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Tom Sawyer Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
DEFIANCE World Tag Team Champion  
Fed Titles
DEFIANCE World Tag Team Champion(x3), Winner of the Aggro Crag I and II(As The Foreshadowing), winner of DEFIANCE Tag Team Superbowl(As The Foreshadowing)  

Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
Tom Sawyer by Rush  
Physical Description
Tom Sawyer is a lanky, long-limbed blonde Canuck, paleskinned and almost always grinning. He has thick, gorgeous blonde hair, and a baby-smooth face, no facial hair whatsoever. Likewise for his chest, and only thin, soft, nearly-invisible hair on his arms. He wears vintage wrestling shirts and bluejeans when not in the ring, and will wear a denim jacket when it's chilly. He also will often wear a white cowboy hat with spangles and electric green, red, orange and yellow stripes all over it and a pair of huge, clunky sunglasses with "MADNESS" etched across the front. 
Ring Attire:
Tom wears a pair of ankle-length ringpants, the right leg completely blue, the left leg completely white. He wears high-topped boots, going nearly to the knee for the extra support during his flippy-doos. Also, a blue armband on his right arm, white on the left. Tassels optional. 
Wrestling Style
FLIPZ~! Tom Sawyer has the limitless energy of youth on his side, and is constantly moving, jumping, flipping and leaping when in the ring. If he's not doing such, he probably just got hit with a big move and is still selling.  
Finisher Move
The Ode To Madness  
MDK Finisher
The Billy Dee Williams  
MDK Description
Rotating sheer-drop brainbuster  
3-5 Signature Moves
1. Shooting Star Press
2. The Air Raid - Shining Wizard step-up into leaping bionic elbow smash
3. 450 Splash - "Catch the Mist", a former finisher, downgraded
4. Superkick - "Harper's Revenge"

5. Tom's Impact Finisher - "The Permanent Wave", a straightjacket spinning neckbreaker. 
10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
1. Springboard forearm strike
2. spinning heel kick
3. Springboard sitting senton/La Silla
4. Satellite headscissors
5. Leaping hurricanrana
6. High-elevation cross body block
7. Asai Moonsault
8. Split-legged moonsault
9. Suicide plancha
10. Springboard missile dropkick 
Ring Entrances



"Look here, pally!"

- Dex Joy




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts