DEFIANCE Uncut 144

2 Aug 2023

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


Cut to DDK and Lance Warner at their announce table.

Welcome to UNCUT!

Action coming this very second!

No need to waste time...

♫ "The Saints" by Andy Mineo w/KB and Trip Lee  ♫

The people come alive for the likes of the Gulf Coast Connection!

Darren Quimbey:
This match is a tag team match set for one fall! From New Orleans, Louisiana accompanied by the Crescent City Kid … Theodore Cain and Wingman Titus Campbell… THE GULF! COAST! CONNECTION!!!

The trio make their way out from the back to a nice pop from the home town crowd. Theodore Cain has on his Gulf Coast Connection Mardi Gras-themed jester hat, along with Crescent City Kid, getting the crowd fired up with a collection of beads. Titus Campbell brings up the rear and the powerhouse throws a few jester hats out of the bag into the crowd. Once they approach the ring, Theodore Cain gives his own jester hat to a young girl in the audience with her parents as Theodore Cain and Titus Campbell enter the ring to start the match.

It was back on DEFtv 188 that we saw the Gulf Coast Connection win via DQ over the Lucky Sevens, who were just looking to hurt people to prove a point. But right here in their home town tonight, the Gulf Coast Connection have payback on their mind! 

The Lucky Sevens are in the foulest of moods. Mason Luck tapped out for the first time in his career against the Hall of Famer Bronson Box and his own Red Hand claw hold … talk about turning the tables!

The Gulf Coast Connection have a goal in mind tonight, but Mason and Max Luck have to rebound from a loss to Box and Gage Blackwood, after spending a year on the shelf thanks to the Sevens. How do they respond tonight? 

Three numbers appear in gold as an old western theme starts to play. Three bells ring in tune with the numbers stopping on the digital slot machine. 




7 7 7

The stage lights up and flashes “JACKPOT!!!” all across the screen … 


♫ “Ecstacy of Gold (Bandini Remix)” by Ennio Morricone ♫

Now in their ring gear of the tattered jeans and boots, the twin terrors called the Lucky Sevens are out in full force. Unlike last week, they have Tom Morrow, but the twins look like they have one goal in mind … destroy. 

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents, at a combined weight of six-hundred twenty-three pounds… they are Mason Luck and Max Luck … THHHHEEEE LUUUUCCCKKKYYYY SSSEEEEVVVVENNNNSSS!!!

Mason and Max don’t bother with hotdogging for the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful like they do for other occasions. Instead, they climb into the ring quickly and then Max wants to start. “The Beast of the Bright Lights” Max Luck is who wants to start the match for his team. The biggest member of Gulf Coast Connection, Titus Campbell will start out for his team. 


The Beat of the Bright Lights stares down the Wingman and they start to circle around the ring … but Titus Campbell makes the first move when he runs over to where Mason Luck is and kick him square in the chest with a big boot!

Titus starting off hot! It was Mason Luck who dropped him against the apron a few weeks ago on DEFtv 188 with the Winning Hand Slam! 

Max Luck comes to the aid of his brother and goes at Titus trying to strangle him but Theodore Cain enters the ring while the referee is trying to get everyone to calm down! But the rowdy New Orleans Faithful have not come here to see talking - they want a fight and have filled the DEFIANCE Wrestle-plex to see it! 

And here come Gulf Coast Connection! The Crescent City Kid is outside leading the cheers of the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful!

Max fights off Titus with a back elbow to his jaw and then kicks Cain in the ribs. He picks Cain up and he has the Smash Surfer on his shoulders but he slips out and then pushes him right into a big right hand by Theodore Cain! Max staggers and then Cain runs off the ropes to hit a jumping shoulder tackle! Max once again struggles against the rope when Titus Campbell runs and hits another big boot that finally takes the Beast of the Bright Lights off of his feet! 

Listen to the people! The Gulf Coast Connection have taken Max Luck off his feet! 

Campbell and Cain run of the ropes when Max starts standing up but he gets knocked down a second time with double jumping shoulder tackles! Max is knocked over to the ground a second time! Tom Morrow is dumbfounded by the Gulf Coast Connection getting the early attack and advantage over the giants. 

The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful are giving the Gulf Coast Connection some home town fire tonight! Tag to Cain! 

Theodore Cain runs into the ring. With Max still down he sees Mason on his side of the ring get up and hits him with a corner running elbow smash. The Big Money Monster backs up off the apron and then Titus follows with a third big boot of the match and knocks Mason off the apron for the second time. The DEFIANCE Faithful is cheering Cain. He goes out to the apron and then runs off of it to attack Mason. 

He gets caught! 

Oh, no! Mason Luck has Cain snatched out of the sky!

Mason has Cain in a bearhug grip until he sees Titus Campbell come off the apron with a big clothesline! Mason is knocked down! Mason is down and the Gulf Coast Connection are up in Tom Morrow’s face at ringside!

Theodore Cain:
Suck that, bruh!

Titus Campbell:
Wingman taking flight baby! 

They high five each other! 

I don’t believe this! The Lucky Sevens … they got caught off guard by a vengeful Gulf Coast Connection who got bullied by these giants a few weeks ago! 

The six-foot six and two-hundred seventy-pound Titus Campbell goes back into the ring. The tag goes back to Cain who is back at their corner. With Max still down, they hit a Smash Surfer Splash and the Like a G6 combo on Max! 

Are we about to see a major upset here in NOLA?!

One … 

Two … 


The Beast of the Bright Lights kicks up after two and then sits up on the mat. He looks as angry as the Lucky Sevens have ever been and Cain takes notice.

Two count! The Gulf Coast got a two-count here in their home town! They have to keep the pressure on! 

Theodore Cain goes and tries to pick up Max by a fireman’s carry. He wants the High Tide but Max Luck fights his way free with shots to the back! He fires off more shots and palms his neck. He throws him into the ropes and then when he comes back, he gets nearly decapitated from a flying clothesline off the ropes by Max Luck! 

And that’s the counter by Max Luck! A standing version of his Check-Raise flying clothesline normally done off the top rope but just as effective! 

Now Titus Campbell is about to get up! 

Max Luck is on the ground trying to hold his jaw with Mason Luck now going up again and the Big Money Monster holding his head. Tom Morrow yells at Mason. 

Tom Morrow:

Mason towers over Tom Morrow quickly and for a moment even the brainchild of BFTA doesn’t know what he’s going to do. Mason turns and climbs up to the apron and he wants a tag. 

Mason Luck:

Max nods at his twin brother and the more serious half of the Lucky Sevens gets into the ring. He stands over Theodore Cain … and then he turns to lock a Winning Hand on Titus Campbell on the ring apron! 

No! Titus isn’t even the legal man! 

And this is clearly payback from earlier! The Gulf Coast Connection were hot about getting attacked by the Sevens a few weeks ago … but Mason looks pissed! 

The referee yells at him to count and stop attacking the person who isn’t even legal for his team when Mason lets go to clock Titus with a big upper cut. Titus is knocked down from the apron and then Mason waits on Theodore Cain! A kick leads to him being put on the shoulder before he is planted in the middle of the ring with the Deck Cutter! 

Deck Cutter by Mason! But what is he doing now?

Mason Luck slides out of the ring and then he levels Titus Campbell with a running lariat outside of the ring! Then back inside with Theodore Cain! Mason tags Max and the twins pull him up. They pick him up … 


The power bomb and Winning Hand slam combination put down Cain! Max wants to pin, but Mason keeps him from doing it and he notes that he wants to be the legal man again. Max looks confused but he goes with whatever his brother wants.  

The Seven Stars has put down everyone! Titanes Familia! PCP! The Saturday Night Specials! Everyone! But Mason isn’t pinning Cain?

Mason gets a tag and even Tom Morrow looks confused … until Mason goes ballstic and locks the Winning Hand iron claw on Cain while he’s already out cold! 

Mason Luck:

Cain has no other choice but to tap out frantically!


The referee ends the match but Mason Luck has not let go! 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner by submission … THE LUCKY SEVVVVEEEENNNSSS!!!

Something in Mason Luck has snapped! He’s got that Winning Hand claw locked in! He’s not letting go! 

Crescent City Kid slides into the ring and hits Mason to free his friend, but Mason doesn’t register and keeps it locked! Max grabs CCK with the claw and then levels him with a No Luck lariat! 

The Lucky Sevens have lost it! These two are among the highest paid wrestlers in DEFIANCE Wrestling thanks to the contract they strongarmed this company into when they had the Unified Tag Team titles … but as much as they love money and winning matches, they hate losing so much more! 

Mason finally listens to Tom Morrow, yelling at him to let go so the decision doesn’t get reversed like their last match! Mason lets go and tries to calm down. Max and Tom Morrow look at Mason with a look but he takes some breaths and finally lets Tom Morrow raise their arms. 

After a very rocky and fiery start by the Gulf Coast Connection, Mason Luck just snapped and then went all out against their opponents! The Sevens register their first official victory after a few weeks of being disqualified for attacking opponents after matches. 

The Lucky Sevens have to have their eye on the new champions, Flex in a Box! They have to work their way back up and tonight’s win may be what gets them there. 

Mason and Max both flip backwards to leave the ring from opposite sides and converge on the aisle with Tom Morrow as referees check on him. 


At Maximum DEFIANCE, we saw one of the most shocking betrayals in the history of this promotion, when Caitlyn Kinsey attacked her ex-fiance JJ Dixon just seconds before she was about to say ‘I do.’ We’ve received camera phone footage from Caitlyn and her apparent new beau Brayden “Dubya” Leverington, who is one-half of The Company Men -- and a leading party in Tabitha Kinsey’s war against Teri Melton and NDR!

We see shaky nighttime handheld footage showing a 150-foot white yacht (“Bosswoman Tweed” - one of Tabitha’s preferred nicknames) that’s moored at the Vineyard Haven Yacht Club in Martha’s Vineyard. The first person we see on the deck is Cristiano Caballero, dressed in a pink button-down dress tailored shirt tucked into plaid preppy pants, his Gucci sunglasses folded into his shirt pocket. Each arm is over, respectively, Rebekkah and Staci Constable, Caitlyn’s two bridesmaids/DEFIANCE groupies, who are in party girl black, revealing dresses. 

Then coming back out from one of the 8 bedrooms on board are Caitlyn Kinsey and Dubya. Caitlyn’s black hair is salon perfect, as she’s wearing a white/pink Dolce & Gabanna sundress, with a neckline so plunging it’s visible from the shore, all accented by a matching Tiffany pearl earring and necklace set, a look that’s both understated and obnoxiously trust fund. Dubya comes out chuckling, smoothing out his blue dress shirt that’s tucked in with a braided belt into white shorts, his own designer sunglasses purchased on top of their heads. 

Everyone on board is laughing the night away. A tuxedo-wearing servant comes walking with a plate of sushi. 

Caitlyn Kinsey: [to the servant]
Uhm, where’s the sashimi? I specifically wanted sashimi. Don’t you know who I am? My last name is Kinsey. Get me sashimi now or else I’ll have your job.

The servant goes back to redo the sushi platter with resignation in his eyes.

Fan Holding Camera: [V/O]
Hey, Caitlyn! Dubya! Where are you guys going? Why did you do that to JJ?

The travelling party is casually ignoring him but Dubya sees him and laughs.

Brayden “Dubya” Leverington:
Hey, pal. It’s none of your business to what one of the Hamptons we’re headed. But we’ll have all your answers for you at DEF 190. But until then...

Another deckhand comes out with champagne flutes for everyone. Dubya snatches a champagne bottle from the second deckhand and pops it open, pouring a drink for everyone. The horn of the ship blasts as it slowly begins to sail away, with Caitlyn, The Company Men and the two groupies drinking their champagne. 


It’s been an action-packed night so far for UNCUT with our big main event still to come! But up next, we take a look at two of BRAZEN’s up-and-coming stars. From what I understand, we’ve got former BRAZEN Onslaught Champion Paul Dunson coming out here and he wants to issue an… open challenge? Is that right?

That’s right! Dunson saw that Lord Sewell, the current BRAZEN Onslaught Champion put out an open challenge for that title a few weeks ago. A very game Lex Suplexy challenged for the title, only to come up short. My understanding is Dunson wants the title back for BRAZEN and is going to challenge anyone to prove he can win it back from Lord Sewell. 

Lord Sewell, a main roster talent, has been holding onto that title with help from the other members of Gentlemen’s Agreement. Dunson often does the same with his son and nephew, Todd and Richie Dunson and no doubt will be here tonight as well. Let’s go to ringside for the next match… 

Cut to Darren Quimbey in the ring!

Darren Quimbey:
The following singles match is set for one fall! Introducing fir…

Paul Dunson:
That’s enough, you loud sack of crap! 

No music, just some boo birds out from the BRAZEN fans when Paul Dunson comes out. As Darren Keebler predicted earlier… his son Todd and nephew Richie both flank behind the former Onslaught Champion. BRAZEN’s elder statesman wrestler approaches the ring.

Paul Dunson:
Lord Sewell is running around with stolen property! Me! Paul Dunson! I made the BRAZEN Onslaught Championship what it is! The toughest of the tough in BRAZEN have held that title and now I want it back! 

Todd and Richie both stand at ringside as Paul enters the ring. The man known as The Golden Opportunist stands in the ring. 

Paul Dunson:
But before I challenge that old poser, a REAL man is going to come out here in front of these ungrateful pricks called “THE DEFIANCE FAITHFUL”...

He says the last three words with disgust 

Paul Dunson:
…and challenge anybody that’s got the stones to fight me! Tonight! Right here! Come on, pansies. The sooner you come out here and take your beating, the sooner this will all be over.

The elder statesman of BRAZEN gives the microphone to Todd Dunson at ringside and waits for any opponent that will take him up on the challenge… 

And doesn’t have to wait too long… 

♫ "Let’s Get It On” by Infinite ♫

The Faithful cheer as out from the back comes a big man… 

More appropriately… 

A WIDE man. 

The fans aren’t too sure how to take to the newcomer just yet, but dressed in yellow boxing trunks, knee pads and boots, it’s clear the big man is ready for a fight. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Atlanta, Georgia… weighing in at THREE-HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX pounds… PUNCH! DRUNK! PURCELL!

He stands six-feet even but looks as wide as a house when he marches towards the ring. He bumps gloved fists with members of The Faithful reaching out. Inside the ring, Paul Dunson looks stunned at the big boxer-looking fellow coming towards him at an admittedly impressive speed for a man so large. 

This… this man is a TANK! Lance, what can you tell us about this man? I’ve heard the name out of BRAZEN!

Brad Purcell, aka Punch Drunk Purcell! Ex-boxer that just signed with BRAZEN at the start of the year. This man has racked up a number of wins in both the Toughman circuit and at the professional level, but he really made his mark in an exhibition fight against internet celebrity Zach Cooper. He just competed at CLASH of the BRAZEN against Lord Sewell for the Onslaught Title and won the match by countout, but the title doesn't change hands. 

So he's out looking for another shot! And if I’m Paul Dunson, I’m glad that my wrestling trunks are black when I see this man coming towards me. 

Purcell does some shadowboxing and climbs up the steps. His massive body goes through the middle rope and then he comes eye to eye with Dunson, who holds a hand up as Purcell marches towards him with dukes up! 

Paul Dunson:
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, big man! I didn’t mean you, I didn’t mean you! 

PDP stops for a moment as referee Jonny Fastcountini tries to break it up. Dunson hides between the ropes.

Paul Dunson:
I didn’t mean you, Purcell! I didn’t mean you! You don’t want to do this! You’re brand new and you gotta build your way up to a veteran like me! Work your way up the chain, you know? That’s how we do things in the wrestling business. Right, Richie? Right, Todd?

Both Richie and Todd nod and give respective thumbs ups from outside the ring. Purcell doesn’t look convinced. 

Paul Dunson:
Look, look, look. Okay… in a few months, when you’ve been more established, then we can have this match, right? I think we’re good here. You can go back and get a sandwich. Anybody know what Jeff Ness is doing back there? The kid that’s into Earthbo…

He stops when Purcell puts a hand over the microphone quickly. He pulls it away slowly from Paul Dunson and starts to speak. 

Punch Drunk Purcell:
…You asked for an open challenge. Right?

Dunson slowly nods. 

Punch Drunk Purcell:
And from what I hear of how this wrestling thing works… the more you win, the more you get paid. I think I heard someone call it a “pay window”? That sounds fun and I wanna go there. 

He looks out to the crowd. 

Punch Drunk Purcell:
You want to look tough and get a crack at that Onslaught Title. I want money and I want another crack at the title. So… that sounds like a win-win to me. 

He turns to Jonny Fascountini. 

Punch Drunk Purcell:
Go ahead and ring the bell. 

Paul pleads with Jonny, but the job is already done! Paul turns to Punch Drunk Purcell and the former Onslaught Champion looks worried for his own safety! 


An impromptu match coming our way! Punch Drunk Purcell makes his televised debut against former Onslaught Champion Paul Dunson! 

Purcell looks pretty happy to show what he’s made of, but Paul Dunson may have talked himself into a beatdown if he’s not careful!

By nature of his previous combat experience, he gets his hands up like he’s ready to throw blows, but Dunson takes advantage of this and goes low for the leg of the mammoth former boxer! He clips the leg slightly and then delivers a knee to the stomach. Now that he’s got PDP off-guard, The Golden Opportunist switches up between punches and chops to the body! 

Paul Dunson trying to use his experience edge to keep Punch Drunk Purcell off of his game… but… oh, dear… 

He gets stopped when the fridge-like body of Purcell absorbs the impact of each shot and he starts laughing it off! That laughter stops when Paul Dunson rakes the eye! When Purcell is hurt, the fifty-two year old pulls off his edgiest move yet in the form of a step-up enzuigiri! Purcell is rocked and now Dunson is on his feet, talking about how cool he is! 

And that’s the kind of thing we’d expect from the Eldest Dunson!

As boxers are wont to do, stick and move is often the name of the game in our sport as well!

Todd and Richie both cheer on the patriarch of The Dunson Clan as he jokes that he’s just schooled the rookie. He goes to lower him by the head and hooks him for his signature Walk Down Memory Lane, but before he can hit the DDT, he gets picked on the shoulder of Purcell and rammed into the corner! He gets doubled over and then STRUCK with a nasty body shot! 

Oooh! That was a nasty gut shot! 

The crowd cheers when Dunson is sucking in air. Purcell in a very unrefined manner, whips Dunson off the ropes. When he comes back, he gets popped up into the air… then DECKED with a stiff right hand on the way down! The Faithful pop for the big right hand that rocks Paul Dunson! 


And from what I’ve been told moments ago, he calls that move GO HOME. All caps, I’m not sure why that’s important, but I’d say he needs to go to the dentist probably after that right hand! 

Purcell pulls Dunson into the middle of the ring and then doesn’t need to hook a leg. 





♫ "Let’s Get It On” by Infinite ♫

The big man gets up to his feet and gets his arm raised by Jonny Fastcountini! 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… PUNCH DRUNK PURCELL!

Punch Drunk Purcell OBLITERATES Paul Dunson in quick fashion! I’d call that a successful debut! Two moves and he wins!

If I’m any of hs future opponents in BRAZEN, I might be considering a change of careers if I see my name across from his in the match line-up!

The ex-boxer gets a nice reaction from the crowd, then asks Jonny Fastcountini to the direction of the pay window as the show moves on.


A concerned, subdued Jamie Sawyers stands next to Aurora Kaye. Her green hair is unkempt and clearly has not been washed for days. And, even while wearing her Tina Fey glasses, it’s clear she has been crying non-stop. 

Jamie Sawyers:
I’m here with Aurora Kaye. And, Aurora, I have to ask… how are you doing since the events of Maximum DEFIANCE? 

Aurora Kaye:
To be honest.., I am miserable. What Caitlyn did to JJ was just absolutely awful. That was not how I raised my daughter. Caitlyn is the most important person in my life, and I barely recognized her that night. I just need to know why she’s like this so I can help her. She hasn’t returned any of my calls since she shipped off on the yacht with Dubya and Cristiano. I know my daughter, and I know she needs me right now. And the worst part, I saw this whole thing coming. 

Jamie Sawyers:
I assume, by that, you mean —-

Aurora Kaye:
I mean saw how my mother was digging her claws into Caitlyn. I agreed to certain financial terms with my mother to allow Caitlyn a chance to make it here. I also always carried a little bit of guilt in me for keeping Caitlyn away from her grandmother, and I thought the right thing to do was to let them develop a relationship independent of me. But Tabitha has this knack of getting people to do what she wants — she is the absolute most manipulative person who has ever lived. She manipulated Caitlyn from the start and turned her into some monster. My mother’s been like this her whole life, which is why I fled and use “Kaye” as my last name instead of —

Off-screen, we hear someone sternly clearing their throat. Walking in from the right, dressed like she’s about to lead the State of the Union Address (complete with phony politician’s smile) is Tabitha Kinsey. Aurora looks down quickly, clearly comfortable.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Instead of what, dear? Kinsey? Your actual last name.

Aurora Kaye:
Mom, get away from me now. You are the absolute last person I want to see.I want nothing to do with you ever again. 

Tabitha Kinsey: 
Oh, I’ve heard that from you before. I just find it curious, Aurora. How does it feel to want to be there for your daughter only for her to ignore you? To not have your daughter return your calls — especially during a moment in time when you think your daughter needs you the most?

Aurora Kaye:
Mom —

Tabitha Kinsey:
Because,your complaints about Caitlyn not calling you and shutting you out in her moment in need? Aurora, that is exactly what you did to me all of those years ago when you left home.

Aurora Kaye:
That was completely different.

Tabitha Kinsey:
No, it was not. I spent years heartbroken and devastated that you left me out in the cold, just wanting to talk to you, to know how you were doing, wanting to help you as a young single mother, to understand why you left and to see where things could be changed to make things better.

Aurora Kaye:
You would never change, Mom.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Well,  you never gave me a chance to change. But Caitlyn and myself? We want you to change, Aurora. 

Aurora Kaye:
Mom, stop trying to —

Tabitha Kinsey:
Neither of us wants you out of our lives, Aurora. I agree that Caitlyn needs you. And I need you, too. 

Aurora Kaye:
No, you don’t.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Yes, I do, Aurora. Haven’t you said that your primary goal in life is to make sure your daughter is successful at all she wants? Well, you'e given her that so well. You're such a great mother, and I need your help in knowing what I can provide Caitlyn. Beyond money.

Aurora Kaye:
Mom --

Tabitha Kinsey:
I believe that is what you said. I also believe you have said multillllllllllllllllllllple times that you would respect Caitlyn’s choices. She made the choice to move along with JJ, who was proving himself to be utterly useless, and beholden to Teri Melton -- the same Teri Melton you have hated for years. Caitlyn also has come to agree with my outlook on the conduct of professional wrestling’s rules of engagement.

Aurora Kaye:
You know I don’t --

Tabitha Kinsey:
So, Aurora, if you truly believe what you’ve said -- you want Caitlyn to become successful and you respect her choices... and Caitlyn decided to break JJ’s heart and officially join ranks with me, her wildly successful grandmother... then doesn’t that mean you should support her decision?

Aurora, in her already upset state, looks resigned. Tabitha lets out another wicked grin. Jamie has a creeped out look on his face.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Might I also remind you of our financial arrangement. I did not just choose to support Caitlyn out of the goodness of my heart. I am also supporting you, too… especially as you attempt to restart your own career. 

Aurora Kaye:
Mom, you wouldn’t —

Tabitha Kinsey:
You’re right. I will retain my generous financial support. As long as…

Aurora has her head down and shrugs her shoulders.

Tabitha Kinsey:
As long as you change. Which is all Caitlyn wants from you. Which is all you ever wanted from me. 

Aurora Kaye:
What… what do you want?

Tabitha tried so hard to repress her smile. Jamie can’t bare to even look at the unfolding scene.

Tabitha Kinsey:
I have arranged for you to have a match tonight. All I want to do is to stand at ringside and cheer you on like I dreamt of doing every day of your life, my dear. 

Aurora gulps.

Tabitha Kinsey:
But, before that can happen… I want you to publicly swear that you will uphold the Kinsey name… and you will do that by swearing yourself to my leadership and direction.

Aurora Kaye:
Wait, what? You want me to —

Tabitha stands behind Aurora and holds her shoulders in a “supportive” manner.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Yes. You heard me. I believe in you, Aurora. I believe you have it in you to change, so you can continue as you have — being the best mother imaginable, guiding your daughter to untold heights all while respecting her wishes, while continuing to conquer the odds on your own journey! But if not… 

Tabitha taps her daughter on the shoulders and walks away with a horrifyingly wolfish smile on her face. Aurora hides her hands in her face as she’s now weeping. It’s clear she is going through a lot. Jamie just backs away in a position that says “I don’t want to be here.”


We’re off to a great start here tonight in action and up next, we’ve got Strong AF looking to try and pick himself up after being ousted from a short-term relationship with Team HOSS. He takes on the brawler… the former Massive Cowboy, who I’m told will be going by a new name, in action here next! 

New name, huh?

Indeed. He felt it was time for a change on the main roster! The rumor I heard was he was tired of being compared unfavorably to Clay Byrd and using a lariat as well, so he has abandoned the lariat to try a new finish. We'll see if a new name means new things! Darren Quimbey about to do the intros for our next match!

And now to the ring we go with Darren Quimbey in the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first… 

♫ "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” by Ennio Morricone ♫

The arena is greeted with darkness. The all-too-familiar whistling intro sounds out and out from the back, a man in blue trunks, tights, a lasso, and a cowboy hat tilted down to obstruct his face. 

Darren Quimbey:
… Hailing from The Double Dragon Ranch in Tokyo, Texas, weighing in at 265 pounds… ”THE TEXAN DRAGON” JUN IZUCHI!

The Faithful gives an excellent reception for the former Massive Cowboy as he heads to the ring and points at a few fans before high-fiving a few others. He reaches the ring, walks up the steps, then makes it into the squared circle. He takes off his hat and hangs it and his lasso on the right post. 

You heard right! Formerly known as Massive Cowboy, now going by “Texan Dragon” Jun Izuchi looking for a restart here tonight!

As Izuchi is now in the ring, Izuhi

♫ "Watch Me" The Phantoms ♫

The lights start to go dark and in moments, they give way to green lights flashing in tune with the drum beats of the music. Wearing a dark green towel over his broad shoulders, green thigh-length trunks with a white AF logo on the front, he marches with a golden plate on a pedestal at the entrance. He smirks, and then rubs his hands in the bowl full of weightlifting chalk before THROWING it up in the air in a cloud!

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… From Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 260 pounds… he is ALLEN FOSTERS… STRONG! A! F!

The Seattle Strongman rubs his hands together and then starts heading towards the ring with intent to hurt somebody. He stomps a foot on the steps, hits the bicep flex, then heads up the steps. Strong AF enters the ring and the first thing the young powerhouse does is snatch the microphone out of Darren Quimbey’s hand. 

It looks like he’s got something on his mind. After his loss a few weeks ago to JJ Dixon and not being on the Maximum DEFIANCE card, he looks like he’s frustrated. 

The man named Allen Fosters looks at his microphone and then out to The NOLA Faithful. 

Strong AF:
Team HOSS don’t deserve me! 

He gets a few smatterings of jeers from the crowd. 

Strong AF:
YOU people don’t deserve me! 

He points at Jun Izuchi. 

Strong AF:
YOU don’t deserve to be in the same ring as me! You graduated from BRAZEN because they needed space for the REAL talent like me! 

But he gets lost in thought. 

Strong AF:
But from day one! Since I graduated BRAZEN, I’ve been used WRONG by this company! Nobody gave ME video packages for my arrival! Team HOSS used ME to do their dirty work, but now I’m on my own again where I belong! And now, I’m gonna start a win streak by going through YOU…

He shoves the microphone into the chest of a ringside attendant there to collect the microphone. The Seattle Strongman yells at The Texan Dragon to bring it. Rex Knox calls for the bell… 


Both big men lock up!

Strong AF with some strong words! And both men with the equally strong lock-ups! 

Jun Izuchi trying to also find his footing here under his real name!

Both men continue to struggle with one another and then have to break off their lockup. They both go for the same idea a second time, but its Strong AF that goes to a headlock to control Izuchi. 

Strong AF going back to basics now. Izuchi has the height advantage, but I’d have to think the power would go to the former powerlifter. 

The Seattle Strongman continues to hold on, but Jun fights back and gets him towards the ropes. He delivers a pair of big shots to his chest and then launches him to the ropes. He comes back and bounces right into Jun, but he only gets knocked back a step or two. Strong AF points at the ropes and tells him to go for the ropes. Izuchi decides and then goes off the ropes before he runs off and then strikes the former Team HOSS member. He moves back, but Strong AF doesn’t go down either.

We’re at a stalemate for the moment! But Jun looks ready for Strong AF to try his luck a second time! 

Jun is pointing at the ropes daring him to try and run at him again. Rising to the bait, The Seattle Strongman starts to turn, but quickly turns and then SMACKS him with a big cheap shot forearm! He gets jeered by the crowd as he laughs. 

Strong AF:
I’m not doing THAT crap! 

The Seattle Strongman grabs him by the side and then picks him up on his shoulders! The 265-pound Izuchi gets hoisted and dumped in the corner! He plows a number of shoulders into the chest! A STIFF pair of clubbing forearms catch Izuchi in the chest and then The Texan Dragon then backs up and slugs him upside the head with a stiff elbow! The former Massive Cowboy gets rocked while the former powerlifter gets jeers from The Faithful! 

He just suckered in Jun with that tease against the ropes and now he’s in control! 

He goes back to attack Jun… but Strong AF gets spun around and then SLUGGED in the corner with a number of clubbing clotheslines to the chest! The fans starts to count along with each hit! 


He winds up a hand… 


Then Strong AF gets grabbed by the side and then gets planted with a huge belly to back suplex out of the corner! 

What a combination followed by the belly to back suplex out of the corner! Cover!



Strong AF kicks out, but Izuchi picks him up by the head and tries another body slam…

The Texan Dragon is looking good right now… NO! Strong AF slips out the back! 

Before Izuchi can try to fight, The Seattle Strongman grabs Izuchi by his blue trunks and then THROWS him chest-first into the turnbuckle! The big man gets rattled when Strong AF grabs him by the arm and then uses a Hammer Throw to whip him HARD into the corner! He hits back first and then Strong AF grabs him by the side, then drops him with a huge running powerslam! 

A big running powerslam from Strong AF! Now what?

The former powerlifter goes off to the ropes and then flies right into a big running splash! He goes for the cover. 




Big kick-out there, but Strong AF trying to put all his power into his offense. He’s really motivated to try and prove himself tonight now that he’s on his own. 

Now he’s got Izuchi up… 

He hooks him high and holds him in a delayed vertical suplex… but Izuchi kicks his legs and makes him drop! He hits him with a knee strike and then blasts The Seattle Strongman with a swift elbow smash! Strong AF looks glassy-eyed, but tries to fight through it and comes with a right hand! Izuchi with a big elbow smash! Strong AF hits a nasty right hand as well! Now both men are trading shots to the delight of The Faithful! 

Both men are throwing their best shots right now! Both men want a win tonight! 

Jun hits a big gut punch followed by a big back elbow that catches The Seattle Strongman on the jaw and backs him up into the ropes. He dares Strong AF to come at him and when he tries to swing for a big clothesline, Jun sidesteps it before he picks him up and then scores with a massive sit-out spinebuster!

Great move! He calls that sit-out spinebuster High Noon! 

Izuchi rolls back up to his feet and The Texan Dragon has The Faithful cheering! Strong AF is hobbling up to his feet when he gets scooped up on his shoulders, then runs to the corner and rams him into the buckle before going the other way… 

And he calls that the Dragon Stampede! That’s it! Cover! 

Izuchi hooks the leg as The Faithful count along!





♫ "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” by Ennio Morricone ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… JUN IZUCHI!

The Texan Dragon gets his hand raised by Jonny Fastcountini. He nods to The Faithful and then leaves the ring to collect his hat and lasso before heading to the back. 

Solid in-ring action tonight. But still to come, we’ve got more action including Aurora Kaye as well as our MAIN EVENT! Four wrestlers will vie for the Favoured Saints Championship! 


Nicky Synz is in the ring already, standing on the second rope and spinning his guitar around his neck. He catches it and continues to headbang. 

Earlier tonight, we saw Tabitha Kinsey present her own daughter, Aurora Kaye, with a very regrettable choice in apparently making a public declaration of loyalty to her mother and to accept her “direction.” And now it is time for Aurora to make her decision!

Tabitha Kinsey has only been in DEFIANCE for a few short weeks, but she has already shown herself to be one of the most ruthless, heartless and manipulative human beings we have ever seen. 

♫ Theme From Succession ♫

Tabitha walks out to a chorus of boos, but she continues her power walk without any hesitation at all, with her charitable ball fundraiser smile plastered all over her face, Faberge Egg in her hand. She snatches the microphone from Darren Quimbey and walks into the ring. Nicky quietly rolls out. 

Tabitha Kinsey:
Oh, hush your mouths, you pitiful human herd animals. Right now, I would like you all to give a rousing ovation to my beautiful daughter, Aurora Kaye… as she goes forth on her gripping, heroic journey, and an example of the potential that lies within us all to change… if she chooses to do the right thing!

♫ "Another Girl, Another Planet" by The Only Ones ♫

Aurora walks out with a completely blank, empty look on her face, wearing her green/white patterned ring gear. She reluctantly rolls into the ring. Tabitha gives her a “warm” hug.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Now, Aurora… the choice is yours! Will you do what you know in your heart is the correct choice and accept your place as a Kinsey… or will you listen to the opinions of the wretched refuse here tonight jealous of the opportunity you have that they never will!

The crowd starts to chant -


Aurora looks at her mother with a look of defiance in her eyes as the crowd begins to cheer, sensing what they are seeing. Tabitha raises her eyes in concern briefly.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Or do I need to remind you of what a mistake it would be for you to once again not adhere to your mother’s wishes…

Aurora looks furious at the threat.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Or your daughter’s!

Aurora looks down after Tabitha throws that in her face. And then Aurora starts sobbing. Tabitha has a big smile that she then cooly suppresses, putting her hand over her weeping daughter’s shoulder.

Tabitha Kinsey:
There, there, my beloved Aurora. I promise you… this is the best decision you are making… this is proof of your indomitable love for Caitlyn, and your unconditional support for the one you love most!

With that, Tabitha successfully steers Aurora to her knees. Aurora is sobbing uncontrollably, looking at the mat.

Tabitha leaves the microphone in Aurora’s hand, pats her “gently” on the head, and has her hands on her hips as she looks down at her daughter. 


Aurora Kaye:

Tabitha takes half a pace forward to lord even more over her grown daughter.

Aurora Kaye:
You… you’re right. You… you have always been right.

Tabitha has a look of absolute twisted glee on her face hearing this as the crowd boos.

Aurora Kaye:
I… I swear to do all I can, for the rest of my life… to uphold the legacy and reputation of the Kinsey name…


Aurora Kaye:
And I offer my pledge of loyalty to… to you… and… and I accept your leadership and direction… over all of my affairs…

Tabitha raises her hands in triumph, cackling as her daughter remains crying on her knees, crumpled at her mother’s dress shoes. 

Tabitha Kinsey:
Thank you. Now, you may take the first step in your own journey — a journey you share with me and especially with Caitlyn… as the world gets to see the rise of Aurora Kinsey!!!

Tabitha applauds as the crowd is booing without any mercy, as Aurora forced herself up to her feet. Tabitha gives her a big hug.

Tabitha Kinsey:
I love you so much, Aurora Kinsey. And Caitlyn does, too.

Aurora continues to cry with her head on her mother’s shoulder. 

Aurora Kinsey:
I… I love you too… Mom…

Aurora’s voice is fully empty.

That… that was truly one of the lowest and most uncomfortable things I have ever witnessed in all of my years.

I fully agree, Keebs. What we just saw tonight was Tabitha wield all of her viciousness... all of the powers of her gaslighting and intimidation to literally bring her estranged daughter to her knees while Aurora was at her most vulnerable! 

Like Aurora warned earlier, Tabitha Kinsey is perhaps the most manipulative human being the world has ever seen! And she gave into Tabitha's gaslighting even with that knowledge!

And you can tell by that smirk how she has relished this moment, bringing her formerly rebellious daughter back into the fold!



Carla Ferrari calls for the bell. Nicky sizes up the still distraught Aurora who meets him with a big boot to the face. She then hesitated for a second before sitting on the rocker’s chest and slugging away with some very hard punches and ignoring Carla’s warning to stop. Tabitha’s ringside smile is absolutely twisted.

While we have only seen Aurora wrestle once before, I have gotten to know her pretty well these past few months. This is absolutely not her character! 

Seeing her daughter’s very vicious turn on JJ Dixon and mother’s masterful manipulation… all of this has just gotten in her head and she is taking it out on Nicky Synz!

Aurora looks to Tabitha who is nodding her head in approval, followed by a rapid clap. The crowd continues to boo. 

But this gives Nicky a chance to get back up, where he locks up with Aurora, and knees her in the stomach, and follows with a jumping face buster. 


They now get up and lock-up. The bigger Synz pushes Aurora into the ropes. Carla calls for the break. Tabitha, right behind Aurora, barks at her with a stern tone.

Tabitha Kinsey:

Aurora with the cheapshot eye rake!

You could just see her react almost robot-like to her mother’s command! And we also saw Caitlyn Kinsey use a Faberge Egg to Nicky’s eye a few weeks ago .

Aurora now with a shotgun dropkick right to Nicky’s left knee!

Aurora looks at her mother’s nodding face and begins to lay in stomps on that left knee. 

These stomps have no mercy to them! 

Aurora now picks Nicky up and whips him into the ropes but doesn’t leg go on the rebound, catching him with a perfect knee to the solar plexus. She double hooks the arm —

Double Arm DDT!

Just absolute ruthless efficiency.

Aurora now quickly goes to the top. As she peeves there, she has a distant thousand-foot stare. 

Beautiful Shooting Star Press! She calls that Aurora Bourealis!

Aurora Bourealis! This is over!


Tabitha Kinsey:
You’re not done, Aurora!

Aurora gets up at the snap of her mother’s voice to break up the pin. Tabitha then laughs as she turns her hands upside down to signal for ==

Tabitha wants her daughter to put The Gembreaker on Nicky! That hold that has been unbeatable for decades!

Aurora looks hesitant to do so, but she drags Nicky to the ring.

Aurora’s a master of this move, just like Tabitha! It has also long been rumored that she is the only person to ever counter the move when once sparring with her mother.

Aurora hooks the legs seemlessly and falls back in the Inverted Figure Four.

And Nicky taps immediately! 


It appears that Tabitha Kinsey has just added another to her army — her daughter, Aurora.

Tabitha raises Aurora’s hand triumphantly, a giant smile on her face as the crowd boos. Aurora stares downward at the mat, with a look of a captive forced to identify with her captor. Tabitha starts to play with Aurora’s green hair.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Let’s go the salon and get this mop looking proper for a Kinsey. And tell your mother you love her!

Tabitha turns her cheek to Aurora, who kisses it.

Aurora Kinsey:
I love you, Mother!


Malak Garland sits on a stool in a dark and dingy locker room with his head down. A solitary light shines down from the ceiling as a thick mist dances in the air. Siobhan Cassidy walks circles around her man in frustration. Malak stays quiet for now.

Siobhan Cassidy:
Arrrrgh! I can’t believe that whimsical little nimmy banger! You know what she is? She’s a bonafide CRAZY CAT LADY! How dare she march down to the ring during your match! I took that personally!

Cassidy is obviously referring to her encounter earlier in the night with Teresa Ames.

Siobhan Cassidy:
Teresa, honey buns, you picked the wrong tree to bark up.

Siobhan paces with vigor as Malak hides his face.

Malak Garland:
Bring her home.

Garland’s voice is weak at best as Cassidy looks like she’s about to rip someone’s throat straight off their neck.

Siobhan Cassidy:
I could just wrap my perfectly manicured nails around her throat and squeeze until there isn’t any life left in that anorexic body of hers! WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!? She poked her nose in our business at the wrong time, for the last time! This bitch needs to be put in her place!

Garland settles the palms of his hands on his quad muscles. He begins to speak at a slightly higher octave.

Malak Garland:
Bring her home.

Siobhan cracks a smile.

Siobhan Cassidy:
I’mma straight up wreck a bitch if I have to. I’m a Cassidy after all and anyone who is someone in the wrestling business knows that this name is tough as nails! You don’t mess with a Cassidy and live to tell about it. I mean, LOOK AT THIS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

Cassidy gives a solid closeup of the shiner she has under her eye. The scar still looks flesh as the redness stains her broken skin.

Siobhan Cassidy:
You did this to me. You scratched the wrong hoe. I won’t soon forget what you’ve done to me, either. In fact, I am planning out my retribution as we speak!

Malak Garland:
Bring her home.

He says with even more pep, almost at a normal tone.

Siobhan Cassidy:
You think it’s all fun and games with us chasing you and then you chasing us, don’t you? This scar is only a fraction of what I’ll do to your body! I can promise you that!

Cassidy continues pacing.

Siobhan Cassidy:
Make no mistake about it, this is only the beginning. Teresa, hun, we will be seeing each other again very, very soon. That, I promise!

Malak raises his head and reveals a couple of black eyes of his own, presumably obtained from his fight with Elise Ares.

Malak Garland:
Bring her home!

He says in the most normal, lifeless tone a serial killer could ever muster.

Siobhan Cassidy:
In fact, Teresa, I’m challenging you. I’m challenging you to a street fight at the ACTS of DEFIANCE go home show, DEFtv 193. I want this massacre aired on live TV for the world to witness. I want The Faithful to see the first ever live hysterectomy in a wrestling ring, because girl, if no one wanted to have babies with you before all this, they most certainly won’t want to touch you with a ten foot pole after I’m done with your broken ass. Barren loon.

Siobhan side steps a bit out of view. Malak stands on his feet and shouts as loud as he can.

Malak Garland:

The feed cuts abruptly at the conclusion of Malak barking his lines like a furious dog.


No Fun Dean is in the ring, with a scowl on his face, as Slightly Fun Jen has a little less of a scowl.

We have a unique pairing head tonight for an open challenge!

♫ "Take No Prisoners" by Megadeth ♫

A lightning bolt comes from the top of the arena and strikes the floor, creating a smoke effect. Coming out are PowerGodz — first Ryan Oracle, with his long bleach blonde bullet, wearing Thor-style metallic wristbands, shirtless and oiled with tiny blue/white pants with the acropolis over his unit, He is wildly swinging a chain around his head. 

Then sprinting out next is PowerMaster, his brown hair permed and mulleted down to his shoulders. He has a blue-white lightning bolt on his face, blue-white streamers over his giant biceps, jacked no-way-can-pass-a-pee-test body, blue-wife boots with streamers and blue-white pleather pants with a lightning bolt over his genitals. 

The crowd erupts - not in fandom, but ironic cheers - as PowerMaster beats his chest and comes sprinting to the ring as Oracle follows, the chair now around his neck. PowerMaster rebounds off the ropes both ways, stopping to beat his chest further then shaking the ring ropes. Oracle then present him with a microphone. 

Oh boy…

The yak’s horn bellows forth as the spirit lordz from high above - the ones that command, the ones we obey - summon us to do battle, us to unite, the unholy tandem of PowerMaster, Ryan Oracle, No Fun Dean and Slighhtllllyyy Funnnn Jennnnnnn!!!!

PowerMaster beats his chest as No Fun Dean stands on the middle rope to no recognition from the crowd.

What in god’s name…

I think you mean PowerGodz name…

The aggro-intensity that flows through these veins, it gives us the power, the power to make volcanoes explode in Antarcitca , to make the equator freeze, to make the sun set in the east yet rise in the west, all given to use by the spirit lordz high above, the ones who cast their wizdom upon The Stone Scrols of Fokrucity that we live by, that along with the power of Met-RX power barz, create the revollluttttiooonnnn!!!!

The crowd is chuckling while several are beating their chest along with PowerMaster.

The spirit lordz high above they demand a sacrifice, so bring us three warriooorrssss worthy of battttllleeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The lights in the arena go out black. The New Orleans crowd buzzes in anticipation of who they’re going to see... 

And then it’s someone that weren’t sure they would ever see again. But by the large reaction and cheers, a mixture of surprise and fandom, they see JJ Dixon.

JJ Dixon has his hair in his greaser/rockabilly black pompadour, with a few stitches on his forehead. He’s also wearing a sleeveless jean jacket. But he’s also surrounded in nothing but blackness.

♫ "Birdhouse In Your Soul" by They Might Be Giants ♫ 

The up-tempo, sweet and nerdy alternative pop song from the early 90s plays for a few seconds before dimming in the background as JJ begins to walk forward.

JJ Dixon:
I was always so scared at night when I was a kid. I had to worry about things like if we were going to evicted the next day. Or if my mom was going to have another new boyfriend the next day. Or what awful things that new boyfriend would do to my mom. Or if my mom would even come home that night... because a few years ago when she didn’t, and I haven’t seen her since. And like every kid, in the back of my mind, I was always wondering when the hell I would get out of this place and the type of man I was going to become.

JJ Dixon:
So every night, and I mean every night even over the drinking age, I kept on a nightlight because I was so frightened. Because when I woke up in case something happened, I didn’t want to be in the dark... and because I didn’t know where the hell I was headed.

JJ Dixon:
At the last Uncut, I was there, man. I thought I finally figured things out. I came out to “Badlands” and had the place rocking. I figured out my purpose -- fighting for the people in this world who can’t throw a fist, but doing so with a smile on my face, as best exemplified by my atomic drop-and-backrake focused offense combined with my ungodly athleticism. And, most importantly, I thought I had the girl of my dreams at my side for the rest of my life.

JJ Dixon:
That was the first night of my life I was able to sleep without a nightlight.  So, the wedding... Caitlyn, if you handled yourself like a normal person, and you just said you had second doubts or that I wasn’t the one, I’d be heartbroken, sure. But I know that time heals those kinds of wounds and I’d listen to a bunch of sad songs until I could pick up the pieces.

JJ Dixon:
Instead, you decided to humiliate me. You decided to hurt me. You decided to try and destroy me. I’m pretty sure I’ll be thinking about that night -- about getting a vase cracked over my skull, about you and that brat Dubya standing over me in a passionate kiss -- for the rest of my life. That happiness I felt? That security I felt about my place in life and where my future liest? The smile on my face? That’s all gone. Now, I’ve got a lot of anger and rage in me, and that’s not something I want to carry with me for the rest of my life. That’s not something anyone should carry with them. Maybe someday how I feel right now will stop. But now?

The music abruptly stops at the end of the chorus -- “A little birdhouse in your soul--.”

JJ Dixon:
I haven’t been sleeping much these past few weeks. But I do know that I’m keeping the nightlight off no matter what. And you and Tabitha and everyone else you choose to associate with? Well... I associate with some people, too. I associate with my family. And you all are going to be the ones tossing and turning in your king sized beds with your thousand thread sheets wondering what the hell is coming in the air tonight. 

A new, familiar song plays. It’s the eerie beginning of --

♫ "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins ♫ 

The room JJ is standing in is now more illuminated. Flanking him to the left and to the right are Raiden and JP Reeves of NDR, both wearing matching black hoodies with the words "DIE TRYING" in silver spraypaint scribble font. They each hold out their fists without looking at each other, and JJ daps with them as the theme of Your Uncut Gems plays and the crowd roars even further.

Yeah, my dad Tsunami was a big deal back in his day. The Posterboy of The Hardcore Generation. The best aerialist and the most vicious brawler of his generation, and one-half of the best tag team of his era. But you also know what my dad was? He thought he was a ladies man. I’m just one of his kids from many different women.. And I only saw him a few times growing up because he was with his “real” family in Japan. 

I didn’t handle that as a kid. I kept real quiet. I hate talking, to this day. But I spoke my voice. Buildings? Trains? Trucks? Anything I could find? Well, I got myself a few cans of spraypaint and tagged my name up all over those -- with my favorite being spots in the rich kid part of town. And when you’re out at night scribblin’ up on walls, you tend to get into it with people. Other graffiti kids. The people who own the crap I was slapping with the handle Raiden. And of course Mister Po Po Man. You throw a lot of fists and make a lot of getaway plans when you’re bombing... and I preferred to throw fists.

One night, I got snatched up by the Five Oh. A kindly judge didn’t throw my ass in juvy like I thought. Instead, I went to the school for the troublemakers. Straightened my ass out, and got real good at the art class. Now? You can pop this hoodie for yourself at the DEF Store.

But throwing fists? Tossing kicks? Yeah, I still like that a lot. Turns out, I’m even better at that than I am at graf. And there’s nothing I like more than putting my boot across the face of some smooth skin magazine cover boy or anyone else who comes at us... my REAL family.

JP Reeves:
WildStar? My old man? He’s alright. He was just broke as hell. You might see my amateur headpiece and think I was just some mat rat. Nope. If I wanted any money, I had to go out and earn my keep. So I found myself cleaning dishes at a diner. Soon enough, I was choppin’ broccoli and what have you in the back of real kitchens. I got good at that, too. Those burns on my arms from a frying pan that fried a little much? Getting stitches from when I didn’t hear someone yell “corner” and my knife went across my hand? The late nights with the front of the house only to wake up a few hours later with a James Beard award chef acting like Sensei Kreese? Yeah, I lived for all of that. I even went to culinary school for a minute, before I realized I lived for something else a bit more... and that’s dumping dudes on their necks with suplexes. 

JP Reeves:
Here’s a secret about restaurants. Someone has to own them and those people usually completely suck. There was this one trust fund kid , mid-20s, who read Kitchen Confidential and decided he could own a spot -- not because he had had some vision, but because he wanted what came with the perks of being the boss, even though he didn’t earn a damn thing.

JP Reeves:
The cute, college girl waitresses he hired for the front-of-the-house? Well, they were just fodder for him to try and sleep with - "bang" in parlance, to flex like he’s someone. To us in the back? To him, none of us could do a damn thing right, even though this fool never as much turned on a stovetop as long as he lived. But the worst thing?

JP Reeves:
You go back to a kitchen, you’re going to see that so many of the people back there are from Mexico and points south. It’s just a bunch of really good people trying to make some money to send back home. To make their lives better. But you know what happens when you’re living in this country and have to duck INS? You don’t have a lot of power to fight back when the bossman tells you that you aren’t getting paid that week while having to sit there and smile when he brags about the new Benz he just bought with Daddy’s money. 

JP Reeves:
Company Men? Kinsey’s? That’s why I hate you, since I'm guessing you've gone and participated in that business model yourselves - you take from the people who make. And Caitlyn? I thought you were one of us. But I guess the need for Grandma’s approval overrides being a good person. But us? We don’t quit until WE win. And we don’t win until YOU quit.

Now the lights go fully illuminated. And standing in front of the trio is Teri Melton, her hair jet black, with a silver netting with silver jewels lined up through it to match her silver gown with darker silver shawl. The roar of the crowd gets even louder as the mastermind of Your Uncut Gems, and DEFIANCE’s cult icon, snaps her fingers, which lights up silver flecks at everyone’s seats, matched by many of the cellphone lights of those in attendance.

Teri Melton:
It isn’t too hard to find a bar open after hours. Nashville. That’s where we headed to once we got our boo boos fixed once Maximum DEFIANCE ended. We got a bottle of the hardest stuff they had on hand, and then we got another, and then we woke up with the biggest hangovers of our lives. 

Teri smirks as she holds up a little black book.

Teri Melton:
Then when we woke up, went to work. There’s no champagne yacht club brunch for us. The boys? They did a 20 mile run before they hit the gym. And me? Well, I ripped up the playbook because I am retiring everything you thought you knew about pro wrestling, Tabitha.

Teri tosses the book to the side.

Teri Melton:
You three in the ring right now? You’re collateral damage in a war you aren’t even in. Your purpose? You’re the message we are sending to The Estate. Because we’re sharpening up the pikes where there heads will soon sit. And All Ye Faithful? I know why you all want to watch. It’s because —

Teri pauses for effect as Your Uncut Gems start to make their DiamondHands. But as the spotlight comes on, it reveals Teri and The Gems halfway up one of the aisles, as opposed to ringside. 

Teri Melton/Audience:
Teri Melton! Is Ready! For Her Closeup!


The open challenge apparently summoned by the spirit lordz from high above have been answered… by Your Uncut Gems!

And I do not think The Stone Scrolls of Fokrucity anticipated this!

JJ Dixon, Raiden and and The StarChild each take a side of the ring apron, with faces that look like they are drooling with anticipation. Teri Melton walks to the side with the entrance ramp, when Slightly Fun Jen is already standing. She takes one look at what is coming her way. The Gems take off their hoodies/Jean jackets.

Slightly Fun Jen:
This is not fun at all!

She hightails it out of there.

Each member of The Gems now steps up on the apron as PowerGodz and No Fun Dean are all back-to-back-to back in a defensive position. The Gems start barking trash talk at each of them. The crowd is clearly on their side. 

Johnny Fastcountini immediately sees that there is not going to be any point in keeping order. He shrugs his shoulders and calls for the bell.


Ryan Oracle charges Reeves, who catches him with a spear between the second and top rope. PowerMaster charges Raiden, who pulls the top rope down, sending him to the floor. The practitioner of Fokrucity lands on his feet, but Raiden from the apron soccer kicks him under the chin, which drops him to the floor. JJ measures up No Fun Dean and springboards to the top rope —

Wirehanger clothesline from The Special Attraction!

That damn near decapitated No Fun Dean! 

Reeves now has Ryan Oracle (The Son of Zeus) and overhead suplexes him over the top rope and onto his fellow PowerGod. 

JP Reeves: [to the camera]
We got that dawg in us! 

Raiden now rolls into the ring. He and Reeves each grab an arm of No Fun Dean and whip him into the ropes.

NDR pop Dean up in the air and — oh oh oh oh —

They threw Dean high into the air into JJ who timed his leap and dropped down with an inverted atomic drop. Dean makes an “Ohhhhhhhh” face as the crowd groans in guess of the gonad pain he much me feeling.

No Fun Dean is regretting every life choice he has ever made to get him to this moment.

JJ then measures the hunched over Dean —

JJ with a Destroyer that crashes No Fun Dean right onto the back of his head!

And the sweet, sweet relief of sleep.

Raiden then taps Reeves on the shoulder as they see Oracle limp his way onto the ring apron. Raiden hops the rope to the apron, while Reeves stands behind him. Raiden meets the charging Son of Zeus with a palm strike right to his jaw that spins him around and on one knee. Reeves makes the “stir the pot gesture.”

I don't like the looks of this!

Raiden picks Oracle up like he is going for a back body drop. But instead, Reeves pops behind him with a German Suplex onto the ring apron - their finisher known as A Bridge Too Far - and something that may cause neck damage for The Son of Zeus for eternity.

Holy Shit!
Holy Shit!
Holy Shit!

It’s clear that DDK and Lance are just letting the carnage speak for itself as Raiden shoves the essentially limp carcas of Ryan Oracle into the ring. Especially as Teri has her back against a ring post and attracts the camera (naturally) with her “come higher” finger wag. 

Teri Melton:
Watch this!

Teri snatches the camera and holds it shakily. Through her commandeered camera lens, we see Raiden and Reeves hop to the floor and meet the charging PowerMaster with a double side kick. They then grab him by his mullet and bring him right before Teri behind  the ring post.

The general camera then shows JJ hopping in place in the ring. The Bruce Springsteen obsessive yells —

JJ Dixon: 
Gems Like Us! Baby We We Born To Run!

He then sprints and hops over the entire corner with a flipping senton onto PowerMaster, held by NDR, in the close up camera held by Teri. 

JJ Dixon:
I! Am! That! Dude! 

NDR rolll PowerMaster in the ring. They then stack him back first over Oracle, who is also laying with his back on the mat. No Fun Dean starts to get to his feet, as Raiden meets him with a kick to the ribs. They pick him up on a shoulder each as JJ Dixon ascends to the top rope. He looks around the crowd as he hooks on a full Nelson.

JJ Dixon: [to the crowd]
Time! For! A! Drive!

JJ then falls forward —

Sunset Boulevard from the top rope! 

No Fun Dean's body langs at an angle that says "neckbrace, please."

Holy Shit!
Holy Shit!
Holy Shit!

NDR then stacks No Fun Dean on top of the funeral pyre. All three of the Gems lean over the pile of bodies as Johnny makes the count. The crowd chants along.



Teri then rolls into the ring and stands in front of the chattel piled at her feet, with her charges mugging behind her. She grabs the camera and brings it right to her face.

Teri Melton:
Kinseys! Company Men! Don’t wear your nice clothes in Minneapolis. Because we’re what’s coming in the air that night…  and we are coming to make you bleed!

She lets out a sinister smile before knocking the camera to the mat, which shows her shoes, along with the boots of her men, with the bodies of PowerGodz and No Fun Dean still limp. 


We are now back at ringside with thousands of rowdy DEFIANCE Faithful packing the DEFIANCE Wrestle-plex! With a pedestal near ringside, the highly-coveted Favoured Saints Championship rests upon it for all to see as Darren Keebler and Lance Warner prepare to break down the main event. 

We are now to tonight’s main event! A special Favoured Saints Four-Way match to crown the new Favoured Saints Champion after it was vacated by Rezin just before wrestling Henry Keyes at Maximum DEFIANCE. This title is the chance for wrestlers to really make their mark and for one lucky person, the first step begins tonight with a win in this one fall to a finish contest!

Four successful defenses of this title will earn you the chance to compete for the Southern Heritage Championship! To date, only four wrestlers have been able to make the four defenses successfully. The inaugural champion, Matt LaCroix. Kerry Kuroyama. Henry Keyes. Rezin. Of those four men… only LaCroix and Keyes have successfully cashed in to win the Southern Heritage Title. 

Tonight’s challengers were selected by random draw earlier today and to prevent spoilers, these individuals were only notified within the last half hour and have been sequestered from the rest of the roster until bell time. Now… let’s go to ringside with Darren Quimbey for the introductions for this big match!

The camera is on Darren Quimbey in the ring now.

Darren Quimbey:
This next match is a Favoured Saints Four-Way Match scheduled for one fall and it is for the FAVOURED SAINTS CHAMPIONSHIP!

A graphic of the pristine white-leather championship appears for all to see, getting a loud cheer from The Faithful! 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first… 


♫ "The Best" by Awolnation ♫

The crowd cheers loudly as a golden hue falls over the entrance area. As the opening lyrics play over the guitar beat, High Flyer IV steps out from the backstage area, his hair having grown out to a short crew cut style. He still wears the DEFIANT to the DEATH hoodie, but this time the hood is down and it’s unzipped. He wears long trunks that sway out like bell bottoms. On one leg, “LET,” the other leg? “Go.” Gone is his comedy / drama mask, and in it’s place? Victor Vacio’s. HF IV looks out at the sea of Homegrown Faithful and throws up his dad’s devil horns taunt to cheers.

Darren Quimbey:
Making his way to the ring, representing Les Enfants Terrible, and weighing in at 218 pounds… HIGH! FLYER! IV!

NICE START! High Flyer IV! Already a former one-time Favoured Saints Champion! Former two-time BRAZEN Tag Team Champion with Archer Silver! And fresh off defeating Victor Vacio and claiming his mask! 

And now with a fresh new haircut! He took his own hair before the Mask vs. Hair match with Victor Vacio and walked away with the win!

He looks better without the dreads.


The hoodie comes off and High Flyer IV hops over the top rope, getting some nice cheers from The Faithful as he takes his place in a corner. High Flyer IV stretches using the top rope, ready for the task in front of him. 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing participant number two… 


♫ “My Name Is Thunder” by The Bloody Beetroots feat. JET ♫

The lights flicker back on and the crowd EXPLODES as a spotlight shines in tune with the appearances of the trio. Left side of the ramp: Titaness! Right side of the ramp: Uriel Cortez, arms in the air! Center of the ramp: Dan Leo James! He is standing backwards in the spotlight until Uriel rolls his eyes, flips him around so he’s facing the right side, then points to the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
…Being accompanied by Dan Leo James and Uriel Cortez, she is a member of Titanes Familia… from The Bronx, New York, weighing in at 200 pounds… ”THE SHOW OF FORCE” TITANESS!

Uriel Cortez gives his wife a kiss and then Dan Leo James gives her a big hug by picking her up off the ground. They both wish Titaness good luck and then head to the back as the bound and determined powerhouse makes her way to ringside. High Flyer IV watches her make her entrance as she runs up the steps, puts her hands up and then slingshots over the ropes to land on her feet in the ring! 

Titaness! A former one-time Unified Tag Team Champion alongside her husband, Uriel Cortez! She’s battled for the Favoured Saints Championship on several occasions in the past, most notably against Kerry Kuroyama. She’s said being the champion one day means a lot to her and now she has the chance to make that happen!

So full of determination and guts. Always a fighter and gives 110% to whatever she does against whomever she faces. 

Titaness sheds her silver vest and then stretches against the ropes as they both await whoever is coming out next. 

Darren Quimbey:
Participant number three...



♫ “All Eyes On Me” by Jean Deaux ♫

Those words and the song appear on the DEFiatron as the crowd immediately boos. Spring out from behind (without Tom Morrow) is Nathan Eye, holding up his book (now available on DEFShop) “251 Pages of Pure Perseverance” above his head, clad in his white ring gear with gold trim and his “Third Eye” glasses on his head. Tom Morrow briefly appears next to his charge and wishes him good luck before departing through the curtain. Interestingly enough, he is out there without Declan Alexander. 

Ooohh… Nathan Eye. Former BRAZEN Champion, former BRAZEN Tag Team Champion with Dex Joy, the inaugural Tag Party winner! Looking at his records, Nathan Eye has only lost one singles match since he came back from injury and that’s to Conor Fuse, one of the top stars in DEFIANCE! 

It’s pretty telling that he’s not here with Declan Alexander. M4NTRA has all the potential to be a top tag team, in my opinion, but if a singles opportunity comes along, you have to take it!

Titaness and Dan Leo James of Titanes Familia defeated M4NTRA back at the Maximum DEFIANCE so that may be fresh on his mind! 

Nathan Eye enters the ring with his metal-covered copy of his autobiography, 251 Pages of Pure Perseverance. He shows it off to High Flyer IV, who wants nothing to do with it. He just pulls it away from Titaness, the loss from Maximum DEFIANCE in the tag team match clearly weighing on him. She flips him the bird anyway. 

Called it. And who is star number four going to be?

Darren Quimbey:
And the final participant... 


♫ “Ultimate Battle (intro)” by Fredriech Habetler ♫ 


The name “OSCAR BURNS” written in the same familiar red DEFIANCE font. 



♫ “Stranger Fruit” by Zeal and Ardor ♫

The lights dim to a simple red and smoke starts to pour out from under the entryway, covering the stage quickly. Titaness, Nathan Eye and High Flyer IV all wait for the former two-time FIST of DEFIANCE and former Favoured Saints Champion to arrive… 

And wait…

And wait… 

But nobody comes out. 

Until finally… 

Benny Doyle hears something in his headset, then rushes over to notify Darren Quimbey at ringside. Quimbey takes note and relays the message to The Faithful.

Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen… I’m being told that Oscar Burns… has withdrawn his participation in this match! 


You have a chance to compete for a championship and you… deny it? The last time we saw Oscar Burns, he tapped out fair and square to Corvo Alpha in the confines of a steel cage. He’s been silent on social media since that loss… but what is this?

Quimbey is listening to something else being told by referee Benny Doyle.

Darren Quimbey:
Oscar Burns has chosen an approved delegate to take his place in tonight’s match-up due to HIS recent victory over a former Favoured Saints Champion in his own right! 

…Oh, no… 

♫ “Popsong Singalong” by Flyscreen ♫

As soon as the song fires up, Butcher Victorious comes out… but in SHINY new gear. Half-black, half-burgundy colored pants-length trunks with black boots and burgundy laces. His signature mohawk has been dyed a dirty blonde color not unlike his mentor, Oscar Burns. And also to round out things, a burgundy-colored headband!

New gear for Butcher Victorious. Clearly Vae Victis colors here tonight, though he has never been a member in name! 

While Burns’ assessment about his delegate beating a former Favoured Saints Champion is correct on Corvo Alpha… it was a No Disqualification match where he had help from Oscar to win. 

Butcher slides into the ring. No stick! He looks very determined and didn’t even trip once while getting into the ring. He gets into a corner and adjusts his headband, cackling under his breath as all four competitors are set to being. Benny Doyle calls for the bell…


Nathan Eye makes the first attack and goes right for Titaness! It’s clear that there’s no love lost after what went down at Maximum DEFIANCE! He backs her into a corner. Butcher and High Flyer IV are caught off-guard by the sudden attack, but that inspires Butcher to try. He rushes at IV, but The Velvet Shadow sees him coming and catches him with a big dropkick first, knocking the bandana right off his head! 

We’re starting off quick in this one! Nathan Eye gets the jump on Titaness early after their battle at MAXDEF. Butcher tried a sneak attack on High Flyer IV, but he’s just too fast!

Nathan hits a couple shoulder thrusts to Titaness in the corner, but when he tries a third she gets a knee up! She turns Nathan around and waffles the largest man in the match with a stinging series of double-handed chops! She continues to fire until she sees High Flyer IV coming behind her. She move, but Nathan Eye catches a running dropkick upside the head in the corner! The Golden State Guru gets rocked just as Titaness comes back and cracks him with a running pump kick in the corner that knocks him out of the ring!

Running dropkick by High Flyer IV and the pump kick by Titaness get rid of Nathan… NO! Schoolboy on Titaness! Cover!



Titaness kicks out! High Flyer IV tries to pull a fast one on The Show of Force and the son of Jack Harmen pays for it with a STIFF double-handed chop to the chest! She whips Harmen to the ropes and tries a back body drop, but IV flips right over her and keeps going! On the way back, she turns around only to catch a spinning back elbow off the ropes! 

Titaness tried to make High Flyer IV pay for that move, but IV takes her down with that back elbow! You can feel his confidence at an all-time high thanks to that win over Victor Vacio! 

With The Greatest now in control, he rushes to the ropes, only for Butcher Victorious to grab his leg and drag him out to the floor! He grabs High Flyer IV and THROWS him into the steel ring post! 

Butcher Victorious:

Butcher pulls one over on High Flyer IV and now he’s trying to pick the bones… NO! Titaness back up! She hits him a double-handed chop, too! She’s handing them out everywhere in this match! 

She whips Butcher to the corner and then levels him with a running forearm, then picks up the lackey of Oscar Burns! She carries him around… FALLAWAY SLAM! She takes a moment, then kips back up to her feet to the cheers of The Faithful! 

Fallaway slam on Butcher Victorious! What a move! 

With Butcher staggering up to his feet in the corner, Titaness charges at him a second time, but this time Butcher is ready by holding up a leg. The Show of Force catches the leg, but Butcher clips her with a quick enzuigiri! 

No! Butcher catches her with the enzuigiri!

Titaness gets knocked down to the mat when Butcher finally has a chance to strike! He leaps up and hits a double foot stomp to the midsection while she’s down! Titaness gets doubled over when Butcher runs off the ropes and slaps his head… and scores with a big headbutt drop!

Interesting offense by Butcher there! Cover!




The Golden State Guru is back! And he grabs Butcher… snap suplex! 

Nathan has Butcher out of his boots, then kicks him out of the ring. He goes for Titaness next… T-bone suplex to the Tall Glass of Kick-Ass! Titaness bounces off the canvas! Nathan stands tall for the moment and turns… springboard crossbody by High Flyer IV… NO! Nathan holds on and rolls to his feet!

WHOA! That blend of power and strength Nathan Eye is unreal!

He turns the fallaway slam position into big release vertical suplex on High Flyer IV as well! The Golden State Guru stands tall and gets JEERED by The Faithful as he points to the third eye on his forehead and smiles. 

Nathan Eye:
Keep your Eyes on the Prize and you can suplex anybody you want! 

Eye just cleared the table with that strength of his and now the cover on High Flyer IV! Can he score his first main roster singles title?

Eye crawls over to hook the leg of Harmen’s Kid! 



But Butcher pulls the leg! 

Butcher breaking things up to save the match! 

Butcher appears to be checking for something at ringside, but can’t see it anywhere. He leaves himself wide open to get blasted with a big clothesline by Nathan Eye! 

Butcher should be focusing less on looking for whatever he’s looking for. He’s got a title to try and win!

Meanwhile, Nathan Eye is fully locked in right now. 

He grabs Harmen and sends him off to the corner. Natty Eyce charges at the corner with a corkscrew corner splash in mind… But Harmen moves! Eye hits nothing but the corner as High Flyer IV jumps over the ropes to the apron, then amazes The Faithful with a big springboard flip into thesz press onto Eye, then starts letting The Golden State Guru have it with an endless flurry of right hands!

BIG springboard 450 into the Thesz press, now he’s just dropping Eye with those punches like Daddy does it! 

And he’s taking Eye to task!

Harmen gets up! He leaps off the middle rope and then springs back with a springboard crossbody that catches Eye this time around, then leaps up to his feet! He runs quickly to the turnbuckles, then goes up top and takes flight with another incredible diving crossbody with HUGE hangtime, taking Eye down! 

Harmen’s Kid is all over the place and takes down Eye! Cover!



But Titaness breaks things up with a jumping senton out of nowhere! 

You can feel the action really picking up now. You can’t put a limit on yourself. For three of these four wrestlers, this is a first-time opportunity to be a singles wrestler! For High Flyer IV, it’s a chance to get back there! 

The Faithful cheer on Titaness as she grabs High Flyer IV and strikes him with a knee and a number of elbows to the side of the head. She runs off the ropes, but High Flyer IV strikes back with a kick to the rib cage! He doubles over Titaness and then tries a vertical suplex, but Titaness blocks!

Titaness using her power to try and block the move! 

She kicks him in the gut and then tries a northern lights suplex. Butcher comes along and runs at Titaness while she has High Flyer IV in her grip, but she greets him with a boot…

What’s Titaness doing? 

No way… 


The Faithful light up! 


Titaness tries to make the cover! 




High Flyer IV kicks out, so The Show of Force goes over to Butcher! 




Titaness tries to go for covers! Great maneuvering, but she’s gotta keep going! 

Titaness goes for Butcher and then tries to go for the Clash of the Titaness. She has the fireman’s carry on, but Butcher slips out, then gets STRUCK DOWN by a stiff running shoulder tackle by Nathan Eye! 


The Show of Force gets rocked and knocked out of the ring! As Nathan gets up, Butcher clips him for a kick! High Flyer IV joins in and both men work together to take on the bigger Nathan Eye, but the former BRAZEN Champion fights back! Right hand for Butcher! Right hand for HF IV! He tries to run off the ropes, but the strange bedfellows of the LET member and the Vae Victis lackey come together for a HUGE double superkick that knocks Eye down to the mat! 

And a double team there by Butcher and High Flyer IV! …Oh! But not for long! 

Kick in the gut by Flyer! 

High Flyer IV whips Butcher to the corner and charge, but Butcher gets up a pair of knees to stop him! Butcher then leaps to the middle rope, then takes flight with a flying headbutt to the chest of Harmen’s Kid! Victorious holds his head in pain while High Flyer IV is clutching his rib cage in pain from the unorthodox attack. 

That’s Butcher using his noggin in more ways than one! He did it earlier to Titaness, and now to High Flyer IV! But… 

What is Butcher doing?

Butcher is the only one up, but he’s scrambling around the ring looking for something. 

Butcher Victorious:


As he scans for whatever he’s looking for, he gets SPEARED out of his boots on the outside of the ring by Titaness! The Faithful cheer as she finally knocks him down! 

Big spear by Titaness! She takes down Butcher! 

She goes to pick Butcher up to get him back into the ring. 

Problem, though?



OH, MY GOODNESS! Nathan Eye CLEARED that top rope and he just wiped out both Titaness and Butcher Victorious using that tope con hilo to the floor! Listen to the response!

Nathan is such a big blue chip prospect! His attitude is grating, but he’s got the goods in the ring! 

The man dubbed as 251 Pounds of Pure Perseverance starts standing up and he’s got all the confidence in the world right now! He starts to try and also pick up Butcher and selecting him to get him back into the ring. 






Replays continued to play! First of Titaness’ big spear! Then Nathan Eye’s big tope con hilo dive! Then finally, the most recent amazing athletic move by High Flyer IV! Now all four are down outside with bodies every which way and The Faithful going crazy! 


The former BRAZEN Tag Team and Favoured Saints Champion grabs the first person he can pick out and chooses Titaness to throw her back into the ring. High Flyer IV goes into the ring and then looks out to The Faithful before trying to head up top!

And here comes one of the best moonsaults in the business today and if he can hit it, High Flyer IV is about to become Favoured Saints Champion for the second time! 

Here we go! 

He goes up top! 

He makes the leap…



High Flyer IV lands on his feet… but Nathan Eye is back and picks up High Flyer IV with a big powerslam in the middle of the ring! Titaness tries to stop him, but he hits her with a boot and then throws her back outside of the ring!

NO! Nathan Eye back in control! And now where’s HE going?


The Faithful jeer for The Golden State Guru as he goes to the outside and then looks out…

Nathan Eye:
EYE’S … UP … HERE!!!

Natty Eyce then makes the leap himself… 



Flyer IV gets up! He leaps to the middle rope nearby… then the top…


High Flyer IV grabs BOTH legs of Eye and hooks the legs!





Titaness then moves High Flyer IV off of Nathan Eye, she kicks at Eye to get him out of the ring… 

But she gets spun around by Butcher Victorious, now wearing the missing headband he wore to the ring… 



Titaness is not moving after the strike! But what’s more, Butcher hides the headband back in his trunks! He runs off the ropes and hits a modified sliding jackknife pin on The Show of Force!









The crowd JEERS! LOUD!


Butcher Victorious:

♫ “Popsong Singalong” by Flyscreen ♫

Darren Quimbey:

There are fans seated in shock over the outcome, including a very disappointed couple on the front stage. But when Butcher is handed the Favoured Saints Championship, he hugs it close… 

Butcher Victorious:

A pissed-off Nathan Eye angrily throws his book away and High Flyer IV is still stunned while Titaness is still out cold in the ring. 

Was… was there something in that headband? How…? HOW?

That would explain why he was looking for it! It had to be loaded! But… fans, I don’t believe it, but here on this night, Butcher Victorious FINALLY claims his first singles title in DEFIANCE and is our new Favoured Saints Champion! After the events of Maximum DEFIANCE, this gives Vae Victis something to crow about… as if they needed. 

Butcher is already up the ramp and kisses the face of the Favoured Saints Title that’s now his, then reaches into his tights to plant a kiss on the burgundy-colored headband before holding both out for a stunned crowd. 

I still can’t believe it!

And when Butcher is on the ramp, he’s greeted…


…by Oscar Burns and Sonny Silver. Sonny looks like nonplussed over what’s happening while Oscar Burns remains more stoic. Butcher looks to both of them, surprised by their appearance… until they BOTH raise each of Butcher’s arms to the sky as “Popsong Singalong” fades out… 


♫ “Stranger Fruit” by Zeal and Ardor ♫

Butcher himself can’t believe it! He jumps up and down with the title and then HUGS Oscar Burns! Then tries to hug Sonny Silver, who stops him with a hand to his chest and settles for a handshake… but Butcher HUGS him anyway! 

Oh, GOD… They’re ENDORSING Butcher Victorious now that he has the title! I’m… I don’t even know. 

Unfortunately, it is so! Butcher Victorious sneaks into the back door and brings the Favoured Saints Championship back into Vae Victis! I’m sure we’ll have more questions, but for now, we’re out of time after a blockbuster main event! For Lance Warner, I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler and thanks for joining us on this live edition of UNCUT! We’ll see you next week for DEFtv! Good night! 

One last shot of Oscar Burns, the man who forfeited his shot to Butcher… who made the most of it. Now appearing to fully accept Butcher Victorious as one of their own… 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.