DEFIANCE TV 179 Night 1

30 Nov 2022

Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (seats 12,580)


♫ “DEFY” by Of Mice & Men ♫

Pittsburgh welcomes DEFIANCE as the Petersen Events Center is hyped for DEFtv 179! Pyro explodes from the top of the rampway. There's a giant FIST logo to walk out from and the DEFIatron above the entrance.

No signs an exciting shots of the crowd tonight. Instead, DEFtv goes straight to the point!


The camera is now on the stage and we are getting right to the action. The Lucky Lottery Girl is standing next to a rebuilt and reinforced version of the Lucky Lottery Tumbler! She smiles and waves with a few cat calls from the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful coming her way. All that is done the second that Tom Morrow steps on the stage. 


WELCOME to DEFtv! We are getting to the action right now on DEF TV 179! After The Lucky Sevens attacked the Pop Culture Phenoms and the Dangerous Mix on our last DEF TV, Max and Mason put the Unified Tag Team titles on the line in another Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery.

But this time they are offering up a rare challenge. The names to be drawn from this will be one member of the Pop Culture Phenoms and one member of the Dangerous Mix who have been having their own issues. 

Both teams want to be the Unified Tag Team champions. Those are main event-level tag team titles in this business but only one team can hold them. Unfortunately the team holding them right now are greedy and soulless twin monsters led by an even greedier monster.  

Tom Morrow is greeting with booing. 

Tom Morrow:
Hello Philly! 


Tom Morrow:
Sorry sorry sorry! I mean Pittsburgh. You will have to forgive me. I’m too busy counting my money and not giving a shit where we’re at because tonight, The Lucky Sevens are going to rack up another win, another title defense and a big title bonus! Welcome, Pittsburgh to the latest edition of … 

A drum roll plays as the banner appears on the DEFIA-Tron!

Tom Morrow:

Morrow waves his hands! 

Tom Morrow:
They have a combined fighting weight of six-hundred twenty-five pounds! They stand at an astounding combined fourteen feet tall! They are the TWO TIME Unified Tag Champions! My guys are the real Steelers here in Pittsburgh … stealing the show by handing out Five-Star Beatdown after Five-Star Beatdown!!! They are your Unified Tag Team Champions! They are “Big Money Monster” Mason Luck! “The Beast of the Bright Lights” Max Luck! They! Are! THE LLLLLUUUCCCKKKYYYY SSSEEEVVVEEENNNSSS!!!!

7 7 7

♫ “Money” by Of Mice and Men ♫

In brand new sparkling green capes, both Mason and Max hold them wide open to reveal all five titles between them! Three for Max two for Mason tonight! The crowd is booing them out of the building as pyro goes off from all directions on the stage! 


And on either side of the new champions, pinwheel pyro begins to spin, spiraling more pyro in each direction! Tom Morrow stands between the twin terrors and claps like a seal! Mason focuses on the ring and Max winks at the Lucky Lottery Girl who smiles back. It’s down to business now with the two men heading to the ring. The two most decorated wrestlers in DEFIANCE Wrestling take turns stepping inside. Morrow stays on the ramp to call his first opponent. 

Tom Morrow:
Up first we are going to draw a name from the Pop Culture Phenoms … come on out … 

The Lucky Lottery Girl spins the tumbler with another drum roll playing over the PA. She stops spinning and opens the tumbler. 

Tom Morrow:
“The Box Man” Klein! Come on down! 

The Lucky Sevens wait inside the ring when the music of their first opponent plays. 

♫ “Man in the Box” by Alice in Chains ♫

Klein isn’t alone, either. He’s with Elise Ares, The D and Flex Kruger. Klein comes out to a good cheer from the Pittsburgh Faithful and 

PCP knows The Lucky Sevens very well! Klein has been in the ring with the giants before so he knows what to expect. 

I hope so! 

Klein enters the ring while the rest of PCP find a spot near ringside to make sure Mason and Max aren’t trying anything.  At ringside, “The Pensacola Playboy” Aaron King is standing by and they want to hurt him for his part in jumping them on the last show. 

The tumbler rolls again complete with the drum roll. 

Tom Morrow:
And who will be Klein’s partner? 

The tumbler stops and out comes the ball. The Lucky Lottery Girl opens the ball and hands it to Tom. 

Tom Morrow:
Oh! Here we go! It’s big meaty men and whatever the expression is! Klein … your partner … is Mushigihara! Come on down!

♫ “Run Rabbit Junk” by Hideyuki Takahashi ♫

The house lights dim slightly, allowing those familiar red warning lights to settle in and set the mood as the curtain parts and the Dangerous Mix burst forth. The two fan favorites tag hands along the way with Mushi looking ready to try and pull off an upset just based on him not tagging with his regular partner. 

I’m a little shocked. The Titanes Familia screwjob a few weeks ago in Las Vegas was Titaness and Sgt. Safety instead of another member of the group. Tonight, Mushi and Klein can work. 

They have once before actually! They teamed together at DEFCON against the BFTA team of Jestal and Jack Mace once so they have some history. 

But can they do the unthinkable? Dangerous Mix and PCP have fought with each other before to get this shot at the belts and if they want them, those differences will have to be put aside. 

Mushi is the first to hop into the ring. David Fox keeps away from the Pop Culture Phenoms. Ringside is full of bodies for this match. Mushi wants to start, but Klein wants to as well. Mason is already in the ring and he looks happy with it. 

Look at this already … there might be some discord between them. 

They aren’t in a web chat. 

Mushi and Klein want to start and the official tells them one in and one out or they won’t start … but Mason makes the decision when he runs and hits Klein with a splash in the corner. Before Mushigihara can react he gets kicked in the face by a big boot from Max! 


Mason and Max quickly go after Klein with all they have. Mason and Max throw Klein into the ropes and hit a double shoulder block on the return. Max returns to the corner. 

And there is quick start and pin on Klein!

One …
Two …

Klein gets a shoulder up but Mason Luck’s attack does not stop there. Mason Luck looks to the rest of the PCP and David Fox at ringside and tells them to watch this. Mason turns around and positions in the corner. When Klein starts to run up, Mason takes off and then knocks him down with a running shoulder that knocks Klein into the corner of The Lucky Sevens! 

This is real aggression on display from The Lucky Sevens tonight to kick off this match. 

That’s how they are. When it comes to keeping those Unified Tag Team championships around their waists, they will stop at nothing to keep them. 

Mason makes a tag to Max Luck. They are both in the ring, but with some support from the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful, it is Klein who strikes first! He hits a big punch on Mason! A bigger punch on Max! He goes back to Mason, then goes back to Max. 

The Lucky Sevens took advantage of the interpersonal issues at the start but can Klein come back from this? 

Max hits a knee to stop Klein before he can get too far. He swings at Klein, but The Box Man is able to duck first. He lands near the ropes and Mushi tags himself in. Klein looks at his partner but the God-Beast comes in for what looks like might have been an unwanted save. 

I don’t think Klein liked that much, but he’s letting it go. The Lucky Sevens had him cornered and he was lucky to get away. 

Mushi hits the forearm smashes to Max who tries to deflect, which makes Mushi go low and hit shots to the ribs. Mushi winds up and then hits a big headbutt on Max to cheers from both the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful and from David Fox at ringside. 


Though Mushigihara can now speak, the crowd shout out “OSU!!!” as Mushi offers a free shot to Klein. 

Mushi trying to make a peace offering! 

And Klein takes it! 

Max is trying to fight back, but the cockier of the Luck brothers gets a shoulder in the corner. Mushi holds him for Klein to hit a big stinger splash. Then both big men work together and they hit a huge double suplex on Max Luck that gets a big pop! David Fox, Elise, The D and Flex are all enjoying the visuals but Aaron King and Tom Morrow do not from the Sevens’s corner!

There we go! Some teamwork from Mushi and Klein! They have worked together in the past like you said before Lance, but with those titles on the line and the issues recently between Dangerous Mix and Pop Culture Phenoms have made it difficult to focus. 

The Sevens might have been counting on that tonight … they follow the suplex with a splash from Mushi and a leg drop by Klein! 

The Box Man makes a cover! 

One …
Two … NO!!!

Max was able to kick out but Morrow and King don’t look as confident as they did at the start of the match. 

Klein is wanting to take this home early! Could the Unified Tag Titles change hands in tonight’s opener?

The Box Man tries to pick up Max Luck for Think Outside but he can’t hit the fireman carry cutter because Max lays in some elbows before he can lift him. He boots Klein and sends him for a ride into the ropes. Max comes off the other side … 

CHECK!!! He usually hits the Check-Raise clothesline off the top, but he got plenty of height in that flying clothesline just running off the ropes! 

Now Tom Morrow and Aaron King get a little more giddy! Klein has been grounded once more by the giants and this time the twins aren’t as keen to let him go. Max pulls Klein by the leg and then tags Mason Luck. The twin giants get ready to land a counterstrike of their own. Mason hits the ropes first and then drops a huge elbow right on Klein’s chest. He moves and then allows Max Luck to jump and hit the Box Cars elbow to the sternum! Klein has been hurt by the big elbow drop and after landing it perfectly, Max sits up. 

Max Luck:
That’s for splashing me earlier you boxed dick-head! 

Max calmly pushes Klein on the mat and attempts a pin. 

One …
Two …

A loud pop for Klein after he is able to kick out. Max sits himself up and looks at the official. 

Max Luck:
Three, dumbass. Three!!!

Max Luck should stop arguing with the referee and start trying to retain those titles. 

Taking their eyes off the ball last time is what cost them the belts to Titanes Familia back in October!

The two time Unified Tag champions both look at one another. Max tries to get Klein back on his feet but he is stopped with a big punch from Southtown. Max tries to pick him up again, but Klein is still fighting. Mushigihara watches the action with the rest of both Dangerous Mix and PCP factions surrounding ringside. 

This might be the legit toughest Lucky Lottery title defense they have yet. Mushi is hailed as one of the toughest men in the locker room. Klein is a former BRAZEN Champion, a former Tag and Trios champion. 

But they fact they aren’t regular teammates is something The Lucky Sevens are preying on, even when they’ve tried to work together before hand! 

Klein is fighting back to his feet. He hits a shoulder off the ropes on Max but he remains standing. A second trip off the ropes results in Max being moved again but not knocked down. Klein charges a third time … but now Max is able to pick him up and hits a spinning side slam! The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful have the air taken out after Max squashes Klein’s attempt at a comeback. 

I thought he was going to knock him down, but Max shut down Klein with that one move. 

Great spinning side slam! Max taking him back to the corner. 

He picks up Klein and throws him into the corner. Then Max starts to strike up a conversation with the official and the camera picks up something about their Triple 7 Whiskey. Unbeknownst to the referee, Mason is applying the Winning Hand claw to Klein in the ropes! 


Referee! Look behind you! 

The crowd’s booing is a big clue, but they don’t stop. Mason lets go of the Winning Hand just in time for the ref to turn around. A perfectly legal tag is made from Max to Mason. Max hits a knee strike and then tosses him right at Mason who hits a nasty big boot! The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful knows what comes next and already start booing as the twins yell it out. 

Mason and Max Luck:

Mason doesn’t go for a cover like they usually do. Instead, he picks up Klein and hits a big chop right to the middle of his chest. Klein is hurt and then Mason starts to talk to the referee about investing in Triple 7 Whiskey … so Max can now apply the Winning Hand claw behind his back! 

Will somebody do something! Please! 

The PCP have finally had enough as Elise Ares goes over to her corner and starts pointing out what Mason is doing. The referee turns around but Max pleads his innocence and yells that they don’t need to cheat. But as Elise is distracting the referee, The D slides into the ring … 


The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful explode for the PCP fighting fire with fire! David Fox even gets in on it and tries to distract the referee with Klein finally able to make his way out of the corner. He manages to pick up Mason and delivers a ring-rocking spine buster! 


Elise Ares and The D all skedaddle with Tom Morrow and Aaron King yelling at the ref about the low blow! 

The D and Elise just gave the makeshift team of Mushi and Klein a fighting chance again after The Lucky Sevens bent the rules first! 

Mason has been left hurt after the low blow from The D and the spine buster from Klein! Klein has a chance with Mushi out to get the tag! Mason tries to get up in the corner when Mushi gets tagged in! The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful let out the loudest cheer of the match! 

Mushigihara is in! Can the King of Monsters out-monster The Lucky Sevens tonight?

Mushi sets himself up in the opposite corner from Mason and then charges like a runaway train with a corner avalanche splash. Mason is hurt but Mushi acts like the splashes in the corner are a bag of Lay’s because he doesn’t stop at just one. A second corner avalanche splash makes Mason Luck yell out “oof!” Tom Morrow and Aaron King both look like they are about to have brain aneurysms with Mushi flying off the ropes. Mason is hurt but he attempt to slow Mushi down with a big boot. Mushi moves to the side and then he knocks Mason off his feet with a jumping shoulder block off the ropes!

Mushi got some speed off that move! 

Mushigihara is up and he has the Pittsburgh Faithful in the palm of his hands right now. He has chopped Mason Luck down to size and then uses all his weight. He leaps up and plants his almost three-hundred pound frame across the chest of Mason with a big running senton! The impact forces Mason to sit up in pain after and when he does that Mushi uses the ropes one last time to land the Bishamon flying cross body! 

Running senton followed up by Bishamon! He might be able to pin Mason! 

Mushi lays flat across Mason and hooks a near leg for the cover and titles! 

One …
Two … 

THR … NO!!!

Mason Luck kicks out at what might have been 2.99! The PCP and Dangerous Mix collective are distraught and the BFTA collective are letting out sighs of relief! 

That was close! That was real close! I think if Mushi and Klein can put together one more big move they might have this one! 

The Japanese Juggernaut goes for an upper cut on Mason. The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful hooks an arm around the body of Mason, but out of desperation he hits an elbow from the side. Mason has to elbow him several more times to free himself and then a throat thrust of his own puts Mushi back to the corner. Klein tags himself in. Mason tries to get himself to the corner where Max waits, but Klein grabs the arm and hits him with punches to slow the giant down. He tells Mushi to help him with a double team!

Klein calling the play! He has a russian leg sweep set up on Mason. He wants Mushi to hit something big! 

Mushi listens and it looks like he has a lariat in mind … but Mason frees himself and pulls Klein into the path of the lariat first! 

No! No! Mushi accidentally hits Klein with that lariat! 

Mushi realizes the error caused with The D, Elise, Flex and David Fox trying to warn Mushi … but it is too late because Max Luck runs in and a seven foot drop kick knocks Mushigihara out of the ring! 

Oh my God! Mushi is out!

Mason yells at Max! He holds Klein up for the power bomb and Max applies the Winning Hand … 


Mason makes a cover, but he’s wearing wounds of war by grabbing a rib while he covers.

One …
Two …


The PCPs and David Fox can’t believe it. Mason still hurts from Mushi dropping weight on his chest but victory lessens the pain. A post-match drink later will probably help as well. The referee gives Mason and Max the titles!

Darren Quimbey:
Your winners … and still Unified Tag Team champions … THE LLLUUUCCCKKKKY SEEEEVVVEEENNSSS!!!

Mason Luck, Max Luck, Aaron King and Tom Morrow all enter the ring. They are the only four people in the arena cheering right now over a tough Lucky Sevens Lucky Lottery title defense! Mushi is outside of the ring shaking his head. The D, Elise and Flex all start shouting at Mushigihara and David Fox, but Fox shouts back that it was Klein’s idea to try the double team move. 

The Lucky Sevens retain the titles in a tough opening match tonight! And it looks like they might have continued to sow dissent between the PCP and the Dangerous Mix! 

Mason and Max Luck collect their titles and while the shouting match continues on between the Pop Culture Phenoms and Dangerous Mix, The Lucky Sevens, Aaron King and Tom Morrow all leave to go celebrate! 

The Lucky Sevens might have managed to drive an even deeper wedge after this title defense! 

The two teams keep on screaming at each other with The Lucky Sevens now leaving to have a post-match drink. 

Aaron King:
Drinks are on me, boys! Let’s go! 

He side-hugs Morrow and kisses his forehead with Tom Morrow still crowing. 

Tom Morrow:
Forever more! your Unified Tag Team champions!!!


Just outside the Vae Victis locker room, Butcher Victorious looks like he probably did something to where he wasn’t allowed in the room. Butcher is looking over his prized microphone and is… yes… speaking his private thoughts right into it. 

Cause idiot, you see. 

Butcher Victorious: [muttering not-so-quietly]
I don’t get it… why doesn’t Sonny Silver want to touch mic tips with Butch Vic?

He looks over his purple microphone closely. 

Butcher Victorious:
Maybe this stupid thing could use an upgrade? 

Suddenly the PogChamp strolls into frame, coming up behind the impromptu guardian of the Vae Victis domain. A smirk crosses his face as he realized he’s caught Butch Vic off guard. He pulls his cell phone out from a side pocket in his shorts and goes to Victorious back to back before holding it up in selfie position.


Butcher Victorious:
AHHH! DAMN IT! Uh… I mean… um… no one makes Butch Vic lose his shit. What do YOU want, you dumb boner?

Declan turns the camera to the rear facing one on the phone and begins to record his last DEFtv opponent.

Such harsh words, Butch, feeling a little salty? It’s all good my dude. Look, last DEFtv was just that, last time. I’m not here to finesse you, I was just hoping to chat with Coach Silver. I was told that Oscar had an offer for me to join Vae Victis after our match.

Butcher looks completely flummoxed by this news. 

Butcher Victorious:
They… what? No, they didn’t! There’s no way in hell that Sonny Silver and Oscar Burns want anything to do with YOU! I’M Oscar’s Wrestling Understudy! Handpicked by DEFIANCE Himself to sit under his learning tree and maybe one day, Butch Vic will be Butch Vae Victis. 

He scoffs. 

Butcher Victorious:
You? Dick-lan? No way in hell. 

Without prompting, the door finally opens. 

Butcher Victorious:
Hey, hey! Sorry I asked you touch mic t…

Sonny Silver:
If you finish that sentence, I’m going to rip your spine out through your back and play jumprope with it. 

Butch Vic zips his lip. Oscar Burns pops out next to him. The tone seems a bit different from two weeks ago when he was clearly put off by the presence of the man who upset him and cost him the Platinum Shovel a few weeks back. 

Oscar Burns:
Declan. Good to see you, GC. I owe you an apology after how I acted last week. My mind was focused on the Battle Royal. I didn’t win, but no worries. I’m fully focused on tonight, as you should be, too. 

Declan Alexander:
It’s all good, I expect nothing more from one of the GOATs~! The word on the street is that you have some good news for me? I’m open for business.

Burns nods. 

Oscar Burns:
We do. As great as Vae Victis is, kid, we don’t just let anyone in. But as much as we’re focused on the now, GC, we have to be looking to the future. And we think that you, Declan Alexander, can be the future of Vae Victis. 

Declan looks pleased to hear that while in the back, Butcher’s jaw drops. 

Oscar Burns:
I’ll call a spade a spade, Dec… You bested me a few weeks ago. I was feeling stroppy and I got caught, GC. I just got rid of that gonorrhea in living form, Rezin, from MY promotion and I was a little too big for my britches. But now, I’m ready. I owe you a rematch tonight. And I’ll even make it sweeter for you. 

He turns to Sonny. 

Sonny Silver:
We’ve been talking to Lindsay and she thought we should give you a chance, but if you want in, you gotta EARN it, kid. You really want in to Vae Vicits, you gotta prove that win over Oscar wasn’t some fluke. If you beat Oscar Burns tonight, no bullshit… 

Sonny folds his arms and jerks his head in the direction of the VV locker room.

Sonny Silver:
You go from that side of the VIP line right to the Vae Victis room. You’re in. What do you say, kiddo? You think you’re hot shit? Think you can beat my boy here a second time? 

The Intrepid Influencer adjusts the BRAZEN Championship resting over his shoulder and puts the phone done, letting everyone know he’s serious. He looks Oscar Burns up and down, then glances over at a furious Butcher Victorious before reaching out and shaking the hand of Sonny Silver.

I’m always up for a challenge, coach. Just try to keep the spectators in-check so I have a fair chance at catching the dub again. 

The BRAZEN Champion motions his head towards Butcher Victorious as he smirks and walks away. Oscar and Sonny both reenter the Vae Victis locker room. When Butcher tries to get inside… 


Butcher Victorious:
Um… hey, can I come back in now?


Better Future Talent Agency are looking to make it an even 2-0 tonight when Alvaro de Vargas goes up against “Wingman” Titus Campbell. Alvaro de Vargas brutalized his friends, Crescent City Kid, in quick time. He also burned Theodore Cain with one of those fireballs that put out Deacon! 

ADV dropped the El Sol Dorado moniker to now call himself Supernova Cubana for the past few weeks and since then, he has looked unstoppable. Titus Campbell scored a quick win over Kazuo Akamatsu on UNCUT last week, but with respect to Akamatsu… he’s not Alvaro. 

Titus Campbell with the payback, but can he get it? Campbell versus ADV in a fight of the big men, up next! 

To Darren Quimbey for the introductions. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following singles match is set for one fall Introducing first… 

♫ “The Saints” by Andy Mineo ♫

Darren Quimbey:
From New Orleans, Louisiana, Weighing in at 271 pounds… he is a member of the Gulf Coast Connection… “WINGMAN” TITUS CAMPBELL!

The party tends to go wherever Gulf Coast Connection goes, but right now, “Wingman” Titus Campbell isn’t in much of a partying mood. With none of his usual pomp a circumstance, he opts to throw his hands in the air on the ramp before heading to the ring. 

Titus Campbell, many have said in the past, that he could do with a killer instinct instead of playing around so much! Tonight, I don’t see any of that. 

Indeed. He’s had two weeks to think about what happened to his friends. 

Campbell reaches the ring and raises his hands again. He’s ready to fight against ADV just by the telling look on his face as the GCC theme fades out. Lights out. 

The DEFIAtron shows a burning yellow star in space. The flames continue to rise. The heat continues to burn brighter… 

The colors then become blue… and white… 

And with a thunderous explosion… 

♫ “Empire of Ashes” by Like A Storm ♫

The thundering guitar riffs and intro lead to the towering menace storming through the curtains…


Bright blue-white pyro explodes from the stage as Alvaro de Vargas has traded his old attire for pristine white with light blue flames running up one leg. The arena is covered in alternating flashes of blue and white. Hiding his eyes behind a pair of now blue-tinted sunglasses, his walk is more deliberate than before. He takes his time as the jeers get loud. Tom Morrow is at his side, but unlike his standard fare with The Lucky Sevens or Aaron King, there are no flashy intros for the man formerly known as El Sol Dorado. Morrow leads him to the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Miami, Florida, by way of Havana, Cuba… weighing in at 276 pounds… ”SUPERNOVA CUBANA” ALVARO DE VARGAS! 

Once ADV steps up to the ring apron, he stands over the ropes. Titus is laying in wait and rips off his shirt, looking more like he’s ready for a fight than anything. Referee Jonny Fastcountini gets in and calls for the bell…


The two big bulls get ready to fight… but before he can, Tom Morrow leans up on the ring apron and has a microphone. 

Tom Morrow:
Titus! Hey! Titus! 

The Wingman stares down Morrow as he offers back a wry smile. 

Tom Morrow:
We went ahead and did a favor before we got out here. I’ve already alerted 911 and we’ve got an ambulance on the way here for you, buddy. Just like that big holiter-than-thou dipshit, Deacon, he couldn’t save Magalenda…


Tom Morrow:
And you couldn’t save your friends! I think Cain’s doing well in the burn unit, yeah?

That’s the last straw! Titus Campbell charges towards Morrow, but The BFTA Brianchild leaps off the apron first, giving Alvaro a chance to strike from behind! 

Morrow giving his clients an advantage once again! Why am I not surprised?

The Faithful are JEERING as Alvaro clubs away viciously on the back of Titus Campbell. The Wingman continues to get slugged with shot after shot… but when ADV tries another right, Titus blocks and returns fire with a big one of his own! 

Oooh! BFTA might have had a plan out here, but it’s like Mike Tyson once said. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth! 

The Faithful rally around Titus who TACKLES Alvaro into a corner like a bull! The 6’6” and 271-pound Titus then goes low and buries shoulder after shoulder into the chest of Alvaro! He continues to slug away on him until Jonny Fastcountini tries to get in the middle! 

No fancy moves or flashiness from Titus tonight! He’s fighting for what happened to his friends!

The crowd is cheering him on as he then switches to body shots in the corner. Lefts and right punches fly in bunches as Supernova Cubana gets stunned, clearly not expecting this kind of resistance tonight. ADV shoves him away and tries to get out of the corner, but Titus CRACKS him with a chop! ADV winces before Titus shoves him to the next adjacent corner. Another big chop, followed by massive punches! 

Pardon the pun, but Morrow and Alvaro might have just lit a fire under Titus Campbell tonight! 

But look! Fastcountini is giving him one final warning to back off or face disqualification! 

Titus finally relents and backs off, only because he wants to not be disqualified so he can keep punishing Supernova Cubana in his own way. He turns back to face Alvaro, who ducks under a clothesline and tries to stop him, but a wild back elbow from Titus catches Alvaro in the mouth. 

Does Titus have him on the ropes? 

He just might! 

Titus has The Faithful behind him as he hits another big body blow to double Alvaro over. He grabs him by the arm and tries to pull ADV into a big short-arm clothesline… but ADV ducks and runs the ropes! When Titus turns around, he gets WALLOPED by a massive running dropkick that stuns the crowd!

Oh, my God! Something new by Alvaro! He just knocked Titus off his feet with that running dropkick! 

Where the hell did that come from?

ADV is back on his feet, trying to shake the cobwebs out after taking a big move from Titus just moments earlier. He checks his lip for blood and then turns back as Titus comes around, only to CRACK him in the mouth as he’s on his knees with Abajo Vas!

Abajo Vas! That running knee caught Titus flush on the jaw! He usually aims for the chest, but… 

Alvaro adding new moves to his arsenal making himself even more dangerous, if that’s even possible! 

ADV grits his teeth and leans back in the corner as the crowd jeers. Titus can barely get up when another HUGE Abajo Vas knee strike catches its normal target, a big shot to the chest! Titus slumps over, but ADV is not done. He inches around behind Titus and pulls him up by the neck… then TWISTS his neck around with the Stretch Plum! 

The stretch plum! That modified dragon sleeper is the same move that put out CCK! He twists this in! 

Tom Morrow looks on proudly as he watches his key client twist away at the neck of Titus! Titus tries to fight, but the running dropkick and the Abajo Vas knee strikes have softened him up considerably…

Titus doesn’t want to tap… 

Titus has a hand up… 

But reluctantly taps! 


Alvaro has the stretch plum still locked in after the bell! Jonny Fastcountini tries to call for the bell again! 


The bell is sounded for, but Alvaro continues to press the hold, only until Tom Morrow yells at him to let go. ADV finally listens to reason and relents to avoid a reversal of the victory for excessive violence, but from the look on his face, that’s exactly what he has in mind. ADV wants a microphone and Morrow gives him one as The Wingman has been laid out. 

What’s he got in mind now? 

As history has told us, nothing good! 

ADV has a microphone. 

Alvaro de Vargas:


The crowd is continuing to rain down jeering on the violent Alvaro de Vargas while he speaks. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
Le fallaste Magdalena! You failed that little girl… 

He looks down at the fallen Titus. 

Alvaro de Vargas:
You failed these people. You can’t save ANYONE, Man of Light. I told you that your light won’t burn brighter than mine and I will BURN this one to prove it!

He drops the microphone. Campbell is trying to get helped out of the ring by medical staff when ADV charges and chases them away! He grits his teeth and has a look of glee on his face when he reaches into his pocket. 

First, Deacon, then Theodore Cain! Titus is next! 

Get out of there! 

ADV is about to do whatever he needs to do to conjure his signature fireball… 

But the lights dim first! 

For seconds, nothing is seen but Tom Morrow can be heard screaming. 

Tom Morrow:
This isn’t funny! Turn those lights on! Now! This man is getting flambeed! This… 


A single light appears behind where Alvaro de Vargas is standing! He turns…

And standing in a spotlight of his own, mask and all to hide any potential burns caused from the fireball four weeks ago… 









The lights return to normal as the two monsters come face to face for the first time since Alvaro de Vargas revealed himself as Magdalena’s attacker…



The two monsters continue trading shots! Deacon starts to get the better of Supernova Cubana for a few moments and fires a right hand! He fires another! Another! Another one like DJ Khaled was in the house!

Deacon has him on the ropes! 

But before he can swing for an uppercut, ADV rakes an eye and then fires back a headbutt that knocks Deacon backwards! ADV yells out and kicks Deacon low looking for a piledriver!

Is he going for Ardiendo?! Where the hell is DEFSec?


ADV tries the piledriver near the ropes… but with one HUGE surge of power, Deacon pushes him up and out to the floor with a massive back body drop! Supernova Cubana crashes to the floor next to Tom Morrow, who jumps back! The Mute Freak turns around and basks in the roaring of the crowd! 

The Faithful are on their feet! There was no timetable on Deacon’s return, but he doesn’t seem to care what a doctor says! He’s out for payback tonight! 

Alvaro is slowly limping up to his feet when Morrow tells him to back off for tonight… but ADV won’t hear it! Unfortunately for them, DEFSec makes their appearance and gets in between ADV and Deacon before they can continue the fight! 

ADV has attacked DEFSec on two occasions and has been fined and docked pay for it! He’s not making it a third time tonight! 

Morrow yells at ADV to pull back. The wild Supernova Cubana doesn’t want to, but Morrow makes him listen to reason. 

Tom Morrow:
We’ll get him, Al! We’ll get him! We’ll get him! 

ADV heads back up the ramp while Deacon is not waiting. He pulls open the ropes and motions for Alvaro to return, but Morrow and ADV both head to the back while The Faithful jeer that they won’t be getting this fight. 

DEFSec keeping the peace out here, but BARELY. We have to go to break, but we know this won’t be the last time we hear between Deacon and Alvaro de Vargas!

Deacon looks out to the roaring Faithful and takes in the cheers, but doesn't take his eyes off Alvaro and Morrow as they retreat. 


Live on DEFonDemand, Wednesday, December 28 from the NEW Ballyhoo Brew & WrestlePlex, New Orleans, Louisiana!


Backstage in the Petersen Events Center. Teresa Ames strolls down the hallway, looking around with wide eyes at the walls, floor, ceiling - you name it. As she takes it all in, she licks her lips and clicks her nails together.

Teresa Ames:
Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. This is -

She stops mid-sentence, her eyes going wide. She suddenly pretends that she’s looking for something under a nearby crate. The source of his sudden discomfort becomes clear when Ned Reform steps into frame, dressed in his business casual best and flanked by a similarly dressed TA Cole. Reform puts his arms behind his back and pauses, waiting for Ames to acknowledge him. Teresa, for her part, continues to pretend to be searching for something. 

Reform clears his throat.

Ames finally turns, looking up at the Good Doctor. She breaks into a wide smile. Reform does not match her smile.

Ned Reform:
And what exactly were we doing, miss? We wouldn’t happen to be looking lustfully at the inside of this wretched arena, would we?

Teresa Ames:
No, I…

Ned Reform: [interrupting]
Excellent. Because not only would that be a devastating relapse, setting our treatment back several weeks, but…

Reform gestures around.

Ned Reform:
Of all the arenas, would you really choose one in Pittsburg? I’m fairly certain that you would contract a venereal disease simply by osmosis here.


TA Cole has a big hearty chuckle at that. Before Ames can respond, Reform again cuts her off.

Ned Reform:
Anyway… I am glad I found you. I wanted to make sure you understand how very proud of you Mr. Cole and I have been. The “new” Teresa Ames is making great strides… attempts of the Titanes to derail us be damned. And tonight, you have the opportunity to become Favored Saints champion. Think of it.

Reform puts his arms in the air as if he is revealing an imaginary wonderland.

Ned Reform:
Teresa Ames, winning her first ever singles championship in DEFIANCE. Teresa Ames, renouncing her old immoral and disgusting habits and becoming a better person. Teresa Ames… a champion that people can look up to

Teresa Ames:
Actually I’d prefer if no one looked up to me at this time. Maybe in the future but not right now. I’m still undergoing tReAtMeNt.

Ned Reform: [not listening]
That’s the spirit! Anyway, rest assured that Mr. Cole and myself have committed to being in your corner tonight, let those Titanes brutes attempt to become involved in the bout. See you soon!

With a broad smile, Reform and Cole move out of frame, leaving Teresa alone once again.


Christie Zane, microphone in hand, runs in the backstage, the camera bopping behind her as the operator tries to keep up. In Zane's sights is the former FIST of DEFIANCE, the Deacon who is marshalling toward the exit door.

Christie Zane:
Deacon! Deacon!!

The Mute Freak, Deacon, turns to her with a glare. She stops cold, or tries to in her heels, the camera nearly bowling her over. Regaining her composure, Christie provides her own glare at the camera. The camera backs away. Christie fixes her clothes and then confidently finishes her walk toward the Deacon.

Christie Zane:
You have been getting called out by Lindsay Troy recently.

Deacon's brow furrows. He pulls a flip phone from his pocket, flips it open, closes it back, and then looks back at Christie.

No miss call.

Christie Zane:
No. Not phone calls. These are on DEFcommenter.


Christie excitedly nods like she just got a toddler to eat a vegetable. Deacon blinks and then shrugs.

Christie Zane:
Right. Social Media?

Did not someone buy t'at?

How do you buy social media? After a beat, Deacon's reference clicks.

Christie Zane:
No. DEFcommenter is for DEFIANCE faithful.

Is not social media hellscape? No fait'ful need go to t'at hell. Or any.

Christie Zane:
It's a place where everyone can interact.

I have one interaction plan. T'e Vargas attacked Magdalena. T'e Vargas put fire in my face. And like prophets of Ba'al, t'e Vargas will learn what happen when one call for fire.

Deacon turns from the camera and hits the exit door.

And a prophet call for vengeance.

The door slams shut.

Christie Zane:
But what's your DEFcomment?


We’ve got a rematch from what many have called one of the upsets of the year in 2022 in DEFIANCE! After Oscar Burns played his part in defeating Rezin not long ago, he set his sights on young talents looking to make a name for themselves. Enter BRAZEN Champion, Declan Alexander, who scored the upset when Burns issued the original challenge on DEFtv 177!

And Declan didn’t stop there! While he’s been headlining BRAZEN as the champion and defending successfully, he also did the same on DEFtv 178 when he defeated Butcher Victorious to retain the title. We’ve seen Declan want into Vae Victis after these wins and I’m shocked, but… Burns gave him the opportunity if he can beat him in a rematch tonight. 

Declan Alexander is a former student of Vae Victis’ figurehead and the current FIST of DEFIANCE Lindsay Troy! So imagine Vae Victis having the BRAZEN Champion in their sights. But can Declan prove that the win over Burns was no fluke? Can he make it two in a row against the former two-time FIST of DEFIANCE? We’ll be finding out the answer to this question after our next match! Burns/Alexander II…right now! 

To Darren Quimbey for the intros. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following singles match is set for one fall! Should Declan Alexander be victorious… he will be accepted into Vae Victis! Introducing first…

The lights in the arena dim to a mix of blue and purple to a wave of cheers. Yellow accent lights circle around as the DEFIAtron sparks to life with a flash of static, showing the perspective of a small drone that takes off from somewhere high above the ring. The younger members of the Faithful are the most vocal as The Payload™ begins to fly towards the entrance to escalating music. On the ramp, a man in a varsity jacket stands with a championship belt draped over his back. The Payload™ gives a great shot of the BRAZEN Championship while flying over the shoulder of its current holder into a sudden ignition of white light.

I just wanna feel… A-LIVE!
♫ “Brachyura Bombshell” by Attack Attack! ♫

Declan Alexander spins around and holds the BRAZEN Championship into the air as The Payload™ circles around him. He smirks and makes his way towards the ring.

A HUGE opportunity for Declan Alexander here tonight, Lance. Everyone might have their own opinions about Vae Victis and their methods and ideologies, but no one can deny the talent and experience they bring to the table. For a young man to have the ability to learn from under that learning tree is a generational opportunity.

I can’t help but wonder what Butcher Victorious has to think about all this being handed to someone else. Do you really think he’s capable of keeping his nose out of this business?

That’s certainly a concern going into the match. You have to think if Butch Vic meddles in official Vae Victis business it’ll land him straight out of the opportunity he’s been trying to achieve. 

There are some cracks starting to show here, Darren, I’m just wondering which way they’re going to break.

Slapping hands with members of the Faithful on his way to the ring, the man known to the internet streaming community as DEC4L makes his way up the steps and onto the apron with The Payload™ getting great shots along the way.  Entering the ring, the PogChamp goes to the turnbuckle, climbing to the top and displaying the BRAZEN Championship to the crowd. He jumps down with a spin and the lights return to normal, leaving The Payload™ to hover straight into the air back to wherever it came from.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… 

Sonny Silver comes out first. 

Sonny Silver:
Darren… close your donut hole. Allow ME to give this man an introduction cause I do it a hell of a lot better than you… 

Sonny points to the entrance. 

Sonny Silver:
Just kidding. Come the fuck on, Darren. My guy doesn’t NEED an intro and quite frankly, he’s my favorite member of Vae Victis to introduce cause he does the work for me. HE! IS! DEFIANCE! OSCAR BURNS!

♫ “Ultimate Battle” by Fredriech Habetler ♫

The opening montage plays some of Burns’ greatest hits over the opening intro to the theme… Burns with his two previous FIST and WrestleUTA World Title wins.  Burns with his DEFy wins. Burns with his record fiftieth win and his recent SIXTIETH win DEFIANCE! More recently…

The two previous assaults of Rezin! Once when joining Vae Victis! The other after a tag team match on DEFtv 176! And the last one… 

Pinning Rezin at ACTS of DEFIANCE. 

But after the typical opening spiel to “Ultimate Battle,” the music cuts… then...

♫ “Stranger Fruit” by Zeal and Ardor ♫

The lights dim to a simple red and smoke starts to pour out from under the entryway, covering the stage quickly. Out comes Oscar Burns in a brand new look! His goatee is trimmed down. The mustache is gone. His former locks have been shaved down to blonde stubble. He wears a burgundy red and black coat with long black tights with “DEFIANCE” down one leg and “BURNS” on the other, both stylized in the familiar DEFIANCE logo. 

Oscar Burns looks determined to erase that loss, but what a big opportunity nonetheless for Declan Alexander. 

Massive career-altering stakes for Declan Alexander! To come up to the main roster AS a member of Vae Victis? They’re dangerous already. Imagine them already setting up building blocks for their future. 

Once Oscar Burns heads to the ring, Sonny Silver and Butcher Victorious remain on either side of him as Burns walks up the steps, wipes his feet on the ring apron and then climbs into the ring. He takes off his coat and then hands it over to Butcher Victorious while Declan Alexander hands over the BRAZEN Championship to Benny Doyle. 

The title isn’t on the line tonight, but Declan Alexander’s future in DEFIANCE could change in one match with this win! 

Benny starts to hand off the title to someone at ringside… 




Declan gets caught off-guard by Oscar Burns as he gives the title back to Benny Doyle. 

Oscar Burns:
There! Now you can have it, GC! 



The jeering is LOUD as Burns stands over Declan, barely able to rise after being coldcocked by the BRAZEN Championship. Burns charges towards him and DRILLS him with a stiff running European Uppercut, sending him to the corner. Burns then nails him with elbow smash after elbow smash after elbow smash in the corner! 

Damn it! 

Wait… wait! Was this all some sort of setup? 

It has to be! This is just sour grapes by Burns, I know it is! He’s a guy that is as proud as he is of all of his accomplishments in our ring. He HATES losing more than he loves winning! 

Butcher Victorious is having a ball, laughing from ringside. Burns motions for him to aid him in the ring and he nods! He snatches the BRAZEN Championship from Benny Doyle now as Burns goes to pick up Declan off the ground. 

Come on! Stop this! I thought the Almighty Oscar Burns was better than to stoop to these kinds of tactics!

Oscar holds Declan up. He’s too groggy to fight back and then things go from bad to worse as he holds him by the arm while Butcher charges and he gets a turn, SMACKING Declan upside the head with the BRAZEN Championship! 


Butcher holds the title up and cackles like a madman while Sonny Silver watches quietly from ringside. DEFIANCE Himself then picks up Declan once again and hooks him by the neck before locking in Fifty! 

He’s choking Declan Alexander out! This is all because the kid beat him! That’s all this is! He was never going to be allowed into Vae Victis! 

The Pittsburgh Faithful continue booing Oscar as he keeps the hammerlock guillotine choke locked in! 

He lures him out to the ring with the promise of joining Vae Victis, knowing he wanted to be a part of Lindsay Troy’s group? This is garbage! 

After a time in the hold, he finally releases it as Declan Alexander is now left unconscious. Burns rolls away and motions for a microphone. 

What does he have to say now? What more can he add to this? 

Declan is down and out with Burns hovering over him. 

Oscar Burns:
Two lessons to impart in this business, Declan! Lesson Number One in this business, GC… people will lie to you to get what they want. 


Oscar hears the booing and waits a little for it to die down…

Oscar Burns:

Back to Declan. 

Oscar Burns:
Lesson Number Two… you are good, kid. You have potential to not only be GREAT, but you have potential to be one of the best… but Vae Victis isn’t for kids. 

He drops the microphone on Declan’s chest and then stands over the fallen BRAZEN Champion, taking in the jeering as Butcher and Sonny Silver each raise a hand of DEFIANCE Himself. 

Damn it! This is what he thinks he’s doing? HELPING him?!

The trio leave the ring as medical staff come in and try and attend to Declan with boos being rained down on Oscar. 

Monster. Oscar Burns is a monster. So much for helping the next generation. 


LIVE FROM MSG January 25 & 26!


The Lucky Sevens and Tom Morrow have had a good night when they successfully defended the Unified Tag Team titles against the team of Mushi of the Dangerous Mix and Klein of the PCP in a Lucky Lottery. The smug faces of the group are now on the screens getting ready to leave for the evening.  Aaron King is out first with pre-game drink in hand. 

Aaron King:
I can’t wait to get the hell out of here!

Max Luck:
Oh God, me too, dude. How many times do we need to kick everyone’s asses around here? PCP can’t beat us. Dangerous Mix can’t beat us. Titanes Familia got lucky that one fucking time and we took care of that. SNS ain’t shit to us. 

Mason Luck just shakes his head. 

Mason Luck:
All jealous that we have the gold and the bank account to finally back up what we’ve known all along. We run this place and … 

Mason stops. Tom Morrow’s eyes bulge out through his glasses. 

Tom Morrow:
What … what the hell?!?!

The camera swivels around. 

The Triple 7 Express. 

Windows open. 

Broken glass everywhere. 

Max Luck:
What the fuck is going on?! 

A parking lot attendant is the recipient of Max’s wrath just by walking by. Max grabs him by the shirt with one hand and lifts him in the air!

Max Luck:

The attendant points at the Triple 7 Express. 

Several sets of windows open. 

David Fox and Mushigihara out of one set, waving almost empty bottles of liquor. 

David Fox:


On the other side is The D with a bus driver’s hat on and Elise Ares waving from the driver’s side door. 

The D:
You dicks won’t be turning us against each other any more! We made peace! Found out Mushi and I are Eskimo Bros!

Elise Ares:
And your whiskey tastes like piss! Wait, this isn’t REALLY piss is it?

David Fox:
After like three, who gives a shit?!

King freaks out and points at Elise waving a Triple 7 Whiskey bottle questionably. 

Aaron King:

Elise Ares:
Thank Minaj! It’s my booze now! So long poors!

The bus door closes and quickly departs. Aaron King chases it down and only gets as far as tapping the back of the bus with his hand before the bus disappears up the ramp and out of the parking lot! In the back is Flex Kruger and Klein waving goodbye to the Pensacola Playboy. 

Aaron King:

Tom Morrow:

Mason screams out into the night and Max throws one of the empty liquor bottles across the lot! After hearing it shatter, Max, Mason and Aaron King are all left in shock while Tom Morrow is about to have a heart attack!


The scene within the arena is scintillating. Lights flash around as fans eagerly anticipate the next match.

♫ “The Ending” by Papa Roach ♫

Teresa Ames walks down to ring accompanied by the crowd’s usual jeers.

Darren Quimbey:
FAITHFUL, this bout is for the DEFIANCE Favored Saints Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, wishing not to disclose her weight out of fear for judgment, nor her hometown because she says you will stalk her, SHE IS TERESA AMES!

Teresa struts down to the ring confidently as her “therapist” Dr. Ned Reform and TA Cole spring up behind her. They keep a fair distance.

Not sure why Teresa doesn’t want it to be known that she’s from Joliet, Illinois when she’s been billed from there in the past.

♫ “Ain’t It Funny” by Danny Brown

Soon enough, High Flyer IV walks out on stage with belt in hand.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing the champion! From Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, HIGH FLYER IV!

Lance Warner weighs in as the champion makes his way to the ring.

High Flyer IV just won the title from Tyler Fuse this past Uncut and now he faces a quick turnaround defending against the always vicious Teresa Ames but one has to wonder if The Good Doctor’s influence has affected Ames in any way, shape it form.


Ames and HF circle each other and lock up. Suddenly, a rise comes from the crowd!

Before this match can even really get underway, it looks like we’ve got some company!

A camera turns on a dime to catch Titanes Familia trekking down to the ring, fingers pointed squarely at Ned Reform. The former Unified Tag Team Champions, Uriel Cortez and Titaness, both storm down to ringside. He looks around like, “me!?” Ames sees this and breaks the lock up with HF who is eager to fight.

Teresa is watching on as Uriel and Titaness are charging at Reform and Cole!

The Scholarly Savants dip hard before the baby faces can get their hands on anyone. Ames shouts incoherent babble as the chase spreads throughout the arena until the four wrestlers disappear from site.

Teresa better turn around!

The Tasty Gurl does just that and eats a huge drop kick from High Flyer IV! He stays on the attack, pulling her to her feet to deliver a stalling vertical suplex! HF tries a cover!



Ames won’t go down so easily, even with the craziness attached to the start of this match.

You have to wonder if Uriel has gotten his hands on either Reform or Cole by now?

Ames coyly spins to Flyer’s back and delivers a side slam. She floats over with a front headlock and deposits some knee thrusts to the top of the champion's head!

High Flyer IV able to escape the challenger’s clutches!

He vaults off the ropes and nails Ames with a running hurricanrana! Teresa rolls through to her feet as the action sustained a fast and furious pace.

Flyer off the ropes and again! Hits a beautiful cross body!

However Teresa catches her opponent. She throws him overhead, executing a fall away slam!

It should be important to note that Teresa actually has a fair size comparison to High Flyer here so catching and tossing him again is more than a possibility!

Even though tonight we aren’t allowed to know her height or weight.

As the commentators gab, Ames applies the pressure but connecting with a running senton splash, followed up with a standing leg drop to the back of HF’s head!

Stunning offense here by the challenger!

Now it’s Teresa’s turn to try a cover!



Both competitors only drawing early one counts!

While their offense is quick hitting, it’s not been necessarily powerful. This match might come down to someone taking a big risk to land a massive blow!

The Keyboard Queen pulls HF up as they exchanged punches and chops until she lands an enziguiri. The crowd gets into the whole clapping thing as both wrestlers catch their breath.


At the top of the ramp is none other than Doctor Ned Reform who looks like he’s seen a ghost. He’s gasping for air at a pace even more frantic than the stars in the ring. Cautiously looking around, Reform makes his way to the ring. Ames gets to her knees and notices her therapist nearby.

Teresa Ames:
What’s going on!? Shit guy, shit. Don’t tell me those two bozo bitches are going to ruin my title shot? Maybe you should hightail it out of town so they don’t come back down to the ring?

Ned Reform:
NONSENSE! I gave them the slip! We’re good! I can’t say the same for TA Cole though. He might be taking one for the team AS WE SPEAK so make this count! Overcome your sickness! Reach for the brass ring!!

Frantic is an understating adjective of Ned Reform at the moment as Ames turns into a small package from HF!




Ames just barely escaped that one!

With Reform still frazzled on the outside, the action carries on inside the ring. Teresa darts off the ropes and links arms with High Flyer IV by the time they meet in the middle of the ring! Suddenly, a spotlight shines atop the ramp, which spooks The Good Doctor up onto the apron.

What’s going to happen here?

HF and Ames spin each other around a few times until Teresa is the one that ends up being flung right into Reform! Ned comes crashing down to the mat below as his head collided with Teresa’s. The Tasty Girl hits the canvas hard as High Flyer IV quickly JUMPS to the top rope and hits his Moonshot Special on the challenger!

Moonsault connects! Cover!





It’s over! Flyer retains! Thanks to some incidental help from Ned Reform!

Ames clutches her noggin as the champion is given his title belt. The Cute N QWERTY girl looks around before noticing how she got there.

Reform got straight up SCARED when that spotlight shined on the ramp way, yet no one came down to the ring.

Ned is quick to rush over to the announce table and swipe a microphone for himself as the champion begins heading to the back.


Ned Reform:
…wait! WAIT!

High Flyer IV, holding the Favored Saints Championship high over his head as he walks up the aisle, pauses at the sound of Reform’s voice. HFIV turns and looks back toward the ring, where Teresa Ames is attempting to pull herself to her feet and a furious Reform stands over her with mic in hand. The Good Doctor points a single finger toward the entrance in HFIV’s direction.

Ned Reform:
You villain! You cheat! YOU CHARLATAN! Are you proud of what you’ve done here today!? Retaining that championship by such… cowardly means!?

We’ve seen Ned Reform pull out some pretty tainted victories… this little tirade is quite hypocritical.

Reform walks forward, leaning over the top rope.

Ned Reform:
This is a young woman who is HEALING. Winning this championship was a KEY aspect of my plan! You have SEVERELY damaged her recovery with your unsportsman-like conduct. Have you no shame!? I cannot stand by and allow this injustice to unfold in front of me. No… I will not! I stand here Mr. Flyer…

Reform begins to undo his cufflinks and untuck his shirt. 

Ned Reform:
Ready to defend this young woman’s honor! I am challenging you to come down into this ring and put your Favored Saints Championship against ME! Right here! Right now!

Flyer adjusts the belt over his shoulder and seems somewhat… amused by this idea. He looks to the Faithful who roar their approval… likely because they would like to see Ned get his butt whooped. 

I’m not sure this would be wise on HFIV’s part. He just wrestled a match and Reform is relatively fresh. Why not do the match next week?

High Flyer seems to be debating that very thing in his mind as he paces at the entrance way.

Ned Reform:
Think about it. If you should defeat me… well, that’s two successful defenses in a single night, is it not? You have exponentially increased your chances at receiving a Southern Heritage Championship opportunity. Not only that, but should you defeat me by LEGAL means, it will erase the stain of this tainted victory. Will you accept? Are you a man of honor? Or are you… well, are you just another unmotivated, entitled, lazy young person costing off his father’s hard work?

That does it. HFIV’s face turns cold, and he slaps the FS Championship once and begins to walk toward the ring with a purpose, nodding “yes.”

I… I think we have an impromptu match! 

Referee Carla Ferrari intercepts Flyer on his way in the ring to make sure he wants to do this. He gives a determined nod as he stares down Reform and hands his championship belt off to Ferrari. Teresa Ames has bailed to the outside, watching what’s going down with bug eyes and a smile. Reform removes his shirt, leaving him in just slacks and dress shoes. Carla looks to both competitors to ensure they are ready for calling for the bell for this unexpected championship match!


Reform and High Flyer dart toward each other right off the bat, engaging in an intense lock-up and battle for control. It’s a stalemate at first, but Flyer gets some advantage, forcing Reform back into the ropes. The Good Doctor bounces off and the two again head to the center of the ring and jockey for control. This time, it’s Ned who comes out on top, slipping free and dropping Flyer to the mat with a headlock takedown.

The challenger with the early advantage - and boy, is he proud of himself.

Reform barks out a laugh and smiles broadly as he tightens the headlock with Flyer on the mat. The Favored Saints champion’s shoulders fall backwards and Carla moves into position.



Flyer shoots his shoulder up as Reform grins and syncs the hold on tighter. The Good Doctor looks to Ames with a look of smug satisfaction… but that terms into a look of slight panic as the champ starts to power up. Despite The Sage on the Stage’s best efforts, Flyer is able to get to a knee and then back up to a vertical base. The Favored Saint is able to push Reform off and into the ropes, catching him on the rebound with a crisp dropkick!

Reform back up… armdrag takedown! He bounces back to his feet… another!

Ned, having eaten two arm drags in a row, stumbles back to his feet like a drunk man but is able to fall backwards through the ropes and tumbles to the ringside floor. Ned gathers his wits on the outside, dusting himself off and briefly jaw jacking with some mouthy ringside fans. In the ring, despite Carla’s warnings, High Flyer positions himself, gets a head of team off the ropes, and leaps over the top onto the challenger…

…or, he would have, had The Good Doctor not casually walked out of the line of fire at the very last second!

Flyer with an absolutely brutal landing on the outside!

Reform laughs and points to his head as he casually strolls around High Flyer’s downed form. Carla Ferrari rolls out of the ring and barks at Ned to get back as she checks on the currently unresponsive champion.

We might need some help out here. That was a really bad fall.

I don’t think Ned Reform agrees.

The Good Doctor shoves Carla out of the way, picking High Flyer up his head. Reform grins into Flyer’s glazed eyes before sending him head first into the steel steps!


In spite of Carla’s scolding, Ned simply lifts the now nearly unconscious Flyer and rolls him under the bottom rope and back into the squared circle. Reform follows him in, walking around the ring and mock clapping for the Favored Saints champion and soaking in the jeers of an unruly Faithful. Referee Ferrari demands that he stay back while she checks on HFIV, and Ned agrees as he takes a seat on the top rope and mimes checking his watch with a laugh. 

If I’m Carla, I think I call this match right now. Flyer’s head bounced off the pavement and then he got sent into the steps. Forget the championship, we’re risking serious damage here.

As good as Lance’s advice might be, it appears to be going unheralded as despite barely being able to stand, Flyer tells Carla that he’s going to keep fighting! She seems conflicted as to whether or not this is the right call, but HFIV proves to be really persistent despite his glossy eyes. The champ uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet, and although he initially stumbles, he’s able to right himself enough to regain a vertical base… but Ned Reform is right there, leaping impressively into the air and dropping the champ with a Fameasser!

That’s it. As much as I hate to say it, Ned Reform has won his first singles championship in DEFIANCE.

Flyer’s is sprawled out on the canvas, but instead of covering, the Philosopher King stands over his opponent’s prone form. Smiling from ear to ear, Reform holds a single finger into the air. Turning in a circle, he points that finger around the entire arena, making sure to point at every single member of The Faithful calling for his head. After he’s done a complete circle, he then takes the finger and points to his head three times in the “I’m so smart” motion. He then leaps directly into the air from a standing position, dropping an elbow right into Flyer’s heart!

Thinking Man’s Elbow Drop!!

He covers! New champ!




At the very last second, somehow and someway, High Flyer powers a shoulder off the mat. Reform sits up, his eyes bugging out of skull and appearing ready to burst. He aggressively makes the “that was three” motion to Carla, but she ain’t budging. 

High Flyer showing so much heart. I have no idea how he pulled that one off.

The Good Doctor sends the champion into the corner and charges after him… but he runs right into a High Flyer boot! Reform’s head snaps back and he stumbles backwards toward the ring, allowing High Flyer to charge out of the corner with an explosive running Yakuza kick!!

Flyer out of nowhere!! He covers!!




Ned is able to kick out, but the fans are on their feet for Flyer’s sudden burst of offense. Now both men are on the mat as the crowd begins to clap and rally, hoping to see Reform get what's coming to him. On the outside, Teresa Ames slaps the mat in encouragement - seemingly for Ned Reform. Both men get back to their feet and Reform charges with a clothesline, but HFIV ducks and on the rebound, the FS champion catches the challenger with a spin kick to the face! Feeding off the encouragement of the fans, Flyer makes sure Reform is in position before climbing to the top rope.

High Flyer is looking for the Moonsault Special! He’s got a chance to regroup and pull this one off!

Flyer is a little slower than usual getting up to the top and getting into position, but once he does, he flips backwards looking for his signature moonsault as Teresa Ames screams… 


The collective breath comes out of the crowd and they voice their unhappiness when Reform rolls out of the way and Flyer meets canvas! Ned is up to his feet in a flash, and he grapples Flyer from behind, bending his arm and locking in his version of the crossface chicken-wing: The Ad Hominem! 

The Ad Hominem is a dangerous maneuver, Keebs. The amount of pressure it puts on the arm and shoulder has been known to break even the fiercest competitor. Flyer needs to find a way out of this ASAP.

The Favored Saint’s arms flail as Reform locks in the brutal hold, but Reform rides the wave and appears to be attempting to get Flyer to the ground when…


Titaness!! Reform may have given the Titanes the slip, but looks like they just caught up with him.

Titaness appears from the entrance, walking down the ramp and toward the ring with a purpose. Ned Reform breaks his hold, spinning and turning to the source of the crowd response - his eyes go wide and he readies himself for an attack. Just as Titaness reaches the point where the ramp meets the ring floor, Teresa Ames moves in front of Titaness and gets in her face.

Teresa Ames:
Well, if it ain’t a bitch with a Y. A BYTCH! I’m about two seconds away from cremating your fat ass for ruining my title dreams! NED REFORM IS HEALING ME!

No, he’s using your bimbo ass to win the title for himself! 

Carla leans through the ropes, yelling at Ames and Titaness to back off. Once her back is turned…



With both Ned and Carla focused on the potential outside brawl, Uriel Cortez has emerged from the crowd and entered the ring. The giant posts up behind Ned, folding his arms and looking down at The Good Doctor with utter contempt. While Carla exits the ring to try and get between the two Defiants, Reform points outside the ring and yells at both Ames and Titaness in anger… when he backs into Cortez! Ned freezes in place, and his eyes track as he begins to put together what is happening. The fans lose it as he gulps before slowly… slowly… ever so slowly turning…

…to lock eyes with Uriel Cortez. Reform barely has any time to throw his arms up in protest before Cortez wraps his mitts around The Good Doctor’s neck. This time, not only do Reform’s eyes bug out but so does his tongue as he takes on the appearance of a toothpaste tube being squeezed. Cortez allows himself a brief smile of satisfaction before he takes one hand off Reform’s neck, and rears it back looking for the big chop…



NO! Reform broke free and shoved High Flyer in the path of the Chop of Ages!!

Flyer goes down… and Reform hits a low blow on Cortez!!

The giant drops down his knees holding his little titans of industry. Reform moves in a flash: he puts his head through the middle rope to get Carla’s attention, and the DEFIANCE referee breaks away from the Titaness/Ames confrontation to re-enter the ring. Ned aggressively makes the cover, hooking the leg and bobbing his head along with every of Ferrari’s slaps on the mat…






I can’t believe it.

The Good Doctor rolls off High Flyer IV just as Titaness realizes what has happened. She shoves Teresa aside and rolls into the ring, but Reform already has the Favored Saints Championship in his hand as he rolls under the bottom rope and out of harm’s way. Titaness moves in to check on her seething husband. He realizes what he’s just done… but Quimbey’s gonna make it nice and official for you all…

Darren Quimbey:
You winner… and NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW Favored Saints Champion… NED REEEFORM!

Reform is on the outside, jumping up and down like he’s won the lottery and holding the belt high as the fans boo. He’s not so in the zone, however, not to stop his actions mid-leap to scream…

Ned Reform:

He resumes his celebration, pulling Teresa Ames in for a big hug and both Titaness and Cortez look on in disgust.

I can’t believe this… Uriel Cortez has accidentally helped Ned Reform win his first singles title in DEFIANCE.

After the way Ned cost him and his wife the tag team championship, that has to sting. 

Reform holds the title overhead and he and Teresa Ames both bail like thieves in the night while Cortez is upright again, SEETHING that not only has he missed a chance at revenge, but Ned took advantage of the situation and used it to win his first singles championship in DEFIANCE!

Folks, this isn’t the way that I saw this show going down, but we have a new Favoured Saints Champion in Ned Reform! How do Titanes Familia come back from this? 

I don’t know, but there’s no way this issue is done after tonight. Folks, we’ve got Night Two coming at you tomorrow, but thank you for joining us!

Indeed! For Lance Warner, I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler! Good night, everyone! 

The show ends with The Titan of Industry looking down at a fallen High Flyer IV, still reeling from the colossal error made due to having revenge on his mind. Titaness tries to calm her husband as the show ends with Ned Reform on top of the ramp one more time, grinning from ear to ear with the Favoured Saints Title as the show fades. 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.