DEFIANCE TV 177 Night 1

2 Nov 2022

Bender Arena, Washington, D.C. (seats 4,200)


♫ “DEFY” by Of Mice & Men ♫

Washington D.C. welcomes DEFIANCE as the Bender Arena is hyped for DEFtv 177! Pyro explodes from the top of the rampway. There's a giant FIST logo to walk out from and the DEFIatron above the entrance.

Signs and excitement, as always, are everywhere!


The the announce team, Darren Keebler and Lance Warner.

Welcome everyone! We are back off the heels of ACTS of DEFIANCE and now on DEFIANCE Road!

Two nights coming your way with title matches on the line!

Let's get things started!


As soon as Keebs and Lance finish their intros, “Stranger Fruit” by Zeal and Ardor crashes through the Bender Arena’s PA system, and the buzzing and the cheers from 4,200 strong give way to an avalanche of boos. 

One by one, your Saviors of DEFIANCE walk confidently through the curtain, led by Sonny Silver and Mr. Platinum himself, Oscar Burns, with his spiffy new shovel over his shoulder. Butcher Victorious darts out after Burnsy, which earns him a glare from the Technical Spectacle. “Cowboy Colossus” Clay Byrd and the “Pacific Blitzkrieg” Kerry Kuroyama walk out next. Finally, the Besties saunter out last with Henry Keyes holding the curtain open for the new FIST of DEFIANCE, Lindsay Troy.

The group gathers in a line with Keyes to the right of Troy and Sonny to her left. The Ace looks around at the Faithful with a smirk, then tilts her head back and extends her arms out to her sides. Pyro explodes from the stage and red, silver, black, and pink confetti fall from the rafters. Vae Victis takes a moment to soak it all in before heading down to the ring in a phalanx formation.

If you were able to join us for ACTS of DEFIANCE a few weeks ago, you witnessed Vae Victis’ strength grow both in influence and in numbers. The Monster from Plainview, Clay Byrd, made his presence felt by helping Oscar Burns defeat Rezin. 

I wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley, that’s for sure.

Henry Keyes retained his Southern Heritage title over Matt LaCroix…

…and injured him again in the process…

…and Lindsay Troy defeated the Deacon by submission to win the FIST of DEFIANCE for the second time.

We haven’t heard from the Deacon since that night, Keebs, and I have to wonder if he’s not seriously injured given that hard fall he took to the outside of the ring coupled with his refusing to tap and passing out instead.

He was in the Executioner’s Song for a few minutes, Lance, there’s no telling what sort of damage was done cognitively. We also have had no updates on Magdalena either since she was assaulted at the end of DEFtv 175.

We’re obviously keeping them both in our thoughts and hoping for a speedy recovery.

Vae Victis has entered the ring and the Faithful could not be more displeased.



Sonny Silver:
Oh, did we all shit in your cereal?




The Silver Lining laughs and smooths his shirt.

Sonny Silver:
I don’t know why you all are so upset. It’s not like we sprung all this on you out of the blue. Well…

He looks over to Clay, who grins malevolently.

Sonny Silver:
…we sprung the big man over here on you, but everything else we gave you ample time to prepare for. We told you that Vae Victis was going to mold DEFIANCE in the image we wanted. We told you that nothing and no one was going to stop us. And that’s just what we did.

Sonny looks back at VV.

Sonny Silver:
God, I love being right.

The smugness from that man truly knows no bounds.

“The Kraken” steps forward and motions for the microphone, which Sonny hands him with a bow.

Henry Keyes:

Boos rain down from all corners of the arena. It wasn’t so long ago that the sight of Henry Keyes with championship gold was a welcome sight, but now…now, it’s a problem.

Henry Keyes:
Flash your little minds back six months, friends. May of the Year 2022 of our Mother Earth. I stood before Vae Victis and Man and LAID IT OUT. The mission for The Kraken is Lindsay Troy and Gold…the mission for Vae Victis is to take. And take. And fucking TAKE. Six months ago, I told you all that I was on the warpath for this beautiful championship belt-

Keyes gives the SOHer a few hearty pats.

Henry Keyes:
And if The Kraken conquering the Southern Heritage Championship was a warning shot, you’ve now received the damned warhead, DEFIANCE. You’re smart, so you all must know deep in your guts by now…we’re not done.

Keyes hands the mic over to Lindsay Troy now. She steps forward, patting the 20 pounds of gold and jewels around her waist, and looks out to the crowd.

Lindsay Troy:
My people!


Lindsay Troy:
Now, is that any way to treat your new FIST of DEFIANCE?


The FIST fakes a frown.

Lindsay Troy:
I don’t…

She glances behind her at Vae Victis, faux confused.

Lindsay Troy:
I don’t understand what the problem is?

The fans have made it very clear that they do not like this new Lindsay Troy, at all.

It’s so bizarre too…to go from one of the most beloved DEFIANTS of all time to this? I don’t get it, Lance.

Troy looks back out to the crowd, a sneer painted on her pretty face.

Lindsay Troy:
No, really…did you all think this wasn’t going to happen? That I wasn’t going to hold this belt again someday? I told you all two and a half years ago that I came back to DEFIANCE for the FIST. I came back to right the wrongs of the perennial diaperbaby, Eric Dane. A year ago I made it my mission to run through this roster with the sole intention of taking this title by force, and that is exactly what I did. But no, you all don’t like that.

Can you blame the Faithful with the way she’s talking down to them?

Not at all.

Lindsay scoffs as the boos keep coming. Sonny shakes his head in disappointment at the crowd. The angry glares from the rest of VV stir the fans into a bigger frenzy.

Lindsay Troy:
You all don’t like me making good on my promises because I decided to actually embody the spirit of what this company should be about. What it used to be about. Hard-nosed fights, take no shit attitudes, and give no quarter. You all have forgotten your roots. You all have gone soft. But not me. Not us. That’s why we’re standing tall and baby-backed bitches like Rezin are throwing in the towel. Why the faux prophet Deacon hasn’t shown his face or spoken a word since ACTS of DEFIANCE. But please, keep giving us your hatred. Keep shedding your tears. They only strengthen us to keep crushing the weaklings under the heels of our boots.

She pauses to let her words sink in. As she does, the anger melts away from her face.

Lindsay Troy:
The time for little playground games and cinematic matches is done. This is officially a new era of DEFIANCE. The Vae Victis Era. And I will be a FIST that you all can be proud of, whether you like it or not. I will be a fighting champion, and my first defense will be in two weeks.

That, at least, gets a little cheer from the Faithful.

Well, this is a surprise…a match for the FIST on DEFtv 178!

Dex Joy’s ears must’ve perked up in the back.

Lindsay Troy:
Yes, that’s right. I have no intentions of sitting back and doing nothing until DEFRoad like some other FISTS have done. I’ve kept all my promises and I intend to keep another one. That’s why I’ll be putting this belt on the line against a person who’s had a bit of a win streak of their own of late. Someone that all you fans have rightfully given your support to. 

A few people fall into that bucket. Dex Joy, Elise Ares, The D, Scrow…

Lindsay Troy:
At DEFtv 178, I will be defending the FIST against……..SGT. SAFETY!


But also yay?

Oh come on, is Lindsay Troy for real?

She did tell Tim Tillinghast she thought Sgt. Safety deserved a shot.

You know and I know that she wasn’t serious, Lance. 

Lindsay Troy: [grinning]
And now, my dearest Faithful, it’s time for us to depart and continue our celebration…but don’t worry, because pretty soon you’ll get to see Kerry throw Minute around like a rag doll. Sounds like a real hoot.

She tosses the microphone back to Sonny.

Sonny Silver
Later bitches! Production monkeys, hit the music!

“Stranger Fruit” begins playing again with VV raising each other’s arms in the air.


Catch DEFIANCE Live in your town (but we won't go to any blood money places, I promise)!


DEFtv returns from commercial to the talent parking lot and an EARLIER TODAY segment where Conor Fuse and Malak Garland are walking towards the Bender Arena. Clearly traveling together, it looks like Conor is trying to talk some sense into Malak. Malak appears to be listening and shaking his head ‘yes’, although rather unsure of himself when the two are approached by interviewer Jamie Sawyers.

Jamie Sawyers:
Guys, there’s a lot going on tonight but I wanted to get your additional thoughts on ACTS of DEFIANCE and moving forward. Are you two going to commit to being a tag team? In the main event tonight you have another chance to redeem yourselves when you face The Dangerous Mix!

Garland eyes the interviewer with severe uncertainty before Conor steps in front of the open microphone being held up between both wrestlers.

Conor Fuse:
Listen, Jamie. We’re a work in progress. The entire Comments Section is a work in progress ATM. PCP was a tough draw, a duo that’s been there, done that a million times over. Malak and I are only really starting to know each other. This isn’t DEFCON, where we were hanging by a thread with no actual teamwork and a hatred of each other. Malak made it clear he wants to be friends. AND he made it clear when he’s faced with adversity, he CAN wrestle!

Fuse smacks his “friend” on the back.

Conor Fuse:
Right, Mal?

Garland ever-so-slightly shrugs.

Conor Fuse:
This guy will be the DEFIANT he’s meant to be and it’s why we are traveling together. Learning to live with the circumstances. Both of us! I’m forever a part of The Comments Section and now, for the betterment of evvvvrryyybody, Malak is going to reveal his true skills. As for Dangerous Mix…

Conor winks into the camera.

Conor Fuse:
Keep losing boys. You’re nothing more than low level NPCs.

That’s a comment Garland can get behind. He seemingly enjoys the slander and starts to nod with passion. Jamie, meanwhile, brings the mic back to his own mouth and asks another question.

Jamie Sawyers:
Conor, Malak, I also wanted to get your thoughts on the Favored Saints Championship rematch tonight where Tyler will defend against Thurston, the man he beat for the belt last week in NOLA…

Upon hearing Tyler Fuse’s name (and specifically hearing Tyler defeated Thurston), Malak Garland starts to openly cry. Jamie moves the mic to Garland’s face.

Malak Garland:
Too- too- too violent. [Sob] Tyler Fuse is too violent.

The look on Conor’s face is nothing more than a blank slate. Likely The Ultimate Gamer is trying to stay out of it.

Malak Garland:
While it is true, I demanded The Favored Saints grant Thurston Hunter a rematch, Tyler is too violent and he should be canceled!

Suddenly, Malak is getting a rush of adrenaline and confidence, feeling comfortable going back to his trolling ways.

Malak Garland:
I’ve been saying this for years! Tyler Fuse is a bad, bad man! He is severely triggering and I just can’t handle the guy! No one can!

The younger Fuse lets out a huff. Jamie is quick on the scene, feeling like this could morph into an excellent interview with some family tension. Obviously, he wants to hear what Conor has to say.

Conor Fuse:
Look, buddy…

Conor places a hand on Malak’s shoulder. The Keyboard King goes back to openly sobbing after previously showing such confidence.

Conor Fuse:
You could learn a lot from Tyler…

Garland’s eyes open wide. The Mega Troll is beside himself.

Conor Fuse:
Yeah, Tyler has a mean streak. Yeah, Tyler is a dickface. Trust me, Mal, I get all of that, I’m his little brother. BUT!

Fuse pauses.

Conor Fuse:
He usually channels his anger inside the ring and right now, Tyler’s on a pretty serious winning streak. I don’t think he’s lost since the start of January. Winning streak, defeated Jack Harmen, Favored Saints Championship. I mean… pretty legit stuff. Maybe I could learn from Tyler, too…

Fuse isn’t done.

Conor Fuse:
If Thurston wants a rematch against Tyler, I’m sure that’s fine with both parties.

Garland starts mumbling something about “cheating”. Conor shakes his head no.

Conor Fuse:
And Thurston can fight his own battles. Because Jamie… that’s what The NEW Comments Section is about.

Fuse’s tone suggests the interview is over. Sawyers thanks both men and they walk towards the Bender entrance. However, Garland continues to mumble about cheating and Conor…

Ignores him.


Our opening match coming up is no doubt a clash of styles, but it should be a good one nevertheless! Two-time former Favoured Saints champion and Vae Victis member Kerry Kuroyama takes on another former Favoured Saints and two-time former Unified Tag Team Champion, Minute of Titanes Familia!

Kerry had one of the best matches of two-night ACTS of DEFIANCE event against Dex Joy, only to come up short. Meanwhile, Minute was victorious in tag team action and had a good showing for himself at the recent Tag Party IV event, making it to the Block B final.

And with rumors swirling backstage of an announcement to come with both FIST and Southern Heritage Title implications, every win is important! Let’s go to the first match with Darren Quimbey for intros!

To Quimbey we go! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first… 

The intros kick up with laboratory sound effects. Music starts to play, along with a voice intro…

You know sometimes in life you gotta be aggressive
You know people push you to that limit of madness
So you need to write music to do that shit
1000volts and Datsik (Yeah)
Let's go

♫ "Monster” by Datsik feat. Redman ♫

The crowd cheers when out comes a mighty monster of… well, monstrous proportions! The luchador, Minute, steps out onto the stage in a black one-strapped singlet identical! 

Darren Quimbey:
Representing Titanes Familia… he is a seven-foot five monster that is out to dunk on all these other vanilla midgets in the ring right now… he weighs in at allegedly well over four-hundred pounds, but can still outfly anyone in this promotion… he is MINUTE… EL… MONSTRUO!

Minute el Monstruo coming out, but I don’t know if Kerry Kuroyama is a man you want to play games with right now. 

Especially after having lost to Dex Joy! Kerry is looking to rebound and Minute looking to continue some of his recent winning ways! 

Minute scans the crowd, then “steps over” the ropes one step at a time to crawl inside. He poses for the crowd with a hand up and then waits for the arrival of his VV opponent. Sonny Silver steps out to complete the intros. 

Sonny Silver:
Minute el Monstruo? Kid, you think this is a game, huh? Halloween wrapped up Monday, you little asshole. The days of dress up and granting Make-A-Wish kids their wishes are out the window now… A TYPHOON IS COMING! 

He smiles. 

Sonny Silver:
A typhoon of fucking PAIN, son! The Titan of the Skies is about to get his little punkass dropped right back to Earth, courtesy of this man… weighing 246 pounds! Like me, he’s a loud and proud resident of Seattle, located in the ONLY WASHINGTON ANYONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT… WASHINGTON STATE!


Sonny Silver:
The destroyer of Dex Joy’s neck and the mower-downer of little lucha pricks… KERRY! KUROYAMA!

♫ "Stranger Fruit” by Zeal and Ardor ♫

The unsettling intro to the Vae Victis anthem plays. The light hits Kerry Kuroyama, staring daggers at Minute in the ring as he closes in on the last few feet. Reaching the ring, he scales the steps to the apron and posts up outside of a corner post for a spiteful fistpump to the booing DC Faithful. He turns around and looks back to the decorated luchador before getting ready for a match. 


Like a rocket, Minute tries to launch himself across the ring… but Kerry has the early attack scouted! He swats away the dropkick! He then tries an elbow drop, but Minute zips out of the way. Minute flips to his feet and then rocks Kerry with a sliding dropkick to the chest! The Pacific Blitzkrieg gets knocked on his back! Sonny Silver watches from the outside and looks shocked at the quickness on display from Kerry’s opponent!

Kerry had the first attack scouted, but not the second! He has Kerry down! And… 

Minute steps on Kerry’s back like the “giant” he’s pretending to be and gets many flashes from the phones of people in attendance! The Faithful are cheering in approval with Kerry angrily shoving his way back up! 

Oh, no… was this a mistake on Minute’s part?

El Monstruo ends up in a corner after Kerry reaches out and shoves him. He charges, but Minute rolls out of harm’s way. Kuroyama gets stopped in the corner when Minute ends up back on his feet and charges forward. Kerry hits a back body drop to try and sling Minute over, but The TJ Tornado lands on his feet on the apron behind him. When Kerry spins around, Minute leaps up and hits him in the face with a huge leaping enzuigiri! 

Minute outrunning Kerry! The speed at which he can pull off moves like this is unreal! 

Minute leaps up to the top rope when Kerry tries to come back, but Minute leaps over to land on the middle rope. Kerry swings again, but Minute el Monstruo leaps to the first rope, then slips backwards between Kuroyama’s legs to land on his feet! The Faithful pop for only a second…


Kerry has had enough and RIPS right through Minute’s fast-paced counters with one single lariat! 

What a lariat! Kerry had him scouted early on, but Minute used those evasive tactics until Kerry knocked him out of the sky! 

And now Kerry is in control! Exactly where Minute doesn’t need to be! 

Kerry is more than done with Minute el Monstruo’s nonsense and rewards his antics with a STIFF chop so hard, he clears Minute off his feet in one shot! Sonny yells at Kerry to do it again. Kerry hears the VV Spokesperson loud and clear. He picks Minute up in the corner, then CRACKS him with a second chop! Minute falls to his knees in pain with Kerry ready to hit him again. 

Sonny Silver:
One more! 

The Pacific Blitzkrieg pulls up a winded Minute. He takes his time with the third one… but Minute moves! Kerry sees him and Minute charges off the ropes. He tries to connect with a handspring from the other side of the ring, but before he can connect, Kerry grabs him in mid-move!

Ooh! Back suplex… and he’s not done! 

After the first back suplex, Kerry drags Minute up with him and then drops him with a second spine-tingling back suplex!

We saw Kerry Kuroyama overpower Dex Joy during several moments of their match! He’s ragdolling Minute right now! 

He still hangs on and then PITCHES Minute up and over with a Release German suplex! Minute bounces up and flops back to the mat while Kerry looks over to Sonny. Silver gives him a thumbs up for approval. 

You said it! Kerry isn’t messing around tonight and he showed Minute what happens when you do! 

Kerry picks up Minute by his mask and strikes him with a big chop! Minute spills into the ropes, but Kerry isn’t done. Minute gets picked up and then he gets THROWN with a huge front suplex right into the top rope! The TJ Tornado bounces off and crashes forward to the mat with a jeering crowd booing Kerry for his treatment of the young luchador. 

Kuroyama really doubling down on the punishment of Minute! Minute had that quick flurry at the start, but now it’s all Kerry. 

After the front suplex, Kerry Kuroyama goes for another one when he double underhooks the arms of Minute. He takes a few extra seconds with it to hold Minute up, then drops him down with a huge double underhook into a backbreaker! Minute almost gets broken in half off of the big move and falls to the mat! 

Black Mountain Bomb by Kerry! I think he thinks he can take it here! He’s finally going for a cover!

Kuroyama goes for a cover for the first time after punishing Minute for an extended period! 




The TJ Tornado struggles to kick out, but the shoulder comes up! 

Kickout by Minute, but Kerry staying on the attack! 

Kerry stand up and as Minute tries to crawl to his feet, Kerry stomps him across the back! He stomps several times before he grabs Minute. He has another chance to go for a German suplex. He picks Minute up and throws him back for a suplex… but Minute backflips and BARELY catches himself! His back is hurt, but he crumbles into a corner! 

Minute escapes! But can he even do anything about it? Kerry has punished that back that could make that high-flying more difficult! 

Standing back to the ropes, Kerry scrambles up. He charges towards him, but Minute gets one leg up, then brings the other up to kick Kerry in the face. Kerry stumbles back, but comes right back with another boot to Minute’s chest, then whips him to the ropes. He follows Kerry, but he doesn’t count on Minute using a tiger feint kick through the ropes, kicking Kuroyama in the breadbasket as the hits the ropes! As he’s stunned, Minute leaps off the middle rope and hits the Interceptor tornado DDT on Kerry! The blow sends Kerry rolling out towards the floor to perhaps create space between he and the luchador, but his neck gets jacked up. 

Counter by Minute! Interceptor DDT hits! 

Kerry is down, cursing under his breath and holding his neck while Minute is holding his own back, trying to get something going with help from The DC Faithful! They start to will Minute el Monstruo back to his feet. He uses the nearby ropes to be able to pick himself up and tries to fight through the pain. 

What does Minute have in mind? 

The TJ Tornado looks at Sonny Silver and smirks underneath his mask before he takes flight over the ropes with a HUGE tope con hilo to wipe out Kerry Kuroyama on the floor! Minute takes a moment to get back up, but with a crowd cheering him on, he finds his adrenaline. The Monstrous Flippy-Doo slides back into the ring. This time, he pops the crowd with another hand spring and then LEAPS over the ropes with ease… 


The crowd buzzes to life again when Minute gets back to his feet, and then heads back into the ring while Sonny Silver is shaking his head. He yells at Kerry to get back into the ring to avoid the countout while Minute is back inside, still favoring his back, but ready to do more if he needs to. 

Kerry just got wiped out by those dives from Minute! Is there anyone in DEFIANCE who has a bigger arsenal of aerial moves like those? 

Kerry starts to get up and then crawls back into the ring, right into a stiff running thrust kick by Minute! Kerry gets knocked into the ropes and Minute follows up with another big tiger feint kick! Kerry gets knocked away from the ropes when The Monstrous Flippy-Doo poses on the ring apron… He leaps… 

Top rope springboard moonsault by Minute? Will that be it? 

Minute hooks both legs and pulls back! 




Kerry pushes him off with the kickout and holds his chest!

Close one there by Minute! He almost pulled it out over Kerry! 

This would be a big win for either man to kick off the show! 

Minute gets back up to his feet again and heads to the top rope. Sonny yells at Kerry to get up and stop him. By the time that Minute is able to get to the top rope, Kerry does spring to life and palm strike stops The Monstrous Flippy-Doo from doing anything more. 

Kerry slows down Minute with that strike, but can he finish him here? 

With Minute stunned on the top rope, Kerry climbs up to the middle to try and get Minute off the top turnbuckle. He tries to hook the neck for a big superplex… 

But Minute fights back! Right hands aplenty for Kerry, followed by BITING him on the forehead! 

That is a monstrous move by Minute! Alliteration for the win! 

Kerry is stumbled on the ropes when Minute jumps off and hits a modified diving meteora to take both he and Kerry to the mat! The DC Faithful are on their feet!

What an innovative move by Minute! Will the modified meteora score the big win! 




Sonny Silver is in shock, and then relieved after the shoulder comes up! 

A great match to open the show! Minute has to keep on the attack! 

Minute gets up and then plasters Kerry with a hard kick to the chest. He fires two more shots to the chest, then spins for a 540 kick. Kerry ducks underneath the move and then shoves Minute into the ropes. He leaps to the middle rope and comes back… but Kerry CRACKS him in mid-move first with a huge discus elbow! 

Oooh! He knocks Minute right out of the sky with that elbow! 

Minute tries to get up, but catches a NASTY Green River Revolt knee strike to the back! 

No! Green River Revolt! That might be it! 

The crowd grimaces when the shot connects, but Kerry still isn’t done and wants to finish this to make sure there’s no more surprises from the Titanes Familia member. He pulls Minute up and pulls him up into a pumphandle… right into a VICIOUS Kuroyama Driver! Kerry wastes no more time hooking the leg!





♫ "Stranger Fruit” by Zeal and Ardor ♫

Kerry stis up and stares down at Minute as Jonny Fastcountini calls for the bell. 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your… 

Sonny Silver:
Here is YOUR queue to get the fuck out of Vae Victis’ ring so I can do the intro, asshole! 

Darren stops when Sonny slides into the ring and raises Kerry’s arm. 

Sonny Silver:
Here is YOUR winner… KERRY! KUROYAMA!

Kerry stares down at Minute and looks like he might have another idea or two in mind. That is, until the crowd cheers the arrival of Dan Leo James! The Young Titan heads down and quickly helps Minute out of the ring. Sonny tells Kerry not to worry about them and bask in his victory. 

Dan Leo James doing the smart thing and helping Minute out if Kerry tries anything, but Sonny Silver looks happy with Kerry’s win tonight! 

Kerry came in with a great gameplan to work that back and when he found an opening, he used it and won the match! 

Dan helps Minute to the back while Sonny pats Kerry on the chest and gives him the old seal of approval. Kerry basks in the jeers and heads out of the ring alongside Sonny, showing off Vae Victis domination tonight as the show moves on. 


BRAZEN - Where the next generation CLASH!


Cut to our announce desk and our hosts for this show and every show: Darren Keebler and Lance Warner.

It’s already been an action packed edition of DEFtv - and we’re just getting started!

Let’s throw it over to Christie Zane.

The camera transitions over to the interview stage where Christie Zane stands, microphone at the ready. Flashing the camera a quick smile, she then turns her attention to the crowd to address them.

Christie Zane:
Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming my guests at this time…  the former Unified Tag Team Champions and STILL owners of Ballyhoo Brew…Pat Cassidy and Brock Newbludd…The Saturday Night Specials!

♫ “Drink” by Alestorm ♫

Alestorm’s thunderous opening riff is matched with an equally as deafening roar from The Faithful as Ophelia Sykes makes her way onto the stage. Ophelia gives a wave to the crowd and the cheering swells louder as SNS joins her on the stage. As Sykes makes her way over to join Zane, Newbludd and Cassidy both play to the crowd, riling them up even further. Newbludd slaps some hands while Cassidy leaps on top of the guardrail, cupping his hands and calling out to The Faithful who respond in kind.

I gotta say, Lance, it sure is a welcome sight to see Pat and Brock reunited.

Reunited and reinvigorated, partner. Both Newbludd and Cassidy look fired up and ready for anything. It’s that type of energy that not only won them the titles but also the admiration of The Faithful.

Throwing up a final pair of fists to the people, the former champions head over to the interview stage. Brock posts up on one side of Zane, while Cassidy and Sykes stand on the interviewer’s other side. Christie raises the mic up to get down to business but is forced to stop when the capacity crowd breaks out a familiar chant.


Cassidy and Newbludd both grin and pump their fists in rhythm with The Faithful’s chanting, causing Zane to roll her eyes in annoyance. Both men notice Christie’s irritation and they help her out by signaling for the people to simmer down so she can speak. Slowly but surely, the chanting dies down and Zane raises the microphone back up.

Christie Zane:
Brock, Pat… it feels like it’s been forever since we’ve seen you two standing here together. Brock, The Faithful have been clamoring for your return for weeks… so I guess my first question is: do you have anything to say to the fans of The Saturday Night Specials?

Brock goes to answer, but Sykes rolls her eyes, steps forward, and cuts in.

Ophelia Sykes:
That’s the Ballyhooligans, girl. Do your homework.

Zane shoots Sykes a death glare before regaining her professional posture and again turning to Brock Newbludd. Brock takes the mic, looking toward The Faithful with a smile.

Brock Newbludd:
Hell, Christie, I…

Brock’s response is interrupted by a chant from the people in attendance.


Newbludd can’t contain his appreciation at that, as he lowers the mic and appears to get momentarily choked up. He waits for the chant to run its course before continuing.

Brock Newbludd:
Fuck, you guys are the best…

Cassidy suddenly cuts in.

Pat Cassidy:
Brotha, you been gone a while, so I’ve got to remind you: we can’t swear on TV. The suits will get rip shit.

Brock Newbludd:
Oh, you mean the same suits who bent over for The Lucky Sevens and agreed to never let us have our rematch? Aw jeez, I’d hate to piss them off after all they’ve done for us.

Pat Cassidy:
Those same ones, you bitchass bitch. Maybe get the shit outta your ears?

Brock Newbludd:
Good advice, you fu-

Ophelia Sykes cuts in.

Ophelia Sykes:
Guys! We need to move on here.

Cassidy and Brock grin as The Faithful have a chuckle on their impromptu Abbott and Costello routine.

Brock Newbludd:
But to get serious for a minute… I can’t thank you people enough. For your calls. Your texts. Your social media posts. And your chants. You know how to make a guy feel missed. And hell… I did walk away.

Brock’s demeanor grows serious.

Brock Newbludd:
I own it. After what happened at Maximum DEFIANCE… with Siobhan… and The Sevens. Shit - it was just too much. I needed to get away. Clear my head. And I…

He turns to his tag partner.

Brock Newbludd:
…I left you in the lurch, buddy. And for that I’m sorry. I saw you trying to hold down the fort. You wrestled for me to maybe get a chance at the FIST! And you did all you could to keep Dr. Dickhead at bay, even when the odds were against you. You’re a good tag partner… and an even better friend.

Pat makes a show of crying, and the duo laugh before sharing a very manly fist bump.

Brock Newbludd:
And I heard ya, man. You stood in this ring at DEFtv 175 and asked for me to come back. You told me you needed my help to protect everything we’d built. That’s what I needed, buddy. The kick in the ass I was waiting for. Was I going to let douchebags like The Lucky Sevens and Ned Reform win? I sure as hell was not! And I grabbed my shit, and I was on my way back… when that bitter traitor Davey LaRue jumped me from behind. Next thing I know, I’m tied up in some shithole trailer watching HIM try to be ME!


Brock Newbludd:
Yeah, well he found out the hard way that being a part of this team is easier said than done, and I took care of him at ACTS of DEFIANCE. Swampass Davey won’t be an issue anymore, and if he ever shows his face around here anymore, I will promptly smash it in just like I did at ACTS. One last thing… I sure as shit gotta give a special shout out to Debbie Warenstein - Kid, you’re my hero. Without you I’d be at the bottom of a swamp right now - but thanks to you…

Brock looks directly into the camera, his tone shifting from serious to again jovial and pumped up.

Brock Newbludd:


Brock passes the mic to Pat Cassidy.

Pat Cassidy:
Hell yeah, buddy. The Saturday Night Specials are back. And you know what else is back? Ballyhoo Brew. Despite Doctor Dickhead’s best attempts, DEFIANCE’s favorite spot is making a comeback. And I know all my New Orleans OG Faithful are watching, and I know they’re missing out, so I’m here to let you all know the big news: Wednesday, December 28, get ready: the new Ballyhoo will be open and ready for business! 


Grinning due to the Faithful’s reaction, Cassidy looks to Zane.

Pat Cassidy:
Sure seems like things are getting back to normal around here, huh?

Christie nods. Behind Pat, Ophelia mouths, “back off.” Pat moves to look directly into the camera.

Pat Cassidy:
And you don’t know the half of it. See, now that SNS is back to full force… it’s time for those Unified Tag Team Titles to come home where they belong.

Brock moves into frame so that both men are filling the lens, smiling menacingly into the camera. They maintain this position as Cassidy continues.

Pat Cassidy:
I know that Titanes Familia's open challenge for tomorrow night has already been accepted - and that’s fine. But whether they retain or not doesn’t matter to us - we’re officially laying down the challenge for a shot at the tag belts at DEFIANCE Road!


Big match proposed by The Saturday Night Specials!

Don’t forget, now that The Lucky Sevens have lost the championship, The Saturday Night Specials are again eligible to challenge for those belts.

Brock Newbludd:
That’s right, boys! We’re ready to…

Christie Zane clears her throat, breaking the spell of The Saturday Night Specials “we’re coming for da belts” promo. SNS no longer fill the frame, moving backwards to see can see Zane holding her own mic.

Christie Zane:
Sorry guys, but I’ve got some news that I think you’ll want to hear. You just laid out a challenge for the tag belts, but there’s a complication: you see, there is a chance for some DEFIANCE gold in your futures… but not for the Unified Tag Team Championship. In two weeks time, at DEFtv 178 in Philadelphia… DEFIANCE is hosting a very special battle royal! A battle royal in which the final two participants standing receive a shot at the SOHer and FIST, respectively! And you are both participants in the match!


HUGE news, Lance! That match has big implications for our title scene.

You have to imagine it’s also a match that Vae Victis will be watching very closely…

For their part, Cassidy and Brock give each other a look as they process this information. Brock raises his eyebrows and nods in approval and Cassidy follows suit.

Brock Newbludd:
Sure as shit, Christie, there’s no chance we’re passing up that opportunity. 

Pat Cassidy:
Yeah - eff it, right? I guess we’re not just talking to the tag champs - we’re talking to the entire DEFIANCE roster. Your boys are coming to throw your asses right over that top rope on our way to championship gold! We’re gonna…


Pat’s tirade is interrupted as The Faithful erupt into jeers… and when we cut to the entrance, we see why. Siobhan Cassidy has appeared! She puts her hands on her hips and looks around with a sneer at the people who are giving her hell. On the stage, Ophelia begins to undo her earrings, but Pat stops her with a hand on her shoulder. Siobhan has a mic of her own.

Siobhan Cassidy:
Well, hey there, boys! Long time no see!


On the stage, Brock shakes his head.

Brock Newbludd:
Ugh…really Shev? 

Pat suddenly snatches the mic out of his partner’s hands!

Pat Cassidy:
Nah buddy. You’ve dealt with her enough. Allow me.

Cassidy bids Brock and Ophelia to stay behind as he hops off the interview stage and begins to walk toward the entrance. Siobhan smirks as her brother approaches.

Siobhan Cassidy:
Oh, look who decided to come talk to me. I swear, when my boyfriend gets here, he’ll…


To the approval of the crowd, Pat smacks the mic right out of his sister’s hand! 

Pat Cassidy:
Nobody gives two shits about whatever crackhead you’ve conned into being your boyfriend, you stupid idiot.

Siobhan looks SHOCKED and APPALLED.

Pat Cassidy:
Listen - I changed your diapers. I watched you pick your nose and eat it. And I used to chase down and beat up all those little shitheads on the playground who gave you trouble. You remember that? And in high school, when that little prick was spreading those rumors about you, remember me and Jeff going over to his house and putting his head through his fence? Remember that? And all that time, I stood up for you. I ignored all the things people were saying about you, cause that’s what family does. And then you want to come out here to New Orleans. Experience life. Work in my bar. Hey, fine, no problem. You want to start dating Newbludd. Sure, great, yeah. But you know what? In the entire two years you’ve been out here, I’ve gotten to know the grown-up Siobhan. The person you became after the diapers came off and you put the dolls away. And I’m fucking ashamed to stand here and admit…

Pat is actually getting a little worked up and emotional here.

Pat Cassidy:
That after getting to know the real you… instead of standing up for you and fighting off your detractors, I find myself on their side. Cause Siobhan? Turns out you’ve grown into a self-centered, egotistical, short-sighted, stupid… bitch.

Siobhan has turned red and her eyes nearly radiate fire. 

Pat Cassidy:
Nobody gives two shits who your boyfriend is. Nobody gives two shits what you have to say. You don’t work in DEFIANCE. You don’t know how to wrestle. I guess what I’m saying is: nobody cares… so get lost. And grow the fuck up.

Siobhan looks like she’s going to explode… but instead she turns around and storms out. Cassidy turns to look back to the crowd.

Pat Cassidy:
Good fuckin’ riddance. Now back to what matters…

Brock and Ophelia join Pat at the entrance, each taking position on each side of him. Cassidy points directly into the camera.

Pat Cassidy:
DEFIANCE… see you in that battle royal…

Brock Newbludd:
Now let’s hear it D.C! One time for the boys!

Newbludd takes an exaggerated breath and points out to The Faithful.


The Faithful:

♫ “Drink” by Alestorm ♫

Brock, Pat, and Ophelia all raise their hands in victory.

After putting Siobhan in her place… well, it looks like The Saturday Night Specials have their eyes on a chance at the two top singles titles in DEFIANCE!

That battle royal sounds huge, Keebs… I look forward to getting more information as our show continues! And speaking of titles… we’re set for a championship match next!

The Saturday Night Specials disappear behind the curtain as their theme fades out. 


The hard cam shows Thurston Hunter limbering up in the middle of the ring as the broadcast comes back from commercial break.

♫ “Machinehead” by Bush ♫

Faithful, welcome back to DEFtv as we strap in a Favored Saints Title match!

The view changes to the ramp as none other than the current reigning and defending Favored Saints Champion, Tyler Fuse, walks out on stage.

Darren Quimbey:
This next contest is for the DEFIANCE Favored Saints Championship! Introducing the champion, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, TYLER FUSE!

The Favored Saints booked this rematch at Thurston’s request after he dropped the title in rather one sided fashion this past UNCUT and I understand we have a video message to listen to right now!

As Fuse confidently walks down to the ring, an inset double feature shows the live broadcast of Fuse walking and a pre-recorded video promo from The Bruiser Cruiser himself, Thurston Hunter.

Thurston Hunter:
Tyler, on UNCUT 129 you bested me and took my bruising belt from around my waist. Ouch. That hurt. To make matters worse, we faced off one on one once before. UNCUT 121. You managed to squeak out of victory over me there too and now here we are, the rubber match. An epic trilogy comes to a breaking point tonight on DEFtv. I can’t wait to get my hands back on the Favored Saints Title. It’s a belt I never should have lost to you in the first place. I will regain my title and restore my rightful place in The Comments Section as the baddiest bruisiest bitch on the block for they don’t call me the BiG GaMe HuNtEr for nothing. That handle only costs twenty bucks on Twitter. Money well spent and after tonight, I’ll be spending your money too because the Favored Saints Champion can and will do whatever he damn well pleases. Get street fighted, punk. I mean, I don’t even get an entrance on TV so you know what? That’s okay, I’m just going to take up all of yours with my little interview here. Daddy needs some TV time and I’m going to take what is mine! You ruined my life! You ruined my grand longterm storytelling plans too! I was all set for a nice long reign where I was eventually going to defend my belt against Gunther Adler in a Concrete Construction Ladder match and now that’s all on hold. It’s what you call a bump in the road. I’m sure Gunthy won’t want to face me without a belt on the line and if he does, then I’ll kick his teeth in just like I’ll do yours tonight. I’m going to cover you in tiny little bruises, Tyler. ALL OVER YOUR BUTT!

The inset interview vanishes upon completion as Fuse is readying himself in his corner of the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing the challenger, already in the ring, from THE STREETS, he is requesting to be introduced as the greatest former Favored Saints Champion this side of Rezin, HE IS THURSTON HUNTER!

Incompetent referee Mark Shields still shows Thurston the prize he is fighting for. Hunter nods before readying himself in his corner.

Lance, did you hear the dribble that came out of Thurston’s mouth?

Lance just shrugs his shoulders and sighs, hoping Thurston isn’t in too deep as the bell signifies the start of the contest.


Thurston immediately jumps into Tyler’s face and begins cussing him out.

Thurston Hunter:
You little panda patch bitch, I hate you. You ruined my career! I was champion and on bruiser cruiser control just fine before you came along and stole my belt! My concrete construction ladder match concept is ruined because of you! I mean, I still pitched it to The Saints and I am still challenging that useless German tool, Gunther Adler to a match because I can but you need to know where you belong and that is on the sidelines, handing my mentor Mal and his best pal cOmmEnts cOnOr Gatorade White Frost when they are parched because they get parched rather easily! QUENCH THEIR THIRST, TYLER! QUENCH! QUENCH! QUE-!




Fuse lifts Hunter to his feet but Thurston goes crashing back down. Tyler drops to the mat and hooks a leg.





“Machinehead” by Bush plays in the background as Tyler’s facial expression remains as deadpan as ever the entire time. He gets handed his belt before exiting the ring. EMTs rush the ring fast as Thurston isn’t even twitching.

Look, I know this was Thurston Hunter but look at how cold, callous, and dangerous Tyler Fuse is. That belt might not be coming off him anytime soon or so easily.

That, and I really think Hunter struck a chord by referencing Tyler’s brother in such derogatory fashion.

Tyler is no less than three steps from the ring when he notices Malak Garland walk out on stage. Fretting fiercely, The Snowflake Superstar looks around inconspicuously.

Malak Garland:

Fuse has a look suggesting indifference.

Garland was ready to play some interference but what he didn’t count on was the match ending so quickly! He’s been caught red handed!

Fuse stands there, not caring to advance on the sensitive wrestler because Malak poses no threat. Instead, Conor appears from the walkout and grabs Malak by the forearm, trying to drag him backstage.

Conor Fuse:
Dude, get the hell backstage. What did we talk about?

In reality, Garland is likely thankful Conor has shown up at this time but this also enables The Keyboard King to act tougher and “more ready” to fight than he typically would.

Malak Garland:

For just a mere moment, Conor and Tyler exchange glances before Garland and his contracted counterpart vanish backstage.




Back from a commercial break, Scrow is entering the ring. The Raven’s Eye with a stone-cold killer look on his face. He motions for a microphone.

Cut the music, ok…ok Scrow guesses this would be the outcome. At the time he did not think you would go that far. That is on Scrow.

He begins to pace the ring.

So having said that, Scrow has spent the last two weeks in the hospital until he had to fly here to Washington D.C.

The name of their city gets a cheap pop from the Faithful.

As he stared at her in that hospital bed, the one thing that kept coming to his mind was it was his fault. If it was not for Scrow making a life decision for her then she would at least be walking on her own two feet. So this little rivalry we have built up needs to end. So how about you take your seven-foot ass out to this ring and let us end this right here and right now Crimson Lord!

The Faithful cheer at that challenge. Scrow has dropped the microphone ad is ready for a fight.

♫“Prefiero Ser Su Amante" by Maria Jose and Cartel de Santa 

Scrow’s eyebrow raises as that is not the House of the Harvest music. Out steps Cristiano Caballero.

Scrow wants Crimson Lord here tonight but that is not the music he was expecting to hear here.

Cristiano Caballero:
Cut my music. I find it funny how you stand in that ring making demands and I could care less about your little squabble with the House. What I do care about is that I had you BEAT in that ring until Nigel Trickelbush and his dog Corvo Alpha interfered!

Cristiano continues his stride down the ring, Scrow has picked up the microphone.

Cristiano Caballero:
So if you are going to have a match it's not going to be with Crimson Lord it's going to be with ME!

Cristiano walks the steps and is about to step through the ropes.

Cris, Scrow is gonna give you a bit of advice before you pull that other leg of yours into this ring…TURN BACK!

The Faithful repeat his warning. Cristiano looks out into them with a smug look before fully entering the ring.

RAVEN’S CALL! Cristiano is out!

Well, he did warn him.

The Faithful shout in excitement, Scrow though is not amused and just kicks the lifeless Caballero out of the ring under the bottom rope. He then exits the ring flips the apron up and grabs a chair and throws it in the ring. He returns to the ring and sets the chair up in the ring.

Come on Crimson, Scrow knows you are no coward.

♫ “See you in…HELL” by Christopher Drake ♫

Reaper the Grey steps from behind the curtain.

Reaper the Grey:
Making demands huh? Well, little birdie before you get to the boss you are going to have to go through me. 

He starts to pace the entranceway.

Reaper the Grey:
I will tell you this though, she put up a better fight than you have ever done against me.

Oh, that clearly touched a nerve with Scrow right there.

Scrow’s eyes pop wide open as Reaper starts to make his way to the ring as the Faithful jump to their feet. Scrow has a look like he is about to rip out someone’s spine. Grey reaches midway down the ramp.

♫ “Closer to the Void” by The Enigma TNG ♫

Crimson Lord:
Mr. Grey this is not happening, especially in this corrupt city known as Washington D.C.

Nuclear heat there

Crimson Lord:
Scrow, you continue to be a nuisance. So perhaps this will finally pull this little thorn from my side. At DEFIANCE Road, you can have your shot at…Reaper the Grey and the newest member of my House. 

Lord refuses to give Scrow his match.

To be honest I think Crimson Lord is now not the one he wants to get his hands on its Reaper the Grey.

Fine with him. After Scrow finishes with your two lackeys he is coming after you!

Crimson Lord:
We will see. You have some balls kid, I will give you that. If you are already claiming victory in a two-on-one match. I know you have been going through a lot these last few weeks. Maybe it slipped your mind but at DEFRadio you pretty much said you were better than everyone in the back. Now I know you're a smart man, even you know your chances of leaving DEFIANCE Road as a victor is slim to none by yourself. So good luck with trying to find someone that will even give you the time of day.

♫ “See you in…HELL” by Christopher Drake ♫ 

Crimson Lord:
Wait…wait…wait cut the music, silly me I forgot to tell you something. Since Ms. Hive left my services, Ms. Ravanna has been on quite the recruitment drive. I have not only added Mr. Grey's tag team partner for his match at the PPV but also one, two maybe even three new members of my House that are on the DEFIANCE roster. Good luck trying to find a partner, you never know if they could be working for me.

Crimson smiles at Scrow who is just staring at Lord and Grey leave as their theme trails off. 

Scrow looks a bit taken back. Who is Reaper the Grey’s tag team partner? 

More importantly WHO else is also a part of HoH?

Scrow has a lot to think about and we already have a match set for DEFIANCE Road!


Coming up next… we have more Vae Victis… ish in action. Oscar Burns and Vae Victis were in such a good mood, I guess they let Butcher Victorious have a match tonight all on his own. He’ll be in action momentarily against Theodore Cain of the Gulf Coast Connection!

To a degree, I’m curious to see if Butcher has picked up anything from his recent… tutelage, I guess? He looked pretty effective teaming with Henry Keyes against Rezin and Matt LaCroix a few weeks ago, so we’ll have to see what he can do on his own. 

He was. Underneath that bumbling exterior, there is indeed potential. Let’s see what he can do in the solo realm up next! 

To Darren Quimbey for the next match! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall! Accompanied by “Wingman” Titus Campbell and the Crescent City Kid… Representing the Gulf Coast Connection, weighing 246 pounds… he is THEODORE CAIN!

♫ “The Saints” by Andy Mineo ♫

The trio make their way out from the back to a nice welcoming pop from the DC Faithful! Theodore Cain has on a new Gulf Coast Connection Mardi Gras-themed jester hat, along with Crescent City Kid, getting the crowd fired up with a collection of beads. “The Wingman” Titus Campbell brings up the rear and the powerhouse throws a few jester hats out of the bag into the crowd. Once they approach the ring, Theodore Cain gives his own jester hat to a young girl in the audience with her parents before he steps through the ropes. 

Cain looks ready. 

When his music fades…

♫ “Stranger Fruit (instrumental)’ by Zeal & Ardor ♫

The lights dim to a burgundy hue all throughout as the haunting melody starts to play… but instead of the regular lyrics… 

It’s Butcher Victorious. With his signature microphone now attached to a mic stand he’s carrying with him to the ring. 

Butcher Victorious:

Oh, God, no. Stop. Now. 


Butcher Victorious:

Butcher keeps on crooning like a fool until he gets to the ring. He mercifully puts down the mic stand and heads into the ring as he gets mostly jeers with a few ironic cheers, probably? The lights return to normal as he is clad in his burgundy-colored gear, ready to wrestle. Referee Rex Knox calls for the bell. 


Cain and Victorious lock up with Cain using his power advantage to get the better of him by locking in an arm wringer. The Smash Surfer takes control for a moment, but Butcher shockingly shows some skill and leans back before flipping to the side, then front rolls forward to free himself! He does get a very small smattering of cheers from The Faithful for breaking out and holding his hands up. 

That was impressive, but Butcher needs to focus on the match! Cain has both CCK and Titus Campbell out here. 

He does, or… oof! That might happen!

Cain runs right into Butcher with a running back elbow and knocks him down to cheers of his own from the crowd. 

The Smash Surfer takes over and… look! 

Cain stands on the back of Butcher like a surfboard and gets cheers from The Faithful! 

Theodore Cain now riding the waves! 

He gets off Butcher’s back and gets more cheers, but Butcher is annoyed and slaps the mat with both hands. Butch Vic gets into the face of Cain as he turns around and boots him in the gut before slapping a headlock on his larger opponent. Cain maneuvers himself back to the ropes and then shoves Butch Vic to the ropes. When he comes back, Butcher ducks a clothesline and keeps going. 

The Smash Surfer tries a back body drop but Butcher keeps running and leapfrogs over him. Off the next return, Butcher slips through Cain’s legs and pops up behind him before pushing him into the ropes. Cain goes into the ropes and is wide open for a running front dropkick by Butcher! He sits up and flexes after the shot! 

What an exchange of reversals! Butcher takes control! 

Butcher is back up and then mugs for the camera! He grabs his mic stand… 

Butcher Victorious:


Crescent City Kid and Titus Campbell cheer on their buddy as Butcher hits a pair of uppercuts (no doubt taught and/or stolen by Burns) before he twists the arm of Cain and tries a whip. The larger Cain reverses and sends Butcher cross-corner. Cain tries to get back at him, but Butcher leaps over and rolls backwards until he pops back up. He charges and Cain grabs the leg… but Butcher blocks it and hits a dragon screw!

Wow! Look at this! Butcher using the dragon screw! The influence of Burns is rubbing off on him! 

That’s for sure. 

Cain stumbles over in the corner while holding his knee, allowing Butcher to get back up and then get ready for his next move. Cain tries to get up near the ropes, but Butcher runs off the ropes and nails him with an inverted cannonball! 

And there’s the Landslide Victory! Cover by Butcher!




Cain kicks out while the fans cheer on The Smash Surfer’s efforts. Butcher can’t believe it so he hits another uppercut on Cain. Cain staggers back, but returns fire with a right, forcing Butcher to rake the eyes on the return! Rex Knox warns Butcher against doing that, but ignores the ref. He charges back, but gets the shock of his life when Cain POWERS him up and over with a massive back body drop! Butcher’s legs kick frantically before he crashes back down to Earth!

Both men exchanging moves, but it’s Cain who wins out first! Can Cain fight back?

He’s got his chance! 

The knee of Cain is bothering him after the earlier dragon screw, but he slaps the leg and tests to make sure it’s okay before he charges and clobbers the Vae Victis… ish associate/stooge with a big clothesline! Cain keeps running the ropes and when Butcher gets back, he hits a flying shoulder block off the other side. Cain keeps running again but when Butcher gets back up, he greets him with a knee lift! Cain slaps the knee and throws up the hang ten symbol for The Faithful who cheer back! 

Smash Surfer living up to his billing! 

And what if Cain wins tonight? He could do it! Remember, the GCC had Butcher’s number during a series of matches this year before Butcher joined up with Oscar Burns! 

When Butcher is up in a daze, Theo picks him up on one shoulder before driving him down with a big-time front spinebuster! Cain stacks both legs for a cover!

That could do it! 




Butcher kicks out, but Cain isn’t letting it get to him. CCK and Campbell both slap the ring on the outside with The Smash Surfer ready to end things. 

High Tide coming up! 

He has Butcher on the shoulders for the fireman’s carry neckbreaker, but before he can land it, Butcher slips out and tries to hide in the nearest corner. Butcher looks behind him and when Cain tries to grab him… Butcher grabs the mic stand, but Cain pulls him by the leg back into the ring!

Rex, come on, do something! 

Knox does just that and takes the mic stand from Butcher, dropping it out of the ring… but Butcher took off the microphone portion. He SMACKS him upside the head with the microphone! The entire arena hears the “THUNK!” upside his head, but Butcher discards the evidence. Knox looks at Butcher, who shrugs. 

Butcher used the microphone!

But Knox never saw it! 

Cain is holding his head against the ropes when Butcher kicks the rope upwards, knocking the steel cable upside the other part of his head! A giddy Butcher grabs him in a headlock and then flips forward with a ranhei-style move! 

Butcher hits hit! He calls that move “A Winner Is Me!” Which is very on brand for Butcher! 

He hooks the leg of Cain as CCK and Campbell both protest on the outside!





♫ “Stranger Fruit (instrumental)’ by Zeal & Ardor ♫

Butcher gets the hell out of the ring and then heads up the ramp, collecting both the mic stand and the stick. 

Butcher Victorious:

The crowd jeer the stooge of Oscar Burns as he limps back up the ramp, having won this match! 

Butcher Victorious showing a little cunning tonight. That’s a very scary thought. 

Indeed. I’m a little frightened. 

Now on top of the ramp, Butcher marches with both the mic and mic stand before leaving to his music as the show heads elsewhere. 


Titanes Familia are packed inside DEF medical with Iris Davine checking over Minute’s neck after a particularly bad landing and destruction from Kerry Kuroyama following their hard-hitting match earlier in the evening. Uriel and Titaness with the Unified Tag Team Titles while Dan Leo James is standing by, pacing. 

Dan Leo James:
Is… is he gonna be okay? 

Minute is icing down his neck. 

Iris Davine:
I’m recommending he go get his neck looked at least, just to make sure. 

Si. Thank you, Iris. 

Dan Leo James:
I’ll take you. You guys gonna be okay tonight out there? 

The Titan of Industry nods. 

Uriel Cortez:
We’ll be fine. Tomorrow, anyone who wants some of these titles can get them, but they’ll be leaving empty-handed. 

We’re not sweating it. You guys take it easy, okay? Just let us know if you need anything and we’ll come by after the show. 

Dan Leo James:
I gotcha, Minute. Let’s get out of here. 

Dan helps The TJ Tornado up. He bumps fists with Uriel and Titaness before they take their leave. 

Iris Davine:
Thanks, guys. 

Minute and DLJ leave the medical room and head the opposite direction as the Unified Tag Team Champions. Minute notices the look on Dan’s face. 

Hey, amigo… don’t blame yourself. You can’t always wrestle matches for me. I can’t wrestle them for you. Bad things happen. It’s nature of the game. 

Dan Leo James:
I guess…

His voice trails off as he starts to head down the hall. They round a corner when both men hear a voice. 

What a bitch! 

Dan and Minute both turn their heads. Standing there against a wall, sipping from a metal water cup wearing a sleeveless light blue shirt and black workout pants is one of BRAZEN’s recent graduates… the very powerful and very arrogant Strong AF.  He flashes a mock smile and wave to Minute and James. Dan shakes his head, but Minute won’t put up with it. 

You got problem, amigo? 

Strong AF unfolds his arms. 

Strong AF:
As a matter of fact, I do… 

He then looks up to Dan. 

Strong AF:
With THIS guy.

Dan knows him from BRAZEN and looks annoyed by the newcomer’s presence. 

Dan Leo James:
Allen… now’s not the time. 

Now he can’t help but fight back a smile. 

Strong AF:
Okay, YOUR ass is wrong on a couple of things, Danny Boy. First off, the name is STRONG. A. F. Only your mom can call me by my real name when I’m railing her. Second…

He turns to Minute. 

Strong AF:
You think THIS guy is Titan material? This guy won a battle royale to get his spot up here. Me? I worked my ass off in BRAZEN for two years straight to get here. Nobody held my hand like a little punk bitch. Everything I’ve done just to get me to this point was on my own. Winning strongman competitions. Working to make sure this handsome-ass body you see before you runs in tippy-top shape! Now having said that… 

The Seattle Strongman takes one more sip from his water bottle. 

Strong AF:
When you guys realize that I’M the real deal, give me a call, kay? 

Before he leaves, he snaps a finger and points to Minute with both index fingers. 

Strong AF:
STRONG. A. F. Remember the name, guys! I’m making my DEFtv in-ring debut in two weeks and I’m gonna show everybody why *I* should be a Titan! 

The boisterous musclehead leaves. Dan looks annoyed with his words, but Minute looks up. 

Hey… forget about him, amigo. Let’s go. 

Danny looks back in Strong AF’s direction before he silently follows along Minute by taking him to the hospital for further observation.


The scene opens at ringside with Darren Quimbey.

Darren Quimbey:
This is the main event! Introducing first… Mushigihara and David Fox… The Dangerous Mix!

♫ “Run Rabbit Junk” by Hideyuki Takahashi ♫

Mushi and Fox walk out to a good reaction from The Washington Faithful as they make their way to ringside.

What I would assume are big tag team implications with the tag division heating up as of late.

You heard Cassidy and Newbludd earlier. They’re “back”. PCP had a big victory over Malak and Conor. You’ve also got Dangerous Mix AND Malak and Conor!

Lucky Sevens.

Plus the champions.

There are a lot of them.

With Dangerous Mix in the ring, their theme song closes.

♫ “King DeDeDe Remix Theme” from Kirby’s Dream Land ♫

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents… Malak Garland and Conor Fuse… The Comments Section!

The crowd cheers (likely just for Conor) as the gamer and the snowflake appear behind the FIST logo. They are sporting white and blue designed tights and Conor has a white arm sleeve with a white headband. There are hashtags slandering the usual suspects on both of their gear regarding Lindsay Troy, Deacon and, of course, the fWo. All of Malak’s most hated things.

The duo make their way to ringside as Conor jumps on the apron and jumps over the ropes while Malak slides underneath them. The two converse before referee Hector Navarro calls for the bell.


We’ve got Conor Fuse up against Mushigihara to start.

It’s no surprise Conor will start for his team. I doubt Malak Garland will ever be the DEFIANT Conor wants him to be.

Fuse charges at Mushigihara and attempts a lockup but the clever gamer had a game plan going in and immediately slings around Mushi’s waist before tripping him and placing Mushi on the canvas. Fuse hits the ropes and spinning heel kicks The God-Beast square in the face since Mushi was on all fours. Conor pounds the canvas with his hands to get the crowd going before he fires off the ropes again and leaps into Mushi’s arms.

The Monster From Mito catches Conor but The Ultimate Gamer knew this would happen. He spins around the large man’s frame and crushes him with a tilt-a-whirl DDT!

Fuse kips to his feet. He bounces into the ropes again and nails Mushigihara with a crescent kick! Mushi falls into the ropes, bounces off them himself and levels Conor with an inside-out clothesline from out of nowhere.

The crowd cheers loudly!

Well, would you look at that!

Conor went inside-out twice and landed on his feet!

The Washington Faithful give a standing O for the amazing display as Conor turns to Malak Garland and offers his hand for a tag.

Conor Fuse:
LFG, budday. Tag in and show me you can do better.

Malak’s unsure of himself as Mushigihara takes this time to charge at Conor Fuse… but The Ultimate Gamer hops out of the way and leaps into the second turnbuckle pad. He shoots off it with a forearm smash but this time The God-Beast does catch Fuse.

Spinebuster slam!

The ring shakes upon impact. Mushigihara tilts his head into the rafters.


The fans give a cheer for Mushi as well while Malak sulks in his corner.

Great offense by Conor Fuse and an excellent counter by Mushigihara!

Mushi slams Conor to the center of the ring, bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop. He pulls Fuse to his feet and walks over to the Dangerous Mix corner, tagging in David Fox. Fox axe handle smashes Fuse from the second rope and then takes Conor’s right arm and twists it around. Fuse is trying to break free and hit Fox but can’t seem to do it as David turns the move into an arm drag and then subsequent arm bar. With Conor on the mat, referee Hector Navarro asks The Power-Up King if he’s going to tap out.

Fuse looks at Navarro with a deadpan expression, likely suggesting while the move hurts, it by no means is going to stop this contest.

With The Gamers behind him, Conor fights to his feet and ends up breaking free from the hold. He takes Fox and attempts a pile driver but Fox wiggles out, pushes Conor back and then connects with a DDT!

The Monster Slayer and most seasoned wrestler in this match connects with a rolling elbow, putting Conor into the ropes. David then clotheslines Fuse out of the ring.

Fox claps his hands and hypes the crowd. He hits the ropes on the far end and looks for a baseball slide but Conor Fuse helps guide Fox underneath the ropes and once Fox is out of the ring, The Character Formerly Known as Player Two hits a sidewalk slam!

Fuse throws Fox into the ring and points to the top rope. It takes Conor all of two seconds to jump onto the apron and then with ease he jumps onto the top rope. The Codebreaker measures Fox quickly and connects with a missile dropkick, sending Fox into The Comments Section’s corner.

Referee Hector Navarro checks on Conor Fuse, as the gamer comes up limp, suggesting he may have tweaked his knee in the process.

Hey, wait a second!

Meanwhile, since Fox is strung up in The Comments Section corner, Malak Garland is choking the life out of him with a shit eating grin on his face.

Mushigihara is furious! He bellows into the ring but the referee stops aiding Conor and finds the giant instead. Navarro screams at Mushigihara while Mushigihara continues to shout “OSU!” and pointing to the real shit going down.

Conor Fuse finally sees what’s up and he’s not happy. He hammers his knee with a few punches, likely to get the feeling back into it and then shouts in Garland’s direction.

Conor Fuse:

Fuse limps over to their corner and pulls Garland’s hands away from Fox. The Mega Troll acts like he did nothing wrong.

Malak Garland:
Oh, hey friend!

Fuse sighs heavily.

Conor hurls Fox into an empty corner and charges in with a splash. It seems like Conor’s knee is feeling much better now as he follows this up with a running bulldog, flips Fox over and hooks a leg.




Mushigihara has returned to his corner but he is clearly not happy!

We know Conor well enough to believe he didn’t fake that knee injury. He had no clue Malak was going to cheat.

Fuse pulls Fox to his knees. He turns to Malak Garland and asks the snowflake if he wants in this match.

Malak Garland:
No it’s okay. You’re doing great, Conor!

It’s tough to tell if Malak is being honest but by the tone of his voice, it sounds genuine. The reality is MagnumG doesn’t want to face any repercussions for his previous cheating behaviour.

Fuse hits Fox with a fury of HAPPY DOOM STOMPS, working Fox into a corner before The Jersey Devil gets a second wind! Using the ropes to pull himself up, David fights through the stomps and CRUSHES Conor’s pasty pale chest with a knife edge chop.


And another.


Many chops.

It’s all David Fox now, working Conor into the free corner from across the way. The fans are cheering and Conor’s chest is a deep shade of purple by the time both men get there. Fox Irish whips Conor to the corner where they came from but as Fox races in, Conor runs up the turnbuckle pads and flies off into a crossbody block pinning combination!

Smooth move by Fuse!




Fox has Conor in his arms.

Fall away slam!


Fuse ricochets his body off the top rope, finds his footing and then lands a roundhouse kick to Fox!

However, The Monster Slayer is back on his feet but met with another roundhouse kick.

And another.


Like the chops from David but this time in the form of roundhouse kicks via Conor Fuse, there are many of them!

Fox is down! Conor has this match under control!

Out of nowhere, Malak Garland sprints into the ring and clotheslines an unsuspecting Mushigihara off the apron!

Fuse looks at Garland.

Conor Fuse:

Garland shrugs while Hector Navarro shouts more than “DUDE” at the snowflake.

Conor shakes his head and goes back to work on David Fox. Conor connects with one of his Resolution DDTs (likely 720pDDT) before pumping his arms in the air and beginning to level up. The crowd gets hot, cheering the gamer on. He moves towards David…

And crushes the vet with a superkick, sending The Character Formerly Known as Troy Matthews FLYING halfway across the ring.

We could see the end of this match here!

Conor offers to tag Malak Garland. The crowd boos because they want to see more of Conor and less of Malak.

Garland surveys his surroundings, however. He sees David Fox is down and out. He also doesn’t see Mushigihara anywhere near the ring.

Garland shrugs.

Malak Garland:


And Conor tags Malak!

The Snowflake Superstar wanders into the ring. He looks down at David Fox and kicks him, lightly.

Garland giggles mischievously.

Garland kicks him again, playfully.

Another giggle.

This goes on for a while and Conor Fuse is starting to lose his patience. Albeit, Conor tries to keep his cool.

Conor Fuse:
C’mon man, show me what you got!

Garland looks up at Fuse. He stares at him blankly.



Suddenly, a rush of confidence consumes Malak’s face. It’s like he took in Conor’s words and is actually going to listen.

But before Garland can do anything else-





The crowd thought it was over. So did Conor and Malak. The Keyboard Warrior is resting on his knees and stunned beyond belief. Garland cocks his head and sees David Fox stirring.

In a fury, Garland screams at Fox and boots him square in the temple! Malak looks down at David… peels him off the mat…

And connects with a high angle brainbuster slam!

That’s an excellent move by Malak!

Garland stomps around the ring, in this new intense demeanor suggesting the match is fucking ON. He whips Fox to his feet and hurls the vet into the ropes-

Hurricanrana by Malak into a pin.




The crowd thought it was over again but the late millisecond kickout by David Fox saves The Dangerous Mix! To add further shock to this match… Malak Garland doesn’t seem phased! He takes hold of David Fox and…


Michinoku driver!!


Garland hooks a leg.




DEAR GOD! David Fox might be getting hit with everything but there’s still some fight left in the vet!!

Meanwhile, The Faithful are starting to get behind Malak Garland’s offense!

Another cheer is made as Garland gets to his feet. The Mega Troll looks at Conor Fuse who claps him on. It seems like Malak’s in a zone… but then…

Garland changes on a dime and starts to cry.

Malak Garland:

Fuse is shouting encouragement but it seems like Garland’s fallen back to his snowflake ways.

Malak Garland:
I- I- I am so triggered right no-



Fox tagged Mushigihara!

During this Malak Garland mElTdOwN, The God-Beast found his way back to the apron. And now he plans to seek revenge on Malak Garland from earlier!

Garland hears the foot stomps entering the ring. He slowly… methodically… horrifically… turns to see what’s coming.


Mushigihara takes a step forward.


A second step forward.


Garland nearly shits himself. The snowflake races towards his corner but Conor Fuse pulls his arms away and tells his “friend” that he needs to grow a pair.

Conor Fuse:
It’s the only way you’ll learn, Mal! GO DO IT! {Pointing at Mushigihara] Get that wasted space of tAlEnT!

Fuse realizes he has to slander Mushigihara in order to get Malak Garland MOAR motivated.

…Or motivated in the slightest.

Garland turns back to the ring. For another moment in this match, it looks like he might be able to do it. Mushigihara is waiting… waiting to be met in the center of the ring when-

The rest of the Comments Section comes spilling out from backstage to a chorus of boos!

Garland jumps up and down and claps his hands like a toddler on Christmas as Percy Collins, ALEX, MEE6 and even Thurston Hunter (who clearly has no clue where he is because he falls halfway down the ramp) make their way to ringside. Hector Navarro is working on a fucking heart attack as he walks to the apron and screams at everyone to leave, ejecting them in the process!

While this takes place, none other than The Game Boy emerges from underneath the ring! He snatches David Fox who is recovering in his corner and choke slams the vet off the apron and onto the steel steps! Conor Fuse exits his corner and races over to the chaos. Fuse leaps out of the ring and nails Game Boy across the face with a forearm smash. Hector Navarro now sees Game Boy and ejects the hulking henchman, too!

EXCELLENT! Great call by everyone involved!

This leaves Mushigihara, who hasn’t moved a muscle… waiting in the middle of the ring.

And Malak Garland on the far end, dead to rights.

Finally, someone in camo gear hops the guardrail and slides into the squared circle. With Hector Navarro now LITERALLY escorting The Comments Section to the back, Mushigihara doesn’t know what’s up.

HEY! It’s Search Party Cyrus!

SPC is right behind Mushigihara. Mushigihara, the man who traumatized Cyrus Bates with uranages almost a year ago.

Search Party Cyrus is about to grab Mushigihara when Conor Fuse slides into the ring and punches Bates square in the dick!

Conor’s livid and Malak’s about to pass out from stress. Fuse leans down and gets in Search Party Cyrus’ face.

Conor Fuse:
You stupid dipshit, FUCK OFF. Stop this nonsense! You say you’re traumatized from uranages and you can’t wrestle anymore!? Only to show up and attack people WITH THE SAME MOVE. Get bent.

Conor pushes Bates.

Conor Fuse:

By now, Mushigihara knows what’s going on. He’s witnessed the whole thing in front of him.

Fuse stands and walks right in front of The God-Beast. Conor shoves The Monster From Mito.

Conor Fuse:
As the self proclaimed Locker Room Leader, I’m sick of you, too. Go fight Malak and get this over w-

David Fox slides into the ring and hits Conor with the Rough Divide! Mushigihara follows by grabbing Search Party Cyrus and connecting with a…


Malak Garland is left alone.

Malak Garland hasn’t flinched.

Malak Garland is a deer in the headlights!

Mushigihara runs at Garland and connects with a big boot followed by a uranage! With The Comments Section gone, Hector Navarro sprints down the rampway and into the ring as Mushigihara hooks a leg!





Darren Quimbey:
The winners of this match… David Fox and Mushigihara… THE DANGEROUS MIX!

Their theme music plays as a recovering David Fox hugs his partner and their hands are raised.

Hell of a W for Mushi and Fox and with PCP defeating Malak and Conor at the pay-per-view, you have to wonder what’s in store for BOTH The Dangerous Mix and PCP moving forward!

AND Malak and Conor!

The Washington Faithful cheer Mushi and Fox as they make their exit up the rampway.

Folks, this was only night one! Come back tomorrow for night two! It’s going to be a hell of a-

Keebler cuts himself off as The Dangerous Mix theme comes to an end and the focus is in the ring…

Where Conor Fuse is standing, rubbing the back of his head and Malak Garland is on all fours, continuing to cry.


The Ultimate Gamer walks over to his fallen partner, offering his hand.

Garland looks at it but doesn’t extend his hand in return.

Conor Fuse:
Man, c’mon. All things considered, you did well.

Conor continues to talk to his partner off-mic but the apron camera picks it up.

Conor Fuse:
You just gotta stop all this.

Fuse gestures as if he’s referencing Game Boy, Search Party Cyrus and the rest of The Comments Section.

Conor Fuse:
You can be a damn good wrestler. You do have the talent. Brainbuster slam? Hurricanrana? Michinoku driver? Those are all legit wrestling moves YOU performed.

Conor pauses to put emphasis on his next sentence.

Conor Fuse:
Without cheating.

Throughout this pep talk, Conor hasn’t retracted his hand and Garland continues to look up.

Conor Fuse:
And you know what? In two weeks, we’re entering the FIST/SOHER battle royal. I got your back. You and I will be the final two.

Conor likes the thought of that. He starts nodding.

Conor Fuse:
If you want the FIST and that mOrOn Lindsay Troy, you can have her. I’ll take kEyEs, dude, I don’t care.

The hand is still there. The arena stays quiet to try and hear what Conor’s saying.

Conor Fuse:
You and I, bro. The NEW Comments Section. There’s gonna be some bumps in the road but you, just like me, can easily become the FIST of DEFIANCE.

The hand remains. Malak looks down, then back up. Then down, then back up.

The wait is long.

Then Garland takes Conor’s hand while Fuse pulls The Snowflake to his feet. Surprisingly, the crowd cheers.

Conor takes a moment to allow Malak to feel the crowd’s energy.

Conor Fuse:
See? I told ya. You’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for, Mal. You can be a hero.

The Ultimate Gamer walks to the ropes and exits the ring, while saying one more thing.

Conor Fuse:
We can both be.

The DEFIANCE signature appears on the bottom right feed of the broadcast as Fuse walks up the rampway with his back to the ring, while Malak Garland stands there, trying to make sense of everything he just heard.




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.