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Coach Billingsley Biography


Real Name
Iker Billingsley  
The Head Ball Coach, Coach Bill, Coach Ike, Coach  
Santa Clara, CA  


At the age of 27, Iker Billingsley was considered a coaching phenom.

By age thirty, he was on trial for involuntary manslaughter.

Three rings.
Three state championships.

Back. To back. To back.

It was the high school level, but it was impressive. To win state championships like that in California? That can get someone to the next level, if they want it.

Coach jumped at the opportunity, accepting a job in San Antonio, Texas, coaching division 2 college ball.

But the wins... Didn't come so easy.

And when his boys lost the homecoming game to the winless Bobcats?

Iker made them run sprints for the entirety of the next practice.

And that Sun was burning hot that day.

When Darnell Waters, starting Right Guard, fell in the heat, they didn't think a whole lot of it.

â€"Get him some water,” Billingsley said.

Later, Darnell Waters was pronounced dead.

The thing about accidentally killing a young man, is that you don't give a shit what happens to you after that. If you had any guts at all, you'd end things for yourself as penance.

But Coach Billingsley didn't have any guts. For all the times he went for it on fourth and long, when the game was on his line, and his dignity was still winnable, he plead not guilty.

And he got off.

Funny thing was, he felt guiltier than ever. Started getting in fights with fellas he knew would kick his ass. Started looking for ass whoopings, or any other kind of violence. He deserved it. It was his penance. Problem with that was, after a while, he got pretty good at taking his licks.

He got pretty good at giving them, too.

He got so good, he started training for the ass whooping business: professional wrestling.

And when he got really, really good? They started paying him to do it.

Ironic thing about all of this is, Darnell Waters used to tell everybody within earshot that he was going to one day be a professional wrestler.

Penance is a funny thing.

Let's just hope he has the guts to see this one through. 
Other Feds
Other Fed Titles
Other Fed Awards
Former football coach who was well on his way, but a kid died because of him running him to death. Avoided jail. Still feels guilty. Started looking for ways to get his ass kicked. Found wrestling. Problem is, he's not bad. 
Strong Fundamentals
Sticks to the game plan
Excellent diet and fitness program
Believes in himself 
Lack of experience
Needs work navigating the pocket in high stress environments
Follows the rules
Completely traumatized 



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