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Christian Light Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
Fed Titles
Winner of the Grand Champions League Tournament and offically dubbed "Master of Wrestling"  


  • The Legitimate Businessman's Club
  • Threatened the family of Christian Light

  • Kai Scott
  • Jumped Christian Light at the end of the Masters of Wrestling tournament and positioned himself against Eric Dane. Additionally, made numerous attempts to get inside Christians head.

  • Jeff Andrews
  • Jumped Christian Light at the end of the Masters of Wrestling tournament and positioned himself against Eric Dane. Jeff also stole a Defiance World Title Christian rightfully believed was his.

  • Heidi Christenson
  • Jumped Christian Light at the end of the Masters of Wrestling tournament and positioned herself against Eric Dane.


Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
"Indestructible" by Disturbed for almost all matches, with "Let Me Hear You Scream" by Ozzy Osbourne for "big" matches.  
Physical Description
Christian is a tall, well built Caucasian male with a closely-cut blonde flattop, blue eyes, and a neatly-kept blonde goatee. His body is well-cut from years of working out, with only one major scar (a burn wound across his chest) adoning his skin. He typically wears jeans and Timberland boots with a shirt or jersey promoting one of his sports teams (Penguins, Pirates, Steelers, Cavaliers, Crew). 
Ring Attire:
Christian wrestles shirtless, wearing plain white wrestling boots and blue wrestling trunks with white trim. Adorning the outside of each leg are the letters "RTD" with the R just below the hip trim and the rest of the letters vertically down the outside of the leg. Walking to the ring he'll typically wear his own T-shirt which he will take off and throw to the crowd prior to match time. The only exception to this is Hardcore matches, where Christian will leave the shirt on to protect his upper body from small lacerations.
Wrestling Style
All-Rounder with Power. Focus on suplexes  
Finisher Move
Realizing The Dream  
MDK Finisher
MDK Description
Psycho Driver I - Torture Rack lift into Piledriver  
3-5 Signature Moves
1. Light Leg-Lock - Elevated Texas Cloverleaf (primary submission finisher)
2. Danger Strike - Press Style Ace Crusher
3. Long Way Down - Elbow drop from the top rope
4. The Joey Bomb - Northern Lights Bomb
5. The Marissa Buster - Brainbuster 
10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
1. NO PUNCHES! Instead use knife-edge chops, elbow smashes, or forearm shots
2. All suplexes - no I'm not kidding. Light once got bored with an opponent's lack of resistance and performed about 40 different suplexes to the same opponent in the same match. Of all the suplexes in his repitoire he loves the Sambo, Head and Arm, Basket, and Leg Capture suplex the most.
3. Spear - common momentum-changing move
4. Running high knee to the face
5. Running bulldog
6. Back body drop (BIG air for small opponents)
7. Spinebuster - setup to the Light Leg-Lock
8. Hawk's Talon - single leg Boston Crab
9. Running powerslam (can be performed Oklahoma Stampede style as well)
10. An Epic's End - a crossface chickenwing from the camel clutch position. 
Ring Entrances

< Commentator Prompt >

[Fans roar in anticipation. Lighters come on. Cell phones come out for the nonsmokers. Those by the entrance turn their attention to the ramp way, hoping for an early peak at the entrance. But aside from slight movement, there's nothing.]

[Nothing that is, but air raid sirens.]

[Sirens and the flash of blue spotlights panning around the audience in a quick, nervous motion.]

[Sirens, spotlights, and the sounds of machine guns firing off rounds.]

[And its at this point that a tall man steps onto the top of the ramp way.]

[A tall man with a blonde flat top haircut.]

[And at that moment, simultaneously with the guitar riff of Disturbed's "Indestructible" blaring from the speakers, all four or five of the small blue spotlights make one sudden motion to the man standing on the ramp way, hands on his hips and a smile adorning his face.]

< Fan Reaction/Commentator Prompt >

[Christian starts to make his way down the aisle extending his hands as far out as he could on either side. Dressed in a short-sleeve black Herirtage League T-shirt and blue wrestling trunks, Christian doesn't have to worry about shirt pull as most of the fans on the aisle reach out and slap hands with him.]

[As he reaches the ring from the aisle, Christian hops up to the apron of the squared circle and climbs in. Immediately Christian hits the nearest middle turnbuckle and raises both fists in the air.]

< Fan Reaction/Commentator Prompt >

[The music dies down. Christian takes off his T-shirt and throws it into the crowd. Hopping down from the second rope, Christian stretches out in the corner awaiting the match to begin.] 



"You can't stop me!"

- Nathan Eye




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts