DEFIANCE Uncut 103

6 Oct 2021

DEFIANCE Wrestle-Plex, New Orleans, Louisiana (seats 4,000)


Malak Garland:
Stupid silly Karen thinking she’s all that. I showed her last DEFtv. She isn’t in my head at all. I’ll show her at ACTS. Here Cyrus, hold this.

A muffling sound finally subsides as Malak hands Cyrus his phone which is recording a video of them standing out front of a hardware store. Malak looks into the lens Cyrus points at him.

Malak Garland:
So here we are. It’s come to this, has it? You know I am riddled to the bone with anxiety over facing off against you in a fans bring the weapons match, Karen. Yet here we are.

Garland nonchalantly points at the hardware store sign.

Malak Garland:
Cyrus and I are at this hardware store to look for weapons to buy. Safe ones. Ones that are pre-approved by yours truly so no unruly fans go too far. Then we will be donating the weapons to the crowd before the match so no one gets hurt. Let’s head inside.

Cyrus follows Malak into the store as there are a few customers lollygagging about looking for lugnuts and very specific quarter inch washers that will surely make a heck of a difference for their home reno projects.

Malak Garland:
Hey Cyrus, get a shot of these in my hand.

Malak pulls out some paper coupons as Cyrus pans down to capture them on film.

Malak Garland:
They’re expired but I hope I can still use them, otherwise I will be upset and threaten to shop elsewhere.

The two out-of-place wrestlers scour up and down a few aisles before ending up in the baby proofing zone. Malak snatches a few socket coverings, some sponges and a pair of safety scissors.

Malak Garland:
If I’m going to get cut, it might as well be done safely. Here Cyrus, take these. Put them in your handbasket.

Malak holds them out and all that comes from behind the camera is a disdained grunt.

Malak Garland:
What’s that, Cyrus? You didn’t grab a handbasket when we walked in? Well make yourself useful and go get one.

As if recording the video wasn’t proving himself useful enough, Cyrus promptly drops the camera down and heads back to the entrance to grab a handbasket. The footage jump cuts back to the two of them shopping down the plumbing aisle. Malak is a stickler for price matching and quality, that is for sure.

Malak Garland:
Receptacle hoses are half off here. Nice. I don’t want to get choked by one though so we will buy safety harnesses instead.

After going down another couple aisles, Malak has to stop for a text check because it's been more than ten minutes.

Malak Garland:
Cyrus? Can you believe this? Kaz STILL hasn’t returned any of my calls or texts. It is frazzling me to think that he doesn’t want to associate with me solely based on the fact that I hate his fat cow for a mom.

They peruse one last aisle until they’ve literally looked over the entire store. Cyrus carries the recording phone and a very heavy handbasket full of safety approved items.

Malak Garland:
Let’s checkout and go home now, Cyrus. I’m tired and shopping is killing me.

Malak arrogantly walks up to one of the employees at the checkout counter. He begins unloading items from the handbasket onto the conveyor belt with joy.

Hi there, did you find everything you were looking for today?

Malak nods. He doesn’t speak or associate with people he doesn’t know or trust. Suddenly, as he continues unpacking, a glimmer of sunlight reflecting off something equally shiny catches his eye. He does a full head turn and notices a wall of kitchen sink appliances, all on sale. His eyes grow even wider when he reads the banner above everything.

Malak Garland:
Clearance. Whoaaaaa. I love a good deal.

Cyrus turns the camera to capture the mecca of kitchen sink wall displays.

Malak Garland:
Stop right there, underpaid clerk. I think we have one more item to add onto my purchase.

The feed cuts abruptly.


The scene opens to inside one of the DEFIANCE production trucks where Gage Blackwood is situated in front of the main screen. He’s the only one there and holds a VHS tape in his hands. It’s the same tape Conor Fuse gifted him over a month ago. Conor, who revealed at the time he’s a big tape trader, gave the FIST of DEFIANCE this present. A VHS with Gage’s victory over Mikey Unlikely and 24K, capturing the highest championship in DEFIANCE Wrestling.

Blackwood slides the tape into the machine on his right, sits back and watches with a smile on his face. The original broadcast plays…

BLACKWOOD HITS MIKEY WITH A LEFT HAND! In comes Oscar Burns… NO! Burns eats a back elbow from Mikey!!! And Mikey… MIKEY IS LOCKING IN A SLEEPER HOLD ON OSCAR!!

The FIST of DEFIANCE’s eyes meet Gage Blackwood’s. Mikey has a shit eating grin on his face as he hooks his right arm around Burns’ neck and hops onto The Technical Spectacle’s back! Burns falls to a knee and then to the canvas floor completely!

This goes back… MONTHS! Mikey Unlikely was furious at Gage Blackwood for debuting a sleeper finisher and thought HE could do one better!

Mikey’s won matches with this thing, Keebs! HE’S GOT BURNS DOWN AND ALMOST OUT!

Mark Shields slides into position and looks to raise Oscar’s hand-





The fans are in HECTIC MODE as Mark Shields jumps up and waves his hands around, saying GAGE BLACKWOOD is the legal man!

Mark Shields:

The Faithful are on their feet, everyone is screaming at the top of their lungs! Blackwood sees both men are OUT! Oscar Burns, via the sleeper hold and Mikey Unlikely, via the running double knee smash!

Mikey Unlikely… out.

Mikey Unlikely… the FIST of DEFIANCE.

Gage looks up from the mat at referee Mark Shields.

Gage Blackwood:

Eyes bulging out of Gage’s head, hands trembling, the Edinburgh native screams at the typically incompetent Shields who once again outlines what he saw.

Mark Shields:
YES! You tagged Burns before the sleeper was applied!

The Faithful BUZZ in anticipation!


Blackwood takes one final glance at Oscar Burns and decides to pin Mikey Unlikely!

The FIST watches the pinfall take place and a bit of the post match celebration before fast-forwarding to the end. He’s about to eject the tape but realizes at the end of the match it starts all over again. This time, however, instead of a view from the hard cam, the entire scene is from one of the two apron cameras. Blackwood mumbles to himself.

Gage Blackwood:
Aye, Conor said there were multiple takes…

Blackwood allows the footage to roll again, albeit with a slight smirk across his face. He enjoys every second watching Mikey get drilled in the head with a double knee he didn’t see coming.

Blackwood fast forwards. There’s another camera angle, this one is from the rarely used ringpost camera. Zipping through the feed, the FIST of DEFIANCE comes upon found footage next, likely lifted from YouTube where a fan recorded it all from his iPhone.

Blackwood heckles Mikey from his seat, watching in slo-mo. He sees Unlikely lock in the sleeper on Oscar Burns, an ever-so-confident look on Mike’s face. Then Blackwood watches his own hand reach out and tag Oscar across the arm.

Suddenly, a rush of concern crosses Blackwood. Using the technology in front of him, Gage pauses, rewinds and witnesses the scene play out again. This time, Gage is confused. At the moment, it’s unsure what’s rattled him.

Blackwood rewinds, slows the footage to a crawl and then zooms in on the shot he’s looking for. Mikey pulls Burns back, the sleeper hold locked on Twists and Turns. Gage Blackwood reaches out and tags Oscar Burns. Except, from this angle…

Blackwood misses Burns’ arm. From the fan’s perspective, it doesn’t look like Gage Blackwood makes contact with Oscar at all.

Blackwood’s eyes dart from left to right, no longer concerned, or confused but seemingly threatened. He rewinds the video to the ringpost view, going back to the same spot Gage made the tag to Burns. This time, however, it looks like Gage does make the tag but the footage isn’t definite.

Blackwood rewinds to the apron camera and the tag spot. Again, it looks like Blackwood makes the tag but you can’t tell for sure and there’s no noise to suggest he does hit The Technical Spectacle. Other sporting replays may determine inconclusive evidence.

Rewind to the hard cam feed. Same thing. A tag is likely but you can’t call it for sure.

And fast forward to the iPhone footage. There’s a clear gap between Blackwood’s hand and Burns’.

Blackwood keeps the closest frame on pause. He stares at the screen. He puts a hand to the back of his neck and rubs it, slightly.

The FIST of DEFIANCE continues to simply… stare.

Then Gage ejects the tape, opens it up and slowly crinkles the film with a free hand before fleeing the production truck.


Welcome to our opener on this, our last edition of UNCUT before we get to Acts of DEFIANCE! Tonight, we’re starting with a match between Los Tres Titanes member Titaness against The PCP’s Flex Kruger!

For weeks, we have seen Flex Kruger and Titaness at odds in this whole game of oneupmanship between Los Tres Titanes and PCP! The two sides have fought with and against each other with Minute and Elise Ares ending with Elise getting the win after a very fast encounter!

But nothing was settled between Titaness and Flex, which is why we’re doing this in the ring now! Flex vs. Titaness! No more games, just action, so let’s get to it!

The camera goes to Darren Quimbey for the first match of tonight. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first… from The Bronx, NY, weighing 200 pounds… she is a member of Los Tres Titanes… ”THE SHOW OF FORCE” TITANESS!

The lights go black. Then a set of words appears on the DEFTron in silver… 



The Faithful show love for the powerhouse as a single violet spotlight shines on the new female powerhouse, flexing her arms, back to the stage. Wearing a purple top with silver trim, she turns to face the ring and pops The Faithful with a standing backflip on the ramp, sending a quick shower of violet and silver pyro on either side of the stage! The Faithful react well to the tall powerhouse before she heads to the ring. Once she gets there, she leans with her back to the ropes, then flips back to land on her feet inside the ring. 

Darren Quimbey:
And her opponent… weighing in at 275 pounds, he is a member of The Pop Culture Phenoms… FLEX KRUGER!

♫ "Flex” by SIP♫

The music hits of the PCP member who stands with his back to the ring, doing what he does best… writing a very complex soliloquy about the fall of modern soc-HE IS FLEXING PEOPLE. He spins an entire circle on the ramp and then heads to the ring. Titaness waits in her corner, more visibly annoyed than anything while Flex stands on the ring apron now, flexing once again. He steps through the ropes and then stands face to face with The Show of Force. 

Titaness is powerful, there’s no doubt about that… but tonight, she’s facing Flex Kruger, the most powerful member physically of the PCPs. 

Indeed, she may need to fall back on her amateur background to have a chance. 

Flex and Titaness stand in the middle of the ring and referee Carla Ferrari calls for the bell. 


Flex starts to make his pecs dance while Titaness shakes her head and starts flexing her arms in retaliation. 

Oh, boy, more of this… 

But when he tries to flex his arms again, Titaness lunges and then slaps on a headlock tightly to try and control the bigger Flex. 

Flex Kruger:
No fair! I moved my pecs, you should have moved yours! 

Titaness growls and then tightens her grip on the hold as Flex tries to fight his way out of the hold. He backs up to the ropes and then tries to push her loose, but Titaness goes low into an amateur-style roll and takes Flex with her!

Great move by Titaness! Using leverage against the larger Kruger. 

Flex keeps trying to shake The Show of Force free, but she hangs on like a pitbull. He finally tries to get her back by holding her up in a belly-to-back suplex, but before he can hit it she leans forward and goes back to the mat!

Impressive so far by Titaness… but Flex isn’t done!

The former BRAZEN and Trios title holder finally gets up and back to the ropes, then finally gets Titaness off of him and then runs into her with a big shoulder block to knock down the Show of Force! Flex gets a mostly mixed response, but he runs the ropes again and then tries to run at Titaness for a second pass. He tries a second shot and the shoulder block sends the Los Tres Titanes member flying into the corner! 

What a big shot there by Flex! 

He might be trying to end this early!

He goes over and drags Titaness from the corner for the first cover of the match. 


Flex slaps the mat with both hands after Titaness kicks out before he changes his strategy. He goes up and looks for a powerbomb, but before he can fully hit the move, Titaness uses some of her lucha training with Minute to counter with a big hurricanrana! 

Big counter by Titaness off the hurricanrana! She saves herself from the big move! 

As Kruger gets to his feet, Titaness fires off a series of double-handed chops to the chest of the big man. He reels back, but fights through and tries a clothesline, but Titaness ducks under and runs the ropes before coming back with a dropkick that knocks Flex to the ropes. She slides back to her feet and then hits a running pump kick to the chest that finally sends Kruger out of the ring! 

And there’s Titaness with that series of strikes! She’ll have to stick and move here! 

And she does just that now that he’s on the floor. She waits for her opportunity and then takes flight with a slingshot plancha over the ropes to wipe out Flex! The Faithful cheer on Titaness when she gets back to her feet and then raises a fist to the sky. 

And there’s Titaness taking flight with that slingshot plancha! She’s been working on some lucha libre as well, courtesy of Minute! 

Flex stumbles up slowly, then tries to get back into the ring. Titaness pushes him back in the rest of the way and then follows him in before she tries to set up a big move. She tries the Titanium Driver and hooks one arm, but Flex is too big and then sends her shooting up and over with a big back body drop counter!

No! Kruger just too powerful for her to try the Titanium Driver. She’s powerful, but I don’t know if she can get Flex up for that move! 

But when she can’t hit the move, Flex looks out to the crowd before he hooks a front facelock while Titaness is on her knees, then deadlifts her off the mat! He holds her up in a delayed vertical suplex and walks around the ring with her!

Great strength on display by Flex!

He walks a circle and holds the move for a few more seconds then finally lets her drop to the mat! The Faithful watch as Flex gets up and beats on his chest! He rolls over and then once again throws her up into the air before slamming her down with a big gorilla press! He holds her up again and then drops her down with a big military press slam then makes another cover. 


Titaness kicks out again to the cheers of The Faithful for the opening match! 

What a physical match so far between these two powerhouses for their respective teams! Flex is staying on Titaness, though. 

What’s he looking for next?

He pulls Titaness up and now she ends up in a fireman’s carry, but before he can hit the move he wants, The Show of Force slips out and then tries a German suplex. He shakes himself free and breaks Titaness’ grip, then runs off the ropes. But before he can land his move, Titaness sidesteps and then rolls behind him to the ropes… then FINALLY nails her first big power move of the match, taking Flex backward with a snap release German suplex off the ropes!

Great move by Titaness! She finally takes Flex off his feet!

Flex is shocked by the move… but what is more shocking is when Titaness grabs him by the side and then tries to HOIST him over her shoulder. Flex fights out and gets to his feet to shake himself loose, but when he swings again, Titaness ducks and and then hits another suplex… a waterwheel suplex that gets the big man off his feet a second time!

Unbelievable! Power and leverage is her friend! And is that it?


Flex kicks out and Titaness can’t believe it after the pair of suplexes, but she decides to try and end it again. When Flex tries to fight back, she throws elbow smashes to the back of his head and then tries for the Titanium Driver again. She has the arms hooked this time, but before she can do it… Flex breaks free! He tries a back body drop… but Titaness slips out and lands on her feet behind him to the surprise of the fans! She runs off the ropes but before she can hit her next move, Flex throws her up in the air with a big pop-up into a MASSIVE powerslam!

Flex stops the Titanium Driver again and counters with that huge powerslam! 

That’s gotta be it!


The defiant (aren’t they all?) Titaness kicks out yet again, shocking Flex as well as the crowd! 

How did Titaness kick out of that? She was launched into the air!

The Faithful cheer as Flex looks flabbergasted. He grabs Titaness once again by the hair and then looks to set her up for the Flexplex, but before he can fully get the move in, she slips out and then brings her legs up to use a surprise roll-up!


Flex kicks out and both meet back on their feet, but Titaness nails him with a big clothesline and it only wobbles him. She runs off another set of the ropes and nails a second running clothesline, but it once again only rocks Flex and doesn’t stop him. The Show of Force tries a third time, and Flex tries to surprise her by running with one of his own, but she ducks. She hits the ropes with a handspring as Flex comes back, then NAILS him with the Lady Lariat, finally knocking him off his feet!

Lady Lariat! Flex is dazed after that shot! Is that going to be it?

Flex looks glassy-eyed after the surprise lariat and that’s when Titaness boots him in the gut. She lets out a loud roar and then finally HOISTS him up… 


She holds on for the pin after hitting the Tiger Driver!



Titaness falls back to the mat and then nurses a sore… well, everything after they have been through. 

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… TITANESS!

What a win by Titaness! She had to earn the win there, but tonight she did it! She’s really come into her own lately between helping out the SNS on DEFtv 160 against BFTA and now tonight with this big win over Flex Kruger! 

Flex had her overpowered on a few occasions, but some well-placed hits and some new skills added to her repertoire helped in this win tonight! 

Titaness goes over to Flex as he tries to sit up, then offers a hand to her that he takes in return! 

A very hard fought match! And a great way to open the show! 

The Show of Force shakes Flex’s hand again and starts to leave. 

Flex Kruger:
So can you move your pecs, too?

You’re never gonna find out. 

Titaness leave the ring to celebrate the win as we head to the next segment. 


When: December 2015 (A few months prior to Codename: Reaper’s debut.).
Location: Parts Unknown

The Collector:
Did they tell you… sweet child, the answers that you were looking for?

Jessica Reeves:
Yes… I know who I am now, and why… why I was sought after by the House and what my bloodline means to me.

The familiar but shadowy voice of The Collector looms in the hallway of a derelict building, Jessica Reeves is dressed in some form of ‘costume’, similar in structure to the Codename: Reaper costume she wore so proudly in her early DEFIANCE career but without a mask.

Jessica Reeves:
Courtney told me that they wanted my Father to accept the pledge, they went to him but he… he walked away from them at the last moment.

Jessica’s voice trails off. The Collector’s shadowy presence looms around the young girl that would grow into becoming DEFIANCE’s original Codename: Reaper. The same Codename: Reaper who would go on to become a Southern Heritage Champion and Tag Team Champion. 

The Collector:
You still call him that…. After what she told you? That little errand girl with blonde hair… the cheerleader. 

Jessica nods in response, the mention of Courtney Paz’s description as the woman who picked Jessica up from the side of the road, driving her to meet the very people she was about to swear an oath to. 

Jessica Reeves:
He’s still my Dad. Regardless of what I know now… Do you know why he walked away at the last moment? Courtney said something about an original plan for four of them - like the horseman of apocalypse. But.. she said they turned it into a three headed beast… so, why now do they want me?

For Jessica, she doesn’t receive a response but rather a wave of the hand in dismissal. Motioning towards the dimly lit hallway, The Collector points out that the two of them are expected elsewhere.

The Collector:
I am paid to recruit only - not follow up. Jason Reeves’ destiny pales in comparison into what The Kabal sees in you, it would seem. 

Unfortunately we are unable to make out The Collector’s face as he turns away from the camera once more, just as Jessica moves forward along with him. The unusual pairing of the young soon to be ‘Reaper’ and the shadowy form of The Collector enter a much larger and expansive room. The room is crypt like, dusty and barely lit. The walls and floors are lined with stone that echo each whispered word.

Mr. Fear:
Welcome… Jessica.

There is no modified voice of Mr. Fear but rather a thick Russian Accent. Dressed in an ornate style version of Codename: Reaper’s costume, the speaking ‘head’ of The Cerberus welcomes Jessica into the ritual room from a far corner. Three costumed individuals, including Mr. Fear, surround what looks to be a stone obelisk. A black book sits atop the cold stone. The Collector melts back into the shadows as he watches the ceremony take place.

The Harvester:
Are you ready to begin?

Dressed in red robes with a red mask, The Harvester steps forward pointing out the book to the young Jessica Reeves. 

Jessica Reeves:

Jessica’s youth suddenly kicks her back in the gut as she doesn’t know how to react to what she just promised herself into. Gulping hard she looks at each costumed Kabal member, stumbling with her words she tries to speak with confidence.

Jessica Reeves:
I… I am ready to say the pledge.

Mr. Fear walks forward to stand alongside his costumed brother in arms The Harvester. Fear’s black ‘Reaper’ mask hides the mysterious figure's face. The Cerebrus’ third member, The Guided Hand, dressed in an eerily similar costume to that of Codename: Guardian, approaches with slow caution towards the stone obelisk that is now the center of attention. 

The Harvester:
Place your hands on the book and recite the pledge. 

The young daughter of Jason ‘Stalker’ Reeves approaches the ritual area slowly, her eyes showing signs of Fear. With a bit of hesitation she manages to place both hands on the black book. A gust pushes through the altar room as Jessica’s hands land firmly on the book, suddenly flames illuminating the stone room brighten as the ‘ceremony’ of her induction into The Kabal begins. 

Jessica Reeves:
I, Jessica Reeves, of One Voice, am here to swear my oath to The Kabal. Representing the House of Fear, I am surrounded by those that are worthy, rejoice!

The Cerberus: [in unison]

Jessica Reeves:
To accept this pledge, Forever my name Shall be written in the Book, to accept this pledge binds my Blood to The Kabal, to accept this pledge unifies us as One, rejoice!

The Cerberus: [in unison]

Jessica Reeves:
For once I'm bound through this book, which ensures our voices become one, the Houses of The Kabal will be the only family I seek, rejoice!

The Cerberus & Jessica: [in unison]
House of The Fear Mongers are the  Reapers of those unworthy, rejoice! House of The Guided Hands bears the weight of the Guard so elegantly, rejoice! House of The Harvest Lords whisper their anticipations of Death, rejoice. We are gathered here to finalize the pledge and seal you once and for all into the Order of The Kabal. By accepting this pledge, you welcome and hear each House’s voice. As One Voice, you shall become, The Voice of Salvation. Rejoice!

As the final words are said, a gust of wind passes through the stone room, causing the flames that are flickering brightly to once again darken. The Ceremony was complete, Jessica’s hands are trembling as she pulls them away from the book, looking over her shoulder her eyes catch movement as The Collector emerges from the shadows, slowly clapping with a snarling grin upon his face as he looks at the young redhead, Jessica Reeves.

The Collector:

Fade to black.


Hours after DEF TV 160: Night Two

Normally when fans are seeing the former Southern Heritage and the Favoured Saints champion Dex Joy, he is typically an easy-going fellow that is well liked by a lot of his peers. Arthur Pleasant, as seen on DEF TV 160: Night Two, is not one of those people. A camera is now catching Dex leaving the locker room after a post-match shower getting ready to head out. He’s decked out in a blue leather jacket, black jeans and matching blue sneakers ready to head out when the cameraman stops him. 

Dex? Dex Joy?

The Biggest Boy looks over. 

Dex Joy:
Not in the mood, pally. 

Sorry to hear … but hey can we get a word or two about your match with Arthur Pleasant? What do you think about Carla Ferrari putting her career as a referee on the line in this match with all the issues she’s had with him?

The Biggest Boy comes to a full stop. 

Dex Joy:
You really want to know what I think, huh? A little unfiltered Big Dex Energy then? Well pally, here you go. 

He rubs his nose and releases a breath like he’s ready to let loose. 

Dex Joy:
Arthur Pleasant … that scrawny, drug-dealer looking piece of shit not named Rezin can make fun of my weight and throw out all the useless, fat-shaming, idiotic diabetes jokes until he’s blue in the face and you won’t see Dexy Baby shed one term from these baby-browns. He’s not the first. My first time walking into a DEFIANCE Wrestling locker room ended with two thugs saying the same to me. Shooter Landell and Gunther Adler did that. And where are they? Not here! I think Gage Blackwood did at one point and we all remember how that ended. The guy that holds the FIST now? I took the SO-HER title all because he looked past me and he paid the ultimate price for that. 

He smiles. 

Dex Joy:
Rezin thought that he was going to do the same thing when he defended the Favoured Saints title like a pedestrian … and I’d be that champion right now if it wasn’t for Arthur. That right there was enough to have all my attention. But when he’s trying to convince people who aren’t wrestlers to play along in his little bull-shit carny games all because he’s not good enough to do it alone in the ring without the Scourge keeping him afloat or having a light-tube wedged up the old chocolate starfish? That’s when I get pissed.

Dexy Baby is not composed at all. 

Dex Joy:
This place needs more people to stand up to people like the Scourge or the Kabal or those BFTA jack-holes. Cause the ones currently on the top are too busy trying to have matches of the year or get more obsessed with doing what’s right for themselves instead of doing what’s right for this company and that locker room so if nobody else is going to do it, then you can look at me to get the job done. And the one-man clean-up crew is starting at Acts of DEFIANCE when I literally use Arthur Pleasant like a cleaning instrument and mop that ring with his sorry ass. 

Dex points back in the direction of the office. 

Dex Joy:
I just came back from the office and I spent half an hour trying to talk Carla Ferrari out of this match because of what that jack-ass Artie wants. If it were up to me, I told him he could fuck himself and his stipulation. I was seconds away from fulfilling my promise and going up that ramp to beat a match out of him before Carla agreed to it. I know Favoured Saints would have given it to me, but she’s not letting go because she knows he’ll try to hide and duck his way out of this match if she doesn’t. He knows when I get my hands on him, he’s done. The stipulation is locked in and I won’t stop it. Acts of DEFIANCE, Artie … I’m gonna stop you.


Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on UNCUT! Later tonight, we have Titaness of Los Tres Titanes going up against PCP’s Flex Kruger in a preview of their two-out-of-three falls tag match at Acts of DEFIANCE! But tonight, we get a look at some BRAZEN’s best and brightest in a special Showcase Match up next!

It will be a good one. Cristiano Caballero, one of BRAZEN’s longest-tenured stars has been looking for one big opportunity and has come up against DEFIANTS like the legendary Bronson Box, Mushigihara, Oscar Burns, among others. Tonight, he takes on perhaps the BIGGEST signing in recent BRAZEN history, as far as size is concerned! He’ll be taking on former NBA prospect and now turned professional wrestler, “Big Aug” August Lazar and… 

Before the crowd can clue them in any further, they get cut off as Caballero is already in the ring, microphone in hand. 

Cristiano Caballero:
Enough, enough, enough! Shuttie! 

Caballero isn’t waiting for music. He skips his usual in-ring routine of giving a rose to a young woman in the audience and keeps it in his left hand while holding the microphone in his right. 

Cristiano Caballero:
Many of my contemporaries in BRAZEN have gone on to the main roster, but I have to scratch and claw to get any TV time anymore! TA Cole! Butcher Victorious! Nicky Synz? I mean, what the hell did HE even do? Titus Campbell? But me? I’ve been left behind because they are all jealous! I’ve gone against the likes of former FISTS like Bronson Box and Oscar Burns, but I still get no respect! And now they want to trot out some washout from another sport to come out here so he can try and fail to be a wrestler. I didn’t bother looking up who it is, cause I don’t give a damn. 

The jeering gets a little louder when Caballero. 

Cristiano Caballero:
It doesn’t matter, anyway! Bring this idiot on out here.

He keeps talking through the music about to play.

♫ “Wow.” by Post Malone ♫

Cristiano Caballero:
Lord, and he’s even using Post Malone? Get on out here you lit--OH SHIT… 

The Faithful watch in sheer awe of one of BRAZEN’s most recent acquisitions! The young giant coming through the curtains puts a hand over his eyes and scans the crowd before giving them an enthusiastic wave. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a BRAZEN Showcase match set for one fall! Introducing standing at seven-foot four! Weighing in at 370 pounds! He is ”BIG AUG” AUGUST LAZAR!

Caballero looks on in shock at the sheer height of the man coming his way. The giant Romanian-American star slaps hands with some fans on the way to the ring and then looks out to the crowd. He pulls the ropes to climb onto the apron and then steps over the ropes with ease. 

August Lazar just signed with BRAZEN earlier this year and made his debut at last weekend’s Double Shot after commonths of training. Very, very young, but once he can fill in the gaps, experience-wise, the sky is literally the limit. 

Twenty-six years of age! Born in Romania, then moved to the States. High-level basketball player in college and decided to give up on the NBA to wrestle here for DEFIANCE!

Caballero looks up at the now-tallest man in BRAZEN and then decides to try and make amends. He offers a handshake. The crowd implores Big Aug not to take it as The Referee calls for the bell. 


You can’t tell me August is going to shake this man’s hand, will he? 

If you fall for this, kid, welcome to your first wrestling show. 

Big Aug looks out to the DEFIANCE Faithful and they tell him in various shouts not to do it. When he does… Cristiano does the stupid thing and then tries to kick August high in the gut! 

Cristiano Caballero:
HA! You fell for it, you stupid rook! 

He then fires away with a big flurry of forearms to the chest since he can barely reach Lazar’s head. Problem is, the blows seem to have little effect on August, who looks out to the fans with a “can you believe this ish?” look while 

I don’t think this is having the effect that Caballero thought. 

Caballero keeps slugging away, but when he realizes he’s not being stunned, he hits a big dropkick and knocks Lazar back. Caballero comes back up and then tries a second dropkick, but Big Aug slaps him out of the way! When Caballero comes back for air, Lazar piefaces him to the ground and he has a conniption fit, freaking out over his face.

Cristiano Cabellero:
He touched my face! He messed it up! I’m a cripple!


August looks at him like his face magically changed to an ass and The Referee only responds with a shrug. Lazar grabs him by the arm and then drags him up to his feet before sitting him in the corner. He BIELS Caballero out of the corner with the quickness, sending him across the ring! 

Big strength by Big Aug!

Big Aug holds up a finger and asks the crowd if they want one more and they cheer for it. He nods then walks over to Caballero, then pitches him across the ring again! 

This match going not like any way that Caballero wanted this to go! 

Caballero picks himself up in the corner, but young August is getting the crowd a little too ramped up and is basking in the reaction. When Big Aug finally charges at him, Caballero gets both feet up and kicks him in the chest. With Lazar left stumbling, the former basketball prospect leaves himself wide open when Cristiano climbs to the second rope so he can then claw his eyes!

Caballero had to go up high, but he stunned the young man! What’s he got planned next?

The pretty boy Spaniard goes to the middle rope and then comes off with a forearm to the back of Big Aug’s left knee, dropping him to his other knee. Caballero scrambles up and then measures August, hitting him in the chest as he kneels over with a kick. He stuns Aug again and then tries the Pretty Sight, but before he can hit the leaping side kick, August catches him like a small child and then hits a spinning toss, casually HURLING Caballero across the ring!

That’s some strength right there from the BRAZEN giant! Cristiano almost got thrown to the next city over! 

Caballero thrashes around the mat in agony with Big Aug now back on his feet again. He grabs Cristiano and throws him to one side of the ring and then meets him in the middle with a charging back elbow, then gets in his face. 

August Lazar:
Not today! 

He calls that move the Dikembe! A nod to his idol in basketball, Dikembe Mutombo! And now what does he have planned for Caballero?

He holds both hands out and then grabs Caballero by the neck, then PULLS him off the mat to his feet in one go! He then sets him up in a half nelson and then lifts him high into the air! Caballero shakes his head frantically before Lazar throws him down to the mat with a huge half nelson into a release facebuster! 

And that’s his finisher! He calls that move Dunked On! And that’s what just happened to Caballero!

Big Aug turns him around and then flatly covers to the cheers from the crowd. 



Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… AUGUST LAZAR!

Lazar steps back and then takes in his first victory on UNCUT! He waves to the crowd and then steps over the ropes. 

Great debut by August Lazar! Caballero couldn’t even get this giant off his feet!

And August will only get better over time! He could be a future star someday! 

Big Aug points to the crowd and then heads to the back while Caballero once again checks on the ceiling lights to make sure they’re okay. 



For the first time in years, the trio of Eddie Dante, the God-Beast Mushigihara, and the Slayer of Giants Troy Matthews, stands together, glaring into the camera. Casually dressed, the three men we see all wear faces etched in grave seriousness.

Eddie Dante:
The Stevens Dynasty. For too long, you’ve decided that this company was your personal playground, and that the people you saw fit to bully would be smashed into the ground. Until someone finally decided that enough was enough, and stood up to you.

The former kickboxer Matthews perks an eyebrow and crosses his arms.

Eddie Dante:
Well, it came back on you, didn’t it? All your petty pushing around did was cause a tandem from the olden days to reunite, and look you down and tell you emphatically to back off.

Matthews and his reunited monster of a partner silently bump fists as Dante continues on.

Eddie Dante:
Now, let’s be clear here; the Philosopher Kings aren’t back, for the simple reason that the Philosopher Kings were an active trio, myself included. And since I don’t do much active wrestling these days, that unit simply isn’t coming back. But I’m still here to advise and manage my boys as they step into the ring and try to take DEFIANCE Wrestling’s tag team division by storm. Which leads me to my next point, Stevens’ boys.

The massive Mushigihara rumbles with a low growl as he cracks his knuckles.

Eddie Dante:
Acts of DEFIANCE. You boys seem so confident in picking people off one-by-one, and using strength in numbers, but in that ring, we’re going to see how tough you Texas boys are when the numbers are evened up. Bo and George Stevens, versus Troy Matthews and Muishigihara.

Troy now steps in, smirking as he addresses the newly-reformed partnership’s first opponents.

Troy Matthews:
It’s been far too long since I last stood beside my brothers and talked smack on another team, so I’m gonna keep it simple. Stevens Dynasty, it may not be a trios division hoedown like we used to do back in the day, but at Acts of DEFIANCE, you’re gonna get a firsthand demonstration of just what a dangerous mix me and the God-Beast make when we’re on the same side of the ring. Tell ‘em, Mushi.

Troy emphasizes his last sentence with a backhanded tap on Mushi’s chest, who simply stares into our soul before bellowing out a mighty…


The camera pulls out just a bit, with our newly formed tag team looking into the lens with confident smiles.



Familiar Female Voice:
Why am I doing this again?

The woman holds a finger to her ear to communicate through her radio. The clicking and clacking of her black satin heels ring loudly throughout the populated mall as none other than Teresa Ames power struts towards the escalator, looking nothing short of a hoochie momma.

Teresa Ames:
I don’t know why I’m doing this when I have random Kabal shit I need to take care of.

An inaudible reply only Teresa can hear transmits through the radio.

Teresa Ames:
You owe me huge for this, Cyrus. I’m parading around this mall wearing next to nothing for what? To find that bald headed ex-husband of mine you apparently spotted last time? Pfffft. If I see him, let me tell you, I am going to slap the taste straight out of his mouth!

She lowers her right hand to join her left in holding a black umbrella. Her skirt is shorter than short, and her hair is done up in two braids like a naughty student. She finally arrives at the escalator and walks onto the first step. People obviously turn and stare to try and sneak a peek so naturally, Teresa opens the umbrella and holds it behind her, so she’s covered from the waist down. The Kabal Queen turns her head and has some snarky words for the intrigued mall walkers.

Teresa Ames:
Excuse me, it’s my right to dress like a skank, thank you very much.

The escalator keeps ascending as Teresa teases dropping the umbrella.

Teresa Ames:
Whoops. Almost dropped the umbrella. How dare anyone try to look, teehee. What a lush I am.

Bates’ voice bursts through the radio in her ear.

Cyrus Bates:
Teresa! Screw your head on straight and keep looking for Jayson! We dressed you up like that on purpose in order to attract a lot of attention! It’s only a matter of time before we draw him out of the crowd!

Teresa arrives at the top of the escalator so she can finally collapse her umbrella and carry on. She peers around corners and into discount fashion stores but still no sign of Jayson.

Teresa Ames:
I’m calling this. I can’t find Jayson and I have the worst wedgie known to woman. Also, stupid Stalker won’t stop texting me. Cyrus, you’re on your own.

Ames pulls the earpiece from her head and tosses it in the trash before walking off. A shadowy figure lingers around the trash bin moments after Teresa’s departure. A hand reaches in and pick up the earpiece.

Hello? It’s me. It’s Jayson. Come find me.


We cut to our intrepid announce team.

It’s time now for our main event, folks! And this one should be wild!

Lance Warner:
Without question! It’s been a remarkable journey for the young woman who calls herself Codename: Guardian here in DEFIANCE! Since her return under that white hood, she has been on a quest to dismantle the Kabal! That crusade is nearing what will undoubtedly be a stunning crescendo in just a few short days at ACTS of DEFIANCE!

That’s right Lance, back at DEFtv 157 it was finally revealed just who was the person behind Codename: Guardian’s mask, Jessica Reeves. The daughter of the recently resurrected monster ‘Crimson’ Stalker. 

Lance Warner:
With the recent suspension of her stablemate ‘Skyfire’ Zack Daymon, it almost feels like she’s waging this war single handledly or at least without consulting her friends. It’s a wonder to me that she is even attempting to have a match here tonight. I wonder where Stalker is being kept at as we speak? Is she in any danger from The Kabal if she comes out here? And… that’s NOT to even mention who she is set to face tonight!

Her opponent tonight doesn’t have a dog in that Kabal race… but that makes him no less of an ANIMAL! Under the guidance of Lord Nigel Trickelbush, the monster known simply as Corvo Alpha has been cutting a swathe of destruction across numerous episodes of UNCUTS in recent months! We saw him stumble, eating his first ever loss against Oscar Burns just a handful of weeks ago on this program and tonight he will face another major test to his ascension in the guise of former Southern Heritage and DEFIANCE Tag Team Champion, Jessica Reeves - the Guardian herself!

Lance Warner:
This is a dangerous spot for Jessica, just days ahead of that New Orleans Street Fight against the Kabal at ACTS! 

Without question!

The lights cut out for a moment, prompting a murmur of anticipation from the faithful in attendance.

♫ “Electric Funeral (Instrumental)” by Black Sabbath ♫

Red spotlights sweep the arena as a chorus of boo’s rain down from the crowd.

Darren Quimbey:
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time now for our main event… introducing first… coming to the ring escorted by his handler, Lord Nigel Trickelbush… hailing from Parts Untold and weighing in tonight at 266 pounds… Call him… CORVO… ALLLLLLPHHAAAAAAAAA!!!

The curtain is nearly torn aside as a rabid Corvo Alpha steps through it. Slavering and primal, he is a blur of motion as he hits the ring. Eyeing the crowd with disdain and malice, he slinks to a corner and waits. The camera cuts back to the entranceway, where we see Lord Nigel gliding towards the ring, dressed to the nines, bowler cap atop his head, the point of his closed umbrella tapping the ramp as he makes his way to the ring. His forced, fake smile unnerves and stands in stark contrast to the mania of the ogre that waits in the ring.

Darren Quimbey:
Heading to the ring next…. His opponent… hailing from Seattle, Washington and weighing in tonight at 185 pounds…HERE… IS…. JESSICA ‘GUARDIAN’ REEEEEVEEEEESSSSSSS!!!

♫ “Last One Standing” by MAYDAY! ♫


The Faithful jump to their feet with a loud pop as the DEFIAtron lights up with a new video package displaying both a mix of Jessica Reeves past history as Codename: Reaper and her most recent tour as the white Storm Shadow of DEFIANCE. Lining the rampway a showcase of bright white fireworks pops off as Jessica ‘Guardian’ Reeves appears maskless at the top of the ramp. Wearing her Codename: Guardian full attire, the daughter of Jason Reeves heads to the ring with a stone look on her face, her Kendo stick is strapped firmly to her back.

Lance Warner:
A former two time DEFIANCE champion, Jessica Reeves knows her way around the DEFIANCE ring a lot better than most people know. Donning multiple identities in her both runs here at DEFIANCE, it will be interesting to see how the ‘mostly’ green Corvo Alpha is able to handle a determined veteran.

We all saw what happened when Corvo went face to face with Oscar Burns. He wasn’t ready, so the question here for both me and Nigel… is he ready?

Jessica sets her kendo stick aside on the outside of the ring, surveying the landscape of the current situation, she stares daggers at the terror simply known as the beast, Corvo Alpha.

Lance Warner:
Jessica’s cautious about wanting to step in the ring but… looks like she’s slowly climbing the steps here.

As Jessica Reeves stares at Corvo and then Nigel she is given match instructions from referee Benny Boyle, nodding her head in understanding she strikes a side look to Corvo’s handler Nigel Tricklebush.

This really feels like a Main Event. Only on UNCUT will you catch the best RANDOM action like this!

Lance Warner:
Let’s GO!


At the sound of the bell, Jessica motions for Corvo to “bring it on” to raucous applause. Lord Nigel takes a moment to whisper a word to his gnarling weapon, still crouched in the corner, before Alpha stands to meet Guardian - she standing more than a few inches taller than him.

Corvo lunges to ensnarl her in his grasp, but she sidesteps and artfully delivers a spin kick to the back of Alphas head, sending him reeling forward into the ropes. Guardian bounces off the far ropes and delivers a dropkick to the small of Corvo’s back. The monster struggles back to his feet and is met with yet another kick -- this one more a roundhouse -- across his jaw that sends Corvo spilling through the ropes and to the floor. The faithful are eating it up.

Talk about a clash of styles here, Lance. Corvo is all rage and brutality… while Guardian is light on her feet, almost poetic in her assault!

Lance Warner:
This is what we have seen her do so many times before! She does her homework, she knows her opponent, she knows what’s coming and just dissects them! Each one of those kicks hit home and I don’t know if we have EVER seen Corvo Alpha THIS thrown off… THIS early in a contest!

Lord Nigel stands over his man, gently stroking his long, wet hair, reassuring him. Alpha chomps the air towards a fan who had leaned over the railing as Nigel moves to redirect his beast back towards the ring. Eyes locked on Jessica in the ring, Lord Nigel tips his cap to her with a plastic smile. Cutting back to the ring, we see her eyes narrow at him -- as if a glimmer of recognition crosses her face for just a moment. Before she has a chance to connect any dots, Corvo edges back into the ring and to his feet, his hand a claw swiping at her. Again, she ducks it.

Guardian clamps on an armbar on Alpha! Trying to press her advantage!

Lance Warner:
She has the momentum and height advantage on her side -- but Corvo clearly has the weight and strength edge! Not to mention he seems… angrier tonight!

We see those words ring true as Corvo fights to free himself from her grip. Corvo uses his own weight to almost judo throw Jessica over -- but she maintains the hold and finds her feet once more, now forcing Corvo into the mat. The terror works to stand, but she manages to maintain control--

Lance Warner:
Corvo is enraged at being held down like this! This is a man who, when we first “met” him, was locked inside a damned cage! Now that he has some semblance of freedom… you have to believe that he does not like the idea of being confined against his will!

Well, I don’t know many people who do, Lance.

His face a mess of black paint and his own saliva, Corvo Alpha finally presses himself back to his feet. He rakes Jessica across the eyes savagely with his free hand, much to the chagrin of the official. The White Ranger releases her grip and has less than a moment to compose herself before Corvo levels her with a blistering clothesline, using the same arm that she had been working over just moments before.

Alpha spends the next minute or more just relentlessly bludgeoning the young Reeves prodigy with fists, forearms, kicks, etc. He stalks her around the ring. When she seeks shelter from the constant assault by ducking under the bottom rope and escaping to the ringside floor, Alpha stays upon her. He ignores the referee’s count and admonishments while tossing Guardian all around ringside. Whipped into the ring steps. Into the guardrail. Into another set of steps. Picked up and dropped throat-first across the guardrail. He DDTs the former Reaper Prime on the unforgiving ringside floor with a sickening thud before heeding the counsel of his handler, Lord Nigel, and picking up Jessica Reeves by her long red hair and guiding her back under the bottom rope and into the ring. He does so just before the referee delivers the final count.

This is what we have generally come to expect from a Corvo Alpha performance, ladies and gentlemen. Nothing but unfiltered, largely undisciplined aggression and unabated barbarousness. There is nothing “poetic” about how he gets the job done… nothing “artistic” or “pretty”... it’s ugly, it’s remorseless, and it is working right now as he is working over Jessica Reeves, the Guardian of DEFIANCE.

The camera cuts to a close up of Reeves lying face down in the center of the ring a moment before the red paint-mottled hand of Corvo Alpha grabs a handful of her fiery hair and pulls her to her feet. Her face is twisted into an expression of anguish and her own blood covers her teeth. The crowd groans in frustration as Corvo, taking a place standing just behind her, locks on the Alpha Clutch, his own version of a katehajime choke.

Lance Warner:
There’s no way this can be over this quickly--

And on cue, Jessica springs to life… heroism in her veins…  pushes herself and Corvo backwards into the turnbuckle. The impact loosens Alpha’s grip enough for Guardian to half-roll forward, flipping Corvo over her head and forcing him to release the hold. The crowd comes alive as Corvo finds his feet and, incensed, barrels into a belly to belly overhead suplex from Guardian that, again, sends Corvo spilling out of the ring and at the feet of Lord Nigel Trickelbush, who does not remove his gaze from Jessica, who stands tall in the ring. She spits a glob of blood out of her mouth and onto the canvas, her own eyes fastened on the steel eyes of Trickelbush.

The Angel of DEF… she won’t have a chance to relish this moment as Corvo Alpha is back in the ring! Furious! She ducks a charging clothesline and hits the ropes --

Lance Warner:
But she can’t duck that MASSIVE running BOOT from Alpha! That nearly decapitated her!

The next several minutes is a haze of savagery on the part of Alpha and failed counters and feints by Guardian. She would fight to turn the tide and he would wash over her with fists, elbows, and strikes. She would struggle to find her footing and he would sweep it out from under her as quickly as she found it. There are no attempts to pin her or win the match. Only attempts to end her entirely.

Just days before ACTS of DEFIANCE and perhaps the most important moment in this young woman’s already-impressive career… and she is being absolutely dismantled by Corvo Alpha! This can NOT bode well for her prospects at the pay-per-view!

Lance Warner:
If she is going to turn this around, Keebs, she needs to do it right here, right now!

Her right eye half-swollen shut, the bleeding in her mouth now a streak of red down her otherwise lilly-white “costume”, Jessica Reeves is pulled to her feet once again by her own hair. Before Alpha can do anything more -- she throws a series of elbows into his stomach and breaks free of him. Hitting the ropes, the crowd buoying her with their support, she springboards into a picture perfect moonsault -- but Alpha catches her! 

Lance Warner:
Look at the power of Corvo Alpha on display!

He adjusts her weight in his arms, readying her for what could be a tombstone piledriver -- but she wriggles free and rolls him up with a cover!




Alpha with a kick out! Both of them - back to their feet - she goes for another standing spin kick -- but Alpha catches her leg!

Lance Warner:
BLADE BARRAGE FROM GUARDIAN! That Enziguri just BLITZED Corvo across the face! He might be in trouble! He is DAZED!

It is in that moment when Lord Nigel, unbeknownst to Reeves, suddenly appears on the ring apron. The crowd tries to let her know -- but Lord Nigel SWINGS his umbrella WILDY at the back of her head--


Jessica’s eyes go wide with a strange realization as she peers into the eyes of Lord Nigel. The strange man smiles his strange smile.

Lord Nigel Trickelbush:

Her jaw drops.

Jessica Reeves:
My god… it was You…

She never sees him coming. Alpha, from behind, blasts her with a forearm before applying the Alpha Clutch. The terror wraps himself around the Guardian like a boa and falls to the canvas, bringing her down with him. It doesn’t take long before--


I can’t believe it!!

Lance Warner:
Wait, what just happened between Nigel and Guardian just now--

Darren Quimbey:
The winner of this bout… Call Him… CORVO…. ALLLLLLLLLPPPHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!

As we have seen before, Corvo ignores both the official and the ring announcer. To him, this match isn’t over. To him, he isn’t done.

Lance Warner:
Someone stop him! She passed out from the hold and he won’t let her out of it! He’s out of control!!!

DEFsec isn’t needed this time as Lord Nigel Trickelbush eerily smiles his way into the ring, signalling for Corvo to release his grip. Corvo does so and slinks back to a corner as Nigel gestures to someone at ringside for a microphone. The displeasure of the faithful is palpable.

Lord Nigel Trickelbush:
Did they tell you, sweet child… that this day would come?

What… what is he talking about?

Lord Nigel Trickelbush:
Did they tell you, when you said the Pledge, that as easily as you were put into their book that they could just as easily tear you out of it?

The referee tries to get between Lord Nigel and Guardian, but Corvo shoves the official aside, angrily. Nigel kneels at her head, gently caressing her hair.

Lord Nigel Trickelbush:
You were so young when I found you. All those years ago. I found you ALL. But you… you were different. You were the one.

She is motionless, other than the slow rise and fall of her chest.

Lord Nigel Trickelbush:
I did my duty. The Collector, they called me. I never spoke their words, you know… I never swore their Pledge. I always knew how that blade could cut.

He snickers.

Lord Nigel Trickelbush:
Yes, Fear will do to you what he has done to them all, I suppose. Once you’ve outlived your usefulness… well… you will see.

Getting to his feet, he looks down at her. With something almost resembling pity.

Lord Nigel Trickelbush:
Well… I suppose you can already see, can’t you? Good luck, sweet child. And…

The sick smile stretches.

Lord Nigel Trickelbush:
Remember where you came from.

With a nod, he hands the microphone to the official, doffs his cap, and moves to exit the ring. Corvo is close behind.

What the hell was all of that?

Lance Warner:
I find I ask myself that question a lot on this show.

Referee Benny Doyle has nearly revived Codename: Guardian at this point. There is an appreciative, relieved applause that sweeps across the arena as she is helped back to her feet. Brushing a strand of bloody, matted copper hair from her half-closed eyes, she leans hard on the top rope and looks out at the ocean of fans; beaten, bewildered, confused & exhausted -- she is equal parts all those things at once. But she is more than that. She is still alive.

She raises a hand to the fans as if to thank them for their vocal support and the volume is turned up even more.

I’ve been saying it, it feels like, all night… but just DAYS AWAY from ACTS of DEFIANCE… this woman has perhaps the biggest match of her career when she and her other Guardians square off with the Kabal in a New Orleans Street Fight. 

Lance Warner:
It looks like she is making it out of her war with Corvo Alpha in one piece… but will Jessica Reeves have enough in the tank to make it happen at ACTS of DEFIANCE?!?




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.