DEFIANCE Uncut 161

29 May 2024

PNC Arena, Raleigh, North Carolina (seats 20,000)


Welcome to the latest episode of UNCUT and we are here tonight at the PNC Arena here in Raleigh, North Carolina! We’ve got Gulf Coast Connection looking to avenge a loss to Titanes Familia two weeks ago when Uriel Cortez defeated Wingman Titus Campbell! Later on, Sgt. Safety takes on BRAZEN big man, Somchai! 

Lonnie Luck of The Lucky Sevens will be in action and in our main event... TA Cole continues his march towards four defenses of his Favoured Saints Championship when he defends the title against "The Pensacola Playboy" Aaron King! 

But let’s get to the introductions for our first contest of the evening! 

The camera cuts to Darren Quimbey in the ring! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first… 

♫ Father, father, unforgivable, This is my house, you made it personal
It's always trouble when they go too far! Nobody mess with my familia ♫ 

♫ "Familia" by Anuel AA and Nicky Minaj feat. Bantu ♫

One gold spotlight shines in the center of the stage. Titaness. Gold-tinted sunglasses, a golden hood, black top and pants with the “Familia” logo written down the leg, along with what has become her signature gold weightlifting chain. Taking in the jeers as if they were fueling her now, Titaness slowly saunters down to the Familia’s haunting theme 

Darren Quimbey:
Introducing first, representing Titanes Familia… You may refer to her as The Mother of Suplexes… Breaker of Backs… Baroness of Big Boots… Bringer of Bombs… She is ”THE PRETTY POWERFUL”... TITANESS!

Titaness takes her place on the ring apron, then The Pretty Powerful member of the Familia holds a fist up and smiles in the glow of the golden spotlight.

What a high that Titanes Familia has been on in the past few weeks. Titaness and Killjoy showed out at DEFCON. Titaness holds a singles victory over Elise Ares, and not long after, Killjoy defeated former FIST of DEFIANCE, Kendrix! 

And tonight, Titaness looks to do the same. 

She waits for her opponent in the ring as she hangs her chain in the corner. 

♫ "The Saints" by Andy Mineo w/KB and Trip Lee  ♫

Darren Quimbey:
And her opponent, representing The Gulf Coast Connection… from The Crescent City, weighing in a 183 pounds… CRESCENT CITY KID… C! C! K!

The Kid has on a Gulf Coast Connection Mardi Gras-themed jester hat and is out solo tonight. He hands over the jester hat to a young boy in the front row with his family, making him happy! Once he approaches the ring, The Kid slides under the bottom rope and then kips to his feet! Titaness gives CCK’s athleticism a very tepid golf clap before Carla Ferrari calls for the bell. 


As soon as the bell rings, CCK charges forward looking for something big. Titaness tries for a running pump kick, but CCK slides underneath! He hits his feet and then boots The Mother of Suplexes in the gut with a boot. He tries a whip, but the taller and stronger Titaness sends him flying to the corner. She charges forward, only to catch a quick boot from CCK! The Kid leaps up to the middle rope and then takes flight, taking Titaness down with a quick headscissors!

Wow! Titaness tried to get the jump on Crescent City Kid early, only for his speed to be the difference maker!

That it was! CCK has payback on his mind after Titaness’ husband, Uriel Cortez, pinned his stablemate Titus Campbell in the ring two weeks ago. 

The Faithful are firmly in the camp of CCK as he charges towards Titaness in another corner. She moves, but he uses his speed to hang on the top turnbuckle. He tries for a leaping crossbody off the middle rope this time… but Titaness CATCHES him in her arms! 

Goodness! Titaness’ power is so stunning! She caught a 185-pound man with relative ease… and then throws him in the corner! 

The Kid gets dropped with a modified lawn dart into the corner! He’s still on his feet, but barely. Then not at all when Titaness comes off the ropes and NAILS him with a running pump kick to the jaw! CCK crashes on the mat the hard way! Titaness looks down at her own handiwork and looks pretty proud of herself as she takes a moment to hit a bicep flex. 

We’ve seen many special female athletes in DEFIANCE history! Lindsay Troy! Claira St. Sure. Elise Area, to name a few, but none may be as straight-up powerful as Titaness! 

Titaness grabs CCK off the mat and then slams him by his face into the nearby top turnbuckle. As he’s stunned in place, The Baroness of Bombs charges off the adjacent corner and then comes back to plant a running elbow across the face of CCK! He’s stunned from the first shot, but Titaness keeps him upright and then hits the opposite side only to come back and crack The Kid against his jaw with a second running forearm smash! 

What a pair of shots! And she’s not done yet! 

CCK gets spun around from out of the corner and then Titaness hits a HUGE release German suplex out of the corner! The big suplex sends The Kid crashing across the canvas! As he’s down, Titaness does her own kip-up to her feet. 

I can kip up, too, bitch! 


What a move by Titaness! This new attitude of hers has yielded mostly positive results -- and it’s a shame it’s coming from such a dark place. 

When CCK is scrambled up in the corner, he tries to pull himself up, but he’s not upright for long when Titaness charges at him with speed and hits a running back elbow in the corner! CCK is hurt when he gets picked up by the side and then taken down with a big gutwrench suplex in the corner!

Titaness is the living embodiment of confidence right now and she finally goes for a cover.




There was a very lax cover by Titaness, but she looks like she’s done playing here tonight. 

The Faithful jeer her as she picks up CCK and then sets him up in a powerbomb position. She smirks and then picks him up… 

Here comes a powerbo… NO! Frankensteiner! 

Before Titaness can fully execute the powerbomb, she’s taken up and over with a surprise frankensteiner from The Kid! The Gulf Coast Connection member gets cheers from The Faithful as he finally has a good chance to fight back! Titaness is discombobulated and tries to stand on her own two feet when CCK is hurriedly trying to beat her to the punch. He runs off the ropes and then hits a flying forearm smash off the ropes and then rocks her with the shot! He gets back up and she tries to catch him with a clothesline, but he moves and then comes back with a dropkick to the knee!

Crescent City Kid with the dropkick to the knee! He’s trying to chop Titaness down to size!

The 6’2” powerhouse gets set up while she’s down on one knee and then CCK connects with a huge DDT! She gets faceplanted and then CCK hits a standing moonsault right into a cover!



Titaness kicks out, but CCK remains undaunted! He looks out to the apron and then heads that way as Titaness is trying to get upright again while holding her head! 

Here’s The Kid’s chance! He has a chance to pull off an upset on a former BRAZEN Tag Team and Unified Tag Team Champion! 

Looking out in both directions, CCK leaps and then goes for a big move… BUT TITANESS CATCHES HIM ON THE SHOULDERS!

No! Titaness is able to catch him… CLASH OF THE TITANESS! 

The running death valley bomb connects and CCK is left looking up at the ceiling lights, but Titaness doesn’t appear to be done with him yet. The Pretty Powerful inches backwards to one of the faraway corners to leave some space for a chance to strike. She leans into the ropes!

I think we could be looking at the end here for CCK! 

The masked man of the Gulf Coast Connection holds his head in pain as he tries to stand up in a daze, unbeknownst to him that Titaness has run off the ropes near him for extra speed before CRASHING into him with Pretty Striking!

What a spear! What a spear by Titaness! Cover!

Titaness hooks the leg and then counts along with Carla. 





♫ "Familia" by Anuel AA and Nicky Minaj feat. Bantu ♫

Titaness stands up on her feet and then inches her way over to Carla Ferrari. She puts her left arm out, suggesting that Carla hurry up and raise it. When she does, Titaness smiles. 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… TITANESS!

The Mother of Suplexes looks happy with her efforts of a win tonight, collects her chain and then leaves the ring to head to the back. 

A strong victory there for Titaness, but what’s going to happen… will The Hollywood Bruvs accept this challenge for Maximum DEFIANCE?

The Bruvs were attacked by Titanes Familia just after Killjoy defeated Kendrix and we haven’t heard much from them since other than a brief comment on social media. And even if they do take the challenge… who will they get as their partner? 


Round One may have ended in a draw...

Rapid-fire shots of Dex Joy and Punch Drunk Purcell from DEFtv 203 flash! Punch Drunk Purcell and Dex Joy go CRASHING through the barricade, courtesy of Dexy's Midnight Runner! 

But Round Two promises to bring the house down!

DEFtv 204
Amalie Arena
Tampa Florida

Dex Joy
Punch Drunk Purcell 


The introduction of the Lucky Sevens plays on the DEFIAtron and the fans are going crazy!

2X DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Champions
2X DEFIANTS of the Year
DEFIANCE’S Hottest Tag Team
Now DEFIANCE’s Hottest Trio!!!

♫ “Desperado” by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes ♫

The individual theme plays for the newest addition of the Lucky Sevens! Lonnie Luck jumps out from behind the curtain and lands with both feet on the stage! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing … from Sin City, weighing in at one-hundred and seventy-one pounds … “The Pocket Ace” Lonnniiiiiieeeee LUCCCCCK!!!

The Pocket Ace charges down the aisle at high speed and then slides into the ring! Lonnie jumps up! 

We have more action in the ring right now! Lonnie Luck scored his very first win on DEFtv in a six-man tag team match with his cousins, Mason and Max Luck against the Curt Cunning Experience. And tonight, he takes on a young man looking to get a contract in BRAZEN! 

That’s right! Lonnie Luck is taking on former Olympic gold medalist, Aury Phillips! Aury won three gold medals in the 2020 Olympic games in swimming. Unfortunately, a very brash attitude cost him a big number of sponsorship deals. He’s now putting that energy into making something for himself in pro wrestling! 

♫ “Ocean Breathes Salty” by Modest Mouse ♫

The unknown music plays and fans give a modest round of an applause for the man wearing three gold medals. He’s very tall with long brown hair, he has a very lean but with a toned swimmers’ physique for how tall he is. 

Darren Quimbey:
And the opponent … from Baltimore, Maryland! He weighs in at two-hundred thirty-five pounds … AURY PHILLIPSSSSSS!!!

The six-foot five Phillips is wearing sky blue trunks, slightly darker blue knee pads and dark blue boots. He listens to the crowd. 

Aury Phillips:
North Carolina!

That earns cheers from the crowd. 

Aury Phillips:
You’re all frauds like this little guy in the ring! 

That reaction goes quickly in the opposite direction! 

Aury Phillips:
My name is Aurelian Phillips, but you can call me Aury! And the reason it sounds like the word “Aura” is cause that’s what I have! Nobody has the athletic credentials I do! No one has the energy I do! Not one … not two … but three gold medals! How many does this guy have in the ring? It’s too bad they don’t give these medals out for living off your family’s name because then he’d have as many as that overrated sack of crap, Michael Phelps. 

Lonnie Luck rolls his eyes at the comments. 

I wonder if there’s a story between Phillips and Michael Phelps?


Aury enters the ring. He towers over Lonnie Luck as most wrestlers do. 

Aury Phillips:
I’m gonna beat you, then I’m gonna earn a contract with DEFIANCE and I’ll show you all why these waters belong to me! I … Hey! 

Lonnie grabs his microphone out of his hand! 

Lonnie Luck:
Okay, that’s enough, Mister Water is Wet. If you’re gonna be a part of DEFIANCE … the first step is less talk … 

Lonnie stops and then stomps on the foot of Aury! 

Lonnie Luck:
And more action! 

The referee checks on Aury, who is still holding his foot! He demands the bell be rung and it does!


The Pocket Ace jumps all over Aury Phillips with punches coming in bunches! Lonnie gets pushed backwards by the much taller Aury. Luck slides back to his feet and then just manages to avoid a big boot from the former Olympic swimmer.

This would be a big win tonight by Aury Phillips! We have seen Lonnie Luck really come into his own! He defeated ADV in that brutal Sin City Street Fight a few weeks ago and then scored the win in a six-man tag just last week! 

Lonnie goes to attack Aury again but Phillips muscles him into the corner first to keep the Pocket Ace in place. Aury tries bumrushing him, but Lonnie rolls out of the way. 

Lonnie Luck moves and hits the corner! He charges… 

Aury picks up Lonnie in a press over his head … but Lonnie squirms and squirms his way free onto a sleeper hold on the former Olympian’s back! 

Lonnie Luck has the sleeper hold locked in! Is he gonna make this young prospect say good night? 

The Pocket Ace’s grip is tight, but Aury Phillips still has the edge. He backs up into a corner twice, smashing Lonnie in between himself and the turnbuckle. He finally lets go and stumbles out which makes Lonnie hit the corner. Aury sees that he’s in control now and the vocal DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful are letting him have it. 

What does he do now? 

Aury charges right towards him, but Luck’s slippery self slides through the ropes and Aury hits nothing but the corner again. Lonnie leaps up and over to the middle rope. Aury tries to catch him, but the elusive Li’l Lon jumps to the other corner. When Aury tries to catch him again, Lonnie slips between his legs behind him. Lonnie rolls to his feet … 

But Aury catches him with a flying back elbow!!!

Lonnie goes down! And I think … I think that Aury Phillips looks proud of himself! 

He does look a little surprised with himself that he has managed to knock down the Pocket Ace. He walks over and then goes for a quick pin fall. 

One … 

Two …


Lonnie kicks out. Aury Phillips looks at the referee as if his face his mutated. 

Aury Phillips:
That was a pinfall! One! Two! Three! Like how many medals I have!

Aury Phillips has finally grounded Lonnie Luck! He better make the most of it if he wants to impress. 

Aury measures up Lonnie with his hands out as if he’s trying to take the perfect portrait. Luck tries standing up but a beautiful standing drop kick by Aury strikes him down first! As the youngest of the Luck Dynasty is down, Aury casually rolls up to his feet and then looks happy. 

That standing drop kick was a thing of beauty, Darren! Good athletics on the part of this kid. 

But he’s gotta pick it up. This is a golden opportunity for Aury Phillips here. 

Phillips grabs Luck and he throws the Pocket Ace as hard as he can into the corner. The shock sends Lonnie staggering out and right into a snap power slam from Aury who goes right for the win with a tight cover. 

One … 

Two …


Aury has looked good, but Lonnie Luck is still in the game. 

There’s still life in Lonnie Luck yet! 

There is! 

The fans cheer for Lonnie and that seems to infuriate Aury. He grabs Lonnie Luck and then tries to use another Irish whip. Aury runs right behind him but the Pocket Ace runs up the turnbuckles and then backflips to land behind him. Lonnie heads for the ropes and then comes back with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors that snaps Aury over onto his back! The Pocket Ace has whipped Aury into the corner. 

Here comes Lonnie Luck with a running drop kick! 

Lonnie has stunned the former Olympic swimmer using a running drop kick! Lonnie runs again and then hits another running drop kick! Two have Aury stunned but Lonnie runs a third time and then hits the third running drop kick in a row! Aury has fallen out of the corner!

Three of a Kind by Lonnie Luck! 

The Pocket Ace has grabbed Aury Phillips … then hits the Under-Dog! 

He hits the Under-Dog! That is it! 

Lonnie pins Aury Phillips!

One … 

Two … 



♫ “Desperado” by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes ♫

Here’s your winner … Lonniieeeeeee Luck!!!

Score another big win for Lonnie Luck tonight! Aury Phillips showed he has something tonight, but Lonnie Luck gets the win!

The confidence in this young man has just really grown … wait a minute!!!

Lonnie Luck is celebrating, but he doesn’t realize that Nathan Eye is behind him … 



Raising the book over his head like it was The Bible itself, the Golden State Guru revels in the boos and then yells down at Lonnie. 

Nathan Eye:

Nathan Eye hasn’t forgotten! It was Lonnie Luck that you could argue cost M4NTRA the Unified Tag Team Titles last week! 

Nathan leaves the ring and then he holds up his metal-plated copy of 251 Pages of Pure Perseverance proud. 

Nathan Eye:

As if things haven’t already escalated majorly between the Lucky Sevens, M4NTRA and PCP … but now, Nathan Eye strikes another blow! How are the Sevens gonna retaliate?


The scene opens up backstage where we find a pair of unlikely participants in Uncut. In front of the red and black banner of the B show, the lads you love, JFK has his ribs taped up. Mikey’s got one arm in a sling. The Hollywood Bruvs stand poised and ready to deliver the address of a lifetime. They are ready, the camera focused on the tag team, they have a challenge that has been flung their way, but first there’s some questions to be answered.

Uncut? Must have sprung up overnight! What is that? Are we on set for one of your movies, Mikey? Do you really think you can get through this one without any cuts?

Mikey Unlikely:
Are you telling me that we have to do this in ONE TAKE!? What is this, ImPrOv!? I’m a professional dammit, I haven’t even gotten a script in advance!

From outside of the shot, walks an old friend of the Hollywood B’s. One Miss Chrisie Zane. In a red dress, she holds a microphone to her mouth as she speaks.

Christie Zane:
Gentlemen, Gentlemen! It's just a reference to nothing being cut from DEFIANCE, Even if the show is over, we’re going to capture everything and deliver it to our FAITHFUL.

The Bruvs look around at the noise of the crowd cheering at the mention as it’s being piped in from the arena. Mikey Unlikely shrugs before trying to lay claim to the idea.

Mikey Unlikely:
I’ve been pitching a second show to DEFIANCE for years you know!

Well done Zaney, you finally got our memo.

Jesse pulls a copy of said memo from his suit jacket and hands it to Chrisie.

Mikey Unlikely:
It was supposed to be “The Hollywood Bruvs Show: Whorin & Tourin!”. It was going to be a backstage look at our lives on the road. A career retrospective of all the wrestling we’ve done, and all the clubs we’ve been kicked out of! Only problem was the production crew couldn’t hang!

Remember Boom Guy Gary getting tossed off the bull and asking to go to the hospital!? What a wuss!

Mikey Unlikely:
Ruined our night to be honest. That guy wanted ALL the attention.

Palm of her hand to her head and taking a deep breath, Christie tries to keep her cool.

Christie Zane:
I don't know why I stopped to help, but no, I didn't get the memo, you literally just handed it to me and this show has been around for years. How do you two not know this?

Mikey Unlikely:
What else would we do? Fax it? This isn’t 1990! We DEFCOM’d it of course! We even tagged @DEFIANCE.FAVORED.BOARDROOM.BROS. You had to have seen it. You’re following us, right?

Mikey pulls out his phone to check. Christie holds her hands up, she did well, but she has given up.

Christie Zane:
I'm out, just get on with the damn promo.

Hmmm, Uncut, ey? Well, we did miss DEFtv last week. I've got to hand it to Titanes Familia, JFK hasn't felt that banged up in a long time.

Mikey Unlikely:
He hasn’t lost a match in YEARS, you know!

He turns to JFK.

Mikey Unlikely:
Ring rust happens to the best of us. Totally not your fault, bruv!

Jesse wags his finger at his tag partner.

No no no, credit where it's due, Mikey Mike…can I call you Michaelangelo?

Mikey Unlikely:
No… let’s not do that.

Dammit! As I was saying, Titanes Familia made their mark…they battered us. Battered us so so badly, battered us like never before…that we were in no fit state to grace DEFIANCE with our presence.

Mikey Unlikely:
The Bruvs may well be the greatest tag team this industry has ever seen, but we know that more often than not, and quite honestly, better than most, the numbers game usually wins. And that was certainly the case at DEFtv. I’ve used it to my advantage how many times? WrestleUTA, SEG, 24K! It’s my favourite trick in the book.

Oooh, Dynasty, remember Dynasty, Mikey?!

The Bruvs smile at the very thought and shake hands like manly men do.

Mikey Unlikely:
And now once again, we have another group of upcoming young whipper snappers trying to make a name on the back of the Bruvs…trying to parade around like they are the world’s greatest sports entertainment tag team from two different countries! This is what DEFIANCE has become? We leave for a measly couple of years, come back as veterans with something to offer, something to teach, as someone these people can come to for advice, and what do we get instead? We get everyone trying to attack us and take our spot.

Kendrix shakes his head disappointedly.

We have never ever done anything bad to anyone throughout our entire careers. We have been model pros and this is how we are treated? Trashing our podcast? That is low, THAT'S HOW PEOPLE LISTEN TO THE BRUVS!!!

Jesse turns round and frustratedly slams his fist into the Uncut backdrop.

Mikey Unlikely:
I mean…it’s not like we’ve kind of turned on almost every partner we’ve ever had… sure, there were a couple… They had it coming dammit.

JFK thinks to himself, he nods, convinced they all had it coming.

Mikey Unlikely:
But to go into MY STUDIO, where I make my living outside of DEFIANCE, outside of the movies, outside of the records, talking to famous celebrities, athletes, TikTok stars, and more at and wherever you listen to podcasts! Follow us and hit the subsc….

Stopping him in his tracks, Jesse slaps Mikey on the back.

Mikey Unlikely:
Oh wait, I'm getting distracted.

Titanus Familia, we have to make a living somehow and you destroy only one of the many many manly ways we make a living?!

Mikey Unlikely:
Now I’ve only got 5 streams of income until we get a new set of headphones! Honestly I’ve been looking for an excuse to upgrade, and you just gave it to me! BUT I’M STILL MAD AT YOU DAMMIT!

Mikey snarls his face.

Now you made him mad, and the last Barista that made him this mad got a call from corporate… I’m just saying, don’t be surprised if your phone rings…

Mikey Unlikely:
TITANESS FAMILIA, you think we don’t have friends!? You think we don’t have frenemies? You don’t think we can’t find another individual in ALL OF DEFIANCE, who also wants to kick your asses? We accept your challenge for MAXIMUM DEFIANCE. In fact, JFK is going to give you a list of all of our friends RIGHT NOW! Hit em Jesse!

Kendrix reaches into his front pocket with one hand and taps his chest with the other, looking for something. Finally he remembers it’s in his other back pocket. It’s another memo… In fact it’s a MF.’er Memorandum of Friends.

Barack Obama, 
Elise Ares,

Eyes widened worryingly, Mikey stops Kendrix in his tracks

Mikey Unlikely:
Wait, you can't do that here

Not that one, the Barista I mentioned earlier.

Mikey remembers

Mikey Unlikely:
It's pronounced Hey Zeus

Jesse rolls his eyes and clears his throat, taps the list from where he left off and continues

The D
Cinnamon from The Diamond.
The guy with a box on his head,
Dex Joy could probably tolerate us…

Kendrix takes a pen and writes down something on the list, Mikey takes a peep.

Mikey Unlikely:
Oooh Christie Zane, the latest entry!

Titanus Familia, the Bruvs aren't short of friends. We will meet you at MAXDEF, but we don't need friends to help us take you down.

Mikey Unlikely:
That’s right. Who needs friends, when you’ve got BEST BRUVS! You can steal our GLUEFIST, you can jump us from behind, you can even beat JFK in a match with some backup, but the fact is, you’ll never be as big as the Bruvs and sometimes, it takes a headliner to show you, you’re just the opening act.

JFK crosses his arms to emphasise the point.

At MAXDEF its you three bellends against the Hollywood Bruvs.

Jesse slaps his tag partner on his chest with the back of his hand.

Let’s go find Christie and let her know she made it on the memo!

Mikey Unlikely:
She’s going to be so psyched!


We are back with more in-ring action on UNCUT and coming up next, perennial cult favorite Sgt. Safety takes on the Thai giant from BRAZEN, Somchai! We’ve seen Somchai have a few flashes of brilliance against other members of the main roster, but he’s looking for a win!

Sgt. Safety has the experience advantage, but Somchai stands six-foot eight and almost two-hundred ninety pounds! Who is gonna win out tonight in this next matchup? 

The camera goes to Darren Quimbey in the ring for the next match. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first… 

♫ “Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats ♫

Darren Quimbey:
From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 220 pounds… he is Officer of OSHA and The Safest Man in DEFIANCE… this is SGT. SAFETY!

The fans cheer as Sgt. Safety comes out with a shiny new decibel meter that he can now afford on a main roster member’s salary. The crowd cheers get louder as he points it to different sections of the arena to see who can make the most noise! After he does, he steps into the ring and then holds it out one more time for each side of the arena before handing off the decibel meter. Once he reaches the ring, the Raleigh Faithful cheer him on as Quimbey introduces his massive opponent. 

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent, already in the ring… from Pattaya City, Thailand, weighing in at 289 pounds… SOMCHAI!

The tall and muscular Somchai is wearing black thigh-length trunks with white trim, black kneepads and boots. He holds a hand up in the air and gets ready to administer a whooping on the Safest Man in DEFIANCE. 

Somchai looking like he’s been putting on weight! Let’s see what he can do! 


Sgt. Safety goes over to offer a handshake to Somchai, but he doesn’t take it. He steps backwards and then waits for the bell to ring. 


The bell rings as Sgt. Safety tries to carefully (and safely) lock up with the Thai fighter. He tries to lock up…  he goes for a headlock, but he can barely holds it. Somchai picks him up for a body slam, but Safety slips out the back! When he turns around, he tries to body slam the big man, only to get snatches up and then hit with a big body slam of his own! Somchai gets jeered by The Faithful while The Sarge holds his face in pain and wonders how he should switch up his tactics. 

I don’t know how beneficial it’s gonna be for Sgt. Safety to try and overpower the big man like he just did. He’s gotta go low. Work a leg or an arm… something else to chop him down. 

And Somchai wants the win. He’s already got The Sarge on his feet!

When Sgt. Safety tries to get back to his feet, he waits in the corner as Somchai charges forward. The Sarge moves and Somchai hits nothing but the turnbuckle, allowing The Sarge to try and negotiate him into an arm wringer! 

There’s Sgt. Safety trying to work an arm… but no, wait! Somchai sends him to the ropes!

When The Sarge comes back, he’s met by the massive BRAZEN figure running into him with a big shoulder block! The Officer of OSHA hits the canvas like a painter while the always-stoic big man of BRAZEN stands over him looking determined to get his first televised win. 

What a shot that was! Somchai just taking over on sheer power. Like you said earlier, Keebs, flashes of brilliance from this young man but he needs to put it together in-ring.  

The 290-pound Somchai picks up Sgt. Safety and places him near the middle rope before he applies a big knee to his back! He holds the knee out and starts strangling The Sarge! He points to his neck telling the official, Rex Knox, that he’s being choked. Rex counts from one and gets all the way to four before the Thailand native pulls back and hears the jeers of the PNC Arena on him. 

Somchai now in control. He’s looking pretty good so far against Sgt. Safety who hasn’t mounted much offense in the early going. 

The Sarge tries to get back to his feet again, but this time Somchai is ready and applies a chinlock while Sgt. Safety is between the ropes! Rex Knox counts a second time and gets all the way to four before Somchai lets go and allows him to be choked. 

The Sarge is being manhandled by this brute so far. Normally we see Sgt. Safety try for a move he calls the Safety Pin, but I don’t know if he can even hit it on him. 

And Somchai isn’t going to let him find out from the looks of this match. Here comes Somchai. He’s got The Sarge back into the ring… wait! 

The Sarge tries to get Somchai up for a body slam, but he’s too big! He elbows The Sarge!

I don’t know what Sgt. Safety was thinking there! 

He’s way too fresh to be trying a body slam… BUT WOW! SOMCHAI LANDS THE BIEL THROW!

The Raleigh Faithful find out just how aerodynamic Sgt. Safety really is when he gets pitched across the ring with the big biel throw! He hits the mat back-first and gets sent skittering across the mat while Somchai takes a moment and puts a finger to his ear, encouraging more jeering out of the fans. 

Somchai in complete control right now as he manages to keep the pressure on Sgt. Safety… 

He runs forward and then hits a running body avalanche in the corner! Safety falls to his knees, but when Somchai wants a reaction, The Faithful cheer on The Sarge!


The Raleigh Faithful are really enjoying bubble wrap right now or they’re cheering for Sgt. Safety to overcome the big man. 

Why not both of those things? And here comes Somchai again. He’s got Sgt. Safety and he just whipped him across the ring!

The Safest Man in DEFIANCE gets whipped a second time back to the other side of the ring. Somchai locks him in his sights just after he lands, then charges forward… only to catch two safety shoes in the face!

And there’s a counter by The Sarge! Somchai telegraphed the second splash in the corner way too long and he just paid for it! 


That’s definitely gonna register on The Sarge’s Noise-Meter! The third time was a charm for the huge body slam and takes Somchai down to the mat!

But does the Sarge have anything left? 

Sgt. Safety gets back up while holding his back. Somchai starts to try and get back up but the Sarge goes to the middle rope. When he gets there, Sgt. Safety leaps off and hits a huge flying bulldog! 

Sgt. Safety connects again with the flying bulldog off the middle rope! He’s got him on the back foot now! 

The Officer of OSHA starts to pick himself up again and then speeds off the ropes just as the groggy Somchai starts to get to a knee, only for it to possibly be his undoing!

Safety First! He scores with the Safety First! I think that’s it!

After dropping Somchai flat with the leaping leg drop bulldog, Safety pushes the big man over onto his back and hooks the leg!





♫ “Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… SGT. SAFETY!

Sgt. Safety knows that he has been through a fight in this brief, yet impactful encounter but he gets back to his feet. Rex Knox goes over to hold the hand of Sgt. Safety and raises it in the air! After being able to let out a sigh of relief for the win, he collects his Noise-Meter and encourages more reactions from The Faithful as he takes his leave. 

He fought hard for that win against a very hungry BRAZEN star tonight, but Sgt. Safety walks away with the victory. 

And coming up in our main event… Tensions between The Lucky Sevens and M4NTRA continue to ignite when Lonnie Luck takes on Nathan Eye! Stay tuned! 


Just making their way out of the trainer's room after his match earlier tonight, Lonnie Luck is sporting an ice pack with both Iris Davine and Wesley Miller checking on him. The camera catches up with Mason and Max, the Twin Terrors of DEFIANCE, watching over cousin. 

Max Luck:
Stay here, we're gonna go beat someone's ass!

The two storm down the hall and continue their path of destruction ... 


Mason grabs a big piece of pipe and throws it into some production equipment. Max puts his boots to a crate and kicks it over. 

Max Luck:
We know you're here, you little shit! 

Max pops open one of the backstage doors and scares whoever is on the other side. 

Max Luck:
You see Nathan Eye?! 

Mason Luck:
Where'd that little ass-hole go?! Where's Nathan! 

The two continue their frantic search with Max calling out again. 

Max Luck:
When we find you, we're gonna shove that book so far where the sun don't shine, your asshole is gonna need self-help! 

When they can't find hide or hair of Lonnie Luck, Mason turns around with the camera still following the twins not far behind. 

Mason Luck:
Fine, you little bitch ... you ain't gonna come to us, then next week ... Me and Max ... 

Lonnie Luck:
Hey! No! 

The twins see Lonnie Luck limping while holding an ice pack on his forehead. 

Lonnie Luck:
Hey! No ... not after what the Golden State Gooch did to me. I want in, Mase. Any two of us against M4NTRA!

Mason Luck turns to Max ... then pats Lonnie hard on the back. So hard that he almost falls over!

Mason Luck:
That's the god-damn spirit. 

Lonnie turns to the camera. 

Lonnie Luck:
Me and Mason against M4NTRA next week! Tonight, Natty Eyce, you Lucked around ... and next week ... 

Mason Luck:



 ♫ "Godzilla” by Eminem feat. Juice WRLD ♫

Aaron King’s theme plays as lights swirl in shades of red and blue hues. Out comes Aaron King! Wearing black tights with one line going down in red and another in blue, The Pensacola Playboy comes out and starts rapping to the fast-paced theme while talking trash to the camera. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL and is for the Favored Saints CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, the challenger, from Pensacola Florida… AARON KING!

King raps all the way to the ring, and he’s barely stepped inside when…

 ♫ "Beethoven’s Fifth” by Cole Rolland ♫

The lights turn purple and the fans begin to jeer as the reigning Favored Saints Champion TA Cole appears through the curtain. Behind him, clapping, cheering, and just generally hyping him up is his mentor Ned Reform. Cole walks with surprise to the ring as Ned presents his charge to the less-than-appreciative Faithful.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Omaha, Nebraska… he is the Favored Saints Champion… T! A! Cole!

And ladies and gentlemen, this would be Mr. Cole’s third defense. As you know, the Favored Saints Championship must defend their title four times in order to accomplish Cole’s stated goal: challenging for the SOHer at Maximum DEFIANCE.

If Cole gets past Aaron King tonight, he needs two more victories. 

Cole hands the belt over to official Benny Doyle before Doyle signals for the contest to begin.


The two men lock up and Cole immediately powers King back into the corner. This simple move causes Reform to go absolutely ballistic with praise on the outside. Cole doesn’t let up, unloading on the Pensacola Playboy with stiff punches and kicks as King tries in vain to cover up.

We’ve seen some serious aggression out of Cole during this reign, and one might speculate he’s sending a message to reigning SOHer Corvo Alpha.

Cole whips King into the opposite corner and follows with a clothesline that nearly sends the Pensacola Playboy out of his boots. Cole leaps to the second ropes and takes King down with a second rope clothesline before making the cover.


Not yet - King got out of it.

Ned Reform:
That’s alright! Maintain the pressure!

Encouraged by The Sage on the Stage, Cole sends King flying through the air with a big German Suplex! Another cover.


Not to be deterred - a second German! A second cover!


Cole pounds that mat once in frustration but quickly regains his focus. He hooks King near the ring ropes and appears ready to suplex the smaller man up and over the top rope to the floor below… but King manages to get his feet on the apron! King leaps up and comes off the top rope with a big crossbody to the unsuspecting Favored Saints Champion…

…but Cole catches him! Ned Reform’s pupil readjusts King so that he is now in position for a running powerslam, but when Cole starts to run King slips down the FS champ’s back and uses Cole’s own momentum to send him running body-first into the corner!

Cole is stunned… King with a clothesline that sends Cole to the outside!

Imagine Ned Reform’s reaction if Aaron King can pull this off!

Although generally not a huge fan of The Pensacola Playboy, the Faithful can’t help but react positively when he launches himself out of the ring with a big tope! Reform pounds his hands on the apron in frustration as this is NOT going the way he wanted. And his eyes nearly bug out of his educated skull when King hooks Cole for a piledriver on the outside!

Oh my… this match might be taking a very unexpected turn here!

King tries to get Cole up for it… but he can’t and Levi lands back on his feet. One more time… same result. One more time… but this time, Cole turns the tables by backdropping King onto the ringside floor! Ned Reform does a skip followed by a little jig as Cole lifts King up and DRIVES him spine first into the turnbuckle!

And there’s that newfound mean streak.

Back in the ring, Cole sends King head over heels with a belly-to-belly. He covers.


King kicks out. Cole lifts him up. Gutwrench powerbomb!

…but Cole doesn’t go for the cover. Instead, he looks outside to his mentor. Reform grins evilly and although there is no mic close enough to hear him, we can read his lips:

Ned Reform:

And he does a SECOND gutwrench powerbomb rocks Aaron King’s world.

But Cole does not stop there.

A third. A fourth. A FIFTH!!

Okay, enough is enough! Just pin the man!

You have to believe that this show of utter dominance is intended to reach Corvo Alpha…

Mercifully, Cole decides to place a single foot on King’s chest.



Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… and STILL Favored Saints Champion…T! A! Arrrghh!

Quimbey is cut off as Ned Reform, who has entered the ring, snatches the mic away. Cole is handed his belt and he raises it high while he walks the ring in a circle to a chorus of boos. Reform brings Quimeby’s mic to his lips.

Ned Reform:
And in one week’s time, Mr. Cole here will secure his fourth victory over that anthropomorphic pile of soot that is… Rezin.


Oh my… big news! Cole vs. Rezin!

Rezin is one of the Defiants who has become synonymous with that belt over the years… 

Ned Reform:
…and after that, we’ll be one victory away from coming for you, Mr. Alpha. It is time to be afraid.

Reform smirks and drops the mic. He turns to raise Cole’s hand while Levi displays the FS title with the other.

Ned can have all the bravado he wants… with all due respect to Aaron King, Rezin is NO Pensacola Playboy. This is the biggest test of Cole’s title reign yet!

That big match goes down at DEFtv 204! We'll see you there ladies and genetlmen!

Reform and Cole continue to bask in their glory before...





Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.