DEFIANCE TV 175 Night 1

7 Sep 2022

Orleans Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada (seats 9,500)


♫ “DEFY” by Of Mice & Men ♫

Las Vegas welcomes DEFIANCE as the Orleans Arena is hyped for DEFtv 175! Pyro explodes from the top of the rampway. There's a giant FIST logo to walk out from and the DEFIatron above the entrance.

Signs and excitement, as always, are everywhere!






The crowd has moved to the Commentation Station where "Downtown" Darren Keebler and Lance Warner are ready to bring to you the goings-on of the night's proceedings!


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a PHENOMENAL two nights of DEFtv 175! Tomorrow night will see the ACTS Tournament Finals when “Queen of the Ring” Lindsay Troy takes on the success story of this tournament… Rezin! But in tonight’s main event will see the FIST of DEFIANCE on the line! Deacon defends his championship in a first-time ever encounter with the man who earned his shot last week, winning a 4-Way match on the Special UNCUT 125th episode… former two-time FIST of DEFIANCE, Oscar Burns.

And we’re going to be hearing from Burns here in a moment to kick off our big two-night blockbuster here in Las Vegas! We have questions including this strange new sort of alliance he seems to have with Butcher Victorious, but most importantly his plans for tonight. This tournament was crowned to find a new challenger for the FIST at ACTS of DEFIANCE, but Burns finds himself in a position to flip this entire tournament upside down! So without further adieu, let’s go to the intros. 

The lights start to dim in the arena… until one man walks through the spotlight, wearing a dark purple suit. Looking halfway decent for once, he smiles a toothy smile and gets jeers from the crowd. 

Butcher Victorious:

The crowd jeers as he raises a finger.

Butcher Victorious:
And not only that, but BUTCH VIC is proud to introduce. He is MY Best Friend and he is YOUR next FIST of DEFIANCE… OSCAR BURNS!

♫ “Ultimate Battle” by Fredriech Habetler ♫

The opening montage plays some of Burns’ greatest hits over the opening intro to the theme… Burns with his two previous FIST and WrestleUTA World Title wins.  Burns with his DEFy wins. Burns with his record fiftieth win and his recent SIXTIETH win DEFIANCE! And most recently…

Stealing the win from Pat Cassidy in the 4-Way match with the assist from Ned Reform conveniently edited out. Emerging from the darkness, Burns tilts his head upward, wearing a dark red turtleneck, black dress pants and black loafers because eff shoelaces, that’s why. He eyes Butcher up and down once, but largely ignores him and basks in the jeers. 

Oscar Burns:

He makes his way down to the ring, yelling back at a sea of jeering Las Vegas Faithful! With Butcher right behind him, he stops at the ropes. He waits and waits… then seems to wait for Victorious to open the ropes for him. Oscar excuses his mistake and then Butcher sits between the ropes and holds them open for his new boss. Burns wipes his loafers on the apron an then climbs inside. When Butcher starts to climb in, Oscar yells at him to wipe his own feet as well before climbing in. Butcher holds up a hand to say “sorry” and then climbs in. 

For weeks on UNCUT, we’ve seen Butcher Victorious win matches with Oscar’s Fruit Roll-up pin, trying to get his attention because he wanted to learn under him. In that 4-Way match last week, Butcher came out and took a tope from Elise Ares, allowing Oscar to take over. 

And it seems Burns is really putting Butcher to work! 

Oscar stands in the ring, arms folded while Butcher goes to bring the microphone over. 

Oscar Burns:

Butcher holds it up for Oscar to speak into as the music fades out. Before Oscar can speak, the crowd is already filling the arena fast with jeers. 


Oscar Burns leans into the microphone. 

Oscar Burns:
-urns! I can do this all night, GCs!

More jeering. Oscar Burns strokes his mustache and continues. 

Oscar Burns:
First off, some clerical errors… Butcher Victorious… 

He turns to face his new associate. 

Oscar Burns:
GC, I told you to stop referring to me in public as your best friend. Yeah nah. I can’t have everyone getting jealous at one time. Make sense? Everyone wants DEFIANCE’s hard-earned time and not everyone can have it. We clear, GC?

Butcher nods. 

Oscar Burns:
Excellent. But I do want to say this… for MONTHS now. Everything I have done from showing Conor Fuse and Dex Joy that the pressures of consistent main event status… everything I’ve done to lead by example to this locker room. Everything I have done in my career for the past five years has been nothing but giving back to the locker room that made this little boy from New Zealand with a dream… to become the biggest megastar this promotion has ever seen. All right before your very eyes!

He continues. 

Oscar Burns:
Many stars of all sizes have graced this promotion… MY promotion… with their presence. Hollywood nobodies-turned-somebodies. Great big wrestlers who came here for a cup of coffee. Maybe won a title or two and went on to greener pastures when they realized their own hype was just that… unwanted hype. But not a one of them helped pull DEFIANCE out from the party-filled swamps of Louisiana, and elevated this place to the heights it is today without a steady hand to guide them, GCs… 

He balls up his own right hand. 

Oscar Burns:
MY steady hand! For five years! No matter where I have been on the card! Opener! Main event! The middle! The near end! The second! ANYWHERE that Oscar Burns has been, I have gone above and beyond for all of you! I have never lied to you! I’ve never steered you wrong. I’ve never taken a sick day. Never missed an interview. Never missed a press junket. Never missed an autograph session. And because of that hard work and that reliability… we’re touring now! Show after show across your great United States! There is not a thing that I cannot do! I don’t need the FIST to know my worth… but tonight, I’m taking it! 


Butcher rolls his eyes at the reaction. 

Oscar Burns:
In spite of all I’ve done and more… I’m being met with resistance from EVERYONE in the back. Save a small number of people… there is almost NOBODY in that locker room willing to take the advice of the best damn wrestler in that locker room! NOBODY back there is willing to better themselves by listening to what I have to say or by learning from the examples I set with my hard work. But this man right here? Butcher Victorious? He wanted to be somewhere other than UNCUT. He wanted to make himself better. He wanted to learn from THE BEST. And who better to educate this man… than me! Butcher Victorious… welcome to my learning tree! 

Butcher starts to take the mic back. 

Butcher Victorious:
Dude, thank y…

Oscar Burns: (pulling the mic back to himself)
I’m not finished. 

Butcher looks sad and nods. 

Oscar Burns:
Just when I was UNFAIRLY kicked out of round two of the ACTS Tournament by that silly little ponce, Conor Fuse… Favoured Saints gave me and three other great stars one last life preserver… the opportunity to wrestle for the FIST tonight on DEFtv 175! And because of my great skill, my unparalleled technical ability and unmatch ring awareness, it was I that took that life preserver and EARNED this title match tonight! 

Now Oscar’s attention turns to the ramp. 

Oscar Burns:
That brings me to you, Deacon. I meant every compliment I had for you on UNCUT. Your career, much like your physical stature, is impressive. You’re a decorated wrestler with many years under your belt. We have a few similarities! We’re both tenured veterans with great skills. We’re both respected. We’re both beacons of good. And you have me beat here, Deacon… you’re no doubt a special attraction, GC. But these days… you’re JUST a special attraction. 

Ugh! This again! He once labeled Dex Joy as a special attraction and Dex proved him wrong. TWICE, might I add. 

Oscar presses on. 

Oscar Burns:
Now, sure, you’ve been a special attraction for years in this business and you’ve outlasted many other giants. You’ve been slinging the proverbial gun for a long time, Deac… but answer this question, honestly. How many MORE of these big matches do you have left, eh? How much longer can you really be feeling stroppy? How much longer do you have to fight your good fight until you can’t fight said good fight any more? You’ve had great matches already against the likes of Dex Joy and against the likes of Malak Garland, but at the end of the day, neither man has been where I have and neither man knows how to HURT you the way that I do. 

Burns pulls his hands out. 

Oscar Burns:
I don’t need flips. I don’t need Conor Fuse and a million other stooges. I just need one limb, Deacon. One limb. You can either give me the FIST… or you can give me your limb. The choice is yours which one I have at the end of the night! Because Deacon, while you speak of belief in a higher power… between these four corners that I stand in… *I* am the ONLY power that matters in this ring! 

He snatches the microphone out of Butcher’s hand. 

Oscar Burns:

No lights.

♫Gregorian Chant ♫

Oscar Burns: (In darkness)

No other sound but the crowd’s manic cheers. Stranger things have happened, but not yet tonight - the Deacon is getting a megapop in Las Vegas.

Maybe it has something to do with cutting off Oscar Burns.

Magdalena steps onto the stage, microphone at her smirking mouth.

It’s been – what? Almost a year, Oscar? 24K, right? Deacon got the call to join Team DEF to remove the scourge of 24K from DEF like the smell of a frappe left out too long in the Las Vegas sun. It was Deac, and you, and the guy who took the FIST from Mr. Unlikely. Who was that fourth guy with us? 

Oscar Burns:
I’m not here for your trivia questions! 

That’s good, cause I always forget someone when I have to talk about more than three people.

Magdalena gives a knowing smile, breaking the fourth wall. The crowd pops and a small, but vocal, “REZIN” chant breaks out, garnering a larger smile from Magdalena.

Naw, Rezin was fighting for the Favoured Saints title, not the FIST at Maximum DEFIANCE 2021. I guess it doesn’t matter.

Butcher wants to put his arm down at this point cause it is tired, but Burns moves it back up. 

Oscar Burns:
You’re right. Nothing is going to matter except whether Deacon leaves with one broken limb or two!

(Playfully) Not what I meant, Oscar. Of course I expect you to try to take Deacon’s limb, win the FIST. More importantly, that big Mute Freak hanging out behind the curtain expects you to try. But here’s the thing, Oscar. That man called Deacon was a special attraction at the age of twenty two. He was a highlight reel at the age of 24. And here’s the thing - he’s not stopped being it. Take a look at his matches. How many 7 footers can do a ladder match that steals the show? That was Deacon at about 27, and again a couple of years ago. How many can go “Stalkers rules” and follow that up with a banger with your friend, and mine, Dex Joy (mega pop. She gives the crowd a moment to chill back down). That was a few months ago? 

Oscar Burns:
Yeah, I already said that. Good match, there, but how many more does he have left, GC? These people may want us to “fight forever”, but tonight isn’t going to be a “banger.” It’s going to be a massacre of a legend. I am the only power that matters in this ring! 

Oh, he heard you the first time, but it’s not the first time he’s heard that spiel. You see, Oscar, he’s not the FIST because he beat the Crimson Stalker - the Deacon was a champion when he stepped into that locker room. He was a man that carried, not just the will to fight, but a reason to fight that you, clearly, don’t quite understand. And while Deacon may get pinned for three, and that very possibly could happen tonight, the pain you give him won’t matter. The limb you take, you can have. Oscar, what do you do to someone who has already given up everything? What do you take from someone who holds nothing in his hands? What do you do to a life that willingly gives it up? What do YOU feel when you’re standing next to a special attraction who carried his faith across the world with no fear of what the crowd said, whether in Rome or Las Vegas? What do you do?

Magdalena gives a pause.

I can tell you what a lot of people have done (another big pause). They lose.

The lights go black and when they return, Magdalena is gone! Burns nods at Butcher and he’s had enough of the verbal tete-a-tete. Butcher is finally relieved he can put his arms down, but sighs when Oscar points at Butcher and makes him once again open the ropes. 

There you have it! A war of words between Oscar Burns and Magadalena! Burns has one goal in mind to become one of only two men to become a three-time FIST while Deacon looks to retain against arguably his stiffest competition yet! We’ll see that match in our main event! 

We've got this and a whole lot more including The Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery for the Unified Tag Team Titles later tonight! Stay tuned!


Over to Christie Zane, dressed in her best with mic in hand, at the DEFtv interview station.

Christie Zane:
Thanks, Darren. The action here on DEFtv never stops - and now I’d like you all to give a warm welcome… or at least a welcome… to my guest at this time: Dr. Ned Reform! 

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫


Without missing a beat, the boos and jeers erupt from the Las Vegas Faithful. The arena lights turn purple and without wasting any time, Ned Reform appears from the back. He’s dressed in his business casual best and holds a manilla folder in one hand as well as sports a pair of thick-rimmed black glasses. He adjusts the glasses and he turns his head to look around at the booing crowd. With a grin, he dips sideways to begin to walk toward the interview station.

Ned Reform has been mired in controversy as of late… first he torpedoed Pat Cassidy’s attempts at getting the Favored Saints to financially back a new Ballyhoo Brew and persuaded them to instead back his new coffee shop, and then at our mega Uncut special last week, he may have cost Pat Cassidy a shot at the FIST of DEFIANCE.

And still absolutely no sign of Brock Newbludd, giving Reform and TA Cole the distinct numbers advantage in this little game of chess.

Say… where is Cole, anyway?

Reform has reached the stage, smiling and looking around at the fans as his music dies out. Christie moves into position.

Christie Zane:
Now, before we….

Reform leans in, getting in position for his mouth to be over the mic and interrupting the DEFIANCE interviewer.

Ned Reform:
Uh, that is DOCTOR Ned Reform, sweetie.

Zane’s face goes stone cold.

Christie Zane:
Yeah. I said that.

Ned Reform:
You… oh. So you did. Well… you didn’t say it with enough oomph, yes? Like you really mean it next time, okay?

Christie Zane:
Dr. Reform, let’s get down to business. You’ve clearly been targeting Pat Cassidy… both his attempts at rebuilding his business and his attempts to win the FIST of DEFIANCE. You requested this interview time, so what’s next?

Reform smiles.

Ned Reform:
Ms. Zane… targeting is a harsh word. I simply saw an opportunity to…

Reform is interrupted by a chant from The Faithful that starts off faint but eventually picks up steam.

DOC - TOR - DICK - HEAD! (clap clap, clap clap clap)
DOC - TOR - DICK - HEAD! (clap clap, clap clap clap)
DOC - TOR - DICK - HEAD! (clap clap, clap clap clap)

We apologize for the language, ladies and gentlemen. Las Vegas is electric tonight, that’s for sure!

Reform’s lip sneers as the crowd chants the unflattering nickname that Pat Cassidy gave him two weeks ago. He pulls away from the mic to shake his head in frustration. He makes a “get it all out” motion, waiting for the chant to lose some steam before butting back in.

Ned Reform:
You know, Ms. Zane… I have encountered the charlatans of Las Vegas in THREE different wrestling promotions now. Did you know that? And everytime they are more uncouth than the last. Look around you, Ms. Zane. This barely qualifies as civilization!  I hate to say this about anyone, children, but… well, Las Vegas may be beyond all hope.


Ned Reform:
A den of vice and depravity. And seemingly a group of people completely incapable of learning from me. Yes, Las Vegas, as much as it pains me to say it: Dr. Ned Reform officially dubs you… a lost cause.


Ned Reform:
But to the matter at hand, yes? I am “targeting” no one. I saw a business opportunity. I saw a chance to bring a little class to New Orleans… a city that desperately needs it. Mr. Cassidy and Mr. Newbludd had their opportunity and they squandered it. I fail to see how that is even the slightest bit my problem. 

Christie Zane:
But did you not use your connections with the Favored Saints to sway their decision!

Reform looks mock appalled and surprised.

Ned Reform:
Did I!? Did I use my status as someone whose opinion they value and trust to convince them that I am able to run a successful business!? Of course I did. Don’t be naive. And what is wrong with that, exactly? What is unethical about making a stronger case than Mr. Cassidy?

Zane isn’t sure how to respond.

Ned Reform:
Exactly. Stop making him a victim. That’s what’s wrong with our culture: the weak can never just be failures, can they? There is always a reason a “big bully” is the source of their woes: whether it be a boss, a teacher, a coach, a romantic partner, or even a big ol’ mean millionaire. Well, I will not play that idiotic game. However…

Reform pauses, shaking his head and wetting his lips before continuing. 

Ned Reform:
There is a reason I am out here tonight. You see… I have had a bit of a setback. There’s the pesky… well, there’s the unfortunate reality that while I have the full and gracious financial backing of the Favored Saints… the deed to the land still belongs to Mr. Cassidy and Mr. Newbludd.


Reform seems extra annoyed at The Faithful taking pleasure in his woes. His frustration grows as ANOTHER chant breaks out in the arena…

S - N - S!
S - N - S!
S - N - S!

Ned Reform:
Well, SNS isn’t here, are they you dim witted neanderthals!? 


Ned Reform:
Mr. Newbludd has left DEFIANCE, in case you haven’t been watching the program. As for Mr. Cassidy… well…

A devious smile.

Ned Reform:
It would be a shame if an anonymous tip that Mr. Newbludd was in the area kept him away tonight and on a wild goose chase, hmmm? 


Ned Reform:
Yes, yes… your precious Pat Casidy will not be here to entertain you like a drunken idiot monkey stumbling around begging for change… Mr. Cole will see to that. But that’s just as well. If he were here, I’m sure he would resort to fisticuffs, and that would interfere with what I’m about to propose next.

Reform takes the mic away from Christie and readjusts his body so that he is looking directly into the camera.

Ned Reform:
I’m speaking now to Mr. Cassidy… or perhaps even to Mr. Newbludd if he still pays any attention to this program. Gentlemen: it seems we are at an impasse. You have a plot of land but no means to build anything on it. I have the finances, but no land on which to build. So it’s time for the three of us to come to some sort of arrangement. I ensured Mr. Cassidy had no chance to become FIST of DEFIANCE because I wanted to ensure that his dance card was clear for ACTS of DEFIANCE. I am challenging him to a match: a match in which we wager our respective bargaining chips. How fitting, yes? We are in Las Vegas, and it is time to gamble. A match in which if you find yourself victorious, I will inform the Favored Saints that my bid for the coffee shop is withdrawn, and you will then find yourself with enough support to rebuild your disgusting pit of a bar. However… should I win… you will concede the deed to 3212 Tulane Ave in New Orleans to me. 


Ned Reform:
I believe it is the only way to escape this stalemate, Mr. Cassidy. I await your answer soon!

Reform turns as if he’s going to leave… but then something “occurs” to him and he turns back.

Ned Reform:
Oh wait! That’s right! I perhaps did not make one important fact clear: this, my dear friend, is a tag team match. The Honor Society… that is, myself and Mr. Cole… against The Saturday Night Specials.

Reform grins.

Ned Reform:
Now, if Mr. Newbludd does not show up, it seems likely that it will devolve into a two-on-one situation. And while that is regrettable, it is perhaps unavoidable. Besides, I’m sure Mr. Cassidy is up for the challenge. He’s… what’s the word… scrappy? Surely he won’t mind an extra hurdle to overcome. 

Reform grins wider.

Ned Reform:
I look forward to your answer, Mr. Cass…

♫ “Born on the Bayou” by Creedence Clearwater Revival ♫

It sounds like the swamp has just sent an ambassador for Ballyhoo Brew!

None other than Mr. Ballyhoo, Davey LaRue!

The Faithful let out a cheer as Mojo the Alligator first appears on the stage, followed closely by Ballyhoo LaRue who holds the reptile by a leash. Glancing over to the interview stage, LaRue smirks at the annoyed Reform before throwing a fist up to the people. With Mojo leading the way, Davey walks over to Zane and Reform. Ned’s eyes bug out of his skull and he immediately takes a couple quick steps away from the duo as he warily eyes the alligator.

Ned remembers Mojo from Uncut last week!

Ned Reform:
Keep that thing away from me, miscreant! 

LaRue barks out a laugh and lets go of the leash, causing Reform to backpedal even further. Mojo, being the well trained reptile that he is, doesn’t move towards the good doctor as he whips his tail back and forth. Ballyhoo LaRue signals for a microphone and promptly receives one from Zane.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
Shush yo’ mouth, friend! Mojo ain’t interested in no soft meat Sally like you. Dis boy here has chew toys wit’ more spine den you. Ain’t dat right, boy?

Davey drops to a knee and gives his gator a smooch on top of his scaly head before rising back up and addressing Reform.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
Now! Like I said de last time I had de displeasure of interactin’ wit’ your over-educated ass, de spirit of Ballyhoo Brew is still alive and well…and I’ll be damned if I let de likes of you put it to rest. And one ting’s for sure…ain’t no way I’m lettin’ my boy, Pat Cassidy, face down de likes of you all by himself!

The crowd lets out a cheer as Reform raises an eyebrow at the grinning LaRue.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
Newbludd’s gone. You know dat and I know dat. So, I’ve come out here ta let ya know dat SNS accepts your lil’ challenge…but it won’t be Brock walkin’ dat aisle with Cass…it’ll be me!

Hang on now! Did Ballyhoo LaRue just accept on behalf of Pat Cassidy?

I think he did, partner. And I like it! Reform was banking on this being a handicapped affair and Davey just rained all over that parade!

Reform rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to speak but Davey taps Mojo with his foot and the gator takes one menacing step forward to cut Ned off.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
Didn’t I say SHUSH!? Listen, city-slicker, dis’ ain’t no negotiation. Dis’ is how it’s gonna be. The Honor Society vs. The NEW Saturday Night Specials wit’ everyting on de line, baby! I dropped dat’ bitch boy of yours TA Cole right here on dis’ very stage last week and now I tink it’s gonna be your turn at ACTS of DEFIANCE. So…whatjutinkaboutdat? We got ourselves a deal or do I gotta have Mojo here persuade your ass into agreement? He can be quite de lil’ charmer…

With that, Davey taps Mojo again and the alligator takes another step in Ned’s direction.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
Whatju say, college boy? We got ourselves a deal?

LaRue spits in his hand and sticks it out towards Ned. The good doctor looks at LaRue’s hand in revulsion before raising his mic up.

Ned Reform:
I believe I said we would face The Saturday Night Specials, you slack jawed yokel. But… if you’re so eager to be soundly defeated, I have no problem with it. I wonder though… if Mr. Cassidy will so quick to give up on his tag team partner. Denial is powerful, Mr. LaRue, and I don’t see this going your way. But… I suppose that’s a matter for you both to discuss. All I know is… in four weeks time, I get my deed. And I’ll extend the same offer to you… if you can be pleasant to me, I will offer you a position serving up lattes. Of course…

Reform looks at Mojo with disgust.

Ned Reform:
The animal will have to go. Perhaps used for a nice pair of shoes? I… YAH!

Mojo snaps his jaw in Reform’s direction, and both Ned and Christie Zane spill off the stage and scamper away. Davey pets the alligator and hoots and hollers with the front row Faithful as The Good Doctor tires to regain his dignity… all while keeping a watchful eye on the alligator. 

Well… Ned Reform laid down the challenge… a tag match at ACTS of DEFIANCE with big stakes!

He knew Pat wouldn’t be here… in fact he admits to sending him on a wild goose chase. But maybe he didn’t bank on “Ballyhoo” Davey LaRue!

So who do we see at the Pay Per View? Does Brock Newbludd return? Or do we in fact get the “new” Saturday Night Specials?

Another question: is Pat Cassidy even going to agree? Davey accepted on his behalf, but does that stand?

Questions for another day, partner.


A ‘recorded earlier’ chyron takes its place on the lower left hand portion of the television broadcast as DEFIANCE Faithful aplenty begin to converge on the Orleans Arena. The bright Vegas sun beats down as a camera crew captures the droves of fans filing into the arena. Teresa Ames is found amongst the fray as she faces the opposite direction that the fans are moving in. Security and event personnel leisurely walk around, shouting important event information for all to hear.

Security Guard:
Please have all personal items ready for inspection in order to be granted entrance into the arena.

Arena Worker:
Welcome to the Orleans Arena! We hope everyone has a precious stay! The doors are now opening! Welcome, welcome, welcome!

Ames has a sneer on her face. She stands there with her arms spread as wide as they can go. A chain is wrapped around her tiny waist while the other end is knotted around a large cement boulder as if she is a protestor trying to protect a natural habitat or something but instead, she is clearly trying to prevent fans from entering the building.

Teresa Ames:

People pass by with embarrassment on their faces as they try to ignore the batshit crazy ways of Teresa Ames they become accustomed to.

Teresa Ames:

Ames scoots in front of a family of four trying their best to get inside the arena but the Tasty Gurl makes passing truly difficult. The father finally slings his kids over his shoulders and somehow makes it around Ames. The wife follows as more people are able to get by Ames despite her best efforts. Teresa nearly breaks down in tears as she continues her declaration.

Teresa Ames:
I simply love examining all the crevices the Orleans Arena has to offer! I know what you’re all thinking! “Teresa, you must be crazy! All these arenas are inanimate objects! It’s a building. How can I love them?” But I do. I’m all about it. IT’S CALLED OBJECTOPHILIA FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! YOUTUBE IT! IT’S A REAL CONDITION THAT I SUFFER FROM! I LOVE BUILDINGS! STOP! STOP! YOU CANNOT ENTER! I AM NOT WILLING TO SHARE THEM WITH YOU!

The crowd does not listen and nor should they. Everyone paid hard earned money to attend the event, so needless to say, no one turns away.

Teresa Ames:

Teresa watches as more people cross the arena door threshold. With each passing person, she overreacts with shooting pains in various points of her body as if she is being tased or shot. Finally, nearly defeated, Shawn Steele shows up and is confused. He thought she liked him and now he’s looking for answers.

Shawn Steele:
What the hell is this? I thought we were an item. I thought you loved me when you first laid eyes on me and you were going to get me signed to a DEFIANCE contract! Man, do I want to cuss you out so bad right now.

However, he holds off. He takes a second to see all the disrespectful patrons pretty much stepping over her collapsed body and into the arena.

Shawn Steele:
Dammit. Look at all these sloths. It’s like they’re a crowd on demand and everyone knows I hate them! They simply don’t exist. You know what? Screw it. Teresa, honey, I support you and I promise to win you over by showing you how much I support you! I will win you back!

Steele pats Ames on the back as the lines finally die down. Most fans are in the arena by now, walking through it, touching it, using its washrooms, spitting gum on its pristine floors and most of all, sitting in its premium cloth seats. All these petty thoughts run through Teresa’s brain. It’s hard for her to comprehend that she has to share another space again. She doubles over in pain and mutters to herself.

Teresa Ames:
Not again. This is my arena. Everyone can get out. Get out. GET OUT! gEt oUt!

She shoots a glance at Shawn Steele.

Teresa Ames:
You want to be useful? Untie me, you heathen!

He does what he’s told and watches as Teresa storms off as soon as she is shackle free. To where? Only the Tasty Gurl knows.


We have a very personal match coming up next. Better Future Talent Agency’s newest member Aaron King goes one on one with his ex-partner Theodore Cain of the Gulf Coast Connection. This will be Aaron King’s first official match since becoming a member of Tom Morrow’s group! 

It has been some time since Aaron King severed ties with Gulf Coast Connection but those bitter feelings were renewed two weeks ago when they were pitted as partners in the first Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery. The Lucky Sevens successfully defended the Unified Tag Team titles thanks to Aaron King not only leaving Cain high and dry, but taking Morrow’s business card! 

Aaron King looks for a successful debut as a member of Better Future Talent Agency and Theodore Cain wants payback! 

Darren Quimbey:
This match is a grudge match and it set for one fall! Representing the Gulf Coast Connection, weighing 246 pounds… THEODORE CAIN!

♫ “The Saints” by Andy Mineo ♫

Where the Gulf Coast Connection would normally be handing out beads, Theodore Cain is doing nothing of the sort tonight and he is walking to the ring with a cross expression on his face. The Smash Surfer as he is known by, wants to smash his partner. When Cain gets to the ring he rolls under the ropes and then gets up. He’s waiting for Aaron King right now and is yelling for his ex tag team partner to come on out. Instead of getting his partner … he gets Tom Morrow. 

Tom Morrow:
Theodore Cain … I will have you know that you have ruined our evening! We have a victory celebration to be planning for when SIN CITY’S TWIN SONS THE LUCKY SEVENS retain their Unified Tag Team titles! Aaron King was looking forward to pre-gaming and taking home some of SIN CITY’S FINEST LADIES but now he has to take five minutes out of his night to settle your petty little beef because he has moved on to bigger and better things! 

Aaron King is yelling at Tom Morrow to shut up but Tom Morrow continues. 

Tom Morrow:
I’m sorry … I can’t hear you over the sound of me introducing the man that’s going to break your back and do it with a smile on his face! He stands six-foot two! He weighs two-hundred thirty-four pounds and I will gladly hold his beer while he comes down there! He is the K! I! N! G! KING!!! The Pensacola Playboy! He is Pretty Dangerous! He is The King of Breaking Hearts! YOU DONE MESSED UP NOW CAUSE HERE IS A-A-RON … AARON KING!!!

♫ “U Mad” by Vic Mensa ♫

The beats and trumpet sounds start playing and strutting out to the theme wearing blue sunglasses, a blue leather jacket and black and blue colored leather pants comes out and swishing a small whiskey glass! He takes a quick drink, hands the unfinished drink to Tom Morrow. The coat comes off. Next, the sunglasses. 

Aaron King … we’ve seen a nonchalant attitude about him, but right now he looks like he’s irritated at having to stop partying to wrestle. 

That might be the wrong attitude to have. 

Aaron King heads to the ring, but Theodore Cain climbs outside first and then the two men start fighting in front of the ring! The party is over and the fighting has just begun. 

The match hasn’t started yet, but Cain and King don’t care! These two used to be brothers. Things got bad after he left them for the Scourge but King joining BFTA and getting his ex tag team partner involved in the Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery brought up some unresolved issues! 

A knee from King to Cain’s chest leads to Cain getting his head smacked into the ring apron. King then takes the head of Theo and moves over to smack his face into the steel steps now. A thud echoes through the arena and the Las Vegas Faithful are jeering him. 

The Lucky Sevens got a massive ovation earlier tonight and have the local crowd on their side despite being some of DEFIANCE Wrestling’s biggest scum bags, but Aaron King doesn’t have the same benefit!

I also don’t think he cares! 

King pushes Theodore Cain back into the ring so things can officially get going. The Pensacola Playboy tells the referee to call for the bell so he can get back to his party. When he checks to make sure that Theodore Cain is ready to fight and Cain tells him he wants to go ahead the bell rings. 


Aaron King revels in having Cain down on the mat. He tries to pick him up … but then gets a punch to the stomach. King doubles over and then Cain hits a few punches. King gets a whip into the ropes and then gets snapped right into a back body drop with big power! 

King shouldn’t have taken his eye off the ball!

Another trip to the ropes from Cain leads to Aaron King getting hit with a big power slam! He hooks King’s leg for the pin. 

One …
Two …

The Pensacola Playboy kicks out. 

Aaron King getting taken to school for a second here! Theodore Cain should fight with this type of fire more often!

When Theodore Cain tries to get King up, Aaron bring up his boot and kicks Cain in the head. He gets dazed from the kick when Aaron King rolls up and then elbows Cain upside the head. He ends up in a corner and then gets repeated elbows rained down on the top of his head in the corner. 

And that’s the aggression that we’ve seen Tom Morrow promise out of Aaron King! If he can harness this this might be the best version of Aaron King we have seen in DEFIANCE Wrestling! 

Aaron gets warned about the repeated elbow strikes in the corner but he does not pay attention to the referee. He grabs Cain for a suplex and then elevates him off the mat into a big front suplex on the top rope. The rib check drops him and he lands feet first on the apron and then hits a drop kick to knock Theodore Cain off to the outside floor. 

Ooh! That was a spill! The look on Aaron King’s face, though. 

Theodore Cain looks hurt on the outside, but he is still in the fight. At least he is in the fight until Aaron King jumps right through the ropes with a powerful tope suicida that smacks Cain further back into the barricade! After the big move Aaron King throws Cain back inside. 

Aaron King goes back to the ring! Cain’s in a very bad place to be. 

The fall outside seems to have hurt a rib of Theodore Cain, but the Smash Surfer tries to crawl. King strikes him with another elbow and then sets him upside down in the Tree of Woe. Aaron King crawls away from the corner as he is upside down and then runs forward to hit a spear to the ribs as he is stuck in the Tree of Woe! 

Running spear in the Tree of Woe! That was a very creative way to hurt the ribs! 

Cain gets pulled out by Aaron King. It looked like he wanted to win this but now he’s looking like he wants to hurt his ex tag team partner. 

It looks like it is hurting Theodore Cain to breathe now after the spear and King is still not going for the pin. Instead he pulls the legs of Cain up and then delivers a big stomp into his ribs! Tom Morrow looks perfectly giddy at watching The Pensacola Playboy take Cain apart! 

At first Morrow was saying King didn’t want to do this … but now that he’s in the groove, I think he’s enjoying this. 

Aaron King:
K! I! N! G! KING!!!

After shouting his stupid name he picks him up and then goes for the corner. He picks up Cain and hits another knee. He uses another Irish whip and then tries a clothesline on the way back … but Cain surprises him with an explosive spear! He tackles King to the mat and despite his ribs hurting he his throwing right hands to the head of King! 

Oooh! Theodore Cain with a spear of his own! He is returning the favor from that corner spear earlier. 

Theodore Cain is sore and he holds his rib with one hand. But when he goes to try and pick him up and then runs to the corner and hits a knee lift to Aaron King’s chest. The Pensacola Playboy backs up and then gets a swinging neck breaker for his troubles. Theodore Cain sits up but he has Aaron King where he needs him to be. Cain claps his hands and the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful clap with him. King is in a corner.

Las Vegas is behind Theodore Cain! Tom Morrow doesn’t look happy if Cain hits his next move!

Morrow looks like he is about to cry when Theodore Cain runs at the corner. But Aaron King catches him first by the side with a uranage back breaker called Party Down! The Smash Surfer gets his back hurt by the slam. Morrow is shouting at Aaron King to finish him. He goes for the corner and then grabs the legs …. Then uses an elevated boston crab!

King with the Pensacola Crab! The Party Down back breaker leads up to the Pensacola Crab and turns him over!

Has too much damage been done to the ribs?

The “Pretty Dangerous” Aaron King has the submission locked up tight. The fans urge Theodore Cain to not tap out … but to prolong his career he has to do it! He taps out!


The match is over now … but King continues to put the hold on! He keeps going!

This is excessive now! Aaron King won the match! He doesn’t need to be doing this! 

Stop it! 

The bell keeps ringing until finally Crescent City Kid and Titus Campbell start running to the ring. Tom Morrow warns him that help is arriving. Aaron King sees it and then he leaves. The other members of Gulf Coast Connection are helping out Theodore Cain while Aaron King doesn’t even think to look back at the ring. Morrow hands him that drink he didn’t finish before the match. He drinks the last of the whiskey with a smile and waves bye bye to his past. 

A nice victory for Aaron King tonight as much as I hate to say it. He worked over the rib cage and he won so there’s clearly a technical skill underneath that immature demeanor. 

Aaron King gives Morrow a side hug and gives him a kiss on the forehead and Tom is happy to show off his newest pet project as they leave and DEF TV moves to the next segment. 


LIVE FROM LOS ANGELES October 5th and 6th!


Christie Zane is standing backstage with the little red light on. The part where the person waits to be introduce is all but forgotten because we already know who it is. 

It’s a very frustrated and very cheesed-off … 

“Biggest Boy” Dex Joy!

Christie Zane:
DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful … as you can see I already have my guest with me who is not waiting for introduction. This is “The Biggest Boy” Dex Joy and as you can see the last few days … 

The spirited Dex Joy has to stop himself from screaming at poor Christie. 

Dex Joy:
Christie, you’ll have to forgive me tonight! Last week … Rezin pinned these hefty shoulders to the mat, 1 … 2 … 3! By hook or by crook the Escape Artist escaped a wrecking from the Wrecking Crew Foreman and made it to the finals! Because his opponent is the Bruja of the Ring Lindsay Troy, I’m rooting for you. This whole locker room is rooting for you, Rezin. Her mouth and her DEF Commenter account run like a 24/7 mini-mart: always open and nothing good ever comes out so I hope she gets humbled and humbled bad for how she and Vae Victis this locker room. 

Christie Zane:
Strong words off the bat! My question though … it has to do with the appearance of Kerry Kuroyama. What do you think he was doing out there? 

That’s the name that triggers him like a certain leader of a certain section of other commenters. 

Dex Joy:
Oh I know exactly why he was out there. Lindsay Troy and Sonny Silver can spit out all the cow patties they want about what happened, but I was the guy she didn't want across from her, so Kerry came out to do her dirty work. So ...  

Dex Joy speaks at the camera to reach right out to the man his anger is fixated on. 

Dex Joy:
KERRY!!! KURO-GOD-DAMN-YAMA!!! You had zero to do with my match out there with Rezin! None! And you only went out there because your bruja boss wanted me to lose and you wanted to screw Dexy Baby over because when we fought, it was your foot under the ropes. I told you straight up … man to man … that following this tournament I would give you a rematch because if nothing else, as a wrestling competitor that I thought care about the honor of the ring that you’d take me at my word. You deserved that rematch for the referee’s mistake. Instead … you take that out on me. You came out to my match where you don't belong. Now the only thing that you deserve, Kerry Keurig … 

Dex points down at his shoe that he twirls in the air. 

Dex Joy:
… is an all-expense-paid trip to a proctologist cause they’ll be trying to wedge one of these out of your ASS!!!!

Rousing cheers are heard from the Las Vegas Faithful!

Dex Joy:
I told your boss on social media last week and I’ll tell it to you too! After I got ousted from the semifinals, Dexy Boy has a whole lot more free time on his hands! I found myself some new hobbies to keep myself busy. I’ve now added “take down Vae Victis” and right above that with several underlines and all bold, I added “WRECK Kerry Kuroyama!”

Louder cheers!

Dex Joy:
Now I can’t do anything about the fact that you’re in action this week against my bud, Matt LaCroix … but Dexy Baby ain’t interested in waiting to sell a pay-per-view or premium major event for you to take this beating like a man. You want a good look at the recking Crew Foreman, pally? Then meet me in the ring in two weeks from San Francisco and you can have all you like.  

Dex has the camera in both hands now. 

Dex Joy:
DEF TV 176 live from San Francisco in my home state! I’m going back to Cali, Cali … and I’m not just going to wreck you Kerry! I’m going to [BLEEP] you up!!!

Fade to black!


The Dex Joy segment switches to the ring. Before a scheduled interview on the stage Tom Morrow makes his way out for the second time in the evening. 

Tom Morrow:
Hi again! 


Tom Morrow:
No, no, no, don’t boo me. Don’t boo me.  You guy are going to want to see this. Oscar Burns and Deacon might think that they are the main event but right now … I got a treat for all of you right here in SIN MOTHER-LOVING-CITY!!! The ONLY seven-foot champions that MATTER!!!

Now the booing becomes loud cheering! 

Oh no! Don’t tell me the people are buying what this snake oil salesman says!

We’re in Las Vegas and The Lucky Sevens hail from right here! If any city is left to give them cheers, it's their home town! 

Tom Morrow:
This entire week, my star clients have been doing media all throughout THE GREATEST CITY IN THE FREE WORLD!!! They have been doing interviews! Podcasts! They were honored at a special autograph signing just this morning and now they are here! When every other city in this world wanted to see them fail … when every other city in the world wanted to see them suffer … when two certain little drunk bartender assholes almost got them fired permanently … it was you people! The great city of Las Vegas that kept their hearts beating! They knew you were with them in spirit and now they have returned HOME!!! as your UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!


Tom Morrow:
Before I bring them out here to school the hell out of those other haters, Titanes Familia … (mild booing) … yeah, that’s right! Boo them! They’re trying to take the titles off of YOUR HEROES tonight!!! Boo them! Boo them all!!!


Tom Morrow:
Before I bring them out I’ve spared no expense in putting together this video package on the return home! The highs and the lows! The struggle and the triumph of The Lucky Sevens is one of DEFIANCE Wrestling’s greatest success stories and you’ll see it all with this video package we’ve spared no expense for. Enjoy! 

What the … ?

To the DEFIA-Tron!

Open to clips to a dark match from DEFCON 2020 where the Lucky Sevens make their debut. Then clips of the twin duo defeating some of DEFIANCE Wrestling’s most impressive tag teams. Team HOSS. Tagging with Lindsay Troy at one point early on against Mikey Unlikely and Team HOSS. The Comments Section as the Unified Tag Team champions running from the monster twins in a variety of matches in the course of their feud long ago. 

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday

Now it has clips of The Lucky Sevens signing with Tom Morrow and Better Future Talent Agency by attacking the Sky High Titans and taking the rights away to their name at DEFIANCE Road 2021. More people being destroyed. The various members of Pop Culture Phenoms, various BRAZEN bodies they have piled up. A victory over Saturday Night Specials on DEF TV 151 (and no footage of the other matches they have had with their archrivals)

I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming home

More footage of the more recent destruction caused by The Lucky Sevens. Their former trainers, the House being destroyed. Adam Roebuck’s foot smashed into steel steps. Derrick Huber being double choke slammed on top of steel steps. Former FIST Gage Blackwood being destroyed in a parking lot. The ring being pulled apart by a ring wrench by Mason Luck and Max destroying TV cameras and attacking the production truck.

I'm back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong (yeah)
(I'm back baby)
I feel like there's nothing that I can't try
And if you with me put your hands high


Footage of their crowning achievement of winning the Unified Tag Team titles at Maximum DEFIANCE from the Saturday Night Specials. Putting Pat Cassidy through a table. Hitting Seven Stars on Brock Newbludd. The Lucky Sevens holding up the Winning Hand over a smoldering Ballyhoo Brew!

If you ever lost a life before
(High, hands),
This one's for you
(And if you with me put your hands high, hands, high)
And you, and you, and you, and you
(Your dreams are filled, you're rapping with the best)
I'll be home soon

Finally it ends with footage from the course of the week leading to Las Vegas. Mason and Max Luck making the round doing local interviews, podcast appearances, autograph signings and media in the area leading up to tonight’s shows! 

And after the footage ends, the music changes over from “Coming Home” to … 

7 7 7 

♫  "Money” by Of Mice and Men ♫

The familiar coin drop and slot machine sounds play when the Unified Tag Team champions appear on stage to one of the loudest ovations of the night!


That footage … that was heinous. These two are kissing the Las Vegas Faithful’s behinds tonight, but they are local legends here! 

Las Vegas born and bred! Second generation wrestlers taught by a famous wrestling legend! Their grandfather Wild Winston Luck! 

The twin seven foot monsters go to the interview set with Tom Morrow. 



The Lucky Sevens are dressed in their capes and they are raising the titles for the loud Las Vegas crowd! Mason is almost emotional from the response but puts on his “tough guy” face. Max laps up the cheers. There is no sign of Aaron King anywhere but he is probably having a party after his win earlier that night. They get to the stage. Tom Morrow gives the twins microphones of their own. 

Mason Luck:
Sin City!!! The Entertainment Capital of the World!!! Let us hear it you crazy bastards!!! Let us hear it!!!

Another loud cheer blows the roof off the building. 

Max Luck:
Who wants to see us defend the Unified Tag Team titles against two members of Titanes Familia?!

And like DJ Khaled once said … another one! 

Max Luck:
And who wants to see us body those wannabe giants?!

Another one!!!

Mason Luck:
Uriel Cortez and Titaness talked a lot of crap about us, but any time they have mixed it up with us, the result is always the same! They say Titans Always Stand Tall … except when they fuck with the Lucky Sevens. Tonight they are trying to fuck with our gold and fuck with our money!!! Tonight though … you’re on our side, Las Vegas! We see you! We hear you! You’re the only city in the world with class! You’re the only city in the world that loves big fights! And my brother and I are going to give them the fight of their lives! 

Max Luck:
That’s right! When they come out, you boo them! You boo them because they are trying to take from your twin sons! But we won’t let them! Tonight … you the Gambling Capital of the World will get to see us take a gamble in the Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery! 

The pop is huge when the Lucky Lottery Girl arrives on stage and wheels out the Lucky Lottery Tumbler. Mason walks by and nods her direction while Max gives her a playful smile. The twins walk to the ring with their music resuming for the big Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery!

I can’t believe this! The Lucky Sevens are sucking up to this crowd and they’re buying it. They’re really buying it from a couple of guys who were on the verge of selling out our titles to any number of rival promotions including PRIME right here in Las Vegas!

The Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery is next! But which members of Titanes Familia are fighting for the belts? We will find out after these commercials!

The scene switches to a quick commercial break. 


Your bi-weekly source for all things DEFIANCE! Tune in, for the UNCUT, NO HOLDS BARRED DEFIANCE!


After the commercials end, Mason and Max’s capes are off and they have the Unified tag titles in hand ready to defend! They continue playing with the crowd. Tom Morrow and the Lucky Lottery Girl get ready to draw names from The Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery!

The Lucky Sevens are in the ring ready to defend the titles! Uriel Cortez and Titaness were the original tandem who challenged them on 174, but will that be the team they fight?

The camera goes backstage with no sound. All four members of Titanes Familia are dressed in their ring gear. Uriel Cortez, Titaness, Minute and Dan Leo James (complete with hand exercizers on his hands). Dan Leo James looks over and smashes a nearby “in case of fire, break glass” sign to pull out a fire extinguisher. He preps a chokeslam, but Uriel Cortez and Titaness both yell at him to put it back. 

There’s that training of Dan Leo James again! He better be taking this title match seriously! 

The camera moves back to Tom Morrow with the Lucky Lottery Girl about to spin the tumbler. 

Tom Morrow:
Let’s go! Give us a drum roll and spin that tumbler! 

The Lucky Lottery Girl spins the tumbler as a drum roll starts up across the arena. The first name out… 

Tom Morrow:
The first opponent… TITANESS!!! Come on down!!!

A brief pause. 


♫ "Giants" by True Damage ♫

The lights fade except a piercing violet spotlight, where Titaness steps into the light looking out to the crowd, getting into the zone stretching her shoulders before flexing for the Faithful. They give her jeers before she does a standing backflip on the stage, sticking the landing with an explosion of silver and gold pyrotechnics popping the crowd for an even bigger negative reaction before making her way to the ring. The crowd is booing her, but she flips them off on her way down. 

This crowd … the Lucky Sevens and that bogus video package have turned the crowd on her. 

Titanes Familia worked really well during the eight-man tag against the Dunson Clan! They train together and take their wrestling seriously so we will see who she partners with. 

Her music clears and Titaness is in front of the ring waiting for her partner. She takes off her vest and tries to throw it out to the crowd … but a member throws it back. She flips them off again and then takes the vest back. Then a couple middle fingers for the Lucky Sevens! 

And here we go! Who will she team with from Titanes Familia?

The drum roll plays again and the Lucky Lottery Girl spins the tumbler. After several go-rounds, it stops. She pulls out one of the tumbler balls and gives it to Morrow. 

Tom Morrow:
And her partner … uh! Oh dear!!! This … I don’t know! This has to be some sort of mistake! 

Titaness spins around to face Morrow up on the ramp. 

Tom Morrow:
We must have left another name in the Tumbler from our last Lucky Lottery! No! But ... it wouldn’t be fair for me to disqualify somebody because of my own negligence in making sure the Lucky Lottery was properly restocked. Oh well! In the interest of fair play … Titaness your tag team partner … 





“Health and Safety Video” by Work SafeTM Productions ♫

Oh my God … SGT. SAFETY?!?!

Sure as shooting, it is BRAZEN star Sgt. Safety who is most definitely not a member of Titanes Familia!

This is RIGGED!!! Because they don’t want to fight Titanes Familia fairly! 

Sgt. Safety looks out to the crowd and measures the sound with his decibel meter before heading to the ring. He takes note of the negative crowd reaction and then enters the ring. Titaness can’t believe her luck and yells something off mic to Sgt. Safety. She realizes the situation that she is in … but the Unified Tag Titles are on the line! 

All after these bullies promised this was between them and Titanes Familia! How is anyone supposed to beat them for those titles when this Lucky Lottery is as legit as a football bat!

The Lucky Sevens are in on this! Look at their faces!

They look pretty entertained by all of this. Sgt. Safety insists on starting the match because she’s a lady. Titaness protests, but Sgt. Safety beats her to the ring first and the BRAZEN start is now looking up at Mason Luck. 

How is this even supposed to work?! They’ve never teamed together!

Hey … once Sgt. Safety rolled up and pinned Malak Garland. You only need three seconds in the sport to make yourself famous. 


Mason Luck isn’t taking this seriously at all. He thrives in the cheers of an incredibly rare pro-Lucky Sevens crowd. He turns his back to the work space safety commissioner and raises his arms to get a louder reaction. Titaness can’t believe this and Tom Morrow laughs from the stage … but not for long because Uriel Cortez is out! 

Oh God! Here comes Titaness’ fiance! 

Tom Morrow sees him and runs to the back as fast as he can while Uriel Cortez chases him down! Sgt. Safety sees what is going on …

Then he gets smacked down by a massive clothesline from Mason! 

Mason Luck blindsides Sgt. Safety! 

Then Mason rushes towards Titaness with a knee strike to knock her off the ring apron! 

And one for Titaness! The Lucky Sevens could already be on the verge of ending this! 

Yes, they could! Mason already has Sgt. Safety back up! 

Mason pulls Sgt. Safety back up to his feet by the back of his head and then slugs him in chest with a clubbing forearm. Sgt. Safety hits the mat and The Big Money Monster starts to nudge the Sarge’s head with his boot. 

Mason Luck:
Fight me bitch! Give these people a show! We’re in the Entertainment Capital of the World! Get up! 

When Sgt. Safety doesn’t respond outside of some pained groaning, Mason Luck picks him up right into a big military press. He holds him up and walks him around the ring. Max Luck stands on the apron and gets the pro-Lucky Sevens crowd to cheer on his twin brother before he throws Sgt. Safety up and dumps him right on the canvas. 

This is a mugging. The Lucky Sevens had a legit challenge last week against the Dangerous Mix and won that, but they seem to think tonight is an off night! 

Titaness is back up and she starts to climb to the ring apron, but she can’t do anything else but watch Mason Luck push a foot down on the head of Sgt. Safety. Safety starts to scream when Mason reaches his long arm out to tag Max Luck. The Beast of the Bright Lights climbs over the ropes with ease and then Mason takes a foot of Sgt. Safety’s head … so he can let Max do it! The screams get louder but Max is still being cheered by the crowd. 

This is some bizarro reaction tonight! These guys are monsters anywhere else DEFIANCE Wrestling goes.

Max Luck takes his foot off of his head and then picks him up. He slams him down on the mat and then gets cheers for the crowd. He runs off of the ropes and then hits a big Box Cars elbow drop right down on the chest of Sgt. Safety. He pins him quickly. 

One …
Two …

But he pulls Sgt. Safety off the mat first! Max looks over at Titaness and then he waves hello!

This is such an uphill battle. Titaness thought she’d be teaming with one of the other members of Titanes Familia but we should have guessed Tom Morrow and the Lucky Sevens had different plans. 

We know they don’t need to do any of this, but they do it because they can. The Lucky Sevens brutalized the Saturday Night Specials so bad at Maximum DEFIANCE that Brock Newbludd hasn’t been seen anywhere since then. 

Max stands up and he points at Titaness, then at Sgt. Safety. He tells the BRAZEN star to get a tag, but when he reaches out … 

No! Another cheap shot! 

Another big elbow hits the Show of Force in the side and she gets struck off the apron again. The Beast of the Bright Lights continues to strut around as if the match is already over. He picks Sgt. Safety up and then he carries him all the way back to the corner of The Lucky Sevens. He drops Safety down with a big scoop slam from seven feet in the air. A tag is made to Mason Luck and he steps into the ring to hit another scoop slam from his corner. 

Now what are they going to do?

Mason tags Max. The Luck brothers pick up Sgt. Safety by his arm and then use two knee lifts from each side to the stomach and he falls to his knees. Mason throws him into another knee lift from Max, then Max twirls him right around into a big boot. Mason and Max point to the crowd … 

Mason and Max Luck:


The Lucky Sevens hit Ka-Ching and this crowd loves it. This is bananas. 

B-A-N-A-N-A-S. … I’m sorry. 

Max with another cover by putting a foot on Sgt. Safety’s chest. 

One …
Two …

But he takes the foot off Sgt. Safety before the three because Mason wants a turn to hurt him! Sgt. Safety can’t even stand, but Max grabs his leg and he pulls him back into the corner. 

This is disrespectful and disgusting! The Lucky Sevens promised a fight to these people and this isn’t a fight. This is a fix. 

And now Mason is in. They have to end this! Titaness has been blindsided twice and hasn’t been able to get into the ring yet! 

Even if some miracle happened and Sgt. Safety wasn’t getting pummeled by the Unified tag team champions, he’s hurt. Mason Luck picks Sgt. Safety up out of the corner and then hits a throwing snap suplex that sends him flying across the ring. The Sarge of DEFIANCE’s overall safety rating needs a save himself right now. Mason holds his fingers up. 


Mason fulfills the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful’s wishes. He picks up Sgt. Safety again and then throws him with another throwing snap suplex. 

This is disgusting. Where did Titaness even go anyway? She got knocked off the apron a while ago.

Mason Luck sits up and decides that now is the time to end the match. Mason picks Sgt. Safety up and then he tags in Max Luck. 

Seven Stars coming up! The power bomb and Winning Hand combination has put away everyone since they started using it. 

Mason and Max are both in the ring now when the Show of Force has seen enough of the bullcrap by her opponents. The crowd boos her, but she’s in full view of the official when she does it and the referee stops her. 

I get that Titaness is frustrated… but if she had used that weapon, she would have been disqualified and lost! 

The referee takes the chair and goes to remove it while Mason and Max laugh. But Mason gets a painful surprise in the form of a uppercut right between the legs! 

Shot below the equator! That’s why she brought the chair into the ring! To distract the official!

I don’t care normally for this kind of thing, but The Lucky Sevens have played nothing but dirty! This is fire with fire at this point! 

The crowd jeers when Max grabs her by the arm … but she hits an upward back kick to catch Max Luck where the sun doesn’t shine as well! He falls forward to a knee and then Sgt. Safety comes out of nowhere with his finisher the Safety First! 

Safety First on Max Luck! That’s his finishing move! 

He can’t get the pin … but Titaness rolls back to their corner! Max Luck is down! 

Backstage, Dan Leo James and Minute are both watching and cheering for Titaness! She is back in her corner with a bizarro crowd booing and yelling at Sgt. Safety trying to get the tag to Titaness! He gets it and she finally gets a chance to get in the ring legally for the first time!

Here she goes!

Max Luck is on all fours in the ring after the low blow and Safety First. Titaness first runs and jumps off his back to hit a flying forearm on Mason Luck near the ropes. She gets payback for being struck off the apron by doing the same to him! Max Luck is starting to sit up, but Titaness does a flip off of the ropes and then hits Max Luck on his knees with the Lady Lariat! 

Lady Lariat! I don’t believe it! We might be seeing new Unified Tag Team champions! This would be the upset of the year!

Titaness starts to climb the apron and then to the top turnbuckle. When she sees Mason Luck start to get up, she turns and then flips off the top … 

Titaness with the big suicide senton bomb on the outside to Mason Luck while he’s on his feet! 


Go, Titaness, go! Come on! You can win! 

The crowd jeers for Titaness wiping out Mason Luck with the big move and then goes up again. Max Luck tries to get back up but he also takes a flipping senton off off the top turnbuckle across Max Luck’s back! 


The Show of Force has to get Max to his back and makes a lateral press after that!

One …
Two ….


The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful almost go crazy for the fact that he was beat, but Max Luck kicks out. 

What does Titaness do now?

The Show of Force tries with all the power she can get. The crowd is booing her but she is trying to get the seven footer across her shoulders using a fireman carry … but before she can get him all the way up, Mason reaches in and pulls her leg, making her trip and collapsing with Max Luck on top of her!


No! Come on! Mason cheated!

The referee doesn’t see it! Sgt. Safety has been hurt and wants a tag, but Mason Luck runs over and grabs him with a Winning Hand … then hits a Winning Hand Slam on the apron! 

Oooh! Sgt. Safety gets taken out of the match! 

Max Luck has Titaness and tags Mason. Tom Morrow is running for dear life back down the ramp with Uriel Cortez just after him. Max Luck smiles and then hits Titaness with Luck’s Gone Bad! The Winning Hand into the lariat drops Titaness and Max covers her while looking up at Uriel on the ramp!

One …
Two … 



The bell rings, but there's no time for announcements becuase Uriel Cortez is already making a mad dash to the ring! 


The match is now over, but The Titan of Industry is over the bullshit from Tom Morrow and company, watching Max Luck pin his fiance!

A fight’s about to break out! Uriel and Mason Luck fighting in the aisleway! 

The Titan of Industry and the Big Money Monster throw right hands at one another! Sgt. Safety is down and Titaness is down while Max Luck rushes out of the ring to help his brother. Uriel grabs Mason by the head and CHOPS him with a shot so vile that he winces! Cortez then spins Mason around and throws him at the ring post with a dull thud! The booing is loud, but Cortez is fighting to save his fiance and shutting out a manipulated crowd!

Cortez trying to fight off both of the Unified Tag Team Champions!

But where are Minute and Dan Leo James? They were just watching backstage!

The question seems to linger as Cortez CHOPS Max Luck across the chest! The two giants continue to fight until Cortez TACKLES Max to the ringside floor and fights away… 


Cortez stops pounding away on Max Luck for a moment to look up at the DEFIATron at a horrifying sight… 

Minute and Dan Leo James.

Both beaten down backstage. 

One by the newest BFTA member Aaron King with a tire iron slinged over his shoulder… 

And one that hasn’t been seen on DEFtv in a long time… brandishing a chair… 

A former associate of Tom Morrow (then known as Junior Keeling). A very muscular Brit that was originally part of Team HOSS…

…Holy hell… 

That’s… That’s Aleczander The Great! Oh my god! Former World Trios Champion Aleczander The Great! We saw footage of Tom Morrow visiting him on UNCUT! Team HOSS were more or less blackballed from the main roster due to a number of outside issues… 

And he’s in league with Tom Morrow again?! Morrow must have promised him something GOOD if he’s willing to work with that ambulance chaser again. 

The Titan of Industry starts to stand, but before he can react to what’s happening, he gets SPEARED to the ground by Mason Luck! Uriel goes to a knee and then Max Luck gets up with help from his brother! They both grab Uriel by the head… 

No, no, no, no… 



That thud… Remember this … The Lucky Sevens also injured Tom Morrow’s father and the Titans’ ex-manager, Thomas Keeling Sr. with a Winning Hand Slam! 

Cortez is down for the count as Mason and Max stand over him, but rather than get the reception they would normally get -- booed out of the motherloving building -- The crowd go CRAZY as The Lucky Sevens, Aaron King and Aleczander have massacred Titanes Familia here tonight! Tom Morrow goes to retrieve the belts for his clients! 

Cortez is down! Titaness is down! And Minute and Dan Leo James just got attacked backstage by Aaron King and Aleczander The Great! I guess Tom Morrow wanted to even the playing field with four members of Titanes Familia while ADV has been dealing with his own issues with Masked Violator 1!

Tom Morrow and company now take their leave with The Lucky Sevens once again piling up the bodies. Max and Mason Luck clink all their titles together and then walk out of the arena like conquering heroes. 

This was all a bullshit setup by Tom Morrow and Better Future Talent Agency over Titanes Familia! All in the hometown of The Lucky Sevens, no less. I’m disgusted!

How will Titanes Familia respond? They got screwed over by this Lucky Lottery bullcrap!

Mason and Max pose on the ramp while a limping Titaness looks on with worry at her fiance having been leveled on the outside. The cheering is loud for The Lucky Sevens tonight as the show moves to a commercial after all the chaos.


BRAZEN - Where the next generation CLASH!


We still have a lot for you all here tonight, ladies and gentlemen of the Faithful, we have…

Lights Out.

The Vegas Faithful cheer as the opening guitar chords ring through the Orleans Arena. Smoke begins to rise from the entrance in front of a pulsating red light. In that red light appears a silhouette of a man in a kneeling position. Slowly he rises to his feet, grabbing a coin hung from a chain around his neck marching forward.

It begins with them, but it ends with me…
♫ “The Dark Sentencer” by Coheed & Cambria ♫

The Faithful roar as the figure bursts through the smoke and pulls the hood back off his ragged black denim vest revealing his face. Matt LaCroix continues to grasp his sobriety coin around his neck looking around at the Faithful with a smirk on his lips. He then throws his fist in excitement before continuing his way down towards the ring while the Faithful chant to the music.


Darren Quimbey:
For our next bout introducing first from New Orleans, Louisiana. Weighting in at 242 pounds. Southern. Strong. Style. MAAAAAAATT LAAAAAAAACROIIIIIIIIIX!


Matt LaCroix made his return to DEFIANCE on DEFtv 174 coming out after the main event of Night 1 and declaring his intentions to take back the Southern Heritage Championship he lost to Scrow in a match that ended with his injury. Now, this is his first match and rumors have been circulating he’s not fully recovered and may never be fully recovered. What are we going to see from Matt LaCroix tonight?

You know, Darren, I would’ve expected him to come back after Scrow. Arthur Pleasant. Any number of people on the DEFIANCE roster but Henry Keyes was not one of them. You know what they say though, go big or go home. He wants his title back and he’s going to have to prove he’s capable enough to get it back.

That shoulder is still heavily bandaged. Reports are that he hasn’t regained full strength of his dominant arm.

The primary arm he uses for his dragon sleeper finisher.

Exactly. A lot of Matt’s heavy striking and technical wizardry relies heavily on his ability to his every part of his body to its fullest extent. 


♫ “Stranger Fruit” by Zeal & Ardor ♫

Pounding riff. Booming drums. Eerie chant. Two bold and DEFIANT words on the DEFIATron.

You know the drill.

V A E       V I C T I S

The mood lights pop on. The echelon of DEFIANCE’s elite stand in formation on the stage. Sonny Silver stands front and center, smirking at the sight of the jeering Vegas Faithful in attendance. “The Queen of the Ring” Lindsay Troy and “The Kraken” Henry Keyes stoically stand on either side.

Another figure breezes by the line. Tearing a towel off his head and tossing it over his shoulder into the hands of Keyes, it’s revealed to be none other than “The Pacific Blitzkrieg” Kerry Kuroyama. Fire in his eyes, Seattle’s BEAST strides down the rampway.

Sonny Silver:
HEY! HEY! HEYYY THERE, Matty! Good to see you back and almost in one piece! What can I really say about my boy here that you don’t already know? He’s a fellow Seattleite. He’s two-hundred and forty-six pounds. He’s coming to rip what’s left of that arm of yours off your body and beat you to death with it. He’s the Pacific fucking Blitzkrieg, KERRY KUROYAMA! What more to want? Have a good night, Matty.

Kerry slides right into the ring and pops to his feet, immediately going nose to nose to LaCroix. Tensions ramp up along with the crowd noise, but official Benny Doyle quickly splits them up and orders them back into their corners. It’s more of a formality, as both men look game and ready, and never stop staring each other down. Everything underway, Doyle cues for the bell.


Neither man is quick to engage, instead circling the other while locking eyes. Looking for weakness as the Faithful cheer them on.

These two know each other VERY well, Lance. Wrestling in a series of matches at the beginning of Matt LaCroix’s DEFIANCE career. Now a few years have passed, what’s changed?

Well they’ve changed sides, for one. Now it’s Matt LaCroix who has the surge of the Faithful behind him instead of Kuroyama. It’s no longer LaCroix who feels overshadowed I’d guess after his lengthy Southern Heritage run but Kerry who feels a bit left behind and now a member of Vae Victis.

LaCroix goes for a single leg takedown but is denied by Kuroyama!

Matt’s initial pounce comes up empty as Kerry manages to step out of the way. Quickly the Pacific Blitzkrieg tries to get an advantageous position securing LaCroix’s back but it is snapmared over by Matt’s weak arm. As Matt tries to lock in a headlock, Kerry grabs Matt’s injured arm and wrenches. LaCroix screams out in pain as Kuroyama then begins to strike his opponent with a series of stiff kicks to the chest, but Matt catches the leg on the second attempt and plants Kerry on the ground once again who quickly escapes. Both men end up where they started, vertically staring each other down as the Faithful applaud.

A great exchange there by two of DEFIANCE’s most technically gifted wrestlers. 

LaCroix of course is an extremely gifted wrestler who has developed a striking set through his various tours of Japan where Kerry Kuroyama is a striker who mainly uses grappling to set up his strikes and drops.

The King’s Road vs Strong Style dynamic has produced EXCELLENT matches from these two over the years and it looks to be on its way again here tonight.

They wrap themselves up into the collar-and-elbow. After a few seconds of jockeying for leverage, Kerry pushes himself forward on the balls of his feet to back LaCroix up into the corner. Official Benny Doyle moves in and begins to count. At four, Kerry breaks away, and steps back with his hands held up…



And a little love-tap on the right cheek to go with it.

Blatant disrespect.

LaCroix coming out of the corner hot… walks into a Fireman’s Carry from Kuroyama! Kerry trying for a rear naked choke, but hang on, LaCroix REVERSES right into a hammerlock! And Kerry snapmares him right out of it!

Kerry smothers Matt into an inverted facelock before hooking the tights, lifting him up, and flipping him over onto his rips with a reverse suplex! While LaCroix writhes in pain, Kuroyama twists himself around into a front facelock and buries the former SOHER into the canvas with an Implant DDT!

GOOD GOD, what a combo of moves from Kerry Kuroyama, who floats over into the lateral press!




Tw--Kickout by LaCroix!

LaCroix sits up into Kerry’s chinlock, with an added leg into his spine to add torque against the neck. Matt works back to a vertical base, forcing Kuroyama to readjust the hold, and backs into the ropes to push him off. Rather than sprint ahead, however, Kerry puts on the brakes and drops Matt with a headlock takeover, adding an extra stiff kick to the exposed back. As he writhes in pain on the mat, the Pacific Blitzkrieg goes into the ropes.

Kerry looking for the GREEN RIVER REVOLT--NO!! LaCroix ducks at the last moment! Matt is up, but Kuroyama coming back with discus punch--DUCKED AGAIN!!


Oh boy…

The crowd “OOOHs” loudly as LaCroix lands a sharp slap of his own. Kerry stands stunned, rage escalating on his face. Then they throw themselves into each other, fist flying wildly.

And here we go! Tensions have boiled over, and this match has descended into an all out brawl!

Given the longstanding animosity between these two, I feel it was always a question of when, not if.

The strikes come slower and both bodies begin to wobble as attrition from the blows settle in. The stalemate between them slowly breaks down when LaCroix gets a couple consecutive jabs. And then lands another. And ANOTHER! The Vegas Faithful begin amping up in volume as the former SOHER gains the upper hand, steadily moving Kuroyama back to the ropes.

Matt LaCroix coming out on top of this exchange! He’s got Kerry on his heels… and caps off a flurry with a ROARING ELBOW that knocks the Pacific Blitzkrieg into the ropes!

He has his opening now.

LaCroix going low for the waistlock… could be a NORTHERN LIGHTS--NO! Kerry stuns him with an elbow to the back! Kuroyama repositioning now as he hooks the arms--GOOD GOD, BLACK MOUNTAIN BOMB!! He dropped him RIGHT OVER THE KNEE, and Matt LaCroix is in AGONY!

Kerry was working over the back earlier, and now just made the situation for Matt LaCroix even worse.

Kerry making the cover! Could that be it?



NO! Only a two count!

LaCroix pops the shoulder, but is left writhing on the mat while Kerry gets to his feet and takes a few to crank his neck and refocus himself after the numerous hits to the head. Wiping the sweat off his face, he pulls Matt up again…

MAKE THAT TWO!! TWO Black Mountain Bombs! Going right for the prawn hold, and shoulders are down!



THR--NO! Near fall, but LaCroix dug deep!

LaCroix’s kickouts look more and more painful the further this match goes, Darren. He’s in a lot of pain from that back and shoulder!

Southern Strong Style tries to crawl towards the ropes but the arm is grabbed by Kuroyama who begins to kick and stomp away at the injured arm/shoulder of LaCroix. Screaming out in pain, the Reaper of the Pontchartrain covers up the arm but continues to take vicious strikes from the Pacific Blitzkrieg. A hollow sounding kick to the back brings a groan from the Faithful and also loosens up the guard on LaCroix, which is quickly pounced upon by Kerry who immediately rips the arm out from under the former Reaper of Light. However, Matt grabs the wrist and pulls the Vae Victis member, sending him past and through the ropes to the outside of the ring. 

LaCroix with a heads up move to buy some time and much needed space.

Kerry smells blood in the water, Darren! An aggressive outing tonight for the Pacific Blitzkrieg!

Inside the ring Matt LaCroix is in the sitting position, using his left arm to cradle his right while wincing in pain. On the outside, Kerry Kuroyama is shaking the cobwebs loose from a rough fall, pulling on the ring apron to bring himself back up to his feet. Just as he reaches his feet, Benny Doyle continues his count now at six when LaCroix slides feet first right into Kuroyama’s face with a baseball slide. The impact stumbles Kerry all the way back into the barricade with a cheer from the Faithful. Matt stumbles also, losing his footing before getting back under control and rushing Kerry before stepping up and nailing a shining wizard, bouncing the skull of the Pacific Blitzkrieg against the steel!



He doesn’t even have time to capitalize!

Matt hears Doyle shout out a nine count and dives back into the ring and quickly rolls back out, breaking the count and clearly not satisfied with a count out victory over a storied rival. DEFIANCE’s First Favoured Saint, still heavily favoring his right arm, grabs Kerry with his left and struggles to drag him back towards the ring. Finally, LaCroix has to use the injured arm to assist and rolls Kuroyama into the ring before crawling across him for a cover.




The Vegas Faithful can’t believe what they just witnessed. Kerry Kuroyama appeared to be unconscious but still managed to kick out!

No one has EVER questioned the fight in the Pacific Blitzkrieg and it’s showing right here tonight, in Las Vegas!

LaCroix can’t believe it either.

As Kerry lays face down on the canvas, Matt lays face up looking into the lights in disbelief. The crowd noise grows to an arena-shaking level of volume, and slowly, life begins to stir within the two competitors. Kuroyama steadily pushes himself onto his hands and knees. LaCroix, showing signs of pain, sits up and rolls himself over. As soon as their eyes meet, reserves kick in, and they spring into each other like raging lions.

Both men back up! Matt with a STIFF high kick connection with Kerry’s chest! And Kerry responds with a HARD discus elbow that leaves him reeling! LaCroix with ANOTHER kick… Kuroyama with ANOTHER elbow! LACROIX again… KERRY again…


Something’s got to give.


It’s LACROIX gaining the edge, turning the chest of Kuroyama beat red! And Kerry is DOWN!

Agape and fluttering in a daze after profuse kicks to his ribs, Kuroyama drops into a seated position. LaCroix springs into the ropes…




Kerry fell FLAT and LaCroix whiffed! Kuroyama KIPS UP! He catches LaCroix unbalanced and scoops him over the shoulder--GOOD GOD, FIRE THUNDER DRIVER!!

The air gets sucked out of the arena when the Faithful watch the former SOHER go limp and crumble onto his back. 

That was sickening to watch. Matt took that on the head and neck.

That may very well seal the deal as Kerry goes for the cover and hooks the legs!






THR--NOO!! HOW!? HOW did he kick out of that?!


Kerry’s eyes are wide with disbelief as he looks to the official again for confirmation. Much to his dismay, Doyle holds up two fingers and shakes his head. Kuroyama gets to his feet and regains his composure, the Faithful loudly cheering in support of LaCroix. He flashes them double “V” shapes with his hands and goes to pick Matt up for the kill.

I’m not sure how that wasn’t the end of it, but Kerry looks like he’s activated BEAST mode! He rolls LaCroix over… goes for the armtrap… lifts Matt OVER THE SHOULDER for the KUROYAMA DRIV--



Unbelievable counter! I’m mildly surprised LaCroix isn’t paralyzed right now after that sitout reverse piledriver!

Matt LaCroix has returned to his submission expertise, hoping for the tapout victory before the Pacific Blitzkrieg can take it that far! What a FIGHT we are watching!

LaCroix kneels low and puts the knee into the back of Kuroyama. But Kerry fights. And Matt discovers he has to fight as well. He bares his teeth and clenches his eyes as he tries to maintain the inverted facelock. But his shoulder can’t hold like it used to.

It appears that LaCroix may be struggling in there.

I think you may be right, Lance! LaCroix is having a hell of a time cinching in the Dragon Sleeper, and I think the toll on that shoulder is proving to be too much! If he can’t put him away here, I don’t know what he can possibly do to finish off the Pacific Blitzkrieg!

Kuroyama nearly slips free, forcing LaCroix to club him across the chest. It’s not enough. Kerry finds the space he needs and forces himself out. The former SOHER can’t get off his knee fast enough before Kerry takes him by the arm and pulls him into a kick.

Boot to the gut… and Kerry with the DOMINATOR--

LaCroix goes up, but again slips free and slides down the behind. Kuroyama is ready for him this time, backflipping into a pele kick. Unfortunately


Kuroyama’s face is pain and sheer anger. LaCroix has him by the same right leg that nearly cost his career. He looks to the ropes, and within seconds, forces himself to make a choice.

Kerry Kuroyama:





♫ “The Dark Sentencer” by Coheed & Cambria ♫

A gutsy, impressive win for Matt LaCroix! Looking to assert his dominance even with a severely injured shoulder! What a match, Lance!

I tell you Darren, I could watch these two fight every DEFtv for the rest of our lives. I think every outcome would be different. Every match would be unique. This just doesn’t get old.

Darren Quimbey:

The Reaper of the Pontchartrain has moved to the far corner of the ring, continuing to nurse his shoulder before pulling himself up with his left arm. DEFIANCE Official Benny Doyle comes to LaCroix and after a quick exchange raises his arm in victory. On the further side of the ring, Kerry Kuroyama slams his fist down on the mat in frustration holding his lower leg. LaCroix begins to approach when suddenly Vae Victis raises from their seats at the stage area and begins making their way down towards the ring, clapping. Matt cocks his head to the side, unsure of the approach but backs away from the Pacific Blitzkrieg and gives them plenty of space to get into the ring.

Are Troy and Keyes about to cause trouble for LaCroix here, Keebs

We’re about to find out - Keyes has just stepped into the ring! Wait, what’s that he’s holding?

It looks familiar…

Indeed, Keyes has a microphone in one hand while carrying a loose leather wrapping of some kind under his arm. LaCroix holds his good arm up, ready to defend himself. Kuroyama makes his way to his feet and makes a few purposeful strides, getting nose to nose with LaCroix to regain his attention - but Keyes puts an arm on Kuroyama’s shoulder. Kerry looks back at his partner with a mix of anger and confusion; Keyes pats him on the chest a couple times.

Henry Keyes:
Hit the showers, Kerry. You did good.

With that, Kerry joins Lindsay Troy on the apron; Troy, for her part, whispers something to Kerry before pointing at Keyes and LaCroix in the middle of the ring with a sly sneer. Keyes lifts up the mysterious item he brought with him to the ring and unfurls it a bit, and as a few front-row Faithful pick up on what he’s got, they rise to their feet.

Henry Keyes:
I would advise against hunting the Kraken’s Gold at ACTS of DEFIANCE, LaCroix…but if you really want to push it, I think you need this more than me.

With that, a clattering mass of leather, gears, buckles, and straps drops to the mat.

That’s…that’s the arm brace Keyes wore as the Airship Pirate!

That was one of his staples! 

LaCroix, still a little woozy from the match, reaches down and picks it up with his left arm examining what it may be. He looks down at the armband before flinging it over his shoulder, grabbing a mic from Darren Quimbey who quickly leaves the ring, and answering the Kraken.

Matt LaCroix:
Ay Keyes, I do gotta envie for tha Kraken’s Gold, but you gotta rememba brutha that befo’ that it was tha Reapers. If it wasn’t fo dis bum arm of mine it still would be. I ain’t askin fo anythin but a shot. Step inta the ring with me, brutha, I’ll take care of tha rest. Just keep somptin in mind, a little food fo thought…

DEFIANCE’s First Favoured Saint takes a deep breath, still showing significant signs of a battle.

Matt LaCroix:
You’re lookin inta tha eyes of the Reaper. That path you took ta get ta where ya are today was paved on MY back. And I didn’t have ta change my hair colah or an eye patch or get a buncha my buddies togetha or even turn inta an asshole. I did it because I’m tha best in tha fuckin’ world, brutha. 

The Vegas Faithful roar in appreciation as Matt LaCroix winces again and takes another heave.

Matt LaCroix:
And befo’ cher ova there was callin’ herself the ACE of DEFIANCE, they were callin’ me the ACE of Spades ova in Japan. I’ll fight Kerry. I’ll fight you. I’ll fight Troy. I’ll fight whoeva I gotta fight ta remind y’all who the hell I am. But I ain’t being advised against shit, brutha.

Keyes measures his man and glances back at his Vae Victis comrades. Camera audio picks up Troy asking “did you understand ANY of that?”, and Keyes gives a slight shrug and responds with an “I think so” before turning back to LaCroix.

Henry Keyes:
You “ain’t being advised”, huh? …the conquered never are.

Keyes turns and leaves the ring, Troy and Kuroyama side by side with him as LaCroix’s music hits once more.

This is going to be a HELL of a match for the Southern Heritage Championship!

Some mind games from Henry Keyes, but Matt LaCroix refuses to back down!

The Orleans Outsider takes a look at the arm brace once again and shakes his head in frustration before the scene shifts away.


Catch DEFIANCE Live in your town!


Ladies and gentlemen, after an incredibly hectic Night One, we are finally at the main event! Deacon defends the FIST of DEFIANCE against the former two-time holder, Oscar Burns in what could be Deacon’s toughest defense to date. After a VERY tense confrontation to kick off the evening, these two men will no doubt do everything in their power to retain or win the title respectively! 

Oscar Burns himself questioned how many more big matches Deacon had under him, but Deacon and Magdalena were not deterred one iota. Against an opponent with the big match experience and technical skill of his challenger… can Deacon turn back the challenge of Oscar Burns tonight and look ahead to the winner of the ACTS Tournament tomorrow? Or will the winner of Lindsay Troy and Rezin have to prepare for an entirely different challenger? 

We aren’t wasting any more time! Let’s get to the ring for our main event! 

♫ “Ultimate Battle” by Fredriech Habetler ♫

The opening montage plays some of Burns’ greatest hits over the opening intro to the theme… Burns with his two previous FIST and WrestleUTA World Title wins.  Burns with his DEFy wins. Burns with his record fiftieth win and his recent SIXTIETH win DEFIANCE! Emerging from the darkness, Burns tilts his head upward, wearing a complete poker face. He speaks to the camera in front of him when he reaches the stage with Butcher Victorious. 

Oscar Burns:

He heads to the ring, now with Butcher Victorious behind him, taking in the jeers from the crowd before walking up the steel steps. He wipes his feet on the ring apron, then waits as Butcher once again sits on the middle rope for Oscar to climb through. When he gets inside. Oscar keeps his game face on. 

Then, the lights go out & you can’t see any game faces, but you can hear the crowd respond.

♫ A Gregorian chant starts ♫

For the second time tonight, Magdalena steps through the curtain, a spotlight catching her. She takes in the crowd, scanning the area.

♫ “The Resistance” by Skillet ♫

The guitars & drums pop just as Deacon steps into the spotlight with Magdalena. The crowd pops again as the two make their way to the ring. The Deacon has left the robe off, entering the ring immediately ready to go. He knows this is a person he’s never stood against, and that alone takes his excitement up a notch. He steps onto the apron, over the top rope, and to the center of the ring, holding the FIST in the air.

With both men in the ring now, the challenger and champion meet in the center of the ring and square up. Neither man is intimidated. 

Darren Quimbey:
This singles match is set for one fall! This is your main event of the evening and will be contested… for the FIST OF DEFIANCE!

Oscar Burns leans back in his corner with Butcher Victorious on the outside cheering him on quietly. 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing in the corner to my left, he is the challenger! Accompanied by Butcher Victorious… from Wellington, New Zealand, weighing in at 237 pounds… HE IS DEFIANCE… OSCAR BURNS!

The Kiwi steps forward and raises a fist in the air; a sign of clear intent of the title he wants tonight. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent…  he is the reigning and defending champion! Accompanied by Magdalena… from Alexandria, Egypt, weighing in at 320 pounds… he is the FIST OF DEFIANCE… DEACON!

The Mute Freak holds up the title for all to see from his corner before handing it off to Carla Ferrari. She then raises the championship for the Las Vegas Faithful and then gets ready to ring the bell for the battle ahead. Deacon and Burns stare one another down as Ferrari calls for the bell. 


The former and current FIST circle around and as they prepare to lock up… Burns sidesteps and then goes to lean against the ropes, demanding the Las Vegas Faithful get behind him! 


I don’t know what Burns is trying to do here. Mind games aren’t going to work the same on a veteran like Deacon like he has done to others. 

Oscar Burns testing the waters here, I’m thinking. Deacon has to do the same. Oscar was not kidding earlier in the night. If you give him just one chance to take a limb… he wins a lot of matches in that very manner. 

He’s submitted some of the biggest names in DEFIANCE. One of the very few to do it to Lindsay Troy. Kendrix to win his second FIST of DEFIANCE. Mikey Unlikely. 

The two lock up again… or at least start to, but Burns goes low with a sharp kick. He has Deacon on the defensive when he fires two more kicks to the leg. Deacon shoves him back into the ropes to separate the two men, only for the former two-time FIST to come right back and BLAST Deacon with a big flying uppercut off the ropes!  Deacon doesn’t go down, but staggers as Burns rises up. He hits the ropes again like a rocket and NAILS Deacon under the chin! 

He went for the legs, but when that didn’t work, he follows through with the uppercuts! 

Magdalena watches Deacon get hit with a third consecutive running uppercut from Burnsie! Big Match Burnsie comes back off the ropes then manages to hit a running high knee against his chest in the corner. Deacon stumbles out of the corner and falls to a knee, allowing Oscar to hit a diving European uppercut off the ropes!

Burns chops Deacon down to size quickly! Cover!



The Mute Freak powers out! Burns can’t believe that Deacon has kicked out after a one-and-a-half count after the barrage of strikes! The FIST sits right up and stares down Burnsie. 

Great strategy by Burns… but didn’t count on Deacon being able to absorb all that punishment so early on! 

Burns grabs Deacon by the head and hits another European uppercut! He then tries to grab the limb he promised at the start of the night. He goes for an arm and tries to twist it around, but Deacon pulls Burns into a SICK shot of his own, via one big clothesline! The Las Vegas Faithful cheer the long-time veteran as he stands over his challenger. 

Deacon now taking Burns to his feet… big whip in the corner! 

The defending FIST follows through with the whip by hitting a HUGE corner clothesline! Burns twitches from the impact while Butcher Victorious winces on the outside. Burns doesn’t go down because he gets launched cross-corner. Deacon waits for Burns to hit the corner, then charges in to hit another big corner clothesline worse than the first! He waits for Oscar to stagger out before he LAUNCHES him up into the ceiling lights with a huge back body drop! 

Oscar doesn’t even need a plane! He just got taken on a flight, courtesy of Deacon! 

Magdalena watches the match and cheers on Deac as the big man waits for Burns to try and get up. He sends him for the ride again and catches him with a big sidewalk slam right into a hook of the leg!



Kickout by Burns! We’ve seen Burns also be able to weather storms and fight from underneath. Sadly now he’s using those abilities for the wrong side these days. 

Deacon hasn’t shown any trepidation for what Oscar Burns can do. He’s kept him at bay with that power!

Burns gets hooked by the neck and then taken up in the air for a huge vertical suplex! Deacon holds him high in the air while Magdalena encourages the fans to count along for how long he can be held up. Butcher is in Oscar’s corner telling the crowd to shush, but they count anyway!


After a solid ten seconds of the blood rushing to his head, Burns gets DROPPED to the mat with a heavy crash! Deacon sits up and goes for a second cover!



Another kickout, but Deacon grabs Oscar’s arm to keep him from rolling away. He CLUBS him right in the back with a trifecta of grueling shots, before hooking him in a standing headscissors. The Mute Freak signals to the crowd with his arms outstretched!

Uh-oh! Could it be the Altar Call already?

He picks Burns up and then tries to set him up for the Altar Call to a LOUD ovation from the crowd… but Oscar crazily kicks his legs until he gets free from Deacon’s grip and rolls to the floor! 

No! Burns had the Altar Call no doubt planned for! He avoided it. 

Oh, no. 

Deacon doesn’t waste time and climbs over the ropes to give chase to the challenger outside the ring, but Butcher Victorious stands in front of him! 

Butcher Victorious:


Deacon doesn’t care what Butch Vic was going to do that rhymed with Butch Vic!

And look! Oscar is still running! 

Deacon continues to give chase when Oscar ends up around the other side of Magdalena! He pushes Mags at the Mute Freak and then rolls back into the ring! Mags tells him that she’s fine. Deacon stoically stalks after Burnsie. He climbs back into the ring… 


OOH! Oscar had to have that planned in the back of his mind! 

He found his limb of choice! 

The Mute Freak is still upright, albeit barely as he stumbles back. Burns gets a chance to attack and then launches another running uppercut to the chin that knocks the defending champion back to the corner. The Mute Freak is back in the corner while Burns is trying to catch his own breath following the beatdown from earlier. When he sees Deacon, he charges at the corner… 

No! Deacon tries to get the boot up… but Oscar catches it! 

Burns has the leg hooked over his shoulder, then falls to his own knees to jutt Deacon’s knee further! Deacon is left hobbling after the big counter move! 

Oooh! Burns might have wrecked that knee further! Deacon is still on his feet, but just barely!

He once again uses his power advantage to shove Burns away from a possibly compromised limb… but Burns goes off the ropes and then hits another diving chop block from the front, this time finally knocking Deacon clear off his feet! The crowd jeers as Oscar now kneels over Deacon and laughs that he finally has control of the match! 

He did it! Oscar Burns might be in possession of the FIST very soon! 

Everyone's the same size on their back! One of the most important fundamentals of the squared circle!

And with that lesson in mind, Oscar leaps up and hits a running senton across the chest of Deacon to knock the wind out of the champion further. When he gets back up, Deacon tries to protect his ribs, but leaves his leg wide open for Burns to jump up and hit a big stomp to the leg! The crowd jeers as Oscar starts grinning. He pins Deacon’s leg down with one boot on top, then starts clapping as the giant tries to free himself. 

Oscar Burns:


Oscar Burns:


Burns stops and gets jeers from the crowd, but he waves a hand high in the air and eggs the crowd on. 


Oscar Burns:

Ugh. He’s a jerk. And you see how easily he left Butcher Victorious to take that big boot from Deacon? Not once has he checked on a guy that only wanted to learn from him. 

With the title on the line, though, Burns is obsessed with one thing and that’s becoming the FIST again! He’d be only the second man to hold the title three times. 

Oscar tries to grab the leg of Deacon while he’s hurt… but Deacon shoves him off with an upward kick using his other foot! The Mute Freak tries to fight back up, but the former two-time FIST moves quickly. He tries to catch him… 


Deacon has Oscar by the throat and the Las Vegas Faithful are cheering for a chokeslam! 

Up he go… NO! ELBOW!

Burns fires an elbow and fires several more before he can finish the job. Deacon staggers back and that allows Burns to hit a low dropkick to the knee, sending him back to the corner again! 

Oscar continues to give that knee problems! Now what is he doing?

He grabs the leg of Deacon… then UPPERCUTS just under the knee joint! Deacon tries to push himself free, but Oscar strikes the knee with another shot! The Mute Freak hobbles back when Burns props the foot up and then snaps down with a dragon screw! Deacon has no choice when he topples forward and hits the mat! 

Oscar Burns, call him whatever you want… but tonight, he called his shot. He was taking a limb and he has been working over Deacon’s leg! He’s possibly compromised a large part of the champion’s offense! 

It’s true! One of the most ruthless and effective wrestlers. He can roll you up, like we’ve seen against Arthur Pleasant and Pat Cassidy. He can tap you out. So much versatility. 

Oscar stands up and then pulls the knee pad down. When Deacon tries to get back up, he gets knocked back down by a running knee strike by Burnsie! 

Deacon’s flat on his back! 

Burns doesn’t go for a cover, but inches the knee pad back up and then heads for the top rope! There’s only ever been one reason for Oscar to go up top and that’s so he can take flight… 


Deacon tried to get away, but the leg work and that knee took him down! Burns with the cover!

Burns hooks the bad leg tightly for the cover!




Deacon kicks out… but Burns has the leg in a heel hook now!

Kickout! No! Oscar goes right into the heel hook submission! This was the same move he tapped Lindsay Troy with during their Two Out of Three Falls match long ago! 

The hold is locked in tightly mid-ring with Burns yelling for The Mute Freak to tap out! He cranks back on the leg and the knee at the same time, but Deacon crawls! His tall frame allows him to inch closer to the ropes…




Deacon gets the ropes! But… no! Burns isn’t breaking! 

He holds the hook as referee Carla Ferrari counts! She makes it until the count of four when Burns finally lets go! He rolls back from the ropes while the crowd applaud the guts on display from Deacon!

Oscar Burns has just been a menace with that leg work! I don’t know how Deacon is even trying to stand! 

Cause he’s a fighting champion! 

Deacon gets back up, but Burns tries to hook the leg again! Deacon shoves him away, but Burns fires back with a big Hard Out Headbutt to the chest! The Mute Freak stumbles back… but then launches forward and CRACKS Burnsie with a bigger, heavier headbutt of his own! 

OOOH! Burns with the Hard Out Headbutt! That move has stopped many wrestlers in their tracks… but tonight, he headbutted the wrong man! 

This has been Deacon’s best chance in a while to go for broke! Can he fight back?

Oscar gets left staring up at the lights while Deacon checks his head to make sure he’s not bleeding after the headbutt. He sits up and starts favoring the leg as well while Magdalena is willing him back on. Butcher is slowly up, holding his face in pain and is trying to figure out if the answer to two plus two is orange. 

It’s not, Butcher. 

Deacon sends Oscar into the ropes… OOOH! Big back elbow! 

And he’s not done! 

The Mute Freak has the applause of the crowd as he goes for the ride a second time and SLAMS Burns down once more with a huge clothesline! Deacon looks out to a sea of loud Las Vegas Faithful and then tells him what’s next. He HURLS Oscar to the corner with a hammer throw! He bounces out of the corner right into another goozle from Deacon… and this time, SCORES with a big ring-shaking chokeslam! 

He got him! He throws Burns around the ring and hits the Chokeslam! 

Deacon goes for a cover and the Faithful count along with him.




The shoulder comes off the mat just milliseconds before the three!

Oscar got slam-dunked into the mat with that Chokeslam! How did he kick out?!

I don’t know! But Deacon has got him! I think he’s thinking Altar Call, but can he even lift Burns up after all the damage to the knee!

It does seem to slow down The Mute Freak for a moment, but Deacon wants The Atlar Call one more time. He hooks Burns up once again… but as he has him up on the shoulder, the knee gives out! Burns slips out and picks the leg with a figure four before leaning back! 

The knee just buckled! Burns takes advantage! 





The crowd goes ballistic after the kickout! The count is so close, that Oscar makes the rare mistake of jumping right at Carla Ferrari! 

Burns thought that was it! That was so close! Burns has been finding ways to roll-up opponents for recent victories! He beat Cassidy with that figure-four roll-up pin, but not Deacon tonight! 

Deacon stays in this, but The Altar Call almost cost him! 

Seemingly rattled, Oscar gets back up after shoving past Ferrari. He uppercuts Deacon one more time, then gets him rocked back to another corner. The former two-time FIST yells before he charges back out at Deacon… 


MISSED! Oscar was looking for another corner uppercut, but Deacon throws him right at the corner! 

Deacon has Burns positioned up on the middle rope! He leans back and hooks the arms of Burns quickly, using the corner to aid him in getting Oscar up without having to power him straight off the ground… 

Smart move! Burns got launched into that corner and now Deacon pulls him up… 

Deacon then LAUNCHES Burns forward, sending him crashing to the canvas from over seven feet up…


After the CRASH, Deacon hobbles over to the body of Oscar with the knee giving him trouble, but hooks both legs tightly as he lays back! Magdalena counts!





♫ “The Resistance” by Skillet ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… and STILL the FIST OF DEFIANCE… DEACON!

Deacon starts to slowly limp upward to his feet, but he gets there and is handed the title by Carla Ferrari! Magdalena slides beneath the ropes then kneels next to Deacon, checking his knee.

Deacon overcomes! What a fantastic first-time ever match from two of the absolute best! 

Oscar worked over that knee to perfection! He almost had that title on a few occasions and twice avoided The Altar Call, but the third time's the charm for Deacon tonight!

Indeed! He keeps the FIST against all odds tonight and now he has a date with whoever wins tomorrow's ACTS Tournament finals between the incomparable Rezin and “Queen of the Ring” Lindsay Troy! 

Relishing the cheers of the crowd, Deacon stands proudly in the ring with the FIST of DEFIANCE. On the outside, Butcher tries to help Oscar Burns to his feet, but the angry former FIST limps away, not wanting help from his new lackey as he limps away, disappointed with the result. 

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve seen a massacre of Titanes Familia by The Lucky Sevens, Aaron King and Aleczander The Great. We saw a fantastic match between Kerry Kuroyama and a returning Matt LaCroix! We saw an AMAZING main event for night one with Deacon successfully retaining the FIST over his most dangerous adversary thus far in Oscar Burns… but tomorrow night is still to come including the finals of the ACTS Tournament! Lindsay Troy and Rezin!

For “Downtown” Darren Keebler, I’m Lance Warner! Good night, everyone! 

One final shot. Deacon mid-ring, with the FIST. All eyes now turned toward the conclusion of tomorrow night’s tournament finals. 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.