Title: I Really DON'T Fucking Care...
Featuring: Ryan Matthews
Date: 11-6-13
Location: Ryan Matthews' home

[Hookers and Blow?]


[Cue the dramatic record scratch.]


[No, this is about me.]


[We fade up on Ryan Matthews, dressed in a dark blue hoodie with the hood up,and matching pair of sweatpants with white trim. He sits on the ledge of a bay window looking out into the darkness of the newborn night, the moon rising slowly silhouettes him against the darkness.]



I hope all of you are happy now. I hope you’re all really proud of yourselves. It’s just like you wastes of space to want someone that is your better to fall on his face by way of being tripped up. Because that’s exactly what happened. You know, if any of you were worth a damn, you would be trying to help your fellow man UP rather than laughing at the fact that he fell DOWN. But that’s okay. I hope you can all yuck it up and have your shits and giggles now, especially that hermaphrodite bitch that came to the ring with David during our encounter.


[This isn’t the usual jovial wise cracking Ryan Matthews, no, this is someone infinitely more pissed off than usual...And the evil sneer we see from under the hood as he turns his head to the camera is proof positive.]



Yes David, I went there, again. I blew your fucking cover, I pulled your motherfucking kayfabe card and threw that bitch into a shredder. You pissed off about it? You gonna huff and puff, or you gonna man up and do something about it, you little bitch? And yes, I’m going to say bitch a lot during this little diatribe of mine, because you, and that thing that came to the ring with you are just that, bitches, the both of you. You both proved it last time we met. And the next time we do...just know this...




[Now he turns fully to the camera and starts cracking his knuckles one at a time.]



Saori, this is a special message just for you. Don’t let me catch you out in the open, or in a dark alley, alone. I told you before the match with David that you would get hurt if you stuck your nose in, and I intend to keep that promise. You see bitch, you’ve done gone and fucked with the wrong person this time. I don’t forgive, and I don’t forget. The only price I take as payment is one in blood. And if I catch you alone, I will splatter you on a wall in such a way that would make Jackson Pollack say “damn that’s fucked up.”


[He stops, and we hear first a snicker, then an outright bone chilling laugh.]



Aww...does that offend some of your sensibilities out there in the world? Some of you who are seeing this and judging me for threatening a woman, making me out to be a misogynist when all I am simply doing is paying back an eye for an eye. You think that because she’s a woman she doesn’t deserve that shit? Well if you think that, and if you’re judging me, fuck you. She’s a human being, and she was told not to do something, and what happened when we were all kids and we were told NOT to do something and we did it anyway? We were punished. It’s simple justice, fuckers. It wouldn’t matter to me if it was Christie Zane, Saori, Any of the three ugly bitches that accompany Kai Scott everywhere, or Michelle fucking Obama. You step to a man and interfere in his business, you best expect to get fucking smacked down like one.


[Matthews finishes with the last of his knuckles cracking and he flexes first his right, and then his left hand, looking at them somewhat thoughtfully.]



And don’t worry David, I haven’t forgotten about you, lest you think that on my tirade toward your erstwhile bitch that I did. You see David, you decided to prove to me that even if you were born into the Matthews family as I REALLY was, you would be disowned because you let your bitch finish your fight for you. The WOMEN in my family have more spine than you showed David, because a true Matthews would have picked up his fallen opponent, then finished him off himself lest he be seen as less of a man. You disgust me because rather than do the right thing, you chose to take the win as it was presented to you. Don’t worry, I’ll do my damndest to correct that slight soon.


[Matthews smirks as he looks up]



And to your two boys, I say this, Eddie Dante, I look forward to the chance to gouge your fucking eyes out and rip your tongue from your mouth because I can’t stand you. You irritate me on every fucking level, and Mushigihara, if I get the chance, I will rip that goddamn mask off your face, and I could care less if some of your face comes with it. That will be AFTER you see what I personally do to your boy David, and I’ll be surprised if the two of you aren’t running for the hills screaming after you see it. That’ll prove that the two of you actually have a spine, even if you’re fucking sharing it.


[Matthews stands up, then moves to the camera and places a hand on the side of it.]



As one of my favorite movie characters once said gentlemen...Alpha Mike Foxtrot...which stands for Adios, MotherFuckers...

[Cut to static]

More Propaganda | View Ryan Matthews's Biography



"The NSA is listening to you through your phone. I just read about it. Apple sends your info right to the government."

- Frank Holiday




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