DEFIANCE Uncut 175

26 Feb 2025

Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (seats 12,580)


Welcome one and all to DEFIANCE UNCUT! I’m “Downtown” Darren Keebler and as always with me, Lance Warner ready to call the action! 

Thanks, Darren! And coming off the heels of a highly newsworthy show that saw the Favoured Saints Championship change hands! Mil Vueltas becomes the new champion with an unexpected assist from Aaron King, of all people!

Speaking of that, we’re going to see the first challenger to Mil’s title, Lonnie Luck, in action in the main event tonight! But kicking things off, the former champion that lost that title to The D at DEFIANCE Road, Dan Leo James is in singles action up next as he takes on one half of the former BRAZEN Tag Team Champions, and wrestling veterans… Adam Roebuck of The House! 

The camera cuts to Darren Quimbey in the ring to call the action. 

Flashing across the DEFIAtron, now getting booed by The Faithful are several very close-up headshots of DLJ, flashing a pearly-white smile, neatly-trimmed spiky hair and a little bit of scruff on his face. Standing under the spotlight looks to be someone draped in a flashy burgundy and gold-colored towel, taking a knee on the stage… 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is a singles match set for one fall! Introducing first… 

♫ “Gigachad Theme - Epic Orchestral Remix” by Carameii ♫

The orchestral rock theme begins to play and the towel comes off… 

Darren Quimbey:
From Hurricane, Utah, representing the GC Universe… weighing in at 270 pounds… He i is “GIGA” DAN LEO JAMES!

With wrists taped in gold, a brand-new set of burgundy-colored pants-length tights with gold trim and gold wrestling shoes, DLJ poses on the ramp with his back turned to the camera, draped under a spotlight. He turns and points up to the sky while flexing his jaw, sending two big sparks of pyro from either side of the ramp! He grins and heads towards the ring brimming with newfound confidence. Meanwhile, his entrance video is the same loop of about two or three GigaChad-inspired grins, showing off his chiseled facial features. 

Dan Leo James wanted the first crack at The D after he lost that title, but Mil Vueltas managed to jump the line and now has the title! What can Dan think of that? 

I really don’t know… he seems to be happy for his friend! Mil Vueltas had the rights to a title match because he did defeat The D right before DEFIANCE Road in a tag team match, cementing himself as the #1 Contender, but… well, right now, Dan has to focus on the massive competition in front of him! 

♫ “House of the Rising Sun” by Five Finger Death Punch ♫

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent, representing The House… from Sin City, weighing in at THREE-HUNDRED AND SIXTY POUNDS… ”THE BIG BUCKS” ADAM ROEBUCK!”

Out by his lonesome, the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful give the tag team veteran a nice ovation! 

Rare singles action for a member of The House! They aren’t normal BRAZEN wrestlers. He and his tag partner, Derrick Huber, are both veterans of this game! Jolt, LoC, Sin City Wrestling, BRAZEN… they’ve held tag team gold everywhere, but we’ll see what Roebuck can do in a singles capacity! 

And listen to the respect from these fans! 

The big burly man-mountain salutes The Faithful and then enters the ring. Both men are alone tonight without their tag partners or normal support. Dan Leo James looks a little bit concerned about the big man standing in front of him, but he shakes it off and continues his mewing in the corner. The vapid blue chipper stands across from Roebuck as official Jonny Fastcountinin calls for the bell. 


We’ve got a superheavyweight showdown to kick things off tonight for UNCUT! 

As experienced and decorated as Adam Roebuck is in the ring, this would be quite a notch in his belt to defeat a former Favoured Saints Champion who has been at the top of his game! 

Adam Roebuck wants to lock up, but Dan Leo James puts a hand up to stop him. The Big Bucks then sits back and watches as Giga-Dan poses in the middle of the ring with a hand placed under his jaw to accentuate his chiseled jawline. Danny gets jeered by the people!

I don’t know if he wants to be working on this kind of stuff right now when this three-hundred sixty-pound veteran is ready to strike. 

The former BRAZEN Tag Team Champion taps James on the back. He then asks for a chance to show off for The Faithful. An uber-confident Danny backs up, allowing Roebuck to hit a double bicep pose that gets him cheers… then Danny jealously jumps in and takes a cheap shot to the big man! 

Clubbing forearm by Danny! And now he’s swinging! 

He hits Roebuck with another clubbing forearm to the chest, but Roebuck only winces slightly. Giga-Dan shoves him, but Roebuck shoves him back and almost knocks Danny off his feet!

Whoa! Action is heating up in that ring!

The Front Runner stumbles back to a corner where Roebuck approaches, only to catch a boot from Danny to the head. The blow knocks him back, allowing Danny a chance to stun him with a pair of forearms to the chest followed by a quick shoulder off the ropes. Unlike most men that would be knocked over, Roebuck gets staggered, but stays on his feet. He roars right in the face of the Utah native and SMACKS him in the chest with a big chop of his own! 

Danny isn’t used to be out-chopped by anyone, but Roebuck can do it! 

Roebuck pins him to the corner and another meaty hand lands across the chest of Giga-Dan, sending him stumbling across the ring to the delight of the Pittsburgh Faithful! Roebuck measures his target from the other side of the ring and points at his target. The Big Bucks charges and SMASHES right into James! 

Dan Leo James is getting schooled right now by the mountainous veteran of BRAZEN! What a splash in that corner! 

DLJ is hurt, but things go from bad to worse when Roebuck picks him up with relative ease and slams him hard into the center of the ring! Roebuck slaps his elbow and calls for something when he hits the ropes and comes back with a mighty elbow drop to the heart of Danny! 

Goodness, I could feel the wind leave DLJ’s lungs after that elbow drop! And Roebuck is covering! 




DLJ gets the shoulder up, but he’s feeling the effects of Roebuck squashing him in a big way as he’s left gasping for air! 

Adam Roebuck has him on the ropes quite literally!

True story, bro, as Danny is left in the corner trying to hold himself together. Roebuck points at the corner and attempts another body avalanche. This time, DLJ sees him coming and moves! Roebuck hits nothing but the corner, allowing for Danny to boot the big man in the gut. When Roebuck is doubled over, DLJ hits the ropes and comes back with a swift running knee lift! The block rocks him on the jaw, but The Big Bucks is still upright. When Giga-Dan sees this, the pretty boy hits the middle rope and comes back with a HUGE springboard back elbow that lands right on the jaw and knocks Roebuck off his feet for the first time!

DLJ finally chops down The Big Bucks! What a springboard back elbow! 

We say this every time he steps into a ring, but what agility Dan Leo James shows off each time! 

DLJ breathes a little easier knowing he finally has Adam Roebuck on the defensive, but it doesn’t appear to be for too long because he’s already starting to stand again. James breathes for a moment, then gathers some speed by hitting the ropes in quick fashion. He bounces off either set of ropes just as the Sin City native starts to rise, only to get struck down by a MASSIVE running flying shoulder tackle by James!


James rises to a knee and throws his arms up in the air in victory, celebrating the fact he just took Roebuck off his feet! He looks at Jonny Fastcountini, then finally remembers he should actually go for a cover! 




Roebuck has the shoulder up now and he rolls over to his side. Danny looks up at the official. 

Dan Leo James:
Aren’t you the fast-counting ref?! I should have won!

Jonny Fastcountini:
No, that’s Brian Slater. 

Danny rolls his eyes at Jonny’s dry humor, then moves over and stomps away at Roebuck while he’s still grounded. He switches it up and rains down a few forearms across the back of The Big Bucks and sends him to the ropes. Roebuck tries to fight back up, but Danny stands a boot down on his neck against the ropes! DLJ tries to get Fastcountini’s attention by looking at him to show off the chiseled jawline with some unnecessary mewing again! 


Jonny Fastcountini warning Dan Leo James to stop!  

Danny goes to pick Roebuck up by two handfuls of beard, only to get rocked upside the head with a big right hand. James blinks after taking the first punch, then rocks him with a second one! Danny fights back with a big bionic elbow that rocks the big man and sends him to the corner. He charges and hits a big running corner clothesline on Roebuck that stuns him. DLJ then runs cross-corner and comes back with a second one! The ring almost shifts a little bit when DLJ goes for a third… 

Only for Roebuck to counter with a desperation clothesline of his own! 

What a counter lariat! Dan doesn’t know what hit him! 

He certainly does not as Roebuck fights back! He smacks Danny across the chest with one chop, then another! Danny spins around from the impact of the second one, leaving his back turned to Roebuck. He warms up his hands and then CLAWS Danny across the back with a big back rake! DLJ flinches around in pain as he leans back into the corner. He spins around and gets caught with a big walking scoop powerslam! 

What a powerslam by Roebuck! He calls that The Bottom Dealing! 

He goes right for a cover!




DLJ kicks out again, but Roebuck is confident enough to signal for the end by running a hand across his throat! The Big Bucks waits for Giga-Dan to stand on his feet and when he does, he grabs Danny by the neck!

This could be it! He has the Bad Hand, which is a swift strike to the throat!

He goes for The Bad Hand… but Danny ducks! He runs at the ropes and Roebuck tries again, but misses the second time around. However, DLJ does not when he scores with a HUGE Sigma Kick right to Roebuck’s chest!

No! Roebuck missed The Bad Hand, but DLJ did NOT miss the Sigma Kick! 

Roebuck is stunned by the running front dropkick from the 270-pound James! Adam holds his chest when DLJ grabs him by the arm and looks up to the heavens for whatever he’s planning next!

No way he’s gonna do this… NO WAY!

DLJ then POWERS Adam Roebuck up onto his shoulders before he drills him quickly with a massive fireman’s carry neckbreaker! The Faithful have to give it up for Danny as he sits up and can’t even believe his own strength! 

That’s The Looksmaxing! That! Ring! Shook!

DLJ rolls over into the cover!




♫ “Gigachad Theme - Epic Orchestral Remix” by Carameii ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner of the match… D! L! J!

What a hard hitting match to kick off the show! Adam Roebuck isn’t the typical BRAZEN star fighting to make a name for himself! He’s one of our proud coaches. 

Indeed! Roebuck showed he’s still got fuel in the tank, but DLJ’s engine burned brighter tonight and he walks away with a big victory to kick off the show! 

DLJ looks around the ring and doesn’t want anything more to do with the monster from Sin City. Jonny raises DLJ’s hand and the former Favoured Saints Champion leaves the ring, pointing to the camera as he mews all the way to the back!

Still to come, we’ve got the dangerous rookie TRAIN Zanshu in some more in-ring action and in our main event, Lonnie Luck tries his luck agains the six-foot nine Somchai! 


Backstage at the Petersen Events Center, the faint hum of the live arena doubles with the audio coming out of a monitor playing tonight’s event as it unfolds. The glow of the monitor flickers against the concrete walls, illuminating a figure standing just out of focus … 

“The Lost Cause” Victor Vacio, who hasn’t been seen on a DEFtv in quite some time, turns from the monitor and shoo’s the camera man as exits the frame. 

On screen, Malak, Percy Collins and Cyrus Bates walk the backstage area… 

Malak Fuse: [On Screen]
Text check, Cyrus.

Cyrus Bates: [On Screen]
Nil response as of yet.

Cut to elsewhere.


“Statues” by Foo Fighters

Tonight is the reappearance of a logtime personality here in DEFIANCE -- or, more accurately, a reinvention!

Wes Ingram has been one of the more exciting high-flyers for years. But in recent months he’s decided to pay homage to his father, a legendary street performer in New York City, by becoming Wes The Wrestling Statue!

There’s a sepia-toned photo of his father dressed as a living statue in Times Square, frozen in place until just the right moment to scare a family of four who then laugh hysterically. Then at the top of the entrance appears Wes, who takes a few steps down the entrance ramp before freezing in place like the statue, right in front of a similar family of four enjoying his antics...

Until running from the back is TRAIN Zanzhu sprinting and clobbering him from behind with a kendo stick! She stands with a foot on him and cackles before spitting red blood mist high in the air, letting it fall all over her face, kendo stick high with one hand while clutching her lengthy steel chain in the other.

Dear god, why would you turn your back on this woman?

TRAIN stomps Wes a few times for good measure. Her hair is in a multicolored mohawk, facepaint smeared all over her face, wearing a bodysuit adorned with various Satanic symbols and imagery.

SInce she debuted a few months ago, TRAIN has been on an absolute rampage! This woman does not care about anything but hurting people and making us all fear for our safety!

TRAIN drops the chain and holds Wes by his hair, screaming Japanese at him, before pushing him hard against the ring railing. Then she charges --

What a running hip attack against the ring railing!

The force and power of this mad woman!

TRAIN has her kendo stick with a quick rap to Wes’s midsection while the tries to prop him up. Then she bangs on the railing and screams at the fans.

She’s going into the crowd!!!

Fans scatter as she spits her blood mist at them. Then she starts to choke Wes from behind with the kendo stick screaming more in Japanese directly in his ear.

This woman is a walking class action lawsuit!

She’s wrapping the chain around The Wrestling Statue’s arms! She’s chained him to the railing! We need help! He’s trapped! 

She flails over the railing and snatches the kendo stick.


Wes screams with each one, helpless as she continues to tee off on his prone body.

Thank god! DEFSec is here! 

Every single available member of DEFIANCE’s security team comes pouring out, even as TRAIN still swings her kendo stick seemingly at random. Finally, enough DEFSec members get in between her as Wes, with several trying to untie him from the chains wrapped around him. 

I’m not one to discuss religion openly, Keebs... but TRAIN Zanzhu may be the devil herself!

She stands at the top of the ramp, spits her blood mist again, and cackles at the carnage she has left as

“Goodbye Horses” by Q Lazzarus 

Ominiously plays.

A New Era

Backstage of the PPG Paints Arena.

Henry Yamazaki sits, hunched over, his eyes closed in contemplation as Christie Zane sits next him him, microphone in hand.

Christie Zane:
I’m here with “The Burning Heart” Henry Yamazaki, fresh of a triumphant return to DEFIANCE Wrestling, and Henry, it’s been about two years since you last set foot in a DEFIANCE ring… how does it feel to be back in action after such a long layoff?

Henry lifts his head up and looks into the camera lens, barely showing any emotion as he responds.

Henry Yamazaki:
…two years ago. I walked out of DEFIANCE with my head held high, and started blazing my own trail.

A pause, as Henry tents his fingers under his chin.

Henry Yamazaki:
But every day and every night, for two years, I was distracted and preoccupied, plagued by intrusive thoughts, unable to stop thinking about potential yet unmet. About destinies yet unfulfilled. About business yet unfinished.

Another pause.

Henry Yamazaki:
About questions yet unanswered.

He takes his hands away from his face, and nods.

Henry Yamazaki:
When I signed my contract with Favored Saints this week, I had my first peaceful night’s sleep… in two years. Because I finally felt free. Free, to make another first impression, to make another first step to another journey. To not be tied to an old name from what feels like forever ago.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

Henry Yamazaki:
Mushigihara… that is my name, and it isn’t at the same time. Eiichiro Yamazaki… that is my name, and it isn’t at the same time. But Henry Yamazaki… what everyone back in Hawaii called me; my family… my friends… my teammates on the football field… It was only when I got into sumo that everything changed.

Henry turns to Christie and smiles.

Henry Yamazaki:
But I never forgot who I was, and who I still am. And that’s why I came back to DEFIANCE, on my terms; to build a legacy for me. And that is what I intend to do, every time I step into a DEFIANCE ring.

The big man rises to his feet, and Christie follows suit.

Henry Yamazaki:
I’m back, and this is the beginning of a whole new saga for Henry Yamazaki… and anyone who stands in his way.

He looks into the camera, before giving a loud, triumphant…

Henry Yamazaki:



We’ve got some great action tonight and up next, we’ve got singles action as Oliver Tarquin Monroe is set to take on… 


Before Darren Keebler can even get out what he’s about to say, The Faithful start booing for Oliver Tarquin Monroe of the Gentlemen’s Agreement out by his lonesome with a microphone. He heads down to the ring without his music and enters the ring. 


The protege of one Lord Sewell points towards the entrance. 

A few weeks ago… Janna Ray took me up on an open challenge and she AMBUSHED me! She’s a rugby-playing THUG! Not a wrestler! 

That comments gets jeers from Pittsburgh! 

With respect to the jobs of Darren Keebler and Lance Warner… I am not here to listen to their “rundown.” I am here because I demand a match! With someone out here to wrestle! I was told I have a match, but I didn’t bother checking who would answer because quite frankly, I will outwrestle anyone you put in front of me! And for the honor of myself and the Gentlemen’s Agreement, I request that whoever has signed to face me, come out here and take your thrashing like a man! 

Oliver Tarquin Monroe casually hands the microphone away to a tech at ringside and sheds his coat. He waits on whoever comes out… 

♫ "The Power” by H-Blockx feat. Turbo B ♫

The lights start to go dark and in moments, they give way to green lights flashing in tune with the drum beats of the music. Wearing a dark green towel over his broad shoulders and a dark green singlet, he turns around and shows off the word “STRONK” on the back! He actually gets some cheers from The Faithful!

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing the opponent of Oliver Tarquin Monroe… from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 260 pounds… ”STRONG AF” ALLEN FOSTERS!

Wow! Not who I thought I’d see taking up the challenge, but Strong AF looks as tired as we do of Oliver Tarquin Monroe whining about losing the very open challenge he put out a couple weeks ago!


The Seattle Strongman reaches the ring and climbs inside. He looks unseriously at OTM while sipping from a water cup. He has a microphone in hand as his music cuts. 

Strong AF:
Hey… Olly? 

OTM looks at Strong AF. 

Oliver Tarquin Monroe:

Strong AF:
That’s what I said. Olly? I know I’m not what you expected to see… but I ain’t sitting back there listening to you bitch and cry. People want fights, not bitching!

That gets some cheers! Oliver angrily pushes Mr. STRONK and dares him to do something. Strong AF shrugs and then SHOVES him right to the mat as the official calls for the bell!


Strong AF grabs the leg of Monroe and THROWS him quickly over his head! 

I think Monroe should have better prepared for this! That loss to Janna Ray a couple of weeks ago really got under his skin! 

The Seattle Strongman goes to the mat and picks a leg of Monroe, but the protege of Lord Sewell switches things up on him and holds him at bay with a quick leg leg. He grabs him by the the neck and then jumps right onto the back of the powerhouse with a sleeper hold attempt! 

There we go! Monroe is getting his head back in the game. 

Indeed. If you can’t breathe, you can’t use those muscles! 

OTM hangs onto the sleeper hold with all his might as Strong AF does what he can to get to his feet. He runs back into the corner, but Monroe keeps the sleeper hold locked on tight. Forced to switch up tactics, Strong AF reverses that and grabs onto the body of OTM to spin him across the shoulder in a fireman’s carry before turning that into a huge military press! OTM shakes his head as The Faithful count along! 


After five reps, Fosters opts to chuck Monroe right to the mat behind him! Strong AF then presses both hands in the air to cheers from The Faithful!

I think Fosters feels rejuvenated tonight! He just pressed Monroe with ease and this a 220-pound man he just did that to! 

And… wait, is he about to end this already?

Fosters looks out to The Faithful and then goes for a pumphandle! He hooks Monroe up on his shoulders and then looks to put the capper on a victory… but OTM hooks him by the nose first! The Seattle Strongman stumbles backwards and then Oliver lands on the apron just barely saving himself from certain doom. The official tries to warn him for his actions, but Monroe ignores him to grab Strong AF by the head and snap his neck across the top rope with a reverse hangman! 

We say this often about Gentlemen’s Agreement, but some gentlemen they are! 

As Fosters stumbles around the ring grabbing at his bulging neck, Oliver positions himself on the ring apron, then springboards in with a HUGE flying clothesline that takes the Seattle Strongman off his feet!

What a counter! OTM calls that the Pistol Whip! Could that be all?

He jumps right into the cover on the powerhouse!




Mr. STRONK powers out!

That was a close one, but he’s still in this! 

After The Pistol Whip fails him, Oliver looks at the official and then scoffs. He rushes over and grabs both arms of Strong AF for a double underhook. He looks for his signature double arm neckbreaker… but before he can lock it, he gets overpowered with a quick back body drop counter! Monroe feels pain shooting up his spine as The Seattle Strongman yells out and throws his hands up to a cheering Pittsburgh crowd!

Strong AF is feeling it! 

He grabs OTM and plants him with a huge belly-to-belly side suplex! To follow up, he grabs Monroe by the neck and then pulls him up to his feet again. He hooks him in a pumphandle then starts doing CURLS!

That’s FREAKY strength! 

He lives up to his name! He’s got OTM on his shoulder!

Fosters PLANTS him mid-ring with a huge pumphandle powerslam!

He did it! He calls that… well, the PUMP-Handle Powerslam! As advertised! 

The Seattle Strongman hooks the legs!





♫ "The Power” by H-Blockx feat. Turbo B ♫

Darren Quimbey:
Here is your winner… ”STRONG AF” ALLEN FOSTERS!

After doing his job tonight, Fosters lets Rex Knox raise his hand. He has a smirk on his face before he looks down at Monroe and then shakes his limp hand while on the mat. 

Allen Fosters seems like he’s turned over a new leaf. Oliver Tarquin Monroe is 0-2 in these open challenges!

It’s back to the drawing board! We’ve understood that Lord Sewell is out on some kind of sabbatical but is due back soon. I wonder what he’s going to think when he hears his protege has been losing! 

Monroe sits up slowly and looks groggy. Fosters leaves the ring and hands out a few high-fives from The Faithful as the show moves on!


I’m getting word that Christie Zane is standing by over at the interview area, Christie?

The big crane camera swings around over the audience from one side of the ramp to the other where opposite the commentator station stands the big interview platform. Atop said platform DEFIANCE original staffer Christie Zane stands patiently, microphone in hand.

Christie Zane:
Ladies and gentleman, “Fair Play” Dabney Doubleday!

Southern Nights by Glen Campbell


He steps out onto the stage through what can only be described as the most polite pyrotechnics display we’ve ever seen. Dabney Doubleday emerges through a curtain of quiet gold and blue sparkles dressed in a pair of jeans, his satin souvenir style entrance jacket with "Fair Play" written on the breast and on the back in white stitched script under which he’s sporting a faded old Dusty Griffith t-shirt. The relative DEFIANCE newcomer gets a huge pop from the Faithful here in Pittsburgh, PA.

The fans really feeling Dabney, partner.

With how he and his brother have rallied their BRAZEN buddies against Ed White and the Blood Diamonds, it’s no big surprise. Dabney and his brother have made a huge impact so far since their debut here in DEF.

No sooner does Keebler mention the diminutive little brother of Dabney, Douglas, the man himself darts out from behind his big brother to his own impressive pop from the Faithful. A fact not lost on lil’ Dougie Doubleday. He pats his… unique… hair and straightens the lapels on his clearly hand me down brown suit. Douglas trots after his brother who’s already making his way over to Christie Zane still standing patiently over on the interview stage.

The handsome, square jawed, blond haired and blue eyed young man stands beside Christie with a little bow and a shake of her hand. Dougie steps up and nods to the interviewer, hooking his thumbs under his lapels with a look of confidence. He claps his big brother on the back as Christie steps forward to begin.

Christie Zane:
Dabney, when you were signed here to DEFIANCE word has it the Favoured Saints group wanted you to exclusively work the main roster. You were a hot prospect poached from a competitor, they clearly see a lot in you. Why is it then that you chose to spend so much time in BRAZEN when the main roster and all the fame and money that comes with it was all laid out to you on a silver platter?

Dabs just smiles.

Dabney Doubleday:
First and foremost, thank you for the interview. Getting to step out here and address all these fine wrestling fans with a DEFIANCE legend like yourself is really something.

Zane blushes slightly but keeps her composure. She gives Dabs a kind smile and a nod.

Dabney Doubleday:
My having been trained up into this business by one Ms. Lindsay Troy did indeed open a lot of doors for me, Christie. The first door it opened wasn’t a good fit. The place I came from, whilst an incredible organization, fit like a pair of pants that were two sizes too big. So when the Favoured Saints group came knocking I answered the door.

Lil’ Dougie raises a finger and steps forward.

Douglas Doubleday:
DEF being as violent and wild as it always has been, I vividly remember Dabs and I sneaking into the living room as kids after ol’ Dale and Gale Doubleday went to bed, clicking on the TV and getting lost in the stories this place told. The likes of Heidi Christenson, Curtis Penn, Eugene Dewey, Claira St. Sure, Dan Ryan, Cancer Jiles, Frank Dylan James, Cayle Murray, Kelly Evans, Eric DaneEdward White, Bronson Box. DEFIANCE was always where the Doubleday’s were headed, Christie. Always. To be one day included in that list of unforgettable DEFIANCE legends? To be a part of the bedrock of this incredible company? Well, hell. That’s the goal, and to that end we’re here to… 

C.R.E.A.M. by Wu-Tang Clan


Through the entrance curtain comes two of the biggest, strongest, meanest men walking any of DEFIANCE’s rosters. The current reigning and defending BRAZEN Tag Team champions, Money Talks. “The Problem Solver” Adrian Payne saunters out first clad in a black and red tracksuit with his tag team title belt strapped around his waist. Behind him out of the entrance tunnel emerges the co-holder of those titles, “Houston Strong” Felton Bigsby clad in matching tracksuit. Similarly his tag team title belt is strapped around his waist. Over his shoulder is slung his other prize, the one and only coveted BRAZEN championship.

Felton Bigsby:
To what, littlest man? You and that vanilla-in-every-way possible brother of yours. Y’all gonna do what, exactly? Because from where Payne and I are sitting? Y’all two and all the boneheaded, third string losers that follow y’all around like puppies aint doin’ shit. Money Talks backed by the Blood Diamonds are the most effective tag team unit this company has ever SEEN.

Felton and Adrian both step up onto the relatively small interview stage, immediately putting them inside Dabney and Dougie’s personal space. Christie takes the opportunity to hand the microphone off to Dabney and make a strategic exit. She’s been around DEF since day one, she knows exactly where this might be going.

Adrian Payne:
Last week Nicky and Jane whooped that ass on those two roster space wastin’ cartoons you punks adopted… the fat little fish boy and that skinny old grumpy bastard.

Douglas Doubleday:
Yeah, and those two cartoons and their Nic Cage-obsessed buddy sent Ed’s precious Associates packing that night after the fact, didn’t they now big dumb and ugly?

Adrian Payne immediately gets hot, Felton puts a hand on his giant tag team partner's shoulder and whispers something that only The Problem Solver hears. He backs off with a snarl and crosses his enormous arms across his equally enormous pectorals.

Felton Bigsby:
You need to watch your goddamn mouth, littlest man. There’s a whole hell of a lot two guys like us could do to a little motherfu…

It’s at this point Mrs. Doubleday’s Perfect Little Gentleman steps right into Felton Bigsby’s face. The double BRAZEN champion, to his credit, doesn't flinch. Houston Strong stares right back into Dabney Doubleday’s eyes with a smarmy, confident snarl on his lips.

Dabney Doubleday:
You’re a confident one, aren't ya’ chum? You Blood Diamonds, I swear. You think having all Ed’s money in your proverbial back pocket will solve all your problems, dontcha? Lot of good all those untold millions have done ol’ Ed’s pro wrestling career, a lot of good indeed. He’s still an over the hill, washed up has-been that hasn’t even sniffed the FIST in over a decade! When you strip away all the glitz and the gifts and the limos and the jet rides and the fancy Hall of Famer manager and yadda yadda, what are you left with?

Doubleday inches a little closer to Bigsby.  First looking over at Adrian Payne.

Dabney Doubleday:
A failed weightlifter…

Then back at Felton.

Dabney Doubleday:
And a tenured developmental disappointment who’s been handed opportunity after opportunity after opportunity here in DEFIANCE for what, a decade? One that’s dropped that ball every, single, time.

Houston Strong finally loses his cool and grabs Dabney by the lapels, it looks like things are about to get dire for the Doubledays when all of a sudden…

"A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Williams, Jr.


As if out of nowhere “The Texas Stampede” Gordy Lovett and his new tag team partner the MASSIVE Cowboy himself, “The Texas Dragon” Jun Izuchi both come sprinting out of the wings somewhere off stage right and just PLOW into Money Talks. Douglas leaps off the platform back over to the stage just in time as the Wrestle House trio start to brawl with Money Talks on the far to small interview platform.

In typical Gordy Lovett fashion the Hank Williams tune plays through the entire brawl.


Here comes the reinforcements, partner!

After some of the heaviest hands Jun and Gordy grab Adrian Payne by the tracksuit and huck him off the platform! It’s not a terribly long way down but far enough to elicit a reaction from the Faithful and commentators alike. Adrian seems relatively unharmed, having crashed through a table and a collection of other conveniently placed live event detritus. But The Problem Solver is definitely hurting. With his partner down and out and being tended to by agents and medical, Felton makes a hasty retreat towards the entrance tunnel looking FURIOUS as the Doubleday’s celebrate side by side with their Texas-sized backup.

Gordy Lovett: (hollering at the top of his lungs)

As the Faithful roar in appreciation for the four up and coming BRAZEN babyfaces and the routing of the much maligned Money Talks, we cut to the next segment of the show.


And up next, ladies and gentlemen, a match that continues the DEFIANCE journey of the man we only know as Kilgore… when he takes on Tripp Wise!

♫ “In One Ear” by Cage The Elephant ♫

Out from the back comes a man now wearing black trunks, knee pads and boots. He wears a sparkling white bow-tie and collar, not to mention a sparkling white vest with tux tails hanging off the back! He carefully poses to the side on the ramp and has a microphone in hand as Quimbey announces his arrival. 

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL… introducing first… from Tacoma, Washington, weighing in at 231 pounds… "THE WISE ASS" TRIPP WISE!

The picture of confidence, the stand-up comedian/wrestler struts to the ring to the beat of his music. Entering the ring, he gestures for a mic as his theme dies down.

Tripp Wise:
Ladies! Gentlemen! I gotta tell ya, my opponent tonight! Oh boy! I hear he…

The lights go out, cutting Wise off.

A spotlight cuts through the darkness and points on the ramp where we see Siofra standing in her leather druid-inspired attire. In her hand is a war horn that she brings to her lips… and she blows. The low bellow echoes throughout the arena as…

♫ War (Viking Chant) - Peyton Parrish ♫

A red mist creeps over the stage and behind Siofra emerges Kilgore - the focused, face-painted monster. Siofra places her hands on the stoic Kilgore’s chest and leans back and laughs. She then turns and begins to sinisterly slink toward the ring with Kilgore slowly walking behind her.

Darren Quimbey:
And his opponent… from Parts Unknown, being accompanied by Siofra… KILLLLLLGORE!

The man called Kilgore, with the young woman at his side that we once knew as Siobhan Cassidy, has been nothing short of impressive since his arrival in DEFIANCE.

Siofra said that they plan on cutting through the entire DEFIANCE roster… getting revenge on literally everyone in the locker room… and it appears Mr. Wise is next on the list.

Siofra enters the ring first as the lights begin to pulsate red. She dances around, seemingly in a trance, as the fans boo. Kilgore steps into the ring, finally breaking his stoic-ish trance as he begins to beat on his chest savagely and snarl at the Faithful. Siofra poses next to him as he roars into the rafters as the song reaches a crescendo and Kilgore removes his cloak.

This entrance is eerie, Lance.

It’s certainly an effective mindgame… it appears to have shut Tripp Wise up, and that’s not easy to do!

Indeed… Wise eyes his hulking opponent up and down. Kilgore simply points an unflinching piercing gaze back at him. Shaking his head to muster his confidence, Wise plasters a (maybe forced) sarcastic grin on his face as he does a little two-step jig as he moves toward Kilgore and referee Benny Doyle calls for the bell.


Wise, living up to his name, goofily sticks his hand out for Kilgore. The beast simply looks at it. After five seconds of hanging out there, even though Kilgore made no motion toward it, Wise still goes that thing where he pulls it back and runs it through his hair. Tripp Wise looks to the crowd, seemingly proud of his little “trick”... but that grin doesn’t last long as Kilgore takes his HEAD OFF with a lariat that nearly turns him inside out!!

Playing games with Kilgore may not have been the smartest move Tripp Wise ever made….

Kilgore sends the funny man off the ropes and catches him on the rebound with a POWERSLAM that shakes the ring! Without pause, Kilgore brings Wise back up to his feet and presses him over his head! Wise’s limbs flail as he’s lifted high over the canvas!

Tripp Wise is helpless over Kilgore’s head… and look at Siofra! Kilgore playing with his prey seems to be… well, to be crude… turning her on!

In her mind, every person that Kilgore hurts is another piece of self respect that she gets back!

Wise is hung out to dry for about ten seconds before Kilgore lets him fall… but the monster drops him on his shoulder and brings him down with a press slam! Kilgore remains on his knees, looking down at Wise… who is not moving. Siofra bangs on the apron three times before screaming out…


Kilgore grabs his opponent roughly by the neck and tosses him like garbage into the corner. Taking his time, Kilgore takes position in the opposite corner. He leans back and and beats his fists against his chest slowly and rhythmically before leaning back against the turnbuckle and howling like an animal into the air. He gets a running start and when he reaches Wise, his boot meets Wise’s face with…


Tripp’s head snaps back and he stumbles forward… but Kilgore doesn’t let him fall. Instead, he hooks him from behind in a full nelson, lifts him sharply into the air, and drives him back-first into the unforgiving canvas was the…


Kilgore is not being paid by the hour.

To add insult to injury, Kilgore places a single foot on Wise’s chest.





Siofra leaps into the ring and stands over the fall Tripp Wise. She sits down and leans forward… placing a single kiss on his forehead. She gets back up and beckons Kilgore, who comes up behind her. The two pose as the lights again begin to flash a deep red.

The path of destruction for Kilgore continues… and as he works his way up the ladder, we’re forced to ask… can anyone stop this man!?


He sticks one foot into the portal. He hesitates. He decides to go for it and jump in.



Malak shoots out the other side in bewilderment.

Malak Fuse:
Whoa, cool! I’m in a factory now! Portals are sick!

He pauses for a second to take in the scenery. Small broccoli minions march away, placing various items on conveyor belts and then retrieving them somewhere down the line. Malak wonders why he’s there but then he remembers he’s got to find the Key of Broccoli and somehow overcome this fever dream.

Malak Fuse:
If I were a key, where would I be?

He stumbles around, trying not to bump into any of the hyper focused broc tots but all that extra effort trying to avoid others only ends up getting him in trouble.


Malak Fuse:
Oh excuse me!

He turns and notices a fully figured lady posted up on his hip. He blushes.

Malak Fuse:
Sorry. My tush touched yours! Don’t worry, I obsessively wash back there. What are you doing here? My name is Malak. What’s your name? Lots to unpack here. Sorry, I am inquisitive, haha. You have caught me rambling!

The stunning damsel twirls her hair around seductively.

Jocelyne Ingrid Broccoli:
Why I’m Jocelyne Ingrid Broccoli. Are you my saviour? My knight and shining armor?

Malak nods profusely.

Malak Fuse:
Not only am I here to save you but I’m also here to find the Key–!


Suddenly, the northernmost brick wall to the facility explodes as a huge monster barrels through! Broc tot workers scramble as debris is flung everywhere!

Malak Fuse:

Without a reactionary second to spare, Jocelyne quickly grabs Malak by the wrist and pulls him into a nearby alcove. Safe for now, they watch as the Broccoli Corp. Warehouse is destroyed in front of their very eyes.

Malak Fuse:
What should we do!?

Jocelyne Ingrid Broccoli:
We need to stay hidden from that hideous beast!

A hideous beast he is. Hair everywhere. Salvia hangs from his overbite and protruding crooked teeth. This monstrosity easily registered at a couple stories tall and gave no signs of slowing down.

Jocelyne Ingrid Broccoli:
I think you should do the right thing and protect me by fighting it. Something in my programming tells me that’s what needs to happen right now and quickly! Before the warehouse gets destroyed!

With everyone running for their lives, Malak Fuse decides to step up to the plate. He runs out into the dust filled clearing and whistles brashly, immediately catching the beast’s attention. For a second, there is calm. The ugly troll-like menace turns to look down at Malak even though it’s got two lazy eyes.

Malak Fuse:
I’ve heard of Devil May Cry but this is more like Monster Might Tirade! Ummmmm hello there! I’m Malak Fuse and I’m pretty sure I’m going to unpack on dat ass of yours!

The ogre sniffles before slamming its fists on the ground, cracking the very cement foundation everyone stands on.

Malak Fuse:
Shit guy, shit. I don’t know how to fight you. You seem TOUGH and SCARY! That has me FRETTING HARD!

The monster opens its mouth. A mixed odor of dead squirrels and feces covers everything in the range of its breath.

Broc Newbludd:

Malak scans Broc over and notices tiny little broccoli stalks growing on the monster’s shoulders like acne on a teenager.

Malak Fuse:
Cut and dry and to the point there, Broc but I’m afraid I’ve got some terrible news for you!

Malak stands triumphantly.

Malak Fuse:
I’m going to be the one who defeats you for I am Super Malak!

Malak throws an unsolicited punch at Broc, nailing the monster in the shin. Not so much as a budge happens.

Malak Fuse:
Shit. I think I gotta think this through a little bit more. I might need some power-ups!

But then, something gleams from around the monster’s neck. Malak notices this as he looks skyward.

Malak Fuse:
Well no shit! The Key of Broccoli Kingdom!

Indeed, it dangles around the neck of the wretched beast standing before him but the newest player to the game has no idea how he’s going to get it.

Broc Newbludd:

Broc winds up and looks to slam the ground again, this time right where Malak is standing!

Jocelyne Ingrid Broccoli:

Malak rolls out of the way at the last minute and dodges his way back over to Jocelyne. They embrace.

Malak Fuse:
The Key of Broccoli Kingdom! I saw it! It’s around Broc’s neck! We gotta get it!

But before any further action can be done, they awkwardly watch as beastly Broc marches on, terrorizing broc tots everywhere. With Broc rampaging off into the distance, Malak and Jocelyne share a romantic exchange of glances.

Malak Fuse:
I know we’ll meet again and next time, I’ll be ready.


Coming up next there is a tall order for Lonnie Luck! He takes on the six-foot nine BRAZEN star Somchai in our main event!

Tall order indeed, but Lonnie Luck is ready! He defeated all three members of the Most Precious Gems at DEFIANCE Road and has promised that he will wrestle the Favoured Saints championship away next week from the new champion, Mil Vueltas!

We’ve got the talented Lonnie Luck in action next! 

2X DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Champions
2X DEFIANTS of the Year
DEFIANCE’S Hottest Tag Team

♫ “Desperado” by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes ♫

Darren Quimbey:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing … from Sin City, weighing in at one-hundred and seventy pounds … he is a member of the Lucky Sevens …  “The Pocket Ace” Lonnniiiiiieeeee LUCCCCCK!!!

Rocking white tights with black and red playing card suits, Lonnie points to the ring and then runs towards it like his life depends on it! He slides right on inside the squared circle and when he gets up to his feet, he greets the crowd! On the opposite end of the ring, the massive Somchai is awaiting his introduction. 

Darren Quimbey:
His opponent … already in the ring, from Pattaya City, Thailand, weighing in at 289 pounds  … SOMCHAI!!

The massive Thai star raises his arms and he gets a fairly positive reception. But when Lonnie Luck turns around … 

Somchai hits Lonnie with a big clothesline! 


The six-foot nine rookie appears to have a change of attitude. The referee steps in between the large man and the Pocket Ace to make sure that he is okay. 

What has gotten into Somchai?! 

I don’t know! We normally hear he’s been a pleasure to be around but … I don’t know! Maybe he’s trying to make a name for himself? 

After the successful few weeks Lonnie has had, this could be a chance to get people talking! 

The referee goes to check on Lonnie Luck, who nods his head to the ref that he’s a little shaken up, but he is okay to continue. The referee makes sure Lonnie is good to go. 

The bell rings. 


The fired up BRAZEN rookie comes out of the gate and then hits Lonnie Luck using a big charging splash in the corner. Lonnie is crushed between a proverbial rock (Somchai) and a hard place (the corner of the ring). Somchai doesn’t stop there with just the splash because he grabs Lonnie by his black hair and then whips him across the ring with a hair pulling biel toss!

I think the big man might have snapped tonight! Lonnie Luck has stood up to the best of the best in DEFIANCE Wrestling. Ed White, JJ Dixon, Ned Reform, Alvaro de Vargas! But he didn’t expect this attack. 

The DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful are booing the six-nine Somchai for what he is doing but right now he doesn’t seem to give too much thought about people’s feelings. He is shutting out the Pittsburgh fans and making a beeline right for Lonnie Luck so he can grab him by the hair. This time he spins Lonnie around multiple times before he does it again! 

I don’t know where this aggression is coming from, but Somchai is in control!

He is and if he keeps this up, he could be spoiling Lonnie Luck’s momentum going into his match next week with Mil Vueltas for the Favoured Saints title! 

Lonnie Luck still has no idea where he is but the monstrous Somchai grabs Lonnie a third time and snatches him up by the waist. He grabs him by the neck and is thrown across the ring. Somchai tries a big boot, but the Pocket Ace is able to give him the slip! He comes back off the other side and leaps right at Somchai with a flying clothesline attempt but he is caught in Somchai’s arms and then put down with a big power slam! 

Lonnie caught with a power slam! I think we might see a big win!

Somchai goes for the pin!

One … 

Two …


Two count! 

Somchai grunts and then grabs Lonnie by his neck. He is about to pick him up and then has him prepped for a power bomb. 

I think Somchai is looking for a buckle bomb! 

Keebler’s call is correct because he runs Lonnie right at the corner! But at the last second, Lonnine shifts his body weight into a head scissors and then sends Somchai’s face barrerling right into the top turnbuckle first to save himself! The Pittsburgh fans cheer for Lonnie Luck as he looks to get some distance from himself and the big BRAZEN rookie looking to make a name for himself tonight. 

Lonnie sees Somchai fazed from being face planted but he’s still on his feet. Lonnie goes for the legs and kicks away at the big man. Somchai pushes him away into the ropes, but Lonnie is right back on top of him with a low drop kick directly to the knee! Somchai finds himself stunned when Lonnie runs behind him and flips over to hit a modified version of a diamond dust right off his shoulders that brings Somchai down to the canvas!

Bluff Catcher by Lonnie Luck! That modified diamond dust just bought him some time! 

Lonnie runs up to the corner with Somchai down! He climbs to the top rope, he throws up a double thumbs up to the DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful and then jumps off the top with a high angle diving moonsault directly on top of Somchai!

And that’s the Super Satellite! He names some of his moves after poker terms, so let’s see if he can walk away with the money! 

One … 

Two … 


The strength of Somchai is too much to be contained and Lonnie Luck gets pushed!

What a showing by Somchai! He kicked out of those big moves from Lonnie Luck, but Lonnie is ready! 

Lonnie rolls to his feet. He catches the unsuspecting Somchai by the neck and then runs up the close corner to face plant him with a flying rebound cutter right out of the corner!


The Lon Dart hopes for a positive outcome when he pins him this time! 

One … 

Two … 



♫ “Desperado” by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes ♫

Lonnie Luck climbs up to his feet and celebrates with the Faithful!

Your winner … LONNIEEEEEEE LUCK!!!

The youngest member of the Lucky Sevens can rest easy walking away with a victory tonight! The referee holds up his hand. Luck is a little battered as any match he’s in, but tonight he walks away getting the W! 

Score another W for Lonnie Luck coming off that big win! He’s built an incredible well of support and momentum before he faces Mil Vueltas!

Will Mil Vueltas be ready for the Pocket Ace next week when DEFtv comes to Madison, Wisconsin? 

We’ll see you all next week for DEFtv! Good night, DEFIANCE Wrestling Faithful! 

Lonnie Luck celebrates with the Faithful and stands on the top turnbuckle taking in all the crowd support before the show fades. 




Results compiled and archived with Backstage 3.1.