DEFIANCE TV 201 Night 1

27 Mar 2024

Moda Center, Portland, Oregon (seats 20,500)


The show hasn’t even begun. Instead of pyro, instead of screaming fans, instead of a theme song… we are in a rather official-looking office. Sitting in a chair in front of a desk, looking directly into the camera like he’s the president about to deliver the State of the Union, is Favoured Saints executive David Danielson.

In the corner of the screen in the DEFtv-style font: “Earlier Today.”

Danielson folds his fingers together like Mr. Burns (not Oscar) before clearing his throat.

David Danielson:
Good evening, DEFIANCE Faithful. It is unlike me to have a presence on DEFIANCE television, but I’m sure many of you recall the incident from two weeks ago. What was supposed to be a celebration of a DEFIANCE milestone was unceremoniously crashed by Ned Reform - a man looking to generate controversy and raise his own stock. And he succeeded, goading “Sub Pop” Scott Douglas - a DEFIANCE legend invited by myself personally to help commemorate the event - into a physical exchange. In the ensuing melee, Mr. Reform struck me.

There is a light buzz from the Faithful for that, but not much. Danielson appears to be pausing for a sympathetic reaction, so he might have misjudged The Faithful.

David Danielson:
I am not a trained athlete. Myself, nor any other members of the Favoured Saints Board, have any desire to be physically involved in any capacity. Mr. Reform was out of line, and the Board strongly condemns his actions. We also formally apologize to Scott Douglas, the DEFIANCE roster, and all the great fans. We debated fiercely the consequences that Mr. Reform should face. Many of the board wanted him terminated with cause immediately. 


David Danielson:
…however, that will not be happening.


David Danielson:
Some may argue that Mr. Reform deserves to be released from his contract. However, there were several voices who dissuaded us from that course of action. The loudest voice, ironically enough… being Scott Douglas.


David Danielson:
Mr. Douglas argued that for his crimes, letting Reform go would be too easy. You see, there is a reason Mr. Douglas is known as DEFIANCE’s Favorite Son. He has taken all of the put-downs, all of the negativity, and frankly all of the lies Mr. Reform has been spouting about this company personally. And so, he requested that the Reform situation be dealt with… another way.

The crowd, sensing where this is going, begins to buzz.

David Danielson:
Now, Mr. Douglas lost a match for the FIST of DEFIANCE to Mikey Unlikely several years ago at DEFCON 2021. As per the terms of that match, because he did not capture the FIST, Mr. Douglas was banned from competing in DEFIANCE ever again. However… per Mr. Douglas’ request, it is the decision of the Favoured Saints Board to wave that stipulation for one night only.


David Danielson:
And so, tonight I announce that with the full support of the Favoured Saints… “Sub Pop” Scott Douglas will return to action to face off with Ned Reform at DEFCON 2024!


David Danielson:
As for Mr. Reform… he is in action tonight and has been ordered to offer a full apology to the board and the fans of DEFIANCE. No doubt his apology to Scott Douglas will take on a different form at DEFCON.

Danielson allows himself a small smile.

David Danielson:
Enjoy a night of DEFIANCE action and we will see you all at what is sure to be a monumental DEFCON. Now, on with the program.



♫ “DEFY” by Of Mice & Men ♫

Portland, Oregon welcomes DEFIANCE as the Moda Center is hyped for DEFtv 2001! Pyro explodes from the top of the rampway as the camera reveals there's a giant FIST logo to walk out from.

Signs and excitement, as always, are everywhere!





Cut to the announce team of "Downtown" Darren Keebler and Lance Warner.

Welcome everyone! We are ONE show away from DEFCON 2024 but that doesn't mean this won't be a show to forget!

Indeed, Darren and we are starting off the night with a special message from the Favoured Saints Board of Directors, namely David Danielson! 

As we heard not only will "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas be allowed to compete at this years DEFCon but possibly even better ... Ned Reform, who we will see here in action tonight, has been ordered to issue a public apology for his actions two weeks ago at DEFtv 200. 

It's a real toss-up, Darren. As satisfying as it'll be to see Ned Reform have to come out here hat in hand ... the prospect of Scott Douglas once again competing in DEFIANCE ring is equally as amazing.

Well, speaking of competing in DEFIANCE ring; we've got a huge main event lined up with Elise Ares taking on Titaness! After costing her the FIST of DEFIANCE, Elise Ares is out for blood and wants Titaness one-on-one! 

Yes and before we get there; Two weeks ago, Bronson Box and Gage Blackwood, issued a challenge to any two members of the Comments Section and tonight we find out which two and who will come out on top in tag team action! 


And speaking of action! The final episode of DEFtv before we reach DEFCON kicks off Mil Vueltas is once again in singles action as he takes on Lord Sewell of Gentlemen’s Agreement!

Lord Sewell was victorious on UNCUT with a win, but a victory over Mil Vueltas just before his big match with Uriel Cortez… his one-time best friend and tag team partner. 

I still cannot believe after all the history between these two, that this match is looming close. But Mil wants to be in fighting shape for this match and tonight, we see him in action. Let’s go to Darren Quimbey at ringside.

To Quimbey we go! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following is your opening match of the evening and set for one fall! Here to introduce Mil Vueltas… his official promoter… THOMAS KEELING!

Nodding to the crowd, the boisterous promoter for the young luchador stands ready. He looks a bit downtrodden after the recent issues between Mil Vueltas and Uriel Cortez, but shakes it off to get himself into the intros. 

Thomas Keeling:
Ladies… gentlemen… tonight, prepare to witness the man with the HEART of a giant and a man who can leap higher than any giant… or Titan. He is the man that will NOT back down, no matter how much Uriel pleads. He started this fight and at DEFCON, my client WILL find a way to finish it…

♫ “What’s Up, Danger” by Blackway ♫

As the music cues up, lightning-quick shots of many dives, jumps, twists, corkscrews, and everything in between play… before they give way to the man himself! Appearing on stage, wearing a pristine white coat and mask with red and green sleeves and designs all over, The Man of a Thousand Flips arrives! Green, red and white pyro sparks up from the stage! Mil Vueltas heads to the ring and then leaps up to the top rope, points to the sky, then jumps into the ring to join Thomas Keeling. Mil gets ready. 

Thomas Keeling:
You know how this goes… one flip for every nickname he’s got! Let’s go! 

The Man of a Thousand Flips lives up to his name and does a front flip for every nickname listed, rolling in a circle around Thomas Keeling mid-ring!

Thomas Keeling:
He is the Prince of the Plancha! Dynast of the Dive! Ruler of the Ropes! Sovereign of the Shooting Star! The Ace of Space! The GIF that Keeps On Giving! The Man of a Thousand Flips! And if you want to know where he’s from… JUST… LOOK… UP…

Mil jumps to the middle rope, then rolls into one more flip before posing for The Faithful! 

Thomas Keeling:

The Man of a Thousand Flips raises both hands in the sky and gets a great ovation from The Faithful! Mil looks determined as he kneels down on the canvas and slaps both hands on the mat before leaping to his feet. The music fades quietly before moving to his opponent. 

♫ “Land of Hope and Glory” ♫

The theme plays and out walks Lord Sewell, wearing a red overcoat with yellow epaulets, while being applauded by his longtime tag partner Oliver Tarquin Monroe, who is wearing a dark gray sleeveless coat over a well-tailored shirt and tie, which fits snugly to expose his muscular frame. Behind the two men walks the now-christened Earl Roberts, the former Southern brawler, not resorting to wearing a red button-up coat with a white hat ala the British Royal Guard. All three men march to the ring in unison!

Darren Quimbey:
Being accompanied by Oliver Tarquin Monroe and “The Royal Guard” Earl Roberts, representing Gentlemen’s Agreement… from Long Melford, England, weighing in at 234 pounds…. He will be addressed as Viscount Vice Admiral Ernest Sewell… but you may call him… LORD SEWELL!

Sewell is now in the ring and removes his jacket before carefully and neatly folding it, then handing it over to Oliver Tarquin Monroe. 

Lord Sewell looks ready for this match. This is a big opportunity he and the Gentlemen's Agreement have been fighting for some time. 

Mil looks ready as the bell rings. 


Mil Vueltas and Lord Sewell get ready to each prepare their attacks....

♫ Father, father, unforgivable, This is my house, you made it personal
It's always trouble when they go too far! Nobody mess with my familia ♫

♫ "Familia" by Anuel AA and Nicky Minaj feat. Bantu ♫

Oh, no… not this again! 

Is he coming over here to commentate again? If so, I just remembered I left the oven on.

Just like he did on DEFtv 200, the music gets the attention of everyone in the Wrestleplex… and standing at his full height of 7’1’” is Uriel Cortez. Dressed to the nines in a big and tall dark blue dress shirt, black jeans, a red ojo bracelet and gold-tinted sunglasses, he marches directly towards the ring. Mil watches him walk to him, but when he turns around, he gets NAILED by a big European Uppercut by The Elder Technician!

Mil once again suffering for the appearance of The Man of the House…. But he’s not out here for commentary? 

No… he’s making a beeline towards the ring! 

The Man of the House slowly heads to the ring and stops for a moment as Lord Sewell goes on the attack, hoping for the quick advantage. He hits him with another, then another, and then a third one that knocks The Ace of Space flat to the mat! The Faithful jeer Sewell as he points a finger down at Mil Vueltas. 

Lord Sewell:
THIS is your hero?! He’s nothing but a scared little boy! 

Uriel Cortez stops at ringside… then looks at Thomas Keeling. 

Oh, no… remember what happened when Uriel and Thomas shared a ring two weeks ago. Mil Vueltas delivered a low blow to Uriel left the ring. I can’t imagine he’s happy with that! 

Both Earl Roberts and Oliver Tarquin Monroe watch Uriel Cortez put a massive hand on the shoulder of Thomas Keeling.

Uriel Cortez:
Relax, Thomas. I’m just here to watch the match. All good here. 

Lord Sewell shrugs at the intrusion and throws Mil Vueltas into the corner before he follows in with a quick running shoulder thrust to the gut! Vueltas is doubled over quickly and then pulled out of the corner before being hit with a quick Northern Lights Suplex out of the corner!

Lord Sewell is taking full advantage of this distraction! Cover off the northern lights!




Mil kicks out, but Sewell stays on top of him by grabbing at Mil’s arm and slamming it into the ground. Uriel watches on and then points at Thomas. 

Uriel Cortez:
Come on, Tom, cheer for him. Go, Mil! 

Uriel throws a hand up and roots for Mil while Thomas is too scared to do anything in the moment, afraid of angering the Titan who still has his arm with a light death grip on his shoulder. 

Uriel knows exactly what he’s doing. These mind games he’s been playing with Mil Vueltas for weeks are throwing him off. 

In the ring, Lord Sewell grabs Mil by the neck and hits him with a snapmare before delivering a wicked kick to the spine! Mil flinches in pain and then Sewell approaches him from the front to deliver a second kick to the chest!

Ooh! Another shot to the chest! Lord Sewell looking for the upset tonight if he can knock off a former Favoured Saints and multiple-time Unified Tag Team Champion! 

The highly-esteemed (at least by his stooges) Sewell hits the ropes and comes off to hit a knee drop to the head! But he isn’t done. He gets up a second time and delivers another swift knee drop to the chest! Mil is sucking in wind now when Sewell goes to complete the trifecta and then scores with a third! 

What a knee drop! There’s a cover! Lateral press by Lord Sewell!




With one hand still not-so-gently squeezing Keeling’s shoulder at ringside, Uriel feigns relief by putting his hand on his chest. 

That was a very close one by Lord Sewell! He almost got the win there, but Uriel’s presence at ringside has been a constant distraction. 

Surely, up to no good! He’s got that grip tightly on Thomas Keeling and hasn’t let go. This is the man that BROUGHT Uriel Cortez into DEFIANCE! 

Uriel and Thomas continue to watch the action as he grabs Mil for a suplex. He hoists The Man of a Thousand Flips up… but it only takes Mil just one flip in order to land behind Lord Sewell! When The Elder Technician turns around, Mil CRACKS him on the leg with a stiff round kick! He fires a kick from the other side and then leaps up to hit a jumping back kick that knocks Lord Sewell back to the corner! 

Can Mil Vueltas make the comeback against Lord Sewell?

Uriel waves at Mil and points at Sewell in the corner, yelling at him to focus on the match. He jerks at Thomas Keeling’s shoulder again and tells him to cheer for his boy as Mil Vueltas charges forward and CRACKS Lord Sewell with double running knees to the chest! Sewell coughs up in pain and staggers away from the corner as Mil leaps to the apron, then does another leap up to hit a springboard into a somersault seated senton on the Lord! 

What the heck?! How does he come up with these moves! He can just attack you out of nowhere!

Mil Vueltas is back up on his feet and screams out at Uriel. 

Mil Vueltas:
You hurt him and you’ll pay! 

Uriel doesn’t address his threat as Mil Vueltas waits on Lord Sewell to stand. Mil leaps across the ring and as Lord Sewell pulls himself up using the ropes, he does a tiger feint kick OVER the top rope and rocks his jaw! Lord Sewell hits the mat and then Mil Vueltas leaps to the nearby middle rope only to come back with a springboard corkscrew senton that crushes Sewell! The Faithful are roaring with approval for Mil Vueltas as he leaps up to his feet! 

Mil is back on the comeback trail! 

Mil goes to the ropes again, but Oliver Tarquin Monroe tries to grab him by his leg! Mil stops him and slides through the ropes with a slight kick, but leaves Sewell the chance to slip behind him with a schoolboy! 




No! Mil slips out… bounces off the middle rope…  HE CATCHES SEWELL! ASESINO GIGANTE!

Sewell is brought down HARD by a moonsault flipped around into a Tornado DDT! Lord Sewell gets spiked into the canvas, then Mil heads to the top rope in a single leap! He casts one glance at Uriel, then leaps to the ropes to hit a springboard into a phoenix splash!


Mil hooks the legs! 





Mil gets the win and pumps a fist! He turns over face Uriel!

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… MI…

…but seconds after the match’s conclusion, both Earl Roberts and Oliver Tarquin Monroe slide into the ring and attack Mil with stomps! 

Hey! Hey! Come on! Cheap shots! 

Thomas Keeling tries to go in there to help Mil Vueltas, but Uriel holds in him place. He tells him to stay put, then climbs into the ring! OTM sees him coming and charges at Uriel… 


…And gets chopped out of his boots! Earl Roberts charges at Uriel as well, only for the giant to palm the back of his head and throw him out of the ring! 

Uriel just… saved Mil?! What is this? What’s going on? 

Uriel smiles and then calls for a mic. He steals one from an official from ringside. 

I don’t know. What is the meaning of this?


Uriel holds the microphone in hand and looks down at Mil Vueltas. 

Uriel Cortez:
What I just did right there, Mil… 

He points at Lord Sewell and Gentlemen’s Agreement heading back behind the curtain. 

Uriel Cortez:
That right there is going to be the last free ride you get from me for old time’s sake. 

More jeering from The Faithful!

Uriel Cortez:
I’m not protecting you anymore like I did just now. That was clearly a three-on-one situation and you were outnumbered and outmanned. 

What a crock! 

Cortez looks down on his ex-best friend. 

Uriel Cortez:
Let me put this into terms even your stubborn little ass can understand, Mil. You are now ALL ALONE against the entirety of DEFIANCE. For years, I looked after you. I protected you. I SHIELDED you from the many horrors of this organization. All those years of protecting you helped make me the good father figure that I am today, Mil. 


Uriel Cortez:
And at DEFCON… you, Mil. You of all people… 

Cortez sighs. 

Uriel Cortez:
You’re gonna have to learn the hardest lesson of them all as a Familia man… 

The Man of the House pops the bones in his neck. 

Uriel Cortez:
…I’m not afraid to discipline people that don’t listen. 

Mil jumps first and attacks the knee of Uriel Cortez, making him drop the microphone! He gets up a second time and hits a second dropkick! 

Mil’s had enough of Uriel’s threats! He’s not going to be bullied or intimidated by Cortez! 

Mil shoots off the ropes a third time and tries another dropkick… 


…But Uriel BLASTS him with one big chop to the chest! Mil goes down and holds his chest in pain! 

No! Uriel attacking Mil before DEFCON! 

Uriel checks his knee and flexes it to make sure he can still walk, then grabs Mil… 


…then LEVELS him with a second chop to the chest! 

No! This has to stop! This has to stop! 

Uriel looks down at the fallen Mil Vueltas… then turns his gaze to Thomas Keeling on the outside. 

No… no… he literally said two weeks ago he’d never lay a hand on Thomas. This man was like a father figure to both he and Mil when he managed them both as the Sky High Titans! 

Uriel climbs over the ropes and Thomas tries to throw a punch, only for Uriel to grab his hand. He manhandles the promoter of Mil Vueltas and throws him under the bottom rope! 

No! He’s gotta stop this! What is he doing? 

Thomas tries to get away, but Uriel PLANTS a foot firmly down on his hand to make sure he can’t get away. He slowly starts to reach around his pants and undoes his belt buckle… then starts to quickly bundle it up… 

No, no, no, no, no, don’t do this! 

Thomas struggles against the giant…


…and Uriel STRIKES him across his back with the belt! Over and over and over again!










After EIGHT brutal shots across the back of Thomas Keeling, DEFsec, led by Wyatt Bronson heads down to the ring! Mil is finally back up and sees what has been done! Uriel finally takes his leave and then takes his belt with him before leaving the ring. 


DEFsec have flooded the ringside area to try and prevent any more damage from befalling Thomas Keeling. Mil Vueltas looks up to see Uriel looking back at him from the ramp, waving his belt frantically through the air. 

Uriel Cortez:

The booing is at a fever pitch as Uriel heads back up the ramp. Mil screams at the officials to get some medical attention for the downed Thomas Keeling, who is still writhing in agony after multiple belt shots being brought down across his back! 

No… that was AWFUL. This… this is the man that Uriel LITERALLY said that he’d never hurt him two weeks ago! That without him being introduced to DEFIANCE, he’d have never met Titaness! This… this is cruel. 

Monster… I don’t care the size disparity between these two men… I hope Mil finds a way and gives him EXACTLY what he deserves!

Mil grits his teeth and fumes as he watches Uriel turn and leave behind the curtain. He turns to have DEFsec and medical staff check on Keeling as the scene cuts to commercial.


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Back to The Commentation Station with Darren Keebler and Lance Warner.

Folks, if you’re just joining us moments ago… Uriel Cortez launched an attack after Mil Vueltas’ victory over Lord Sewell. He would attack Mil Vueltas, and then follow that up immediately by attacking his own manager, Thomas Keeling, with his belt. 

Deplorable behavior. We’re being told that Thomas Keeling is being treated for injuries sustained from the attack and that Uriel Cortez is banned from the building for the remainder of the night. 

We will try and get a word on his condition, but first… we have to take a look at some footage that was sent earlier today. Two weeks ago on DEFtv 200, BRAZEN star Punch Drunk Purcell defended his BRAZEN Onslaught Championship against Edward White’s enforcer, Nicky Corozzo. 

Stills play on screen of the slugfest of the monsters.

But it was Edward White that would attack Punch Drunk Purcell to cause a disqualification when it looked like Purcell might have been on the verge of victory. 

Stills now show Jane Katze and Corozzo restraining the Round Mound of Ground and Pound. 

And White issued the challenge for DEFCON. After weeks of Punch Drunk Purcell living up the fact that he laid out Edward White in his debut match on DEFtv, enough was enough. 

And all that brings us to footage that took place earlier today. We found out that Punch Drunk Purcell made a… well, the big man did not forget what happened to him at the hands of Ed White and Associates and paid him an unscheduled visit at a place fans might recognize from White’s feud late last year with FIST of DEFIANCE, Dex Joy…

The DEFIAtron rolls the footage… 

We immediately recognize the location- the former neighborhood and beautiful park, bought and raised recently out of pure spite by “The Socialite” Edward White. Simply to hurt the Every Champ, the still reigning and defending FIST of DEFIANCE, Dex Joy. Ultimately Edward White failed in his attempt at capturing the FIST- but this insane, self centered gesture remains a concern for the residents, both current and those forced from their homes when the community was gobbled up by the shortsighted multi-millionaire. 

The protests have been constant, every day since the day White wheeled and dealed and purchased the land for a steal and kicked everyone to the curb. Where once there was a park and affordable housing- now there’s the skeleton of a giant exclusive clubhouse, a state of the art driving range and a full eighteen holes of gorgeous imported greens. Construction equipment still rumbles around the site of the clubhouse- the framing almost done on the giant gaudy building.

Crunching up a hill towards the clubhouse site- already inside the perimeter fencing- we see none other than Punch Drunk Purcell. The longest reigning BRAZEN Onslaught Champion is dressed in jeans and a sleeveless black hoodie- a determined look on his face as he approaches with a lone camera guy in tow.

Punch Drunk Purcell:
Ok- just keep rollin’, you hear me? 

We hear the camera man mutter to the affirmative. 

Punch Drunk Purcell:
I talked to a guy that told me how to find White out here. About to get that HGTV on, if you know what I mean. 

The footage fast forwards to a few moments. The camera now captures a mob of protestors from the local area picketing the buildings being erected over what used to be a local playground just mere months before. The camera pans out once again to show a number of framed structures getting ready for new buildings going up. 

One more very brief fast forward shows Edward White speaking privately on the phone with Jane Katze and Nicky Corozzo standing by one of the structures. He seems to be conducting business with one of the crew foremen. 

Now back to a few minutes later with Punch Drunk Purcell marching with the same cameraman towards a number of crew members with what looks like a bulldozer on site. 

Punch Drunk Purcell:
Hi. Get your asses out of my way. 

Crewman #1:
Hey! You can’t be here! This is for personnel only! 

Purcell raises a hand at the crewman and he jumps instantly. 

Punch Drunk Purcell:
This is only personal, asshole. I gotta teach some spoiled little piss-baby a lesson in respect!

Another crewman tries to restrain Purcell by grabbing his arm. 

Crewman #2:
You need to leave! No… 

But he doesn’t get to finish his sentence and catches what has become Punchy’s signature right hand across the jaw, making him fold in the gravel like paper! The rest of the crew see what happens and scatter like roaches! Once all alone but he and the cameraman he brought, Purcell grabs the keys, then takes the construction hat of the crewman and it barely fits his head. 

Punch Drunk Purcell:
Good enough! And hey, I used to operate one of these before I got into boxing. Hope I remember this crap… 

Fast forward two minutes for Punchy to get his bearings and starting up the dozer. Punch Drunk Purcell turns to face the cameraman. 

Punch Drunk Purcell: [yelling over the noise]
This one’s dedicated to you, Dex! I’m gonna DEFINITELY be putting this one on a t-shirt!

Once the machine is in full gear, it speeds towards one of the erected frames. The cameraman catches Ed White and Associates. Katze is the first one to notice the trajectory of the bulldozer and quickly alerts Nicky Corozzo, who jumps up in shock. He taps White on the shoulder. White jumps out and his face turns white… 


The sound of dozer meeting wooden framing gets CHEERS from the protestors just across the property line! Most of the framing comes down into thousands of little pieces! Property crew react in complete panic and shock! 

The footage shows the cameraman now speeding up to the property! 

Edward White:
What in the hell is going on out there?

Popping out is none other than Punch Drunk Purcell, who takes off the construction hat and waves it at White!

Punch Drunk Purcell:

He lobs the hat as hard as he can and just barely misses catching White in the head! White watches on in complete disbelief and rage as Purcell saunters off the property and damage he just causued, walking out to loud cheers from the protestors! He throws up his hands in the air to celebrate along with them as the footage ends! 

And as we know… it will be Edward White one-on-one with Punch Drunk Purcell at DEFCON! This one has gotten very personal, very fast! 

Who will come out on top? Will Purcell pull out the shock victory one more time or does Edward White have more up his sleeve?


We have BOXWOOD next against two of the hand-picked challenges they wanted from The Comments Section.

Hand picked outside of Cyrus Bates and Teresa Ames that is, who I believe Box and Blackwood are planning to challenge after this contest is over.

At DEFCON, maybe?

One can hope.

The Comments Sections entrance is wrapping up as Thurston Hunter and The Game Boy wait in the ring as DEFtv moves off its commercial break.

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents… the team of Gage Blackwood and Bronson Box!

♫ “Dare to Tame Me” by TRIDDANA ♫

Blackwood and Box are definitely not out for entertainment purposes. The two of them are storming down to ringside as The Faithful brace themselves for a fight.

Box slides into the ring and Hunter jumps up in his face. The wannabe thug is about to open his mouth when-


Gage Blackwood pops him square under the jaw and Hunter is completely knocked out!

Gage walks over to referee Mark Shields, threatening Shields to ring the bell OR ELSE.

Mark Shields:
Sure Gage, hell whatever you want, man.


Shields calls for the bell and then BAILS when Blackwood picks up Hunter and hurls the goon as hard as possible into the buckle. Except it’s not the buckle that Hunter hits, his right shoulder goes between the top and middle padding. It honestly looks like Hunter is severely injured, perhaps separated his shoulder, as he screams like a maniac and not in the BADASS kinda way. Blackwood peels Hunter from the corner and ejects the idiot out of the ring. Hunter lands HARD on the floor, face-first but he only cares about his shoulder, as he SHOUTS and SHOUTS in agony.

Meanwhile, what has been deemed the “legal” men, Box and The Game Boy are going toe-to-toe. Even though Game Boy has the height, weight and muscle mass on Box, The OG DEFIANT isn’t giving an inch.

I’m not surprised. I’m not even impressed Box can go shot-for-shot with Game Boy and I mean that as a compliment.

Oh, same. Box is the definition of this company. If anything, I would think Game Boy is the one who falters first.

Indeed, Game Boy does falter. He’s the first one to take a step backwards, albeit a weak one. Box shoots off the ropes and clubs Game Boy in the chest with a clothesline. It knocks the big man back another foot. Box hits the ropes again-

And Blackwood dives low while Box goes high. They make the big man crash to the ground!

Faithful, this is NOT a tornado match but I doubt we see Mark Shields implement much.

Box and Blackwood reign the boots down on The Game Boy as the crowd… starts to boo?

Yes, they do start to boo but not because of what’s happening inside the ring. It’s about what is taking place at the top of the rampway!

Teresa Ames is out with Search Party Cyrus by her side. They are watching first hand but won’t get any closer.

They are watching… Hunter being attended to by EMTs on the outside of the ring. And they are also watching The Game Boy getting pulled up to his feet by Blackwood and Box inside… and then slammed back to the mat again with a double spine buster!

Blackwood marches to their corner. Box walks over and tags him.

Kind of pointless to be doing that now, isn’t it?

I guess they still want to TRY playing by the rules.

With all of Box’s might, he lifts The Game Boy into a pile driver position. Blackwood perches himself on the second rope. Gage jumps as Bronson pulls on Game Boy’s tights to lift the big man, ever so slightly.

PILEDRIVER! Blackwood has the additional emphasis on it as crashes into The Hulking Henchman on the way down.

It looks like The Game Boy landed on the top of his head.

He’s not moving.

Blackwood and Box roll The Game Boy over. Blackwood tags Box back in as Box hooks his Red Right Hand straight into The Game Boy’s luchador mask.

God’s Fiery Right Hand, that clawhold, is locked in. Mark Shields realizes The Game Boy’s shoulders are pinned so he starts making a count.



Shields stops the count only because Gage Blackwood does something very out of character. He’s on the top rope. He leaps off and CRASHES into The Game Boy’s head with a leg drop.

Box smirks. He reapplies the headclaw.

Shields goes back to counting.



WAIT NO! Gage isn’t done!

Box removes his hand from the giant, as Box and Blackwood prop The Game Boy onto his knees. Blackwood fires off the ropes.


The Gaelic Storm.

And THEN Box puts the clawhold back on with The Game Boy’s shoulders pinned to the mat!

Shields counts again!





The crowd is shocked but then again, when they realize the two men in the ring, they easily come to their senses.

Darren Quimbey:
The winners of this match… GAGE BLACKWOOD and BRONSON BOX!

♫ “Dare to Tame Me” by TRIDDANA ♫

Hunter is being helped to the back but Bronson Box won’t drop the clawhold on The Game Boy. Instead, he looks up and out of the ring, at Bates and Ames, shouting for them to come and put a stop to this. Gage Blackwood even walks over to the edge of the ring and holds the ropes open for The Comments Section.

Bates takes a step forward but in reality it’s just a fake step forward because Teresa Ames puts her hand out there to tell him no and Cyrus listens. The crowd boos, they want to see the fight.

Meanwhile Thurston Hunter is being helped to the back by two referees and Ames doesn’t even bat an eye in his direction. Teresa and Cyrus simply keep staring back at Blackwood and Box.

Box drops the clawhold, only when a trickle of blood starts to seep from The Game Boy’s mask.

This was a message, loud and clear. A big one at that.

Huge victory for BOXWOOD. You’d have to think Ames and Bates are going to take them on next, right?

However, as the crowd jeers, the ASMR Queen and the camo guy merely turn their backs on Blackwood and Box. They head behind the apron and towards gorilla.

Blackwood’s theme song plays as the duo spend a very brief moment to acknowledge the crowd and then make their exit as DEFtv rolls on.


Your bi-weekly source for all things DEFIANCE! Tune in, for the UNCUT, NO HOLDS BARRED DEFIANCE!

JOIN THE REZZzzzzzzz...




Someplace backstage, junior reporter Chris Trutt wears a dour grimace and shakes his head with dismay.



...zzzzzzZZZ--SNRKT! SNRRRRKT!! …zzzzzz…

He stands over “the Escape Artist” Rezin, sprawled out on top of a large production chest and apparently catching a snooze. 

Chris Trutt:
Uhh… Rezin?

Trutt taps the end of his trusty microphone against Rezin’s tinfoil-ensconced forehead. One of the Goat Bastard’s tar-stained hands paws at his face as if batting away a pest, before he settles back into the same rhythmic snoring.

Chris Trutt:

Using his foot, the junior reporter gives the roadcase a solid nudge to send it rolling along its casters. Rezin is violently brought awake as he slips off and splats upon the floor.


The Escape Artist is a coughing and sputtering mess as he slowly comes to. Trutt kneels down beside him.

Chris Trutt:
So, Rezin… how is the “Rezistance” thing of yours going?

Only half awake, Rezin blinks dreamily…

Umm… “Rezistance?”

Chris Trutt:
Yeah. Weren’t you on a mission to expose Vae Victis as alien shapeshifters? The DEFIANCE Faithful have been eager to know what you have in store for DEFCON. Aren’t you supposed to be medically cleared for action by then?

Uuugggghhhh… “defcon”?

Trutt nods.

Chris Trutt:
That’s right. The show of shows? Only two weeks away?

The Goat Bastard’s eyes practically EXPLODE as soon as the lightbulb goes off.


He scrambles to his feet.

Shit, I gotta get movin’! Where are those scumbags?!

He bounds out of the shot, and we immediately…

SMASH CUT to Lindsay Troy, standing outside the VVIP Suite, head bent over her phone as her thumbs type out a text message…

…when Rezin suddenly bounds into the frame.

LIND-ZAAAYYY!! TEE to the ROY!! Hey, did you do something with your hair? Looks MARVELOUS tonight, if ya ask me, but ANYWAY, HEY, I was just over thurr thinkin’, ya know what would be SOOPER badass? YOU and ME at DEFCON! The ultimate battle between the symbol of the elite and the embodiment of revolution! Fuggin’ POETRY, know’m’sayin’? 

The Queen doesn’t even bother to look up as she answers the Goat Bastard.

Lindsay Troy:
Raisin, as much as I would love to contribute to your ongoing brain damage, Henry and I have already agreed to a Besties Murder Party of PatCass and BrockBludd. Like, this just happened two weeks ago, get with the program, dipshit.

She moves her right hand and makes a shoo-ing gesture at him.

Lindsay Troy:
Now scram, you’re in my light and I’m waiting on Henry.

SMASH CUT to Henry Keyes, emerging from the VVIP Suite, looking at an absolute Steampunk Rectangle covered with brass gears and unneeded leather straps. The rectangle “dings” and Keyes appears to read something from it, then laughs…

…when Rezin suddenly slides into the scene.

KEEEEYYYYYEEEEESSSS!! My nemesis in punkdom! The two of us gotta score to settle after ya put me on the shelf, and ya know, the way I see it, I’m thinkin’ DEFCON is just the place to do it! So come on, bruh, whaddya say? It’s like our DEFCONNIVERSARY! So let’s go beat the shid outta each other for old time sakes! 

Keyes looks up from his rectangle and as his single eye locks on with Rezin’s two, there’s a pause.


Henry Keyes:
…….when did you get back?

Um… like two minutes ago?

Henry Keyes:
Listen, Rezin, just - no, okay? Did Miss Troy tell you by any chance? We’re doing a whole thing. It’s a murder party - well, there’s a pre-party, and then the PARTY party, but look - now’s not a good time to revisit “this”. 

Keyes points a finger back and forth between himself and Rezin at “this”.

Henry Keyes:
I dunno, just - maybe find a friend and enter the next Flynn Cup tournament, or give me a reason to want something from you, and then we can maybe try to, you know…rekindle the spark, as it were. It’ll be good to miss me, I promise.

Keyes then walks off in the same direction as Troy.

SMASH CUT to Oscar Burns sitting cross-legged on a mat floor, trying his absolute best to meditate his recent problems away. 

…when Rezin suddenly pops into the shot from below, also sitting on the mat next to him. Burns closes his eyes and tries harder to do something like wish himself away or make Rezin’s head spontaneously combust.

Neither happens. 

Yo-yo-yoooo, if it ain’t “TEE-EN-TEE” OSCAR BEE! S’appenin’, dawg? How’s the shovelin’ your way outta the shit biz been treatin’ ya? Hey man, picture this… the two of us, straight up burnin’ the house down at DEFCON! anyway. The epitome of DEFIANCE against its number one DEF-ender! Tale as old as time, knaw’mean? So come on, let’s make this shit happen?! One GEE-SEE to another… ya know, if I’m assumin’ right that it stands for “ganja connosuir”,

Oscar Burns finally opens his eyes. 

He looks at Rezin… 

Then shuts his eyes and goes back to meditation. When Rezin gets no response from DEFIANCE Himself, he silently butt-scoots elsewhere to find a worthy opponent. 

SMASH CUT to Sonny Silver with earbuds in his ears, watching the latest episode of Invincible. Whatever he sees gets his attention. 

Sonny Silver:
Oh, shit. He’s still alive! Damn! 

…when Rezin suddenly drops in from above. Sonny jumps back and has to scramble quickly to avoid dropping his phone! He takes an earbud out of his ears. 

Sonny Silver:
Ahh! What the rooting, tooting fresh and fruiting FUCK are you doing?

Rezin: (picking himself up off the floor)
EEEYYYY SONNY!! Dude, wanna come outta retirement and wrestle at DEFCON?!

The Vae Victis spokesperson sighs. 

Sonny Silver:
Rezin… I don’t for three reasons. A) I’m watching Invincible. And B and C) Go fuck yourself. 

He puts his earbuds in his ears and walks the opposite direction, leaving Rezin to continue his search. 

SMASH CUT to Butcher Victorious walking the halls in a white t-shirt, torn black jeans and purple tennis shoes, finally a free man. He’s walking through the halls with The Stick™ in hand…

…when Rezin casually walks into the shot.

BUTCH!! Hey man, mebbe ya can help me out here… I’m lookin’ to kick some Vae Victis ass at DEFCON, and I think YOU might be the guy who can help me do it!

Butcher raises his eyebrow. 

Butcher Victorious:
Uh… Rezin… I don’t know where y’all have been this last while, but… BUTCH VIC… TOLD VAE VICTIS “I QUIT!” BUTCH VIC SAYS TO HELL WITH VAE VIC… tis. I… 

Rezin: (interrupting)
Whoa-whoa-whoa, waitagoddambminnithere! Ya ain’t in Vae Victis anymore?

Butcher Victorious:
Nah… I headbutted Oscar Burns right between the eyes. Butch Vic got tired of that shit. 

He lingers there awkwardly for a few moments before slinking away.

Um… yeah, nevermind.

He bolts.

SMASH CUT to Dan Leo James backstage working out with battle ropes by doing waves. He continues on, focused on his workout with earbuds in his ears…

…when Rezin walks up to him.

Not now, Dan Leo James! I gotta find somebuddy from Vae Victis to fight at DEFCON!

The Goat Bastard darts away before DLJ even has an opportunity to respond.

SMASH CUT to… Rezin, back where he began with Simon, now with a phone pressed to his ear.

KERRY!! Hey, I need ya to rejoin DEFIANCE for a one-off! YOU!! ME!! DEFCON!! Let’s settle the score for once and for all! …what?! Well EYE ain’t got that kinda money! Strawbviously… well how about that Clay guy? Still got his number? …hello? KERRY?!

He hangs up and punches the air in frustration.

DAMBIT, Simon! I searched HIGH and LOW… WHILE HIGH… and I ain’t found a single one of these damb Vae Victis fartlickers to accept my Dopesmokin’ DEFCON challenge!!

Trutt thoughtfully scratches his chin.

Chris Trutt:
Well, uh… I think there’s still one member of Vae Victis that you might have overlooked…

Wrapt with desperation, Rezin snatches him by the lapels of his suit and pulls him in.

WHO, man? WHO?!

Trutt gestures off camera. We pan over…

Scott Hunter is trying to finger scratch an ice cream stain off of his brand new sparkly jacket. He scratches, checks his finger, smells it, then shrugs and keeps scratching.

Pan back to the Goat Bastard and the junior reporter.

Ooooooohhh… this could be the ONE, Trutt!

Rezin breaks away from Trutt and scurries up behind Scott. Without warning, he delivers an insistent SLAP to the back of Hunter’s head!


Rezin is ripped from the fabric of reality when Hunter instantly pivots and pastes his knuckles into the Escape Artist’s tinfoil shielded head. Rezin goes flying onto his back.

Scott Hunter:
You touched my hair!!! Did you see him?? He touched my hair!

Chris Trutt nods.

Chris Trutt:
I did see it, yes.

Scott Hunter: [pointing down at Rezin]
Look here, PAL. We have a very strict no hair touching policy around here! Where do you think you are, Visible Changes??? For one thing, my hair is luxurious and very important, and second of all, those haircuts are way overpriced! Who even needs two shampoos?? That’s robbery! You’re paying for the next one on account of all of the touching. Secondly, I am sorry, but there are penalties for your follicle fornication, which sounds worse than it is, but is still very serious! First of all, I am afraid you have had to feel the wrath of all five of my knuckles crashing into your weird hairy face. And secondly…

Scott kneels down next to Rezin.

Scott Hunter:
You must face me at DEFCON! DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID?!?! FACE! Beware, I will now have to throttle you with my other fist, as well as my feet and at least one of my knees. I may also strike you with my elbows because I am having a sale. TWO ELBOWS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! YOU HEAR ME?!?! PRICE!! I don’t know if you can hear me right now, but you better show up!!!

Scott stands up again, starts to walk away, then turns around and shouts.

Scott Hunter:

Scott runs away.

Then… he runs back, lightly kicks Rezin in the leg, and runs away again.

Chris Trutt meekly wanders back into the shot, leaning over Rezin to see if he’s still conscious.

Chris Trutt:
Well, Rezin… I guess we’ll see you at DEFCON?

Rezin is on his back, limbs splayed out in every direction, groaning in agony. Regardless, he weakly manages to raise up his fist.

...fugg… YEAH…


Another one of these tune-up matches is coming up. We’ve got No Fun Dean in the ring and he will be taking on Conor Fuse.

♫ “King DeDeDe Remix Theme” from Kirby’s Dream Land ♫

The Portland Faithful come alive as Conor Fuse hops out from behind the back, sporting his typical lime green wrestling gear as he makes his way down. He takes time to smack hands along the way, firing up the crowd as he does.

In three weeks, it will be BROTHER versus BROTHER for the first time ever in their careers, as the ACE of DEFIANCE will be on the line.

The match image appears in the bottom right hand corner of the TV feed.

It’s a shot to call a FIST of DEFIANCE opportunity. Tyler Fuse is unbeaten in singles action for over two years now and Conor, well, Conor has come so close so many other times. He wrestled Mikey Unlikely four years ago for the FIST and came up inches short thanks to Perfection. The younger Fuse ALMOST had Lindsay Troy beat during the FIST Elimination a couple of years ago and then last year, for the number one contendership against Dex Joy, in a neck and neck battle. Conor actually had Dex pinned for more than a three count but Hector Navarro was inadvertently injured and slow on the count!

Listen, Fuse versus Fuse is going to be exciting. But we aren’t here to make excuses for Conor, either. He wouldn’t want it. He didn’t win those matches. As for Tyler, he’s never received a FIST of DEFIANCE shot before.

Conor leaps onto the apron and then performs another, clearing the ring ropes. He lands perfectly in the center of the squared circle and bows to No Fun Dean, as if asking the guy if Dean was impressed with Conor’s jumping abilities or not.

Dean isn’t fun. He offers a simple shrug and that’s all.

Conor marches to his corner of the ring but just as Mark Shields calls for the bell…


Tyler Fuse slides into the ring from seemingly out of nowhere!

Tyler taps Mark on the shoulder.

Tyler Fuse:
Holy shit, Mark. Look over there!

The referee buys it. He actually LOOKS OVER THERE!

Then Tyler Fuse walks right up to No Fun Dean and hammers the unsuspecting wrestler in the side of the head!


What’s the meaning of this?

Across the ring, Conor is dumbfounded as he, and the crowd, tries to figure out what the hell happened in such a short amount of time. There Tyler stands, in the middle of the ring. He smirks and then goes back to his typical stoic demeanor as he reveals brass knuckles across his left hand. He tucks them back into his back jean pocket.

The elder Fuse sneers at his brother and then winks. The OG Fuse rolls out of the ring and tells Mark Shields to go back to doing his job.

Shields spins around. He sees No Fun Dean is out cold.

Mark brings his attention to Conor.

Mark Shields:
You did this? You knocked him out!?

Tyler shouts “yes” as the answer from outside the ring, as Shields slides into position and realizes that, yes, No Fun Dean is totally DOA!

Shields calls for the bell.


Mark shouts over to the time keeper’s table that Conor Fuse is the winner for knocking Dean out during the contest.

Quimbey gets on the mic to explain it.

Darren Quimbey:
The winner of this match by knockout… CONOR FUSE!

The crowd boos and Conor shrugs. Everyone wanted to see The Ultimate Gamer wrestle!

…And all while Conor hasn’t even removed himself from the corner. He looks over at Tyler and wonders what the hell is going on. Tyler walks around to his side of the ring and then slides back in to stand face-to-face with his younger brother.

Conor Fuse:
Dude, what was that for? I could’ve knocked him out in a couple of shots!

Tyler Fuse:
I’m aware.

Conor Fuse:
Well then WTF, guy?

Yes, Conor says the actual acronym.

Tyler Fuse:
I told you I didn’t need your help two weeks ago but you still HAD TO show up, didn’t you?

Conor Fuse:

Tyler Fuse:
I told you I had Gage. I could’ve beaten Gage on my own. Not only did you come down to ringside seeking attention like you always do. I also found you INSIDE my ring.

Conor scoffs.

Conor Fuse:
You seemed pretty happy to take the distraction. Almost positive Gage never saw your Head Stomp coming. Also, hey, where do you get off using my move, man?

Tyler Fuse:
Proving to you I can do it better.

Conor Fuse:
Okay, guy. Go do a 450 splash guy then. You don’t have the abilities. I barely see you leave your feet.

Tyler Fuse:
I left my feet for the Head Stomp.

Conor Fuse:
Unimpressive. Do a LEGITIMATE dive, moron.

Tyler Fuse:
I’m undefeated in two years, buddy. Pretty sure I‘m going to roll through you, too. Dive or NO dive.

Conor Fuse:
Overlook me. I get it.

Tyler Fuse:
I’m not overlooking you. You’ve had your chances before and FAILED. Me? If Dex is FIST, I’ll wreck him and finish the job I should’ve completed over the SOHER. If Malak is the FIST…

Tyler can’t help but laugh.

Tyler Fuse:
I’ll put his scrawny ass in the emergency ward.

Conor sarcastically nods along, like he wouldn’t be able to do those things, either. He points to No Fun Dean.

Conor Fuse:
Well thanks, dude. Thanks again. Really appreciate it.

Tyler Fuse:

Tyler looks like he’s about to walk away but then he goes right back into Conor’s face.

Tyler Fuse:
Stay out of my business.

Conor Fuse:
Pretty sure I am your business in three weeks, guy.

Tyler Fuse:

Tyler pats Conor on the shoulder.

Tyler Fuse:
See you then.

Tyler drops to his knees and rolls out of the ring. He marches up the rampway but receives some boos in the process as the crowd was deprived of seeing Conor Fuse perform anymove whatsoever.

Is this a first? A guy wins a match while staying in the corner the entire time?

I don’t know, we have a long history. Maybe it’s happened before. Either way, tensions are boiling over between the two brothers. I’m being told, however, we WILL see Conor in action on this coming UNCUT to make up for this match.

I’m also being told there will be a DEFIANCE Spotlight featuring both Tyler and Conor before their DEFCON match.

This is going to boil over, right?

I don’t know, I really don’t. I think there’s still a lot of mutual respect there and each guy is jockeying for position.

Conor stands in the middle of the ring, shaking his head as he watches Tyler walk up the rampway. Meanwhile, Mark Shields is just dumbfounded Conor knocked No Fun Dean out for so long.

Mark Shields: [to Conor]
Shit man, shit. Let me know your secrets and then I can tell MY brother…


Don't miss the encore presentation of DEFtv 200 - Only on DEFonDEMAND!!


Back to the Moda Center. The DEFIANCE Faithful are on their feet, signs in the air.

♫ “Desperado” by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes ♫

The fans rise and give a very respectable pop for the quintessential underdog.

And here comes Lonnie Stone with a score to settle!

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first … from Caliente, Nevada … he weighs in at one-hundred seventy-one pounds … LONNNNIIIEEEEE STONNNNNNEEEE!!!

Zipping through the curtains, Lonnie Stone doesn’t wait too long for his entrance music to play. He points at the ring with two fingers then he flies right towards the ring at high velocity! He jumps and slides right under the bottom rope.

Lonnie Stone was ringside two weeks ago when Ned Reform and Scott Douglas’ confrontation broke down. He took exception to The Good Doctor’s actions, hence this match up.

Lonnie Stone runs the ropes in preparation as…

♫ “Fur Elise” by Cole Rolland ♫

Instant booing as the house lights turn purple. Ned Reform, dressed in his usual combat attire of purple singlet and the like, steps slowly through the curtain. 

For a man who has been ordered to issue an apology tonight, he sure seems jovial.

He won’t be smiling when he meets Scott Douglas at DEFCON, I can assure you of that.

Reform slowly begins to saunter to the ring, casting judgemental looks toward the crowd as he does.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from New Haven, Connecticut and weighing in at 227 lbs… NED! REEEEFORM!

To the surprise of everyone, there is a very tiny section of The Faithful who chime in…


Ned hears this and his grin grows. He jumps up the apron, wipes off his boots, and steps into the ring.

This is an extremely rare event, Lance… but I’m Ned actually has a small contingent of fans here in Portland. Kindred spirits, perhaps?

Utterly bizarre. 

Lonnie Stone puts his dukes up in preparation as Rex Knox attempts to get both men ready to start the contest. Reform, however, has him little mind. As his theme fades out… he instead exits the ring right behind Darren Quimbey. He taps a puzzled Quimbey on the shoulder and asks for the mic. In the ring, Lonnie Stone complains about the delay to Rex Knox. 

Ned Reform:
…let us begin. Ladies and gentlemen… I have been told that I am to come out here tonight and offer my sincere apologies for my behavior last week. I’m told it was unbecoming of a man of my stature. I’m told I was uncouth and out of line. And thus…

Reform gets close to the nearest camera so his face fills the frame.

Ned Reform:
I apologize.

And he winks.


Ned Reform:
Now, Mr. Quimbey…

Ned moves the mic away from his mouth so we don’t hear what he says, but The Sage on the Stage says something to the DEFIANCE ring announcer. Quimbey looks unenthused about whatever Ned said to him, but Reform urges him to comply. With a sigh, Quimby brings the mic back up.

Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen… a minor correction… I give you “DEFIANCE’s Favorite Son” Ned Reform.


Reform ignores the boos and instead waves and smiles… but that doesn’t last long as Lonnie Stone comes crashing down OUTTANOWHERE!

And Lonnie Stone isn’t waiting any longer!

Stone lands squarely on top of Reform, sending the Good Doctor sprawling. Stone is back to his feet and unleashing on Ned with stiff kicks and punches as Reform tries to cover up!

Lonnie Stone:
Come on, tough guy! I’m no executive! 

The Yale professor manages to shove the younger man aside long enough to roll into the ring to safety. Inside the squared circle, Reform brings himself back up… but he turns right into a springboard missile dropkick from the apron! Reform goes down, and now that both men are in the ring…


Unbelievable! Lonnie Stone is TAKING it to Ned Reform!

What happened last week really upset him, Lance, and I think he’s been waiting for this for weeks.

Firmly in control, Stone takes the time to climb up to the top rope where he perches. He measures Ned, waiting for his moment… and when The Good Doctor has gotten back up, Stone leaps from the top with a crossbody…

…but he is caught by Reform! Holding the smaller man, Reform sends him high into the air and crashing face-first into the nearby turnbuckle with a snake eyes! Stone is stunned and nearly turned inside out when Reform hits the ropes and takes him down with a STIFF lariat! Looking down at his dazed opponent, Reform takes the opportunity to smile.

Ned doesn’t often get the chance to be a power wrestler, Lance, but he firmly has the weight advantage over Lonnie Stone.

Now it’s Ned’s turn to light Stone up with kicks while he’s down. Ned is ruthless, purposefully targeting Lonnie’s head - Ref Knox’s admonishments be damned. Reform positions Stone on the bottom rope before stepping on the back of his head and using the top rope for leverage as he chokes the smaller man with his boot! Knox gets to a four count before the Sage on the Stage releases the illegal hold. Ned brings Stone back to a vertical base before slipping behind and going for a back suplex… but Lonnie lands on his feet! He hits the ropes and rebounds back at a surprised Reform, hooking and dropping him with a hurricanrana! 

Don’t count this young man out yet!

Ned is about to find out what happens when a big brain meets a big heart!

Ned stumbles into the corner, and Lonnie follows. Stone climbs to the second rope and balls up his fist to the approval of the crowd. He begins to rain down blows onto Ned’s bald head…


Stone wastes no time in getting down. He grabs Reform’s head and hooks him for a bulldog. Stone goes to run and complete the move, but Reform breaks free and pushes him off. Stone hits the ropes and rebounds with a clothesline, but Ned ducks. Reform himself hits the ropes, and when the two meet again in the center of the ring… Reform ROCKS Lonnie with his leaping forward headbutt that he calls the Equivocator! 

NASTY impact.

Stone is down, and Reform gets back up. He slowly walks over to the young man before smiling and placing a foot on Stone’s chest!

What disrespect…




Stone got the shoulder up! You’re not gonna beat this kid that way, Ned.

Reform looks a little surprised and then allows Lonnie Stone a polite golf clap. He takes a moment to do a full circle while looking out at the jeering - and one very small cheering section - fans. His smile grows and he points to the top rope, drawing even more ire from the people. Ned slowly and arrogantly walks over the top rope before climbing up top. He steadies himself on the top rope, and when he stands fully erect he points to his big brain before leaping off and driving his elbow right into Lonnie Stone’s heart with the SCHOLAR AND ELBOW! Instead of covering, Reform pulls himself into a seated position and begins to clap for himself.

Just pin the kid, Ned.

And he does. But AGAIN… he does so with a foot on the chest.




And AGAIN… Stone manages to power a shoulder up. Ned gets to his knees in the ring, looking down at Lonnie… and he is no longer smiling. With a sudden and increased aggression, Reform roughly grabs Stone by the hair and tosses him like a ragdoll in the corner. He whips Stone into the opposite corner with a little extra mustard behind it. The Sage on the Stage gets a running start and looks for a running face-wash boot…

…but Lonnie moves!! Reform becomes momentarily trapped with a single leg over the rope! Lonnie kicks the exposed leg until Ned stumbles to the center of the ring. Stone meets him with a flying clothesline that rocks him! Ned back up… another clothesline! Ned back up… drop toe hold! Stone hits the ropes and hits a missile dropkick right into Reform’s face!!

He’s doing it!!

What an upset this would be!

Stone covers!



NO! Reform kicks out… and The Good Doctor immediately rolls under the nearby rope and spills onto the floor, looking for a moment of peace from the fiery Stone. Sensing the chance for something big, Lonnie Stone climbs to the top rope and perches, looking down at Ned as he tries to get his act together on the ringside floor. Ned, breathing heavy, is able to pull himself up and lean against the barricade. Stone FLIES OFF… pictures are taken…

…but Ned moves and Stone nearly IMPALES himself on the steel guardrail! Before Stone can even hit the ground, Reform grabs him and hooks him. He lifts Stone high into the air, and the crowd releases a collective GASP as he drives Stone into the ringside floor with the Syllabuster!!!

OH MY GOD!! Reform could have just broken Stone's neck!!!

We need someone out here…

Needless to say, Lonnie Stone is out. Ned again sits up. He looks over to Stone’s prone form with mild curiosity before breaking out into a grin. The Sage on the Stage again claps for himself before getting back to his feet. Ned rolls under the bottom rope and turns to Rex Knox.

Ned Reform:


Not only did he just potentially cripple this young man, but he’s taking the count out victory!

And he gets it. Despite his disgust, Knox does his job and counts the ten. Stone doesn’t move, there’s no hope for him to beat it. In fact, DEFmed is out and checking on him before Knox even gets to ten.


Darren Quimbey:
Your winner… by count out… Ned Reform.

Ned’s theme kicks in and Reform doesn’t give Lonnie Stone another thought. As Knox himself exits the ring to check on the young man, Reform exits the ring and begins to head up the ramp.

Disgusting display by a man who has become known for disgusting displays. 

The fans continue to boo as Ned slowly walks up the ramp. We get one more shot of Lonnie Stone, who thankfully is awake and responsive. Back to Ned, who is about to walk through the curtain… when he stops. And he waits. And then his head slowly turns… toward the interview station. Reform nods to himself before he backtracks and turns to walk toward DEFIANCE’s well-known interview stage.

What’s this?

Usually, there’d be a DEFIANCE interviewer waiting. But there’s no one there. But… there is a mic. Reform walks up, snatching the mic. His music fades out as he holds it. He brings it to his mouth…


And then brings it back down. He waits for the heat to subside..


But it comes back. Again, he waits. When The Faithful seem to have gotten it all out…

Ned Reform (breathing heavy):
In three weeks… I rip the very heart out of the chest of DEFIANCE…

Reform pantomimes this as he narrates.

Ned Reform:
 …and I throw it to the floor before squashing it beneath my boot.

And with that, he drops the mic. He begins to walk toward the curtain again.

Ned was… very uncharacteristically a man of few words.

We saw what has become a well documented mean streak on display here tonight… Darren, I know we all want Douglas to put Ned in his place… but I don’t like this. Douglas hasn’t had a match in three years… and Ned Reform has proven time and time again he can be dangerous in that ring…

You gotta believe Douglas knows that… it’s going to be one for the ages either way, folks!


Catch DEFIANCE Live in your town!


A small boy is walking through the hallways of the Moda Center. He seems entirely out of place, but his school is out of session for Easter Break. He enjoys school, likes comic books, and is the smartest, but shortest kid in his third-grade class. He also likes pizza.

That is not relevant. Move on.

He’s wearing a brightly colored pastel jacket with an embroidered Easter bunny on the lapel and has a yellow bowler hat on his head. Curiously, the bowler hat has a fuse sticking out of the top of it, and even more curious, the fuse is lit, so that it looks like a Fourth of July sparkler. He also has a basket in his right hand, the contents of which we can’t see, and he’s skipping.

He is a jolly lad.

He stops in front of a large door marked “FUSE”, and knocks, then stands there waiting, swaying back and forth.

The door opens after a moment, and Conor Fuse is standing there. He looks down at the child, and a confused expression crosses his face. The boy smiles, reaches into his basket and pulls out a plastic egg, then tosses it at Conor.

It bounces off of his chest and falls harmlessly to the floor.

The boy reaches back into his basket and pulls out another plastic egg, and once again he tosses it at Conor.

It bounces off of his chest and falls harmlessly to the floor.

The boy smiles again, then reaches back into his basket and pulls out another plastic egg, but this time, Conor holds a hand out, and the boy stops.

Conor kneels to eye level with the boy.

Conor Fuse:
Who sent you, kid?

The boy just smiles. Then, he reaches into his tiny jacket pocket, pulls out a piece of paper, and hands it to Conor. Conor opens it and on the paper are a bunch of tiny alternately pink, yellow, purple, and light green hearts bordering a message in the center.


The letters are drawn as little people.

This boy enjoys whimsy.

Conor frowns, then he looks back up at the kid. The kid giggles, then takes another plastic egg and tosses it at Conor, and it bounces off the top of his head like he was Jose Canseco in the outfield, and over into the dressing room behind him.

The boy giggles again, then nonchalantly turns and starts to skip away.

On the back of his jacket is a name.


Conor stands to his full height, grumbles under his breath, and kicks one of the plastic eggs away, then goes back into the dressing room.

Around a corner, the kid stops skipping in front of someone else.

Scott Hunter.

Scott has a sparkly jacket of his own, and his perfectly styled hair is shimmering in the light of the hallway. He has a big smile on his face, and not only because he finally finished the last season of Jag. 

Scott Hunter:
Great job, kid. Here you go, five thousand dollars.

He hands something to the young boy.

Scott Hunter:
Go and play a video game or something.

The boy looks down at the money.

Short Fuse:
This is a quarter.

Scott Hunter:

Scott turns and darts off into the now-crowded catering area, and disappears.

Short Fuse:
I’m rich!!

And the kid skips away in the opposite direction, off to play a video game…. In 1983.


DEFtv hedas back to the arena to show the dynamic duo of Darren Keebler and Lance Warner sitting behind the announce booth. 

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the last stop before the biggest event of the year DEFCON and it’s shaping up to be one to remember.

You hit the nail right on the head, partner. From top to bottom, the card is stacked. For some, DEFCON is the place where championship dreams are made. For others, it’s where scores are settled and personal rivalries are resolved. 

One rivalry that The Faithful are eager to see play out in the ring is The Saturday Night Specials and Vae Victis. Especially now that Troy and Keyes formally accepted SNS’s challenge. This match has all the ingredients to be a special one, that’s for sure.

Right again, DDK. But, there’s still a lot of questions hanging over this big showdown, especially when it comes to SNS. While they might be one of the most successful teams in DEFIANCE history with a proven track record, the fact remains that they haven’t shared a ring together in nearly a year due to Brock Newbludd’s major back injury and subsequent surgery.

We’ve seen ring rust rear its ugly head and derail many comebacks, no doubt about it. But, as we learned last week, Newbludd and Cassidy still know how to hold their own in a fight.

A short clip of SNS battling Weighted Grade from DEFtv begins to play, showing Newbludd hitting super heavyweight TA Owens with an impressive belly to belly suplex on the ramp. This is followed by a second highlight, showing Pat Cassidy duking it out with Weighted Grade’s other behemoth, TA Horrigan. The clip ends with Black Out driving Horrigan’s face into the cold steel with his patented Irish Goodbye. 

That they did, partner. Something tells me Dr. Ned Reform had the same questions as we do about SNS and saw an opportunity for his goons to make a name for themselves by taking their DEFCON spot. Needless to say, that didn’t work out as intended.

A final highlight of SNS hitting Owens with The Keg Tap on the outside of the ring is shown, fading out with Newbludd and Cassidy raising their fists to the cheering Faithful.

No, it did not. But, if anyone can get some answers out of The Saturday Night Specials, it’s Christie Zane. She’s made her way out onto the stage and we’re going to send things over to her.

Take it away, Christie!

We transition over to the interview stage where Christie Zane stands at the ready. Smiling at the camera, she raises her microphone up to address the crowd.

Christie Zane:
Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time to answer some questions and give their final thoughts before DEFCON are “Black Out” Pat Cassidy and “Milwaukee’s Beast” Brock Newbludd…The Saturday Night Specials!


♫ “Drink” by Alestorm ♫

The Portland Faithful rise to their feet and cheer as Newbludd and Cassidy make their way out onto the stage. Going to opposite ends of the stage, each man raises fists and plays to the capacity crowd, causing the roar to grow louder.

If there’s one thing Cassidy and Newbludd still have, it's their connection with the peop-hey hey HEY HEY!

With great haste, Henry Keyes emerges from backstage and sprints towards Brock Newbludd. He reaches him in a flash and throws a brutal charging elbow strike to the back of Newbludd’s head, sending him sprawling. Pat Cassidy half-catches the commotion out of the corner of his eye and begins to turn, only to be caught with a flurry of rights from The Kraken. Keyes grabs Cassidy by the armpits and HOISTS him down the ramp with a Biel Throw, just as Newbludd begins to regain his senses.

As this is happening, Lindsay Troy saunters onstage with a devilish smirk. She wraps an arm around Christie Zane and forcibly pulls the microphone closer.

Lindsay Troy:
Hey Christie, allow me to welcome you to the Besties Murder Pre-Party, where I’ll tell you all about the final thoughts of the Saturday Night Specials before DEFCON. They go a little something like this: “Oh no, we fucked around, and now we’re FINDING OUT.”

Newbludd charges at Keyes, planting his shoulder into Henry’s abdomen and sending them tumbling to the ground, both men alternately taking advantage. The crowd goes nuts while the two exchange shots, and eventually Newbludd is able to reach a mounting position and throw a series of haymakers into Keyes’s mush.

Lindsay Troy:
Please hold.

She disengages from Zane, makes a run for Newbludd, and delivers a crushing soccer kick into his ribs that disengages him from Keyes. As The Kraken shakes out the cobwebs, the Queen of the Ring rains down more spiking stomps to the guts of Milwaukee’s Beast.

Pat Cassidy has been wobbly since taking the big Biel Toss, but as sees his partner taking shot after shot, he’s able to refocus and begins to charge Troy -

- only to be caught by Keyes. 

Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. 


This is absolutely heinous! Vae Victis has blindsided SNS!

Of course - the team that once said they stood for higher standards in professional wrestling! Tell me what kind of high standard is this? This is nothing but an assault!

Troy gives Newbludd another kick for good measure before joining her Bestie over the prone Cassidy. Keyes brings Cassidy up, holding each of the Boston native’s arms out and exposing his head. The Faithful know what this… but Lindsay Troy takes it to the next level when she grabs the woozy Newbludd’s face and turns it so he can watch as…







My God, enough is enough!

After five knees to the head, Cassidy crumples. Brock has just enough time to register this before he eats a kick to the face that puts him down via Lindsay Troy. Troy stands over Newbludd’s downed form and blows him a sarcastic kiss. Keyes, meanwhile, shocks the Faithful by removing his eye patch!

We’ve seen this before!

And, just like before, Keyes’ eye is perfectly fine. In fact, he shoots the camera a wink with it before he picks up the out cold Cassidy’s face and places the eyepatch on him! In fact, he puts it over the eye that is welting up due to the repeated kicks.

This is sick. Can we get some help out here?

And indeed we can, as DEFmed begins to swarm. Troy and Keyes, satisfied with their handiwork, wave goodbye to The Specials before happily making their exit.

What we just saw… I can’t decide if SNS are out of DEFCON, or if Vae Victis is going to have hell to pay!


Live from the Arena in Los Angeles on April 17th & 18th!

FIST of DEFIANCE Dex Joy (C) vs. Malak Garland

ACE of DEFIANCE Tyler Fuse vs. Conor Fuse

Vae Victis vs. SNS

Uriel Cortez vs. Mil Vueltas

The Lucky Sevens & Rain City Ronin vs. M4NTRA, ADV & Tom Morrow

Ed White vs. Punch Drunk Purcell


Dr. Ned Reform vs. "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas


It’s been a wild night as we wrap up Night One of our final shows to DEFCON and this next match is a preview before the Unified Tag Team Titles match between Pop Culture Phenoms and Titanes Familia! PCP have had many run-ins with the original version of this group between Uriel Cortez and Mil Vueltas, formerly Minute… but that is a far cry today from those days. 

Things started back in Seattle when PCP defended the Unified Tag Team Titles successfully against Rain City Ronin in Seattle. After the main event, Titanes Familia launched an all-out assault that saw Titaness put Elise Ares through a table and Killjoy throw The D into the front row! 

And we can’t forget last week. The challenge made by Titanes Familia was official for DEFCON, but that wasn’t enough. Titaness possibly cost Elise Ares only her second shot at The FIST in DEFIANCE against Dex Joy by throwing powder in her face while Uriel Cortez and Killjoy got the attention of The D and Klein. Tonight, “The FACE of DEFIANCE” Elise Ares looks for revenge against “The Pretty Powerful” Titaness in our main event! We go to Darren Quimbey for the introductions!

The camera cuts to Darren Quimbey at ringside. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following match is set for one fall and it is your main event of the evening! Introducing first…

The lights in the arena grow dark outside of a single bright white spotlight shining down on the entrance. The music kicks in and as the gunshots go off in the MIA intro, pink lights flash. The Faithful roar.

All I wanna do is…
♫ "Emperor’s New Clothes" by Panic! At The Disco ♫

When the music kicks in, a throne slowly begins to rise from the floor under the spotlight. In the throne, Elise Ares leans against her right wrist with her fist tucked under her chin. Her LED sunglasses flash the words “STILL” and “ROYALTY” as it comes to a stop. Standing up from her throne, the FACE of DEFIANCE stands to a shower of golden sparks as she stands with her chin up and her hands on her hips as the throne disappears back into the floor. She drops her black crop top leather jacket onto the ground and begins her swag down towards the ring with the spotlight always on her.

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first from Beverly Hills, California. Representing the Pop Culture Phenoms. She is the FACE of DEFIANCE. ELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRES!

The Leading Lady of DEFIANCE enters the ropes as suggestively as possible and the spotlight continues to follow her as she climbs up to the top rope. She throws her trademark LED sunglasses into the Faithful before jumping down. She wraps her arms around the top ropes with a smirk on her face and sits on the second turnbuckle and crosses her legs. Ares awaits her opponent as the music shifts to the latest tune of the Familia. The lights fade to complete black… then an eerie gold hue shines brightly over the stage. 

♫ Father, father, unforgivable, This is my house, you made it personal
It's always trouble when they go too far! Nobody mess with my familia ♫

♫ "Familia" by Anuel AA and Nicky Minaj feat. Bantu ♫

One gold spotlight shines in the center of the stage. Titaness. Gold-tinted sunglasses, a golden hood, black top and pants with the “Familia” logo written down the leg. Taking in the jeers as if they were fueling her now, Titaness slowly saunters down to the Familia’s haunting theme. 

Darren Quimbey:
And her opponent… representing Titanes Familia… You may refer to her as The Mother of Suplexes… Breaker of Backs… Baroness of Big Boots… Bringer of Bombs… She is ”THE PRETTY POWERFUL”... TITANESS!

Titaness takes her place on the ring apron. While Elise watches with eyes that could burn a hole through her opponent, The Pretty Powerful holds a fist up and smiles in the glow of the golden spotlight. Titaness turns and when she enters the ring… ELISE JUMPS ON HER WITH A BIG DROPKICK! The Faithful cheer as Titaness takes a tumble and hits the floor! The lights return to normal and Carla Ferrari starts the action…


Here we go! This main event is going to kick off in a big way! Titaness possibly cost Elise Ares the FIST of DEFIANCE on DEFtv 200 and now Ares is out for payback! 

Elise Ares looks directly at Titaness as her sunglasses have fallen to the floor. Ares looks out to The Faithful and then charges off the ropes. Like a bullet, she SPEEDS right through the ropes and then lands a somersault senton THROUGH the ropes to take out Titaness! The momentum of the dive sees Elise roll through to her feet and take in the CHEERS of The Faithful!

We understand that while there was no ruling that either PCP or Killjoy were barred from ringside for tonight’s match, it looks like both competitors opted for one-on-one action tonight! 

And what a blow it would be for Elise to knock off Titaness just before Titanes Familia are set to challenge for the gold! 

Elise Ares waits on her feet again and climbs up to the apron in order to bounce off the bottom rope and hit Titaness again, this time with a big springboard moonsault to the floor! After a brief moment, Elise starts to jump up after the moonsault to her feet. 

Elise Area:
Que Tal Eso?!


Listen to the ovation on hand for Elise Ares! Multiple-time Unified Tag Team Champion! Multiple-time Tag Team of the Year! Former Southern Heritage Champion and at one time, the longest with that title! 

Definitely one of the most decorated in DEFIANCE history! 

While Titaness is once again scrambling to her feet, Elise goes to push her back into the ring. The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style waits on the apron for Titaness. The Mother of Suplexes has her back turned to Elise when she jumps up and hits springboard dropkick aimed at the back to knock Titaness down for a third time!

It’s been all Elise so far! And the first cover of the match could be the last! 

Elise goes to hook the leg of her taller opponent! 




With plenty of power to back it up, Titaness PUSHES Elise off of her! Elise rolls through the shove and gets to a knee, but she isn’t done at all with the attacks. 

Elise has to stick and move. If she can keep this up, she can keep Titaness from employing that power advantage. 

Elise waits and then goes for a springboard moonsault just as Titaness tries to get to her knees… 


The panic starts to set in for the Unified Tag Team Champion as she gets caught and then DROPPED with a big snap powerslam in the middle of the ring! Titaness holds onto her back with Elise Ares now thrashing about in pain on the mat at her feet. She then takes her hooded vest off of her and throws it out of the ring. 

That was some great strategy, but in power versus speed, it can take just one move to turn the tides! 

With Elise down at her feet, Titaness kneels over only slightly to pick up Elise in a gutwrench position. She walks around the ring with The FACE of DEFIANCE locked in her grip as she tries to squirm. All this gets her Elise being HURLED across the ring with a big Gutwrench Suplex! Elise is hurt now as Titaness starts to regain her confidence following the very rocky start of Elise coming at her from a million different directions. 

Look at Titaness now. She has had a few main events on DEFtv. Her most recent match was taking Corvo Alpha to the limit a few months ago for the Southern Heritage Championship. 

She has the physical tools, but now combined with this new edge of hers, she’s becoming a bigger threat than before. Something that Elise is finding out first-hand! 

The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style is being egged on by the Portland Faithful as she tries to get back to her feet, only for Titaness to actually leave her feet and CLEAR Ares from the ring with a huge running dropkick of her own! Elise spills out of the ring through the bottom rope and to the floor while Titaness is leaning on a knee, taking a moment to flex to jeers from The Faithful! 

Titaness now showing off here instead of following through. She should be staying on Elis… wait, speaking too soon! 

Titaness is on the ring apron. She waits for Elise to stand on the floor and when she does, it’s too late for Ares to course-correct when Titaness comes off the apron with a flying shoulder tackle off the apron like a missile! The Faithful are out of it when Titaness smugly gets to her feet again after the dive. She puts a finger against her ear to hear the booing, then walks over to where Elise has fallen to talk some smack.  

I can fly, too, bitch!

With the smack talk fully administered, Titaness pulls Elise up in a press and then pitches her back in through the bottom rope into the ring! Elise is grimacing in pain while Titaness calmly rolls in and then goes for a cover. 




Elise shoots the shoulder up, but when she tries to sit up, Titaness blasts her with a big grounded lariat that knocks her back to the mat! 

Ooh, what a lariat! Just as soon as we could call the kickout, Titaness is staying on top of Ares!

Titaness grabs Elise by the neck, but Elise fights back! She attacks Titaness with a volley of forearms! She tries to go low for a pair of kicks. She charges the ropes, but off the comeback. Titaness takes her down again with the Lady Lariat! Elise is turned inside out! 

Lady Lariat! And another cover by Titaness! She could be looking at the biggest singles win of her career!

The Pretty Powerful goes for a lateral press!




The South Beach Starlet is able to kick out again, but The Breaker of Backs lives up to one of her new many monikers! She grabs Elise by the side and hoists her up into a backbreaker over her shoulder! With tremendous force, she CRANKS on the back and almost has Elise bent into a submission that backs aren’t meant to bend into! 

Goodness! This punishment that Elise is taking now! I don’t think Titaness is trying to submit her so much as literally break her in HALF! 

Carla Ferrari asking if she wants to give!

She mouths to Elise if she does want to give up, but a very firm “NO!” is what she gets in response, sending The Faithful into a frenzy! 


The Aresites are cheering for The FACE of DEFIANCE to try and get free of the submission, but Titaness keeps her locked in! When Elise can’t get the fingers of the much stronger Titaness free, she fights back with a number of elbows to the side of the face. The Pretty Powerful takes the shots and then responds by dropping to a knee to JAR Elise’s back! 

Another big power move! That Canadian Backbreaker Drop might do it! Titaness going for the win!




Elise kicks out for a third time in this match, prompting Titaness to cast her eyes on Carla Ferrari. 

That was a close one, but Ferrari with only two fingers up! This match continues!

Not if Titaness hits this spear! She calls it Pretty Striking and it just cut down both George Othello and Antonio Prince two weeks ago! 

Titaness kneels in the corner and waits for Elise to try and stand. The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style does so, albeit at a slow pace. When she’s ready, Titaness launches an attack… only to eat a STIFF superkick from Elise! The Portland Faithful pop as Titaness slips backwards. She regains her composure and charges… only to eat an Amethystation superwoman punch! That blow stuns Titaness! 

No! Elise catches Titaness! Superkick followed by Amethystation… what is she doing?

Titaness is still rocked, but only momentarily as she swings for a clothesline… Elise ducks and Titaness hits the ropes only for Elise to hit -- of all things -- a rebound German suplex to a HUGE roar of approval! After being hit with the move, Titaness is down for the count and she rolls outside the ring as Elise holds her back and mutters through her teeth. 

Elise Ares:
I can suplex, too, bitch! 

Listen to the Faithful erupting! She used Titaness’ own momentum against her and suplexed the self-proclaimed Mother of Suplexes! 

Elise Ares has taken some brutal punishment by Titaness, but now’s her chance at the comeback! 


Elise points at the corner and then starts to climb to the top rope. When she looks back to make sure that she can line up her target, Elise takes flight and scores with a HUGE twisting moonsault plancha from the top rope all the way to the floor that wipes out Titaness!

Corkscrew moonsault plancha! Even though she’s taken a lot of damage to that back, Elise is riding adrenaline right now!

Will she even be able to get Titaness back inside the ring? 

As Titaness doesn’t know which way to look, Elise has to fight to get her back in the ring unlike before when it was Titaness trying to do so. She hits the larger Titaness with punches to get her back in the ring, then slowly heads up top. Her back is hindering her slightly, but not enough that she can’t come off the top with a leaping twisting crossbody that knocks Titaness down a second time! Elise rolls through and the Portland Faithful are on their feet for one-third of PCP as she now has the chance to fight back! 

Elise jumps… CUBAN NECKTIE! She bulldogged Titaness right over the ropes!

The whiplash knocks Titaness backwards as Elise lands on the apron. With The Pretty Powerful stunned, Elise LEAPS with and connects with a HUGE springboard tornado DDT that spikes Titaness’ neck into the canvas! 


The Faithful count along with her as she sits on top of the taller Titaness and pulls a leg back for the cover!




The air quickly goes out of the MODA Center when Titaness gets the shoulder up at two and seven-eighths!

I thought Elise had her there! I really did! 

Elise isn’t done though and still has a chance! 

Elise waits now for Titaness and then looks out to The Faithful. She waits on Titaness as The Pretty Powerful tries to get to her knees. 

And I think we’re about to see The Extreme Makeover! 

The Faithful know what’s coming next! Elise positions herself behind her and then tries to hit the double-footed curb stomp… but before she can execute it, Titaness catches her on her shoulders! Elise freaks out as Titaness has her in an electric chair! Titaness tries to do something… but Elise shifts back… POISON RANA! Titaness is dropped on the back of her dome to loud cheers from The Faithful! 

NO! Titaness used power to counter the Extreme Makeover, but Elise used momentum to counter THAT! 

Titaness is down and Elise is winded, but knows that she has a chance to end this right here and now… 

Until she sees footage on the DEFIAtron…

Wait.. what is that? That’s… the PCP locker room?

The DEFIAtron does indeed show the PCP locker room! The door is being kicked frantically from the other side, but Titaness’ gold weightlifting chain to be precise! And standing in front of the door is the The Good Son of Titanes Famila… the monstrous Killjoy, arms folded! 

Wait… that’s Titaness’ chain! Her weightlifting chain she brought out last week! That’s why she didn’t have it tonight?!

Elise starts to put two and two together as she turns back to see Titaness’ boot, courtesy of a pump kick to the face! Elise flips inside out from the shot and crashes on the mat as The Faithful jeer!


THAT’S why Titaness wanted this match this way? One-on-one?!

That has to be! And now she’s got Elise right where she wants her! She’s lined up in the corner… 

Elise tries to stand, only to get turned inside out once more with the Pretty Striking spear by Titaness! 

Titaness score the second time! Pretty Striking! 

Hurriedly, Titaness drags Ares away from the ropes and then hooks the leg. She smiles proudly and counts with a free hand. 





♫ "Familia" by Anuel AA and Nicky Minaj feat. Bantu ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… TITANESS!

Basking in the booing of The Faithful, Titaness rises to her knees and can’t contain her joy! 

Elise Ares gets CHEATED out of a second victory at the hands of Titaness and in the process, you have to call this the biggest singles victory of her Titaness’ career! 

Most definitely. Any time that Titanes Familia have gotten involved with the Pop Culture Phenoms, bad things have happened. 

Titaness stands in the middle of the ring basking in the jeering of The Faithful! She looks at Elise and then takes her leave. She collects her hoodie and glasses, then heads up the ramp, gesturing to her waist. 

Meeting on top of the ramp, Killjoy looks towards the ring, and then to his tag team partner. They pose on the ramp! 

And if this happens again at DEFCON… you might be looking at the next Unified Tag Team Champions! Folks, we have to end tonight’s proceedings, but we will be back tomorrow for Night Two! We will see The Lucky Sevens in action! Rain City Ronin battles The French Connection! Malak Garland defends his Paper Championship…. And allegedly the FIST of DEFIANCE that he stole from the REAL champion, Dex Joy! All this and more… tomorrow!

Titaness taps her forehead, followed by her bicep. She speaks to the camera in front of her. 

Brains. Beauty. Brutality! I can do it all!

Then she gestures to Killjoy.

Great job, son! Great job! 

Inside the ring, Elise Ares is all alone, holding her rib cage and looking up in anger at the fearsome duo coming for the Unified Tag Titles at DEFCON!




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.