28 Oct 2022

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)



The DEF-Plex is on FIYAH!

Not literally cause that’s like… a fire hazard and we want fans to be able to see the things. But here we are now. 

The Commentation Station has “Downtown” Darren Keebler and Lance Warner ready to break down the action! 

Welcome one and all! Ladies! Gentlemen! I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler! DEFIANCE Faithful, thank you for joining us! Welcome to the FOURTH installment of DEFIANCE and BRAZEN’s joint production: TAG PARTY!

I’m pumped, Darren! The one-night tournament where every year, teams made up of DEFIANCE and BRAZEN talent team up for a chance to win the Tag Party IV Trophies and more importantly, the $100,000 cash prize from DEFIANCE’s parent company, Favoured Saints! 

And in the past, we’ve seen teams ride high off momentum from this tournament! In 2019, it was Elise Ares and Flex Kruger of Pop Culture Phenoms! In 2020, The Biggest Best Boys of Dex Joy and Nathan Eye. Dex would go on mere months later to win the Southern Heritage Title! Last year, the first-ever mother/son tandem of Search and Destroy - Lindsay Troy and Kazuhiro Troy! Now? We are calling Lindsay Troy a two-time and current FIST of DEFIANCE!

This year looks up to be a good one! Two members of Vae Victis are in this tournament with big names attached! We have unique pairings! New stars, established stars and everyone in between all wanting to use this to advance their careers!

And here we go! We lay out the rules for Tag Party IV!

The format and rules appear on the screen. 







That’s right! I’m told that Favoured Saints picked this unique stipulation this year for the first round! All attempts at a win will be CRUCIAL. Not only are you in a knockout tournament format, but you have a finite amount of time to get there. 

And now… your teams of Tag Party IV! 


DEFIANCE *AND* BRAZEN (Oscar Burns / BIGBOSS Batts [BRAZEN Tag Team Champion])


Big Bad Kings (Aaron King / BRAGG)


Level 8 (Conor Fuse / Declan Alexander [BRAZEN Champion])


Intelligence and Cunning  (Ned Reform / "Cunning" Curt Cunning)


Kraken Skulls (Henry Keyes [SoHer Champion] / FLAMBERGE [BRAZEN Onslaught Champion])


The Streets (Kyle Shields / Thurston Hunter)


Ocho y Uno (MV1 / LDO)


The Special Attraction Attractions (JJ Dixon / Cristiano Caballero)


MASSIVE Waves (Theodore Cain / MASSIVE Cowboy)


Transformers: Titans (Dan Leo James / Al Sparks)


Two Monstrous Motherf***ers (Minute el Monstruo / Killjoy)


Yellow Means Safe! (Sgt. Safety / "Mellow Yellow" George Othello)

Back to Darren and Lance at the table!

And coming up first... we have Level 8! The sole returning team from last year - Conor Fuse and BRAZEN Champion Declan Alexader take on BFTA's Aaron King and the current #1 Contender to the BRAZEN Championship, BRAGG!  

BLOCK A: LEVEL 8 (Conor Fuse/Declan Alexander) vs. THE BIG BAD KINGS (Aaron King/BRAGG)

First out to kick off the show are Level 8! Conor Fuse and the BRAZEN Champion Declan Aleczander head out to the ring. BRAZEN’s Big Bad, BRAGG, comes out to cheers and stares down Declan, but BFTA member Aaron King gets jeers! Fresh off a win in a Dumpster match over former hired BFTA gun Aleczander, Pretty Dangerous sees the opportunity in front of the team!

Conor Fuse and King lock up, but it’s Conor taking him over with quick high flying! A huge crossbody from the middle rope followed by another from the top rope off the other side gets a two-count! Declan comes in, but King tags BRAGG! The BRAZEN Champion comes at BRAGG with a volley of flying forearms, but none knock him off his feet, but when BRAGG misses a big boot, Declan hits a huge kick to leg and the GGez Kick (rolling dropkick) to knock him down and get a two-count! But when Declan tries the Play of the Game, BRAGG shoves him to the ropes and outside! King then wipes him out with a big tope suicida and then a missile dropkick back in the ring! BRAGG gets the ga and plants him on the mat with a sidewalk slam and follows with a low big boot off the ropes! BRAGG’s Golden Gloves background comes into play when he body checks Declan! 

King gets the tag and The Big Bad Kings work well with King hitting Party Down! (Uranage backbreaker) for a two-count! King goes up for the King’s Landing diving elbow drop, but Declan moves, then hits the Repentance (Jumping Gamengiri Kick). Conor Fuse wants in… 


The Ultimate Gamer goes hog-wild! He jumps off Aaron King’s back to hit BRAGG with a flying dropkick off the apron! Kings gets up and clubs him from behind with a kick, but Conor hangs  onto the ropes to block a backstabber so he can hit a superkick, sending King through the ropes… he dives and hits a HUGE suicide dive on King on one side, then runs back into the ring and out the other side with a tope con hilo on BRAGG to wipe out the NOLA giant! The crowd goes nuts as Conor heads in to meet King and and hits the Weapon Get to hit the ripcord knee strike he calls King Me! But gets a two-count when BRAGG pulls Conor out of the ring then BLASTS him with Sorry About Your Jaw (straight right hand)! 

BRAGG throws Conor back in and wants the tag, but King doesn’t give it to him and tries to take the pin for himself… only to get a two-count! 

BRAGG is in disbelief and wants the tag, but Aaron King won’t give it to him. The two argue until Conor gets up and shoves King into BRAGG, knocking the giant off the apron and turns right into the HEAD STOMP! (standing double foot stomp) for the three-count! 

WINNERS: Level 8 @ 8:55 via pinfall (Fuse pins King)

Declan Alexander and BRAGG stare one another down, knowing they still have a date for the BRAZEN Championship coming up soon. BRAGG not wanting to cheat, is what may have undone his team. 

Great opening match and both teams BARELY avoid the time limit elimination! King and BRAGG worked for a time, but King’s own ego just cost his team this match! 

Conor and Declan move onto the Block A Finals later against the winner of our next match!  The team of Sgt. Safety: two and 0 since being promoted to the main roster teaming with rising BRAZEN star “Mellow Yellow” George Othello to take on Othello’s former mentor, former two-time FIST of DEFIANCE Oscar Burns and Batts!

Oscar Burns says he is DEFIANCE while BIGBOSS Batts has proclaimed himself to be BRAZEN. Yellow Means Safe will be climbing uphill against the powerhouse team, but we’ll see who comes out on top! That match is next!

BLOCK A: DEFIANCE AND BRAZEN (Oscar Burns/BIGBOSS Batts) vs. YELLOW MEANS SAFE! (Sgt. Safety/George Othello)

Even with an uphill battle for sure, the popular Sgt. Safety comes out waving the decibel meter to pick up the crowd noise while George Othello behind him is also wearing a yellow safety jacket! The 22-year-old Welshman and Sgt. Safety shake hands. Then the jeers get LOUD because out comes BIGBOSS Batts with his half of the BRAZEN Tag Team Titles, along with Oscar Burns… and his new PLATINUM shovel! (CHECK OUT THAT PROP NOW) The twosome make it to the ring…


The bell rings and both men single out BIGBOSS Batts. They whip the leader of BIG Trouble across the ring. Othello with a thrust kick, Sgt. Safety and Othello with a double running bulldog! Othello locks in the seated armbar and the Welshman wants the tapout! But Batts hangs on and then makes the ropes! Othello gets physical with BRAZEN’s Big Boss and hits uppercuts followed by a running elbow to the corner and then a half-hatch suplex for a two-count! 

Othello tries a quick run, but Burns hooks his former protege’s leg, allowing Batts to CRACK Othello with the Flipside Lariat (tiger feint into discus lariat). Burns comes in and STRIKES Mellow Yellow with not one, not two… but TEN uppercuts in the corner. Othello is bleeding from the lip and mouth now when Burns knocks him down with a Hard Out Headbutt. Batts comes in and dismantles Othello with kicks to the chest and a deadlift german, but Sgt. Safety breaks up the fall! Burns disposes of Safety just as Batts FLOORS him with a BIGBOSS Brains (flying headbutt to the face) and gets the three-count! 

WINNERS: DEFIANCE AND BRAZEN @ 4:02 via pinfall (Batts pins Othello)

What a dominant win! Yellow Means Safe! started out hot there, but the second that Burns and his former protege, Batts, took over this one was done. Years of history between these two could make them a favorite. 

And to make things even better, we have our first Block finals set! Block A will see Oscar Burns and Conor Fuse renew their bitter rivalry later tonight when it’s DEFIANCE and BRAZEN meet Level 8 later tonight! 

And coming up next, we have more Vae Victis in action! We have Kraken Skulls! The team of DEFIANCE Southern Heritage Champion Henry Keyes and BRAZEN's Onslaught Champion FLAMBERGE taking on rising star JJ Dixon and BRAZEN's Cristiano Caballero! 


Sgt. Safety checks on a bloodied and battered Othello while Burns and Batts look pretty fresh heading into their next match. 


The Vae Victis violence party continues when out comes Southern Heritage Champion Henry Keyes along with BRAZEN’s Onslaught Champion, FLAMBERGE. The two men clink their respective singles titles together and then stomp towards the ring. After they arrive, “The Special Attraction” JJ Dixon arrives to a nice reception. Teri Melton and Zoltan are behind him while Cristiano Caballero is behind them to make up The Special Attraction Attractions! 

The match starts with JJ Dixon and FLAMBERGE. The BRAZEN Onslaught Champion and crossover BRAZEN/PRIME star takes DIxon over quickly with an arm hip toss and tries for a quick cross armbar, but Dixon makes the ropes with help from Teri Melton guiding him. FLAMBERGE works him over with kicks to the midsection, but Dixon block one kick and elbows the joint before hitting a HUGE dropkick to the face! Keyes makes the tag, but when Dixon wants one… the cowardly Caballero wants none. Dixon shakes his head and he and Keyes start scrapping! 

Keyes eventually gets the better of the exchange with Propeller Edge Chops to the chest! He throws Dixon to the ropes, who gets kick from the apron from FLAMBERGE leading to a BIG lariat from Keyes! The Vae Victis member tags FLAMBERGE and he goes back to trying to work on Dixon… but Teri Melton climbs on the ring apron. She yells at the official, allowing the massive Zoltan to pull FLAMBERGE out from the ring by his leg and hurling him into the railing! Dixon looks conflicted, but this is a golden opportunity against dual champions. FLAMBERGE is back in the ring when Dixon hits a springboard discus leg drop for a two-count! 

Now Cristiano Caballero makes his first tag now that FLAMBERGE is down. He hits FLAMBERGE with a backstabber followed up with a neckbreaker for two! When that fails, he nearly kicks the Onslaught Champ’s head off his shoulders with a Pretty Sight (leaping side kick) for another two! Dixon tags himself in and then waits for FLAMBERGE. He leaps up to hit the Wire Hanger springboard clothesline… but Keyes breaks up the cover! 

Dixon and Caballero try a double-team of some sort on FLAMBERGE, but he ducks through the tandem shoulder block attempt, pushes Caballero into Dixon, then DROPS Dixon with a high angle overhead throw! Caballero rushes over and makes the tag to Henry Keyes! 

Propellor Edge Chops all around for JJ Dixon and for the legal man Caballero. He cleans his clock with more chops before he throws him across the ring with a huge clothesline in the corner, followed by going up top and hitting a rising knee drop! He tries a cover, but Dixon breaks it up this time around with a dropkick to the side of the head! Keyes tries to roll up Caballero, but Keyes grabs the arm first and STOMPS on his hand! He pulls up Caballero! Dixon tries to save him again, but FLAMBERGE grabs the leg… 



But all it takes is one knee strike to Caballero. Keyes doubles over and hooks the leg for three!

WINNERS: Kraken Skulls @ 8:34 via pinfall (Keyes pins Caballero)


After the match, Keyes grabs his title and FLAMBERGE snatches his, and both men leave to prepare for the next match later tonight. Meanwhile, Caballero is down on the ground, pleading his case. Dixon goes to try and help him up… but it’s only to allow Zoltan to CLOBBER him with a Clothesline!  Dixon picks him up next… full nelson facebuster on the mat! 

Keyes and FLAMBERGE advance to the Block B finals later tonight, but it looks like this partnership of The Special Attraction Attractions will be short-lived after they think Caballero cost them the match! 

The Uncut Gems were not here to fail tonight, but it looks like they place the blame squarely on Cristiano! JJ Dixon showed out tonight, though, and this won’t be the last of Teri Melton and company. But right now, our next match will see who meets Kraken Skulls. It will be The Streets - Kyle Shields and the now-former Favoured Saints Champion Thurston Hunter taking on the former two-time Unified Tag Team and Favoured Saints Champ Minute and his partner… the ONLY former two-time BRAZEN Champion, the monster Killjoy! Up next! 

BLOCK B: TWO MONSTROUS MOTHERF---ERS (Minute el Monstruo/Killjoy) vs. THE STREETS (Kyle Shields/Thurston Hunter)

Fresh off his loss to Tyler Fuse for the Southern Heritage Title, out comes Thurston Hunter looking to rebound. His tag partner? None other than his partner, Kyle Shields. The duo who work as members of The Comments Section enter the ring to jeers. But next… “Monster” by Datsik plays… and it’s the return of Minute El Monstruo. Standing 5’4”7’5”, Minute el Monstruo is backed by BRAZEN’s ONLY two-time BRAZEN Champion and LET’s Beast, the 6’10” and 390-pound Killjoy! 

Minute el Monstruo and Thurston Hunter start up with two former Favoured Saints Champs locking up. Minute flips circles around Hunter across the ring. He sweeps him down, WALKS over him and then hits a standing moonsault! Hunter ends up in a corner where Minute hits the big “giant” butt bumps, then tags Killjoy. Killjoy hits an few corner hip attacks to crush Hunter, then press slams him to the mat, throwing him at the corner to beg Kyle Shields to get into the ring. Kyle shakes his head and Thurston gets dragged back. Killjoy stands on his back against the ropes while Minute jumps on his back to add to the pressure, eliciting a five-count from the ref. 

Minute whips Thurston to the ropes, but Thurston hangs on and tags Kyle. Shields comes in and clubs El Monstruo with a forearm! He tries to roll up Minute El Monstruo quick with some roll-ups, but only gets a pair of one-counts and one two-count. Shields tries for the Agent of Shields pumphandle driver, but Minute reverses into a over-the-body code red! Minute makes the tag to Killjoy! Kyle sees him coming and tags Thurston… who gets snapped over the ropes by Killjoy! Chokeslam for Thurston! He tries a count, but Kyle jumps on him to break the cover. Kyle tries a DDT, but he picks him up and throws him clear out of the ring! Minute wants a tag and nods to the top rope. He picks him up and puts Thurston up. Minute goes up top and grabs him by the throat… 


The crowd goes BONKERS as Minute goes for a cover after the biggest chokeslam in the biz! ONE! TWO! THREE!

WINNERS: Two Monstrous Motherf---ers @ 4:10 via pinfall (Minute El Monstruo pins Hunter)

What teamwork for only their second time wrestling! Minute and Killjoy worked together on the last BRAZEN Double Shot and the… ahem… twin giants make short work of their opponents!

And with that, Minute and Killjoy will pose a major threat to Kraken Skulls in our Block B Finals later!

Now let’s head on over to the first of two matches in Block C! The devious Ned Reform and the cunning… well, “Cunning” Curt Cunning take on MASSIVE Waves! Gulf Coast Connection’s Theodore Cain and BRAZEN’s lariat machine, MASSIVE Cowboy! 

BLOCK C: INTELLIGENCE AND CUNNING (Dr. Ned Reform/"Cunning" Curt Cunning) vs. MASSIVE Waves (Theodore Cain/MASSIVE Cowboy)

MASSIVE Waves get a nice pop thanks to one-third of the popular Gulf Coast Connection, Theodore Cain handing out the mardi gras beads along with MASSIVE Cowboy! The Smash Surfer Cain and MASSIVE Cowboy head to the ring! And next, out comes DOCTOR Ned Reform, along with TA Cole at his side. And next to them, the masked ne’er-do-well from BRAZEN, “Cunning” Curt Cunning! The group of Intellingent and Cunning head to the ring. Reform and Cain start for their teams. 

Cain uses his size to overpower Reform with a few shoulder tackles followed by a HUGE back body drop! The Philosopher King gets clotheslined over the ropes! Cain goes outside to get him back in the ring and does, but Cunning yells that Cain is pulling Reform’s hair. When the referee looks at him like his face is on fire, TA Cole SUPLEXES Cain on the outside with an overhead belly-to-belly! Back inside, Reform works over Cain quickly with a big neckbreaker, then tags Cunning. The Cunning Masked Man hits the Cunning Linguist (superkick) for a two! 

Reform back inside and drops Cain with the Thesis Statement (diving guillotine leg drop), but Cowboy makes the save. Reform tries the Syllabuster, but Cain counters out with a front spinebuster! Reform goes over to make the tag to Cunning. He tries to stop the tag, but it’s too late! He makes the tag to the Cowboy and he goes crazy! MASSIVE Cowboy heads in! 

LARIATO for Ned Reform! 

LARIATO for “Cunning” Curt Cunning!

MASSIVE Cowboy gets cheers from The Faithful! The elbow pad comes off meaning that the Killer Lariat is coming! He waits on Cunning… he charges the ropes, but Cole grabs the leg outside, leaving him open for another Cunning Linguist kick by Cunning! The tag to Ned Reform back in the ring and he locks in Ad Hominem on the Cowboy! He swings his arms… and taps!

WINNERS: Intelligent and Cunning @ 6:56 via submission (Reform submits Cowboy)

After the match, Reform and Cunning shake hands along with TA Cole and the three men depart to the back to prepare for the Block C Finals later. 

MASSIVE Cowboy was running wild for a bit, but Cole’s distraction leading to Cunning and Reform! This could be the team to watch for this tournament. 

Reform has shown no qualms about having TA Cole help him win and tonight, they could do the same all the way through the finals!

Up next, the final opening round match of Tag Party IV! Two fan favorite teams go at it! Uno y Ocho! The team of masked favorites Masked Violator #1 and Leyenda de Ocho take on two big blue chippers! Dan Leo James teams up with the DEFCepticons leader, Al Sparks! That match is up next!

BLOCK C: OCHO Y UNO (Masked Violator #1/Leyenda de Ocho) vs. TRANSFORMERS: TITANS (Dan Leo James/Al Sparks)

The last of the six opening round matches kicks off with Ocho y Uno making their arrival! The two masked men bump fists with one another. MV1 poses on the middle rope with Ocho on the other side. He poses and backflips off the top rope to land on his feet! “New Divide” by Linkin Park hits and Al Sparks and DEFIANCE star Dan Leo James come out! Al Sparks, 6’9” and 270! Dan Leo James, 6’7” and 260! His tag partner, Minute, has already made it to the Block B finals. Can Dan do the same?

All four men shake hands before the match and MV1 and Dan Leo James start things off. The DEFIANCE contingents on each team exchange holds on the with the larger Dan Leo James using his amateur background to hold his own! MV1 takes over and goes for a leg, applying a figure four! Dan uses his power to make the ropes! MV1 and Dan then tag out to their opponents with Ocho giving up a lot of size to Al Sparks, but able to maneuver around him for a big! He goes through the legs and hits a dropsault, followed by a springboard dropkick off the middle ropes! A running dropkick catches Sparks in the corner, but he only gets a two-count.

LDO goes for his signature shining wizard, but Al Sparks catches him first and then whips him to the ropes to hit a shoulder block on the way back! LDO gets worked over by The Transformers: Titans! Dan Leo James LEVELS LDO with the Fastball Chop in the corner followed by a huge fallaway slam out from the corner for a two-count! Dan gets the tag and then Al Sparks heads in. The two men hit a double clothesline, then both head to the ropes for a running splash by Sparks and a leg drop by Dan Leo James… another two! 

Dan stings LDO with more chops, but when he whips him off the ropes, LDO sidesteps a whip and heads to the ropes! He runs off the adjacent ropes twice from either side to throw off Dan before he hits a front dropkick to the knee! Dan is stunned and LDO finally connects with the shining wizard! Dan is down and LDO gets to his corner… 

Tag to MV1!

MV1 goes up top and then connects with a big diving crossbody from the top turnbuckle onto Dan Leo James! When he gets up, a running dropkick knocks Sparks off the ring apron! He’s back up next and when James gets up and tries a Fastball Chop, MV1 ducks and then twists his arm to hit a big swinging neckbreaker on the Titan! MV1 hooks the leg, but only gets a two-count on the big man! MV1 has another move in mind, but The Young Titan fights back with the Hurricane, Utah-Plex named after his hometown! He only gets a two after the spinning belly-to-belly suplex! 

Dan makes the tag back to Al Sparks and hit a double back elbow on MV1… but not before LDO is able to make a tag! LDO leaps up and hits a springboard missile dropkick on Dan, knocking him back! He kips to his feet, but Al Sparks clobbers him with a spin kick! MV1 gets up and superkicks him, but Dan Leo James charges and hits the Dash and Bash shoulder tackle! The crowd goes nuts and all four men are down with just under a minute and a half left! 

Dan points at Sparks and they try and single out LDO. Dan charges… but LDO pulls the ropes down and James goes over! Sparks charges next, but LDO hits a leaping kick to the face, then jumps up! MV1 gets the tag when LDO leaps off and connects with a crucifix bomb on Sparks, followed by MV1 rolling him over with a jackknife pin out of that! 


WINNERS: Ocho y Uno @ 9:55 via pinfall (MV1 pins Sparks)

Sparks gets up, hurt, but making a good showing for himself with The Faithful reaction there to support it. Dan goes to console his tag partner while MV1 and LDO come in and shake hands. Dan and Al raise the hands of both of the winners and leave them to celebrate in the ring! 

What a great match! Just seconds away from both teams being eliminated via the draw, however, Ocho y Uno come away with the win after a GREAT tandem finish there! 

Ocho y Uno take on Ned Reform and “Cunning” Curt Cunning later tonight in the Block C Finals! After his next break, we have the Block A Finals! Who will be the first of three teams to make it to the finals! Will it be Level 8 of Conor Fuse and BRAZEN Champion Declan Alexander or will it be the team of Burns and Batts as DEFIANCE AND BRAZEN?


The graphics appears for the Block A Finals match between Level 8 (Conor Fuse and Declan Alexander) vs. DEFIANCE AND BRAZEN (Oscar Burns and BIGBOSS Batts). There is a lot of history between Fuse and Burns as well as Batts and Declan - it was Declan who pinned Batts in a match also featuring the prior champion Jack Halcyon to win that title! 

DEFIANCE AND BRAZEN enter once again to LOUD jeers from The Faithful! Burns and Batts milk their time before Level 8 arrive again to LOUD cheers! Conor Fuse and Declan Alexander look ready for things to begin!

Burns and Fuse starts things off in this Block A Finals match… but not before Batts jumps out and attacks Conor from behind while Burns runs and hits Declan off the corner with a running European Uppercut! Batts goes back to his corner while Burns hits Fuse with a huge exploder! He tags Batts who climbs up to the top turnbuckle and hits a HUGE diving senton! They go for the cover, but he only gets a two-count! Batts and Burns can’t believe it! DEFIANCE and BRAZEN clearly had a plan to start this match off quick! 

Declan is back up, but Conor is being picked apart in the corner by uppercuts from Burns and stiff kicks from Batts, a man he once shared a five-match series with when Batts was on the main roster. Burns hits another release german suplex just as Batts comes back with a Flipside lariat like he used earlier! They go for the cover!


Another shoulder up by Batts! He applies an ankle lock on Conor Fuse and keeps the pressure on him, but Conor fights back and tries to crawl to the ropes. He manages to flip Batts over and then rolls him up with a victory roll… but only gets a two-count! He gets up, but BIGBOSS is already up and KICKS him square in the chest with a nasty penalty kick! 

Tag to Burns! 

One of Conor’s most bitter rivals measures him up as he comes off the ropes with a sliding European uppercut! He gets knocked down onto his back when Burns goes for the same left leg that Batts worked over earlier. The Man Called DEFIANCE slams the knee into the mat two different times as Conor is left writhing in pain! Burns goes to finish him off with a belly-to-back backbreaker, but the two men know each other well and Conor reverses into a headlock takeover into a cradle!


Burns kicks out…


Conor is leveled and then gets hit with the belly-to-back backbreaker!


Burns is absolutely IRATE now and tags Batts in again. Burns hooks the legs of Conor on his feet when Batts tries a springboard dropkick… but Conor moves and hits Oscar by mistake! He’s knocked over when Conor gets up and hits Batts with Pwn’d! (tilt-a-whirt DDT). Declan is in his corner with Conor trying to make it there… 

And he gets the tag! 

Declan gets up and knocks Batts down with a big clothesline from one side, then a clothesline from the other! He picks up Batts and throws his longtime BRAZEN rival into the corner before letting him have it with a running chop! He pulls Batts out of the corner and then CRACKS him upside the jaw with the DRAGON PUNCH! He hooks the legs of Batts and stacks into the pin… two-count! 

He waits and measures him up… he goes for The Play of the Game, but Batts reverses the move he knows well into a backslide for his own two-count! Batts back up and hits Declan with a jumping enzuigiri followed by the deadlift German… for two! Declan’s shoulder comes off the mat while Batts waits for him to get up in the corner. He runs at Declan… 

Leaps into the BIGBOSS Brains flying headbut.. NO! PLAY OF THE GAME! 

The Faithful pop huge as Declan counters Batt’s signature flying headbutt with the jumping cutter! Declan makes the cover and Burns leaps in!


But Conor stops him! 


WINNERS: Level 8 @ 12:05 via pinfall (Declan Alexander pins Batts)

Burns’ head sinks into his face as Conor limps into the ring to hug Declan! The first of the three teams to make it to the Tag Party IV finals!

What a counter! What a counter by Declan, turning Batts’ finisher right into his own for the win! Burns and Batts had a gameplan to go on the attack and perhaps try and conserve energy for the finals, but tonight, Level 8 make it further than they did in last year’s Tag Party! Tonight! They’re in the finals! 

And I can’t wait to see who makes it in the other matches! Level 8 are your Block A winners and move on to the finals! 

Declan and Conor speed up the ramp to celebrate while Burns stews at ringside, still seething over this loss!


The next graphic appears for the Block B Finals:

Kraken Skulls (Henry Keyes/FLAMBERGE) vs. Two Monstrous Motherf---ers (Minute/Killjoy)

Out first are Minute and Killjoy to a huge pop from the crowd! Minute El Monstruo as a former two-time Unified Tag Team and Favoured Saints Champion, along with Killjoy as the only former two-time BRAZEN Champion stand to pose a major challenge. Still, the only team made up of champions in Tag Party IV competition don’t look intimidated. Keyes coaches FLAMBERGE on the way to the ring. 

Minute and FLAMBERGE start first. Minute plays keep-away from FLAMBERGE on the mat while he tries to grapple with him. FLAMBERGE goes for a few gut kicks and a high angle judo throw. FLAMBERGE holds his ground until he grabs Minute. He tries a snapmare… but Minute flips through and lands on his feet to wow the crowd. FLAMBERGE whips him across the ring and charges, but Minute flips not once, but THREE front forward flips to the other side of the ring. He baits the BRAZEN Onslaught Champion and hits a thrust kick followed by a handspring enzuigiri off the ropes! Killjoy gets the tag, but Keyes shockingly wants in. The Southern Heritage Champion wants to test Killjoy’s mettle. 

He goes full speed ahead at the monster with a trio of Propeller Edge Chops! Each blow seems to sting Killjoy, but the Beast of Les Enfants Terribles stands his ground and PELTS Keyes with a forearm so hefty, he is stunned on his feet. He knocks Keyes over and then tackles FLAMBERGE against the ropes! The Faithful cheer Killjoy as he stands his ground! He tags Minute and then aids him with a rolling senton off the shoulders of Minute… and gets a two-count! 

Minute tries to chop the legs of Keyes with kicks, but The SoHer NAILS Minute with a big press into an uppercut on the way down! Minute El Monstruo doesn’t look so monstrous against The Kraken. He CHOPS Minute with a shot so hard, he hits the canvas again! The tag back to FLAMBERGE and the Onslaught Champion gets a lesson from Keyes. Keyes snaps up Minute with a huge suplex, then FLAMBERGE follows up with a deadlift gutwrench of his own on the luchador! He covers…


FLAMBERGE with the tag back to Keyes! Both champions attack Minute with a stiff mid kick from FLAMBERGE followed by a HUGE spinning back elbow from Keyes! Minute bounces and flops off the mat! Killjoy shows emotion for the first time since the tournament and watches on as his partner gets picked off. Minute gets a HUGE tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Keyes! Keyes makes a cover on the talented luchador. 


The Faithful continue to support the Titanes Familia member as he gets trapped in a pendulum backbreaker hold by Keyes! He presses down and applies pressure to the luchador, but The Monster Luchador shakes his head and tells the official “no!” when asked if he wants to give! Minute reaches for Killjoy even though he’s far away. When that doesn’t work, Keyes tries to pick him up for another tilt-a-whirl… but Minute reverses into the Interceptor Tornado DDT! He plants Keyes on his head and then rolls to the corner… tag to Killjoy! 

Killjoy steps up and runs over the rising Keyes with a big clothesline! FLAMBERGE tries to stop the Beast of Les Enfants Terribles, but gets rammed with a clothesline as well! A big boot for Keyes! A huge double sledge for FLAMBERGE! The Faithful cheer as Killjoy locks in on Keyes with a big body avalanche in the corner then throws him outside! FLAMBERGE jumps up and hits a standing axe kick on Killjoy that stuns him… but he comes right back off the ropes and rocks the BRAZEN Onslaught Champion with a right hand! He picks FLAMBERGE up and throws him outside the ring right on top of Keyes! 

Killjoy’s path of destruction continues with a huge DOUBLE clothesline to both men on the outside! He throws Keyes back inside and then plants him with a huge Chokeslam! 


FLAMBERGE is back and attacks Killjoy with a scissors kick, then both men try a double suplex… but instead, Killjoy overpowers both with a double suplex on both champions! Killjoy is up and Minute wants the tag! He comes in and hits Minute Detail springboard 450 on Keyes! 


The crowd is going insane as Minute gets up and tries to measure Keyes up. He hits a thrust kick and goes up top… But Keyes pops up first and takes Minute off the top with the Clockwork suplex first! When Killjoy tries to come back in and break it up, FLAMBERGE strikes him with another scissors kick followed by Keyes with a huge running uppercut to knock him off the apron. He grabs Minute… 


Two across the eyes of the kamigoye knee strikes as he makes a cover!


WINNERS: Kraken Skulls @ 14:28 via pinfall (Keyes pins Minute)

After the match, Keyes and FLAMBERGE have won the Block B Finals and now are on their way to the Tag Party Finale later tonight. Both men realize they have been through a complete war, but nevertheless look ready for the finale. Keyes offers up his title and FLAMBERGE taps the Onslaught with the SoHer before they leave the ring. Meanwhile, the crowd is still loudly vocal as Killjoy stands over Minute… and offers a hand to Minute El Monstruo in return! He helps Minute up to his feet and the crowd loves the VERY rare show of sportsmanship from a man that has terrorized BRAZEN for over a year. 

What! A! Match! Gotta call that the match of the tournament so far! All four men showed up to win and Killjoy especially showed out towards the end! But Keyes is just too dominant and he and FLAMBERGE have won Block B to make to the Tag Party Finale! 

That was amazing! And I’d honestly like to see more of Minute and Killjoy if they ever have a chance to team up again! There could be something there! 

Minute is helped up with Killjoy helping him along to the back as the show moves on to the Block C Finals!


The graphics for the Block C Finals appear next 

Intelligence and Cunning (Ned Reform/”Cunning” Curt Cunning) vs. Ocho y Uno (MV1/LDO)

Out first is Masked Violator #1 and Leyenda de Ocho! The popular masked team start heading towards the ring with intent to the win the match… but before they make it towards the ring, they get blindsided by both Ned Reform and Curt Cunning at the edge of the ring!


Cunning goes after MV1 and throws him into the steel steps! Meanwhile, LDO is trying to fight back against Ned Reform! He stuns him with a few chops, but TA Cole comes out of nowhere and levels Ocho with a big clothesline on the floor! 

Reform and Cunning have a gameplan and they throw MV1 into the ring! Referee Hector Navarro tries to restore order and calls for the bell quickly. Reform transitions a standing headscissors to a swinging knee lift, then goes to the middle rope to take flight with a missile dropkick… for a two-count!

The tag goes to “Cunning” Curt Cunning who climbs into the ring and hits a pair of quick snap suplexes on #1 Masked Marvel of DEFIANCE for another two-count! He goes for the arm and locks in a keylock ! He fights and tries to get to the ropes as Ocho limps back to his corner and tries to will on his partner with help from The Faithful. He inches towards the ropes… and gets a foot underneath! Cunning argues with the referee, but when he turns around, LDO with a front flip roll-up… for a two-count! Cunning back up, but MV1 wraps up Cunning with a high-angle schoolboy! For two! 

But the third pinfall is not a charm because MV1 CRACKS Cunning with a jumping enzuigiri to the side of the head! The pre-match attack has put Ocho y Uno on the back foot, but MV1 makes it to tag LDO! 

LDO goes up top and comes off the top with a huge diving meteora on MV1, then rockets back up for a springboard dropkick on Ned Reform to take him off the ring apron! He flips himself over the ropes and hits slingshot somersault plancha to wipe out The Good Doctor! And when he gets up… SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY ON CUNNING!


Cunning kicks out, but LDO isn’t done! He gets up and he nails Cunning upside the head with the shining wizard! Cunning is down when LDO goes to the ropes to hit the springboard quebrada… but once again, Cole plays the difference maker tonight for Intelligent and Cunning and grabs his leg off the middle rope to trip him up! MV1 rushes over and wipes out Cole with a superkick, but then MV1 is taken down on the outside with a hefty right hand from Cole… with the signature CLASS RING ON HIS HAND! 

Cunning tags Reform who heads into the ring. He grabs LDO… THE SYLLABUSTER!

The double underhook powerbomb connects! 


WINNERS: Intelligent and Cunning @ 6:04 via pinfall (Reform pins LDO)

Reform laughs and cackles like a madman and then rolls out of the ring. He taps at a lump in his singlet where presumably his Class Ring is used as a weapon. And he, Cunning and Cole (nursing a sore jaw) head to the back! 

They have done it! Intelligent and Cunning steal the win here thanks in large part to a pre-match assault on their competitors, TA Cole and that Class Ring we have seen Reform use in the past! 

Ocho y Uno got screwed here tonight! They worked hard to overcome, but the numbers were just too much! The finals are set!

A graphic appears on the DEFIATron! 


Level 8 (Conor Fuse/Declan Alexander) vs. Kraken Skulls (Henry Keyes/FLAMBERGE) vs. Intelligent and Cunning (Ned Reform)


After a quick ten minute intermission with ads and some other nonsense you aren’t here to read about, Favoured Saints CEO Daniel Davidson and BRAZEN Matchmaker Capital Punishment are both on hand at ringside along with the prizes. 

Two large (almost six foot tall each) Tag Party IV trophies with the names of past team winners with spots to etch onto the trophy) along with Daniel Davidson holding onto the $100,000 check to be awarded by Favoured Saints to the winners of tonight’s show! 

One by one, each team heads out first. 

The crowd BOOS the likes of Ned Reform, along with his BRAZEN partner, “Cunning” Curt Cunning and TA Cole (still nursing that jaw with an ice pack, but able to head to ringside). Footage plays of their prior wins over MASSIVE Waves in the opening round and Ocho y Uno roughly ten minutes ago in the Block C finals. They both look happy considering their matches were relatively shorter than their opponents who have made it this far so they may have the advantage there. 

The crowd also BOOS some more when Southern Heritage Champion Henry Keyes and BRAZEN Onslaught Champion FLAMBERGE make their way out from the back, holding their respective titles. The DEFIANTron shows their path here, first with wins over The Special Attraction Attractions as well as what fans considered a possible match of the night so far over Two Monstrous Motherf---ers. Now in the ring, they flaunt their titles for all to see while Reform and Cunning lean back in the corner. 

And out to a HUGE pop… Level 8! Both Conor Fuse and BRAZEN Champion Declan Alexander head out as the third and final team in what promises to be a crazy match! Their path through Block A is highlighted with Conor Fuse pinning Aaron King to knock off The Big Bad Kings in the opening round, along with their massive win over DEFIANCE AND BRAZEN via Declan Alexander reversing BIGBOSS Batts’ flying headbutt finish into his signature Play of the Game jumping cutter! 

All three teams are in the ring now. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation for the three major acts to get into the ring. Conor Fuse and Declan Alexander. Henry Keyes with Vae Victis representation and FLAMBERGE showing his worth as a very tough rising star. Ned Reform and Cunning Curt Cunning showing they have the mental mettle to overcome their more brutish opponents. 

The match is also elimination rules meaning that there will be no controversy here. The team that wins Tag Party IV will have earned it by besting two other teams! 

The bell rings and it’s Conor Fuse starting things off with Ned Reform! Alexander, Cunning and both Kraken Skulls members are at ringside. Both men lock up with Ned Reform quickly trying to sneak behind for a schoolboy for a quick one-count! He goes for another, for one, then another tighter cover for two! Ned Reform clearly wants this to go to a finish quick and be rid of Conor, but The Video Game kid kips up with a superkick and knocks Reform out! Reform heads outside before he can be covered, but FLAMBERGE tags in on his way out. He blindsides Conor with a kick and a throw against the ropes. He snaps him over with a high and tight osoto gari slam for a quick cover!

Conor blocks a second throw and shoves FLAMBERGE in their corner. Conor hits a huge spinning heel kick and Declan with the side russian legsweep, followed by Conor off the ropes with a lionsault! Declan covers, but only gets two when FLAMBERGE kicks out! The two BRAZEN title holders go chop to chop for a bit, but FLAMBERGE fights back by grabbing the arm to hit a ipponzei throw over his shoulder! FLAMBERGE with a kick to the head and then a tag to Keyes. They bully the BRAZEN Champion in the corner with uppercuts and forearms and Keyes with a big release northern lights suplex! He gets a two-count. 

Keyes charges and knocks his ex-buddy Conor off the apron as he and FLAMBERGE continue to work over Declan. FLAMBERGE works on Declan’s left arm with another judo hip toss followed right into a grounded armbar. Declan tries to make it to the ropes… but when he’s close, Cunning tags FLAMBERGE so he can try and roll up Declan… but only gets a two! The quick covers by Intelligent and Cunning show the smarts on their part and Cunning goes to an armbar on Declan instead!

After having his arm worked by FLAMBERGE and Keyes earlier, Declan tries desperately to get out from the lock, but he is having a hard time doing so. He tries to get to the ropes and pushes off the mat to roll forward. Cunning tries another Cunning Linguist kick, but Declan blocks it and returns fire with a Repentence Kick of his own! Cunning gets laid out… CONOR WITH THE TAG! 

Spinning Back elbow smash to Cunning! 

Double dropkick to Henry Keyes and FLAMBERGE as a receipt for earlier in the night! 

Ned Reform attacks Conor as he gets back up and tries a whip, but Conor reverses and Reform is in the corner. He charges at Ned, but The Good Doctor gets his feet up. He grabs both feet, spins him around so he’s in the ropes, then hits a running release German suplex as he slides to the outside! When he sees Keyes and FLAMBERGE starting to rise, Conor speeds up the apron and then runs off with a cannonball dive off the apron, wiping out BOTH men! 

The crowd is going crazy as he slides back into the ring and then hits the 480iDDT on Curt Cunning! 


TA Cole is on the outside of the ring and gets a baseball slide dropkick by Declan Alexander! Conor pulls Cunning up, but he pushes him away… allowing FLAMBERGE to tag in! Keyes pulls The Video Game Kid out of the ring as FLAMBERGE charges in and hits an axe kick… THEN LOCKS IN MARIE ANTOINETTE! 

Ned Reform tries to get in and save his partner, but Declan Alexander stops him from saving his partner, knowing what’s on the line!



FLAMBERGE releases the hold as on the outside, Henry Keyes attacks Declan out of nowhere with a running European uppercut! Ned Reform angrily protests with the official, but the decision stands. Ned Reform angrily storms off from ringside with a groggy TA Cole hobbling along after him, leaving  “Cunning” Curt Cunning in the dust (okay, out at ringside). 

The Tag Party Finals have come down to two…


And Conor Fuse has just been thrown into the steel post by Keyes! The Vae Victis member then forces him back into the ring! Keyes picks up Conor…


Several stiff Propeller Edge Chops find their mark across the chest of Conor Fuse! Keyes backs off the corner for a moment before charging back in and hitting a big corner clothesline and then dumping him out of the corner with a huge fisherman’s suplex! 


Fuse is still alive and well in this one, but not for too much longer! FLAMBERGE gets a tag and and then NAILS The Power-up King with a big jumping roundhouse kick! Conor crumbles to the mat like paper and falls over, allowing FLAMBERGE to make the cover. 


The BRAZEN Champion flies into the ring in the nick of time!


…but Keyes jumps in and rocks him with a headbutt! Declan goes fumbling through the ropes and out to the floor! Keyes returns to his corner and orders FLAMBERGE back to the corner. He nods and makes the tag as Keyes casually stalks Conor. He grabs him by one arm…

And the other.

After two successful usages of this tournament using his Coin finisher, the third one may be what scores the Tag Party IV victory… but Conor DUCKS! He slips loose and rolls Keyes up!


The Faithful are all standing when Conor gets up and lands a pele kick! 


Declan is back in the corner with Conor having a chance to make the tag…


Declan measures up Keyes as he is starting to rise… 


The rolling dropkick connects and with that, Declan measures him up! FLAMBERGE tags himself in and when Declan tries to rise… FLAMBERGE locks in a flying triangle choke! 

Declan hangs on! He tries to fight his way out of the hold! BRAZEN’s Onslaught Champion has its main champion in dire straits… but Deacon doesn’t go down! The gamer does his best to fight… and POWERS FLAMBERGE up…


Conor helps his partner out with a HUGE Double Stomp as he’s in the hold, then runs out of the ring to wipe out Henry Keyes with a Side Scrolling Senton to the outside! The path is clear for Declan as he gasps for air and FLAMBERGE can barely move after the Head Stomp… 








Declan rolls off of his opponent as Conor runs back into the ring! The DEFIANCE/BRAZEN duo both bro-hug one another as the crowd goes crazy! 

YOUR TAG PARTY IV WINNERS: Level 8 @ 22:05 via pinfall (Alexander pins FLAMBERGE)

As The Faithful catch their collective breath after the final stretch of the Tag Party Finals, BRAZEN Matchmaker Capital Punishment comes in with aid from another stagehand to present the trophies while next to them, Favoured Saints CEO Daniel Davidson presents the winning duo with the $100,000 check courtesy of DEFIANCE’s parent company, Favoured Saints! 

What a closing stretch! FLAMBERGE submitted Curt Cunning to eliminate Intelligent and Cunning from the final match, but when he had Declan Alexander in the triangle choke, Conor Fuse found an opening with the Head Stomp to come to his partner’s aid and Declan with the Play of the Day! 

This is Declan’s third time competing in Tag Party! He made it to the finals two years ago with Lindsay Troy, then he and Conor were stopped at the Block C finals last year! This year, the third time was finally a charm for Declan, who we have seen grow by leaps and bounds in both the BRAZEN brand and these tournaments! 

Conor Fuse led the charge for his team and has shown tremendous growth of his own, despite his servitude to The Comments Section! For one night, that takes a backseat to the win of the annual Tag Party IV series! 

Keyes is clearly angered by this setback despite coming so close… that said, he helps the double-tough FLAMBERGE from the ring and both men collect their titles before heading to the back. Meanwhile, Fuse and Alexander pose for pictures with their Tag Party IV trophies as well as the check from Favoured Saints! Confetti rains down on the DEF-Plex as the show draws to a proper close!

That’s all from us tonight! Stay tuned for DEF Radio in mere hours as well as next week when DEFIANCE returns to the road for DEFtv 177! 

For Lance Warner, I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler! Good night, everyone, and thank you for joining us for Tag Party IV! 

One last shot of Level 8, victorious with the trophies and $100,000 novelty check in the ring as the show fades. 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.