DEFIANCE TV 193 Night 2

21 Sep 2023

Crown Coliseum, Fayetteville, NC (seats 8,500)


♫ “DEFY” by Of Mice & Men ♫

Fayetteville, NC welcomes DEFIANCE as the Crown Coliseum is hyped for DEFtv 193! Pyro explodes from the top of the rampway as the camera reveals there's a giant FIST logo to walk out from and the DEFIatron above the entrance.

Signs and excitement, as always, are everywhere!


The scene goes to ringside, DDK and Lance Warner!


For those who missed last week’s Uncut, we saw more drama! Tabitha Kinsey thought she had the upper hand when she revealed that she knew the identity of her granddaughter Caitlyn’s father — who turned out to be Zoltan, a founding member of Your Uncut Gems, and Teri Melton’s ex-husband! 

Cut to Zoltan’s surprise emergence when he waylays The Gems from behind as a smirking Tabitha looks on, Caitlyn wearing a tacky shirt that says “Daddy’s Girl” in bedazzled jewels.

Tabitha Kinsey thought she pulled her most vicious chess money yet, as Zoltan explained the “why” — a mixture of the financial comfort the Kinsey family is now providing him, along with anger at Teri Melton for bringing in NDR into The Gems as the duo caused Zoltan to need neck surgery from a match months ago!

It was clear that Tabitha thought this would cause a divide between her daughter, Aurora Kaye, while causing further damage to the psyche of Teri Melton. But a heartfelt apology between both Aurora and Teri backfire as they now stand United against The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey!

Teri and Aurora have their triumphant hug.

And now, we have a special announcement about these two factions!

♫ “Hurt” by Johnny Cash ♫

The famous acoustic guitar and baritone of Johnny Cash’s cover starts as the screen reads NO SURRENDER!

Darren Quimbey: [V/O]
For months, Your Uncut Gems and The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey have been at war -- a war where no side dares to take any prisoners!

Various clips of their bloodfeud - Caitlyn Kinsey breaking a vase of JJ Dixon’s head, JJ Dixon putting Brayden “Dubya” Leverington through a table after a top rope Sunset Boulevard, Cristiano Caballero hitting a beautiful slingshot springboard moonsault, JP Reeves leaping off the DEFiatron, Caitlyn wrapping a chair over Aurora Kaye’s skull, Tabitha Kinsey ripping out Teri Melton’s earring, Teri with a shaved head and a look of madness as she strangles Tabitha, DEFSec trying to pull away both sides with everyone bloodied in a chaotic ringside scene.

♫I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that’s real♫

Darren Quimbey: [V/O]
There is only one way to settle a war this vicious, this vicious, this diabolical!

There’s a clip of one wrestling ring side by side with a second. Then two welders, sparks flying from their equipment, working on a steel cage. There’s a forklift in a warehouse with ladders, with a second carrying a series of tables. Then there is an elderly Japanese man holding a kendo stick and finishing sanding it off by hand.

Finally, there’s a shot of the assembled cage, with two empty rings enclosed, scattered with ladders, tables and kendo sticks.

Darren Quimbey:
A 30-foot high reinforced steel cage! Two-rings! Weapons! WITH NO SURRENDER RULES!

There’s a shot of old black-and-white tanks and the like firing weaponry.

Darren Quimbey:
The first two combatants from each side will battle for five minutes. Then, the side that has gained the pre-match advantage will have their next entrant effort. Three minutes later, the next combatant for the second team will enter the ring. This will then alternate until all eight combatants are in the ring... AND THEN THE NO SURRENDER MATCH BEGINS!

A giant white flag flies over the battlefield.

Darren Quimbey:
This match will continue until one of these combatants surrenders or submits.The only way to escape this brutal tool of destruction is by waving the proverbial white flag! NO SURRENDER!

The song and commercial end. The shot goes live to Fayetteville. On the stage stands a series of DEFSec members, Jamie Sawyers, and a table separating Tabitha Kinsey (in her WASP tweed power suit) and Teri Melton (in her silver-on-silver gown and shawl) staring daggers at each other, both with leather attaches filled with legal documents before them.

The crowd is chanting already.

Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Holy shit!

Jamie Sawyers:
Yes, folks, you heard correctly. Your Uncut Gems and The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey will settle their epic feud in a NO SURRENDER match. And later on this evening, NDR and The Company Men will have a rematch from Maximum DEFIANCE where all other parties will be barred from ringside. The winner of this match will gain the man advantage for this match… And due to the importance of this outcome…

Dramatic pause.

Jamie Sawyers:
And it will be 2-out-of-3 falls!!!

There’s a cheer from the crowd in anticipation.

Jamie Sawyers:
Due to the violent nature of this match, and the escalating brutality between these two groups, the Favored Sons have ordered that the leader of each stable must publicly sign a contract that will not hold DEFIANCE responsible for anything that may occur in this match! DEFSec. Now, I understand that each woman would like to say something to the other before the contracts are signed. I, on behalf of this company, just ask you do your best to remain civil. Ms. Kinsey...

Tabitha shoots a dirty look at Jamie Sawyers. She remains seated, speaking into the microphone set up in front of her.

Tabitha Kinsey:
For years, I was kept from my granddaughter, Caitlyn. But I knew from my contacts, from what little I was able to see, that she was a woman of courage, ambition and infinite potential. She just needed someone to guide her. To bring out her utter ruthlessness. And I was gifted the chance to finally enter her life where I could shepherd her into greatness where, along with the scintillating talents of The Company Men, we could one day dominate DEFIANCE. But, most of all, I wanted to leave to Caitlyn the empire I already built. She will one day inherit all I have gathered in my life. She will sit on the throne I crafted. She is why I arrived and she and the success of The Company Men will be my legacy!

There are boos from the crowd.

Tabitha Kinsey:
It’s a shame, Teri Melton. I knew my daughter, from the time she could talk, was not capable of taking on the responsibility of my empire. But then you appeared in my life. You called me your hero. Your role model. You asked -- BEGGED -- for me to take you under my illustrious wing, to show you all of the dark magic I mastered, for you to one day rule over all. Teri Melton, you were the first one I deemed worthy to take on my mantle.

Teri sits back, still staring daggers.

Tabitha Kinsey:
But you ultimately revealed yourself to be weak, Teri Melton. You gave up after a so-called “tragedy” sent you into a dark spiral. Then, dramatically, you reemerged here in DEFIANCE one year later like the fiery phoenix of legend! I was so excited! I could not wait to see you return to form, to see the mirror image that was my former protege reigning supreme! But instead...

Tabtiha makes her “tsk-tsk” face.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Instead, these people... the wretched refuse that calls themselves The Faithful... started to cheer for you! And you embraced their cheers! You fought for these people instead of recognizing them for what they truly are -- the replaceable cogs in the capitalist machine that people like me -- and literally me -- control. By choosing these people you proved yourself not only unworthy... but a woman with the qualities of one who sleeps in a gutter. You let me down, Teri. Tt has been a thrill to make your life a living hell. And it will be the joy of a lifetime of nothing but joy to see the look in those eyes of yours when your Gems surrender.

Tabitha sits back in her chair with her snob chuckle on her face. Teri adjusts her posture.

Teri Melton:
That is all so interesting, Tabitha. But let’s have an honest chat about all this, shall we? 

Tabitha flexes her eyebrows.

Teri Melton:
I know you and your “Lovey” Caitlyn fancy yourselves fans of literature. Well, I’m a fan of the classics, too. F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote “There are no second acts in American lives.” Let’s address my life, Tabitha. I was the most dominant manager of my era. Then... well, my personal tragedy hit me... and I died inside.

Teri’s eyes well.

Teri Melton:
One year ago, I arrived here in DEFIANCE, with a plan in place to take this company by storm. And I did. I came, I saw and I lipped off to everyone I damn well wanted to. I told everyone that me and JJ and NDR were not just damn good, but we were great, and we weren’t coming in the air tonight, that we were already here. I offered no respect to the established hierarchy on here. Nobody -- NOBODY -- wanted us here. But we didn’t just stay. I didn’t just become the 2022 Rookie of the Year. I became a damn icon. And Your Uncut Gems? Well... we’re not just good. We’re not just great. We are the god damn best.

A sea of DiamondHands flies in the air with Teri’s braggadocious claim.

Uncut Gems!
Uncut Gems!
Uncut Gems!

Tabitha sits rigid.

Teri Melton:
But it’s not just that. Because I built THIS --

Teri snaps her fingers and the lights in the arena go out and a spotlight shines on the table. Flecks light up at each chair, and fans hold up their cellphone lights.

Teri Melton:
And I have the entire damn world saying (as she bats her eyes) --


There are cheers as the arena lights come back on fully.

Teri Melton:
We kicked down the doors. We broke through the windows. We stole the show. And just like I have to so many people this past year... I proved the great F. Scott Fitzgerald wrong. My second act is like no other. 

Tabitha adjusts her seat a bit as the crowd cheers.

Teri Melton:
History is written by the winners, and there are only a few winners in professional wrestling, and they absolutely suck at writing history. It’s a shame -- and I truly mean this -- that your illustrious career is forgotten about. You were even better than you say you were. You reigned supreme over this industry. If there’s one thing I hope the fans learned these past few months -- and it pains me to the core to say this --  you deserve everyone’s respect. You are as manipulative, as evil, as awful as it gets.

A few fans clap. And the heels among us even chant “Kinsey” faintly.

Teri Melton:
I say this because there is a monster of a villainess that lurks behind these eyes of mine, and she is a villainess like no other. It takes all of my energy to be on the side of the angels, because the monster in me only comes out when I have lost control. And I am very, very, very close to losing control, Tabitha. You have made my life a living hell these past few months. Because that is why you are here. You did not come back for your granddaughter. You came back to try and destroy me.

Tabitha rolls her eyes.

Teri Melton:
Because you waited for the phone to ring, hoping someone remembered you and would ask for you to come back. Then you saw what I built, what I created, and you stewed... You want to take what I made,, Tabitha... Caitlyn’s just your tool. I’m why you’re here. And I’m going to tell you right here, right now, to your face that  The Estate leaves with nothing at No Surrender. And, I also will tell you…

Teri lets out her wicked smile.

Teri Melton:
That you are nothing more than a shallow, sad, pathetic jealous cunt.

Jamie makes an “OH MY GOD” face at that language, as do many people in the crowd. Tabitha stews in her chair, as the truth stings. Then the crowd processes what they heard.

Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Holy shit!

Teri Melton! (clap clap clap clap clap)
Teri Melton! (clap clap clap clap clap)
Teri Melton! (clap clap clap clap clap)

Jamie Sawyers:
Okay, enough, ladies. Please. I beg you. No more language that will get us kicked off of several networks and streaming platforms. Let’s make the contracts official, shall we. Ms. Kinsey?

Tabitha smirks.

Tabitha Kinsey:
I have one final amendment I’d like to make. Teri, you and your peons refer to yourselves as Your Uncut Gems. You claim UNCUT as your sandbox. It’s my understanding that UNCUT 148 will be a live, special event at the Tom Gola Arena in Philadelphia. There is nothing -- nothing -- I would like to do more than to laugh in your broken face seeing your soldiers admit defeat at the show you hold so dear to your heart... while we take your sandbox from you.

Teri smiles widely.

Teri Melton: 
Tabitha, my dear... We will gladly accept those terms.

Tabitha laughs.

Jamie Sawyers:
Okay, Ms. Kinsey, Teri. We will add in that stipulation and have it notarized later. Shall we sign?

Right before Tabitha signs --

Teri Melton:
I’d like to add a stipulation of MY own. 

Tabitha sits back and flinches, not expecting this.

Teri Melton:
If you are to somehow, by some miracle, make us surrender in that cage at Uncut?

Teri smiles. 

Teri Melton:
My Gems? They’ll leave DEFIANCE for one year. They can go to BRAZEN. Or Japan. Or Mexico. Wherever they want -- just not here in DEFIANCE. And me? 

Teri’s smile becomes evil.

Teri Melton:
I will quit professional wrestling forever. I am willing to wager one year of the professional lives of The Gems and my entire career and legacy... if you’ll do the same.

Tabitha’s face drops.

Tabitha Kinsey:
I... I haven’t had time to review this with my legal counsel. I’d --

Teri Melton:
What’s the matter, Tabitha? Afraid that your soldiers aren’t up for the task? [Dramatic pause] Afraid that your precious lovey Caitlyn isn’t up for the task? 

Tabitha snarls at Teri after that dig. She snatches the pen and signs.

Tabitha Kinsey:
Fine, Teri. Fine. You’ll get what you want and you’ll get what you deserve.

Teri signs as Tabitha sits back.

Tabitha Kinsey:
There is absolutely nothing I will enjoy more than sending your Gems to professional ruin. I’ll also gladly send you into retirement. Then you can cry all you want about what I did to you while you wait for the day you can die and go see the dead son you failed --

At that insult at her deceased son, Teri flips over the table and knocks Tabitha’s chair over. She immediately starts flailing away as DEFSec jumps on the two of them. Tabitha gets up and kicks at Teri, who is still frothing mad. They drag each of the two women away immediately.


♫ “Hurt” by Johnny Cash ♫

The screen shows on one side YOUR UNCUT GEMS with JJ Dixon, JP Reeves, Raiden and Aurora Kaye, Teri in the front. THE ESTATE OF TABITHA KINSEY on the other with Caitlyn Kinsey, Cristiano Caballero, Brayden “Dubya” Leverington and Zoltan, with Tabitha Kinsey in the front.

The screen flashes:


There’s a shot of the cage with the two rings, ladders, tables and kendo sticks as the lyrics of the song play.

♫ And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way ♫


The scene opens to Conor Fuse sitting in the locker room looking at his cell phone as Tyler Fuse walks into the room.

Tyler Fuse:
So, are you rich yet?

Conor doesn't look up from his phone. Instead, he scrolls much more intently.

Conor Fuse: [nodding along]
Since I switched to QuestTrade, the lower fees are making a big difference.

Fuse's phone shows a bunch of bar graphs that look like they're in his favor.

Tyler takes a seat on the bench across the way. He pulls out his own phone.

Tyler Fuse:
Sounds complicated.

Finally, Conor looks up from his cell with a roll of his eyes and a deadpan expression.

Conor Fuse:
Please! QuestTrade makes it easy. They have different investing options, including QuestAll Portfolios, which they manage for you...

Conor's voice trails. He leans forward, with a concerned look rapidly spreading across his face. It takes Conor a moment, but he eventually speaks what's on his mind.

Conor Fuse:
You're not still investing with mom and dad's guy... [long pause, tilt head] are you?

Tyler doesn't say anything. He places his phone into his pocket and looks like he's SOL.

The scene fades to black and a voiceover.



And back to DEFtv.


We have a very interesting event going on back off commercial.

The scene shows Arthur Pleasant is already in the ring as his theme song dies down.

The boos, however, do not!

Pleasant has a lot of explaining to do. He’s literally said zero since he “bothered” Conor Fuse.

Well, mic in hand. Let’s not wait any longer. Hopefully!

Pleasant strolls casually around the ring, soaking in the jeers. Finally, he raises the mic.

Arthur Pleasant:
My turn, Conor.

Pleasant’s mouth goes wide with a sick smile as everyone in attendance lowers their boos a bit to hear what the Nightmare of DEFIANCE has to say.

Arthur Pleasant:
I sat there, like a good little boy, listening to you say your piece. Why? Why didn’t I clap back right then and there? Because I wanted to look you in the eyes while you talked. While you spewed your fucking garbage through that trash hole you call a mouth. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t really give a shit about what you said or what you could’ve said in the moment. Rather, I gave a shit about how you said it. To the one person you know can see through that veil of bullshit you shroud yourself in. Video Game Boy.

The Faithful OOOOOOH’s at this.

Arthur Pleasant:
I wanted to sit down with you and hear you talk to me to my face because I wanted to look you in the face and decide whether or not you are the greatest professional wrestler in the world. To your points? You’re a former Two-Time World Champion in High Octane Wrestling. That’d be fantastic if only being the Champion of the most toxic fucking people in the business was a triumph to behold here in DEFIANCE. If we’re going to measure dicks, then I could say I am one the greatest Iron Fist Champions in SHOOT Project history. A championship that you have to defend by competing in a Last Man Standing Matches. Over… and over… and over… until you feel like you have nothing left and then realize you have to defend it AGAIN on fucking fumes. I defended that title, cementing my legacy as one of the most prolific masters of violence in the business. I made that championship more important than anything I did in Japan that earned me the distinction of being a King of the Deathmatch. I made that championship more important than the World Fucking Title. But… do you think the Favoured Saints give a flying fuck about what we accomplish outside this bubble? If you do, then you’re more delusional than I originally thought.

The crowd is unsettled over this off the cuff speech from Arthur.

Arthur Pleasant:  
But now I’m the one digressing, Conor. I’m digressing because I’m responding. You know, the only fucking thing they know HOW to do in that shitty Chicago based promotion. Oops, AGAIN, I seem to digress. Back to the point, though. After everything you said to me, and chewing on that for two weeks now. Do I think you are one of the greatest professional wrestlers in the world?

The Faithful certainly think so.

Arthur Pleasant:
The answer is a simple and resounding… yes. Yes, I do.  

The crowd is shocked over this declaration, expecting Arthur to lean the other way with his opinion.

Arthur Pleasant:
I think you are better than that fucking fat piece of shit, Dex Joy; the FIST of DEFIANCE that’s supposed to represent this company who would be better off representing heart disease and diabetes. I think you’re lightyears better than Lindsay Troy; the overrated, self-aggrandizing old veteran bitch who thinks she’s as good as she once was when in fact she’d be nothing in 2022 and 2023 without a group of hanger ons to rely on being her safety net. How many idiots did she bring in only to see them get fired under her watch?! I lost count! I think you’re better than Rezin, one of the most beloved fan favorites who the Faithful desperately wanted to see reach the top of the mountain… only to see him fall entirely off of it into the rocks of obscurity below.

Pleasant finally pauses. Nobody knows how to react. You could hear a pin drop, it’s so intense.

Arthur Pleasant: 
I think you’re better than each and every one of those goddamn dickflaps that I just name dropped. But here’s the thing: so am I. I’ve actually beaten each and every one of those people. Yet, I am reviled. I am ignored. I am never put into any sort of title contention. Despite being undefeated for almost a year since I came back. I am only ever talked about in passing through some snide comment from some other DEFIANT that knows the hard truth about me; I don’t think I am the best professional wrestler in the entire fucking world… I KNOW I am the best professional wrestler in the entire fucking world!!

Get out of here.



Pleasant’s smile has disappeared. His eyes are almost bloodshot from the manner of intensity in which he’s been speaking.

Arthur Pleasant:
And if I KNOW I am the greatest person to ever lace up a pair of boots in this post-Katrina fucking DUMP, then that means… what I’ve thought about all along, has been wrong. Thinking that you are one of the best in the business has been a betrayal of my own mind’s doing. And now? I need… I need to set things right. I need to BEAT you, Conor. I need to destroy you in the middle of a wrestling ring. I need to take your “AWW SHUCKS IT’S THAT CUTE LITTLE CONOR KID!” identity and turn it to ash.

Arthur pauses as the twisted smile returns.

Arthur Pleasant:

Pleasant cackles and SCREAMS out at the audience.

Arthur Pleasant:

At this point, Pleasant’s nose starts to bleed. Rather than wipe it with his hand, he lets the droplets fall to the mat, cascading off of his sickening smile and pronounced pointy chin.

Arthur Pleasant:

Pleasant’s voice starts growing hoarse from literally screaming into the microphone.

And then without a theme music to play him out… Conor Fuse walks out from behind the FIST logo.

Fuse stands there, idly. He simply stares into the ring, at Arthur Pleasant, as the crowd begins their unwavering support.


Conor runs both hands through the sides of his head, combing his messy blonde hair back. His hands look a little unsteady as he does, but his facial expressions suggest he’s not significantly rattled, even if he is.

Fuse goes to speak, but realizes he doesn’t have a microphone so he walks over to the interview stage and after a desperate attempt to find something, Fuse comes across a microphone at the edge of the floor. He taps it a couple of times to make sure there are feedback noises and then raises the mic to his mouth.

Conor Fuse:
Arthur, you have selective listening.

Fuse probably means “selective hearing” but it’s clear his voice is cracking up, he is a little bothered by Pleasant’s words.

Conor Fuse:
I never once said my accomplishments in any other promotion I’ve been a part of… matter here.

The crowd rallies behind Conor but it’s also hard for them to do because Fuse is not his chipper, energetic self.

Conor Fuse:
A lot of the other points you made… I don’t have counter arguments. Well, I don’t think I’m as good as Dex Joy. I’m nowhere close to the legendary Lindsay Troy, she deserves “most” of her achievements. Regardless, I appreciate you putting me up there with them.

Conor takes a deep breath, as Pleasant watches intensely from the ring.

Conor Fuse:
I’m only now starting to come into my own as a main event player.

Fuse shakes his head.

Conor Fuse:
But dude, if you wanted a piece of me, all you had to do from the start… is ask.

The crowd continues to rally behind The Ultimate Gamer. Fuse has certainly been here before a few times, either struggling to find words or the full blown confidence needed to continue speaking, but it doesn’t happen often.

Conor Fuse:
My ACTS of DEFIANCE calendar is open, Arthur. You want to wrestle me and go up a level or two? Because you are certainly NOT the best wrestler in the world.

Fuse agrees with that statement by nodding over and over again.

Conor Fuse:
Back in High Octane, I never did trust you. I knew it was only a matter of time until we faced off against each other. You think you can handle me, buddy? I guess we’ll see…

I respect Conor’s response and I’m certainly cheering for him, but I don’t know if HE believes what just came out of his mouth.

Arthur Pleasant tucks his mic into his armpit and rubs his hands together. Soon after, he pulls the mic to his face.

Arthur Pleasant:
See you at ACTS.

Pleasant drops the mic and stares coldly at Conor Fuse, while The Ultimate Gamer shrugs and walks to the back.

Well, there you have it! Conor Fuse and Arthur Pleasant for the first time ever at ACTS of DEFIANCE in Philadelphia.

Philly is a hard nosed crowd, but they aren’t stupid. Nobody’s getting behind this idiot who’s leaving the ring right now.

DEFtv goes elsewhere.


The issues between M4NTRA and the Lucky Sevens have been blowing up since after Maximum DEFIANCE! On two occasions, the Lucky Sevens have lost matches thanks to Nathan Eye and his metal-plated book being used against them. Mason lost a match to Nathan’s tag partner, Declan Alexander, then the Sevens lost in Mexico to the PCPs for the first time ever, losing out on a shot at the Unified Tag Team titles. 

Tom Morrow was deadset on his own clients not fighting each other, but the Sevens weren’t listening. Mason Luck basically threatened Tom Morrow in no uncertain terms to finally agree to a tag team match. Morrow has a vested interest in both sides. Declan Alexander is not an official BFTA client, but Nathan Eye has come around to see the strength of their team. They want to be the top team in BFTA - the spot that the Lucky Sevens have claimed since BFTA became an official group years ago. 

And tonight in a preview match, Nathan Eye will take on Mason Luck one on one match! Does Tom Morrow have a favorite team here? He seems to be a little conflicted after last week. 

The first thing people see is Tom Morrow coming out from behind the curtain to massive jeers! 

Tom Morrow:
I’m not in the mood, North Carolina. The Panters are 0-2 so suck it. 


Tom Morrow:
But you know who isn’t? My first client … he is one half of the most enlightened tag team in DEFIANCE Wrestling and he is 251 Pounds of Pure Perseverance! He is … THE GOLDEN STATE GURU!!! NATHAN!!! EYE!!!

♫ "MANTRA" by Bring Me The Horizon ♫

The word darkens the arena bulbs and golden lights flicker to the pulsating intro from Bring Me The Horizon, now with gold and white lasers firing from the stage! As the scream kicks in the guitar riffs, Nathaniel Eye comes walking out into the Crown Coliseum with his metal-plated book, 251 Pages of Pure Perseverance raised high above his head. Following him out is “DEC4L” Declan Alexander, wearing matching “third eye” sunglasses and white with gold ring gear. The exciting pair share a fist bump as they walk to the ring. 

Nathan Eye looks confident as always, but tonight, he’s staring down the barrel of a pissed off Main Event Monster. 

M4NTRA have all the tools to be one of DEFIANCE Wrestling’s top tag teams, but look at the stats by The Lucky Sevens. They might be in a little bit of a slump lately, but these stats can’t be denied: they have five pay-per-view main events under their belt including DEFCON 2023 in one of the most violent tag team matches we’ve ever seen with Saturday Night Specials! They won in Madison Square Garden at DEFIANCE Road! Two times, Unified Tag Team champions! And they did it all with Tom Morrow at their side. 

Tom Morrow nods at his guys and then starts walking back up to the stage and to the back. Then he comes out again to more booing!

Tom Morrow:
Surprised to see me again, people? Well, too bad! I have lots of money making clients and sometimes, brothers fight! That’s all this is, so pipe down! 

Tom gestures at the stage. 

Tom Morrow:
Nathan’s opponent … he weighs in at THREE-HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN POUNDS OF MAIN EVENT MONEY! He is one half of the most dominant tandem DEFIANCE Wrestling has ever seen! He is one half of the MAIN EVENT MONSTERS … HE IS … MASONNNNNNNN  LUCK!!!




7 7 7

The stage lights up and flashes “JACKPOT!!!” all across the screen … 


♫ “Ecstacy of Gold (Bandini Remix)” by Ennio Morricone ♫

Mason Luck of the Lucky Sevens!!! Tom Morrow is at his side when the former two time Unified Tag Team champion starts marching to the ring. Max Luck is wearing a dark red business suit and sunglasses as he walks with his brother down the ramp. 

It’s a rarity we’ve seen BFTA members fight with one another, but tonight this one could get ugly quick. Mason Luck has always been the more angry and ill-tempered of the brothers. 

Mason climbs onto the apron. The Big Money Monster takes a step over the ropes and climbs right into the ring. The official gets between he and Nathan Eye and then rings the bell. 


Nathan Eye wants to keep things above board with his fellow BFTA member and approaches the center of the ring with a handshake. Declan Alexander watches at ringside with his partner holding his hand up to Mason.

Nathan Eye:
Sorry I called you illiterate. That was uncalled for and unenlightened, brother. Clean match? 

Mason Luck looks at his brother on the outside. Max gives him a belated thumbs up. Mason turns to Nathan. 

Mason Luck:
Clean match. 

Nathan shakes hands with Mason … and then catches a swift right hand from the big man! 

BFTA? Clean? When has that ever happened? Even to one of their own! 

The Golden State Guru is rocked by the big blow and then taken down to the mat with a running big boot by Mason! Mason lurks right over Natty Eyce’s body. 

Mason Luck:
Did your third eye see that coming, you dumb bitch?!

Tom Morrow finds himself trying to remain neutral out there, keeping equal distance away from both Declan Alexander and Max Luck outside the ring as all parties watch the fight unfold. Mason pulls Nathan off the mat and throws him at a corner. He picks him up and then leans his hands back…. CHOP!!! CHOP!!! CHOP!!! CHOP!!!

Mason Luck calls that Four of a Kind! He took that move from one of his former trainers now working in BRAZEN, Adam Roebuck of the House. Remember their bloody battle with The Lucky Sevens last year?

The students became the teachers that night, Darren. The Lucky Sevens won, then injured them both. 

With welts left on Nathan’s chest, Mason grabs Eye’s arm and then tries going for a scoop slam, but Nathan is able to slide free and land behind him. He shocks Mason Luck with quick right hands to stunt the big man! 251 Pounds of Pure Perseverance jumps off the ropes and a clothesline only stuns Luck but doesn’t take the Big Money Monster down. He runs again. Mason misses a swing, then another as Nathan ducks. When Mason tries another boot, Nathan slides under the boot and stands up behind Mason to greet him with a roaring elbow! 

Big elbow … but all that did was make Mason angry! 

Big Money Mase angrily charges ahead, but Eye uses quick thinking and pulls the ropes down first. Mason Luck goes falling over the ropes! He lands on his feet on the floor, but Nathan Eye is quick to catch Mason Luck out of nowhere with a sliding drop kick! Declan cheers on his tag team partner. 

Got him in the first half, no cap! 

Nathan Eye and Declan Alexander are two of the more complete wrestlers in DEFIANCE Wrestling today! Solid wrestlers, very athletic, very dangerous in singles and tag team action! Total blue chippers!

With Mason Luck rattled at the moment, Nathan Eye points to the “third eye” with a finger to his forehead and then he incredibly launches himself clear over the ropes with a no hands somersault plancha and wipes out Mason Luck on the floor to tremendous applause! 

Nathan Eye … getting … cheers? 

Likely more for that move than for himself as a person, but that was smooth! 

Nathan Eye stands up to dap fists with Declan, then points at Tom Morrow who tries to not play in to it to remain Switzerland in this issue between teams. Nathan Eye gloats to the hard camera near him. 

Nathan Eye:
Eyes on the Prize and you can jump as high as you want! 

With Mason struggling to stand, the Golden State Guru pushes Mason back towards the ring. When Mason starts to try and regain his footing, Mason goes to the top rope and then sails once again with a missile drop kick, putting two big feet right into Mason’s chest! 

Missile drop kick right on the money! Is that gonna do it?

One …
Two … 


Tom Morrow looks relieved, then when Declan looks his way, Morrow changes to a frustrated look that Nathan didn’t get the win.

Look at Morrow out there trying to appease everyone. But the Lucks have had their fill of Tom Morrow’s wandering eye with a team less proven than they are. Not to say M4NTRA can’t get there, but they don’t have the history the Lucky Sevens do. 

Yeah, that will come with time. Nathan Eye trying his luck … no pun intended … with a fireman carry?!

He tries to power the seven-foot monster from Las Vegas! The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful are shook that he has him up, but Mason Luck won’t give it the time of day. He slugs Nathan with a big right hand to the face as a counter, followed by a lift and then a huge atomic drop! Eye is stunned from teh massive move but things get worse quickly. Mason picks him up and plants him with a walking scoop powerslam! Mason remains on his knees and shouts out to anyone that will listen. 

Big mistake there by Nathan Eye! And Mason follows that up with a huge splash off the ropes!

Mason stands up and follows the walking scoop powerslam with a big standing splash! After crushing Nathan under his massive frame, Mason hooks a leg. 

One …
Two … 


A very powerful flurry of offense there by Mason Luck, but Eye somehow kicks out! 

Declan watches the match and hangs on to the metal-plated book that belongs to his tag team partner. Max Luck is on the other side of the ring yelling at Max to end the match. Mason smiles and gets loud jeers for holding up the Winning Hand! 

If he hits that Winning Hand slam, this one’s over! 

He gets ready to hit the move, but Nathan Eye is about up. Declan warns him that it’s coming and then Nathan fights off his grip! 

Nathan Eye might be one of the stronger men in DEFIANCE Wrestling, but can he counter the Winning Hand! 

Mason tries to apply it … but instead, he gets snapped and taken over with a t-bone suplex that sends the roof off the Coliseum! Nathan sits up and he can’t believe his own strength but he took Mason off his feet! 

How the heck did Nathan Eye do that?!

Even he can’t believe it! 

Nathan gets up and then decides enough is enough. He waits as Mason Luck starts to stand up but then gets him in a fireman carry before falling backwards with a samoan drop! Nathan gets up again and then looks behind him to make sure that Mason stays down before hitting a huge standing moonsault! That wows the Faithful but then he follows that up with a jumping senton across the ribs!

Third Eye Blind! Nathan told me today he named that move in honor of a life coach named Gregg! Shoutout to Gregg!

Nathan covers after the triple combo!

One …
Two …

That was close! Mason kicks out! Just based on big match success I would have called that an upset!

Nathan going to the ring apron now! Can he hit Eye’s Up Here? That spring board elbow drop has never failed him if he hits it! 

Nathan gets ready to fly, but he stops himself when he sees Max Luck trying to get in his business. Nathan shouts at him, but Declan makes the first move by jumping up on the steel steps and then flying at Max with a big flying somersault senton to wipe out the Beast of the Bright Lights first! Morrow cannot believe it and yells at Declan!

Declan Alexander just tried to keep Mason Luck at bay with that dive! 

Can Nathan Eye seal the deal tonight? 

Nathan jumps and hits the top rope! He flies … right into the grip of the Winning Hand as Mason sits up! 

No way! Mason Luck just snatched him out of the sky! This is not good! 

Mason Luck shakes Nathan Eye around and squeezes the life out of the Golden State Guru before lifting him up in the air and then bringing him down with the Winning Hand Slam! 

That is it! This one is done, Lance! Has to be!

Mason clutches the Winning Hand tightly on the face of Nathan Eye, serving as the pinfall cover!

One …
Two …


Declan gets pushed off by Max Luck but doesn’t see what just happened. Mason Luck has just defeated his tag team partner! Mason releases the Winning Hand on Nathan Eye and then stands up. He points at his hand and tells Tom Morrow to come raise it. 

Darren Quimbey:

Tom Morrow looks at Declan and Nathan, then has to raise the hand of his client. Mason has a smugly look on his face when Morrow acknowledges the win. 

A big win here tonight by Mason Luck! Nathan Eye gave it his all, but I think that hesitation from the fight on the outside made the difference. 

All Declan did was cut Max Luck off at the pass, but that was all Mason needed. A split second to turn this around. 

Declan rolls inside the ring to check on the state of his tag team partner and Eye clutches his book to his chest. Mason points at Tom Morrow and tells he and Max to leave. Morrow leaves with the twin tandem somewhat reluctantly but does enjoy the victory tonight. 

It’ll be a different story when M4NTRA locks up with the Lucky Sevens! What team will emerge as the top team in Better Future Talent Agency? We will surely find out at Acts of DEFIANCE!


Christie Zane is now backstage waiting on her guest for her scheduled interview. 

Christie Zane:
Ladies and gentlemen… up next, I’ll be having a word with a man who is set to defend his Favoured Saints Championship in just a few moments. And… 

She peers off-camera. 

Christie Zane:
Wait, here he comes now! 

Rounding the corner and stepping into view is none other than… 

Butcher Victorious:

Despite Christie Zane having the microphone an interviewer might be using, Butcher Victorious has his own usual burgundy-colored microphone (The Stick™), along with the coveted Favoured Saints Championship around his waist. Dressed in his new Vae Victis-colored gear, the exceedingly confident Butcher smiles. Behind him, the advocate for Vae Victis members, Sonny Silver stands at the ready. 

Butcher Victorious:

He tugs once at the title around his waist. 

Butcher Victorious:

Sonny Silver:
Let’s make this snappy, Christie, I got places to be tonight. What do you want? 

Christie Zane:
Well… my understanding was that Butcher here is not only issuing a challenge here… but again soon? Is that right? Butcher requested this time, so the floor is yours. 

Sonny is about to speak, but Butcher actually interrupts the speaker for Vae Victis! 

Butcher Victorious:
Hold on, Sonny Bear, BUTCH VIC’S GOT THIS! 

Before Sonny can tell him the ways he’s going to rip out his spine through his back, Butcher speaks up. 

Butcher Victorious:
Two weeks ago in Mexico, you saw what kind of a COWARD CHEAP SHOT ARTIST that Corvo Alpha is! He was sweating bullets at the thought ! Like, legit bullets! Cause Corvo knows he’d need a gun to stop me! Cause that or jumping me before our match starts are the ONLY ways he’d beat me…for THIS…  

Once more, another tug on his first singles championship in DEFIANCE.

Butcher Victorious:
And the way he’s been eyeing up my Belt Buddy Henry Keyes and OUR Southern Heritage Title, he’s up to no good! That’s why before we get to Acts of DEFIANCE… BUTCH VIC… is gonn GET… to FOUR defenses! I’m gonna defend this title against one bad mofo! He’s a former Favoured Saints Champion and I’m gonna show that tonight, I’m not someone to be messed with! Then Christie… 

Butcher points up. 

Butcher Victorious:
Next week, on our LIVE edition of UNCUT, I am defending and retaining this title for the fourth and final time against ANYONE who wants a shot at this! I will be ready to cash this in JUST IN CASE Corvo Alpha even THINKS about trying to take my Best Belt Buddy’s title! Henry Keyes is gonna vanquish that painted-up brute, then DEFIANCE Himself -- Oscar Burns -- is gonna bring back the FIST to Vae Victis! Then me, Henry, AND Oscar are gonna RULE DEFIANCE by holding all the singles titles! We're not just Belt Buddies! We’re gonna be Three Buddies with Titles! We’re gonna be a Title THROUPLE! Cause THROUPLE means three!

The room suddenly goes silent. Christie has a cringed looked on her face when she taps Butcher on the shoulder and Sonny is hiding his face off-screen. 

Christie Zane:
That’s… that’s not what a throuple is. A trio might be the word you’re looking f…

Butcher Victorious:
Don’t care. Later, boner… 

Butcher turns on his heel and leaves the set to head to the ring. Meanwhile, Christie looks at Sonny Silver. 

Sonny Silver:

The Silver Lining has no words for once as he walks off to follow shortly behind the reigning and defending Favoured Saints Champion in action… next! 


…Lance, say things. I’m… I’m still stunned by what I just heard. 

…Moving on! As you just heard moments ago… Butcher Victorious is looking for the admirable goal of getting to four defenses of the Favoured Saints Title! As our fans may know, four successful defenses will earn you a shot at the Southern Heritage Championship. 

Butcher has defied all odds so far not just by winning the title in a hectic Favoured Saints Four-Way match to win the then-vacant title, but successful defenses over “The Wise Ass” Tripp Wise and “The Texan Dragon” Jun Izuchi thus far. Tonight, he’s promised a third defense, followed by defending the title on our special LIVE UNCUT before Acts of DEFIANCE… but he’s gotta get through tonight in a former champion. 

All we know is that it’s a former Favoured Saints Champion. Some of the most talented people in DEFIANCE’s recent history have held that title including the former two-time FIST of DEFIANCE, Oscar Burns himself! Who will it be tonight? We go to ringside to kick off this title match! 

♫"Stranger Fruit" by Zeal & Ardor ♫

Two words occupy the super-sized DEFIATron:

V A E   V I C T I S

♫ Stranger fruit, how it grows and grows,
We all saw the shoot, but we tend to the rose… ♫

The smoke billows from the stage and the lights start to flash the familiar and eerie hue of red. Slowly, surely… Butcher Victorious comes out and “The Stick” and the Favoured Saints Championship around his waist! Walking him to the ring is, of course, the advocate for Vae Victis and its members, Sonny Silver. Brimming with confidence, Butcher marches proudly. 

Butcher inside the ring now as we start the introductions for this Favoured Saints Title match! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following singles match is set for one fall and it is for THE FAVOURED SAINTS CHAMPIONSHIP! Introdu…

Butcher Victorious:

The champion cuts off Quimbey! 

Butcher Victorious:

Then he rubs the Favoured Saints title around his waist with his free hand. 

Butcher Victorious:

Sonny Silver stands up to earn his paycheck. 

Sonny Silver:
Ladiesandgentlemen… yourchamp… ButcherVictorious… 

Butcher doesn’t catch Sonny’s dispassionate introduction and just wants to get whatever this is overwith. Meanwhile, Butcher waves his hands… 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… 


♫ “John Wick” by Why-S ♫

Boos turn to audible groaning as out from the back does come a former Favoured Saints Champion… but one of the ones of lesser repute. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from THE STREETS… weighing one-hundred-seventy pounds… he is THE BAD ASS GANGSTER… THURSTON HUNTER!

Hunter pops out from the back wearing a white undershirt and blue jeans. Ripped, of course. The Wannabe Thug starts strutting towards ringside like he’s ready to win back a championship. 

…of course something was going on here. I give credit where credit is due… Butcher has defied the odds recently, whether you like it or not… and Thurston Hunter is a former Favoured Saints Champion…

…who cheated his way to win the title, then shortly DECIMATED by Tyler Fuse mere days after winning it… 

With about as much confidence in himself as Butcher Victorious has lately, Thurston Hunter smugly walks into the ring. 

Thurston Hunter:
That title’s as good as mine, bitch. BRAP BRAP! BRRRRRRTTTTTTT! 

Butcher holds the title up and puts it near Thurston’s face before he backs up and then hands it off to referee Rex Knox. He holds the title up… 


Butcher Victorious thinks he’s fighting a tomato can opponent tonight and based on recent records, Butcher would be the favorite here… but Thurston cheated and had help from The Game Boy and ALMOST stole one from The Flying Frenchie! 

That’s right! Butcher better not be looking past Thurston despite his… unique life outlook… 

Butcher and Thurston go face to face and both men start talking their respective trash involving holding sticks and stupid gun noises. Thurston takes the first shot and piefaces Butcher, shoving him back a little. 

Thurston Hunter:

The Vae Victis member nods before he SHOVES Hunter back against the the ropes, almost knocking him over! 

Butcher Victorious:

Thurston offers a retort… by RUSHING at Butcher with a kick and a quick eye rake! He has Butcher stumbling and then laughs about it! 

After all that trash talk -- and I say that generously -- Thurston gets the first shot with a boot and the eye gouge! 

He points to his own head and runs at the ropes, but when he comes back… Butcher catches him off-guard by rolling forward and then gut-checking Thurston in mid-run with a rolling thunder into a lunging headbutt to the gut! Hunter gets doubled over while Butcher taps his head more enthusiastically to a mixed response from The Faithful! 

Butcher’s first variation of Using his Noggin! He’s been using these odd, but effective headbutt variations in his recent matches. 

Butcher becomes the aggressor and goes to town on Thurston with a number of stomps to the gut while he’s down near the ropes! He continues to attack while Sonny Silver is watching the match hoping this will all be over soon. Victorious continues to rain down the stomps to the body of Hunter until he gets threatened by Rex Knox! 

Wow… oh. I was gonna say, I was impressed by Butcher showing some fire tonight… but now he’s standing on the middle rope gloating. 

Sonny Silver screams at Butcher to focus and end this quickly, but Butcher is milking the moment now by standing on the middle buckle. 

Butcher Victorious:

Taking his eye off the ball allows Thurston Hunter to sneak up and powerbomb him off the middle rope before going for a quick cover! Sonny can’t believe it as The Faithful gasp and Thurston Hunter kicks his legs frantically for the cover! 





The Favoured Saints Champion kicks out after Thurston Hunter’s attempt to steal the title! Thurston points at Rex Knox and screams how he’s gonna fill his body full of holes if he doesn’t count to three! 

I can’t believe this… Butcher Victorious to this point has shown a halfway decent knack in between the ropes, but he’s getting perhaps TOO confident… especially considering Corvo Alpha attacked him around ringside just a few weeks ago. 

Thurston gets in Butcher’s face and then points two fingers at him while he’s down, jabbing them both in his forehead. 

Thurston Hunter:

Butcher slaps the fingers away, but Thurston retaliates by jumping up and stomping on his hands! Victorious howls in pain and waves his hands around while Thurston grabs him by the head and plants him with a DDT! Victorious now cradles his head and neck in pain while Silver is grumbling not-so-loudly about what he’s witnessing right now. 

I… I’m like Sonny. I can’t believe what I’m witnessing! 

Thurston Hunter waits as Butcher tries to get up in a corner. He runs full speed and then delivers a running chop to the chest. Butcher feels it for a moment as Thurston laughs and then points both fingers in the sky. 

Thurston Hunter:

More trash talk… and again, we use that term generously. 

Thurston turns to face Butcher again in the corner and charges, only for Butcher to get both feet up, sending Hunter to the mat!

Butcher makes a comeback! Can he wrap this one up?

Butcher takes a moment to shake out the cobwebs before he looks behind him just as the former Favoured Saints champion starts to stand, Butcher leaps to the middle rope and jumps backwards, crashing into Hunter with the Using Your Noggin II!

Using Your Noggin II! That uh… reverse springboard headbutt found it’s mark! Now where’s Butcher taking him?

After taking a moment, he stands up and grabs Thurston by the back of the head and THROWS him out of the ring, sending him smacking to the floor. Victorious looks out to the crowd and Butch Vic gets an 80/20 boo/cheer ratio going for him as he gets ready to run. He taps his head and then runs towards the ropes…


Butcher FLIES between the ropes and CRASHES with a head-first suicide dive! An enraged Butch Vic grabs Hunter and throws him quickly back into the ring. Sonny Silver BARKS at the champion to end the match now and Butch Vic nods. He looks out to The Faithful and then positions himself on the ring apron… 

Here we go… 

With a big leap, he hits a perfect springboard diving headbutt right into the chest of Thurston! The former Favoured Saints champion convulses after the hit! Butcher holds his head in pain, then crawls for the cover. 





♫"Stranger Fruit" by Zeal & Ardor ♫

After rolling away from Hunter, Butcher limps to his feet, frustrated but victorious like his last name might suggest. He gets handed his title by Rex Knox. Sonny has a look that reads “finally!” all over it as he grabs a microphone. 

Sonny Silver:
Your winner of whatever the hell we all just witnessed… but most importantly, STILL Favoured Saints Champion… BUTCHER VICTORIOUS!

Butcher stands over The Street Fighter and wipes his feet behind him before yelling out. 

Butcher Victorious:

Butcher Victorious… he’s one step away from reaching the promised land. Only a select few in DEFIANCE have made the claim to make four successful title defenses of the Favoured Saints Championship. 

Matt LaCroix. Kerry Kuroyama. Henry Keyes. Rezin. Can Butcher Victorious put his name among that list with his fourth and final title defense next week? 

Butcher struts out of the ring with the title around his shoulder with Sonny Silver right behind him, about ready to wrap both hands around this throat before the show heads elsewhere.


A closer look at the professional careers of YOUR favorite DEFIANTS!


Somewhere lost in the sprawling maze of corridors and hallways of the Crown Coliseum, a cameraman latches onto a booming voice and follows it down dark, winding passages. 

—you even listening to me?

Coming around a corner, we happen upon our FIST of DEFIANCE, Dex Joy, pacing before a figure seated against a wall, head hung low. Pause for a very loud response from the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful in the background. 

Dex Joy:
Pally … I’m not gonna mince words. It’s pretty damn-dang-darn hard to forget that you almost ended my career last year. Now we’re supposed to be making all that nicety-nice tonight to slap Burnsie and One Eyed Willie around the ring without trying to kill one another first? 

There is no response from the figure in the darkness. 

Dex Joy:
No, pally. Pour it out. Tell me how you really feel here. 

There is still nothing from the other end of the line. Dex just moves on. 

Dex Joy:
Okay, okay, okay. Maybe we just do yes or no questions. This ain’t about the dreaded “c” word in tag team wrestling with mismatched partners … This is a trust issue. Can I trust you long enough to not try and murder me and instead, we direct all that crazy, Big Dex/Captain Caveman Combo Energy at Vae Victis tonight? 

He waits patiently for an answer and is only met with a grunt. 

Dex Joy:
Okay … that’s a start. You made Oscar Burns tap out like Gregory Peck on speed. Now you wanna do the same to Henry Keyes. I want to finish what I started in 2022 and make Oscar Burns regret ever bopping me with a golden shovel and make him pay in 2023, the Year of the Era of Everyone. You help keep Keyes at bay and leave a little of Burnsie for me tonight. Can you do that?

As if to finally answer, Corvo slowly rises to his feet, leveling his eyes with those of The Biggest Boy for a long moment. Reaching down near his feet, we hear the slight shuffle of metal cans shifting on concrete before straightening back up. With his right hand, he smears a lumpy patch of red across his chest. With his left, from forehead to gnarled beard, he swipes a bright yellow mask across his face.

The painted monster holds his canary yellow left hand out to Joy, palm up, as if to offer the big man some yellow warpaint of his own.

Dex Joy:
Uh…. No. Thanks. I’m good. This face is too sexy to doll up with the war paint. 

He shoulders past the Everychamp before halting and looking over his shoulder. His voice is a low, gravelly growl.

Corvo Alpha:

Dex looks stunned that an actual word has come out of his one time rival’s mouth. Alpha eyes Dex. 

Corvo Alpha:
Save Keyes for me.

Alpha stomps off into the darkness, leaving Joy to ponder the interaction he just had.

Dex Joy:
Imma need a change of trousers after that. 



And coming up next is a tag team match where, if things were not bitter enough already, now have some very serious stakes for both teams! The winning team ensures their side a man advantage headed into next week’s blockbuster “No Surrender” match live on Uncut!

The feud between The Company Men and NDR began solely because both teams were so desperate to get a chance to get on DEFIANCE’s main roster! Now both teams are here. They’ve been tearing the house down for months. And now, one of these teams is going to enter professional purgatory! 

Making things even more interesting -- the fellow members of Your Uncut Gems and The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey have been banned from ringside and are essentially trapped in their dressing rooms be DEFSec! And referee Hector Navarro has also said he will personally review the match afterwards and any extracurricular shenanigans from either team will result in both being shelved!

There’s a split screen. On the left are Your Uncut Gems -- Teri Melton sitting in the middle of the loveseat, with a nervous looking Aurora Kaye on her right and JJ Dixon pacing behind her. On the right are The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey -- “The Matriarch” sitting in a chair sipping tea, with Zoltan in a big chair to her right and Caitlyn Kinsey pacing back and forth.

♫ Theme From Succession ♫

The boos reign down as the piano/drum play. “The Marketer’s Dream” Cristiano Caballero comes out first, putting the finishing dabs of moisturizer on his tan face, in a white jacket his white short trunks that say “Company Men” in hot pink cursive on the rear. Next comes Brayden “Dubya” Leverington in a matching jacket and matching trunks... and a microphone in hand!

Oh, buckle up! DEFSec is stiff refusing to provide The Estate with a ringside security escort, and I doubt these jerks have learned anything -- considering they did all they could two weeks ago to get us banned from Mexico!

Brayden “Dubya” Leverington:
Fay-Ette-Ville! North! Car! Oh! Lie! Na!

Cristiano pumps his fist with each exaggerated syllable as Dubya speaks with the cadence of a 1980s babyface. The crowd cheers due to the mandatory Pavolvian response.

Brayden “Dubya” Leverington:
I understand this city is a military town! Fort Bragg! Do we have anyone in the army here tonight? Do we have any veterans! Stand up! Stand up if you’re in the military or a veteran! Come on! They deserve your respect!

Cristiano implored active and veteran military personnel to rise, and a huge portion of the crowd does considering the presence of one of the world’s largest military bases located nearby.

Brayden “Dubya” Leverington:
Well, do you know what? I don’t respect the military. Because I think everyone in the military is nothing more than an absolute coward! Either active or retired... each and every single person in the American military is an embarrassment!

The boos, hatred and garbage cannot reign down fast enough.

Brayden “Dubya” Leverington:
Ohhhhh, you all know this is true! The only reason any of you signed up for the military is to escape your hellhole hometowns where the only future you had was taking over the single wide trailer after the meth dealer went to jail! None of you morons was even smart enough to get into a community college and those places of learning -- and I use that phrase very, very, very loosely -- are required by law to accept everyone! The only way any of you pieces of trash could better your lives was to enlist in the military so you could enjoy a few years hiding your erection as you scrub the latrine bowls while being yelled at by a powerful, older man! Like the daddy you never had!

Cristiano laughs as sodas, ice, god knows what and legitimate death threats come pouring down.

Brayden “Dubya” Leverington:
Ohhhh, I’m supposed to respect you and look at you like a hero! That’s the other reason why you enlisted, right? You all just want to take a short cut to being considered a hero! I see right through you all -- a bunch of little men who think you’re so big and important because Uncle Sam gave you a gun! None of you know what being REALLY important is! I do! Because I went to Wharton, the most prestigious business school in the world! Filled with people who matter! And do you know what they taught us the first day of business school? When you become the CEO of a company, and you have to cut costs, lay off anyone with any military experience because they’re nothing more than a bunch of mindless automatons who can’t do a damn thing right if it requires any level of brain activity!

The heat in the arena is best described as “exactly what you would think would happen if you were to insult military personnel at an arena that essentially adjoins Fort Bragg.”

Brayden “Dubya” Leverington:
Do you know what I do when I see a homeless veteran? I LAUGH MY ASS OFF! Because despite all of that excuse of a man’s attempts to be hailed as a hero without actually doing anything... HE STILL FAILED AT LIFE!

Cristiano laughs hysterically. The Company Men roll into the ring.

Brayden “Dubya” Leverington:
I can beat the hell out of any veteran in this arena right now! In fact, anyone want to try their luck? Huh? 

Oh dear god. Arena security is tearing people down from hopping the railing as Cristiano is holding the ropes open. Cristiano leans over another set of ropes and points at ringside to an older man wearing a hat listing his army unit with what appears to be his grandson next to him.

Brayden “Dubya” Leverington:
What about you, you old bag-of-bones? I’ll gladly take you down and then whip you with your own belt while your grandkid cries, not because of what I’m doing to you but because he’s finally in the presence of a real man! 

There’s also a live cutaway of The Estate in their dressing room with Tabitha’s lips reading “He’s absolutely right.” More people are at the railing, with garbage coming from everywhere.

At the last DEF TV, The Company Men essentially declared war on the entire country of Mexico! And tonight, they have decided to do the same against the American military!

I will give them credit. They do not fear death.

♫ "New Day Rising" by Husker Du ♫

The loud, fast punk blares with Raiden and Reeves sprint out, wearing their matching street style “DIE TRYING” black hoodies. The crowd erupts not just in fandom of them but also because of the repgunance of The Company Men!

And here come NDR! How do you handicap this 2-out-of-3 falls match, partner?

They have only had one match against each other without the presence of their managers — a time limit draw on Uncut that started this rivalry that has now become one of the most violent and brutal feuds we have ever seen! But The Gems have momentum from their dramatic win two weeks ago — and The Company Men no longer have the advantage of The GemBreaker after Aurora Kaye revealed the secret of how to reverse it!

Darren Quimbey makes his introductions, emphasizing the 2-out-of-3 falls stipulation!

Cristiano is on the apron, yelling and pointing at fans. Dubya’s head down as he plays with ring tape.. Reeves is on the apron, doing a “get up!” gesture to the fans while Raiden’s back to the ring as he fiddles with his hoodie. Hector Navarro calls for the bell!


Dubya charges with Raiden’s back turned but Raiden instead spins around with a picture perfect spinning backfist! Dubya goes out cold.

Raiden calls that Suddenly Last Slumber!

Raiden quickly covers and hooks the leg. Caballero’s back is still turned to the ring.


Caballero sees what’s happening and tries to dive through the ropes -


But Reeves hops over the pinfall attempt and sends Caballero to the floor --


Darren Quimbey:
And the winner of the first fall... Representing Your Uncut Gems... N!D!R!


The camera shows Caitlyn Kinsey throwing something as she rants behind the couch as Tabitha clearly has a migraine. In The Gems dressing room, Teri is beaming looking back at JJ, who gives her a reverse hug, with Aurora smiling and shaking her head at a well-executed plan.

The body language in The Gems dressing room is telling me that Teri Melton, even with all she has been through and how close she is coming to losing it, still has the remarkable ability to draw up a “set play” to her advantage! That was a set-up right from the start!

And now The Company Men are at a major disadvantage -- and a major hill to climb with a year of professional purgatory at stake next week, and the career of Tabitha Kinsey at stake!

And even smarter, Raiden dragged Dubya to his half of the ring, as Leverington’s bell was rung and prevents Caballero from entering the ring! 

Raiden throws Leverington into his corner and charges with a running knee to his chin! And Reeves quickly tags in --

But Caballero comes running in as Reeves starts to move through the ropes and rams Reeves to the floor, followed by a superkick to Raiden on the ring apron. Raiden had no idea it was coming, and falls to the floor. 

Navarro is warning Caballero, but The Marketer’s Dream does not care! He drags Dubya back to his corner, where he now tags in to become the legal man!

It’s just absolute desperation time for The Company Men right now!

Navarro is still screaming at Caballero for what he did, allowing Reeves to come with a waistlock --

The Man of 1,000 Suplexes is going for a German -- no!

Caballero lands on his feet!

Caballero is waving Reeves towards him -- no, drop toehold that sends Reeves chest first across the middle rope. Caballero now charges -- Tiger Feint Kick that sends The StarChild sprawling!

Caballero artfully slingshots himself to the apron and then quickly to the top turnbuckle.

Textbook frog splash! Where has this come from?

Caballero’s improvement in just these few months is absolutely scintillating!

No --

The StarChild just got his shoulder up. 

On the floor --

Dubya just ran around the corner and gave Raiden a vicious lariat, sending him to the floor!

Navarro, clearly with his hands full, runs to that side of the ring to scream at Dubya, threatening a disqualification. Dubya quickly gets on his knees and begs Navarro, keeping his attention.

Caballero quickly rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair and back into the ring!

Reeves starts to get up. Caballero knocks the chair on the floor to make a noise. Reeves ducks, thinking the chair is coming for his head. Instead, Caballero lobs the chair at Reeves who instinctively catches it! Caballero drops down like he was clocked with the chair!

Navarro turns around, thinking Reeves hit Caballero with the chair, asking the combatant if he did. Reeves angrily tosses the chair to the floor and puts his hands up proclaiming innocence --

Caballero with a roll-up with Raiden’s back turned!

With his legs on the middle rope! And Dubya, who is out on the floor, holds on to Cristiano’s legsfor leverage! Navarro has no idea!


Darren Quimbey:
And the winner of the second fall... representing The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey... The Company Men! We now head to a third and deciding fall!

The camera shows The Estate’s dressing room, with Tabtiha smirking wildly and Zoltan tapping her shoulder. Her Lovey, Caitlyn, gives Grandma a kiss right on the cheek. In The Gems dressing room, Teri stands up and stomps her foot in anger while JJ tries to console her.

And that looked like a designed play from The Matriarch, as Tabitha Kinsey once again shows her diabolical mind at work!

Also to note, in the early days of the relationship between Teri Melton and JJ Dixon, they pulled many similar traps on Caballero and Leverington! Caballero had hoped to join their partnership after teaming with JJ at last year’s Tag Party, but a poor showing by Cristiano led to The Gems going out of their way to embarrass Cristiano many times!

As if it could go any other way... we’re headed to a third fall to decide whether The Estate or The Gems get the key man advantage at the start of the No Surrender match next week on Uncut -- a match that has the highest stakes imaginable!

Radien rolls into the ring and stands next to his partner. The wildly smug Leverington now stands next to Caballero as all four start talking trash before they make their moves!

We have a hockey fight! All four guys slugging it out!

We all knew that at some point a brawl between these four was going to happen. I am surprised it didn’t start this way, to be honest.

Navarro is screaming at all four men to stop this brawling. The screen cuts back to each respective dressing room, with all parties standing up, rooting their sides on.


Navarro somehow gets in the middle of Raiden and Cristiano, each grabbing each other’s long hair, screaming he is going to throw the match out.

All parties were warned earlier that anything that gets too out of control will result in both sides being banned from DEF TV for one year!

Raiden pulls Reeves to the corner. Caballero does the same to his partner. And after some talk between each side, Dubya and Reeves will be the legal men. Before they lock up, Leverington rakes Reeves in the eyes, and then puts on a side headlock.

But The Top Chef pushes Dubya into the ropes and catches him with an elbow to the midsection! Reeves now hooks Leverington by the waist— Gutwrench Powerbomb!


JP is giving up 50 pounds in size to Leverington, but his technique is just so darn flawless that it more than makes up for it!

Leverington with a knee to Reeves. He whips JP into the ropes — no, reversal! Reeves leapfrogs over — Raiden meets Dubya with a kick to the chest that hunches him over the middle rope! 

Reeves sprints into the opposite ropes, somersaults over Dubya, rebounds off of his legs and then bridges back in a bridge!

The Kitchen Sink Suplex!


Caballero with the save! 

The screen shows the rest of The Gems hopping mad, thinking they had it won.

Reeves, amped up, walks right into an inverted atomic drop, followed by a jawbreaker. Dubya picks Reeves up —

He runs The StarChild into the corner and holds on — now he turns the other way. Texas Stampede Powerslam!


The speed and power done right there was remarkable! It is a shame that one of these teams is going to go to professional purgatory next week!

Dubys whips Reeves iinto the ropes —

Pop-up European Uppercut picks JP up in a double underhook —

Lifted, spinning double arm DDT —

The Paystub!


Raiden makes the save!

The Eatate are the ones hopping up and down in their dressing room. 

Caballero tags Dubya’s back, as Dubya picks up Reeves by the boots —

Leverington with the giant swing! Thee rotations! Four! Five — and Caballero times it perfectly with a slingshot shotgun dropkick right to Reeves’s head!


Raiden runs in to break the pin!


Dubya heads him off at the pass with a spear that sends Raiden to the floor!


The StarChild still gets his shoulder up!

Dubya quickly rags back in as Cristiano is screaming at him —

Caballero lifts Reeves up by his legs as Brayden times the assisted cutter perfectly! 

10-K! 10-K! Dubya hooks the legs!


Raiden, on the floor, drags Dubya from the pinfall position and under the top rope. He then knifeedge’s Dubya so hard Dubya almost keels over.

Raiden at the last second saved the day for NDR!

Navarro is trying to get Raiden to go back to his corner but —

Raiden holds onto Dubya’s head — up the ring steps, a foot off the steel post, and a spinning bulldog right onto the floor! 

Look out below!

From the sky —

SLINGSHOT HURUCANRANA  from Caballero to Raiden who is on the floor!

And we are not done yet!

Caballero picks Dubya up and the turn around —

Reeves is on the top rope — SHOOTING STAR PRESS TO THE FLOOR!!!

Reeves crash lands on both of them, and all four men are laid out in the floor! Navarro also rolls out, his mouth dropped.

There is a split screen of both The Gens dressing room and The Estate. Everyone is standing up, leaping up and down…

And so are The Faithful!

This Is Awesome! (Clap clap clap clap clap)
This Is Awesome! (Clap clap clap clap clap)
This Is Awesome! (Clap clap clap clap clap)

Raiden. Reeves. Caballero. Leverington. All four are in the floor. 

All four of these men are laying it all out tonight! Their careers, their reputations — everything is at stake next week, and a victory tonight is so incredibly important!

Reeves gets to his feet first, and rolls in the ring. Raise and Dubya get up next, with Raiden cracking Dubya with a side kick to the ribs, before rolling  The Whartom MBA into the ring.

Reeves has Dubya — arm wringer.

Raiden tags in and thrust kicks Dubya in the exposed arm. 

Raiden whips The MBA into a waiting Reeves — overhead toss into the corner! And Dubya is in the Tree of Woe! 

Raiden, with no hesitation, hops to the apron and springboards —

Double Footstomp onto Dubya!

What insane impact right to the jaw!

Raiden covers as Reeves cuts Cristiano off. 


Dubya got the edge of the nail of his ring finger on the bottom rope.

NDR literally came one hair away from winning this match!

The screen shows The Gems hopping up and down like mad, while Caitlyn is having a tempter tantrum as Tabitha and Zoltan look on intently.

Reeves turns to the fans and flashes his DiamondHands as Raiden tags him in. 

Raiden holding Dubya’s arm — short-arm jumping knee strike. He still holds onto the arm! He lifts Dubya on his shoulder —

He then falls back as Reeves catches him with an assisted bridging German Suplex!

A Bridge Too Far!

This is what they used to win their match at Maximum DEFIANCE!


Caballero makes a last second dive to break up the fall!

In The Gems dressing room, JJ literally falls to the floor as he watches. 

Navarro tries to push Caballero back to his corner —

Caballero just spit in Raiden’s face! 

That sends Raiden off! He runs at Caballero —

Caballero ducks down and pulls down the top rope! Raiden goes flipping over!

Raiden does a full slip, with the small of his back hitting the corner of the apron, sending him sprawling to the floor. 

Cristiano knows all about Raiden’s very short temper and exploited it at the perfect moment!

Reeves gets up —

Dubya with a chop block right to The StarChild’s knee!

Reeves screams in pain, , trying to get up as he bends over, which lets Caballero sidestep Navarro and hook a chicken wing into a DDT!

He calls that The Headshot, and it is an absolutely devastating move!

Caballero goes to the ring apron, holding the tag rope and reaching for Dubya, who squats and picks Reeves up on both shoulders like a Doomsday Device. Cristiano reaches and slaps his partner’s shoulder —

Caballero to the top rope — OH MY GOD!!!

Caballero leaps and catches Reeves in a Hurucanrana with Reeves on top of Leverington’s shoulders!

Absolutely incredible!

Tabitha sits in her chair regally while Caitlyn is running in place in excitement.

Caballero cradles the legs!





Darren Quimbey:
The winner of the third and deciding fall… representing The Estate of Tabitha Kinsey… The Company Men!!! 

Just like that, The Estate will go on to Uncut with the man advantage in the No Surrender cage match! One year professional purgatory awaits the losing team… and the careers of Tabitha Kinsey and Teri Melton are on the line! 

And you can give their victory tonight to an absolutely scintillating performance from Cristiano Caballero! Just a few months ago, he was seen as nothing more that a cowardly pretty boy! But tonight, even though I do not like his underhanded methods, with the stakes at their highest, he showed the world just how good — no, great — he has become! 

Dubys and Caballero limp/gloat up the aisle. Tabitha Kinsey comes out first, applauding her charges wildly. Zoltan walks menacingly behind her. Caitlyn obnoxiously skips and leaps into Dubya’s arms, who meets her with a giant tongue kiss!

The screen cuts to Raiden rolling into the ring to tend to his despondent tag partner. The camera shows The Gems dressing room. JJ just stares, his lips curled in anger, at the monitor. Aurora is nervously pacing. And Teri Melton sits and stares…

And then she begins weeping, hiding her face in her hands.




We’ve finally made it! We’ve reached this MASSIVE main event that will feature a preview for the two top championship matches taking place at Acts of DEFIANCE! 

It will be the Vae Victis team of Southern Heritage Champion Henry Keyes and the #1 Contender to the FIST of DEFIANCE Oscar Burns, to take on one of the most unlikely partnerships in recent times… FIST of DEFIANCE Dex Joy and one of his more brutal rivals, Corvo Alpha! 

As made official here on DEFtv, Corvo Alpha WILL finally get his hands on Keyes when they face off for the Southern Heritage Title! Dex Joy will look to keep the Era of Everyone alive by taking on Burns, the man who claims to be synonymous with DEFIANCE itself! We’ve heard from both teams, but now the time for talking is done. We’re gonna get right to the action on this one. Who is going to walk into Acts of DEFIANCE with the momentum on their side? 

Darren Quimbey:
The following tag team match is set for one fall and is your DEFTV MAIN EVENT!!! Introducing team number one … 

The arena lights darken. Beeping continues and then two words back up from opposite sides of the DEFIA-tron ... 


A time bomb graphic appears just below … three … two … one … 


That's all that is left … followed by a small 8-bit Dex Joy graphic … 



♫ "Undefeated" by Beacon Light and Tommee Profitt ♫

The camera is just behind the Biggest Boy as he makes his way out in his custom black sleeveless body suit with yellow and blue lightning patterns all around! Dex Joy holds up the FIST of DEFIANCE and and turns around … On the back, the words, “EveryChamp Everywhere!” are written in a lightning font! 

Darren Quimbey:
He hails from Los Angeles, California! He weighs in at three-hundred and eight pounds! He is your FIST of DEFIANCE!!!! “THE BIGGEST BOY” DEEEEEEEEEEEEX JOOOOOOOOYYYYYYY!!!!

Dex Joy met up with Corvo Alpha earlier tonight and talked through their previous issues. They won’t be on the other’s Christmas lists, but they will be united at least for tonight against common enemies that have tried to take them out in back to back shows. 

Joy walks to the ring and high fives and dabs fists with everyone on the way to the ring! When he gets inside the ring, he holds the title out for everyone to see. After his music and fanfare fade out Dex waits for the arrival of his partner. 

There! In the crowd!

The hardcam scans the fans before settling on a hulking figure stomping down the steps, surrounded by throngs of screaming Faithful, clapping him on the back as he passes. One particularly excited fan has somewhat-matching yellow face-paint. Corvo Alpha regards him, puzzled, for a moment before finding the ringside guardrail and vaulting over it to applause.

Darren Quimbey:
And his tag team partner… from Parts Untold… He weighs in tonight at two-hundred and sixty seven pounds… Call him CORVO!!! ALPHA!!!

Quimbey’s voice booms and echoes through the arena without entrance music to soak it up. Alpha’s trademark wild, wide eyes scan the arena before discovering his improbable tag team for the evening standing center-ring. With a snort, Corvo slides under the bottom rope and slides to rest on one knee, peering up at the EveryChamp. 

There’s history between these two men… but it seems as though both are prepared to put the past behind them to focus on dismantling Vae Victis tonight!

We see Dex’s lips move as he speaks to Alpha, who rises to his feet and finds a place slumped in the corner. Corvo seems to nod his head stiffly a moment before the lights cut out.


♫ dun dun dun.

dun dun dun.

dun dun dun.

dun dun dun.

ahhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhhh. ♫ 


♫ "Stranger Fruit" by Zeal & Ardor ♫ 

♫ Stranger fruit, how it grows and grows

We all saw the shoot, but we tend to the rose ♫


Dread. Dread and red beacons flooding the arena. Red Dread Redreadmption. And of course, the familiar text across the DEFIAtron:

V A E  V I C T I S

Shoulder to shoulder, the figures of “DEFIANCE” Oscar Burns and “The Kraken” Henry Keyes emerge from the smoky corridors of the entrance ramp, both men locking eyes hard with their opponents in the ring. Behind them, an overly eager Butcher Victorious nearly trips over some electrical cables before regaining his balance and throwing his arms around the shoulders of the two tall men in front of him. Not far behind, Sonny Silver steps out, beaming with pride and holding his signature Bob Barker mic in hand.

Sonny Silver:
Aaaaaaand in response to the Joker and the Deuce in the ring, behold - TWO ACES! Two men SYNONYMOUS with EXCELLENCE in the world of professional wrestling! The soon-to-be THREE TIME FIST, DEFIANCE HIMSELF, OSCARRRR BUUUUUUUUURNS, and the GREATEST SOUTHERN HERITAGE CHAMPION IN HISTORY, HENRYYYYYY KEEEEEEEEEEYES!


Cutting through the booing, we hear one piercing WOOOOO! - the camera pans to an excitable woman in the crowd holding up a sign reading “MOMMA MICK LOVES BUTCH VIC!”. Butcher Victorious points at the lady and cackles with joy.

Lance Warner:
For all the question marks surrounding the team of Dex Joy and Corvo Alpha, there’s no question about where things stand with the Vae Victis juggernaut. This is as cohesive a unit as they come.

If anything, when Dex Joy put Lindsay Troy on the injured list during their match at Maximum DEFIANCE, it only made these men more violent, vicious, and unhinged! There’s no question: they’re looking to gain every advantage they can going into their respective championship matches at ACTS of DEFIANCE.

As Oscar and Keyes make it to the ring apron, they do a rock-paper-scissors; on “shoot”, Keyes throws a cheeky middle finger to Burns and winks with his unpatched eye; Burns chuckles at “this fucking guy” as Keyes steps through the ropes. Turning his attention to the ring, Keyes sees the painted beast standing across from him, and that winking eye grows wide with frenzy as all jokes vanish from his face.


The second that the bell rings, Corvo Alpha goes right after Henry Keyes! He tries to get his hands on the longest-reigning Southern Heritage Champion in DEFIANCE history, but Keyes tries to fight him off first! The Faithful are a fever pitch just as both men lock up! 

Corvo Alpha has waited weeks for this! He’s been dying to get his hands on The Kraken since becoming the first man to tap out Oscar Burns at MAXDEF!

The two brutes continue exchanging fists until Keyes plays dirty and goes after the eye of Corvo! The monster lets out a pained howl when Keyes turns him to the corner to immediately tag Oscar Burns! The Vae Victis member climbs into the ring and both men start to pummel away at Corvo, battering him with strikes… but he fights back! 

Look at Corvo go! He’s trying to take the fight to both men! Two of DEFIANCE’s most decorated and dangerous!

He lays into both men! Right for Oscar! Right for Henry! Right for Oscar! Right for Henry! But when he tries to fight his way out of the corner, Burns SMACKS him with a big uppercut followed quickly by Keyes and NASTY Propeller Edge Chop! When Dex leasts expects it, Burns turns (and twists) his way to The Biggest Boy and knocks him off the apron with a jumping knee strike! He shouts instructions at Keyes, who whips Corvo quickly into an exploder suplex by Burns! 

Vae Victis had a gameplan! They just caught Joy and Corvo unexpectedly with this fast offense! 

Keyes gets the legal tag, then goes up top only to fly off the top with a HUGE diving knee drop right into the chest of Corvo! The former Favoured Saints Champion grunts when Keyes shouts at head referee Benny Doyle to hurry up and count!

Is that gonna be it already? Cover on Corvo!



Just as the hand hits the mat a second time, the primordial powerhouse kicks out! Keyes punches the mat in frustration!

Vae Victis coming out of the gate with a plan of attack against their two powerful opponents. Two of the most powerful at that! Now… wait, is he going to try and him him with the Coin? 

With Corvo still down, Keyes starts talking trash and then grabs a hand of Corvo, followed by the other. He looks like he’s going to try for the Coin knee strike combo… but Corvo FIGHTS out! He lunges up and CRACKS Keyes with a headbutt to break his grip before he can pull him in for the knee! 

No! Corvo escapes!

Dex finds himself in the strange position of cheering on Corvo Alpha when he NAILS Keyes with a massive spear! He tackles The Kraken and starts going wild with right hands to the head of the Southern Heritage Champion! The Faithful are losing their minds watching the former fan favorite gets what’s been coming to him since his reign began! 

Corvo going wild! Now he sees Dex wanting a tag. Is he going to get it? 

The EveryChamp holds his arm out with Alpha hovering over a battered Keyes. He looks at the hand… then gets the tag! The Faithful EXPLODE as Dex enters the ring and circles around Keyes before he turns around and knocks Burns off the apron as a receipt from the start of the match! Burns tumbles to the outside with Sonny Silver and Butcher Victorious checking on him. Corvo Alpha has a grin on his face as he waits for Keyes to stand, NAILING him with a spinning forearm shot, sending him staggering right into a jumping enzuigiri from The Biggest Boy! That’s the way The Kraken crumbles! 

Wow! Tag team synergy on display by Dex Joy and Corvo Alpha! I never thought I’d see the day after their brutal battles at the end of 2022!

Indeed. Now Dex with the cover on Keyes! 




The Southern Heritage Champion gets a shoulder up, but Dex isn’t through. He swings at Keyes and nails him with a big elbow smash… but Keyes staggers, only to fire back on Dex with a STIFF Propellor Edge Chop! Dex takes the shot, but fires back with another elbow! Another chop!

First time that Dex Joy and Henry Keyes have shared the ring since the Acts of DEFIANCE Tournament last year! They had one of the hardest hitting matches of that entire tournament! 

And picking up where they left off! 

Keyes fires another chop, but Dex gets his arms up to block and fires back with a big bicycle kick that nails The Kraken in the chest! He stumbles into a big body slam followed up with a falling headbutt to the chest by Joy! Henry holds his chest in pain as Dex goes to the apron and gets cheers from The Faithful! He gracefully LEAPS over the ropes with ease and crashes down HARD into a slingshot senton on The Kraken! 

Dex and Corvo in control now… but smart by Keyes! He rolls out to the floor before Dex can follow up for another pinfall attempt! 

Oscar is on the other side of the ring shouting for The Kraken to watch his back. He’s clutching his chest after the slingshot senton and trying to get away, but The Biggest Boy gives chase! Dexy Baby charges on the outside… 

Look out… NO! 

Dex Joy SLAMS a massive running clothesline, but he doens’t hit his intended target! Keyes gets shoved out of the way by Butcher and leaves the Favoured Saints Champion to take the proverbial bullet first! Butcher collapses on the floor as Dex looks around at The Faithful and shrugs. 

There’s Butcher taking a bullet for his… uh… Belt Buddy, I think was the term…

Wait, look at Keyes! 

Dex turns around, but Keyes is already on top of him and TACKLES Dex, ramming him backward into the nearby steel steps! The upper portion of the steps fall over from the sheer force alone! Keyes angrily looks down at Dex and stands over him. 

Henry Keyes:
I will not be made a fool of! 

I think after those attacks from Dex and Corvo, Henry is done playing around! 

Keyes completely ignores Butcher on the ground while Sonny Silver stands by and points at Dex, handing out gread advise to The Kraken such as…

Sonny Silver:
Smash his fat ass! 

The Southern Heritage Champion obliges and rams Dex’s back up against the ring apron! The EveryChamp is hurt but he can’t take any rest as Keyes throws him back into the ring and follows him back inside. He makes the quick tag to the man who refers to himself only as DEFIANCE and climbs into the ring. 

These two have met on two prior engagements before Acts of DEFIANCE. Dex Joy won them both, including an AMAZING Two out of Three Falls match that was our 2022 Match of the Year! 

Burns has Dex leaned up against the Vae Victis corner. He swings for an elbow, but Dex blocks and fires back! He fires back at Keyes as well and then Big Dex Energy tries to fight his way out of the corner! The Faithful rally heavily behind The EveryChamp! He swings again, but when he turns to try and fire a shot at Oscar… 


DEFIANCE Himself holds his head in pain, but Dex took the brunt of the headbutt to the chest and has slumped halfway down in the corner. Burns charges forward and ROCKS the champion with a stiff running European uppercut! The shot rattles Dexy Baby and Burns pins him to the corner so Keyes can get a tag. Henry heads into the ring and winds up… THWACK… and cracks Dex with another Propellor Edge Chop in the corner!

I felt that chop from up here, Keebs! 

Two of THE top echelon in DEFIANCE. Even without Lindsay Troy here, these two are among the top of the DEFIANCE food chain! 

Keyes with another tag. Burns with another running uppercut! Now Burns with the quick tag. Keyes in with another running chop! Dex is pinned to the corner and reeling when Burns and Keyes both work in tandem. Dex tries to fight out, but Henry Keyes nails him from behind by with hands… 


With Dex disoriented, Henry holds him by the waist. Burns SLUGS Dex with a running uppercut off the ropes just as Keyes takes The Biggest Boy over with a release German suplex! 

Oooh! What a tandem move! Is the Southern Heritage Champion about to pin the FIST of DEFIANCE?!

The Kraken makes a cracking cover! 




The good eye of The Kraken turns up towards Benny Doyle slowly… and angrily. 

He doesn’t agree with the count, but nothing he can do but keep going forward. 

The longest-reigning SoHer grabs Dex and tries to pull him to the corner, but The FIST is STILL fighting! He elbows Keyes and sees Corvo Alpha pacing around the apron in his corner like a feral animal waiting to escape from its cage. Joy almost gets to his corner, but quick reaction time allows The Kraken to go for the leg of Dex with a chop block! Joy folds like a bad hand of poker and hits the canvas quick!

Chop block on Dex! Remember that leg was the target of Lindsay Troy for several shows leading up to her title match that saw Dex become the FIST. 

Last we heard, the injuries had healed but no way there wasn’t some lingering issues that the rest of Vae Victis can capitalize on. 

Keyes goes after the leg again and then tags back to Oscar. He leaps in and then hits a leaping stomp to the back of the leg! Dex howls in pain, but DEFIANCE Himself waits as Dex gets up and nails him repeatedly with a number of BRUTAL knee strikes to the chest! 

Burns and Keyes are overwhelming Dex! I never thought I’d see Dex in this position, but tonight Vae Victis are as cohesive as they’ve always been. 

Oscar PELTS Dex with a solid knee strike to the leg and then manages to set up the champion slowly… then hoist up the three-hundred-pounder up and over with an extra-tight exploder suplex! 

The knee strikes and the suplex! Is Oscar going to pin the champion?

He tries to do just that with a tight hook of the leg! 




Quietly outraged, Burns gives the same deadly glare to Benny Doyle that his tag team partner did when he tried to pin the champion earlier. Burns then switches up tactics and then applies a tight grounded cobra twist on the mat, cranking at the head and neck of The EveryChamp!

Dex kicks out, but Burns already showing his in-ring prowess! He’s got that cobra twist locked in tightly and expertly! 


The chants are thunderous at this point, but they surge Dex to life! Oscar can’t believe it as he tries to crank on the neck tighter, but that forces Joy to fight up and fight out… WITH A HUGE HIP TOSS COUNTER!

No way! No matter how tightly these submissions have been applied to Joy, he keeps fighting free! He’s out! Now he’s gotta get to Corvo! 

Dex leans back to the ropes and knows where he needs to go, but a limping Oscar is already back up and tries to cut off Dex with a knee to the gut. He charges off the ropes looking for another uppercut, only to get hit with a MASSIVE Dexy’s Midnight Runner! The NC Faithful collectively gasp when Oscar flies across the ring!

Dexy’s Midnight Runner! Dexy’s Midnight Runner connects! What a pouncing shoulder tackle! Can he get to Corvo Alpha at last?

The Primordial Powerhouse is still pacing around and he looks ready to get in and fight at long last. Dex makes it to his corner just as Henry shouts at Oscar to get to his corner. Oscar limps over and tags Henry. The Kraken makes it in… 



The match is back to square one as Corvo and Henry duke it out in the middle of the ring trading shots with one another! Back and forth they go! Keyes doubles Corvo over with a kick and then tries to go for the ropes, but Corvo grabs him first and DUMPS The Kraken up and over with a release German suplex! 

Corvo is on fire right now! What a brutal throw! 

Oscar comes in to try and save the SoHer, only to get caught and thrown overhead as with a belly-to-belly suplex from the monster! He’s back up and sees The Kraken out of the corner of his eye, then THROWS him a second time with another release German suplex! The Faithful are going crazy as the monster lunges up and then rams his weight into Corvo and hits a HUGE clothesline in the corner!

Look at Corvo go! 

A staggering Burns strikes Alpha as he turns with an uppercut and tries to lend him to the corner, but Corvo snarls and strikes Burnsie with a STIFF shot! The blow stuns Corvo who then POWERS Oscar up and throws him with a head and arm suplex! Corvo Alpha unleashes a loud roar and the fans respond with several thousand strong of their own! 

THIS is the monster that Henry Keyes has wanted no part of since their last meeting! And tonight, we see why! 

Keyes gets up and PLANTED with a piledriver by Corvo! After being dumped on the canvas, Corvo goes for the cover!




Henry Keyes BARELY kicks out of the piledriver! That was brutal… but… I think he’s calling for it! I think we’re gonna see The Alpha Clutch! 

The Kraken can still sense the danger he’s in and that allows Butcher to once again try and get on the apron, but Corvo charges and hits Butcher with a running shoulder through the ropes, sending him knocked back down to the floor! The Faithful cheer that, but when Corvo turns, he gets STRUCK with a big desperation spinning back elbow by Keyes! The blow sends Corvo Alpha back to the corner, but Dex is there to make the tag! Keyes is back in the corner and Oscar is ready for another tag!

Dex back in.. and he runs over Oscar! Now he and Corvo have their respective targets lined up!

The EveryChamp and Corvo Alpha run past one another and use stereo clotheslines to take out the other men! The DEFIANTS are in a frenzy as Dex and Corvo stare at one another. Dex then builds a chant and yells out as the crowd starts yelling “WHOA!” with him! Dex and Corvo run past each other one more time…





The Faithful have lost their minds in this final preview of the top title matches of Acts of DEFIANCE! Corvo continues to rain down fists on Henry Keyes, but the champion tries to fight him off! Their fight spills over into the crowd! 

Henry Keyes and Corvo Alpha are fighting all the way out of here! They’re not waiting for Acts of DEFIANCE! Meanwhile… we have Oscar Burns and Dex Joy as the legal men! 

Dex hurriedly grabs hold of Oscar Burns and snatches up the man known as DEFIANCE Himself. Dex goes to get him back in the ring, but Sonny Silver makes a desperate play and tugs at his leg while holding the FIST title belt! 

Come on! Benny, kick him out of here!

But he doesn’t have to… because Dex does it first! Sonny gets kicked down and Benny Doyle yells at Sonny to get out of ringside! Silver holds his jaw and protests! 

He’s doing it! He’s making Sonny Silver take a powder from ringside! 

Sonny starts heading up the ramp with Dex waving goodbye… but when he turns, the FIST goes CRASHING right into his face, courtesy of Oscar Burns! 


Dex crumbles to the mat after the brutal belt shot just as Burns tosses the title out of the ring! The EveryChamp is in the middle of the ring when Oscar grabs him by the neck and contorts him right into FIFTY! 


The hammerlock guillotine choke is expertly applied as he CRANKS back! Dex can barely move after the belt shot and tries to wiggle free…

But soon, he’s not moving… 

There’s no sign of life left from Big Dex Energy. The power has been cut off. 



Wrapped around The Wrecking Crew Foreman like a king cobra wrapped around its prey, Doyle shouts at Oscar to let go of the choke! He finally does and then gets to a knee with a knowing, uncontainable grin on his face!

♫ "Stranger Fruit" by Zeal & Ardor ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here are your winners as a result of referee stoppage… HENRY KEYES… OSCAR BURNS… VAE VICTIS!

Sonny Silver stopped halfway up the ramp to see what happened, then jumps up and down like he’s won the Super Bowl! He rushes down to ringside and enters the ring, along with Butcher Victorious! Both men HUG Oscar! 


It’s true! And if he does this again at Acts of DEFIANCE… The Era of Everyone will be over. 

Oscar finally stands to his feet with the help of his comrades, then motions to Sonny to bring him the FIST of DEFIANCE belt. He does just that and then hands the belt over to Oscar Burns, SCREAMING at the top of his lungs. 

We saw this very thing a few weeks ago when Vae Victis attacked Dex Joy before his Era of Everyone Open Challenge! We saw Oscar Burns lay out the challenge and hold Dex Joy’s FIST over his head. Now tonight, he does it again after defeating Dex Joy via referee stoppage. 

Is this what we’re going to see at Acts of DEFIANCE? Could we be looking at Vae Victis back on top once again? Can Henry Keyes fend off Corvo Alpha and keep hitting new records every day with the Southern Heritage Title? Can Butcher Victorious do the unthinkable next week on UNCUT and win his fourth consecutive Favoured Saints Title defense? Ladies and gentlemen, we’re done for the evening, but we’ll see you next week for a special LIVE edition of UNCUT! For Lance Warner, I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler and we’ll see you at Acts of DEFIANCE!

The final shots are of Sonny Silver and Butcher Victorious clapping and cheering on Oscar Burns, lording the FIST and standing over the unconscious Dex Joy for the second time in two shows. 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.