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Alvaro de Vargas Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
BRAZEN Graduate  
Fed Titles
Watch this space, pendejos.  

Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
"Empire of Ashes" by Like A Storm  
Physical Description
Hispanic with tall and toned body type (think just a slightly taller Cesaro). He's become more of a body guy in the last couple years and has put his time in the gym unlike his indy days. Short cropped hair. Brown eyes. Slight hair on chest, arms both covered in various tattoos. 
Ring Attire
Black wrist tape. Long, white baggy that vary with flame designs (now in blue). Black boots. He always comes to the ring wearing sunglasses and a necklace that belongs to his late father. 
Wrestling Style
Wild trash-talking brawler/cheater  
Finisher Move
Finisher Description
Spinning Tombstone Piledriver  
MDK Finisher
None, the Ardiendo will do  
MDK Description
3-5 Signature Moves
1. Abajo Vas (running knee strike to face/chest of standing/seated opponent)
2. Cuban Missile (running snake eyes into the turnbuckle)
3. Scorcher (Standing thrust kick... yep, from a big-ass dude)
4. Torture rack neckbreaker
5. Belly to Back Suplex (stalling, will bust this out a lot, good hangtime)

THE FIREBALL (not to be used without permission, will bust this out to hurt opposition). 
10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
1. Back elbow to oncoming opponent
2. Elbow drops
3. Kick to the back of a seated opponent
4. Running dropkick (may start matches with this move from time to time)
5. Drop Toe Hold followed by giving opponents lots of clubbering
6. Repeated running corner clotheslines (trash talking in between)
7. Flapjack (onto objects, turnbuckles, steel steps, barricades, etc).
8. Hip Toss into Backbreaker
9. Front Facelock with wrenching, choking, etc.
10. Eye raking, scratching, biting, clawing, other forms of cheatery.

...And telling you how he's bedded your mother in two different languages.

--Other than his signature moves, not much "wrassling" from ADV. He CAN do it, but it's just easier to muscle people around and fight dirty. A lot of his matches tend to degenerate into Stan Hansen-esque brawling at his worst.

--Just about any shortcut he can think of taking, that's exactly what he's gonna do if it means he gets the W.

--Generally treats EVERYBODY in the ring like dirt on his shoe regardless of who they are. 
Ring Entrances



"The D’s gotta bust Klein. The D’s gotta…"

- The D




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts