DEFIANCE TV 174 Night 1

24 Aug 2022

Maverik Center, Salt Lake City, Utah (seats 12,000)



We’re in the performer parking lot outside the Maverik Center here in Salt Lake City. Judging by the lighting and sun position, it’s likely early afternoon. Ophelia Sykes, dressed not in her usual performing outfit but instead in jeans and a t-shirt, stands with arms folded and wearing an impatient look on her face. She notices the camera but just shakes her head in annoyance. That’s when Christie Zane, dressed to be on TV, enters the frame. She has a mic in hand.

Christie Zane:

Ophelia Sykes: [rolling her eyes]

Christie Zane:
There’s some buzz around the locker room that even though we are a few hours from showtime, Pat Cassidy doesn’t appear to be here. What’s the story?

Ophelia looks Christie up and down.

Ophelia Sykes:
Yeah. I’d bet you’d just looooove to know where he is, wouldn’t you? He’ll be here. In fact, he’ll be here any…

Sykes is interrupted by a comically loud hoooooooonking sound. Peeling into the parking lot is the ol’ Ballyhoo golf cart. It makes a sharp turn and nearly topples over, but the driver - who yes, is “Black Out” Pat Cassidy - manages to keep it upright as he speeds toward both women. The golf cart screeches to a halt right in front of both Christie and Ophelia, and while Christie flinches at its rudeness, Sykes doesn’t blink an eye. Cassidy lifts a leg to get out of the cart - and as he does, dozens and dozens of red solo cups spill out onto the pavement. Cassidy, dressed in jeans and a Boston Red Sox hoodie, cracks his neck before turning to the pair.

Pat Cassidy:
Hey! Sorry there. Slept in a bit. What’re you two doing hanging out!? Do I sense a budding gal pal duo?

Ophelia rolls her eyes. Christie goes into professional mode.

Christie Zane:
Well, it appears you’ve been doing some…

She glances down at the solo cups littering the ground.

Christie Zane:
…training for your big tournament match tonight, huh? Anyway, I wanted to ask about what we saw last week on Uncut. Pat, when we last saw you, you were about to head into pitch to the Favored Saints that they should invest in rebuilding Ballyhoo. We’re all wondering: how did it go?

Cassidy sighs and starts to answer… when from the back of the golf cart comes a sound that can only be a human moan. Ophelia and Christie’s eyes dart to the source, where they see a blanket balled up in the backseat… appearing to cover a human being. A human being who sounds like he’s hurting as he groans again.

Ophelia Sykes: [growing excited]
Who were you out with last night??

Christie Zane:
Wait… wait… did you find him!? Is that… is that Brock Newbludd??

While Zane (and The Faithful watching at home) get their hopes up in anticipation, Cassidy grins and steps over to the cart. He puts his hands on the blanket, and dramatically pulls it off the crumpled up figure, who immediately shrieks at the sudden burst of sunlight and tumbles out of the cart.


Christie’s hopes immediately deflate as “the Escape Artist” Rezin spills out onto the asphalt and mess of cups at her feet.

Christie Zane:
No… it most definitely is not…

Rezin, clearly in a daze (or haze?), half stumbles to his feet, blinking away the harsh light of the sun. Cassidy slaps Rezin on the bag and barks out a laugh.

Pat Cassidy:
You alright there, guy?

Rezin blinks, his eyes finally adjusting. He nods before turning to spy Christie Zane.

Sup Anjelica?

Christie Zane:
It’s Christie.

Rezin blinks.


It is then what is going on finally processes in the Goat Bastard’s brain.

OHHHHH! Right! The ACTS tournament. Look out everybody, I gotta go and find out who my opponent is!z

Rezin nearly falls over as he stumbles away and out of frame. Ophelia Sykes is using her fingers to massage her forehead and she shakes her head. Christie looks to Pat, bewildered.

Christie Zane:
He… he doesn’t know you’re his opponent?

Cassidy shrugs.

Pat Cassidy:
He did last night. But man… we did murder a shit ton of brain cells. That dude…

Cassidy looks off to where Rezin left with a combination of reverence and amusement.

Pat Cassidy:
…that dude knows how to party.

Ophelia sighs as Cassidy takes her by the hand and they move out of frame, leaving Christie Zane for a second before we head to the opening of DEFIANCE TV.


♫ “DEFY” by Of Mice & Men ♫

Salt Lake City welcomes DEFIANCE as the Maverik Center is hyped for DEFtv 174! Pyro explodes from the top of the rampway. There's a giant FIST logo to walk out from and the DEFIatron above the entrance.

Signs and excitement, as always, are everywhere!

in another part of the arena FRAUD SECTION

To the announce table with Lance Warner and Darren Quimbey!

We have a big night tonight! Round two of the FIST tournament is underway. We will see two matches on night one and the winners will face each other in the semi-finals since they are on the same side of the bracket!

The match graphic appears.


Right! And if you need an updated view of the tournament bracket in its entirety you can check it out HERE!

We have other matches for you tonight as well. So let's get started!


A match is coming up next, but instead of normally going right to Darren Keebler and Lance Warner for the introductions the camera’s attention is placed on a golden lottery tumbler filled with sparkling red and green lottery balls next to the stage. An unnamed brunette woman in a gold evening dress is standing next to the tumbler. 

It’s time for the first ever Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery! Two weeks ago, our Unified Tag Team Champions,The Lucky Sevens, were officially hired back by the company along with big money main event contracts negotiated … no sorry, I mean strong armed … by Tom Morrow. 

That’s definitely the right word. Morrow had DEFIANCE Wrestling hurting to get the titles back after The Lucky Sevens won them. Main event money, expensive entrances, no-cut clause in their contracts, the Saturday Night Specials can’t compete for the titles as long as the Sevens hold them … and they get to defend in these special challenges they are calling the Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery. Tom Morrow will explain how this works in a moment … but this is garbage. I can’t believe we have to do this and they’re going to get paid for it. 

Tom Morrow’s dream came true. Do as little as possible to make the most money. 

Speak of the devil and Tom Morrow appears on the ramp next to the Lucky Lottery. He reaches for the hand of the Lucky Lottery girls and kisses her hand. He is wearing a sparkling sequined red coat and neck brace. 


Tom Morrow:
DEFIANCE Wrestling … welcome to the making of history! Welcome to the first ever LUCKY SEVENS LUCKY LOTTERY!!!

The DEFIA-Tron shows a picture of The Lucky Sevens with the Unified Tag Team Titles with a Las Vegas showcase-themed backdrop! 

Tom Morrow:
We’ve told everyone that when we won these titles, that we are not going to ignore any challenges! But if you want a shot, your name gets drawn from this … THE LUCKY LOTTERY!!! We may switch up the theme. We may pick two different individuals. We may pick one tag team. The goal remains the same! We will defend against literally any talent in this promotion to show you that these are the top titles in all of DEFIANCE Wrestling! Now … we’re going to do things a little differently for a title match! Screw tradition! The champions come out first because they are the men to beat! So let’s bring them out so you can all see their first official Five-Star Beatdown as the champs!

Tom Morrow:
Introducing … they weigh in combined at SIX-HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS!!! They stand at a combined height of FOURTEEN FEET TALL!!! They are YOUR Unified Tag Team Champions and MINE!!! The only seven-foot champions in DEFIANCE Wrestling that matter cause they aren’t defending these titles against no Thurston Hunters … unless his name gets drawn …

7 7 7

♫ “Money” by Of Mice and Men ♫

In brand new sparkling green capes, both Mason and Max hold them wide open to reveal all five titles between them! Three for Max two for Mason tonight! The crowd is booing them out of the building as pyro goes off from all directions on the stage! 


And on either side of the new champions, pinwheel pyro begins to spin, spiraling more pyro in each direction! Tom Morrow stands between the twin terrors and claps like a seal! Mason focuses on the ring and Max winks at the Lucky Lottery Girl who smiles back. It’s down to business now with the two men heading to the ring. The two most decorated wrestlers in DEFIANCE Wrestling take turns stepping inside. Morrow stays on the ramp to call his first opponent. 

Who’s name will get drawn? We’ll find out!

A drum roll plays as the Lucky Lottery Girl spins the tumbler. After a few turns she opens the tumbler and takes out one of the lottery balls to reveal a name to Tom Morrow. 

Tom Morrow:
Gulf Coast Connection member Theodore Cain … COME ON DOWN!!!

♫ “The Saints" by Andy Mineo ♫

Theodore Cain gets a cheer from the crowd! One third of the popular Gulf Coast Connection is out and the Smash Surfer stands on stage! Titus Campbell and Crescent City Kid follow behind him!

HUGE opportunity here tonight for Theodore Cain! The Gulf Coast Connection have racked up a number of wins on Uncut and have been successful in more recent outings! Will another member of the Gulf Coast Connection get drawn?

Cain looks ready for a shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles. The Smash Surfer watches the Lucky Lottery Girl spins the tumbler again with another drum roll. When it’s done she takes another lottery ball and gives it to Morrow to open. He cracks it open and then smiles …

Tom Morrow:
Theodore Cain … it is your lucky day! The person you’re teaming with is also a member of the Gulf Coast Connection!!!

Cain looks elated to hear this news! Titus Campbell and CCK are both ready in case they are called. Morrow glances at the trio a disheartened look.  

Tom Morrow:
Wait … sorry! I mean a former Gulf Coast Connection member! Your partner tonight … is your former Gulf Coast Connection partner … AARON KING!!!

Theodore Cain looks like his cat was taken away from him. Titus and CCK both protest with Morrow. 

♫ “Godzilla” by Eminem and Juice WRLD ♫

Out comes Aaron King! Wearing a blue leather jacket and blue-tinted sunglasses, he starts to strut but stop when he sees the man who used to call partner over a year ago. Now he doesn’t want to be there either. 

Oh come on! No way this isn’t rigged!

Aaron King came back a few weeks ago on Uncut as this Pensacola Playboy moniker. Before that … he was a member of the Gulf Coast Connection who betrayed Theodore Cain to join Arthur Pleasant! Aaron King wants to be out on his own … but this? 

King and Cain don’t want to be there, but King heads to the ring with a chance to win. Cain shoots Tom Morrow a dirty look and then goes to the ring behind them. 

THIS is the kind of garbage we’re going to have with the Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery?

Mason and Max both look ready for battle. However on the other side of that, the ex-partners Aaron King and Theodore Cain are both yelling at one another over their prior history. 

Theodore Cain:
Bro, you’re an ass-hole!

Aaron King:
No I’m a winner now! 

The official yells at both of them to get to the ring otherwise they will be counted out. King and Cain at least both agree that what they have in front of them is a major title chance that doesn’t come along often. Max starts for his team while King wants to start, but Cain insists. They argue some more until Cain decides to pick up Aaron and put him on the apron!

It looks like Theodore Cain wants to start! It’s a hard road ahead, but with gold on the line he knows he has to try!

Cain is ready. Max is ready. 


The Smash Surfer runs directly at Max and then puts a quick pace of right hands at his stomach! He throws the right hands and does what he can to chop the redwood Max down. But no such luck against Max Luck. He grabs him by his neck and throws him by his back into the corner. A cocky Max Luck runs at the corner with Cain in it, however the Gulf Coast Connection’s surfer gets his knees up first and knocks Luck back a step. 

Titus Campbell and the Crescent City Kid root for their brethren when he runs into him with a shoulder. Max doesn’t move off his feet. Theodore Cain hits the ropes again and makes a little more progress with another shoulder tackle but all it does is get under the skin of the Beast of the Bright Lights. Cain tries a third time and budges Max with a shoulder and then shoots at him again with a clothesline! The clothesline nails the Unified Tag Team title holder and pushes him back into the ropes. Elbows go flying! 

Theodore Cain still has support from the rest of Gulf Coast Connection out here! Theodore Cain is trying to win the Unified Tag Team titles with or without Aaron King’s help!

His ex-partner stands on the apron and seems just intent to watch and let him fight,. Max pushes him away and Cain goes into the ropes. Max ducks as Theodore Cain comes back but he throws a knee lift and knocks Max back up to his feet. Theodore heads over to the ropes and and then jumps off of the second rope using a flying clothesline! GCC cheer and the loud crowd in Utah cheer them as well!

Cain does it! He gets Max on the mat! 

Cain tries to cover!

One …

But that is all he gets when Max powers him off. Cain wants a tag. Aaron King thinks about it and then looks at his old GCC comrades. Titus and CCK watch when King extends a hand. 

He’s going to do it! 

Theodore reaches over … and King bails on him!!! 

Come on! King … this is your chance! You have a chance to be the Unified Tag Team Champions of DEFIANCE Wrestling! 

King brushes them off and walks away. Tom Morrow is sure to walk by an impressed Aaron King and slides him what looks like a business card. King takes a look at it and then tucks it in his jacket pocket and leaves ringside. Theodore Cain gets up and by the time he is upright … he gets a Winning Hand! He tries to fight, but the iron claw is too tight and he gets a Winning Hand Slam for his trouble! 

Tom Morrow is a monster! You can’t sit here and tell me this nonsense isn’t rigged. 

Oh, I bet it is! 

Titus and CCK have no choice but to watch their partner get picked off at ringside. Max tags Mason and the two men go right to work. Max picks him up for a power bomb and at the apex of the move, Mason waits behind with a Winning Hand Slam … then they both hit SEVEN STARS!!!

The Lucky Sevens hit Seven Stars!

Mason doesn’t let go of the Winning Hand and pins him with a hand attached to his face. 

One …
Two …


♫ “Money” by Of Mice and Men ♫

I can’t believe this … and we learned last week too that the Lucky Sevens get a nice bonus for any defense. They keep lining these things up, they’re gonna be rich. 

They’re bullies and monsters who will do anything for a buck! 

Mason and Max Luck collect their titles after a very “difficult” defense. Titus and CCK quickly get Cain out of the ring and they leave ringside disappointed while the Main Event Monsters enjoy their title win. Before Darren Quimbey has a chance to make the announcement it is Tom Morrow who does it first. 

Tom Morrow:
Better luck next time in the Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery! Your winners and still your Unified Tag Team Champions and mine! THE!!! LUCKY!!! SEVENS!!!

Mason and Max clink together their titles! 

Tom Morrow:
Cut the music! 

The music dies down.


Tom Morrow:
Right there! Two men were given an opportunity to be Unified Tag Team Champions! And everyone on this roster! Top to bottom! Main eventer to BRAZEN! You are all eligible I promise you! We are going to be doing this on the weekly by providing opportunities for wrestlers from all walks of life! DEFIANCE Wrestling and its tag team division will thrive once more … not because a couple of protected drunks ducked challenges from us for a year and defended against everyone but The Lucky Sevens! It will be because there is nobody on this roster that can stop these monsters!

Mason Luck holds up his titles. Max does the same with his. 

Tom Morrow:
Mason Luck, your Big Money Monster! Max Luck, your Beast of the Bright Lights! I promise you all that you … 

♫ “Giants” by Little V ♫

To the audible relief of The Faithful, the music cuts off any more of Tom Morrow’s rant, opening the way for “The Titan of Industry” Uriel Cortez as well as "The Show of Force" Titaness to appear on the the ramp! Uriel rocking black sneakers, tank top and jeans with Titaness in a new Titanes Familia tee and black leather pants. 

Titanes Familia are here! They said two weeks ago they’d be going after The Lucky Sevens and it doesn't look like they’re wasting any time tonight! The history of The Titans, Tom Morrow and The Lucky Sevens is extensive and personal to say the least. 

Tom Morrow turned his back on the Sky High Titans as their manager. They had battles over the old Sky High Titans IP! More recently, they did battle at DEFCON earlier this year. The Sevens and ADV were victorious then, but after what The Sevens did to The Saturday Night Specials - friends of the Titans - this is more personal than ever before. 

The music fades. Max and Mason Luck aren’t pleased with the interruption and Tom Morrow does his best to try and smooth things over while Uriel Cortez has a microphone in hand. 

Tom Morrow:
Titaness! Uriel! Nice to se…

Uriel Cortez:


Cortez’s rage is about to bubble over. 

Uriel Cortez:
I’m not interested in ANYTHING you three fuckers have to say. NOBODY is. You think that your shit don’t stink because you lit a bar on fire, made the lives of our friends a living hell, strongarmed your way into high-dollar contracts and call yourselves Main Event Monsters? You think all of that makes you the best of this division? NO! All of that makes you the BIGGEST waste of fucking money that DEFIANCE has ever spent! 


The stinging jab brings out cheers from the Faithful!

Uriel Cortez:
Brock Newbludd and Pat Cassidy should be here with those Unified Tag Team Titles and you twin dickheads should be begging for pocket change outside PRIME headquarters with a cardboard sign that reads "WILL WRESTLE FOR FOOD"!

Another cheer, but Uriel isn’t focused on crowd reaction. His eyes are only on the titles in the ring and the monster tandem holding said titles. 

Uriel Cortez:
We’ve been through a hell of a lot in the last couple years in this division. Morrow sold us out to make BFTA happen and cost us the Unified Tag Titles to The Comments Section. The Lucky Sevens took our original Sky High Titans name. We beat you to get it back at DEFCON 2021, then you turned around and tried to fracture our group at DEFCON 2022. You won that night… but in spite of all that, we picked ourselves up. I’ll be DAMNED if I sit back and let you two whip your dicks out and piss all over the REAL hard work that teams like us…  the Saturday Night Specials… The Fuse Bros… Pop Culture Phenoms… helped put into making those titles the main event fixtures they deserve to be!

The crowd continues to applaud the heartfelt Cortez’s finger is on that ring 

Uriel Cortez:
Your new contracts might have blocked The Saturday Night Specials from a future title shot, but you didn’t block us and you’re going to regret that. We kicked Cerberus to the fucking curb, Titaness just beat a former two-time Tag Team Champion so the way I see it… sounds like you’re looking at your next contenders. So stop hiding behind this lottery bullshit and accept our challenge. Earn those big money contracts, you fucking cowards!

Mason and Max look at Tom Morrow and then whisper something in their ears. Mason takes the microphone. 

Mason Luck:
Nobody gives a shit what you think, Cortez. We do have these titles because unlike you, we beat the Saturday Night Specials. They wanted No Disqualification. They agreed to put the titles on the line. They got us fired. Brock losing his smile and quitting is on him, so don’t you sit there and fucking think that you’re the only team that understand what these titles mean. We lost our jobs in the hunt of these titles while you guys were adding members and changing your names for the millionth time. You can piss and moan all you want about us holding the gold, but these titles show that we’re the best! We hold them because we scratched and clawed our way through all those teams you just name-dropped … TWICE!

Max chimes in as well. 

Max Luck:
One thing that you left out in that whole whiny tirade, Uriel … in a tag team rules match, two on two, you have never beaten us. We don’t hide from anyone. SNS are banned from any more title matches becaues they did the same thing to us by not honoring our title match we earned so fuck them. We don’t need to block you because it doesn’t matter who your partner is, if it’s the little lucha gimp, your little bitch fiance or the stray you guys adopted from BRAZEN … you will never beat Mason and I for these titles. 

Before Uriel can say anything more, Titaness adds in. 

Then what’s your problem? Stop being the world's tallest bitches and accept our challenge then! Or are you going to prove I have bigger balls than the both of you?! 

Before any more arguing can take place, Tom Morrow interjects. He whispers something in the ears of Mason and Max. They discuss something off the microphone that seems to appease the twin giants. Mason gives him the thumbs up and Max tells him to go ahead. 

Tom Morrow:
Okay okay okay … Enough! Rather than us sitting here all night calling each other names like really tall schoolchildren, let’s do this … Max is right. We aren’t afraid of any team in DEFIANCE Wrestling cause we beat them all to get to these titles! Uriel, you seem pretty proud of your new little group. Your new familia. So let’s make this a little more …  interesting, shall we? 

Uriel doesn’t like where this is going but lets Morrow speak. 

Tom Morrow:
In two weeks from now on DEF TV 175 in a REAL newsworthy city … LAS VEGAS, BABY!!!


Tom Morrow:
The Lucky Sevens defend the Unified Tag Team Titles in a special Lucky Lottery match! They’ll defend against any combination of Titanes Familia! Whatever two names from your little group are drawn from that Lottery will be the names they defend against. If you have that much faith in your happy little family, you’ll accept our challenge. What do you say, Uriel? It’s been a while, but … care to do business with me again?

Come on! Don’t do it! Stop hiding and defend the titles! 

Are they going to do it?

Uriel and Titaness look at one another but they don’t have to say anything. They look as ready as they can. 

Uriel Cortez:
…Whatever bullshit you think you’re going to pull, it won’t work. You’re on! 

Cheers erupt from the crowd as Uriel and Titanes take leave and head to the back. Tom Morrow and The Lucky Sevens continue a chat among themselves. 

In two weeks time, Titanes Familia plays The Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery… but can any combination of them compete for the titles? I’m not sure what The Lucky Sevens are trying to play at, but you can’t trust Morrow as far as you can throw him. 

Indeed. Titanes Familia are as close a group as we’ve ever seen. We’ll see them in action later tonight! 


LIVE FROM LOS ANGELES October 5th and 6th!


Rowdy applause and cheering is filling the arena in the background. That’s all because “The Biggest Boy” Dex Joy is having a jaunt through the halls of the Maverik Center with Fiji water in hand. With the camera in front of him, Dex starts to address the audience.

Dex Joy:
Ladies and gentle-pallies … welcome to DEF TV 174! Salud!

He raises his Fiji water in salute to the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful.

Dex Joy:
Real quick I want to talk about what happened after my opening round match with Kerry Kuroyama. I didn’t see the foot under the ropes and it sounds like the official didn’t either. Whether I like Vae Victis or not … spoiler: I do not cause they’re a bunch of assholes who think DEFIANCE Wrestling is their little play thing … the win is mine, but that isn’t how Dexy Baby likes his W’s. Favoured Saints won’t change it and they told Dexy Baby the decision is final. Boo on that.

Much booing!

Dex Joy:
I prefer my W’s asterisk-free so I promise you once this tournament business is over, Kerry! We’re gonna square up again and I’ll give you the true, proper L you deserve. As a wrestler, you deserve that much and so do Dex’s Wrecking Crew!

In the arena chants of “WRECK ‘EM DEX!!!” are loud!

Dex Joy:
That brings me to your Vae Victis buddy and my next opponent, Henry Keyes. Pally, you and I have never met before tonight and I can’t wait to smash it up! You might think that you got a pair of Coins for these eyes, but you can keep the change and you can catch these hands for the low, low price of free! No Coin, No Bell Clap and no Vae Victis are keeping me from moving on in this tournament!

“No, but a heart attack might.”

Dexy Baby frowns at the crass comment and the Faithful out in the arena proper begin BOOOOOOOing once more. The scene switches around to reveal the source of the jab, Sonny Silver, walking toward Dex with Lindsay Troy beside him. Dex looks at VV’s leader and the mouthpiece and brings a balled up fist to his chest.

Dex Joy:
Ooooooh! Pally you got my number! Got one in there for what happens when Dexy Baby sits around the house? Or how each part of how The Biggest Boy wakes up in a different time zone?

Sonny Silver:
I do, actually. How much time you got, Pop’N’Fresh?

Dex doesn’t take the bait. Instead, he points his finger at Sonny as he addresses Troy, who’s chewing a wad of bubble gum.

Dex Joy:
And you … the great Lindsay Troy! Former FIST of DEFIANCE Wrestling! Quick with a joke, a kick and a submission, but you let this washed-up bottom-feeder speak for you with some first grade BS now? Come on. Let me have it. Let me hear if your fat jokes are any better cause if that’s the best Vae Victis has … Keyes’s chances of beating me ain’t looking good, lady.

The Ace cracks an amused smile before blowing a bubble, then quickly snapping it away with her teeth. The gum chewing continues for a few more seconds before she actually speaks.

Lindsay Troy:
Sonny doesn’t speak for me…

The smile becomes toothy. Malicious.

Lindsay Troy:
…he speaks for all of Vae Victis, especially when it comes to people we don’t want to waste our breath on.

She extends her hand, moving it up and down the length of Dex’s body.

Lindsay Troy:
Case in point.

Dex Joy:
And yet you both found the time to come over and visit old Dexy Baby during his scheduled interview time to share something. Good on both of you! Don’t tell me cause I’ll get this! You guys finally watched Mean Girls! Don’t spoil it! I don’t know what fetch means and I’m not sure what color is worn on what day … OH WAIT PALLIES!!! I DON’T GIVE A SHIT!!!

Dex sees the malicious smile and returns with a confident smile of his own.

Dex Joy:
If you came here to attack me, size me up or intimidate me … well, this fine backside has enough size to throw down right now. Go ask Gage Blackwood, Oscar Burns, Scrow or anyone that has tried to shut me down. Ooh … better yet, you can go ask your boys Kerry or Henry Keyes later and they can tell you first hand. You guys are walking around here like some group of Supermen that can’t be touched but you’re looking dead ahead at 100% Grade A Vae Victonite.

Lindsay Troy:
Oh, do we want to swing our dicks around and rattle off a who's who of people we’ve beaten? Because mine is going to be a lot longer and thicker than yours, baby boy. You don’t own the hallways, your opinions don’t mean shit to me, and you sure as hell don’t have a chance of making it to the end of this little farce of a tournament. Not while we’re around. And if I were you, I’d try not to let Henry give me too much brain damage so you can watch the absolute slaughter that’s in store for Elise tomorrow night, because that’s what everyone in DEFIANCE has to look forward to.

Lindsay leans real close to Dex.

Lindsay Troy:
I didn’t get to finish the job when I faced you for the SOHER, but I promise you, pally, you’re walking around on borrowed time.

A beat.

Lindsay Troy:
Everyone is.

She and Sonny shove their way past Dex and continue on down the hall. Dex only watches the two leave in silence knowing his attention needs to be on the next battle ahead.


Backstage at the Guerilla Position, four bodies have filled the hallway ready to go. 

Uriel Cortez, Minute and Titaness. 

…Okay, three. 

With Dan Leo James nowhere to be found just yet, the giant Cortez runs a hand through his goatee and looks to his fiance and best friend. Cortez is still incensed by the earlier confrontation with The Lucky Sevens, but is trying to keep his cool in the moment. 

Uriel Cortez:
You guys ready?

Si. Kick Dunson ass. Get drinks. Show fucking Lucks what they have coming in two weeks! Sounds like a good night! Princesa?

The Show of Force cracks her knuckles. 


The three of them are clearly ready for their match coming up shortly. Then finally… the question has to be asked. 

Eh… Danny? Vienes? We got a match… 



What looks like a small potted fern gets chucked against the wall not far from them! And after that, a sigh as loud as one could sigh from Uriel Cortez. 

Uriel Cortez: [annoyed]
Uh… not this shit again. Danny! Get serious! 

Approaching the trio is the final member of Titanes Familia, Dan Leo James. Dressed in his new gear, the giant blue chipper has a hand up. 

Dan Leo James:
Sorry, guys! I don’t know my own strength! There is power in these hands… power I know not which to do… do with? Do the do?

He stares at his hands with a worrisome look while the rest of the group shake their heads. After a few moments of awkward silence, he speaks up. 

Dan Leo James:
All right, real talk… I’m nervous… just a little. Not a lot.


Dan Leo James looks at Titaness as if she was actually convinced. 

Dan Leo James:
I know… shocking. Making my DEFtv debut tonight, and doing it in front of friends and family that came out to see me tonight… I hope I do okay out there. I really do. And then if the Lucky Sevens pick me for their challenge? I… I just want to be ready. I don’t want to let you guys down for putting your faith in me if it comes to it, you know?

Uriel steps closer to Dan. 

Uriel Cortez:
Look… you got this, okay. You get the tag and you kick some ass out there. That’s all you can do. We’re gonna win this match tonight… then the Unified Tag Team Titles. Just… stop with the chokeslam shit, okay? Either hit one or find a new move. 

James looks at his hands.

Dan Leo James:
All right. But… it’s just… cool move for a big guy like me, you know? But.. you’re right. We got this. WE GOT THIS!

Cortez smiles at him. 

Uriel Cortez:
Fucking right. Let’s go. 

Kick the asses!

Let’s do it. 

Uriel starts to head to the ring with Minute and Titaness behind him… but before Dan Leo James joins them, he peeks at his hand and then sees a box. He grabs the box and then HURLS it on the floor. After practicing his chokeslam yet again, he raises a hand to the ceiling. 

Dan Leo James:


Dan Leo James:

Dan spins around and looks over… where the dastardly Count Novick stands. Novick is hunched over, glancing back and forth like he’s on the rung. Novick walks over to some storage boxes near the wall, and he starts glancing around… before his eyes go wide. Novick reaches down and picks up… well, it’s hard to tell, but it might be a black t-shirt of some kind. The Count turns to Dan and raises a single finger over his mouth, making a “shhhhh” motion. Before Dan can register what this means, The Count dramatically wraps his cape over his face and darts down the corridor. After The Count takes his leave, Dan Leo James starts to turn when Titaness pokes a head out from the curtains.

Danny. We’re up, let’s go. 

Dan Leo James points back. 

Dan Leo James:
Dude… Titaness… uh… vampire! He was scary as hell! Was like “AH AH AH!” and just took some things! We…


Dan looks back and there’s no longer any Count Novick in sight. He shrugs and then follows Titaness through the curtains to get ready for their match. 


Up next, Titanes Famila vs. BRAZEN’s Dunson Clan! This match stems from our last edition of UNCUT when Paul Dunson mentioned that he would be willing to take money from Tom Morrow to deal with Titanes Familia. Titaness defeated Paul Dunson in one-on-one action, leading to Dan Leo James making this eight-person challenge tonight! After that very tense confrontation with The Lucky Sevens earlier tonight, Titanes Familia are looking to keep building momentum before the Unified Tag Title showdown in two weeks!

Of note with this match, tonight is the first time we’ll be seeing Dan Leo James in action on DEFtv and he gets to do it here in his home state of Utah! He hails a few hours away in the city of  Hurricane, Utah, but he’s sure to get a nice welcome tonight! Let’s go to this big tag team bout right now! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is an eight-person tag team match set for one fall! Introducing first… already in the ring, at a combined weight of 909 pounds… Paul, Finn, Todd and Richie… THE DUNSON CLAN!

As “Turn The Page” by Metallica plays over the PA, sons Todd and Richie, and his nephew Finn, are receiving orders from Paul Dunson. Those orders are as follows:

Paul Dunson:
Win, Goddamn it! 

And with those fighting words out in the air, the attitude changes for the match to begin as intros ring out… 

The DEF-Tron comes to life and shows a white limo opening up from the outside, courtesy of the old Family Keeling Talent Agency. The door swings open… out come two men for tonight’s match. Minute - decked out in a white trench coat and ring gear with gold and diamond patterns on his mask. Titaness in white and gold pants and a bright top. The massive Uriel Cortez - white thigh-length trunks, sleeveless trench coat and a Los Tres Titanes-brand towel over his shoulders. The soon-to-be-wed Titaness and Uriel nod to one another, and Minute bumtps fists silently and then stomp towards the entrance… right into… 


♫ “Giants” by Little V. ♫

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents, introducing first… they are the team of “The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World” Minute… “The Show of Force” Titaness and “The Titan of Industry” Uriel Cortez… 

They each come to a stop at the ramp and wait for their opponents… 

The lights go dark and one white light pulses through the entrance with the opening riffs… then another… and then one last pulse! 

♫ "My Name Is Thunder" by The Bloody Beetroots feat. JET ♫

The drum beats blast loudly and the big Utah native gets a hero’s welcome! He holds his massive hand out and despite his best efforts, can barely contain the emotion with a big ovation! 

Darren Quimbey:
And their partner… from Hurricane, Utah, weighing in at 260 pounds… he is BRAZEN’s Ascension Battle Royal winner and a member of Titanes Familia... UTAH’S OWN… DAN! LEO! JAMES!

Dan Leo James is almost stunned on stage as he gets the welcome from his home state! He gives them a loud shout in return and shows off his new attire! A one-strapped blue wrestling singlet, blue knee pads, with white diamonds, white boots and a “Titanes Familia” headband! He bumps fists with Titaness, Minute, and Uriel and then the foursome head to the ring. Dan gets to the steps first and almost slips on them! Slightly overexcited, but ready to fight! 

Great ovation for Dan Leo James and what a perfect way to have your formal DEFtv in-ring debut! 

Indeed, but it’s time to get to business! 

T. Familia take their corner and then Minute decides to start across from Todd Dunson. The referee calls to start the match… 


Todd Dunson goes on the attack at the bell and then boots Minute in the gut. He shoots off the TJ Tornado into the ropes… but quickly, Minute hangs in between the ropes and flips the bird at Todd. The smallest Dunson charges forward, but Minute slips through and Todd goes spilling through the ropes. After having been suckered in quickly by Minute, the former Favoured Saints and Unified Tag Champion leaps over the ropes and ZIPS right through with Bala de Velocidad! 

Good lord! Right through the ropes with that ultra-fast suicide dive! We aren’t playing around tonight! 

Todd Dunson tried a quick start to this match, but it’s almost impossible to out-quick Minute! 

Minute gets Todd back into the ring and follows him to the corner, but Todd slips away and tags in Richie Dunson. The 5’11” and 215-pound redneck from West Virginia climbs inside and then tries to charge Minute, but he flips under him and runs the ropes. Off the return, Minute comes back and flips around the body of Richie, not once… but twice! And then sends him tumbling towards the corner of T. Familia with the flying headscissors!

Richie tries to get in, but he gets stopped! 

Titaness has a hand out and gets the tag to big cheers from the crowd! One Tall Glass of Kick-Ass enters the ring and then PRESSES Richie Dunson overhead quickly before he gets dropped to the mat! Minute then runs at Titaness before he gets pressed and then thrown right on top of him! The crowd cheers when The Show of Force gets up and then tags in Uriel Cortez! The leader of Titanes Familia steps over the ropes and then looks out to the crowd. Titaness runs the ropes and then towards Uriel, who throws her up in the air as high as he can… only for her to come down with a HUGE assisted flying elbow!

Titaness and Uriel Cortez back together and better than ever! They call that the One Tall Elbow Drop! 

I can’t argue with that statement or the name of that move!

Titaness gets up and leaves the ring while Cortez picks up Richie. Paul yells at him to fight back, but Uriel quickly dusts both of his hands off in exaggerated fashion as the crowd cheers. He puts a finger to his ear… THWACK! …And BLASTS Richie with the double palmed Chop of Ages!

Oooh! Chop of Ages bhy Uriel! Minute now gets the tag! Titanes Familia showing their tag team prowess!

Uriel grabs Minute and spins him around into a corner dropkick on Richie! He crumbles to the mat and then Minute kicks him over onto his back to follow with a running shooting star press! He covers quickly!


But Finn Dunson makes the save with a huge kick to the back of Minute! He breaks it up and Paul Dunson yells at the powerhouse Finn to drag him to the corner. Finn nods and does it. 

Don’t be fooled! Paul Dunson is a BRAZEN man in name but he has over thirty years experience and he’s using that to better his family! 

Finn gets the tag and then comes in to ROCK Minute with a big running three-point tackle out from the corner! The former football player looks up at Dan Leo James on the other side of the ring and doesn’t look impressed before he goes to drop a pair of big elbow drops to the chest of Minute. He goes for a cover on the luchador. 


Kickout by Minute! The shoulder up off the mat! 

Minute gets cheers from the crowd but then gets picked up by Finn on the shoulder then slammed into a corner. The tag goes out to Paul Dunson for the first time and the leader of The Dunson Clan aids Finn in putting the boots to Minute in the corner! The SLC Faithful jeer the Dunson Clan, but Paul gives them the old fangul before more boots resume. After he’s done being warned by the official, he picks up Minute off the mat to drop him with a big neckbreaker. Todd wants in and then gets the tag from Paul so his smaller son can hit a standing moonsault!

Now The Dunson Clan working together! Cover after the standing moonsault! 


Another kickout by Minute has the crowd cheering while Todd dunson is angry with Jonny Fastcountini’s counting. 

Kickout following the standing moonsault! Now what’s Todd going to do?

Todd starts to boot Minute in the gut and then climbs to the second rope to set up his 1 and Dunn flying DDT move. He starts to get up there… but gets SHOCKED when Minute springs up faster than Todd counts on, then hits a leaping Spanish Fly off the second rope! The crowd cheers as Minute is down! Dan Leo James has a hand out!

And thus far, the hometown boy is the only man who hasn’t tagged in! Minute is ready to get back to his corner. 

We’ve seen Dan work on some sort of top secret chokeslam variation… has he figured it out yet? 

Todd Dunson gets over to his corner while Minute tries to roll over to his! Todd gets a tag to Richie while Minute is finally able to reach over… 



The big blue chip prospect gets into the ring and runs right into Richie Dunson with a big shoulder block! Paul Dunson tries to get into the ring, but he also gets a tackle for his own troubles! He goes over to Richie Dunson and then whips him across the ring to a neutral corner, then charges in full speed ahead and CRUSHES him with a big running corner shoulder tackle. The wind gets knocked out of Richie’s chest when big James picks him up in his arms and then looks out to a cheering crowd before PITCHING him away with a big fallaway slam! Dan lands on the mat. He tries to move his legs once… then twice… THEN KIPS UP! And ALMOST slips… but barely makes it! 

At least he’s trying! But Dan is looking good… ooh! Or he was! 

Finn Dunson spent enough time on the sidelines and then blasts Danny Three-Sports with a series of clubbing blows. He whips him off the ropes! He tries to swing with a clothesline, but Dan sidesteps it! An elbow misses… but then Dan comes back off the ropes a second time with a POWERFUL running shoulder that knocks Finn clear on his backside and spins out of the ring!


Dan then focuses back to the legal man, Richie Dunson, then plants him with a spinning belly to belly suplex from off the ropes! 

And there’s the Hurricane, Utah-plex! Cover by James!


But Paul Dunson breaks it up in time with a boot! 

Dunson breaks it up… And Paul Dunson has seen enough! 

Paul picks him up… but gets goozled by Dan! He has a hand around the throat… but he’s still trying to figure out how to execute whatever type of chokeslam he claims he’s been trying to perfect.

Come on, kid! Just hit the move! 

Dan starts to, but he takes too long and gets an eye rake! Paul has him stunned, then he runs off the ropes… but doesn’t expect to get cut in half by a big CHOP by Uriel Cortez! Dan gives her a thumbs up as Minute and Titaness both enter the ring! On the outside, Finn tries to take the fight to Titaness. He misses a clothesline, but she doesn’t miss a huge running spear to wipe him out! Meanwhile, Minute runs off the ropes and takes flight with a HUGE tope con hilo to take out 

Big moves there by Minute and Titaness to take out the rest of The Dunson Clan! Cortez and Dan Leo James all alone with Richie and Paul!

Cortez and James nod to one another. Both men have powerbombs set on both Richie and Paul respectively! They get cheers from the crowd as they both lift them up… then hit stereo 218 Powerbombs on their opponents!

The chokeslam didn’t pan out, but Dan Leo James hits the 218 Powerbomb along with Uriel Cortez! Dan with the cover on Richie Dunson!



♫ "My Name Is Thunder" by The Bloody Beetroots feat. JET ♫

Dan gets the win in front of his Utah fans and is almost fighting back tears for the occasion! 

Darren Quimbey:
Here are your winners… TITANES FAMILIA!

Nice effort tonight by Titanes Familia! Dan Leo James looked right at home in the ring alongside them! That kid can move and I don’t know if he knows how good he really is! 

Uriel Cortez taps Dan on the shoulder and Dan can’t help himself but latch on to the giant with a awkward bro-hug. Titaness and Minute join the crew in the ring and raise one another’s arms collectively to cheers from the crowd. Dan rolls out the bottom of the ring and goes over to hug a few friends and family among the SLC Faithful!

Titanes Familia continue their roll since reuniting! They were victorious over Cerberus and Teresa Ames respectively, now tonight with Dan Leo James to keep their momentum going! 

In two weeks… The Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery! The Lucky Sevens will defend the Unified Tag Team Titles against two members of Titanes Familia that get drawn! The group look ready to go! 

Dan Leo James gives his T. Familia headband to a member of the audience. Minute pats him on the arm and they head up while Uriel and Titaness share a smile after the win. 


Backstage the camera goes to Christie Zane about ready to bring to you some soundbytes. Probably some talky bits. 

It’s an interview, bud. You know what you’re getting. 

Christie Zane:
Greetings, I’m Christie Zane! Since The Lucky Sevens were re-signed to DEFIANCE with the Unified Tag Team Titles, we’ve seen several new tag teams trying to find their place in the tag team landscape. Titanes Familia are gunning for that gold while in a few moments, we have The Dangerous Mix and the Rain City Ronin in action. Another one of these teams is standing by with me now. 

She holds out a hand with a card on it to capture the names.

Christie Zane:
Please welcome… Oliver Tarquin Monroe and the Honorable Viscount Vice Admiral Ernest Sewell aka… Lord Sewell. Gentlemen’s Agreement. 

From the left, Lord Sewell and from the right, Oliver Tarquin Monroe walk onto the set. Sewell wears a red coat with yellow epaulets while OTM has a dress shirt and tie with the sleeves… cut off. Because why not. He also brandishes what looks like a white glove in his pocket. They start the interview by shaking one another’s hands, then Monroe unexpectedly grabs the free hand of Christie Zane to kiss the back of her hand. 

Oliver Tarquin Monroe:
Ms. Zane. You’re looking quite lovely today. 

Zane is a little unsure of whatever is going on, but tries her best to stay professional. 

Christie Zane:
Oh… um… no need for that kind of thing, but thank you. 

Lord Sewell:
Ms. Zane. 

Christie Zane:
Honorable Viscount… [back to the card] …Vice Admiral Ernest Sewell… 

Lord Sewell:
Oh, my dear… forgive me for speaking out of turn, but if your feeble mind cannot understand my full title and designation, you can simply refer to me as Lord Sewell. 

Zane looks disgruntled. 

Christie Zane:
Okay… Lord Sewell. Oliver… you made your main roster debut on DEFtv 172 and you were victorious. You’ve also made appearances on UNCUT - all of them in victory - since being upgraded to the main roster but we’ve only seen you make odd appearances. What have you been doing in that time off?

Lord Sewell appears annoyed by the question. 

Lord Sewell:
Well… dear Ms. Zane, that’s a question for your superiors. For MONTHS, Mr. Monroe and myself have cut a swath through the tag team division between UNCUT and that DEFtv appearance. We’ve been undefeated since we got the call up a few months ago… but then we seem to not be given more opportunities in spite of that. Others have curried favor in this ACTS Tournament and other tag teams whose best days are behind them…. Take The Dangerous Mix for example… have been handed those spots. How many opportunities can this alleged “veteran” and that brute he befriended be given? How many times can we keep being ignored, Ms. Zane? 

Oliver Tarquin Monroe:
We’ve been patient. We really have. Gentlemen’s Agreement is not just some catchy little ditty of a tag team name. What you are looking at are a pair of very refined, very eloquent gentlemen who have come to one conclusion: We’ve been hoodwinked, flim-flammed, bamboozled and sold a false bill of goods! We were promised opportunities. We were promised everything, but at the end of the day… 

He pulls out the white glove from his pocket and then holds it out. 

Oliver Tarquin Monroe:
This place has dishonored us and we DEMAND satisfaction! 

Christie Zane looks unsure of what he means. Lord Sewell sees her expression. 

Lord Sewell:
He means to say, Ms. Zane, that we WILL be making our mark sooner than you think. We don’t care if it’s Dangerous Mix or any other team that wants to face us in the sport of kings! We are deftly capable of handling those fools and if we had our druthers, we’d handle them right now… 


The color can be seen pouring out from either member of Gentlemen’s Agreement faces as they freeze in place and slowly turn around, looking directly into the mischievously-twinkling eyes of the aforementioned kaiju and his cagey tag team partner, David Fox.

David Fox:
That right, boys?

Fox chuckles.

David Fox:
You seem like the lads who are game for a scrap, so if you’re really lookin’ to throw down, Mushi and I would be more than happy to oblige!

Lord Sewell and Oliver Tarquin Monroe glance at one another. 

Lord Sewell:
Mr. Fox… Mr… Osu? I am going to assume that the two of you are inflicted with a mild case of hearing impairment. You gentlemen have a match in mere moments and your battle is with those uncouth-looking Rain City Ronin. Clearly, they don’t have masters because only a fool would willingly dress the way they do… 

Oliver Tarquin Monroe:
Agreed. [Nodding to Dangerous Mix] Sirs. Enjoy your evening. 

Lord Sewell and OTM quickly backpedal their way off the set, leaving Christie Zane with The Dangerous Mix. Mushi and Fox eyeball the duo as the show moves on. 

David Fox:
What’s Lord Autumnbottom’s problem?

The God-Beast shrugs and mutters an up-and-down “o-o-osu,” in the classic “I don’t know” tone.


♫ “Get Got” by Death Grips ♫

From a contrasting haze of red and blue lights, the duo of ZACK DAYMON and LEO BURNETT stride through the entry annex. Pumping their arms overhead, the Rain City Ronin earn a rousing cheer for the Salt Lake City Faithful,  before jogging side by side down the ramp, slapping hands with fans over the barricade.

Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, at a combined weight of four-hundred and thirty-five pounds… “Skyfire” Zack Daymon and “The Iceman” Leo Burnett… the RAIN… CITY… ROOONIIIIIINNN!!!

We’ve got tag team action coming up next, ladies and gentlemen, as the two young men coming to the ring, the Rain City Ronin, are set to go head to head with David Fox and Mushigahara of Dangerous Mix!

The Ronin have come up from BRAZEN off a very noteworthy run as the Tag Team Champions, and now they’re looking to carry that momentum up to the main roster. Hopefully, they’ll have better luck than they had trying to go head to head with the Kabal along with Jessica Fear last year.

That’s a painful chapter they’re ready to put behind them. As for tonight, they’ll be tested against a veteran tag team, as Fox and Mushi were the first to answer their open challenge to the other tag teams of DEFIANCE.

♫ “Run Rabbit Junk” by Hideyuki Takahashi ♫

The lights dim as red spotlights swim throughout the Maverik Center, David Fox bursts through the curtains and walks the stage to charge up the crowd. A moment later, the towering Mushigahara comes out after him, standing at the head of the ramp for a beat to pump his fists into the air. The SLC Faithful know exactly how to respond.


Darren Quimbey:
And the opponents, at a combined weight of four-hundred and ninety-one pounds… the team of “The Soul Survivor” David Fox and “The God-Beast” Mushigahara… DAAANGEEERROOUUUSSS MIIIIIXXXX!!!

The veteran duo of Dangerous Mix are returning to tag team action for the first time since their invitational Tag Team Battle Royal at DEFCON of this year!

With new Unified Tag Team Champions in the Lucky Sevens, the DEFIANCE tag team division has been shaken up substantially. I have no doubt that these two are wanting to interject themselves into the mix, no pun intended.

David Fox and Mushigahara have come a long way since severing ties with their manager, Eddie Dante, but tonight will be a test to maintain their foothold in the tag team division against two hungry up-and-comers.

Fox and Mushigahara come down the rampway side by side, David sliding right into the ring while the God-Beast scales up to the apron and steps over the all three ropes. Dangerous Mix converge on their corner while across the ring, Daymon and Burnett talk strategy.

Benny Doyle spends a moment to check on both teams before confirming the are ready and cueing for the bell.


Mushigihara and Leo Burnett go to their respective corners, as their partners David Fox and Zack Daymon close the distance between them and immediately go into a lockup. After a moment of struggle, Fox comes out on top with a side headlock on the younger wrestler. Daymon attempts to reposition to free himself, but walks right into legsweep and takedown by the veteran.

Sharp headlock takedown by David Fox… but Daymon wastes no time trying to get back to his feet!

David keeps a tight grip around the head, but Zack is undeterred as he gets to his feet and grabs him around the waist, planting his feet and looking for the back suplex. Fox goes up, but immediately lands on his feet and catches the unsuspecting Zack with a low kick to the force the legs to buckle and bring him down to his knees!

Zack Daymon went for the suplex counter, but Fox rolls through and brings him to his knees instead! Fox going right for the inverted facelock… into a REVERSE DDT!

David Fox is showing great poise in there. The Ronin may be young, but considering their dominant run as the BRAZEN Tag Team Champions, Dangerous Mix are not giving them the benefit of the doubt. 

Fox turns Daymon into a front facelock to keep control of him as he backpedals to his corner and makes the tag to Mushigahara. Mushi steps over the ropes and immediately drops a massive forearm across Zack’s exposed back, sending the young “Skyfire” to the mat.

OOF! Mushigahara with an absolutely CRUSHING forearm off the tag, and quickly drops down for the cover!



Zack pops the shoulder

Daymon tries to move, but the colossal Mushi doesn’t let him get far as he pulls him up, yanks him into a corner, and absolutely bludgeons the young Ronin’s chest with a heavy chop to the ribs! Zack dangles an arm over the top rope to keep from collapsing altogether as the God-Beast crosses the ring to gain some distance.

Oh my… this could spell disaster!

Mushigahara getting a head full of steam, and comes running in… NO! Zack narrow gets out of the way in time to avoid the corner splash!

Mushi staggers as his chest connects with the top turnbuckle, and turns in time to see Daymon scampering by and making the tag to Leo in the corner. Burnett steps through the ropes, and dauntlessly goes into a lock-up against the towering monster. 

“The Iceman” Leo Burnett is in the ring on behalf of the Rain City Ronin, and immediately tangles up with the God-Beast! Is that a smart move, Lance?

It may not seem like it, but despite giving up several inches and pounds to the God-Beast, Burnett is utilizing his muscle mass and stocky frame to hold his ground.

When Mushi can’t force him to the mat, he forces him into the corner instead. As he pulls back to lay in another devastating chop, Leo hops out of the way to leave that skillet-sized hand connecting hard with the turnbuckle. While Mushi winces, Burnett pops off the second rope for an elbow that hits its mark!

Quick springboard elbow by Burnett, and he has Mushi staggered! Now Leo hooks the arms from behind… rolls all three-hundred pounds of Mushigahara into a BACKSLIDE to put his shoulders down!



Mushi kicks out!

Tough kick-out from that position for a man of that size.

Leo scrambles to his feet while the heavier Mushi works up to his own, a mere second too late as he springs up with a running lariat and Burnett ducks! Burnett instead runs across the ring to make the tag to “Skyfire” Zack Daymon, who hops to the near top turnbuckle!

Tag made to Daymon, but here comes Burnett off the ropes… running shoulder block CONNECTS with the chest of Mushigahara, but the big man stays on his feet!

Eyes on Skyfire!

Daymon leaping off… and LANDS the MISSILE DROPKICK! And THAT is enough to put Mushigahara to the MAT, prompting Daymon to go for the pin!



BROKEN UP by David Fox!

Fox pulls Daymon off the chest of his partner and immediately goes back to his corner before referee Benny Doyle can give him an earful. Zack is hot when he pops to his feet and angrily berates David on the corner, forcing Doyle to push him back into the match. Unfortunately, he spent too much time with his back turned to the God-Beast, who wallops him to the mat with a harsh enzui clothesline!

Mushi nods at his partner, before going back to work, pulling Zack Daymon up by the air and dropping him back down with a THUNDEROUS scoop slam, before bouncing off the ropes and crushing Skyfire under a big splash, which he leans into for the cover!



Daymon manages to kick out, leaving the God-Beast bemused as he kneels in front of his opponent, giving Benny Doyle a stern “really?” kind of look. Mushi scoffs, before getting back up and tagging out to David Fox!

Fox springs over the top rope and onto the mat, before rushing to Zack Daymon and landing on him with a senton! Fox doesn’t let up, though, and sizes Daymon up as he starts to recover, laying in a kick into the former BRAZEN tag team champion’s ribs! Fox grabs Daymon and whips him into the ropes, but Skyfire manages to sneak past Fox and wraps himself around the former Trios Tag Champion, before rolling him up in a crucifix pin!



Fox manages to break loose, and the camera closes in on the veteran, who takes a deep breath before nodding and making a facial expression as if to say “wow, this kid is GOOD,” before springing back to his feet and locking up with the spry newcomer!

Fox cinches a side headlock onto Daymon, before spinning himself around and dropping him to the mat face-first with a spinning toehold!

VERY crisp sweep there that Fox calls the Kazama Special, after his father-in-law Shinichiro “White Dragon” Kazama, who invented the maneuver!

Fox takes the mount and hooks the arm, trying to control Skyfire on the mat, but Zack Daymon manages to roll onto his back, before pushing Fox off of him, and desperately lunging to the corner for the tag! Leon Bennett is in, and rushes to grapple the striking expert Fox!

Fox could be in some serious danger here against Bennett and his grappling skills!

Leo Bennett manages to get his clutches on the Soul Survivor, trying to hoist him up for a belly-to-belly, but Fox blocks the throw by hooking his leg onto the nearby rope, keeping the Iceman from lifting him up any higher! Fox manages to drop down to his feet, hooking the grappler’s arms and leveraging him backwards to the mat, shoulders first! Benny Doyle rushes in for the count!






WHOA! What an EXPLOSIVE end to the match!

Darren Quimbey:
The winners of the match, by pinfall… DANGEROUS MIX!!

The replay shows once again what happened to end the match; David Fox caught Leo Bennett in a backslide pin, hooked on tight and angled just so to make any escape very difficult! Benny Doyle had reached a two-count before Zack Daymon rushed into the ring to break up the fall, only to be intercepted by Mushigihara, in the form of a shoulder tackle that sent Skyfire FLYING into the corner, far away from his partner and the man pinning him!

I guess you could say it was really an… alpha male move.

Awkward silence as Lance shakes his head.

Meanwhile, Leo Bennett looks at Benny Doyle, who shakes his head and sticks up three fingers, before turning to David Fox, who only smiles and offers a hand while saying “great match, man.”

After thinking on it, the Iceman accepts the gesture, shaking Fox’s hand before they help each other to their feet. Leo then pulls his partner back up, before the four hug it out and congratulate each other on a hard fight.




Panning shot of The Faithful - proudly holding their signs high.

Up next, ladies and gentlemen, we have the first of our two second round tournament matchups. Rezin shocked the world by putting away Malak Garland, and Pat Cassidy got by The D to meet up here in the quarter finals.

On paper, it’s an interesting match up - Rezin might have more range in terms of moves and styles, but he’s often spastic and unpredicible. Cassidy, meanwhile, sticks to the basics and brawling - but he’s proven to do that really well. So who wins the battle of high risk/high reward vs. low-key consistency?

We’re about to find out!

Cut to Quimbey in the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a SECOND ROUND match in the ACTS of DEFIANCE tournament!

Crowd pops!


♫ “Gonna Be A Blackout Tonight” by The Dropkick Murphys ♫

From the back, dressed to wrestle and wearing his black and blue “SNS” ring vest, comes “Black Out” Pat Cassidy. He struts out slowly with his arms extended and a grin on his face. He takes three big exaggerated steps before making a show of taking in the entire cheering arena. Next to him, in matching colors, is Ophelia Sykes. Ophelia hangs off Cassidy’s shoulder as the camera moves up close to the couple.

Ophelia Sykes:
Be jealous.

Pat Cassidy:
You’re looking at the next FIST of DEFIANCE kids.

The camera moves away… but strangely, Cassidy and Ophelia don’t walk down the ramp. Instead, they turn to face the curtain as…

♫ "Apocalyptic Havoc" by Goatwhore ♫

The crowd continues to lose their mind as another fan favorite, Rezin, has his theme blare throughout the arena. The Goat Bastard appears on the stage, looking somewhat dazed and confused as he makes his way over to Pat and Ophelia. Cassidy throws an arm around Rezin’s shoulder and helps guide his opponent toward the ring.

Well… that’s a rare show of sportsmanship!

As we saw earlier, these two spent the night on the town last night. It would appear Rezin may still be feeling the effects. He knows this is for a shot at the FIST, right?

I wouldn’t bet money on him knowing that, no.

Cassidy and Rezin reach the ring, and The Scrapper from Southie gives his new buddy one final pat on the back before rolling into the ring and hopping up onto the turnbuckle to the cheers of The Faithful. Left on the outside, Rezin half stumbles his way around the ringside area and then rolls under the bottom rope seemingly by random chance.

With Cassidy getting in a quick strategy session in his corner and taking a swig from a water bottle that she gave him and Rezin kinda half hanging in his corner, Darren Quimbey decides now it a good time for the ring announcements.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first… from Boston, Massachusetts and weighing in at 242 lbs… “BLACK OUT” PAAAAT CASSIDY!

The fans roar as Cassidy throws his arms up and encourages them to keep it going.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Indianapolis, Indiana and weighing in at 205 lbs… he is the ESCAPE ARTIST! REEEEEZIN!

The crowd roars in appreciation. Rezin, for his part, seems flabbergasted that someone called out his name as his head darts back and forth searching for the source.


Hearing the bell, Pat takes one last swig off his water bottle before handing it off to Ophelia at ringside and shakes his head to get himself into the zone. He points across the ring at Rezin to confirm if he’s good to go. The Goat Bastard swaggers in his corner, eyes blinking and out of focus… but nevertheless flashes a thumbs up back to Cassidy.

This match is officially underway, as Pat Cassidy comes ready out of his corner, and Rezin comes out of--WHAT?!

Rezin takes three steps and suddenly flops face first to the mat. 


Apparently, he’s not as good to go as originally believed.

The SLC Faithful are cackling while Pat looks down at him in disbelief, head shaking and hands on his hips. He looks to Brian Slater, but the official shrugs, equally befuddled.

In any case, Pat Cassidy isn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, as he moves in to--WAIT, REZIN OUTTANOWHERE WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE!!




Both men break apart and immediately burst into sitting positions. Smash zoom onto the face of Pat Cassidy, filled with incredulous shock and anger as he stares down the man that baited him into a flash pin.

Pat Cassidy:

Uuuhhhmm… well, this is awkward!

The Goat Bastard tries to deflect guilt with a poor imitation and an innocent grin. The simpering smirk disappears when Boston-born knuckles begin pounding their way into his face.


And here goes Cassidy, unloading on the face of the ever-deceptive Escape Artist, after that failed attempt to beguile his way into a victory! And here we were thinking this would be a friendly scrap!

They may have enjoyed a wild night on the town last night, but be as it may, it’s every man for himself when it comes to this ACTS Tournament. And don’t forget that whoever loses this match still goes on to that Fatal Fourway on Uncut - so there’s still a potential title shot in the future for one of these men, win or lose!

Both men are getting to their feet as Pat continues to pepper Rezin with rights and lefts from all angles! Rezin is reeling in a stupor!

The Escape Artist, doing what he does best, attempts to fall through the ropes to get away from the onslaught, but isn’t fast enough for Cassidy to snag him by the waist band. Rezin dangles for a beat, suspended between the middle and top rope with his arms desperately outstretched… then all at once, he gets yanked back inside right into a rear waistlock, which turns into a belly-to-back suplex by Cassidy!

No escape for the Escape Artist, he takes a NASTY bump on his head and shoulders following the suplex by Pat Cassidy! Cassidy going for the pin this time!



And Rezin kicks out!

As Rezin sits up, Pat immediately traps him into a chinlock. The Goat Bastard doesn’t remain on the mat for long, however, twisting his body around to get some footing and forcing Cassidy into a side headlock. Then, slippery as an eel, Rezin snags the wrist, pulls himself free, and reverses into a hammerlock! When Pat tries to elbow his way out, he gifts the Escape Artist his arm, who quickly attempts to set in a cobra clutch…

Rezin could be looking for the CABRO CLUTCH here… but Cassidy backs up and crushes him in the corner to prevent the submission attempt!

Cassidy may still be hungover, but his senses are sharp enough to know exactly what to do when being set into a choke submission.

Pat takes Rezin by the arm, and the Irish Whip sends him across the ring crashing hard into the corner! While the Goat Bastard hangs there dazed against the ropes, the Scrapper from Southie charges up the SLC Faithful!


Here comes Cassidy, charging in for the SPLASH OF JAMESON--NO!! Rezin lunges out of the way at the last second!

Cassidy staggers off the impact, clutching his shoulder in pain. Seeing his window to strike, Rezin pops to his feet, springs upon Pat’s shoulders, and drops down into a lungblower that leaves him rolling on the mat worse for wear.

Cassidy miscalculated on that corner splash, and may have aggravated that shoulder in the process.

That shoulder definitely took double the beating in both of Pat’s appearances through the first round, so one has to wonder if it's fully healed. Here comes Rezins now… STANDING MOONSAULT across the ribs puts him right into a lateral press!



KICKOUT by Pat Cassidy!

Cassidy is still favoring the shoulder as he sits up. The slight pause gives Rezin ample time to pop to his feet, hit the ropes, and peg him in the chest with a low running dropkick! The Goat Bastard pops up again and takes another bounce, coming at Pat from the other side with a second dropkick to the back!

The Escape Artist is gaining a dangerous amount of momentum right now, which spells trouble for Pat.

Cassidy, showing some fighting spirit, works back to his feet before the Goat Bastard can hit him again… here comes Rezin, again off the ropes, but Cassidy is waiting this time as he runs right into a BACK BODY DROP--NO!!

Rezin agilely sticks the landing and immediately throws a mule kick behind him that tags Pat in the small of the back and causes him to fall to his knees in agony. Rezin goes into motion again, running off the ropes and getting some speed as he snags Pat by the back of the head and drives him face-first into the canvas! Outside the ring, Ophelia is anxiously clutching her head.

Rezin with a ONE-ARMED BULLDOG, and he quickly rolls Cassidy onto his back for another cover!



THR--NO!! Kickout right before the three!

The punishment on Cassidy’s body is slowly setting in as he struggles to get up. Ophelia slaps the mat to galvanize him, and the SLC Faithful follow suit. Rezin stalks him in his blind spot, grinning eagerly as he watches his opponent comes to fight on, and takes yet another bounce off the ropes.

Rezin back in motion as Cassidy gets to his feet and turns around… CROSS BODY BLOCK--CAUGHT BY PAT!!

The crowd pops the sudden turn of action, and Cassidy moves Rezin from his arms to his shoulders as he transitions to the fireman’s carry. He winces ever so slightly as his bad shoulder takes the weight… and the Escape Artist snaps to action.

Pat has him right where he wants him… but NO!! REZIN ROLLS HIM TO THE MAT into the CRUCIFIX PIN!!



CASSIDY with the kickout!

I think he had something in mind there, but he hesitated ever so slightly because of that shoulder.

Both men quickly scramble to their feet. Cassidy extends his knee for a kitchen sink, but Rezin has it scouted and snags the leg while flipping over it, carrying Pat with him into a NASTY dragon screw!

One has to wonder if Pat is kicking himself right now for wrestling back-to-back matches at the last DEFtv.

You may be right, Lance. Although I can understand if he felt he had no choice. Cassidy felt he had to be there for his friend and tag partner, Brock Newbludd. To fight in his stead.

Newbludd, meanwhile, is still missing in action. I just hope his passion and loyalty aren’t being put toward a lost cause.

Rezin attempts to get Cassidy up by the bad arm, but pauses as soon as he hears the hiss of pain escape Pat. He instead switches over to the other arm and twists it around into a wristlock, putting tension on the good shoulder. An endearing smile crosses the Goat Bastard’s face.

That better?

Cassidy nods.

Pat Cassidy:
Yeah… better… thanks…

Pat suddenly seizes Rezin by the wrist and reverses the wristlock, flipping the Goat Bastard onto the mat and dropping an elbow across the chest.

Rezin: [croaking]
You’re… welcome!

When the pain wears off, Rezin looks to see Pat setting his legs under his arms and dragging him near the corner. Before he can react, Cassidy falls back and CATAPULTS the Escape Artist through the air, who unleashes a gravelly wail as he is flung uncontrollably into the corner pads!

OOH!! Rezin gets the top turnbuckle as a LATE LUNCH off the slingshot! Pat Cassidy may have a chance to turn things around now… Rezin stumbles out of the corner, and right into his arms!



And just like that, the entire flow of the match has changed. Rezin may come to regret not taking advantage of that injured shoulder.

It’s a noble gesture, but like you pointed out earlier, Lance, it’s every man for himself in the ACTS Tournament!

Cassidy foregos a pin attempt to get to his knees and favor the shoulder again, having seemingly hurt it more during the lifting procedure. He sees Ophelia at ringside with a look of concern on her face, but does what he can to allay her fears by putting on a roguish smile. Rezin, meanwhile, is painstakingly crawling away on his belly.

Cassidy has Rezin right where he wants him, trapping the arm… and lifting him up with a PUMP-HANDLE SLAM that flips the Goat Bastard over from his belly to his back! Pat hooks the leg!



NO!! Rezin squirms that shoulder up!

And Cassidy chuckles. All things considered, these two seem to really be enjoying the fight they’re having.

The SLC Faithful are enjoying it as well, cheering both men on as Pat, staying in firm control, leads Rezin by the neck to get him up again. Rezin’s eyes pop open in time to see the top turnbuckle coming at him, as Cassidy sends his head there with enough impact to send the Goat Bastard flipping wildly through the air.

It may be a friendly bout, but neither of these men can soon forget what’s at stake here: A shot at the FIST of DEFIANCE at ACTS! Rezin is back on his feet after that jog to the brain… here comes Cassidy with the running LARIAT--NO!! Rezin dips down and sends him tumbling over the ropes!

Good thing he landed on his feet!

Ophelia comes in to check on him, but Pat holds up a hand, both to assure her he’s okay and to keep her at a safe distance. Meanwhile in the ring, Rezin is making tracks…

Cassidy to the outside, and now Rezin is on his feet and in motion off the ropes… Pat sees him coming just in time for a SUICIDE DIVE THROUGH THE ROPES--AND HE NARROWLY AVOIDS IT with a juke to the side!

The Goat Bastard hits the floor mats with a violent SPLAT, leaving him groaning in agony. Cassidy, meanwhile, slips back in under the ropes and starts running to get a head full of steam. The cheers RAMP as Rezin unsuspectingly gets to his feet as sees a Bostonian battering ram coming right at him.


I have NEVER seen Pat Cassidy do anything like that - he’s a guy who rarely leaves his feet. Just shows you the levels he’s willing to go to for a shot at the FIST!

The SLC crowd POPS as Cassidy bursts onto his feet and hypes up the ringside Faithful! He leaves behind Rezin, lying prone on the floor until he rolls onto his back, revealing a mouth hanging agape and eyes rolled back into his head.

Pat Cassidy:


Pat Cassidy:


Pat Cassidy:


The spirit of Ballyhoo lives on in ALL of the wrestling world!

Pat peels the stain of Rezin off the floor and rolls him back in under the ropes, before climbing up to the apron himself. He is buzzing off the energy from the crowd, and it inspires him to take things to another level by climbing the turnbuckle.

Uh-oh… Pat Cassidy going for the HIGH RISK move here! Rezin is practically MOTIONLESS in the ring right now!

Don’t forget how this match started! The Goat Bastard could easily be playing possum right now!

These concerns aren’t reaching “Blackout” Pat Cassidy, firmly perched on the top rope and scanning the roaring crowd around him.

Pat Cassidy:


Cassidy dives… …


Again… we never see top rope moves out of Pat Cassidy... in fact his feelings about heights are well documented… but that may have been a tribute to his partner! A subtle shoutout to Brock Newbludd who is very fond of using that move!

Rezin goes from zero to sixty, in one moment still on the mat and in the next uncontrollably flipping and flopping on the mat in a world of hurt as if the elbow hit him with the force of a cannonball.

Cassidy sits up… clutching the shoulder. Face full of pain.

Oh no…

THAT is not a good sign. The high risk may have paid off, but at what cost?Cassidy knows he has to finish this, and fights through the pain as he forcibly crawls across the ring to where Rezin lies, coughing and convulsing. He drapes his good arm across the chest.

Pat Cassidy with the COVER…




THRE--NO!! Rezin BARELY snaps to life at the last second!

One would think that could have been it, had he had the arm to hook the leg.

The crowd is again at a fever pitch, cheering both men on as they slowly struggle to their feet. When they finally get there, the scene is the same as the opening bell: Cassidy pointing to Rezin to see if he’s good to go. Rezin nodding.

Then they throw themselves into each other, becoming a living whirlwind of flying fists.


This second round match of the ACTS Tournament continues, descending into an all-out chaotic brawl! Back and forth they go! Cassidy! Rezin! Cassidy! Rezin! Cassidy! Cassidy! CASSIDY!

The Scrapper from Southie begins to come out on top with repeated jabs from his good arm landing in the Goat Bastard’s face. Rezin wobbles on rubber legs while Pat raises a FIST to pump up the crowd and toast to their honor.

Cassidy with the BACK ELBOW--NO!!

Rezin ducks, and instinctively goes into motion.

Rezin with the CLOVEN HOOF KICK--NO!!

Cassidy also ducks, and grabs Rezin around the head when he comes around.


Rezin’s free arm lands a desperate shot into the inside of Pat’s bad shoulder, busting him loose from the deadly Reverse STO and countering with a sweep. The Escape Artist takes a moment to regain his bearings, until he notices that his stumbling legs have carried him over to the corner.

Rezin went right for that sore spot to avoid the finish, but now he finds himself in a position to attempt a high risk move of his own, as he climbs the turnbuckle!

If there are two words that fully describe Rezin, they are most certainly “high” and “risk."

Rezin on TOP… looking for the REZINSAULT…

Or so he would. But a force is preventing him from doing just that.
It’s the force of Pat Cassidy’s body, which is somehow there on the top rope with him.


Who’s playing possum THIS time?

Rezin looks bewildered. Cassidy looks apologetic. He tucks his head under the Goat Bastard’s arm, and hooks him by the waist. Using everything in his back and legs, he lifts Rezin up and falls back…




…but they don’t budge.


Smash zoom from the ringside camera to the top turnbuckle. Rezin’s PINKY is extended to its very limit, the tip desperately clinging to the coil.

Now Rezin’s face becomes apologetic, as he readjusts his arm to bulldog Pat’s head, and pushes off the top rope.


He was hanging on by a THREAD!

Rezin just falls on top of Cassidy, chest to chest. The ref drops to make the count.






Darren Quimbey:
Your winner and advancing in the ACTS of DEFIANCE tournament… The Escape Artist REEEEZIN!

Rezin rolls off Cassidy and stares up at the lights. For a moment both men are laying in the ring, staring up at the lights and panting.

You think this is how they ended last night?

While he’s still lying on the ground, Slater raises Rezin’s hand. After that, both men begin to stir and Ophelia gets in the ring to help Pat get his bearings.

Rezin moves on to face the winner of the Dex Joy/Henry Keyes matchup - but don’t forget that this means Pat Cassidy is entered into that Fatal Fourway next week! He’ll face the other four Defiants who do not advance past this round for a shot at the FIST of DEFIANCE.

Cassidy and Rezin have both managed to get to their feet. Rezin strikes a defensive pose as if expecting an ambush… but a sore Pat Cassidy simply extends his hand. Rezin ponders for a moment… before taking it! The fans approve of this babyface comradery. Rezin rolls out of the ring and begins a walk to the back as the front row Faithful try to claw at him.

I can’t believe it, but Rezin has done it again! He’s moving on to the semi-finals!

Could… could Rezin take this whole thing?

He’s certainly capable! Anything can happen, Lance


As Rezin disappears through the curtain, Pat Cassidy and Ophelia Sykes remain behind in the squared circle. Cassidy applauds Rezin as he goes, and then turns to Sykes, who has procured a mic. Ophelia hands it over to Pat, who looks to the people.

Pat Cassidy:
Give it up for Rezin, huh? Worth saying again: that guy knows how to party. Guy knows how to wrestle. Guy knows how to topple a corrupt regime. Is there anything he can't do?

Scattered chuckles from the crowd. Cassidy switches gears as he moves toward the ropes and leans over the top, looking out into the Faithful.

Pat Cassidy:
And yeah, it [BLEEP]ing sucks that I’m out of the tournament, but you can be damn sure this ain’t the last time you’ll see my name and FIST of DEFIANCE on the same marquee. Bank on that, boys and girls. A setback ain’t the end. Time to dust it off and get back up.

A moderate pop of approval.

Pat Cassidy:
Now, I know a lot of people have been asking me to speak on a particular topic. A pair of supreme jaggoffs that we saw out here earlier… the current…

Cassidy sneers. This is difficult to say.

Pat Cassidy:
…the current and undeserving Unified Tag Team Champions.


Pat Cassidy:
Yeah. Guess you know ‘em too. All across the country, I’ve been getting the same questions: Pat, what do you think about The Sevens returning to DEFIANCE? What about the fact that you can’t challenge for the belts anymore? When is Brock coming back to help you put those two in their place once and for all?

Cassidy pauses.

Pat Cassidy:
That last one… that’s the real kicker, you know? And while I wish The Titanes Familia all the luck in the world and I’m rooting for ‘em to cave their lucky little skulls in, it doesn’t take a Havad schola to guess that the issue between The Lucky Sevens and The Saturday Night Specials ain’t over. Those two have payback comin. No question. But… not until The Saturday Night Specials stand in this ring together again.

A pop. Ophelia Sykes applauds, egging the crowd on a bit more. Cassidy shifts his weight on the top rope so that he’s in a better position to look right into the camera.

Pat Cassidy:
Newbludd… buddy. I know you’re watching. I know you can hear my voice. And if you can’t, I’m sure you’ll see this clip on YouTube while on the shitter later. So I’m speaking from the heart here, buddy: I [BLEEP]ing need ya, man. We got unfinished business and our run was far from over. You know it. I know it. These people damn sure know it.


Pat Cassidy:
The Saturday Night Specials ain’t done… but I can’t take out those two knuckle dragging cavemen by myself. We had ‘em beat. We CAN beat ‘em. Siobhan? She can go to hell. Forget her. You don’t need her. You and me, buddy… we got this. And it’s not just me asking, Brock. It’s the thousands of Faithful here in Salt Lake City… and around the world!

The crowd cheers… and then a chant breaks out. Starting softly, but eventually gaining steam as the entire arena joins in.

“COME BACK BROCK!” clap clap, clap clap clap
“COME BACK BROCK!” clap clap, clap clap clap
“COME BACK BROCK!” clap clap, clap clap clap

Cassidy pumps his arms to encourage the fans to chant louder while Ophelia claps and chants along.

Pat Cassidy:
You hear ‘em, buddy!? It’s time, my man! It’s time!

“COME BACK BROCK!” clap clap, clap clap clap
“COME BACK BROCK!” clap clap, clap clap clap

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫


The good times and good will instantly turns to frustration and jeers as the theme song of the one and only Ned Reform begins to play throughout the arena. In the ring, Cassidy and Sykes cease their actions to pump up the crowd and instead turn to face the entranceway with looks of half surprise and half disgust. As Cole Rolland’s rock remix of the Beethoven classic really begins to kick in, Ned Reform and TA Cole walk through the curtain as the jeers intensify.

Pat Cassidy handled his tournament elimination like a pro… and he was in the middle of what appeared to be a heartfelt speech when Ned Reform felt the need to insert himself.

We saw Ned and Cassidy interact on Uncut, and my sources tell me Reform is up to something rotten.

What else is new?

Reform is all smiles, waving to his adoring fans as Cole stands behind him with his arms folded menacingly. Reform politely waits for his theme to fade out - and of course he has a mic of his own. He and his flunkie remain at the top of the ramp, gesturing toward Cassidy and Ophelia in the ring.

Ned Reform:
I’ll get to you in just a moment, my foul-mouthed friend. First… I’d like to address the good people of Salt Lake City!


Ned Reform:

Reform pauses. Tilts his head thoughtfully. His eyes track back and forth. He turns to TA Cole and asks him a question… discreetly enough that the camera doesn’t catch it. Cole shrugs… and Reform returns the gesture. He turns back to face the crowd, looking sheepish. 

Ned Reform:
Well… this is shameful of me to admit, children… but I have to confess that even I, the great Dr. Ned Reform… well, I appear to know absolutely nothing about this city. Has it ever been relevant? Hmmm?


Ned Reform:
Pop quiz! Name ONE important Salt Lake-ean from any point in history. Literally anyone. I can wait.

Reform makes a show of patiently waiting with arms crossed while the crowd boos. Suddenly, his ears perk up and he breaks into a smile. He points to the front row of fans.

Ned Reform:
Ha! Did you hear? That gentleman said Roseanne Barr!

Reform and Cole break out into mock laughter as the crowd continues to boo him. Quick cut to the ring, where Ophelia Sykes appears confused… while Cassidy hasn’t taken his cold stare off Reform. Back to the ramp, where Ned is “laughing” so “hard” that he needs to put a hand on Cole’s shoulder to keep himself upright. 

Ned Reform:
Roseanne! Wow! Well, bravo Salt Lake City. Clearly, I was mistaken about you. You are an elite stock, yes? I must say, I…

Pat Cassidy:
Does this have any [BEEP]in’ point at all, Dr. Dickhead, or can I go? Unlike your poor, poor students… I don’t have to listen to you.


Well, the censor caught the first half, anyway.

Reform’s fake laughter is interrupted by Cassidy’s crass insult. The Good Doctor drops the fake laughing routine and again turns his attention toward the ring.

Ned Reform:
How wonderfully tawdry, Mr. Cassidy. Yet I’d expect nothing less. You know, children, as much as Mr. Cassidy here loathes to admit it, we…

Reform is interrupted as a chant picks up steam.

“DOC - TOR - DICK - HEAD!” clap clap, clap clap clap
“DOC - TOR - DICK - HEAD!” clap clap, clap clap clap
“DOC - TOR - DICK - HEAD!” clap clap, clap clap clap

That one seems to get under The Sage on the Stage’s skin a little. Cole tries to cover Reform’s ears, but Ned angrily shoves him away. Ned nods aggressively until the chant finally dies down.

Ned Reform:
As I was saying, I…

Pat Cassidy:
I dunno if you heard, Doc, but you just had an entire arena full of people calling you a [BEEP]head!


We apologize, folks.

Ned Reform:
Now you listen to me! You, and all these charlatans! As I was saying, Mr. “Saturday Night Special” - you don’t want to admit it, but you and I go way back, yes?

Cassidy’s smile fades.

Ned Reform:
Oh yes, that’s right, children. Patrick and I have known each other for a very long time. Haven’t we, Mr. Cassidy? And I’m happy to report that he’s always been an ill-tempered, uncouth, smartmouthed thug with zero self control who thinks he can skate by in life with a smile and a joke. Nothing changes, you see.

Pat Cassidy:
That’s funny, Doc. Cause I was just gonna tell the people how you’ve never stopped being an annoying, attention starved, insecure little prick who needs to put others down to prop his sorry ass up. How’s the dating life, Doc? I bet you’re beating ‘em off with a stick, huh?

Ned Reform:
I’m certain it’s going better than…

Reform looks to Sykes with disgust.

Ned Reform:

Ophelia’s face flushes with anger, and she begins to remove her earrings and motion like she’s going to charge up the ramp, but Pat calms her down with a hand.

Pat Cassidy:
Alright… enough of the back and forth bullshit. Is there a reason you’re out here?

Ned Reform:
Ah, yes. Indeed there is. You see… it concerns your little venture from last week. You were looking for some financial support in the rebuilding of your little den of sleaze, yes?

This catches Cassidy’s attention. His eyes narrow.

Ned Reform:
Yes. Begging The Favored Saints for a bailout. How typical. Well… it pains me to be the one to tell you this, Patrick, but your request has formally been denied.


In the ring, Ophelia rubs Pat’s shoulder as he makes a visible attempt to not show his emotion at that.

Ned Reform:
Now I’m sure they’ll be informing you themselves, but I just couldn’t pass up a chance to let you know face-to-face. I’m sure they won’t mind… I know them very well, mind you. We’re comrades on the green of champions… that’s golf for those pf you trying to keep up. And we’re so close, in fact, that they listened when I reminded them about the amount of incidents that resulted in Ballyhoo being absolutely wrecked… if not, of course, outright destroyed. I reminded them of the quality of businessmen you and Mr. Newbludd appeared to be and how seriously you ran your business. But most of all, I reminded them how it was you and Mr. Newbludd’s shortsightedness that nearly cost this company its tag team championship… and how everytime they write a check for the Lucky Seven’s new inflated contract, they have you to thank.


There’s some truth there, but that’s not the whole story.

Reform knows that. He’s getting under Pat’s skin.

Ned Reform:
And so, in the end, the Favored Saints saw the light. Oh, you nearly won them over, of course. You and your… “wit.” In fact, it came down to a single deciding vote. But in the end, one too many board members realized that you are an extremely poor investment. So they decided to put their money… elsewhere.

Reform breaks out into an evil grin. Cassidy’s eye brows go up.

Ned Reform:
If you could all turn your attention to the big screen…

Ned points up to the DEFiatron… where an artist’s rendering of a building appears. It’s small, modern-looking, a stranger purple color, oddly shaped, and very quaint. On top is a sign: “REFORM AND SHINE: Coffee Shop and Creative Workspace for Intellectuals.” The location for this would-be coffee shop? Hard to tell… but it looks a lot like the artist was trying to paint it on the former spot of Ballyhoo Brew.


Ned Reform:
Isn’t it lovely? The Favored Saints saw the vision… they agreed that the clientele Reform and Shine will bring in shall be leagues above the patrons of Ballyhoo. Better for the DEFIANCE brand all around, yes? And in the hands of an intelligent and successful man… a much less risky venture. Now… if you, Mr. Cassidy, ask nicely, I will happily put in a good word for you to be a barista and…

Reform stops his rant as the crowd comes alive… but Cassidy has left the ring and is charging up the ramp. He reaches Ned before The Good Doctor can react!

Pat Cassidy has heard enough!

Ned Reform:
Now! Wait a… ARRRGGH!

Reform goes down to a flurry of right hands! Cole tries to grab Pat, but Pat ducks under and comes up the other side. When Cole turns… he too is met with a right hand salad that stuns him!

Cassidy grabs Levi Cole’s head… he sends him face first into the steel structure that makes up the entrance ramp!

With Cole holding his head in pain, Cassidy turns his rage-filled eyes to Ned Reform. Reform drops to his knees, throwing up his hands in protest and mercy. Pat isn’t there to hear it, though, as he answers Reform’s plea with a double bird and a kick to the head! As the crowd eggs him on, the Saturday Night Special brings Reform back up to his feet. Holding the back of his head, Cassidy peers off the stage to the collection of equipment below. He turns to the fans, implicitly asking their opinion. They tell him to go for it. 

Wait a minute, Pat… Reform’s a pest and all, but let’s not do something we’ll regret!

Cassidy is seconds away from making Reform airborne… when he’s nailed from behind by TA Cole. He tries to scrap and he holds his own for several seconds, but eventually the combined forces of The Honor Society are enough to beat him down and take the resistance out of him. Cole and Reform apply the boots to the downed Boston native as Ophelia yells at them from the ramp and the fans fill the arena with boos. Finally, when it is clear that Cassidy isn’t getting back up, Reform commands Cole to stop and bring Cassidy to his knees. Levi roughly grabs Pat by the head and lifts him. Ned kneels down so that he is face-to-face and whispers… something… into the dazed Cassidy’s ear before returning to his feet and giving one final wink and smile to the crowd… before slapping Cassidy as hard as he can across the face! Reform looks down at his handiwork with a satisfied smirk as his theme song begins to play again.

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫

So wait… Ned Reform got The Favored Saints to agree to bankroll his coffee shop instead of Ballyhoo? But… he doesn’t have the plot of land, right? That’s still Pat and Brock’s.

That remains to be seen, partner… but what I do know is he’s intentionally sabotaged what might be The Saturday Night Special’s last chance to bring back Ballyhoo Brew! And for what?

Reform and Cole disappear through the curtain just as DEFsec and medical personnel rush out to join Ophelia in tending to Cassidy. Pat is aching but lucid and curses in frustration as he sits up.

Folks, we may not know what Reform is up to here… but as Pat Cassidy tries to shake this off and regroup, we’ll be right back with another second round tournament match and tonight’s main event! You won’t want to miss this… don’t go anywhere!

The camera pans up from Cassidy, Sykes, and the medical staff... panning up to the tron, where the picture of Ned Reform's future coffee shop still sits. It's the last image we see before heading to commercial. 


LIVE from Denver next week where the semi-finals for the FIST Tournament will take place!


What a major main event we have coming up next! We saw our first man advance earlier in the Acts Tournament and now we’ll learn who the next man will be! Two of the very best wrestlers at the top of their game! Dex Joy, a former Southern Heritage and Favoured Saints champ, takes on the former twice holder of the Favoured Saints title and the person who holds the SOHER now, Henry Keyes! That title is not on the line tonight, but a spot in the semifinals of the Acts Tournament is! 

Out of all the possible tournament combinations this one might just be the most physical. The Biggest Boy tries to get to Round Two but Vae Victis releases “The Kraken” Henry Keyes!

One by one in the arena the lights go dark. Section by section of the arena the lights start to fade out. They keep going dark until there is nothing left. The lights start flickering on one more time and beep until a wrecking ball with the Dex Joy logo smashes through a wall! 

♫ "Fight Back" by Konata Small ♫

And finally the man appears on the entrance ramp!

Darren Quimbey:
This is tonight’s main event and is the next round two match in the Acts Tournament! Introducing from Los Angeles, California and weighing three-hundred forty-two pounds… he is THE LEADER OF DEX’S WRECKING CREW …  DEEEEEXXXXXX JJJJJJOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!!

A black singlet with the same gold and black wrecking ball with “DEX” above and “JOY” below and black shorts with the same pattern. Golden colored boots, knee pads and elbow pads! Dex stomps to the ring and asks the crowd a simple question. 

Dex Joy:


After the answer back from the crowd Dex walks into the ring and gets ready to do battle with one of the toughest men in DEFIANCE Wrestling today.

♫ "Stranger Fruit" by Zeal & Ardor ♫

White beacons of light swirl throughout the arena. The dread-beats continue on, step by step, until the drums kick in and Henry Keyes steps through the curtain, proudly carrying the Southern Heritage Championship over his shoulder.. He is soon flanked by his Vae Victis compatriots: Lindsay Troy, Kerry Kuroyama, and Sonny Silver. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his-

Sonny Silver:
DARREN QUIMBEY, I get it, you think this is your job, but SIT DOWN!

Boos rain down at this treatment of a DEFIANCE legend.

Sonny Silver:
Allow me to introduce your DOOM, Big Boy! Making his way to the ring from the fighting city of SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIAAAAA! As long as Deacon carries the FIST, HE, as Southern Heritage Champion, is the MOST PRESTIGIOUS CHAMPION IN DEFIANCE…He is a bone-crushing 249 pounds…and he’s going to sink your ass to the bottom of the sea, Large Joy. THE KRAKEN! HENRY! KEEEEEEEEEYES!

Hype properly given, Henry’s Vae Victis comrades watching the action from the ramp, and both men now snarling at each other from across the ring, we waste no more time starting the action!


From the moment the bell rings Joy and Keyes get right to trying to move the other one in a lockup reminiscent of two bulls trying to budge the other. Dex pushes Keyes into one side of the ropes but Keyes quickly moves the momentum back and spins around so the Kraken can put him back to the corner. He has Dex laid up against the ropes and then he hits him right in the chest with one of his Propeller Edge Chops! The warning shot does knock Dex back, but he doesn’t stand around and wait so he fires back with a big forehand chop of his own. Keyes takes the shot in return with a smile. 

We predicted this one was going to be physical, and we were right. Henry Keyes and Dex Joy are two big strong men! 

Both men have been through the toughest of wars to get where they are today.

Dex and Henry both hit one another by trading chops back and forth. Dex’s open chops versus Keyes’s Propeller Edge Chops! They continue to swing to the point where the Utah Faithful are cheering for violence! They continue but it’s finally Henry Keyes that has had enough swinging around. He moves out of the way of a chop and strikes Dex under his chin with an uppercut. Another uppercut and then a third uppercut put Dex back into the corner and that allows Keyes to yell as loud as he can when he hits Dex Joy with a Biel throw! The awestruck Salt Lake City crowd all gasp at once!

How did Henry Keyes do that?!?! He just … he Biel tossed Dex Joy!

I don’t know! Dex Joy stands almost three-hundred forty pounds! Usually that's HIS world, throwing people across the ring!

Dex is even shocked by what just happened and he pays for that shock with the current SOHER champion kicking him in the face. Dex is kicked back into the ropes where another spinning back elbow against his jaw knocks Dex down to the mat. Keyes lands a corkscrew elbow drop next and then he has Dex Joy down off his feet. He floats over in a cover.

One … 
Two …

Dex with the kick out!

This isn’t the way that I saw this going down! Henry Keyes has just bulldozed his way through a man who fancies himself as a bulldozer in human form!

Dex Joy defeated another Vae Victis member two weeks ago named Kerry Kuroyama. Dex has expressed regret that Kuroyama’s foot was under the ropes and the referee didn’t see it, but the referee’s call is final. There are no do overs in this tournament. Single elimination only.

Keyes hits Dex with another chop and he’s got the big man from Cali backed into a corner. Keyes swings again … but Dex grabs the arm to block! Dex shows a determined look to Keyes and then spins around out of the corner in order to send him flying across the ring with a bigger and better Biel throw!

Dex Joy HURLS Keyes with his own Biel! My GOD!

But that is not all. When the Kraken is about to get back to his feet, Dex lets him have it with a shotgun drop kick that makes Keyes take a spill through the ropes!

Ohhhh! And a shotgun drop kick by Dex to follow it up! Keyes is on the floor!

Dex feels the energy from the crowd adding to his self-proclaimed UNLIMITED Big Dex Energy! He taps the mat with a fist and eyes the former fan favorite. Dex gets ready and charges full speed ahead. He turns his body through the ropes and sends all three forty right into Keyes with the Whoa-pe!!!

Whoa-pe! Whoa-pe! Keyes ruled the beginning portions of this match but Dex Joy has just taken back in an unbelievable way!

I’ll say! The Biel throw, the shotgun drop kick and now the Whoa-pe dive through the ropes! I think this one is going to come down to who hits the first home run swing!

Dex Joy gets Henry Keyes back into the ring quickly wanting to earn this victory and not have a reason to question unlike his previous issue with Kerry Kuroyama and the ropes. He delivers multiple strikes across the back of Henry Keyes to make sure he stays down and then throws him back inside the ring. Dex looks out among the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful and then he starts to climb the ropes to take flight.

What on Earth is Dex going to do up there? Something new perhaps?

I’m not sure but whatever he’s going to hit he better do it quick!

Dex tries to get the big move on the top, however, he gets a surprise when Henry Keyes gets up first and then runs towards the corner to block the oncoming move. Henry grabs the leg and then he tries to pull The Biggest Boy off of the top turnbuckle, but Joy drops an elbow down to the head of Keyes to block his block. Dex hits another elbow and he is sure that he has Keyes where he wants him … but Keyes jumps right back on him and then he pops Dex under the chin again with a jumping uppercut while he’s precariously on the top rope.

That got him! Now what is Keyes doing?

The Kraken jumps on the second rope … then he shakes the ring by taking Dex off the top rope with Clockwork!!! The crowd is left awestruck for the second time after Keyes takes him off the top rope!

No!!! Keyes comes back! He overpowers Dex again and hits Clockwork! The top rope belly to belly just shook the ring!

That was a major error on Dex Joy’s part, but after everything he just threw at Keyes only to come back and do that?! I don’t like Dex’s chances and I don’t say that often!

Dex has 90 pounds on The Kraken, but you wouldn’t know it from THAT maneuver!

Both fighters are on the ground with Keyes able to go over to Dex and make a cover. A leg is hooked quickly!

One … 

Dex fights out from the cover with a kick out but Henry Keyes realizes he has a chance now.

Dex Joy put a lot into that kick out! That was a mistake on Dex’s part!

I think he might have been trying to wrap this match up quickly, but Henry Keyes remains one of DEFIANCE’s top names! Neither man is going to beat quickly or easily.

Dex gets struck with a knee lift to his chest when he tries standing. Keyes fights back on with another huge uppercut and then more Propeller Edge Chops. Dexy Baby is getting beat down in a corner. Things get worse when he strikes Dex with a charging upper cut in the corner. He turns to hit another big spinning back elbow in the corner and then he doubles Dex over into a DDT right out of the corner.

Remember two weeks ago … Kerry Kuroyama put a lot of attacks on Dex’s neck after he missed the Jump for Joy cannon ball in the corner. I think Keyes is trying to take advantage of that.

You’re right! That’s a good call Darren! Now Keyes is slowing this down! Dex says he has UNLIMITED Energy, but the reality is if a man his size can be worn down he may come to a stop!

The strategy appears to be correct. Keyes rolls with Dex on the mat in a front chancery and grinds the action down to a slow crawl. He keeps Dex on the ground using a grounded front chancery now far away from the ropes so pushing off to reach the ropes will prove more difficult. Keyes twists away at the neck and Dex tries to alleviate the pressure. He pushes up and rolls, but the arms of the Kraken prove too tight and he rolls along with him to the other side so Dex ends up back where he started … a large two-hundred and fifty-pound man hell bent on moving to Round Two.


Dex hears the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful chanting in full force. The inspiration appears to be what the doctor ordered as now Dex is trying to get to a knee to push himself up. He’s about to fight free and get back up to his knees, but Keyes releases one hold and then strikes him in the back of the head. Keyes switches around to the back and then applies a full nelson!

Keyes switching holds! Dex was fighting the front chancery, so he transitioned into the full nelson! Another significant move if he keeps pushing down on Dex’s neck!

Henry shakes every bit of life that he can out of Dex Joy and keeps The Biggest Boy down to a knee where he is best kept. He continues shaking down on the hold further and then tries to wear down Dex. Big Dex Energy starts going limp as he further heads to a knee.

No way … is Dex about to pass out? Keyes could be going on to the semis next week on our special 125th Uncut next week!

That’s what Keyes is hoping for … but Dex finds another wind and powers up! He starts roaring as loud as he can and the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful do the same by cheering louder. Keyes shakes him again, but Dex finally fires back by trying to break free … then Keyes switches tactics and plants him using a full nelson slam!

Any time Dex tries to find a way out, Keyes keeps changing it up! He hits the full nelson slam and he covers Dex’s legs!

One … 
Two … 

Henry Keyes is not happy with the kick out. But he does not argue with the referee like an idiot and waste time. He simply gets his hands ready to unleash more pain on Dexy Baby. A Bell Clap is coming up and where the Bell Clap goes, the Coin has been following!

Is there a Bell Clap waiting for Dexy Baby?

He starts to swing … but Dex gets his arms up and grabs Keyes’s arms instead!

No! Big Dex Energy tapping into his reserves!

The Kraken is shocked by the strength of Dex. He kicks Joy’s stomach and then swings for a lariat, but Dex is faster and hits an elbow smash to the arm. He turns and then hits Henry Keyes with a heavy rolling elbow upside his head that knocks him down. Dex’s neck slows him down for a hot second, but he waits and then pushes Keyes into the ropes. When he comes back, Dex swings with all he’s got and he clocks the Kraken using a huge clothesline!

We thought he was running on fumes but Big Dex Energy finds himself fueled up again!

Keyes gets Pounced in the corner and is then hit with a corner splash from Dexy Baby. The SOHER is snatched up from the corner and thrown to another side of the ring where the same fate awaits him. A freight train crashing into him by the name of Dex Joy. After two quick corner splashes, Dex has his chance to stop Keyes for good. He grabs Keyes in the fireman carry position …

No! Keyes fighting out before the Dex-5!

Keyes slips and he pushes Dex at the closest corner nearby. He starts running at Dex, but the last thing anyone expects to see happens…Dex leaps at the corner and then jumps backwards over Keyes, catching the Kraken with a released german suplex out of the corner!

That was some scary agility! Where does he get all of this from? How does he do this?

The Kraken finds himself rear over tea kettle when Dex gets him up a second time in the fireman's carry to finally plant him using the DEX-5! The fireman’s carry facebuster connects on the canvas and gives Dex the time needed to hit the top rope again.

He tried this once and failed. Can he get it this time?

When Dex finally gets up to the top rope he flies forward and off the top rope … connecting on the side of the chest with a diving head butt! Dex’s neck is rattled a bit but he has to try and fight the pain to get the cover!

Another new move out of the Dex Joy playbook! Will this be what does it?

One … 
Two … 
Th … NO!!!

Keyes is able to kick out and shock everyone watching!

Keyes has kicked out of a TON of heavy offense! I don’t know how he did it either! Dex threw his best shots and all he got was a sore neck and a two count to show for it!

What’s next?!

Dex yells out to the crowd and the strap goes down on his singlet to let you all know he means business! The Biggest Boy puts Keyes on his shoulders … but that becomes a big mistake! Keyes elbows Dex on the side of his already worn neck three times and then hits Dex from behind with a Bell Clap! The Biggest Boy is left disoriented and the current SOHER title holder slowly lifts Dex on his shoulder in a fireman’s carry of his own, to the shock of the Faithful! He spins a few rotations but then turns his once popular Airship Spin right down to a spinning Death Valley Driver!

MY GOD! The innovation, the strength! More damage to the neck of Dex! Has to be it! Has to be!

Henry Keyes covers as quickly as he can. Hook of a leg and the head.

One … 
Two … 
Thr … NO!!!

Dex escapes defeat by thrusting an arm high up before it flops right back over. Henry Keyes is more curiously annoyed than outright angry but he knows that he’s got The Biggest Boy where he needs to be. The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful know what is coming next for Dexy Baby when Keyes grabs his left arm slowly and then his right.

Dex might have survived the Bell Clap and that big suplex but nobody has survived two Coins for the River Styx yet!

Keyes knows this. He has both hands of Dex on either side and rears a knee back … but he gets the surprise of his life before he cocks the knee fully back, Joy shoots up to his feet and then hits him full force in the chest with another head butt! The Kraken is caught from out of nowhere with it and has to let go! Dex winces off his neck, pushes through neck pain and puts him on his shoulder one more time…


Keyes gets spiked with the sit out tombstone and then Dex leans right over into a cover of his own.

One … 
Two … 


♫ "Fight Back" by Konata Small ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner, advancing to the SEMI-FINALS of the Acts Tournament! DEEEEEEEEEX JOOOOOOOOY!

What a main event we just had! That was amazing! Henry Keyes and Dex Joy threw everything they could at the other but Dex’s kill shot landed before Henry’s could!

If these men fought 100 times, I suspect we would see 50 wins apiece…I hope we get to see a rematch soon. Next show. EVERY show! What a match!

Troy, Kuroyama, and Silver find their way into the ring to check on Keyes, who assures them that he’s ok - though he’s clearly struggling to get to his feet. Kuroyama in particular seethes at Dex, who has exited the ring and is starting to make his way up the ramp.


Lights Out.

What the…

Again?! What is this?

♫ “Bad Moon Rising” by Mourning Ritual ♫

The Faithful cheer as everyone looks around in utter confusion through the darkness. Cell phone flashlights begin to illuminate around the Maverik Center. An uneasy feeling falls across Salt Lake City, but at the same time exciting. An electric fear dawns across the Faithful as Dex Joy stops in his tracks on his way to the back. Inside the ring, Vae Victis’ attention draws towards the entrance.

♫ Hope you got your things together / Hope you are quite prepared to die ♫

The DEFIAtron shows a cloud passing by a full red moon. A dark black sea rises to fightening heights, taking with it a ship which seems to go completely sideways in the unexpected lurch. An image of the dead and broken reaper mask flashes before a bright red handprint splashes across the scene and the red begins to drip

♫ Looks like we’re in for nasty weather / One eye is taken for an eye ♫

A wrathful wave of smoke travels through a busy street at horrifying speed, causing everyone to scream and jump to the ground. The gold coin begins to slow its gyration and the face just barely comes into view. A streak of light across a concrete floor shifts from a stark white to a darkened red colour before a shadow casts across. An ocean blue dilates.

♫ Don’t go around tonight / Well, it’s bound to take your life ♫
♫ There’s a bad moon on the rise ♫

The full red moon pulsates from behind the clouds, igniting them in a deep red in waves. In the dark red light, the shadow steps aside and a gas mask falls to the floor covered with the same red hand print as before. Pixelation and distortion brings forth the reaper mask once more and a new resolution shows the same red hand print across the facade. Finally the gold coin comes to rest on the floor clearly in view. A triangle with the number 5 set in the middle.

♫ Don’t go around tonight / Well, it’s bound to take your life ♫
♫ There’s a bad moon on the rise ♫

Unity. Service. Recovery.

To Thine Own Self Be True.

A low bass hum now resonates over the Maverik Center drawing attention to the still image of a pulsating red moon on the DEFIAtron. Inside the moon, a black spade slowly begins to form and the Faithful roar with anticipation when a guitar kicks in. Smoke from the entrance rises in front of the spaded red moon and a red light pulsates against the smoke eclipsing the silhouette of a kneeling man. The man rises to his feet.

It begins with them… but it ends with me.
♫ “The Dark Sentencer” by Coheed And Cambria ♫

The drums kick in and the man steps out of the smoke wearing a black denim vest with a hood over his face. Tim Tillinghast climaxes as the man rips the hood back and reveals the face of former DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Champion Matt LaCroix. The Salt Lake City Faithful erupt and chant along to the music as he scans the Maverik Center behind ocean blue eyes.


Dex Joy sizes up the man who defeated him for the Southern Heritage Championship as he’s approached. The two lock eyes for a moment and share a nod before Joy gives LaCroix a pat on the shoulder which is returned before he walks past Joy and begins his way down towards Vae Victis in the ring.

Matt LaCroix has returned to DEFIANCE! He’s been out with a brachial plexus injury that’s made him lose nearly all of his strength in his right arm. Last update we’d been given was that he wasn’t nearing a return.

But here he is! The Faithful are loving it! The real question is… Vae Victis?! Is he JOINING Vae Victis? What other possible reason does he have for choosing right now to come back?

There’s been a bad moon on the rise for weeks now, as for history with Vae Victis, the only person who LaCroix has interacted with has been Kerry Kuroyama whose place on the main roster he’d tried to take away when he debuted in DEFIANCE as The Reaper of Light, impersonating Kuroyama’s Green Reaper persona.

Henry Keyes has now risen to his feet, surrounded and almost guarded by his Vae Victis teammates as Matt LaCroix begins to walk up the stairs onto the apron. It’s Kerry Kuroyama who takes the point as Southern Strong Style walks all the way across the apron and climbs the turnbuckle looking into the crowd. The amount of Kinesio tape on Matt’s right shoulder becomes obvious as he holds his arms out for the Faithful with a smirk. 


Jumping down off the top rope into the ring, Matt LaCroix stares across at Vae Victis in the middle of the ring. Kerry Kuroyama, Lindsay Troy, and Henry Keyes all look puzzled as the music cuts and the lights return to normal. The Faithful continue to chant as the two parties size each other up.


The Reaper of the Pontchartrain points at Henry Keyes, but more specifically, the DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Championship he’s holding onto. Keyes’ eyes narrow with a knowing response before LaCroix makes a championship motion across his waist to the approval of the Salt Lake City fans.

He’s come back for his title!

Henry Keyes vs Matt LaCroix?! Can you imagine?!

Is he even cleared to compete?!

Well he’s here!

In response, Keyes raises the Southern Heritage Championship into the air with his stablemates by his side. Matt LaCroix nods with a smirk, staring down the championship in the air as the Faithful continue to cheer. DEFIANCE’s First Favoured Saint points back at the latest Favoured Saint to cash-in and then back to himself. The two continue to jaw back and forth with Vae Victis shouting alongside Keyes as the scene fades to black.




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.