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Lindsay Troy Biography


Real Name
Already told you.  
the Queen of the Ring, the Lady of the Hour, the Renaissance Woman, the Star of the Show, the High Queen DEFIANT, the Harbinger of War, the Murder Buzzsaw, the ACE of DEFIANCE (stolen from Bronson Box because he quit rather than face her again)  
Tampa, Florida  
Old enough to know better. Wise enough to not care.  
These hands are rated E for Everyone  


Nemo me impune lacessit: No one provokes me with impunity.
Other Feds
Other Fed Titles
SHOOT: Tag Champ, 2021 Master of the Mat, SUAF Champ; HOW: LSD and Tag Champ (x3); LoC: Underground Champ; PRIME: Universal (x2)/Tag (x2)/Intense Champ; EPW: World (longest reigning)/Tag Champ; PTC: Unified Champ; TEAM: Champion of Champions; +others  
Other Fed Awards
SHOOT: 2022 Tag Team of the Year, Feud of the Year; 2021 Newcomer of the Year; PRIME: Ace, Hall of Famer, Owner, Colossus Curse Breaker, Roulette Winner, Face/Tag Team/Feud of the Year; EPW: Hall of Famer; Other Awards: ancient & irrelevant  
Lindsay Troy is the benchmark for female fighters in professional wrestling, the one all women are measured against. She's put the time in (martial arts training long before it was the cool thing to have in your skillset, plus two decades of professional experience and exposure), works hard, takes what she wants, and makes no apologies for any of it. Suffering fools gladly is not something you'll ever see her do. Troy is cunning, quick-witted, sarcastic, and perceptive - traits which have served her well on both sides of wrestling alignments - but she is also loyal, honest, quick to call bullshit, and the first to throw down if a friend is in trouble. If she counts you worthy enough to be in her inner circle, you'll have a friend and an ally for life. Wind up on her radar or piss her off and you might find yourself cut at the knees and neck before you have a chance to wonder what hit you. 
Mat/Ring Presence - She’s been doing this a long ass time, doesn’t make rookie mistakes, is always aware of her surroundings, and tries to think two to three steps ahead. You could call her a ring general and you would not be wrong.

Speed/Strength/Adaptability - She’s pretty strong, oftentimes deceptively so, but she’s not going to be able to throw around a 250+ pound guy like a rag doll like she will with some of the fellas and ladies in her weight class. Therefore, she has to rely on her speed and quickness of executing moves to control the match. Well-rounded in all manner of fighting techniques. 20+ years of martial arts and wrestling experience. Not afraid to experiment/try something new/go for broke.

Resiliency/Attitude - Hard to keep grounded and not easily frustrated in the ring. Has been on the receiving end of plenty of ass whoopings and has dished quite a few out, too. Submissions/Counter-specialist. No-nonsense, both in the ring and out. Doesn’t "go away" if attacked physically or verbally. Takes absolutely none of your shit. Can play the game with the best of them.
Temper - Taking absolutely none of your shit goes hand in hand with her mouth often getting her into trouble. Rarely thinks before speaking. She’s quick with a barb, lives on thin ice, is headstrong to a fault, and always needs to get the last word (or the last punch) in.

Age/Nagging Injuries - LT isn't as young as she used to be, and it doesn't matter how great her cardio is, or how hard she trains, all those years putting her body on the line in the ring are starting to catch up to her.

No Man is an Island? - Troy is a woman unto herself this go-around in DEFIANCE; a stark contrast from her first stint in the company. She has no allies and trusts no one, and it's only a matter of time before this approach comes around to haunt her... 


  • We'll send an Edible Arrangement as a mea culpa for the whole 'Beat up Friar Tuck and his merry band of fuckwits' thing.
  • I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you or your life-sized Lisa Frank-design rejects over the apparent goddamn nonsense of that disco ball you call a jacket.
  • So the Dos Equis pitchman dumps you and now you're offering me a place in the LBC?
  • Well, it's been a long-standing assumption that my ass is so hot, it sears corneas.
  • Oooh... a former this and a former that. You go, Glen Coco.
  • Don't worry, young HOSShole. I don't expect you to give up the belts that easy. The challenge is half the fun of getting the reward.
  • I cast a real wide net when it comes to me and mine. It's not about blood, and it's not about lineage. I look out for who I look out for, I run with who I run with, and *I keep an eye on them all.* And those who wanna pull some fuck shit don't tend to make it far without somethin' comin' back to 'em three-fold.
  • You three are on the fast track to becoming some very bad statistics, 'cause I don't play these playground, jungle gym games. Neither does Tyler. And neither does Wade.
  • You want to stand on my road and be a roadblock? Throw some tacks on the pavement? Grab your goons and put fists to flesh? Wish granted. You, and everyone else, will learn the hard way that you don't come for me unless I send for you.
  • Once I get goin’ there’s no power in the ‘Verse that can stop me.
  • Isn’t it a riot that a person who has no talent to speak of and who consistently failed at leveraging it to any success between the ropes believes she has the ability to see it in others? Because I find that knee-slappingly funny.
  • Far as I’m concerned, everyone here is playing for second place.
  • If you believe I’m annoying now, B, just wait until Maximum DEFIANCE. I warned you all at Aftershock to be careful what you wished for. You don’t want me to get on a roll. You don’t want me to run the damn table. Not when I’ve got one big tourney win under my belt this year and I’m just *dying* to go two-for-two. My momentum isn’t easily stopped. And if I ever have to play from behind? *Even better.*
  • Match. Tourney. Title.
  • Your super adorable streak aside, Scut Farkus, we could trot Jeff Triplette out here with a knowledge baseline of 'Rasslin Rules for Dummies' and it still wouldn't stop me from taking the FIST from your Funyun-dusted fingers.
  • Gosh, can you imagine what might’ve happened if Benny Doyle had more weight to throw around and could've prevented shenanigans? [sing-songy] *Someone wouldn’t be cha-aaaamp…*



"We’re chocolate rain famous."

- The D




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts