one of the officials helps Noble sit up while a medical professional immediately starts to attend to Noble.

Noble sits there, his eyes looking down the hallway, as fury builds up in his chest. He can’t hear the questions being asked of him as attention has been entirely removed from the match at hand and towards the individual who has taken it upon themselves to attack him on back-to-back shows.

After a few moments, Noble pushes the medical professional away from him.

David Noble:
Fuck off. 

As he begins to stand up, he feels the pain across his body and braces himself against the wall, as he feels the toll his body is currently under. The officials go to check on him again, but he brushes them away and begins to walk down the hall, hand on the cold wall, as he tries to recenter himself on the match at hand. 



Gage Blackwood © vs. Crimson Stalker

Ladder Match
SNS © vs. PCP vs. LTT

Kerry Kuroyama © vs. Malak Garland

Cayle Murray vs. Lindsay Troy

Big Match Burns vs. Main Event Conor

Henry Keyes vs. Alvaro de Vargas

Deacon vs. Dr. Ned Reform
*if Deacon loses, he retires

Dex Joy vs. Arthur Pleasant

Mushigihara vs. Search Party Cyrus

The Lucky Sevens vs. The House


Location: Iris Davine Office
Who is present: Jestal, Iris, Ozmoses, Tom Morrow, and Dandelion

In the Medical Wing of DEFIANCE, Iris Davine shines a flashlight into Jestal’s unwilling eyes.

Iris Davine:
Follow the light Jestal.

Is this really necessary?

Iris Davine:
You took a nasty blow to the head. It’s my job to ensure you’re cleared to wrestle. It’s for your safety.

Jestal grumbles under his breath and humors Iris as he follows the light. Dandelion is concerned about her brother but at the same time is not very thrilled Tom is here. Oz has his arms crossed and just stares at Jestal, concerned himself.

Tom Morrow:
So what's the deal with my client?

Iris Davine:
There appears to be no major damage. Can you tell me Jestal what exactly happened?

My head hit the pavement. That is what happened! You call yourself a doctor?

Iris Davine:
Do you remember how it happened?

Sure I do! I was walking….[stopping mid-sentence then looking to the side] I was walking…come on it was on the tip of my tongue!

Iris Davine:
Hmm, perhaps you’re experiencing a bit of a memory loss? I am gonna have to advise you to stay out of the ring at least for the next week or so, just to be sure.

Jestal continues to struggle with what exactly happened, Iris stares at Tom before leaving.

Tom Morrow:
Well, do as she says, Jestal. Better Future does not need a weak link in our ranks and we can't afford to go down to injury!

Jestal quickly looks at Tom who just walks out. Dandelion tries to console Jestal, but he wants nothing of it.

Shit, what exactly was I going to do before all this happened? Why can’t I remember?

Ozmoses Greaves:
Allow me to help you out Jestal.

Jestal now notices Oz has been in here the whole time.

What are you doing here!

Dandelion tries to intervene and Jestal ignores her.

Ozmoses Greaves:
You had a revelation, that you have been an asshole to your sister all these months. You were gonna deliver this letter. [He pulls out a letter from his back pocket] A letter you received by the man that got the jump on you, Flex Kruger.

Dandelion: [in sign]
A letter? Why would Flex deliver a letter?

…Yea why would he do that [clearly remembering the reason there]

Ozmoses Greaves:
I chased him off but it left you in this predicament, my new friend.

Friend! We are not friends!

Ozmoses Greaves:
I see you do not remember us getting on the same page. Alas, I suppose I have to earn your trust once more. Anyway, you were gonna deliver this letter to her.

Ozmoses hands the letter to Jestal, who is reluctant to take the letter or even give it to his sister.

Yea, a letter um…yea…

Jestal continues to stumble with his words. Dani clearly can see his reluctance and stomps her foot demanding the letter. Jestal sighs, and hands it to her.

The jester looks at Ozmoses with a disgusted look as Dandelion opens the letter and starts to read it. Oz just smirks at Jestal. Jestal scratches his mohawk trying to explain himself to Dandelion.

So yea…Dani Flex delivered this letter from Klein…and.

Dandelion looks up from the letter horrified and stunned.

Ozmoses Greaves:
Is something wrong Lede liʻiliʻi?

Jestal also looks a bit confused. Now watching his sister rip the letter up in frustration, and breathing heavily…she looks so pissed he thought to himself.


She storms out of the office, slamming the door behind her. Jestal’s look of shock turns directly to Ozmoses.

That was not the reaction I was expecting.

Ozmoses Greaves:
Now, what kind of friend would I be if I did not patch up a brother and sister relationship. You have your sister back my friend. Hopefully, this gesture of good faith can once more put us on the same page.

What did you do!?

Ozmoses Greaves:
I made Klein the villain and not you. You wanted The Toybox back right?

Jestal fumbles with his words.

Well….yea, Tom would have been all over my ass if I did not come through with what I promised him.

Ozmoses Greaves:
You also wanted Klein and one of his PCP friends to face The Toybox too I assume?

Jestal continues to be stunned by how this guy saw through his plans so clearly.

Well, yea..

Ozmoses Greaves:
Well, my stocky friend, you appear to have your wish.

This was not exactly how I pl..

Before Jestal can finish his sentence Dandelion barrages in and grabs him by the ear.


She drags him out of the office, as Ozmoses smiles while waving at Jestal being forced out of the room.

The camera lingers for a moment, following the trail of torn-up pieces of Klein’s heartfelt note. The only word that can be read through shattered writing is “Over” scribbled in blood-red writing.

Moments later…

No music but an infuriated Dandelion dragging her brother to the ring by the ear interrupts the short intermission of the show.

Well, it appears Dandelion is really upset about something.

I never expected Greaves to make a one-eighty here. Could this have something to do with Crimson mentioning him at the DEFys?

The siblings reach the ring and Dandelion very uncharacteristically grabs the back of Jestal’s pants and tosses him in the ring under the bottom rope. The jester holds his ear, while Dandelion, still in a fit of absolute rage, demands a microphone.

As you all just saw, it appears the letter from Klein was delivered to Dani, and Dani is none too pleased.

Dani may have a hard time verbalizing her concern here Lance, but the word is waiting…

She snatches the microphone away from Quimbley. She walks to the center of the ring and slams the microphone into the chest of Jestal, forcing the jester to gasp for air.

What is your deal!

She points at the entranceway, stomping her foot.

Ok…ok stop yelling!

Is… is that her yelling?

Oh yes, that’s a woman scorned.

She slowly turns her head to Jestal with a look like she is ready to rip his tongue out of his mouth.

Calm down…[he directs his attention to the entranceway] Klein….Flex get your keister’s out here right now..OFFU!

Dandelion kicks Jestal in the gut.

OW! What the hell was that for!....are you freakin kidding me just because I said keisters instead of asses?

She once more violently points at the entranceway.

Get out here right now!

♫”Man in the Box” by Alice in Chains♫

Stepping out from the backstage area, Flex Kruger is the first to emerge. He turns his head back to the backstage area and leans through the entrance curtain. Being pulled out like a wallflower at a school dance is Klein, wearing his nicest three-piece suit with a single Dandelion in his hand. His box has a drawn-on smile, and he stands there, holding the flower out to the ring. 

Dani’s almost growls out a burst of steam from her nose as Jestal climbs onto the ring ropes, pointing toward PCP.

Yea, she will have none of that drivel! Klein, let’s end this, once and for all! She wants you two, versus The Toybox, at Defiance Road!

A smattering of reserved cheers. Klein is taken back, clutching at his chest as if he were about to meet his maker. Flex keeps him upright. After a moment, Jestal gets impatient.

….please accept immediately because I have a splitting headache and she obviously does not care about my medical condition right now.

She smacks him in the back of the head!


Although I am enjoying Jestal getting the shit kicked out of him by his sister, something in that letter has given him what he has wanted for months. The Toybox reunited.

Flex and Klein huddle at the top of the ramp, Klein is shaking his head no repeatedly. Flex turns back to the ring with a microphone.

Flex Kruger:
… what’s in it for me?

Klein grabs Flex and spins him, shaking his head no more aggressively now. Flex rolls his eyes.

Flex Kruger:
Alright Alright. Klein doesn’t want to.

With that, Dani stomps her foot and just tilts her head to the side with this maddening look of loss, pain, and sorrow. Klein at the top of the entrance ramp visually gulps. He reaches up, pulls his box from his head, and leans into the outstretched mic Flex holds.

Oh. Okay. 

And if you pause this moment, you can go frame by frame and find the exact moment that Klein’s heart finally breaks. It’s the quiver in his iris, the formation of a single tear that never streams down his cheek. 

Klein tries to fall to his knees but Flex catches him and holds him upright. Flex tries to talk to Klein and ask him what’s wrong but Klein just stares off. In the ring, Dani nods triumphantly to Jestal, who can only turn his attention back to the sobbing Klein, and smile at another man’s pain.

Not exactly the outcome Klein was expecting with that letter, was it Lance?

To be fair, he asked Flex to give it, and Flex gave it to Jestal. Everyone was expecting him to never give the letter to Dandelion, or for that matter somehow change it. On the Defy Award show though it seemed for a second there we might have seen the old Jestal coming through this whole tragic story. Until this new guy named Ozmoses Greaves entered the story. What did Ozmoses do to the letter before Dani read it?!

Whatever it said, it seems it’s a bridge too far to cross for Dani. At DEFRoad, we may see the violent divorce of the mute marriage.

These kids had so much hope and promise Darren. It’s just a shame, jealousy and a Mad Prince of Pranks came in the way of true love.

Flex just pulls Klein to the backstage area, dragging him back. Klein hasn’t taken his eyes off of Dani, until he departs past the curtain.

Dani, in the ring, remains furious, arms crossed over her chest.


And it is time for our second match of the evening!

A match that… is it even going to go on?

Moments ago, we just saw David Noble attacked by the masked assailant once again.

Exactly. Earlier this evening, Noble accepted the open challenge from The Kabal's Queen and her pet, Crimson Stalker, but I don’t think this is going to be the match that David thought it was going to be.

Definitely not. Stalker is coming into this match with a massive advantage now.

This was already going to be a tough fight for Noble, with Crimson Stalker as the #1 Contender for the FIST of DEFIANCE title, but the uphill battle just became steeper. 

That is a fair point!

♫ “Heaven and Hell” by Kanye West ♫

Instead of emerging from beneath the stage, David Noble makes his way from the backstage area and looks to be in a world of pain, as he clutches his ribs and slowly makes his way down to the ring. Wearing blue jeans, a white shirt, and black leather jacket, the former Southern Heritage Champion looks to be in bad shape.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first, from Buffalo, NY…weighing in at 265lbs…DAVID NOBLE!

Noble looks to be in bad shape here.

He had a grueling match last week against Lindsay Troy, was attacked the next night, and now attacked just moments ago.

Clearly someone doesn’t want him around here. Someone needs to stop this match from happening.

You want to be the person to tell Noble he can’t wrestle tonight?

Yeah, never mind.

Noble makes his way into the ring and sheds his jacket, before making his way to his corner, using the support from the ring to help give him another moment’s rest.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent….. 

♫ “This Link is Dead” by Deftones  ♫

The lights in the WrestlePlex switch to a deep crimson red as Crimson Stalker’s video package plays on the DEFIAtron, Teresa Ames steps through the curtains first to a large reception of boos. Tapping her wrist she looks behind her impatiently as Crimson Stalker soon appears behind her, but not without ‘help’. 

Darren Quimbey:
HAILING from Seattle, WASHINGTON! Weighing in at 245 pounds…. They call him….. CRIMSON STALKER!!!!!!!!!!!

Indeed Jason ‘Stalker’ Reeves was being protected against himself, as Teresa Ames walks to the ring colorless Reapers follows behind her, escorting Crimson Stalker via gurney/display of the psychopathic version of Stalker. Protected by a face shield, along with leather straps wrapped around his arms and feet. Crimson Stalker is completely restrained and unable to move as he is being guided towards the ring. 

A disturbing sight to say the least.

DIdn’t enjoy it last show, don’t enjoy it this show.

But this man is the contender for the FIST of DEFIANCE! Before the end of the month, he could be the FIST of DEFIANCE.

Which would be… bad… for everyone.

Definitely, but Crimson Stalker is definitely one of the best around right now. Over the past few months he’s shifted into being a maniac with seemingly no purpose to a ‘Sword’... As the Kabal calls him… or in this case their seemingly ultimate Weapon.

Noble leans into the corner, clearly feeling the effects of his Lindsay Troy match, and being attacked earlier in the evening by the masked assailant for a second time. Meanwhile, Stalker is chomping at the bit as the bell rings. 


And here we go…

It’s going to require Noble to fight through a considerable amount of pain in order to get the victory here tonight.

No question about that at all.

Both men charge out of the corner with Stalker immediately pelting Noble with a series of strikes to the abdomen, which slows Noble down considerably. David fires back with a few shots of his own, but Stalker keeps the pressure up and pushes Noble into corner before nailing him with some key knee strikes to the abdomen.


He then drags Noble out of the corner and connects with a swinging neck breaker.

And Stalker just giving it ALL to Noble!

Stalker wanted a match and Noble accepted it before knowing that he would be attacked the way he was.

Stalker is going to capitalize on his opportunities and you really can’t blame him.

Stalker immediately rolls on top of Noble and starts pelting him with shot after shot until David manages to push Stalker off of him. Stalker catches Noble with a knee to the side of his face when David tries to get to his feet and sends Noble careening into the ropes. 

Vicious strikes there from Stalker, first with the fists to the face and then the knee to the side of the face!

Noble coming out here and not doing anything at all.

Something tells me Noble shouldn’t be out here. Meanwhile, Stalker is showing himself to be crisp and sharp in the ring. This is the kind of outing that Stalker needs.

Stalker runs after Noble only For David to dip his shoulder and sending Stalker tumbling to the outside. Noble moves away from the ropes, trying to get his bearings while Stalker scrambles to his feet, makes his way back into the ring, and catches Noble off guard with a running knee to the midsection, sending Noble down to one knee.


Looked like that Noble may have caught himself a break there for a moment, but Stalker is locked in.

This might be one the most locked-in that I’ve ever seen Stalker. He came here with a purpose and he is showing out.

This match isn’t going to last too much longer at this pace. 

Stalker continues his assault, nailing a series of clubbing blows to the lower back of Noble. Noble pushes Stalker away from him and that causes Stalker to run at Noble only for David to connect with a stiff lariat that sends both men to the mat. 


And Noble managing to get some action in, finally!

You can tell that Stalker wasn’t anticipating that lariat in the least bit and the raw power of Noble was unleashed there, taking the opening that was provided to him.

Noble will need to do something in a hurry to keep the momentum on his side while Stalker is probably still the fresher of the two!

Stalker grabs at his jaw while David fights back up to his feet. The Crimson beast walks over to Noble and is caught with an elbow to the jaw that is quickly followed up with a stiff headbutt and a sickening uppercut. Jason stumbles into the corner where David meets him and connects with a series of his own knees before yanking him out of the corner and connecting with a Northern Lights Suplex, but is unable to bridge due to his ribs yelling at him in pain.

And Noble’s body failing him right there.

He would’ve loved to have gotten that bridge to go there. His ribs though have got to be feeling the pain from the incident earlier this evening from the masked assailant. The offense Noble had prior though—

That offense was sharp, crisp, and clearly put Stalker on his heels. Stalker is going to want to change the momentum in this match in a hurry.

Noble sits up, grabbing his abdomen in pain, while he pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes. He slowly drags Stalker up to his feet only for Stalker to slam his shoulder into the rib cage of Noble and ram him into the corner. 

And just like that, Stalker is taking advantage of the opening that Noble gave him and Stalker is no fool in that ring.

Definitely not. He knows how to pick his spots and he saw the bullseye on Noble’s ribs, inflicting more damage on them here.

If Stalker can continue to apply the pressure on Noble, this could be over in a hurry.

For Noble’s sake, that might be the best course of action.

Crimson Stalker connects with a series of stiff shoulders to the rib cage until Hector Navarro breaks it up while Noble uses the ropes to keep himself upright. The hardcore Red-Masked Villain pushes Navarro out of the way and catches a superkick to the jaw for his efforts. Noble collapses on top of him, making the pinfall attempt.




And Noble almost stole the victory there from the grasp of Stalker!

Stalker would’ve been kicking himself if he’d been put out by that last-ditch effort there from Noble.

Without question. Noble threw the superkick, and you have to wonder if he was able to fully extend with all of the power he wanted, but he connected and had the wherewithal to land on Stalker for the pinfall attempt. 

Both men are slow to their feet and Noble connects with another stiff knee to Stalker before yanking him up and going for a German Suplex. The ribs and abdomen of Noble though give out on him and he is unable to lift Stalker up. Jason Reeves takes the opening to connect with a front-face Russian leg sweep. 

Stalker doing a great job here of not letting Noble get much in the way of momentum as he continues to keep the pressure on Noble and takes advantage of his weakened stage.

Something tells me that Noble is going to want another chance at Stalker when the time comes around.

But for right now, Stalker needs to remain focused on putting Noble away here. 

As Noble slowly makes his way up to his feet, Stalker plants his boot into Noble’s abdomen, and connects with a High Impact DDT. 


That’s gotta do it.

Judging by the way that Noble looks, it very well may be.

Stalker covers Noble for the pinfall.





Darren Quimbey:


And the fans not happy at all about the way tonight’s match ends between these two.

This had all the makings of a classic bout between these two earlier in the evening, but Noble was in no condition to wrestle tonight.

And hats off to Stalker who capitalized on the situation and never let his foot off the gas pedal.

That is crucial because Stalker showed a tenacity tonight that will serve him well going forward.

Stalker rolls out of the ring, ignoring the fans as he congratulates himself while he makes his way up the ramp. Navarro checks on Noble meanwhile, who is slowly pulling himself up to a seating position, arms wrapped around his lower torso and pain etched into his face.

He looks up the ramp and sees Stalker walking away, with a smile on his face. Noble slowly nods his head, glaring up the ramp at his just-now opponent, knowing he got away with one tonight.


Bottoms Up Every Single Night!


Our next match should be interesting because I’ve been told Gage Blackwood was only cleared to wrestle as of today.

Correct. The FIST won’t be on the line, which makes me scratch my head further. Technically, Gage doesn’t need to wrestle tonight.

But he wants to.

Exactly. And that fighting spirit is what made Gage an initial fan favorite all those years ago. Is it a smart move with Crimson Stalker on the horizon? Doubtful. Then again it could be a way to assess Blackwood’s own abilities to see if he’s ready TO defend the FIST of DEFIANCE.

Always finding the positives, aren’t you, partner?

I had to do something different than the man who held this job before me.

Well, you’re doing a lot of different things compared to him.

The camera switches to Darren Quimbey in the center of the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
This match is a non-title contest. Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at two-hundred-ten pounds… being accompanied by Princess Desire… TYLER FUSE!

♫ “Machinehead” by Bush ♫

Fuse walks out, wearing black trunks, black boots and elbow pads. With The Princess dressed in an olive green wrestling jumpsuit, she follows behind in her typical indifferent demeanor. Tyler looks ready, intensity across his face as he marches down the rampway and slides into the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Edinburgh, Scotland… weighing two-hundred-twenty-five pounds… he is the FIST of DEFIANCE… The Noble Raider… GAGE BLACKWOOD! 

♫ “Dare to Tame Me” by TRIDDANA ♫

The Faithful cheer as Blackwood walks out sporting his kilt designed tights and the FIST around his waist. Blackwood, similar to Tyler Fuse, is in a no nonsense mood… although Gage does walk with a significant limp.

We know Gage had a concussion, he was out for a month. Two weeks ago, rumors circled… Gage might not be able to go come DEFIANCE Road and, as a result, would forfeit the championship to Crimson Stalker.

Thankfully, this is not the case.

However, in addition to the concussion, my understanding is Gage is dealing with an injured right knee.

The camera shows added protection in the form of an extra bulky knee pad on Blackwood’s right knee.

You know Tyler’s going to target these areas. You know Crimson Stalker is going to have a feast.

Crimson Stalker, who JUST wrestled. I’ve been told the Favored Saints have said if Stalker and Blackwood get into a fight tonight, the FIST match is off… and neither man wants that. So instead, Kabal sends the unpredictable Tyler Fuse for their bidding.

Blackwood slides into the ring, hands his title over to referee Benny Doyle and the bell sounds.


Immediately Blackwood charges at Fuse, trying to catch the OG Player off guard. Princess Desire shouts in Tyler’s direction and Fuse barely escapes at the last second. Blackwood steers himself into the turnbuckle pad as Tyler turns to Blackwood’s back, lifts him up and connects with a backdrop, followed by intense, angry stomps working on Gage’s right knee.

Tyler pushes referee Benny Doyle alongside a sarcastic grin as he continues to stomp away. Benny starts to administer a five count as Gage is in the ropes.

Tyler wastes little time. He deadlifts Blackwood and drops the FIST of DEFIANCE on his head.

Gage definitely came back too early…

This is not good, Keebs.

Tyler shows continued aggression, a far cry from some of his recent contests where he didn’t express any emotions at all. The elder Fuse hits the ropes, drops an elbow to Blackwood’s right knee and then lifts the champion up off the canvas, tucking Gage’s left leg into his body so Blackwood is hoisted into the air and then dropped on his bad leg.

Blackwood cries out, Tyler hits the ropes. Fuse comes flying in with a chop block to the knee and then an elbow into Gage’s temple.

So Tyler has two areas to work here, Gage’s right knee and since he’s coming off concussion protocol, obviously Gage’s head, too.

Tyler doesn’t stop with elbows into the side of Blackwood’s head, either. Fuse peels the FIST off the canvas and Irish whips Blackwood into the ropes. Tyler won’t let Gage get on the ropes before clubbing the champion with a high knee, grabbing onto Gage’s head as they both bounce off the ropes now and Tyler lands a bulldog.

Impressive, I must say.

Blackwood’s back up. He shouts at Tyler Fuse for more and the OG Player takes a step back. Fuse collects his thoughts, nods and races into Blackwood. This time, however, Blackwood steers the former Tag Team Champion into the turnbuckle. Tyler meet’s chest first and Blackwood comes back with a reverse exploder suplex.

Tyler wobbles onto his feet. Gage rages across the canvas and connects with a hard missile dropkick to Tyler’s upper body. It sends Fuse flying into the buckle behind him. Fuse stumbles off… into a hammer throw.

Fuse walks into another hammer throw.

Hammer throws abound as Princess Desire watches from the apron. Blackwood stands, drives his own elbow into his right knee for added blood flow and hits the ropes. It’s a struggle for Blackwood to make it across the canvas floor but when he does, Blackwood leaps in the air and knocks Tyler in the face with his left knee. Blackwood lands awkwardly on his legs, takes hold of Tyler and performs a bridging dragon suplex into a pin.



The Noble Raider rises. He drags Tyler with him in an attempt for another dragon suplex but this time Tyler standing switches and clubs Blackwood in the back of the head. Gage stumbles forward, Tyler’s off the ropes and hits the FIST with a leaping forearm smash. Blackwood lands face-first on the mat. Tyler deadlifts Gage to his feet and connects with a gutwrench suplex and a high stack for a pin.




The OG Player shows no quit. He stomps away as Blackwood retreats into a corner. Benny Doyle tries to interject for a break but Tyler pushes Benny away and continues the vicious stomps. The crowd is hot, cheering for their champion as Blackwood attempts to place his hands on the second rope and pull himself upright but every time he does, Tyler’s boots knock Gage back to the floor.

Doyle starts a five count. At the number four, Tyler turns and is about to push Benny again but the referee warns he’s willing to disqualify. This gives Blackwood enough time to firmly place his hands on the second rope, shoot up and outright with a HARD European uppercut under Tyler’s jaw.

Tyler has to be smarter than that. He’s almost showing signs of Gage’s instability…

Anger is an emotion that gets the best of Gage Blackwood here and there, that’s for sure. I think the level of competition has given Tyler an added edge. Both good and bad results.

Blackwood drills Tyler with left fists, both men working their way to the center of the ring. Blackwood looks for a pump knee smash but Tyler side steps, hooks his arms around Gage and connects with a belly-to-belly overhead suplex.

Blackwood CRASHES to the mat, Tyler pulls himself together. Fuse hurries over and punt kicks Gage in the chest… once… twice… three times. On the fourth time, Gage ducks, rolls into the ropes and flips himself up. Blackwood looks for another uppercut but Tyler ducks, wraps his right arm around Blackwood and drives the champion into the canvas…


Tyler has the move locked in… center of the ring. Blackwood has nowhere to go!

It’s a textbook hold!

Blackwood tries to fight it… the blood flow cut off to his already battered head. The champion’s right arm waives around, looking to find the ropes but unable to reach them. Gage is about to tap when…

Blackwood moves towards the ropes!

He’s almost there, Keebs!

Blackwood’s face fights the pain as Tyler sinks the hold in as tight as he can. Gage’s arm rises… it tries for the ropes…

He’s got them!

Tyler immediately breaks the hold and starts stomping away on Blackwood. Over and over and over, Tyler targets Blackwood’s bad right knee and works his way up… soon the OG Player is pumping Gage’s head with boot after boot after boot.

Fuse stops. He lifts Blackwood onto his feet and connects with a pendulum backbreaker, discarding the FIST hard to the canvas like he was rubbish.

When you’re fighting at less than 50%...

Tyler stands, watching Gage struggle on the mat. The elder Fuse scoffs, taking hold of Blackwood for what looks to be a pop-up powerbomb.


Fuse hits it.

High stack pin.




Tyler doesn’t express anger. He looks stoically into Benny Doyle’s eyes before grabbing hold of The Noble Raider and drilling Gage in the side of the head.

This is a hell of an upset, even if Blackwood is working hurt.

Tyler latches onto The Scot. With all of Fuse’s might he pulls the champion into a pop-up powerbomb position for a second time…


Tyler struggles but the pin is skillfully applied.





Fuse kicks out (only because Blackwood drops the pin). The OG Player flies backwards and into the turnbuckle, staring a hole through the champion’s body.

He did it, Gage wins!

Barely! I don’t know about you but barely escaping Tyler Fuse, nothing against him whatsoever… you have to wonder if Gage has come back too soon.

A win is a win, partner.

Also true.

Benny Doyle raises Gage Blackwood’s hand as the FIST of DEFIANCE props himself on his knees. Meanwhile, Princess Desire rolls her eyes at Gage Blackwood and Tyler tries to run through the end of the match in his head.

Tyler looks at the rafters and takes a deep breath. He slowly marches over to Blackwood, knowing he could inflict damage if he wants to.

Instead, Tyler Fuse simply stares at Gage. A helpless champion tells Benny Doyle to stay back and not hand him his title just yet.

Gage Blackwood
Go ahead…

Blackwood raises his arms in the air, as if surrendering.

Tyler thinks about it. He looks away… then back at Gage… then drops to his own knees to meet Blackwood on the level, looking the champion in the eyes and rolling out of the ring.

Tyler Fuse: [quietly in Gage Blackwood’s general direction]
You’ll get yours… soon. Very soon.

Tyler and The Princess walk towards the rampway.

Tyler Fuse:
You’ll end yourself first. You’re already on that path.

Tyler turns his back to Blackwood. He and his wife exit up the ramp.

You are right, Keebler. A win is a win. Gage Blackwood has two weeks further to heal, adding this match to his collateral damage. I’m afraid he’s walking into the fight of his life…

The scene fades to commercial with Benny Doyle handing Blackwood the FIST of DEFIANCE and Gage’s theme music starting up as the champion tries to find a vertical base.


Catch DEFIANCE Live in your town (but if you think we ever wrestle outside of NOLA you're a fool! You heard me, FOOL!)


David Noble sits in the medical trainer room and feels every inch of his body on fire between being attacked from the masked assailant earlier in the evening and then his failed match attempt against Stalker, who only took the pain that Noble was feeling and made it seventeen times worse. Noble feels like lying down, but the incessant questions from Wesley Miller is making that nigh impossible.

Wesley Miller:
So, can you describe the pain to me?

David Noble:
It hurts. A lot. 

Wesley Miller:
On a scale of one to ten, can you prescribe a number to your pain?

David Noble:
No, but on a scale of fuck you and fuck you, it would be a fuck you.

Wesley sighs at this as he turns around and begins looking through his cabinet for some supplies.

Wesley Miller:
You shouldn’t have wrestled in the match against Stalker. If you had come in like you were supposed to, I wouldn’t have cleared you. You could have internal bleeding, a broken rib, herniated discs, there is really no telling without doing a full workup of you.

David Noble:
Respectfully speaking, fuck off.

Wesley rolls his eyes as he turns around and then his eyes grow wide as he looks at Noble, who has his head in his hands. At the entrance of the training room though, stands the masked assailant. 

Wesley Miller:

This is all that Wesley manages to get out of his mouth as Noble looks up and sees the masked assailant rushing at him, once again. This is the most aware that David has been before being attacked and is ready for the individual as the masked assailant throws his body at Noble and sends both men crashing to the porcelain floor below.

David Noble:

Noble feels the pain as it courses through his body, but fights through it as he lands on top of the assailant and begins wailing away with fist after fist on the assailant until the masked individual pushes Noble off of him. The individual tries to run away, not expecting Noble to be in any shape to fight back. Noble though grabs him by the back of his neck and pushes him into the wall, planting his fist into the solar plex of his attacker, sending the air out of the attacker.

David Noble:
Enough of this bullshit.

He then presses his left forearm against the throat of his attacker, leaving just enough space for some air to get through his windpipe. David then grabs the black mask that the attacker is wearing, and it’s here where the attacker simply… stops attacking. Noble yanks it off in one swift movement, to reveal…


Noble doesn’t seem surprised though, as he presses down a little tighter against the throat of his former friend-turned-enemy. Harmen’s cheshire cat like grin gleams off the backstage overhead fluorescent lights.

David Noble:
I’m surprised Jack. I would have expected better from you. You know, an anvil on my head or a trap door on the ground somewhere. This is a bit… pedestrian for you. Especially when you know all you had to do was call me out to the ring and we could’ve settled this. 

There’s a coldness between the two as Harmen shows no fear in his eyes as he looks at Noble, a chuckle suppressed.

David Noble:
I’ve got a million things I could say to you. Instead, let’s make this crystal clear. You. Me. DEFRoad. Let’s settle this once and for all. Bring Tony Davis. Bring Mary-Lynn Mayweather. I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck. Time to make this happen.

Harmen continues to just smile at Noble before a dozen officials flood into the room and separate the two men.

David Noble:
Don’t run scared again, Jack. See you at DEFRoad. Or I will come and drag you to that ring.

Noble then moves backwards as officials quickly move Harmen out of the room. He then turns back towards Wesley Miller.

David Noble:
Yeah, load me up on whatever you need to to ensure I make it to the ring.

Wesley Miller:
Yeah, it doesn’t exactly work that way.

David glares at Wesley.

Wesley Miller:
On the other hand, yeah, we can figure out something.

David makes his way back to the chair and looks back towards the doorway, ready for his dance with Harmen.  


We’re here for our main event of the evening and the final of three preview matches before the Unified Tag Team Title Ladder Match! For the first time ever, the Unified Tag Team Titles are THE focal point of Pay-Per-View in our Night Two Event as the main event! The Saturday Night Specials, The Pop Culture Phenoms and Los Tres Titanes will compete for the titles!

It’s true! After PCP and LTT fought to a draw at Acts of DEFIANCE, SNS came up with the solution for this ladder match and since then, we’ve seen them all at odds! Elise Ares of PCP defeated SNS member Brock Newbludd while a few weeks ago, Pat Cassidy defeated the giant Uriel Cortez. Tonight, this main event is going to be 100 miles an hour! Minute of Los Tres Titanes goes against The D of Pop Culture Phenoms for a final shot of momentum! Let’s go to ringside for the final match! 

And to ringside we go as a voice echoes loudly over the PA. Two spotlights swirl on stage. 




HE IS...

♫ “Chase Me” by Danger Mouse feat. Run The Jewels and Big Boi ♫

And where the two spotlights meet, Minute raises a hand out, then takes in a nice applause from The Faithful as he holds up a fist in the air! He’s now wearing a gold and diamond-themed t-shirt with the word “¡Mírame!” on the front! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following match is set for one fall! Accompanied to the ring by Uriel Cortez… From Tijuana, Mexico, weighing in at 161 pounds… he is representing Los Tres Titanes… He is ”THE MOST INTERESTING HIGH FLYER IN THE WORLD… MINUTE!”

Minute bumps fists with Uriel on the stage and then takes off like a rocket toward the ring. He leaps from the apron to the top rope, then does a front flip in, then does several more in a circle before stopping on his feet, saluting The Faithful! He gets himself ready for what’s to come against a former multiple-time Tag Team, Unified and Trios Champion… 

♫ “Return of the Mack” by Mark Morrison♫

A single spotlight lights up the D on the stage. He wears a fresh three piece suit, along with classic light up LED shades. The D simply looks up and tilts his head to the side, flexing ever so slightly. He reaches up and tears away his break apart suit revealing his usual PCP garb. Elise steps out from the backstage area clapping. He takes a moment and breathes in the Faithful, as the two slowly make their way down toward the ringside, careful to walk directly down the center of the ramp to be just out of the reach of the Faithful’s outstretched hands.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Elise Ares, from Culver City, California, weighing in tonight at one 178 pounds, represents one half of the foursome known as the Pop Culture Phenoms…

Quimbey does a double take and just looks at the D with a look of confusion as OG PCP reach ring. The D climbs onto the apron and just motions for Quimbey to continue, slightly annoyed.

Darren Quimbey:
He is the NETFLIX, A-Lister, the Director of the Lake Placid Vi… The, D!!!!

The D complains about Quimbey to Elise, who tries to tell the D to get his mind into the game. With both competitors standing at the ready in their respective corners, Quimbey exits the ring while referee Rex Knox makes his way to the center of it.  Elise hops off the apron. The Faithful buzz in anticipation as Rex begins to raise his hand to call for the bell.

Knox’s arm freezes in place as a familiar voice with a distinct ‘yooper’ accent booms out of the arena’s speakers.


The crowd lets out a cheer as another familiar voice belts out in his thick Boston accent… 


♫ “Drink” by Alestorm♫

The Faithful's ovation intensifies as the Unified Tag Team Champions, The Saturday Night Specials, walk out onto the stage. Holding a microphone in one hand and a folding chair in the other, Newbludd and Cassidy each raise their respective chairs up above their heads to the cheering crowd. 

It’s SNS! The tag champions are out here and they’ve come armed with a couple of steel chairs!

The question is, partner, what for? Anyone who’s been in this industry longer than five minutes knows that steel chairs aren’t generally used for sitting. They’re more useful for bashing skulls.

Can’t say you’re wrong there, Lance. 

Inside the ring, The D and Minute share a confused look and turn their attention to the two chair wielding champions standing at top of the ramp. While on the outside, Uriel and Elise both eye SNS suspiciously. Sensing the tension in the air, Brock Newbludd puts a hand up to quiet the crowd and they do so. Looking back to the ring, Newbludd grins.

Brock Newbludd:
Now, this is what I’m talkin’ about! It’s main event time, baby! And what kind of main event would it be if your boys here didn’t make an appearance? 

Newbludd looks out to the crowd and gives them a thumbs down. The camera pans over the section that Brock was looking at to show the fans giving a thumbs down in agreement.

Brock Newbludd:
The people have spoken and they say BallyBOO! And that’s something we can’t have, is it Cass?

Pat Cassidy:
Friggin’ right. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a masked man wrestle The D.

The D smiles and nods toward Pat in a sign of respect.

Brock Newbludd:
And just because we have the night off in the ring, it doesn’t mean we can’t still have a little fun with our friends tonight. I’m not talkin’ about you guys-- 

Brock gestures towards the ring.

Brock Newbludd:
I’m talkin’ about all these fuckin’ Ballyhooligans we got packed in here tonight! 

Cassidy turns toward the entrance and makes an exaggerated show of using two fingers to whistle. From the back comes Davey LaRue - riding the classic Ballyhoo Brew golf cart! The Raging Cajun hands off a cooler to Cassidy. Brock Newbludd reaches into the back of the cart and pulls out a small grill and a pack of hotdogs! After a nod to Brock, Davey puts his wheels into reverse and disappears back behind the curtain. 

You gotta be kiddin’ me. SNS is going to throw a tailgate party up on the stage?

I am kinda thirsty. I might sneak over and grab a beer from them if this match doesn’t get going soon.

Both tag team champions set up their folding chairs - with the cooler and the grill in between them. As the crowd has a laugh, Cassidy produces a white apron that reads “I THINK THE COOK HAS BEEN DRINKING” and fires up the grill while Brock pops open two cold ones. Both Saturday Night Specials take a seat, clink their beers together, and motion for the match to proceed as their hotdogs begin to sizzle. 

In the ring, Minute, The D, and Rex Knox all look at each other quizzically. Elise hops back onto the apron and calls them both “Amateurs,” before sneaking a drink from a flask stuffed in her top. Minute shakes his head at SNS’ antics and Knox simply shrugs his shoulders and calls for the bell as both men move into their corners. Uriel is halfway thinking about stopping up and getting a drink… but supporting his lucha BFF comes first… unfortunately. 


Across from one another, Minute and The D get ready to fight. The two lock up with The D taking control quickly by trying to keep Minute from flying around using a headlock. Minute pushes The D back to the ropes and then uses his speed to try and shoot him off, sending him to the ropes. Minute drops down off the return, but when The D comes back, he grabs Minute by the head and tights and spins him so he goes into the ropes. Now The D drops down, but The TJ Tornado cartwheels over him and comes to a stop, then tries a headscissors… but The D does a cartwheel out of that!

We knew this one was going to start fast and they aren’t disappointing! 

There’s a good D joke in there somewhere… 

Go too fast, and it might end in disappointment?

Definitely not true in this scenario though Darren! This is going to be fast and furious!

The D boots Minute in the gut before throwing him into the ropes again, but this time the lucha dynamo does a sidestep and runs to the adjacent rope to throw The D off his trail. He spins around, but Minute comes off the other side and runs to the adjacent ropes again. The D tries to land a kick, but Minute slides underneath his leg and then nails a dropkick, catching The D on the button and then sending him to the ropes. The Littlest Flippy-Doo runs at him, but The D sends Minute through the ropes and out to the floor where Elise and Uriel both watch from their corners. 

The D slides through the ropes… but Minute moves and he’s back in… 


Minute launches himself through the ropes like a missile to take down The D, then he hops to his feet. He looks over at SNS and makes the “gimme your belts” gesture. In response, Cassidy and Newbludd each hold up a “10” sign in honor of his smooth dive. Then he slides back into the ring as The D tries to stand. He regrets that decision when he leaps OVER the ropes this time with a HUGE somersault running plancha over the ropes!

Minute is not playing around tonight! He’s already busting out one of his biggest moves and wants the win tonight! 

The D gets scooted back into the ring… what does Minute have in mind?

The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World Slingshot through the ropes with a somersault, only to pop up and NAIL The D with a big shotgun dropkick to the chest! The Faithful pop outrageously when Minute leaps up and then runs right into a running shooting star press on The D for the first cover of the match!




The shoulder of The D rises off the mat, but Minute’s determination to win doesn’t waver. He waits for The D to rise (tee hee giggle giggle) then lays right into him with a STIFF succession of shoot kicks to the chest! Each shot rocks The Netflix A-Lister across the chest. 

The D fighting back, but Minute running things for the moment! He’s great with those kicks he learned studying for six months in Japan! 

Both men can get it done in singles as well as tags! The D with victories over Cayle Murray and Oscar Burns in singles action! Minute winning the Favoured Saints Champion and his match with Rezin being considered among the best of 2021!

Minute throws another kick, but The D doesn’t block it with his chest. He grabs the leg and throws Minute up. He backflips and lands on his feet, but The D almost counts on that and then CRACKS Minute upside the head with a leaping enzuigiri! The crowd cringes from the impact and The TJ Tornado goes spaghetti-legged before The D leaps off the middle rope nearby and springboards at Minute with a big inside dropkick to knock him off his feet. The D does a front flip from the ground and lands on his feet to show he can do the show-offy stuff too!

The D takes control from Minute and his high-flying offense! The D can play that game as well! 

The D slows it down by grabbing the neck of Minute and then twisting him around into the reverse leg sweep faceplant! 

Contractual Obligation! He plants Minute into the mat! Cover!




The TJ Tornado kicks out this time, but The D puts a kick of his own to Minute and then backs him up to the corner. The D tees off on the former Favoured Saints Champion with a series of chops and forearm smashes in the corner to wear him down. He smiles and then runs off one side of the ring and back to land The D In Yo Face! Minute gets stunned from the stinger splash and then The D waves at both Brock and Pat watching the match. In response, both SNS members hold up a hotdog and with a menacing look, break each hotdog clear in half! The D shakes that disturbing image out of his mind before hitting a big corkscrew suplex, drilling Minute to the mat! 

Shots fired at The Unified Tag Team Champions! The D lands the splash and the big suplex and now he’s got Minute grounded! 

Elise cheers on her tag partner while big Uriel stands on the other side, shouting encouragement at his tag partner and BFF. Another cover by The D!




Minute with the shoulder again, so The D switches up his tactics and lays behind Minute, working over the midsection with a bodyscissors!

Smart move on The D’s part. Ground the smaller high flyer. 

It wasn’t too long ago that Minute and Elise engaged in a huge high-flying spectacular! Elise walked away with the win and I’m sure The D was studying that closely… either that, or a role for some other Netflix nonsense. 

The bodyscissors stays on and Minute keeps being compressed in the hold while The D throws a few crossface shots.  Not normally his MO, but to wear down Minute and have PCP go 2-0 in the preview matches, he’ll do it! On the ramp, Pat Cassidy is flipping hotdogs into the air while Brock Newbludd tries to catch them in a bun. Back in the ring, Minute tries to block a shot from The D, but The D twists him to the side and then goes for a modified roll-up!




Minute kicks out and breaks free of The D’s grip!

Smart wrestling by The D! Of he and Elise, he’s the more… technically sound… in that ring. 

And if Minute can’t fly, he’s in trouble! 

Minute and The D both get to their feet, but it’s The Netflix A-Lister stopping the TJ Tornado with a big kick. He pushes him back into the ropes and drops him with a scoop slam before heading to the top rope. He looks at Elise who cheers him on while Uriel watches stoically from ringside. He gets to the top rope… 

B Movie… NO! Minute rolls!

But The D rolls out of it! 

He sees Minute moving and in mid-move, rolls through the landing to get back to his feet. But the last thing he expects to happen happens… Minute is already up and CRACKS The D upside the head with a big 540 roundhouse kick off the ropes! The D falls to the mat in a heap while Minute lays next to him after the previous punishment has taken a lot out of him!

The D has taken control of a good portion of this match, but now The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World has a chance to take back control. 

With both men down, we get a quick shot of the entrance way where Brock is shotgunning a beer while Pat Cassidy cheers him on. 

I’m not sure I’m a fan of the tag champs taking this so lightly - they’ve got a serious challenge for their titles in fourteen days.

I think I know Cassidy and Brock pretty well, Lance, and I believe this behavior is all mind games to try to get into PCP and LTT’s heads. They know damn well they’re in for a fight and just how good both teams are.

At ringside, Uriel pounds the steel steps nearby with an open hand, getting the crowd to clap along while Elise tries to yell at The D to get back into the match. Minute is the first one up and when The D follows, he gets nails with a big thrust kick that sends him to the ropes. Minute then bounces off the ropes and fires off a tiger feint kick OVER the top rope, cracking The D in the head. He stumbles back and then gets taken off his feet by a big springboard dropkick by Minute, sending him back into the corner! When Minute has him crumbled in the corner, he measures him up… 

Running double knee strike in the corner! 

The D is dazed coming out of the corner when Minute runs off the ropes and then lands yet another kick in the form of a handspring enzuigiri off the ropes! 

Minute is a house of fire tonight! Going for the win!




The Faithful gasp at the nearfall, but The D’s shoulder comes up! Even the Unified Tag Team Champions have stopped their nonsense to engage with the match and look damn impressed by the fight going on.

Both men throwing their best shots at one another… 

Now what’s Minute doing?

Minute heads to the ring apron quickly and looks out to the Faithful. He eyes up The Netflix A-Lister and then leaps for the Minute Detai… NO! The D gets the knees up! He crashes hard and then goes for a cover!




The D counters the springboard 450… but how did Minute kick out of THAT? 

I don’t know! But The D follows up! Neckbreaker of his own on the mat! Now where’s he going? 

Elise points at the turnbuckle, telling him to finish the job! He nods and while Minute is down, The Netflix A-Lister heads to the top rope…

B Movie! The D nails the B Movie! What a fantastic Frog Splash! Cover! Cover!




The D doesn’t believe in the early kickout and holds up his fingers, but the official only holds up two! He runs his hands through his hair and can’t believe it. 

Both these men want to win this match! The final preview match before our main event for DEFIANCE Road! First time ever that the Unified Tag Team Titles get the spotlight! 

In a LADDER match, no less! What a match that has potential to be!

Uriel yells at Minute to get up, but The D is in control as he heads up top again with Elise’s insistence. He heads to the top…

Another B Movie might do it!

He tries… but when he gets to the top rope, Minute rises up! With a surge of last-second energy, he fires up to the top rope and hits a TOP ROPE SPRINGBOARD FRANKENSTEINER!


The D crashes on the mat and has no idea where he is after the fall off the top! He crumbles while The TJ Tornado starts to gut out the pain that he’s in. He’s on the adjacent side of the ropes from where The D is trying to stand. But as he tries to do so, Minute heads to the top rope… then runs the ropes across the ring to hit Estrella Fugaz! 


The Faithful have lost their minds as Minute hits the rope running corner dropkick! On the ramp, Cassidy and Brock are on the edge of their seats - literally. The D falls to a heap on the canvas while Uriel yells out and points to the corner! Elise shouts at the D to get up and even throws some of her booze at him to try to wake him. The TJ Tornado makes it to the top rope in one leap…


The Faithful LOUDLY cheer as Minute connects with the breath-taking 630 splash across the chest of The D! Minute then leans back into the cover, not taking his eyes off either Brock Newbludd or Pat Cassidy.





Minute rolls away and takes a moment to catch his own breath before The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World gets up and has his arm raised! Uriel Cortez cheers for his lucha bestie and then steps over the ropes to join him in the ring!

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… MINUTE!

Los Tres Titanes hold court in the ring, looking out to both Saturday Night Specials while Elise Ares goes to help a disappointed D out in the corner, but also keeping one eye on things, knowing she has a victory over Brock Newbludd. 

What an incredible series of singles matches we’ve seen between these three teams, ending in one win a piece for each team! That’s all the proof I need to know that match is literally ANYBODY’S to win!

By far the toughest challenge SNS have faced since winning the gold, but one they are more than ready for!

The three teams eye one another but in the ring, Los Tres Titanes celebrate the huge win with Uriel carrying Minute over a shoulder! Both men look ready for what’s ahead. Elise pulls The D up to his feet and they glare at both teams, The D shouting that it’s “ALL QUIMBEY’S FAULT!” while holding his head and chest. Elise holds D upright and sneaks a swig of her flask. Standing halfway down the ramp, the champions glare back as they first cheers their beers together and then their title belts.


BRAZEN - Where the next generation CLASH!


Back from commercial, and one image fills our screen:

It’s Deacon.

It’s a still image of Deacon in the ring, lifting a wide-eyed Perfection with the chokeslam, the moment frozen in time is just before Deacon brings the former 24K pretty boy down to the canvas. This photo remains on screen for several seconds… just enough time for a buzz to generate among the fans in attendance… and then… 

 ♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫

PYRO! Followed by two giant banners falling down on either side of the DEFiatron: both of them of Deacon. Ned Reform’s theme continues to play.

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. We’ve heard the rumors… we heard Ned Reform’s speech at the DEFys… it seems like it’s time for his “tribute” to Deacon.

Reform challenged Deacon to a one-on-one match at DEFIANCE Road, and if Deacon loses, he’s agreed to retire.


The crowd response begins as Ned Reform appears from the back. He’s dressed to the nines in a black tie tuxedo and he pauses to adjust his cufflinks and make sure we all can appreciate just how dapper he looks. Like a stage magician’s assistant, he dramatically gestures behind him: and here comes TA Cole, also dressed in a tux (and also still wearing his “trophy” - the injured Count Novick’s black cape), while wheeling a large coffin toward the ring! Reform walks slowly, smiling and waving to the jeering fans at ringside along the entrance, while TA Cole slowly wheels the coffin behind him. 

Who brings a coffin to a career tribute?

I don’t know, Lance. But you left out the most insulting part about the upcoming DEFIANCE Road match: while Deacon’s career is on the line, the only thing that Ned Reform is putting up is an admission that he was wrong about Deacon having lost a step. Those stipulations… hardly seem fair.

Cole brings the coffin next to the ring. Before he walks away, Ned shoots him a look. The Good Doctor does that “two fingers point to my eyes and then point to you” deal. Cole looks a little unsure, but he swallows hard and peeks inside the casket. Satisfied that it’s empty, he flashes Reform a thumbs up. Smiling, Reform enters the ring and throws his arms wide in celebration to another round of jeers. He’s handed a mic by a ringside tech as his theme fades out.

Reform pauses with the mic, looking around at The Faithful to build anticipation. He slowly raises it to his mouth, milking the moment for all it’s worth.

Ned Reform:


Ned Reform:


Reform’s brow furrows.

Ned Reform:
Now, listen here… I’ve tolerated a lot from you people, but I will not allow this to stand. This is a celebration of a man’s career, and I will not allow you to boo Deacon at his own ceremony. 


He knows damn well who they’re booing.

Ned Reform:
I want to thank you all for being in attendance for this very special event. I thought it only fitting that I pay last respects to the great Deacon ahead of retiring him once and for all. In many ways, this is a celebration. In many other ways, this is a funeral. The funeral for a once great career. Which is why…

Ned gestures to the outside, where TA Cole stands next to the coffin.

Ned Reform:
I brought along the appropriate hardware. But enough of this somber talk! You are all, whether you’ve thought deeply about it enough or not, a part of history! This is Deacon’s last DEFtv appearance. In two weeks time, Deacon will lose to Dr. Ned Reform and retire from wrestling forever, and this night will live on in infamy. Someday, this will be the answer to a rather obscure trivia question. And all of you will be able to say: “I was there!”

Reform lowers the mic and nods as if to add to the gravity of the situation. Outside the ring and next to the casket, TA Cole is flipping Novick’s cape dramatically. 

Ned Reform:
And in that spirit… well, I’d like each of you to look under your seat right now.

A beat.

Ned Reform:
Go on. Do it. Underneath your seat you will find a very special present from Dr. Ned Reform.

Hard cut to the front row, where we see members of The Faithful quizzically taking Ned up on his command. A young boy reaches under and when his hand comes up… he’s holding a small plastic package of tissues.

Ned Reform:
That’s right.

Reform reaches into his suit’s breast pocket and produces a purple hanky with the letters “NR” on it.

Ned Reform:
You’re going to find yourself in need of those tissues right now, children. You will thank me for providing them. If you could all be so kind as to turn your attention to the big screen. I have taken the liberty of having the DEFIANCE video department put together a special… well, it’s better if you just take a look.

The DEFiatron lights up, and…

“Ifffff… I. Should stay… I would onlyyyyy be innnn… your waaaaayyy.”

♫ “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston ♫

As Whitney Houston’s slow love song begins to play across the Wrestleplex, the video screen begins to show a montage of moments from Deacon’s long and storied career.

It begins innocently enough: we see Deacon’s hand being raised in victory, we see rabid fans cheering and holding up signs that say “WE BELIEVE,” we see Magdelana smiling warmly at Deacon, we see Deacon with a hand warmly on Chris Shepard’s shoulder, and now Deacon is engaged in the mother of all secret handshakes with Henry Keyes. 

But it doesn’t stop there. Just as the sweet, sweet melodic notes of the talented Ms. Houston really begin to kick in, we now begin to see various scenes of Deacon at his lowest and most humiliating points. We start with some somewhat grainy footage from Deacon in the CSWA (“footage courtesy of the CSWA”). Then MWC (“footage courtesy of MWC”). Then a long stretch of clips from the fWo (“footage courtesy of fWo”). In each clip, Deacon is either losing, getting beaten on, dejected after a loss, or otherwise at a low point. The fans begin to boo this shameless display.

Quick cut to the ring where Ned Reform pretends to wipe a tear away with his hankey.

Why didn’t we see this coming?

Back to the video: now it’s Deacon on the losing end of matches in HOW (“footage courtesy of High Octane Wrestling”). Finally, just as the vocals gear up for the home stretch, we come to DEFIANCE: Deacon getting beaten on by Conor Fuse’s Gameboy. Deacon losing to the numbers advantage of The Kabal. Deacon getting pinned in the main event of MAX DEF. The last footage we see is Deacon vanishing without a trace in the back of an ambulance, making Jason Reeves cackle in absolute victory. 

Back to the ring where Ned has nearly completely broken down into a sobbing mess. He’s pretending to wail, but he can’t be heard over the intense sound of the live crowd booing.

Ned Reform:
I’ll tell you what, children. [sob] I am a man of logic and reason, but even I have to admit the power of that retrospective…

Ned takes a moment to visibly compose himself. 

Ned Reform:
The show must go on, musn’t it? You must not grieve forever. You see… this night doesn’t end with mere video. Oh no. If this is truly to be a celebration of Deacon’s career, we must hear stories from those who knew him best, yes? And this is professional wrestling. Who knows you best in professional wrestling? Why, your greatest adversaries! Your loyal tag partners! The men you ran the roads with! So, sparing no expense and thanks to extensive research, I have located some of the forgotten key players from Deacon’s past and have personally paid for the expense for these next guests to fly down here to be with us today. Ladies and gentlemen…

Reform produces a notecard and a pair of reading glasses.

Ned Reform: [reading]
What is wrestling, if not a series of betrayals and alliances? Deacon knows this all too well… as does this first man. Up first is perhaps Deacon’s greatest rival… turned ally… turned mentor… turned enemy… turned something. Apparently it’s complicated. But whatever the case, I’d like you to give it up for a true legend in this industry. Give it up for… ELI FLAIR!!!

♫ “Generic Stock Rock Music” by every default CAW in every wrestling video game ♫

The fan’s heads snap toward the entrance as Eli Flair is a name that hasn’t been heard in professional wrestling in some time…

… but of course we don’t get Eli Flair. We get BRAZEN’s Cristiano Caballero, except he’s dressed like a broken down 80’s rock star… complete with mullet and his classic “the names” t-shirt. Caballero puts on a show of looking confused and disorientated as he stumbles down to the ring. At one point, he looks directly into the camera…

“Eli Flair”:
Huh? Where am I?? Did the nurses switch my meds again!?

Caballero is barely able to get into the ring without stumbling. He goes right to the corner, resting his arms on the turnbuckle and panting for breath. Reform looks him up and down with a look that is half pity/half disgust.

Ned Reform:
It would appear Father Time has not been kind to Mr. Flair. And this was Deacon’s greatest rival.

Reform looks directly into the camera, Jim Halpurt-style.

Ned Reform:
And I suppose that says something, does it not?

Back to MC-mode.

Ned Reform:
Anyway… we must move on! For if Eli Flair represents… wait, are you okay?

“Eli Flair” is now in a sitting position in the corner, gasping for breath. He nods that he’ll make it.

Ned Reform:
Very well. Where was I? Oh yes… if Eli Flair represents Deacon’s greatest rival, then this man is perhaps his greatest partner! And also enemy, but that’s the way with the Mute Freak. However, with this man, the Deacon experienced tag team glory, something few get to experience in this sport of ours, and it is said that nobody knows you better than the person reaching out for that hand slap that can make all the difference. Our next guest was one half of the tag team known as “Lost and Found” alongside Deacon. I present to you… rescued from the very bowels of obscurity by Dr. Reform… MR. CRAIG MILES!

♫ “Stock Background Music” by thirty second radio car dealership ads ♫

It IS Craig Miles… or, as close to Craig Miles as can be when played by “Lovely” Lance Mingle. Mingle… or “Miles”... is dressed in a sweat stained sleeveless shirt. His belt is undone and a fake “beer gut” bulges out. His jeans can barely stay on and his mud covered work boots are untied. “Craig Miles” pauses at the entrance to look around at the fans before reaching into his back pocket for a cigarette. With the cancer stick hanging limply from his lip, Craig begins to walk that aisle. As he does, Reform narrates from inside the ring.

Ned Reform:
Dear God… this man is a wrestler!? And I thought DEFIANCE had low standards. Perhaps the reason their team was called “Lost and Found” was because Deacon FOUND him on the side of a highway…

Reform chuckles at his own wit. He looks to TA Cole.

Ned Reform:
Say, that was pretty good, wasn’t it?

Cole flashes a thumbs up. “Craig Miles” has entered the ring, and seemingly objecting to Reform talking down to him, he marches over and snatches the mic out of The Good Doctor’s hand. He acts like he’s going to speak… but instead, he puts the mic over his ass and rips one of the loudest farts you’ve ever heard. It echoes off the walls of the DEFarena. Satisfied, “Miles” hands the mic back to Reform and goes to stand next to “Eli Flair” - who may in fact be comatose. 

Ned Reform:
Well. That was… something. But fear not! I have saved the most significant name for last. My next guest is a man of pure class. He is dignified. He casts a shadow of greatness on this sport like few who have come before him. In short: he has been everywhere and done everything. Not only that, but as a current member of the DEFIANCE roster, he is someone with whom you are ALL familiar. An icon in his own right. A legend in this industry… you know him as a member of the Scourge… but much of the world knows him as a HIIIIIIGGGGHHH FLLLLLYYYYYEEERR!!

Wait, what?

Jack Harmen and Deacon have clashed a lot of their careers… but I find it hard to believe that he would take part in… oh.

…he didn’t.

♫ “Come On Down Music” by The Price is Right ♫

It’s not Jack Harmen. It’s Butch Vic dressed like Jack Harmen. Vic struts to the ring, doing his best High Flyer impression as Reform does a golf clap in deference. “Harmen” enters the ring and gestures for the mic.

Ned Reform:
Ah! Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, the great High Flyer would like to speak. Finally, after a parade of disappointing guests, we’re going to get some high quality mic work. Mr. Harmen, please enlighten us. Regale us with some tales from the past battles you have had with Deacon.

Reform hands the mic to “High Flyer.” The fake Jack Harmen raises the mic high above his head…

“High Flyer”:

Reform suddenly snatches it away! His face turns red as he snarls.

Ned Reform:
You’re supposed to stay in character, you idiot! How much am I paying you?!

Meekly, Butch Vic sulks off and joins the other BRAZEN guys in the corner. Reform shakes his head and composes himself.

Ned Reform:
Very well. We’ve looked back at some touching highlights… we’ve brought out some of the key players… all that’s left is the keynote speaker. Ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu, tonight’s keynote speaker…

Ned makes a show of gesturing toward the stage, but then loops back around to point at himself.

Ned Reform:
… me! That’s right, the esteemed Ned Reform, PhD, will be writing the epilogue on Deacon’s career. And how utterly fitting, yes? After all, I was the only one with the moral fortitude to force him to accept the fact that he was growing far too old to be doing this. I do believe that when all is said and done, Mr. Deacon will thank me for closing the book on his career by defeating him at DEFIANCE Road. For having the courage to do what needed to be done… even if he couldn’t accept it. And so, before I begin this speech…

Reform snaps his fingers and gestures outside the ring to TA Cole. Cole reaches inside the coffin and produces two items: a small plastic trophy and a colorful wrist watch. Reform takes both items and holds up the trophy first: it’s a $5 plastic little league trophy. In fact, it says “Springfield Little League Soccer Participation Award ‘08” on it. Reform brandishes the award like he’s just won an Oscar.

Ned Reform:
I would like to present Deacon with the first ever Dr. Ned Reform “Lifetime Achievement Award.” The craftsmanship, flair, and prestige of this statue reflects the quality of Deacon’s eventful and memorable career in the wrestling business.

He tosses the trophy aside. Next up, he holds up the watch: it’s a red plastic kid’s watch with Mickey Mouse in the center.

Ned Reform:
Finally, a commemorative watch made specially for The Mute Freak. It features children’s icon Mickey Mouse. Why the Mouse? Well, many reasons. Like Deacon, he appeals primarily to children. Like Deacon, he is a prop for a soulless corporation to make a cheap buck despite the fact that he peaked in the 1940s. And like Deacon, he works for the Disney Corporation… an organization that I believe once owned the fWo, yes? So it all makes sense.

Reform grins. He tosses the watch aside. He looks directly into the camera.

Ned Reform:
And now we come to my keynote address. Deacon, cherish these last few moments my friend. In two short weeks, you will run out of options. You think yourself a monster. You think yourself unbeatable. You are going to discover what happens when faith meets cold, hard reason. And while everything that will happen at DEFIANCE Road will ultimately be for the best, I know that…

This would have been more entertaining if you would’ve actually asked for Eli Flair to show up, [Magdalena steps through the curtain] especially if he brought Ivy. 

Magdalena gives a quick smirk.

I’m partial to female managers with a brain instead of wrestlers who think they have one.

Another smirk.

Actually, it would’ve been better if you would’ve at least, I dunno, walked across the locker room to ask Harmen to spill his own brand of insanity, at least then this would’ve had an err of, shall we say, unpredictability. But don’t worry, unlike others under the spotlight, I learned to share in Kindergarten

Magdalena gestures to the ringside area. And then, with a wide, almost pompous gesture, to the curtain.

so let me add a sprinkle of unpredictability

Stepping through the curtain is–

Chris Shepherd is here! The Deacon’s manager for many years has entered the DEFArena!

Chris Shepherd carries something he’s not held in many years - the Shepherd’s Crock that he’d used as a walking stick and prop for his beginnings as “The Shepherd”.

Chris Shepherd:
I don’t think we’ve met, Mr. Reform. When I heard that you were conducting a retrospective of Deacon’s immense career, I assure you I increased my monitoring of my email, cell phone, even smoke signals, but to my surprise, you never reached out.

Chris makes his way to the ring, not as much leaning against the prop as letting it twirl a bit.

Chris Shepard:
Fortunately, I’m known for my ability to make things appear, [Chris stops walking about halfway down the ramp] and disappear.

With a quick motion, the Shepherd’s Crock disappears.

In the ring, Ned is shaking his head wistfully.

Ned Reform:
And yes. The… accessories. Yes - it’s true… I did not invite you to tonight’s proceedings. But that’s simply because I had a feeling that you would… well, partake in this nonsense. Spoil the party.

At the end of the ramp, TA Cole stands in front of the coffin and folds his arms menacingly.

Ned Reform:
I knew that you’d be unable to accept the end of your precious Deacon’s career. After all, without your meal ticket… well, you’d both fade into obscurity rather quickly, would you not? 

Chris Shepherd:
That’s what they told me when Deacon went from Mute Freak to having a voice to express his faith in public as powerfully as his powerbomb. They were right. I didn’t have a job in wrestling for quite some time. And if Deacon finds his voice again, [Chris points a thumb back at the top of the ramp as he continues moving ringside.] he’ll have less use for the young woman who’s been his messenger in DEFIANCE. But here’s the thing, Mr. Reform, the Deacon has friends, and friends help get their friends through whatever they need, that whole, “No greater love than this, a friend laying his life on the line for his friends.” [Chris reaches Cole, the Doctor’s compatriot’s arms still across his body.] We will lay our lives down for the Deacon, and he will lay his life down for us. Are you ready to lay your life on the line, TA? [Chris peeks around TA to the casket then suddenly changes his tone.] Cause if you do, we got a casket right here!

With a flick of Chris’ wrist, the Shepherd’s crock reappears, jetting out from Chris’ hand to smack against the casket.

Chris Shepherd:
Cool thing about us believers? Laying down your life is victory because in the end, we all know we’re coming back again.

With his free hand and nod, Chris motions for TA to look to the casket. Cole complies a split second before the lid wobbles. A moment later, the crowd explodes as the Deacon slides under the bottom rope on the far side of the ringside area & grabs Dr. Ned Reform by the throat.

It’s the Deacon! It’s the Deacon!

This has been a long time coming.

Up goes Ned, but instead of going down with a chokeslam, the Deacon’s “past friends and enemies” attack, each throwing punches, kicks, whatever to get Deacon to release. It works, Deacon’s grip releasing Ned who staggers back into the corner gasping and grasping at his throat. The Mute Freak drops to one knee and the BRAZEN increase their attacks, piling on until Deacon throws his back, arms, and all his weight up that send the three men tumbling against and then over the top rope. TA charges the ring.

The Deacon with a big boot to the midsection of Cole, and you know what that means, Lance?


The Deacon lifts TA Cole into the air… until the not-so-good-doctor connects to The Mute Freak’s back with a steel chair shot that echoes throughout the arena! Deacon arches his back in pain, and turns to face Reform…


A brutal chairshot to Deacon’s skull! He’s down!

With Deacon out cold, Ned Reform angrily tosses the chair aside, losing all traces of the gentleman act. He removes his black coat and undoes his cufflinks. He orders TA Cole to haul the dazed Deacon to his feet, and Ned Reform slips behind him to lock on the AD HOMINEM! 

Ned Reform’s version of the Crossface Chicken-Wing is brutal… and this move negates Deacon’s size and power advantage!

With TA Cole keeping Magdalena and Chris Shepard at bay with the steel chair, Reform locks the fading Deacon in the brutal submission hold. Reform’s face is absolutely crazed as he sways Deacon to and fro for a few minutes before dropping him to the mat. Reform grabs his discarded mic, and with his dress shirt starting to become ruffled, he stands over The Mute Freak’s unconscious form.

Ned Reform:
Some lessons need to be learned by force, Deacon. In fourteen days… your story ends… and Dr. Reform’s begins.

Reform drops the mic, coldly staring into Deacon’s eyes.

Could this be it, Lance? Could Reform have something up his sleeve that will mean we’ve seen the last of Deacon?

DEFIANCE Road is going to be a heck of an event, partner!

The last image we see is the cold, almost serial killer-esque look in The Good Doctor’s blue eyes.




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