DEFIANCE Uncut 162

26 Jun 2024

Watsco Center, Miami, Florida (seats 8,000)



After the introduction plays, lights swirl and signage is seen all over the Watsco Center in Miami, Florida! And with that, the lights land on The Commentation Station with DEFIANCE's Commentary Team!


Greetings and welcome to UNCUT! Our final stop before we hit Puerto Rico in two weeks time! I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler and as always, calling the action alongside me is none other than Lance Warner! What a special card we have for you tonight! 

Absolutely! Before two of the biggest, baddest bruisers in DEFIANCE today - the Triple Crown winner Dex Joy and the hot rookie sensation, Punch Drunk Purcell - lock horns, both Purcell and Joy will be in singles action tonight! We have the always-popular Gulf Coast Connection in tag team action as well!

But you’re right! Coming up first… Punch Drunk Purcell takes on Strong AF in action to kick things off! 

The camera moves to the ring where Darren Quimbey starts things up as the wild Miami Faithful make noise! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following singles match is your opening bout of UNCUT! Introducing first… 

Three bells ring in succession, followed by three words on the screen!


♫ “The Sweet Science” by Rasco ♫

The Faithful make some noise for the big man! Cheers go out to the hard-working brawler and one of the newest BRAZEN graduates! 

Darren Quimbey:
…From Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at THREE-HUNDRED FIFTY-ONE pounds! He is “The Round Mound of Ground and Pound”... PUNCH! DRUNK! PURCELL!

A loud ovation is heard for the big, bald badass as he heads out to the ring. Punchy pulls out his rainbow-colored mouthguard from his shirt before placing it in his mouth. He bumps fists with a few fans and tightens his red MMA gloves. After he climbs into the ring, he throws a shadow punch in the air, sending two big sparks of white pyro exploding in the! After the pyrotechnics display, Purcell disposes of the shirt at ringside and then waits on his strong opponent. 

♫ "Watch Me" The Phantoms ♫

The lights start to go dark and in moments, they give way to green lights flashing in tune with the drum beats of the music. Wearing a dark green towel over his broad shoulders, green thigh-length trunks with a new white STRONK logo on the sides, he marches towards the ring getting a modest bit of jeers from The Faithful!

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… From Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 267 pounds… he is ALLEN FOSTERS… STRONG! A! F!

The Seattle Strongman rubs his hands together and then starts heading towards the ring with intent to hurt somebody. He stomps a foot on the steps, hits the bicep flex, then heads up the steps. The powerhouse climbs into the ring and looks up at the massive Punchy, looking undeterred. 

Punch Drunk Purcell and Dex Joy got into that very heated argument during their sit-down interview with Christie Zane last week. Both men almost came to blows again after Dex Joy boasted about that victory over Purcell in their second confrontation. 

Purcell ALMOST had Dex Joy beat, but you have to give it to Dex. He could have walked away, but he wants a third go-round with Purcell to end this issue between them once and for all! And a fun fact… Strong AF has won his last two matches so he can get it done in the ring. 

Referee Rex Knox steps between both men and then calls for the bell…


At the sound of the bell, Strong AF throws his green towel directly at Punch Drunk Purcell. He swats it away, but the distraction allows The Seattle Strongman to try and get the jump on Punchy with a number of clubbing blows across the back! 

Strong AF knows what an opportunity this is! If he comes in and defeats this DEFIANCE sensation just weeks before MAXDEF, he’s going to put himself on the map!

Purcell eats the shots and then doubles over Strong AF with a knee lift to the chest. He rears back and goes for a shot, but The Seattle Strongman ducks the oncoming blow. When Purcell turns to face him, he catches a kick in the gut. After being doubled over, the powerhouse clocks him with a big rising knee! PDP stumbles around and that allows Strong AF to hit the ropes. He comes off the ropes with a big shoulder block, but Purcell stays on his feet, surprising the former powerlifter! Punchy looks at him and wipes at his shoulder. 

Strong AF trying to get this big man off his feet, but doesn’t look like that’s happening! 

It’s not often that we see him not able to knock an opponent down in one go! Six-foot one and 260 of solid muscle! 

Purcell dares Strong AF to go for another shot. He starts to act like he’s going to turn him off the ropes, but instead manages to gut-check the big man! The tank-like figure of Purcell gets pushed back before Strong AF unloads with a number of shoulder thrust attacks to the corner. He fires off about three or four big shots to wear down The Round Mound of Ground and Pound, then steps out of the corner to take in the jeers and hit a flex with his bicep. 

Showing off shiny muscles isn’t something he should be doing right now. 

Strong AF turns… then gets DROPPED with The King Hippo body attack! 

There’s Purcell with the King Hippo! He just leveled Strong AF in one shot! 

Walking with some extra pep in his step, Purcell smiles for the cheering crowd before waiting for The Seattle Strongman to get back to his feet. Punchy gets a hand up and starts to deliver some stiff body shots to the chiseled midsection of the former powerlifter! He eventually backs him into the corner and fires off several more big body shots, ending in a HUGE overhand left being brought down on the top of Strong AF’s head in the corner to cheers from The Faithful!

Strong AF got the drop early on Punch Drunk Purcell, but right away, we see Punch Drunk Purcell fight right back! 

He’s generally a no-nonsense kind of guy. We’ve seen that out of Punchy. He’s just a simple man that wants to get to that pay window to feed his family!

Strong AF is groggy when he gets picked up and then whipped across the ring. As he comes back, Purcell runs at him like a big brick wall and DROPS him with a huge running back elbow up against the ropes! Strong AF crumbles to the mat and as he’s down, Punchy balls up his fist and tells The Faithful that he’s ready to end things right now!

Are we gonna see the three-step formula to success for Punch Drunk Purcell? The Punch Drunk Love leading to the pinfall and to the pay window?

Purcell grabs Strong AF and then tries to whip him to the ropes for what looks to be Punch Drunk Love, but Mr. STRONK lives up to his name by grabbing his arm and whipping him with an elbow first! Purcell gets staggered backwards, allowing for Strong AF to turn the match in his favor. He hits the ropes near Purcell and comes off the ropes before hitting a HUGE flying shoulder tackle that knocks the big man off his feet at last!

Great move! Great move by Strong AF knocking down Purcell! And what’s he going for next? 

Purcell is trying to sit up, but The Seattle Strongman hits the ropes first and then comes back with effectively a sliding shoulder tackle that knocks Purcell flat on his back! 

Purcell is down! What an upset we might see here! 

Strong AF goes for the cover! 



Just at the count of two, Purcell kicks out! AF looks up at Rex Knox and slaps his hands three times in rapid succession!

That was a close one! Strong AF has to follow up! He’s got Purcell down! 

After bickering with Rex Knox doesn’t get him anywhere Strong AF puts his hands up and clinches his arms together, gearing up to possibly lift Purcell. He waits for the former boxer and MMA practitioner to stand up on his own. Purcell stars to get up. 

Strong AF has that chokeslam variation, the Deadly AF, but can he get Punchy up for it? 

The Seattle Strongman tries to hook the leg of Purcell to set up the leg-hooked chokeslam variation… but Purcell fights back! He CLOCKS Strong AF with a wicked back elbow, making him release his grip! Strong AF tries to stand again… but catches a STIFF spinning back elbow this time that knocks him off his feet! 

Purcell has him down! It’s crazy that for a guy known as Punch Drunk Purcell, he’s slowly turning into a more well-rounded striker! 

Indeed! And now he’s back on his feet! Punchy is back in the saddle!

As Strong AF is still rocked, Purcell pushes him into the corner with both hands wrapped around his throat before he manages to SUPLEX the 260-pound former strongman with an overhead belly-to-belly out of the corner! 

What a big move! I think this one might be it! 

Purcell listens to The Faithful and the big Atlanta native picks up Strong AF by his hand. He starts to whip him across the ring, but pulls him back right into the pop-up… then DROPS him with a STIFF haymaker to the jaw on the way down to big cheers!


The Green-Eyed Wild Man looks pretty gleeful as he mouths with the count! 


Punch Drunk Purcell:


Punch Drunk Purcell:


Punch Drunk Purcell:


♫ “The Sweet Science” by Rasco ♫

Purcell quickly stands up to his feet and Knox raises his hand in victory! 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… PUNCH DRUNK PURCELL!

Strong AF is laid out on the mat while Punchy spits out his mouthpiece, and then starts doing some big boy flexing of his own!

Dex Joy has felt that right-hand, first-hand! Can Purcell score the biggest win of his career over one of the very best to ever do it in DEFIANCE? Or does Joy have his number?

And as we said at the top of the show, tonight, we have Dex Joy in action in our main event against top BRAZEN star and former BRAZEN Champion Nick Lotto Otto! Stay tuned for more action! 

After leaving the ring, Purcell bumps hands with fans heading outside the ring and then talks to the hard cam. 

Punch Drunk Purcell:
Gettin’ that money, kiddos! Daddy’s gonna be home soon! Then we gonna settle this once and for all, Dexy Baby! Let's go!

Circle the Wagons

Over the years the DEFIANCE WrestlePlex has become a hub for wrestlers to congregate, especially those that grind away on the indies in the gulf coast states. When DEF launched their BRAZEN developmental project the doors to the WrestlePlex were constantly revolving, talent new and old, fresh to the business looking for their "thing" and those needing a fresh direction after years in the game. The arena that once hosted DEFtv weekly for years and years is now used for BRAZEN shows and the blue brands open training sessions.

Today is no different. A day like any other at the WrestlePlex in hot and humid New Orleans.

A bevy of BRAZEN’s best and brightest are milling around the ring, some perched in the seats watching the ring. Inside which we see an impromptu trios match taking place between two long tenured BRAZEN babyface factions.

The Gulf Coast Connection of the raw boned Theodore Cain, the high flying Crescent City Kid, and Wingman himself Titus Campbell taking on the slightly less successful Midcard Experiment consisting of high energy indie veteran Walter Levy, the masked second generation luchador Hijo del Fishman Deluxe, and the mysterious besuited Nic Cage-themed-masked oddball only known as CAGE!

Leaning on the ring apron watching the action we see former BRAZEN champion and one of the main player/coaches of the blue brand BIGBOSS Batts, the big Texas born brawler Gordy Lovett, and the recently signed “Fair Play” Dabney Doubleday and his little brother and manager "Lil’ Dougie", Douglas Doubleday.

Batts turns to the Doubleday brothers.

You can’t really look at BRAZEN as developmental, not really. It’s a pipeline to and from DEFIANCE. It’s the company’s way of keeping the independents as close as possible. Take these six guys for instance, Cain and CCK were day one roster guys. They're part of the coaching crew that helps onboard the new talent and get them accustomed to the whole process around here. And you’re buds with the Midcard boys, aren’t you?

Dabney Doubleday:
Walter and I go way back, yes sir. He talks a big game, but he's a good sort. When I was starting out Walter watched my back when I was still wet behind the ears, leaving training and hitting the road for the first time. One of the oldest friends I have in this business, really.

And you trained at Lindsay Troy’s place in Florida, correct?

Dougie steps infront of that one.

Douglas Doubleday:
He was indeed, we’re not trying to fly that particular flag quite as high here in DEF. Ol’ Dabs here wants to make it here under his own steam.

Dabney Doubleday:
And if I'm being up front about it. I have issues with the way she and her friends comport themselves here in DEFIANCE. I think there's a better way of doing this than walking all over people and tearing them down all the time.

Batts can't help but be impressed with the guy's gumption.

I mean, I get that. She’s always been something of a, heh firebrand around these parts.

Gordy Lovett:
Sheiiiit, you can say that again. I got lost on my first night on the road, walked into the wrong dressin’ room and almost got my ass mauled by that dang ol’ tiger of hers, man. I thought that dang ol’ cat was CGI when I watched it on the TV, but heeeeeell no it ain't! Man! Who drags a poor ol’ tiger around the country like that anyway? Somebody should call dang ol’ PETA, man! I'm tellin' ya'. Strap in Doubleday, this place can get weird as hell, brother!

The jovial Texas Stampede claps Dabney on the back with a hearty guffaw.

Dabney Doubleday:
She’s definitely a…well, complex individual. I owe her my career, though. I'm the wrestler I am because of her training. I'm sure she and I'll have our "come to Jesus" meeting one of these days. Here or elsewhere.

The four men watch the match for a little while in silence. The Gulf Coast boys retain the upper hand in the exhibition, but it’s clear this is a friendly training match-up. None of the six men going full bore with their strikes.

Cain and Campbell demonstrate their strength and conditioning, Walter and CCK exchange some particularly impressive lucha style flips and reversals. Fish Jr shows off his mat based knowledge of the technical lucha llave style. CAGE!... well, CAGE! ran the ropes screaming "I'm a vampire!" for like 45 whole seconds, so.  There's that.

Dabney Doubleday:
So can I ask you fella’s something?

Hit me.

Gordy Lovett:

Dabney Doubleday:
The BRAZEN  singles champs, Bigsby and Payne… what’s the deal there?

Douglas Doubleday:
IRT the rich chucklefuck and the chucklefuck with the mustache that pull their strings.

Dabs points at his little brother and nods to the affirmative.

Batts sighs the long exhausted sigh of a man who clearly has to deal with that particular situation every day. Gordy gets a very serious, very bothered look on his face.

Ed White shoot has more money than he knows what to do with. Because he's so damn rich he's constantly bored and, lucky us, DEFIANCE is his favorite plaything. He built this entire complex back in the day, still has financial ownership in some capacity… somehow. And Box was one of the original trainers, off and on, when BRAZEN started. Loads of the guys feel like they owe that psychopath their careers. Felton, Levi Cole, Butcher Victorious, all of ‘em were trained up or at least polished by Bronson at one point or another starting out. So both of those two SOB’s roots run real deep around here.

Lovett pounds the ring apron with his beefy Texan fist.

Gordy Lovett:
Dirty lowdown snakes the whole lot of ‘em, brother. Felton and me had somethin’ goin’ as a tag team, but he left me and our manager Doris high and dry. She aint been around much since then, since Ed and Felton made a dang ol' fool out of ‘er.

Felton and Adrian have been completely subsumed by Ed and his money and the draw of that stupid private club of theirs across town. God knows what Ed paid, but he bought up an entire half block of prime French Quarter real estate to build that damn place. The allure of that sort of power is hard to not fall victim to. Especially for folks involved in this business, lemme tell you.

Gordy Lovett:
With Ed and Bronson’s clout behind ‘em, ol’ Felton and that big ol’ feller Payne both have a legit army of no good varmints at their backs. All Eddy has to do is snap his fingers and he's got any number of nasty buggers askin' how high, man.

We do our best, but what can any of us do against all that? All we can do is keep our heads down and get to work. You know? Me and the other player coaches work weekly to find spots for our guys on the main shows, we bust our asses to put on the showcases as often as possible, get folks as much work as possible. What else can we do?

Gordy Lovett:
Dogs. All of ‘em.

Ed shows up more often than we’d like to practices and shows and what not, throws his weight around like he’s all our boss or something… pisses me off something fierce.

Gordy shakes his low hung head.

Gordy Lovett:
Hell of a thing, brother. Hell of a thing.

Again the conversation lulls. Dabney has his lips pursed, clearly thinking. He looks up into the ring where CAGE! and CCK are trying to out-flip one another. He looks at the four impressive athletes at their respective corners putting in the work, honing their craft. He looks around the small arena at all the other bright, hungry talent young and old alike, representing DEFIANCE’s “developmental” blue brand.

Now if there’s something you all should know about Dabney Doubleday and his brother, they really really don’t care for bullies of any stripe. If there was anything that formed the bedrock of the “Doubleday brand” its having the guts to not only stand up for the little guy but meet the bullies head-on where they live.  Just like their Gramps taught them.

Dabney Doubleday:
Hummm… Dougie, remember what we talked about earlier? You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’, bud?

Lil’ Dougie Doubleday might have questionable taste when it comes to haircuts, but when it comes to managing the career of his brother he's sharp as they come. He's always keeping one eye on whatever his brother is keeping his eye on… like any good manager slash brother would. He hears what Dabs is layin’ down and nods to the affirmative. He rubs his chin, the gears already turning in his little mushroom hair-do topped head.

Douglas Doubleday:
Oh yeah. I feel ya’ Dabs. Lets get it done.

Dabs claps a hand on both Batts and Lovett’s shoulders.

He uses his eyes and head to point towards the ring.

Dabney Doubleday:
When they’re done there we all should talk. And anyone else who’s here, for that matter. The whole darn locker room if possible, if that's possible, please.

Lovett and Batts each raise an inquisitive eyebrow.

What exactly should I say is the reason for this all hands meeting, if I may ask?

The littlest Doubleday leads the BRAZEN player/coach away from the ring with the crook of his finger

Douglas Doubleday:
Walk with me, Mr. Batts. Walk with me.

As the two start walking off Gordy turns to Dabney with a little half smile.

Gordy Lovett:
You two crazy fellers came here to DEF with a plan, didn’tcha Dabs?

Mr. Fair Play smiles slyly as he turns to follow after Batts and his brother.

Dabney Doubleday:
Me? A plan… come on Gordy, you know me better than that. I’m just here to wrestle, chum. Wrestle and do my best, just like always. Nothing more, nothing less.

He starts off and looks back over his shoulder.

Dabney Doubleday:
But you know Dougie, he always has a plan. Make sure when they wrap it up they head on back to the classroom. I really think they'll like what I have to say.

Dabney grins and disappears off camera.

The Texas Stampede smiles a sort of hopeful smile. He turns back towards the ring where the Gulf Coast boys and the Midcard Experiment are finishing up their ring-time.

Gordy Lovett:
Well, shoot, lets kick the tires and light the fires, boys! Dabs wants to talk turkey, come on y'all!

He gives a little hoot and a hollar before heading off in the same direction as Dabney.



Standing in front of the UNCUT backstage interview backdrop is none other than Chris Trutt! 

Chris Trutt:
Ladies and gentlemen… I’m Chris Trutt… here on UNCUT… man, that takes me back to those couple weeks I did the intros to the show before that really sweet music video replaced me… 

He sighs…

…then looks up when he remembers they are live. 

Chris Trutt:
Oh, uh… I mean… hey, so… I have been given a HUGE task for you all tonight. I am Chris Trutt and I have with me… an official press release that confirms none other… that OSCAR BURNS RETURNS… hey, that rhymes, too. Brilliant… Um… yes! OSCAR BURNS RETURNS AT Maximum DEFIANCE AKA Maximum OSCAR BURNS! 

He holds up the paper in his hand. 

Chris Trutt:
I have an official quote that I have been asked to read as a part of Oscar Burns’ new contract with DEFIANCE!

He looks at the statement. 

Chris Trutt:
“Hello, one and all, GCs! While I have had to step back for personal, physical and monetary… mostly monetary… reasons, I am proud to announce that as first reported on, OSCAR BURNS Returns at Maximum DEFIANCE aka Maximum OSCAR BURNS… be sure to emphasize Oscar Burns Returns because rhyming helps things stick in the feeble brain matter of the average wrestling fan… say OSCAR BURNS in all caps as you would DEFIANCE and don’t read the notes out lou…”

He realizes what he’s done.

Chris Trutt:
Oh, dear… forget I said the last part… anyway… 

Trutt goes back to reading the statement.

Chris Trutt:
“...OSCAR BURNS missed the entire DEFIANCE aka OSCAR BURNS Faithful, GCs. You have followed my journey since day one, but upon the return of OSCAR BURNS… times need to change and so do I. That is why at Maximum DEFIANCE aka MAXIMUM OSCAR BURNS, you will witness a brand new BURNSIE like you’ve never seen before. Note. BURNSIE should be in all caps as well. I look forward to seeing you all. PS… if this note is not read out loud in a proper and beautiful New Zealand accent I speak in, please start from the beginning and read this aloud again. Properly. Thanks kindly, GCs. OSCAR BURNS.”

Chris Trutt looks at the release. 

Chris Trutt: [in a very bad New Zealand accent that is more Aussie]
Aw, crikey…


Up next, we have tag team action on deck, as well as a TV debut! The Gulf Coast Connection team of “Wingman” Titus Campbell One of BRAZEN’s newest signings, Midas Mancini and his bodyguard-slash… getaway driver? Getaway Jones. What can you tell us about these two, Lance?

That is correct. Midas Mancini is rumored to have… shall we say, connections… to Legitimate Italian Businessman out of Chicago, as it were. He and his associate, named Getaway Jones, are already racking up wins with Mancini scoring wins over former BRAZEN Champions such as Nick Otto and Reinhardt Hoffman. And two big hosses at that. Midas Mancini, 6’2” and 250. Getaway Jones is a TANK at 6’ even and just over four-hundred pounds. 

They’ll be a big matchup for the GCC tonight! We take it to the ring for our next match! Let’s go to Darren Quimbey with the intros!

The camera cuts to Darren Quimbey in the ring to kick off introductions! 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a tag team match set for one fall! Introducing first… 

♫ "The Saints" by Andy Mineo w/KB and Trip Lee  ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Hailing from The Crescent City, accompanied to the ring by The Crescent City Kid… weighing in at a combined weight of 517 pounds… “Wingman” Titus Campbell… Theodore Cain… THE GULF! COAST! CONNECTION!

Theodore Cain has on his Gulf Coast Connection Mardi Gras-themed jester hat, along with Crescent City Kid, getting the crowd fired up by throwing purple and gold beads to The Faithful. “Wingman” Titus Campbell brings up the rear and the powerhouse throws a few jester hats out of the bag into the crowd. Once they approach the ring, Theodore Cain gives his own jester hat to a young girl in the audience with her parents!  All three get in the ring and pose for The Faithful before their music plays for their opponents. 

♫ "Got Yourself A Gun (instrumental) by Nas ♫

The music plays and out comes a chiseled man with slicked-back brown hair, dressed in a gold-colored wifebeater, dress jeans and fancy shoes. Next to him, a brown bearded TANK of a man dressed in a black dress shirt and red tie with the sleeves cut off. 

Darren Quimbey:
And their opponents… at a combined weight of 650 pounds… The team of MIDAS MANCINI AND GETAWAY JONES!

The men who may or may not have affiliations with a specific crime syndicate walk out and get mixed reactions from the fans, some liking and some hating it. Mancini looks pretty smug and Getaway Jones looks out to both sides of the arena before they make it to the ring. Mancini climbs up the steps and poses while Getaway Jones folds his arms and looks out to the audience menacingly. 

Thus far, perfect records on BRAZEN shows, but tonight is a big test for them! 

Once both men enter the ring, referee Hector Navarro calls for the bell. Midas Mancini and Theodore Cain both start for their teams. 


Cain and Mancini lock up in the middle of the ring with Mancini quickly switching things up for a go-behind into a hammerlock. He tries to keep The Smash Surfer at bay and then trips him up to a grounded hammerlock. Mancini continues to bring the smugness with a tight hammerlock as Cain is grounded. Campbell and CCK cheer on their buddy at ringside as Cain tries to fight back up. Despite Midas trying to keep him down, Cain fights up until Mancini uses a hair pull takedown to bring him back to the mat! He gets some jeers as he poses. 

Midas Mancini is working that arm well, but he should keep his focus on that. 

He goes over to grab Cain again, but The Smash Surfer surprises him by grabbing the leg and taking him down with a big flapjack to the mat! The 246-pound Floridian then jumps on Mancini’s back and starts pretending to use him as a surfboard!

And that’s what Mancini gets! Cain Making Waves… no, that’s what he calls this taunt! 

Cain jumps off Mancini’s back and then picks him up by the waist before tagging in the big man of Gulf Coast Connection! The crowd cheers as Campbell and Cain both whip Mancini to the ropes and then take him down with double running shoulder blocks! The C&C Connection then high-five and then drop a double elbow drop into the chest of Mancini!

There’s some great double-team work by the Gulf Coast Connection tonight! They want bigger opportunities but need to string together some wins to do it! 

Campbell looks out to The Faithful and gets some support from the Miami Faithful as Mancini rests near the ropes and puts his hands up in a timeout. Campbell ain’t buying it and boots him in the chest before making the tag back to Theodore Cain. Campbell grabs onto Mancini and then both men connect with a double hip toss out of the corner! The questionably-legal businessman gets slammed and right after that, Cain hits the ropes and nails a flipping senton! 

Flipping senton by The Smash Surfer! Cover!




Mancini kicks out, but Cain is on him. He hears the cheering Faithful and then waits on Mancini. He goes to grab the BRAZEN sensation, only to get a two-fingered eye poke out of desperation! 

That’s a questionable tactic if I’ve ever see one. According to my notes, he calls that… ahem… The Goldfingers. Cute. 

The Faithful jeer Mancini as he rolls over and tags Getaway Jones so he can make his own get-Away out of the ring! Jones slowly climbs through the ropes. 

This is our first look at Getaway Jones! That’s a LOT of getaway driver! 

And as Cain is disposed of, he doesn't see Getaway Jones hit the ropes until it’s too late, getting FLATTENED with a big shoulder tackle! 

The Smash Surfer just got SMASHED with that running shoulder tackle by Jones! And he goes off the ropes…

Jones hits the ropes again and showing fairly decent speed for a man that big, he stops and steps over Cain… THEN falls backwards all his weight into the chest! 

He faked him out with the walking press, then just dropped. Like a senton! 

That’s unique movement by Jones, that’s for sure! 

Jones is back up and then slowly picks Cain up as he’s clutching his ribs. He picks him up and then holds Cain in a body slam position as he allows Mancini to make the tag. Jones slams Cain to the mat, allowing Mancini to run in, leap over Cain to get to the middle rope and then score with a big middle-rope moonsault! The Miami Faithful are impressed at the 250-pound moonsault and so is Midas, as he looks pretty happy with himself! 

IMPRESSIVE moonsault! Cover!




The shoulder of Cain comes up and Mancini doesn’t look pleased!

I’m very impressed with how Midas Mancini and Getaway Jones have been working together. There’s another tag by Getaway Jones!

Jones gets the tag and the bearded monster comes in. He puts all his weight on top of Cain near the ropes by stepping on him! He stands there until Hector Navarro warns him and gives him a five-count to break it up. Jones steps off of him and then pulls Cain just enough from the ropes to allow Mancini the chance to tag in again. 

Those are some quick tags by Jones and Mancini! Now where’s he going?

Another note… he calls this the Golden Sky! A senton bomb off the top rope! 

Mancini holds out his hand with the golden glove, then gives a thumbs down before looking for the top rope senton flip… but MISSES as Cain rolls out of the way! After crashing to the mat, he holds his back in pain and kicks his legs in agony against the mat! Campbell has a hand out ready to make the tag and The Faithful are ready for it! 

There was no water in the pool by Midas Mancini! And now that gives Cain the chance to get to Titus Campbell!

The Wingman waits for his tag and when Cain makes it over… HE GETS IT! The Faithful cheer as he waits for Midas to get up off the mat, only to take him down with a big clothesline! Midas gets knocked down, but tries to pick himself back up, only to catch a second clothesline by The Wingman! 

The Wingman living up to his name! 6’6” and 270 pounds flying all over the place! 

Getaway Jones tries to get into the ring, only to catch a big boot by Theodore Cain that knocks him off the apron! Now his focus is back on Mancini. He tries to pick up the mobster(?) in a fireman’s carry, only for Mancini to slip out in desperation and go for the roll-up!




Midas ALMOST got him! But wait! Cain’s back up! He’s got Midas on his shoulders!

Campbell looks out to the crowd and SPINS around! Many times! 

Midas Mancini tried to steal one, but now he’s stuck in some Turbulence from The Wingman! 

The Faithful cheer as he finally inches near the ropes and then lets Cain tag in as he continues to spin him around! After the disorienting Airplane Spin, he drops a dizzy Mancini on his feet, allowing Cain to pick him up for his own fireman’s carry… then DROPS him across the knee with a fireman carry jawbreaker!

HIGH TIDE! Great combo! The Turbulence soften Midas Mancini up right into High Tide! Cover by Cain! 

Cain makes the cover with The Faithful counting along while Campbell blocks Getaway Jones from saving his associate! 





♫ "The Saints" by Andy Mineo w/KB and Trip Lee  ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… THE GULF COAST CONNECTION!

After the music hits, referee Hector Navarro goes over to raise the arms of both Cain and Campbell! The Crescent City Kid joins in the ring to celebrate with his friends!

That was a very impressive showing from Mancini and Getaway Jones, but The Gulf Coast Connection gets back on the winning track tonight! 

And what a win for them! Could this lead to more opportunities for this trio? 

Jones helps Mancini out of the ring and helps walk him out from ringside. Meanwhile, the never-ending Mardi Gras celebration continues from Campbell, Cain and CCK inside the ring!


Teresa Ames mindlessly decorates a cake double her size in the loading dock area of the arena as a "recorded previously" chyron flashes on the bottom corner of the broadcast.

Teresa Ames:
Should I munch on one of these cake pops?

She holds a birthday celebration cake pop mightily, twirling the white cardboard stick between her dainty fingers.

Teresa Ames:
This object would make for a tantalizing piece of ASMR. I could get thousands of views on Twitch from all those weirdos wanting to watch me eat this thing.

She seemingly snaps out of her trance.

Teresa Ames:
Right. Decorate Malak's cake. Enough of me and my wants and desires. They mean nothing in comparison to his. This is going to be the best birthday ever. Nothing and no one can ruin the amount of fun we're going to have!

Ames plods along, placing cake pop after cake pop on the cake until she needs to replenish her load from a nearby cake pop cart. She turns and bends over, exposing her rear to the world. A shadowy figures slinks by and makes a mad dash towards the cake. Just as Teresa turns back to placing pops, there is no one else to be seen.

Teresa Ames:
I hope Malak knows just how much he is appreciated and how much work I put into this! Siobhan might be the brains and beauty but I am most certainly the muscles behind the operation.

Ames finishes placing the cake pops as she chuckles to herself with satisfaction.

Teresa Ames:
Easy as pie or in this case, cake. I am so gosh darn pleased with myself. Nothing could go wrong.

With that, she turns and whistles at the Starbucks employee crew on hand. She points to the cake, signalling it's ready before smirking and walking out of frame. The employees storm the cake and begin carting it along as the very top seems to bubble in a peculiar way. Hmmm, I wonder. What's up with that?


What a gift we have for you, the fans in our final stop to Maximum DEFIANCE! A rare in-ring appearance by the former FIST of DEFIANCE Dex Joy! He will be in action in our main event against the former BRAZEN champion, Nick “Lotto” Otto!

Nick “Lotto” Otto refers to himself as the “Most Humble Man in BRAZEN!” He won a $5 million-dollar lottery ticket and used and invested those winnings into making himself a wrestler. He’s a good athlete, but BRAZEN fans know he’s anything but. And he’s got paid help with his “Independent Contractor”, 1099-C at ringside!


Another lightning bolt!


Another lightning bolt with a word that brings the fans to their feet!


People have their phones ready to take pictures and video for their memories, their friends and probably some illegal streams. The lights flicker on and the words form to create an oldie but a goodie for the people of Miami …


♫ "Undefeated" by Beacon Light and Tommee Profitt ♫

Darren Quimbey:
The following is tonight’s main event! First from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at three-hundred and eight pounds … he is THE BIGGEST BOYYYYYYYY!!! DEEEEEEXXXXXXX JOOOOOYYYYYY!!!

Standing on the stage, Dex Joy looks out to an energetic and jam-packed Miami crowd. His eyes move all around to really take in the capacity crowd and then shouts to the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful to make noise! Once he reaches the ring he makes an entire circle around the ring to give out all kinds of fist dabs, hand shakes and hugs. Once he completes the lap around the ring he climbs into the ring and then poses on the middle turnbuckle! 

♫ “Glorious” by Macklemore feat. Skylar Grey ♫

The lights in the arena shift to green and yellow and Otto walks out into the arena with his arms high in the air, basking in the glory of his big opportunity. He is spray tan incarnate, wearing ring attire with green and yellow. He shows off his “Strike It Rich” tattoo to the hard camera and points to himself before looking around the Faithful with a nod, basking in their reaction. Behind him is a monstrous bald man with a neatly trimmed beard, black sweater blazer and black dress jeans. Nick whispers instructions to the man and they head to ringside. 

Darren Quimbey:
His opponent — being accompanied by 1099 — from Shreveport, Louisiana he weighs in at two-hundred eleven pounds … NICK “LOTTOOOOOOOOOO” OTTOOOOOOOOO!!!

Nick tells 1099 some instructions to stay outside the ring and then he jumps over the ropes with a dramatic roll, then pops up to his knees to show off the framed winning scratch ticket he wears around his neck in a laminated case. He takes off the case and hands it off to his personal “Independent Contractor” at ringside. 

Nick Lotto Otto has achieved a lot in BRAZEN already being a former champion! 1099 was once a former Onslaught champion in BRAZEN as well so they both have championship credentials. 

Nick offers Dex a hand shake. Dex surveys the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful to see if he should take it. They protest and most are telling him no … but Dex is a trusting guy and shakes the hand. Nick shakes it and hangs on as the bell rings. 


BRAZEN’s Most Humble Man jumps up and latches on a head lock tightly around the neck of the taller Dex Joy. Joy does not seem too bothered by this. In fact he has a look on his face of “can you believe this guy?” 

Nick Otto is sticking to the classics tonight with this head lock … but I think Dex Joy is about to be done with all that. 

Dex grabs Nick in a head lock all by himself! Nick panics greatly and in a moment of desperation he stomps on the foot of Dex! He stomps again and again to free himself and then delivers a big slap to to the face of the Biggest Boy! 


Nick Otto, what were you thinking, young man?

Nick Otto breathes in and out slowly to calm himself down and then turns and faces Dex who is now not happy about having his foot stomped or his face slapped. Nick tries to apologize. 

Nick “Lotto” Otto:
I’ll give you ten thousand dollars to forget this ever hap … OH NO!!!

He gets pushed all the way into the corner and then one of the largest biels ever takes place with Otto being thrown almost all the way across the ring! The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful lose it! 


That was … that was insane! How is Dex Joy this strong?! How?!

That might have been one of the biggest biels I have ever seen in DEFIANCE! 

Enjoying what he’s doing in the ring, Dexy Baby casually strolls to where Nick Otto landed. He goes to pick up the former BRAZEN champion and eats a surprise punch for his trouble! The unsuspecting blow catches Dex and then Nick throws a toe kick to his chest. Dex is fazed long enough for Nick to try a whip … but Dex puts a stop to that and uses a whip of his own to send Nick to the ropes. He leap frogs right over Otto. When he comes around the other way, he hits a drop down and when the lottery winner comes back he is knocked down with a jumping cross body by Dexy Baby! 

Strength and agility! That’s what made Dex Joy the FIST of DEFIANCE for almost three hundred days! 

I don’t know if Nick “Lotto” Otto really thought this match through before signing on the dotted line! It’s a huge opportunity … but Dex is still determined more than ever to stay on top in DEFIANCE Wrestling! 

Dex ducks and climbs out of the ring. The lottery-winning wrestler starts to run away from Dexy Baby until 1099 stands in between them. Standing at six-foot ten and three-hundred twenty-six pounds, 1099 remains with his arms folded together and tries to intimidate Dex. Behind him, Otto has climbed back inside of the ring. 

Look at 1099 and Dex Joy sizing each other up. 

Dex is not going to be intimidated by anyone … but look! Look what Otto is doing! 

What Dex does not see is Nick back in the ring! He leaps over the ropes with a tope con hilo and he brings all two-hundred eleven pounds down on the Biggest Boy outside the ring!

That was a big tope con hilo dive! The distraction provided by his body guard was enough to give Otto an edge! 

I have to correct you real quick - I’m told that Nick Otto frowns upon the word “body guard” and finds it thuggish. He prefers the term “independent contractor.”

Otto has Dex where he wants him and he knows it. Otto goes back inside. This time instead of hitting a tope con hilo he jumps to the top rope and then does a big flip to crash on the EveryChamp a second time!

The spring board version of the tope con hilo is something he calls the Power Ball! Two big dives on the outside are enough to turn this around for him, but is it going to be enough to pull off an upset?

Nick recovers from the big jump and gets back into the ring. He looks like he might be hoping for a count-out and it happens but when the official gets to the count of five, Dex Joy is starting up again. Otto sneaks over to the ring apron and is watching Dex Joy get back inside. 

What does Otto have planned here? 

The $5 Million Man is on the ring apron. The second that Dex is able to get back into the ring, Otto jumps up again and then hits Dex’s side with a spring board missile dropkick! 

Right on target! We could see the makings of a big upset! 

Otto takes a second before he is able to get Dex on his back and then jumps over. He poses and then hits a standing moonsault! As confident as he can be he goes to a lateral press!

One … 

Two … 


Dex is able to kick out and not only that but push Otto’s body off of him! 

Nick “Lotto” Otto has a lot of natural athleticism, but Dex Joy is not going to concede defeat this easy! 

Otto gets up and then targets the neck of Dex. He climbs near the ropes and looks like he’s going for a full revolution tornado DDT … but Joy picks him up and Dexy Baby pitches him across the ring again! 

Dex is too strong! 

Dexy Baby gets up and then with the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful watching he takes a run off the ropes and then knocks the $5 Million Man into the corner buckle with Dexy’s Midnight Runner!!!

Dexy’s Midnight Runner!!! Did you see how far he Otto was hit across that ring?!

Knowing that he has Nick right where he wants him, Dex grabs Otto by his arm on the mat. He pulls him up right into his grip and plants him into the ring using the spinning power slam!

There it is Lance! The Dex Drive! Dexy Baby scores with the Dex Drive!

Brimming with confidence on the cover, Dex uses a lateral press and hooks Otto’s far leg! 

One … 

Two … 



♫ "Undefeated" by Beacon Light and Tommee Profitt ♫

Dex Joy stares down 1099 when he stands up to his feet but the “independent contractor” for Nick “Lotto” Otto instead reaches inside to help him out. Dex smiles proudly! 

The winner of this match …. DEEEEEEEX JOOOOYYYYYYY!!!

Joy pats Otto on the back before 1099 fully pulls him out of the ring and looks proud of his efforts. Dex jumps on the second turnbuckle and basks in the applause and cheers of the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful!

Both Punch Drunk Purcell and Dex Joy were victorious tonight and both men look ready for what promises to be one of the most powerful matches that we have on either night of Maximum DEFIANCE! 

I have no doubts there! We have to say good night and farewell, but we will see you in two weeks from sunny Puerto Rico and for Maximum DEFIANCE!!! For Lance Warner, I’m Darren Keebler! Good night! 

Dexy Baby is serenaded by the fans with the loudest cheers of the night. Dex points at the camera in front of him at ringside. 

Dex Joy:
Punchtholomew Intoxicated Purcell … I will see you at Maximum DEFIANCE … pally!!!




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.