DEFIANCE Uncut 155

21 Feb 2024

Rogers Arena, Vancouver, British Columbia (seats 19,700)


Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to UNCUT! DEFtv 198 kicked off the final road to DEFCON and we already have two MAJOR matches signed for the biggest show of the year!

That’s right! For the FIST of DEFIANCE, Dex Joy will defend the title against the #1 Contender, Malak Garland with a special stipulation to be named by both champion and challenger! We also have brother versus brother for the first time ever! Conor Fuse one-on-one with Tyler Fuse! The winner of that match will become the new ACE of DEFIANCE with a guaranteed title shot they can use in advance for up to one year! 

And tonight, we’ve got three matches on tap! BRAZEN’s Dunson Clan are hoping to capitalize on some of the buzz gained by BRAZEN on behalf of current Onslaught Champion, Punch Drunk Purcell, knocking out the first FIST of DEFIANCE, Edward White! Up first, a former Onslaught Champion in Paul Dunson takes on main roster member and cult favorite Sgt. Safety! That match is right now! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is your opening match and is set for one fall! Introducing first… 

♫ “Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats ♫

Darren Quimbey:
From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 220 pounds… he is Officer of OSHA and The Safest Man in DEFIANCE… this is SGT. SAFETY!

The fans cheer as Sgt. Safety comes out with a shiny new decibel meter that he can now afford on a main roster member’s salary. The crowd cheers get louder as he points it to different sections of the arena to see who can make the most noise! After he does, he steps into the ring and then holds it out one more time for each side of the arena before handing off the decibel meter. Once he reaches the ring, the Canadian Faithful wait for his opponent. 

♫ “Turn The Page” by Metallica ♫

Out from the back, all alone in plain black trunks, black knee pads and white boots, out comes Paul Dunson. He balls up a fist and points to the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent, from Mt. Hope, Virginia, weighing in at 230 pounds… PAUL DUNSON!

When Dunson reaches the ring, the head of the Dunson Clan climbs into the ring. Once he is inside, the masked BRAZEN referee known as… well, The Referee, calls for the bell. 


The Sarge gets ready to lock up and wiggles his fingers, inviting Dunson to do the same. The bitter BRAZEN star gets a hand up. 

Here we go! Sgt. Safety one-on-one with Paul Dunson. Dunson will play dirty and take any shortcuts he possibly can… oh, just like that eye rake!

Instead of a traditional lockup, Dunson goes for the eyes! The elder statesman of BRAZEN locks in a headlock after the advantage gained by the dirty maneuver and keeps it locked on. Sgt. Safety tries to regain his bearings, then leans back into the ropes. He shoves Dunson forward and when he comes back, he jumps over with a quick leapfrog. Dunson comes back again, only for The Officer of OSHA to snap him over with a beautiful arm drag!

Safety keeps his wrestling style basic, but highly effective! And now right into a crucifix pin! 



Dunson scrambles out, only for Safety to grab him and then drop him with a big body slam, then scores off the ropes with a quick running leg drop! 

Body slam and a leg drop! Tried and true combo in this sport! Cover by Safety!



Dunson kicks out, then rolls away until he’s under the bottom rope. Safety goes after him, but Paul now clings to the bottom rope and tells The Referee that Safety is a menace. The Ref and Safety exchange glasses and look at Dunson like he has a turd hanging out of his mouth. 

Did he just say SGT. SAFETY was a menace? 

Sadly… yes. Dunson now hiding in the ropes… wait! He grabs Safety’s arm! Ooh! He snaps that arm over the top rope! 

The booing comes out and Dunson acts like the smartest man in the room when he taps a finger to his head. Safety is now hurt in the ring and holds onto his arm when Dunson comes in and drags him to the canvas with a painful single arm DDT!

Dunson does know his way around a hold! He’s targeting the arm! 

The opportunistic Dunson gets back to his feet and starts mocking Sgt. Safety by holding his own arm. The Faithful continue to jeer him when he comes off the ropes and the 54-year-old hits a low dropkick of all things, catching Safety right in the mouth! The Sarge hits the mat and then Dunson decides to go for a cover by pinning the left arm down! 




But as he gets the arm up, Dunson grabs the arm! He sits upright, wraps the arm between his own legs to trap it, then cranks on the neck of Sgt. Safety to work a headlock… 

Brother! Dunson has that headlock in tight now! He’s cranking on that neck of Sgt. Safety and he’s got nowhere to go! 

And simultaneously working the arm. Good move there by Dunson. 

Dunson continues to crank the neck as The Faithful start a chant… 


Can Sgt. Safety get out of this hold? He’s got an arm and his neck literally trapped! 

With The Faithful willing him on, he starts to get back up to a knee and tries to fight his way out by moving his free right arm up and then elbowing Dunson in the rib cage. He does this until he can free his left arm, then gets up and drops to a knee with a jawbreaker that rocks Dunson!

There we go! Sgt. Safety able to free himself from that submission hold! He’s in the corner, but Dunson isn’t too far behind!

Both men are back up! 

The angry Dunson Clan figurehead holds his jaw, then is left seeing red when he looks across the ring at Sgt. Safety, but he gets rocked with a running flying forearm in the corner followed by Safety catching him outside the ring with a running bulldog that plants him face first into the mat! The Officer of OSHA shakes his left hand to make sure it’s still working, then gets back up to his feet and gestures in the direction of the turnbuckles!

Sgt. Safety might be thinking it’s time for The Crash Pad! He’s going out to the apron now! 

With Dunson still rocked from the forearm and the bulldog, Safety heads up to the top rope and then takes flight with a huge diving crossbody! 

Right on target with the Crash Pad! Will the diving crossbody lead to the win?




Dunson kicks out! Safety looks at The Referee to ask him if that was a two or a three. When he gets two for an answer, he respectfully takes the decision instead of making a dumb fake shocked face. 

Safety acknowledging The Referee’s count! That’s kind of refreshing! 

After knocking Dunson loopy, he waits on the BRAZEN star to stand. He runs off the ropes and looks for Safety First, but the leg drop bulldog is evaded with a shove. When Safety hits the ropes, Dunson catches him with his signature small package! 




No! There’s a kickout by Dunson… 

But Safety is able to stand first and as Dunson rises, he hooks the head and arm before spinning into a fisherman’s neckbreaker pin!


He scores with his signature maneuver! Daddy Dunson gets dropped, then Safety hooks the leg with The Faithful counting along! 





♫ “Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… SGT. SAFETY!

Good win by Sgt. Safety to kick off the show! Safety First missed, but the Safety Pin did not! 

As Paul Dunson is hurt and rolls out of the ring, Sgt. Safety is given back his decibel meter by The Referee, then he leaps to a nearby middle rope to raise a hand for The Faithful to make more noise! 

Nice way to kick off tonight’s show. Later tonight, the rest of the Dunson Clan - Sons Todd and Richie along with cousin Finn, will take on the Gulf Coast Connection in six-man tag team action! This and more coming up tonight on UNCUT! 

Kicked While He's Down

Courtesy of DEFOnDemand
DEFtv 189 - After Alvaro de Vargas v Lonnie Stone

After trying to valiantly fight on behalf of his cousins, Lonnie Stone - outed by Tom Morrow as their cousin, Lonnie Luck - is being helped through one of the backstage hallways. 

Lonnie Stone:
No ... no! Come on, I'm not done with de Vargas! 

Oh, yes, you are! You just got thrown over the top rope and after that landing, you're being looked at! 

The very exasperated Lonnie Stone continues to be helped as he can barely walk upright. Both he and the medic are stopped by a large man standing in front of the entrance to the medical office with curly dirty blond hair, a sharp yellow plaid suit and yellow tinted sunglasses. BRAZEN fans may recognize him as the man claiming to be a little brother to the Lucky Sevens! He holds out a hand to the EMT. 

Mark Luck:
Hey! Mark Luck, "Too Hot For BRAZEN!" You might remember my two-time DEFY Award-Winning brother and two-time Unified Tag Team champions the Lucky Sevens!  Can I have a word with him, nameless medical man? Only gonna take two seconds. 

My name's Randy. 

Lonnie's body language indicates he doesn't want to talk to this man. 

Lonnie Stone:
Oh, no ... 

Lonnie looks at the medic. 

Lonnie Stone:
Watch your wallet around this guy. I don't know how that man that big takes your things without you knowing, but he will. He already took someone's ident ... 

Mark Luck:
Accusations! False accusations! I told you that girl left her wallet in my car! 

Lonnie Stone:
Look ... what do you want ... Mark? 

Mark Luck pats Lonnie hard on the back ... so much that he winces in pain and almost falls over. 

Mark Luck:
You should have called me, bud. I would have watched your back! Tom Morrow's been running around here for far too long not putting respect on the Luck family name and trust me if I was here, I would have stomped on Alvaro and snuffed out his fire! 

Lonnie looks at him. 

Lonnie Stone:
But ... you're a Luck only by marriage. You don't get to say you're a Luck becuase you married their sister ... and you're not married now. 

Mark Luck:
That's bull! I got the last name in the divorce! And keep your salacious rumors to yourself! Anyway ... way to let down the Luck name! 

Lonnie looks up. 

Lonnie Stone:
Look ... you want to start something with me, you best believe I'll climb up there and slap the taste out your mouth. Soon as I'm cleared, we're gonna settle this in the ring ... ohhhh boy, head's spinning. 

The medic, Randy, has had enough. He walks Lonnie into the medical room. Mark looks up ... 

Mark Luck:


Up next on the show, we have the always-popular Gulf Coast Connection taking on the other members of the Dunson Clan - Paul’s sons, Todd and Richie along with their cousin, Finn! Earlier tonight, Sgt. Safety defeated Paul Dunson so tonight we’re looking for a win tonight! 

The Gulf Coast Connection are looking to get back into things with a win tonight so we’ll see what Theodore Cain, The Crescent City Kid and “Wingman” Titus Campbell can do! Let’s take it to ringside for our next match! 

The opening bell signifies the start of the next match as Darren Quimbey prepares the introductions.

The following is a six-man tag team match set for one fall! Introducing first… 

♫ "The Saints" by Andy Mineo w/KB and Trip Lee  ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Hailing from The Crescent City, weighing in at a combined weight of 703 pounds… “Wingman” Titus Campbell… The Crescent City Kid… and Theodore Cain… THE GULF! COAST! CONNECTION!

Listen to this reception for The Gulf Coast Connection!

Always popular! The party continues here in Canada!

Theodore Cain has on his Gulf Coast Connection Mardi Gras-themed jester hat, along with Crescent City Kid, getting the crowd fired up by throwing purple and gold beads to The Faithful. “Wingman” Titus Campbell brings up the rear and the powerhouse throws a few jester hats out of the bag into the crowd. Once they approach the ring, Theodore Cain gives his own jester hat to a young girl in the audience with her parents!  All three get in the ring and pose for The Faithful. Off to the side, the members of The Dunson Clan stand on their side of the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents… hailing from Mt. Hope, West Virginia… at a combined weight of 684 pounds… Todd, Richie and Finn… THE DUNSON CLAN!

The diva-esque brawler, Todd. The no-nonsense jeans-wearing Richie. The stout Finn Dunson. They pose and as the party music ends, they decide who will start. On one side, “Wingman” Titus Campbell goes first with Richie Dunson for the other side. 

Here we go. And later tonight, Gulf Coast won’t be the only Connection in action tonight as we will also have coming up, The French Connection to take on To The Maxx!


The match gets off to a hot start when Richie comes at Titus with a running dropkick at the bell! The Wingman is caught off-guard and knocked back a few steps to the ropes just as Richie stands! He goes after the 6’6” member of Gulf Coast Connection with a barrage of right hands!

As we saw earlier, Paul Dunson walked out of here with a loss under his belt. Think maybe that lit a fire under the rest of the Dunson Clan?

It’s looking that way! Richie came out of the gate swinging on Titus! 

Richie lands a few more body blows and then screams out to the crowd as they jeer him. The nasty brawler starts doing a mocking dance to make fun of The Wingman. When he turns around, though… 


…He gets ROCKED by a big boot! Titus stands over him and the big man and poses for cheers! The Wingman picks up Richie and throws him into the GCC’s corner. The tag is made to Crescent City Kid who leaps in between the ropes. As Richie is stunned, CCK runs at Titus who throws him into the air to catch Richie Dunson with a flying headscissors takeover! Dunson is discombobulated by the move while Todd and Finn are both in disbelief over what they’re seeing!

Expert teamwork on display by the Gulf Coast Connection as always! They’ve had shots at the Unified Tag Titles before and no doubt they’d like to earn their way to another one! 

Richie scrambles for a tag to the diva-ish Todd. The man in the pink and purple tights slides into the ring and tries to catch CCK with a forearm, only for The Kid to duck. When he comes back, he eats a huge drop toe hold, then jets off the ropes to nail Todd in the side of the head with a sliding dropkick! 

Nicely done there as well! He’s got Todd… tag into Theodore Cain! 

The 245-pound Smash Surfer, as he’s known, enters the ring. Both CCK and Cain whip him into the ropes and both hit a double back elbow to Todd. This is followed right away by CCK hitting the ropes and Cain hip tossing his own partner with a flipping senton! Todd gets hurt by the move, but then Cain puts him on his back… then starts standing on him like a surfboard!

And there’s some riding of the waves by Theodore Cain! This match has almost been all Gulf Coast Connection controlling the action so far. 

That they have!

The Smash Surfer picks up Todd and goes to whip him to the ropes when Richie Dunson grabs his leg and then pulls his own brother to safety on the floor! The Faithful start jeering The Dunson Clan’s antics when Cain has has enough. The big brawler goes through the ropes and out to the floor to follow Finn… but leaves himself wide open for Finn to leap off the apron with a cannonball senton to wipe out Cain! 

Ooh! Finn Dunson is literally described as the cannonball of The Dunson Clan. Similar physique and style! He’s 5’9”, but hits like he’s 6’9” with moves like that! 

After the big dive to the outside, Finn Dunson gets back up and then slides into the ring. He gets the legal tag from Todd Dunson then heads out to the floor to grab Theodore Cain. He gets him back into the ring. Once Cain is inside, he’s flat on his back and this allows Finn Dunson to hit another flipping senton of his own across the chest of The Smash Surfer! He groans in pain as Finn rolls over. 

Another flipping senton by Finn Dunson! Can we see an upset? 




Cain kicks out, but The Dunson Clan are in control now! Finn throws a few clubbing shots over Cain and gets the pretty boy surfer into the corner. A tag awaits from Richie and then Todd respectively as both brothers whip him into a corner. The Dunson Clan milk the entire five-count with a big splash from Finn, a running dropkick by Richie, then a running forearm by Todd! All three shots drop Cain to the canvas and Todd tries to steal the win!




The Dunson Clan have taken over with another nearfall! They’ve just wrecked shop on Cain! 

With The Smash Surfer stunned, Todd goes to the middle rope and waits to hit You’re Dun, Son! He leaps for the middle rope DDT… only to get caught and dropped with a big front spinebuster slam by Cain! 

I think we spoke too soon! The Faithful are cheering! Who gets the tag?!

Cain has a ways to go, but he does manage to crawl over! He inches forward and makes the tag… to “Wingman” Titus Campbell! Richie gets the tag from his own brother and charges in, but only gets a back body drop for his efforts! He charges forward and then slugs Finn Dunson off the apron with a running back elbow! 

House of fire right now The Wingman! 

The Wingman yanks Richie up to his feet and whips him into the corner with a huge throw before crashing into him with a big body avalanche! Campbell runs off the ropes and comes back with a massive shoulder tackle that knocks him down! He picks him up and then slams him down with a big body slam near the corner, then points at his corner where CCK is awaiting the tag! 

Here we go! I think we’re about to see a big double team coming up! They like to use the Take Flight and Hurricane Press combo! 

Titus gets on the middle rope and then CCK tags right before The Wingman comes off the second rope with the diving headbutt called Take Flight! Richie convulses in pain after the first big move and now CCK is perched on the top before leaping off the top with a big diving splash!

You called it! Take Flight followed by the Hurricane Press! Cover by CCK!

Finn comes in to try and break the cover, but Theodore Cain comes in and knocks him down with a flying shoulder tackle first! 





♫ "The Saints" by Andy Mineo w/KB and Trip Lee  ♫

CCK jumps up off the mat as he, Campbell and Cain regroup in the ring for a celebration!

Darren Quimbey:
Here are your winners… THE GULF COAST CONNECTION!

The Dunson Clan tried! They showed good teamwork on their part when they were in control, but tonight, the Gulf Coast Connection get themselves a win! 

And a solid one at that! A good win to get them back into the winner's circle! 

While The Dunson Clan are recollecting themselves on one side of the ring, CCK grabs the party bag and starts throwing out more beads and masks to anyone who wants them! Cain dances to the music while Titus Campbell flexes to cheers from the ladies as the show continues on!


The arena lights dim before --

♫ “Le Boob Oscillator” by Stereolab ♫

There’s a pause as the 90s French-language indie pop starts. The Vancover Faithful don’t know how to respond to the unfamiliar entrance music quite yet, just knowing that they don’t like the pretentious song. Then, as the song's rhythm starts (with the female lead singer's initial "bop bop bop bop")  --

The DEFiatron shows various footage of France -- The French Flag, The Eiffel Tower, the Versaille, the Louvre, escargot being prepared in a high-end kitchen, Napoleon, paintings by Matisse and Monet and Delecroix, etc. 

And now things are going to get interesting.

As they always do with Madame Melton and Her Most Precious Gems!

The French Connection appear at the top of the ramp. Raiden still has his mullet and snarl, but is now wearing a sleeveless black tank top that reads “Commotion Cérébrale” in French flag colors. Standing before him, spinning around to show off his new entrance gear, is “The New Flying Frenchman” Jean-Pierre Reeves. He’s wearing a black beret with a French flag-inspired ring jacket -- glistening with red, blue and white in various gemstones, complete with epaulettes with red/blue/white streamers. Reeves bends down and shows off his jacket as Raiden stands over him and makes the “X” sign over his partner’s head.


Out of the radical transformation of Madame Melton and Her Most Precious Gems over these past few months, this one may be the most baffling! 

JP -- I’m sorry, Jean-Pierre -- has always rubbed people the wrong way with his very confident nature. But he for some reason has decided that he’s now “The New Flying Frenchman” after a visit to Paris on JJ Dixon’s victory tour despite being from Delaware!

And stealing the name from the legendary Flying Frenchman after we saw Tyler Fuse take out the original! 

And more baffling, Raiden has decided to apparently gone along with this new identity with the nation of France! These two men are cousins but essentially raised as siblings... but that's taking supporting your loved ones a little too far.

But inconspicuous by her absence is the woman behind the madness, the so-called Iron Woman, Madame Melton!

Darren Quimbey:
Now entering the ring... now claiming residence in Cannes, France... despite being born in Claymont, Delaware --

Reeves snatches the microphone from Quimbey after the announcer's snide reminder of his true place of birth. Raiden gets in Quimbey’s face and points for him to leave, and he does.

Jean-Pierre Reeves:
Bonsoir Vancouver! (Booooooooo!!!!) Ah, there are those famed Vancouver manners! I would be booing too if I lived in this overrated, overpriced cesspool! (Mostly Boooooo!!! but some cheers in recognition of Vancouver's overheated real estate market) I eat boef bourignon while you eat Tim Hortons! I watch the films of Francois Truffaut while you watch repeats of Letterkenny! (Incredibly loud Booooooooo!!!! from Letterkenny fans) I enjoy the literature of Victor Hugo while you read… well, actually, I’m not sure Canadian literature actually exists. Or that you drunks can even read!


Does Reeves even speak French?

I don’t know if he even knows!

Jean-Pierre Reeves:
Now, as far as the whereabouts of Mademoiselle Melton... that’s not for you, the Shame of Canada, to worry about! Rest assured, she fled this dystopian nightmare as quickly as she could to attend to some very important Gems business! Because the only part of Canada with class and dignity is in Quebec, and I and all of my Francophone brethren long for the day when my Francophone brethren the Quebecois, home to refuse free cities like Montreal and Quebec City, are free from your second-rate America… which is a third-rate France!


Jean-Pierre Reeves:
Now, last week, The Most Precious Gems nearly destroyed Mikey Unlikely and his sub-Joe Rogan level podcast! We invite him and everyone else in the DEFIANCE locker room to watch your television sets to see The French Connection in action —  the Criterion Collection of tag team wrestling! Bring us who awaits the guillotine!


♫ “Cold As Ice” by Foreigner ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Now coming to the ring at a combined weight of 489 pounds.... This is “Exclusive” Eric Wilson and “Lovely” Lance Mingle... the tag team tandem known as TO! THE! MAXX!!!

Both members of To The Maxx come out, wearing matching white trunks with their nicknames written in cursive on their ass, along with matching white jackets with tassels and bedazzled jewels that spell their names. Lance has long, flowing platinum blonde hair. He rubs his hands through his luscious locks while sashaying his hips. Eric takes off his mirrored wraparound sunglasses and blows a kiss to the camera as they begin to power walk to the ring, nodding their heads to the beat of the late-70s classic rock staple.

It’s been some time since we’ve seen To The Maxx here in DEFIANCE!

For those who haven’t seen them, these guys are throwbacks in both their fashion style, attitudes and technique!

Raiden squats in his corner, stretching out his quads as Reeves stands behind him, whispering something with a chuckle on his face. 

Referee Carla Ferrari calls for the bell.


But before the second ding can even ring, Raiden runs across the ring and blindsides Exclusive Eric with a running yakuza kick that sends him to the floor. Reeves grabs Lovely Lance by his hair, clocking him in the back with some forearms while dragging The Maxx Man into the ring by his beautiful blonde mane.

And there’s the swarming style we’ve seen from The Most Precious Gems in recent months.

Even without their guru Madame Melton at ringside! If you turn your head against anyone in this unit, they are going to take advantage and make you pay!

Reeves wrings the arm of Lovely Lance, and wraps around with a hammerlock, and he drops down with a single leg takedown! 

Now he wraps that around into a half crab/ankle lock combo!

As obnoxious as Jean-Pierre -- and I can’t believe I am calling him by that name -- is, he’s been well-regarded for his technical skills ever since he joined BRAZEN, and that has only continued here in DEFIANCE!

Raiden tags in and immediately sprints off the far ropes and hits a double shotgun dropkick right to the exposed knee. 

Raiden is a man of few words. But he’s emerging as one of the best strikers we have here in DEFIANCE!

And a merciless one at that. He calls himself The Cause of Concussions and enjoys giving his opponents one of the worst injuries anyone in this sport can suffer!

Reeves quickly tags in, stomps on Lovely Lance, and then bends down and picks him up in a deadlift German Suplex!

Absolutely gorgeous suplex from The New Flying Frenchman, showing off his core strength and technique!

But he didn’t go for the pin, moving right back to the ankle lock!

Raiden tags in and scales to the top rope quickly.

Double kneedrop to the back of Lance’s right leg, which The Gems have been targeting this entire match!

Reeves stands on the middle rope and takes an artful bow to the booing crowd. 

And now they’re playing with their food!

Mingle crawls to his corner while Raiden stands over him, sarcastically urging him to do so. Finally, Raiden picks the Golden Maned Lion and shoves him into his own corner, letting Exclusive Eric tag in!

Eric slingshots over the ropes! He’s peppering Raiden with fists! 

Eric then hip-tosses a shocked Raiden to the mat, before rebounding off the ropes with a well-timed flying clothesline!

The high-flyer is building up momentum here!

Eric gestures to the crowd, and whips Raiden to the corner. He charges hard, but Raiden rolls out of the way.

Raiden hops onto the second rope -- triangle enziguiri!

You could hear his boot crack against Exclusive Eric’s skull!

Eric is slumped chest-first in the corner. Raiden turns him around and gives him a series of palm strikes along his chest, before finishing with a Roaring Elbow. 

Wilson is out on his feet, but I don’t think Raiden cares! 

Raiden marches Exclusive Eric over to their corner, where The New Flying Frenchman tags in. As soon as he does, Raiden then tags back in and climbs to the top rope. 

Reeves hooks Wilson -- Exploder Suplex into the corner --

Followed by a double stomp by Raiden! This is a massacre! 

Reeves does a “Fargo Strut” as he exits the ring and tags back in. Raiden picks Exclusive Eric over his head while Reeves gets into position for the Assisted Bridging German Suplex! Reeves has the pin on as Raiden can’t resist and meets The Other Lance with a running yakuza kick.

A Bridge! (One!) Too! (Two!) Far! (Three!)


Reeves orders Ferrari to hold up his and Raiden’s hands in glory.

Utter domination tonight from The French Connection, or whatever they want to be called! 

Madame Melton has her tag team specialists -- the so-called Criterion Collection of Tag Team Wrestling -- transformed into a ruthless machine! I feel bad for anyone who has not received the message that The Most Precious Gems aren’t playing around in their quest to command the DEFIANCE spotlight!

Raiden rolls Exclusive Eric out of the ring via his foot, with a sneer/laugh combo. Reeves stands on the middle rope and leans over to jeer the audience.

Jean-Pierre Reeves:
Vive Le France! Madame Melton es ses Joyvaus Le Plus Precieux! We're taking this place over! DEFIANCE belongs to France... DEFIANCE belongs to us!

He hops down and stands behind Raiden, who crouches and makes the "X" gesture with his hands! 


James Residence
Harvey, Louisiana

Inside a quiet one-bedroom apartment in Harvey, just outside New Orleans proper, a large young man with a bandaged eye sits alone with only the faint, flickering glow of a tacky lamp to provide any light. After being thrown out of the house he lived with his recent family in New Orleans just a few weeks prior, he had to scramble to find a place to live. 

All alone in a torn vintage DEFIANCE t-shirt and ripped black jeans, the young man is alone with his thoughts. 





At least he thought he was. 

He looks the name down on the phone ringing. 

Uncle Keeling

He ignores the phone. 

They're the reason he's here.

The one that always said he'd protect him was the one that put him here.

His wife is on his side.

The one that said he'd watch his back was nowhere to be found when it happened. He's just as guilty. 

He puts the phone on its face on the dilapidated gray coffee table in front of him. 





The phone continues to ring. He turns it around. Why won't they leave him alone? 

But the number... it's different. It's not anyone he knows. Probably some telemarketer. 

He puts the phone down on the table and the calls stop. 

He's not going to help. They put him in this shoddy apartment. They did this. This is ALL their fault! This... 


He isn't going to look at his phone... but he can't help it.

That number he doesn't recognize...

It left a text message. 

He opens the phone. 

"I hope this text message finds you well. I had to reach out to quite a few people to find your number. We heard that you're making better progress than expected with your injury and that you'll be cleared in a few weeks. Cheers to a speedy recovery."


Another message. 

"What the Familia did to you... that's a shame. And as hard is it may be...  forget them. Forget them all. They didn't know what they had when they had you. They didn't know what YOU have... but we do. We do and we want to help you."


"When you're ready to return... we're happy to give you a hand and get you back your feet, GC." 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.