DEFIANCE TV 166 Night 2

3 Mar 2022

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


♫ “DEFY” by Of Mice & Men ♫

Bright colorful lights roll across the arena as the Faithful go wild! The DEFtv opening video is playing on the DEFiatron. Many of the wrestlers we see on a daily basis as well as a few legends are shown before the music video comes to an end. The fireworks go off and the fans get even louder in the WrestlePlex as the red lights come to life on the cameras. 

Signs and excitement everywhere!


The cameras cut to ringside.


Hello everyone! Kicking things off is a match requested by Klein. Klein put out an open challenge to any tandem, and the trio of Cerberus answered.

I don’t think we’ve seen much interaction between PCP and the Kabal here Darren, this might be their introductions to one another.

Polar opposites of the spectrum, wouldn’t you say?

Without a doubt.

In the ring, Darren Quimbey stands dressed in his nicest suit. He raises a microphone. 

Darren Quimbey:
This next match is scheduled for one fall, with a fifteen minute time limit… 

♫ “Live for the Night” by Krewella♫

Spotlights on the entrance ramp as the rest of the arena dims. Stepping out first is the D, dressed in old school attire reminiscent of their reign as ACW tag team champions. Klein is out next, also dressed in the same gold and crimson red loose fitting almost glossy like pants.

Flanking them is Flex Kruger, who’s currently carrying Elise Ares on his shoulders in an electric chair position. The D stands with his hands on his hips in a superhero like pose, as Elise points to the ring and commands the tropes. Klein rolls his eyes, carrying the cardboard box that would normally reside on his head. He pushes forward and leads the charge. The camera catches the D look confused, point toward Klein and mouth something to Elise. Ares just shrugs her shoulders. 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first, two time DEFIANCE Tag Team Champion the D, former Brazen Champion Klein, they are one variation of the Pop Culture Phenoms!

Klein hits the ring and starts warming up in the far corner. The D just climbs onto the apron and then onto the middle turnbuckle, posing for the Faithful. Elise pretends to film it while on Flex’s shoulders.

The D and Elise, always having fun. You know, it’s amazing how far they’ve come as a tandem, even though they were recently unsuccessful in their attempt to reclaim the DEFIANCE World Tag Team Championships.

Klein doesn’t seem to be a ball of joy these days.

He looks like a bull in a china shop Lance. 

♫ “Dogs of War” by Savage Souls ♫

The house lights come down as flames RISE UP on the stage. Through a mist, three hound heads appear, just before, the trio of terror consisting of RICK DICKULOUS, “THE LOST CAUSE” VICTOR VACIO, and GREEN REAPER emerge, wearing wolf headdresses; the tanned and processed skin and fur of fallen wolves draping over each of their shoulders, anchored by the skull and upper haw bone.

In formation, the Kabal’s CERBERUS march to the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents … heading down the aisle, representing the Kabal… CEEEERRRBEEEERRRUUUUUUSSSS!!!

The Trio of Terror stare intensely at Klein, and The D in the ring they come to a halt at the end of the rampway in unison.  They stand motionless just long enough for their opponents to start questioning what's going on. As well as the Faithful…

And of course, as always, Cerberus has the tactical advantage, given that; you never know which of the three will be tonight’s combatants.

PCP could always pull the same tactic, Darren. For whatever reason, it’s one of the few tactics they’ve never really utilized. Suprisingly!

Rick Dickulous is the first man to lumber, as only he can, onto the apron; the ring almost shaking as he tugs the middle rope for leverage, before just stradling over it. It’s Vacio, who hops on the apron next, as the Green Reaper stands guard on the outside.

This is an dangerous twoseome. 

Comapred to… ?

Don’t get fresh, Lance.

In the corner, the D walks to Klein and holds out his fist for a game of rock paper scissors to determine who starts. Klein just looks at the D and holds out of a fist. 

The PCP have a tradition of doing this before matches.

But, it doesn’t appear Klein wants any parts of this tonight.

The D looks confused, and shakes his hand once, counting. Klein just keeps his as a fist. The D bops twice more, tossing out a scissor. He feigns surprise and disappointment before hopping onto the apron. Klein just steps toward the center of the ring, and bumps into Rick’s chest, looking up at the massive Rick Dickulous.

Rick doesn’t budge. But he’s amused.


Klein with an elbow! Rick isn’t phased, throws a right back at Klein. Klein takes a step back, but uses it for momentum to throw another elbow. Rick’s head tetters. Rick throws a heavy haymaker and Klein’s neck almost whiplashes back. Klein leans in and catches Rick with a european uppercut. Rick laughs and headbutts Klein. Klein stumbles two steps back, and Rick charges out with a clothesline, taking Klein off his feet. Rick then just steps onto Klein and over him as Klein tries to brace his midsection. The D leans WAY too far over the ropes for a tag and Carla steps in to reprimand him. 

The D better be careful. Carla and the PCP have a long, and mostly antagonistic relationship.

I think it’s been a bit better these past few months, but yes, their history is well documented.

Rick eggs the D on and grabs Klein’s long blonde hair, tossing him into the corner. With Carla distracted, even though he could just tag him, Rick claps loudly overhead. Vacio enters the ring as Rick open hand palm chops Klein’s chest beat red once more before he exits. 

That Rick. Just the most dickulous.

Carla may have her work cut out for her tonight Darren.

Carla turns just in time to see Rick step onto the apron. She questions him, and Rick just claps his hands in response at her. She gives him a glare as Vacio works over Klein’s gut with a couple of stiff kicks. 

Vacio with a couple quick kicks to the gut in the corner. Vacio takes a few steps back, and charges, catching Klein with a Charging corner forearm smash. Klein almost teeters completely out of the ring, but inertia sends him back to the ring. Rick takes the tag rope and wraps it around Klein’s throat as Carla rushes over, counting. She gets to three before Rick lets go, and Vacio charges in for another corner elbow smash with the velocity of a steam train. Klein stumbles out, tumbles to his knees and faceplants on the canvas. Vacio on top for the cover.



The D quickly in and kicks the back of Vacio’s head. 

Vacio with some quick strikes trying to end this early, stun the lumbering heart of PCP. But the D would have none of it.

Carla steps in to push the D back, as Rick loudly claps again above his head and enters the ring. Vacio irish whips Klein, and then Rick gorilla presses Klein above his head. Vacio off the far ropes, as Rick tosses him to flapjack out of the gorilla press, Vacio leaps and clips Klein with a low dropkick to the head as he lands. Klein flops over. The D finally exits back onto the apron as Vacio exits and Carla turns to see. 

Hate ‘em or hate ‘em, you can’t say Cerberus isn’t impressive tonight. They’ve had the advantage over a team that has teamed together for over 22 years now. 

Carla looks at Rick and asks if he made the tag. Rick sighs, annoyed, yet again, and claps his hands above his head. This gives Klein the chance to catch Rick with a low blow, but he masks it with hooking Rick’s head and scooping him for a ring shaking slam! The Faithful cheer as Klein clutches his ribs, stumbles to his knees, and uprights himself. Rick just rolls to his feet immediately, shocked more than anything, and looks for a clothesline, but Klein leans into it, bearhugging Rick and then dropping him in atomic drop. Klein off the ropes, ducks a wild right from Rick. Rick stumbles back a few steps, and then rushes off the ropes himself. Vacio blind tags himself in, and the D does the same. Klein and Rick meet in the middle with a shoulder tackle. Klein stumbles back a step, but Rick tells him to try again.

Before he can, Vacio hits a Twisting Springboard dropkick to Klein, and the D flies in with a flying crescent kick that takes Rick stumbling back into the corner. 

The bigger they are, the harder they fall!

These two are going to quicken this pace up considerably.

Vacio is up to his feet first, charges the D and starts spinning around him like a parasite before he flies across the ring in an arm drag. The D stumbles to his feet, dizzy, as Vacio leaps onto his shoulders for a hurricanrana. D just falls and drops Vacio on his head. Rick tries to protest that this isn’t right, and Carla escorts him out of the ring to his corner. The D however, had Vacio pinned. Carla finally turns and slides, counting.


Vacio kicks out. The D leans in and hooks Vacio into a chin lock, trying to keep him grounded. The D then switches to a back mount, using his legs to flip Vacio into a pin.



Vacio flips onto his back and rolls out to the apron. The D gives chase, kicking the bottom rope before Vacio just slides out completely. The D charges off the far side as Rick hops off the apron to discuss strategy with Vacio. The D flies through the middle ropes with a Tope Suicida onto Vacio, sending him into the guardrail. But Rick grabs him and lifts him in a gorilla press, before tossing the D face first into the steel turnbuckle post like a lawn dart. Carla leans down and shouts at Rick to get back to his corner. 

That just looked vicious Lance. I wouldn’t be surprised if the D couldn’t continue.

Elise and Flex rush to the D’s side, as Elise lifts him to reveal a trail of blood down his forehead past the bridge of his nose. Vacio slides into the ring, and then Rick shouts at Carla to do her job. Carla reluctantly begins to count out the D.

On the outside, Elise tries to help the D to his feet. The camera gets really close.

The D:
Did you get the number of that dick that hit me?

Elise Ares:
He’s right there.

The D:
I don’t have to go back in, do I? We’re okay losing right?

With that, Klein appears over the D’s shoulder, grabbing him by his hair and tights before flinging him in under the bottom rope at an 8 count. The D spins to his partner and shouts in confusion.

It looks like Klein wasn’t having any of the D’s dialogue Lance! 

I know Rick’s a massive individual, but the D didn’t back down from Bronson Box at DEFCon last year, and Box scalps people for fun. This feels like a different D.

And a different Klein, who hops onto the apron.

Rick meanwhile, laughs and waits for the D to get to his feet, amused at Klein’s actions. The D turns, as Rick goads him to come close. The D hesitates, as Rick raises one palm as high as 8 feet in the air. The D just shakes his head no, motions that if he were to grab Rick’s hand he’d just kick him in the groin. Rick understands thoroughly, and closes the gap into a collar and elbow tie up. Into an arm wrench, into a hammerlock. Rick then lifts D completely off the mat, as the D screams, reaching out with his free hand to tag in an eager Klein. Rick spins him away, and then takes him over head by his wrist with a hammerlock suplex. 

Impressive strength and command from Rick Dickulous there.

Honestly Darren, if he could just distance himself from the Kabal, we could be looking at a future FIST.

Rick reaches out and tags in Vacio. Arm wringer on the D, and then a top rope double foot stomp to the shoulder as the D cries out in pain. Vacio quickly locks the arm back up, as Rick exits. Vacio leans in, biting at the D’s face as Carla reprimands him. Vacio hooks the D in a side headlock and takes to the corner, planting him with a tornado ddt. The D flops, using the momentum to take himself further to his corner than Vacio would like, so Vacio quickly uses the D’s stomach as a springboard and dropkicks Klein off the apron. 

On the outside, Elise and Flex complain to Carla as Green Reaper looks on. Carla tells Vacio to keep it in the ring. Vacio bridges in the corner after knocking Klein off, as if resting for a moment before transitioning to the middle rope and diving with a senton, followed immediately by a standing moonsault into a cover.




Vacio lifts the D to his feet as Elise climbs onto the apron to complain about Vacio hitting Klein. Carla steps in, shouting at her to drop off the mat. 

DA DICK PUNCHA! Behind Carla’s back!

The golden rule of wrestling, nothing matters if the ref’s back is turned!

Vacio doubles over in pain, as Elise hops off the apron. Klein climbs onto the apron as Green Reaper makes motion toward Klein aggressively.

Before he can, big diving tag by the D.

There’s Klein! He steamrolls Vacio with a clothesline! And then another! Vacio up, and back down with a charging powerslam! 

Klein’s feeling it, he’s ready!

Klein makes motions for a spin, as Vacio pulls himself up by the ropes. Vacio turns, and is lifted into the airplane spin. Klein spins, rotation, after rotation, the Faithful counting along!

It’s like Sesame Street Darren! I’m using this move to teach my kids how to count!

They may always be 30% over the average. Oh! But Rick! He grabbed Vacio’s boot! Klein got too close!

Rick pulls Vacio off, stunning Klein. Klein stumbles, and Carla motions for the tag, as Rick charges in. Klein sidesteps into a drop toe hold, using Rick’s momentum against him as the big brute slams face first into the canvas. More annoyed than in pain, Rick lumbers to his feet. He charges toward Klein who side steps again and sends Rick into the corner. Klein then charges, hitting a huge body press before tagging in the D. Klein starts stomping Rick in the corner. Rick starts to droop. The D then takes over. Then a tag to Klein, more boots, and then two more rotations of this tandem offense.

The blacklist! Klein and the D just stomping the ever loving hell out of Rick Dickulous.

But the guy hasn’t even fallen yet Darren, He’s still basically just in a crotch.

The D tags in and lets loose with two more stiff kicks. As Rick groggily looks up at him, the D turns to the Faithful and shouts.

The D:

Klein tries to get the D’s attention over the cheers but can’t. Rick elbows Klein once, and the second sends him tumbling off the apron into an awkward landing on the steel steps. Before the D can even turn around, Dickulous has him up. He spins so he doesn’t toss him completely out of the ring.

LOG DRIVER’S WALTZ! Dear God, the D may be broken in half!

Indeed, the D goes limp as Rick just face palms the D and leans on him.




Darren Quimbey:
The winners of this match, via pinfall… RICK DICKULOUS… “THE LOST CAUSE” VICTOR VACIO… CERBERUS!

Quickly, Elise and Flex hop onto the apron, as Green Reaper does for Cerberus. Rick picks up the unconscious D by his hair and just holds him up, presenting him, wondering what the PCP will do for their fallen cohort.

On the outside, Klein loudly kicks the steel steps. He starts to take a step or two towards the back, frustration seeping in.

Is… Is Klein thinking about leaving the D?

Klein then shakes his head and pumps his fist, turning back to the ring.  As Klein slides into the ring the Faithful swell and crescendo in cheers. Klein stands and bulks up toward Rick as Elise and Flex awkwardly straddle getting into the ring versus staying on the apron.

It’s here where Rick just tosses the D at Klein’s feet. Rick turns to Reaper and Vacio and the trio seem satisfied. They gather their things, and slowly exit the ring, never taking their eyes off of Klein.

Once alone, PCP gather around their fallen cohort. Klein doesn’t stop looking at Cerberus as they exit to the back. Elise tries to help the D to his feet, but it’s tough going.

He’s looking more like the D at 4 am after the second After Party.

Elise tries to hold the D up and Flex takes her lead and picks up the other side. Klein looks at his friends, and just shakes his head. Without another word, he turns and exits the ring, making a slow walk back up the ramp without his brethren. 

That situation could have gone a lot worse, Darren.

I know. Especially if Klein, was he going to leave the PCP to fend for themselves?

I can’t imagine.

Klein has always had a lot of passion, but this is the first time I think we’re seeing his ire.

Flex turns to Elise and basically says the equivalent of “That’s my ride,” before dropping the D and following him. D flops back to the mat in a heap as Elise struggles to bring a dazed and deadweight D backstage.

Later tonight, Elise Ares takes on Dex Joy. But next? We head backstage…

Elise Ares:


Catch DEFIANCE Live in your town! (maybe one day we will travel again but I wouldn't count on it!)


The words “Earlier today…” appear on the screen as the scene opens to the rear of the DEFPlex…specifically, the wrestlers and staff entrance. Lindsay Troy and Dan Ryan are shown walking through the door from the parking lot, gear bags in hand, sunglasses on, looking like the picture of confidence.

Various staff members are in the area, but they aren’t the only DEFIANTS around. From off-camera storms Gage Blackwood, looking heated. He immediately walks up to them and looks at Dan Ryan. It takes him a moment to speak, as he’s clearly trying to calm himself down.

Gage Blackwood:
How did your Favored Saints title shot go?

Dan shrugs.

Dan Ryan:
I mean, mostly good. There was this weird little leprechaun dancing on the entrance ramp, but other than that…

Blackwood clenches his fists, ready to fight but the two don’t come to blows… yet.

Gage Blackwood:
Leprechauns aren’t Scottish. Speaking of something green… rather green of you to get caught up in anything outside the ring. I thought you were a legend and would know better.

Dan Ryan:
Listen up, Lucky Charms. First of all, gibberish is gibberish. I don’t care what island you’re from. And I don’t have my phone on me or I’d look up some insulting Scottish things to call you. But I have a feeling that loss might not have broken my spirit. Pretty sure, in fact.

Blackwood has a look on his face like “who is this guy?” before turning his attention to The Queen of the Ring.

Gage Blackwood:
And you. Nice to finally bump into you after all this time. I’ve heard rumours… you’ve had a problem with me. First, because I hit my opponent with double knees, too and second, because I never invited you into our DEFIANCE team vs. 24K.

Lindsay Troy:
Oh, it’s not a rumor, Gage…rumors are little whispers and unverified truths told in secret. I’ve made all of this very, very clear and I’ve done it out in the open.

Dan Ryan:
Right out in the open… in a kilt.

Gage scoffs.

Gage Blackwood:
Like I was the one in charge of the team. Jog on. Weren’t you tied up with the goth kid back then?

Blackwood once again readies for a fight.

Lindsay Troy:
If you call randomly being handed an envelope with my picture in it, sure, I was “tied up with the goth kid.” And if you think for a second that I wouldn’t have pulled double duty to fight 24K too, then you don’t know who the fuck I am.

The High Queen DEFIANT steps right up to Blackwood and looks down at him….because she’s three inches taller than him, you see.

Lindsay Troy:
I’ll be more than happy to show you, though. Dying to, actually.

Ryan leans over and whispers to Lindsay.

Dan Ryan:
Can you punch his face now?

She frowns and shakes her head as if saying, ‘not yet.’ Dan looks back at Gage.

Dan Ryan:
Well then, can I?

Trying to remain calm is not something Blackwood is good at. However, for right now, he finds it in himself not to throw the first blow.

Gage Blackwood: [to Lindsay Troy]
You want a match tonight, aye. I’m cleared. I’ll see you out there. I’ll prove you never deserved to be on Team DEFIANCE. I’d take Jay Harvey any day of the week…

At first, Gage has a look on his face suggesting “what the hell is he saying?” but simply walks away afterwards. The in-laws watch Blackwood go before Dan looks at Lindsay.

Dan Ryan:
Who the hell is Jay Harvey? Didn’t he play the older brother on the Wonder Years?

Lindsay Troy: [shaking her head]
No. Jay Harvey used to be something. Now he’s nothing more than a meme.

Cut away.


Cameras open to Lance and Darren both awkwardly shifting around in their seats, looking into the cameras somewhat confused as they adjust their headsets.

Uhhh… folks. We just received word that there is something happening backstage that’s postponed the next match up.

Switching to ringside we see the tag team of Hallmark Journey, dressed for some odd reason as Magdalena and Deacon - odd in the sense that this time, it doesn’t seem to be a part of a Ned Reform segment. The Faithful jeer the loving couple as the cameras suddenly shift up towards the rampway.

Hallmark Journey’s opponents were supposed to be…

Before Darren’s words finish, he’s left speechless as the reigning FIST of DEFIANCE Jason ‘Crimson Stalker’ Reeves, stands just at the top of the ramp. The title he won so harshly from Gage Blackwood remains gripped tightly in his fist. The crimson mask beats against his face with each hated breath. The Faithful look on in almost scared silence as the man at the top of the ladder looks at the ring of WrestlePlex like an appetizer.

Hallmark Journey was supposed to fight Barely Active Team but we received word a few minutes ago of an altercation backstage as Hallmark Journey was making their way to the ring during commercials. Something about the way that they are dressed… maybe has something to do with drawing Crimson Stalker out of the shadows?

If you haven’t seen it on replay for the 1,000th time like me, I cried like a happy child when Stalker burnt down that forsaken Kabal lair but this… man is not a FIST champion. He’s a monster… a wild animal. Not even Teresa Ames is here to reel him in… What’s going to happen now…?

We pan backwards as the doting couple of Hallmarka Journey seem oblivious to the FIST’s presence. They serenade one another inside of the ring. Crimson Stalker slowly makes his way down the ramp.

Crimson Stalker:

What… What’s he saying??

The audible growl from Crimson Stalker is enough to overtake the silence of the arena. The crimson mask beats with each heated breath as the reigning FIST of DEFIANCE stalks his way unnoticed to the ring.

I think… I think he said ‘Riley’. If I remember correctly, that was the name of his former wife. 

As Jonathon Chirstopher Hall and Vickie Hall cuddle in the far corner, Crimson Stalker steps up the steel steps of the far side of the ring. Vickie’s eyes catch the presence of the monstrous champion and she immediately tries to get JCH to turn around but - he thinks it’s a game of hers and he starts to tickle her.

Oh man… Stalker is eyeing Hallmark Journey like the Ghost Face Killer eyes a teenage girl on a Friday Night!


The confusion between commentators is stunted short as JCH’s tickle fest comes to an abrupt end. Vickie’s cries for him to turn around finally ring through the thick skull of Jonathon and he turns to face none other than the ‘Crimson Monster’ Jason Reeves.

Jonathan Hall:
We don’t want… any trouble… we are just here for our match!

Throwing his arms up in defense Jonathan Christopher Hall does his best to shield Vickie, however Crimson Stalker suddenly sees red.



With a ferocious and guttural scream, Crimson Stalker swings the FIST Championship like a chain whip. The title slashes through the air, causing a loud whoosh like a sword before it collides with a strap, slapping Jonathon Cristopher Hall against the face!

Oh, wow! I don’t think Hallmark Journey was expecting that! Jonathan seems furious now though with the FIST Champion! 

Furious with him? He needs to run before Stalker finds a flamethrower and uses it on them too!

JCH lets his anger get the best of him as he runs forward and launches a vollied fist to the face of our champion. Jason Reeves absorbs the blow, stands idly for a brief second before snapping in reaction, HEADBUTT!!!



Jonathon Christopher Hall slumps hard to the mat and Vickie Hall screams in regret as she slumps next to her tag team partner, who while dressed as Deacon doesn’t land too kindly. 


Crimson Stalker once again stands over the two tag team wrestlers who are cowering in fear as the madman wields the championship belt like a weapon.


Oh, god! Jason’s going for Vickie!!

Crimson Stalker leaps onto Vickie Hall, still gripping the title in one hand, but the title doesn’t bother his ability to overtake her. Stalker pins her back against the wrestling mat! JCH grudgingly reaches over from his fallen position, but Stalker waylays him in the face one more time with the BELT causing him to fall flat against his back, knocked out.

Stalker just cold clocked Jonathon Christopher Hall out and now he has complete control of Hallmark Journey’s better half!

Why does Stalker keep screaming Riley? Why even attack Hallmark Journey?.. Do you think it has something to do with how they are dressed?!

As the words come out, fate seems to strike a cord as the cameras pan out up the rampway. A familiar presence appears and the Faithful let out a chilling but familiar chant to Jason’s ears.

The Faithful:

The chant causes Stalker to stop in mid harassment of Vickie Hall, his villainous hands relinquishing from the grasp of slaughtering yet another ‘not so innocent’. Jason Reeves stands up, slowly but menacingly. The FIST championship drapes like a weighted adversary, hanging heavily from Jason’s right hand. The crimson mask beats against his face with each second. Jason’s eyes meet the man who has appeared at the top of the ramp. 

I am not surprised we are here at this moment again!

The Reign of Reeves was now, but so was the road to face for the man who helped bring us to this, final destination.


Panning up the ramp, we see the Deacon making his way towards the ring, like a Guardian on the path of good. The man called Deacon, who fought Jason Reeves in the mausoleum match last year at DEFCON, is marching toward whatever came out of the Mausoleum.

The Faithful’s cheers rise in volume as Deacon, the man who helped make DEFIANCE’s FIST champion in his current form, marches towards Crimson Stalker! The belt wielding silent monster stalks across the ring to meet Deacon, stepping through the middle ropes the man steps onto the apron, staring down at his former maker.


Jason screams at the top of his lungs and yells out his former wife’s name. His eyes go a fierce bloodshot as he stares down at the much taller and stronger ‘Deacon’.

The Deacon holds the gaze, neither wrestler moving for several moments. As the crowd’s buzz grows, Magdalena slips into the far side of the ring. She helps Vickie roll JCH out of the ring. Vickie struggles to lift JCH back to his feet; Magdalena puts one of JCH’s arms around her neck to help him out of the ringside area and into the apparent safety of the crowd.

Vickie Hall:
What the hell?!

Vickie completely lets go of JCH and he nearly falls on top of Magdalena who struggles beneath his weight. Magdalena keeps him upright though, at least until Vickie shoves her backwards into the ring apron. With the added commotion, Crimson Stalker’s turns and realizes his prey are not where he left them. He steps one foot back into the ring when the Deacon grabs Stalker’s arm.

It not–

Stalker spins, his eyes full of fire, and for the first time, the Deacon realizes just how much rage exists within Justin Reaves. The Mute Freak’s words stop and he removes his hand from the Stalker’s arm.


The word growls from underneath Stalker’s mask as he stares up towards the mighty Deacon, in the distance shadows form at the top of the ramp.

DEF security is finally here! After tending to Stalker’ mess backstage i’m surprised they even showed up out here! Perfect timing because we have to cut for commercials!

As we pan outwards, Stalker doesn’t flinch from his stare down with Deacon, but neither does Deacon. The two formidable monsters among men stare at one another with unforgiving hate from Stalker’s eyes and a look of fierce determination to fix the world in Deacon’s eyes. As security hits the ring they do their best to separate the two individuals as Deacon somewhat relents and Stalker remains unmoving in the ring with the FIST title gripped harshly in his hand.


BRAZEN - Where the next generation CLASH!


What a night that Better Future Talent Agency had last night. Tom Morrow and his group of thugs did exactly what they said they would do and that was systematically take out members of Los Tres Titanes. Uriel Cortez was taken out three-on-one after his match with Tyler Fuse by ADV and The Lucky Sevens, all while Titaness was late to the arena. 

Indeed. And later on in the night, Titaness potentially had the main event won despite all that, but Alvaro made his presence felt and attacked Titaness on the floor with a chokeslam to take her out of the match and cost her the Favoured Saints Championship!

And onwards to this next match… BRAZEN star Leyenda de Ocho accepted this challenge from Alvaro de Vargas, the man that beat his friend and mentor, Henry Keyes at DEFRoad. ADV was happy to claim responsibility for the events that allowed Corvo Alpha to send Henry Keyes out of the skybox window. LDO goes for payback in our next match and that’s right now! 

And to Darren Quimbey in the ring for intros. 

♫ “Hold Back The Night” by The Protomen ♫

Darren Quimbey:
The following singles match is set for one fall! Introducing first, representing THE AIRSHIP! Weighing in at 188 pounds… LEYENDA deeeeeee OCHOOOOOO!

A diminutive (though not quite Minute-petite) luchador pops through the curtain, arms raised and full of fire! His brass-colored lucha mask includes the top half of a plague doctor beak and his long tights are covered with metallic gears on one leg and a stylized portrait of Solid Snake on the other. He claps and waves to the crowd as he hustles to the ring, sliding beneath the bottom rope and turning to the curtain to eagerly await his opponent. He looks extra-determined tonight. And before Darren Quimbey can start with more intros…

Tom Morrow:
YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH Close the black hole of food that you call a mouth, Diamond Joe. I got this. 

Quimbey looks visibly annoyed while Morrow struts out with his BFTA-branded headset on his ear, fed into the arena PA. 

Tom Morrow:
Leyenda de Ocho… you want payback for the guy who ORIGINALLY roughed up Henry Keyes before Corvo Alpha came in? Is that what you want? Is that what you people want?

A loud chorus of cheers rings out as LDO waves an arm to tell Morrow stop talking and start fighting. 

Tom Morrow:
My enemies are all defeated! PCP…Beaten! Los Tres Titanes… Beaten to several PULPS! Jack Mace! ON THE SIDE OF A CEREAL BOX! And LDO, you’re gonna be added to the list of Better Future’s vanquished foes, you masked gimp! Introducing! Standing at six-foot eight! Weighing 274 pounds! He’s going to crush another luchador under his foot after he did it to Minute! Welcome… The Golden Sun of DEFIANCE! El Sol Dorado! ALVARO DE VARGAS!

♫ "Only One King” by Tommee Proffit ♫


Fire erupts from either side of the stage and coming out from the back in street clothes - a pair of black jeans, red Adidas sneakers, a sleeveless hoodie is the man called Alvaro de Vargas. He throws the hoodie back and…


Another blast of fire from either side of the stage, eyes hidden behind red-tinted sunglasses and a scowl to match. He looks out to either side of the jeering stage and smiles from behind his sunglasses. 

ADV has really turned up the intensity these last few months. And if I’m Leyenda de Ocho, then I need to be on my guard. 


Alvaro is at the ringside area now and takes off his glasses. He hands them over to Tom Morrow for safekeeping, but the second or two that he takes to look away… 


Ocho isn’t waiting! He does want payback for Henry Keyes and he’s out to get it tonight! 

Morrow scrambles out of the proverbial blast zone! Alvaro de Vargas is knocked off of his feet momentarily, but Leyenda de Ocho is already in the ring. He slides back in, ready and waiting for ADV to stand. When he does, he springboards to the top rope and takes flight…


He sure did! Listen to this crowd! The match hasn’t officially even started yet, but I don’t think Ocho cares! 

LDO gets back up to his feet on the outside! Alvaro is trying to get his shirt off and scrambles to his feet when Ocho makes his way over and shoves him back under the bottom rope. Referee Carla Ferrari sees no other alternative but to start the match!


LDO leaps to the top rope with the quickness and nails a springboard shotgun dropkick to knock Alvaro off his feet! Morrow is about to come out of his skin on the outside as the crowd cheers him on!

What an upset this would be if Ocho could defeat Alvaro!


ADV not only kicks out, but SHOVES Ocho off him and starts to sit up, looking PISSED.

Oh, no, I think all he’s done is aggravate Alvaro!

LDO can’t worry about that! He needs to stick and move if he wants to walk out of this with the win! 

Leyenda tries to throw a pair of kicks to his chest, but ADV shoves him back. He rolls through to get back to his feet, then ADV tries a big boot only for LDO to slide underneath his leg. When ADV gets up, Leyenda hits a dropkick on the left knee to bring him down! 

Ocho showing some fancy footwork right now! He’s got Alvaro where he wants him! 

He runs forward and tries a shining wizard… but ADV CATCHES him before he can connect! He then flips Ocho over into a modified hip toss into a backbreaker across his good knee! Ocho gets dropped on the mat and winces in pain while Alvaro starts to finally stand and make sure his knee is in working order. 

That’s how dangerous Alvaro is. One big move is all he needs. 

And he’s now got Leyenda de Ocho where he wants him. 

He grabs LDO by the throat with both hands and throws him into the corner. He runs in and CLOBBERS him with a running corner clothesline! Ocho is about to fall when ADV grabs him by the arm and slaps him across his masked face to keep him upright. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Be right back, pendejo. 

He runs cross-corner and comes back to ROCK Ocho with a big second running corner clothesline and the blow drops him down to the mat! 

Ocho being taken apart! And now Alvaro has him over the shoulder… and holds him… BIG belly to back suplex with some hangtime on that one! ADV with the cover!


LDO gets the shoulder up and then El Sol Dorado gets back up. He lifts Ocho to his feet and then launches him to the ropes before running and flooring him with a big back elbow! 

Ocho gets nailed with that big back elbow off the ropes… then de Vargas sets him up and nails a double foot stomp across the chest! 

ADV in complete control now! Ocho is hurt! 

Alvaro holds his hands out and stands over the beaten Ocho, left on the mat gasping for air. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Defiéndete, niño pequeño! Venga al pirata de la aeronave!

If you ask me, Alvaro needs to stop talking trash and try and win the match instead! Leyenda de Ocho needs an opening. 

The Faithful jeer Alvaro some more before he drags Ocho up. Morrow claps and cheers his guy as he tries another back suplex… only for him to flip up and over, then scramble backwards to the nearby corner!

LDO finds his way out! And ADV sees him! 

He turns around and then charges for another clothesline… but before he can connect, Leyenda grabs the nearby rope and slides through the middle rope! ADV hits nothing but the corner, then Leyenda swings his legs up and kicks him in the face!  

Leyenda finds a way out! Creative counter there!

Leyenda gets back into the ring and grabs Alvaro by the head before springing off the ropes with a full-revolution Tornado DDT! 

Tornado DDT! That’s it! LDO goes for the win!


Alvaro kicks out again, but Ocho rolls back to his feet. He stands up…

LDO lands it this time! Shining Wizard! He follows that up with his Springboard Corkscrew Quebrada that he beat Butcher with two weeks ago! 

The crowd is ROARING for Leyenda to pull off the big upset! One of the top stars of BRAZEN starts to measure him up with a run while Morrow freaks out yet again! He points at Leyenda leaping to the ropes… 


Leyenda BARELY lands on his feet after the miss, but when he comes back to ADV again… he gets grabbed by the throat! ADV then does a KIP-UP to his feet while still holding Ocho! He then DRILLS him into the mat with a massive chokeslam! Morrow yells and cheers from the outside! 

Incredible move we’ve been seeing out of ADV since DEFROAD! That’s insane agility from a man that big! 

But Alvaro is DONE playing around! 

He wastes no more time and drags LDO up… then WHACKS him with a massive backfist that sends Ocho flipping over onto his stomach from the impact! He kneels over and rolls Ocho over, then puts a knee into his chest and a hand burying his face for the cover. 



♫ "Only One King” by Tommee Proffit ♫

De Vargas stands up and then holds his arms out as Tom Morrow does the honors of the celebration. He turns on his headset and can be heard cackling into the mic!

Tom Morrow:
Here’s your winner! The Titan Slayer! The Pop Culture Phenom Popper! ALVARO DE VARGAS!

ADV shoots a cocky look down at the beaten and battered Ocho as he puts his red-tinted shades back on and exits the ring. 

Alvaro wins a sprint tonight! He took LDO lightly and it almost cost him until he came back with that same backfist he used to help Ophelia Sykes pin The D two weeks ago! LDO definitely wanted payback for what ADV did to Keyes at DEFROAD, but comes up short. 

BFTA have to be on cloud nine right now after all they’ve done since DEFIANCE Road! This path of payback they’ve been on has paid dividends! Where do they go next after the assaults on Los Tres Titanes and now this?

ADV and Morrow both leave up the ramp while Leyenda de Ocho is being attended to by Carla as the show rolls on. 


Just after the previous match has finished, Alvaro de Vargas goes through the curtains and to the backstage area with Tom Morrow at his side, both men laughing it up and palling around again. 

Tom Morrow:
Alvaro, that was amazing! You see the way that kid flipped? Whole 360 after that backfist! 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Estoy muy orgulloso de eso! Right in his jaw. BOOM. 

The two start laughing when they are joined by Max and Mason Luck, The Lucky Sevens as well as Ophelia Sykes! 

Ophelia Sykes:
Another one bites the dust! That backfist? Amaaaaazzziiinnnnngggg! Knocked out my ex which was my favorite one so far, but the Ocho one just now was sick!

ADV balls up his right fist and kisses the back of his hand. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Another weapon when one of these pendejos flies too close to me…Se queman! They burn! 

Max Luck slaps Alvaro’s back. 

Max Luck:
Good stuff, Al. 

Mason Luck:
Yeah … who else is getting wasted around here, Tom?

Before Morrow can answer the question, DEFIANCE interviewer Jamie Sawyers comes up with a microphone in hand. 

Jamie Sawyers:
Excuse me, Tom Morrow? Can I possibly get a word about what you’ve been up to these past two nights? 

Mason Luck:
No but you can get your 60 Minutes-looking ass out of our shot or maybe you might get another five-star … 

Max Luck:
Six star, Mase! Six star! 

Mason tilts his head down at Jamie with a no-good grin. 

Mason Luck:
Six star beatdown. 

Tom Morrow gets in between the two. 

Tom Morrow:
Now, now, now! The man’s only doing his stupid useless talking head job. I’m in a pretty good mood after what we accomplished so go ahead, Jamie. Ask your question. But… ask it carefully and asked it without any bias. If I catch any peek of disapproval from you… 

He points up at Max and Mason, both twins ready to pounce. 

Tom Morrow:
You’re getting SEVEN stars, Jamie. 

Max leans in. 

Max Luck:

Sawyers nods carefully. 

Jamie Sawyers:
Very well. These attacks you’ve been launching on the roster… Los Tres Titanes particularly… why? 

Morrow quietly seethes at the question. Mason is about to jump but Morrow holds a hand up to stop one of the seven-foot twins.

Tom Morrow:
Fair question, which deserves a fair question… Better Future Talent Agency was built by my own two hands, Jamie. And it was my dream to do all of this, what you see before you… with my father, Thomas Keeling. We used to co-manage Uriel and we would have had Alvaro… but, no. Uriel had to go and learn feelings and make friends with that little asshole, Minute. We know that history… 

He continues. 

Tom Morrow:
You all think I’m making this personal by us doing what we’ve done to them… but THEY made it personal when they poisoned Thomas Keeling’s mind and turned my own father against me. And DEFCON, April 29th, 2021… was the worst day of my career AND my life. Los Tres Titanes and The Saturday Night Specials CHEATED to win a match and got five minutes alone… with me… in that ring… 

Morrow starts putting on his best fake tears in a tell-us-on-the-doll-where-you-were-touched kind of way. 

Tom Morrow:
The Specials… they beat me! My own father kicked me in the nether regions! Titaness attacked me. Uriel Cortez CRUSHED my chest. Minute CRUSHED my chest!

Mason Luck:
Oh, my lord…

Max Luck:
And they call US monsters!

The Sevens play long and each try and help Morrow recalling his traumatic ordeal… but he looks up… the very-fake trauma now replaced with an iron face of determination .

Tom Morrow:
But I SWORE, Jamie… I swore that they would NEVER get away with what they did to me. They took MY dream of running things with my father… so we’re taking EVERYONE’s DEFCON dreams away from them! That’s why I took Jack Mace’s wrestling career from him after he attacked me at DEF Road! That’s why we’ve gone after Los Tres Titanes and that’s why if they’re smart, they won’t show their faces around here any more. 

Alvaro adds in. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
See, Tom? I told you… payback is fun. 

Morrow laughs. 

Tom Morrow:
The man is right, Sawyers… payback IS fun. 

On that note, BFTA completely brush off the brave interviewer and then continue laughing. 

Ophelia Sykes:
You guys wanna see the steel steps crack Uriel again? Just made a GIF on my phone!

Max Luck:
Oooh … send that my way! 


April 20 & 21 @ the Lakefront Arena!


SNS © vs. Malak Garland & Comments Conor Fuse

Henry Keyes vs. Corvo Alpha


The scene goes to ringside and Darren Quimbey.

Darren Quimbey:
This match is for ONE FALL!

The Faithful cheer because it’s for one fall.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first… from Edinburgh, Scotland… weighing two-hundred-twenty-five pounds… The Noble Raider… Gage Blackwood!

♫ “Dare to Tame Me” by TRIDDANA ♫

Blackwood limps out to a good ovation from the fans. Obviously ready to go (although perhaps some can wonder if physically and psychologically there right now), Blackwood storms down the rampway and into the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
His opponent… from Tampa, Florida… weighing one-hundred-ninety-five pounds… The Queen of the Ring… Lindsay Troy!!

♫ “Put ‘Em in the Grave” by Jedi Mind Tricks ♫

The DEFplex plunges into darkness while fog pours across the stage. The fog grows thicker, white-hot spotlights snap to the entrance way and from underneath the stage a red and white light shines bright, carrying their hero upward. Troy rises to the dais, head bowed, hands clenched and once the platform locks into place an explosion of light and sound erupts around her. The camera switches to Gage Blackwood, merely limping back and forth in the center of the ring, unimpressed. He even leans over to referee Benny Doyle with a look of disgust as the feed cuts back to Troy. Once The Renaissance Woman makes her way down the ramp, she’s all business too, checking on her arm sleeves to make sure the second she slides into the ring…


…she’s ready to go.

Doyle’s early on the bell but he’s a vet and knows what these two want. The look upon both of their faces suggest they aren’t here to wrestle, either. Blackwood walks to the center of the ring and Troy happily meets him there.

They start pumping each other with strikes. The Noble Raider with open palm left hands and The Queen of the Ring with right forearms.

These two have never fought each other and yet there’s no love lost.

Blackwood gets the upper hand, only when he’s able to block a couple of Troy’s blows. Blackwood hurls Troy into the ropes but Lindsay rebounds fluently, looking for a flying forearm smash and nails it flush across Gage’s head. The former FIST stumbles into the ropes, then immediately bursts forward and decks the other former FIST from years past with a clothesline. Blackwood pulls Troy to her feet and connects with a hammer throw, sending the Queen flying across her ring.

She’s right back up, though. Troy surprises Blackwood with a boot to the gut, followed by a roaring elbow to Gage’s temple. Having concussion problems already due to the previous Crimson Stalker attacks, Blackwood is stunned. Troy follows with a number of wicked knife-edge chops across Blackwood’s chest, working the Scot into a corner. Troy Irish whips him out but it’s reversed.


Lindsay meets the turnbuckle chest-first… she wobbles backwards. Gage looks for a bulldog but Troy slips away and Blackwood crashes to the mat in a heap.


A strong winded wheel kick delivered by Troy follows, meeting Blackwood square under the jaw. If either of them watched football, the field goal kick would’ve been dead center.

The look on Blackwood’s face… he loves it. While definitely hurt, The Noble Raider tries to get up but Lindsay Troy helps him… positioned into a tiger driver. She hits it!

Troy thinks about going for the pin but right now, it’s about leaving a dent on the man she felt wronged her by not being chosen for Team DEFIANCE last year. Troy wastes little time in kicking Blackwood all the way into a corner but the resilient Scot takes hold of the top ropes. He shoots upwards… though Troy is ready. A swift roundhouse kick puts Blackwood back down on the canvas.

Troy might be looking for an armbreaker here. She’s got hold of Gage and is dragging him out of the corner… NO!

Backdrop by Blackwood. Gage slides across the mat and hooks his arms across Lindsay’s neck, attempting to apply his sleeper, The Soul Breaker. Again, however, DDK’s call is halted because Lindsay snaps upright, pops to her feet and hits a chinbreaker on Gage.

Blackwood flies into a corner. After he collects his bearings, Blackwood shoots forward, although he’s met with a posionrana! Blackwood is thrown on the top of his head!

Solid more! Troy can display so many wrestling strategies. Fight, technical, high flying abilities. Still, even in her veteran years.

Troy holds onto Blackwood. She knows the man is known for his ability to take a beating… so she will simply continue to apply the beating. She connects with a snap suplex and tries for a spinning fisherman’s suplex.

Blackwood escapes, bounces off the ropes-


The two collide into each other and fall to the mat. Replays show their heads meet before hitting an offensive move.

Hey, wait a second!

The crowd boos as Teresa Ames skips down the rampway, as if she’s plucking dandelions from a field.

We saw Ames watch on two weeks ago when Blackwood and Dan Ryan had words in the back, and earlier tonight she and Lindsay Troy had a … discussion.

Stage five clinger.

No doubt.

While Blackwood and Troy find their feet, Ames’ demeanor changes the second she arrives at the edge of the apron. Her face is no longer coy, it’s determined and interested. She slides into the ring. However, once inside the squared circle she realizes neither Troy or Blackwood are paying attention to her.

Particularly Troy.

But particularly Blackwood.

Instead, Lindsay and Gage continue hammering each other, going shot for shot.

Teresa Ames: [raising her voice]

Troy and Blackwood keep exchanging shots.

Teresa Ames: [starting to shout]
Hey hello!?

Ames turns to Troy.

Teresa Ames:
Hi, nice hair. You look kinda like Cher if she were cast in Mad Max Fury Road 2.

Nothing. Blackwood and Troy keep on going. Benny Doyle tries to take a second and tell Ames to get out of the ring but she won’t listen. Next, The Keyboard Queen bats her eyes at Gage.

Teresa Ames: [trying to stay calm]
Hey honey!

Zero acknowledgement. Troy throws Blackwood into a corner, Blackwood comes out with an elbow to Lindsay’s face.

Now Ames looks pissed.

Teresa Ames:


What the hell!? Teresa just took out Benny Doyle!?

Teresa Ames:


The crowd goes ballistic when, as if on queue, Gage Blackwood takes a full sprint at Teresa Ames and crushes her with the Gaelic Storm! He didn’t even look where he was going, Blackwood knew she was there in his peripherals.

It’s almost like Troy and Blackwood haven’t realized the referee is knocked out because as Gage rises from his fallen ex-wife, Lindsay runs over to apply the Divine Right.

Koji clutch locked in!

We don’t have a referee!

Blackwood fights in the center of the ring, although both of them are on top of Teresa Ames yet neither of them seem to give a fuck. As Gage tries to break free, the crowd gets loud once again.

Dan Ryan!

The big man marches down the rampway, clearly not in the mood to take anyone’s shit. Once he reaches the ring, he grabs Ames by her feet and drags her out. The Cute N Qwerty Gurl is a mess on the canvas below.

I believe Ryan has taken out the trash. We still need a referee.

Finally, Blackwood makes it to the ropes. At first, Lindsay doesn’t release the hold but eventually she moves on to more offensive maneuvers. Her attack is only starting. She kicks profusely at Gage, who’s trying to block the shots and make it to his feet. It’s a difficult task, nearly impossible… but Blackwood blocks one kick and holds onto Troy’s leg, snapping around as he does. Lindsay lets out a scream.

Blackwood bought himself some time.

Again, no ref.

Gage stands on his feet but he can’t help seeing Dan Ryan on the apron. It doesn’t take much for the Scot to start mouthing off to him.

Gage Blackwood:
Jog on ya baw juggler get the-

Gage sees referee Mark Shields making his way down the ramp so he quits mouthing off to Ryan and goes back to work on Troy. Shields is in no rush because he is the most incompetent referee ever. Once Mark makes it to the apron…

Teresa Ames pops back up and decks Shields with a clothesline!

The Stage Five Clinger stops, tilts her head and looks directly at Dan Ryan with a hair twirl.

Teresa Ames:
Aren’t I adorable?

Ryan’s facial expressions suggest Ames can’t be serious right now but before anything else can happen Gage Blackwood leaps in-between the top and bottom rope, directly at Ryan.

I’m not sure if Blackwood saw Teresa Ames knock Mark Shields down! Maybe he thinks it was Dan Ryan…

Maybe he doesn’t care, either.

The Ego Buster catches and HURLS Blackwood into the guardrail! Blackwood, again, looks like he loves it and charges Dan Ryan. The two begin going blow for blow all the way up the ramp!

This is insane.

Troy shouts at Ames from inside the ring but The Keyboard Queen just blows a kiss, turns around and trails Dan Ryan and Gage Blackwood brawling up the rampway and into the back.

I don’t think we have a match anymore.

We definitely don’t have a match anymore.

The cameras follow Ryan and Blackwood backstage, with Teresa Ames skipping along in the background. Soon, DEFSec are on the scene to break it up. The cameras switch to Troy exiting the ring and making it up the rampway too, not pleased. Soon she finds herself in the mix of Ryan and Blackwood fighting although she can’t get close.

Troy and Ryan keep shouting at Gage, Gage shouting back in his thick accident with gibberish.

Teresa Ames starts tapping on a nearby table to do minor ASMR, wishing she can popcorn so she could enjoy the show better.

I’ve been told this contest is thrown out the window. We also have to take a commercial break, folks. We’ll see you after.

DEFtv goes to commercial as the parties are finally pulled apart for good.


Bottoms Up Every Single Night!


The camera is nox fixated on Keebler and Warner about ready to talk over the main event of Night Two!

It’s main event time and we have a huge main event in store for you! The longest reigning holder of the Southern Heritage championship takes one of the most dominant champions to hold that same title! Elise Ares! Dex Joy! First time ever one on one!

Last time we saw Dex Joy, he lashed out at Oscar Burns on DEF TV 165 after Burns made him an insulting offer to be his water boy for DEFCON. Dex responded with a Dex Bomb through a table and a challenge of his own that Oscar Burns has not answered!

Elise Ares stole the show along with The D, SNS and Los Tres Titanes at DEFIANCE Road but is looking for a shot at singles glory! She gives up a lot of weight and power to Dex but she might be the best high-flyer in DEFIANCE Wrestling today! You don’t hold the SO-HER for a year without having skills!

Main event time! Two of the greatest Southern Heritage Champions in the history of DEFIANCE Wrestling. One on one! Right now!

One by one in the Wrestle Plex the lights go dark. Section by section of the arena the lights start to fade out. They keep going dark until there is nothing left. The lights start flickering on one more time and beep until a wrecking ball with the Dex Joy logo smashes through a wall! 

♫ "Fight Back" by Konata Small ♫

And finally the man appears on the entrance ramp! 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing, from Los Angeles, California and weighing three-hundred fifty pounds… he is THE LEADER OF DEX’S WRECKING CREW …  DEEEEEXXXXXX JJJJJJOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!!

A black singlet with the same gold and black wrecking ball with “DEX” above and “JOY” below and black shorts with the same pattern. Golden colored boots, knee pads and elbow pads! Dex stomps to the ring and asks the crowd a question. 

Dex Joy:


After the answer back from the crowd Dex walks into the ring and gets ready to play a very high stakes game of cat and mouse with Elise Ares! Speaking of his opponent… on cue the lights shift from ambient arena lighting to hues of burgundy and pink with the pluck of a harp.

♫ "BDE" by Qveen Herby ♫

Swaggering out to a chorus of cheers from the Faithful is Elise Ares, wearing her cyan, magenta, and black PCP ring gear. Her LED glasses flash “BIG” “DIX” “ENERGY” resting over her protective face shield, where she continues to recover from her feud with 24K a year ago. Noticeably missing is the rest of the Pop Culture Phenoms, the Queen of Sports Entertainment Style comes out alone.

This is a rare sight! Elise Ares is coming out to face Dex Joy by herself?!

I heard that Elise took this match looking to get her singles career back on track, and The D was in rough shape after his match earlier but no Flex? No Klein?

There was a bit of a tense moment at the end of that match… you don’t think, do you?

Regardless of reasoning, Elise Ares is here tonight looking to make a statement against the massive Dex Joy. This is one of the more lopsided matches you’ll see in DEFIANCE as far as the size between opponents. Ares will have a lot to overcome, but we’ve seen her pull off minor miracles before.

She’s going to need another one here tonight, but if she does… she’s right back in the forefront of the main event scene here in DEFIANCE!

Elise Ares suggestively enters the ring between the ropes and hurls her LED glasses into the crowd and drops her high fashion jacket to the ground. Dex readies himself for combat and the Leading Lady of DEFIANCE smirks and stretches against the ropes awaiting the bell.


After the bell rings the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful give out cheers for both of the wrestlers standing across from each other in the ring. Dex Joy thrives from the reaction while Elise Ares is milking it for all it is worth by jumping on the second turnbuckle for more cheers. Dex shoots a smile back to the crowd. 

Both stars are very popular in DEFIANCE Wrestling! Will power or speed win this one tonight?

They’re both ready! 

Dex is the first one to make a move. He tries taking the fight to Elise quickly but she moves and then throws a kick into the knee of Dex and then a drop kick that just slightly rocks him. The South Beach Starlet gets up and uses a head lock on the Foreman of Dex’s Wrecking Crew. He quickly uses the power that he holds and lifts Elise with no problem at all and launches her her across the ring … 

But she lands on her feet with the elegance and agility of a cat and even takes a bow for Dex!

Elise Ares showing off early but this is all part of her game! 

And for now Dex Joy looks amused by it but I can guarantee you that he isn’t taking this match lightly. 

Elise comes back and hits another drop kick to Dex … and then she hits a second one in a row! The shots are enough to wobble Dex on her feet. She runs to the ropes. Joy goes for a back elbow but misses then Ares jumps at Dex with another drop kick. The extra speed pushes Joy back into the ropes when Elise gets up … but she gets the surprise of a life time in the form of a running shot gun drop kick from Dex himself! The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful are taken aback by the pure shock value of the move! 

Elise tries speed … but Dex takes this one with that shot gun drop kick! 

What a powerful move to wielded by a man that massive! 

Dex gets up first as Elise is almost kicked all the way through the ropes! She spills through the ropes but barely hangs on to the ropes so she can avoid hitting the floor. 

Dex Joy is a very loud and boisterous fellow but those months he spent fighting Arthur Pleasant and the Scourge really helped him stay more focused. 

It has served him well. 

Dex gets up and charges at Elise but with some quick thinking she leaps over Dex just as the tank of a man goes through the ropes! Dex tries stopping himself on the floor but eats a super kick from Elise from the ring apron. The first kick stuns him, but a second super kick from Elise stuns him a little more. Elise jumps back inside the ring and then uses a springboard to the top rope before she descends upon Dex on the floor with a high jumping twisting corkscrew plancha!!!

Oh, my goodness! Can we get a replay of that? That was incredible! 

How many times did Elise spin on that spring board twisting corkscrew plancha? I lost track!

A fast replay shows a leap from a few different angles! 

The match is back on and Elise Ares is the first person up. She yells out to the crowd. 

Elise Ares:
Que tal eso?!?!

Elise Ares' confidence remains mostly unshaken but if she wants to beat Dex, she has to get him in that ring to pin or submit him. 

And easier said than done!

Elise Ares is still dancing and getting cheers from some of the younger male fanbase for her work in the ring. The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style goes over to where Dex is getting up. He tries to push her away but Elise rolls through the shove. She runs at Dex with another kick in mind but when she tries to get it, Dex throws her up on his shoulders!

Dex catches Elise!

Then Dex spins her out and hits a Dex-5 on the ring apron! 

Yeouch! Dex with the fireman carry face buster on the apron! That’s what Elise gets for playing too long! 

She does have nobody to blame for herself right here! Both of these wrestlers want big opportunities with DEFCON just around the corner and a win on the DEF TV main event can get someone there! 

Dex has followed Elise back into the ring. He puts her in a corner, but nobody puts the baby in a corner. Just kidding. She gets slammed into with a heavy elbow shot to the gut from Dex and then picked up and taken over with such a big release german suplex that Elise is thrown a whole flip and crashes out of the corner on her stomach! 

Another big throw from Dex Joy! The Dex-5 on the apron is followed up by that power hoist suplex out of the corner! 

Dex has her down and pins her shoulders. 

One …
Two …

Elise somehow kicks out and her shoulder comes up!

Elise Ares is so tough and resilient! Like you said, Darren, she held that title for so long because she was a winner! 

But look at Dex! He’s not giving her any room to get away. 

Dex carries Elise on the shoulder then puts her back in a corner. Another big elbow smash hits her in the ribs which has Elise doubled over. Dex doesn’t look like he wants to resort to such things but tries to put the thought in the back of his mind. Elise is pushed to the ropes then Dex comes back ducking for a back body drop … 

Elise trying to sunset flip Dex? I can’t say that’s smart! 

Dex does not move and in fact, he grabs Elise by both of her arms and then elevates her onto the shoulder and then hits an elevated flat liner! 

New move by Dex! He hits the flat liner but … he’s not going for a cover?

Dex scans the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful!

Dex Joy:


Dex polls the crowd! Now he’s playing a little too long, but he tries pinning Elise!

One …
Two …

Elise kicks out again and this time Dex is more surprised!

Dex should have learned something from Elise’s earlier mistake! Both she and Dex are among the bigger favorites we have today in DEFIANCE Wrestling, but Elise showing how tough she is as well. 

Dex realizes his folly! He’s going to end this. 

Dex gets ready and then puts Elise on the ropes. He goes for the Dex Bomb but he launches Elise too far and she leaps over the big man, lands on her feet and then comes to a stop holding the ropes. Dex runs at her with a charge but she gets her feet up and kicks her before she grabs him by the neck … 

Cuban Necktie! Dex gets dropping using that cutter across the top rope! 

Dex is choked and the crowd is in Elise’s corner for the moment to fell the big man. With great agility she lands on the apron and then spring boards back into the ring to hit a big flying double-knee facebreaker on Dex Joy! He finally goes down to the canvas!

What a counter that was! I can’t believe Elise finally gets Dex off his feet! 

And with two incredible high-flying moves! The Cuban Necktie and the spring board double-knee facebreaker! Now where does Elise go from here?

Dex is holding a very sore jaw and Elise is holding a very sore everything (her ribs) from the various slams that Dex Joy has put on her through the bout. She sees Dex trying to get up when he gets hit with a pair of super kicks that rock him as he is on his knee and then gets hit off a pele kick! 

Dex is down! Dex is down! Elise is going to the top rope!

She slides right into position and then goes to the top rope as fast as she possibly can. She measures Dex up and then hits a shooting star press! 

Elise Ares goes for the win! That shooting star pres was amazing! 

After the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful pop for the move, she stays on Dex Joy’s shoulders while the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful count with the cover. 

One …
Two …

Dex shoots her off with authority! 

Dex kicked out of all that! How did that happen?

Dex knows how big this match is! He wants a match with Oscar Burns and a win over someone with Elise’s championship pedigree can’t be ignored! 

Lance’s call seems to be right on. Dex sits up and Elise tries a run into a tilt-a-whirl DDT on Dex … but he hangs on and tosses her using a release belly to belly suplex while he still stands! 

And that strength is unbelievable by Dex! He really has become a one-man wrecking crew in DEFIANCE Wrestling! 

The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful are with Dex when he points to the corner. He gets Elise up and then tries to sit her up on the top rope. 

I have no idea what he’s going for but any move off that top rope, much less from Dex that’s gonna be it. 

I agree with that! He seems to know what he wants! 

Elise is propped in a seated position the top rope and then Dex tries to climb with her … but she rakes the eyes of Dex to save herself! With Dex left out of sorts from a desperation move by Elise, she leaps up and nails a code red sunset flip power bomb off the top rope! 


Dex has been driven into the mat off the second rope when Elise slowly crawls over and jumps onto the chest of The Biggest Boy! 

One …
Two …


Elise doesn’t believe it. Neither does the crowd and even the referee’s count felt skeptical for a moment but Elise just tries to think of her next move. Dex is down and she looks like he is thinking about using her double foot curb stomp! 

The Extreme Makeover! Two stomps to the back of the head are going to hurt and hurt bad if she gets it! 

Elise jumps forward and tries the jump … but Dex sees it coming and then pushes Elise high into the air! He catches her … 


And Dex picks up Elise by the arm for good measure. He has her set up in a rip cord set up and then drags her right into his arms to hit his finisher … 

Dex Drive!!! Dex Drive on Elise!!!

Dex covers Elise and hooks the legs to make sure there are no more surprises. 

One …
Two …


The Foreman of Dex’s Wrecking Crew emphatically clutches his fist and takes in the response in the crowd who have been treated to a great main event!

Darren Quimbey:

What an incredible finish that was! Elise Ares tries the double foot stomp, but Dex braced himself and tossed her up in the air for the Dex Bomb! The Dex Drive followed for good measure to make sure Elise stayed down and we have our winner!

Both Dex Joy and Elise Ares showed tonight exactly why they are among the best that DEFIANCE Wrestling has! 

Dex pats Elise on the shoulder and then gives her a nod of respect. He offers to help her to her feet and they shake hands after he helps pull her up. 

And great sportsmanship from both former SO-HER champions! 

That’s what you want to see? I hope Oscar Burns was somewhere watching because Dex has earned the right to compete with him at DEFCON. 

Elise leaves the ring. Dex basks in the crowd response and stands on the second rope to enjoy the moment. 

But moments are fleeting!



The rising cheers of The Faithful become a torrential downpour of jeers when Dex Joy gets hit from behind! 


Dex is knocked off the second turnbuckle after taking a shot to the back, courtesy of… 


The man calling himself DEFIANCE - golden shovel in hand - holds out the weapon… then CRACKS Dex against the forehead, bringing him down to a knee! 


A contemptuous Oscar Burns stands over Dex Joy, holding his head on the mat. Oscar raises his prized golden shovel, high in the air! 


I’ve never ONCE seen Oscar Burns resorting to this sort of thing, using weapons! Even the way he’s been lately… he’s sworn he’s been upstanding. He’s sworn by following rules… but this is a new low. Even for him. 


Burns then latches on to an already hurt Dex and locks in the now-signature Fifty submission on him! Dex can barely fight back as it is! He tries to claw and fight back… and even starts to try and get Burns up… 

But he tightens his grip on the hold! 


The crowd JEERS when Dex goes down to the mat… and his arms finally sink! 


As soon as he finally relinquishes his hold called Fifty, Burns rolls off of Dex and collects his golden shovel… and a microphone. 

Now what?

Burns takes a moment to catch his breath after the struggle while Dex has faded completely. Burns then gets ready. 

Oscar Burns:
Dex Joy! I told you last week on UNCUT after my Dig Down Deep Challenge… that I was going to come out here, face to face… man to man… and give you my answer for DEFCON.


Oscar grabs the microphone... 

Oscar Burns:
You want to go toe-to-toe against the man that IS DEFIANCE, GC? The man who IS this promotion? You want to take on the man that single-handledly carries this promotion across his shoulders, night in, night out, twenty-four seven, three sixty-five? Right? The man who eats, sleeps, lives and breathes DEFIANCE! You want this match? Do the Oscar Burns Faithful want this match?!


They want it! He knows they do! 

Oscar Burns versus Dex Joy! Make it happen! Show why you're DEFIANCE!

Oscar takes in the reaction from the crowd... and his mind is made up. Dex is just barely coming to when Burns kneels over and gives him his answer.









Oscar Burns:



He put him through all that… and turned him down for DEFCON?! What a coward!

Burns throws the microphone away and poses for a jeering crowd. 

I need some answers here… but we’ve got to call it a night, everyone, but the final leg to DEFCON unlike this current version of Oscar Burns, is still full of more twists and turns to come!  For Lance Warner, I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler. Good night! 

Oscar hoists the golden shovel behind his back and raises the shovel to the loudest of jeers, standing over the fallen Biggest Boy. 





Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.