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Matt LaCroix Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
Fed Titles
Favoured Saints Champion (1x)  


  • Scott Stevens
  • His chance to reclaim a roster spot in DEFIANCE was stolen from him when Scott Stevens attacked him and took his spot in the Ace In The Hole tournament. Stevens went on to win and bank a shot at the FIST of DEFIANCE, leaving LaCroix to go back to BRAZEN injured and without an opportunity.

  • Kerry Kuroyama
  • A rivalry built from disrespect has turned into a rivalry of mutual respect. Matt LaCroix jumped at the opportunity to steal a spot on the main DEFIANCE roster by dressing up as the Green Reaper and attacking Kerry Kuroyama. Breaking free from Crimson Lord to prove that he belongs on his own, his epic battles with Kerry Kuroyama have brought praise to the in-ring abilities of both men.

Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
"The Dark Sentencer" by Coheed And Cambria  
Physical Description
Matt’s hair is long but shaved on both sides, he wears it parted to one side with stubble. He’s tanned and both arms are full sleeves of tattoos. The left is demons, depicting demonic entities and visuals, the right is angels… halos, wings, scripture. He has a blue sparrow on both collarbones facing each other and a fleur de lis on his chest. 
Ring Attire
Black elbow pad on both arms and black wrist tape on both sides. Black wrestling tights with stylized upside down fleur de lis holding an ace of spades logo in gold and red. LaCroix in a stylized text over a fleur de lis in a red circle on the back. Black knee pads and black wrestling boots with red trim. During his entrance he wears a ragged black denim jean vest with various patches representing his tours and accolades with a large hood that obscures his face. On big matches/special entrances he'll wear a gas mask that had become his trademark while main eventing overseas in Japan. 
Wrestling Style
Strong Style Submission Specialist  
Finisher Move
FTW / Peacemaker  
Finisher Description
Dragon Sleeper / Kneebar Inverted Heel Hook  
MDK Finisher
Coup D'etat  
MDK Description
Inverted Brainbuster  
3-5 Signature Moves
Destruction In Spades (DIS) - Shining Wizard used as an "impact" finisher.
High Tide - Half Nelson Suplex
Bourbon Street Bomb - Running Turnbuckle Powerbomb
Widowmaker - Hammerlock Cradle DDT

Variations of the Mexican Surfboard - He likes to hook one leg, hook two legs, do both legs and the arms, stomp the legs, and/or use this move to flow into other submissions notably the FTW by doing a Romero Dragon Sleeper which is his preferred method of applying his submission finish.

10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
Rolling Elbow
Stiff Kicks
European Uppercuts
Knife-Edge Chops

Various Takedowns
Suplex Variations
Arm Drag
Hip Toss
DDT Variations
Head Drops

Half Boston Crab
Well Versed In Nearly All Submissions

Suicide Dives
Missile Dropkick
Ring Entrances



"You want to stand on my road and be a roadblock? Throw some tacks on the pavement? Grab your goons and put fists to flesh? Wish granted. You, and everyone else, will learn the hard way that you don't come for me unless I send for you."

- Lindsay Troy




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts