BRAZEN: Clash of the BRAZEN 7/29/22

29 Jul 2022

Grady Cole Center, Charlotte, North Carolina (seats 3,000)


few men considered to be the future of BRAZEN in the young team of Kenny Yi and Lee Laz - OnlyFlips, along with Liz Icarus. They team with the 18-year-old high flying sensation Antonio Prince against BRAZEN vets, Brutal Attack Force and the masked “Cunning” Curt Cunning. 

Lee Laz ran through a series of great moves with Petey Garrett, taking him over with a running headscissors! Solomon Grendel got dumped on the outside before both men hit the Cross-sault Collab, stereo springboard moonsaults to the floor! Antonio Prince showed his stuff and hit a tope con hilo into a hurricanrana on the floor on Cunning! 

Thanks to some cheating from Curt Cunning later, Prince got picked off with a series of double-teams from BAF including a double penalty kick and a russian legsweep/yakuza kick combo. But a reversal from a powerbomb into a cutter from Nick led to Kenny Yi with the tag, running wild with dives for everyone including a suicide dive on Cunning, then a big tope con hilo on him. OnlyFlips hit Premium Content (Neckbreaker/450 Splash) combo on Grendel for the win to kick off the show! 

WINNER: OnlyFlips and Antonio Prince via pinfall @ 6:49


The Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, North Carolina starts off the show going wild with BRAZEN Matchmaker and former Team HOSS member Capital Punishment! Cappy welcomes the crowd to the show and thanks them for coming and supporting BRAZEN as they have been traveling on the road. With a house of just over two thousand men, women and children in the crowd, Cappy was happy to give them a show. He gives the rundown of tonight’s card as well as they display on screen!

BRAZEN Championship
Declan "DEC4L" Alexander (c) vs. Strong AF (w/Aleczander The Great)

BRAZEN Tag Team Championships
NEW Rain City Ronin (Zack Daymon and Leo Burnett) (c) vs. The House (Derrick Huber and Adam Roebuck)

BRAZEN Onslaught Championship
Michael Van Warren (c) vs. "One Shot" Jack Halcyon 

Kazuhiro Troy (c) vs. Archer Silver

#1 Contender Match, BRAZEN Championship
FLAMBERGE vs. Nathan Cross

(The Winner Will Be Given A DEFIANCE Contract!)

After running down the card, Cappy gets ready to leave… until “Great” by Instruction hits and out comes his former Team HOSS stablemate, Aleczander The Great! The Mancunian Muscle comes out with Strong AF at his side, the former Olympic powerlifter to main event later against Declan “DEC4L” Alexander. Aleczander asks why Capital Punishment showed no love to him… and Cappy tells him it’s because all the money in the world that Tom Morrow used to give them as Team HOSS isn’t enough to put up with Alec’s prima donna ass. 

Aleczander tells Cappy that Angel Trinidad is wrestling abroad, but he’ll make a new Team HOSS that will be running BRAZEN and it starts tonight with this man! Strong AF! Allen Fosters! Six-foot one! Two sixty five! A man who will be running BRAZEN as soon as the takes the title from that gamer nerd later. Cappy tells him to prove it, and Aleczander gets the idea that he and Strong AF are going to show Cappy first-hand what Declan is in store for… but that’s when the champ comes down! With chair in hand, he chases off Aleczander and Strong AF from the ring before they can do anything to Cappy. They both start to head to the back with Aleczander saying this fight won’t happen until later. Declan grabs the mic and tells the crowd “welcome to the show!” before things kick off! 


Per usual BRAZEN Star Cup rules, fifteen-minute Iron Man Rules. The most falls at the end of the time period will win or retain the Star Cup. 

The show opens up with BRAZEN stable Les Enfants Terribles members colliding! Kazuhiro Troy, the defending BRAZEN Star Cup holder, second-generation star and adopted son of former FIST and Vae Victis’ own Lindsay Troy. 

Archer Silver. Third generation star, Hall of Fame father and uncle (Sonny Silver, also now of Vae Victis if you read UNCUT) and Hall of Fame grandfather. Former two-time BRAZEN Tag Team Champion alongside High Flyer IV; now looking for his first singles championship in BRAZEN. 

Neither High Flyer IV or Killjoy are out here as they will be involved within the ASCENSION Battle Royal later in the evening so the two men will have to settle their own beef. Archer has been stalking Kaz and the Cup since Kazuhiro won the Cup at the last CLASH Special and since then, tensions have boiled over between the two, bringing us to right now! 

The match starts with Archer missing wildly with a roundhouse, then Kaz doing the same. Both men swing for the fences early and wail away on one another with forearms! The crowd is much less about cheering either man as opposed to watching them beat the hell out of one another to settle their grudge. They continue to fight until Archer gets the better with a bigger forearm, followed by stiff series of shoot kicks that knocks Kaz over. He sits Kaz up and him across the back… Kaz takes it with a smile. 

Archer sits down and offers his own back to Kaz. Kaz demonstrates his own kicking prowess with a loud kick! Archer takes it in stride and rubs his back. Kaz takes one more swing… but Archer ducks then rolls him up for two, deciding not to play that strong style nonsense any longer! He goes for a pair of roll-ups including a crucifix and a backslide, but only a two-count. 

Archer nails a boot to the face, then SCRAPES it across the face of Troy before he hits the ropes for the Pressure Button, but Kaz ducks and then hits a side kick! He goes up to the top… 

THE CORONATION! Just like how Momma LT used to do it! 


The first fall of the match goes to Kaz and while Archer argues with the official that he kicked out before the three, but the count stands! Archer’s attitude leaves him wide open for a double knee backbreaker from Kaz! He tries to steal another cover, but only gets a two! He goes up top and then heads up for a diving double foot stomp! He leaps…


Archer moves, but Kaz catches himself on the landing and rolls through…. But when he gets up, Archer KICKS the leg out from under him with a soccer kick! The crowd cringes from the impact as The Prince of Pricks goes for the kill on the leg by following with a big dragon screw right into an elevated half crab! He cranks back on the hold and continues to do so, but Kazuhiro fights for the ropes with young Kaz getting some cheers as he does! The defending BRAZEN Star Cup holder finally makes it over to the ropes! 

Archer hangs on for the four-count and then pulls him out of the ropes to slap on the inverted figure four! He cranks back even more on the knee! Kaz tries to make the ropes a second time, but used most of his strength doing the same for the crab! Kaz taps! 

Now both men have one fall a piece with half the time remaining and Archer is in the driver’s seat. He stomps down on the knee of Kaz and continues to punish, but when he tries for the figure-four again… Kaz catches him in a small package, but only gets a two-count. Kaz tries to beat Archer to his feet, but the leg slows him down and then Archer hits a low dropkick to the knee! Kaz buckles into the corner, allowing Archer to hit the Pressure Button! The corner big boot connects and he goes for a cover… but only gets another two-count! 

The crowd is buzzing as Sonny Silver’s striking and technical work shows in young Archer, continuing to kick away at the knee. He measures him up for a buzzsaw kick… Kazuhiro ducks, then pushes Archer into the ropes for an O’Connor Roll… kickout at two! The leg buckles so he can’t hold on… but when Archer swings for an elbow, he moves… then hits an exploder! Kaz finally has him up! It takes both men a few moments to collect themselves, but Archer ges up and swings… 


The crowd is on their feet as Troy rolls over to hook the leg!


Archer’s shoulder is up, but Kaz stays on him! He double underhooks the arms for the Royal Treatment, but Archer breaks free, then clips the left leg again, going right into a standing ankle lock! With a minute and change to go, Archer looks for the tapout to put him up two to one! He tries to get to the ropes, but he’s spent! Archer pulls back… but Kaz rolls him up with a counter!


But Archer goes back to one of his own! 


But Kaz rolls back out of that into a samson clutch pin of his own! 


He gets the fall just seconds before… 


The match is over! 

Archer falls to the canvas, as does Kazuhiro Troy, holding his knee in pain after the punishment dished out from his LET stablemate. The official brings in the BRAZEN Star Cup as both men recover when Archer SNATCHES it from him! He looks at the Cup, and then at Kazuhiro Troy… 

Then begrudgingly presents the title to its owner! He sighs… then holds out a fist to Kaz. Kazuhiro looks at the fist and then bumps it and the two men are given cheers from the crowd for the show of respect. Their own respective parents spent years either as teammates or bitter rivals and looks like that trend will continue with Troy and Silver. Archer leaves the ring and then heads to the back with Kazuhiro Troy holding on tight to the BRAZEN Star Cup, thus continuing his highly successful reign! He raises it and then limps out of the ring to take in cheers… a very odd situation for Les Enfants Terribles, but an exciting opener regardless. 

WINNER: And STILL BRAZEN Star Cup holder, Kazuhiro Troy wins two falls to one at the 15:00 Time Limit


The New Rain City Ronin continue to shatter records with the BRAZEN Tag Team Championships as their reign continues by the day. Tonight’s night makes 244 days as champions. The previous record of 204 held by The DEFcepticons was broken some time ago in a reign that includes wins over legends like Team HOSS and a DEFIANCE/BRAZEN combination team in Dan Leo James and Uriel Cortez. Tonight, however, they would take on legendary sixteen-time former tag team champions and BRAZEN Coaches, The House, looking for one more big run with titles to come. 

The challengers come out to big cheers from the crowd. The 271-pound Derrick Huber and the 350-pound Adam Roebuck! The New Rain City Ronin may learn tonight to never bet against The House! 

The champions arrive on the scene next! Impressing on DEFtv and UNCUT appearances while owning the BRAZEN Tag Team division, they look for their next mountain to climb tonight. The titles are on the line and the crowd cheers on what is about to happen next! 

Leo Burnett starts off with Derrick Huber the two lock up, but Huber uses a biel throw! Derrick Huber aka Big Slick uses his power advantage and then throws him around with a waistlock takedown to show he can hit the mat as well. Burnett has a hard time getting away from him, and Derrick lets him have it a scoop slam and falling elbow drop for the first pinfall attempt of the match. He hits a delayed suplex on Burnett, then tags Adam Roebuck. He gets a splash and then a falling elbow of his own from the big man, but The Iceman kicks out! 

Adam tags Derrick again and the two men hit a double shoulder tackle! Huber makes another cover, but Leo guts it out with another kickout! The BRAZEN Tag Team Champions are being taken to task by the experience challengers! Derrick tries another suplex, but Burnett sneaks out behind him and hits a jumping neckbreaker to counter! Zack Daymon gets the tag and the champions both hit double dropkicks to Adam Roebuck to knock him off the apron followed by an aided senton from Burnett followed by a jumping double stomp by Daymon for a two count. 

The BRAZEN Tag Team Champions continue to work over Derrick Huber with tag team moves, including a double dropkick for him for another count. Daymon tries the leaping reverse STO, but Huber pushes him away. Huber runs for a spear, but the son of Rocko Daymon sidesteps and throws him outside the ring, allowing for Zack Daymon to fly with a slingshot flying forearm to the outside! 

BRAZEN Faithful continue to cheer on the champions who surprisingly have Huber in their sights. The Iceman tags in and then goes for a chop block to the leg of Huber on the outside followed by a heel hook! He keeps the hold applied, until Huber makes it to the ropes! Burnett gets kicked away and tags in Daymon, but Huber this time sends both of the champions through the ropes, then follows with a HEAVY plancha of his own, wiping out both members of the Rain City Ronio to cheers! Huber gets up and at forty-six, he looks as good as ever flying to the outside!

Huber tosses Daymon back inside and then makes a tag to Roebuck. He climbs inside and then goes for the move. 


The Four of a Kind combo nearly caves in Zack’s chest, then Roebuck takes him out of the corner with a hip toss. When Daymon starts to limp to his feet, he gets run over with a running clothesline! Roebuck then grabs him by the body and tags Huber to hit Dead Money! The elbow drop/sidewalk slam combo hits and Huber with the cover!


Burnett leaps in and breaks it up with a driving elbow drop to the back of Huber’s head! Huber shoves Leo back and then tags him. Roebuck is tagged in and then applies a good old-fashioned Greco-Roman bearhug to Zack Daymon! He shakes him around to get him to submit, but Daymon won’t do it! He continues to apply pressure to the back! Daymon tries to pry his arms apart, but he is too strong. Instead, he elbows him in the head and then has to settle with a pair of quick headbutts to the side of Roebuck’s head to get him to let go! He tries to grab him, but Daymon grabs the head and hits a full-turn Tornado DDT off the ropes! 

Both men are down! Roebuck holding his head, Burnett trying to get to his corner. Roebuck gets a hand out and gets a tag. He grabs Daymon, who fires back with a rewind enzuigiri to free himself… 

Tag to Burnett! 

The Iceman fires off a huge charging forearm, but Huber still remains standing. He comes off the other ropes and hits a second one, then a third one sending him back into the corner. Burnett charges in and then with another charging forearm from one side, and then another… 


He gets Huber up and over with a big release German suplex out of the corner and then follows with a running rolling neckbreaker out of the corner! He goes right for the cover after!


He kicks out, but when Roebuck tries to stop him, Daymon rolls over to his aid and both men hit a double leaping knee strike to the head, sending him out to the floor! Zack Daymon climbs the turnbuckles and then takes flight with a rolling senton off the top rope and right on top of Roebuck! 

Burnett has Derrick Huber down… 




The crowd JEERS when BIGBOSS Batts runs to ringside and then THROWS Zack Daymon into the railing! Behind him, the giant BIG Aug Lazar storms behind them and then hits a nasty big boot on Adam Roebuck before they turn their attention to the ring! The crowd jeers when they realize what is happening. 

It is announced BIG Trouble are cashing in their Golden Opportunity Gauntlet win from the last CLASH here tonight! The crowd jeers when BIGBOSS Batts and BIG Kahuna Ali’i stand in the ring, making this a triple threat match!

The bell rings with the new competitors! Huber gets NAILED with BIGBOSS Brains! The flying headbutt levels him, followed by BIG Kahuna Ali’i heading to the top… 


Kahuna makes the cover! Burnett tries to stand, but BIGBOSS Batts cuts him off! 




The crowd JEERS! The champions have lost the titles without being involved in the decision and The House have been screwed out of an opportunity at the BRAZEN Tag Team Championships! 

WINNERS: And NEW BRAZEN Tag Team Champions - BIG Trouble @ 12:45

The newest trio to cause trouble for BRAZEN are awarded the titles they didn’t rightfully earn tonight. Batts gives the title over to BIG Kahuna Ali’i for making the pin while Big Aug Lazar behind them march out proudly. BIG Trouble march out of the ring while the members of both The House and Rain City Ronin try to pick up the pieces. Daymon punches the mat in frustration, having their titles taken without being pinned while Roebuck is pissed off and checking on his partner. 

BIG Trouble made some enemies tonight, but as for right now, they have surprised everyone as the new kingpins of BRAZEN’s Tag Team division. 


For the past several months dating back to the last CLASH special, the silent and violent FLAMBERGE was handed his first loss thanks to the agile upstart, Nathan Cross. FLAMBERGE retaliated by choking him out with the Marie Antionette after the match. A rematch at a later Double Shot saw FLAMBERGE victorious. Given that FLAMBERGE and Nathan Cross are two of BRAZEN’s quickest-rising stars, BRAZEN Matchmaker Capital Punishment put together this special rubber match with massive stakes between the two! We don’t know yet whether Declan Alexander or Strong AF will be BRAZEN Champion by the end of the night, but we know who will get the first shot at the title after this match! 

FLAMBERGE vs. Nathan Cross with a future BRAZEN Championship title match on the line! 

FLAMBERGE out first to jeers from the crowd. The arrogant Frenchman hasn’t said one word in BRAZEN, choosing violence as his form of communication. He enters the ring and with the faintest of a cocky smirk, he’s ready to rock and roll. 

Nathan Cross out next to big cheers from the BRAZEN Faithful in North Carolina, a true wrestling hotbed! The 6’4” Cross wows the crowd by leaping onto the ropes and then into the ring, showing off his athleticism. This match is a veritable clash of styles, but as the saying goes, styles make fights. 

FLAMBERGE locks up aggressively with Nathan Cross and tries to bring him down with a high and tight arm lock, but Nathan takes the fight to him first using a big arm drag! He takes him over with a second one, and then a third! FLAMBERGE gets taken off his game early and then Nathan fires off with a big scoop slam followed by a running leg drop with big hang time off the ropes! The athleticism of the former D2 basketball player on full display right now as he stands up. He hooks the leg of FLAMBERGE and then connects with a fisherman’s suplex, only to get a quick two-count. 

With Cross in the lead, he hooks him for an arm lock, but trying to play FLAMBERGE’s game doesn’t result in anything but pain when he quickly rolls him up into the ropes and then SNAPS him over using a violent Ipponzei arm throw! The crowd cringes, then starts jeering FLAMBERGE as he peppers the back of Nathan Cross’ head just to get under his skin, but this angers Cross, who stops being pretty with his moves and takes him down with a double leg to fire off right hands! 

He nails a couple of shots, but FLAMBERGE quickly mounts a defense by flipping him over and then going right into a grounded arm lock! He cranks on the arm, but Cross is able to get to the ropes… but FLAMBERGE quickly gets up and then SNAPS off a huge dropkick right to the left arm! Nathan is hurt and then FLAMBERGE follows up with a dropstep into a quick and tight Kata-Garuma fireman’s carry toss! 

Rather than go for the quick cover just yet, FLAMBERGE attacks the arm with a nasty wringer, followed by elbows and uppercuts to the joint before dropping another ipponzei arm throw to snap him back on the mat followed right into a modified fujiwara armbar! He cranks back on the hold and tries getting the submission, but Nathan Cross fights out by pushing up and then rolling forward! He gets up and then nails a knee lift to the jaw of FLAMBERGE, then favors the arm! He heads off the ropes…


But the crowd winces when Nathan gets SNAPPED with a painful Harai Goshi throw right into a cover!


Nathan Cross kicks out, but FLAMBERGE continues to pummel the arm with strikes! He elbows the arm joint again and then takes him over with a half hatch suplex while holding the arm right into a bridge! 


Cross shows his resilience and kicks out when FLAMBERGE levels him with a hard knee of his own. He goes for the axe kick that precedes his Marie Antoinette guillotine choke… but Nathan moves and FLAMBERGE hits the mat! The young French phenom starts to try and rise again, but gets a HUGE front dropkick from Cross, spilling FLAMBERGE right into the corner. Cross slaps the mat with his good hand and the crowd starts to cheer him on. He gets back up and then charges the corner with big leaping back elbow, then once again off the ropes to deliver a HUGE corner big boot, sending FLAMBERGE through the ropes! The kick echoes as he lands on the floor with a thud! 

Nathan Cross has a big move on his mind as FLAMBERGE tries to crawl away… 


The crowd is on their feet now as the ultra-agile Nathan Cross makes the successful leap! Cross throws FLAMBERGE back into the ring, but before he can prop himself for a big move off the top, the French judo expert rolls off to the outside. Nathan Cross isn’t done as he runs the corner, steps up off the middle rope with a somersault senton to the outside, crashing down on FLAMBERGE once again! 

Not a man is standing after Cross successfully hits his second consecutive dive! He throws FLAMBERGE back into the ring and then follows using a springboard elbow drop to the heart! 




The crowd thought that was it! Cross gets up and then grabs the neck of FLAMBERGE as he goes for the Crossover rolling cutter… but before he can, FLAMBERGE breaks free and hits a pele kick to the arm he worked over earlier! FLAMBERGE grabs Cross and then throws him shoulder first into the ring post! 

Axe kick! 

Cross goes down and then FLAMBERGE slaps on Marie Antoinette! 

The hold is tightly applied! Too much damage has been done to the arm of Cross… as he taps! 


WINNER: and #1 Contender to the BRAZEN Championship, FLAMBERGE @ 13:14 via submission with the Marie Antoinette

FLAMBERGE ends the exciting rivalry with Nathan Cross by now becoming the #1 Contender to the BRAZEN Championship! Without saying a word, he soaks in the jeers and confidently struts out of the arena with his eyes now looking towards tonight’s main event! Cross has nothing to be ashamed of in his performance tonight as he clutches an arm leaving the ring. A tough loss, but showing he is ever-improving and pulling out great new moves to accentuate his agility. 



Variations on battle royals have taken place on prior CLASH specials… but tonight’s special battle royal might be THE golden opportunity for one BRAZEN star. The winner of tonight’s battle royal will earn themselves a spot on the DEFIANCE roster! 

Formerly a big pay-per-view name for DEFIANCE, the Ascension name now loans itself to this proof of concept! Who will win tonight’s major battle royal?

For the next match, BRAZEN Matchmaker Capital Punishment is out there and waiting with specialized markup folder with the contract to be introduced to the winner of the inaugural Ascension Battle Royal!

One by one, the competitors make the trek into the ring.

The DEFcepticons of Al Sparks, Ryan Knox, Septimus Tyne, Megan Kron and Starscream (big pop!), Los Tres Titanes protege Dan Leo James (big pop!), Count Novick (big BIG pop!), Cristiano Caballero (big boos!) Kid Black Jack (cheers), Gunther Adler and Reinhardt Hoffman (big boos!), Heavy Artillery aka Bobby Horrigan and Rosey Owens (boos!), The Viking War Cult of Cul, Ivar and Floki Holmstrom and Torvald the Destroyer (boos!), MASSIVE Cowboy (cheers), The Barrio Boys of Gerardo Villalobos, Hugo Gonzalez and Corey Nunez (cheers), MASSIVE Cowboy (cheers!) and the Les Enfants Terrible members High Flyer IV and the former two-time BRAZEN Champion Killjoy (big mixed cheers/jeers!)

The ring gets filled with competitors, but before anyone gets started…

♫ "Africa” by Toto ♫

And one word flashes on the screen… 


And out comes… well, some guy in an Aardvark costume, getting a mix of jeers and complete “wtf is this guy” as he marches towards the ring. He demands all the attention on him as he tries to climb up the ropes… but Count Novick stands his ground and threatens to suck AARDMARK’s BLLLAAAAAUUUUDDDD! The bell rings as the ASCENSION Battle Royal kicks off! When The AARDMARK steps to everyone’s favorite wrestling vampire, Count Novick pushes his face and knocks his helmet around so AARDMARK can’t see! The man stumbles around until The 6’7” Dan Leo James has seen enough and throws AARDMARK out! 

The helmet comes off to reveal… 


Anyway, he gets jeered out of the building and the ASCENSION Battle Royal kicks off! Punches and kicks get thrown! Lots of bodies start to fight and the ring descends into complete chaos as everyone looks for any opportunity they can to grab someone and try to get them over the top rope! 

Septimus Tyne and Starscream try and Corey Nunez over the top rope, but then Starscream turns on Septimus and tries to do the same to him. Tyne keeps telling Starscream to stop turning on the DEFCepticons for once, and then Megan Kron has to teach him a lesson by throwing him over the ropes first! Starscream out! Corey Nunez tries to get Septimus over, but Megan grabs him by the collar and then throws him over the ropes first! Nunez out, but big Gerardo Villalobos and Hugo Gonzalez don’t be abuelas cause they stay in escuela and both work quick to toss Septimus over right next to Starscream! 

Megan Kron and Hugo Gonzales continue to battle with the Viking War Cult while in the center of the ring, the seven-foot Torvald the Destroyer against LET’s Beat, Killjoy! The two biggest men in the match start scrapping with one another and fight mid-ring! Cul tries to help him, but High Flyer IV jumps onto his back and claws his eyes! 

Dan Leo James contends with big Rosey Owens with Bobby Horrigan and longtime BRAZEN star Gunther Adler scrapping with Kid Black Jack about to hit a corner dropkick on both! The twins, Ivar and Floki continue to grab Kid Black Jack, but the talented young Las Vegas star flips the ropes and then takes them over with a double arm drag across the scrap. Hoffman and Adler both nod and then charge, CLOBBERING them both with stereo clotheslines and eliminating half of the Viking War Cult, eliminating the Holmstrom twins! 

MASSIVE Cowboy scraps with Ryan Knox, burying shoulders into the corner, but MASSIVE fights back with a headbutt and then corks back his arm… LARIATOOOOO!

And one for Bobby Horrrigan… LARIATOOOOO!

And one for Hoffman… LARIATOOOOOOO!

MASSIVE Cowboy gets cheers from the fans and raises his arm when Cristiano Caballero tries to throw him over… but Cowboy spins around and then chucks him near the ropes… LARIATOOOOO over the ropes! Caballero gone!

He can’t celebrate for too long as Rosey Owens splatters him in the corner with a running splash! 

Al Sparks and Megan Kron try and break up the fight between Torvald and Killjoy by throwing them over separately, but Killjoy shakes off Sparks and then hits a headbutt while Torvald picks up Megan Kron… and throws the amazon of The DEFCepticons over the top rope! Megan Kron is Megan gone! The two monsters resume their fight in the corner with Killjoy trying to get him over the ropes! 

Gerardo Villalobos, the first-ever BRAZEN Onslaught Champion, tries to get Kid Black Jack over while Corey Nunez is trying to throw Count Novick over. The uber-popular vampire BITES the arm of Corey before he can go over! Hoffman tries to dump them both, but Ryan Knox is back up! Hoffman is eliminated! Adler tries to stick up for him, but Al Sparks is back up and he and Ryan Knox both toss him over! Adler and Hoffman are now gone!

MASSIVE Cowboy cocks back another arm and lands the LARIATOOOO on Torvald… then the LARIATOOOOO on Killjoy… but they only wobble! They both SMASH into Cowboy with splashes from either side to smash him, then they both double-team Cowboy unexpectedly, tossing him over the ropes to jeers from the crowd! Dan Leo James tries to get Bobby Horrigan over the ropes, but the hefty Irishman fights back and slugs his chest with rights. He runs off the ropes, but Dan Leo James runs the other way and EXPLODES with a big shoulder tackle that sends him over the ropes! Bobby Horrigan tries to help his tag partner and charges at him, but James moves! He grabs Bobby by the waist and then hits a belly-to-belly, sending the large 375-pound man over the ropes and spilling to the floor! The 6’7” and 260-pound Dan Leo James yells out, but gets attacked by a yakuza kick from High Flyer IV! 

Cul tries to fight with Ryan Knox, but gets an elbow to the face and then fires back with a chop exchange with the Rhino of the DEFcepticons! The two battle it out, but Gerardo and Hugo Gonzalez try and get them over, but The Barrio Boys fight back. Nunez gets tossed to the apron and tries to hang on, but a Rhino Smash from Ryan Knox sends him to the outside! Gerarod fights off Cul, but a surprise double superkick from both Count Novick and Kid Black Jack send the big man into the ropes. Cul hits a big boot and now the Barrio Boys are done! 

Killjoy has Torvald with a blistering chop to the chest, but Torvald fights back! Not many of the wrestlers left! Killjoy headbutts Torvald, and the masked monsters take turns exchanging HEADBUTTS while Cul tries to get Dan Leo James over the top, but the athletic man fights him some more. James boots Cul back and then runs off the ropes before the 6’7” Utah native catches him with a huge FLYING HEADSCISSORS that pops the crowd! Cul stumbles over to the ropes with him being knocked dizzy! He picks Cul up and has him up in a fallaway slam… then DUMPS him over with a release fallaway slam to the floor! The impressive young blue chipper is getting huge cheers from the crowd, clearly taking the lessons from Los Tres Titanes to heart! 

Knox tries to get Count Novick over, but he hands on like the bat that vampires are known to transform into. He tries to enchant Ryan Knox to get him to let go and…

It works? 


No, Ryan Knox DUMPS The Count, but he goes through the ropes instead! High Flyer IV sneaks up behind Knox and tries to get him to go over the ropes, but Al Sparks comes to his aid! Killjoy goes to headbutt Torvald, then makes the save for his partner by SHOVING both members of the DEFcepticons over the top rope at the same time! The BRAZEN Faithful cheer the elimination even though it was top enemy #1 of LET, Killjoy, but we’re down to a few! One of a few men left in the match left!

Kid Black Jack nails a running dropkick on Torvald in the corner! And then another! And then another, hitting Three of a Kind! He tries to get him over the ropes and then High Flyer IV and then Dan Leo James come in to join him… 

Then finally Killjoy comes over… 


James high fives Kid Black Jack and then one with High Flyer IV… then he kicks Dan in the balls to jeers! Cause he’s still a not-nice guy! He crumbles over in the corner. Kid Black Jack trying to fight with kicks to the legs of Torvald and kicks to the chest of HF IV. He runs at the ropes, but Killjoy does a big hoist up in the air and then right into a huge superkick from HF IV! He gets knocked to the ropes, then a yakuza kick just like daddy used to do to knock him over the ropes! Kid Black Jack is gone!

It’s down to the last three with Killjoy laying into James with a big right to the chest, then a HUGE sidewalk slam to wear him down! High Flyer IV hits a springboard moonsault! No pinfalls, but he gets back up and then hits a springboard corkscrew senton on James from the other side! The members of Les Enfants Terribles try to gang up on him… 



He crosses his arms and kips up! A shotgun dropkick to Killjoy moves him back a few inches, then kips up again! He taunts Killjoy and then tries to enchant him as well… but Killjoy stares at him blankly. High Flyer IV gets up and throws The Count over the ropes… but he skins the bat! High Flyer IV angrily charges at him, but he gets grabbed and then THROWN OVER THE TOP ROPE! 


The Count slingshots back into the ring… only to get NAILED by a massive big boot from Killjoy, ejecting The Count to LOUD jeers from the crowd!


6’7” and 260-pound Dan Leo James. 

The 385-pound Beast of Les Enfants Terribles, Killjoy! 

James has scored eliminations over a few other big men in the match, but none bigger than Killjoy, who charges at him in the corner with a big splash! Killjoy stomps back across the ring and then charges again, rocking Dan Leo James again! The Beast of Les Enfants Terribles grabs him by the body and then tries to get him on his shoulders for the suplex… but Dan elbows him out! 

He charges off the ropes one way and ducks under a wild swing from Killjoy. He ducks off the other side… then SMACKS him with a discus big boot, sending Killjoy back against the ropes! He takes a page out from the book of Uriel Cortez and blasts the Beast of LET with a flurry of double-hand chops across the chest and then tries to get Killjoy over… only to get google! Killjoy lifts him over the ropes… but Dan Leo James kicks his legs and fights his way out from that to land on the apron! He doubles him over, then climbs the top rope with the crowd cheering on the tall 22-year-old! 


Killjoy yells out and then picks up James. He grabs him up and then has him ready to get thrown over the ropes… but the Trainee Titan slips out behind him! Killjoy spins around, then gets SCOOPED UP! The crowd gasps as Dan lunges him forward and DUMPS KILLJOY! The BRAZEN Faithful roar with approval as he collapses against the ropes!


WINNER: Dan Leo James, last eliminating Killjoy @ 17:01

Tears well up in the eyes of James as he leans against the ropes! Capital Punishment slowly makes his way up the steel steps and then climbs into the ring. The former Team HOSS member raises the hand of Dan Leo James and then offers him up a pen. He turns his back to Dan Leo James and then tells him to sign the contract right then and there! Dan is so nervous, the big man drops it! The crowd laughs as he picks it up again and then crosses the literal t’s and dots the i’s! 

Dan is overcome with emotion and raises the first-ever Ascension contract over his head, signaling his final night with BRAZEN and now starting his journey as a full-time member of the DEFIANCE roster! He then gives the surly Capital Punishment an awkward hug after signing the contract! 

As if that wasn’t enough… 

Out from the back one by one to huge pops from the crowd… Titaness, Minute and Uriel Cortez! Dan’s jaw almost drops through the floor when he sees his mentors from the last year come to the ring to congratulate him. Minute heads in first and shakes his head, followed by Titaness shaking his hand as well. Dan then sees Uriel and then gives HIM an awkward bro-hug as well! Cortez looks uncomfortable as hell and then politely hands him the contract folder again. The young 22-year-old man holds it up the air as the crowd delivers another cheer! Dan leaves the ring and almost slips on his way out, but recovers nicely and then raises the contract before heading up the ramp! Los Tres Titanes salute the crowd before they head out! Capital Punishment stays behind to poll the crowd on the show so far! 


One young wrestler has just won a new contract to be a BRAZEN star with BRAZEN’s match maker Capital Punishment in the ring. He greets the fans … 



And there are not one but there are two massive attackers … 


The crowd is about to turn this into a riot after an amazing show appears to being invaded by the current … and unemployed … Unified Tag Team champions! Max Luck and Mason Luck are inciting a riot right now! Mason Luck stealing Capital Punishment’s microphone and now he’s about ready to speak. 

Mason Luck:


Mason Luck:

Max Luck continues to deliver boots to Capital Punishment over and over! Mason switches out and gives Max the microphone so he can deliver a kick to the head match maker of BRAZEN!

Max Luck:

The twin seven foot monsters are being pelted by trash, but they don’t care! 

Max Luck:


DEFSec is finally seen enough and head off to escort the renegade Unified Tag Team Champions of DEFIANCE out of the ring, not to mention Los Tres Titanes returning right behind them! They finally back off from delivering a beating to Capital Punishment and then they climb out of the ring, being escorted while they hold onto the titles! Uriel, Titaness and Minute stare them down as the rouge champions take their leave throught the crowd!

During the in between, a few ads play as DEFSec attend to Capital Punishment and try and restore order before moving on to the next match.

Including a specific ad for the next big show! 




Michael Van Warren, the defending BRAZEN Onslaught Champion. The only man to have held the title twice. Longest reign of the title. He has had a stranglehold on the title and wants to add a former BRAZEN Champion to his impressive list of scalps. 

Jack Halcyon. The inaugural BRAZEN Star Cup winner. Former BRAZEN Champion. The man who wants to make history by being the first person to have held all three of BRAZEN’s singles championships. Can it be done? 

The challenger comes out first and gets greeted with a big reception from the fans! The young man from Las Vegas, Nevada slaps hands with the fans and then pumps a fist for the crowd before he climbs into the ring and gets ready for the big opportunity. 

Out next is the champion. 6’5” and 260 of bad, bad man. Michael Van Warren, another one of BRAZEN’s rising success stories. He holds out the BRAZEN Onslaught Championship high over his head and when he enters the ring, he gets into the face of the 5’8” and 220-pound challenger, shoving the belt in his face and forcing the referee to get a break. MvW tells him this will be the closest he gets to the title, but Halcyon isn’t having it! 

The bell rings and Halcyon goes right after Van Warren with a running dropkick! He gets knocked against the ropes before Halcyon rolls up, hits the ropes and then unleashes a second running dropkick that sends MvW out to the floor! The crowd is firmly behind the former BRAZEN Champion as he climbs out ot the apron next. 


Halcyon rises up and then feels the energy from the crowd! He isn’t normally heated like this and chooses a more usually careful approach to his matches, but the disrespect shown by Michael before the match must have been enough to set him off! The title won’t change hands on a countout, so One Shot works quickly to get him into the ring! He gets him inside, then perches himself on the apron a second time to connect with a big springboard missile dropkick… FOR TWO!

MvW kicks out, but Jack Halcyon applies the pressure and rolls him up with a la majistral, only to get another two-count. He tries for a backslide next, but MvW is too powerful and shifts his weight to try and swing for a clothesline… ducked by Halcyon who heads to the middle rope, then comes back with a springboard into a sunset flip… 


MvW grabs him by the throat and then pulls him up to his feet. He tries for the discus lariat called the Wakizashi Slasher, but Halcyon runs again… he comes back with sidestep into a schoolboy… for another two-count! 

As he gets to his feet… 


Just one big move from MvW changes the complexion of the entire match as the Onslaught Champion sits up to regain his bearings. Seething with rage after all the early offensive from the underdog star, he picks Halcyon up and then levels him with a big backbreaker over the knee, then swings him around for a huge tilt-a-whirl gutbuster! 

The crowd jeer Van Warren as he stands up and rather than go for a pinfall, he disrespects the former BRAZEN Champion and Star Cup holder. He pelts him with a big right hand and then a huge leaping knee drop to the chest, only to get a two-count! He picks up Halcyon and tosses him to the outside. From there, things get worse. 

He picks him up by the hair and then whips him VIOLENTLY into the barricade! But he isn’t done!

Another whip into the barricade!

Then to another side! 

And around the world with another! 

Halcyon’s back may be in a bad spot as he’s left limping around ringside. MVW throws him back into the ring and then finally makes a count. 


Halcyon gets the shoulder up at the last second, but MvW continues the punishment. He hooks him by the waist… but Halcyon rolls him up with a hurricanrana into a pin! ONE! TWO! NO!

The desperation attempt fails and MvW has him up… Gigaflare Gutwrench powerbomb! 


The guts on display of Jack Halcyon tonight set him off! MvW yells at the official since there’s a serious lack of respect for refs running in his family… looking at you, Arthur Pleasant. He picks him up for the Masamume Driver, but before he can hit the fireman’s carry sitout slam, Halcyon slips behind him and drops him with a huge reverse DDT! 

Halcyon’s back is in a bad spot, but he gets up and then manages to sneak up behind MvW and connect with the Olympic Slam! It takes him a second to fight through the pain of his back, but rolls over into a cover!


A big kickout from MvW deflates the crowd, but Halcyon doesn’t want to let them down. He throws a couple of elbow smashes to Warren, but when he tries a powerbomb… he slips out and then runs, but Halcyon hits a low dropkick on the knee, then locks in the On Tilt! The calf slicer submission is locked in and the crowd goes crazy! He struggles… Almost gets there… 

But MvW makes the ropes! 

Halcyon lets go of the hold and then puts Michael down with a DDT, before he points at the corner. He slowly gets to the top… he leaps for the Sit and Go, but MvW gets the knees up! The damage done from On Tilt hurts his knee, but he hobbles up… Wakizashi Slasher!


Once again, Halcyon kicks out, but MvW yells out and then nails the Megaflare sitout powerbomb! 


Halcyon keeps on kicking out, but MvW angrily switches over and then locks in the Limit Breaker! He hovers over Jack with the kneeling kata hajime submission and continues to hold it! Halcyon tries to fight and the crowd continues to cheer him on…


Even One Shot has so much fight in him. He goes black and the ref calls it! 


The BRAZEN Faithful BOO Michael Van Warren as he continues his reign of destruction with the Onslaught Championship, denying Halcyon his dream of making history tonight. Halcyon didn’t tap out tonight, but Michael Van Warren beat the fight out of him to retain the title he has been synonymous with in BRAZEN for at least one night longer. 

WINNER: and STILL BRAZEN Onslaught Champion, Michael Van Warren @ 16:45 via ref stoppage with the Limit Breaker

MvW leaves ringside while Halcyon comes around, getting applause for his efforts. When an official tries to help him out, he shoves them away and wants to leave under his own power. While he had One Shot to win and came up short, BRAZEN’s biggest underdog is far from done as far as he’s concerned. 


The young champion, Declan “DEC4L” Alexander has been stalked and attacked for a number of weeks by a powerful man that has mowed through the competition like a buzzsaw since the last CLASH Special, notching victories over former BRAZEN Onslaught Champions such as BRAGG and Gerardo Villalobos on his way here. Declan has promised to meet the former Olympic powerlifter in this match momentarily. 

But to make matters worse, Strong AF has recently started studying under the vast learning tree of former Team HOSS member and multiple-time tag team champion Aleczander The Great. The Mancunian Muscle has promised to aid Strong AF to get to the top and tonight, he will do so. When Strong AF and Aleczander almost assaulted Aleczander’s former Team HOSS stablemate Capital Punishment at the start of the show, it was Declan to the rescue. Now, champion meets challenger to cap off what has been an amazing night with a shock title change, one lucky member of the BRAZEN roster earning a full DEFIANCE contract and various scores being settled. 

“Watch Me Now” by The Phantoms plays and out comes the former Olympic powerlifter. Standing 6’1” and weighing 265, the brick s-house walks with Aleczander the Great right behind him, whispering advice on the way to the ring. Strong AF - formerly known as Allen Fosters - nods and approaches the ring. 

“Happy Song” by Bring Me The Horizon is the current theme of choice for BRAZEN’s young vlogger and defending BRAZEN Champion! The 20-year-old has shown great aptitude in the squared circle and tonight, looks to make his fifth successful defense since winning the title back at the last CLASH Special in a triple threat over then-champ Jack Halcyon and BIGBOSS Batts. Declan holds out the title to show as he streams from his phone and holds it up before heading inside the ring. Strong AF doesn’t take his eyes off the champion. He raises the title one more time before handing it over to the official for the evening. Aleczander The Great is wearing a sleeveless suit and tie (to let his magnificent guns breathe, of course) and yells at Strong AF that he’s got the match. 

Right away, Declan leaps for the Play of the Game… 

But Strong AF hangs on and PITCHES him across the ring! 

The BRAZEN Faithful are shocked as Strong AF grins and flexes his pecs. He’s ready for tonight, but that doesn’t deter the young gamer. He leaps back up and then launches an early attack at Strong AF, going for a flurry of forearms and chops to get him backed against the ropes. He grabs Strong AF’s hand for a whip… 

But he hangs on to the ropes. 

He tries to pull again, but the former silver medalist picks him back up and then holds him in a press slam. He looks towards throwing Declan out of the ring…

But Declan quickly slips out the back and lands on his feet before he can do so! Strong AF turns around to eat another big chop from Declan… but Strong AF CRACKS him with one so hard on the return, it knocks Declan off his feet! The BRAZEN Faithful let out a collective gasp as Aleczander The Great’s new charge puts him in the corner. He reels back and LEVELS him with another hefty chop! Declan gets the wind knocked out of him going one way when Strong AF leads him with a whip across the ring, only to follow with a charging back elbow in the corner. From there, the man with a move called YEET finds himself getting YEETED with a big release belly-to-belly suplex across the ring! 

Declan gets pinballed to the floor when Aleczander yells at Strong AF to keep attacking. He nods and then rolls outside to follow him. He grabs Declan…


Alexander bounces off the floor and the fanbase aka the Dec4llion start jeering while Strong AF postures over him, asking the fans if this is their guy. Declan gets picked up… then press slammed THROUGH the ropes back inside the ring. Strong AF looks completely relaxed, but Aleczander tells him to put some stank on it and show urgency. 

Strong AF nods and then heads inside for a solid cover on Declan… only to get a two-count! With a body slam in mind, he picks up Declan again, but the young vlogger slips behind him! He fakes out Strong AF with a Play of the Game and when he flinches, he CRACKS the big man with a Dragon Punch that sends him back to the corner with a loud chorus of cheers! 

With the challenger stunned in the corner, he runs at the corner looking for the GGez Kick, but the powerful monster throws him up and over the ropes. He lands on the ring apron, but Strong AF distracts the official so Aleczander can pick the leg out from under him, tripping him up on the apron! 


The former member of Team HOSS feigns innocence among the jeering filling the Grady Cole Center. The Great Brit holds up a “scout’s honor” while inside the ring, Strong AF tries to pick the scraps by picking up Declan off the mat and drilling him with a big thrust spinebuster! He falls right into a cover on the defending champ! 


The BRAZEN Faithful are in shock when the shoulder comes up! The former Olympian picks him up again and then pushes him into the corner. He throws a hefty number of turnbuckle thrusts to the gut and then softens him up some more. He hooks him by the neck and the delayed jackhammer is coming up… 

He hoists up Declan… 


Declan slips out! He tries to turn again for the Play of the Game, but once again, Strong AF is too strong! He shoves him out to the ring apron. The former Olympian heads towards him… but Declan grabs his neck and drops him over the top rope! The crowd cheers when he finally has a clear shot! He rolls through the ropes and then CRACKS Strong AF right in the chest with a rolling thunder into a shotgun dropkick and for the first time, he finally has the challenger off his feet! 


The Grady Cole Center gets loud with his gamer tag as he starts to fight back. Strong AF is trying to recover from having his lights dimmed from the customized shotgun dropkick by Declan and picks himself up in the corner. Declan charges in and rocks the challenger with a big running uppercut against his jaw, then follows it up off the side… 

GGez Kick! 

The Snipe-Master General has the big man rocked when he grabs him by the neck after the big jumping yakuza kick, then spikes him down with a big pendulum DDT on the canvas! He hooks the leg! 


Strong AF powers out and Declan can’t believe it! He strikes away at Strong AF with another flurry of forearms and chops, then hits the big elbow to rock him. He looks out on his feet when Declan hits the ropes, only to get WIPED OUT with a huge spear off the rebound! The former Olympian rolls out of the spear and has him… 


The crowd is in stunned silence as Strong AF hooks the leg after the delayed jackhammer!



Strong AF is LIVID, as is Aleczander The Great, who tells him to hit him again! He nods and then goes for a second… he delays it… 


In mid-suplex, Declan DROPS him with the Play of the Game! The jumping cutter connects! Strong AF is completed stunned and bounces off the mat as Declan leaps up a second time… 


He DRILLS him into the mat with the jumping cutter a second time and makes sure that he stays down this time! Aleczander is PISSED as Declan hooks the leg and the crowd cheers him on!



WINNER: and STILL BRAZEN Champion, Declan “DEC4L” Alexander @ 17:24 with the Play of the Game

Strong AF had the Play of the Game well-scouted throughout the match, but underestimated the amount of punishment held by Declan Alexander. The young trainee of former FIST Lindsay Troy and wrestling legend Vivica J. Valentine timed his opening perfectly, kicking out of one Deadly AF and then countering a second one with The Play of the Game before hitting a second one for good measure to put away his powerful challenger. 

Aleczander The Great goes over to help Strong AF out from the ring while Declan Alexander celebrates the win! He looks out to the crowd and walks from one side of the ring to the next, holding the title high overhead for the BRAZEN Faithful to see!

And at the edge of the ramp… 

Stands his number one contender, FLAMBERGE. The young Frenchman simply offers a cocky smile and a wave at the champion while Declan holds out the title and puts it front of him, almost daring the MMA expert to come on down to challenge him then and there. FLAMBERGE shoots him one more arrogant sneer before turning on his heel to head to the back. 

The big match is coming sooner than later, but for tonight, Declan Alexander remains the main to beat in BRAZEN! 

Thanks for joining the CLASH of the BRAZEN: ASCENSION! 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.