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Sean Jackson Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
Fed Titles

Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins  
Physical Description
Short dark hair, green eyes. At 6'2 and 220 pounds, he is muscular but not ripped. 
Ring Attire
Red elbow and knee pads, black wrestling trunks. Black wrestling boots with the initials SJ in red on them. On the black wrestling trunks, in red letters, is Sean on one side and Jackson on the other. 
Wrestling Style
technical, cheapshot artist, takes plenty of shortcuts  
Finisher Move
Muta Lock  
Finisher Description
Inverted Indian Deathlock, facelock combination.  
MDK Finisher
Lights Out  
MDK Description
with opponent on his knees and facing away, Sean will hit a running knee to the back of opponent's skull  
3-5 Signature Moves
1) second rope elbow drop
2) clothesline
3) with ref out of position, fist to face while opponent in headlock
4) with ref out of position, grab opponent's hair to jerk them to the mat
5) rake opponent's eyes with boot laces
10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
1) Rake the eyes
2) arm drag followed by a taunt
3) drop opponent throat first on top rope
4) stiff knees between shoulder blades
5) swinging neckbreaker
6) corner foot choke
7) low blow while ref isn't looking
8) backbreaker
9) oriental nerve hold
10) Jumping DDT
Ring Entrances
Female's voice: Defiance...

A pause follows, the din of sound rising in the crowd.

Female's voice: Can you feel it, coming in the air tonight?

The lights in the arena shut down, leaving the crowd in the dark, as a dark crimson color light illuminates the entrance area as a thick mist rolls across the entrance ramp.

As the mist pours off the entrance stage and down the ramp, a video explodes on the screen as you can see letters slowly fade in, forming #RealWorld Champion.

### I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord ###

Commentator 1:

Commentator 2:

As In The Air Tonight begins to play, Sean Jackson, Marshall Owens and Vanessa step out onto the stage. Sean has the look of pure intensity while Marshall is smiling and Vanessa stands bladed, her curves showing up beautifully against the backdrop.

Commentator One:

Commentator Two:

## Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord. ##

After standing there stoic, soaking it all in. Sean finally motions for the trio to head towards the ring.

Announcer: Coming to the ring, hailing from Dallas, Texas.

Vanessa is dressed in a black skin tight dress which exposes her long legs while Jackson is dressed in a black shirt with the words Real World Champion embroidered on the front with an arrow pointing up. He is also wearing black wrestling trunks with red letters of Sean on one side and Jackson on the other, his black boots sporting the initials SJ. The Lone Star of Texas is also wearing black elbow and knee pads with red borders, and the pixeled World Championship belt is fastened securely around his waist. Of course, Marshall Owens is dressed in his normal suit and tie.

As they begin to make their way towards the ringside area, the Dallas native doesn't take his eyes off the ringside area, completely ignoring the fans who are booing him unmercifully.

Announcer: Standing at Six foot Two, two hundred and twenty pounds.

Before entering the ring, Sean passes a glance towards the announce table before finally stepping in. Once he does, a spotlight bathes the Texas star as he takes to one of the turnbuckles and immediately thrusts the pixeled World Championship belt into the air, reminding everyone who the real World Champion is.

Commentator 1:

After a few moments, the lights return to the arena and Sean hops down from the turnbuckle, preparing for his match to begin.

Announcer: Representing the great state of Texas, he is the real World Heavyweight Champion, Sean Jackson.

Commentator 1:

Commentator 2: 



"I like that you speak in metaphors, like a character from Star Trek: The Next Generation. I like it and I only wish you would do it more, because I have ‘refers to a match as a miracle of canvas, upon which we brush a tapestry as the Medici’s look upon in abject horror, the knowledge that the papal legacy within their blood holds no sway over the inevitability of the destruction to come’…. For five hundred dollars and the points."

- Dan Ryan




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2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts