DEFIANCE Uncut 145

16 Aug 2023

Earle A. & Virginia H. Chiles Center, Portland, Oregon (seats 4,852)


Welcome one and all to this week’s edition of UNCUT! I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler and as always, I’ve got Lance Warner analyzing the action with me!

Thanks, Darren! And we’ve got some great action tonight! Ned Reform is in action against DEFIANCE’s Safest Wrestler, Sgt. Safety! We’ve got our main event! JJ Dixon taking on Brayden “Dubya” Levrington of The Company Men! But up first, a match with title implications for three men! It will be “Texan Dragon” Jun Izuchi, Gulf Coast Connection member Wingman Titus Campbell and the bodyguard for Gentlemen’s Agreement, Earl Robetrs, competing for a shot at the Favoured Saints Title next week on DEFtv! 

And that match is kicking off DEFtv right now! 

The camera goes to Darren Quimbey in the ring ready to introduce the next match. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a triple threat match set for one fall! The winner will earn a Favoured Saints title match next week on DEFtv! Introducing first… 

♫ "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" by Ennio Morricone ♫

The arena is greeted with darkness. The all-too-familiar whistling intro sounds out and out from the back, a man in blue trunks, tights, a lasso, and a cowboy hat tilted down to obstruct his face. 

Darren Quimbey:
… Hailing from The Double Dragon Ranch in Tokyo, Texas, weighing in at 265 pounds… ”THE TEXAN DRAGON” JUN IZUCHI!

The Portland Faithful gives an excellent reception for the former Massive Cowboy as he heads to the ring and points at a few fans before high-fiving a few others. He reaches the ring, walks up the steps, then makes it into the squared circle. He takes off his hat and hangs it and his lasso on the right post.

♫ “The Saints" by Andy Mineo w/KB and Trip Lee  ♫  

The trio make their way out from the back to a nice pop from the crowd! Crescent City Kid is out first and then behind him comes “Wingman” Titus Campbell is out next in a silver themed Mardi-Gras hat and sunglasses with lights!  Finally, out comes Theodore Cain! The Gulf Coast Connection take a moment to pose and pump up the crowd, soaking in their very respectable response from the Providence crowd! 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing next, from New Orleans, Louisiana… being accompanied by Theodore Cain and Crescent City Kid, weighing in at 271 pounds… ”WINGMAN” TITUS CAMPBELL!

With his cohorts welcoming him to the ring, Campbell raises his hands in the air and throws his silver colored Mardi Gras hat into the crowd! CCK and Cain both head to the back to let their friend do his thing. Campbell nods politely at The Texan Dragon, who nods back in return as they wait for the third man in the match. 

♫ “Land of Hope and Glory” ♫

The theme plays and out comes both men, dressed in fancy new gear for the occasion. Lord Sewell with a red overcoat and yellow epaulets. and Oliver Tarquin Monroe with a dark gray sleeveless coat and the BRAZEN Onslaught Title. Behind them, Earl Roberts in his exaggerated British gear, but sheds it to reveal an updated version of a gray singlet with a Union Jack flag-themed right knee pad. 

Darren Quimbey:
And introducing the final participant, being accompanied by BRAZEN Onslaught Champion Lord Sewell… residing at the constant side of The Honorable Viscount Vice Admiral Ernest Sewell weighing in at 240 pounds, representing Gentlemen’s Agreement… EARL ROBERTS!

Lord Sewell casts a glance at his associate and bids him good luck in his chance to compete for gold. When he enters the ring, he stares at his former tag partner, Jun Izuchi - then known as Massive Cowboy - and shakes his head. Jun almost feels bad for his current predicament. 

A little history between those men. Along with JJ Dixon, they were known as the Southern Bastards when all three were tied to BRAZEN. Now, all full roster members are looking for a shot at gold! 

We’ve got a three-way slugfest about to take place! I can’t foresee too many technical maneuvers in this one! 

Referee Hector Navarro calls for the bell…


All three men circle up with one another, careful not to give anyone an opening. After the Portland Faithful start getting into the action, Earl Roberts gestures at Jun Izuchi and then tries to get his one-time BRAZEN partner to go after Titus Campbell first. 

These matches often produce strange bedfellows and tonight is no different. Roberts trying to work something out with his former tag partner!

That he is… OOH! Big boot from Titus Campbell on Earl Roberts! The Wingman isn’t waiting on anyone to make a move!

The crowd cheers the largest member of The Gulf Coast Connection as he goes after Jun Izuchi and now, both of the big men are CRACKING one another with right hands, trading shots to the delight of The Portland Faithful! 

And here’s the action, Campbell and Izuchi trading blows! 

The Texan Dragon hits a knee lift and then whips Campbell to the corner. When he gets there, he CLOCKS him with a big corner clothesline that rattles The Wingman! He raises a fist to the Faithful and then whips Campbell across the ring. He goes and charges for a second move, but Campbell get a knee up first to block his charge. When he stumbles back out of the corner, he runs off the ropes and then runs him over with a big flying shoulder tackle! Izuchi is down!

Campbell back up! Now The Wingman is on Earl Roberts! 

The Royal Guard is picked up and gets slugged with a clubbing blow across the chest, followed by another. He whips him to the corner and then poses for the people…

Charge by The Wingman… No! Earl moves! 

But when Titus crashes into the corner, Jun Izuchi is already back up and cracks The Wingman in the corner with another big corner clothesline! When he moves out of the way, Earl Roberts charges forward and then hits a big running right hand in the corner that staggers Campbell! Roberts and Izuchi look at one another and then come to some sort of understanding between former partners. 

And look at Izuchi and Roberts working together now! 

They both take an arm of The Wingman and twist each side around. Like their old Southern Bastards days, they both hit simultaneous punches to the midsection of Campbell to double him over and then both slug him with a double axe handle to bring him down to the mat! Izuchi hits the ropes and comes back with a big running leg drop to the back of Campbell’s head!

Double team just like old times by Roberts! Cover by Izuchi after the leg drop! 

He covers Campbell! 



Izuchi is pulled away by Roberts, who then tries to steal the cover himself! 


TW… Izuchi grabs him by the leg and pulls him off instead! Now the camaraderie between former partners is over when Earl Roberts CLOCKS Izuchi with a jumping clothesline to knock the big man off his feet!

That partnership now short-lived! Now back to Earl Roberts on Titus Campbell! 

Roberts tees off on the larger Campbell by delivering a few jabs to the face to disorient The Wingman to get him against the ropes. He goes to whip Campbell across the ring, but the 270-pound Wingman shoots him off instead. When he comes back, Campbell is sure to ROCK him with a huge clothesline before looking out to the crowd…

Titus Campbell:

The Faithful cheer with delight! He hits the ropes and then connects with a jumping G6 Elbow Drop, going right into the cover!


TWO… Izuchi with the jumping knee drop to Campbell!

No! Broken up by the Texan Dragon! Cover on Campbell!

He pushes the big man over onto his back! 




Another kickout by Campbell! With a shot at the Favoured Saints Title on the line next week, all three men wanting the shot! 

Campbell kicks out, forcing Jun to pick him up and then try for a DDT. He goes for the move,  but he gets shoved off into the corner. The Texan Dragon stops himself from hitting the buckle but when he turns around, he gets hit with a HUGE running double sledge by The Wingman!

No! Counter by Campbell! And now I think Izuchi is about to go for a ride! 

He picks up The Texan Dragon on his shoulders and then starts to spin… and spin… and spin some more! He continues a few solid rotations, then SPIKES him on the canvas! 

Jun Izuchi’s title chances just ran into some Turbulence! 

But before The Wingman can go for the cover, Earl Roberts gets back into the fray and hits the back of Campbell’s leg before DRIVING him down to the mat with a falling reverse DDT! 

Earl Roberts sneaking in the back door! He takes out The Wingman! 

Earl pulls his knee pad with the Union Jack flag down, then charges and NAILS Izuchi upside the head with it!

Earl Roberts with the knee strike! I’m told that move is called the Distinguished Gentlemen’s Dashing Knee! That’s a mouthful, but I think this might do it! 

After connecting with the knee trembler, Roberts hooks the leg of Izuchi! 




Izuchi kicks out! Earl Roberts can’t believe it! 

Now he’s gearing up for another one!

He runs back to the corner. Titus Campbell tries to stop him, but Roberts sees him and then hits a knee strike to the gut to knock him off the apron… but the distraction leads to Izuchi kicking his head off with a huge three-point tackle into the corner!

Roberts almost had the win, but never saw Izuchi coming thanks to him dealing with Campbell!

Izuchi grabs him out of the corner and puts him on the shoulder. He gets cheers as he runs Roberts into the corner, then comes out with the running powerslam! 

Tokyo, Texas Stampede! That’s it! Cover by Izuchi! 





The Faithful jump up in approval as Izuchi raises both hands in the air!

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner and next challenger for the Favoured Saints Championship… "TEXAN DRAGON" JUN IZUCHI!

Roberts almost stole the match there, but thanks to an unintentional assist from Titus Campbell, Jun Izuchi takes over and wins the match! He’s on a two-match win streak and now hopes to make it a lucky third when he takes on Butcher Victorious next week! 

Izuchi is handed his cowboy hat and lasso, then raises his hands for the cheering Faithful before leaving the ring. Meanwhile, Titus is upset on the outside, but has it in him to hobble over and shake hands with Izuchi for the win. Meanwhile, Earl Roberts is looking up at the lights, looking over at Campbell outside the ring… 

Two and 0 since changing his name, but can Jun Izuchi score his very first gold in DEFIANCE by beating Butcher Victorious next week?


♫  Theme From Succession ♫ 

The boos reign down as the piano/drum machine start to play. Tabitha Kinsey comes out smile on her face and a wave of her hand that says “I am a politician who wants to get rid of food stamps” in her tweed Chanel power suit. She stops and scans the crowd, before pointing under the DEFiatron as the rest of The Estate come out with cat-and-canary smiles Brayden “Dubya” Leverington and Cristiano Caballero, in matching finance bro fleece vests over pink dress shirts flank Caitlyn Kinsey - with Gucci sunglasses on top of her head, paired with a crystal Alexander Wang champagne glass cut mini dress. Is Caitlyn Kinsey. She poses like a model on the runway before scoffing at the crowd, spinning slowly into Dubya’s arms. They laugh at a joke they can only hear before ramming their tongues down their throats.


Tabitha Kinsey:
Let’s recap what happened, shall we? Teri Melton and her ruffians talked a big game about making us bleed. And what happened? They lost. And,not just that, but they lost because JJ Dixon …

Caitlyn and The Company Men cackle before they all make their DiamondHands before turning them upside down to signal The GemBreaker.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Tapped out to my beautiful, wonderful Lovey, my granddaughter, the woman who broke his sad little heart and won with our family secret… The GemBreaker!

Caitlyn steps forward as her grandmother hands her the microphone.

Caitlyn Kinsey:
You people —


The crowd will not let her speak. 

Caitlyn Kinsey:
You people —


She rolls her eyes.

Caitlyn Kinsey:
You people would not understand. You people would not understand what it is like to win. What it is like to be successful. Because I grew up with people like you, and I know you are all utter failures. I am so glad I turned my back on JJ and the common people like yourselves. Because the only time you people have ever been victorious is when the judge got COVID and dismissed the charges. 


Tabitha Kinsey:
A victory like our grand triumph over Your Uncut Gems calls for a celebration! And there is no better way to celebrate than when you can at the expense of someone else! 

Caitlyn starts snapping her fingers as she looks off stage. 

Caitlyn Kinsey:
Mom! Mom! Get out here now!

The forlorn, shattered looking Aurora Kinsey comes out obediently pushing a cart holding a giant five foot high cake — topped with a figurine of a bride and groom in the likeness of Caitlyn and JJ. Aurora then starts handing out party hats all of The Estate members put on, along with designer plates and silverware.

Caitlyn Kinsey:
Tapping out JJ was the second most humiliating day of his life. Of course, breaking his heart before the entire world was number one. And there is no better way to celebrate his embarrassment than by us having our cake and eating it too! (Sternly) Mom, cut the cake, now!

Aurora takes a giant knife and moves toward the cake, when instead the lights go out. The crowd buzzes as --

♫  In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins ♫ 

Your Uncut Gems appear on the DEFiatron — Raiden and Reeves on each side, JJ Dixon in the back and (of course, as always) Teri Melton in front. Teri starts a sarcastic golf clap.

Teri Melton:
Congratulations, all. It must be so thrilling to actually win a match. Why not gloat? Why not celebrate? Because each and every single one of you knows but is scared to admit that is the last time any of you get the better of Your Uncut Gems. 

Uncut Gems!
Uncut Gems!
Uncut Gems!

Teri Melton:
I have a habit and history of getting what I want. And while what I want the most is to undo the plastic surgery on your face, Tabitha, I think I want to have a taste of that wedding cake myself.

JJ Dixon:
Caitlyn, you made me tap out at Uncut. But you ain’t the one who got the better of me. You were just in the right place at the right time -- like the privileged brat you’ve become. Nah, the person I have to tip my cap to is Dubya. Even with the blood dripping down your face, you had the presence of mind to toss a Faberge Egg in the ring to knock me out. So I wanna get a piece of that, Dubya. Because I want you to go home tonight knowing that I am the better man. 

Dubya stands forward with a cackle on his face.

Dubya Leverington:
JJ, I have made it my life’s work to eliminate these minimum wage pieces of garbage with real men and women — people with over seven figures in net worth, a college degree from a Top 30 university, and a Rolex on each wrist.

Cristiano laughs as he holds up each of his Rolex-clas wrists. 

Dubya Leverington:
And I can’t think of a better way to start than by eliminating you, Dixon. You’re on.

The crowd starts to cheer.

JJ Dixon:
Well, I got a stipulation. Because you tend to take shortcuts to win. And I want no question or excuses — tonight, you’re going to have to lay down on the pillow of your luxury suite, with Caitlyn telling you like she does every night… and that you’re not as good as JJ Dixon. Whoever wins has to win by 2.

Before Dubya can even consider, Caitlyn responds.

Caitlyn Kinsey
Oh, we accept, JJ. 

Teri smirks.

Teri Melton;
That cake belongs to us, Kinseys. And All Ye Faithful know why that is. It’s because —

The Gems all make their DiamondHands, followed by throngs of fans who are about to say…

Teri Melton (and audience):


Welcome back to the action and coming up next, we have the returning Aaron King in action when he takes on BRAZEN member Jeff Ness! 

We saw Aaron King come back after a six-month layoff thanks to a shoulder injury caused by Nathan Eye - a man that he once put out of competition that led to… whatever Nathan Eye is doing now with M4NTRA. 

He got in the face of Mil Vueltas during his interview talking about our big Mexico show coming on DEFtv 192 in a few weeks. King called out Mil and challenged him to a match next week. Tonight, he’s looking to shake off some ring rust. Let’s go to ringside for the next match! 

To ringside we go where BRAZEN star Jeff Ness is already in the ring, adjusting his red backwards cap and flinging a yo-yo. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first… already in the ring from Fourside, weighing in at 184 pounds… ”EARTH BOUND” JEFF NESS!

The kid points two fingers on each side of his head and yells out “PK!” before doing a spin kick to mid-air. He poses for the crowd and then waits for the opponent to arrive. 

♫ "Godzilla” by Eminem feat. Juice WRLD ♫

The new theme plays as lights swirl in shades of red and blue hues. Out comes Aaron King, looking drastically different from when he was last seen in early January of this year. Wearing black tights with one line going down in red and another in blue, The Pensacola Playboy comes out and starts rapping to the fast-paced theme while talking trash to the camera. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Pensacola, Florida, weighing in at 231 pounds… he is ”THE PENSACOLA PLAYBOY” AARON KING!

The Floridian points at the camera in front of him and starts directing a message to a certain someone…

Aaron King:
Hey, Mil! Watch this! 

He runs to the ring and then slides inside before looking down at Jeff Ness and scoffing at the big video game dork in front of him. King even inches closer and piefaces Ness! Ness tries to get in his face, but referee Jonny Fastcountini tries holding them back. The junior official of DEFIANCE gets ready… 


Ness starts running at an oncoming Aaron King, but The Pensacola Playboy beats him to the punch with a big running clothesline! He rotates his shoulder to show that he’s all better from his layoff and then eggs on the Portland crowd to jeer him some more. 

The Pensacola Playboy coming out of the gates in a big way with that clothesline! 

And now he’s all over Jeff Ness! He’s stomping away at the Earthbound fan! 

King continues to get out six months of pent-up aggression out on Jeff Ness with a few stomps before he picks him up by the back of the shorts and tosses him outside the ring. Once Ness crashes to the protected mats on the outside, The Pensacola Playboy looks around and then points to the Portland Faithful. He speeds off the ropes and then CRASHES right into Jeff Ness on the outside with a big suicide dive! 

King on a mission tonight! He’s been trying to get back to active competition for the past few months and now that he’s here, he’s got a point to prove. 

But he can’t get too aggressive. We’ve called plenty of matches that turn on a dime because opponents get too overzealous and it can cost them. 

King picks up Ness and then slams him up against the railing. He leans back and SMACKS him with repeated elbow strikes! The shots rain down on Jeff Ness until he King gets bored and wants to punish Ness some other way. He flips him around and then slams Ness by the back against the ring apron. 

And now he’s targeting the back! Where’s he going next? 

King grabs Ness by the trunksn and chucks him back inside the ring before following him back inside. The Pensacola Playboy paces around the ring and takes his sweet time milking the jeers of the crowd. He goes over to Ness’ corner and then takes his baseball cap and starts wearing it backwards… 

Aaron King:

…Then delivers a swift boot against the head of Ness! He gets jeers from the crowd as he takes the hat, starts wiping it in a place hats are not meant to be wipes and throws it out of the ring like trash. 

And King doing himself no favors tonight. But he’s listened to the wrong people and you get the sense he’s still trying to find himself. He worked for Arthur Pleasant once. BFTA promised him the world. And when neither of those things panned out, he’s all on his own. 

This brash attitude of his doesn’t make him friends with anyone else. 

After making himself laugh, King grabs Ness. who has been beaten to nothing. He grabs him by the arm and then yanks him across the ring. Unexpectedly, Ness is able to slide under the ropes and go out to the floor! 

Uh-oh! Ness fighting back! And now he’s daring King to come out and fight. 

Angry that his opponent is still showing some fight, The Pensacola Playboy takes the bait and slips to the outside, but Ness is able to slide back in to the ring first. King realizes he’s been had and then climbs back up the ropes, only for Ness to hit a big dropkick that knocks him over the ropes! King stumbles to the outside while Ness has finally scored with some offense, but he’s too beat up to follow up right away! 

Jeff Ness fighting back and looking for a big upset over a main roster member tonight. Can he follow up with anything?

Ness goes to the outside ring apron and then jumps to the middle corner before he takes flight with a quick moonsault to the floor!

He calls that the PK Starstorm! He just wiped out King with that move! 

The Earth Bound Kid raises his hands up and gets cheers from The Faithful! He grabs King and with some effort, slowly gets him back into the ring. Ness climbs through the ropes and as King tries to sit up, he gets nailed with a running penalty kick! 

And there’s the PK Fire! Cover by Ness! 



King kicks out at two and sits up, but Jeff Ness feels the crowd energy fueling him forward. He grabs King by the head.

And this one is called the PK Brainshock, a modified brainbuster… no! Aaron too strong! He blocks! 

King grounds himself and then punches Ness in the stomach several times to break the suplex attempt. Once he stuns him, he grabs the arms and then hoists him up in to a double arm backbreaker that nearly rips him in half!

Oooh! That might be it! King just DRILLED him with the double underhook backbreaker! 

And I think he realizes this as well! 

King snatches Ness up by the head and neck… then SPIKES him down with a big flying neckbreaker! 

Appropriately enough, that’s his new finisher called King Me! That’s gotta be all!

The Pensacola Playboy connects and casually goes for a cover. No hook of the leg necessary. 





♫ "Godzilla" by Eminem feat. Juice WRLD ♫

The Pensacola Playboy leaps up and then points up to the sky before climbing out of the ring, not even letting Jonny Fastcountini raise his hand. 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… AARON KING!

Decisive victory here tonight by Aaron King! He’s now looking forward next week to Mil Vueltas and if he can stop the momentum put on by Mil since he took on his new name, that would be a heck of feather in his cap. 

But right now, Aaron King celebrates in style!

King turns back to the camera near him as he heads backwards up the ramp. 

Aaron King:
You can “just look up” at me when MY hand’s raised, Mil! 

The Pensacola Playboy speeds to the back to resume whatever party he was partaking in before the match as the show moves elsewhere. 


We’re off to a great start here tonight in action and up next, we’ve got Strong AF looking to try and pick himself up after being ousted from a short-term relationship with Team HOSS. He takes on an UNCUT favorite in “The Frontman” Nicky Synz in action here next! 

Nicky Synz has been fighting for a big win lately, but Strong AF wants the very same. It’s the speed of Nicky Synz against the power of Seattle Strongman up next! 

And now to the ring we go with Darren Quimbey in the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first… 

♫ “Good F***king Music” by Solange (covered by Synyster Sledge) ♫

Nicky Synz, your favorite rock star and mine, emerge through the curtain to a nice positive reaction using a new theme song! Synz’s long blond hair ripples in the wind as he headbangs along with his theme song. On his way to the ring, he continues to headbang and slap the outstretched hands of some of the younger fans in attendance. 

Darren Quimbey:
…From Los Angeles, California… weighing in at 216 pounds… he is NICKY SYNZ!

Synz is on the apron, playing a little riff and rocking out, before he enters the ring. He jumps up the top rope and plays a little more guitar for the people and then hands off his signature Flying V to a person at ringside. 

♫ "Watch Me" The Phantoms ♫

The lights start to go dark and in moments, they give way to green lights flashing in tune with the drum beats of the music. Wearing a dark green towel over his broad shoulders, green thigh-length trunks with a white AF logo on the front, he marches with a golden plate on a pedestal at the entrance. He smirks, and then rubs his hands in the bowl full of weightlifting chalk before THROWING it up in the air in a cloud!

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… From Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 267 pounds… he is ALLEN FOSTERS… STRONG! A! F!

The Seattle Strongman rubs his hands together and then starts heading towards the ring with intent to hurt somebody. He stomps a foot on the steps, hits the bicep flex, then heads up the steps. Strong AF enters the ring and the first thing the young powerhouse does is bump shoulders with Nicky. 

The disrespect of Strong AF. He’s been on a losing streak and looking to shake it off tonight.

The Seattle Strongman yells at Nicky Synz to bring it. Rex Knox calls for the bell… 


Synz locks up with Strong AF… then gets SHOVED to the ground quickly! Strong AF holds his hands up and gets jeered by The Faithful off the bat!

Strong AF making some bold proclamations here tonight, but he better focus on Nicky Synz in front of him and shut out any outside. 

Indeed. Allen Fosters is a very powerful man. Physically, he’s as good as anybody. Champion powerlifter before he got into wrestling, but it’s up to him to best utilize those tools. 

The Seattle Strongman goes to pick up Nicky Synz and CHOPS him with a nasty shot across the chest! He flexes his muscles to show off his biceps, then CRACKS him a second time! He gets doubled over against the ropes, but doesn’t get to hang on for too long before he gets whipped across the ring and then shot up and high into the sky with a huge back body drop! The Frontman clutches his back in pain after the big throw while Strong AF slaps his chest and laughs at his own handiwork. 

What a throw off the ropes! The back body drop just sent Nicky Synz in the sky! 

The former powerlifter and bodybuilder is looking good right now! He picks up Nicky again… 

He holds him and THROWS Nicky down with some extra oomph with a body slam! The slam has Nicky writhing on the mat, but The Seattle Strongman picks him up a second time. He hoists him up and then DRIVES him down to the canvas! A quick cover follows. 



Nicky kicks out! 

Relatively simple moves there so far by Fosters, but he’s using that power expertly. The Frontman hasn’t even gotten out of the starting blocks where offense is concerned!

Synz picked up… OOH! Hammer throw into that corner! 

Synz is WHIPPED quickly across the ring and into a corner. Shivers go up his spine and then an explosive clothesline hits him across the chest! Synz goes down in a heap and now The Seattle Strongman is starting to show rising confidence in his words before the start of the match. 

That hammer throw and that big clothesline! Strong AF now has Nicky Synz up on his shoulder. Where’s he going to take him?

With tremendous force, The Seattle Strongman charges forward and RAMS Synz into the corner. A powerful shoulder thrust follows! Again and again and again! He takes four separate shoulders to the midsection and now he gets taken up in the air for a military press! 

Nicky Synz is up and what goes up… 

Strong AF hoists him up several times to show off his strength and then sends him crashing to the mat face and body-first! 

You know the rest!

It’s clear Strong AF wants to make an example out of the gutsy Nicky Synz. Regardless of win, lose or draw, Synz has never given less than 100% in that ring and never makes any match easy for his opponent. 

Strong AF hoists Nicky up and goes for another whip, tossing The Frontman into the match! He collides with the corner quickly and when Strong AF sees his target, he charges at the corner… but Nicky sidesteps it, sending Strong AF crashing into the corner!

Ooh! Strong AF gets posted… and it’s followed by a schoolboy!



The former powerlifter scrambles to kick out just before the two-count. He gets back up and swings for a crazy clothesline, but Nicky Synz ducks and keeps going at the ropes, only to come back with a flying forearm smash that sends Strong AF staggering back! 

Nicky scores with the flying forearm smash, but the powerhouse remains on his feet! 

Back to his feet with the quickness, Synz charges off the adjacent rope and then pelts a stunned Strong AF with a second flying forearm smash that rocks him and sends him back to the ropes. Nicky fires him and The Faithful are with him as he charges off the ropes a third time! Strong AF is there to meet him and catch him with a big body slam… but Nicky leaps over and lands on his feet. He doubles over Strong AF with a standing side kick to the gut, then leaps to the nearby middle rope for a springboard back elbow that knocks him off his feet! 

There we go! Strong AF gets knocked off his feet by Synz! Can The Frontman follow up?

Nicky rolls back to his feet and tries regaining his bearings after being pummeled around the ring for this match. He charges at the corner and hits a corner back elbow before rolling out of the corner in quick fashion. Nicky rolls to his feet to hit a corner spear that knocks the air out of Strong AF and doubles him over in the corner!

And there’s Double Platinum! And he usually likes to follow that up with some sort of big move out of the corner! 

With Strong AF stunned, Nicky leaps over the ropes to land on the apron. He turns to face Strong AF then leaps back over to hit a slingshot sit-out facebuster!

And he nails it! Innovative facebuster variation by Synz! He turns the big man over and shoots the half!




Strong AF powers out with his legs! He’s holding his head, but still in the match which Nicky can’t believe. Nicky looks out to the ropes and quickly slips through to the ring apron. 

Flying V! Can he get it! 

Nicky Synz jumps and tries to hit the springboard senton bomb… but Strong AF moves! Nicky rolls back to his feet and turns around, but Stronrg AF CATCHES him in midair and turns it into a big spinebuster!

That was a great counter! The ring just shook on that spinebuster! And right into a cover, too!




Nicky kicks out and Strong AF now can’t believe it! He looks at Rex Knox and tells him that was a clear three-count! When Rex holds up two fingers, he shakes his head and then goes to hook him by the leg. 

Is the Deadly AF chokeslam coming up? He has put away several stars in DEFIANCE with it! 

Nicky gets picked up… but at the last second, he shifts his body weight by hooking Strong AF’s head and rolls him up! He picks the leg once he completes the roll! 

Inside cradle by Nicky! Cover!





♫ “Good F***king Music” by Solange (covered by Synyster Sledge) ♫

Strong AF kicks out a second too late! Nicky rolls out of the ring and looks SHOCKED even with himself! He holds his back with one hand after he brutal spinebuster earlier, then holds up three fingers with Rex Knox to make sure the count was right. Knox confirms this by raising his hand!

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… NICKY SYNZ!

I don’t believe this! Nicky Synz just defeated Strong AF! 

Strong AF scowls and starts striking the mat out of frustration! A match that by all rights, he should have won… he didn’t. 

A big win for Nicky Synz to get back on the winning track! But if you’re Strong AF, what do you do? How do you rebound? 

The Seattle Strongman is yelling at Nicky to get back and fight, but for Synz the fight is over and he won it. The Frontman celebrates on top of the ramp with guitar in hand now as he heads backstage to celebrate. 

A big win for Nicky Synz here tonight as the show rolls on! A little later, we have Ned Reform in action against Sgt. Safety, along with our main event! JJ Dixon looks to strike a blow against The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey by taking on Brayden W. Levrington in a match with a special stipulation we will cover later tonight!


She clicks on her patented light ring and starts her trusty old livestream. Teresa Ames smiles adoringly at her cam as she notices the amount of users watching her every move climb up and up and up.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
Hello again, everyone and welcome back to my channel! I’m just going to give everyone a few more moments before we get started to let everyone get in here.

Ames passes the time with some simple finger flutters and mindless babbling.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
Feels like old times. I haven’t done one of these ASMR sessions in what feels like a hot minute. So glad to get back at this and see my fan base grow exponentially.

The number of live viewers hits an all time new high for the Cute N QWERTY Gurl. She has a hard time holding back her smile.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
Oh my goodness. Look at how many of you are hopping on to watch me! I’m genuinely blushing right now! Hi MeteorMan777! I see you in the chat! How’s it going, EvelynEndsTheGame123? Oh that’s a pretty dress you’re wearing in that picture message you just sent, OptionalQueenDiamond! Such unique usernames too!

Ames is beaming with excitement as her livestreams used to only garner about a fraction of who she’s speaking to right now.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
Okay, okay! So I know all of you tuned in for some ASMR goodness and I promise to deliver a LONG session. However, I feel like while I have this platform, I must address something first.

Teresa readjusts herself in her Secret Lab gaming chair to get comfortable. Her pupils narrow with seriousness.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
Siobhan Cassidy. I hope you’re in the chat or watching this right now because this is a DIRECT message to you. Actually, it’s okay if you’re not watching right now. I’m sure someone within the Ames ASMR Army will send you the link, hun.

Ames takes a sip of her vitamin water from her frosted plastic cup and straw. You know, the kind the cool kids drink from.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
You little kink fink. You think you’re so smart. So daring. Such a big talker from a distance. Throwing pot shots from the safety of a pre-recorded segment set. Fitting. For a bimbo such as yourself.

The chat is busting off with snide bimbo remarks geared towards Siobhan Cassidy.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
Like, do you even train, bruh? I’m a legitimate wrestler and while I have taken notice of your namesake, last time I checked, it was only PAT who could ever get anything done in the wrestling ring but I digress. Siobhan, oh you’re a cutie no doubt. A certified hottie, but make no mistake about it.

Teresa slides in closer to the cam and microphone.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
I’m the crazy bitch who isn’t afraid to cut a hog. Cross me and feel my wrath. We can make a nice little ASMR session together where I cut your flesh and crack your bones for everyone to see. It’ll be fun and I’ll have even more people watching online.

She takes a breath to regroup.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
So. That said. There’s a challenge out there. You and me in a street fight on DEFtv 193.

Ames reaches off camera and pulls an electronic sign into view. She breathes heavily into her microphone as she taps the device before powering it on.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
I’ll let the sign do all the talking.

Text that reads “I ACCEPT” continuously scrolls across the screen, sending the chat into a supportive frenzy. Ames smiles. Then breaks into a whispering laugh.

Teresa Ames: [whispering]
See you there, sweet tits. Can’t wait to bust your ass in the streets. Haha.


We’re back at ringside, ladies and gentlemen, for more DEFIANCE action!

To the ring, where Sargent Safety stands. He’s already taken off his safety jacket and he uses the ropes to stretch in anticipation. Next to him stands Darren Quimbey.

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL… introducing first, already in the ring, from Chicago, IL… SARGENT! SAFFFFETY!

A healthy round of cheers for the cult favorite. Safety acknowledges them with a single pumped fist in the air.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… 

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Roland ♫


The Faithful begin to voice their displeasure as the house lights turn purple. From the back steps Ned Reform, dressed in all his glory in a sparkly purple robe. Around his neck is a yellow graduation-sash with the name of his Honor Society in black fancy lettering. Reform raises both arms in the air and does a little spin with a smile on his face. Behind him, dressed in suits and ties, comes the rest of the squad: TA Horrigan, TA Roosevelt, and TA Cole. Curiously, Cole is holding what appears to be a large piece of white cardboard under his arm.

Darren Quimbey:
…from New Haven, Connecticut… being accompanied by The Honor Society… NED! REEEFORM!

Reform, who is strutting to the ring, stops mid-stride. He looks into the nearby camera… in fact, he gets so close to it that his face fills the entire frame.

Ned Reform:
Doctor. Doctor Ned Reform.

He moves away from the lens and begins his march toward the ring. Horrigan makes a scowly face into the lens before it cuts back to the ring, where Safety is still warming up.

Ned Reform seems mighty confident tonight… a bravado, we should remind you, that seemed to leave him this past week when confronted by Bronson Box and company.

Despite having a four-on-three advantage, Ned chose a strategic retreat rather than confront the angry pair of Scots and Jack Harmen.

I’m not saying it wasn’t the right call. Just that Ned never seems to have a shortage of confidence, but Box’s words may have been a much needed reality check.

Reform takes position in the center of the ring. He again spreads his arms wide as he spins around, this time slower, really letting the Faithful take in all his glory. When his circle is complete, he shoots Safety a smirk and a shake of the head before removing his robe and handing it over the top rope to TA Horrigan.

Referee Rex Knox checks that both competitors are ready for signaling for the bell.


Both men begin to circle, eyeing each other and looking for an opening. Finally, they collide in the center with the collar and elbow tie up. They jockey for position for a few seconds before Ned suddenly loops around behind Safety with a hammerlock locked in. The Good Doctor seems quite proud of himself… that is until Safety reverses the move into a headlock! Ned cries out in annoyance as he tries to break free of the hold, but the best he can do is shove Safety forward into the ropes. On the rebound, the Philosopher King looks for a clothesline, but Safety ducks! The sarge hits the opposite ropes, and when he runs back toward Ned, Reform is there to meet him with an armdrag! Or he would be, but Safety is able to plant himself and Ned can’t get him all the way over. Safety leaps over his opponent and tries to an armdrag of his own, but Reform returns the favor by planting his feet and also not budging. Instead, Safety opts to fire a quick boot into Ned’s gut and leaps up, taking Reform down with a headscissor takedown!

Sergeant Safety starting off hot!

The second Reform hits the mat he rolls under the bottom rope and to the floor. The Good Doctor puts his hands on his hips as he marches around the ring, looking off into the distance and regrouping. Both members of Weighted Grade are there to tell him that he’s doing great… and Ned nods in agreement. Just as Knox is about to stop warning him and start the ten count, Ned gets up on the apron. He tells Knox to have Safety back up. An then he tells him again. And again. Knox gets up in the Good Doctor’s face, demanding that he get back in the ring… but when he does that, TA Cole reaches under the bottom rope and pulls Safety’s legs out from under him! Sarge hits the mat and NOW Ned enters the ring in a flash. He puts the boots to Safety as the crowd lets him know what they think about his tactics.

It’s clear Ned is training this crew exactly the way he wants… Cole KNEW what Reform was doing and got right into position to help him cheat.

The Sage on the Stage sends his opponent off the ropes and meets him on the rebound with a STIFF back elbow to the mush. He brings him back up and hooks him for a neckbreaker. Ned pauses for a few seconds to smirk before dropping Safety to the mat with the maneuver. Reform remains in a seated position and loudly claps his hands together for himself as he smiles at the ringside Faithful. He frowns when he realizes he’s not getting any love in return, and he gestures to Cole on the outside. Levi produces a large red sharpie and places the white piece of cardboard on the nearby timekeeper’s table. Cole begins writing furiously on the cardboard.

What nonsense is this?


Cole holds up the cardboard and we can see what he wrote in red lettering:


Reform smiles and points outside the ring as Cole marches around with the sign.

We’ve seen this before. Ned’s delicate ego takes great offense when any of the Faithful are on their phones during his matches.

He’s fighting a losing battle.

Ned spreads Safety’s leg apart but planting a boot in his… gut? Knox scolds Reform because it looked a little low, but Ned completely ignores him, instead opting to strut around the ring and smile and laugh at the angry Faithful. Ned leans on the top rope as he looks out toward a particular fan that we can’t see, but Reform mouths something to the fan that draws even more jeers.

Ned watches Safety, measuring the man as the world’s safest wrestler tries to compose himself. Ned goes to pick him up, but…

Safety with the surprise roll up!!

ONE! TWO! NO! Reform gets the shoulder up.

Ned, caught off guard completely, scrambles back to his feet… but Safety grabs the arm and falls to the mat with the falling arm breaker! Reform cries out in pain and gets back to his feet… and eats a Safety dropkick! The fans are cheering him on as Sarge whips Reform into the corner. Safety gets a head of steam and charges, but The Good Doctor leaps out of the corner at the last second and Safety meets turnbuckle. Reform grabs Safety by the head and leaps UP and OVER the top rope, guillotine Safety on the top rope Macho Man style!

Safety falls to the mat, holding his neck. Ned gets back in, and stalks around Safety, again riling up The Faithful by taunting them. He waits for Safety to get back to his knees before dropping him with a Fameasser! Ned leaps right back to his feet, smiling at the booing fans as he goes onto the apron and then climbs up to the top rope.

Reform looking to end it here!

Reform steadies himself on the top rope, stretching his body as high as it can go. He remains in that position on the top rope for a minute… he points to his big brain several times… and then flies off with the smooth as butter top rope elbow drop that he calls…


Ned covers!





The Honor Society jumps in the ring as Reform’s theme begins to play throughout the arena. Roosevelt Owens helps Ned to his feet before giving him a hearty pat on the back. TA Cole, grinning widely, approaches his mentor… and he hands over the red sharpie.

Wait… what’s he need that for?

As the fans continue to rain boos, Reform makes a big dramatic show of taking the cap off the red marker. He tosses the top of the market out of the ring before standing directly over the fallen Safety. And he bends down… writing a big fat “F” surrounded by a circle in red marker on the Sarge’s face!

That’s uncalled for!

I don’t think he’s going to be using any markers to write on Bronson Box’s face anytime soon!

The Honor Society link hands and strike a pose over Safety’s fallen form - now complete with big red F on his face. Reform commands them to leave the ring, and all four men begin to file out.

Reform has surrounded himself with a pack of wild dogs, and I’m afraid he might be more dangerous than ever.

As the Honor Society is making their way up the ramp…

Christie Zane:
Wait! Excuse me!

They walk right into the lovely DEFIANCE interviewer, Christie Zane. 

Christie Zane:
Gentlemen, may I get a word?

Reform’s theme dies out as she puts the mic into Bobby Horrigan’s face.

Christie Zane:
Mr. Horrigan… Mr. Roosevelt… this weekend, you became the NEW BRAZEN tag team champions! Do you owe this success to your newfound alliance?

TA Horrigan:
You damn right, Zane.

Reform shoots him a disappointed look.

TA Horrigan:
Sorry. That is… you are indeed correct, Ms. Zane. You see, Weighted Grade are on a roll. Weighted Grade just put the entire tag division in BRAZEN AND DEFIANCE on notice. And it’s all thanks to this man…

Horrigan motions to Ned, who makes an “oh, stop it” motion and feigns humility.

Christie Zane:
What do you have to say for yourself in relation to Brock Newbludd? While you did not cause his back injury, you certainly made it worse… and we’re hearing rumors that he in fact may have to hang up his wrestling boots forever because of it. 

Horrigan goes to answer, but TA Cole cuts in.

TA Cole:
These men have nothing to answer for, Christie. What happened to Newbludd is the hazards of being in this sport. He’s just like MV1… some people are just destined to lose.


Horrigan grins and shakes Cole’s hand. Zane looks disgusted… but now she turns to Ned.

Christie Zane:
And finally, Dr. Reform… I was wondering if you had any response to the words of Bronso…

Ned Reform: [interrupting]
This conversation is over.

Before Zane can say anything, Reform marches up the ramp and out of sight. The Honor Society, surprised by this, quickly follows.


We’ve gotten some clarity about this special Win By 2 match and what that exactly means!

It’s simple. The winner of the match must have two more deciding falls than his opponent — as in, 2 falls to 0, 3 falls to 1, 4 falls to 2 and so on!

And, another component to this match is that the brass have stressed they want to see as clean a match as possible, along with wanting to avoid any further violence between these two alliances. So, the rest of Your Uncut Gems and The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey are banned from the ringside area and, in fact, are not allowed to leave their dressing rooms for the duration of this match or they face a lengthy suspension! 

I think DEFSec is more thankful for that than anyone else! We have also been told that Benny Doyle has said he will award a fall and levy a fine against either competitor caught throwing an illegal punch. He is intent on making this an actual wrestling competition!

 ♫ Theme From Succession ♫

The familiar theme song comes out as Dubya smirks widely as the crowd boos. He has his fleece Finance Douche fleece on and hot pink shirts that read “The Company Men” in gold cursive on the rear. He walks up the steps, wiping his black boots as he does, before he steps into the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
Now coming to the ring, hailing from Highland Park, Dallas. Texas… representing The Eatate of Tabitha Kinsey… he is one-half of The Company Men and the only professional wrestler to have obtained a Master’s of Business Administration degree from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania…. He is Brayden Dubya Leverington!


The camera shows The Estate in their dressing room, with Tabitha sitting in the middle high chair with a cup of tea, Cristiano to the left applying moisturiser on his hands, and Caitlyn sitting down with a tray of sashimi at her side. Standing, ready to attend to the rest of the room, is Aurora Kinsey.

♫ Badlands by Bruce Springsteen ♫

The anthemic song blares with the crowd on its feet, clapping along. JJ walks out with his hair in his pompadour, some stitching scar in his forehead, and a sleeveless jean jacket with a patch on the back with the logo for Your Uncut Gems, along with black and silver long trunks. 

Darren Quimbey:
Now entering the ring, originally hailing from Houston, Texas… representing Your Uncut Grms… he is The Special Attraction J!J! Dixonnnn!!!

The music continues to play as JJ stands on the middle rope looking at the crowd. He rpumps his fist when Bruce sings “Bad-Lands” and the floodlights go off at the same time. The camera then shows The Gems in their dressing room — all three members sitting f together on a couch. Teri with black hair and silver netting and her silver gown, sits in the middle. Raiden and Reeves sit on both sides of her wearing their “DIE TRYING” hoodies.

How do you handicap this match, Lance? This is such a unique stipulation. 

It is reminiscent of an Ironman match in many ways, And we know JJ has a history of Ironman matches, having pulled out a last second victory in a thriller against MV1 back at DEFIANCE Road, a match that really put him on the mat. But don’t underestimate Dubya, who has improved so much under the watch of Tabitha Kinsey - and someone who will stoop down to any level to win!

Both men, sneering at each other, nod.

The scoreboard reads: Dixon 0, Leverington 0


Both men do not hesitate and go at each other, but JJ rocks Dubya with a knife-edged chop. Followed by another. And a third with a crack that echoes over a very loud arena. 

It is clear that JJ Dixon wants to not just beat Leverington, but he wants to physically hurt him! 

But JJ better be careful! He had a dog collar match brawl with Nathan Eye and came up on the losing end of that battle. JJ has become a great wrestler when he is out there wrestling freely, with his unique flair. But wrestling angry? That is not his strength.

JJ continues his chopping assault on Dubya, who has red marks and blisters on his skin. JJ is now telling Dubya to chop him. Dubya does once. And twice.

But they have no effect on Dixon!

Dixon then beats his chest like Tarzan and cups his hands with a “YOWWWWWWW!!!!!” that the crowd responds with in kind as Dubya looks flabbergasted. He hits a third chop, as Dixon shakes his head “No” and starts his chop assault again! 

Months ago, JJ was really hurt by barrages of chops from both Henry Keyes and MV1 in matches against both men. That led to Teri Melton changing his workout routine to a no-weights, all-body, endurance and function-focused approach. And you can see those results tonight! 

JJ his two more rifle shot chops, the last one sending Dubya falling to the mat and rolling to the floor hoping to take a breather. But JJ rolls out right after him. Dubya nervously runs around the corner and rolls back into the ring first, 

Leverington rams a knee into JJ as Dixon tries to get in the ring. 

Being the first into the ring after the action heads to the floor is so incredibly important! 

 Leverington rebounds off the far ropes and clocks JJ with a European uppercut!

Dubya has really learned how to deliver blows with his forearms over these past few months. Brayden is about 6’6” and has put on a good 20 pounds of muscle to fill out his frame - a European forearm is a great way to use his length and power!

Dubya then rebounds off the ropes —

Huge Texas lariat! 

Dubya then grabs JJ’s feet —

And now a giant swing!

Dubya swings Dixon around 10 times before dropping him hard on the mat. He then hops up to the middle turnbuckle and looks over his shoulder as JJ gets to his feet and rocks him with a twisting European Uppercut.


Great combination of moves there from Leverington.

As everyone knows, taking a big blow like that after being dizzy is not fun!

Dubya now goes to pick JJ up for a suplex but JJ somehow controls his body mid-air.

JJ flips out of the suplex attempt and hits the MBA with a cutter! 

Dixon then whips Leverington into the ropes and leaps high in the air —

The World’s Most Athletic Footstomp!

Then as soon as he lands JJ leaps again as Dubya hops on one foot —

Picture perfect dropkick that sends The Company Man over the top rope to the floor —

And as soon as JJ lands on the mat, he kips up and takes to quick pace and leaps to the top turnbuckle without needing to climb any ropes —

Dixon leaps off with a sky twist press that lays Brayden out on the floor!

Dixon may be the best athlete in DEFIANCE today, and that is why he is The Special Attraction!

JJ goes to punch Dubya in the head, but remembers Doyle’s warning. Instead, he stands up, smirking at Leverington before turning to the crowd who say his phrase with him as he holds up his DiamondHands.

JJ Dixon (w/ audience):

The camera cuts to the Gems dressing room, with all three on the edge of their seats, with JP Reeves clapping wildly. 

But with JJ’s back to Dubya as he primes the crowd, Leverington shoves JJ in the back with his boot. This sends Dixon flying into the ring post face first. Both are collecting themselves on the floor as Doyle begins to count. Dubya gets in first. JJ, wobbly, gets up and rolls into the ring by the 8 count.

Leverington in first and he just spat in JJ’s face! 

That sends JJ charging at Dubya, who backpedals so Doyle is stuck between him and the corner —

Leverington sticks his finger in JJ’s eye, and Doyle didn’t see it! 

JJ is holding his right eye, trying to regain his sense of balance. Dubya then hits him with a chop block to the left knee. He turns his DiamondHands upside down and grabs the legs —

The GemBreaker! Dubya hooks The GemBreaker and JJ has no choice but to tap!

Darren Quimbey:
The winner of the first fall of this match... Brayden Dubya Leverington!


The scoreboard reads: Dixon 0, Leverington 1

The screen cuts to The Estate’s locker room, where we see Caitlyn clapping and applauding, Cristiano holding up one finger, Tabitha with the slightest look of appeasement on her face while sipping her tea and Aurora standing like a robot.

JJ Dixon was wrestling angry -- and who can blame him! But gton took advantage of JJ’s emotions and used that to hook on The GemBreaker, which has been unbeatable! 

The Uncut Gems locker are despondent, especially with Teri pantomiming something frantically to Raiden.

Teri Melton:
I can’t figure out how they torque The GemBreaker. There has to be a way to reverse. 

Teri Melton is a wrestling savant. Her knowledge of this sport is at an elite level and she is beyond frustrated that she cannot figure out a way to counter that hold. It gives Tabitha Kinsey has and her troops an advantage in every single match!

And now Brayden Leverington is one fall away from winning this match... while JJ Dixon, as it stands now, would have to win three straight falls to have his hand raised!

But this is exactly why JJ wanted this “Win By 2” stipulation -- Dubya got the first fall by taking that shortcut, but how many shortcuts can he find in the course of one match? At some point, he’s going to have to actually win a fall fairly to get his hand raised tonight!

Dubya now quickly lays the boots to JJ, before picking him in a gut wrench suplex. He then gets up, rebounds off the ropes and double stomps on JJ’s ribs.


There’s that ruthless mean streak we have come to associate from The Company Men! 

Dubya takes the time to say something to the crowd while pointing down at JJ with a big smile on his face. He takes Dixon —

Falcon Arrow! But Leverington is taking his time for the cover —


If he wasn’t so impressed with himself he could have won this match!

Dubya picks JJ up over his shoulder and goes to lawn dart him into the turnbuckle but JJ slips behind and hooks on a full nelson —

Sunset Boulevard!

Dubya drops down to counter, but —

JJ blocks the counter and traps Dubya in a cradle!


The crowd erupts! The camera shows The Gems locker room, with Raiden exploding, Reeves up on his hands, clapping with his hands down low like a rabid college basketball coach, and Teri smiling on. Leverington’s mouth is agape in disbelief at how quickly the match has turned back around.

Darren Quimbey:
The winner of this fall... J! J! DIXON!!!

The scoreboard reads: Dixon 1, Leverington 1

That was the same exact counter JJ used to get an early pinfall against MV1 at their Ironman match! It just goes to show that he doesn’t need to execute his Sunset Boulevard for it to be dangerous.

There was also just a real lack of urgency from Dubya since he gained the first pinfall. That really showed his inexperience in a situation like that.

And his entitlement. He grew up wealthy and spoiled. When has someone who has never had to worry about anything in his life acted with urgency

But JJ’s not hesitating one bit! 

JJ wraps behind Brayden and hoists him up with a giant atomic drop —


Followed by a second while facing another section of the crowd (Boom!) and then a third (Boom!) and then a fourth!

The shockwaves of those four huge atomic drops send Leverington catapulting into and off the ropes —

JJ then picks Dubya up on his shoulders into a cartwheel Death Valley Driver. Without stopping, he hops to the middle rope and springboards off with a spinning leg drop.


We have seen that combination from Dixon before, and it never ceases to impress with how fluid he is!

Dixon whips the Wharton MBA into the ropes —

Pop up Inverted Atomic Drop! Dixon now with a Destroyer!

Threenooo! hops to the apron. 

Dixon measuring Brayden for his Wirehanger clothesline! 

JJ springboards to the top rope, but Dubya catches him in mid-air with a spear-like tackle that spikes JJ’s skull on the mat.

Leverington was an all-state linebacker when in prep school in Texas. He delivered that tackle perfectly! 

But Dubya isn’t going for the cover! 

Leverington has a clearly evil look in his eye, and rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair and slides it in the ring. Doyle starts warning Leverington against using the chair…

But he does anyways! 

Leverington just cracked that chair against the back of JJ Dixon! And he does it again! And again! Doyle calls for the fall.

Darren Quimbey:
The winner of this fall via disqualification… JJ Dixon!

The scoreboard now reads Leverington 1, Dixon 2.

But Dubya with a cover!


Darren Quimbey:
The winner of this fall is Brayden Leverington! 

The scoreboard now reads Leverington 2, Dixon 2.

Leverington quickly picks JJ up and under hooks the arms. He lifts him up in a spinning double-arm DDT.

He calls that the Paystub!


Darren Quimbey:
The winner of this fall is Brayden Leverington!

The scoreboard now reads Leverington 3, Dixon 2.

Brayden Dubya Leverington with a great piece of strategy there, sacrificing a fall via a chair shot disqualification only to retake the pivotal one fall lead shortly after.

The camera shows The Estate dressing room. Cristiano, still sitting, has a smug smile. Caitlyn stands up as she sips a sparkling drink from a champagne flute. Tabitha has eaten the canary.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Our plans went exactly as I thought they would! 

Caitlyn Kinsey:
Mom, how great has our strategy been tonight?

Aurora refills her daughter’s champagne flute and responds with her empty cadence.

Aurora Kinsey:
Mom always knows what’s best! 

The camera shows the Gems dressing room. Reeves is pacing around like a madman while Raiden sneers tapping his foot.

Teri Melton:
Damn it! Damn it! I told JJ to look out for that. Damn it to hell. 

It seems that even Teri Melton’s best laid plans aren’t working right now!

I just know that if she was allowed at ringside, she would have found a way to flip Dubya’s strategy against him. 

Leverington now takes his time to sneer at the jeering crowd. He then waits for JJ to slowly get up to his feet, where he then rebounds off the ropes and chop blocks Dixon’s left leg. 

Dubya turns his DiamondHands upside down for The GemBreaker!

Dubya grabs the legs, but before he can properly apply the hold —

No, JJ with a cradle!


Dubya has a look of disgust on his face and whips JJ into the ropes —

Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!

And delivered with perfection!


JJ Dixon is finding a way to survive!

Brayden lifts JJ up in the underhook position again.

Leverington looks for another Paystub — no! JJ backdrops him out of it. And he rolls Dubya up!


Brayden used his length to just get his foot on the rope at the very last second!

Dubya knees Dixon in the stomach and lifts him up --

Powerbomb! Right into the pin!


Dubya is screaming in Benny’s face about that being a three count.

And Leverington is growing more frustrated by the second. He’s not used to wrestling in a singles match at this level — and Tabitha Kinsey isn’t at ringside able to guide him!

Dubya is pacing around the ring trying to figure out what to do next as JJ is on his back, gulping for air. Dubya swirls his fingers around in the air —

He wants another giant swing like earlier in the match!

But as soon as he hooks JJ’s legs and lifts him up to begin —


The core strength needed to hit a DDT from that position is incredible. JJ Dixon is the real deal!

JJ now hooks the arms -- MOUSE TRAP!


Darren Quimbey:
The winner of this fall... JAY JAY DIXON!!!!

The scoreboard now reads: Leverington 3, Dixon 3

The crowd erupts at what they saw.

Uncut Gems! 
Uncut Gems!
Uncut Gems!

The camera shows The Gems dressing room. Reeves is still pacing around the back of the couch, pumping his fist like Tiger Woods. Raiden now also stands up. Teri’s just shocked.

Teri Melton:
Where did he get that from?

The camera cuts to The Estate’s dressing room. Caballero folds his hands over his face. Tabitha looks on sternly but without showing much emotion. Caitlyn stands up, screams, and slams her champagne flute on the floor. Aurora immediately goes to get a broom.

JJ Dixon tied it up with one of the damndest moves I have ever seen!

The DDT from a sit-up position like that is incredible. But I’m more impressed with him having the presence of mind to wrap Leverington up in that fashion. That’s not anything JJ was capable of doing even one year ago. Leverington’s frustration and inexperience got the better of him there, and he went to the well one time too many and Dixon caught him as a result!

Dubya gets up and goes for a big lariat, but JJ ducks under —

JJ has Leverington on his shoulders in a fireman’s carry — no, airplane spin! And now a forward fireman’s carry slam! Standing Shooting Star Press!


JJ calls his style “Old School Cool” where he uses these really old-fashioned moves to connect to a more state-of-the-art offense.And why not? Stick with what has been proven to work for decades!

JJ now picks Leverington up and drops him with a rib breaker. Then he stands him up quickly.

JJ hooks on an abdominal stretch - maybe to catch a breather.

Instead, JJ punches Dubya in the stomach, which hunches him over. JJ then spins Brayden so they are face to face —

Standing Spanish Fly! 


JJ being able to do these combinations in a match this gruelling says so much about his conditioning. But also, give it up for Dubya for his ability to survive this onslaught!

JJ whips Leverington to the corner. But Leverington puts on the breaks and hops to the middle turnbuckle and comes off with a crossbody —

No, Dixon rolls over and has Leverington up. STANDING MOONSAULT BODYPRESS!


The crowd has been living and dying with each of these moves. Now they all get up in a standing ovation for JJ’s run of the past few minutes. He’s also sucking up air, but is clenching his fists as the crowd roars.

The camera shows The Gems dressing room. Teri, Reeves and Raiden are standing up, hopping up and down like mad.

JJ now is on the apron, measuring up Dubya. He then springboard flips himself over the rope and in one motion delivers a BACKRAKE~!

Cat Scratch Fever! Into a roll-up!

But JJ rolls through and has Leverington up —

Running buckle bomb! Now he goes for a running kick over the top rope — no! Leverington dodges!

We’ve seen JJ use that running kick to set up Sunset Boulevard before! Dubya saw that moving coming and dodgest right out of the way.

The camera shows The Estate’s dressing room. Tabitha regains her position of confidence.

Tabitha Kinsey:
The benefits of film work, everyone. That’s why I insist you limit your time attending Taylor Swift concerts in order to scout your opponents.

Caitlyn Kinsey:
But I’m a Swiftie, Grandma!

Dubya now puts Dixon spread eagle on the top rope. He then climbs up the ropes.

Dubya going up to the top rope!

He’s not accustomed to this part of the ring.

But JJ slips under to the mat, and now stands behind a very worried looking Leverington.

JJ and Dubya both on the top rope — JJ hooks on the full-nelson! No, he can’t be! He’s looking at Sunset Boulevard from up there! He's facing the floor, not the ring!

Get out of the way, Keebs!

The crowd is buzzing as JJ and Dubya fall from the top rope and through the announcer’s desk, with Leverington taking the brunt of the fall face first!

Holy Shit!
Holy Shit!
Holy Shit!

JJ Dixon just rocked Dubya with his Sunset Boulevard finishing hold from the top rope through our table! Dear lord what a move! 

JJ has clearly gotten the best of Dubya these past few minutes, and he called his shot with an incredible high risk move! Let’s see if it pays off!

Benny Doyle comes out to the ring and begins the count. The camera now shows a three-way split-screen - the left side with Doyle counting on the floor, with The Gems dressing room on the top (all three on their feet, hopping like mad), and The Estate on the bottom (all standing, but looking like they are collectively about to vomit.)

Benny Doyle (w/ crowd):
8... 7... 6...5...

JJ is slowly getting up! Leverington is laid out cold. JJ is crawling to the ring!

Benny Doyle (w/ crowd):
4... 3... 2...

JJ is at the ring apron —

Benny Doyle (w/ crowd):


Darren Quimbey:
The winner of this fall... is JAY! JAY! DIXON!

The scoreboard now reads: Leverington 3, Dixon 4.

The Gems are jubilant, the three of them hugging each other as JJ finally has the lead! The Estate members are all clearly not enjoying themselves at the current moment with all of the signs of stress.

Leverington is still out on the floor! And Doyle resumes his count!

Benny Doyle (w/ crowd):
10... 9... 8... 

JJ was about to head back out to the floor, but he restrained himself! He’s just standing near the ropes, ready to pounce!

Benny Doyle (w/ crowd):
7... 6... 5...

Dubya starts to get to his feet. The Gems are glued while The Estate, especially Caitlyn, are screaming for Leverington to get back in the ring.

Benny Doyle (w/ crowd):
4... 3... 2...

Dubya now props himself to his feet at the ring apron.

JJ is screaming at Leverington to come into the ring, gesturing for him to do so with both his hands. Dubya starts to pull himself up, but..

Leverington falls back to the floor! He falls back to the floor! He’s going to be counted out! JJ’s going to win! JJ’s going to win!

Leverington can’t gut it out! 

Benny Doyle calls for the final bell.


Darren Quimbey:
The winner of the fall... and the first to get two more deciding falls than his opponent... the winner of the match...

The scoreboard flashes the final score: Leverington 3, Dixon 5 followed by “Gems Win! Gems Win! Gems Win!”

Go crazy, folks! Go crazy! JJ Dixon pulls out the win for Your Uncut Gems with a move for the ages!

The crowd is on their feet, with almost everyone making The DiamondHands! The camera shows The Gems storming out of their dressing room in jubilation.  Dubya is laid out on the floor and starts crying, with JJ leaning over the ropes to taunt him.

JJ Dixon:
That’s right! Cry more! Cry more! Stay down!

JJ then quickly rolls out of the ring and looks towards the top of the ramp, where the wedding cake is stationed. Reeves and Raiden are the first to come out, both hunched over and clapping rapidly like a college basketball coach! Teri comes out next, pointing at JJ with a big smile on his face. JJ then does a bit of The Fargo Strut before he leaps up to his teammates, who all join him and pound on the top of his head like he just hit a walk-off home run in the MLB playoffs. 

Uncut Gems!
Uncut Gems!
Uncut Gems!

You have to feel good for JJ Dixon tonight! He was publicly humiliated in what he thought was going to be the best night of his life. Last week, he was forced to suffer a truly cruel loss by tapping out to his now former fiance! But tonight, JJ gets some semblance of payback against The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey!


The camera shows The Estate’s dressing room, which is now empty. The Gems continue their celebration, with JJ standing in the middle, gesturing with his hands to the crowd!

JJ Dixon:
Uncut is our house! This is our house! Uncut is our house! 

The camera shows The Estate’s dressing room, which is now empty. 

The Gems continue their celebration, with JJ standing in the middle, gesturing with his hands to the crowd!

But then, from behind, comes Cristiano and Caitlyn, who blindside Reeves and Raiden to the floor. JJ turns to see them, which gives Dubya a cheapshot. 

And Tabitha has Teri by the arms!

Tabitha is holding Teri, while whispering something dreadful in her ear. 

Then Caitlyn and The Company Men hold up their 10 fingers, their backs to the cake, Teri and Tabitha.

They’re going to give Teri a 10-K into the cake! They are the sorest losers I can ever remember seeing!

But just as they start, Teri spins out of Tabitha’s grasp and pushes her forward, with Dubya and Cristiano not realizing —

They just gave their own manager the 10-K through the cake! 

The crowd erupts laughing as the snobby, upper class one percent snob has fallen entirely through the cake and the table it sat on, as she pops up with her face full of icing. Cristiano is the first to realize, and then Dubya. Caitlyn’s back is still to the entire scene as she trash talks a fan.

Raiden with a Yakuza kick to Caballero — and Reeves drops him with a leg sweep face first onto Tabitha! Now JJ has Dubya — Sunset Boulevard onto the remnants of that cake! 

Caitlyn hears the cheers of the crowd and finally figured out something bad (for her) has happened. She turns around and sees Teri Melton directly in front of the scene, with Teri waving her fingers at her.

Caitlyn charges Teri —

Caitlyn goes for a spear, but Teri does a full split (!!!) and ducks underneath Caitlyn, who then flies onto The Company Men and her grandmother. And standing behind the entire scene, laughing just a little bit, is Aurora Kinsey who then clicks back into servitude and attempts to clean some of the scene.

And Your Uncut Gems, on the show they over the months have claimed as their sandbox, have gotten back at The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey. Teri Melton is having her cake and eating it too!

Teri runs some of the icing off of Tabitha’s face and licks it off her hand. She turns to the crowd and arches her eyebrows. JJ and NDR make their DiamondHands and the crowd knows what’s coming next, with each member of The Estate slipping and falling back down into the remnants of the cake behind them. 

Teri Melton (w/ crowd):
Teri Melton! Is Ready! For Her Closeup! 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.