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David Fox Biography

Fed Info

Fed Awards
Fed Titles
DEFIANCE World Trios Tag Team Championships (w/ Eddie Dante and Mushigihara)  

Wrestling Info

Entrance Music
Physical Description
Troy’s abandoned the hair coloring that defined much of his career, switching to basic (and natural) black, which he keeps short and spiked. His eyes are naturally green. His physique is lean and lithe, and decorated with various tattoos. Some that stand out include:

*The Deimon Devil Bats logo from the popular Japanese comic series "Eyeshield 21" on his left upper arm
*Two black bands around his right forearm that each are "tied" in a similar fashion to a martial arts black belt. Above the first belt is "Tang Soo Do" written in Korean, and above the second is "Sin Moo Hapkido", also in Korean.
*Under his left knee, his given name (David Troy) in Thai lettering
*The familiar "Crimson Ghost" logo of the Misfits inside his right forearm
*On his right bicep, a New Jersey Devils logo and the numbers ‘95, ‘00, and ‘03, representing his favorite hockey team’s three Stanley Cup-winning seasons. 
Ring Attire
Black fighter shorts with red trim, triangle hazard symbol (red triangle, black-trim with red outline, black exclamation point) on the right thigh, his name in Thai (â€"เ�"วิ�" ฟอกซ๒”) in red, on the left. Black boots with black kickpads (red trim), black kneepads and elbowpads.

Outside the ring, he dresses casually and simply. Jeans, hoodies, jackets, sneakers, that kind of thing. And always some kind of New Jersey Devils merchandise. 
Wrestling Style
Past-his-prime, strike-heavy, shooter-adjacent puroresu junior heavyweight (present-day KENTA, Malakai Black) with a twist of mat-oriented lucharesu (Ultimo Dragon).  
Finisher Move
Finisher Description
Step-up axe kick.  
MDK Finisher
MDK Description
Not necessarily MDK moves, but if Fox starts pulling old tricks from his bag, you know he's going for broke.  
3-5 Signature Moves
~ Tornado Fang (discus throat thrust)
~ Kazama Special (side headlock spun around into a drop toe hold - adopted from his father-in-law, the late Shinichiro "White Dragon" Kazama)
~ Fox Trap (Gannosuke Clutch)
~ Running big boot to a cornered opponent (Sami Zayn's Helluva Kick)
~ Backslide pin

OLD SCHOOL MOVESET: These are moves Troy used to do at some point in his career, but has retired for whatever reasons. If he pulls these out in a big match, this is the sign of how deep he's digging.

~ Vertical leap Frankensteiner
~ Trojan Fall (tornillo)
~ Trendsetter (shining enzuigiri)
~ Flashbang (spinning back kick)
~ Buzzsaw kick
~ Blazing Star Strike (bicycle knee strike; Naomichi Marufuji’s Ko-Oh) 
10 Common Holds/Maneuvers
~ Knee strikes from a Muay Thai clinch
~ Murderous slaps in the key of Pancrase
~ Bulldogging headlock
~ Shoot/roundhouse kicks
~ Facebuster
~ Rolling elbow
~ Baseball slide
~ Swinging neckbreaker
~ deep-bridge German Suplex
~ Various flash pins 
Ring Entrances



"You could not step twice into the same rivers; for other waters are ever flowing on to you."

- "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas




1. Malak Garland
2. Ned Reform
3. Tyler Fuse
4. Corvo Alpha
5. Brock Newbludd


2. Los Tres Titanes
3. Lucky Sevens
4. PCP
5. RCR


1. Kazuhiro Troy
2. Nick Lotto Otto
3. Punch Drunk Purcell
4. Archer Silver
5. BIGBOSS Batts