Comments Section Biography
Fed Info
Federation Titles
DEFIANCE Unified Tag Team Champions x2
Federation Awards
2020 DEFIANTS of the Year Award, 2021 Match of the Year Award
Wrestling Info
Wrestling Style
Finisher Move
Finishing Move Description
Any simultaneous combination of an Axe kick from Cyrus, a Superkick from Malak and a back elbow to the head from Teresa
Finisher Setup Move
Say Hello To Block
Finisher Setup Move Description
Either Malak or Teresa lures opponent to run into the chest of Cyrus
Special Moves
-#nofilter (Taking a selfie with downed opponent)
-Unliked, unfollowed, unfriended (Comments Section member disgraces opponent in corner by taunting, bullying, laughing and poking)
-Pile On (As many members as possible literally jump on top of their opponent in a pinning effort)
-Comment Submission (Figure 4 Leg Lock while other Comments Section members verbally berate opponent)
-Unliked, unfollowed, unfriended (Comments Section member disgraces opponent in corner by taunting, bullying, laughing and poking)
-Pile On (As many members as possible literally jump on top of their opponent in a pinning effort)
-Comment Submission (Figure 4 Leg Lock while other Comments Section members verbally berate opponent)
Move Set
-Double clothesline
-Eye rake and leg sweep combo
-Reverse suplex into a gut buster
-Holding opponent in the corner for punches
-Backbreaker and reverse DDT combo
-Looking up moves online mid match
-Texting break
-Eye rake and leg sweep combo
-Reverse suplex into a gut buster
-Holding opponent in the corner for punches
-Backbreaker and reverse DDT combo
-Looking up moves online mid match
-Texting break
Entrance Music
Ring Entrances