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Declan Alexander Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
2022 BRAZEN Wrestler of the Year  
Fed Titles
BRAZEN Champion (1x)  

Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
"Brachyura Bombshell" by Attack Attack!  
Physical Description
Also known by his streaming handle DEC4L, as well as The Kingslayer, POGChamp, Snipe-Master General, and The Intrepid Influencer, Declan is a very attractive and well put together young man. He's a charismatic host and charming person, but his attractiveness doesn't end with his personality. He's toned bordering on ripped with stylish jet black hair shaved on the sides and piercing emerald eyes. 
Ring Attire
He will always come to the ring wearing his blue "varsity" style jacket with a large yellow D4 logo on the front. This is a look he established on his streaming channel and became a signature look for DEC4L. He wrestles wearing blue long shorts with yellow accents. Blue kneepads with blue boots and yellow trim. He wears a blue elbow pad on his left arm and a long yellow athletic sleeves on his right. He also wears eye black under his left eye, a nod to his streaming where he mostly played first-person shooters in a sniper role. 
Wrestling Style
High Flying Technician  
Finisher Move
Play Of The Game  
Finisher Description
Jumping Cutter  
MDK Finisher
MDK Description
3-5 Signature Moves
C-C-COMBO BREAKER~!: Lungblower Backbreaker / Lumbar Check. Can be just the move or a combination of backbreakers into the move.

GGEZ: Head-tuck Rolling Dropkick

OK Boomer: Stalling Half-Hurricanrana Codebreaker

The Red Line: Enziguiri to the face. Trouble In Paradise without the extra spin. Trademark move of Vivica J. Valentine. 
10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
Moveset is getting progressively less safe as time passes in DEFIANCE. Slowly fleshing him out into what he will become in his peak:

Various Strikes (Knees, Kicks, Dropkicks, Chops, Elbows, etc.)

Various Breakers (Neckbreaker, backbreaker, shoulderbreaker, armbreaker, etc.)

Burgeoning Grappling/Submission Game (has shown potential but has lots of room to grow. Can keep up with below-average to average grapplers. Will still get schooled by above-average to great grapplers.)

Leg Swing Snap Suplex
Side-Russian Leg Sweep
Hip Toss
Arm Drag
Drop Toe Hold
Body Slam
Ring Entrances



"I’m the D, and this here’s Elise. I’m sure you’ve heard of us from such internet videos as the film length Lake Placid Vi, and my Adults React video about flaming Cheetos."

- The D




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts