DEFIANCE Uncut 141

7 Jun 2023

KeyBank Center, Buffalo, New York (seats 19,200)


JJ Dixon is walking into the arena, with his hair now in a 2002 Emo style -- windswept over his left eye, with some black eyeliner. He’s still carrying his Jamsport bookbag with a 90s Alienhead patch on it, his left arm in a sling. Waiting for him by the door are the members of NDR -- JP Reeves and Raiden, both with pissed off faces over black hoodies that read "NDR" in a cyberpunk-style font.

JP Reeves:
Hey, Dixon. We’ve been friends for a minute now. So I mean no disrespect when I say this. But you fucking suck.

JJ Dixon:
Excuse me? Why? Because I couldn’t come in and save the day? You know my arm is still messed up.

JP Reeves:
No. Because you have to get over yourself. Like, immediately.

JJ Dixon:
lower your tone, StarChild? You don’t know what I’m going through. Just when things were starting to really go for me, I get hurt. And —

JP Reeves:
Boo hoo. You sound like Nathan Eye, whining about your injury, dressing like some Fall Out Boy roadie. But it’s more than that man. I’m talking about Caitlyn, too.

JJ Dixon:
Why, because Dubya’s messing with her? She’s good. 

JP Reeves:
No. Because you’re messing with her. Did you ever tell Teri at all that Caitlyn hasn’t said crap about Teri? You just let that hang, man. So you could have an excuse to break off from The Gems. 

JJ Dixon:
Look, man —

JP Reeves:
When we were in BRAZEN, the only way we would come up is once Teri thought we were ready. And, yeah, she managed our dads. But the main reason we wanted to come up is because of what the two of you were doing together. You two were changing the game. The way people flash The DiamondHands? How you two almost stole the FIST? How you even got the FIST match because Queen Lindsay wanted to try and cut you two off because both of you lipped off like crazy? That’s some badass shit — talking big, living large, and doing so off the dime of the  people who take the most, with a smile on your face the whole time? We want that Robin Hood action. We don’t just want titles. We just don't want to be good at wrestling. That's stale. We want to stand for something, and we want to have a good time while doing it.

JJ Dixon:
It isn’t that simple man. Teri played so many head games with me —

JP Reeves:
Yeah, but she was honest with you every step of the way. Like you know before — she managed our dad’s. Hell, and I do not want to think about this, but she friggin’ dated my dad. But she never turned on him. Or Raiden’s dad. Or anyone she signed a managerial contract with, even as a heel tag team managerial specialist. Because Teri does not sign up to do business with people unless she believes in them. And she believes in you, dude… more than you ever believed in yourself. Even now. 

JJ can only look down at the ground, while exercising my left shoulder around. 

JJ Dixon:
How is she doing? Is she coming back once her ear’s fixed up?

JP Reeves:
You think Teri’s gone because of her ear? Man, Teri relishes going eye-for-an-eye. You know that. Teri’s gone because you broke her heart. She doesn’t want to come back unless you want her to come back. 

JJ gets hit with a wave of guilt over his face. JP storms off. But Raiden continues to stand there, before he puts his arm around JJ.

Whether you like it or not, you have a bunch of stuff to own up to. So owe up.

Raiden follows his tag partner, leaving JJ there by himself. 


We’ve got action for tonight’s episode of UNCUT coming at you! “The Frontman” Nicky Synz in singles action against the massive monster from Thailand, BRAZEN star, Somchai!

Two men looking to establish a victory tonight for bigger things! Synz! Wise! Let’s go to Darren Quimbey for the intros to this next match! 

The camera goes to Darren Quimbey in the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following singles match is set for one fall! Introducing first…

♫ “Good F***king Music” by Solange (covered by Synyster Sledge) ♫

Nicky Synz, your favorite rock star and mine, emerge through the curtain to a nice positive reaction using a new theme song! Synz’s long blond hair ripples in the wind as he headbangs along with his new theme song. On his way to the ring, he continues to headbang and slap the outstretched hands of some of the younger fans in attendance. 

Darren Quimbey:
…From Los Angeles, California… weighing in at 216 pounds… he is NICKY SYNZ!

Synz is on the apron, playing a little air guitar and rocking out, before he enters the ring. He jumps up the top rope and plays a little more guitar to the people as the camera cuts inside the ring for the intro to his opponent, already in the ring stands the massive Somchai. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent, from Bangkok, Thailand, weighing in at 289 pounds… SOMCHAI!

The big monster gets a mixed reaction from The Faithful. Somchai points to the crowd and wipes his hands on his tights. Nicky looks up to the big man and waits before the bell rings. 


The Frontman and the Thai Giant lock up, but Nicky quickly (hey, that rhymes) rolls over to the side. He jumps on the back of Somchai and then tries to apply a tight sleeper hold! 

Synz going for the quick way tonight! Somchai stands at 6’8” and 289 pounds! The brass of BRAZEN have been saying that Somchai is just half a step away from great things and win tonight over an established main event talent will do it!

Nicky Synz almost… OH! Nevermind!

Somchai literally just shakes Nicky Synz off of him and then stands his ground on the mat, throwing his arms in the air to boos from The Faithful early on. Somchai stands up and then delivers a NASTY hit to the gut of Nicky and sends him back to the corner. He’s doubled over in the corener when Somchai goes over and holds a hand out, only to crack him with a chop! Nicky is doubled over when the Thai Giant whips Nicky across the ring. He swings for a wild clothesline… 

No! Somchai misses the clothesline… Nicky comes back and connects with the flying forearm smash!

Nicky rocks Somchai, but the beast is stumbling on his two feet, trying to remain upright. Nicky gets back up and charges off the ropes again before he nails him with another flying forearm smash! 

A second flying forearm connects, but Somchai is still not going down! 

The BRAZEN star is still stumbling about when Nicky is back on his feet. The Frontman charges off the ropes and then runs… right into a BIG shoulder block from Somchai! Synz goes spinning through the air and then collides with the canvas while Somchai raises his hands again. 

That was brutal! Somchai is what happens when brick walls can fight back!

The Thai Giant grabs Nicky Synz and then whips him to the ropes. He collides with the corner and then gets whipped up in the air with a huge back body drop! Nicky almost touches the lights until he comes crashing down! Somchai goes for the cover. 

And what a big move out of the corner! Now Somchai going for a cover!




Nicky kicks out after Somchai covers only using a lateral press. 

Somchai should have hooked a leg there! 

But he’s still got control of Nicky! And he connects with Muay Thai-style teep kick! 

The big push kick knocks Nicky Synz into the corner. Synz is doubled over in the corner, but not for long when Somchai grabs The Frontman by the arm. He pulls him up into his grip and then right into a military press!

Somchai about to take Nicky somewhere he doesn’t want to be… No! Nicky slips out behind him!

Jonny Fastcountini has to move when Nicky manages to sneak his way out through the proverbial back exit. Nicky throws a few quick kicks to the leg of Somchai and when he has the monster stunned, he tries to hit a whip. Somchai stops him completely by grounding himself, then he reverses the whip on Nicky!

Whoa! Somchai turned the tables on him with the Irish whip, but Synz rolls over the ropes and lands on the ring apron! 

Now Somchai realizes it! He’s charging at Synz… no! 

Nicky doubles him over with a shoulder thrust to double him over and then hits a leaping forearm from the ropes to get him stunned. Synz then hits a springboard. Somchai sees him coming and moves, but Nicky adjusts and lands on his feet… only to get NAILED with a big boot!

No! Nicky tried the springboard and adjusted himself, but Somchai nailed that big boot perfectly! 

Somchai waves his hands to The Faithful to tell them this is over, then hooks the leg!

Will this be a big win coming for Somchai?




Nicky gets the shoulder up and Somchai doesn’t look like he believes it! 

I really thought that might have been it! He nearly kicked Synz so hard, he knocked him into next week… when I’m told Synyster Sledge’s next album, Penny For Your Empty Thoughts, releases on Spotify! 

Excellent plug by my partner and excellent heart on display by Nicky! 

Somchai palms the back of Nicky’s head and throws him into the nearby corner with intent to finish him once and for all. He charges for a running shoulder, but Nicky moves and the big man collides shoulder-first with the ring post! 

What a counter! Nicky almost gets crushed, but he sees Somchai coming and moves out of harm’s way! 

Nicky charges at the corner once the Thai Giant pulls himself out, only to nail him with a running elbow! He rolls out the corner once again, only to slide back to his feet and then connect with a running shoulder tackle into the gut of Somchai!

There’s the Double Platinum attack in the corner! 

With Somchai staggered out from the corner, Nicky jumps to the middle rope and comes out fo the corner with a tornado DDT that finally gets Somchai off his feet!

Tornado DDT out of the corner! That was a slick move by The Frontman and I think he could be turning this around, Darren!

I do, too! He’s got the Thai Giant down! 

Nicky goes to the ring apron once more, then takes flight… then connects with his finishing springboard senton bomb!

The Flying V! Nicky Synz lands that signature move of his! Can this do it?

Synz hooks both legs of Somchai after the cover!





♫ “Good F***king Music” by Solange (covered by Synyster Sledge) ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… NICKY SYNZ!

Nicky Synz rolls off of Somchai and then gets his arm raised by Jonny Fastcountini. Somchai manages to barely roll to his knee when Nicky offers not just a fist bump… but throws up the horns. Somchai looks at him confused… then does the same!

Wow! Some great sportsmanship from these two men tonight! Nice to see in DEFIANCE. 

Very solid win here tonight by Nicky Synz to kick off tonight’s UNCUT. Later, we’ll see Caitlyn Kinsey try and get her first win when she takes on Gentlemen’s Agreement leader Lord Sewell! And in our main event, Alvaro de Vargas takes on a man he burned with his signature fireball months ago and is out for revenge… Theodore Cain of the Gulf Coast Connection! 

Nicky Synz plays air guitar and it looks like he is trying to teach Somchai to do the same. The Thai Giant tries to follow along with him as the show moves on. 


Jamie Sawyers stands next to an exasperated and stressed out Aurora Kaye, who has her “cool bohemian mom” look down pat -- dyed green hair ala Polaris from X-Men, Tina Fey glasses over a retro T-Shirt for The Bangles. 

Jamie Sawyers:
Aurora, at DEFTV, you came out and saved Raiden of NDR before The Company Men could do permanent injury to his knee — and, in the process, got in the way of your mother, Tabitha Kinsey. Can you comment about your actions?

Aurora Kaye:
Sure. I did what any mother would do, and that’s protect my daughter. Caitlyn’s my number one priority. So far, her debut here in DEFIANCE and BRAZEN has been really tough. I wish she could have gotten started normally -- get used to living in a new area, get used to training like a professional and grow into it. But... but so much has happened already. 

Aurora gulps and takes a nervous breath.

Aurora Kaye:
Many of you know that I was estranged from my mother for many years. We never saw eye-to-eye. But we -- Caitlyn -- needs her financial assistance for us, I mean Caitlyn, to get started here in BRAZEN. Caitlyn and my mother have had no relationship until these past few weeks. My mother is a very persuasive woman. She thought it best for Caitlyn to get on television as quickly as possible and she made it happen. Do you know how many people on DEFIANCE and BRAZEN would kill for that opportunity? That’s already making it hard for Caitlyn. And then if my grandmother engineered a possible career threatening injury to someone who is really well-regarded in BRAZEN who earned his place in DEFIANCE? That will absolutely not help her one bit.

Jamie Sawyers:
Of course, Aurora, we also know that your mother earlier sent Teri Melton, her former protege, to the hospital after ripping her earring out.

Aurora Kaye:
My mom and I have a very complicated relationship, which Teri helped make a lot more complicated. I have never liked Teri. I won’t ever like Teri. But I know a lot about what Teri went through when she was out of professional wrestling, and I have a lot of respect for what she overcame to get to DEFIANCE and what’s she’s managed since her return. I just hope that she’s okay. What my mom did to her was so completely wrong... but she’s also still my mother. It’s just another something that’s making things way too difficult for my daughter right now, considering JJ's relationship with Teri.

Jamie Sawyers:
And Caitlyn’s relationship with JJ? How do you feel about that?

Aurora Kaye:
Sigh. Jamie, I really don’t want to answer that one --

We hear someone from off-screen — a very pissed off Caitlyn Kinsey, in her Manic Pixie Dream Girl look, wearing a "Hole" T-Shirt.

Caitlyn Kinsey:
And why’s that, mom. Huh?

Aurora Kaye:
Caitlyn —

Caitlyn Kinsey:
Is it because you don’t like JJ? Huh?

Aurora Kaye:
No, you know how much I like JJ. It’s just that I don’t want to see either of you hurt.

Caitlyn Kinsey:
Mom, JJ would never hurt me.

Aurora Kaye:
I know. It’s you I’m worried about doing the hurting.

Aurora takes a nervous breath and turns away. Caitlyn has a look of exasperation in her face and walks in the other direction. 


♫ “Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Soon” by Urge Overkill ♫

Caitlyn Kinsey comes down to the ring, his jet black hair pulled back. She’s wearing a black/pink halter top with matching leggings, the words “The Prodigy” in hot pink on her stomach. She looks apprehensive as she enters the ring.

And here comes Caitlyn Kinsey who, quite frankly, has been thrown in a maelstrom here in DEFIANCE and very quickly.

Adjusting to wrestling is incredibly difficult, no matter how well-seasoned and adjusted you are! But Caitlyn finds herself wrestling on TV already all due to the leverage of her grandmother, the esteemed Tabitha Kinsey -- a woman who has made her presence felt very quickly here in DEFIANCE, having guided The Company Men to victim and having put Teri Melton on the shelf!

Of course, Teri Melton made her fame as the manager to JJ Dixon -- Caitlyn’s now injured boyfriend!

♫ “Land of Hope and Glory” ♫

The theme plays and out walks Lord Sewell, wearing a red overcoat with yellow epaulettes, while being applauded by his longtime tag partner Oliver Tarquin Monroe, who is wearing a dark gray sleeveless coat over a well-tailored shirt and tie, which fits snugly to expose his muscular frame. Behind the two men walks the now-christened Earl Roberts, the former Southern brawler, not resorting to wearing a red button-up coat with a white hat ala the British Royal Guard.

And here comes Lord Sewell of Gentleman’s Agreement, who recently inducted a new Royal Guardsman in Earl Roberts.

Earl Roberts was one-third of the Southern Bastards, along with Massive Cowboy, who was promoted to DEFIANCE, and of course JJ Dixon. It’s such a shame to see that proud man resorting to this!


As soon as Carla Ferrari calls for the bell, Caitlyn Kinsey comes sprinting with a quick dropkick to Lord Sewell, who had his back to her as he was taking off his fancy coat. This sends him flying into the corner.

Now Caitlyn charger Lord Sewell and blasts him with a forearm! And another! She’s on the second rope, hitting him with some beautiful, textbook strikes!

Caitlyn was one of the most highly regarded martial artists and wrestlers ever to come out of the Philadelphia junior circuit. You can see the raw talent in place.

Caitlyn with great excitement then tosses Lord Sewell back with a monkey flip! She sees Lord Sewell getting back to his feet and charges --

Lord Sewell dodges Caitlyn, who slams into the corner. Now The Viscount hits the young Kinsey with a European Uppercut. And another. And now a third!

The Elder Technician showing his knowledge of the ring once again with no pity and all viciousness.

Lord Sewell now hits Caitlyn with a short-arm clothesline, picks her back up quickly and hits her with another. He then measures her up, points at her neck, and drops a knee right onto his target. He then grabs Caitlyn’s arm flips her over, and drops another knee right to her neck.

You just have to feel for Caitlyn at this point. She’s outmatched by veterans like Lord Sewell. 

Now Lord Sewell picks her up and has her in a Cobra Clutch -- no, the Ballast Neckbreaker!

Lord Sewell then drops one more knee to the back of her neck for good measure. Caitlyn is holding her neck, kicking the mat in pain.

Lord Sewell now wraps the legs and hooks the arms -- The Naval Command Full-Nelson STF! Caitlyn is screaming! 

Caitlyn screams and taps as Carla Ferrari immediately calls for the bell, giving The Viscount a count to get him to stop, which he mercifully does, but not before stepping on her back to raise his hands in victory! 


Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner via submission… LORD SEWELL!

Lord Sewell is met with polite applause from OTM as Earl Roberts keeps his dutiful gaze fixed ahead as Gentleman’s Agreement leaves the ring.

A rather dominant victory by Lord Sewell, but Caitlyn Kinsey is trying!

Caitlyn is holding her neck, with Carla Ferrari trying to help her up --

Caitlyn shoves Carla away angrily while shouting something at her. Caitlyn now rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair and whips it into the ring steps angrily. And then she does it a second time.

You can just see the frustration boiling over with the young Caitlyn Kinsey right now with her latest loss.

Caitlyn stops and tries to regain her composure as she retreats up the aisle. But she sees a fan heckling her with some kind of insult. She points at the fan with some tears in her eyes.

Caitlyn Kinsey:
Shut up! Just shut up!

Aurora Kaye, her mother, comes running out and puts her hands over Caitlyn’s shoulders.

Aurora Kaye:
Hey, Caitlyn. Come on. Calm down. Calm down.

Caitlyn shoves her mom’s arm aside and paces up to the entrance area. JJ Dixon, now in his sling, also walks out with a worried look on his face about Caitlyn. She walks past him without saying anything.  


Tabitha Kinsey sits in her perfect Chanel tweed power blazer/skirt suit outfit with perfect posture in an early-20th century English club chair with a dark, polished wood, rust-colored upholstery with curved armrests. Sitting in her lap is her black cat, Livia, that she carefully strokes with her left hand. A faceless butler comes from off screen with a porcelain coaster and matching tea cup in hand, which she takes, and slowly starts to sip.

The lights of a fireplace crackle behind her. On the far and side walls are photos and oil paintings of Tabitha with people of power, prestige and wealth, alongside framed photos of her past wrestling and fashion magazine accomplishments. And directly behind her on a dark wood desk are her collection of Faberge Eggs. 

Caitlyn Kinsey comes limping in, holding an ice pack on her neck as JJ walks behind her in support. Tabitha puts her tea cup down in concern.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Caitlyn, my dear. Are you okay? Is your neck okay?

Caitlyn Kinsey:
Yeah… it’s fine. I mean, it’s not fine. It will be okay. But none of this is fine. I'm so sick of losing.

JJ Dixon:
Caitlyn, it’s okay. You’ve had, what, five matches at this level. It takes time to get your footing —

Caitlyn Kinsey:
No. I was a star. Like… why isn’t this happening for me? Why am I not getting better?

Tabitha Kinsey:
Caitlyn, you are getting better. Your reaction to losing tonight? That tells me that you are not someone who accepts losing. That s the first step to success in professional wrestling. Why, your boyfriend here, Mr. Dixon. He is proof of that. Isn’t that right, JJ? One you decided that losing, you became a star? And I think you’ll see that getting rid of your old manager, especially one who cost you justly earned victories, is going to bring you to heights you never dreamed reachable…. Especially if you accept my offer to join The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey. 

JJ Dixon:
Ms. Kinsey… there was a little bit more to it than that. Because what got me to that level wasn’t getting pissed about losing. It was when I realized that I was doing this for something bigger than myself. 

Tabitha Kinsey:
Is that so? Because then does that mean that there is something wrong for wanting to wrestle and compete for yourself? To accomplish things to prove yourself to be the best? And all that comes with it?

JJ looks at Caitlyn, who glances away from him. 

JJ Dixon:

JJ stands up to leave. Caitlyn follows.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Just one second ,will you, Caitlyn?

Caitlyn nods at JJ, who walks out. Tabitha smiles at her granddaughter for several seconds, waiting for JJ to clear.

Tabitha Kinsey:
My dear… JJ is never going to put you first. And you deserve to have someone put you first. Like I do.

Tabitha pets Livia The Cat as Caitlyn just awkwardly and pensively stares downwards.

We then see JJ far down the hallway, grabbing his cellphone and dialing someone.

JJ Dixon:
Hey, Teri… I wish you picked up the phone. There’s a few things I need to say… and a few things I need to hear…


We’ve reached our main event for tonight and for the first time since DEFCON, Alvaro de Vargas will be in action against Theodore Cain. Judging off an earlier interview today, Cain is ready. 

It was back when Alvaro de Vargas first started calling himself Supernova Cubana and began his war with Deacon. The members of Gulf Coast Connection got attacked by Alvaro one by one and Cain was given a fireball to the face for his troubles. He has waited months for a chance at payback tonight. 

ADV said he would use Cain to send a message to Mil Vueltas before their match next week. Mil embarrassed ADV a few weeks ago and de Vargas is not a man that takes insults well. Sonny Silver and our own FIST, Lindsay Troy, know that firsthand.

Let’s take it to tonight’s main event! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall! Accompanied by “Wingman” Titus Campbell and the Crescent City Kid… Representing the Gulf Coast Connection, weighing 246 pounds… he is THEODORE CAIN!

♫ “The Saints” by Andy Mineo ♫

The trio make their way out from the back to a nice welcoming pop from the Buffalo Faithful! Theodore Cain has on a new Gulf Coast Connection Mardi Gras-themed jester hat, along with Crescent City Kid, getting the crowd fired up with a collection of beads. “The Wingman” Titus Campbell brings up the rear and the powerhouse throws a few jester hats out of the bag into the crowd. Once they approach the ring, Theodore Cain gives his own jester hat to a young girl in the audience with her parents before he steps through the ropes. 

Titus Campbell was victorious in singles action on our last episode of UNCUT. Can Theodore Cain do the unthinkable tonight and face off with Alvaro de Vargas?

The Smash Surfer looks up to the tron, getting some extra words of motivation from The Wingman and CCK at ringside as his music fades out. The DEFIAtron now shows a burning yellow star in space. The flames continue to rise. The heat continues to burn brighter… 

The colors then become blue… and white… 

And with a thunderous explosion… 

♫ “Empire of Ashes” by Like A Storm ♫

The thundering guitar riffs and intro lead to the towering menace storming through the curtains…


Bright blue-white pyro explodes from the stage as Alvaro de Vargas has traded his old attire for pristine white with light blue flames running up one leg. The arena is covered in alternating flashes of blue and white. Hiding his eyes behind a pair of now blue-tinted sunglasses, his walk is more deliberate than before. He takes his time as the jeers get loud. Tom Morrow is at his side, but unlike his standard fare with The Lucky Sevens or M4NTRA, there are no flashy intros for the man formerly known as El Sol Dorado. Morrow leads him to the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Miami, Florida, by way of Havana, Cuba… weighing in at 278 pounds… ”SUPERNOVA CUBANA” ALVARO DE VARGAS!

The mood just changes when a guy like Alvaro de Vargas enters. This new presence of his. He’s a completely explosive athlete. 

Once ADV steps up to the ring apron, he stands over the ropes. As the arena lights return to normal, he slowly removes his glasses and turns to hand them off to Tom Morrow at ringside. 


When Alvaro turns… he catches a forearm to the face! And several more! 

Thats what Alvaro gets for deliberately turning his back on Theodore Cain like that! Cain on the attack and if he has any chance of the upset tonight, it’s quick attacks like this! 

The Buffalo Faithful are with The Smash Surfer as he rains forearms across the face… but Alvaro is taking them in stride. Cain waffles him across the chest with a chop… and then another… 

But ADV is taking them in stride still. 

I don’t like the looks of this! 

Cain switches to a knee lift to the chest of Alvaro and that finally stops Supernova Cubana in his tracks. He hits another knee lift and then tries to whip Theodore Cain across the ring. Cain goes for the ride when ADV swings for a big lariat… Cain ducks and keeps on running when Alvaro catches him over the shoulder! 

I REALLY don’t like the look of this!

He tries to hit the Cuban Missile, but before he can connect with the lawn dart, Cain slips out and pushes ADV into the turnbuckle! Morrow freaks out when ADV collides with the corner. That gives the Smash Surfer an opening to grab him on the shoulders… 



After Cain hits the fireman’s carry facebuster to ADV across his knee, he SCURRIES right into a cover! The Buffalo Faithful count along! 




No! ADV kicks out! That might have been Cain’s best shot to get this win!

How much punishment did we see ADV take in his match with Lindsay Troy at DEFCON? This monster took everything she had and it took a fireball of her own and Thy Kingdom Come to finally put him away!

When Cain is shocked, Titus and CCK try and snap their friend out of it. The Smash Surfer focuses on the task at hand and then tries another fireman’s carry… but ADV RAKES the face! Referee Rex Knox warns him not to do it again, but ADV snaps on him and forces the official to jump out of the way! 

He’s become so volatile lately since this shift to Supernova Cubana. 

With Cain still feeling the effects of the rake of the face, ADV charges and then FLOORS Cain with a front running dropkick out of nowhere! He bounces back and hits the corner with a sickening thud!

Where did Alvaro learn THAT move?! What the hell?!

I think Alvaro is going to wrap this one up, Keebs!

Alvaro grabs Cain and then hooks him by the hair! Cain has been knocked silly and while Theodore Cain and CCK try to will him up… 

It’s of no use… 


The piledriver connects perfectly mid-ring. Alvaro casually shoves Cain off to the side and presses both hands on his chest. 





♫ “Empire of Ashes” by Like A Storm ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the mat… HEY! 

Tom Morrow SNATCHES the microphone away from Quimbey at ringside giddily. 

Tom Morrow:

He chucks the microphone back at Quimbey and then heads into the ring. Titus Campbell and CCK both pull Theodore Cain out of the ring while Morrow stands proudly with ADV. 

Cain tried and gave ADV his best shot, but ADV just too dangerous these days!

Indeed. Alvaro de Vargas is a man that has cut through the roster like a buzzsaw in recent months. The former FIST, Deacon, still hasn’t been since ADV injured him. I hope Mil Vueltas and Thomas Keeling know what they’re getting into with this match. 

Alvaro doesn’t even bother to stay in the ring and leaves like he has a flight to catch. Tom Morrow follows behind him. 

That’s our show for tonight! Join us next week for two nights of DEFtv! For Lance Warner, I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler! We’ll see you next week!

One more shot of Alvaro on the ramp, all fired up and ready to take revenge on the young luchador that kicked him in the face several weeks ago. 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.