DEFIANCE Uncut 132

7 Dec 2022

Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (seats 12,580)


Parts Unknown
Monday, 12/5/22

A dark SUV style limo pulls up somewhere in the great state of Louisiana - headquarters of DEFIANCE Wrestling - but it is not at the DEFIANCE Wrestle-plex. 

Instead the SUV has pulled up to some unmarked location that can’t be seen just yet. 

After it comes to a complete stop, the limo driver gets out and opens the doors. Poking his head out from the limo is the head of the Better Future Talent Agency, Tom Morrow. “The Pensacola Playboy” Aaron King is nursing a whiskey right behind him as they exit the vehicle and walk out into what looks like a wooded area somewhere in early morning hours. 

Aaron King:
What the hell is this place?

Tom Morrow:
This is where the police said we needed to recover the Triple 7 Express. These stupid swamp rats didn’t give me much more than that other than to pick it up. 

Aaron King:
These assholes drove our bus all the way to Louisiana? And we’re not pressing charges?

Morrow shakes his head at King. 

Tom Morrow:
It’s wrestling, my dear boy. Nobody goes to jail because nobody wants to be a snitch. We dish out vigilante justice and I promise you, I have a way to deal with those assholes. Pop Culture Phenoms and the Dangerous Mix are going to get the hell beat out of them by Lucky Sevens! I promise you that! 

The gargantuan Mason Luck pops out of the limo next in a dark green suit. He takes one look at their surroundings. 

Mason Luck:
Hey … Max. Get out here. 

Max Luck:
I’m coming, I’m coming! 

Max Luck is the last to step out of the limo. Wearing a dark red suit he steps out and removes his sunglasses. 

Max Luck:
What’s up?

Mason points. 

Mason Luck:
This place look familiar to you too?

Max Luck scans the area. 

Max Luck:
Ehh maybe?

Tom Morrow:
Why did they dump our ride here? 

Mason Luck and Max Luck look out and it appears a light bulb might have gone off. 

Mason Luck:
Wait … oh shit.

Max Luck:

Mason grabs his glasses and breaks them in his hand. 

Mason Luck:
Those … those little mother fuckers!!!

Aaron King:
What? What’s the deal, Mase? 

Mason leads the pack through a grove of trees. Whatever this is looks familiar to him, but he’s leaving the rest of the crew in the dark. A very quick time lapse moves the scene forward as they go through the grove. Mason leads the pack. 

Max Luck:
Bro, what the hell is going on?

Mason Luck:
Those fuckers sent us a message. Look where we’re at! 

Max looks ahead. 

Max Luck:

Morrow and King’s jaw’s drop. 

The Triple 7 Express is parked in front of what looks like some kind of abandoned animal encampment … one for tigers. 

And the bus has been painted with crude orange and black tiger stripes. Morrow and King are both cussing behind the twins and Max realizes now where they are. 

Max Luck:
Oh, God! That fucking tiger encampment we had that match with them in! The one over that stupid fucking Tiger King knock off movie! 

Mason Luck:
That’s the one. That shit was dark times. Acts of DEFIANCE 2020. 

Morrow screams out. 

Tom Morrow:

King is also freaking out. 

Aaron King:

Mason and Max look ready to kill somebody, too. The twin giants are visibly shaking as this ends the opening segment to the show.


A desolate bathroom is hardly a place you would find a hero, yet here we are. The decrepit, dingy subway tiles that line the walls desperately need washing. It’s the kind of pub style washroom where there’s piss on the floor and the ceiling light flickers nonstop. A decent person would assume junkies use the couple of stalls to shoot up drugs or take bird baths from the toilet bowls. This is not a nice place that anyone would want to be in but there is someone around. A man stands hunched over the only sink and mirror in the room as the buzzing from the halogen lights above him is all that can be heard. He raises a hand and clasps the faucet handle in front of him. He turns the sink on as a steady stream of lukewarm water pours downwards.

He takes a moment before submerging his hands under the water. He splashes some on his face as he grumbles and stares at his reflection in the broken mirror in front of him. It’s Malak Garland but he’s grizzled for some odd reason. He’s in his original wrestling attire. You know, the gear he wore when he first started in DEFIANCE. A beaten up tank top and tribal decaled black and blue wrestling tights except, he looks much older than his spry snowflake self. He sports a five o’clock shadow for starters, something he never thought possible as it is clear he was going to be young forever. Scars of battles past adorn his face as he gently presses his water soaked hands against his skin.

Malak Garland:
How did I get here?

He tries his best to shake the cobwebs out but all his flailing does is send water droplets flying.

Malak Garland:
Shit, guy.

His voice is of a lower tone too. It’s like he’s become an old man overnight and this seedy little bathroom has become all he can rule over.

Malak Garland:
Am I? Am I a babyface now?

Thoughts of Lindsay Troy and her echelon decimating friend after friend shoot through his mind like a nightmare. All he sees when he squints his eyes is that evil smile of hers.

Malak Garland:
Look at me. I am the face now. This, this is disgusting. This isn’t me. I am not him. Those filthy inbred fans cannot CHEER for me!?

Garland easily notices how weathered his appearance has become and of course, it’s all because of his ‘turn to the light side.’ He pounces a fist against the eggshell porcelain sink in front of him.

Malak Garland:
This isn’t right.

Three letters dance in his head, taunting him so devilishly.

Malak Garland:
F. W. O. It’s their fault. They’ve put me into this position I simply didn’t want to be in. Now I’m doing stuff outside my comfort zone. Helping people? Gaining people’s sympathy by getting beat up by Henry Keyes? What the hell is going on? Being a face has aged me exponentially. It’s like I’ve become the Karen now. NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Malak cries bloody murder as he examines himself in the mirror. Let’s face it, it’s not a good look on him but at least being sad is something he is quite familiar with. Suddenly, the room around him starts disintegrating. In a panic, he looks around for something to hold onto before he gets swept away into the black nothingness that looms.

Malak Garland:


Malak wakes up. It’s morning time and he finds himself in his hotel room’s bed fully intact. There’s no scars on his face, no patchy facial hair on his chin. Just a good old fashioned tender silver bedhead and a bunch of sweat on his pillow. He looks around as he begins to self soothe.

Malak Garland:
It was just a dream. There’s still time to cHaNgE tHe nArRaTiVe. Phew. I thought I was a face forever. The thought alone of that sends shivers DOWN my spine!

The Social Media Savant slips out of bed, opens up the curtains and takes in the view of the city in front of him. He smiles confidently.

Malak Garland:
Look at me. I am the realist now.


The camera goes blank and on the DEFTron screen.

The screen turns back on, showing  the now familiar trio of The Uncut Gems, as there is a mixed - but very loud - from the Faithful. They are outside of their dressing room. In the back, by the door, in his Reservoir Dogs dark suit is Zoltan, arms folded. In the middle wearing a new Uncut Gems T-Shirt - emerald blue font with Teri/JJ/Zoltan in a triangle underneath - is JJ Dixon with a cool, confident look on his face. 

And in the front is Teri Metlon - long dangling silver earrings and wearing a stunning black dress with red sequins on the top, impossibly tall and slanted heels and omnipresent cigarette holder. 

There is a loud response - mixed, of course, but loud - at the appearance of The Uncut Gems.

JJ Dixon: [leaning into his native Texan accent for the first time in a while]
Alright alright alright allllrrrriiigggght! For the past few weeks, I’ve been out here taking on a bunch of people in sight to show everyone exactly what The Special Attraction is doing to get to his destiny! Because I want to be That Dude - the guy on the marquee, the person in the main event, the person who is synonymous with the name DEFIANCE! But I especially want to show my stuff to MV1, because I know you’re watching, trying to figure out exactly what The Uncut Gems are going to do next.You’ll know when I know -

Teri knowingly raises her eyebrows.

JJ Dixon: 
But, in the meantime, tonight I’m offering up an open challenge for anyone who wants to see first hand exactly how I show out. 

Teri Melton:
MV1 and everyone in this arena and at home may question my intentions all they want. Maybe those who see a reflection of their own struggles in our journey continue to cheer us. Or maybe you boo me because of my old... friendship... with Lord Nigel. But just know this. The Uncut Gems are inevitable. Our climb has only just begun. Mr. Dixon is rapidly turning his belief in himself and his athletic prowess into one of the best performers in DEFIANCE.. Combine that with my steel trap mind for this business and my powers of persuasion, you are all starting to understand why...

Teri smiles like the cat ate the canary and sticks her hand under her chin to cue the audience.

Teri Melton:
Teri Metlon...

She leans into the camera.

Teri Melon:
Is ready...

And as she builds, and gets ready to say it, we hear a voice from off-screen.

Sorry to interrupt the catchphrase, Teri. But this old friend wants to say hello!

Teri drops her cigarette holder in shock before another scheming smile appears on her face. Old-head wrestling fans recognize the man on state and his “Cobra Kai Terry Silver” like features, style and middle-aged many ponytail as the legendary WildStar! 

And behind him are a pair BRAZEN fans have come to know in recent months as the tag team known as New Day Rising - “The Starchild” Kyle Reeves and Raiden. The Starchild has longish “hotshot MLB rookie second basemen” hair and a black/red star pointed over his eye, wearing a grey double-hooked singlet with the letters “NDR” in airbrushed graph-style lettering and black mooboots. The half-Japanese Raiden has the right half of his head shaved, the other half of his long black hair shoulder length and he has on a BRAZEN T-shirt on over black/red leggings in the same color scheme as The StarChild. The StarChild is bouncing up and down on the toes of his feet while Raiden looks on with the intent eyes of an assassin.

WildStar reaches out to shake JJ’s hand. JJ does not take it as he eyes this trio cautiously.

Oh, hey, let me introduce myself. I am WildStar - the Five Star Wrestler. I cut my teeth way back in the day in the CSWA as a singles star, and then with my brother-from-another Tsunami in the Dawn of a New Day tag team. We won singles and tag gold there, in Japan, in Mexico, in Europe, in the UWA, PWF, NFW and a bunch of other leagues whose names were either three-letter combinations or spelled in CAPSLOCK. And along the way? Why, Teri Melton was our manager for a bunch of that ride.

Teri also looks at him a bit cautiously as she is obviously calculating the situation.

Teri Melton:
Hello, WildStar. So, how can we help --

WildStar interrupts.

And we also had a pretty hot personal relationship for a bit, too. Ain’t that right, Teri? I seem to recall a really great night at the Hyatt Regency in Greensboro...

The StarChild makes a really gross face at that revelation (“Eww, Dad!”). Teri stares coldly at him before letting out a chuckle.

Teri Melton:
I had a lot of really fun nights at that hotel, WildStar. But I thought we left things amicably. Business over pleasure. Please don’t tell me you’re back for some revenge plot.

Oh, no, not hear for that at all. We left on good terms. Just a little while later, I met my wife. And you took off for Morocco to meet up with some British Lord, I believe?  But I’m here because my son, The StarChild and my nephew - Tsunami’s kid - Raiden, are tearing it up in BRAZEN and I wanted to see that for myself. And it’s my understanding that you’ve been checking them out, too... 

JJ looks a bit shocked and dismayed at that bit of news.

Teri Melton:
Well, I check out everyone in BRAZEN. But I do have some keen interest in these two. They’re certainly on my radar... and VERY high on my radar. 

And I told my boys this... despite your oh-so-mysterious ways, if you come calling, they’d be wise to listen and certainly wise to never cross you. And I couldn’t help but overhear JJ there laying out a challenge.

Teri picks up the cigarette lighter and Zoltan lights it. 

Well, we accept. NDR make their Uncut debut against JJ... 

JJ’s a big dismayed.

And the big man!

WildStar pounds Zoltan’s chest. Zoltan does not even flinch. Teri exhales some of her smoke and nods.

Teri Melton:
We accept. Your progeny against The Uncut Gems, in tag action for the first time!

Oh, and one more thing, Teri. I’d appreciate it for old time’s sake if you didn’t get involved in the match. I want to see how good my boys are, and I think you do, too.

Teri nods.

Teri Melton:
Deal. In fact, I actually have to get going. I have a date tonight... with a certain British Lord!

She walks off suddenly but pauses when she sees a business card on the hallway corkboard. And she snatches it and juts off again.

Teri Melton:
A problem solver, you say? I could always use one of those.

What, no catchphrase?

That leaves JJ, Zoltan, WildStar and NDR in the hallway all just mulling about. 

JJ Dixon:
So... this is awkward...

WildStar looks to Zoltan.

So, how do you know Teri anyways?

She was my first wife!

JJ Dixon:
Wait, what?

The awkwardness just grows as WildStar ushers NDR away as JJ looks on at Zoltan in confused disbelief.


To kick off the wrestling part show we don’t have the usual Darren Keebler and Lance Warner trying to give people a welcome. 

Instead it is the bright and shining face of Tom Morrow … 

… and lots of jeers. 


Tom Morrow is on the stage wearing a navy blue suit and matching tie. He isn’t in a good mood of any kind after recent events involving vehicular theft. Right at his side … 


DEFIANCE Wrestling’s Unified Tag Team champions, The Lucky Sevens are out as well. Mason Luck wearing a dark green suit with tinted green sunglasses. Max Luck in a red suit with tinted red sunglasses as they carry the belts over their shoulders. The twin seven footers look about as happy as Tom Morrow does … which is not at all. 

Tom Morrow:
I and my Golden Beasts are not in a good mood! Shut it!

The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful do the exact opposite and boo even louder than before! 

Tom Morrow:
I’m not going to take this disrespect! Klein and Mushigihara were beaten fair and square! 

No they weren’t. 

Tom Morrow:
Instead of taking their losses like respectable athletes do, PCP and the Dangerous Mix stoop to stealing something that doesn’t belong to them! The Triple 7 Express theft is grand theft auto and I don’t mean that stupid video game! Main Event Monsters make Main Event Money and deserve Main Event Transportation! And what happened? They drove it like they stole it because they fucking stole it!!!


Morrow doesn’t look happy. 

Tom Morrow:
Oh, of course you delinquents would cheer that! We have recovered that bus … as you saw a little bit ago … but now we have to set an example not to screw with the Better Future Talent Agency! Aaron King’s going to come out here and use his opponent already down there, No Fun Dean, to show you all what happens when you take from us! 

No Fun Dean is shown in the ring with Slightly Fun Jen just outside telling him to try and do things like have fun even when a potentially dangerous opponent is coming his way. Not to mention the twin seven foot giants lurking at ringside ready to hurt someone with a thought. 

Tom Morrow:
He stands six feet two! He weighs two-hundred thirty-four pounds with a meanstreak a mile wide and a body count – the kind of how many women you’ve bedded – two miles wide! He is Pretty Dangerous! He is the Baby Faced Killer! He is The Pensacola Playboy! He is AAAARRROOONNN K! I! N! G! KING!!!

♫ “I Am The Greatest” by Logic ♫

The beats start playing and strutting out to the theme wearing blue sunglasses, a blue leather jacket and black and blue colored leather pants is Aaron King! He starts swirling a small whiskey glass! He takes a quick drink and hands the unfinished drink to Tom Morrow. The coat comes off. Next, the sunglasses. Then with a confident smile he jumps into the ring. 

Aaron King has been very impressive in singles action since Morrow signed him to Better Future Talent Agency. He has the swagger he used to have in Gulf Coast Connection but also learned a thing or two under his prior association with Arthur Pleasant before going it with Morrow. 

When that bell rings, he has developed quite a meanstreak. 

The bell rings for both men. 


Aaron King squares up with No Fun Dean, but there’s no grappling to start. Instead, King goes right for the Greco-Roman stomach kick. He doubles over NFD with the boot and then uses an irish whip off the ropes. When NFD comes back, King swings with a lariat that misses. Dean comes off the ropes and runs him down with a shoulder to cheers from the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful. 

I think Aaron King underestimated No Fun Dean! 

We can’t sit here and say that No Fun Dean’s winning percentage in the ring is high, but those stats don’t demonstrate that he’s savvy on the mat as well. 

When King gets up frustrated, NFD takes him over with a rolling head lock and pins King to the canvas. King quickly snaps his legs up and over the neck of NFD until he has to let go, then gives him the slip. Both men end up on their feet, but King quickly rakes an eye! 

King isn’t interested in exchanging mat holds tonight with Dean! 

The referee is telling King to stop with the eye attacks. King spits at the ref’s foot and gets booed by the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful. King takes NFD into the ropes and then hits a running elbow strike from the other side of the ring! Now King is his more his outside-the-ring playful self when he walks over to Slightly Fun Jen, leans over the ropes and winks at her. She looks disgusted by the sheer sleaze of King and won’t give the BFTA member the time of day. 

King now playing games. He better be careful with that kind of thing. 

King is back to punishing No Fun Dean by kicking him while he’s on the ground. Dean tries getting off the ground and grabs King’s leg. He starts to stand up and then lets the leg go so he can deliver a chop. He strikes King with another and then a third. The Baby Faced Killer is about to go for a ride with an irish whip but he hangs on the ropes. NFD tries pulling him away again, but King pulls him and then takes him down with a big spine buster on the comeback! 

Aaron King working over that back! The Pensacola Crab has been a deadly weapon in his arsenal! 

Aaron flashes more of his pearly whites at Slightly Fun Jen who still rebuffs his attention. King decides to take it out further on No Fun Dean. He grabs the arms and takes him up. He lifts him up and then puts him across his knee into a big double arm back breaker! 

Ouch! First the spine buster and then the double-arm back breaker! Could the win be next?

King pins NFD’s shoulders. 

One …
Two …

Dean’s arm comes up! Aaron King kneels over Dean and throws punches in bunches at his face! He tries to cover up until the referee and tell him to stop doing it. Tom Morrow is yelling at King from ringside to just keep kicking his ass. 

King wasn’t happy he didn’t get the win there with those moves! 

He better be careful. He can’t let himself get disqualified. 

The Pensacola Playboy listens to his manager and stops the punching.

Aaron King:
Hey! We’re cool! We’re cool! 

… Then he stomps all over NFD instead! 

I should have guessed that was going to happen! These rules might as well not be there for Aaron King. 

After King gets through with stomping on Dean’s body, he pulls him up again. A big punch knocks Dean into the corner. King goes back to the other corner and then charges for a corner spear … but NFD moves at the last second and King posts himself! Slightly Fun Jen yells at Dean to get King while he’s down! 

King misses the spear in the corner! Can NFD take advantage? 

No Fun Dean has been worked over and he cannot follow the missed move right away. King comes out of the corner holding his shoulder. He turns and swings at NFD with a fist, but he ducks it and gets a released German suplex for the troubles! 

Could No Fun Dean break this losing streak of his tonight? 

King gets up after the first suplex but NFD hits a second one in the form of a back drop suplex! No Fun Dean is starting to feel it and sits up with a look that he could do this tonight! He covers King by hooking his legs. 

One …
Two …

No Fun Dean getting a little suplex happy and it almost caused an upset! 

What does he have next? 

No Fun Dean calls for another big suplex. When King is starting to sit, he gets grabbed by the waist. King kicks his legs to keep from going over for another german suplex. He spins around and tries to grab No Fun Dean, but Dean pushes him away. When Dean charges he tries to catch him, but King catches him with a hot shot into the ropes! 

No! I thought Dean had him, but King hits the hot shot. 

Dean gasps for air and is gagging after having his neck dropped on the ropes. King sneaks behind him and hits a double knee backbreaker! He is hurt from the move, but that is not done. He hooks the arm and then plants him across the knee again with Party Down! 

The double knee back breaker and Party Down lead to … yes! This is it! 

King twists the legs and goes right into the Pensacola Crab! He wrenches the back of No Fun Dean with an elevated boston crab! The knee to the back as he cranks back on it! No Fun Dean tries to fight out of the hold but he eventually succumbs to pain before he can even make the ropes! NFD taps out! 


♫ “I Am The Greatest” by Logic ♫

The Pensacola Playboy has the hold on a few more seconds once the bell has rung. He keeps it clasped on until Dean can’t take any more and then lets him go! Tom Morrow enters the ring to raise his client’s hand. 

Tom Morrow:
I’m gonna do it! I’m gonna do it! Your winner … AAAARRROOONNNN K! I! N! G! KING!!!

Aaron King blows a kiss to Slightly Fun Jen on his way out. She checks on No Fun Dean after the match. 

Aaron King with a quick win tonight here on UNCUT! 

Tom Morrow:
PCP! Dangerous Mix! If you want to take from us, then we’ll give you a real chance to do this in the squared circle. 

What is he talking about?

Morrow speaks to them through the camera. 

Tom Morrow:
Listen and listen good! The D! Elise Ares! David Fox! Since the three of you are the respective brains … and use that term as loosely as I can … and you clearly can’t get over being second best in the tag team division to my monsters, we are issuing what I call a one-time All or Nothing challenge for DEF TV! 

He points at The Lucky Sevens and Aaron King. 

Tom Morrow:
The Lucky Sevens! The Golden Beasts! The Unified Tag Team Champions! And “The Pensacola Playboy” Aaron King! My guys against the three of you! Six-man tag! If your team wins … we defend these titles against both Dangerous Mix and the Pop Culture Phenoms at DEFIANCE Road in the MECCA of arenas! Madison Square Garden triple threat main event for these titles! 

Holy crap! That’s a lot for both The Dangerous Mix and the PCP! 

Tom Morrow adds. 

Tom Morrow:
And all you have to do is do the one thing that you’ve never been able to do, PCP. Something you’ve never done, David. Beat them in a match! If you can beat them, that’s all yours! But if you lose … and I know you will because again, none of you have ever beaten us! Then no title shots for you! You go away and move on! 

He points at NFD and Slightly Fun Jen trying to move at ringside. 

Tom Morrow:
Max. Mason. Get ‘em. 

The Lucky Sevens slowly drop their titles and enter the ring and surround No Fun Dean and Slightly Fun Jen … 

Come on! Don’t do this! She hasn’t done anything! You won the match! Go! 

Max tells Slightly Fun Jen to leave. She starts to … then Max changes his mind and grabs her arm before pulling her right into a Winning Hang Slam! 

No! No! Stop this! 

The jeering is loud when The Golden Beasts put their attention on No Fun Dean. He has no strength to fight back when they pick him up. Mason with the powerbomb and Max with the Winning Hand … 


You’ve done enough! Get out of here! 

DEF-Sec trickle out from the back and start rushing the ring, but the Lucky Sevens and Aaron King have made their point and leave. 


DEF-Sec usher Morrow start heading up the ramp before they leave!

What a challenge! All or Nothing six person tag team match! Either The Dangerous Mix and the PCP win or they don’t have title shots. 

And I hate to say this, but Morrow is right! There is a lot of history between The Lucky Sevens and PCP and in major tag team matches, the PCP have never beaten the Lucky Sevens. The Sevens also defeated Dangerous Mix back on the special 125th episode of Uncut to retain those titles. 

Those are huge stakes and not to mention, PCP and Fox are the smaller members of their group at a size disadvantage to their opponents. 


The camera shows a behemoth of a man - 6’3”, 325 pounds - standing outside of the weight training gym at BRAZEN’s facilities. Keen eyes will recognzie him as Adrian Payne - Canadian Olympic gold medalist and world champion powerlifter. He’s wearing a retro 1980s-style Red/White Canada-colored Adidas Run DMC-style track jacket with matching track pants, and a cock-sure sneer on his face.

Adrian Payne:
Yo. The name is Adrian Payne -- dare I say the largest signee to BRAZEN to date, and I ain’t talking just about size. You see, I’m already a well-known entity. Call up the DEFIANCE HR department and confirm my resume if you want. But I won the gold medal for my weight class - the biggest weight class - at the Tokyo Games for weightlifting. I’ve set records my whole life, be it the snatch or the clean-and-jerk methods, or especially when you add them all up. 

Now I’m in BRAZEN and soon enough DEFIANCE. While I’ve spent most of my life throwing up iron... what a lot of people DON’T know is that I came up fighting. I grew up hard, in the Jane and Finch neighborhood of Toronto. But unlike what all the knuckleheads do down in the States, we don’t settle our beefs with guns. We settle things with fists. So I know how to throw them.

He holds up his giant fists.

Adrian Payne:
So I’m what one would call a growth stock. I still have to learn how to roll around on the mat and whatever it is ya’ll do. But I know that there ain’t no man alive stronger than me, and I know that when a man as strong as me punches you in the face or tosses your ass on the ground... you tend to STAY DOWN. 

I ain’t looking for any more accolades or medals or trophies. I’ve got all those. What I’m looking for is money. I already live a comfortable lifestyle. But my beautiful wife Shonda? She’s into what one would call luxury goods and she wants a Birkin handbag to show off to all her lady friends. My daughter Brielle? Well, she’s the apple of my eye and I ain’t sending her to just any school. She’s going to a Montissori, and a pricey one. And me? Well, I’m a large man and I like livin’ large, and I want to stretch my legs out in a nice big new Lexus SUV. 

So what I’m advertising is this... You got a problem? Well, I think I know exactly how to solve it.

He smiles while pounding his right fist into an empty hand. 

Adrian Payne:
Check my ish out in BRAZEN. And I ain’t one to act shy - I’m going to make sure you get to watch me wreck spines and make people STAY DOWN here on Uncut soon enough, too. 

My business card with my contact information is already up on the corkboard in the hallway. And like the slogan says. I’m “The Problem Solver” Adrian Payne... and I’ll solve all your problems for the right price! Holler at me and let’s make a deal.

Payne winks at the camera and goes on his way. 


Teri Melton stands in her resplendent sequined dress walks out of the back of the Petersen Events Center, and as soon as she does the film stock reverts to an early 1960s technicolor film stock. And we hear on it the thumping of horses as she looks to the left with a wide smile on her face as a familiar voice calls out to her - Lord Nigel Trickelbush, in the back of a golden carriage as a Mere Stable Boy pulls on the harness of two Clydesdales pulling him along. Lord Nigel looks immaculate in his Old World manner - a crisp bowler’s cap, a Saville Row-tailored suit with a red ascot flowing in the wind. He also has in his hand a bouquet of flowers. 

Lord Nigel:
Teri! Teri! You look so marvelous tonight in this crisp, Pittsburgh air! I know it’s not Paris or our beloved Morocco, and it smells like the home of the mere stable boy controlling my prized horses, but our timing always has been a bit off.

She laughs. He condescendingly snaps his fingers as The Mere Stable Boy parks the horses and helps Teri up the carriage. She takes a seat as he presents her the bouquet and they begin stomping away!

Teri Melton:
Timing has never been our strength as a couple. But here we are, in the present. And these flowers are just too devine, Lord Nigel. 

Lord Nigel:
I don’t know why you insist on calling me this. We’ve known each other for years. I insist you must call me Nigel!

Teri purses her lips as her eyes twinkle.

Teri Melton:
I prefer Lord Nigel because, well... what lady doesn’t fancy herself with being with a true aristocrat? And that’s how I address you when I... think... of you when I’m alone. 

The already offended Mere Stable Boy looks like he wants to vomit. Lord Nigel tilts his head back with a look of smug triumph, as finally someone truly understands the importance of lineage and title!

Lord Nigel:
Well, here’s what I think of you, all of the time... 

He leans over for a kiss, but the horses stop suddenly and the carriage jolts forward, disrupting Lord Nigel’s attempt at romance! Teri drops the flowers onto the street. 

The Mere Stable Boy:
This is your stop!

He helps Teri off gently. Lord Nigel heads down and expects to be helped as well, but The Mere Stable Boy just casually ignores him, leading Lord Nigel to awkwardly get down on his own.

The horses trot off as we are high in the sky with grey clouds behind them abruptly part to show the city of Pittsburgh and its “grandeur” from atop the hill - the Three Rivers, the skyline, and the busy lives down below. There are also people mulling about this lookout of The Steel City, with many having picnic lunches complete with parasols. In front of the lookout wall is a bench. Lord Nigel grabs Teri by her left hand and whisks her to the bench.

Lord Nigel:
Now, Teri... before we chat about our future together... I believe we need to talk some about our business. As in... I don’t like the current status of the task I’ve assigned your boy to accomplish! To take out MV1! He had an ample opportunity to do so at the last DEFtv and neglected to do so! And then, the video your alliance produced... that left me with more questions than answers!

Teri Melton laughs as she drops her head back, pats his thigh and keeps her hand there. Right then and there, we hear a few light piano keys twinkling as she slowly stands as the piano intro continues. Then she moves her hand to her heart and starts to sing in tune with the emerging melody -

Teri Melton:
♫ There’s nothing at all for you to worry about, Lord Nigel! You should know me well enough by now to know how much I like games! ♫ 

Lord Nigel rises and grabs his bowler’s cap, and places it over his chest and belts out in a baritone --

Lord Nigel:
♫ As if anyone can ever truly know you! And of those games I’m one of those names.... That has come up on the loser’s end! 

She twirls in front of him to his left as he grabs her hand to balance her!

Teri Melton:
♫ But there are no winners nor losers, just two lonely hearts forever on the mend! ♫

He grabs Teri and wheels her back into his body, his hand now on her lower back as he continues to sing.

Lord Nigel:
♫ You, lonely? I find that funny, my dear. You’re the pinup girl of every year. And I must suggest that you must adhere. To the request I gave as a man of clout! 

Teri ducks under his embrace and tap dances three steps away from Lord Nigel.

Teri Melton:
♫ Why must you doubt? There is no drought. MV1 will soon enough payyyyyyy!!! 

He then tap dances a bit and slides next to her, along with a stern finger.

Lord Nigel:
♫ Oh so you say? This should have been done yesterdayyyy --ayyyyyy-ayyyyyyy! 

The tempo of the piano quickens. Teri then puts her head over her head and heads to the overlook.

Teri Melton:
♫ It’s always been business before pleasure between us- 

Lord Nigel quickly hops to the bench and squats next to her.

Lord Nigel:
♫ Your plots forever give me a caffeine buzz- 

She quickly and seductively turns and returns her hand to his thigh, and this time rubs it very, very, very noticeably.

Teri Melton:
♫ And I’ve never understood about your big rush! 

He looks down at her hand with his mouth open in shock.

Lord Nigel:
♫ Oh dear, you know how to make me blush. 

Teri Melton:
♫ So then tell me right now you’ll follow my plan! 

 Lord Nigel now swiftly hops down from the bench and picks Teri up ala the end of Dirty Dancing, spinning her around.

Lord Nigel:
♫ How could I not, I am only a man! 

The Mere Stable Boy walks by and sings in a boyband falsetto --

Mere Stable Boy:
♫ A man you say? Look at you looking at her. You’re more like a pup! 

At that point all of the picnickers grab their parasols and stand up as Teri does a 360 degree turn down to face the camera with a high Rocketts leg kick! And another The parasols all start to spin as Lord Nigel watches from the background as Teri Rockette struts to the camera.

Teri Melton:
♫ And that’s why.... 

The parasols all fly to the air as those holding them all do jazz hands together and sing in a chorus along with her as she hits the highest of high notes!

Teri Melton/Chorus:
♫ Teri Melltonnnn.... Is Readyyyyy.... Forrrrrrrr... Herrrrr... Closssseuppppp!!! 

The chorus comes forward as Teri falls back onto their hands as they hoist her in the sky! Lord Nigel looks on with wonderment as she winks to the camera before turning to him and blows him a kiss as he falls backwards he passes out onto the ground with glee. 


And here’s a match we weren’t expecting to see tonight featuring one rising star in JJ Dixon who has largely cut his teeth here on Uncut, the large muscle of his stable who we have yet to actually see in a match, and a new Brazen tag team making their Uncut debut. And everyone has ties to Teri Melton, who won’t even be here as she’s apparently off-and-about with Lord Nigel, who has paid her for JJ Dixon to lay out MV1, the former tag partner and best friend of his primal beast Corvo Alpha! Do I have all that?

It’s a tangled web we weave!

♫ “New Day Rising” by Husker Du. ♫

As the fast and abrasive 80s punk song cues up, out come New Day Rising - NDR - from the back. Raiden comes out first making a martial arts pose, looking around the arena as if all are enemies. The StarChild comes out next, singing along with the song (which is just the words “New Day Rising” over and over again) and unconsciously playing air drums like he has untreated ADHD as he powerwalks to the ring. They both climb into the ring as Raiden does a few strikes in the airs and a spin kick over The StarChild’s head, as he ducks down into a full-fledged split without much, if any, effort! 

What do you know about these two, Lance?

They’re both very young and barely old enough to drink! The StarChild’s dad is, of course, WildStar, who we met earlier tonight. WildStar and his longtime tag partner Tsunami were known as Dawn of a New Day and were one of the best tag teams of their generation! Tsunami married WildStar’s sister and is the father of Raiden. Both are high-flyers, but The StarChild is seen as a technical prodigy while Raiden is a master of strikes and particularly loves an out-of-control brawl. And both have been training to be professional wrestlers literally since birth!

♫ “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins ♫

The lights turn off but without the usual walk-and-talk pomp-and-circumstance, they come back on with JJ Dixon in his extravagant floor-length sequined robe on the ring apron... and this time with Zoltan on the apron with him, but still wearing his black suit to the fullest, even with the tie still on! And both of them make “DiamondHands” together as many in the crowd follow-suit, even without the seductive presence of Teri Melton.

And here they are, The Uncut Gems! And while they are always a bit off-kilter... tonight they are even more so, considering Zoltan is still dressed like a pall bearer! 

Well, do not sleep on Zoltan! He has been a wrestler on-and-off for years, but is highly regarded as a trainer, known as “Professor Z!” In fact, both Teri Melton and JJ accredit Zoltan’s training for his rapid and recent ascent to stardom. 

OH WOW! The StarChild and Raiden don’t even wait for The Uncut Gems to get off the apron!


Raiden with a savate kick to Zoltan! The StarChild with a big shoulderblock to JJ! Now both NDR members bounce off the far ropes... STEREO SOMMERSAULT PLANCHAS OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE UNCUT GEMS! Now Raiden and The StarChild look at each other -- they whip Zoltan into the ring railing! And a second time! Now they take him and roll him into the ring.

I have to say I like the early strategy from these two! 

The StarChild with a leg sweep that takes the big man down! And now - OH MY GOD! He picks him up for a tombstone! Raiden is in positon for a springboard - they call this The Nightfall! Raiden springboards - NOOO! JJ up on the apron and shakes Raiden off the rope and to the floor. Now JJ with a forearm smash...  DEATHVALLEYDRIVER WITH A CARTWHEEL ONTO THE HARD PART OF THE RING APRON! 

The crowd pops hard at the move as Raiden holds his head and rolls to the floor. 

Zoltan rolls out of The StarChild’s grip and grabs him by the neck... The StarChild’s eyes are bulging with that grip! CHOKESLAM FROM THE HEAVENS! And now Zoltan stands over the rookie and cooly takes off his dress jacket and folds it over the rope. And he also now slides off his tie and neatly folds that!

There’s a sizable applause from the crowd about Zoltan’s oddly cool disrobing. 

Now Zoltan makes the tag to JJ. He hoists The StarChild up on his shoulders... THE WIREHANGER CLOTHESLINE FROM THE TOP! THEY JUST DECAPITATED THE STARCHILD! And JJ does not hesitate, getting the rookie up in a full nelson... SUNSET BOULEVARD!





Darren Quimbey:
The winner of this match... The Uncut Gems!

A lot of the fans make DiamondHands as Zoltan quickly slides out of the ring.

Zoltan has Raiden by his hair and throws him in the ring right next to The StarChild. 

Man, come on. These are two rookies. They looked good for the first part of this sprint... don’t take it out on them.

Both members of NDR are struggling up to their knees... and JJ and Zoltan lording over them, and look at each other.

The lights go out quickly. And the DefTRON screen reveals Teri Melton, wherever she is, smirking. And she slowly makes DiamondHands as the lights come back on, JJ and Zoltan follow suit, and they crawl out of the ring.

What was that about?

Who knows with the mysterious ways of Teri Melton... but we could perhaps be seeing her starting to dig her claws into The StarChild and Raiden! 


Just before the main event of tonight’s episode of UNCUT, Christie Zane is standing by in the backstage interview area with her guest and one of the men competing in the aforementioned main event. 

Christie Zane:
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve seen a very noteworthy UNCUT to say the least! Challenges issued, new introductions and… singing! But we’re about to hear from a man who hasn’t been in action in a few weeks. Please welcome Titanes Familia member Minute! 

The Faithful pop LOUD for The TJ Tornado as he’s in his blue and gold lucha mask and ring gear, ready to go. 

Hola, Christie. Thank you for having me. 

Christie Zane:
Not a problem. We last saw you in action on DEFtv 177 against Vae Victis’ Kerry Kuroyama that saw him victorious. You had to miss a few weeks of in-ring action including the big FIST and SoHer Battle Royal a couple of weeks back. What’s been on your mind since that match with Kerry?

Minute looks up and smirks.

Did I really lose? I was technically never eliminated, amiga. You’re looking at the DEFIron Man! I’m still in that Battle Royal. 

Christie racks her brain.

Christie Zane:
…you know, good point. I thought I recalled you being in there. 

Minute laughs. 

Kidding, amiga, kidding.I was out there for support. I’m pissed at myself that I had to miss out on that match. Kerry Kuroyama is no joke, but I’m back and my first match in just over a month is going to be against “Cunning” Curt Cunning from BRAZEN. 

Christie Zane:
Indeed. He’s a crafty tactician in BRAZEN and he’s the current BRAZEN Star Cup holder. He… 

Before he can finish up, the very same opponent walks up, holding the BRAZEN Star Cup in Minute’s face. 

“Cunning” Curt Cunning:
My mask is burning! I hear people talking about me and I’m gonna hear Darren Quimbey saying it, too, when I beat you. 

Minute looks up at Cunning and grins. 

I’ve heard of you! Amigo who clearly ISN’T a luchador stealing that Cup from Kazuhiro Troy. 

Cunning smirks back under his mask. 

“Cunning” Curt Cunning:
And I’ve heard of YOU… guy without a title. I’m not putting this Cup on the line, but I’ll be happy to beat you right back into obscurity! Seems like your Titanes friends can’t help but run afoul of my idol and hero, DOCTOR Ned Reform and I’ll make him proud by breaking you down in that ring tonight! 

…of course that puta would be YOUR hero. You can keep your BRAZEN Star Cup, amigo, one of the other hungry talent in BRAZEN deserve the chance to win that off you. 

Cunning holds back his BRAZEN Star Cup. 

“Cunning” Curt Cunning:
Well, sorry to disappoint you… MINUTE… but that won’t be happening for a long time. And the only thing you have waiting for you tonight is more disappointment. 

You think you can keep up with me, amigo? 

He shoots him one more… dare we say, DEFIANT look…


The TJ Tornado takes his leave when Curt Cunning sees Christie Zane eyeing him and the trophy for one more comment. Cunning holds the trophy closer. 

“Cunning” Curt Cunning:

The masked BRAZEN star leaves in the opposite direction to be ready for his match as Zane shrugs. 

Christie Zane:
Darren, Lance, back to you. 


We are getting ready for our main event and in a fun bit of trivia, our first main event with an all-masked line-up including our official for this match, the BRAZEN Referee, a masked man himself! The former two-time Unified Tag Team and Favoured Saints Champion, Minute, takes on the current BRAZEN Star Cup holder, “Cunning” Curt Cunning!

Minute has been looking to re-establish himself after losing a match to Kerry Kuroyama and taking a few weeks off due to injury. Meanwhile, Cunning teamed with Ned Reform and made it to the finals of Tag Party IV! He parlayed that momentum into winning the BRAZEN Star Cup! 

Big opportunity for Cunning and a good test for Minute! Let’s go to Darren Quimbey at ringside for the main event! 

To Quimbey we go!

Darren Quimbey:
The following match is scheduled for one fall and is your main event of the evening! Introducing first… 

♫ "Chase Me” by Danger Mouse and Run The Jewels ♫

Two big billows of smoke fire off from either side of the stage and fill it quickly… then leaping out of the smoke, Minute rolls through and leaps to his feet! He poses to the crowd and gets a great reaction! He points to the Philly Faithful and then SPEEDS towards the ring like a rocket! 

Darren Quimbey:
Representing Titanes Familia… from Tijuana, Mexico, weighing in at 164 pounds… he is MINUTE!

Minute had a minor stinger after the Kuroyama Driver from a few weeks ago, but has been given a clean bill of health. 

Minute now looking to find himself after that. A win here is going to go a long, long way towards that goal! 

Minute scans the crowd as the climbs on the ring apron, then climbs upward. He leaps off the top rope, lands on one rope, then the adjacent side before backflipping into the ring to huge applause! Minute then looks out to the Faithful and waits for the arrival of his opponent. 

♫ "Who Are You?” by The Who ♫

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent, from The Great State of Noneya Bidness… weighing at also Noneya, but the website says 216 pounds, so we’ll roll with that… The BRAZEN Star Cup holder, ”CUNNING” CURT CUNNING!

The masked Cunning comes out, waving the BRAZEN Star Cup in hand! The Cup is not on the line tonight, but a big opportunity nevertheless for “Cunning” Curt Cunning as he approaches the ring. He wears a one-sleeved wrestling singlet and black mask over his face as he approaches the ring. He climbs inside and holds the BRAZEN Star Cup one more time before handing it off to the masked BRAZEN Referee. The official of the match hands it off to a stagehand at ringside and then calls for the bell. 


Both of the masked men lock up and it’s “Cunning” Curt Cunning who gets the quick opening by circling Minute and then dropping him to the canvas. 

Curt Cunning:
Two points! Two points!

There’s uh… no points system here, buddy. 

Curt Cunning has about almost a foot height over Minute and is coming along in BRAZEN as a technician. We’ll see if he can keep Minute grounded. 

He picks up Minute and they lock up again. Cunning takes him to the ropes, but that turns out to be a mistake as The TJ Tornado flips him over to the corner and then uses a flying arm drag to take him over! Cunning rolls through. He pulls himself up and then tries to flip Minute over, but The Littlest Flippy-Doo cartwheels through the flip and lands on his feet. Cunning gets dirty and boots Minute right in his six-pack. He whips him to the corner and follows… but when Cunning gets there, Minute hops and flips over him and executes a SERIES of front flips to the other side of the ring that pop The Faithful!

Minute’s athleticism is top-notch! One of the most impressive in DEFIANCE! 

Cunning charges at him and snaps on a headlock! He cackles under his mask and says that he’s got Minute where he wants him, but Minute flips over his back and then locks on an arm lock of his own! He controls the arm until Cunning grabs the arm and rolls forward. He controls the arm of Minute now, but not for long as Minute rolls forward, then flips back to the other way to take back control! Cunning shoves him away, but Minute flies forward and snaps him over with a quick headscissors! Minute takes a bow as Cunning scrambles along the mat!

Cunning held his own there, but when he’s been getting frustrated, Minute takes control with a headscissors!

The BRAZEN Star Cup holder is back on the attack, though!

He runs at Minute, then hits a running Irish whip, but The TJ Tornado lands on the middle rope and flies off with another flying arm drag! Cunning hits the mat while Minute stands up to hit him with a 540 kick! Cunning hits the canvas and he’s down while the former Unified Tag and Favoured Saints Champion throws up his hands! 

Great control by Minute! He’s getting back in the game tonight! 

The Titanes Familia member grabs the arm again and tries to take Cunning down with something else, but Cunning makes a quick motion and swings around until he throws Minute off of him and lands on the apron. Cunning rushes at him, but The TJ Tornado hits a shoulder then slingshots right in with a schoolboy!



Cunning kicks out! He slides past Minute and then whips him to the ropes before hitting him with a big forearm to the back of the head!

Oooh! Oh! That neck of Minute’s could be a weak spot! 

And Cunning has a submission hold the Sly Fox Lock, a modified crossface submission. He could be primed and ready for a big win!

Minute grabs the back of his head when Cunning grabs him and hits another elbow to the back of the head before he takes him over with a big snap suplex! He rolls through and hits a second one on Minute, but hangs on to The TJ Tornado. He rolls up but this time, hooks a leg… right into a fisherman’s suplex!



Minute breaks the cover, but now Cunning is in control!

Cunning gets the opening he needs after those suplexes! He pulls Minute by the neck! 

He has a half-nelson lock to get Minute up and then pushes The Littlest Flippy-Doo into the ropes to deliver another big forearm to the neck area on the way back! The crowd boos as Minute falls to a knee and Cunning smiles underneath his mask. 

Curt Cunning:
Four points!

What the hell is this points system he’s talking about? Maybe just focus on the match instead?

The BRAZEN Star Cup holder continues to work over the Titanes Familia member’s neck. He pushes him into the ropes again and then another forearm hits him in the back of the neck! Minute crumbles to both knees now and the fans continue to jeer as Cunning stands over, tapping his head with his finger. 

That might be some of the teaming with Ned Reform rubbing off on this masked man. 

Talented, but kind of a jerk. That’s all the word I’ve heard in BRAZEN about Cunning. 

Curt thinks quickly again as The Faithful continue to boo him. He measures Minute and then hits a running superkick!

He calls that the Cunning Linguist Kick! Cover! 

Cunning makes another cover on Minute.



Another kickout by Minute! But Cunning keeps up the pressure! He throws Minute back into the ropes, but before he is able to swing back, Minute quickly ducks and slides backwards underneath the quick forearm by Curt. Minute leaps back up and then ducks under a swinging uppercut. Minute continues off the ropes until he spins around the head and neck of Curt, DRIVING down the BRAZEN Star Cup holder with the Eso Es Todo! 

Eso Es Todo by Minute! The tilt-a-whirl DDT connects! Minute just found himself an opening against the BRAZEN star, but can he follow up with anything? 

Now “Cunning” Curt Cunning finds himself in the same amount of pain that he has inflicted upon Minute in the past few moments. Stinging pain in the neck! The Faithful start to cheer on the former Unified Tag and Favoured Saints Champion while Cunning is trying to figure out where he is. 

Minute now trying to mount a comeback! He can attack you from any and all angles!

Minute does just that when Cunning is laid out near the ropes! He runs forward and then hits a sliding dropkick that knocks Curt through the ropes and out to the floor! Cunning hits the ground with a dull thud while Minute is finally starting to get back to his feet, standing up and overlooking The Faithful. He looks out…

I’m thinking Minute is about to take flight! 

He does just that and ZIPS right through the bottom and middle rope, CRASHING as hard as he can like a rocket into Curt Cunning with a suicide dive! He wipes out Cunning and he backflips from the impact! As Cunning is spilled backwards on the outside, Minute gets back to his feet on the outside and it turns out he’s not done yet! He holds out a second finger to The Faithful to signal for one more dive.

What does Minute have in mind now?

When it comes to these spectacular dives? Anything he wants! 

Minute slides back into the ring and runs off the ropes a second time. The handspring leads to the cartwheel and then leads to the SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP TO THE OUTSIDE! THE FAITHFUL ARE GOING CRAZY! 


A few quick replays flash on the screen after the landing gets stuck! And when we are done with the replays, 

One of Minute’s most incredible moves. He’s the smallest competitor on the DEFIANCE roster, but he’s pure dynamite! 

After recovering from the landing, Minute helps shove Cunning back inside the ring under the ropes. He measures up Cunning and waits for him to get back to his feet. A springboard leads to a STIFF missile dropkick that sends Cunning back against the ropes. Minute kips to his feet and lets out a shout, basking in the energy of The Faithful. The multiple-time titleholder in DEFIANCE charges forward and then cracks Curt with a running double knee strike to the chest! 

Oof! The flying knee strike hits and Curt is out! Are we about to see Minutiae? 

The TJ Tornado has Curt grounded and then quickly ascends the top rope. When he gets up there, he measures him up… 



Minute hooks the legs of Cunning! 





♫ "Chase Me” by Danger Mouse and Run The Jewels ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… MINUTE!

Minute has his hand raised after the victory by the BRAZEN Referee and salutes his fellow masked man. The TJ Tornado takes his place on the nearby middle buckle and salutes The Faithful for their support in this win tonight. 

The TJ Tornado takes the win tonight! Earlier tonight, he said he wanted to get back into the swing of competition while other members of Titanes Familia have done so. 

All of Titanes Familia are impressive, but you can never forget The Titan of the Skies! 

Thanks for joining us for UNCUT and we’ll see you next week for DEFtv 180! For Lance Warner, I’m Darren Keebler! Good night, everyone! 

One last shot of Minute playing to The Faithful from on top of the turnbuckle before he takes his leave.




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.