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Sean Jackson Biography


Real Name
Sean Jackson  
Lone Star of Texas  
Dallas, Texas  
June 1976  


First attempted to break into the wrestling business in 1999. After that failed attempt to convince NeWA Owner Don Owens to take a chance on him, Sean convinces a young woman named Pamela Duke to take a chance on him. Along with Terry Norris and Bobby Blood, Sean Jackson would be a member of Pamela's stable called the TTO. However success for Sean would not come easy as the tag team of Terry Norris and Bobby Blood would go on to win multiple world tag team titles.

However, in 2009, the career for Sean Jackson took off in a company called World Class Championship Wrestling (WCCW). Sean would go on to becoming one of the top singles guys in the world until a serious knee injury at the hands of Jason Jousma and Chris Fury would put him on the shelf in May of 2010.

In October of 2012, Sean would be able to fight his way back and in 2013, would win the NeWA World Heavyweight Championship on two separate occasions. Because of a dispute with NeWA management, the NeWA would try to strip him of the NeWA World Heavyweight Title, thus in January of 2014 the Dallas native would leave the company while still in possession of the world title. As far as Sean was concerned, if the NeWA wants it's title back, they could come and get it. In the ring.

Sean Jackson would parlay that into the United Toughness Alliance where he would have three World Championship reings. There was also three World Championship reings with Sin City Wrestling.

Now he finds himself in Defiance where he hopes to continue the success. 
Other Feds
Other Fed Titles
Other Fed Awards
He loves getting into the head of his opponents, to use things in order to gain an advantage. Has been known to target family members in order get the desired result, has a win at all cost attitude. 
1. The Dallas native has confidence now. After the recent success in the now closed UTA, there is confidence that he never knew existed. Before UTA he was a small fish in a ocean full of sharks, after UTA he wants to prove that there isn't a shark left bigger than him.

2. Sean has a loaded weapon now. His lights out high knee, better known as Lights Out, Game Called Due To Darkness. It can be delivered from anywhere in the ring, and from any angle. All he needs is a split second, to deliver it from point blank range.

3. Believe it or not, Sean Jackson is in remarkable health for someone about to turn 40 years old. Aside from the two plus years in UTA, the Dallas native largely avoided the big time matches which could have shortened his career, and now is ready to bring that success to Defiance where some unfinished business remains.
1. He feels the need to constantly prove himself, that he isn't given the credit he so richly deserves. No matter how many titles comes his way, no matter how many matches he's won, he is forever fighting the feeling of being inadequate.

2. His ego is easily bruised. He has lost to midgits, lost to women, and has been moved to lesser companies because of paperwork issues. He tries to hide it, but sometimes failing miserably because it is easier to blame his problems on others.

3. Because of his narcissistic behavior and his ego, he tends to get distracted when things are going his way in the ring.


  • Can you feel it coming, in the air tonight?
  • The Lone Star of Texas
  • Be smart, don't mess with this Texan
  • No one will ever be bigger than this Texan



"The Spiders and the Evil Ones that follow their misguided ways are a diease that needs to be purged from DEFIANCE!"

- Crimson Lord




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts