DEFIANCE TV 176 Night 1

21 Sep 2022

Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, San Francisco, California (seats 8,500)


♫ “DEFY” by Of Mice & Men ♫

San Francisco welcomes DEFIANCE as the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium is hyped for DEFtv 176! Pyro explodes from the top of the rampway. There's a giant FIST logo to walk out from and the DEFIatron above the entrance.

Signs and excitement, as always, are everywhere!

DAN LEO JAMES: DASHING AND BASHING SINCE LIKE TWO WEEKS AGO (Note: this sign is being held by his mother probably)

The feed shifts to the announce team, Darren Keebler and Lance Warner.


Welcome everyone and we are going to start right away, we have company!

The camera pans over to Tom Morrow on stage. With him is the Lucky Lottery Tumbler and the gorgeous Lucky Lottery Girl ready to spin the tumbler. Morrow is dressed in his best dark green suit with a red tie to match the colors worn by his clients, the Unified Tag Team Champions ... the Lucky Sevens!

Tom Morrow:
San Francisco … 

The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful pause for the pop. 

Tom Morrow:
Las Vegas was better. 


Tom Morrow:
But you know what? I’m not going to let your disrespectful attitude ruin my good night! We took care of Titanes Familia two weeks! Aaron King took care of that giant dork, Dan Leo James, on Uncut! Kid, you might be tall and you might be a great blue chip prospect but against my clients, your arms are too short to box with Gods! 

More booing from the Faithful forces Tom Morrow to address them again. 

Tom Morrow:
Hell … I’m in such a good mood, I won’t even point out how fragile Titanes Familia is … they still lasted longer last week than Trey Lance! 


Morrow pretend-hobbles around on one good ankle. 

Tom Morrow:
You don't catch my guys being injured for a whole season! There is no time off for The Lucky Sevens! Your Unified Tag Team Champions kick ass twenty-four seven ... no! No! Twenty-five eight! They kick so much ass that they invent new days just to measure how good they are stacking cash and bodies!

Another loud booing! 

“SHUT THE **** UP!” clapping “SHUT THE **** UP!” clapping “SHUT THE **** UP!”

Their hatred is met with a shrug of pure indifference. 

Tom Morrow:
I’m sorry that you guys can’t take a joke tonight, but I’m going to get the ball rolling! The Lucky Sevens have bodies and money they need to pile up … in that order! They’ll be defending the titles for you all tonight and they'll be handing out more of their trademarked Five-Star Beatdowns in another edition of … 

The graphic explodes on screen for the Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery and the Unified Tag Team Titles!

Tom Morrow:

Tom Morrow:
And tonight, we’re going to find out who The Lucky Sevens next victims are going to be! We have a big event coming up with ACTS of DEFIANCE and this company hasn’t produced worthy challengers so we’re leaving it up to … 


Tom Morrow turns around and the crowd EXPLODES as he sees a horrifying sight behind him!

Uriel Cortez rushing onto the stage! The Titan of Industry lunges out from behind the curtain to chase him down the ramp! Morrow gets shoved back while the crowd gives a HUGE ovation to the giant! 

Oh, my God! The Titan of Industry is here! These next two shows are a homecoming of sorts for several stars! Uriel Cortez is from right here in California! 

And look! He’s not alone!

Sure enough, Titaness, Minute… and even Dan Leo James are in the house, all dressed to compete! They each circle the Lucky Lottery Tumbler as well as The Lucky Lottery Girl with Titaness getting in her face. The Show of Force looks like she’s also in no mood to play around. 

Titaness: [coldly]

Do what she says, amigo. She'll kill you. 

The Lucky Lottery Girl does as she’s told! She slips out of heels and rushes on out while Uriel Cortez eyes the tumbler. Tom Morrow is at the bottom of the ramp. 

Tom Morrow:
No… no… NO! DON’T DO IT! 

Uriel grabs the entire tumbler over and hoists it over his head. Tom Morrow watches on in horror while the LOUD DEFIANCE Faithful cheer on The Titan of Industry… he LAUNCHES it through the air! Morrow BARELY rolls out of the way when the tumbler and the tumbler balls explode into a million little pieces at the foot of the ring! 


This crowd is MOLTEN right now for the Titanes Familia leader!

Rather than take a moment to bask in the crowd's response, Uriel nods to Titaness, Minute and James before they all storm toward the ring. Morrow scrambles to get as far away from them as they can while they enter the ring one at a time. 

They look like they mean business tonight! 

Stills of the events of DEFtv 175 play on the screen as Darren and Lance recount them. 

Who can blame them? Two weeks ago in Las Vegas, Titanes Familia were hosed. It was supposed to be two members of the group against The Lucky Sevens, but instead they mysteriously drew the names of Titaness… and BRAZEN’s Sgt. Safety. 

And we saw Aaron King and Tom Morrow’s once-former associate, Aleczander The Great, join in and attack Minute and Dan Leo James backstage. 

Back to real time and Uriel Cortez snatches a microphone. 

Uriel Cortez:
San Francisco! 


Uriel Cortez:
This week’s Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery has been canceled on account of NOBODY GIVES A FUCK!

The crowd continue to roar while The Titan of Industry and Titanes Familia look ready to fight. 

Uriel Cortez:
Instead, Titanes Familia will be introducing a little game of our own. We like to call it “Get Your Asses Out Here!” We’re workshopping that title, but the rules are so simple, even a BFTA member can figure it out!

Tom Morrow shakes his head from the ringside area, looking frightened as Uriel turns his attention on the ramp. 

Uriel Cortez:
If I call your name, you march your greedy asses out here for an EIGHT-PERSON TAG MATCH right now… or we’re going to come back there, we’re going to find you, we’re going to drag you out here and beat the shit out of you in front of a live audience! 

The crowd is rowdy for some in-ring action tonight while Titaness, Minute and Dan Leo James all look ready to put a hurt on someone. 

Uriel Cortez:
Aaron King… Aleczander The Great… The Unified Tag Team Champions, The Lucky Sevens. If you are any of those people… then get out here and finish what you started two weeks ago in Las Vegas, cause you sure did a piss-poor job if we’re all here still standing! And that's cause none of you got the memo... but Titans… (the crowd joins in) ALWAYS STAND TALL! 

Cortez throws the microphone out of the ring and he gets extra cheers for BEANING Tom Morrow in the head with it! Morrow holds his skull writhing in pain. Minute leans over the ropes and is begging for anyone to come out. Titaness and Dan Leo James do the same, waiting impatiently. 

Good lord! What a challenge to the show tonight! Are we going to hear from them?

Titanes Familia continue waiting in the ring. 

It doesn’t take too long… 

Aleczander The Great. 

Aaron King. Complete with sipping glass. 

Mason and Max Luck… 

All followed by a crapton of DEFSec trying to break things up!

Uh-oh … The Lucky Sevens are dressed to compete cause they were expecting another Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery! That’s all out the window cause the tumbler got destroyed! 

Mason Luck has a microphone as DEFSec tries to stand between the two parties. Cortez puts a foot down on the ropes yelling at the group to meet them. King is still sipping from his drink and pointing at DEFSec to move and Aleczander is screaming at people to move. 

Mason Luck:
You sons of bitches … you don’t make the rules! This was a Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery match for our Unified Tag Team Titles! You had your shot and you lost! Again! Cause that’s what Titans really do when The Lucky Sevens come around!

Max takes Mason mic. 

Max Luck:
So take your challenge and shove it up … 


Darren Keebler cuts in with a microphone and he speaks on behalf of someone in his headset. When he hears the message, he relays it to the live crowd. 

We’ve just received word via headset from our DEFIANCE Wrestling match makers … they said they want to see this match! And since very clearly, there is no tumbler … there can be no Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery tonight! 

The crowd cheers! King, Aleczander and The Lucks all protest as Keebler continues reading the proclamation. 

So in accordance with that … it will be alll of Titanes Familia versus The Lucky Sevens, Aleczander the Great and Aaron King! And that match will happen … right now! 

Titanes Familia cheer in the ring while Mason and Max protest the decision. Aleczander The Great continues screaming over DEFSec and Aaron King is slurping the rest of his drink down since the match is about to start!

Oh, my God! What a match we’re going to have to kick off the show! 


The rowdy crowd goes ballistic with Tom Morrow urging his guys to get down to the ring! Max Luck looks disgusted as he watches the Lucky Lottery tumbler pieces quickly being picked up and swept off by stagehands with the match about to transpire. 

We’re going to go to a quick ad break but when we come back, it’s Titanes Familia against Better Future Talent Agency’s Lucky Sevens, Aaron King, and their hired muscle Aleczander The Great! 

Hector Navarro comes down the ramp right past the collection of infuriated BFTA members, all yelling at DEFSec!



Minute and Aaron King start off the match for the sides of Titanes Familia and BFTA! Tom Morrow paces uncomfortably at ringside while the two lock up!

If you’re just joining us for the first of two go-home shows… first off, shame on you! Second of all, Titanes Familia vs. The Lucky Sevens, Aaron Kind and Aleczander The Great! 

We were originally scheduled to have another Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery, however, Titanes Familia in their entirety made an appearance and broke the Lucky Lottery Tumbler! They called out their opponents and here were are now!

Aaron King doubles over Minute with a big kick and sends The Most Interesting High Flyer in the World across the ring. Minute flips over the ropes with ease and lands on his feet on the apron. The K-I-N-G runs over, but Minute doubles him over with a shoulder through the middle rope. The crowd cheers on the mighty luchador as he rolls over King’s back and makes it back to the ring. He lands on his feet and keeps running… but King checks home with a big back elbow! 

Minute with the fancy footwork, but Aaron King catches him first! 

Ugh… now he’s high-fiving his teammates. 

One for Big Money Mason, one for Big Money Max and one for Aleczander The Great. King turns around and pulls Minute up before hitting him with an uppercut. He whips The TJ Tornado across the ring. King charges at the corner… but Minute flips out behind him. Then wows the crowd with not one… two… but THREE front flips across the ring! 


King knows what the word means and charges at Minute… but he leaps to the ropes and King hits nothing but the corner! Minute twirls between the ropes from one corner to the other and then hits a front missile dropkick that knocks Aaron King off his feet! Minute does a quick spin off of his back and effectively spins to his feet!



Minute has King by the arm and stings him with a pair of kicks to the knees before tagging in Titaness! The Show of Force gets a great response from the crowd (as well as Dan Leo James and Uriel Cortez). They whip The Pensacola Playboy into the Titanes corner. Titaness hits a running shoulder thrust in the corner, then she ducks down to allow Minute to leap off her back into a cannonball splash! 

Look at the teamwork on display by Titanes Familia! We saw it a few weeks ago against The Dunson Clan! 

And now look at Titaness! What strength! 

The One Tall Glass of Kick-Ass picks up Aaron King over the shoulders… and gets a HUGE ovation as Uriel Cortez gets cheers from the crowd! 

Cortez country here tonight! He lives just hours away in the City of Industry outside of Los Angeles! 

Said Titan of Industry gives his fiance an aided boost. She runs the ropes only for Uriel to throw her up in the air to hit a HIGH elbow drop from the skies! King holds his chest in pain! 

They call that move One Tall Elbow Drop! 

Titaness leaves the ring while Uriel goes to pick up King off the mat… THWACK! then turns around and BLASTS Aleczander The Great with a chop so vile, The Mancunian Muscle goes flying off the apron! He shoots The Lucky Sevens each a death glare. 

I can feel the hate these teams have had for one another up here. So much history between them. 

He picks up King and then rubs his hands together as The Pensacola Playboy stands… THWACK! King collapses to the mat after one hefty chop across the chest! King is leveled when Uriel tags in Minute again! As King has crumbled, Uriel throws Minute at King right into a Code Red!




King kicks out!

What another great double-team by Titanes Familia! 

Minute tries to kick away at King again, but Mason Luck reaches out and tries to snatch the lucha dynamo. He moves out of the way and jawjacks with the giant… but when he turns, he gets DRILLED with a desperate spinebuster by King! King still is reeling and red marks are visible on his chest from the chop of Cortez. 

What a counter by King! And now The Lucky Sevens are in for the first time! Tag to Mason Luck! 

The Big Money Monster steps over the ropes and looks at Minute before a knee to the chest drops him. He muscles him in and then HURLS him across the ring with a massive biel!

My God! That’s such dangerous strength on display by Mason Luck!

The other members of Titanes Familia can only look on while Tom Morrow laughs gleefully. Max wants a turns so Max tags him in. The other half of the Unified Tag Team Champions steps over the ropes. He picks up Minute from the other neutral corner and uses a biel just like his brother to PITCH the luchador across the ring in a very ruthless and reckless fashion!

They’re taking Minute apart! And… ugh, Aleczander The Great wants a turn. 

The Mancunian Muscle has a hand out, which Max reluctantly gives. 

It was two years ago when The Lucky Sevens first set foot into DEFIANCE. Their first opposition was Team HOSS, which included Aleczander then. But Tom Morrow has convinced lesser men to do way more for the almighty dollar.


An angry Aleczander The Great gets the tag and then picks up Minute… then he also THROWS Minute back to the corner with yet another big biel! Aleczander makes his pecs dance for the jeering crowd, then he points at Titaness. 

Aleczander The Great:
This one’s for you, luv! 

He holds his arms over his head and makes the pec dance in her general direction, which makes her nauseated. Cortez yells at Aleczander, but he giddily returns to the corner with Minute in tow. He pulls Minute up and over… but Minute tries to surprise him with a sunset flip! Aleczander wobbles, but he swings down… and punches nothing but the mat!


Aleczander holds his hand and tags in Aaron King! Minute tries to limp towards his corner, but before he can get there, King CLOBBERS him from behind with a northern lariat, then charges forward with a running spear at Dan Leo James! He knocks James off the apron! 

Cheap shot by King on Dan Leo James! They fought in the main event of UNCUT last week and James wants to avenge that loss! 

James rushes in angrily, but it takes both Cortez and Titaness to calm the young 22-year-old powerhouse down… unfortunately, that allows for Aleczander to come back in and let both men have a chance to stomp and punch away at Minute behind Hector Navarro’s back, dealing with a seething James!

Aleczander was a World Trios Champion and multiple-time Tag Team Champ with Team HOSS. If anyone knows the tag game and their workarounds, it’s him. 

Aleczander makes a loud clap with his hands to simulate a tag while Aaron King returns to the corner, fooling Navarro and proving Lance correct. He picks up Minute and then throws him into the ropes. Mason holds an arm while Aleczander holds his arm out…and PELTS Minute across the chest! 

He calls those repeated clubbing forearms… Clangin’ and Bangin’. Oy. I remember years ago when this doofus teamed with Jonny Booya. The Super Muscle Brothers. 

That goes way back. Don’t remind me. 

Aleczander throws him over the ropes and then tags Mason Luck! Aleczander holds out Minute for Mason to hit another knee and then tag in Max. Mason hits a knee and then throws Minute into Max who nearly CRUSHES Minute with a massive crossbody! 

OOOH! The Ka-ching Combo… and now we’re gonna hear about it… 

Max gets up off of Minute to celebrate with his twin brother. 

Max/Mason Luck:

That’s gotta be it! Max with the cover!




She nails Max in the side of the head with a sliding dropkick to the side of the head! An angry Max growls at her, but The Show of Force doesn’t back down. 

Titaness is standing her ground, but Navarro is warning her to go back to the corner. Dan Leo James got them in trouble once earlier. 

After The Show of Force returns to her corner, Minute is hurt badly and needs to get to his corner, but before he can get there, Max Luck stops him. He then spins around and KICKS Uriel Cortez, getting MASSIVE jeers from the Californian Faithful! 

Max Luck is a monster… and now Box Car elbow drop to Minute! 

Minute is left hurt when Max tries to cover again… 



But this time, Dan Leo James rushes in and knocks him away! Dan goes wild with some rights on Max, but Navarro warns them one more time to get back to the corner or risk a disqualification! Max pulls way from James angrily, then makes a tag to Aaron King. King goes over to Minute and then paintbrushes the back of the luchador’s head. 

Oh, come on! These BFTA punks are so disrespectful to anything that doesn’t involve money! 

The Pretty Dangerous one goes to pick up Minute on his shoulder… but a roughed up Minute still finds it to backflip over and scramble to the ropes. When he turns, The TJ Tornado ducks then comes back with an extra-stiff handspring enzuigiri! He rings the bell of Aaron King and makes him fall to the mat! The crowd is roaring!

Minute finally has the chance to make a tag after the intense beating he’s suffered! But can he make it there?

BFTA have done a great job of cutting this ring in half! Minute needs to get a tag or this match is done! 

Mason and Max both yell at King to get up, but he doesn’t know where he’s at. Minute gets over to his corner where both Uriel and Dan are ready… TAG TO DAN LEO JAMES!

And here comes The Young Titan! Only 22 years of age! 

Dan Leo James almost trips through the ropes, but catches himself! He’s still able to run right over a rising Aaron King with a running double sledge, then runs at the corner and RAMS Aleczander The Great off the apron with a big hit, then one for Max Luck! Mason moves out of the way when James rushes like a bull at Aaron King with a clothesline, keeps running the ropes, then comes back with another charging elbow that knocks Max Luck off the ring apron! He’s fired the hell up and the crowd loves it! 

I haven’t seen this type of style employed by men of that size! Hit and run for a big man! 

Dan Leo James runs at Aaron King off the ropes once. When King tries to stagger up, he swings with a chop that hits Dan… but he keeps on running and comes back with the Dash and Bash! He bounces off the ring and hits the ropes again when Aleczander The Great tries to come back in! He charges at Dan and keeps moving, but ducks under an elbow… then he also gets a Dash and Bash off the ropes! 

My God! 

Max Luck steps back into the ring and charges at Dan with a crossbody like the one he flattened Minute with earlier… but the crowd is STUNNED when Danny Three Sports catches Max in his arms… THEN HITS A FALLAWAY SLAM!

What the hell? That was unreal! 

The move took a LOT out of Dan, but the big adorkable Utah native stands up and cheers… only to catch a stiff big boot from Mason Luck! The blow sends him backwards… and the crowd goes even wilder for big Uriel Cortez getting the tag! Cortez doesn’t take his eyes off Mason Luck when he steps in and the two big men start trading punches! 

Uriel and Mason slugging it out! There’s people everywhere at ringside right now! And this is just the first match! 

Mason gets the better of an exchange with a huge headbutt! He rocks Cortez, but when he comes back off the ropes, Cortez CRACKS him with the Chop of Ages! Mason is brought to his knees and then Cortez tackles him to a corner and follows up with a charging back elbow smash! As he’s down, Titaness joins him in the ring! She points at Aleczander The Great on the outside. Cortez nods and watches his fiance run right into his arms so he can THROW her over the top rope to crash into Aleczander with a body press! 

Cortez and Titaness with the fast ball special! And now… Minute’s in! 

Beaten, but not out, Minute points at Aaron King on the outside. Cortez smiles then picks up his partner… and throws HIM over the top rope on top of Aaron King with an aided somersault press! The crowd is going NUTS! 

You get a Titan! And YOU get a Titan… and… what’s this?

Dan Leo James is back in when he fights off Max Luck. He gestures at Cortez… to be thrown? Cortez nods as Dan Leo James charges across the ring… then Uriel aids him with a press over the ropes to wipe out Max Luck! The crowd is applauding and the noise is deafening while Tom Morrow watches, mouth agape!


That was UNREAL! Cortez literally throwing his stablemates at everyone outside the ring… NO! Mason is back! 

In all the fun, Mason NAILS Uriel with a massive running forearm! He stuns him near the ropes and then is able to muscle him up… JACKPOT DROP! The crowd can’t believe it as he muscles the bigger Cortez into the pumphandle backbreaker! Tom Morrow giddily 

Mason Luck catching Cortez! That has to be it! 




Cortez gets the shoulder off the mat! Mason Luck applies The Winning Hand and tries to lock him up! He tries the iron claw to wear down The Titan of Industry, but the crowd is willing him on! He slowly starts to fight back up and then uses two big shots to the arm to break Mason’s grip! Tom Morrow climbs on the apron to distract Uriel and he turns to face him. He sees Mason moving… Mason crashes into Morrow!

Looks like a communication breakdown for Better Future! 

Mason Luck angrily turns, but finds himself the victim of a STIFF Chop of Ages MAX to the chest! Mason collapses, but Uriel holds him up… he POWERS Mason off the mat into the 218 powerbomb! 






♫ “Giants” by Little V. ♫

Uriel quickly hops to his feet with the other members of Titanes Familia rolling back in to celebrate! Titaness jumps up to hug him, Minute celebrates, then he gets picked up off the ground and spun in circles by James! 

Darren Quimbey:
Here are your winners… TITANES FAMILIA!

Titanes Familia win this match! And more importantly, Uriel Cortez has just pinned one-half of the Unified Tag Team Champions! 

Max goes to help Mason out of the ring while the rest of Better Future Talent Agency start to lick their collective wounds and congregate mid-ramp. A pissed-off Max helps Mason up and collects their titles. Max mouths that they are still the champions, but Uriel has a microphone. 

Uh-oh… what now? 

Breathing after a hard fought match but clearly happy with the result, Cortez gets loud cheers from the crowd. 

Uriel Cortez:

Their theme fades out as Cortez holds the microphone and looks right at Tom Morrow.

Uriel Cortez:
You humiliated us in your hometown… so I want the chance to return the favor! I live right down the road from Los Angeles… in a place called The City Of Industry! 

He gets more loud cheers from the crowd! He looks to Minute, who nods, then to Titaness who bumps his fist. 

Uriel Cortez:
Since we just pinned the champs… we’re calling our shot! ACTS of DEFIANCE! Lucky Sevens against Titanes Familia… me and Titaness! Unified Tag Team Championships! 

A loud cheer! Morrow and his gang yell from the stage and Max wants to keep fighting, but it takes both Aleczander and Aaron King to hold him back long enough!

The challenge has been issued! Will The Lucky Sevens accept?

And T. Familia switching the line-up a bit! Typically, Uriel teams with Minute... but after what went down in Las Vegas, Titaness wants payback for being set up the way she was. 

Morrow is about to speak… then turns off his headset and waves at his men through the curtains to LOUD booing! Max still wants to continue the scrap, but he gets pulled away by Aleczander and Aaron King while a sore Mason limps through the curtains behind them.

Will they respond? I think after this… they pretty much have to! 

Titanes Familia watch them leave, then the foursome each pick a corner and play to the crowd as the show rolls to commercial. 


JJ Dixon stands alone outside of a dressing room. His hair is Brylcremed to Don Draper-style perfection. He is wearing a little seen SOUTHERN BASTERDS sleeveless T-Shirt with some kind of country music looking emblem in the middle.

JJ Dixon:
My first match here in DEFIANCE came Clash of the Defiants IV: A New Home, in March 2019. Since that date, there have been a total of 228 DEFIANCE events. 228 episodes of DefTV or Uncut or Pay Per Views or other special events. And do you know how many times I made an appearance on one of those shows since my debut? The answer is 17. I’ve either wrestled or made appearances a total of 17 times.

There’s a sign that says LOCKER ROOM on a door.

JJ Dixon:
For 221 times, I arrived to this locker room, hoping that tonight would be the night. The night where I’d get a match and show the world how good I was. But I was ignored. Ignored by the promoters. Nobody in this locker room, not even the people I considered friends, gave one crap about me. I was invisible to everyone in this entire industry. Just like I was ignored and called a failure by my own mother.

JJ now slaps the sign that says “Locker Room” with an open palm very hard three times.

JJ Dixon:
Now, I have speed that would put me at the top of the NFL combine. I have jumping ability and agility that you can only find in a NBA arena. And I have always bee pound-for-pound the strongest man in any gym I have ever stepped foot in. These are not exaggerations. These are not boasts. These are facts. I am an incredibly SPECIAL athelte. But I just lacked that cutthroat instinct and confidence to get me anywhere in this sport. 

JJ continues his walk forward past a sign that says “Ring” with an arrow to it.

JJ Dixon:
I felt alone and I grew despondent. I was about to quit. I was about to retire. I went into a real dark place. I went into complete and total darkness.

The camera cuts to the arena, and the lights go out fully in line with the snap of his fingers.


JJ Dixon: 
And I stayed in the darkness until someone arrived unannounced in my life and reminded me of how good I am. She showed me what I can become. She showed me my destiny. She showed me the light... THE SPOTLIGHT!

We hear a snap of his fingers and a spotlight is cast at the top of the entranceway. Teri Melton blows a puff of cigarette smoke in the air. Her hair is in 1920s flapper style curly, but now fully silver. She’s also wearing a sliver dress with spaghetti straps, with other shades of silver jewels flashing under the spotlight, with a shiny blue amulet necklace breaking up the monochrome.. Across from her is Zoltan, dressed in his funeral parlor manager black suit.

And then in the middle is someone standing backwards wearing a floor length robe, in the same shade of silver as Teri Melton’s hair, also with various silver jewels beaming under the light. His arms are held up revealing drapes of silver and jewels. And in the middle of the robe, surrounded by the same shade of blue as the amulet, are the words written in silver cursive of “THE SPECIAL ATTRACTION.” It’s clear it’s JJ Dixon, who slowly does a 360, a haughty air of confidence in his face, letting the world see his new persona.

JJ pauses so the crowd can ooh and ahh and his elaborate classic wrestling robe as he spins around. There’s even a small chant of J! J! J! J! 

JJ Dixon:
Because I am professional wrestling’s SPECIAL ATTRACTION! And not only will I never be ignored again… From now on... I COMMAND THE SPOTLIGHT!

Teri Melton:
There are two stories Hollywood loves to tell. The first is an underdog story - the tale of an overlooked man who was cast aside and ready to quit until someone entered his life at the right moment to help him ascend into becoming... The Special Attraction!

JJ takes in the reaction as Teri smiles widely again, her eyes huge as she looks to the very very very possible back rows.

Teri Melton:
The second is a redemption story -- like the story of a woman who was at the top of her industry before she was swept into the dustbin of history for no other reason than being a woman. And now she has returned by kicking down the door with the pointed toe of her high-heel shoe.

The camera focuses on Teri as she slowly raises her left foot, caressing JJ’s closest leg before slowly extending it and flexing her toe for a second before placing it back on the floor.

Teri Melton:
Now, Mr. Dixon did some very bad things to people he considers friends and family. And maybe you find me manipulative. Well, you’d be right to call me that. But you also have to call me honest. I have not lied once to Mr. Dixon about my polarizing methods.. Because there are times in your lives where you have to do things you never wanted to do in order to become what you want to be. And for Mr. Dixon... that means he will not only never ignored again… but one day he will become this industry’s biggest star! 

Teri pauses and turns body and holds out her far hand to show a few rows of people all holding up signs that read “Teri Melton Section.”

Teri Melton:
How many of you relate to our narrative? How many of you here tonight are considered to be the little people? How many of you at home feel like you’ve been shoved aside by the powers that be? Told that you’ll never make it? Are about ready to give up? That you do not matter? There are many of you Faithful who feel this way... And I know that you’re... tempted... by our journey.

Teri pauses and looks around some more and purses her lips. She then takes her left hand and places it on her hip.

Teri Melton:
Now, I’m wearing a sexy, slinky, silver dress tonight.

She slowly brings her hand up her body as she says the above, with some cat calls.

Teri Melton:
But there’s another color I want to wear, and it’s a color Mr. Dixon will procure for me. And that color is gold... Gold... GOLD!

She dramatically moves her left hand higher and higher with each pronouncement of the word. Then she extends her hand like a claw before bringing it down toward her face.

Teri Melton:
And rest assured that these well-manicured fingertips...

She cooly blows on her fingernails.

Teri Melton:
Will one day rule DEFIANCE with an iron fist! Because...

Teri makes a fist with her left hand and holds it firmly, her face showing an incredible amount of confidence, taking in the charged reaction.

Teri Meton:
Teri Melton...

Teri scans the audience.

Teri Melton:
Is ready...

A good amount of the audience says this part of the catchphrase. And she pauses and slowly holds the microphone up highly and mouths the rest as the audience joins her.

Teri Melton:
For her closeup!

Teri then drops the mic to the floor and slowly and seductively bends over with her Broadway bow with the loud reaction wtih more cheers than boos. She then slowly rises, does her “come hither” finger, and JJ marches forward. She taps her cheek three times over and he bends over and gives her a slow kiss on the side of her face.


 ♫ “Run Rabbit Junk” by Hideyuki Takahashi ♫ 

And here come the Dangerous Mix!

Two weeks ago on DEFtv, Gentleman’s Agreement challenged them to meet in the ring for a so-called “parlay,” though what they meant by that is anyone’s guess…

Amidst the buzzing guitar riffs and darkened arena ambience, the team of David Fox and Mushigihara emerge in the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, dressed in street clothes, but all business on their faces. They tag a fan here and there, but mainly dart into the ring as the music fades and the lights come on. The ringside camera manages to catch Fox as he says…

David Fox:
Alright then, let’s get on with this already, I wanna show these snooty jerks what for.

And they won't have to wait long for said snoody jerks.

♫ “Land of Hope and Glory” ♫

The theme plays and out comes the members of Gentlemen’s Agreement: Lord Sewell with a red overcoat and yellow epaulets. His protege, Oliver Tarquin Monroe with a dark gray sleeveless coat. He takes it off to reveal a sleeveless button-up shirt and tie, which he adjusts, but his arms are free to show off his physique. Of note, Oliver Tarquin Monroe take out what has become the weapon of choice for their recent wins. 

The white loaded glove. 

Both men approach the ring and yell at Mushigihara to get back, who is ready to pounce on an old-timey fool if given the chance. OTM and Lord Sewell enter the ring and their music fades out. 

They cost The Dangerous Mix their shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles a few weeks ago by attacking Fox with that glove… then they have the nerve to ask for a friendly discussion of a match?

I’m surprised Mushi hasn’t claimed one or both of their souls right now, honestly. 

The music fades. Both members of Gentlemen’s Agreement offer a handshake to Fox and Mushi, but they aren’t biting. They quickly turn towards one another and shake the other’s hands instead. 

Lord Sewell:
Gentlemen… despite our prior meetings, I’d very much prefer if this didn’t result in fisticuffs as these meetings in the ring seem to often gravitate towards. 

OTM nods. 

Oliver Tarquin Monroe:

David is especially nonplussed, as he pulls the mic from OTM’s hand and speaks his peace.

David Fox:
And give me one reason why Mushi and I shouldn’t smear you all over this canvas now that we’ve got you standing before us all gift-wrapped and lookin’ fancy.

Both men share an uneasy glance at each other as this is a good point… but Oliver Tarquin Monroe attempts to look tough. He pens the right side of his vest to reveal another white glove… likely loaded as well. But he’s flashing it like he’s showing he’s “strapped” as the young kids might say. 

…What the hell?

Oliver Tarquin Monroe:
Because the last time that we were around you in a ring, you found yourselves laying at our feet. We care not to repeat that until we get to the next big show on DEFIANCE’s calendar… we, of course, mean ACTS of DEFIANCE. 

Lord Sewell:
Call it a quid pro quo, gentlemen. No doubt you seek recompense for what we’ve done. We seek a larger opportunity to showcase our talents and most importantly… 

Both men yell out.

Lord Sewell/OTM:

Fox and Mushi exchange glances.


David Fox:
I dunno either, big man.

Lord Sewell:
So to wit, I propose the following… 

He smiles. 

Lord Sewell:
Gentlemen’s Agreement. Dangerous Mix. ACTS of DEFIANCE. What say you, gents? Do we have a deal?

The Dangerous Mix look at each other and smile, before nodding at one another and turning their focus back towards Gentleman’s Agreement.


David Fox:
Deal, boys. And since you love those fancy gloves so much, I’ll do ya one better. Let’s put one of ‘em on a pole! We’ll fight it out over who can get it down and use it however we want! Sounds like it’s right up your alley, so whaddaya say, fellas?

The two men look at one another and whisper in the other's ear. 

Oliver Tarquin Monroe:
On behalf of the great Viscount Vice Admiral Lord Sewell… your terms are acceptable. We may conclude this parlay.

David Fox:
Thank GOD. If I spend any more time near Lord Autumnbottom over there I’m gonna start asking everyone for Grey Poupon.

Lord Sewell: 
…Grey Poupon?


We’re on to our next match tonight! This challenge was made on UNCUT by none other than Crescent City Kid to a match with Alvaro de Vargas. ADV has been placing his anger at being omitted from the ACTS Tournament and taking it out on a number of wrestlers, chiefly MV1 but seems to have extended this to fellow masked wrestlers. 

Sho Nakazawa got the same treatment a few weeks ago. But Crescent City Kid wasn’t going to stand by and take this. Before ADV moves onto his match with Masked Violator #1… tonight, he takes on Crescent City Kid! 

The camera goes to ringside with Darren Quimbey for the introductions as the theme plays! 

♫ “The Saints” by Andy Mineo ♫

Darren Quimbey:
The following singles match is set for one fall! Accompanied by “Wingman” Titus Campbell and Theodore Cain… from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 184 pounds… he is THE CRESCENT CITY KID!

The trio make their way out from the back to a nice pop from the crowd, along with Crescent City Kid… wearing his mask and with a collection of beads that he takes off and throws out to fans in the audience! The Wingman and Theodore Cain throw beads and masks out to the crowd before their opponent arrives…

But before he does so… 

Out comes a very pissed off Tom Morrow. Not happy with what happened to his other clientele to kick off tonight’s show, he’s clearly in no mood to play around.

Tom Morrow:
No flashy intros tonight, Kid. You’re not a hero for all masked people everywhere. Tonight, you’re just an example. 

He points to the ramp. 

♫ "Wherever I May Roam” by J Balvin ♫


Fire erupts from either side of the stage and coming out from the back in wrestling gear - dark purple tights with orange and yellow flames, red Adidas sneakers, a sleeveless hoodie is the man called Alvaro de Vargas. He doesn’t wait for an intro, nor does he take off his sunglasses or hoodie. He storms to the ring quickly and looks ready to put a hurting on someone. But the crowd jeers when he holds up something that does not belong to him… 

The original mask of Masked Violator #1 that he took about a month ago. 

ADV looks like he means business! But he’s coming out here with MV1’s original mask as a trophy. 

I hope The Kid knows what he’s doing!

ADV rushes into the ring, but when he gets there he’s greeted by CCK running through the ropes with a slingshot dropkick through the ropes! The blow staggers back Alvaro on the floor for a moment. His sunglasses get knocked off his face while CCK leaps out to the ring apron, then to the ropes… . 


Come on, Kid! 

CCK doing unto others before ADV does unto him tonight! 

The crowd is firmly behind the young Crescent City Kid as he slides back into the ring and gets cheers from the San Francisco crowd, hoping to give them a treat tonight by scoring a big upset over Alvaro. Morrow yells at Alvaro as he starts to get up and throw off his hoodie in a hurry. Now in his wrestling attire, he sneers up at CCK, then get back into the ring…


…And when he does, ADV gets a basement dropkick through the ropes from The Crescent City Kid! 

Look at him go! Stick and move is going to be the best way he can win this match! That’s how he defeated Kazuo Akamatsu on UNCUT! 

The Kid gets back up and then leaps off the ropes with a springboard moonsault, trying to pin ADV right away! 



With plenty of AUTHORITAH behind it, El Sol Dorado pushes him off! CCK rolls through the shove and gets back to his feet, waiting for Alvaro to make his next move. He runs at the ropes with ADV trying to pull himself up… he tries for his signature tiger feint kick next…


ADV snatches the smaller Kid by the legs and then pulls him up… 


OOOOOOHHHH! He chucked Crescent City Kid in the corner with that throwing snake eyes! Morrow was not kidding. A few weeks ago on UNCUT, he completely trashed BRAZEN’s Elijah Cross in quick fashion. 

That was a massacre and this is starting to look like more of the same! ADV looks like he’s more than ready for tonight and for MV1 at ACTS of DEFIANCE!

Alvaro de Vargas takes his time and then takes notice of Theodore Cain and Titus Campbell cheering on their friend. They both look up at Alvaro, who finally flashes a smile for the first time. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Haz algo, pendejos. Do something. 

ADV talking trash to the rest of Gulf Coast Connection. The only reason they aren’t jumping in right now is because CCK asked for this match and they don’t want to get him disqualified. 

Alvaro gets up and pulls Crescent City Kid out of the corner. He picks him up and body slams him in the middle of the ring in extra forceful fashion. He stands out and actually enjoys himself now, bullying the younger masked wrestler. He picks The Kid up a second time and then holds him up in a delayed fashion, walking around the ring with him…

Then dumps him with an even more powerful body slam! CCK pops up and arches his back in pain after the hefty slam while ADV gets jeers from the crowd. 

Now ADV is milking this beating. He knows that MV1 is watching this. 

He does! And he’s now starting to enjoy this. 

El Sol Dorado picks up CCK off the mat and then hoists him on his shoulder. He once again parades around the ring and walks a circle while a beaten Kid tries to wiggle his way free… but not before ADV drops him hard with a vicious belly-to-back suplex! 

What a huge drop! That belly-to-back suplex is on point for Alvaro! 

And instead of taking the match seriously any more… he goes outside the ring. He asks Tom Morrow for the mask of MV1 and then takes it before he holds it and starts to run a lap across the ringside area with it. 


…Does he really need to be doing this? He’s in the middle of a match! 

He stops when he runs into Theodore Cain and Titus Campbell, who are both waiting to make a move. Alvaro de Vargas laughs in their direction and then rolls back into the ring. He tosses the MV1 mask over to Tom Morrow outside. He picks up CCK and then finally throws him into the ropes. He charges right behind him… but with some quick thinking, Crescent City Kid rolls through the ropes and then hits a charging ADV with a 504 kick through the ropes to the stomach!

Oh! Quick thinking by CCK! The 504 connects! ADV taking way too much time playing around and it just might have cost him! 

CCK looks out to the crowd before he hits a springboard into a flying headscissors, snapping the much larger de Vargas! The crowd cheers as CCK rolls back to his feet! He runs to the ring apron and then waits for ADV to hobble up and when he does, he flies through the ropes and hits his signature flying tornado DDT called…

The CCT! The Kid hits the CCT! Is that going to do it?

With the crowd in his corner, he jumps on top of ADV with a lateral press!




ADV kicks out with his legs and powers CCK off of him again, but he’s much groggier than he was before. The crowd looks at CCK as he starts to climb to the apron and then slowly to the top rope. He starts to get up and then waits before he takes flight…


He tries to hit his finishing move, but ADV holds his knees up first and CCK crashes right into them! He bounces off the knees and flops to the mat hard while Alvaro is starting to get back to his feet.

Uh-oh… Alvaro has a chance to end this now… 

And I think Alvaro is going to take it! 

ADV is about to gear up his signature backfist, Garre del Tigre, but as he waits for Crescent City Kid to stand up the mood of the SF Faithful starts to change. Tom Morrow is wondering what’s going on. He turns… 

And gets spooked! He falls onto his backside!

Masked Violator #1! He’s here!

He corners Morrow and stands over the BFTA Brainchild while Alvaro de Vargas spots him and sees red! MV1 smiles and then SNATCHES his stolen red mask back from him! He holds it up to a huge pop from the crowd while Theodore Cain and Titus Campbell watch on and smirk while the official is counting. 


MV1 has had it with Alvaro’s bullying and making his stand here tonight! He’s got his mask back! 

MV1 starts to slowly walk away from the ring, but Alvaro de Vargas starts to stalk after him. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Pendejo! I stole that first! Robé eso justamente!


MV1 backs up on the ramp slightly, but just enough to stand his ground while Alvaro is stalking him. Meanwhile, Crescent City Kid is up and then looks at the official. When Morrow realizes what’s going on… 

Tom Morrow:

ADV snaps his head around!

He’s about to be counted out if he doesn’t get back!


ADV realizing what’s happened… he’s trying to get back inside!

He runs toward the ring and climbs the apron…


…But Crescent City Kid hits a corner springboard dropkick, knocking ADV off the apron just in time!



The crowd ROARS in approval as CCK falls back to the mat and thrusts both fists into the air wildly! He kicks his legs on the canvas!

♫ “The Saints” by Andy Mineo ♫


When Alvaro starts to get up again, holding his face, he CHARGES into the ring but CCK escapes quickly with the rest of the Gulf Coast Connection heading up the ramp! 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner as a result of a countout… CRESCENT CITY KID!

ADV is outraged as he frantically kicks the bottom rope and rips off a piece of turnbuckle padding in anger, SEETHING! At the top of the ramp, Masked Violator #1 flashes him a smile and raises up his reclaimed original mask! He notices CCK and the rest of the Gulf Coast Connection trio heading back up the ramp. MV1 bumps fists with his fellow masked wrestler and allows them to celebrate the win! 

ADV has been seeing red since being left out of the ACTS Tournament! Since then, he’s made it his personal mission to torment Masked Violator #1 and it looks like tonight, MV1 might have used that against him!

But was this smart? We’ve seen what an angry, vengeful Alvaro de Vargas can do. What he’s done to people like his former partner Jack Mace and Henry Keyes. 

Whatever the case, MV1 doesn’t look scared of any potential repercussions! He waves the mask in the air and waves goodbye to ADV before taking his leave. Meanwhile, ADV throwing a fit at ringside! He tosses a chair halfway across the floor and almost hits a techie as Tom Morrow tries to calm him down to get his head in the game. ACTS of DEFIANCE is after all, mere weeks away!


BRAZEN - Where the next generation CLASH!


Lindsay Troy and Henry Keyes are walking through the hallway, on their way to meet up with the rest of Vae Victis to watch Kerry Kuroyama take on the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.

I mean, Dex Joy.

Anyhoo, there they are, just minding their own business and bantering back and forth as besties do…

Lindsay Troy:
I think I’ve watched Burnsy and I flatten Rezin at least a couple dozen times since last show. It hasn’t gotten old yet.

Henry Keyes:
It really never will get old, will it? I was a little jealous of you two. I’m looking VERY forward to my next opportunity to lambaste that man, whenever it may be.

Lindsay Troy:
Ooh! We should make a drinking game out of it.

Henry Keyes:
If one of us flattens Rezin, the rest of Vae Victis drinks? I’m in. I bet the other lads will be on board.

Lindsay Troy:
Every time we flatten Rezin, we drink. Every time he flops around like a fish. We drink. Every time he makes a sound like a cat hacking up a hairball, we drink…

The Queen of the Ring keeps rattling off rules when she and Henry walk past the platonic ideal of a talking yam…

…the personification of a self-important joy vacuum.

…a screeching harpy clutching to relevance by continuing to talk for an old charisma-void who should have stayed retired.

…Deacon’s sock puppet…Magdalena.

Mags isn’t paying attention; she’s got her eyes on her phone, texting someone. She feels Vae Victis looming before she sees them, and slowly lifts her head up. Keyes nudges Troy.

Henry Keyes:
What about some drinking rules for flattening Deacon? Or…

Keyes nods Mags’s way and the expression on the Queen and Kraken’s faces has definitely turned dark. Magdalena puts her phone away, wary of being on the wrong side of this two-on-one situation.

Henry Keyes:
Miss Troy, I’ll catch up with you in a bit…I’ve just had a brilliant idea. (to Magdalena)Come with me a minute, Miss Dalena, I want to show you something.

Magdalena is smart enough to know that this could only be bad news and turns to make an exit in the opposite direction. 

Henry Keyes:
Where are you going? It’s Helen’s feeding time! She would LOVE a look at you! Get back here!

Keyes starts following Magdalena; at this, her walk to the exit turns into a run. Keyes starts to jog in her direction and Troy can’t help but laugh one more time.

Lindsay Troy:
Henry! Don’t do Helen dirty like that!

Henry Keyes:

Lindsay Troy:

She starts off after Henry and DEFtv goes elsewhere.


Things didn't turn out well earlier for the Lucky Sevens earlier tonight. When they thought they had put Titanes Familia behind them and would be defending the titles in another Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery ended with them being in a match with Titanes Familia and losing. 

The area just outside of the Better Future Talent Agency locker room is quiet. 

But inside … 

Lots of commotion is heard and it seems to be almost a little too joyous considering what happened earlier. 

One of DEFIANCE Wrestling’s interviewers, Chris Trutt, is waiting just outside the door. He knocks and waits for someone to answer. 

Chris Trutt:
Hey peeps … I’m Chris Trutt! And I want to see if Tom Morrow or BFTA have any response to the challenge that was issued by Titanes Familia. 

He knocks again. 

Finally the door opens just a crack and Tom Morrow’s head pokes out. 

Tom Morrow:
Ugh … what do you want, Trutt? Did your mommy give you permission to even come to work today?

Chris Trutt:
Well yeah she did … I mean … she lives with me.

Tom Morrow:
What look on my face did you see that makes you think I give a rat’s ass what your personal life is, you oxygen thief?

Chris Trutt does not say anything in return. 

Tom Morrow:
What do you want?

Chris Trutt:
Earlier in the night … BFTA and Titanes Familia … 

Morrow screams. 

Tom Morrow:
That wasn’t a match … that was an ambush!!! The Lucky Sevens beat Titanes Familia in the Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery on DEF TV 175. Sgt. Safety was picked fairly. Titaness was picked fairly and she got beat. We were done with them. But ever since we made this company pony up to hire back the Lucky Sevens and pay us what we are rightfully owed, the two richest men in this company have made enemies everywhere! This company has looked any opportunity to dick us over and tonight they did it! They sanctioned a match we weren’t prepared for!  

Chris Trutt:
Titanes Familia also challenged the Lucky Sevens to the Unified Tag Team Titles at Acts of DEFIANCE! What is their answer?

Tom Morrow:
I give them credit. They pinned one of the champions. They only did it after they were forced into a match they weren’t prepared to wrestle in … but they did it. The Titans want retribution! The Lucky Sevens want retribution! So we’re going to make some damn money off of this! I’ve just sent a signed contract for a title match for the Unified Tag Team titles that all parties have agreed to. It’s on!!!

Cheering is in the background but Tom Morrow is about to pour water on that party. 

Tom Morrow:
But … only under one condition. Uriel Cortez mentioned before that we would regret not blocking them from competing for the Unified Tag Titles like we did to the Saturday Night Specials … and now he’s going to regret giving me that idea. If Cortez and the tall drink of water want a title match then they agree that if they lose at Acts of DEFIANCE, no member of Titanes Familia gets another shot at the titles as long as The Lucky Sevens are champions! 

Chris Trutt:

Tom Morrow:
I didn’t stutter! They want to fight for their friends and get in our business? It’s going to cost them! It’s going to cost Uriel Cortez big. It’s going to cost him when he fails in front of all his friends and family in Los Angeles! It’s going to cost him when the Lucky Sevens beat the Titans on a big show again and when he has to look into his fiance’s eyes and tell her that he’s the tallest failure I’ve ever worked with. We embarrassed them Lucky Sevens’s hometown! We had so much fun doing it there, we’re going to do it in Cortez’s hometown, too! Double or nothing, you chumps! 

Chris Trutt:
Wow … that is huge!

Tom Morrow:
I’m Tom Morrow, Trutt-hole … everything I do is huge! Don’t think I’m done with the lucha midget and the big-ass doofus they adopted, either. My newest client, Aaron King, wants a piece of those two and I’ve hired Aleczander The Great to help him do it! Aleczander wants out of BRAZEN and I’ll make sure they rehire him on the main roster if they can beat Minute and Dan Leo James at Acts of DEFIANCE! 

Chris Trutt:
Two big matches there!

Tom Morrow:
That’s what BFTA does! Now get the hell out of here. We have to plan. 

Morrow slams the door on Chris Trutt after those big announcements.


One by one in the arena the lights go dark. Section by section of the arena the lights start to fade out. They keep going dark until there is nothing left. The lights start flickering on one more time and beep until a wrecking ball with the Dex Joy logo smashes through a wall! The crowd pops loud for the man residing from the very state hosting DEFIANCE Wrestling for tonight’s show as well as ACTS of DEFIANCE! 

♫ "Fight Back" by Konata Small ♫

And finally the man appears on the entrance ramp!

Darren Quimbey:
The next match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing from Los Angeles, California! Weighing three-hundred forty-two pounds… he is THE LEADER OF DEX’S WRECKING CREW …  DEEEEEXXXXXX JJJJJJOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!!

A black singlet with the same gold and black wrecking ball with “DEX” above and “JOY” below and black shorts with the same pattern. Golden colored boots, knee pads and elbow pads! Dex stomps to the ring and asks the crowd a simple question! 

Dex Joy:


After the answer back from the crowd Dex walks into the ring with only revenge on his mind! 

Next up, the native of California, Dex Joy goes one on one against a man that many argue cost him the semi-finals of the Acts Tournament … Dex’s first round opponent, Kerry Kuroyama!

It was Dex who eliminated Kerry from the first round but not without a spot of controversy. Kerry’s foot was under the bottom rope at the time of the pinfall. When Dex was made aware, he offered Kerry a rematch after the tournament, but Kerry instead inserted himself in his match with Rezin. 

We have to acknowledge that Kerry was right … he did not put Rezin’s foot on the ropes during his match with Dex. But he didn’t belong out there in a match of that magnitude to distract Dex … period. Kerry hasn’t been silent about what happened that night and he’s taken justice into his own hands like most of Vae Victis. 

Dex Joy is ready to go in the ring. 

Instant black.

♫ "Stranger Fruit" by Zeal & Ardor ♫

Nine letters appear on the DEFIATron

V A E     V I C T I S

The pantheon of wrestlers known as VAE VICTIS appear on stage in an echelon formation in their black-and-burgundy splendor. The spotlight falls on Sonny Silver, standing front and center with his customized mic in hand. A smirk forms on his face as he gazes into the jeering crowd.

Sonny Silver:
Ladies and gentlemen… believe me, your hate and vitriol hasn’t gone unnoticed. But fortunately for you, tonight, Vae Victis will set your rotten minds straight, just as soon as we correct an injustice made against one of our own! 

One breaks rank and begins to head down the rampway at a confident clip.

Sonny Silver:
So here he is… from the greatest fucking city on the planet, weighing in at two-hundo forty-six. The man who is here to set the record straight on ol’ fat boy in the ring. The Pacific Blitzkrieg… Seattle’s BEAST… KEEEERRRRRRRYYYYYY KUUROOYAAMAAAA!!

The light hits Kerry Kuroyama, staring daggers at Dex in the ring as he closes in on the last few feet. Reaching the ring, he scales the steps to the apron and posts up outside of a corner post for a spiteful fistpump to the booing San Francisco Faithful.

Tempers look hot between these two. This no longer looks like an ordinary rematch to set the record straight, as it would on paper.

Vae Victis have already built up a lot of animosity within the DEFIANCE locker room, but when they feel slighted in any instance, they know how to respond in kind.


When that bell rings Dex starts to charge at Kerry like a freight train going off the tracks but when Dex comes close Kerry is able to slip between the ropes first. Dex swings his paws like a wild bear to get at the Pacific Blitzkrieg but he is telling the referee to get Joy to back off. The referee is the only thing separating Kuroyama from Joy’s fists and he knows it. 

I don’t like anything that the Vae Victis group have done but this is smart thinking on Kerry’s part. He knows that Dex Joy is angry after the words that have been exchanged between them in previous shows. 

There is no doubt about that. 

Dex doesn’t think of doing anything to mistreat the referee but when he sees Kerry dip back into the ring he thinks twice. He moves again. Dex is on him but Kerry is faster and he is able to seamlessly slide between the ropes for the second time. Kerry tells him to listen to the referee. The crowd is booing Kerry. 

Kerry Kuroyama keeps baiting Dex Joy like this and it won’t be long before he is in control. 

Kerry is out of the ropes but when Joy sees him he lunges towards him a third time. Unlike most third times, this particular third time is not a charm for Big Dex Energy; Kerry rolls out of the ring entirely now and seems to be recentering himself. In the back of his mind he knows exactly what he’s trying to get Dex to do in front of his California crowd. 

Dex isn’t waiting! 

Dex goes under the bottom rope and he rounds the corner just as Kerry rolls back inside. When Joy is on the apron, he gets struck with an elbow from Kerry and then a charging knee strike that hits Joy’s chest. He tumbles off the apron and while he is on his feet, Kerry has the opening that he wants. 

Dex Joy isn’t listening to The Who right now cause he keeps getting fooled. Again! 

That was terrible Lance. 

With Dexy Baby on the floor Kerry hurries around the corner with another knee that takes the Biggest Boy off his game. 

He grabs Dex by his arm and it looks like he’s going to slam it into the close-by steps. He raises the hand of Dex … 

But it does not budge. 

Kerry looks up and he is looking into the eyes of a very angry big man who jabs him in the face with a heavy elbow of his own! The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful go loco when Dex continues throwing ‘bow after ‘bow into the chest of Kerry and then putting him back into the ring. Dex in right behind him and he gets another elbow to the side of the head! 

Dex has had enough of the games! 

Dex picks Kerry up and a scoop slam is followed up with a quick hop from the ropes into a falling head butt to Kerry’s abdomen! The impact of the very move makes Kuroyama bolt up but that is a bad spot for him to be in. Dex runs off of the ropes again and hits Kerry with a low cross body from the ropes! 


One …
Two …

A solid kick-out at two by Kerry but Dex almost expects it this early. Another elbow between the eyes of the Pacific Blitzkrieg puts him flat on his back. The Foreman of Dex’s Wrecking Crew slips through the rope and then starts heading up top. 

Is that diving head butt he used against Henry Keyes about to resurface?

Dex is on the top rope … but Kerry rolls away out of desperation and the San Fran crowd tells him what’s up. They boo him out of the building for not taking his beating like a man. He goes to the floor and Dex watches him with a look of disdain. 

Kerry heads to the safe haven of the floor. That diving head butt this early would be major trouble!

Kuroyama walks around the ring and regains his bearings, but Dex climbs down from the top to the floor below. Big Dex Energy builds up some steam and meets him rounding the corner with a massive running shoulder block that sends Kerry sprawling across the floor! Dex riles up the cheering Cali Faithful, while the dazed Pacific Blitzkrieg uses the barricade to pull himself back to his feet.

Hold the phone, Dex sees Kuroyama up against the barricade, and the gears are turning!

Could be Dexy’s Midnight Runner!

Here comes Dexy Baby with a head full of steam--NO!


Kuroyama darts to the side as Dex charges at him with the pounce ...l. Gasps and painful “oohs” fill the arena at the sight of the three-hundred plus superstar throws himself through the barricade and into the first few rows of seats. 

Kerry was playing possum! Dex Joy just plowed himself right through the barricade! What devastation!

Kerry takes a well-earned breather, holding up a finger to Carla Ferrari to buy some time while she demands he bring the fight back into the ring. Joy is gingerly pushing himself off the floor while the Pacific Blitzkrieg stalks him from behind. As soon as Dex is up, Kuroyama puts a boot to the back of his knee, sending him collapsing back to the concrete.

Dex back to his knees following the kick to the leg, and now Kerry locks up the head to lead him back to ringside!

Now that he’s turned the tables on the outside, he’s ready to take it back into the ring.

Maybe not! Kerry drives Dex head-first right into the apron… and follows up with a side Russian legsweep to the floor!

Kerry pops to his feet and slides back to the ring, giving Carla the finger turning motion to get the clock moving. She begins the ten count while Kuroyama kneels in the center of the ring and waits. The Faithful jeer loudly, but he remains unphased as he waits for Dex to slowly recover.

Kuroyama’s back in the ring and making Dex work to get back in there himself! Ferrari now at the count of four, but Dex has a hold of the apron as he gets to his knees!

I don’t think Kerry getting the count out victory would prove anything in any case. Nor is that what I think he expects, cause he’s watching Dex like a hawk.

Kerry rises up to his feet and moves the minute Dex gets his head under the ropes. He jukes past Ferrari and lands a cheap knee into Joy’s temple before he can clear the bottom rope. While Dex is dazed, Kuroyama drags him clear of the ropes and scissors the leg.

Kuroyama applies a kneebar! We saw him target that knee outside the ring just a moment ago, and now he’s working it over! 

Dex has the size and strength to turn himself over, but Kerry quickly breaks the hold and gets to his feet to land a few kicks to the back of the leg. Joy tries to fight back with a sweeping kick from his free foot, but Kuroyama leans back to dodge and rolls Dex over onto his belly. Kerry punishes him for his error with a few heavy knee crushers that leave Dexy howling.

The fans aren’t liking it, but it's a smart strategy for Seattle’s BEAST. 

For a man of Dex’s mass, the strength of those legs can make or break his speed and offensive capabilities.

Kuroyama locks up Joy’s legs and hoists them off the mat to angle him into an inverted cloverleaf. Dex hollers and moans as the compression to his knee exasperates the pain and the strain on his back leaves him without leverage.

Dex is in an astounding amount of pain right now! How long can he fight this?

And should he fight out of it, what condition will that leave his knee in? Remember, two weeks ago, Kerry tapped quickly to submission rather than suffer lasting damage.

Dex’s eyes the ropes, but before he can get far, Kerry rolls him over with the hold still in place to force him onto his shoulders.


Dex pops the shoulder… but in doing so, Kuroyama rolls him back onto his belly and right into the same predicament with that cloverleaf still applied!

Dexy Baby got his hits in earlier, but Kerry has controlled this match thus far, removing Dex’s size and strength advantage by keeping the big man to the ground and using his own momentum against him.

Kerry applies a body-scissor to keep Dex locked down. But Dex keeps fighting. The Cali Faithful begin cheering loudly in support of the Golden State native. Joy slowly drags himself across the canvas, inch by brutal inch. Kuroyama doesn’t fight his progress, focusing on maintaining the hold.

Dex only feet away from the ropes… now inches! And he’s got it!

Kerry keeps the hold in place for the full count of four before finally releasing and rolling back to his feet, leaving Dex panting on the mat while he continues clutching the bottom rope. A cocky smirk is on the Pacific Blitzkrieg while he waits for Dex to recover.

There’s an arrogant air about Seattle’s BEAST, like he’s admiring his work. He knows the damage is done.

We can’t forget, though, that Dexy Baby has fought through some grueling battles over his DEFIANCE career! And despite the maiming he’s just received by Kerry Kuroyama, he’s fought back from far worse!

Dex gradually makes it back to his feet with the help of the ropes and the Faithful cheering at his back. Kuroyama beckons him into the center of the ring. With his face filled with rage and pain, Joy obliges… but comes in with a limp.

Dex with an elbow, but came in slow… Kerry ducks--LIFTS HIM INTO A FIREMAN’S CARRY… and a SAMOAN DROP SHAKES the whole arena! 


Even the Faithful can’t help but be left in awe of Kerry’s physical feat, lifting the near three-hundred-fifty pounder and dropping him hard back to the mat. He wastes no time going for the cover.







Kerry thought that he had the three count then and there, but despite Dex kicking out his mission stays the same: hurt the leg at all costs. He goes back to the leg again and attempts another knee bar but this time it looks like he is ready for him. He kicks Kerry back … but Kerry rolls through and stays on the leg like a starving animal latched onto a piece of meat! 

Dex just tried to kick him off … but Kerry still has him by the ankle! 

The Pacific Blitzkrieg has what looks like an attempt for an ankle lock or a similar hold but Dex surprises Kerry by shifting his body weight and rolling forward thus sending Kerry into the corner! 

Fancy footwork by Dex!

Kerry juts out from the corner but he is once again able to catch Dex with another kick. Dex goes back to the ropes … but comes right back out with a eye-popping shot gun drop kick that hits Kerry square in the chest! 

The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful all about Dex tonight! He has a chance to end this issue with Kuroyama right now! He beat him once, but can he do it again without controversy? 

Remember in Dex’s DEFCON match with Oscar Burns, a similar strategy was used against him. Burns worked a knee of Dex and didn’t let up, but that did not stop him that night! 

Dex is doing whatever he can to get feeling back in the knee that has been worked over. Some damage has been done, but he’s able to possibly get vertical. Kerry’s lungs feel like they have been kicked out through his back but he tries to get up. That ends up being a mistake for him because Dex jumps forward with a double shove and pushes Kerry backwards into the corner with force. He goes into the ropes and then Dex is able to power him over with a huge belly to belly suplex over head!

Dex fights back in a big way with that big suplex off of the ropes!

You can tell he is feeling the energy! It’s refueling the battery of Big Dex Energy! 

Dex sits up and then he balls up his fists. Kerry gets up but Dex is behind him and then a released german suplex sends him across the ring back the other way! 

Dex is giving Kerry some frequent flyer miles tonight off of these suplexes! 

If Dex’s leg is compromised in any way, he’s remaining grounded and tossing Kuroyama around! 

The Vae Victis member is between a rock and a hard place aka the corner and Dexy Baby when he is thrown again into the ropes and then hit … 

There’s the Dex Bomb! Pop up power bomb! Dex goes for the win! 

One …

Two … 



If not for Kerry’s arm jumping off the mat at two and seven eighths, the roof would have blown off the Center!

That was a close one by Kerry! Both of these men reaching deep. 

Dex grabs a hold of Kerry’s arm and yells at the crowd. The match is about to end if he has his way. Kerry ends up getting scooped for a fireman carry but there is no Dex-5 in his immediate future. Kerry locks in a choke and lands behind Dex! He holds the neck for a few seconds, then goes low and then kicks the leg out from under him. 

Kerry back to the leg! And he has a clear shot!

He picks up Dex using all his might … and he is able to hit a German suplex with a bridge!!!


Kerry with another cover!




THRE – NO!!!

Another kick out by Dexy Baby and Kerry is shocked!

That was unbelievable! Where does Kerry go from here? He put a lot into that suplex but Dex kicks out! 

Kerry sees that Dex is looking at him with a Krispy Kreme glazed over look and then might have a chance. When Joy is brought to his feet, he goes by the side and tries to use a saito suplex on Joy, but he elbows him out. Kerry fights back with a back elbow and then a discus elbow strike. He has doubled Dex over and another kick to the leg stops him in his tracks. Kerry goes for another charge … 

OOOHHH!!! Dexy’s Midnight Runner! 

Kerry is sent flying away from Dex after he lunges up, but the knee gives out on him and he falls to the mat again. 

Both men are down and they have taken a lot of damage! 

Dex put everything into that shot but it might have been at the cost of that leg! 

Dex’s leg is hurt and when he gets back up to his feet, he is slow to do that. He steps up while Kerry is woozy. 

Kerry doesn’t know where he is … but I think Dex does! On his way to victory! 

Dex slowly goes to Kerry and grabs his leg to pull him away from the ropes. He slips and then grabs the top of the ring apron while Dex drags him back, pulling part with it. Kerry swings his other foot out … and kicks the bad leg of Dexy Baby! 

Oooh! No! It’s back to the knee yet again for Kerry! 

Dex had him and Kerry used the knee! 

That shot drops him to one leg. Kerry calls his shot with a run to the ropes behind Dexy Baby and then hits the Green River Revolt! Dex sinks like a stone under water and the impact knocks him by the ropes! 

Kerry goes for the cover! Is that the last chance Dex has for a win?

He crawls over and hooks on Dex’s bad leg! He pulls it back! 


Dexy moves his other leg … it’s under the ropes!



…But Kerry sees it and moves his body so the ref can’t see it! 



What?! Hey! Ref, his leg was under the rope! Kerry obstructed his vision on purpose! 

Kerry gets out of the ring before Dex himself is any wiser to what just happened! 

Darren Quimbey:
Your winner of this match … KEERRRRYYY KURRRROYAAAAMMAAA!!!

What was all that garbage we heard on Uncut about how he was cheated … he literally just did the same thing to Dex!!! And that situation wasn’t Dex’s fault!

No it wasn’t! But Kerry did this on purpose! 

When he finally realizes what Kerry just did off the replay of the match’s end on the DEFIA-Tron, Dex is pointing at the official and his leg! The official realizes the error just made, but the decision is final regardless! Kerry is all smiles when he heads up the ramp! 

All these things Vae Victis say they’re about then they turn around and do that! And he beats Dex in his home state of California to put salt in the wounds after Dex was fired up about performing in the state where he not only resides, but got his start in wrestling! 

There’s no way Dex is going to let this stand … but I don’t think Kerry cares at all. 

Kerry feels justified in what he’s done and he proudly stands on top of the stage now enjoying the jeers of Dex’s Wrecking Crew! He cups his ear with Dexy Baby sitting up in the ring not happy with the result and how Kerry got the win!

That’s a huge win for Kerry Kuroyama tonight! We have to take a commercial break, but something tells me this is not the end of this issue between Kerry Kuroyama and Dex Joy! 


Catch DEFIANCE Live in your town! Seriously, though, we are coming to you! (Brian doesn't exist)


After the chaos of the last match has completed due to a commercial the show turns back to Darren Keebler and Lance Warner. 

We’re back to the show and we just witnessed a major match in this ongoing rivalry between Kerry Kuroyama and Dex Joy … this time it was Kerry Kuroyama who got the win, but not everything was on the level. 

Right. Kerry Kuroyama won the match, but deliberately blocked the referee’s view of Dex Joy’s leg under the bottom rope so the match should have continued. The same thing happened to Kerry during his Acts Tournament match with Dex, but what Kerry did was cheating. 

That’s right. Dex caught it on the replay after the match and … ohh … wait, partner … 

DDK stops due to a voice in his ear relaying some information. 

We’re being told there’s a scene going on backstage! We’ve got a camera back and we’re cutting momentarily. 

When the camera’s view is in the backstage area, it is Dex Joy not going to the trainer’s room. Instead the Biggest Boy - complete with limp in left leg - is a man on a mission! He shoves over a pile of boxes and then picks up a piece of pipe. He pitches it across the hall with a golden arm and smashes some equipment behind him. 

Dex Joy:
Where you hiding, Kuroyama?! We aren’t ending things with that crap, pally! Let’s get out here and finish what you started! 

As he keeps going through the halls, he’s causing a disturbance. He passes by Jamie Sawyers with a microphone. 

Jamie Sawyers:
Dex! Dex! Hey, Dex! Can we get a word with you about that match with Kerry Kuroyama. 

Dex Joy stops in front of Sawyers. 

Dex Joy:
I got a few words, pally. Gimme that! 

He takes the microphone. 

Dex Joy:
Hypocrite. Cheater. Liar. Trash human! That’s two words, but I don’t care! I know that you can hear me, Ker Bear, so how about this … 

Dex holds up two fingers and wiggles his digits. 

Dex Joy:
I won a match and you won a match … but there’s no way in hell I’m letting your simple ass walk away from what you just did without shoving an Venti-sized cup of comeuppance right down your gullet! If you got the stones, you’ll stand across me from that ring for Dexy Baby/Ker Bear Three at Acts of DEFIANCE … live and in color from Dexy Baby’s backyard of Los Angeles so we can end this for good! 

He doesn’t have to wait long for an answer.

"Being a bit overdramatic here, aren’t we?"

Vae Victis are further down the hall, headed back to the locker rooms. Kerry Kuroyama breaks from the group, gesturing that he’ll catch up with them in a bit, but first steps right over Jamie Sawyers to get to Dex. 

Kerry Kuroyama:
And here I hoped that this would be the end of your belly-aching, now that you know exactly how it feels to lose on a technicality. Mind you, when I was robbed of a second-round appearance in the ACTS Tournament at DEFtv 172, you didn’t hear any pants pissing out of me. Because that’s what separates you from me. I’m a professional. And you? You’re sour grapes.

He nods to Joy’s gut.

Kerry Kuroyama:
And maybe a few bags of sour cream potato chips to go with it. Also a few loaves of sourdough thrown in there as well. But fine, Dex… huff and puff and talk big if you wish. It’s not going to make a difference in the end. The people of San Francisco just watched me embarrass you out in that ring, and I’ll gladly do it again in front of your hometown fans at Acts of DEFIANCE. Until then… keep my name out of your mouth, fat boy.

Kerry pie-faces Dex, but Dex fights back and hits an elbow! Things break down fast between the two men and they are fighting in the hallways!

Dex/Kerry is official for Acts of DEFIANCE but neither man has the patience to wait! 

They’re picking up where they left off before the break! 

Joy and Kuroyama continue throwing shots at one another. Kerry has Dex in a head lock with Dex punching Kerry’s side to try and break it up when DEF-Sec gather around them to try and break up the fight. A few members of DEF-Sec have to work together to get Dex off of Kerry and that gives Kerry an opening to once again kick the leg! Joy buckles over but that’s the last shot he gets when security grabs Kerry and forces him away. 

Another shot from Kerry to that leg! He gets one last cheap shot in! 

Dex tries jumping at him in a fit of rage and it takes even a few officials to jump in and break it up! Kerry is on the other side of the pile up being dragged away but he’s very pleased with being able to land the final parting shot. 

Things have gotten intense for Dex Joy and Kerry Kuroyama! We’ll see who settles it at Acts of DEFIANCE!!!


Shot of our dynamic duo at the commentation station.

Ladies and gentlemen… it’s main event time.

Cut from the announcers to a match graphic: Pat Cassidy vs. Ned Reform (w/TA Cole). The crowd pops in anticipation of the upcoming bout. We then go back to the announcers.

In two weeks time at ACTS of DEFIANCE, The Honor Society is going to face off against… well, ideally The Saturday Night Specials, but some question whether or not it will turn into a handicap match with the continued absence of Brock Newbludd. Brock seemed to take a series of personal loses pretty hard and hasn’t been seen since The Saturday Night Specials lost their tag team championship.

Not just the titles, Lance, but also the betrayal of his long time girlfriend, the loss of his business, and the loss of his home. That’s enough to make any person need a break, I’d think. 

The question on everyone’s mind is: is it a break? Or has Brock Newbludd permanently walked away from professional wrestling? The fans certainly want him back, as does Pat Cassidy. We’ve seen Cassidy desperately trying to hold things together: not just in the ring, but also fending off the threat of Ned Reform who is poised to steal SNS’s beloved Ballyhoo Brew right out from under them. 

If Reform has his way… and if his team wins at ACTS… the former Ballyhoo, a beloved spot of the New Orleans DEFIANCE Faithful, will be replaced by a hipster coffee shop. He sabotaged Cassidy’s attempts at getting funding from The Favored Saints and at ACTS of DEFIANCE, Ned Reform looks to drive the final stake into the heart of The Saturday Night Specials.

And that brings us to tonight, where ahead of their tag team match, Pat Cassidy and Ned Reform go one-on-one in a match that we understand Reform requested be a no disqualification bout. Likely to give TA Cole free reign to interfere, making this essentially a handicap match.

I’ll tell you what, Lance… if Brock Newbludd WAS going to make his grand return, this would be a hell of a time to do it…

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫


The Faithful stand and begin to jeer as Ned Reform’s theme song begins to play throughout the arena. The house lights turn purple as the music builds, and finally The Good Doctor himself appears from behind the curtain, dressed for combat in his purple and white singlet. Reform’s smile is wide as he takes a few exaggerated steps toward the ramp, clearly having some fun in this apparent two-on-one situation. Behind him lurks TA Cole, also smiling… but colder and more focused. Reform drops to a knee and mockingly flexes his muscles as the fans continue to give him hell.

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a NO DISQUALIFICATION match! Introducing first, from Litchfield, Connecticut and…


An audible cheer from the crowd as Quimbey’s ring announcement is cut off by the smack of steel against the back of Levi Cole’s head!! Pat Cassidy stands in his ring gear, branding the weapon and looking down at Cole’s now prone form. Reform gets up from his pose and notices the people all cheering and pointing behind him. Without turning around, he gulps as he puts what happened together. Slowly… ever so slowly… he turns his head…

…and he locks eyes with Pat Cassidy!


I think Cassidy just evened the odds!

Reform’s arms go up, begging for Cassidy to be reasonable as he attempts to backpedal down the ramp. The Scrapper from Southie offers no quarter, driving the steel chair into Reform’s gut! When The Good Doctor doubles over, Cassidy brings the chair down hard against his back! Reform is down as Pat tosses the chair aside and revels in the approval from The Faithful.

Referee Benny Doyle heading up the ramp… although this is a No DQ match, it does have to start in the ring.

This is the very idea that Doyle seems to be trying to impress on Cassidy, but Pat pays him zero attention. Instead he grabs Reform by his shiny head and brings him off to the side of the ramp… right over to the commentary desk! 

Look out!

Keebler and Warner scatter as Ned Reform is launched onto their desk, laying prone on top. In his haste to leave, Lance abandons his headset… and Pat Cassidy picks it up and puts it on!

Pat Cassidy:
Hello? Hello? Can you hear me out there? Testing?

WHAM! Cassidy drives Reform’s head into the table.

Pat Cassidy:

WHAM! Again.

Pat Cassidy:
Testing, 1-2? Testing?

WHAM! Again.

Pat Cassidy:

WHAM! Again.

Pat Cassidy:
This damn thing is defective.

Cassidy tosses the headset aside while Reform manages to roll off the table. The Sage on the Stage tries to stumble to safety away from the crazed Saturday Night Special, but Cassidy is right behind him. Ned gets as far as the ramp before he’s caught… hooked… and dropped onto the steel grating with a snap suplex! Benny Doyle continues to try to get Pat to bring things into the ring as Cassidy pulls himself up into a seated position on the ramp. He smiles and pats Reform’s prone body like a coach encouraging a young child before getting back to his feet… taking a few steps up the ramp as if he were going to leave… and then sprinting back and punting Reform right in the chest!! Ned rolls over in pain… and tumbles… and tumbles… and tumbles all the way down the ramp! We hear the rustle of static as presumably the announce team gets their headsets back on and get back into position.

Are we back on? Hello? Okay.

Pat Cassidy is a man possessed, Keebs!

You have to imagine that he’s been under a lot of stress. This might be just the release he needs.

Still ignoring Benny Doyle, Cassidy launches Reform head first through the air with a catapult… and The Good Doctor’s big brain meets the steel turnbuckle. Ned bounces off and flails like a fish before dropping down, out cold. Finally relenting to the referee’s demands, Cassidy rolls The Philosopher King into the ring and Doyle is relieved to finally be able to start the contest.


Ned is dazed, but he has his wits about him enough to climb to his knees. He throws up his hands and shakes his head “no,” begging Cassidy to give him some space. No such luck… he is thrown into the corner and lit up by some very stiff Saturday Night Special right hands! Reform’s head bounces like a basketball upon impact, and Cassidy whips him into the opposite corner - he takes the impact chest first. Holding his chest in pain, Reform turns around to be met with a running lariat form Pat Cassidy, nearly turning The Good Doctor inside out! Pat hooks the leg.

ONE!  TWO!   NO!

Cassidy needs to be mindful of Levi Cole… he’s been neutralized for now, but that might not always be the case. He should be looking to put this one away quickly.

Reform tries to use the ropes to pull himself up, but he’s met with a leg across the back as Cassidy executes a leapfrog body guillotine. Pat heads up to the second rope, scanning the crowd and riling them for a moment before flying forward and driving an elbow right into Reform’s dome. Another cover.

ONE!   TWO!    THR - NO!

Undeterred, Cassidy brings Dr. Reform back to his feet and sends him off the ropes, meeting him on the rebound with a baaaaaaack body drop that nearly puts the Sage on the Stage into orbit. The ring shakes when Reform makes impact, and The Good Doctor quickly rolls across the canvas and spills to the outside, looking to put some space between himself and his opponent. Reform uses the guardrail to slowly pull himself up as the fans flip him off and shot any number of insults at him. Finally at a vertical base, Ned shakes the cobwebs out… only to be met with an explosive clothesline out of nowhere that puts him back down! Doyle can do little about going outside the ring in a No DQ match, but he does yell at them to get back in. Cassidy, however, seems to be back in his own world as he bounces Ned’s head off the steel ring steps. 

Pat taking full advantage of the no disqualification stipulation, as I don’t believe Ned Reform has gotten in a single offensive move yet. And now they’re back in the ring.

Cassidy positions Reform in the corner and climbs up to tower over him - and the fans know what’s next. They count along as he unloads with big rights.


Pat pauses before the final punch, holding an imaginary pint and throwing it up toward the Faithful who respond in kind…


…before he lands the tenth and final punch. Ned is sent across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle, and Pat gets a running start.

Cassidy looking for the Splash of Jameson...

NO! Ned manages to scurry out of the way at the last second… and Reform shoves Benny Doyle in Cassidy’s path!

The Scrapper from Southie is JUST able to put the brakes on mid-leap before squashing poor Doyle in the corner… but the momentary distraction is enough to allow Ned to punt him right in the Ballyhoos with a devastating kick to the junk! Cassidy goes down, Benny Doyle is helpless to do anything about it, and Reform leans against the ropes to take a much needed breather. 


The great equalizer has dropped Cassidy like a ton of bricks, killing all his momentum. Now, Reform’s looking to capitalize.

Ignoring the jeering peasants, Ned bounces off the ropes and hits the prone Cassidy with a knee drop to the sternum. The good doctor then slides his knee from Pat’s sternum up to his throat, blatantly choking his opponent. The Faithful boos intensify as Ned grins maliciously while Doyle quickly starts to count. Benny hits 4.5 on his count and Ned simply stands up, leaving Cassidy kicking his legs and grabbing at his throat on the mat.

Reform just put the majority of his weight right on Cassidy’s windpipe and now Black Out is in trouble.

Throwing his hands up in mock innocence, Ned takes a step back from his opponent when Doyle gets in face to deliver a stern warning. The instant Benny is finished, The Good Doctor moves back in towards Cassidy. Pat is trying to get back to his feet, but he’s met with a brutal quick and disrespectful slap across the face followed by a belly-to-back suplex that puts him down. Pat lays on the mat in pain as Reform gets up into a seated position. Ned looks around toward the San Francisco Faithful as he breaks out in a grin and loudly applauds himself, much to their disgust. This is followed by another choke, this time with his boot against Cassidy’s throat in the corner. Breaking the choke, Reform sends Cassidy into the ropes, but he keeps step with him the whole way, and right as Pat bounces off the ropes he’s pulled into a kitchen sink knee to his gut. Reform smiles as he moves in with the lateral press.

ONE!   TWO!   NO!

Ned should have hooked the leg there.

Reform looks at Doyle with disgust before getting back to his feet. He takes a few steps back, leaning against the ropes as if he’s relaxing. He does this as he waits for Cassidy to get back up. When Pat is up to one knee, The Good Doctor brings into action… dropping The Saturday Night Special with a fameasser! With Cassidy again down and face-up, Reform positions himself right next to him. Ned points to his big brain while looking around the entire booing arena, before he leaps straight into the air and falls down with…

The Thinking Man’s Elbow Drop!


A wide smirk as Ned very nonchalantly rolls on top of Cassidy for a very loose cover…


Wait - Cassidy reverses!! Crucifix!!

ONE!! TWO!!!

Reform’s legs kick desperately into the air.


At the last second, Reform is able to power out of the surprise pinning counter! Both men get to their feet in a hurry, and when Ned Reform attempts a running clothesline, Cassidy ducks. This causes Reform to rebound off the ropes… right into a back elbow that sends a small wad of spit flying high into the air! The fans come alive as it appears Cassidy is ready to rally, and he meets Reform with a series of right hands! One! Two! Three! Four! Fivesixseveneightnine! 

The Good Doctor is reeling… Cassidy with a boot to the gut, and he hooks him for the Pumphandle Slam!

When Cassidy lifts Reform up, the weasely Sage on the Stage is able to slip out of the hold and land on his feet behind Cassidy. On the way down, he manages a quick rake of Pat’s eyes! Doyle scolds Reform, but again - no DQ, and there’s nothing the ref can do. Cassidy’s hands go right to his face, and this leaves him wide open for a falling neckbreaker by Ned Reform. 


And just like that, Mr. Reform is back in control.

I think that’s Docto -

I said what I said.

Reform struts around the ring, reveling in the venom from the fans - as if it only makes him stronger. He points to the top rope and smiles a devilish grin before going outside onto the apron and climbing to the top. Cassidy lays under him, looking up at the lights and in perfect position for Reform’s top rope guillotine leg drop that he calls The Thesis Statement. Ned remains vertical at the top, again looking around at the people and responding to their booing with a smile. Finally, he readies himself and leaps off, extending his leg as he crashes down…


But nobody is home! Pat moves out of the way and Reform lands hard into the canvas ass first! Ned’s hands go to his derriere as he shuffles around the ring in a seated position and howling in pain. As he does this…

Cassidy kips up!! Bottom’s up, Reform!!

The fans are ON FIRE as Cassidy is up and making the big comeback. Ned sees his opponent ready to pummel him and he again puts his hands up in a cry for mercy… but once again, Pat has none of that, as he unloads with a series of rights that force Reform to back into the corner. Reform tries to cover up as he’s stuck between the turnbuckle and barrage of shots from the former tag team champion. The blows don’t stop until Ned is again beaten back into a seated position and unable to even try to cover up. Cassidy grabs him by his lifeless collar, brings him to his feet, and sends him across the ring into the opposite corner. Just a brief moment of showboating for the fans is followed by running, gaining a head of steam, and leaping into the air to come crashing down on Ned Reform with the Splash of Jameson!! 

He’s got it! He’s got him right where he wants him!

Ned Reform stumbles out of the corner, punch-drunk, and he walks in a circle before face planting into the mat - much to the crowd’s delight. Pat stands over him like a wolf stalking his prey, seemingly looking to end it with his patented Reverse STO, The Irish Goodbye. But just as it appears that Pat is ready to hit his move…

Levi Cole! He’s up!

TA Cole hits the ring, but Cassidy sees him coming and is there to meet him as the two begin to exchange a flurry of right hands in a hockey fight. The people roar as the blows fly back and forth - and slowly Cassidy begins to get the better of the exchange. Cole is reeling - and this gives Cassidy a chance to leap and drill him face first into the mat with the Irish Goodbye! Cole is taken care of… but this gives Ned Reform a chance to score with yet ANOTHER low blow. Cassidy doubles over in pain… and this is the perfect position for Reform to hook both his arms. He lifts Cassidy up and drops him with his double underhook powerbomb, also known as The Syllabuster. This time, there is no nonchalant cover by Ned. He hooks the leg and he hooks it deep as Doyle moves into position.





What a turn of events. I can’t believe Ned just stole this!

The first ever meeting between Pat Cassidy and Ned Reform goes to The Good Doctor… even if he needed TA Cole to do it! 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… NED REFOOOOORM!

Reform gets to his feet, thrusting both hands into the air in victory… he’s so happy that he doesn’t even correct Quimbey. Ned bails out of the ring and begins doing victory laps around the squared circle while in the ring, Doyle begins to tend to Cassidy and Levi Cole begins to come to. Reform jumps up on top of the steel steps and begins to blow kisses out into The Faithful, who respond with a chant that begins to build steam…




The fans are chanting for Brock Newbludd… and they have good reason! The numbers advantage cost Pat Cassidy a big match tonight… what’s going to happen at ACTS of DEFIANCE if Brock doesn’t show up!?

Despite the fan’s chanting, Brock does not appear. Reform, however, does get back into the ring. He grabs Benny Doyle by the collar and roughly ejects him from the ring, drawing another round of boos. Ned beckons the recovering Cole to get back to his feet, and together The Honor Society begin to pummel Pat Cassidy with kicks and stomps. 


The timekeeper continues to ring the bell in hopes of stopping the beat down, but neither Reform nor Cole pay the sound any mind. As Pat tries to cover up in vain, the chant again picks up throughout the arena…




Cole ducks out of the ring and shoves the time keeper off his chair, folding the weapon up and getting back into the squared circle. Cole drops the chair onto the mat as he and Reform lock eyes and grin with bad intentions. Cole picks Cassidy up and hooks him in a piledriver position while Reform begins to slowly climb to the top rope.

No! The Honor Society is looking to ensure that Cassidy doesn’t even make it to ACTS! We need somebody out here!

And this is the spike piledriver… The Keg Stand, SNS’s move! They’re definitely looking to send a serious message!

The fans begin to roar as help DOES come from the back… but it’s not Brock Newbludd, it’s Cassidy's manager and gal pal, Ophelia Sykes. She rolls under the bottom rope and begins to plead with Cole not to do it. Reform stands on the top rope, frowning at the interruption. Levi looks to his mentor for guidance, and Reform instructs him to get rid of her, so Cole momentarily releases Cassidy to pie face Ophelia so hard that she flies backwards out of the ring!


That’s uncalled for!!

Cole grabs Cassidy, getting ready for the piledriver.




Cole has Cassidy in perfect position… and standing over the chair no less. Reform smiles as he prepares to fly and potentially end Black Out’s career…


Wait… it’s not Brock, but it’s the next best thing!!

Ballyhoo LaRue is charging from the back… complete with Mojo the Alligator on his leash! Cole, eyeing the vicious lizard who has taken more than one shot at biting him, immediately abandons ship, releasing Cassidy and flying out of the ring! Likewise, The Good Doctor wants no piece of that action, as he jumps down from the top rope to the apron and then to the floor as Mojo and LaRue enter the ring. The fans applaud as LaRue circles the downed Cassidy, protecting him from further harm. 

Thank God for Davey LaRue… who knows what would have happened if he hadn’t shown up.

Ophelia, returning to the ring, begins to help Cassidy up to his feet and he scowls up at The Honor Society as they backpedal up the ramp. He then turns his attention to LaRue and Mojo, giving his former bartender a nod of approval. The cajun sensation answers with a grin and then signals for a mic. Quimbey tosses him one and LaRue snatches it out of the air. Instead of turning his attention to Pat, he looks up to Reform and Cole, who have fully retreated to the stage.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
Go-on-an-git ya good for nothin’ swamp rats! Mojo’s hungry tonight and he likes de smell of dat cheap cologne ya got on Reform! 

Reform’s eyes go wide in fear and one look at the hissing alligator staring at him causes him to take a step back. 

Ned’s fear of that alligator is well documented... and well earned!

Davey may have saved the day, partner, but The Honor Society used their numbers advantage to tenderize Cassidy before the big PPV showdown. 

That they did. Regardless, Cassidy put up one hell of a fight.

Back in the ring, Davey asks for a mic before he turns and faces Cassidy.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
Cass, mon ami, I tink it’s time to face de facts and accept de truth. 

LaRue gestures out to the buzzing audience with a hand and spin slightly.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
It’s time for all y’all to do the same! Ya’ll can keep chantin’ his name if ya want. But, it ain’t gonna make a lick of difference…

LaRue focuses back on Cassidy.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
Because Brock is gone, and he ain’t ever comin’ back. Dat’s de cold hard truth, brother.


LaRue puts a calming hand up.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
Hey, just because he’s gone doesn’t mean it’s de end! Ballyhoo Brew can still survive! 

He points a finger at Cassidy.

Ballyhoo LaRue:
And YOU don’t have to do dis’ alone! Whaddya say, Cass? Ya can’t beat The Honor Society all alone and I’m tellin’ ya dat ya don’t have to. Let me be your partna and togetha let’s save Ballyhoo…

LaRue lowers his mic, takes a step towards Cassidy, and sticks his hand out towards him. Pat eyes the hand, clearly conflicted. He wants to have faith that Brock is coming back. He looks to the Faithful to his left. To his right. They let him know how they feel with a familiar chant…




The camera moves into position so that not only is Cassidy looking at the fans, but also directly into the lens… and we can see his very red and very tired and very weary eyes. It was a tough match, and it's been a tough few months trying to hold it all together. He’s been keeping the faith but maybe… maybe it’s time to face facts. Time to be practical. Time to win back Ballyhoo. His face morphs from tried to determined, and he shrugs to The Faithful as if to say, “what can I do here?” He looks to Sykes, who nods. Cassidy licks his lips…

…and shakes Davey’s hand! Ballyhoo LaRue and Pat Cassidy unite!

Ballyhoo LaRue to the rescue! It looks like we’ve got ourselves a tag match at ACTS of DEFIANCE after all!

LaRue raises Cassidy’s hand as the two circle for The Faithful. 

The camera cuts to the ramp, where The Honor Society still stand. One would expect Ned Reform to be fuming at this development. But his face is stoic. In fact, if you look closely… there might even be an unexplained twinkle in his eye.




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.