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Elise Ares Biography


Real Name
Ivelise Aresel Guerrero  
The FACE of DEFIANCE, The Queen of Sports Entertainment Style, The Leading Lady of DEFIANCE, The South Beach Starlet  
Beverly Hills, California  
April 3, 1990  
5' 6"  
122 lbs.  


Growing up the niece, daughter, grand-daughter, and great grand-daughter of Lucha Libre legends, Elise Ares is the latest in a bloodline of professional wrestling greatness. Some would say she was born to be wrestling royalty and destined for greatness. Those people would have never met Elise Ares.

Ivelise was born in Havana, Cuba to Lucha Legend Azure Dragon III and , she comes from the same lineage as Azure Dragon and El Hijo Del Dragon. She was raised by her mother, a retired Japanese pop star who met her father on one of his many tours of Japan, as her father toured the world. He didn't spend much time with his family, and later it would be argued that Dragon III had many familes, and some people feel that is partly because his only child was a girl and was unable to carry on his family tradition.

Elise however, found her own path. Rolling around in her father's wrestling ring growing up kept her in shape, and genetics made her beautiful. By 15 years old she was already showing up on magazines all around Cuba. By 16 she was pegged to be the next great Hawaiian Tropics Swimsuit Model. Meanwhile she started her in-ring career behind her father's back and against his wishes as a masked Technico named Amethysta. Prone to botches and always going for the big move, the cheers she was supposed to receive turned into boos despite her clear craving for attention.

Meanwhile her focus on modeling and a potential acting career over her wrestling training hurt her ring work. Still getting magazine covers and modeling work on the edge of seventeen, her two worlds collided shortly before her birthday when she horribly lost a "Mask vs Mask" match and her identity was reveal to the world. Now with a face to go along with the hatred, the fans began to call Elise "La Hija Del Gecko" as a slap in the face to her family's "Dragon" heritage. She was disowned by her father and distanced from her family. Then "heel heat" turned to betrayal when she defected to the United States, arriving in Miami shortly after her 18th birthday to become Miss Hawaiian Tropics.

Things were going well, and the modeling money was lucrative, but the spotlight still felt missing in her life. She rejoined the world of professional wrestling in the United States for a short stint in BACW before joining PrimeTime Central member PRIME. There she aligned herself with Lithuanian Strongman Kazys Jankauskas to form the team Wolves Of Slaughter. She gained more with less it could be argued, going on to earn the PRIME Tag Team Championships and the PRIME 5-Star Championship before leaving out of the blue for Hollywood.

Once in Hollywood she met "The D" Derek Edwards by forcing a resume into his grasp during a Z-List movie shoot and the rest is history. They came back to wrestling (you know, like The Rock or Hulk Hogan) to conquer the wrestling world and take their world championship accomplishments back to Hollywood to conquer that was well (you know, like The Rock... not Hulk Hogan). Who knows, they might even like the wrestling industry and care a lot more about it than they put on? It depends on the day. 
Other Feds
Other Fed Titles
PRIME 5-Star Champion, PRIME World Tag Team Champion (w/ Kazys Jankauskas)  
Other Fed Awards
Is "Most Attractive Wrestler" still an award for those too? Then that.  
While still a narcissistic sociopath who lives and breathes drama, Elise has turned a bit of a corner since her arrival in DEFIANCE. Once an actress who only arrived to do "community service" for "the little people," Elise has evolved into quite the tenacious little wrestler over time. Her passion for breaking the rules has slowly dissipated over time as her skills evolved into that of a competent luchadora. She's really taken a shine to the fans of DEFIANCE and the positive attention they give her, and although she still keeps ample amounts of hand-sanitizer on her at all times, she really enjoys it when they cheer her on. One day she hopes to make it to the top of DEFIANCE to prove to both herself and her family that she isn't completely useless. 
1. Speed: Coming from a family of athletes and professional wrestlers, Elise Ares has almost been bred to be a superstar. She has God-given atheletic ability and unteachable genetic traits that in most circumstances (and by most circumstances I mean not having the personality and work ethic she has) would make her one of the best in the world. The best of all of these would be her speed, which probably won't be the best in DEFIANCE because she's both small and female (sorry, that's "just science" -- Ron Burgundy), but will be vastly above average. Certainly enough to take almost every competitor by surprise.

2. Manipulative: Beautiful and convincing, Elise Ares can schmooze with the best of them. She'll tell you exactly what you want to hear, in the tone of voice that you'd want to hear it, as long as it benefits her own needs. She's talked inexperience referees out of disqualifying her. She's talked many, MANY much larger, brutal men into taking it easy on her or ever worse, doing all of her dirty work for her. She's an actress at the end of the day, and she'll use this to gain any advantage she can.

3. Intelligence: What Elise Ares lacks in physical tools she compensates for in intelligence and cunning. She may have next to no common sense, and therefore comes off as an idiot, but she is fluent in seven different languages and processes information very quickly, leading to a lot of very successful snap decisions. She's out-smarted more people to victory than she's out-wrestled, and most of those may or may not have involved bending the rules in the past. Now she's doing things the right way. Mostly.

1. Size: She is very small. By WWE standard though she's bigger than AJ Lee, she's smaller than Beth Phoenix, but she's nicely in-between. She's not the smallest wrestler ever to wrestle. She will be severely out-matched in nearly all feats of strength. This forces her to rely on her speed, finesse, and intellect to leave matches victorious. Think of her in the Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne role in most matches. You know, near death the entire match.

2. Lazy: Before coming to DEFIANCE, when the going would get tough for Elise, she'd go to cutting corners to win. Her laziness played to the detriment of her development as a wrestler, where most people would spend their early career learning something from their losses, Elise mostly won by a foreign object to the skull or grabbing the tights. DEFIANCE has been an accelerated learning curve for her, and while she's worked out the kinks and botches in front of the entire city of New Orleans, she can still sometimes fall back into bad habits when she's frustrated. Winning shouldn't be so hard.

3. Arrogant: In the world of Elise Ares, she is still the greatest thing to happen to anything in the history of man. She's the best looking, the best walker, the best talker, the best gum-chewer... there is literally nothing that she won't at least try to convince you that she's the best in the world at doing. Although she has learned her place to an extent, she'll never pass an opportunity to show-off or pose for the crowd, and this makes her very vulnurable to retaliation. 



"ABOUT ERIC DANE: He said he would kill for DEFIANCE, and he almost did. I said I would die for DEFIANCE, and I nearly had to. If what he wanted to see out of me was a willingness to go beyond myself, to be ruthless and savage, it's up to him to decide if I measured up. All I know is, I was willing to bleed out, I don't know how much blood I've lost, but, it will always be worth it."

- Dusty Griffith




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts